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[Kr] Kreyszig, E. Introductory Functional Analysis with Applications. John Wiley and Sons, New York, 1978. [La] Larsen, R. Functional Analysis. Dekker, New York, 1973. [Loo] Loomis, L. An Introduction to Abstract Harmonic Analysis. Van Nostrand, Princeton, 1953. [Lor] Lorch, E. The Spectral Theorem. MAA Studies in Math. 1, Studies in Modern Analysis (1962), 88137. [LS] Lusternik, L. y Sobolev, V. Prcis danalyse fonctionelle. MIR, Mose cou, 1989. [Na] Naimark, M. Normed Rings. Noordho, Groningen, 1964. [Ne] von Neumann, J. Les Fondements Mathmatiques de la Mcanique e e Quantique. Editions Jacques Gabay, 1988 (reimpresin de la traduco cin francesa publicada en 1946). o [Pr] Pryce, J. Basic Methods of Linear Functional Analysis. Hutchinson Univ. Library, London, 1973. [RS] Reed, M. y Simon, B. Methods of Modern Mathematical Physics, I: Functional Analysis; IV: Analysis of Operators. Academic Press, New York, 19721978. [RN] Riesz, F. y Nagy, B.Sz. Leons dAnalyse Fonctionelle. Akadmiai c e Kiad, Budapest, 1952. Apndice Extensions of Linear Transformao e tions in Hilbert space which extend beyond this space, publicado separadamente por Ungar, 1960. [Ro] Royden, H. Real Analysis. Macmillan, Basingstoke, England, 1988. [Ru] Rudin, W. Functional Analysis. McGraw-Hill, New York, 1973. [Sc] Schechter, M. Principles of Functional Analysis. Academic Press, New York, 1971.
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