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Chapter Notes Name:Aida Mohajeri Class:APUSH Period:3 Date:2/1/12

The Imperial Republic Introduction

Old Manifest Destiny 1st 19th: govt got new terr-trans-App West, LA terr, FL,TX, OR, Cal, NM, AL land ppl could move easily & become states New Manifest Destiny last 19th: populated island terrs-not gona be states SP-AM War (1898): Am get colonies-began as way to support Cuban ind from SP Imperialists turned war to getting Puerto Rico & Philippines Hard b/c of anti-imperialist movement: said colonialism was opp to Am trad US still got land (1898), but hostile env->US grabs no further colonial lands Cost of getting colonies=slow imp: CW after getting Philippines that Am involved in=unpop Shift from getting colonies to influence thru polit, diplomatic, & econ ways Devs helping Am get land cross seas: 1. subjugating Ind tribes=precedent of colonial control over dependent ppl 2. closing of the frontier (Frederick Jackson Turner (1890s))=fear that nat resources gone & need for new resources Depression (1893)=businessmen look abroad for new markets Social protests: populist, free-silver crusade, labor probs->(+) aggressive foreign policy<-outlet for >:( that would ruin domestic life INCREASING IMPORTANCE OF TRADE: Foreign trade (+) imp in late 19th-> Exports: $392 mil (1870), $857 (1890), $1.4 bil (1900) Am wana get colonies that might expand markets (+) b/c raising (+) than can consume:Senator Albert J. Beveridge Am knew Eur was imperialist minded too-> maj powers splitting Africa for selves & turning to Far E & Ch Emp Am fear being left out w/ no terr<-Senator Henry Cabot Lodge said must not fall out march Darwinism to world affairs: nations/races struggled for existence & only fittest could survive Strong nations dominating weaks=laws of nature INTELLECTUAL JUSTIFICATION FOR IMPERIALISM: John Fiske (1885 Harpers Mag) Eng speaking ppl will control every land not already established civilization White ams subjing native pop of cont=destined for other parts of the world

Stirrings of Imperialism: (1890s) The New Manifest Destiny

Support from Josiah Strong (overseas missionary) in Our Country: Its Possible Future and Its Present Crisis (1885): Anglo-Saxon race Am branch reps ideas of civil libery & pure Christ diviniely commissioned to spread insts over Earth John W. Burgess (Columbias school of Polit Science) approved imperialism in Political science and Comparative Law (1890) AngSaxon & Teutonic nations got highest polit talents->duty to uplift less fortunate ppl & force superior insts on them if necessary ALFRED THAYER MAHAN: apostle of imp in Navy; The Influence of Sea Power upon History (1890) Countries w/ sea power=great nations of history->greatness of US rests on sea power Need productive domestic econ, foreign commerice, strong merchant marine, navy to defend trade routes, & colonies for raw materials, markets & naval bases Specifically, make canal cross isthmus of Central Am to join oceans, get defensive bases on both sides of canal in Carib & Pacific, & take possession of Hawaii & Pacific islands Feared US didnt have large enough navy->(1870s/80s) govt made shipbuilding program->(1898) US 5th in naval power->(1900) 3rd

Hemispheric Hegemony

James G. Blaine (R sec state) tried to expand Am influence to LA to look for markets for surplus (1889) helped org 1st Pan-American Congress w/ 19 nations->made Pan-Am Union: weak intl org in DC serving as clearinghouse for distrib info to member nations. Rejected Blaines proposals for inter-Am customs union & arbitration procedures for hemispheric disputes VENEZUELAN DISPUTE: Cleveland admin interested in LA->(1895) supported Venezuela in dispute w/ GB over boundary b/w Venezuela & Brit Guiana Brit ignored Am saying must be submitted to arbitration->Sec State Richard Olney said Brit violating Monroe Doctrine Brit still didnt act->Cleveland made special commission to determine boundary line If Brit resists commissions decision: US to war to enforce it->Brit agreed to arbitration Hawaii in mid-Pacifi=way station for Am ships in Ch trade since early 19th (1880s) navy looking @ Pearl Harbor on Oahu as base for US ships Pressure for Am presence in Hawaii from Ams settling on islands who came to dominate econ & polit life SELF-SUFFICIENT SOCIEITES: Am took authority away from leaders of ancient civ Hawaii settled by Polynesian ppl (1500 BC) w/ agri & fishing society where diff islands lived self-sufficiently w/ own chieftain 1st Ams (1790s) on merchant ships from NE-already mil ppl there Hawaii had battles w/ rival comms as chieftains tried to get power over neighbors

