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A SUMMER INTERNSHIP PROJECT REPORT ON Operations & Marketing AT South Asia FM L.T.D (Formally known as Super Hits 93.5 Red FM) JAIPUR


POST GRADUATE CENTER Institute of Rural Management, Jodhpur


I take immense pleasure in thanking Mr.Atul Pareek, for having permitted me to carry out this project work at their esteemed organization Super hits 93.5 Red FM.

I wish to express my deep sense of gratitude to, Mr.Atul Pareek Station Head, Superhits 93.5 Red FM for his able guidance and useful suggestions, which helped me in completing the project work, in time.

Needless to mention that Mr. Atul Pareek, who had been a source of inspiration and for his timely guidance in the conduct of my project work and for all their valuable assistance in the project work.

It was my pleasure to do summer internship with Super hits 93.5 Red Fm.

Aniket Purohit


Chapter Preface


Page No.

Acknowledgement Executive Summary 1 Research Methodology 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 2 Research Objectives Scope of study Type of Research Design Quantitative Research Data Sources Methodology Research Tool Questionnaire and Sample Design

Introduction to Radio Industry 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 History Radio Characteristics How Radio works? Radio in comparison with other media vehicles Future Scenario Porters Five Force Model

Red FM Company Overview 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 Introduction Departmental Analysis Management Control System Marketing Plan 7 Ps of marketing

4 5 8

Data Analysis & Interpretation Conclusion Bibliography



To analyze the existing players in the market and their positioning strategies. To compare the existing players with Red FM in terms of different attributes. To design perceptual maps displaying all the players in terms of different attributes. 7

To draw a performance matrix for Red FM in order to help them make amendments in the existing strategy in order to become the leader.


The study of the consumer behavior has been done to understand the listening pattern of the consumers for all the players and accordingly promote Red FM. Research for the consumers was carried out randomly from various places within Jaipur city. Consumers age groups. The respondents comprises of working men and women, businessmen, housewives, students, college goers (youth). Educational Background of the target audience would be classified into the following categories. who were focused for the survey were a

homogeneous mixture of men and women again of different

School students, Graduates, Post graduates, service, Business, Homemakers.

Attributes of Perceptual Mapping for all the players of the industry:


Radio Jockey The radio jockeys famousness, communication (ability to connect with the audience), voice, language etc. defines the popularity of radio station. Music Preference The old hindi movie songs , latest movie songs, remixes, regional, gazals, etc. Shows Morning shows, afternoon shows, evening shows and night shows. Information Traffic updates, awareness campaigns. Sparklers Pranks played by different RJs.


Descriptive research is used for the project.

A survey of listeners in Jaipur is done. The survey is done by questionnaire which comprises of open ended as well as close ended questions.


Primary data is collected through survey of listeners.

Secondary Data

Secondary data was collected from internet, and magazines.

The method used for survey is structured questionnaire.


The questionnaire comprise of open ended and closed ended questions.

SAMPLE SIZE: 200 SAMPLING TYPE: Convenience Sampling Age group of 18 to 35 10

o o o o o o

Occupation Distribution: School Graduates Post Graduates Service Business Homemakers -

A pilot survey of -- consumers was done to ensure that the questionnaire is correct and relevant of research objectives.

Once pilot study was over, actual survey was conducted.

Result of the study was put in tables and graphs along with interpretation for easy understanding of the findings of the research. Accordingly the charts and perceptual maps were generated from the tables.





Radio broadcast commenced in India in the early 1920s. It is one of the oldest and the most accessible segments of the entertainment industry. The history of radio broadcasting in India dates back to 1923, when the first radio program was broadcasted by the Radio Club of Bombay. All India Radio (AIR) established and operated by the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting (MIB), was the only player till the FM radio privatization process was initiated an the year 1999. The phenomenal reach of radio in India, more than any other medium of entertainment or information, makes it hard to ignore. For more than 4 decades, the government of India did not permit private radio station to broadcast in India. Then history changed its course. In 1993, the government in its wisdom, allowed private FM operators to buy blocks on All India Radio, prepares programming content, book commercials from advertisers and broadcast the whole lot. Within 4 years (1997-98), the FM radio advertising and sponsorship business grew to Rs 93 crores with Times of Indias Times FM & Mid-day groups Radio Mid-day becoming the main players. History was destined to change course once again. In June 1998

the Government, through its electronic media regulatory body PrasarBharti, decided not to renew contracts of private FM operators. Not surprisingly, the advertising revenue fell 50% within a year.

As destiny would have it, history changed course once again.

This time, the government gave the green light to privatize radio in 13

India. July 6, 1999 was the history day when the government announced that 150 new FM channels would be licensed across 40 cities. And in 2000, the government auctioned licenses for private FM

channels to bolster the revenue. The highest bidder wins was the order of the day. And the focus on metros was evident in the bidding. Expecting to collect Rs 800 million from auctioning 108 licenses, the government had to actually face mass withdrawal of the bidders of the huge license fee. A handful of serious bidders choose to remain. In 2001, some of these players have started launching their

channel. The governments tenth plan stipulates that private operations are to be encouraged to provide FM radio service in metros and small cities. They announced Phase 2 of the privatization of FM radio, which was an initiative in line with the road map laid out in the tenth plan. A total of 338 channels in 91 cities across the country were made available for bidding by Indian private companies. FM Policy Phase-II has been well accepted by all stakeholders, which resulted in huge growth not only in FM radio industry but also in employment opportunity and has also created a demand for FM radio in other cities. The government has recently also announced Phase 3 of privatization of FM radio which is expected in April 2010. At present the industry is seeing the upward trend.



