Sengoku Walkthrough

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[WTH01] ///First time play True History Route Walkthrough/// The first 12 turns of this walkthrough were based

on the 13 turn +1 action fan guide found at: under the extreme games section. Different actions were selected at turn 13, causing the additional action fan to be delayed until the 14th turn. This was necessary to maintain a state of war to prevent a declaration of war by the Iga house. !!!IMPORTANT!!! Do not recruit commanders unless instructed to do so that turn. Doing so can cause Zeth and Leazus reinforcements to not join automatically when scheduled to and will force you to waste an action fan to accept their units. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!IMPORTANT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !Do not use this section of the guide if you have beaten the game at least ! !once. Instead, skip down to the 2nd+ walkthrough. This section is only for! !first time players! ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Turn 1 [True] (Owari) Prison (Capture enemy commanders). (Owari) Dango princess: Kouhime. End Turn Turn 2 [True] Declare war on the Hara House. Attack Hara House - make sure to capture an enemy unit (preferably foot soldier). End Turn (CG#001) +5 sat. Turn 3 [True] Recruit a foot soldier from prison. You may need to defend with the foot soldier and will need it for an early dungeon battle. The higher negotiation and search skill, the better. Try to get two of your first three generic recruits with 3 negotiation skill. If you are unable to do so, don't worry about it; it will just be a little rougher recruiting and declaring war in the beginning. Attack Hara House. Attack Hara House - try to capture another commander (preferably a foot soldier again). <save> End Turn Make sure that the Ashikaga House declares war on you on their turn. Reload if they do not. Turn 4 [True] Recruit a commander from prison. If you were not able to recruit a foot soldier last turn, do so now. Otherwise, try to get a recruit with a good negotiation/scout skill, preferably with a cost of 1. Attack Mamushi Oil Field. Attack Mamushi Oil Field. End turn

Turn 5 [True] Recruit a commander from prison. The same as last turn. Try to find a commander with decent negotiation/scout skill with a low cost. Attack Mamushi Oil Field - taken (CG#101) +3 sat. (Miko Institute) Hear Yamatai's pink rumor from 3G. End Turn (CG#009) +5 sat. Turn 6 [True] Recruit a commander from prison. The same as last turn. Try to find a commander with decent negotiation/scout skill with a low cost. Attack Kyo without Rance. Do not attack or defend with Rance against Ashikaga from this point unless Yamamoto Isoroku has been captured. (Miko Institute) Have sex with miko - CG#089 +5 sat. End Turn (CG#026) Suzume joins. Turn 7 [True] Attack Kyo without Rance. Do not attack or defend with Rance against Ashikaga from this point unless Yamamoto Isoroku has been captured. (Owari) Genius Kunoichi: Suzume. End Turn (CG#025) Turn 8 [True] Attack Kyo without Rance. Do not attack or defend with Rance against Ashikaga from this point unless Yamamoto Isoroku has been captured - taken (CG#043) +5 sat. (Owari) Genius Kunoichi: Suzume +5 sat. Recruit Yamamoto Isoroku if you have the negotiation available. If not, wait until next turn. End Turn (CG#010) Turn 9 [True] Recruit Yamamoto Isoroku if you did not last turn. Use items on Suzume to 7/7 (Owari) Genius Kunoichi - level up - choose Dungeon Scout. (Kyo) Search for dungeon. End Turn (CG#027) Turn 10 [True] (Owari) Genius Kunoichi - CG#007 +5 sat. (Miko Institute) Have sex with miko +1 sat. End Turn Turn 11 [True] (Kyo) Kachikachi Dungeon Search +1 sat. *Front row: Rance - Generic foot soldier 1 - Generic foot soldier 2. *Back row: Suzume - Yamamoto Isoroku - Generic archer (Use Niwa if you did *not recruit a ranged). *First battle: Suzume & Rance stay on standby. *Second battle: Rance and Suzume both attack once. Finish using generics.

*Remember to use their strong attacks when they have 1 action point remaining *for extra damage. Switch them out when they run out of action points with *Suzume and Rance. *Third battle: Attack with Rance and Suzume normally. Try to save an action *point with Suzume for the final fight. *Final fight: have Sill heal Rance to restore action points. Take out the *Freedoms with weaker commanders first and work on the back caterpillars with *ranged that you may have left. (Owari) My slave: Sill +5 sat. End Turn Turn 12 [True] (Owari) Plan for Dragon Palace game with Suzume. (Kyo) Kachikachi Dungeon Search +5 sat. Turn 13 [True] (Owari) Search for dungeon (Owari) Miso Katsu Dungeon Search End Turn Turn 14 [True] (Owari) Genius Kunoichi +5 (CG#008) sat. Rance's satisfaction bonus (10) - Increase number of action fans. End Turn Turn 15 [True] Rance's satisfaction bonus (20) - Call for reinforcements (Zeth). (Owari) Scout: Tamagushi Fuuka. *Note: If you do not see the scout option then you do not have enough free *national power. If you recruited someone not in the guide, consider *dismissing that commander. If you did not, you may have to dismiss a generic *commander. You should have enough to scout unless you recruited too many *generics with the cost of 2. (Owari) Miko without a memory: Tamagushi Fuuka. End Turn Turn 16 [True] Declare war on Tokugawa House. Attack Mikawa. (Kyo) Scout: Kuge Kiyoko. *Note: If you do not see the scout option then you do not have enough free *national power. If you recruited someone not in the guide, consider *dismissing that commander. If you did not, you may have to dismiss a generic *commander. You should have enough to scout unless you recruited too many *generics with the cost of 2.

End Turn Turn 17 [True] Dismiss all troops and fire one of the smaller previously recruited generic commanders. Preferably at least a cost of 2. Rance's satisfaction bonus (30) - Rance attack. Attack Mikawa. (Kyo) Beautiful archer: Yamamoto Isoroku. End Turn

Turn 18 [True] (Kyo) Beautiful archer: Yamamoto Isoroku. *Note: If you have enough national power available, Isoroku may have 2 archers *join you when you speak to her. You have two options when this occurs. You *can either outright dismiss them, or dismiss some of your generic commanders *instead. Keep in mind that the closer you are to your max national power, the *less likely reinforcements will auto-join you when they are ready. Also, *certain events such as scouting commanders will not appear if you do not have *sufficient national power available to recruit them. These commanders have *slightly more cost than some generics, so if you have to choose between them, *take the one with the 6 negotiation ability. (Mamushi Oil Field) impose levy. Attack Mikawa. End Turn Tenshi sect declares war. Turn 19 [True] [Optional: <save>. Use negotiations to make Tokugawa surrender. Do the following 2 purple events in Mikawa and you will receive the Blue Seal Case (reduces unit damage by 30%). End your turn. At the beginning of the following turn, save and then reload to your previous save and continue the walkthrough. The Blue Seal Case will be available at 2nd+ games to be chosen as a starting bonus after this.] (Kyo) impose levy. Attack Mikawa - Tokugawa House conquered (CG#088) +5 sat. (Mikawa) Recruit: Senhime (You must send her into battle regularly until cleared or she will leave you.) End Turn Turn 20 [True] Attack Naniwa. (Owari) Miko without memory: Tamagushi Fuuka (CG#091) +5 sat. (Mikawa) Shining god, Kaguyahime. End Turn Leave them alone. Turn 21 [True] Accept reinforcements. Attack Naniwa. Rance's satisfaction bonus (40) - Call for reinforcements (Zeth). End Turn Turn 22 [True] Attack Naniwa - taken +3 sat. (Owari) I won't be tricked: Rizna. (Kyo) Check up on Shinsengumi. End Turn (CG#029) Turn 23 [True] Use items on Yamamoto Isoroku to 7/7 if needed. (Kyo) Beautiful archer: Yamamoto Isoroku - level up - choose Yamamoto sweeping fire. Equip her with Ryuuguu Sword Urashimaru to maximize damage.

Attack Mikan. Attack Mikan - Tenshi sect conquered (CG#058) +5 sat. End Turn Touch her boobs. Asai-Asakura declares war. *Note: The turn for the declaration of war may vary. If it does not happen *this turn, don't worry. Turn 24 [True] Attack Hara House - conquered - (CG057) +5 sat. *If you have trouble with this fight, try leaving Hara Shouji alone until the *end. Concentrate on the weaker units. If you do not completely destroy *Kentarou's unit, leave it alone and he will be eliminated when he attacks *with around 50ish troops remaining. (Kyo) Recruit: Kuge Kyouko. *Note: If you do not see the scout option then you do not have enough free *national power. If you recruited someone not in the guide, consider *dismissing that commander. If you did not, you may have to dismiss a generic *commander. You should have enough to scout unless you recruited too many *generics with the cost of 2. (Kyo) Beautiful archer: Yamamoto Isoroku (CG#041) +5 sat. End Turn Turn 25 [True] Declare war on Miko Institute. Use the generic and weaker units to declare war. Save Suzume to search for the dungeon later this turn. Attack Miko Institute. (Hara House territory) Search for dungeon. End Turn Hanny's declare war. Turn 26 [True] Attack Miko Institute. (Toukaidou) Collect hanny's information. (Toukaidou) Meet Imagawa Yoshimoto secretly - Keep secret. End Turn If Asai-Asakura attacks one of your territories, it is fine to let them win if you do not have enough units to defend. Save your best ready units to defend against the Miko Institute. Uruza joins. Turn 27 [True] Attack Toukaidou. Rance's satisfaction bonus (50) - Call for reinforcements (Zeth). (Owari) I won't be tricked: Rizna. End Turn Turn 28 [True] Dismiss a generic unit with a cost of 2. (Kyo) Eat at a popular restaurant in Kyo. Attack Miko Institute - conquered (CG#090) Rance level up +5 sat. Recruit Natori. Rance's satisfaction bonus (60) - Replace troops with elites.

End Turn Okita Nozomi joins. Turn 29 [True] Rance's satisfaction bonus (70) - Action point +1. Attack Toukaidou. Attack Toukaidou - Imagawa House conquered (CG#044) +5 sat. End Turn *A note on Ranmaru and Shibata Katsuie. Be sure to deploy them together *early on to trigger their scene where Rance notices Ranmaru's feelings for *Katsuie. The majority of Ranmaru's actions will happen at random times *between turns, but this scene is needed for them to occur. No direct *conversation is taken with Ranmaru until Turn 82, so don't worry about her *not progressing fast enough. Turn 30 [True] Rance's satisfaction bonus (80) - Troop replenishment cost -1. Declare war on Tanegashima House. Attack Tanegashima family. End Turn Look at her underwear. Turn 31 [True] (Miko Institute) Take Sill to miko mansion (CG#004) +5 sat. Declare war on Akashi family. Attack Tanegashima House. End turn Turn 32 [True] (Texas) Dirty plan (Send fake relief supplies). *Note: If Asai-Asakura has not declared war on you yet, declare war on them *in place of the Dirty plan action. Attack Tanegashima House. Attack Tanegashima House - conquered (CG#060). End Turn Magic joins Turn 33 [True] [Free action - If magic did not join, go to Owari and Accept reinforcements. If she did join, you may impose a levy instead.] Rance's Satisfaction bonus (90) - Call for reinforcements (Leazus). Attack Texas - (Accept the counter attack on you with no units deployed). End Turn (CG#093) Turn 34 [True] Attack Texas. (Scout before attacking. If there are only 5 defenders, Kenshin will probably help them. Send Rance with the attack to prevent her from joining the defense if there are 5 defenders.) Attack Texas. (Owari) Zeth princess: Magic. End Turn Sill scene (CG#002) +5 sat. (If you did not get this, make it up at the

free action on Turn 39.) Turn 35 [True] Use items on Uruza to 7/7 (Owari) Zeth Big Four: Uruza - level up - choose Accurate shots. Attack Texas - Asai-Asakura conquered (CG#094) +5 sat. (Owari) Zeth princess: Magic. *Note: If Magic does not have a purple event flag, switch her action with *the turn 37 leveling Senhime action. End Turn Uesugi family declares war. Turn 36 [True] Declare war on Houjou family. Attack Mazo with Rance only. Reload if Kenshin scene is not seen. (CG#036) Attack Mazo. End Turn Turn 37 [True] Attack Mazo with Rance only. Reload if Kenshin scene is not seen taken +3 sat Rance's satisfaction bonus (100) - Action point +1. Use items on Senhime to 7/7 if needed. (Mikawa) Nickname, war princess: Senhime - level up. End turn (CG#031) *Note: If Kenshin leads an attack against you between turns, she will not *be there to defend on turn 38. If you would like an easy fight next turn, *reload to the end of turn 37 if you see Kenshin when you scout Uesugui's *attack to get another attacking group without her which will allow her to *defend on turn 38. (Thanks to Arz for pointing this out.) Turn 38 [True] (Owari) Zeth princess: Magic (CG#085) +5 sat. Attack Sado. Scout and send Rance alone if Kenshin is seen. Attack normally otherwise. Recruit Asakura Yoshikage. (Texas) Former Asakura lord: Asakura Yoshikage. End turn First Suzaku summon scene. (CG#064) Kentou Kanami joins Turn 39 [True] [Free action - If Kanami did not join, choose Accept Reinforcements in Owari. If Sill's (CG#002) "Sailor" scene has not appeared yet, do (Owari) My slave: Sill.] Rance's satisfaction bonus (110) - Call for reinforcements - Leazus. (Hara family territory) Pearl Dungeon Search. <save> End Turn Kill the messenger. [When Kenshin and Ai are taken prisoner you can choose to reconcile and wait a few turns to get a purple event in Owari for CG#037 with Ai. If you do this,