Hawaii and Samoa

(1810) King Kamehameha I established dominance, welcomed Am traders, & dev trade b/w Hawaii & ch where natives & merchants profited Missionaries settled->(1830s) William Hooper 1st of many Ams to buy land & establish sugar plantation on islands Merchants, missionaries, & planters devastating to Hawaiian society b/c brought diseases: (1900) natives died Also undermined native religion, brought liquor, firearms & commercial econ->ruined trad character of Hawaiian society (1840s) Am planters thru island->G. P. Judd=prime minister of Hawaii under King Kamehameha III<-established const monarchy (1887) US negotiated treaty w/ Hawaii that opened naval base @ Pearl Harbor Sugar for export to Am=basis of Hawaiian econ b/c of (1875) agreement letting Hawaiian sugar enter US duty free Am dom sug plant sys displaced native Hawaiians from lands & relied on Asian imm for workers b/c Am thought were (+) reliable vs natives adequate under control labor=concern for planters->created mixed-race work force (Ch, Jap, Hawaiian, Filipinos, Portu) to keep workers divided & not challenging them QUEEN LILIUOKALANI: Hawaiians protested to subord: (1891) Queen Lili (nationalist) to thrown Challenged Am control of islands for 2 years of power (1890) US eliminated position of Hawaiian sug in intl trade-> result to econ of islands Am planters said only way for recovery was to become part of US to get exempt from tarrifs (1893) had rev & asked US for protection->am minister had marines from warship in Honolulu go to help rebels->queen gave up rule Provisional govt dominated by Ams (<5% of pop) send delegation to DC to negotiate treaty of annexation of Hawaii<-debated til (1898) when Repubs to power & approved Debated S of Hawaii, Samoan islands=way station for Am ships in Pacific trade Am trade w/ Asia (+)=business groups in US interested in Samoa esp harbor @ Pago Pago (1878) Hayes admin got treaty from Samoan leaders for Am naval station @ Pago Pago->bound US to arbitrate diffs b/w Samoa & nations so US wanted to have voice in Samoan affairs now ACQUISITION OF SAMOA: GB & GE also interested in islands & got treaty rights from native princes 3 powers fight for dom in Samoa by playing native rulers vs nother->agree to share power Create protectorate: native chiefs survived but had only nominal authority 3 way arrangement didnt stop intrigues & rivalries of membs->(1899) US & GE divided islands b/w them & compensated Brit w/ terrs other

places in Pacific->US got harbor @ Pago Pago

War With Spain (1898)

