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During early 60s & 70s, automobiles came largely in twos. In scooters, you had a Lambretta or a Vespa. In motorcycles, you had a Bullet or a Java. In cars, you had to choose between an Ambassador and a Fiat. In trucks, it was either an Ashok Leyland or a Tata. In tractors, it was between a Swaraj and a Mahindra. This situation reflected the India of yester years. Economic reforms and deregulation have transformed that scene. Automobile industry has written a new inspirational tale. It is a tale of exciting multiplicity, unparalleled growth and amusing consumer experience all within a few years. India has already become one of the fastest growing automobile markets in the world. This is a tribute to leaders and managers in the industry and, equally to policy planners. The automobile industry has the opportunity to go beyond this remarkable achievement. It is standing on the doorsteps of a quantum leap. The Indian automobile industry is going through a technological change where each firm is engaged in changing its processes and technologies to maintain the competitive advantage and provide customers with the optimized products and services. Starting from the two wheelers, trucks, and tractors to the multi utility vehicles, commercial vehicles and the luxury vehicles, the Indian automobile industry has achieved splendid achievement in the recent years. The opportunity is staring in your face. It comes only once. If you miss it, you will not get it again

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On the canvas of the Indian economy, auto industry maintains a high-flying place. Due to its deep frontward and rearward linkages with several key segments of the economy, automobile industry has a strong multiplier effect and is capable of being the driver of economic growth. A sound transportation system plays an essential role in the countrys rapid economic and industrial development. The well-developed Indian automotive industry skillfully fulfils this catalytic role by producing a wide variety of vehicles: passenger cars, light, medium and heavy commercial vehicles, multi-utility vehicles such as jeeps, scooters, motorcycles, mopeds, three wheelers, tractors etc. The automotive sector is one of the core industries of the Indian economy, whose prospect is reflective of the economic resilience of the country. Continuous economic liberalization over the years by the government of India has resulted in making India as one of the prime business destination for many global automotive players. The automotive sector in India is growing at around 18 per cent per annum. The auto industry is just a multiplier, a driver for employment, for investment, for technology The Indian automotive industry started its new journey from 1991 with delicensing of the sector and subsequent opening up for 100 per cent FDI through automatic route. Since then almost all the global majors have set up their facilities in India taking the production of vehicle from 2 million in 1991 to 9.7 million in 2006 (nearly 7 per cent of global automobiles production and 2.4 per cent of four wheeler production). The cumulative annual growth rate of production of the automotive industry from the year 2000-2001 to 2005-2006 was 17 per
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cent. The cumulative annual growth rate of exports during the period 2000-01 to 2005-06 was 32.92 per cent. The production of the automotive industry is expected to achieve a growth rate of over 20 per cent in 2006-07 and about 15 per cent in 2007-08. The export during the same period is expected to grow over 20 per cent. The automobile sector has been contributing its share to the shining economic performance of India in the recent years. With the Indian middle class earning higher per capita income, more people are ready to own private vehicles including cars and two-wheelers. Product movements and manned services have boosted in the sales of medium and sized commercial vehicles for passenger and goods transport. Side by side with fresh vehicle sales growth, the automotive components sector has witnessed big growth. The domestic auto components consumption has crossed rupees 9000 crore and an export of one half size of this figure. Eye-Catching FDI Destination INDIA! India is on the peak of the Foreign Direct Investment wave. FDI flows into India trebled from $6 billion in 2004-05 to $19 billion in 2006-07 and are expected to quadruple to $25 billion in 2007-08. By AT Kearney's FDI Confidence Index 2006, India is the second most attractive FDI destination after China, pushing the US to the third position. It is commonly believed that soon India will catch up with China. This may also happen as China attempts to cool the economy and its protectionism measures that are eclipsing the Middle Kingdom's attractiveness. With rising wages and high land prices in the eastern
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regions, China may be losing its edge as a low-cost manufacturing hub. India seems to be the natural choice. India is up-and-coming a significant manufacturer, especially of electrical and electronic equipment, automobiles and auto-parts. During 2000-2005 of the total FDI inflow, electrical and electronic (including computer software) and automobile accounted for 13.7 per cent and 8.4 per cent respectively. In services sectors, the lead players are the US, Singapore and the UK. During 2000-2005, the total investment from these three countries accounted for about 40 per cent of the FDI in the services sector. In automobiles, the key player is Japan. During 2000-2005, Japan accounted for about 41 per cent of the total FDI in automobile, surpassing all its competitors by a big margin. India's vast domestic market and the large pool of technically skilled manpower were the magnetism for the foreign investors. Hitherto, known for knowledgebased industries, India is emerging a powerhouse of conventional manufacturing too. The manufacturing sector in the Index for Industrial Production has grown at an annual rate of over 9 per cent over the last three years. Korean auto-makers think India is a better destination than China. Though China provides a bigger market for automobiles, India offers a potential for higher growth. Clearly, manufacturing and serviceled growth and the increasing consumerisation makes India one of the most important destinations for FDI. Automotive Mission Plan 2016 The bumper-to-bumper traffic of global automobile biggies on the passage to India has finally made government sit up and take notice. In a
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bid to drive greater investments into the sector, ministry of heavy industries has decided to put together a 10-year mission plan to make India a global hub for automotive industry. The ten year mission plan will also set the roadmap for budgetary fiscal incentives The Government of India is drawing up an Automotive Mission Plan 2016 that aims to make India a global automotive hub. The idea is to draw an innovative plan of action with full participation of the stakeholders and to implement it in mission mode to meet the challenges coming in the way of growth of industry. Through this Automotive Mission Plan, Government also wants to provide a level playing field to the players in the sector and to lay a predictable future direction of growth to enable the manufacturers in making a more informed investment decision. Major players in the automobile sector are: Tata Mahindra Ashok Leyland Bajaj Hero Honda Daimler Chrysler Suzuki Ford Fiat Hyundai General Motors Volvo Yamaha
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Foreign Companies in the Indian auto-sector Until the mid-1990s, automobile industry in India consisted of just a handful of local companies with small capacities and obsolete technologies. Nevertheless, after the sector was thrown open to foreign direct investment in 1996, some of the global majors moved in and, by 2002, Hyundai, Honda, Toyota, General Motors, Ford and Mitsubishi set up their manufacturing bases. Over the past four to five years, the country has seen the launch of several domestic and foreign models of passenger cars, multi-utility vehicles (MUVs), commercial vehicles and two-wheelers and a robust growth in the production of all kinds of vehicles. Moreover, owing to its low-cost, high-quality manufacturing, India has also emerged as a significant outsourcing hub for auto components and auto engineering design, rivaling Thailand. German auto-maker Volkswagen AG, too, is looking to enter India. India is expected to be the small car hub for Japanese major Toyota. The car, a hot hatch like the Swift or Getz is likely to be exported to markets like Brazil and other Asian countries. This global car is crucial for Toyota, which is looking to improve its sales in the BRIC (Brazil, Russia, India, China) markets. Two multi-national car majors Suzuki Motor Corporation of Japan and Hyundai Motor Company of Korea have indicated that their manufacturing facilities will be used as a global source for small cars. The spurt in in-house product development skills and the uniquely high concentration of small cars will influence the country's ability to become a sourcing hub for sub-compact cars.
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A heartening feature of the changing automobile scene in India over the past five years is the newfound success and confidence of domestic manufacturers. They are no longer afraid of competition from the international auto majors. For instance, today, Tata Motor's Indigo leads the popular customer category, while its Indica is neck-to-neck with Hyundai's Santro in the race for the top-slot in the B category. Meanwhile M&M's Scorpio has beaten back the challenge from Toyota's Qualis to lead the SUV segment. Similarly, a few Indian winners have emerged in the motorbike market the 150 and 180 cc Pulsar from Bajaj and 110 cc Victor from the TVS stable. The 93 cc Bike from Bajaj and 110 cc Freedom bike from LML have also emerged as winners. Evidently, Indian players have learnt from past mistakes and developed the skills to build cheaper automobiles using `appropriate' technologies. TVS, for instance, paid an overseas source $100,000 to fine-tune home-grown engines rather than $1.5 million to import the entire engine. Similarly, M&M adapted available systems and off-theshelf components from global suppliers to keep costs down and go for aggressive pricing. True, Indian players are still lacking in scale of operation. While economies of scale no doubt play an important role in the auto sector, a few Indian manufacturers relied on innovation rather than scale of operation for competitive advantage. For instance, Sundram Fasteners was able to achieve the feat of directly supplying radiator caps to General Motors purely on the strength of innovation in product quality. The domestic tooling industry bagged the order for the Toyota Kirloskar transmission plant in the face of stiff competition from

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multinational corporations. The cost of the entire job turned out to be only a fraction of the original estimate. As the automobile industry has matured over the past decade, the auto components industry has also grown at a rapid pace and is fast achieving global competitiveness both in terms of cost and quality. In fact, industry observers believe that while the automobile market will grow at a measured pace, the components industry is poised for a take-off. For it is among the handful of industries where India has a distinct competitive advantage. International automobile majors, such as Hyundai, Ford, Toyota and GM, which set up their bases in India in the 1990s, persuaded some of their overseas component suppliers to set up manufacturing facilities in India. Consequently, the value of cumulative output of the auto components industry rose rapidly to Rs 30,640 crore at end-2003-04 from just Rs 11,475 crore in 1996-97. Foreign companies such as Delphi, which followed General Motors in 1995, and Visteon, that followed Ford Motors in 1998, soon realised the substantial cost advantage of manufacturing components in India. Finding the cost lower by about 30 per cent, they began exploring the possibility of exporting back these low-cost, high-quality components to their global factories and, thus, reducing their overall costs. Not surprisingly, the industry's exports registered a more than four-fold jump to Rs 4,800 crore in 2003-04 from just Rs 1,033 crore in 1996-97.

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Automobile majors such as Maruti Udyog, Toyota, Hyundai have now finalised their plans to invest in some of the critical auto components. According to the Automotive Component Manufacturers Association of India (ACMA) officials, auto component manufacturers are expected to invest about Rs 10,000 crore over the next five years at the rate of Rs 2,000 crore per annum. According to analysts, the auto component industry could emerge as the next success story after software, pharmaceuticals, BPO and textiles. The size of the global auto component industry is estimated at $1 trillion and is set to grow further. Against this backdrop, McKinsey's latest report has estimated that the sector has the potential of increasing its exports to $25 billion by 2015 from $1.1 billion in 2004. Threat to the Dream! Indias expedition to become a global auto manufacturing hub could be seriously challenged by its inability to uphold its low-cost production base. A survey conducted by the research, KMPMG firm reveals that the Indian auto component manufacturers are increasingly becoming skeptical about sustaining the low-cost base as overheads including labour costs and complex tax regime are constantly rising. The survey said many executives believe that Indias cost advantage is grinding down fast as labour costs are constantly increasing and retaining employees is becoming more and more difficult. Increased presence of global automotive companies in the country was cited as one of the reasons for the high erosion rate.

