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Ref : TCM/Appoint/01/2002-03

Date : 1st July, 2002.

Miss Arpita Roy

2, Rakhal Das Auddy Road,
W.B.G Press Quarters, Alipore,
Kolkata-700 027.

Dear Madam,

This relates to your application for employment and subsequent interviews you had with us. We
take the pleasure to appoint you in the post of Office-Assistant with effect from 1st July, 2002
subject to following terms and conditions :

1. You will be on probation for a period of 1(one) year which may be curtailed or extended
at the discretion of the management.

2. During the period of probation, you shall receive a salary as per following details :

Basic : Rs. 1,050.00 per month.

House Rent Allowance : 10% on Basic.
Tiffin Allowance : As per existing rule.
Attendence Allowance : As per existing rule.

3. On satisfactory completion of probationary period and depending on good performance

you may be confirmed in the above position if the vacancy exists and subject to
satisfactory performance during the probationary period. Your Salary and benefits will be
as per rules of this organization in practice.

4. During the period of probation, you shall not be entitled to any leave. Thereafter, i.e.,
after confirmation, your leave entitlement will be on annual basis as per the rules of this

5. During the period of probation, your employment may be terminated without assigning
any reason and/or without notice. After confirmation, your service may be terminated by
either side giving one month’s notice or one month’s pay in lieu thereof. Such notice pay,
where due, may be deducted from the dues to which you would be eligible on such

6. Acts of insubordination, intoxicated behaviour, theft, fraud or wilful damage to

employer’s business or property will result in termination of your service and with
punishment as per law in force.

7. This is a full time employment and you will devote your whole time and attention to your
duties to promote the interest of our organization. You will not, without prior written
permission from the management, employed in part or full and/or carry out
business/consultancy with any other firm or person.

8. You will be required to fill up a personal Bio-data Form as per our company’s format and
2 copies of photograph for purpose of employment which is non-returnable at any

9. You will in all matters be governed by the organization’s existing practices and service
rules in force from time to time.

10. You shall not leave the station where you are posted without the permission from the

11. You shall not either during or after your employment with the company divulge or utilize
any confidential information and know-how belonging to the company which may have
come to your knowledge and you shall take all reasonable precautions to keep such
information secret.

12. At sole descretion of the management you may be transferred to any department and may
be posted anywhere in India or abroad.

As a confirmation of this offer alongwith all the terms and condition, kindly sign and return the
duplicate copy of this letter.

Thanking you,

For TC Maschinen

(D. Ghosh) (I agree to and accept all the terms and condition)

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