be sure to reload to the end of turn 39 and choose Kill the messenger after unlocking the CG.] First Souun x Ran Suzaku conversation. Auto Sill scene from dungeon +5 sat. Turn 40 [True] Attack Sado. (Owari) Zeth princess: Magic (CG#100) +5 sat. [Free action - if you did not get Sill's scene at the start of the turn automatically, choose My slave: Sill now. Otherwise, impose a levy.] End Turn Second Suzaku summoning scene. Turn 41 [True] Attack Sado. (Owari) I won't be tricked: Rizna. (Kyo) Harassed swordsman: Okita Nozomi. End Turn Turn 42 [True] Attack Sado - Uesugi conquered (CG#039) +5 sat. (Sado) Recruit: Uesugi Kenshin. (Sado) Recruit: Naoe Ai. End Turn *Note: If you scout Houjou's attacks on you after ending turn 42 and Ran is *in them she will not be in the defending group when you attack Houjou on turn *43. You can either reload the end of turn 42 to try and get an attack she is *not in, or wait until she attacks again after you end turn 43 to capture her. Second Souun x Ran Suzaku conversation. 3rd gourd broken. Turn 43 [True] Use items on Magic to 7/7. (Owari) Zeth princess: Magic - cleared +5 sat - Rance's love acquired. Equip Rance's Love to Senhime. Attack Edo - Capture Ran. (Using Kuge Kyouko for light attack may be necessary. I used Rance, Kuge Kyouko, Uesugi Kenshin, Natori, Yamamoto Isoroku, and Uruza for an easy fight. Be sure to wait on killing Ran until attacking her with light attack. If you cannot capture Ran, check to make sure that you have room in your prison for her.) *Note: If you cannot get Ran to appear this turn, you do not need to *capture her immediately. If she attacked you the previous turn, she will not *be available to defend against you this turn. Look for her by in Houjou's *attacks on you instead. Try to have her captured by turn 46 if possible. Some *time is needed for Souun to leave after Ran is captured and the sooner Souun *leaves, the easier the remaining fights will be against Houjou. (Texas) Search for dungeon. End Turn (CG#015) Turn 44 [True] Attack Edo. Attack Edo - taken (Save your stronger units for this attack. Be sure to include Natori) - Souun leaves for dungeon.

(Edo) Challenge golden bear - Power Golden Bear acquired. End turn Maria Custard joins Turn 45 [True] [Free action - If Maria Custard did not join at the start of turn, choose Accept reinforcements in Owari. Otherwise, impose a levy.] Rance's satisfaction bonus (120) - Call for reinforcements - Leazus. Attack Kazusa 2000. End Turn Turn 46 [True] Use items on Rizna to 7/7 if needed. (Owari) I won't be tricked: Rizna (CG#083) +5 sat. (Owari) Super advanced technology girl: Maria - sex ticket acquired. Attack Kazusa 2000. End Turn Turn 47 [True] (Mikawa) Nickname, war princess: Senhime - level up. (Mikawa) Nickname, war princess: Senhime Attack Kazusa 2000 - taken. End Turn Turn 48 [True] (Owari) Super advanced technology girl: Maria (CG#081) +5 sat. Attack Saitama - send Senhime alone to lose. Reload if she dies. Defeat 1/3 for clear. Attack Saitama. End Turn Turn 49 [True] Attack Saitama - send Senhime alone to lose. Reload if she dies. Defeat 2/3 for clear. Attack Saitama. (Sado) Goddess of War: Uesugi Kenshin. End Turn Turn 50 [True] (Owari) Unlucky ninja: Kanami (CG#079) +5 sat (If you already saw this scene between turns, use this as a free action and impose a levy.) Attack Saitama. Attack Saitama - Houjou conquered (CG#066) +5 sat. *Note: Leave Komatsu in prison. There is an extremely small random chance that *her followers will show up and demand her release. If you see this scene at *the beginning of your turn, save and then choose her purple event in Owari to *trigger CG#068. The event with her followers can take anywhere from a few *turns to hundreds if you are unlucky. If you trigger her CG, you can reload *to before it was triggered and continue on with the walkthrough with the CG *still unlocked. End Turn 4th gourd broken. Leila Glainie joins Turn 51 [True] [Free action - If Leila Glainie did not join, choose Accept reinforcements in Owari. Otherwise, impose a levy.]

Declare war on Mouri family. Attack Izumo. End Turn Sill scene (CG#005) +5 sat (If you did not see this seen this turn, it will happen eventually). Turn 52 [True] Attack Izumo - send Senhime alone to lose. Reload if she dies. Defeat 3/3 for clear. (Mikawa) Nickname, war princess: Senhime - level up - cleared. Attack Izumo. End Turn. Turn 53 [True] Attack Izumo - taken. *This fight will require you to kill at least 5 of the 6 defenders to win. *I used Rance, Leila, Uesugi Kenshin (equipped with Power Golden Bear) front *Natori, Yamamoto Isoroku, Uruza in back. *Have Natori Miko Storm 2 and Uruza use accurate shots. That should remove a *good chunk of the moves for the defenders and make the battle winnable. (Izumo) Zeth Big Four: Uruza. (Texas) Study Dungeon Search. End Turn (CG#030) Sill scene from dungeon +5 sat. Turn 54 [True] (Owari) My slave: Sill - level up (If you did not get the scene at the start of this turn, it will trigger by selecting this.) Rance's satisfaction bonus (130) - Increase number of action fans. Declare war on Takuga family. End Turn Uruza scene (CG#084). Turn 55 [True] [Free action - If you did not see Uruza's festival scene at the start of this turn, choose Zeth Big Four: Uruza. Otherwise, impose a levy.] Attack Takuga family - Deploy Rance and Uruza together (CG#099) +5 sat. Uruza cleared. (Dokuganryuu family territory) Investigate the youkai empire. (Owari) Zeth princess: Magic - level up - choose White destruction beam. End Turn Turn 56 [True] (Mikawa) Nickname, war princess: Senhime - level up. This action can be used as a free action if needed. Use items on Leila to 7/7. (Owari) Leazus Royal Guard: Leila - level up. *Note: Defeated warrior hunt can be useful for Leila since she will be with *Rance for the middle of the game. Female commanders captured with Rance in *battle are added to the list in Rance's ero diary and count towards the 300 *woman +10 score bonus at the end of the game. Attack Takuga family - taken. (Izumo) Search for dungeon.

Recruit Tanegashima Shigehiko from prison. End Turn Kasumi joins through random Maria event. She is not critical and will be dismissed eventually, so do not worry if she did not join you. Turn 57 [True] (Southern Takuga family territory) Support Shinsengumi terrorists Give 3000 Gold. Rance's satisfaction bonus (140) - Troop replenishment cost -1. (Mazo) Search for dungeon. (Mazo) S&M Dungeon Search (Make sure that you have finished collecting the coil, iron pipe, and tape by the end of the dungeon if you have not already). End Turn Hanny's take one area of Takuga. Turn 58 [True] (Senkan Nagato) Invitation for battle - Accept - taken. *Rance, Leila, Uesugi Kenshin in front. *Natori, Yamamoto Isoroku, Uruza in back. *Should be an easy win, but you may lose one of your back units. Reload if *someone is killed. Take Mouri Motonari out with your melee attackers before *Teru can put up her guard. Each of them should do the max of half his health *per attack. (Start trying to capture Kiku now. She can only be cleared if she is captured before Motonari is decursed.) Recruit Yuzuhara Yuzumi. (Mikawa) Shining god, Kaguyahime (CG#087) +5 sat - Black Tri-Star Doctors acquired. (Sado) Search for dungeon. (Sado) Sado Gold Mine Search. <save> End Turn Reload and try to get Chinu's poisoning scene if it does not appear when Mouri attacks. You will only encounter the scene once and it is an automatic loss. Send a single weaker unit to defend against her and save the others to defend against Takuga. Turn 59 [True] Attack Akaheru. Scout and reload and capture one of the Mouri sisters. Using Kuge Kyouko's light attack may be required. (Mikawa) Nickname, war princess: Senhime - level up. This action can be used as a free action if needed. Recruit captured Mouri sister - I recruited Kikkawa Kiku (CG#049). Rance's satisfaction bonus (150) - Increase everyone's affection by 3. (Owari) Leazus Royal Guard: Leila (A purple event should have appeared after the satisfaction bonus for Leila and Kenshin's duel). End Turn Try to capture another Mouri sister when you are attacked. Try to have Kiku captured for next turn if you have not recruited her already. Hanny's take one area of Takuga. Turn 60 [True] Dismiss Kasumi if she joined you. Recruit captured Mouri sister from defending battle if you have one. [Free action - Talk to Kiku in Mouri territory if you did not get an

automatic conversation with her at the beginning of this turn. Otherwise, impose a levy.] Attack Takuga family - conquered (CG#071). Recruit Sakamoto Ryo from prison. (Takuga family territory) Ask Ryouma about Motonari. (Owari) Leazus Royal Guard: Leila (CG#082) +5 sat - cleared. End Turn Operation permits should be given now or soon after. Turn 61 [True] Use items on Uesugi Kenshin to 7/7 if needed. (Sado) Goddess of War: Uesugi Kenshin - level up. Rance's satisfaction bonus (160) - Increase everyone's affection by 3. Use items on Kikkawa Kiku if needed. (Izumo) Cooking devil: Kikkawa Kiku - level up. (Izumo) Road to Hades Search - You may leave after defeating Daidaara on floor 7/18 or continue on. Be sure to leave before reaching 18/18. Your commanders will not be strong enough to defeat the 7777 health boss. End Turn Deploy Rance and Kenshin together while defending. Mouri Motonari is decursed after battle. Turn 62 [True] Use items on Naoe Ai to 7/7 if needed. Dismiss one of your generic units. Attack Akaheru (Save Rance, Leila, Uesugi Kenshin, Natori, Yamamoto Isoroku, and Uruza for the next attack. Use your next best attackers for this attack). Attack Akaheru - Mouri conquered (CG#053) +5 sat. *Rance, Leila, Uesugi Kenshin in front. *Natori, Yamamoto Isoroku, Uruza in back. *You will need to eliminate 4 or 5 defenders to win this fight. *Have Natori Miko Storm 2. Have Uruza use accurate shots to eliminate action *points. Concentrate your melee attacks the first round on Mouri Motonari to *lower his troop size before he uses his commander's charge ability. Have *Leila concentrate on units larger than her own like the foot soldier to deal *extra damage. Use Yamamoto sweeping fire as needed to eliminate back units *while damaging front units. I have replayed this fight using this strategy 3 *times and have won each time. If you happen to lose, reload and try again. Recruit any remaining Mouri sister that you captured. (Izumo) Cooking devil: Kikkawa Kiku (CG#050) +5 sat. (Sado) Kenshin's staff officer: Naoe Ai - level up. End Turn 5th gourd is broken. Turn 63 [True] Use items on Kanami to 7/7 if needed. (Owari) Unlucky ninja: Kanami - level up. (Edo) Have Kanami scout (CG#080). Choose a foot soldier and a warrior with at least 1000 troops and equip them with operation permits. Do not use them to search this turn. Begin working Naoe Ai's unit up to 1000 troops if she is not at that already. Rance's satisfaction bonus (170) Increase everyone's affection by 3. (Owari) Search full force for missing Kou (CG#013). End Turn Operation permit holders retake any territory lost to Akashi. If one attacks

Himeji itself, the first Nuhe will be released. Defending against Akashi retaking their territory will be an automatic loss until the Nuhe are exhausted. Be sure to include at least 1 unit in your defense to trigger the event. Turn 64 [True] (Tanegashima family territrory) Musketeer girl: Yuzuhara Yuzumi - level up. (Tanegashima family territrory) Cube blacksmith: Tanegashima Shigehiko level up. Use items on Mouri Teru to 7/7 if needed. (Izumo) Cleaning queen: Mouri Teru - level up. (Mikan) Treasure: Dragonfly Cutter - equip to Mouri Teru. End Turn Operation permit holders attack Himeji this turn if they did not last turn. Be sure to defend against Akashi's retaking of their territory to trigger the Nuhe events. Turn 65 [True] Equip Naoe Ai with an operation permit. Use items on Uesugi Kenshin to 7/7. (Sado) Goddess of War: Uesugi Kenshin (CG#034) - level up. (Sado) Kenshin's staff officer: Naoe Ai. (Izumo) Treasure: Recruit Discount Ticket. Do not use any operation permit holders. Declare war on Iga. Do not use any operation permit holders. End Turn Operation permit holders attack. Be sure to defend against all attacks. A single unit can trigger the Nuhe scene when Himeji is attacked. Choose Wait. Turn 66 [True] Use extra gold to increase the maximum troop size of one of your ninjas. You will need one at 1000 troop size by turn 70. Rance's satisfaction bonus (180) - Increase everyone's affection by 3. (Sado) Kenshin's staff officer: Naoe Ai (CG#033) +5 sat - level up. Use items on Kobayakawa Chinu to 7/7. (Izumo) Poisonous lady: Kobayakawa Chinu (CG#051) - level up. Dismiss your last generic recruit. Dismiss Tamagushi Fuuka. Dismiss Maeda Toshii. Recruit Gon from prison. Recruit Kawanoe Yuzuru from prison. Recruit Kawanoe Mine from prison. (Izumo) Violent one: Sakamoto Ryouma - level up. End Turn Operation permit holders attack. Be sure to defend all attacks. Deploy Rance defending against Iga to trigger a scene. This should be the final Nuhe attack on you if you did not encounter it last turn. Hibachi released. Turn 67 [True] Dismiss Niwa Nagahide. Recruit Nanjou Ran from prison. (Edo) Souun's fiancee: Nanjou Ran. (Owari) Traveling carnival is here - 3G +3 score. (Tanegashima family territory) Cube blacksmith: Tanegashima Shigehiko.

