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Digitally signed by Joseph Zernik DN: cn=Joseph Zernik, o, ou, email=jz12345@earthlin, c=US Date: 2012.03.

29 14:10:10 +03'00'

March 29, 2012 Sarah Lifschitz, Chief Clerk Supreme Court of the State of Israel By fax: 02-6759648 Response within 14 days is kindly requested. RE: Request for comments in re: Appointment of the Chief Clerk of the Supreme Court and certification procedures of its electronic records. Dear Chief Clerk Lifschitz: Linked below are communications with the office of Administration of Courts, in re: Freedom of Information Request (P29-2012), pertaining to the appointment records of the Chief Clerk of the Supreme Court and certification procedures of its electronic records. The denial letter claimed exemption for the records under a clause for internal deliberations. [1-3] The most plausible explanation for this exchange is by accepting the response of the Administration of Courts verbatim: Both the appointment of Chief Clerk Sarah Lifschitz and the certification procedures of electronic records of the Supreme Court have been left in "deliberations" for years. Also linked below is the draft Executive Summary and Short Report, part of Human Right Alerts submission for the 2012 Universal Periodic Review (UPR) of Human Rights in the State of Israel by the Human Rights Council of the United Nations. [4] The submission is narrowly focused on conditions of the electronic record systems in the courts, particularly in the Supreme Court. The submission alleges that current conditions in the Office of the Clerk of the Supreme Court undermine the integrity of the justice system of the State of Israel and amount to serious violations of the Human Rights of all who reside in the State of Israel. Therefore, I would be grateful for any response by you, regarding the nature of your current appointment as Chief Clerk of the Supreme Court and the certification procedures of the electronic records of the Court. Truly, Joseph Zernik, PhD PO BOX 31440 JERUSALEM ISRAEL 91313 LINKS:
[1] 12-03-02 FOIA Request Re: Appointment Letters of the Chief Clerks and Certification of Judicial Records of the Supreme Court of the State of Israel R s [2] 12-03-06 FOIA Response by Administration of Courts (P29-2012) Re: March 2, 2012 Request


for the appointment letters of the Chief Clerks and certification procedures of the electronic records of the Supreme Court of the State of Israel (Heb) [3] 12-03-28 Revised Freedom of Information Act Request (P29-2012), in re: Appointment records of the Chief Clerk and certification procedures of the electronic records of the Supreme Court of the State of Israel. s (Eng) [4] 12-03-26 Draft EXECUTIVE SUMMARY, SHORT REPORT from Human Right Alert's 2012 State of Israel UPR Submission: Integrity, or lack thereof, of the electronic records of the courts (REVISED)


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