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d) The PMCC with two incomers & buscoupler should have with provision for momentary paralleling capability

and with Auto- Manual changeover scheme in order to maintain the reliability of the plant. Following points to be ensured in operating the momentary bus paralleling option (manual bus transfer mode) of the bus transfer schemes.. In Momentary Paralleling Mode of bus transfer scheme, manual open command to the breaker shall be defeated. A suitable time delay (5 to 10 sec) is to be incorporated in the monetary paralleling mode of the scheme such that the tripping command to the intended breaker is initiated only after successful transfer operation. In order to ensure the healthiness of Bus coupler auto changeover scheme, a Bus coupler Auto Circuit Supervision Scheme shall be incorporated for all bus couplers. (On the similar concept of trip circuit supervision scheme.) e) B/c shall be provided through check synchronization facilty for manual closing of breakers. f) Master relay(86) contacts of both the incomers to be provided in the common path of B/c closing ckt to block the operation in both the "Auto/Manual" scheme. The closing command to bus coupler breaker (i.e. to de-activate the auto change over scheme) shall be blocked after a suitable time gap on tripping of any of the incomer breaker. Blocking may be provided through a timer activated from the dead bus condition of the unhealthy bus. The bus coupler change over scheme shall have separate relays for monitoring the bus healthy and Un -healthy condition. It is preferable to have healthy bus relay setting at 80% and unhealthy Bus relay setting at 40% (or less). h)The auxiliary power supply of the numerical relays shall be drawn separately and not from a common control supply switch of the breaker panel. i)Failure of the DC control supply shall not trip any breaker / process equipment. The contacts used for providing interlocks in the breakers mainly for the tripping logics shall not be taken from the multiplying contactors / auxillary relays. p) Protection relays of I/cs & B/cs to be numerical type with communication facility. Relases should not be used.

q) Provision should be avilable to trip upstream breaker tripping in case incomer trips on master trip relay. r) IOTDE to check if there are requirement of process trips in this unit. If requirment exists than process trip relays & other interfaces should be taken care in the individual module.All process trip relays shall be self reset type contacts with hand reset flags or reset facility from PLC / DCS. s) Breaker service position contact should not be included in tripping logic of breakers.

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