changed Ams relationship to world

Controversy Over Cuba

SPAM War=events in Cuba (+Puerto Rico=all of SP) Cubans resisting Sp rule since (1868) when unsuccessfully fought for ind & Ams sympathized w/ Cubans, but didnt intervene CUBAN REVOLT: (1895) Cubans rose again to end SP misrule+ problem of Wilson-Gorman Tariff (1894): high duties on sug devastated Cubas sugar-based econ Anger on both sides->Cubans ruined island to force SP to leave vs SP, under General Valeriano Weyler, confined ppl to concentration camps where died of disease & malnutrition SP used methods during earlier Cuba struggle w/o Am reacting, but (1895) revolt reported (+) by AM press->created impression that SP committing all badness, but was both Cuba conflict=good time for publisher of Am newspapers: Joseph Pulitzer (New York World) & William Randolph Hearst (New York Journal) (1890s) both in circulation war & sent ppl to island to bring back SP badness Cuban migrs in US (Fl, NY, Philly, & Trenton) gave support for Cuban Revolutionary Party (NY) & helped publicize leader Jose Marti<-killed in Cuba (1895) Later, Cuban Ams formed clubs & associations to support Cuba Libre: as imp as yellow journalists to get pop support for rev Cleveland still didnt support Am intervention in Cuba: proclaimed Am neautrality & tried to get authorities in NYC to stop agitation by Cuban refugees Mckinley as pres (1897) protested Sps conduct->SP govt recalled Weyler, modified concentration policy, & granted island autonomy Chances of peaceful settlement gone after (Feb 1898): 1. Cuban agent in Havana stole private letter written by Upuy de Lome (SP minister in DC) & turned to Am press Said Mckinley was weak man just like Ams did, but since was from foreigner=pop anger & Lome resigned THE MAINE: Am battleship Maine blew up in Havana harbor->260 dead Ordered to Cuba to protect Am lives & prop vs attacks by SP loyalists Am thought Sp sunk ship when nvala court reported that external explosion by submarine mine caused it, but was really accidental explosion in engine room War hysteria-<C got $50 mil for mili preps-Remember the Maine!=call for revenge Mckinley watned to avoid conflict, but cabinet (Roosevelt) wanted war->(1898) asked SP to agree to armistice (permanent peace) & end to concentration camps SP agreed to stop fighting & eliminateem but refused to negotiate & reserved right to resume hostilities at discretion<-public/C not pleased>Decleration of war (April 25) John Hay (sec state) said SPAM conflict=splendid little war->war from AprilAugust

A Splendid Little


Cuban rebels already weakened SP resistance<-Am intervention was mopping up exercise 460 Ams died in battle but 5200 of malaria, dysentery, & typhoid; Cubans dead higher SUPPLY AND MOBILIZATION PROBLEMS: US supply problems= shortage of modern rifles & ammunition, uniforms too heavy for warm Caribb weather, inadequate med services, & horrible food Reg army=28,000 troops/officers only experienced in Indi outbreaks vs large-scale war->relied heavily on National Guard units org by local comms & commanded by local leaders w/o milit exp<-inefficient Radical conflicts: Am invasion force w/ black soldiers<-volunteer troops put together by AA comms Also membs of 4 black regiments in the reg army stationed on frontier to defend white settlements vs Inds->transferred to fight in Cuba Blacks thru S toward training camps faced segregation & sometimes resisted restrictions GA: used whites only park, Fle: beat soda-fountain operator for not serving, Tampa: riot w/ 30 wounded Racial tensions in cuba: Am blacks imp role in battles of war (San Juan Hill) Cubans fighting w/ Ams=black & unlike Am blacks, were fully in rebel army (leading general Antonio Maceo was black) No agency in Am mili had clearly authority over strategic planning->only navy had worked out objective & didnt have to do w/ freeing Cuba Theodore Roosevelt (Assistant Sec of Navy) imperialist & proponent of war Strengthened navys Pacific squadron & instructed commander commodore George Dewey to attack SP naval forces in Philippines (colony of SP) in case of war DEWEYS VICTORY: War declared->Dewey sailed to Manila (1898) & destroyed SP fleet there Dewey promoted to admiral->1st hero of war Arrival of Am expeditionary force->Sp surrendered Manila War began as war to free cuba but became war to strip SP of colonies Cuba focus of Ams milit efforts: Am commanders planned period of training before sending troops to combat SP fleet under Admiral Pascual Cervera past Am navy into Santiago harbor on SE coast of Cuba->Am Atlantic fleet bottled Cervera up in harbor US Armys commanding general Nelson A. Miles altered strategy & let Tampa in June w/ 17000 to attack Santaigo Leave from Florida & landing in Cuba=stupid scenes b/c took 5 days to be put ashore w/ enemy having no opposition THE ROUGH RIDERS: Am commander General William R. Shafter moved toward Santiago to surround and capture On way, met & defeated SP forces @ Las Guasimos, El Caney, & San Juan Hill Center of fighting was Rough Riders cavalry commanded by General