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Indian auto businesses will only flourish if they boost investments in automation. In the longer term, cost advantage will only be retained if Indian capital can be used to develop low-cost automation in manufacturing. This is the way to preserve our low cost. Global auto majors are also cynical about Indias low cost manufacturing base. India taxation remains a big disadvantage. This is not about tax rates it is just about unnecessary complexity. But some companies also believe there is scope for reducing the cost of doing business. In spite of this there are opportunities to exploit lower costs right across the board. Its true that labour costs are definitely increasing but they are still five per cent of the total operational costs. The labour costs can be further reduced if companies are successful in bringing down other costs like reducing power costs. Low-cost base can never last long. The company said Indian industry has till now relied on very labour intensive model but it would have to switch to a more capital intensive model now.

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TVS Motor Company is one of the premiere automobile companies in India. The word TVS stands for TV Sundaram Iyengar and Sons Limited which is the holding company for the TVS Group of companies. The firm is engaged in the manufacturing of almost all kinds of automotive components, two wheelers and a few other industrial products. The company was founded by TV Sundaram Iyengar in 1911. The company is headquartered in Chennai and its manufacturing and R&D units are located at Mysore and Hosur, near Bangalore, and Baddi in Himachal Pradesh. TVS Motor Company is the first two-wheeler manufacturer in the world to be honored with Deming Prize for Total Quality Management.

TVS Motor Company Limited is the third largest two-wheeler manufacturer in India and globally among the top ten. It is the flagship company of TVS Group, a USD 2.2 billion conglomeration of companies. At present, the group is comprised of more than 30 companies and employs more 40,000 people worldwide. Its dealer and service network is widely spread in India.

TVS has enjoyed a steady growth since its inception. It has continuously expanded and diversified, and brought in new verticals within its fold. Today it boasts a strong presence in the manufacturing of twowheelers, auto components and computer peripherals. The company is also involved in the distribution of heavy commercial vehicles, cars, finance and insurance. With such a portfolio, the company contributes a lot to Indian economy.
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The company launched the first of its two-wheeler product in 1980. It was a 50cc moped, which was successful because of its capability to carry two people. It collaborated with Suzuki Motor Corporation of Japan, for the manufacture of 100 cc motorcycles under the brand name of Ind-Suzuki Motorcycles. Subsequently, the company changed its name to TVS Suzuki Ltd. However, the collaboration with Suzuki was only for motorcycles. The collaboration with Suzuki ended in 2001 and thereafter, the name was changed to TVS Motor Company. The company has set up an overseas manufacturing unit in Indonesia.

Quick Facts
Founder Country Year of Establishment Industry Business Group Listings & its codes Manufacturing of two-wheelers and auto components TVS Group NSE TVS - Suzuki Ltd: TVSSUZUKI TVS Motor Company Limited: TVSMOTOR TVS Motor Company Limited: TVS-SUZUKI BSE TVS Motor Company Ltd.: 532343 Head Office TVS Motor Company Jayalakshmi Estates V Floor 8, Haddows Road, Chennai - 600006 T V Sundaram Iyengar India August 1980 (TVS Group in 1911)

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Tel.: +(91)-(44)-28272233 Fax: +(91)-(44)-28257121 Factory Post Box No. 4 Harita, Hosur - 635 109 Tel.: +(91)-(4344)-276780 Fax: +(91)-(4344)-276878 Post Box No.1 Byathahalli Village, Kadakola Post Mysore - 571 311 Tel.: +(91)-(821)-2596561 Fax: +(91)-(821)-2596550/ 2596553 TVS Motor Company is the third largest two-wheeler

manufacturer in India and one among the top ten in the world, with annual turnover of more than USD 1 billion in 2008-2009, and is the flagship company of the USD 4 billion TVS Group. A Bike for Anyone TVS Motor currently manufactures a wide range of two-wheelers from mopeds to racing inspired motorcycles. Motorcycles (Apache RTR, Flame DS 125, Flame, Jive, StaR City, Sports) Variomatic Scooters (Wego, Scooty Streak, Scooty Pep+, Scooty Teenz) Mopeds (TVS XL Super, TVS XL Heavy Duty)

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Penchant for Quality The company has 4 plants - located at Hosur and Mysore in South India, in Himachal Pradesh, North India and one at Indonesia. The company has a production capacity of 2.5 million units a year. Innovation at the helm TVS Motor's strength lies in design and development of new products - the latest launch of 7 products on the same day seen as a first in automotive history. We at TVS deliver total customer satisfaction by anticipating customer need and presenting quality vehicles at the right time and at the right price. The customer and his ever changing need is our continuous source of inspiration.

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Company Effective April 21, 2009. TVS Motor Company Ltd.: History 1982 The company was incorporated as Indian Motorcycle Pvt. Ltd. on 15th July. Its name was changed to Indo Suzuki Motorcycles Pvt. Ltd. and it was converted into a public limited company on 12th January, 1984. It was promoted by Mr. N. Krishnan in collaboration with Suzuki Motor Co. Ltd. Japan; SundaramClayton, Ltd., a member of the Company to the extent of Rs 70 lakhs. The company entered into a technical know-how and assistance agreement with Suzuki Motor Co. Ltd., of Japan on 22nd September. As per the terms of the Colloboration, Suzuki agreed to furnish complete technical information and know-how, trade secrets and other data. All shares taken up by promoters etc. 1984 The company received a letter of intent for the manufacture of 20,000 spark ignition operated out board motors and 30,000 internal combustion spark ignition engines upto 500cc per annum. 59,40,000 shares issued at par in 1984. 7,00,000 shares allotted to Sundaram Clayton, Ltd. Chennai, 70,000 shares allotted to Anusha Investments (P) Ltd. Chennai, 20,00,000 shares allotted to Suzuki Motor Co., Ltd., Japan; 2,20,000 shares allotted to employees and business associates and 29,70,000 shares offered to the public. 1985
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A new company "Lakshmi Auto Components Pvt Ltd." was incorporated for the manufacture of critical engines and transmission parts. 1986

The company acquired the assets of the moped division from Sundaram Clayton Ltd. The cost of acquisition was met partly by rights issue of equity shares. The company subscribed to 39,20,000 equity shares of Rs.10 each of Lakshmi Auto Components Pvt Ltd, whereupon it became a subsidiary of the company.

The name of the company was changed from Indo Suzuki Motorcycles Ltd. to TVS Suzuki Ltd with effect from 18th August. 154,00,000 Rights Equity shares issued at par in prop. 2:1. 1988 The company obtained a letter of intent for expanding the capacity to 4,00,000 Nos. two wheelers. 1989 The working was adversely affected due to labour unrest which resulted in a lock-out from 28th February 1990. The lock out was lifted in the second week of June 1990. 1990

The company launched a 34cc miniped to take advantage of the Motor Vehicle Act that exempts such vehicles from the payment of road tax. The Company worked for only 10 months due to lockout. 1991

The technical aid agreement entered into with Suzuki Motor Co., Japan which expired in August 1991 was extended for three more years with the approval of the Government of India.

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1992 The Company launched two new models of motor cycles viz. `Sumurai' and `Shogun'. 1993 The Company launched a new model of moped viz. `TVS Scooty'. 1995 The Company was studying the feasibility of opening a second plant at a different location to meet the growth in demand for two wheelers in the near future. It also proposed to introduce upgraded version of mopeds. In addition, during the year, the Company undertook to develop new models of motorcycles. 1996 The company is taking steps to meet the increase in demand for its products and improve the market share. A statement relating to the subsidiary, M/s Lakshmi Auto Components Limited, Chennai, and a copy of its annual accounts for the year ended 31st March, 1996 are attached to the Balance Sheet pursuant to section 212 of the Companies Act, 1956. As per the requirements of section 217(1)(e) of the Companies Act, 1956 read with the Companies (Disclosure of Particulars in the Report of Board of Directors) Rules, 1988, the information regarding conservation of energy, technology absorption and foreign exchange earnings and outgo are given in annexure I to this report.

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1997 TVS-Suzuki plans to set up an auto ancillary estate through joint venture with some of its existing components suppliers. The proposed project is to come up at a new 57 - acre site near TVSSuzuki's existing plant at Hosur. Leading two-wheeler manufacturer in the country, TVS Suzuki, will soon set up a new 2.5 lakh capacity scooter plant in Mysore. TVS-Suzuki (TSL) - a joint venture between the TVS group and Suzuki Motor Corporation, Japan - was the first company to launch a 100-cc motorcycle in the Indian market. Credit Analysis & Research Ltd (Care) has assigned the credit rating of CARE AA+ (double A plus) to the proposed nonconvertible debenture issue of Rs.100 crore by TVS-Suzuki Ltd (TSL). TVS Suzuki is a joint venture between Saundaram Clayton Ltd. of the TVS group and Suzuki Motor Corporation, Japan. The company proposes to introduce kick start facility. TVS Suzuki Ltd (TSL), the second largest two-wheeler manufacturer in the country, will be restructuring its entire vendor-base in the next five years with the objective of creating robust vendors to meet its future expansion plans. TVS Suzuki Limited is officially launching its new moped model, the XL Super. The Rs. 100 crores non-convertible debentures of TVS-Suzuki Limited rating of AA + (high safety with higher standing) has been retained by CARE.

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1998 TVS Suzuki Ltd, one of the leading two-wheeler manufacturers in the country, has crossed the Rs.1,000-crore turnover mark in 1997-98. TVS will be the first company in the country to introduce the 4 stroke scooter in the Indian market. TVS' new-generation state-of-the-art four-stroke scooter Spectra, of which we gave you an exclusive preview last month, was launched in spectacular fashion at the TVS Millennium Show on October 1 in New Delhi. TVS Suzuki Ltd on October 1 launched its new generation 4-stroke scooter `TVS Spectra' in Delhi. 1999 TVS Suzuki is all set to launch a scaled-down version of Spectra -the recently launched four-stroke scooter. The company is set to launch Spectra on a nation-wide basis in April. Suzuki has indicated to the TVS group that if it did not agree to the Japanese company's acquiring a majority stake, it should allow Suzuki to set up a 100 per cent subsidiary. 2000 The Company, pioneers of Indo-Japanese motorcycles in the country, has launched its latest offering, Suzuki Fiero, in the Kerala market.