Rance's satisfaction bonus (190) - Increase everyone's affection by 3. End Turn Operation permit holders attack. Deploy Rance and Yuzuhara Yuzumi in the same defending battle. Deploy Suzume against Iga while defending. Choose Wait. Turn 68 [True] (Edo) Souun's fiancee: Nanjou Ran (CG#061) +5 sat - level up. Lower Nanjou Ran's troops to 1. Use items on Mouri Teru to 7/7 if needed. (Izumo) Cleaning queen: Mouri Teru - level up. (Mamushi Oil Field) Treasure: Murasame. Put the Murasame on Uesugi Kenshin and move the Power Golden Bear to Leila. (Mamushi Oil Field) Oil Dungeon Search - Ran dies. End turn Turn 69 [True] Recruit Mouri Motonari from prison. (Tanegashima family territory) Cube blacksmith: Tanegashima Shigehiko level up - cleared. (Owari) Super advanced technology girl: Maria (CG#096) +5 sat. (Owari) Unlucky ninja: Kanami - level up. (Saitama) Seiita Shogun: Sakanoue no Tamuramaro - Seal of Approval acquired. End Turn Choose Wait. Turn 70 [True] Equip a ninja with an Operation permit. (Owari) Super advanced technology girl: Maria - level up - choose Tulip rapid-fire - cleared. (Izumo) Cooking devil: Kikkawa Kiku - level up - cleared. (Mamushi Oil Field) Oil Dungeon Search - make sure to obtain a hallucinogen of death. Declare war on the Dokuganryuu family - Do not use any Mouri family members or Operation permit holders to declare war. End Turn First Operation permit holder attacks (CG# After the 4th Operation permit holder attacks, Nogiku will deploy (you cannot capture her yet). Deploy all 4 Mouri family members in a defending battle to unlock Mouri family bonus. Allow the Dokuganryuu family to reclaim one of their areas. Your Operation permit holders will relaim it next turn. Turn 71 [True] Use items on Yuzuhara Yuzumi to 7/7 if needed. (Tanegashima family territory) Musketeer girl: Yuzuhara Yuzumi - level up. (Owari) Traveling carnival is here - Suzume +3 score. Rance's satisfaction bonus (200) - Increase everyone's affection by 3. Use items on Mouri Teru to 7/7. (Izumo) Cleaning queen: Mouri Teru (CG#047 & CG#048) +5 sat - level up cleared. <save> End Turn First Operation permit holder attacks - Orime deployed.

Third Operation permit holder attacks - Noir deployed. Scout the Dokuganryuu family attacks. If Noir or Orime are deployed, defend and make sure to eliminate their units to capture them automatically. If you see Nogiku, reload and try to get one of the other two. Nogiku cannot be captured yet. I captured Orime (CG#078). Choose Wait. Turn 72 [True] Dismiss Akechi Mitsuhide. Recruit Orime from prison (choose Noir instead if you captured her). (Izumo) Foursome with the 3 sisters (CG#052) +5 sat. (Sado) Kenshin's staff officer: Naoe Ai - level up - cleared. Declare war on the Takeda family. (Owari) Visit Honnouji (Nobunaga) - Attack using all of Oda's troops (CG#011). Heal all troops before ending turn. *Note: Chinu can be safely dismissed if needed at any point in future turns, *or you can follow the walkthrough exactly to see her death scene. If Souun *joins early before she dies, you will need to dismiss her early in order to *recruit commanders according to the walkthrough. End Turn Operation permit holders take 4 areas in Takeda territory. Let Takeda retake an area if they attack. You will retake it with Operation permit holders next turn. Turn 73 [True] Dismiss Tanegashima Shigehiko. Attack Himeji - Akashi conquered - Take him as prisoner (CG#056) +3 sat Do not use Operation permit holders in the attack. (Kyo) Harassed swordsman: Okita Nozomi - level up +1 sat. (Miko Institute) Miko of death: Natori - level up. (Izumo) Violent one: Sakamoto Ryouma. End Turn Operation permit holders take remaining areas in Takeda territory. Allow Takeda to retake an area if they attack. Defend against the others. Ogawa Kentarou joins. Turn 74 [True] Dismiss Kuge Kiyoko. Recruit Akashi Kazemaru from prison. Attack Dokuganryuu family - Southern area taken - Omachi deployed. (Himeji) Go to hot spring (^o^) (CG#003) +5 sat. (Texas) Former Asakura lord: Asakura Yoshikage - level up. (Southern Takuga family territory) Search for and defeat ogres. End Turn Operation permit holders retake territory and take new Dokuganryuu areas. Be sure to defend against Iga's attack. You may allow the others to retake areas if you cannot defend against them. Turn 75 [True] (Owari) Traveling carnival is here - Sill +3 score. Use items on Akashi Kazemaru to 7/7. (Himeji) Search for Akashi's secret, Nuhe (CG#055) +5 sat. (Himeji) Kid ruler: Akashi Kazemaru - level up. Attack Iga family - include Rance and Suzume in the attack - conquered (CG#028) +5 sat.

End Turn Defend against Takeda's attack this turn. The Dokuganryuu family can retake an area if they attack this turn. Turn 76 [True] Use items on Akashi Kazemaru to 7/7. (Himeji) Kid ruler: Akashi Kazemaru - level up - Hibachi obtained (You can now capture Nogiku when her unit is eliminated in battle. Once Nogiku is captured, dismiss Akashi Kazemaru). Attack Shinano - taken. *Rance, Mouri Teru, Kenshin in front. *Natori, Gon (or another foot soldier), Uruza in back. *Concentrate melee attacks on the smaller cavalry units first. *Have Natori use Miko storm 2 and Uruza use accurate shots. Once these happen *Yamagata Masakage should run out of actions on his next attack. It should be *an easy win at this point. (Owari) Demon King couple: Kentarou, Miki - Wait and see. (Owari) Demon King couple: Kentarou, Miki. End Turn Turn 77 [True] Remove Operation permits from all units. Attack Kai - Takeda family conquered. *Same as last attack's line up: *Rance, Mouri Teru, Kenshin in front. *Natori, Gon (or another foot soldier), Uruza in back. *This fight should be easier than the last, but do the same actions. *Have Natori use Miko storm 2 and Uruza use accurate shots. You may lose *one of your foot soldiers while defending, but you should have no problem *winning. Reload if one of them is killed when eliminated. (Owari) Tonight at Rance's place - Suzume +1 sat. (Owari) Tonight at Rance's place - Maria Custard +1 sat. (Owari) Tonight at Rance's place - Magic +1 sat. End Turn Allow Dokuganryuu family to retake territory. Reload if they do not attack you this turn. If you scout their attack and a guardian is in the attack group, that guardian will not be defending next turn. You can either try to capture the guardian now and treat the attack next turn as a free action, or reload and force a change in their attack group. Turn 78 [True] Dismiss Mouri Motonari. Do not deploy Kuge Kyouko in combat. Do not use Asakura Yoshikage in battle or recruiting this turn. Attack Ezo - capture one of the remaining guardians - I captured Nogiku (CG#076). Recruit the guardian that you just captured. If you defeated Omachi, skip this recruitment step. Dismiss Kuge Kyouko to make room. Rance's satisfaction bonus (210) - Increase everyone's affection by 3. Use items on Asakura Yoshikage to 7/7. (Texas) Former Asakura lord: Asakura Yoshikage - level up - cleared (Max NP increases from 118 to 144). (Owari) Tonight at Rance's place - Rizna +1 sat (You can now find the sec medicine in dungeons for Rizna's clear). End Turn

Allow Dokuganryuu family to retake territory. Reload if they do not attack you this turn. If you scout their attack and a guardian is in the attack group, that guardian will not be defending next turn. You can either try to capture the guardian now and treat the attack next turn as a free action, or reload and force a change in their attack group. Turn 79 [True] If you dismissed Kuge Kyouko last turn, do not use Kawanoe Mine this turn. If you captured Omachi last turn, do not use Kuge Kyouko this turn. Attack Ezo - Be sure to eliminate the defending guardian to capture her. If you captured have captured a recruitable guardian this turn, recruit the guardian that you just captured. If you defeated Omachi, skip this recruitment step. If dismiss Kuge Kyouko if you did not last turn to make room. If you dismissed her last turn, dismiss Kawanoe Mine instead. (Owari) Traveling carnival is here - Kouhime +3 score. (Kai) Search for dungeon. (Kai) Kaizuka Search +15 sat. End Turn Allow Dokuganryuu family to retake territory. Reload if they do not attack you this turn. If you scout their attack and a guardian is in the attack group, that guardian will not be defending next turn. You can either try to capture the guardian now and treat the attack next turn as a free action, or reload and force a change in their attack group. Demon Army appears. Turn 80 [True] Lower Chinu's max troop size to 1. If you did not dismiss Kawanoe Mine last turn, dismiss her this turn. Attack Ezo - Be sure to eliminate the defending guardian to capture her - I captured Noir (CG#077). Recruit the last recruitable guardian if you have not done so already. (Owari) *Ask about Masamune. (Southern Takuga territory) Kentarou's great adventure (Shikoku). (Mazo) Kentarou's great adventure (Mazo). Dismiss Akashi Kazemaru if you have not already done so. End Turn Do not let the Dokuganryuu family retake territory this turn. Chinu dies. Kouhime joins. Turn 81 [True] If you allowed the Demon army to win a battle against you last turn, equip one Operation permit only to retake that area. Do not equip more than is required to retake your own territory this turn. Do not use the unit with the permit equipped this turn. Attack Ezo - Dokuganryuu family conquered. *Rance, Mouri Teru, Uesugi Kenshin in front. *Natori, Kikkawa Kiku, Uruza in back. *Have Natori use Miko storm 2 and Uruza use accurate shots. *Concentrate all attacks on the front row. You need to eliminate at least *1, possibly 2 defending unit in addition to the Miko storm 2 damage to win. *I eliminated the 3 front units. (Ezo) Southern guardian: Nogiku. (Ezo) Eastern guardian: Noir. (Ezo) Western guardian: Orime.

End Turn Defend against the Demon Army attack. Houjou Souun joins (He may join later, don't worry if he did not join this turn). Turn 82 [True] Equip your remaining Operation permits on your units. Do not use them this turn. (Owari) Dango princess: Kouhime - Protection Paper acquired - equip to Natori. (Izumo) Violent one: Sakamoto Ryouma (This may level Ryouma). (Owari) Owari's fearsome warrior: Ranmaru - level up (CG#016) - If this scene has already happened for you, treat this action as a free action and impose a levy. (Izumo) Sword flash: Kawanoe Yuzuru - level up. End Turn After the second operation permit, you will have a series of 5 attacks. Do not allow the Demon army to completely take one of your territories. Make sure to block the 5th attack to weaken Agireda's unit, if not capture her. Block one other attack in addition to hers. The 4th attack is the easiest to block if you do not need to block before then. Do not use any of the remaining Operation permit holders to defend with. *Note: If you cannot capture Agireda this turn, you have until turn 91 to *capture her. Look for her during the Demon Army's attacks on you between *turns. Reloading may change which units attack you if you have trouble *finding her. Last 2 Operation permit holders retake territory. Remaining seals released from Xavier. Turn 83 [True] Remove all Operation permits, except for the exact number of areas in your territories that the Demon army controls. For example, if Izumo has 1 red area, leave one permit equipped. If all of your areas are completely blue, do not leave any permits equipped. Do not use any Operation permit holders this turn for searching. Do not use Yuzuhara Yuzumi this turn. (Iga family territory) Search for dungeon. (Iga family territory) Heijoukyou Search - Make sure to obtain the sex medicine and ero candle in case you are still missing either. (Owari) I won't be tricked: Rizna (CG#098) +5 sat. (Kyo) Harassed swordsman: Okita Nozomi (CG#045) +5 sat. <save> End Turn [Optional - Send Leila in alone and let her unit be destroyed (CG#097) reload to the end of turn 83 after unlocking the CG and continue on.] Be sure to defend against the Demon army attack. Deploy Rance and Yuzuhara Yuzumi to trigger her post battle scene if you have not done so already (CG#059) +5 sat. Turn 84 [True] Rance's satisfaction bonus (220) - Increase number of action fans. Remove any Operation permits from your units this turn. Use items on Yuzuhara Yuzumi to 7/7 if needed. (Tanegashima family territory) Musketeer girl: Yuzuhara Yuzumi - level up cleared. Rance's satisfaction bonus (230) - Increase everyone's affection by 3.

