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ABSTRACT The main objective of stock maintenance project is to overcome the work load and time consumption which

makes the maintenance of the stock in an organization as a difficult process. This project provides complete information about the details of the stock to the users. This project identifies the amount of stock available, the product that is purchased, products that have been sold, and the date at which the products are bought and sold in a particular concern. Separate modules have been created for purchasing, viewing stock details, supplier details and customer details. As a whole, marketing process can be improved if stock has been maintained properly.

It is too hard to maintain the record about the daily intake of raw materials and view in the detail as a whole. This project is developed with help of visual basic 6.0 as a front end and ms access as back end. The application software Rational Rose is also used.

LIST OF FIGURES FIGURE NO 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7 NAME Use case diagram for purchase Use case diagram for sales and stock details Activity diagram for purchase Activity for sales and stock details Sequence diagram for sales and stock details Sequence diagram for purchase Class diagram PAGE NO


In the recent years the need for automating the details of the stock information is wide spreading. As everyone has the need for eradicating the traditional process of maintaining records in paper and pencil work.

Thus the stock detail of the particular concern is maintained in an automated manner. The admin has the access to the stock details, he can manually enter new stock to the database, and he has full access to view the stock details.

This project has the relationship between shopkeeper and the organization which orders the stock; this is categorized under the purchase module. They have the record of the order made by the organization, and requirements of them.

The main idea of this project is to have the details of stock and the sales made by the organization. The role of shopkeeper here is to update and check whether the stock that are to be used are there in the warehouse or not and should not meet the minimum amount.

Once the stock has reached the minimum value it is informed to the stock keeper about the product which has reached this minimum value. Admin has the rights to access the shopkeepers database and product details.

The problem of the stock maintenance is to handle the customers requirements. There is no need to have stock the product which is already not yet purchased by the customer. So it is checked whether the product has flow in the market if not its informed.

The access rights are maintained by the admin to avoid the misuse of the stock details form the database. The user can only order the product, view the invoice and lookup the products.


The objective of the stock maintenance system project to improve the business process of the organization. To make the system user friendly and easy to access the stock details. Error occurring due to human can be lower due this automation. Guaranteed data security as the admin only has the full rights to the access of the warehouse. This gives good relationship among customer, shopkeeper and organization.

CHAPTER 2 2.1 SCOPE OF THE PROJECT: This proposed system has the stock maintained in an effective manner. Access of the database is give fully to the admin. Process of Billing Invoice preparing customer details tracking updating process fast and easy access of data sales record access rights only relevant information are stored

2.2 CONCEPT: Storing of information about the stock values and updating the stock values for each organization which is using this system, keeps track of all the information about the stock exchange that are made by the customers, having registration feature of adding up new customers to the organization are provided in this system.

2.3 NON-FUNCTIONAL REQUIREMENTS 2.3.1 SAFETY: A person can login, only when he/she enters a correct username and password, except, the new user who can register himself/ herself. 2.3.2 RELIABILITY: Reliability is highly concerned with user satisfaction. As per reliability is concerned, it provides cent percent user satisfaction. It meets all the possible requirements of the user. The data are secured and thus provides more reliability. 2.3.3 SECURITY AND PRIVACY: Proper security and privacy policy has been used to build this project. Authentication is the basic motive to precede the further processes. Corruption of database and software is not possible by any means. 2.3.4 QUALITY: The most user friendly software, visual basic is used to build this project. This software is checked for its working in exceptional conditions. The various features used in this project enhance the quality of the project. Each and every module individually serves its purpose and ultimately provides a quality product.

CHAPTER 3 SYSTEM ANALYSIS 3.1 EXISTING SYSTEM: The existing system is a manual procedure of tracking stock details. The user has to check the availability of the required item by asking to the organization. The organization has to check the availability from the register manually. After getting the status the user has to fill up the form manually. The organization then checks the validity of the form and after checking it books the item. When the user submits the entire necessary document, the administrator enters the details of the request in the main register of item details.

3.2 PROBLEM DEFINITION: The transactions related to stock, billing and purchase made are maintained manually at present along with maintaining the accounts of the customers and the suppliers. All these are to be automated and an application is required to relate all of them relatively so that the current system can be replaced and accepted without any problems. The application should provide quick access to the records maintained and should provide with the various reports showing the related details so that the important decisions could be taken easily.