Radio is a cost effective medium to advertiser It offers reach, frequency, impact and economical advertising solution for the advertisers. Radio advertising rates are low on cost per thousand (CPT) basis as compared to other media. Excellent complementary medium Radio forms an excellent complementary medium to television and print. It can extend the reach of a campaign, focus the delivery, and enhance or reinforce a message. Interactive medium Radio speaks to its audience in a highly personal manner. Listeners build a relationship with their local radio personalitiesa rich resource into which the community can tap. Low content costs Unlike television, radio does not require any commissioned original content. Most of the content n radio is live. The biggest content i.e. music, requires a royalty which is payable to the relevant societies viz. Phonographic Performance Limited (PPL) and Indian Performing Rights Society (IPRS) and certain music companies.

Prime time differs from television 16

The prime time for radio listenership differs from prime time television viewing. Radio listenership peaks in the morning, afternoon and late night time slots, while television viewership reaches its peak during the night slot. Delivers relevant audience Listenership of radio as indicated by the Indian Listener ship Track (ILT) survey is the highest as a percentage among the younger audience. Ambient Medium Easy to consume, you dont have to make an extra effort to entertain yourself Encircles the audience A Good Partner It travels with the audience, wherever they go all the time. It begins where the print ends. Last medium consumed before purchase. Local Radio is a local medium. Provides a good platform for areaspecific campaigns. Very Low Spill-over. Reminder Media People generally tend to forget things. Here radio helps the admessages by reminding the people at the right time & place Clutter Breaking 17

Radio helps in breaking the clutter for any advertiser as adavoidance is very low in this medium Innovative We can execute n-number of innovative ideas. Can generate quick response of any campaign.


Radio waves" transmit music, conversations, pictures and data invisibly through the air, often over millions of miles -- it happens every day in thousands of different ways! Even though radio waves are invisible and completely undetectable to humans, they have totally changed society

AM Waves
AM stands for amplitude modulation. AM was the dominant method of broadcasting during the first eighty years of the 20th century and remains widely used into the 21st. AM radio ranges from 535 to 1705 kHz. These are the numbers you see on your AM radio dial. AM radio technology is simpler than FM Radio.AM radio waves are of a lower frequency than either FM radio or TV waves.


Stations can theoretically be placed every 10 kHz, along the AM

band. This means that there are a total of 117 different channels available for AM radio station. One cannot put stations on the same frequency that are too

close together in geographic area. They will interfere with each other. Therefore there is a limitation in the number of radio station in an area. Since the signals of station tend to be limited in their range, the

frequency can be used many times- as long as the stations are far enough apart geographically. How far an AM stations signal ravels depends on such things as the stations frequency, the power of the transmitter in watts, the nature of the transmitting antenna, how conductive the soil is around the antenna, and, a thing called ionospheric refraction. Ionospheric refraction is a very big issue, since AM radio waves can end up hundreds and even thousands of miles away, and in the process interface with all other stations on the same frequency. AM radio stations the ground wave doesnt go very far. This means numerous stations can be put on the same frequency without interfering with each other. The problem arises-if you want to see it as a problem-with the sky wave, which can end up in other states and provinces, or even in other countries.


The ionospheric is much more effective in reflecting these radio waves at night. Thats why at sunset most AM radio stations: Reduce power Directionalize their signals (send it more in some direction than others), or go off the air This may explain why your favorite AM radio station goes off the air at sunset, or becomes much harder to hear.

FM and TV Waves:
FM stands for Frequency modulation. FM and TV waves dont act in the same way as AM radio waves. FM is on a higher frequency. The FM radio band goes from 88 to 108 MHz. FM radio stations must be 200 kHz apart at these frequencies, which mean that theres room for 200 FM stations on the FM band. But unlike, AM Radio station, FM station doesnt end up being assigned

frequencies with nice round number like 820 or 1240. Thus, an FM station may be at 88.7 on the dial.


You may have noticed that FM stations dont reduce

power or sign off the air at sunset. Thats because ionospheric refraction doesnt appreciably affect FM or TV signals. For the most part FM and TV signals are line of sight. Although this

means that FM stations dont interfere with each other, this characteristic creates a couple of other problems. First, these waves go in a straight line and dont bend around the earth

as AM ground waves do. They quickly disappear into space-which may be fine if you are sitting on mars trying to listen to your FM radio. If not, then the farther away from the FM or TV station you are, the higher you have to have an antenna to receive the FM or TV signal. Note that the earth is round-we hope this does not come as a shock to anyone-and, therefore, these signals will literally leave the earth after 50 miles or so. Since FM signals are line of sight, they can be stopped or reflected by things like mountains and buildings. In the case of solid objects like buildings, reflections create swishing sound when you listen to FM while driving around tall structures. The higher the FM transmitter antennas are the greater area they will coverwhich explains why these antennas are commonly very tall, or placed on top of the mountains. AM radio doesnt need that kind of advantage, since, as weve seen, AM radio waves dont behave in the same way. Note also from the drawing above the FM signals tend to go through the ionosphere rather than refracted form it. Again it means that no matter what the station power, its signal at some point leave the earth. 21


Radio in comparison with other media vehicles

Medium Newspaper TV Radio Internet Mobile

Start Date 17th Century 1960 1975 2000 1996

Current Reach 32 Cr Readers 45 Cr Viewers 17 Cr Listeners 5 Cr. Visitors monthly 44 Cr users connections