(Mikan) Underground Mandarin Plantation Search. (Search the dungeon, do not do the event.) End Turn Operation permits taken away. Turn 85 [True] Use items on the respective guardians if needed before choosing their events: (Ezo) Southern guardian: Nogiku - level up. (Ezo) Eastern guardian: Noir - level up. (Ezo) Western guardian: Orime - level up. Use items on Kentarou to 7/7 if needed. (Owari) Demon King couple: Kentarou, Miki - level up. (Owari) Unlucky ninja: Kanami - level up - cleared. End Turn Soul binder released. Turn 86 [True] (Owari) Demon King couple: Kentarou, Miki. Rance's satisfaction bonus (240) - Increase everyone's affection by 3. Use items on Sakamoto Ryouma to 7/7. (Izumo) Violent one: Sakamoto Ryouma - level up. (Kazusa 2000) Youkai Namename: Fight - a woman. (Izumo) Violent one: Sakamoto Ryouma. End Turn Gigai appears. Senkan Nagato returned. Turn 87 [True] (Izumo) Violent one: Sakamoto Ryouma (CG#070) +5 sat - level up - cleared. (Izumo) Brave warrior of swords: Gon - level up. (Akaheru) Search for dungeon. (Izumo) Brave warrior of swords: Gon. (Akaheru) Red Wall Dungeon Search - Gon level up - cleared. End Turn (CG#022) Ogawa Kentarou x Apostle Shikibi fight (CG#012). *Attack her three times and then select "Use Youmeishu" by clicking the option *over Kentarou to recover all action points and health. Turn 88 [True] No actions this turn. End Turn Turn 89 [True] (Owari) Search places where Miki may be: 1 (Use 3 units with 5 search skill, 1 with 3 skill, and 1 with 2 skill). (Owari) Search places where Miki may be: 2. (Kyo) Harassed swordsman: Okita Nozomi. (Southern Takuga territory) Search for and defeat ogres2. (Owari) Owari's fearsome warrior: Ranmaru. End Turn Turn 90 [True] (Owari) Owari's fearsome warrior: Ranmaru - level up - cleared. Use items on Kawanoe Yuzuru to 7/7 if needed.

(Izumo) Sword flash: Kawanoe Yuzuru - level up - cleared. (Kyo) Harassed swordsman: Okita Nozomi. (Owari) Search for places where Miki may be: 3 (Finish searching on the next action). (Owari) Search for places where Miki may be: 3 (CG#006). End Turn Turn 91 [True] (Owari) Frozen slave: Sill - choose all options - level up. Recruit Agireda from prison. Attack Cairo - Have Ogawa Kentarou fight Gigai. (Tanegashima family territory) Search for dungeon. (Tanegashima family territory) Tanba Mine Search. (Owari) Tonight at Rance's place - Yuzuhara Yuzumi +1 sat. End Turn Turn 92 [True] Recruit Sanada Tourin from prison. *Note: In some games Masamune may have joined. If he did, you have two *options. Either dismiss him to be able to recruit Sanada Tourin and *follow the walkthrough to clear his guardians, or you can clear him to *recruit Omachi and unlock the Dokuganryuu family bonus. If you decide to *clear him, talk to him in place of Sanada Tourin's actions. You will need *to talk to him twice for his first two purple events and then use *affection items to raise him to 7/7 and speak to him again to raise to *trust. Once he is at trust, dismiss Yamamoto Isoroku and speak to *Masamune a final time to recruit Omachi. After Omachi joins, you should *see a scene the following turn (or soon after) with all of the *Dokuganryuu family together. This will unlock the Dokuganryuu family *bonus. If you would like to continue following the walkthrough exactly *after doing this, reload to the beginning of turn 92 and dismiss *Masamune to recruit Sanada Tourin. Otherwise, Dismiss Masamune to be able *to clear all four of his guardians (doing this will somewhat alter the *final turns of the walkthrough, but it can still be roughly followed). (Shinano) Quiet cold commander: Sanada Tourin. Rance's satisfaction bonus (250) - Increase everyone's affection by 3. Use items on Agireda to 7/7. (Cairo) Amazon's warrior: Agireda - level up. (Owari) Frozen slave: Sill - It's too dangerous. Attack Cairo - Send a strong group since you will have an additional field and commander battle after the first battle. End Turn Turn 93 [True] (Cairo) Amazon's warrior: Agireda (CG#073) +5 sat. Use items on Houjou Souun to 7/7 if needed. (Saitama) Most powerful diviner: Houjou Souun - level up. Rance's satisfaction bonus (260) - Increase everyone's affection by 3. (Cairo) Agireda's tribe gathering. Attack Cairo. End Turn Random Nozomi event. Rance not usable this turn. Turn 94 (Owari) (Owari) (Owari) [True] Tonight at Rance's place - Mouri Teru +1 sat. Tonight at Rance's place - Agireda +1 sat. Frozen slave: Sill (Rance may level up).

Attack Cairo. (Ezo) Southern guardian: Nogiku - level up. End Turn Have Ogawa Kentarou fight Gigai. Turn 95 [True] (Ezo) Eastern guardian Noir - level up. Use items on Sanada Tourin to 7/7 if needed. (Shinano) Quiet cold commander: Sanada Tourin - level up - cleared. (Ezo) Western guardian: Orime - level up - cleared. (Miko Institute) Treasure: Sousou Poison Dagger. Attack Cairo - taken (CG#021) +5 sat. End Turn Have Ogawa Kentarou fight Gigai. Random Nozomi event. Rance not usable this turn. Turn 96 [True] (Owari) Frozen slave: Sill. Rance's satisfaction bonus (270) - Increase everyone's affection by 3. Attack Amazon. (Amazon) Agireda's tribe gathering. (Cairo) Amazon's warrior: Agireda. End Turn Have Ogawa Kentarou fight Gigai. Turn 97 [True] (Cairo) Amazon's warrior: Agireda - level up - cleared. Rance's satisfaction bonus (280) - Increase everyone's affection by 3. Use items on Noir to 7/7 if needed. (Ezo) Eastern guardian Noir - level up - cleared. Use items on Nogiku to 7/7 if needed. (Ezo) Southern guardian: Nogiku - level up - cleared. Attack Amazon. End turn Have Ogawa Kentarou fight Gigai. Random Nozomi scene - Nozomi - level up - cleared (If she did not clear this turn for you, she will soon). Turn 98 [True] (Toukaidou) Treasure: Half-gold Statue. (Hara family territory) Item shop (Nimajita Saburou -> Head-gold Statue -> All-knowing God. Spend the rest as you like). Use items on Rance to 7/7 if needed. (Owari) Frozen slave: Sill - level up. (Cairo) Kentarou's great adventure (Cairo). Attack Amazon - taken +1 sat. *Rance. Mouri Teru, Uesugi Kenshin in front. *Natori, Houjou Souun, Uruza in back. *Natori uses Miko storm 2, Souun uses Shikigami, Uruza uses accurate shots. *This should be an easy win. End Turn Have Ogawa Kentarou fight Gigai. Turn 99 [True]

(Ezo) Treasure: Action Textbook2. (Owari) Tonight at Rance's place +1 sat. (Owari) Tonight at Rance's place +1 sat. Attack South Africa (Use your second best attack group). Attack South Africa (Use your best attack group) End Turn Have Ogawa Kentarou fight Gigai. Turn 100 [True] (Owari) Demon's daughter: Kurohime (CG#024) +5 sat. Rance's satisfaction bonus (290) - Get item (Takano Seven). (Saitama) Most powerful diviner: Houjou Souun - Souun and Natori - level up. Attack Morocco. Attack Morocco - Have Houjou Souun defeat Gigai. End Turn Let her sleep. Turn 101 [True] (Saitama) Most powerful diviner: Houjou Souun. (Saitama) Most powerful diviner: Houjou Souun - cleared. Attack Morocco. Attack Morocco - taken. (Owari) Demon's daughter: Kurohime +2 sat. End Turn (CG#014) Turn 102 [True] (Morocco) Attack Tenma Bridge to stop Ishijijii. *Commander battle: *Rance, Ogawa Kentarou, Uesugi Kenshin in front. *Natori, Houjou Souun, Uruza in back. *Guard Shikigami Rance and Kentarou. Heal with Natori as needed. *Kill Toukichirou first so he does not damage your action points. *This should be an easy fight. *Field battle: *Leila, Agireda, Mouri Teru in front. *Orime, Yamamoto Isoroku, Sanada Tourin in back. *The field battle is fairly easy, this is just the group I used. (CG#017) End of True History Route (First time play through) ///First time play Summary/// You should have a score of at least 36 ending with 23 cleared characters. If you managed to capture enough female commanders with Rance in battle, you may have an additional 10 score for 300 or more women. You will also have 2 additional score for each commander that you had at the end with End-game points. Total CG unlocked (84 of 104): 1-17,21,22,24-31,34-39 (Must have saved and reloaded for the extra Uesugi CGs),41,43-53,55-61,64,66,70,71,73-85,87-91,93,94,96-101 (Must have allowed Leila to be captured for her extra CG),103,104 (103-104 are the opening and ending CGs for the game).

[WTH02] ///2nd+ play True History Route Walkthrough/// The first 12 turns of this walkthrough were based on the 13 turn +1 action fan guide found at: under the extreme games section. Different actions were selected at turn 13, causing the additional action fan to be delayed until the 14th turn. This was necessary to maintain a state of war to prevent a declaration of war by the Iga house. !!!IMPORTANT!!! Do not recruit commanders unless instructed to do so that turn. Doing so can cause Zeth and Leazus reinforcements to not join automatically when scheduled to and will force you to waste an action fan to accept their units. Turn 1 [True] (Owari) Prison (Capture enemy commanders). (Owari) Dango princess: Kouhime. End Turn Turn 2 [True] Declare war on the Hara House. Attack Hara House - make sure to capture an enemy unit (preferably foot soldier). End Turn (CG#001) +5 sat. Turn 3 [True] Recruit a foot soldier from prison. You may need to defend with the foot soldier and will need it for an early dungeon battle. The higher negotiation and search skill, the better. Try to get two of your first three generic recruits with 3 negotiation skill. If you are unable to do so, don't worry about it; it will just be a little rougher recruiting and declaring war in the beginning. Attack Hara House. Attack Hara House - try to capture another commander (preferably a foot soldier again). <save> End Turn Make sure that the Ashikaga House declares war on you on their turn. Reload if they do not. Turn 4 [True] Recruit a commander from prison. If you were not able to recruit a foot soldier last turn, do so now. Otherwise, try to get a recruit with a good negotiation/scout skill, preferably with a cost of 1. Attack Mamushi Oil Field. Attack Mamushi Oil Field. End turn Turn 5 [True] Recruit a commander from prison. The same as last turn. Try to find a commander with decent negotiation/scout skill with a low cost.

Attack Mamushi Oil Field - taken (CG#101) +3 sat. (Miko Institute) Hear Yamatai's pink rumor from 3G. End Turn (CG#009) +5 sat. Turn 6 [True] Recruit a commander from prison. The same as last turn. Try to find a commander with decent negotiation/scout skill with a low cost. Attack Kyo without Rance. Do not attack or defend with Rance against Ashikaga from this point unless Yamamoto Isoroku has been captured. (Miko Institute) Have sex with miko - CG#089 +5 sat. End Turn (CG#026) Suzume joins. Turn 7 [True] Attack Kyo without Rance. Do not attack or defend with Rance against Ashikaga from this point unless Yamamoto Isoroku has been captured. (Owari) Genius Kunoichi: Suzume. End Turn (CG#025) Turn 8 [True] Attack Kyo without Rance. Do not attack or defend with Rance against Ashikaga from this point unless Yamamoto Isoroku has been captured - taken (CG#043) +5 sat. (Owari) Genius Kunoichi: Suzume +5 sat. Recruit Yamamoto Isoroku if you have the negotiation available. If not, wait until next turn. End Turn (CG#010) Turn 9 [True] Recruit Yamamoto Isoroku if you did not last turn. Use items on Suzume to 7/7 (Owari) Genius Kunoichi - level up - choose Dungeon Scout. (Kyo) Search for dungeon. End Turn (CG#027) Turn 10 [True] (Owari) Genius Kunoichi - CG#007 +5 sat. (Miko Institute) Have sex with miko +1 sat. End Turn Turn 11 [True] (Kyo) Kachikachi Dungeon Search +1 sat. *Front row: Rance - Generic foot soldier 1 - Generic foot soldier 2. *Back row: Suzume - Yamamoto Isoroku - Generic archer (Use Niwa if you did *not recruit a ranged). *First battle: Suzume & Rance stay on standby. *Second battle: Rance and Suzume both attack once. Finish using generics. *Remember to use their strong attacks when they have 1 action point remaining *for extra damage. Switch them out when they run out of action points with *Suzume and Rance.

