Driver's Eye State Identification Based On Robust Iris Pair Localization

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Drivers Eye State Identification Based on Robust Iris Pair Localization

*Tauseef Ali, **Khalil Ullah *Myongji univ.,deptt. Electronics and comn. Engg. (TEL: 010-5814-1333;E-mail: ) **Myongji univ.,deptt. Electronics and comn. Engg. (TEL: 010-8691-8402; Abstract In this paper, we propose a novel and robust approach to determine eye state. The method is based on robust iris pair localization. After iris pair is detected from image, it is analyzed by comparing its openness with the normal images of the person. Our approach has five steps: 1) Face detection 2) Eye candidate detection 3) Tuning candidate points 4) Iris pair selection and 5) Eye Analysis. Experimental results for iris pair localization and eye state identification are shown separately. For testing three public image databases, Yale, BioID and Bern are used. Extensive experiments have shown the effectiveness and robustness of the proposed method. Keywords Iris pairs, Eye candidate, Eye analysis, Eye state 1. Introduction
Monitoring a drivers visual attention is very important for detecting fatigue, lack of sleep, and drowsiness. By automatically detecting eye state and drowsiness level of driver, an alarm can be activated to inform driver or other authority which can avoid a large number of road accidents. Robust eye detection is crucial step for this kind of application. After robust eye detection, information about the gaze, eye blinking, and drowsiness can be determined. Some work has been done on this subject but the problem is still far from being fully solved. Some algorithms for eye detection have obtained good results such as [1] but they cant points out exact center of iris which can further be used for drowsiness detection. Generally eye detection is achieved using active or passive techniques. Active techniques are based on spectral characteristics of eye under IR illumination.[2]. These techniques are very simple and give good results but the success rates of such systems require stable lighting conditions and person close to camera. Passive techniques locate eyes based on their different shape and appearance from face. In these techniques, generally, first face is detected to extract eye regions and then eyes are localized using eye windows. Much work has been done on face detection and there are robust algorithms available [3]. However robust and precise eye detection is still an open problem. After eye detection, several measures can be used to determine eye state and detect drowsiness. Many efforts have been made to detect drowsiness among drivers [4,5]. Eye blinking is a good measure of detecting the level of drowsiness. PERCOLS (the percentage of time that an eye is closed time in a given period) is one of the best methods to measure the eye blinking as high PERCOLS scores are strongly related to [6]. However, in this paper, we use a still image and first detect the centers of eyes and then determine eye state by comparing the eyes openness in the test image with that of original image taken when subject is normal or alert. This kind of system can be used with a camera which input a still image periodically to the system and the system determine the eye state in real time and if subject eyes state is close for more than a few input samples, an alert can be activated to show that driver is drowsy.

2. Outline Of Proposed Method

The algorithm detects the face in an input image using AdaBoost algorithm. By changing the training data and increasing the false positive rate of the AdaBoost algorithm, we detect the candidate points for the irises. The candidate points produced by AdaBoost are tuned such that two of the candidate points are exactly in the center of iris. Mean crossing function and convolution template are used to select irises of both eyes from the tuned candidate points. After locating iris pair, eyes are analyzed to determine their state. Fig.1 shows the steps in localizing iris centers of eyes.

Fig.1: steps of the proposed algorithm using a test image.

3. Face Detection
We first detect the face in the input image. Then problem is simplified due to the background being restricted to the face. It saves searching time and improves accuracy. For face detection, Violas method [3] is used. A robust face classifier is obtained by supervised AdaBoost learning. Given a sample set of training data {xi, yi}, the AdaBoost algorithm selects a set of weak classifiers {hj(x)} from a set of Haar-like rectangle features and combine them into a strong classifier. The strong classifier g(x) is defined as follow:
1 g (x ) = 0

corresponding optimal radius R among {RL ,...RU } [9]. These seperability and radius values for new candidate points are used later. Fig 1(d) shows the tuned candidate points.