Seizing the Philippines

The Battle for Cuba

Leonard Wood, but really lead by Colonel Theodore Roosevelt (resigned from navy to get into war & wanted regiment in war before ended) Hero b/c role in leading bold charge up Kettle Hill (minor part of San Juan Hill) directly into SP->100 soldiers killed Shafter couldve assaulted Santiago, but army weakened by sickness & commander of Am naval forces blockading Santaigo refused to enter harbor b/c of mines->disaster Am didnt know, but SP govt decided Santaiago was lost & told Cervera to evacuate->tried to escape , but Am destroyed fleet (July 16) commander of SP ground forces in Santaigo surrendered & also Am army landed in Puerto Rico & occupied it against no opp->(August 12) armistice ended war Armistice: SP recognized ind of Cuba & ceded Perto Rico (occ by Am troops) & Pacific island of Guam to US Accepted ocnitnued Am occupation of Manila pending final disposition of Philippines

Puerto Rico and the United States

ANNEXATION OF PUERTO RICO: little controversy; had been part of SP Emp since Ponce de Leon there (1508) & had little SP settlements since founding of San Juan (1521) Natives of island (Arawaks) disappeared entirely as result of diseases, SP brutality, & poverty Puerto Rican society developed w/ SP ruling class & large African work force for coffee & sug plantations that dominated econ Puerto Rican society (+)->(+) resistance to SP rule like in Cuba Uprisings (1820s): Lares Rebellion-crushed by SP (1868) but prompted reforms Abolition of slavery (1873), rep in the Spanish Parli, etc Demands for ind (+)->(1898) response to polit pressure org by Luis Munoz Rivera: SP granted island some ind Before changed took effect, control of Puerto Rico shifted to US->Am milit forces occupied island during war Til (1900) when Foraker Act ended milit rule & established formal colonial govt: Am gov & 2 chamber legis (upper chamber appointed by US & lower by Puerto Rican ppl) US could amend/veto any legit that Puerto Ricans passed->(+) want for independence->(1917) pressure to clarity relationship b/w Puerto & Am=Jones Act Declared Puerto Rico to be US terr & made all Puerto Ricans Am citizens SUGARY ECONOMY: Puerto Sug industry took off as took advantage of Am markets open to it w/o tarrifs Like Hawaii: Am established large sug plantations on island & hired natives to work them-many planters didnt live in Puerto Sugar as cash crop & transformation of Puerto Rican farmers into paid laborers=(-) in growing of food for island

Puertos dependent on imported food & part of intl commericial econ: intl sugar prices high=Puertos did well vs when dropped: econ sagged making plantation workers poorer Instability, poverty among natives, & Am threat to Hispanic culture>Puertos (+) want ind, but others want closer relations with US/statehood