*Third battle: Attack with Rance and Suzume normally. Try to save an action *point with Suzume for the final fight. *Final fight: have Sill heal Rance to restore action points. Take out the *Freedoms with weaker commanders first and work on the back caterpillars with *ranged that you may have left. (Owari) My slave: Sill +5 sat. End Turn Turn 12 [True] (Owari) Plan for Dragon Palace game with Suzume. (Kyo) Kachikachi Dungeon Search +5 sat. Turn 13 [True] (Owari) Search for dungeon (Owari) Miso Katsu Dungeon Search End Turn Turn 14 [True] (Owari) Genius Kunoichi +5 (CG#008) sat. Rance's satisfaction bonus (10) - Increase number of action fans. End Turn Turn 15 [True] Rance's satisfaction bonus (20) - Call for reinforcements (Zeth). (Owari) Scout: Tamagushi Fuuka. (Owari) Miko without a memory: Tamagushi Fuuka. End Turn Turn 16 [True] Declare war on Tokugawa House. Attack Mikawa. (Kyo) Scout: Kuge Kiyoko. End Turn Turn 17 [True] Dismiss all troops and fire one of the smaller previously recruited generic commanders. Preferably at least a cost of 2. Rance's satisfaction bonus (30) - Rance attack. Attack Mikawa. (Kyo) Beautiful archer: Yamamoto Isoroku. End Turn Turn 18 [True] (Kyo) Beautiful archer: Yamamoto Isoroku. (Mamushi Oil Field) impose levy. Attack Mikawa. End Turn Tenshi sect declares war. Turn 19 [True] [Optional: <save>. Use negotiations to make Tokugawa surrender. Do the following 2 purple events in Mikawa and you will receive the Blue Seal Case (reduces unit damage by 30%). End your turn. At the beginning of the following turn, save and then reload to your previous save and continue the walkthrough. The Blue Seal Case will be available at 2nd+ games to be chosen as a starting bonus after this.] (Kyo) impose levy.

Attack Mikawa - Tokugawa House conquered (CG#088) +5 sat. (Mikawa) Recruit: Senhime (You must send her into battle regularly until cleared or she will leave you.) End Turn Turn 20 [True] Attack Naniwa. (Owari) Miko without memory: Tamagushi Fuuka (CG#091) +5 sat. (Mikawa) Shining god, Kaguyahime. End Turn Leave them alone. Turn 21 [True] Accept reinforcements. Attack Naniwa. Rance's satisfaction bonus (40) - Call for reinforcements (Zeth). End Turn Turn 22 [True] Attack Naniwa - taken +3 sat. (Owari) I won't be tricked: Rizna. (Kyo) Check up on Shinsengumi. End Turn (CG#029) Turn 23 [True] Use items on Yamamoto Isoroku to 7/7 if needed. (Kyo) Beautiful archer: Yamamoto Isoroku - level up - choose Yamamoto sweeping fire. Equip her with Ryuuguu Sword Urashimaru to maximize damage. Attack Mikan. Attack Mikan - Tenshi sect conquered (CG#058) +5 sat. End Turn Touch her boobs. Asai-Asakura declares war. Turn 24 [True] Attack Hara House - conquered. Choose "Take her home and fuck her" (CG057) +5 sat. *If you have trouble with this fight, try leaving Hara Shouji alone until the *end. Concentrate on the weaker units. If you do not completely destroy *Kentarou's unit, leave it alone and he will be eliminated when he attacks *with around 50ish troops remaining. (Kyo) Recruit: Kuge Kyouko. (Kyo) Beautiful archer: Yamamoto Isoroku (CG#041) +5 sat. End Turn Turn 25 [True] Declare war on Miko Institute. Use the generic and weaker units to declare war. Save Suzume to search for the dungeon later this turn. Attack Miko Institute. (Hara House territory) Search for dungeon. End Turn Hanny's declare war. Turn 26 [True]

Attack Miko Institute. (Toukaidou) Collect hanny's information. (Toukaidou) Meet Imagawa Yoshimoto secretly - Keep secret. End Turn If Asai-Asakura attacks one of your territories, it is fine to let them win if you do not have enough units to defend. Save your best ready units to defend against the Miko Institute. Uruza joins. Turn 27 [True] Attack Toukaidou. Rance's satisfaction bonus (50) - Call for reinforcements (Zeth). (Owari) I won't be tricked: Rizna. End Turn Turn 28 [True] Dismiss a generic unit with a cost of 2. (Kyo) Eat at a popular restaurant in Kyo. Attack Miko Institute - conquered (CG#090) Rance level up +5 sat. Recruit Natori. Rance's satisfaction bonus (60) - Replace troops with elites. End Turn Okita Nozomi joins. Turn 29 [True] Rance's satisfaction bonus (70) - Action point +1. Attack Toukaidou. Attack Toukaidou - Imagawa House conquered (CG#044) +5 sat. End Turn Turn 30 [True] Declare war on Tanegashima House. Attack Tanegashima House. (Owari) I won't be tricked: Rizna. End Turn Look at her underwear (option appears for 2nd+ game). Turn 31 [True] Rance's satisfaction bonus (80) - Troop replenishment cost -1. Attack Tanegashima House. (Texas) Dirty plan. End turn Turn 32 [True] Attack Tanegashima House. Attack Tanegashima House - conquered (CG#060). My slave: Sill (CG#002) +5 sat. End Turn Magic joins. Turn 33 [True] Rance's Satisfaction bonus (90) - Call for reinforcements (Leazus). Declare war on Mouri House. *Note: If you get Chinu's scene where she poisons your units while attacking *or defending reload and try again. This is a scene you will encounter only *once. Avoid it for now.

Attack Izumo. End Turn Turn 34 [True] Attack Izumo. (Owari) Zeth princess: Magic. (Miko Institute) Take Sill to miko mansion (CG#004) +5 sat. End Turn Ranmaru level up - choose light attack (This a random event that may happen on another turn for you). Turn 35 [True] Use items on Senhime to 7/7. (Mikawa) Nickname, war princess: Senhime - level up. Attack Izumo - taken +3 sat. Rance's satisfaction bonus (100) - Action point +1. End Turn *Note: Starting this turn, if you encounter Chinu's scene where she poisons *your units and you automatically lose, it is ok to let it happen. Losing one *area of Izumo is since you have conquered it, just do not lose all three *areas of it. If you do encounter her while defending before turn 41, impose a *levy in one of your territories as advised at the start of turn 41 to make up *for the extra action. Turn 36 [True] Attack Texas. (Accept the attack on you with no units deployed). (Owari) Zeth princess: Magic. (Izumo) Search for dungeon. End Turn (CG#093) Turn 37 [True] (Owari) Zeth princess: Magic (CG#085) +5 sat. (Mikawa) Impose levy. Declare war on Takuga House. End Turn Turn 38 [True] (Owari) Zeth princess: Magic (CG#100) +5 sat. Attack Takuga House. Genius Kunoichi: Suzume - level up - Chun chun shuriken (She should be at 7/7 by now if you deployed her with Rance enough.) End Turn Kentou Kanami joins. Turn 39 [True] Rance's satisfaction bonus (110) - Call for reinforcements (Leazus). Attack Takuga House - taken. (Naniwa) impose levy (save 3000 for next turn). End Turn Turn 40 [True] (Takuga House territory) Support Shinsengumi terrorists - Give 3000 gold. (Senkan Nagato) Invitation for battle - Accept - taken (Start capturing the Mouri sisters).

(Mikan) impose levy. End Turn Turn 41 [True] (If you did not defend against Mouri and encounter Chinu's poisoning event, attack Akaheru and scout. If Chinu is in the battle, send a weak unit alone to trigger the event. Reload if needed to try and get her event. This will use one of your action fans when your attack is defeated. If you already defended against her, impose a levy instead.) Attack Akaheru. Scout and try to attack one of the Mouri sisters for a chance to capture her. Reload and try again until you capture one. I captured Kikkawa Kiku. The following results may vary if you captured another. Recruit captured Mouri sister (Kikkawa Kiku recruited CG#049). (Any former Mouri territory) Cooking devil: Kikkawa Kiku. End turn Takuga attacked by Hanny. Turn 42 [True] Use items on Uruza to 7/7. (Owari) Zeth Big Four: Uruza - level up - choose Accurate shots (hits all enemy units and damages action of each by 1 and cancels preparation for shikigama like the shuriken effect.) Attack Akaheru. Scout and try to capture another Mouri sister. I captured Kobayakawa Chinu. Recruit captured Mouri sister (Kobayakawa Chinu recruited). Use items on Kikkawa Kiku to 7/7. (Any former Mouri territory) Cooking devil: Kikkawa Kiku (event required before defeating Mouri for her clear). End Turn Let Mouri retake an Akaheru castle if they attack it if you have not let them take any of your territory. Turn 43 [True] Use items on Rizna to 7/7. (Owari) I won't be tricked: Rizna (CG#083) +5 sat. (Izumo) Zeth Big Four: Uruza. Retake territory from Mouri or attack Akaheru if you let them retake it last turn. Try to capture last Mouri sister. If you cannot capture her, do not worry. She can be auto-captured later. End Turn Takuga attacked by Hanny. Turn 44 [True] (Hara House territory) impose levy. (Owari) Zeth Big Four: Uruza (CG#084). Attack Takuga House (deploy Uruza with Rance for CG#099 and +5 sat) conquered (CG#071). Recruit Sakamoto Ryouma from prison. End Turn Maria Custard joins. Turn 45 [True] Rance's satisfaction bonus (120) - Call for reinforcements (Leazus). Ask Ryouma about Motonari. Recruit Gon from prison. (Izumo) Road to Hades (you can leave any time after defeating Daidaara. DO NOT go to final floor. Final boss has 7777 heath).

End Turn Auto Sill scene from dungeon visit. No new CG. +5 sat. Turn 46 [True] Use items on Magic to 7/7. (Owari) Zeth princess: Magic - acquire Rance's Love +5 sat. (Owari) Zeth princess: Magic - level up - choose White destruction beam. Put Rance's Love on Senhime. (Owari) Super advanced technology girl: Maria - acquired Kanami sex ticket. End Turn Turn 47 [True] Attack Akaheru with your second best attack group (I used Ranmaru, Shibata Katsuie, Kuge Kyouko, Magic, Kikkawa Kiku, and Suzume. Ninjas both assassinated. The goal is to kill as many as possible and and damage the rest to soften them for the main attack. Winning with a single attack will be near impossible if this is your first game.) Attack Akaheru with your best attack group (I used Rance, Senhime, Gon, Natori, Uruza, and Yamamoto Isoroku. Natori uses Miko storm 2. Uruza uses accurate shots. Guard with Gon and when he is injured, use Fellow troop's revenge. With everything already injured you should win. Reload and try again if you do not.) - Mouri conquered - Mouri Motonari and any remaining Mouri sisters are captured (make sure you have Kiku before doing this if you want to clear her) (CG#053) +5 sat. Recruited Mouri Teru. (Any former Mouri territory) Cooking devil: Kikkawa Kiku (CG#050) +5 sat. End Turn 3rd gourd is broken. Turn 48 [True] <SAVE HERE IF YOU WANT TO DO A RAN OR KENSHIN ROUTE ON A 2ND+ GAME. Declare war on Houjou, Capture Ran and recruit her for Ran route. Conquer Asai-Asakura without declaring war on another house for Uesegi house to declare war on you. They will only declare war on you if you conquer a house without having another house at war with you.> (Miko Institute) impose levy. (Izumo) Treasure: Recruit Discount Ticket. Recruit Mouri Motonari. (Owari) Super advanced technology girl: Maria (CG#081) +5 sat. End Turn (CG#015) Turn 49 [True] (Mikan) Treasure: Dragonfly Cutter (equip to Mouri Teru). (Izumo) Mischievous old man: Mouri Motonari. (Akaheru) Search for Dungeon. End Turn Turn 50 [True] (Mikawa) Nickname, war princess: Senhime - level up. (Mikawa) Nickname, war princess: Senhime. (Toukaidou) Treasure: Half-gold Statue. End Turn Turn 51 [True] (Owari) Accept reinforcements - Leila Glainie. Declare war on Houjou. Attack Edo (include all four Mouri House members in battle to unlock family

bonus). End Turn Turn 52 [True] Rance's satisfaction bonus (130) - Troop replenishment cost -1. Attack Edo (use second best attack group). Attack Edo (use best attack group) - taken. End Turn Turn 53 [True] (Mikawa) Nickname, war princess: Senhime - level up. Attack Kazusa 2000 (average attack force) - Kenshin may join defenders. Attack Kazusa 2000 (average attack force). End Turn First Suzaku summon scene. Turn 54 [True] Use items on Leila to 7/7. (Owari) Leazus Royal Guard: Leila - level up. Recruit Kawanoe Mine from prison. Recruit Kawanoe Yuzuru from prison. (Any former Takuga territory) Violent one: Sakamoto Ryouma. Attack Kazusa 2000 - taken. First Souun and Ran scene about Suzaku. End Turn Second Suzaku summon scene. Turn 55 [True] (Any former Takuga territory) Violent one: Sakamoto Ryouma. (Any former Takuga territory) No pranks: Kawanoe Mine. Attack Saitama with Senhime alone. Make sure to lose. Reload if she is killed. Defeat 1/3 for clear. End turn Second Souun and Ran scene about Suzaku - Ran can now be captured. Kentou Kanami sex ticket scene (CG#079) +5 sat. Turn 56 [True] Attack Saitama - Be sure to capture Ran. Attack Saitama - Souun disappears. Attack Saitama. End Turn Turn 57 [True] Attack Texas. Attack Texas. Attack Texas - Asai-Asakura conquered (CG#094) +5 sat. End Turn Turn 58 [True] Attack Saitama - Houjou conquered (CG#066) +5 sat. Dismiss all troops for last two generic commanders recruited from prison in early game and dismiss them. Recruit Daidouji Komatsu from prison. Recruit Asakura Yoshikage from prison. (Edo) Idol commander: Daidouji Komatsu. (Texas) Former Asakura lord: Asakura Yoshikage. End Turn