Fig . 2 An eye template (R1 is the inside region of the smaller circle and R2 is the region between the two concentric circles).

h (x )
k =1 k k


6. Iris Pair Selection

(1) We combine three metrics to measure the fitness of each candidate point with iris and select iris pair. Mean crossing function A rectangular subregion is formed around each iris candidate. The size of the subregion is depicted in Fig. 3, where R is the radius of the candidate determined in section 5.


where is the threshold that is adjusted to meet the detection rate goal. The Haar-like rectangle features are easily computed using integral image representation. The cascade method quickly filters out non-face image areas. More details can be found in [3].

4. Eye Candidate Detection

By changing the training data and increasing the false-positive rate of the algorithm in section 3, we build an eye candidate detector. The training data of [7] is used to detect several eye candidate points in face region. A total of 7000 eye samples are used with the eye center being the center of the image and resize to 16*8 pixels. Because in this step face region is already detected, so the negative samples are taken only from the face images. We set low threshold and accept more false positive. On the average, we get 15 eye candidates out of the detector.

Fig. 3: Subregion for mean crossing function A subregion of the form shown in Fig. 3 is formed around each candidate point. The subregion is scanned horizontally and the mean crossing function [10] for pixel (i, j ) is computed as follows:
1 ; If I (i, j ) + A then if I (i, j + 1) A C(i, j) = 1 ; If I (i, j ) A then if I (i, j + 1) + A 0 ; otherwise

5. Tuning Candidate Points

We shift the candidate points within a small size of neighborhood so that two of the candidate points are exactly in center of irises. The separability filter proposed by Fukui and Yamaguchi [8] is utilized in an efficient way to shift the candidate points within a small size of neighborhood. By using the template in Fig.2, the separability value ( ) is computed for each point in the neighborhood by the following equation.

(3) where A is a constant. The horizontal mean crossing value for the subregion is determined as
C subregion = C (i, j )
i =1 j =1 M N

N 2

A = (I (xi , y i ) Pm )
i =1

(2) where nk (k = 1; 2) is the number of pixels in Rk; N = n1+n2; Pk (k=1; 2) is the average intensity in Rk ; Pm is the average intensity in the union of R1 and R2, and I (xi; yi) the intensity values of pixels (xi; yi) in the union of R1 and R2. Separability values for each of the point in the neighborhood are determined by varying the radius in a range {R L ,...R U } . The point in the neighborhood which gives maximum separability is considered as the new candidate point. We also find the separability values for each new candidate point and its

B = n1 P 1 P m

+ n2 P 2 P m

(4) In a similar way, vertical mean crossing function is evaluated by scanning vertically the subregion. To find the final mean crossing value for the subregion, we linearly add both mean crossing numbers. Convolution with edge image subregion First we find the edge image of the subregion around the candidate point. The size of the subregion is the same as the mask in Fig. 4. The subregion is convolved with the convolution kernel shown in Fig. 4 with the edge image of the subregion. The radius of the template is equal to the radius of the candidate determined in section 5. The center of the template is placed on the candidate point and the value of convolution is determined. The process is repeated for each of the candidate. The resultant signal from convolution is summed up and a single value is


resolution of face image found in section 3 and it is necessary to keep the test image face size the same as that used for finding threshold.

8. Experimental Results
Fig. 4: Convolution template Now, we define fitness of an iris candidate by the following equation.
fitness (C x ) =

C sub Re gion (C x )

N i =1

C sub Re gion (C i )

Conv (C x )
N i =1

Conv (C i )

Seperabili ty (C x )
N i =1

Seperabili ty (C i )

Where N is the total number of candidate points, C sub Re gion (C j ) , Conv (C j ) , are the mean crossing value and convolution result for
j candidate Cj and is the separability value for candidate Cj computed in section 5. Now, Candidate pair with the maximum fitness is taken as the iris pair according to the following equation.