The Debate over the Philippines

Annexation of Philippines=long debate b/c would be controlling large & super populated terr thousands miles away THE PHILIPPINES QUESTION: Mckinley reluctant, but thought no alternative to annexation Claimed divine guidance to accept respon for islands b/c returning them to SP/ giving to nother imperialist power (FR,GE,GB) would be bad Filipinos infit for self govt so had to educate & christianizeem ->growing pop support & pressure of imperialist leaders Treaty of Paris (1898)=end to war & confirmed terms of armistice concerning Cuba, Puerto, & Guam Am negotiators started SP by demanding they cede Phili to US which armistice didntt include SP objected, but accepted w/ Ams offer of $20 mil ANTI-IMPERIALIST LEAGUE: US Senate had fierce resistance & during debate over ratification of treaty->anti-imperialist movement to opp getting Philippines Included wealthiest & power figures: Carnegie, Mark Twain, Samuel Gompers, Senator John Sherman Motives different: imperialism was immortal; polluting Am pop by introducing inferior Asian races; industrial workers: being undercut by flood of cheap laborers; conservatives: large standing army & entangling foreign alliances that imperiliasm required & feared would threaten Am liberties; Sug growers: unwelcome comp Anti-Imperialist League: by upper-class Bostonians & NYers (1898) fought against annexation, attracted following in NE, & campaign against ratification of the Paris treaty Various groups favored ratification: Imperialists (Roosevelt): saw getting emp as way to reinvigorate nation & keep alive healthy, restorative influence of war Businessmen: profit in Philippines & annexation would position US to dominate Oriental trade Republicans: partisan advantage in getting new terrs thru war fought & won by repub admin Strongest argu: how easily could be accomplished b/c US already possessed islands Anti-imperialists warned of danger of getting terrs w/ large pops who might have to become citizens->Imperialists used policies towards Inds as answer: treat as dependents vs citizens <-get land w/o ppl Henry Cabot Lodge (imperialist) said Repubs come w/ subjects Other supporters of annex: uncived Filipinos are lk Inds & 14th amendment doesnt make citizens Treaty debated til got support of William Jennings Bryan (anti-imperialist)

Backed ratification b/c wanted to move issue out of senate & make natl in (1900) when wanted to be Dem pres candidate again Persuaded anti-imperialist Dems to support treaty to set up (1900) debate>ratified by Senate (1899( ELECTION OF (1900): Bryan miscalculated b/c nation already in favor of imp Bryan vs Mckinley<-won b/c Republs=beneficiary of natl prosperity & b/c of VP Roosevelt

The Republic As Empire: US involved in

polts of Eur, Far East, & war in Philippines

Governing the Colonies

Am dependencies of Hawaii (1900) Alaska (1912) (from Russia (1867) & Puerto (1917) receive terr status & ppl citizienship Navy took control of Pacific islands of Guam & Tutuila & left alone smallest, least pop Pacific islands Cuba: Am milit forces under General Leonard Wood there til (1902) to prepare island for ind Build roads, schools, hospitals, reorgd legal, financial, & admin system, & introduced med & sanitarian reforms->basis for Am econ domination PLATT AMENDMENT: Cuba made const w/ no reference to US->C passed Platt Amendment (1901) & pressured Cuba to incorp terms into const Barred Cuba from making treaties w/ other nations (gave US control of Cuban foreign policy) gave US right to intervene in Cuba to preserve ind, life, & prop, required Cuba to let Am naval stations on terr->Cuba w/ lil polit ind AMERICAN ECONOMIC DOMINANCE: Am capital took over islands econ->made nation Am econ appendange Am investors into Cuba->buy plantations, factories, railroads, & refineries Absentee Am ownership of islands resources=>:( Resistance to Yankee imperialism->revolts against Cuban govtthat prompted US milit intervention Am troops on island (1906-1909)->returned again (1912) to suppress revolt by black plantation workers Sug prod spurred by access to Am markets dominated islands econ & subjugated it to cycle of booms & busts Am discovered in Philip hat subjugating people required strength & brutality when in long war w/ forces fighting for ind Philip conflict=longest (1898-1902) & most vicious 200,000 Am troops & 4300 Am deaths (10x SPAM war) & 50,000 natives Ams faced guerilla tactics & used brutatlity that made Ams mad when Weyler used in Caribb EMILIO AGUINALDO: Filips against Sp rule (b4 1898) & rebelled vs Ams when realized came to stay Led by Aguinaldo who claimed to head govt of nation->harried Am army of occupation from island to island Am command thought rebels only had small following->(1900) General Arthur MacArthur (Am commander in islands)wrote that masses were loyal MacArthur still didnt want to moderate Am tactics/conciliate rebels, but adopted severe measures->(+) vicious & brutal Am milit effort