Uesugi declares war. Akashi declares war. 4th gourd is broken. Turn 59 [True] Attack Mazo with Rance only. Reload if Kenshin scene is not seen. (CG#036) Use items on Asakura Yoshikage to 7/7. (Texas) Former Asakura lord: Asakura Yoshikage - level up. Dismiss Akechi Mitsuhide and Search for Yukihime in Texas. End Turn First Kenshin and Ai conversation. Sill scene (CG#005) +5 sat. Turn 60 [True] Dismiss all troops for Maeda Toshii and Niwa Nagahide and dismiss them both. Recruit Tanegashima Shigehiko from prison. Recruit Yuzuhara Yuzumi from prison. Rance's satisfaction bonus (140) - Increase number of action fans. Rance's satisfaction bonus (150) - Increase everyone's affection by 3. Attack Mazo with Rance only. Reload if Kenshin scene is not seen. Use Items on Daidouji Komatsu to 7/7. (Edo) Idol commander: Daidouji Komatsu - level up. End Turn Scout Uesugi attacks. If Kenshin attacks, send Rance to defend alone. Second Kenshin and Ai conversation. Operation permits given. You have until turn 64 to raise 1 footsoldier and 1 warrior to 1000 troops each. Turn 61 [True] Use items on Kentou Kanami to 7/7. (Owari) Unlucky ninja: Kanami - level up. (Edo) Have Kanami scout (CG#080). Attack Mazo. Scout first. If Kenshin is not in battle, do not deploy Rance in battle (Kenshin should not be there). Attack Mazo with Rance only. If Kenshin is not in battle, reload - taken. End Turn Third Kenshin and Ai conversation. Sakamoto Ryouma - level up (commander may vary). Turn 62 [True] Attack Himeji with Senhime alone. Make sure to lose. Reload if she is killed. Defeat 2/3 for clear. Attack Himeji. Do not deploy Rance. <First Nuhe is released> Attack Himeji with a single weak unit to trigger first Nuhe battle. Attack Himeji with a single weak unit to trigger second Nuhe battle. End Turn Commander conversation (I had Yukihime). Turn 63 [True] (Owari) Traveling carnival is here - Sill +3 score. Attack Himeji with a single weak unit to trigger third Nuhe final. Attack Himeji. Do not deploy Rance. <Hibachi released> Attack Sado with Rance only. If Kenshin is not in battle, reload - taken. <Kenshin retakes Sado with night attack> <SAVE HERE>

End Turn [Optional: Choose Reconcile. After a scene with Kenshin End Turn twice. The next turn Ai will appear in a scene and a purple event flag for her will appear in Owari. Select it for CG#037. Reload to end of turn 63 and then choose Kill the messenger instead and continue.] Random commander conversation (I had Mouri Motonari). Turn 64 [True] !!!Important!!! Equip 1 foot soldier (not Senhime) and 1 warrior with operation permits. Do not use them this turn. (Mikawa) Nickname, war princess: Senhime - level up. Attack Sado with Senhime alone. Make sure to lose. Reload if she is killed. Defeat 3/3 for clear. (Mikawa) Nickname, war princess: Senhime - level up and clear (She will no longer leave if she does not fight). (Kyo) Beautiful archer: Yamamoto Isoroku - level up - choose Whirlwind shot. End Turn Operation permit holders take 2 Sado areas. Turn 65 [True] [Optional: SAVE HERE. End your turn until Kenshin and Ai appear in a scene CG#035. Reload to the save and continue from here.] !!!Important!!! Make sure to heal both operation permit holders. Do not use them this turn. Do not use Suzume. Dismiss Yukihime. Dismiss Tamagushi Fuuka (She has no more satisfaction to give and we will not go to the Orochi dungeon in this play). Declare war on Iga. Attack Sado - Uesugi House conquered (CG#039) +5 sat. (Sado) Recruit: Uesugi Kenshin. (Sado) Recruit: Naoe Ai. End Turn Operation permit holders take 2 Iga areas. Do not use Suzume to defend unless against Iga. If Iga does not attack, reload to turn 65. 5th gourd is broken. Kou disappears. Turn 66 [True] Use items on Daidouji Komatsu to 7/7. (Edo) Idol commander: Daidouji Komatsu - level up. (Edo) Idol commander: Daidouji Komatsu - level up. (Edo) Idol commander: Daidouji Komatsu (CG#069) +5 sat - cleared. Dismiss one of the Kuge sisters. Recruit Nanjou Ran from prison. (Owari) Search full force for missing Kou (CG#013) (Choosing Searched for Kou, but... on a 2nd+ game leads to Isoroku route). End Turn Turn 67 [True] (Owari) Traveling carnival is here - Suzume +3 score. (Edo) Souun's fiancee: Nanjou Ran. (Edo) Souun's fiancee: Nanjou Ran (CG#061) +5 sat. Dismiss other Kuge sister. (Owari) Visit Honnouji (Nobunaga) - Attack using all of Oda's troops (CG#011). End Turn

Turn 68 [True] Dismiss all troops for Nanjou Ran. (Mamushi Oil Field) Oil Dungeon Search <Ran dies>. (Sado) Goddess of War: Uesugi Kenshin. !!!Important!!! Make sure to heal both operation permit holders. Do not use them this turn. Do not use Suzume. Declare war on Takeda House. Attack Iga with Rance and Suzume in battle - conquered (CG#028) +5 sat. End Turn Operation permit holders take 2 areas from Takeda House. Ogawa Kentarou joins. Turn 69 [True] !!!Important!!! Make sure to heal both operation permit holders. Do not use them this turn. <Increase Naoe Ai's troops to at least 1000 if you have not already. Equip her with an operation permit. Do not use her this turn.> Attack Himeji - Akashi conquered - Take him as prisoner (CG#056) +3 sat. (Himeji) Search for Akashi's secret, Nuhe (CG#055) +5 sat. (Himeji) Go to hot spring (^o^) (CG#003) +5 sat. Investigate the youkai empire. End Turn Operation permit holders take 3 remaining areas from Takeda House. Turn 70 [True] <Begin increasing Suzume's troop size to at least 1000. Don't worry if you can't get her there yet.> Attack Kai - taken. (Kai) Search for dungeon. (Kai) Kaizuka Search +15 sat by the end of the 4th floor. Rance's satisfaction bonus (160) - Increase everyone's affection by 3. End Turn Turn 71 [True] (Owari) Traveling carnival is here - 3G +3 score. (Izumo) Cleaning queen: Mouri Teru - level up. (Izumo) Cooking devil: Kikkawa Kiku - level up - cleared. Attack Shinano - Takeda House conquered (try capturing them on a Ran or monkey route). End Turn Turn 72 [True] (Izumo) Poisonous lady: Kobayakawa Chinu. (Owari) Owari's fearsome warrior: Ranmaru - level up. (Owari) Leazus Royal Guard: Leila. Use items on Leila to 7/7 if needed. (Owari) Leazus Royal Guard: Leila (CG#082) +5 sat - cleared. End Turn Turn 73 [True] <Suzume or another ninja should have at least 1000 troop size. Equip a ninja with the 4th operation permit.> Rance's satisfaction bonus (170) - Increase everyone's affection by 3. Use items on Mouri Teru to 7/7. (Izumo) Cleaning Queen Mouri Teru - level up. (Izumo) Road to Hades - Leave once you finish floor 17. Make sure you acquire the Hallicinogen of Death drop and the coil, iron pipe, and tape if you are still missing any. These are randomly distributed, so if you did not get these, you can reload and try again.

(Texas) Former Asakura lord: Asakura Yoshikage - level up (total NP should increase from 115 to 140). End Turn Demon Army appears. Turn 74 [True] (Takuga territory) Violent one: Sakamoto Ryouma - level up. (Tangeshima territory) Cube blacksmith: Tanegashima Shigehiko - level up. (Sado) Goddess of War: Uesugi Kenshin - level up. Use items on Mouri Teru to 7/7. (Izumo) Cleaning Queen Mouri Teru - level up (CG#047 & CG#048) +5 sat cleared. (Izumo) Foursome with the 3 sisters (CG#052) +5 sat. Dismiss all troops for Kobayakawa Chinu. End Turn After first operation permit attack, you will be attacked 5 times. Defend against at least 2 of those. Do not let them completely take a territory. Remaining 3 operation permit attacks will occur and retake lost territory. <Kobayakawa Chinu dies> Operation permits taken back. Turn 75 [True] (Owari) Traveling carnival is here - Kouhime +3 score. (Owari) My slave: Sill +5 sat. (Owari) Demon King couple: Kentarou, Miki - Wait and see. Recruit Akashi Kazemaru from prison. (Tanegashima territory) Musketeer girl: Yuzuhara Yuzumi - level up. <save> End Turn Scout when the Demon army attacks. Reload if Agireda is not in battle (I had to reload once). Capture her. Include a defeated warrior hunt and a warrior with light attack to make it easier. Killing only her helps as well. If you cannot capture her this time, you have some time before you have space to recruit her. Kouhime joins. Turn 76 [True] (Tanegashima territory) Cube blacksmith: Tanegashima Shigehiko - level up. (Tanegashima territory) Cube blacksmith: Tanegashima Shigehiko. (Owari) Demon King couple: Kentarou, Miki - level up. (Owari) Unlucky ninja: Kanami - level up. End Turn Turn 77 [True] (Takuga territory) Sword flash: Kawanoe Yuzuru - level up. (Owari) Dango princess: Kouhime - Protection Paper acquired. (Kyo) Harassed swordsman: Okita Nozomi - level up +1 sat. Rance's satisfaction bonus (180) - Increase everyone's affection by 3. End Turn Deploy Rance and Kenshin in a defending battle together. Turn 78 [True] (Mikan) Underground Mandarin Plantation Search (Make sure to obtain another Hallucinogen of Death and an Ero candle). (Texas) Search for dungeon. (Sado) Kenshin's staff officer: Naoe Ai - level up. Rance's satisfaction bonus (190) - Increase everyone's affection by 3.