Source: Roy Morgan Research single source data (People 14+); Jan - Dec 2008



Radio adds Rs 5crore exclusive listeners to a TV plan Thats an incremental reach of 11% to a TV

Populati on

reached in

Source: IRS 20009 R1

Radio is a Reach Builder in Mornings & Frequency Builder in Evenings, complements TV plans

RADIO Radio is a reach builder in the morning

TV And a frequency builder in evening


54 52 50 48 46 44 42 TV TV + Print TV + Radio 46 48 51


All media


Brand Awareness Increases Dramatically For Print + Radio Campaigns

The audience exposed to radio generated almost three times thebrand recall compared to the audience exposed to newspapers only. Source: A Study by US Radio Advertising Effectiveness Lab (RAEL) Radio adds an exclusive audience of 11 crores to print. Great medium to support / boost any print

n For reached in crores

The Audience Are Able To Provide Much Better Message Playback, Pr I nt Radio Campaign

30 25 20 15 10 5 0 Press 17


Press + Radio


Radio Offers Effective Targeting

Brands can focus their activity around Key Target Groups on Radio Audience Profile Varies Across the Day; thereby allowing Day Part Targeting


The Indian Media and Entertainment industry is forecasted to grow at an annual growth rate of 19 per cent to reach Rs 83,740 crore by 2010. The forecasted CAGR of various segments of the Media and

Entertainment industry in India till 2010 is: Radio - 32% Music - 1% Television - 24% Film Industry - 18% Print Media - 12%

The forecasted size of the various segments of the Media and

Entertainment industry in India till 2010 is: Radio - Rs 1,200 crore Music - Rs 740 crore Television - Rs 42,700 crore Film Industry - Rs 15,300 crore Print Media - Rs 19,500 crore

The government has announced Phase 3 of privatization of FM radio which is expected in April 2010. Therefore large number of radio stations, across the country is expected to grow. At present the industry is seeing the upward trend.


Porters Five Forces Model


Bargaining power of Buyers


Bargaining Power of the Suppliers Low - Medium

Buyers (listeners as well as advertisers) do not face significant switching costs Advertisers are extremely price sensitive. Listenership tastes frequently change, providing little loyalty to any particular radio station. Advertising buyers dictate radio programming choices Since most suppliers to Broadcasters have either been acquired/ have a tie-up with the broadcasters, the bargaining power of suppliers is low.

Threat of New Entrants


High start-up capital is a big demotivator. New entrant has some problems finding skilled professionals. Serviceable used equipment is expensive. Long-lasting economies of learning and scale also demotivate the potential new entrant

Threat of Substitutes


Customers incur no switching costs. Also, adequate substitutes are available. Possibly, One Broadcasting medium substitute for the other(CDs as a replacement For Radio).

Intensity of Rivalry among Competitors



Larger firms have created a critical mass, capacity to induce users to subsidiaries Companies and products, created size by consolidating complementing firms. There are significant brand identities and

Note on Porters 5 forces As we see, the Industry could be classified as relatively unattractive since the power of the forces is high. We note that the buyers are primarily listeners and also advertisers. Also, content providers who dont have any contractual arrangements with broadcasters can leverage the online revenue models directly.




From AsliMasti to BajaateRaho, Red FM

maintains its music muscle.

Red FM is an Indian FM radio brand, with stations broadcasting at 93.5 megahertz in the cities of..

Mumbai, Delhi, Kolkata, Kanpur, Jamshedpur, Bhopal, Gwalior,Jabalpur, Indore, Nashik, Aurangabad, Nagpur, Bangalore,Mysore, Mangalore,Gulbarga,Kochi,T rivandrum Trissur, Kannur, Kozhikode, Hyderabad, Vijayawada, Vizag, Warangal,Rajahmundry,Tirupathi,Ahmedabad, Vadodara, Lucknow, Aizwal, Allahabad, Varanas i, Jaipur, Bhubaneswar, Asansol, Siliguri, Gangtok , Guwahati & Shillong. It was launched in 2002, playing a mix of Hindi and English songs. However, the programming is now 100% exclusively Hindi.
Today, Red FM is known as the Station for

Expression' to the common man and its famous tag line Bajaate Raho!' is already part of common parlance!

One of the MOST AWARDED BRANDS in the industry, Red FM boasts of over 70 awards including the award for the BEST FM BRAND, BEST FM STATION, BEST RJs, etc.
Superhit Music, Superhit RJs, Superhit Movies and

Superhit Cricket - that's what Red FM stands for. BajaateRaho .

The channel is owned by Kalanidhi Maran, with a

48.9% stake, as well as minority holdings of Hyderabad-based IT company Value Labs, NDTV, Astro.
It was acquired from India Today promoter Living

Media in January 2006.

Their punch line is 'BajaateRaho' (Keep Playing).

Starting August 14, 2009, S FM or Suryan FM was rebranded into RED FM across 50 cities in INDIA.
S FM took over Red FM in August, 2009 and re-

branded all its stations to Red FM except for the ones in Tamil Nadu.

LTD.), is a venture of media Giants-Sun TV (Leading channel of AP, TN, Karnataka & Kerala) and its associates.
You will find more relevant details as you turn the

pages of this presentation. What we can assure you is that presently SUPERHIT 93.5 RED FM is giving the best ROI to its advertisers. This would happen only if the station was popular and advertisers were getting response.
Our station at Jaipur SUPERHIT 93.5 RED FM has the

following unique identity to it.


SUPERHIT 93.5 RED FM is 24*7 station.