The Philippine War

Captured fillip guerrillas treated as murderers & executed, islands evacuated->residents forced into concentration camps while Am troops destroyed villages, farms, crops & livestock Savagery w/ am seeing fillips as subhuman & killedem fast. 15 filips killed for 1 wounded GROWING ECONOMIC DEPENDENCE: (1902) am about brutality & casualties, but rebellion exhausted & occupiers established over most of islands Key to victory: (1901) capture of Aguinaldo->signed doc urging followers to stop fighting & declared own allegiance to US->then retired from pub life & died (1964) Fighting cont til nother year & late as (1906) but AM possession of Philip secure (1901) milit transferred authority over islands to William Howard Taft (1st civil govt) Announced that Am mission in Philip was to prepare islands for ind & gave Filips broad local autonomy Ams built roads, schools, bridges, & swewers, instituted maj administrative & financial reform, & established public health system Philip econ (fishing, agri, timber, & mining) (+) linked to econ of US Am didnt make lotsa investments in Philippines & few Ams there, but trade grew to point that islands completely dependent on Am markets Sucession of Am govs (+) Philip polit autonomy->((1946) gained ind

The Open Door

Getting Philips=(+)strong Am interest in Asia & Ams concerned about future of Ch b/c Am already had trade w/em & was weak->target for explotation by stronger countries (1900) Eng, Fr, GE, Russia, & Japan carved up Ch among selves->pressured Ch govt for concessions: gaveem control over regions of Ch Seized ch terr & claimed as own->am feared process would cut them outa Ch HAYS OPEN DOOR NOTES: Mckinley wanted way to preotect Am interests in Ch w/o war->statement (1898) saying US wanted access to Ch, but no special advantages Sec State John Hay made Open Door notes policy to Eng, GE, Russia, Fr, Jap, & It: askedem to approve 3 principles Eaach nation w/ sphere of influence in Ch was to respect rights & privs of other nations in its sphere Ch officials were to continue to collect tariff duties in all spheres (tariff favored US) Nations not to discriminate vs other nations in levying port dues & railroad rates w/in own spheres Principles allowed US to trade freely w/ Ch w/o fear of interference & having to become milit involved in region Retained illusion of Ch sovereignty-<no colonial dismemberment of Ch which might create obstacles to Am trade Eur & Jap received proposals calmly, Russia rejected them, & others claimed to

acceptem but to be unable to act unless all other powers agreed Hay announced that all powers accepted principles of Open Door & US accepted them to observe principles, but unless US went to war, couldnt prevent nation that wanted to violate Open Door from doing it BOXER REBELLION: Boxers-secret Ch martial-arts society w/ nationalist convictions-launched revolt against foreigners in Ch Seiged entire foreign diplomatic corps which took refuge in Brit embassy in Peking Imperial powers sent intl expeditionary force into Ch to rescue diplomats<(1900) into Peking & broke siege Mckinely & Hay agreed to Am participation in stopped Boxer Rebellion to secure voice in settlement of uprising & prevent partition of Ch by Eur powers Hay won support for Open Door approach from Eng & GE & induced other powers to accept compensation from Ch for damages of Boxer REbell

A Modern Military System

War w/ Sp showed deficiencies in Am milit system: weakness of Am army & milit org demonstrated problems of supply, training, & coordination After war, Mckinley appointed Elihu Root as sec of war to supervise overhaul of armed forces Root was 1st of generations of attorney-statemsent who moved b/w public & private roles & constituted American foreign policy establishment ROOTS MILIT REFORMS: (1900-1903) Root reforms englarged army from 25,000 to 100,000 Established fed army standards for Natl Guard->nation would never fight war w/ volunteer regiments trained & equipped diff from reg army Sparked creation of system of officer training schools: Army Staff College-later command and General Staff School @ For leavenworth, KS, & Army War College (Washington) (1903) general staff (Join Chiefs of Staff) to act as milt advisers to sec of war Most imp: creation of central planning agency modeled on example of Eur general staffs Join Chiefs supervised & coordinated entire army establishement & established office that would plan for possible wars Army & Navy Board: foster interservice cooperation Roosevelt suited for an activist foreign politicy b/c believed in value & imp of using Am power in world <-speak softly, but carry a big stick RACIAL AND ECONOMIC BASIS OF ROOSEVELTS DIPLOMACY: dif b/w civilized & uncivilized nations civilized nations: white & AngloSaxon/Teutonic vs. noncivilized: nonwhite, Latin, Slavic Not just racist, but econ development: thought Japan (Indus society) civilized Civilized nations: prod of Indus goods vs. uncivil: suppliers of raw materials & markets