End Turn Turn 79 [True] (Sado) Goddess of War: Uesugi Kenshin - level up (CG#034) +5 sat. (Sado) Kenshin's staff officer: Naoe Ai. (Tanegashima territory) Cube blacksmith: Tanegashima Shigehiko - level up cleared. (Texas) Study Dungeon Search. End Turn Turn 80 [True] [Optional: <save>. Send Leila alone to attack Senkan Nagato and let her unit be annilated. When her unit is destroyed, you will see an event where she is captured. End your turn. During the Demon Army's turn you will see CG#097. Reload on the following turn and continue with the turn normally from the beginning.] (Owari) Super advanced technology girl: Maria (CG#096) +5 sat. (Mikawa) Shining god, Kaguyahime (CG#087) +5 sat - Black Tri-Star Doctors acquired. (Kyo) Harassed swordsman: Okita Nozomi - level up (CG#045) +5 sat. (Owari) Owari's fearsome warrior: Ranmaru - level up (CG#016). End Turn Deploy Yuzuhara Yuzumi with Rance in a defending battle together. Turn 81 [True] (Owari) Demon King couple: Kentarou, Miki. (Owari) Demon King couple: Kentarou, Miki - level up (choose Attack luck if you have not already). Rance's satisfaction bonus (200) - Increase everyone's affection by 3. (Tanegashima territory) Musketeer girl: Yuzuhara Yuzumi - level up. End Turn Turn 82 [True] (Himeji) Kid ruler: Akashi Kazemaru - level up. (Sado) Kenshin's staff officer: Naoe Ai - level up (CG#038) +5 sat. Rance's satisfaction bonus (210) - Increase number of action fans. (Saitama) Battle Seiitai Shogun: Sakanoue no Tamuramaro - Seal of Approval acquired. End Turn Deploy Yuzuhara Yuzumi with Rance in a defending battle together (CG#059) +5 sat Yuzumi - level up. (CG#022) Senkan Nagato is automatically retaken. Turn 83 [True] Rance's satisfaction bonus (220) - Increase everyone's affection by 3. (Himeji) Kid ruler: Akashi Kazemaru - Hibachi obtained. Declare war on Dokuganryuu House. Attack Dokuganryuu House (CG#075). (Kazusa 2000) Battle Youkai Namename: Fight - A woman. End Turn Fight between Ogawa Kentarou and Apostle Shikibi. Attack 3 times, then Use Youmeishu if you cannot kill her on the 4th attack. If you picked Attack luck when leveling Kentarou and have an attack buff, it is possible to kill her without using the item if you have the attack buff. (CG#012) Turn 84 [True]

Heal troops. No action can be taken this turn. End Turn Turn 85 [True] (Owari) Search places where Miki may be: 1. (Owari) Search places where Miki may be: 2 (Do not use your best field units. The remaining amount can be finished on next action. (Owari) Search places where Miki may be: 2 (finish search #2). (Takuga territory) Violent one: Sakamoto Ryouma - level up. (Takuga territory) Violent one: Sakamoto Ryouma - level up (CG#070) +5 sat cleared. End Turn Turn 86 [True] (Takuga territory) Brave warrior of swords: Gon - level up. (Takuga territory) Brave warrior of swords: Gon. (Owari) Search places where Miki may be: 3 (You will be using 2 actions to do this, so do not use any of your best field units.) (Owari) Search places where Miki may be: 3 (CG#006). (Akaheru) Red Wall Dungeon Search - Gon - level up - cleared. End Turn Turn 87 [True] Dismiss Tanegashima Shigehiko. Recruit Agireda from prison. Attack Dokuganryuu House - Nogiku appears (Mazo) Search for dungeon. (Mazo) S&M Dungeon Search. (Takuga territory) Sword flash: Kawanoe Yuzuru - level up - cleared. (Southern Takuga territory) Kentarou's great adventure (Shikoku). End Turn Turn 88 [True] (Owari) Unlucky ninja: Kanami - level up - cleared. (Iga Territory) Kentarou's great adventure (Yamato). (Mazo) Kentarou's great adventure (Mazo). (Owari) Owari's fearsome warrior: Ranmaru Attack Cairo - send a good group for both field and commander battles. <save> End Turn When attacked by Dokuganryuu House, scout and look for Nogiku's unit. If she is not in the battle, reload. Make sure to defeat her unit in battle to capture her. (CG#076) *Note: If you cannot get Nogiku to appear attacking you, attack the *Dokuganryuu House as your first action on turn 89. It may be easier to *find her defending in some games. Houjou Souun joins. Turn 89 [True] Dismiss Akashi Kazemaru (He is no longer needed since Nogiku has been captured). Recruit Nogiku. (Owari) Super advanced technology girl: Maria - level up - cleared. (Owari) Frozen slave: Sill - try all options - Rance level up - Attack luck. (Owari) Owari's fearsome warrior: Ranmaru - cleared. (Dokuganryuu House territory) Southern guardian: Nogiku. Attack Dokuganryuu House. End Turn

Natori - level up (may be another commander conversation for you). Turn 90 [True] Rance's satisfaction bonus (230) - Increase everyone's affection by 3. Use items on Houjou Souun to 7/7. (Saitama) Most powerful diviner: Houjou Souun - level up. Use items on Naoe Ai to 7/7 in needed. (Sado) Kenshin's staff officer: Naoe Ai - level up - cleared. Rance's satisfaction bonus (240) - Increase everyone's affection by 3. Attack Dokuganryuu House - Orime appears. <save> End Turn When attacked by Dokuganryuu House, scout and look for Orime's unit. If she is not in the battle, reload. Make sure to defeat her unit in battle to capture her. (CG#078) *Note: If you cannot get Orime to appear attacking you, attack the *Dokuganryuu House as your first action on turn 91. It may be easier to *find her defending in some games. Apostle Gigai appears (Have Ogawa Kentarou fight him to level when he appears until you are told otherwise. Then use Houjou Souun to kill him for his clear.) Yuzuhara Yuzumi - level up - cleared (It may be a different commander conversation for you.) Turn 91 [True] (Dokuganryuu House territory) Southern guardian: Nogiku - level up. Dismiss Kawanoe Mine. Recruit Orime from prison. Use items on Houjou Souun and Natori if they are not 7/7. (Saitama) Most powerful diviner: Houjou Souun - Natori and Souun level both up. (Dokuganryuu House territory) Western guardian: Orime. [Optional: Use items on Rance to 7/7 if needed. I had extra affection items to spend. If you are short on them, just talk to Rance and save them for character clearing instead.] (Owari) Frozen slave: Sill - It's too dangerous - Rance level up (Must do this this turn or you will lose satisfaction next turn.) Use items on Rance to 7/7 (If you are short on affection items, you can skip this, but it is recommended, particularly if you skipped the previous time). Attack Dokuganryuu House. End Turn Okita Nozomi conversation - Rance unavaible in field battle next turn. Turn 92 [True] (Owari) Frozen slave: Sill - Rance level up. (Tanegashima territory) Search for dungeon. (Tanegashima territory) Tanba Mine Search. (Texas) Treasure: Working Bee - equip to Yuzuhara Yuzumi. Attack Dokuganryuu House - Noir appears. <save> End Turn Have Ogawa Kentarou fight Gigai again.

Turn 93 [True] Dismiss Mouri Motonari. (Mamushi Oil Field) Treasure: Murasame. <save> Attack Dokuganryuu House. Noir should be defending. Reload if she is not. Make sure to defeat her unit in battle to capture her. (CG#077) Recruit Noir from prison. (Dokuganryuu House territory) Eastern guardian Noir. Rance's satisfaction bonus (250) - Increase everyone's affection by 3. (Mamushi Oil Field) Oil Dungeon Search (you will receive a few +4 affection items as well as the normal equipment item). End Turn Okita Nozomi conversation - Rance unavailable for field battles next turn. Turn 94 [True] Rance's satisfaction bonus (260) - Increase everyone's affection by 3. Use items on Orime to 7/7 if needed. (Dokuganryuu House territory) Western guardian: Orime - level up. Use items to 7/7 on Nogiku if needed. (Dokuganryuu House territory) Southern guardian: Nogiku - level up. (Owari) Frozen slave: Sill (This might not level Rance, but it required to avoid satisfaction loss next turn.) Attack Dokuganryuu House - taken - Omachi appears (Do not use Natori in this attack). End Turn When attacked by Dokuganryuu House, Omachi will be attacking. Use one good foot soldier and 5 ranged units including Natori to knock her down before her large lightning destroys you. Have Ogawa Kentarou fight Gigai again. Okita Nozomi conversation - Rance unavailable for field battles next turn. Turn 95 [True] (Owari) *Ask about Masamune. Use items to 7/7 on Noir if needed. (Dokuganryuu House territory) Eastern guardian: Noir - level up. Attack Cairo. (Cairo) Amazon's warrior: Agireda - level up. (Cairo) Amazon's warrior: Agireda (CG#073) +5 sat. End Turn Have Ogawa Kentarou fight Gigai again. Okita Nozomi conversation - Rance unavailable for field battles next turn. Turn 96 [True] (Saitama) Most powerful diviner: Houjou Souun - level up. (Sado) Search for dungeon. (Owari) Frozen slave: Sill - Rance level up. (Hara House territory) Pearl Dungeon Search. Attack Ezo. End Turn Turn 97 [True] (Kyo) Harassed swordsman: Okita Nozomi. (Kyo) Harassed swordsman: Okita Nozomi - level up - cleared. (Cairo) Agireda's tribe gathering. Attack Ezo. Attack Ezo (Weaker attack units should work. They should be running low on commanders.) End Turn

Have Ogawa Kentarou fight Gigai again. Human-headed dog rumor (20 less search needed event). May be another conversation for you. Turn 98 [True] Dismiss Kawanoe Yuzuru. Attack Ezo. Attack Ezo - Dokuganryuu House conquered. (Owari) Tonight at Rance's place - Suzume +1 sat. (Owari) Tonight at Rance's place - Yuzuhara Yuzumi +1 sat. (Owari) Tonight at Rance's place - Daidouji Komatsu +1 sat. End Turn Dokuganryuu Masamune joins. Turn 99 [True] Dismiss Yamamoro Isoroku. (Ezo) Youkai king: Masamune. (Ezo) Youkai king: Masamune. Attack Cairo - Have Ogawa Kentarou fight Gigai again. Attack Cairo. (Owari) Tonight at Rance's place - Mouri Teru +1 sat. End Turn Have Ogawa Kentarou fight Gigai again. Kasumi joins. Turn 100 [True] (Owari) Tonight at Rance's place - Agireda +1 sat. (Cairo) Amazon's warrior: Agireda. (Owari) Tonight at Rance's place - Maria Custard +1 sat. (Owari) Tonight at Rance's place - Magic +1 sat. Attack Cairo - taken (CG#021) +5 sat. End Turn Have Ogawa Kentarou fight Gigai again. Turn 101 [True] Dismiss Kasumi. Use items on Dokuganryuu Masamune to 7/7. (Ezo) Youkai king: Masamune - level up. (Ezo) Youkai king: Masamune - cleared - Omachi joins. (Ezo) Northern guardian: Omachi. Rance's satisfaction bonus (270) - Increase everyone's affection by 3. Attack Amazon (Use a very strong offensive group if you want to minimize maximum troop loss to infected this battle.) End Turn Have Ogawa Kentarou fight Gigai again. Turn 102 [True] (Amazon) Agireda's tribe gathering. (Cairo) Amazon's warrior: Agireda - level up - cleared. (Owari) Tonight at Rance's place - Agireda +1 sat. (Owari) Tonight at Rance's place - Rizna +1 sat (can now find her sex medicine in a dungeon). Attack Amazon. End Turn Have Ogawa Kentarou fight Gigai again.

Turn 103 [True] Dismiss Dokuganryuu Masamune. Recruit Sanada Tourin. Use items on Omachi to 7/7. (Ezo) Northern guardian: Omachi - level up. Use items on Noir to 7/7. (Ezo) Eastern guardian Noir - level up. (Shinano) Quiet cold commander: Sanada Tourin. Dismiss Uesugi Kenshin. (Izumo) Recruit: Yamanaka Kojika. <save> (Sado) Sado Gold Mine Search - Reload if you do not get Sex medicine by the end of the dungeon. End Turn Rizna - (CG#098) +5 sat - cleared. Turn 104 [True] (Izumo) In extreme difficulty: Yamanaka Kojika. Rance's satisfaction bonus (280) - Increase everyone's affection by 3. Rance's satisfaction bonus (290) - Increase everyone's affection by 3. (Ezo) Southern guardian: Nogiku - level up - cleared. Attack Amazon - taken +1 sat - Have Ogawa Kentarou fight Gigai again. End Turn Sanada Tourin - level up - cleared (may be another commander for you. If so, talk to Tourin instead of the commander who leveled this turn.) Turn 105 [True] (Ezo) Northen guardian: Omachi - level up. (Ezo) Western guardian: Orime - level up - cleared. Use items on Noir to 7/7. (Ezo) Eastern guardian Noir - level up - cleared. Attack South Africa. (Izumo) In extreme difficulty: Yamanaka Kojika - level up. End Turn Turn 106 [True] Use items on Omachi to 7/7. (Ezo) Northern guardian: Omachi - level up - cleared. Use items on Yamanaka Kojika to 7/7. (Izumo) In extreme difficulty: Yamanaka Kojika - level up. (Miko Institute) Sousou Poison Dagger. (Hara House territory) Item shop - Spend the bones you collected. Attack South Africa - taken - Have Houjou Souun kill Gigai. End Turn Let her sleep. Turn 107 [True] (Saitama) Most powerful diviner: Houjou Souun - level up - cleared. Demon's daughter: Kurohime (CG#024) +5 sat. (Cairo) Kentarou's great adventure (Cairo). Rance's satisfaction bonus (300) - Increase everyone's affection by 3. Attack Morocco. End Turn (CG#014) Turn 108 [True]

Use items on Yamanaka Kojika to 7/7. (Izumo) In extreme difficulty: Yamanaka Kojika - level up - cleared. Demon's daughter: Kurohime +2 sat. Attack Morocco (The smaller of the 3 attack groups should work for the 1st attack.) Attack Morocco (The two monster commanders in back can knock the battle rating down by hitting all 6 units each. Send Sanada Tourin in to use Battle rating down to counter it if it gives you problems.) Attack Morocco - taken (Save your best attack group for this. (Rance, Leila, Mouri Teru, Houjou Souun, Natori, and Omachi make it a very easy fight.) End Turn Turn 109 [True] Attack Tenma Bridge to stop Ishijijii - (I used Rance, Kentarou, Nogiku, Houjou Souun, Natori, and Uruza for the commander battle. Have Souun guard Shikigami Rance and Kentarou, Nogiku can guard, and Natori heals. Uruza does her random buff and hits fairly hard with attacks as well. It should be an easy fight.) (CG#017) End of True History Route. ///2nd+ play Summary/// You should have a score of at least 33 ending with 25 cleared characters. If you managed to capture enough female commanders with Rance in battle, you may have an additional 10 score for 300 or more women. You will also have 2 additional score for each commander that you had at the end with End-game points. Total CG unlocked (85 of 104): 1-17,21,22,24-31,34-39 (Must have saved and reloaded for the extra Uesugi CGs),41,43-53,55-61,64,66,69-71,73-85,87-91,93,94,96-101 (Must have allowed Leila to be captured for her extra CG),103,104 (103-104 are the opening and ending CGs for the game). ///Credits/// Thanks to Alice Soft for making this addicting game and also thanks to Yandere Translations for providing its translation. Also thanks to the Sengoku Rance Wiki for its depth of reference for the game. Thanks as well to all those on the gamefaqs and Yandere forums who have relayed their problems with the original walkthrough. ///Links/// - Sengoku Rance Wiki - Yandere Translations (English patch available here) - Buy your copy here or at your favorite import store. [CG01] ///CG Listing/// To view CGs, start the game and click on the bottom left System button. Select CG mode on the list that appears to open the CG window. CG#001 - Sill CG + scene First purple event with Sill in any game will trigger the scene.