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The Tamil Nadu based TVS-Suzuki has launched the 150 CC fourstroke powerhouse Suzuki Fiero in Tamil Nadu, close on the heels of its launch in Rajasthan, Karnataka and Kerala. Two-Wheeler major, TVS-Suzuki Limited is set to create a special cell to tap the institutional segment. The Company proposes to relaunch its four-stroke scooter, Spectra, in July. Two-wheeler major TVS Suzuki is all set to cross the magic one million mark durisng the current fiscal with 12 new models lined up over the next 18 months. Motocycle giant, TVS Suzuki, has forged an alliance with Brand Dotcom to leverage the latter's online expertise brand building on the Net. TVS-Suzuki Ltd on August 30th, formally launched its indigenously developed 4-stroke motorcycle, TVS Victor, here. The price has been fixed at Rs 41,187, (ex-showroom, Chennai). The TVS group and Suzuki Motor Corporation September 27 parted ways from their 15-year-old joint venture with the former buying out the 25.97 per cent stake of the Japanese company for Rs 9 crore. 2002 TVS Motor Company Ltd has informed that the Board declared an interim dividend of Rs 9.00 per share on 2,31,00,070 equity shares of Rs 10/- each fully paid up, aggregating to Rs 231.00 million.

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2003 TVS Motor Company has recorded a market share of 35% from motor cycles division K.S.Bajpai has been appointed as an Additional Director on the Board. TVS, Bajaj Auto and Yamaha have grabbed the market share from the country's largest motor cycle maker Hero Honda. The TVS victor sales has crossed 4 lakh unit mark in less than 18 months of its launch. TVS Motor has recorded a 31% growth in its sales. C V R Panikar has been appointed as Additional Director on the Board of TVS Motor Company Ltd. TVS Motor Company has reintroduced Fiero, inorder to compete with Bajaj Pulsar. TVS Motor Company Ltd has introduced its own racing bikes which Team TVS will test on the tracks in Asian Circuit. TVS Motor launched 4 new mobikes including a new brand 100-cc mobike called the Centra. TVS Motor Chairman and MD Venu Srinivasan has been selected in Business Week's Stars of Asia which covers the top 25 achievers in the continent. TVS Motor Company adds two new models in two-wheeler segment. TVS Motor ties up with State Bank of India for scooter and Motorcycle financing. Launches Fiero F2 and Scooty Pep models

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Board of approves the merger of engine components division of its subsidiary, Lakshmi Auto Components (LAC) with TVS Motors effective from April 2, 2003 2004 TVS Motor, on Jan 5 launched Centra, a 100 cc four-stroke motor cycle, with variable timing intelligent (VTI) engines, claiming to give more mileage to consumers. The Centra has bundled price, style, power along with fuel efficiency making it a fill-once-amonth bike, and it's priced at Rs.36,990. nearly Rs 100 crore investment had gone into the launch of 'Centra', including R&D, plant and machinery. TVS Motor Company Unveil TVS Centra With ' VT-i Engines',, a 100 CC 4 stroke motorcycle TVS Motor Company launched its new bike - TVS Centra - here on February 9, 2004, for the first time in the State. It is a 100-cc fourstroke motorcycle targeted at the popular segment and a Fill-itonce-a-month bike, competitively priced at Rs. 36,990. The vehicle has been launched in January in the metros and other cities and so far 8,000 vehicles had been sold in the country. TVS Motor Company and Union Bank of India (UBI) have announced the launch of `Union Miles Scheme,' an exclusive twowheeler finance scheme TVS Motor Company (TVS) launches new 125cc, 4-stroke Victor GLX motorcycle in Chennai on May 02, 2004 TVS Vice President resigns TVS Motors forges alliance with Andhra Bank Canara Bank, TVS Motor rolls out TVS Canmobile
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TVS picks up Asian Network for Quality award TVS unveils new version of 'Victor GX' 2007 TVS Motor Company introduced its entry-level 4-stroke motorcycle - TVS Star - in the Kerala market TVS rolls out Star bike in Andhra Pradesh TVS Motor Company launches TVS Centra VT-i, a variant of its four-stroke 100cc model TVS Centra on May 6 TVS Motor rolls out two motorcycle variants named Victor EDGE, StaR City and Scooty Pep plus 2008 TVS Motor appoints new President TVS launches Apache in Vizag TVS Motor Company launched a new version of 125 cc Victor GLX with an electric start option 2009 TVS Motor Co, has rolled out seven new vehicles, including its first three-wheeler and a new 125 cc bike, aimed at gaining lost share in a highly competitive market. 2011 TVS Motor Company launched Scooty Streak, which is its latest scooterette targeted at girls of 16 to 20 age group. TVS Motor Company Limited has appointed Mr Prince Asirvatham as an additional and independent director of the board of directors
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TVS Group is one of India'soldest business groups. It is a giant conglomerate with presence in diverse fields like automotive component manufacturing, automotive dealerships and electronics. Today, there are over thirty companies in the TVS Group, employing more than 40,000 people worldwide and with a turnover in excess of USD 2.2 billion. TVS Group originated as a transport company in 1911. TV Sundaram Iyengar and Sons Limited is the parent and holding company of the TVS Group. TV Sundram Iyengar and Sons Limited has the following three divisions: TVS and Sons: TVS and Sons is the largest automobile distribution company in India. It distributes Heavy Duty Commercial Vehicles, Jeeps and Cars. TVS and Sons represents premier automotive companies like Ashok Leyland, Mahindra and Mahindra Ltd., and Honda. The company is also one of the leading logistics solution providers and has set up state-of-the-art warehouses all over the country. TVS and Sons has also diversified into distributing a range of Garage equipments. Sundaram Motors: Sundaram Motors distributes Heavy Duty Commercial Vehicles, Cars, and auto spare parts for several leading manufacturers. The company is also the dealer for Ashok Leyland, Honda, Fiat, Ford and Mercedes Benz.

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Madras Auto Service: Madras Auto Service distributes automotive spare parts for all leading manufacturers. Other major companies of TVS Group are: TVS - Motor Company Limited: TVS Motor Company Limited is one of the largest two-wheeler manufacturers in India. It manufactures Motorcycles, Mopeds, Scooterettes and Scooters. TVS Electronics Limited: TVS Electronics was incorporated in 1986 in collaboration with Citizen Watch Co. of Japan. The company manufactures a complete range of computer peripherals. Axles India Limited: Axles India was promoted by Sundaram Finance, Wheels India and Eaton Corporation for the manufacture of axles for medium and heavy duty commercial vehicles in India. Brakes India Limited: Brakes India is a joint venture between TV Sundram Iyengar and Sons Ltd. and Lucas Industries Plc., UK. The company manufactures braking equipment for automotive and nonautomotive applications. Sundaram Polymers Division: Sundaram Polymers Division

manufactures Engineering Plastic compounds for various applications. Harita Finance Limited: Harita Finance Ltd is a finance company under the TVS Group. It deals in retail finance, hire purchase, leasing and bill discounting.
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Harita Finance Limited: Harita Finance Ltd is a finance company under the TVS Group. It deals in retail finance, hire purchase, leasing and bill discounting. India Motor Parts and Accessories Limited: It is engaged in the distribution of automobile spare parts. India Nippon Electricals Limited: It is a joint venture between Lucas Indian Service and Kokusan Denki Co Ltd., Japan. The company manufactures Electronic Ignition Systems for two wheelers and portable gensets. IRIZAR TVS (P) Ltd: IRIZAR TVS (P) Ltd. is a joint venture between Sundaram Industries Ltd, Ashok Leyland Ltd and IRIZAR S. Coop of Spain. The company builds bus bodies for export and domestic market. Lakshmi Auto Components Limited: The company is a subsidiary of TVS-Suzuki. It manufactures gears, crankshafts and connecting rods for TVS-Suzuki motorbikes and mopeds. Lucas Indian Service: Lucas Indian Service is a wholly owned subsidiary of Lucas-TVS Ltd., engaged in the sales and service of autoelectricals and fuel injection equipment. Lucas - TVS Limited: Lucas-TVS, a joint venture between Lucas Varity group, UK and TVS Group, is a leading manufacturer of auto electrical products and diesel fuel injection equipment in India.

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Sundaram Brake Linings Limited: Sundaram Brake Linings is the leading manufacturer of brake linings in India. Sundaram-Clayton Limited: Sundaram - Clayton Ltd manufactures complete range of air brake actuation system - compressors, actuators, valves, brake chambers, spring brakes, slack adjusters, couplings, hoses, switches and vacuum boosters for light/medium and heavy commercial vehicles and trailers. Foundry Division manufactures aluminum, gravity and pressure die-castings.

TVS Motor Company (TVS-M) one of the largest two wheeler manufacturers in India, started manufacturing in 1979. TVS-M currently manufactures a range of two wheelers namely motorcycles, scooters, scooterettes and mopeds in its plants located at Hosur (in Tamilnadu) and at Mysore (in Karnataka). Our subsidiary M/s Lakshmi Auto Components Ltd (LAC), the Engine component division has been merged with TVS-M, so the annual report of 2003-04 comprises of both. Our market share is around 22 %. TVS-M is also the market leader in the moped segment enjoying a share of 69 %. The combined capacity as of march 04 is more than 1.6 million vehicles and the annual turn over was Rs. 28,560 million (2003-04). TVS-M also exports its bikes as SKDs and CKDs to African and South Americ

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Motorcycles TVS AX 100 TVS Fiero TVS Samurai TVS Shaolin TVS Shogun TVS Apache (150 cc,13.7 Ps @8500rpm) TVS Apache RTR 160 TVS Apache RTR 160 EFI (Electronic Fuel Injection) TVS Apache RTR 180 (17.3ps) TVS Centra TVS Fiero TVS Fiero F2 TVS Fiero FX TVS Flame TVS Flame (125 cc,ccvti technology) TVS MAX 100 TVS MAX R 100 TVS Star TVS Star City TVS Star Sport TVS Supra TVS Victor (110 cc) TVS Victor EDGE (125 cc) TVS Victor GLX (125 cc)

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TVS Scooty KS (60 cc) (2nd Largest used Scooter in India) TVS Scooty ES (60 cc) TVS Scooty Pep (90 cc) (3rd largest used scooter in India) TVS Scooty Pep + (90 cc) TVS Teenz (60 cc) TVS Streak (90 cc)


TVS 50 (The most used moped in India and its subcontinent, has been manufactured 11,26,325 (its variants and derivates included) times (August 2005) and still going on in service. TVS XL (60 cc) TVS Eco TVS Champ (50 cc) TVS Super Champ (60 cc) TVS Sport (70 cc) TVS XL Super (70 cc) TVS XL Super Heavy Duty (70 cc)

TVS Apache
TVS Apache is an exciting offer from TVS. A powerful blend of contemporary design and engineering, TVS Apache is superbly styled with fantastic finish. The mighty machine has sleek finish with lines that flow smoothly and seamlessly.
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TVS Centra
TVS Centra is an efficient bike in the popular 100 cc segment in India. Thanks to the VTI (Variable Timing Intelligent) engine technology, it is one of the most fuel efficient bikes in India. Coming with a slew of innovative technologies and superb design, the bike promises style, mileage and riding comfort.