The Big Stick: America And The World (19011917)presidents power in

foreign policy>b/c ppl care<

Roosevelt and Civilization

Civ: could intervene in affairs of backward nation to preserve order & stability for both nations Belief=why Rose supported dev Am sea power->(1906) only GB>Am navy

Protecting the Open Door in Asia

(1904) Jap surprise attacked on Russian fleet @ Port Arthur<-S Manchuriaprovince of Ch that Russia&Jap both wanted Rose didnt want any nation being dominant there->agreed to Jap request to mediate end to conflict<-Russia agreed b/c was bad in the war Peace conference (Portsmouth, NH (1905)): Rose got recognition of Japs terr gains from Russia & agreement to cease fighting & not expand from Jap Also negotiated secret agreement w/ Jap to ensure US continued to trade freely in region Rose won Nobel peace Prize (1906) b/c ended Russo-Japanese War GREAT WHITE FLEET: relations b/w US & Jap (-)<-Jap destroyed Russian fleet @ Port Arthur->maj naval power in Pacific->excluded Am trade from terrs it controlled No direct action against Jap from Rose, but sent 16 battleships of new Am navy (Great White Fleet) around that to remind of Ams potential Rose took interest in Latin America, but unwilling to share trading/milit rights w/ other nations->went to Caribb & SA & intervened (1902) $ troubled Venezuela didnt pay back debts to Eur bankers->GB, IT, & GE navies blockaded Venezuelan coast German ships bombarded Venezuelan port while rumors said that GE planned to make base in region->Rose used Am naval power to have GE navy withdraw ROOSEVELT COROLLARY: ^ persuaded Rose that Eur intrusions in LA could be from instability/irresponsibility w/in LA-not just aggression (1904) announced Roosevelt Corollary to Monroe Doctrine: US had right not only to oppose Eur intervention in W world, but also to intervene itself in domestic affairs of its neighbors if they proved ubalbe to maintain order&natl sovereignty on own Motivation for Rose Corollary=crisis in Dominican Republic<-rev (1903) but new gegime didnt pay pack $22 mil to Eur Using Corollary, Rose established American receivership->assumed control of Dominican customs & distributing 45% of revenues to Dominicans & rest to foreign creditors (3 decades) PLATT AMENDMENT: (1902) US gave polit ind to Cuba after agreed to Platt Amendment to const Gave US right to prevent foreign power from intruding into new nation (1906) Am troops in Cuba when domestic uprisings threatened stability Roses greatest accomplishment=construction of Panama Canal: linked Atlantic & Pacific 1st, ppl favored route cross Nicaragua<-permits sea-level canal requiring no locks Turned to Isthmus of Panama in Colombia even though Fr comp failed to

The Iron-Fisted Neighbor

The Panama Canal

make channel there Route was not at sea level (needed locks), but was shorter than in Nicaragua & 40% complete Fr lowerd price for holdings ($109 mil to $40 mil)->US chose Panama Rose sent John Hay (sec state) to negotiate agreement w/ Colombian diplomats in DC for construction w/o delay Am pressure->Colombian charge daffaires Tomas Herren signed agreement giving US rights to 6 mile wide canal zone cross Colombia Return: US would pay Colombia $10 mil & annual rental of $250,000 Colombian senate refused to ratify treaty->sent new rep to Washington to demand $20 mil from Am plus share of payment to Fr PANAMANIAN REVOLT: Rose wanted way to get around Colombian govt>Philippe bunau-Verilla (engineer of Fr canal proj) was ally (1903) organized&financed rev in Panama w/ support from US->Rose landed troops from U.S.S. Nashville in Panama to maintain order Presence prevented Colombian forces from suppressing rebelilion>Rose recognized Panama as ind nation Panamanian govt agreed to terms Colombian senate rejected->canal opened (1914)

