The AutonomatriX Manifesto

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The AutonomatriX Manifesto

Ver. 980621

:: Symbolism & Design ::

The AutonomatriX is a networking chaos magic guild of those striving to discover, rejuvenate
and disseminate magical ideas and technical skills with success as the only key to validation.
AutonomatriX is control under self and selves under their own control. A Member of the
AutonomatriX agrees that he/she can be inspired by others' work and wishes to exchange
information with and inspire others; the only requirement for Membership is the willingness to
contribute and distribute information.

We seek to interact with creative magicians who are pushing boundaries instead of being
trapped by them. We are a guild of working craftspeople ~ artists, visionaries, magicians and
chaosorcerors who desire to network our personal inspiration and experience while striving
for individual liberty and mastery of self-expression through magical exploration.

The name AutonomatriX is derived from the words autonomy and matrix to represent a self-
directed and self-governing repository of information. The principal emblem of the
AutonomatriX is a circular blade with eight teeth providing a background to the glyph of Eris
turned on its side. Individual Members and Working Groups may use a different emblem of
their own choosing instead of or in addition to the principal emblem. All Members should
have the current emblems available for redistribution.

The time of centralized info-banks is at an end; the nature of "classified" or "secret"

information is that it is more often limiting than useful to the collector, and only profitable to
the banker of such media.

Network interactions are self-determined by interaction within the entire group rather than by
personal prejudice or acceptance of any Member by any other Member. The principle of self-
determined action and interaction is the core of our guild.
:: Access to the AutonomatriX ::

When a Candidate has made contact with a Member of the AutonomatriX, that Member
Sponsors the Candidate hirself in whatever way he/she sees fit. Alternatively, if for any
reason the Member chooses not to Sponsor [or "Link"] the Candidate after the initial inquiry,
that Member must send the information to another Member.

All inquirers will be referred to the Internet URL of the current AX manifesto by the Member
who accepts Sponsorship of that Candidate at the onset of their relationship. If web access is
not available, a hardcopy may be requested.

The Sponsor determines all criteria for initiation.

Initiation may be performed by the Link and/or any other Members of the AX with the consent
of the Sponsor and Candidate. The construction of a self-initiatory rite by the Candidate is
encouraged. The Sponsor is required to notify the network when a Candidate becomes a

The Sponsor should in no way place any unreasonable financial or travel burdens upon the
candidate. In cases wherein a candidate is geographically isolated from hir Sponsor, the
Sponsor may opt to use any interactive media he/she deems appropriate in conducting tests
or initiation of the Candidate.

:: The Corpus Fecundi ::

The Corpus Fecundi comprises a tangible record of research, technical experimentation and
ritual methods that have arisen since the emergence of this Guild of Chaos. This information
is available via the main AutonomatriX Web Portal at

It is the personal responsibility of each Member of the AX to update their copy of the Corpus
Fecundi as new information becomes available. An active Member of the AX is any person
who is on the Contacts Listing. All information for inclusion into the Corpus Fecundi is
transferred over the AX e-mailing list (the AX-L) for inclusion on the wwwegregore noted
above. All Members are strongly encouraged to have e-mail access and a web page of their
The Corpus Fecundi consists of three parts, as follows:

1. The first part is the "Contacts Listing," which includes all participants in the AX. All
are listed by their appellation (any titles may be chosen), e-mail address, Working
Group and/or Project affiliation, homepage URL and a brief biography (bio) of
personal interests, researches, requests for information on any topic, etc. To remain
on the Contacts Listing each Member is responsible for making their Membership
known by interaction with other Members. If for any reason this cannot be done,
active Membership requires that the current AX curators are notified of continued
participation in the network by a letter, e-mail, telephone call or personal visit semi-
2. The second part is an "Index" of all works currently making up the Corpus Fecundi.
All Members are responsible for ensuring that their copy is complete via this Index.
The author of each item will be listed in an authorship page, rather than on the items
3. The third part, the "body of works" includes all forms of tangible media in the form
of rituals, essays, memos, magical glyphs and/or diagrams, etc. to inform the network
and record it's accomplishments and activities. No legal or birth names may be
included anywhere in the Corpus Fecundi.
:: The Curator ::

The Contacts Listing and Index are maintained by the Curator(s) to the best of their ability.
Curators are randomly chosen on June 27th of each year (or upon resignation of a Curator),
from volunteers to update and maintain digital versions of all material in the Corpus Fecundi.
Any individual in the network may assume these responsibilities, although no Curator(s) may
have more than two successive terms of office.

:: Working Groups ::

Each Member of the AX is encouraged to form autonomous Working Groups. All WGs may
be designated by whatever name (Coven, Project, Team, Clan, Temple, Group, Cabal, Tribe,
etc.) deemed appropriate by those directly involved. Working Groups are formed around a
nucleus of two or more AX Members and function as autonomous entities.

Working groups are encouraged to create and distribute a manifesto or statement of intent to
the AX. The AX will in no way interfere in matters of any Working Group's internal structure,
protocol or Membership, with the fullest intention being to keep regulation to a minimum and
encourage diversity within the network.

:: Projects ::

A Project (or Operation) is usefully described as an extended working for a specific goal
carried out by one or more Members of the guild regardless of WG affiliation. A Project may
begin with it's own Manifesto, providing information regarding aims and area(s) of research in
whatever detail the participants in the Project deem necessary.

:: Information Transference ::

Information is distributed throughout the active Membership via the AX-L and/or the
wwwegregore. Those Members without Internet access should request updates regularly
from their Sponsor or a current Curator.

No items intended for the Corpus Fecundi may be marked with the author's appellation,
although it is recommended that each item is accompanied by a preface providing whatever
personal data the author or distributor desires.Any materials distributed via the Corpus
Fecundi become the property of each individual Member, and all Members may redistribute
this information as he/she sees fit. Contributors waive all copyright, trademark, or other
particular individual rights to work submitted for inclusion in the Corpus Fecundi.

The AutonomatriX does not exist as a corporate or economic institution. It cannot, and does
not seek to, retain rights to the materials generated by its Membership. No Member(s) of the
AutonomatriX may copyright or trademark the AX name or symbols, nor incorporate the AX
as a business or religious organization.
The AutonomatriX maintains an Internet e-mail list (the AX-L). Membership in the AX is not
required to subscribe to the AX-L. In regards to necessary changes in protocol and other
matters, the call for a vote may be requested by any Member of the AutonomatriX. A
reasonable time of two weeks must elapse before all votes are considered final. Success of a
measure requires a positive response from a majority of those that vote within that time
period. The measure will pass in a tie vote.

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