3.3 PROPOSED SYSTEM: From the earlier system the job of the customer, supplier and shopkeeper was very lengthy process to update the status of the stock. Now customer can place the order and have view of the items in the warehouse. Similarly shopkeeper can check availability of the stock and update the details of stock with respect to the customers requirements and purchase made. The organization has the stock manager who updates the details of the products and informs about it to the shopkeeper. To add new product to warehouse or to remove the product from the warehouse is done by the admin who has the access rights to the database of the organization. New customer can be added by registering the details of account information and other basic details about the customer. 3.4 ADVANTAGES OF PROPOSED SYSTEM: 1. Reduces the work load of the employee. 2. All the data relevant to item information are stored in the database. 3. Searching can be done effectively. 4. The generation of bills.

3.5 SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS: 3.5.1 HARDWARE REQUIREMENTS: Processor type : Pentium III-compatible processor Processor speed : 1.0 GHz RAM Speed Hard disk Keyboard Monitor CD drive : 512 MB : 1.2 GHz : 20 GB : MM keyboard : VGA : creative

Pointing device : Microsoft mouse

3.5.2 SOFT WARE REQUIREMENTS: Front End - Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0 Back End - Microsoft Access 2007 Design Tool Rational Rose Enterprise Edition

3.6 TECHNOLOGY USED: Visual Basic 6.0 is fastest and easiest way to create single user and client/server applications for Microsoft Windows. Visual Basic 6.0 provides complete set of tools to simplify rapid application development both for the experienced professional and new windows programmers. The Visual part refers to the method used to create Graphical User Interface. The Basic part refers to the BASIC language used by more programmers than any other language in the history of computing. It is an ideal programming language for developing sophisticated professional applications for Microsoft. 3.6.1 DATABASE CONNECTIVITY: The front end used for implementation of this project is Visual Basic 6.0 and the back end that is used for this project is MSACCESS.The database connectivity between Visual Basic 6.0 and MSACCESS is provided by using Microsoft ADO Data control 6.0. Thus the project makes use of the internal feature of ADODC for communicating with the database and this is responsible for transfer of data to and from the table from and to the front end. 3.6.1 ADVANTAGES OF VB: Interactive GUI tool usage It's simple language Allows a very rapid application development Multiple documents are interfaced effectively

3.7 MODULES OF THE PROJECT 3.7.1 PRODUCT DETAILS This module gives details about the supplier and also relationship with the organization. This tracks the details about the stock entry. The products that are ordered by the organization are initiated to the shopkeeper. Then an overall requirement designed by the organisation, stock manager handles the stock and updates the changes made in the stock entry. Then an invoice is prepared by the shopkeeper to the organization to have a view of the details needed by the organization and the amount of billing made by them. Then the organization tracks the record details of invoice billing. The products which are there in the warehouse are stored in the database. Shopkeeper tracks the stock components. This also contains the details about the supplier who orders the stock. All their details are stored in the database. We can also view the supplier who has made order with the organization. 3.7.2 STOCK DETAILS This module defines the details about the stock. It includes stock name, number, code, price and units purchased. The stock of the product is managed by the shopkeeper and constantly updates the database by including the contents whenever order is made by the customer or stocked by the supplier. The main role of the shopkeeper is to check the stock and update it by checking its availability in the warehouse. When theres a need for the product it is informed to the manager. Customer orders the product and produces a list of the needed stock details. And sends it to the shopkeeper. Then the needed stock is sent to the customer with the

ordered details. Thus the invoice of the ordered products is sent to the customer and then the mode of payment of the purchased stock is mentioned by the customer and the billing details are sent to the customer. Thus when the product is purchased it is updated in the stock purchased database. Then the stock unit is decreased to know the remaining stock left in the warehouse and updated. The database is checked continuously for checking the availability of the stock.

3.7.3 SALE DETAILS This module contains the details of the sale made by the customer. The overall sales made by the organization is reported in the database and updated. The details of product, cost of the item, total products purchased, and mode of payment of the product details are made a note to the database. This shows the detailed view of the sales made by the customer and the supplier and the details of the stock are stored in the database. The overall sales details of the particular shop are displayed and the customer details and the sales made are stored in the database.