TVS Fiero F2
TVS Fiero FX 2 is a dynamic looking body with lots of power packed features. The all-new twin pod instrument cluster comprises the speedometer and trip tachometer. Triple rated 5-step shock absorber at the rear and hydraulically damped front suspension imparts stability and comfort.

TVS Scooty Pep+

TVS Scooty Pep+ is an addition on TVS Scooty Pep. The two-wheeler has been successful all over the market due to its sleek dual tone body with complementary colored mirrors, appealing body lining and 5 different types of metallic colors.

TVS Star
The TVS Star is TVS' entry-level bike that challenges the dominance of the Bajaj CT 100 in the economy-segment. TVS has launched different kinds of motorcycles which are marketed with all customized specifications.

TVS Super XL
TVS Super XL has been incorporated with all features a two-wheeler needs to sell itself. The vehicle has been designed with rural vehicles in
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mind. With proper safety, speed and easy-to-ride features, it has been able to taste success in its target market.

TVS Victor
TVS Victor is an impressively styled powerful motorcycle. The bike is available in new graphics and alloy wheels, which accentuate its sporty style. The fuel tank has rounded lines with an aircraft styled fuel filler lid. ENERGY CONSERVATION POLICY Energy policy energy TVS Motor Company is committed to Energy conservation through Optimization of usage & loud, continuous Auditing and climinating wastages . We are also committed to energy saving By using alternative methods, efficiency Improvement using non-conventional Resources minimizing waste generation & encouraging recycling . We shall comply with the energy Legislation and regulation and build Awareness among all employees for Total involvement in energy conservation Drive

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Milestones of TVS Motor

1980 1984 1994 1996 1997 2000 2001 India's first 2 seater 50cc Moped TVS 50, launched in Aug. First Indian Company to introduce 100cc Indo-Japanese motorcycles in Sept. Launched first indigenous Scooterette (sub-100 cc variomatic scooters), TVS Scooty in June. Introduced first catalytic converter enabled motorcycle, the 110cc Shogun in Dec. Launched India's first 5-speed motorcycle, the Shaolin in Oct. Launched TVS Fiero, India's first 150 cc, 4 stroke motorcycle in April. Launched TVS Victor, 4-stroke 110 cc motorcycle, in August, India's first fully indigenously designed and manufactured motorcycle. 2004 Launched TVS Centra in January, a world-class 4-stroke 100 cc motorcycle with the revolutionary VT-i Engines for best-in-class mileage. Launched TVS Star in Sept, a 100 cc motorcycle which is ideal for rough terrain.

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Star of Asia Award to Mr. Venu Srinivasan, CMD TVS Motor Company by Business Week International. He was also honoured with Doctorate in Science by University of Warwick, United Kingdom. Mr Venu Srinivasan was conferred with the prestigious JRD Tata Corporate Leadership Award for the year 2004. Engineering The Deming Prize TVS Motor Company is the only two-wheeler company in the world to be awarded the world's most prestigious and coveted recognition in Total Quality Management

Technology Award 2002 from Ministry of Science, Government of India for the successful commercialization of indigenous technology for TVS Victor Asian Network for Quality Award 2004 - TVS Scooty Pep won the prestigious 'Outstanding Design Excellence Award' from Business World and National Institute of Design

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Progressive Manufacturer 100 Award TVS wins coveted 2009 Progressive Manufacturer 100 Award for end-to-end automation of the entire business process of its lubricant brand, TVS TRU4 TPM Excellence Award 2008 First category by Japan Institute of Plant Maintenance (JiPm) Management Emerging Corporate Giant in the Private Sector awarded by The Economic Times and the Harvard Business School Association of India.

Best Managed Company award from Business Today, one of India's leading business magazines. Most Investor friendly company by Business Today, one of India's leading business The 'Good Advertising' award by Auto India Best Brand Awards 2009. SAP ACE AWARD 2007 The company won the SAP ACE 2007 Award for Customer Excellence in the Most Innovative Netweaver Category.

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TEAM TECH 2007 Award TVS Motor Company bags TEAM TECH 2007 Award of Excellence for Integrated use of Computer Aided Engineering TechnologiesTVS wins coveted 2009 Progressive Manufacturer 100 Award

TVS motor company awarded the total productive maintenance (TPM) excellence award
TVS Motor wins TPM Excellence Award by Japan Institute of Plant Maintenance New Delhi: The Japan Institute of Plant Maintenance (JIPM) has awarded the coveted Total Productive Maintenance (TPM) Excellence Award to TVS Motor Company in the first category. The company won the award for its exemplary implementation of TPM processes in its Plant II in Hosur and its Mysore plant. The TPM Excellence Award is the most prestigious award presented to organizations, which have attained excellence in equipment performance. Mr. M. Muthuraj, Senior Vice President (Operations) received the award on behalf of the company at a ceremony held in Yokohama, Japan on Wednesday.

The award was conferred in acknowledgment of the performance and proficiency of TVS Motor Companys state-of-the-art manufacturing
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facilities and TPM process implementation in its Hosur and Mysore plants. The TPM Excellence Award indicates that the company has been consistent in terms of significant business results and performance indicators on Quality, Cost, Delivery, Productivity, Morale and Safety. The journey towards excellence is endless and team TVS is always committed to attaining higher level targets. It is the combined effort and hard work of all the team members, which has resulted in us being awarded the TPM Excellence award. Such recognitions definitely boosts the morale, determination and zeal of the team and induces a spirit to achieve even better operational excellence and business results, said Mr Venu Srinivasan, Chairman, TVS Motor Company. This is the second time that TVS Motor Company has bagged this esteemed award. In 2004 the Engine Component Division at Hosur had received the distinguished honor in recognition for excellence in application of TPM methodology. By implementing TPM processes in its plants, TVS Motor Company has achieved significant results in quality and cost effective manufacturing. Zero accident has been achieved in both plants and productivity has improved by 35%. This award reflects our ultimate goal to constantly endeavor to maintain high levels of efficiency resulting in superior products which meets the aspirations of rapidly maturing customers Mr. Srinivasan added.

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TVS Motor Company Limited, the flagship company of the USD 2.7 billion TVS Group, is the third largest two-wheeler manufacturer in India and among the top ten in the world, with an annual turnover of over USD 740 million. The company is the only two-wheeler manufacturer in the world to be honoured with the hallmark of Japanese Quality The Deming Prize for Total Quality Management.

TVS Motors wins two IT awards

HOSUR: TVS Motor Company Limited has won two IT Awards, the SAP ACE 2008 Awards for customer excellence and the 2008 Symantec South Asia Visionary Award. While the company won the SAP ACE Award for digitization of new product development process in SAP by implementing PLM (Product Lift Management), the Symantec South Asia Visionary Award was conferred for the way the company secured and managed system and information, a company press statement said here on Friday. The SAP ACE Award recognizes achievement of business excellence through implementation of SAP projects. Approximately 150 organisations participated across India for this award. The award is given to different categories of Industries leveraging SAP to achieve business excellence, the release said. It is indeed an honour for TVS Motor Company to win the SAP ACE Award for the second consecutive year. PLM helped us to assimilate customer experience and connect it to drawing board and also will help us in systematic introduction of new product by mee ting quality, costs and delivery targets. The Symantec Award was also a prestigious
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achievement for us. TVS Motor Company was chosen out of 25 participants in South Asia for this award'' said, Mr T G Dhandapani, Corporate Chief Information Officer, TVS M otor Company, who received the awards on behalf of the company. - PT

Research and Development

The Companys R&D team has a strong technical talent pool and modern computer aided laboratory, capable of developing new and innovative styles and designs. It also has state-of-art facilities for engine testing, NVH measurements and life testing. At present, more than 450 engineers are working on the development of new products and in other advanced areas of technology. The Company works with leading technological research laboratory and institutions. The Companys R&D is cognizant of 2010 emission norms and is focused on ensuring complete compliance in all its products. The Company is also working on development of fuel-efficient technologies and alternate fuel technologies to take care of emerging needs of the consumers and environment. The Company has applied for over 200 patents and its R&D team has published 44 technical papers in national and international conferences. In addition to the requirements of domestic markets, the R&D team has developed products for ASEAN markets. The team has also
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developed three wheelers. TVS Racing Group, which is an integral part of the R&D ,participated in the major two-wheeler racing events in the country and won nearly 90% of the events. Information technology ERP system is used to integrate all the business processes across the Company. The Company has also integrated its dealers and suppliers into its IT systems. During the year 2007-08, the Company has implemented Product Lifecycle Management system to digitize the new product of new products into the market. It integrates different processes within the Company and enables electronic collaboration with product development vendors. The Company has also introduced Business Intelligence tool to get quick access to information through dashboards for effective decision-making.

New Product Launches and Initiatives During the year 2007-08, the Company launched various newproducts and variants. TVS Flame This is the hottest riding experience sporting many first time features (in the executive segment) like the embedded trafficators, Instant Mileage Indicator, Delta Edge exhaust andglove box. Flame sports are volutionary 3 Valve CCVTi engine which delivers best in class mileage without compromise on power. With this launch, the Company will actively compete in the executive segment.
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Apache RTR This 160cc Apache launched in the growing premium segment, was declared Performance Bike of the year 2008 by Auto Business Standard Motoring , NDTV and Overdrive. It also bagged the NDTV Car & Bike Award for Best Design of the year. StaR Sport The new StaR Sport with superior style, refreshing graphics, pleasing colours and contemporary design became an instant hit. More importantly , this bike delivers the best mileage in its class. StaR City 110 cc An upgrade of the existing and highlysuccessful StaR City, this newmotorcycle packs a more powerfulpunch with increased power and higherfuel efficiency with VTi technology. Scooty TeenZ Electric This new entrant in the TVS Scooty family is an electric ecofriendly scooter. This will address the growing demand for electric scooters in India. Scooty TeenZ Electric has been launched in Gujarat and Maharashtra. During the year 2008-09, this product will be made available across the country.

