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The Relationship between Childrens Background and Their Personal Wish.

A. Children are full with ambitions and wish. Knowing that there is still long way to go, with many years to come, they, as children, here started to imagine what is interesting and satisfy them in future. So, there come some wishes in their colorful mind. There will be many wishes, and some of them can guess, based on our own experience. The will be some factor affecting their choices. It may be affected by lifestyle and surrounding. Result may vary. Please circle your answer. Please choose ONE answer only for each question except it is started that you can choose more than one answer. 1. What is your gender? A. Male B. Female 2. How old are you? ______ Years old 3. Which type of area do you live? A. Urban B. Rural 4. With whom do you live? A. B. C. D. 5. Own family Step family Orphanage Others (please state) ___________

How many siblings do you have? Please state____________


Do you go to school? A. Yes B. No


What do you always and love to do during the recess/ break time? A. B. C. D. Enjoy some drink and food (either at the canteen, in class or anywhere else) Playing around with some friends Study or do home work (either alone or with friend) Do nothing. Just stay in class.


Do you hold any position in class? A. Yes (please state____________ ) B. No


What you always do after the school finishes? A. B. C. D. E. Do homework Playing around with friends Watch TV Playing video games Sleep


What is your main hobby during your free time? Please state one _____________________.


Do you have something that you really love? Please state one _____________________.


Do love animals? A. Yes B. No


If your parents are going to buy any pet, which animal will make you happy? A. B. C. D. E. F. Cat Bird Dog Hamster Other (please state _________________). I will refuse to have one


What do you want to have, to help you enjoy your free time? Please State one _____________________.


Do you wish to go somewhere for a holiday? A. Yes. (Please state one ______________). B. No


What you to do, if you were to be accompanied by your parent or guardian? A. B. C. D. E. F. Go to theme park Watch movie Watch sport programs (example : soccer) Go to swim at public pool Other (please state one _____________). Noting. I didnt like to do what I want to do with my parent or guardian.


What thing that you think you dont have it enough, and you want to have it more? ____________________________.


Living with your family, what do you wish to have with them? A. Increasing family property B. Increasing number of family member C. Nothing. Just a happy family will do.


What do you wish not to happen in your life most? A. Divorce (parent), squabbling or fight. B. Dad or mom being transferred to somewhere, and you have to follows and live with them at new home. C. Being scolded by school by teacher for not finishing your homework


For now, what is the important thing for you? Please state one ___________________.

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