We have intensive on ground programming

supported by the latest state of the art equipment. Radio is the medium to reach the mass. We dont expect people to come to our studios- we will take our studios to the people. As a network, we have a higher mix of musical properties, as 75% of our product is music. Our on-air talent is young, fresh and focused delivering super hits music and lifestyle relevant content. Character: witty, irreverent and fun. It is a 24*7 party designed to be the soundtrack of your life.
At a primary level, it is about the non stop super hit

music that works at the level of We play songs that make you Bajaate Raho.
It is tested, high energy music. Keep

another level, Bajaate Raho stands for Do everything with passion.

It recognises the drive of the young, passionate

Indian. So whatever you do, do it Bajaate Raho (with a passion). 4 gaane chipakke bajaao, Bed pe bajaao, Pine walo ki bajaao, Rishwat lene wale ki bajaao, Tej drive karne wale ki bajaao.Bajaate Raho.
The most favorite preferred sparklers are

SUDARSHAN KE SATH BAND BAJEGA by Red FM, GulabiLal( Pink Red ) by Rj Ravindra aired by Red FM.
The content for FM radio can be dynamically changed

to get maximum returns vide SMS by introduced


more response related programs for it to be mutually more beneficial.





Super hits 93.5 Red FM all over INDIA


Organization Structure of Red FM:

Station Head



Sales Department

Technical Department

Admin/HR Head



Sales Head

Technical Head

RJS, Producers, Copywriter, Sound Engineer

Sales Executives

Maintenance & Computer Engineer


How can the client use radio strategically ? Maintain Brand Support Other Media Gain a share of Voice

Frequency Intimacy
Client Segment

Give Brand an Attitude

Make a brand Feel Good

Generate Response


Selling Radio Commercial

Selling radio advertising involves a number of steps. The radio salesperson must be aware that everyone involved in the transaction is looking for different results. The media buyer is looking for efficient cost per point, while the clients goal is to move product. As all radio stations are perceived to be same it is important to build value into the radio station by offering credible benefits that produced results and solutions for prospective clients. Radio salesperson must begin with the clients needs and marketing goals. The first step in the process is to meet the client to gain as much information as possible about the client and his or her business. After the salesperson has a firm grasp of the advertising problem, the next step is to prepare a proposal. The successful ones begins with the clients problems and sales objectives move systematically to a solution. Often the job of the radio sales person must be conducted on a number of levels. a) An advertiser who is not currently scheduling radio may have to be convinced that the medium in general is for a particular product. b) The salesperson must move from the general advantages of radio to the advantages of specific station. c) The radio representative may have to show how radio fits into the media mix currently being used by the advertisers. Radio advertising faces challenges both from within the industry and from other media as it competes for advertising price. 41

Dayparts 6 a.m. - 10.00 a.m. 10.00 a.m. - 3.00 p.m. 3.00 p.m. - 7.00 p.m. 7.00 p.m. - 12.00 a.m.

Drive time, breakfast audience, interested chiefly in news Daytime, program characteristics of station, talk , music, or all-news Afternoon, drivetime radio primetime and same as morning drive time music, talk shows

Elements of good radio commercial

Be single-minded, focused:- The consumer should not be burdened with too much information. Prioritize the copy points. The central idea should be highlighted. Research your product or service:-Many clients keep tabs on their competition, but they rarely related their features and benefits to factual data. Meaningful statistics can give substantial support to your message. Relate to the consumer:- Always relate the brand to customers wants and needs. Generate extension :- The effect of a commercial can be multiplied by achieving extension. A clever phrase or execution can have consumers asking other people if they have heard the spot.


an immediate physical, emotional, or mental

response:- Laughter, a tug on the heartstrings, or mental exercises of a

consumer during a radio spot help seed the memory and aid messages retention. 42

Creative Radio

These are some guidelines for producing creative radio advertisements:1. Understand the environment 2. Speak the listeners language 3.Engage and entertain the listener 4.Keep it simple 5.Judge what you hear, not what you read 6.Production values are important 7.Plan your production 8. Dare to be different 9.Take it seriously

Steps in Radio Ad Production

1. An agency or advertisers appoints a producer 2. The producer prepares cost estimation 3. the producer selects a recording studio 4. With the aid of the casting director, if one is needed, the producer casts the commercial. 5. If music is to be included, the producer selects a musical director and chooses the music or selects stock music. 6. If necessary, a rehearsal is held. 7. The studio tapes music and sound separately 8. The studio mixes music and sound with voices. 43

You are on the air!

media. 'what

Radio with other media

other key three key

Most brands tag radio to their existing communication plans. Reason enough for us to study the role of Radio vis--vis Radio can add' to each medium on

parameters - a) Planning, b) Communication and c) Detailing of communication points.

Radio with Television

Characteristics of Television TV has traditionally been the most powerful and popular advertising medium for people in the media business. This is mainly because it does most things well - coverage, frequency, image, persuasion, demonstration, impact etc. Traditionally a high-cost medium, the downside with TV is that the audience is now fragmented across many different channels, production costs are extremely high and viewers are increasingly avoiding ad breaks.

What radio can add?

In planning:Radio's main contribution is a dramatic increase in frequency of exposures, either in the same period as the TV campaign or later to extend the campaign over time; radio can be used for regional or 44

local exposure booster; radio can be used to reach light viewers; it extends TV messages to key times of day when TV audiences are lower or when product relevance is higher; radio also allows tighter targeting against audiences thus reducing wastage.

