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Cantilever Fixture Test

Experiment #8
Brandon J Howard 2/9/2012

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Abstract The purpose of the Poissons Ratio Flexure Test, was to measure the Poissons Ratio of a cantilevered aluminum beam. This was done by applying a force P to deflect the beam. The Poissons Ratio that was calculated was 0.3079 and the theoretical value found in the lab manual was 0.31. This resulted in an extremely small % error in the experimental and theoretical value of Poissons Ratio of the 2024-T6 Aluminum beam. Background If a material that is linearly elastic, homogeneous, and isotropic is subjected to uniaxial stress, the material will deform in the direction of the applied load and will also display a deformation of the opposite sign in the perpendicular direction. This process is known as the Poissons effect, which consists of a material constant known as Poissons ratio. Poissons Ratio is a unit-less or dimensionless quantity that is defined by the following equation.

lateral longitudinal

This equation only works for simple stress states, and if the beam is experiencing uniaxial stress.

Procedure The procedures for the experiment can be found in the MAE/ CE 370 Lab Manual. There were no deviations from the instructions listed within the manual. Below is the diagram for the set up of the Poissons Ratio Flexure Test.

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Aluminum Beam

Date and Calculations Gage Factor (Sg): 2.085 +1.0

Transverse Sensitivity Factor (Kt):

Longitudinal () Un-deflected Deflected Net Strain

0 1624 1624

Lateral ()
-978 -478 -500

longitudinal = longitudinal (deflected) longitudinal (un-deflected) = 1624 lateral = -500

Transverse Sensitivity Correction lateral / longitudinal = -500 /1624 = -0.3079

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Poissons Ratio Calculation C = 1.00025 (C = lateral correction factor) = -500 C/ longitudinal = 0.3079 standard = 0.31 % error = (standard- calculated ) /standard *100 = 0.66%

Results An experimental value for the Poissons Ratio (), of 2024-T6 Aluminum of 0.3079 was the results of this experiment. The calculated relative error from the theoretical value of 0.31 is approximately 0.66%. Possible sources of error include gage error and it could be due to the digit fluctuations on the P-3500 strain indicator. The experimenters felt that the correction factor was so close to one that it did not make a noticeable difference in the final data.

Conclusion Due to the less than one percent error between the experimental and theoretical ratio values the experimenters concluded that the data collected is very accurate. This also reflects on the accuracy in following the listed instructions, measurement taken, and final calculations. References Engineering Mechanics: Mechanics of Material, Hibbeler, R.C., 2005, 6th Edition MAE/ CE 370 Laboratory Manual 7.1-7.8

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