TVS Tru4 Oil TVS Tru4 oil has been indigenously developed by the Company in association with BPCL. This is specifically designed for smooth clutch operations, smoother gearshift and enhanced engine protection providing an ultra smooth biking experience for the customer. This
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product has been certified by JASO (Japanese Automotive Standards Organisation ) for MA2 with API 20W40 grade.

In this category, the Company faced a steep decline of 33% during2007-08. The Company's motorcycle portfolio was largely dependent on StaR brand of motorcycles and the impact of non availability of retail finance was severe. Launch of TVS Flame was delayed due to litigation on usage of twin spark plug. While the legal process is still going on, in order to avoid business disruption , the Company has launched TVS Flame with a single spark plug without compromising on any of the performance parameters . With the complete product range now available, the Company hopes to reverse the decline and grow during 2008-09. Un geared scooters Scooty Pep+ continues to be the market leader in sub 100ccmarket. Emergence of electric scooters segment has affected TVS Scooty Electricwill sales marginally. The newly launched TeenZ address this issue. This product is also rated the best

amongst the competing brands by Overdrive Magazine (June2008 issue). The Company will also be launching a new variant of Scooty and a big scooter during the year 2008-09 to expand its customer base.

Mopeds grew by 19% and increased its market share to 95% from 89% in the previous year. Focused efforts on non-south states have helped to achieve this growth.

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International Business In 2007-08, export business saw steep growth of 32% as compared to 28% in the previous year. During this period, 5 more countries were included, taking the total countries to which the Company exports to 53. Three Wheeler Operations The three wheeler industry has grown at a compounded average growth rate (CAGR) of 12% over the last 5 years to reach 5 lakh units in 2007-08. Passenger segment accounts for 73% and balance being goods carriers. In addition to domestic demand, exports offer an attractive opportunity. The Company launched its three wheeler, TVS King in two variants . two stroke petrol and two stroke LPG in March 2008. The product comes with many first time features in the industry and delivers higher comfort and convenience, better fuel efficiency and more importantly superior style to give pride of ownership to the drivers. The product has received encouraging response from the market. TVS King has been launched in selected towns and will be gradually extended to allover India by December 2008. TVS MOTOR COMPANY LIMITED The Company plans to introduce four stroke version in Petrol, LPG and CNG fuels for domestic and export markets during 2008-09.


Growth in two wheeler demand would come mainly from rising population in relevant age and income groups and increasing use of personal transport.

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The StaR brand stands to gain from this, but the current retail finance situation may hinder its growth in the current year. Apache RTR is gaining popularity with the younger male population. To retain this segment of customers, who are very conscious about style and performance, frequent refreshes and upgrades are required. The executive segment accounts for over 50% of the motorcycle category. The recently launched TVS Flame has been well received by discerning customers. The Company has a strong presence in the sub 100cc ungeared scooter segment. However, the Company has no presence in the large scooter format which accounts for 70% of the total ungeared scooters. The Company plans to launch a new product during the year to target these customers. Emergence of electric scooters, especially in the context of rising fuel prices provides a new avenue of growth.


The Company has significantly improved the quality performance of all its products through a systematic task force approach. The fact that the Company came out with Industry first five year extended warranty program on StaR brand is a testimony to its manufacturing quality.

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The Company continues to benefit from 100% participation of employees in TQM activities. The employees have completed more than 1,200 projects through QC Circles and Cross Functional Teams. The average number of suggestions implemented per employee was 69 during 2007-08.

Cost Management
The Company continues its rigorous focus on costs through an effective deployment system. Value engineering and aggressive global sourcing projects are being pursued to reduce material costs and also to partially neutralize input material cost increase. TPM is practiced in all the plants to ensure significant improvement in productivity and reduction in manufacturing cost. During 2007-08, the Hosur and Mysore plants were awarded the TPM excellence certificate by the Japanese Institute of Plant Management (JIPM).

Research and Development

The Companys R&D team has a strong technical talent pool and modern computer aided laboratory, capable of developing new and innovative styles and designs. It also has state-of-art facilities for engine testing, NVH measurements and life testing. At present, more than 450 engineers are working on the development of new products and in other advanced areas of technology. The Company works with leading technological research laboratory and institutions. The Companyfs R&D
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is cognizant of 2010 emission norms and is focused on ensuring complete compliance in all its products. The Company is also working on development of fuel-efficient technologies and alternate fuel technologies to take care of emerging needs of the consumers and environment. The Company has applied for over 200 patents and its R&D team has published 44 technical papers in national and international conferences. In addition to the requirements of domestic markets, the R&D team has developed products for ASEAN markets. The teamhas also developed three wheelers. During the year 2007-08, the Company has implemented Product Lifecycle Management system to digitize the new product development process. This solution will help in faster introduction of new products into the market.

Supply Chain Management During the year, the Company streamlined its global sourcing operations apart from strengthening its domestic supply base. Supplier cluster programmes enabled transfer of best practices from the Company to the suppliers and also among the suppliers. The domestic dealership network was further strengthened with addition of 48 dealers in 2007-08. The Company now has 604 exclusive dealers and over 2,500 authorised sub dealers and service centres. The customer loyalty programme . Smiles forever - has been upgraded and revamped. The current customer base of the CRM programme is over 4.3 lakh members PT TVS Motor Company Indonesia PT TVS Motor Company Indonesia, a subsidiary of the Company, has established a manufacturing
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facility at Karawang (near Jakarta), Indonesia with an annual capacity of 3,00,000 units. The new product exclusively developed for the Indonesian market was launched during 2007-08 in select markets. The response from the customers has been extremely satisfactory. Apache RTR launched during 2007-08 has also caught the fancy of Indonesian customers. The Company has established a network of 25 dealers as on 31st March 2008 and plans to add another 125 during 2008-09.


The Company focuses on attracting the best talent through strategic recruitment from reputed Engineering Colleges and Business Schools across the country. Managers are developed through structured foundation programs in association with reputed institutions. The Company sponsors managers to overseas and inland universities for developing their capabilities to handle new technologies and management practices. They are also deputed to international conferences and seminars to gain global exposure. Leadership development programs have been institutionalized as part of career development for senior executives. Career development workshops help identifying the high potential talents. This is reinforced with robust development plans supported by reward and recognition system. The Company has developed a blueprint for creating Centers of Excellence in the key business processes. These Centers of Excellence build competencies required for the present and the future to provide competitive advantage. The Company continues to maintain its record on industrial relations with not a single day of work being lost because

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of labour unrest. As on 31st March 2008, the Company had 4,284 employees on its rolls.


An integrated EHS Management System is instituted both at Hosur and Mysore units. Both the sites have been certified under ISO 14001 for Environment Management System and under OHSAS 18001 for Occupational Health Safety Management System. The Company continues to excel in key environmental performance areas, achieving a 35% reduction in fresh water consumption, 45% per unit reduction in landfill waste disposal and 33% reduction in paint sludge generation. In line with the World Environment Day . 2008 theme g Kick the Habit Towards Low Carbon Economyh, the Company is making a conscious effort to reduce its Carbon Foot print. Accordingly, it has taken various energy conservation measures like the use of waste heat from central power plants, use of energy efficient motors, use of CFL lighting systems, use of natural lights, special V Belts in machine drives etc. The eventual goal is to become a Carbon Neutral Manufacturing Company. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT AND SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY Srinivasan Services Trust (SST) is a trust co-sponsored by TVS Motor Company with the vision of building self-reliant rura communities. SST extended its coverage to 363 villages, serving a population of 3.71 lakhs. Some of the significant achievements are Regular income of over Rs.4,000/- per month for 14,446 families. No case of Infant and maternal mortality in the project areas.

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Morbidity caused by poor sanitation & hygiene reduced from 37% to 13%. 100% enrolment of children in Balwadis and Schools. 1,12,000 hectares of degraded forest land reforested. 5,830 hectares were covered under Watershed Program. CAUTIONARY STATEMENT Statements in the management discussion and analysis report describing the companys objectives, projections, estimates and expectations may be gforward looking statementsh within the meaning of applicable securities laws and regulations. Actual results could differ materially from those expressed or implied. Important factors that could make a difference to the Companys operations include, among others, economic conditions affecting demand supply and price conditions in the domestic and overseas markets in which the Company operates, changes in the Government regulations, tax laws and other statutes and incidental factors. INTERNAL CONTROL AND THEIR ADEQUACY The Company has a proper and adequate Internal control system to ensure that all the assets of the Company are safeguarded and protected against any loss and that all the transactions are properly authorised, recorded and reported.

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TVS Apache RTR 180: The new member of the TVS Apache stable TVS, the maker of the popular Apache RTR brand, released TVS Apache RTR 180cc bike last month, the new member of the Apache family. The Apache bikes are racing bikes. If you are looking for a bike which is stylish and powerful at the same time, then this is the bike for you. The Apache RTR 180 comes with superb aerodynamic design. TVS mainly made changes in the engine which made the major difference in the performance of this bike. The new Apache RTR 180 will compete with Bajaj Pulsar 180cc and Bajaj Pulsar 200cc bikes, Yamaha FZ-S bike. TVS is also planning to launch another motorcycle in India by the end of this year and it would start exporting its Apache RTR 160 FI to North America at the same time.

