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Editors: E. Lichtfouse, C. Alberola, V. Souchre, P. Debaeke Sustainability rests on the principle that we must meet the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs

Dear Doctor, As Editor-in-Chief of the journal Agronomy for Sustainable Development (ASD), I am pleased to announce that the international publisher EDP Sciences has accepted to publish a book series entitled Sustainable Agriculture. After the success of the first volume* to be published early 2009 in collaboration with Springer, we are actually seeking high quality review articles covering all topics of Sustainable Agriculture and Agroecology for the second volume scheduled to be published in 2010. Please note the following points: - Pre-submission of a tentative title is open now. - The submission deadline is OCTOBER 1, 2009. But review articles should preferably be submitted earlier. - Selected review articles will be published both as chapters in the book and as review articles in the journal Agronomy for Sustainable Development (impact factor 1.00, rank 25/49). Articles will be published online first with a citable DOI about 2 months after submission of the last version. - Articles will be peer-reviewed by the journal Pre-selection Committee, by a Field Editor and by peer-reviewers. - Topics are given in the next page. Please do not hesitate to contact me for help.

Dr. Eric LICHTFOUSE Editor-in-Chief Agronomy for Sustainable Development INRA - Department of Environment and Agronomy INRA-CMSE-PME, BP 86510 21065 Dijon Cedex, FRANCE E-mail: Tel +33 6 33 34 74 91
*Contents of the first volume can be viewed at, under "review articles"

CALL FOR REVIEW ARTICLES Sustainable Agriculture 2010

PRE-SUBMISSION If you intend to write a review article please send first a tentative title and contents to Dr. Eric LICHTFOUSE, Editor-in-Chief. E-mail: Detailed instructions will then be provided. SUBMISSION DEADLINE OCTOBER 1, 2009 SUBMISSION Manuscripts should be submitted in PDF, with a list of 5 suggested reviewers, by e-mail to Dr. Eric LICHTFOUSE (

BOOK SERIES TOPICS Agriculture and biodiversity Agriculture and climate changes Agrochemicals Alternative techniques Biofuels, energy crops Biogeochemistry of agrosystems Biomolecular studies in agriculture Decision support systems and companion modelling Ecological farming systems Ecological fertilisation Ecological production Ecological weed and pest control, biopesticides Impact on soil, water, air and biodiversity Environmental management in agriculture Genetically modified organisms (GMOs) Integrated pest management Organic farming Pesticides, toxic metals and organic pollutants Remediation of polluted agrosystems Risk assessment, ecotoxicology Socials and economical issues of agricultural changes Soil organic matter, sewage sludges Sustainable land use Water and sustainable agriculture

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