In communication:Given that Radio is perceived as personal medium, radio can bring brands closer and speak to the consumer at their level; radio has a culture of response where listeners frequently interact with their station which they see as accessible. In detail:Radio allows activity to be geographically varied; radio can allow a fast turnaround for new initiatives; low production costs mean multiple copy messages can be varied round the core TV communication Sonic Brand Triggers. Sonic Brand Triggers are sounds, which consumers recognize and associate with certain brands. Example of powerful SBTs: "Britannia Ting TingTing" They help to ensure that TV and radio advertising is well branded. They leave a brand impression with even the most passive TV viewer or radio listener, as they tend to rely on rhythm and music, which are absorbed at very low involvement levels. A sound, which has been successfully established on TV, can be transferred on to radio.

Radio with Newspapers


Characteristics of Newspapers






Newspapers also have the authority of the written word, and are good at presenting detail. As a print medium, the national press suffers from clutter and from the fact that the reader can and does edit ruthlessly to avoid advertising.

What radio adds?

In planning:Radio adds frequency, and this is real frequency in that exposures take place in real time; radio also reaches non-readers so it can significantly increase coverage; in most sectors, adding radio also means increased share of voice thus overcoming clutter

In communication:Radio brings intrusiveness to a press campaign, and there is less ad avoidance; it can bring to life ideas, which may seem flat on the page; radio can more strongly convey the brand's tone. Radio brings brand messages closer to the individual, speaking in a more personal way than press; radio allows brands to emphasize specific key times of day.

In detail:Flexibility means radio allows geographical variation on top of a national press campaign.

Radio with Outdoor

Characteristics of Outdoor


The strength of outdoor advertising lies in its ability to suddenly confront the consumer with an idea or a challenge, in a very public way. Like radio, posters also operate within time which people think of as free - typically travelling time. The weaknesses of outdoor advertising mainly stem from three issues: it has no editorial context, it uses extremely simple, striking ideas to be effective,and it suffers from relatively expensive production.

What radio adds?

In planning:Radio adds real frequency, in the sense that additional exposures to the advertising are played in full rather than having the listener look away or ignore; radio offers far tighter targeting which means reducing wastage; radio also offers tighter timing - within time of day, day of week or even week of month.

In communication:Radio allows more information to be conveyed, which is useful for explaining or persuading; radio allows multiple copy; radio brings brands closer, as listeners identify with their radio station and see it as aimed at people like them; radio is better able to communicate the tone or character of a brand.

In detail:Radio offers speed of production compared with the lengthy process of poster print deadlines; it also allows localized copy variation relating to a national poster execution.

Radio with Magazines


Characteristics of magazines Magazines are useful to advertisers because of the relationship they have with the readers, who consume them in a personal way. They allow targeting by lifestyle and interest group. In many magazines the ads are seen as part of the magazine experience. Weaknesses of magazines include the fact that lead times can be very long depending on the title's frequency of publication, the high levels of clutter, and the reader's inclination to simply turn the page.

What radio adds:

In planning:Radio adds frequency and also extends coverage well beyond the magazine readership; radio allows tighter timing - time of day, day of week etc; radio also offers a greater share of voice for most categories, which means overcoming clutter.

In communication:Radio brings intrusiveness to a magazine campaign, and there is less ad avoidance; radio can bring to life ideas which might seem flat on the page; radio can more strongly convey the advertising tone of voice. It allows brands to speak to consumers close to certain activities - driving, cooking, housework etc

In detail:Radio offers fast turnaround within the long copy deadlines of magazines, and the opportunity for geographical variations.


Recall of advertising. At the post-stage, you will be to detect spontaneous and prompted


awareness. Commercial recognition playing the ads to Thoughts on what the main message of the ads respondents. was.

RED [93.5FM]
Red FM may not be modest but it is certainly witty, reliable, friendly, warm, uncomplicated and honest. The take aways are plenty everything that the station says and does is of relevance to its listeners.

Target Audience
Super hits 93.5 Red FM caters amongst youths. They changes everything in terms of how we play music and the RJs we have according to this target group.

The 4 Ps
For listeners: The programming mix has non-stop music interspersed with Red FMs crisp and entertaining updates on traffic, weather, city-specific events and the latest buzz on everything current. 49

For corporates and retailers: the airtime

Place: Intensive in Mumbai and selective all over the country because
it has other stations in Delhi and Kolkata.

Price: Advertisement rates. Promotion: Creating awareness among the people, Media campaign,
Sponsoring events and organising competitions and fests in different fields. Red FM has recently organized the Red KeLaal award campaign to motivate the students of schools who scored more than 90 percent.


Red FM does not go to sell radio spots but works like a consultant with the client. Based on the need of the advertiser, they suggest the best ways of achieving the objective. So if a retailer wants to announce his sale and he does not have a big budget, their job is to suggest that instead of a 30 second spot, play a 10 second spot through the day.

Endorsing advertising on RED is not just about buying spots, but is a total experience, tailored to the customers needs. Red is also focusing, towards the influence of one station with the other, use their strengths and improve co-ordination between 50

the three stations; this is an important task in terms of helping the advertiser.

They do produce jingles according to the advertisers and if the advertiser or the client wants to use that jingle somewhere else in some other media, then the client has to pay substantial amount of money to radio station because if they produce a jingle that is their assets.

They take 100 % money in advance from the direct client. And from the non-accredited ad agency.

There are several questions that RED FM identifies before making a time-band suggestion. Is it a womens product? Is it male-oriented? Is it a retailer? If it is a retailer, they could slot it in the 116 time band when people are going to the market or when a housewife might be listening to the radio while cooking.