Taft and Dollar Diplomacy

William Howard Taft worked to advance nations econ interests overseas, but lil interest in Roses vision of world tability Philander C. Knox (sec state) worked to exted Am investments into less dev regions->Dollar Diplomacy INTERVENTION IN NICARAGUA: rev in Nicaragua (1909)->admin sided w/ insurgents (inspired to revolt by Am mining comp) & sent Am troops into country to sieze customs houses Peace restored->Knox encouraged Am bankers to offer loans to new govt<increase DCs financial leverage over country New proAm govt faced insurrection->Taft landed Am troops in Nicaragua to protect existing regime (1 decade) Woodrow Wilson had lil interest in intl affairs, but had to have foreign policy esp w/ LA US already controlled finances of Dominican Republic (1905) & established milit govt (1916) when Dominicans refused to accept treaty that would make country Am protectorate (8 yrs) Haiti (shares Hispaniola w/ Dominican Republic): Wilson landed marines (1915) to stop rev where mob murdered unpop pres Am milit there til (1934)& Am officers drated new Haitian const adopted (1918) Wilson feared that Daniesh West Indied might fall to Ge->bought colony from Denmark and remained it Virgin Islands Concerened about Eur influence in Nicaragua->signed treaty w/ govt ensuring no other nation would build canal there & got Us right to intervene in Nicaraguas internal affairs to protect Am interests WILSONS MORAL DIPLOMACY: under corrupt dictator Porfirio Diaz, Am

Diplomacy and Morality

businessmen established econ presence in MX US encouraged reactionary general Victoriano Huerta to depose Medero early (1913) & Taft admin prepared to organize new Huerta regime & welcome back envi for am investments in MX Before happened: new govt murdered Modero & Wilson took office in DC 1st, Wilson hoped that by refusing to recognize Huerta, could help stop regime *& bring opposing Constitutionalists under Venustiano Cerranza to power But Huerta w/ support of Am business interest established full milit dictatorship (1913)->pres became more assertive (1914) naval incident=excuse for open intervention-> officer of Huertas army arrested Am sailors from U.S.S. Dolphin who went to shore in Tampico Men released, but Am admiral demanded Huerta forced fire 21 guns salute to Am flag as public display of penance->MXs refused->Wilson used as pretext for sezing MX port of Veracruz VERACRUZ: class w/ MX troops in Veracruz->Ams killed 126 defneders & 19 casualties so Wilson wanted way out Show of foce helped strengthen position of Carranza faction->captured MX City (August) & forced Huerta to flee Conflict couldve been over, but Wilson not satisfied->angry when Cerranza refused to accept Am guidelines for creation of new govt Was gona throw support to Cerranzas lieutenant Pancho Villa (leading own rebel army) Villas milit position (-)->Wilson abandoned him & granted preliminary recognition to Carranza govt (1915) Another crisis: Villa >:( of Am betrayal->retaliated (1916) by taking 16 Am mining engineers from train in N MX & shooting them 2 months later, led soldiers bandits cross border into Columbus, NM where killed 17 more Ams INVERVENTION IN MEXICO: W/ permission of cerranza govt, Wilson ordered General John J. Pershing to lead Am expeditionary force cross MX borders for Villa Am never found Villa, but had 2 skirmished w/ Cerranzas army->40 Mxs & 12 Ams died US&MX at brink of war but Wilson drew back & withdrew Am troops from MX->(1917) gave formal recognition to Cerranza regime

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