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4. A ray of light is traveling through air (n = 1.00) towards a Lucite block (n = 1.40) in the shape of a 30-60-90 triangle.

Trace the path of the light ray through the Lucite block shown in the diagram below.

Answer: 44 degrees Upon entering the lucite, the ray of light passes across boundary without bending since the theta i = 0 degrees (recall the If I Were An Archer Fish page from Lesson 1). At second boundary, the theta i can be found geometrically or by measurement as 30 degrees Now substitute known values into Snell's Law and carry out the necessary algebraic operations: 1.40 sine(30 degrees) = 1.00 sine(theta r) 0.700 = sine(theta r) 44 degrees = theta r See below diagram for the ray tracing.

1. Determine the angle of refraction for the following two refraction problems.

Answer: 53.9 degrees Measure the angle of incidence - the angle between the normal and incident ray. It is approximately 45 degrees. Given: ni = 1.52 nr = 1.33 theta i = 45 degrees Find: theta r Substitute into Snell's law equation and perform the necessary algebraic operations to solve: 1.52 sine(45 degrees) = 1.33 sine (theta r) 1.075 = 1.33* sine (theta r) 0.8081 = sine (theta r) 53.9 degrees = theta r Answer: 28.4 degrees Measure the angle of incidence - the angle between the normal and incident ray. It is approximately 60 degrees. Given: ni =1.33

nr = 2.42 theta i = 60 degrees Find: theta r Substitute into Snell's law equation and perform the necessary algebraic operations to solve: 1.33 sine(60 degrees) = 2.42 sine (theta r) 1.152 = 2.42 sine (theta r) 0.4760 = sine (theta r) 28.4 degrees = theta r
3. A ray of light in crown glass exits into air at an angle of 25.0 degrees. Determine the angle at which the light approached the glass-air boundary. Refer to the table of indices of refraction if necessary.

Answer: 16.1 degrees Given: ni = 1.52 nr = 1.000 theta r = 25.0 degrees Find: theta i = ??? Substitute into Snell's law equation and perform the necessary algebraic operations to solve: 1.52 sine(theta i) = 1.00 sine(25.0 degrees) 1.52 sine(theta i) = 0.4226 sine(theta i) = 0.2780 theta i = 16.1 degrees This problem is slightly more complicated than Problem A since refraction is taking place at two boundaries. This is an example of a layer problem where the light refracts upon entering the layer (boundary #1: air to crown glass) and again upon leaving the layer (boundary #2: crown

glass to air). Despite this complication, the solution begins like the above problem: a diagram is constructed to assist in the visualization of the physical situation, the known values are listed, and the unknown value (desired quantity) is identified. This is shown below:
Diagram: Given: Find:

Boundary #1 ni = 1.00 (from table) nr = 1.52 (from table) = 42.0 degrees Note that the angle of refraction at boundary #1 is the same as the angle of incidence at boundary #2. Boundary #2 ni = 1.52 (from table) nr = 1.00 (from table)

at boundary #1 and at boundary #2

Now list the relevant equation (Snell's Law), substitute known values into the equation, and perform the proper algebraic steps to solve for the unknown. Begin the process at boundary #1 and then repeat for boundary #2 until the final answer is found.
Boundary #1:

1.00 * sine (42.0 degrees) = 1.52 * sine (theta r) 0.669 = 1.52 * sine (theta r) 0.4402 = sine (theta r) sine-1 (0.4402) = sine-1 ( sine (theta r)) 26.1 degrees = theta r

The value of 26.1 degrees corresponds to the angle of refraction at boundary #1. Since boundary #1 is parallel to boundary #2, the angle of refraction at boundary #1 will be the same as the angle of incidence at boundary #2 (see diagram above). So now repeat the process in order to solve for the angle of refraction at boundary #2.

Boundary #2:

1.52 * sine (26.1 degrees) = 1.00 * sine (theta r) 1.52 * (0.4402) = 1.00 * sine (theta r) 0.6691 = sine (theta r) sine-1 (0.6691) = sine-1 ( sine (theta r)) 42.0 degrees = theta r

The answers to this problem are 26.1 degrees and 42.0 degrees. 4. An object is located 1.25 m in front a screen. Determine the focal length of a lens that forms a real inverted image on the screen 4 times the height of the object. Givens: m = -4

di + do = 1.25 m


Since m = -( di / do )

-4 = -( di / do )

di = 4do

Since di + do = 1.25 m,

4do+ do = 1.25 m

do =0 .25 m


di = 1.00 m

Using the lens equation: (1/f ) = ( 1/di ) + (1/do )

(1/f ) = ( 1/1.00 ) + (1/0.25 ) [Object distance is positive since it is on the side from which light is coming; image distance is positive since it is on the opposite side of the lens from the object]

f = 0.20 m

Since the focal length is positive, the lens is convex.

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