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The various objective of apache rtr 180 are : Split bull horn rails: The split bull horn rails not only adds up to the motor cycles style quotient but also helps the pillion rider to get a good grip thus ensuring safety. The split bull horn design is the result of input gathered from thousands of palm types and grab holdings. Style and graphics: The stylish graphics of TVS Apache RTR 180 makes it a stand out from the crowd. The racing stripes, luminous rims, aerodynamic airscoops and race crouch mirrors makes it lean mean racing machine. Aerodynamic airscoops: The aerodynamic airscoops makes sure that cool air flows towards the engine unit to cool it down. Engine fairing: The engine fairing adds up to the aero dynamic design of the TVS Apache RTR 180. It also protects RTR engine from harsh road conditions. Lightweight stylish alloys: The lighth weight alloys does not add up too much weight at the same time they can withstand the toughest surface. Forged brake lever: The forged brake lever and gear lever set of the Apache RTR 180 gives it a distinctive look.
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Removable rear fender: The Apache RTR 180 comes with a replaceable mud flap Engine: The Rev happy oversquare engine truly upholds the ingenuity of TVS engineers. This engine won the TVS Apache RTR 160 the performance bike of the year award from BS Motoring and Overdrive & NDTV car and bike awards. Roto petal disc: The Apache RTR 160 was the first Indian bike to come with the Roto Petal disc with a diameter of 270 mm. It helps in sharp braking and the large size of the disc ensures quick heat dispersion. The Apache RTR 180 comes with roto petal disc on both front and rear wheels. Digital speedo console: The backlit digital speedo console gives out necessary information about the motor cycle such as, two trip logs, max speed and so on. LED Tail lamp: The stylish LED (Light Emitting Diode) tail lamp consumes less energy and shines more brightly and ensures high visibility at any weather condition. Head Lamp: The head lamp and park lights are integrated into the cowl. It provides good visibility.

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Poly shock absorbers: The poly shock makes the TVS RTR 180 a tough motorcycle that can run on any terrain. Be it a smooth road, or rough road filled with potholes. The poly shock absorber takes the rebound from a shock and dissipates it as heat energy. Clip on handle bars: The clip on handle bar of the TVS RTR 180 is designed based on racing insights. The handle bar consists of two units- the two different handle bars and base unit. The handle bars are joined with the base unit in such a way that it gives the rider a racing posture. The clip on handle bar is also adjustable according to the riders height. Wide tubeless tyres: The wide tubeless tyres of TVS RTR 180 ensure high stability for the rider on all types of roads. Stylish exhaust: The roar says it all for TVS RTR 180. Designed with great care, the exhaust not only releases the gas produced from internal combustion but also adds up to the overall style icon of the bike. Foot pegs: The rear set foot pegs is fitted in such a way that is gives the rider a sporty stance while riding the bike. The foot pegs of TVS Apache RTR 180 are lightweight and contribute to the power to weight ratio.

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Price: TVS Apache RTR 180 will cost Rs.64,000 (ex-showroom). TVS Apache RTR 180 specification

Dimensions, weight and color: Length: 2085.00 mm Width: 730.00 mm Height: 1100.00 mm Kerb weight: 137 kg. Maximum payload: 130 kg. Colors: White, gray, yellow and black. Other specifications: Ground clearance: 180 mm Saddle height: 790 mm Chassis type: Double cradle sychrostiff. Fuel tank capacity: 16 ltrs Reserve fuel tank capcity: 2.5 ltrs. Battery: 12v. 9.0 AH Headlamp: 12V 35/35W Halogen HS1, Clear lens with MFR.
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Taillamp: 0.5 W LED twin-triangle with prism on Wheel Type: Six spoke magnesium alloy wheels. Wheelbase: 1326.00 mm Front rim size: 1.85 X 17 Rear rim size: 2.15X17 Front wheel size: 90/90 x 17 Rear wheel size: 110/80 x 17 mm Front suspension: Telescopic Forks (105 mm strokes) Rear suspension: Mono tube inverted gas filled shocks Front brake type: 270 mm petal disc. Rear brake type: 200 mm petal disc. Brake fluid: Dot 3. Engine: Engine type: Single cylinder, air cooled, four stroke. Displacement: 177.4 cc. Max Power: 17.3bhp @ 8500rpm Max Torque: 1.58kgm @ 6500rpm Maximum speed: 124 kmph. Bore: 62.5 mm. Stroke: 57.8 mm. Compression ratio: 9.5:1 Carburettor: Mikuni BS-29. Valve train: Two valves, overhead cam. Valves per cylinder: Two valves. Power to weight ratio: 124.08 bhp/tonne. Starting: Electronic and kick start.

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SHANTHI TVS is a proprietary concern started on 19th December 1997 by Mr. Dhamodar V Shanbhag a resident of shirali . Having a good reputation and hailing from reputed business family. It located BH Rd, Shimoga which is very best place for such type of unit. Working hour of SHANTHI TVS is between 10.00 am to 6.30pm and helpline breakdown service is available for 24hrs within city limit. For the convenience of the customer and smooth running of the concern, the unit has been divided into various section. Spare part devison Work section Sales department SHANTHI TVS also made the automated workshop in 05 January 2005. Generally all kinds of repairs and services like Reconditioning ,lathwork ,firefighting etc are carried out in automated workshop for the smooth working of workshop. Under the workshop in charge there are two skilled mechanics and two mechanics cum electricians and under each of them there are two helpers. The mechanic in the workshop are talented and have efficient and have attend various training camp organized by TVS COMPANY .

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The various machines and tools installed in workshop are Hydraulic ramp Pneumatic tools Tools board Special tools Engine jig Air compressor Air inflator Bench vice Impact driver General tools Verneir Timing light Battery charger Battery tester Hydro meter Soldering iron Spark plug cleaning machine Air gauge Water wash machine Multi meter Compression gauge Mileage tester Rpm meter This installation of tools and machinery of automated workshop are very sophisticated. Everyday there are 15 to 20 vehicle for servicing purpose in the workshop of SHANTHI TVS .
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For the convenience of the satisfaction of cutomers , separate waiting room has been constructed with various facilities like news paper , journals , magazines , TV etc . The unit has separate spare parts counter , where in all spare and equipment are genuine and indirectly supplied by the TVS COMPANY. The unit has spare parts of all ranges bike of TVS. SHANTHI TVS Deals with following TVS Company Motor Cycle TVS Apache (150 cc, 13.7 Ps @8500rpm) TVS Apache RTR 160 TVS Apache RTR 160 EFI (Electronic Fuel Injection) TVS Apache RTR 180 (17.3ps) TVS Centra TVS Fiero F2 TVS Scooty Pep (90 cc) (3rd largest used scooter in India) TVS Star TVS Star City TVS Star Sport TVS Victor (110 cc) TVS Victor EDGE (125 cc) TVS Flame (125 cc,ccvti technology) TVS Scooty

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The following were the investments made by Mr.Dhamodar V. Shanbagh the proprietor of SHANTHI TVS for establishment of this motorcycle giant in Shimoga: Particulars Land Purchased Vehicles(Initial Investment) Spare Parts(Initial Investment) Furniture & Fittings Automated Workshop TOTAL Amount (in Rs.) 15,00,000 5,00,000 2,00,000 1,50,000 2,00,000 25,50,000

In firm size , it is humanly impossible for an individual to do justice to the multitudes and the complex demand of the managing and operating of the business .since management essentially implies taking work from other as per the plan . there authority to the work done from the later as per specific directives . All the management function of planning , organizing , directing and controlling cannot be perform by an officer at the top. In short authority has to deligated as the responsibility diversified in order achieve optimum results.

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The pattern of network of relationship between the various position is in a firm as well as between the person who hold those position referred to as organizational chart. As it has been mentioned earlier that it is a sole proprietary concern, followed by one manager, one workshop in charge, one supervisor, one spare part in charge, one receptionist. Under the workshop in charge there are two skilled mechanics and two mechanics cum electricians and under each of them there are two helpers. The top down chart of the SHANTHI TVS, the major function at the top which subordinates function is successive lower position.

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SHANTHI TVS provide quality services to their customers to keep long lasting customers relationship. The services offered by the showroom are: Sales Repairs Servicing Maintenance of vehicles The unit undertakes all kinds of sales, repairs, servicing and maintenance of all TVS motorcycles. As a sub-dealer SHANTHI TVS provides 2 years warranty after sales services to all TVS motorcycles on certain terms & conditions. It offers FIVE free services for new vehicles, regular services after free services and general checkups. Everyday there are at least 15-20 vehicles for servicing. The free services are offered on all TVS motorcycles on the following basis: Free Services First Service Second Service Third Service Eligibility 500-750 kms or 1month from the date of purchase 2500 -3000kms or 3 month from the date of purchase 5500-6000kms or 6 month from the date of purchase
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Fourth Service Fifth Service

7000-7500 kms or 9 month from the date of purchase 11500-12000kms or 12 month from the date of purchase


As the business grows the competition also increases. So the firm to be successful must prove greater customer value and satisfaction than its competitors. So the firm should carry out continuous innovative marketing strategy to hold the market. The main competitors of SHANTHI TVS are: Hero Honda Motors (Hero Honda). OM Ganesh Auto (Yamaha-Escorts). Amar Sales & Services (Kinetic Engg Ltd.). Supmer motors ( Bajaj) SALES PROMOTION

Sales promotion tool are used by most firm including manufacturers, distrubuters, retailers and trade association. They are targeted towards final buyers. It is a short term incentives to encourage

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purchase or sale of a product, where advertising offers reason to buy a product , sales promotion offers reason to buy now . Promotion plays an important role in the total performance mix. Mahamaya Motors undertakes various promotional activities. Such as: Exchange offers by arranging exchange melas Monsoon Mela Mega service camp Finance facilities Test drive Free service camps Keeping customer data base Calling for free service to the customers Follow-up customers complaint Diwali Dhamaka offers Free gifts with bikes (mobiles, electronic items).

