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Advanced Palette Editor (a a APE) v1.3.

3 Copyrigth 2007 Andrea Sartori a a Mew2 a a Hac Mew =============================================================================== ============ -DESCRIPTION=============================================================================== ============ A program to edit palettes in GBA ROMs. =============================================================================== ============ -INSTRUCTIONS=============================================================================== ============ 1) Open your favourite ROM. 2) It's time to load a palette. You have two choice: loading it from offset, or searching it. 3) In the first case, just type the offset in the respective textbox. If the pa lette you're going to load is a LZ77 compressed one, chec the compressed palette option. Clic the Load button, then. Now, if everything went fine, you should see al l the 16 colors in the Actual Palette field, both in hex and color view. At this p oint, we're going to really edit the palette. To ma e so, type for each color in t he Actual Palette the respective one in the Changed Palette. Once you're done, clic the Replace button to save the changes made. 4) In the latter case, you have to type in the Actual Palette's textboxes all t he 16 colors you want to loo for. Eventually, you can search for less than than 1 6 colors but you have to search at least for one color anyway. Once ready, clic the Sear ch button. If you find some results, the offset textbox will change to the offset where the searched palette actually is. If you clic the Search button again, the pro gram will scan the rest of the ROM for other identical palettes. A "Find Next", after all. When you finally find the right palette, follow the instructions on step 3 to edi t it. =============================================================================== ============ -TIPS'N'TRICKS=============================================================================== ============ In this section we're going to learn some almost-hidden or not so explicit thin

gs: * The RGB/GBA Converter can be used to quic ly convert a RGB color (e.g. #00FF0 0) to the respective GBA one (e.g. E003) and vice versa. You can access it from the Too ls menu. * The APE's Color Pic er is a Photoshop-li e color pic er with an integrated ey edropper and magnifier. It helps you choosing the right color, when you need. You can open it from the Tools menu or just pressing CTRL+T. * Actual/Changed palettes can be imported and/or exported via the Edit menu. Supported formats are: GPL (APE Palette, native), ACT (Adobe Color Table), PAL (PaintShop Palette) and TPL (Tile Layer Pro Palette). Nevertheless, you c an also copy and clear them. * When copying/clearing a palette pay attention because you can choose two diff erent options: All Palettes and Only Active Palette. I thin that the name are self -explanitory. To change that option, rightclic on the Copy/Clear imagebutton: a small menu will popup. That's it! * When typing in the Actual/Changed palette textboxes you will notice that when you reach the limit for each one (which is 4), if you try to write something else the c ursor will go to the next textbox. * The Index near the Actual/Changed palette can be used to load 16 different pa lettes just changing the Index and following the procedure to load a palette. Keep in min d that when Exporting/Importing a palette, it will we be always treated as a 256 col or one. So, 16 colors for each Index. * Doubleclic ing on the little color preview under each colors in the Actual/Ch anged palette will cause the Color Pic er to popup. If the Auto Copy option is enabled, the GBA color chosen will be automatically copied to the clipboard. Moreover, if both Auto copy and Auto Paste options are enabled, when closing the Color Pic er, the last selec ted color will replace the color that you have chosen in the Actual/Changed palette. * The Boo mar s function is useful to store, as the name say, some boo mar s an d load them when you need. Each game version will have his own boo mar s that you can add /delete/change with the user-friendly editor. NOTE: when giving a description to a boo mar , remember to put "<C>" in front if the palette is compressed. Example: "<C> Mewtwo Palette".

* Rightclic ing on the boo mar list will cause the Boo mar Search to popup. T o search something, just type what you want on the textbox: the first occurrence, if f ound, will be highlighted. * The Safe Mode is a function that chec s silently, when you want to load/edit a palette, if the colors inside it are really colors or not. Colors, in fact, go from 0000 to FF7F: any higher value is not a color, obviously. The Safe Mode alerts you by changing the bac ground color of the "wrong" colors. Anyway, when loading a palette ma e sure to chec the "Compressed Palette" chec box if it's a compressed one. Otherwhise, you could get some "wrong" colors which shouldn't be supposed to be there.

* If you type something in the textbox you will notice the autocomplete functio n. * The Gradient-o-matic is a gradient ma er accessible from the Tools menu. Just li e the name say, it helps you to create unlimited color gradients that fit with your desires.

* In the Boo mar Editor, when doubleclic ing a boo mar ected boo mar will be loaded.

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