Sales Department
Sales department in Red FM consists of Sales executives. Their task is to sell the inventory in the form of seconds and generating revenues for the station. For that they need to move in the field, approach clients, ad agencies and close the deal with them. They are responsible for the collection. Each of them have their individual 52

target and to achieve their target they can offer activities like on ground activity and on air selling.

Marketing Department
Red FM has marketing executive who are responsible for all the marketing activities like branding, advertising and promotion. Marketing executive makes plan with station head according to the budget given by regional marketing head. Marketing executives main job is to find out innovative ways for promotion and branding. And this task is to come with ideas for gaining brand and frequency recall.

Programming Department
In Red FM programming department is headed by programming head that is responsible for programming activity of the station. They are responsible to meet all the legal aspects of programming like which can be produced on radio or not? Programming head is also responsible to make his team work and complete their work in time and with all legal aspect. Their task is to make more creative programming which can attract listeners. Department also makes programming which have involvement from listeners also.

Marketing Plan
In general, marketing activities are all those associated with identifying the particular wants and needs of the target market of the competitors. This involves market research on customers, analyzing their needs and then taking marketing strategy decision about product design, pricing, promotion and distribution.


Expansion of the network of out of home media sites managed by Red FM Explore opportunities to lease sites on long term bases. Introduce innovative technology and processes

Marketing in Red FM follows the following approach

Association for ground visibility Contest Red FM events Branding



7 Ps Of Marketing
1. Product

2. Price 3. Place 4. Promotion 5. Physical evidence 6. Process 7. People

Brand The brand is Red FM. As it is a right reflection of the one to one relationship with an emotional ownership of the medium with the listeners. The brand operates at the single frequency 93.5 across the stations. The brand id Superhits 93.5 Red FM Bajaate Raho Target segment They have a large chunk of listeners who are- young, housewives, also listeners who are 40 plus. So programming caters to all strata of society. So, while they target the young population, they cannot afford to ignore the other large segment of the society.


Station: 50 cities across India Frequency: 93.5 FM Brand visibility: Organizing movie screenings Contest on air

Advertisements: Red FM does two types of advertisements. One is theme advertising and other is mode advertising. In mode advertising frequency of Red FM is highlighted to target the customer so that they can recall station with frequency. While in theme advertising just a poster of joy with tag line of Red FM is highlighted. Contests: Red FM does on air activity and asks question to listener and one who gives answers to question will get a prize like movie tickets, water park tickets and gift vouchers etc.

Physical Evidence
Being a service provider and also available anywhere at any time in physical evidence depends on the customers. Anyone can set the frequency and avail the service anywhere. 57

Promotions help to create brand awareness and thus support the physical evidence. Event organization-they also have been organizing or

sponsoring several programs which again help to create awareness and visibility which helps to attract more listeners to tune into. Gifts help to create peripheral evidence, which listeners take away with them and motivates them to tune into in help in more interaction. Red FM has a colorful and interactive website which is useful for not just listeners but also helps to get ad revenue by quoting charges for ads per second. Thus it also helps to get an idea of how to approach Red FM for campaigns.

A radio wave is an electromagnetic wave propagated by an antenna. Radio waves have different frequencies. The listeners can tune the radio receiver to a specific frequency to catch a specific radio signal. The size of the antenna depends on the frequency of the signal to be transmitted or received.

They are hiring only local talents and theres no dearth of talent in this country. There is a lot of research before the launch of any station, the programming teams are trained for nothing less than three to six months.


They dont import radio jocks from the metros and impose them on an alien city. They ensure that they are in touch with the localities, culture and ethos. Here Radio jocks plays an important part in creating a special relationship with the listeners and thus helps to create the differentiation. They can develop a special liking whereby the listeners will prefer listen to their shows due to the preference of RJs.




How often do you listen to radio? (In a week)

From the sample of 200 respondents, only 1% (3) listen to radio twice a week and can be considered as hard nuts to crack with negligible preference towards radio while from the graph it can be seen that 48% (96) listen to radio 5 times a week and 26% (51) of the respondents listen to radio 6 times a week who are clear prospects and can be easily converted to regular listeners by fulfilling their expectations from private radio stations. The statistics clearly indicate that majority of the respondents who prefer listening to radio, listen on almost regular basis. This would suggest that they would prefer listening to radio almost daily followed by a schedule in which they would like to listen. Furthermore, it can be seen that with the constant growth in the radio industry, the preference towards this media is increasing among general public and thus the respondents generally prefer listening to radio in an on and off basis. For those 10% (21) and 2% (5) of respondents who listen to radio 3 and 4 times a week respectively, the preference towards radio although not clearly defined, we can still assume that their preference for radio is not negligible and they can be converted to regular listeners with research on their requirements and filling that gap.


Why do you listen to radio?

Reasonsfor listeningto Radio

For RJ's News TrafficUpdates Relaxation Entertainment 0 50 100 112 150 6 9 5 142 No of

From the sample of 200 respondents, 112 respondents listen to radio for the purpose of entertainment and so this directly poses a clear requirement of entertaining shows on air rather than shows which are more socially inclined. Again 142 respondents listen to radio for the sole purpose of getting relaxed which indicates that the private radio stations should make sure that the scheduling of shows and songs on air should be such that there are hardly any repetitions which bring a sense of freshness and newness to the listeners. These 62

listeners are those who already tend to have an inclination towards radio.

There are only 6 and 5 respondents out of 200 who listen to radio for RJs and Traffic Updates and so it can be clearly said that the private players cannot position their brand through their RJs or any other social cause. The only reason for this is that this medium is considered as solely relaxation and entertaining medium and thus for the reasons like traffic updates or news the respondents rather prefer other medium like television or print media. As far as the RJs are concerned, only 6 respondents listen to radio for the RJs and so it indicates that the radio station cannot achieve audience applauds through powerful RJ strength. Although, it being their ad-on benefit the radio stations must focus on music and entertainment part of the shows on air.


