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Telephones and email have made communication between people less personal

Communication is a human activity of conveying information which can occur across vast distances in time and space that got more and more improved during the last century by the help of the increasing evolution of science but still even though distances are easier to cover nowadays there still exists a gap concerning the human relationships that technology did not succeeded to resolve but to accentuate it. One could say that words are the bridges between people and I will agree because generally problems are caused by lack of communication. We do not have anymore the time to seat and discuss, to share our feelings. We make everything on the run and leave interlocution more and more backwards. Mobile phones appeared from the necessity of humans for communication. If it is lost then disappears the need and remains without essence only the shape: the trend. Telephone and e-mails have made communication between people less personal because the time accorded to personal conversation does not exist anymore. The telephone, colloquially referred to as a phone, is a telecommunications device that transmits and receives sounds, usually the human voice, a communication system whose main basic function is to allow people separated by large distances to talk to each other that became almost indispensable. All modern telephones have a microphone to speak into, an earphone which reproduces the voice of the other person, a ringer which makes a sound to alert the owner when a call is coming in, and a keypad to enter the telephone number of the telephone to be called. The telephone network, consisting of a worldwide net of telephone lines, fiber optic cables, microwave transmission, cellular networks, and undersea telephone cables connected by switching centers, allows any telephone in the world to communicate with any other. Although originally designed for simple simultaneous voice communications, modern telephones, particularly 'smart' mobile phones, have many other capabilities besides that, and may be able to record spoken messages, take and display photographs or video and surf the Internet. E-mails represent a form of virtual communication from human to human, and text phones messages are now more present nowadays than a direct addressing. The electronic mail refers to the transmission or receiving the messages through the medium of electronic communication systems and it eases the passing over barriers like distance, lack of time or mood to have a personal dialogue with someone else and could also help to a better

understanding but it has bad influences over the relations between humans contributing at their alienation. In my opinion, without communication and language, we as beings that interact and relate with each other mostly or maybe entirely by the act of communication which is made according to Claude Shannon and Warren Weaver of three primary parts: information source that produces the message, transmitter, channel, receiver and a destination, our existence on Earth would be worthless. I am not against telephones which are the easier method of communication when we are at distance, have problems, need help or just when we want to share a joy or a disappointment to someone, and neither written messages which are in the world are an accelerated way of transmitting messages, because people feel the need to interact even if it is not non-verbal, as long as it does not give dependency. The society exists because of communication which means that in the community there are processes that imply participation of the members of a society. The need of communication anywhere and by anytime, with as much possible people and as faster as one could, determined changes in the usual behavior and in the role that SMS has because younger do not send simply messages throughout them but have conversation in real time. Their creativity was not subdued by the 160 maxim characters of a message, but on the contrary they developed their own language with unusual abbreviations of words making probably SMSs the instrument with the greatest capacity of transmitting vividly a large amount of information in a small number of characters. It is simple, at hand and an inexpensive way of sending to your friends some news, a joke, some information of any kind and it reaches almost instantly its destination depending of the signal the telephone has in the area you are founding yourself. Mobile telephones are used for a variety of scopes, inclusive for keeping in touch with the members of the family, conducting business, and for emergencies, short announcement are also preferred to do with use of SMS, because people do not feel the need to talk when they are busy. There exist multiple advantages but also there are disadvantages in non-verbal communication, but what is already a fact is that the mobile telephone had became a necessity, sometimes being helpful for providing our security like for asking for an ambulance, denouncing a robbery or a fight. It is a bridge that binds together many nations because we can make intercultural exchanges, we can learn, listen and perceive the way of life from the other end of the line without traveling, being so very useful for saving money and

time and also for resolving urgent problems but except for it there are other useful technologies that could help: like the e-mail via internet. The mobile telephone brings to man a lot of advantages, because it establish a real time connection with friends or business men but it must be known that this device bring many disadvantages like it creates dependency, causes sleep disturbance and decreases the capacity of concentration as well as it favors some personality disorders. Today the performance of communication expanded so much that men can give and receive in turn information faster and more efficiently because SMS have replaced the letters of yore who needed a lot of time, sometimes days and even more maid human more eager for a conversation. Contrary to what is said that it weakens the human relations technology helps in fact to keep contact with the ones you have good relations, because it keeps them close no matter the large distances between, even people from out of space were able to take contact through special devices like the telephones with the others on Earth. A disadvantage brought by nowadays telephones is that the conversations could be bugged by a third person, thing that happened in on 18 December 1989 to the royal house according to The Independent, when intimate discussions between Prince of Wales and his friend Camilla Parker Bowles as well as between the Princess of Wales and a man thought to be her friend. Using cheap scanners, radio hams can tune in to signals broadcast from cell phones and attack the intimacy of certain people but this also shows one of the defects of telephones, they do not reassure intimacy and to that is also brought the fact that getting used to talk with a voice inside a device we forget how to talk with real humans and manifest an awkwardness. Telephones and e-mails favored long distance relationships that usually are traps because even though it might feel good to have someone to talk from time to time eye to eye contact and physical contact is more necessary in order to keep a relation, talking is not enough, and even more, those ways of communication could be misleading and bad interpretations could appear. With so much distance between all of us, many of the relationships, friendship and otherwise, developed on via email and phone, and we would consider those bonds to be as strong as any friendship made in "the real world". Even so, confusions and pain could appear to deal with because what seemed to be a nice friendship could take in the mind of the other a more intimate pattern, and all because of an inefficient channel of communication and because feelings are difficult to understand and especially control depending on the personal

predispositions of each other when it comes of falling in love. Of course, no one`s feelings should be discounted because they don't fit societal norms of what a "relationship" should be defined as because as it could mean long-term with intimacy for some, for others' it can mean a bond that takes place over the phone with long discussions, each one`s feelings being genuine, and every single person has her own way of loving. In conclusion people manifest in different ways and the new methods of socialization are either bad or god, there are an improvement in our lives but it depends only on ourselves to not use them against us, to use them in such a way that they will not became our masters, especially because the telephone and e-mail is a human invention to ease our way of living.

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