The main objective of the study is finding the popularity of TVS co in Shimoga and also the titled itself indicates the Consumer behaviour towards TVS Apache in Shimoga and to see why the customer preferring TVS Apache at the alternatives of Hero Hondas CBZ Xtreme and Bajajs Pulsar .
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The main sub objectives of the study are outlined below: To study the market share of TVS motors To study the customers biking preference To study the customers want and demand To make necessary suggestion on the basis of study conducted

Satisfaction is a persons feelings of pleasure or disappointment resulting from comparing a products perceived performance (or outcome) in relation to his or her expectations. Whether the buyer is satisfied after purchase depends on the offers performance in relation to the buyers expectations. If the performance falls short of the expectations, the customer is dissatisfied. If the performance matches the expectations, the customer is satisfied. If the performance exceeds expectations the customer is highly satisfied or delighted. A company would be wise to measure customer satisfaction regularly because one key to customer retention is customer satisfaction. A highly satisfied customer generally stays loyal longer, buys more as the company introduces new products and upgrades existing products, talks favorably about the company and its products, pays less attention to competing brands and is less sensitive to price, offers product or service ideas to the company, and costs less to serve than new customers because transactions are routine. When customers rate their satisfaction with an element of the companys performance - say, delivery. It could mean early delivery, ontime delivery, order completeness, and so on. The company must also
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realize that two customers can report being highly satisfied for different reasons. One may be easily satisfied most of the time and the other might be hard to please but was pleased on this occasion. A number of methods exist to measure customer satisfaction. Periodic surveys can track customer satisfaction directly. Respondents can also be asked additional questions to measure repurchase intention and the likelihood or willingness to recommend the company and brand to others. Companies that do achieve high customer satisfaction ratings make sure their target market knows it. For customer centered companies, customer satisfaction is both a goal and a marketing tool. Although the customer-centered firm seeks to create high customer satisfaction, that is not its ultimate goal. If the company increases customer satisfaction by lowering its price or increasing its services, the result may be lower profits. The company might be able to increase its profitability by means other than increased satisfaction (for example, by improving manufacturing processes or investing more on R&D). Also, the company has many stakeholders, including employees, dealers, suppliers and stock holders. Spending more to increase customer satisfaction might divert funds from increasing the satisfaction of other partners. Ultimately, the company must operate on the philosophy that it is trying to deliver a high level of customer satisfaction subject to delivering acceptable levels of satisfaction to the other stakeholders, given its total resources.

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Survey research:
Survey research is the systematic gathering of information from respondents for the purpose of understanding and/or predicting some aspects of the behavior of the population of interest. It is the most common method of collecting primary data for marketing decisions. Survey can provide data on attitudes, feelings, beliefs, past and intended behavior, knowledge, ownership, personal characteristics and other descriptive items. Survey research is concerned with administration of questionnaires (interviewing). The survey research must be concerned with sampling, questionnaire design, questionnaire administration and data analysis. The administration of questionnaire to an individual or group of individuals is called an interview. A questionnaire is simply a formalized set of questions for eliciting information. As such, its function is measurement and it represents the most common form of measurement in marketing research.

Page 66


The report has been prepared as per the information obtained from two sources. They are: Primary data Secondary data Primary data: The primary data included the information collected from the Proprietor, manager and employees of Shanthi TVS. Structured questionnaire Personal interview with customers Secondary data: Secondary data includes Data from various magazines esp. bike magazines. Internet Brochures Books Newspapers etc

Page 67

Definition of Population: The population was defined as Bajaj motorcycles owners of 18 years of age and older (element) at showroom and market (unit) in Shimoga (extent) during the month of December 07-March 10 (time). Sampling Plan: Data collected has been analyzed and interpreted by using simple percentage method and finally the data is presented in graphs and charts. Sampling Frame : Customers visiting showrooms for servicing their motorcycles Shopping malls, Supermarket, Markets, College parking etc Sampling Unit: Motorcycles owners esp. Bajaj Pulsar motorcycle owners Sampling Method: Simple random sampling method was used. Desired sample size: A sample size of 60 motorcycle owners was specified. Survey administration process



Page 68









In this question particular question it is found that 93% of respondents are having motorbike and 7% are either having scooter or moped. On the basis of the above pie-chart it is clear that more people own bike.

Page 69

88 90 80 70 60 50 VALUES 40 29 30 20 10 0 BAJAJ 72 46 42

72 66 60




LML 46




The above bar-graph shows the brand awareness of bikes among the respondents. In the above bar-graph it is clear that HERO HONDA is the most popular brand in Shimoga whereas BAJAJ and YAMAHA follow 2 nd and 3rd place. TVS comes at 4th place taking lead from LML, KINETIC and ENFIELD BULLET.

Page 70

45 40 40 35 30 25 VALUES 20 15 9 10 4 5 0 BAJAJ 40 1 HERO HOND A 42 0 KINETI C 0 ENFIE LD BULLE 4 4 42




INTERPRETATION The above Bar-Graph shows that in Shimoga area HERO HONDA has scored the maximum number of points with BAJAJ and TVS on 2 nd and 3rd spot. TVS has scored 9 points out of the sample size of hundred and has taken lead from LML, KINETIC and ENFIELD BULLET.

Page 71

QUE-4 Which factors do you consider while purchasing a Bike?


N Valid Missing MILEAGE 100 0 STYLE 100 0 POWER 100 0 PRICE 100 0 BRAND 100 0 SPARE AFTER SALE PARTS SERVICE FINANCING 100 100 100 0 0 0

Frequency Distribution
M ILEAGE Cumul ati ve Percent 58.0 77.0 92.0 95.0 97.0 99.0 100.0

Vali d

1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00 6.00 8.00 T otal

Frequency 58 19 15 3 2 2 1 100

Percent 58.0 19.0 15.0 3.0 2.0 2.0 1.0 100.0

Vali d Percent 58.0 19.0 15.0 3.0 2.0 2.0 1.0 100.0

ST YLE Cumul ati ve Percent 12.0 42.0 73.0 89.0 97.0 99.0 100.0

Vali d

1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00 6.00 7.00 T otal

Frequency 12 30 31 16 8 2 1 100

Percent 12.0 30.0 31.0 16.0 8.0 2.0 1.0 100.0

Vali d Percent 12.0 30.0 31.0 16.0 8.0 2.0 1.0 100.0

Page 72

POWER Cumul ati ve Percent 25.0 52.0 70.0 79.0 87.0 92.0 97.0 100.0

Vali d

1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00 6.00 7.00 8.00 T otal

Frequency 25 27 18 9 8 5 5 3 100

Percent 25.0 27.0 18.0 9.0 8.0 5.0 5.0 3.0 100.0

Vali d Percent 25.0 27.0 18.0 9.0 8.0 5.0 5.0 3.0 100.0

PRICE Cumul ati ve Percent 2.0 19.0 35.0 74.0 91.0 98.0 100.0

Vali d

1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00 6.00 7.00 T otal

Frequency 2 17 16 39 17 7 2 100

Percent 2.0 17.0 16.0 39.0 17.0 7.0 2.0 100.0

Vali d Percent 2.0 17.0 16.0 39.0 17.0 7.0 2.0 100.0

BRAND Cumul ati ve Percent 3.0 14.0 37.0 74.0 90.0 99.0 100.0

Vali d

2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00 6.00 7.00 8.00 T otal

Frequency 3 11 23 37 16 9 1 100

Percent 3.0 11.0 23.0 37.0 16.0 9.0 1.0 100.0

Vali d Percent 3.0 11.0 23.0 37.0 16.0 9.0 1.0 100.0

Page 73

SPARE PART S Cumul ati ve Percent 1.0 4.0 9.0 14.0 22.0 50.0 85.0 100.0

Vali d

1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00 6.00 7.00 8.00 T otal

Frequency 1 3 5 5 8 28 35 15 100

Percent 1.0 3.0 5.0 5.0 8.0 28.0 35.0 15.0 100.0

Vali d Percent 1.0 3.0 5.0 5.0 8.0 28.0 35.0 15.0 100.0

AFT ER SALE SERVICE Cumul ati ve Percent 1.0 2.0 5.0 9.0 29.0 59.0 77.0 100.0

Vali d

1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00 6.00 7.00 8.00 T otal

Frequency 1 1 3 4 20 30 18 23 100

Percent 1.0 1.0 3.0 4.0 20.0 30.0 18.0 23.0 100.0

Vali d Percent 1.0 1.0 3.0 4.0 20.0 30.0 18.0 23.0 100.0

FINANCING Cumul ati ve Percent 1.0 3.0 13.0 43.0 100.0

Vali d

3.00 4.00 6.00 7.00 8.00 T otal

Frequency 1 2 10 30 57 100

Percent 1.0 2.0 10.0 30.0 57.0 100.0

Vali d Percent 1.0 2.0 10.0 30.0 57.0 100.0

Page 74

Graphical Representation









0 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00 6.00 8.00







0 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00 6.00 7.00


Page 75





0 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00 6.00 7.00 8.00








0 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00 6.00 7.00


Page 76






0 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00 6.00 7.00 8.00







0 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00 6.00 7.00 8.00


Page 77






0 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00 6.00 7.00 8.00









0 3.00 4.00 6.00 7.00 8.00


From the above mentioned tables and graphs we can see that parameters like mileage, power and style holds an upper edge over the other parameters which affect the purchase decision of bike. Thus customers are more likely to see the mileage aspect before actually buying a product.

Page 78




50 45 40 35 30 VALUE 25 20 15 10 5 0 8 25







From the above graph it is clear that FAMILY plays a major role in the purchase of bike and the reference and suggestions of FRIENDS come at the second place. Whereas MEDIA factor comes at third place with DEALER making no promising affect on the purchase of bike.

Page 79





62% 0%




As shown in the above PIE CHART, the percentage of respondents who have visited the TVS SHOWROOM is more than those respondents who have not visited the TVS SHOWROOM. Thus the interest of customers in TVS product can relate to 62% among 100 respondents.

Page 80



30 30





8 10





INTERPRETATION As shown in the above graph there are four FACTORS, which show the experience of the respondents after visiting the TVS showroom. It is clear that most of the respondents had GOOD experience with 22 respondents having average experience. Only 8 respondents are having a bad experience, which shows the quality of the TVS showroom.

Page 81



11% 0%






As shown in the above PIE-CHART 89% of the respondents are not interested in TVS products and 11% of them are not satisfied with TVS bikes. This was an open ended question therefore most of the answers were in account to the satisfaction level and interest in the TVS BIKES.

Page 82








INTERPRETATION As given in the PIE CHART above 91% of the respondents know about TVS motorbike and only 9% of the respondents are unaware about the TVS motorbike. This question is based on the awareness as well as past usage of the TVS motorbike.

Page 83



100 100 90 80 70 60 VALUE 50 35 40 27 30 20 10 0 26 Series1







INTERPRETATION As shown in the above BAR GRAPH it is clear that TVS-VICTOR is the most popular bike in Shimoga as 100 respondents are aware of TVSVICTOR. Second most popular bike is TVS-FIERO F-2, which is known by 35% of the respondents and has taken lead from TVS-CENTRA BY 8% which is on the 3rd spot. TVS-MAX-R is on the 4th place with 26% share and has taken lead from TVS-FIERO-FX by 17%.