Which radio station do you prefer listening to?

This question is a clear depiction of the listeners preference for all the private radio stations. From 200 respondents, 93 prefer listening to Radio Mirchi which is an undisputed leader in the market since its inception 8 years back. This shows that the image of Radio Mirchi is consistent in the mind of the listeners as a leader and they might have maintained this image due constant differentiation in their shows. From the graph, 91 respondents have selected Sun TV Networks Red FM which was then S FM. This shows that the


radio station is rapidly gaining popularity since its rebranding which occurred in August 2009. While My FM is catching up the ladder with a preference by 69 respondents and their positioning strategy JiyoDil Se, the radio station is gaining more and more popularity among youngsters since its inception in 2007. Radio City and Radio One are lagging behind in terms of preference of listenership which might be due to their stagnancy and monotonous approach towards shows on air.

Cross tabulation (time spent on radio with gender)

>1 Male Fema le Total 24 15 39 1.-2. 31 30 61 2.-4. 43 46 89 4.-8. 3 4 7 <8 2 2 4 Total 103 97 200


From the above graph we can derive that there is a relation between the number of hours spent on listening to radio and gender. For less than 1 hour of listenership number of males listening to radio is higher than the females. With the increase in number of hours as seen from the graph, this ratio changes and in the time slot of 2 to 4 hours of listenership the ratio gets reversed wherein female listenership leads over the males.As we move ahead with the increase in number of hours of listenership time the ratio gets equalized.


When do you listen to radio?

From the 200 respondents, as shown in the graph above, majority of them i.e. 162 respondents listen to radio between 7am to 11am. This clearly indicates that the morning time slot is the prime time slot wherein people are in a relaxed mood to listen to radio as a background score. Again it can also be derived that during this time slot people move to their respective working places and so they listen to radio while driving. During this 67

time slot, radio stations should position their shows in such a way that it peps up the mood of the listener and the listener moves towards the start of the day with a light and cheerful mood. Another time slot preferred is from 9pm to 12midnight wherein the respondents have just ended their daily hectic schedule of work and are in a mood to relax. But this time slot is youths favourite as well. So radio stations must position their shows with a clubbed mixture of English and upbeat. With this positioning, the stations can directly cater all the types of audiences without any glitches. Next favourite time slots are 5pm to 9pm slots together in which again the office goers are returning and are in a mood to cheer up for their personal lives. While driving back they would like to hear bollywood latest and upbeat music which would pep up their mood and would help them relieve themselves from all the pressures at workplaces. The final slots lie between 11am to 5 pm, basically meant for entertaining the homemakers but these days the trend has shifted towards TV wherein the daily soaps have taken charge for that time slot and keeps the homemakers busy. Thus, only 32 respondents prefer this time slot with the bare minimum requirement of absolute entertainment because


audience listening to radio during these hours are generally found more demanding then others.

Where do you listen to radio?

By knowing about the places where the respondents listen to radio, we can derive their attitude towards radio and their preference over it. From 200 respondents, 128 respondents listen to radio while travelling so from this we can derive the strategy for the shows on air during the peak hours of the city.


The jazzier and happening these hours would be, the more likeability and preference of the respondent would be received. This directly coincides with the preferred time slots and so we can match both to come to a common strategy.

The second preferred location is home which has been preferred by 125 respondents. Obviously these respondents would be listening to radio for entertainment primarily and then for relaxation. Generally at work people do not prefer listening to radio while only 36 respondents say that they listen to radio to get refreshed in their lunch hours. Thus this segment should be catered with customization i.e. providing a show which makes them feel treated with great importance thus adding to their listenership.

Which voice do you prefer to listen on radio?


Male voice Male Female Total 29 30 59

Female Voice 47 44 91

Co hosted 27 23 50

Total 103 97 200


From 200 respondents, 93 respondents have a higher preference towards female voice on radio over other two options out of which 49 are male and 44 are female. The notion that females voices are more soothing to hear plays a vital role in this preference. Although RJs are known through their wit and spontaneity, their voice and the frequency of their voice 72

play a major role in changing audiences preferences. Thus, prime time shows should be suggestively hosted by female RJs to attract audiences attention. Again, 59 respondents prefer male voice on radio out of which 29 are males and 30 are females, which is a marginal difference and is solely due to spontaneous attitude and interaction with the audience Co-hosted shows on air have come into existence recently and so, these shows are gaining more and more preference over time because the pros of both the voices are assimilated in such shows which enhances interaction.

Do you prefer listening to a single radio station?


From 200 respondents, 196 (98%) do not prefer listening to a single radio station. They switch to different radio stations due to the clutter caused due to excessive commercialization and advertisements. The people like listening to radio for music and entertainment and so when they come across such a clutter of over commercialization, they tend to zap between the channels. Thus radio stations should bring innovative programs which would deal with this problem and make the audience feel fulfilled with their requirements. There are only 4 respondents who are hard core loyal to their preferred radio station.


Do you like playing games on radio?

From the 200 respondents, 197 (99%) do not like playing games on radio. This clear indication of disregard for games on radio derives that the radio stations should come up with innovative ways of interaction with the audience rather than the conventional way of interacting with the audiences on radio.

Have you ever played a game on any radio station?


