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Effigy basketFurst, Visions, p.

24 Made of matting basketry with reeds stuck in it Some with feathers attached, some with stones tied on to them About the size of adult person folded into the fetal position Curly Tail CeremonyFurst 2006, p. 199 Fall, fall, fall Soul ritual Dancing around the fire five times

Kayaumari as Trickstera funny story to tell around the fire--Furst Half-bad KayaumariHuichols also considered themselves half-bad It is sometimes said that Kayaumari has such a long penis that he wraps it around his waist three times and carries the rest coiled up in a basket on his back. The Farmers Daughter storyKayaumari is sleeping across the room from three maidens. His penis crawls over to them in the night and pleasures himself with each maiden. Meanwhile he stays asleep on his side of the room. Penis jokes are appreciated by allmuch laughing

Fat Neck A camp member with a large goiter on one side of his neck He becomes despondent that no woman will have him A shaman in training says, then I will have you instead. You will become a spear man, like men. Meaning homosexualspear being slang for penis or homosexual depending on context Kayaumari breaks his legmy scene Kayaumari breaks his leg during the buffalo jump. He suffers greatly before he finally dies. The wound is torn and bleeding, with jagged bone sticking out. A healer cleans the wound and give him a potion to drink. He cleans it with antiseptic leaves. He tries to straighten the bone, which causes intense pain. K does not cry out, but breaks out in a sweat over his entire body. After a few days, the wound turns green. It is difficult to keep the flies away from it. A rotating group of children are enlisted to fan the flies away. He eventually dies in a fever from infection. The group becomes very afraid of the Kieri sorcerers. They knew instantly that is is they who caused K to break his leg. They become terrified of the retribution they assume will be visited upon them, now that K is gone. After some weeks, the girls offers herself as a sacrifice in order to stop the sorcerers. Does she go to the headman and offer herself? Of does the group decide her fate? Does she go willingly or terrified?

She drink the poisonous datura potion, becomes delirious and wanders about for several days before she finally dies. The buzzards circle overhead, signaling her death. The few Kieri followers pack up and go away. Thus balance is achieved again. Both K and the girl have been transformed and are with the ancestor gods. A new painting is started, depicting K as a large white figure. White Shaman = Kayaumari mythologized Ending 2 K shoots Kieri. Kieri is on a narrow ledge, holding Ks daughter captive. It a clean shot. Kieri cannot back up or move. Ks aim is true, he hits Kieri with his spear just below the left shoulder in the chest. Kieri reels forward, tumbling with the girl down the cliff. The girl is killedhit her head on a rock. But Kieri is still alive. He tries to run, but stumbles. He is badly wounded. K clambers down the cliff and spears Kieri again, killing him.

Emic approach (Actor-oriented) Views culture as mental or ideational and assumes it can only be described by getting into the head of the actor The native point-of-view. The culture-bearers (actors or characters) explain and judge whether their actions are significant and meaningful Vs. etic, where outsiders attempt to describe and judge Names of People and things Tatutsi Maxa Kwaxi = Kayaumari Kayaumari, Tatewari = same ending, perhaps denotes god or benevolent ancestor Nedawaxli = Kayaumaris wife ( my name) Chochi= their young son (my name) Tutawaxli-adult female in the basket (my name) Fat Neck Kieri- datura shaman Trader from the South Trader from the South Brings salt, feathers Teaches a boy how to write the Maya numerals, especially 5 Someone trades for a bright parrot feather as a gift to Kayaumari. This anger Kieri who is jealous of his following They all honor sun and rain

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