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The Dog Rambler E-diary

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March 2012
Walk Dogs on walk

Shady days under shady trees Cyrano, Dylan Finn, Jolie, Otis, Ozzy


6 miles

Shady days indeed. As we sought to temper the heat. A tree lined walk offering splashes of shade as an insistent sun continually broke through the canopy. Still skeleton like branches as the buds of many leaves are still nudging through. Early Spring life emerging, the buds like curled little babies in the womb. Young and delicate. More than can be said for the panting rabble on the walk. Although the heat did slow them down despite the cool breeze which I think was welcomed by us all. Although it did not last and on the return journey it blew itself out and then as the sun rose higher in the sky so the temperature raised its heat level to baking. There were enough small streams and ditches in the walk to keep the dogs happy and their tongues only half out of their mouths. Plenty of mud in the drying beds to give them the look of wellingtons. After enough slurps Finn decided it was time for some action and

his nearest target was Ozzy. Ozzy responded bravely and at first a boys stand-off developed before they realised they were friends. Helped by Jolie bouncing in between them to ease any tension. The dogs broke into groups of two. Finn and Ozzy behind for no good reason. Like typical school boys believing they cannot be seen. Jolie and a still love struck Otis, following her most places. Up front Dylan ran the walk with Cyrano happier off the path and in the undergrowth or looking for the next water stop. The tall, spaced out trees let a lot of light to the ground and the new spring growth was bursting through in a multitude of greens. Somewhere in our narrow band of trees a woodpecker, whacked the wood on a tree. Hammering hard its herald of Spring. Somewhere else some dogs barked. Here they came two Labradors bounding toward us. Soon they were all frolicking about together as I chatted with the owner. Realising that our past lives had almost crossed paths too. Both with a history in housing, him construction, me policy. They came with us for a while heading back to his car beside a road. We crossed the road and continued on the path. The water beside the path now in more muddy trenches. On Jolie the wellingtons became stockings. Cyrano and Ozzy hovered looking for me to throw a stick. Eventually Cyrano had to find his own and Jolie joined him. This was another signal to Finn to leap in and he raced along with Jolie. Much to Cyranos relief. He does not like to share a stick. Dylan kept out of it all at the front and Otis came to join me now that his girlfriend had been stolen away. We reached the outskirts of Ormiston, its landmark modern grain mill buildings glinting in the strong sun from its silver metal walls and roof. It was time to turn back. A woman passed us on her bike, her dog taking a detour into the undergrowth to avoid us. Bus as she stopped to speak it eventually came over to say hello. We let them get ahead before following on. Walking with sticks and then one final chase sorted the dogs out and with tongues beginning to hang lower we headed back past a row of cottages to the waiting car. Nick

Photo slideshow from the walk

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