Seperability (C

8.1 Iris pair Localization In this section the correct iris pair localization results obtained on three popular databases, BioID [13] Yale [14] and Bern [15] are shown. BioID database contains 1520 images with different lighting conditions, ethnicity, and pose. Yale database consist of 165 images while the images selected from Bern database include all 150 images without spectacles. Yale and BioID database also contains closed eyes images, partially closed eye images and images in which subjects are wearing glasses. The algorithm is tested on all BioID and Yale database. However 150 images without glasses are used from Bern database. Fig.5, Fig.6 and Fig. 7 show some of successful iris pair localization from BioID, Yale and Bern database respectively. In Fig.8 some unsuccessful results are shown. In table 1, we have tabulated the results.

fitness(Pair (Cx, Cy )) = fitness(Cx ) + fitness(C y )


7. Eye Analysis to Determine State

In section 5, we tuned and determined the radius of each candidate point. After selecting irises from candidate points, we use their corresponding radius values to determine the amount of closure. The following approach is used to determine the eye state (Pseudo code as followed): If MAX {Radius ( Iris1 ), Radius ( Iris2 )} < Threshold OR Iris Pair Not Found in Section 6 Eye State is Closed Else Eye State is Open IrisPair is the pair of candidate points with maximum fitness and is selected as iris pair by eq. 6. Radius values are used from process in section 5. Threshold = 3 is chosen for classifying a subject eye state. This threshold is mainly dependant on face image size and subjects eyes. The sizes of face images found in section 3 are kept in a range of 140 X 140 to 160 X 160. Radius of iris for each person can vary significantly. For a more specific and accurate threshold we can input several test images of a subject with eye states as closed, partially closed and open and observe the radius value found by the system and derive a threshold based on these radius values. For each subject, several test images can be taken with complete open eyes, partially open eyes or closed eyes and suitable threshold value for the radius for close eyes can be found However, in our experiments we kept the size of face image found in section 3 in range of 140 X 140 to 160 X 160 and found an automatic and general value of threshold = 3 which give good results for a variety of subjects. The threshold value depends largely on the Fig. 5: Some successful iris pair localization results using BioID database

Fig. 6: Some successful iris pair localization results using Yale database

Fig. 7: Some successful iris pair localization results using Bern database

Fig. 8: Some unsuccessful iris pair localization results Table 1: Results of the proposed algorithm Database Bern BioID Yale Success Rate 99.33% 93.7% 92.6%

8.2 Eye State Identification Fig. 9 and 10 shows images of the same subject with varying amount of eye closure. The detected radius and the state classified by the algorithm are shown. For both subjects the face image determined in section 3 is in the range of 140 X 140 to 160 X 160 and threshold chosen is 3.




Fig. 9: (a) Detected Iris Radius by algorithm = 4, Classified as Open Eyes. (b) Detected Iris Radius by algorithm = 3, Classified Open Eyes. (c)Detected Iris Radius by algorithm = 2, Classified as Closed eyes.




Fig. 10: (a) Detected Iris Radius by algorithm = 4 Classified as Open Eyes. (b) Detected Iris Radius by algorithm = 2 sified as Closed Eyes. (c) Iris pair not detected in section 6 Clas Classified as Closed eyes. The left most images show the normal state of eyes. For both subjects the normal iris radius = 4. For these images iris radius = 3 can be taken as a good threshold to classify subjects as drowsy.

9. Conclusion and Future Work

The paper attempts to determine eye state by first detecting iris pair and then analyzing it. We achieve eye state identification in five steps: (1) Face Detection (2) Eye candidates detection (3) Tuning candidate points and (4) iris selection (5) Eye analysis. The contribution of this paper mainly starts from step 3, after eye candidate points are found by AdaBoost. In step 3 candidate points are shifted in such a way that greatly improves the accuracy of iris localization and find radius values for candidate points which also include irises of both eyes. Step 4 utilized three metrics and can robustly filter out candidate points. For testing purposes, three popular databases, Bern, Yale and BioID are used. We will further work on the algorithm to make iris pair localization more robust and add certain metrics to the eye analysis step which can precisely determine the level of drowsiness and eye state more automatically and robustly.

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