Page 84



NO 38%

YES 62%



In the PIE CHART given above it is clear that out of 100 respondents 68% of them have visited the TVS DEALERSHIP and only 38% have not visited the TVS DEALERSHIP. By the chart given above it makes clear that the TVS DEALERSHIP has attracted more number of respondents

Page 85



25 21 20 20

15 VALUE 10 10 7 4 5







As shown in the BAR-GRAPH it is clear that 21% of the respondents are not satisfied with the service facilities and 20% are satisfied with the service facilities which comes to equal ratio.10% of the respondents liked the staff and 4% are not satisfied with the staff. Interesting part is that 7% of the respondents wanted more space at the TVS-DEALERSHIP.

Page 86




YES 34%

NO 66%


INTERPRETATION In the given PIE CHART 66% of the respondents have no affect with the celebrity endorsement during the purchase of the bike. Whereas 34% of the respondents agreed that celebrity endorsement do make an effect on the purchase decision of the bike.

Page 87



50 45 40 35 30 VALUE 25 20 15 10 5 0 8 6 6 2 0 HERO HOND A 48 YAMA HA 6 FACTORS ENFIE LD BULLE 6 KINETI C 0 48





INTERPRETATION As shown in the BAR DIAGRAM it is clear that HERO HONDA is the most popular bike in Shimoga with BAJAJ taking the 2 nd place with 32%. TVS is the 3rd most popular bike in Shimoga taking lead from YAMAHA, BULLET, LML and KINETIC.

Page 88



40 36 35 30 25 VALUES 20 16 15 11 10 5 0 7 2 0 HER O HON 36 BAJA J 28 YAMA HA 7 BRANDS KINE TIC 0 ENFI ELD BULL 16 28

TVS 11


INTERPRETATION In the BAR-CHART it is clear that with no price consideration HERO Honda will be the first choice following with BAJAJ and ENFIELD BULLET as 2nd and 3rd choice. Whereas TVS will be the 4th choice which is taking lead over YAMAHA, LML and KINETIC as 5th, 6th and 7th choice.

Page 89

This report incorporates sincere efforts to submit the best possible dossier on the topic assigned because no study can be perfect. There are bound to be limitations that I faced and within which I had to work.

The data used in most part of the report is secondary data, it has inherent discrepancy.

As TVS is still not a household brand name, some of the respondents were not completely aware of its products and track record.

Page 90




1. IT





2. OUT





customers are using hero Honda and later they give importance

to TVS. 3. IT



CASH down

Payments, 20% of customers by monthly installments.

4. It was found that 65% of customers feel owning a bike as necessity and 15% Of customers are feel affordable. 5. From the survey it was found that 40% of customers are travel 20 km, 30% are Travel 20-40 km. 6. In TVS product line it was found that 36% of customers Prefer star city and 30% victor. 7. It was found that in TVS respondents preferred mileage, styling, good shape and reselling price. 8. It was found that price, advertising, brand image, reselling price are Influencing the respondents while choosing a bike. 9. It was found that according to respondents opinion about the overall Performance of the manufacturers of motor cycles, Hero Honda Stands first followed by TVS, Bajaj and Yamaha. 10.Hence efforts should be made to foster harmonious relations among these groups
Page 91

11.Advertisement is playing major role in the promotion of Hero Honda.

SUMMARY Ever since man evolved into social animal he felt the need for Transportation. As he formed a civilization he felt the need for Better Transportation. Today on the threshold of exploring the universe he feels the need of Best Transportation.

Truly the modern world relies on transportation which can be airways, roadways, railways and on water. Bicycle was the most important part of road transportation in early days and as the scenario changed bicycle was transformed into a fast, stylish and trendy mode of transport known as Motorcycle nowadays known as Motorbike.

Each human being that is living in this social world knows the importance of bikes because it serves the purpose in any kind of situation and in any part of this world.

The topic of the project is Customer Buying Behavior taking TVS for comparison. TVS motor company is one of the leading bike manufacturers in India. The analysis of the project was based on customers point of view. For the study, both primary data and secondary data were required. The primary data was collected based on a survey research, using a structured questionnaire with both open ended and closed-ended questions. The sampling procedure used was random sampling for the 1 st objective i.e. to understand consumer needs on motorbikes. For the 2 nd
Page 92

objective i.e. to understand the awareness levels of TVS I went to the prospects and met the respondents to fill the questionnaire. The mode of survey was of personal interview, where the respondents filled up the questionnaires. The secondary data was collected from business newspapers, magazines,

Company brochures, journals and the Internet. The major conclusion from this study was that TVS has to improve itself to gain the 1 st position in the market as it is doing well to maintain its 3rd position in the market.

In terms of competition TVS has neck-to-neck competition with Hero Honda and Bajaj. TVS has a lot of work to do if it has to take lead and remain the leading manufacturer in India.

CONCLUSION The facts and figures shown in the analysis is correct and the survey has been done in a good faith and responsibility As HERO HONDA, BAJAJ and YAMAHA have taken the 1st, 2nd and 3rd position. Thus TVS motor co. has to make some more efforts to increase the awareness among the people in the context of bikes. The respondents have been asked about the most effective slogan in different brands of bikes in which again HONDA and BAJAJ have taken the lead. TVS motor co. has emphasized only on VICTOR and not on other bikes, thus people only know about VICTOR and not other bikes. Print media and different types of media should be used to make people know about the slogan. The respondents in the factors, which they consider while purchasing a bike, have done the ranking. MILEAGE is the first factor following
Page 93

with POWER and STYLE and also with an adaptable PRICE. The company has to make efforts for making a product that should have all these three factors with considerable price. The most influencing factor in purchasing decision of the bike is FAMILY and after that FRIENDS which is not at all linked with the company investment. The company generally invests in Dealer promotion and Media, which is not appropriate as analyzed in this question. Awareness level through Media and dealer should be increased. When asked about the experience at the TVS dealership most of the respondents had a good and average experience with a small number having bad experience. The small number of bad experience can be avoided by giving warm welcome and good behavior by the staff. The respondents who have not visited the TVS dealership are either not interested in TVS bikes or they are not satisfied with TVS products. In this matter the dealer should increase the road shows as well as arrange regular customers meeting which will create interests in other prospects. Most of the respondents had knowledge about the TVS bikes, which is a good sign for the TVS motor company. In TVS motor company VICTOR is the most popular bike and very interestingly without any media interaction FIERO F2 has taken the 2nd spot with CENTRA on the 3rd spot which has taken a lead with only one place from MAX-R .It is recommended that FIERO F2 should be given equal sales promotion than CENTRA because of its popularity has come through people network and not through channel media.

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The respondents have liked the service facility and the staff but the important factor is the lack of space. The dealership in Shimoga has to improve the staff as well as the after sales services and the customer relations.

Celebrity endorsement does not affect most of the respondents whereas only 34% of the respondents have an affect over the purchasing decision of bike. Company should give more importance to the product so as to give the best in quality to the customer.

In context to popularity TVS ranks 3rd according to this sample size and thus the company should introduce new products as well as reposition its product according to the demand in the market.

In the case of no price consideration TVS ranks 4th and according to survey analysis the respondent wants to purchase his dream bike which TVS Company has to make in comparison with HERO HONDA, BAJAJ and ENFIELD BULLET.

Page 95


SUGGESTIONS The company needs to concentrate on releasing more models into the market in order to capture more market share. As majority feels that a bikes is a necessity to all sectors of the market, including the lower end of the market may be targeted with suitable models. Positive word of mouth from sales people may be generated and sustained as it stands next to the Television Media in influencing the customers choice Low priced models should be promoted in order to attract middle income as well as the lower income groups. As TVS position is third as the least maintenance cost bikes, updating their technology may develop the least cost positioning and image. As the major consumer group is under 25 product features as well as the advertisements may be tailor made for them. Finance arrangements for purchase of bike may be strengthened in order to induce more customers towards them.

RECOMMENDATIONS In the analysis the respondents have shown that they consider TVS motor company after HERO HONDA and BAJAJ and this is a major concern for the company. TVS motor company has to make some arrangements to increase the awareness level among the prospects through media.

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The company should also emphasize on other bikes excluding TVS VICTOR and TVS CENTRA because some of the bikes in TVS like Apache RTR are more popular than these bikes in the surveyed area.

In Shimoga the respondents who have visited the dealership are not satisfied with the service facilities which can be improved by regular visit of the service managers as well as providing regular training to the staff as well as the owner.

The dealership in Shimoga also lacks in space, which is a major concern because the first impression on the mind of the customer is about the window display, which can be improved with the help of the professionals.

The buying behavior of the customers in Shimoga is not focused on the celebrity endorsement but they want a product which should contain all the factors and at an affordable price. The customers in Shimoga want more number of dealers in their area so as to have more options in visiting the dealership. Every dealership should have the same services and excellent window display so as to attract more customers. As in the demographic phase of the respondents the younger generation wants to have a bike with lot of power and style which TVS should come within future .As TVS has launched its new bike VICTOR GLX in the market.

TVS should improve its channel management and should invest in the brand image in the market.

Page 97


WEB SITE, TEXT BOOKS Marketing Research, Test and cases, Richard D. Irwin, Linois C.R Kothari, Research Methodology NEWS PAPER Times Auto The Economic Times MAGAZINES Auto Sports Business Outlook

Page 98


Que1. Do you own a Bike? Yes No

If yes, which Bike do you have? Specify __________________________________

Que2. Which brands of Bike are you aware of..? TVS HERO HONDA ENFIELD YAMAHA BAJAJ LML KINETIC

Que3. Which slogan of Bike affects you the most and of which brand? Specify___________________________________

Page 99

Que4. Which factors do you consider while purchasing a Bike? [Rank] MILEAGE STYLE PRICE BRAND SPARE PARTS AFTER SALE SERVICE

Que5. Who influenced you while purchasing the Bike? FRIENDS DEALER FAMILY MEDIA

Que6. Have You Visited Any TVS Showroom? Yes No

Que7. If yes, what was the Experience? VERY GOOD GOOD AVERAGE BAD

Que8. If No, why you have not visited the TVS Showroom? Please Specify______________________________

Page 100

Que9. If you have a Motorcycle other than TVS?

Do you know about TVS Motor bike?

Yes No

If yes which Brand of TVS Motor bike?

Specify ___________________________________
Have you visited TVS DEALERSHIP?

Yes No

Que10. What have you liked OR Disliked at TVS DEALERSHIP? Specify____________________________________

Que11. Does celebrity endorsement affect the purchase of Bike? Yes No

Que12. Which brand do you think is most popular in the Market? Specify___________________________________

Page 101

Que13. If there is no price consideration which brand would you buy? Specify___________________________________


Page 102

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