Along with being a conventional way of interaction, games are also considered to be unreliable and boring. The respondents 82% (164) do not trust the procedure and they find it untrustworthy. Playing games is also considered to be time consuming activity and so respondents generally prefer listening to radio jus for entertainment and radio and not for the purpose of interaction.


What all qualities do you look forward to in an ideal radio station?

RANK S # 1 2 3 4 5 TOTAL RADIO JOCKE Y 3 64 64 61 8 200 MUSI C 180 6 2 12 0 200 INFORMATI ON 11 45 49 78 17 200 ENTERTAINME NT 5 80 84 18 13 200 INTERRACTI ON 1 5 1 31 162 200 TOTAL

200 200 200 200 200

Applying Mean Averages:Mean Avg. Rank for each attribute would be as follows: RJs MUSIC INFORMATIO ENTERTAINMENINTERRACTIO N T N 1.23 3.225 2.77 4.74



Thus, their actual ranks would be as follows: RJs MUSIC INFORMATIO ENTERTAINME INTERRACTI N NT ON RAN KS # 3 1 4 2 5


Do you like listening to sparklers?

Sparklers used in conjunction with a programme/show to enhance the brand identity of the programme. They are short timed fillers which increases the listenership and preference of a particular brand of radio station.

From the 200 respondents, 94% (184) like listening to sparklers which indicates that the respondents look forward to an entertainment which has got direct element of differentiation and without interaction.

All the sparklers have the same purpose of being short timed fillers to entertain the audience and so sparklers are highly appreciated because they are interesting and generate curiosity for something new every time. 78

All the radio stations should make sure that their sparklers are more entertaining and interesting which would induce curiosity and ultimately avoid zapping



From the sample size of 200 respondents 48% of the population prefers listening to radio 5 times a week and 26% prefers listening to radio 6 times a week. This listenership makes them regular listeners of radio.

From the population 142 respondents listen to radio for the sole purpose of relaxation while 112 respondents listen for entertainment this shows that radio is the medium considered by the people solely for relaxation and entertainment.

The first hand preference of radio stations when not compared on the basis of any attributes we found out that 91 preferred

Red Fm where as My Fm get favorability from 69


In spite of trying out various unique innovations like ekghante main 13 ganeka challenge and by calling RJs as MJs i.e. Music Jockeys, Radio one could not gain high preference over other private players. Radio city has also remained the least preferred radio station.

The number of hours spent on listening to radio is dependent on the gender of the respondents. With more number of males 80

listening to radio for less than 1 hour a day moves to more listenership of females with the increase in the number of hours of listenership till 2 to 4 hours a day. When still the number of hours of listenership increases this gender difference gets equalized.

The favorite time band of listenership is 7 am to 11 am because people at that time enjoy music with their routine work. Even the time band of 9 pm to 12 midnight is preferred as at that time people are free and like to relax them.

As radio is used as a background medium, 128 respondents listen to radio while travelling and 125 listen to them at their home while doing their routine work.

The preferred voice on radio also depends on the gender of the respondents since 46% of the respondents prefer female voice on radio wherein majority of them are males. 29% of the population prefers male voice in which majority of them is females .25% of the population prefers co-hosted shows where in majority of them are males.

The preference of type of music for a particular time band helps us derive an ideal schedule.

Radio has many natural advantages that make it an excellent choice for an advertising medium. These advantages include high amount of time spent listening, superior target ability, superior listener loyalty, ad recall and message retention, and 81

much more which can be attributed to the low cost of ownership feature of RADIO as a medium.

Consumers spend 85% of their time with ear-oriented media, such as Radio, but spend only 15% of their time with such eyeoriented media as newspapers and magazines. Yet advertisers spend 55% of their money on eye media (print) and only 45% of their money on ear media such as Radio and television. Radio's share in the total advertising budgets of companies is likely to grow from 2 per cent to 5 per cent in the next three years, with an expected growth rate of about 10 to 12 per cent every year. In fact, the fortunes of radio advertising are likely to change with the advent of private players like Star India, Bennett Coleman & Co, Living Media, and Mid-Day etc. The opening of the FM market is a new phenomenon and the maturing of the market will take its own evolutionary path. Interestingly, the private FM players have a huge opportunity in grabbing a bigger chunk of the radio advertising pie as, despite All India Radio's enormous reach (97 per cent of the population), its revenues have declined. In such a scenario, where the cheapness of radio is likely to ensure that the bulk of radio advertisers are those that go for a one-city-local-audience strategy, greater reach may not necessarily translate into a marketing advantage. Ultimately content and packaging will be the king.


However, what will spell out the difference between success and failure will be neither size nor niche. It would be just plain old quality of programming and the explosion of contests and sweepstakes offered by the Radio Stations currently. One aping the other is an honest testimonial to justify this statement. In the end Radio offers tremendous opportunities for

advertisers and media planners need to explore various options by which they can effectively use radio in their media mix. Conversely, broadcasters need to develop the market by being more responsive to the advertiser's needs. This will provide an opportunity for the market to arrive at the final verdict on the effectiveness of the medium. 98% of the respondents do not prefer listening to a single radio station because of the clutter due to excessive advertising and commercialization. Thus the respondents zap between different radio stations to fulfill their requirement of entertainment.

When importance of various attributes was compared we conclude that music is the most important attribute followed by entertainment, RJs, information and interaction in descending order.

94% of the respondents like listening to sparklers.


74% respondents do not prefer listening to radio on weekends. Also 86% of respondents do not prefer different programs on Sundays as they do not like to drift from their regular schedule.

While for sparklers, RJs and Programs on air, Red FM preferred the most followed by My FM and Radio city where Radio one is the last.



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