CG#002 - Sill CG + Scene Second automatic scene with Sill. Progress far enough and the scene will trigger. CG#003 - Sill CG + scene Must be triggered at a specific conquered location. It can be random, so check around when you conquer territories. CG#004 - Sill CG + scene Conquer the miko institute and then recruit Natori. Activate Sill's purple event at the Miko Institute. CG#005 - Sill CG + scene Third automatic scene with Sill. Progress far enough and the scene will trigger. CG#006 - Sill CG + scene Automatically acquired on the True route when doing the final search for Miki. CG#007 - Suzume CG + scene Second scene after Suzume joins. Raise Suzume to love and then talk to her again to trigger it. CG#008 - Suzume CG + scene Requires a dungeon event to unlock. Available after CG#007 is seen. CG#009 - Suzume CG + scene Automatically acquired when meeting Suzume. CG#010 - Cherry blossom scene CG + scene Automatically acquired on all routes. CG#011 - Honnouji event CG + scene Automatically acquired when confronting Xavier for the first time. CG#012 - Kentarou & Miki CG + scene Acquired when Kentarou fights Shikibu. CG#013 - Kouhime CG + scene Acquired on the True route when you search for Kou when she disappears when five gourds are broken. CG#014 - Kouhime CG + scene Acquired near the end of the True route. It appears the turn after Rance finds Kou sleeping. Wait for it before attacking the bridge. CG#015 - Kou's folk tale CG + scene

Automatically acquired on all routes but monkey. CG#016 - Ranmaru CG + scene Raise Ranmaru's level to trust and make sure to deploy her and Shibata Katsuie in the same battle. Scene shown shortly before clearing Ranmaru. CG#017 - True History ending CG + scene Beat the game for the first time on the True route. CG#018 - Isoroku ending CG + scene Beat the game on Isoroku's route. CG#019 - Ran ending CG + scene Beat the game on Ran's route without character clearing Ran. Ran must not love Rance to acquire this CG. CG#020 - Kenshin ending CG + scene Beat the game on Kenshin's route. CG#021 - Generic captured female commander CG + scene Capture a demon army territory after they begin to use monsters. CG#022 - Kurohime CG + scene Automatically acquired on all route but Ran and monkey. CG#023 - Kurohime CG + scene Kidnap Kurohime on the Ran or monkey route. CG#024 - Kurohime CG+scene Conquer South Africa to capture Kurohime on the True route before attacking the Tenma bridge. CG#025 - Uesugi army CG + scene Automatically acquired on all routes. CG#026 - Takeda army CG + scene Automatically acquired on all routes. CG#027 - Houjou army CG + scene Automatically acquired on all routes. CG#028 - Iga kunoichi ninja CG + scene Conquer Iga with Suzume and Rance in the final battle. CG#029 - Mouri army CG + scene Automatically acquired on all routes.

CG#030 - Shimazu army CG + scene Automatically acquired on all routes. CG#031 - Takuga army CG + scene Automatically acquired on all routes. CG#032 - Kenshin CG + scene Go on a picnic with Kenshin. Scene begins Kenshin route. CG#033 - Kenshin CG + scene Acquired on the Kenshin route during the emperor race. CG#034 - Kenshin CG + scene Acquired when talking to Kenshin at 7/7 trust on all routes but Kenshin route. CG#035 - Kenshin & Ai CG + scene Choose "Kill the messenger" when Kenshin and Naoe Ai are captured and fail to conquer Uesugi after several turns to trigger this CG. CG#036 - Kenshin CG + scene Encounter Kenshin in battle with Rance for the first time on any route. CG#037 - Ai CG + scene Reconcile with the Uesugi family when their messenger visits. After ending two turns, a purple event becomes available in Owari to trigger this scene. CG#038 - Ai CG + scene Talk to Ai at 7/7 normal when Kenshin is at love to trigger scene. CG#039 - Katsuko (generic Uesugi commander) CG + scene Conquer the Uesugi family. CG#040 - Isoroku & Keikoku CG + scene Automatically acquired on Isoroku route. CG#041 - Isoroku CG + scene Purple event with Isoroku after she is at trust. CG#042 - Isoroku CG + scene Automatically acquired on Isoroku route. CG#043 - Ashikaga princesses CG + scene Conquer Ashikaga family. CG#044 - Anko CG + scene Wait for the scene of Anko trying to see her father before declaring war on

Imagawa family. Then do both purple events in Toukaidou before conquering it. Be sure to keep her father's secret. CG#045 - Nozomi CG + scene Acquire the random dungeon drop ero candle. Nozomi must be at trust. CG#046 - Otohime CG + scene Second trip through the Kachikachi Dungeon. Must have unlocked event for CG#007 during this play. CG#047 - Teru CG + scene Acquire the random dungeon drop hallucination of death. Teru must be at trust. CG#048 - Teru CG + scene Acquired when CG#047 is activated. CG#049 - Kiku CG + scene Defeat the Mouri family in an all out battle before capturing Kiku. Recruit Kiku to activate scene. CG#050 - Kiku CG + scene Defeat decursed Mouri Motonari in the final commander battle. Talk to Kiku at 7/7 trust. CG#051 - Chinu CG + scene Recruit all members of the Mouri family and deploy them all in a battle. Talk to Chinu at 7/7 trust. CG#052 - Chinu, Kiku, & Teru CG + scene Clear all Teru and Kiku and raise Chinu to trust. A purple event will appear in Mouri territory that you control. CG#053 - Kojika CG + scene Defeat Mouri family after viewing all of Kojika's automatic scenes. Will not appear on monkey route if you do not declare war on Tenshi to trigger the earlier event. CG#054 - Hibachi CG + scene Conquer the Akashi family quickly before Hibachi is released, let Mouri conquer them and search after conquering Mouri, or demand their surrender after declaring war (thanks triAce_Fanboy for the surrender tip). A purple event will appear in Himeji. *Note: To acquire this CG by conquering Akashi yourself, wait to attack them *until you have an operation permit set and at least 3 action fans. Equip your *units with the operation permits and let them take all but the last area of *Himeji. If Akashi tries to retake part of Himeji, do not defend. Wait until *you control all but the last area of Himeji at the beginning of your turn *(You can reload the end of your previous turn to try to get Akashi to skip *their attack to speed things up). Then, send a single unit to attack Himeji *twice. After the second attack is blocked by a Nuhe, you will have a single

*chance to attack the last area of Himeji and conquer Akashi with no Nuhe to *block your attack. CG#055 - Hibachi CG + scene Conquer the Akashi family after Hibachi is released. A green search event will appear in Himeji. CG#056 - Akashi's widow CG + scene Conquer the Akashi family. CG#057 - Akihime CG + scene Capture Aki instead of making her a commander. CG#058 - Manmaru CG + scene Conquer Tenshi sect. CG#059 - Yuzuhara CG + scene Get Yuzuhara to normal. Deploy her and Rance in battle. Get her to trust. Deploy her and Rance in battle again to activate scene after battle. CG#060 - Tanegashima blacksmiths CG + scene Conquer Tanegashima. CG#061 - Ran CG + scene Capture Ran and recruit her after Souun goes missing. Event triggered when the entrance to Mamushi Oil Field is revealed. CG#062 - Ran & Keikoku CG + scene Automatically acquired on Ran route. CG#063 - Ran CG + scene Available on the Ran route. CG#064 - Ran CG + scene Automatically acquired on all routes. CG#065 - Sekimei & Keikoku CG + scene Automatically acquired at the end of Ran route. CG#066 - Houjou diviner girls CG + scene Conquer Houjou family. CG#067 - Ogres raiding CG + scene Automatically acquired on Ran route when portals are opened. CG#068 - Komatsu CG + scene Leave Komatsu in prison for a very long time (it took over 50 turns for me my

first time). Eventually, her followers will demand her release. A purple event will appear in Owari. Choose it to acquire the CG. *Note: The chance for the event is extremely low, but if you are lucky you may *get it almost immediately while she is in prison. In some games I have gone *over 150 turns without getting the event as well. Keep trying until it *happens. CG#069 - Komatsu CG + scene Talk to Komatsu at 7/7 trust with no diviners recruited to reach love. A purple event then appears in Houjou territory. CG#070 - Ryouma CG + scene Change Ryouma to a woman and then talk to her. CG#071 - Ryouma CG + scene Conquer Takuga family. CG#072 - Mine CG + scene Get Mine to trust. Turn Ryouma into a man. Talk to Mine to trigger. CG#073 - Agireda CG + scene Raise Agireda's affection to trust and then talk to her. CG#074 - Agireda CG + scene Conquer Shimazu family on Ran or monkey route with all four Shimazu brothers recruited. CG#075 - Nogiku, Noir, Omachi, & Orime CG + scene Automatically acquired when fighting the Dokuganryuu family. CG#076 - Nogiku CG + scene Defeat Nogiku's unit in battle. Must have recruited Akashi Kazemaru and combined Hibachi with his unit to capture her. CG#077 - Noir CG + scene Defeat Noir's unit in battle. CG#078 - Orime CG + scene Defeat Orime's unit in battle. CG#079 - Kanami CG + scene Call for reinforcements again after recruiting Kanami to get Maria. Talk to Maria to get ticket to unlock purple event with Kanami. CG#080 - Kanami CG + scene Get Kanami to normal. Send her to scout in Houjou territory to trigger scene. CG#081 - Maria

CG + scene Talk to Maria after getting the ticket to trigger scene. CG#082 - Leila CG + scene Get Leila to trust and have Kenshin recruited. Talk to Leila at 7/7 trust. CG#083 - Rizna CG + scene Talk to Rizna once per turn after recruiting her to trigger this scene. CG#084 - Uruza CG + scene Do event in Izumo for Uruza. A purple event will appear the following turn to trigger the scene. CG#085 - Magic CG + scene The third purple event with Magic will trigger this scene. CG#086 - Mokko CG + scene Visit Mokko for a third time after having 3000 or more cavalry troops. CG#087 - Kaguyahime CG + scene View purple shining god event in Mikawa after conquering it. Acquire the three items for Kaguyahime from random dungeon drops and visit her again. CG#088 - Senhime CG + scene Conquer Tokugawa family. CG#089 - Kuma CG + scene Triggered by the second purple event at the Miko Institute. CG#090 - Natori CG + scene Conquer the Miko Institute. CG#091 - Fuuka CG + scene Conquer at least 3 territories and speak with Fuuka. CG#092 - Orochi dungeon CG + scene Go to the bottom of the Orochi dungeon. Does not required defeating Orochi to unlock. CG#093 - Yukihime CG + scene Triggered after ending your turn after first turn of attacking Asai-Asakura family. CG#094 - Yukihime CG + scene Conquer Asai-Asakura family. CG#095 - Hotate & Yone CG + scene

Available on Isoroku route. Visit the applicants. CG#096 - Maria CG + scene Available after taking Maria to see Tanegashima Shigehiko. CG#097 - Leila CG + scene Clear Leila first. Then, let her unit be defeated while fighting the Demon Army. You must have seen the scene where Kurohime has released all of Xavier's seals to trigger the event. Must be unlocked while there are still human commanders (it is too late when monster commanders appear). CG#098 - Rizna CG + scene After viewing Rizna's first scene, visit her again randomly in Rance's room. Search dungeons for sex medicine drop. Talk to Rizna with the sex medicine. CG#099 - Uruza CG + scene After triggering CG#084, deploy Rance and Uruza in the same battle. CG#100 - Magic CG + scene Keep talking to Magic after her first scene to activate this scene. CG#101 - Nekohime CG + scene Conquer first territory without that being the last territory for a family. CG#102 - Road to Hell dungeon poster CG + scene Finish the Road to Hell dungeon. CG#103 - Opening movie CG only Start the game the first time. CG#104 - Ending movie CG only Beat the game for the first time.

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