CHAPTER 4 SYSTEM DESIGN USECASE: A use case captures the interactions that occur between developers and users of information and the system itself. A use case is a UML modeling element that describes how a user of the proposed system will interact with the system to perform a discrete unit of work. It describes and signifies a single interaction over time that has meaning for the end user and is required to leave the system in a complete state; either the interaction completed or was rolled back to the initial state.


R e q u ire m e n ts

SHO P KEE PE R O rd e r


P u rc h a s e

Following are the actors involved in 4.1 Shopkeeper: The shopkeeper tracks the details of the stock Organisation: The organisation manages the requirements and access of the stock and updates it. The following are use case names and usages: Requirements: The stock requirements are specified by the organization to the shopkeeper. Order: The specified requirements are ordered by the shopkeeper to update the stock details. Purchase: Purchase of the product and the items needed are made.


Item Lis t


c hec king

CUS TO M E R S HOP K E E P E R P ay ing Updating

Invoic e

Following are the actors involved in 4.1 Shopkeeper: The shopkeeper tracks the details of the stock. Customer: The customer buys the product and makes sales. The following are use case names and usages: Item list: List of the product items stored in the database.

Paying: The mode of payment of the purchase made by the customer. Invoice: An invoice is an itemized bill for goods given to a company. Checking: Checks the stock details availability from the warehouse. Updating: Updates the stock process made by shopkeeper

ACTIVITY DIAGRAM: Activity diagram are used to model the behavior of a system, the way in which these behaviors are related in an overall flow of the system. It uses rounded rectangles to imply a specific system function, arrows to represent flow through the system, decision diamonds to deficit a branching decision and solid horizontal lines to indicate that parallel activities are occurring. 4.3 ACTIVITY DIAGRAM FOR PURCHASE

Requirements Specification if not available Request

Available Order


The following are details of the 4.3 activity diagram for purchase the user specifies the requirements and its send as a request. If the request is available in the warehouse then order is made and purchased. Otherwise it is specified as not available to the user.


Item s S a les

Inc rem ent the S ales

U pdate S ales & P urc has e

Inc rem ent the P urc has e

The following are details of the 4.4 activity diagram for sales and stock details, the user specifies the products and if the process is for sale then the updation of sales is made then increment the sales and purchase made by the user.

SEQUENCE DIAGRAM: A sequence diagram is a structured representation of behavior as a seies of sequential steps over time. It is used to depict work flow, message passin gand how elements in general cooperate over time to achieve a result. A sequence and understand how these events are related to classess. Following are the sequence diagrams of this project. 4.5 SEQUENCE DIAGRAM FOR SALES AND STOCK DETAILS

C u s to m e r It e m s s e le c t e d

S hop K eeper

S to c k M a n a ge r

C h e c k in g w h e t h e r a va ila b le R e p o rt d e t a ils O rd e r B ill p ro d u c e d A m o u n t d e live r e d In vo ic e

U p d a t io n

The following are details of the 4.5 sequence diagram for sales and stock details, the customer selects the item and sends to the shopkeeper, and this item is checked

whether its available and reports to shopkeeper by stock manager. Customer then orders the product and receives bill and then pays the bill and gets invoice.all these are updated. 4.6 SEQUENCE DIAGRAM FOR PURCHASE
Owner Requirements List Responding as av ailable Paying the money Deliv of items ery Firm

The following are details of the 4.6 sequence diagram for purchase, the list of requirements is submitted to the organisation. The availability of stock details is sent as response. Then billing is done and item is received by the owner.

CLASS DIAGRAM A class is a repesentation of objects that reflects their structure and behavior within the system. The class diagram captures the logical structure of the system the classes and things that make up the mode. It is static model, describing what exists and the attributes and behavior it has, rather than how something is done. Class diagrams are most to illustrate relationship between classes and interfaces. The usage scenario implies a set objets that are manipulate as an actor interacts with the sytem. These objects are categorized into classes a collection of things that have similar attributes and common behavior. 4.7 CLASS DIAGRAM

CHAPTER 5 CONCLUSION AND FUTURE ENHANCEMENT 5.1 CONCLUSION The proposed project of stock maintenance system has reduced the workload of the employees to track through the records to report the transactions made and procedures done. Thus it is an effective case for an organization to upload the details and review thus annually.

5.2 FUTURE ENHANCEMENT Since every system has some limitations, so the proposed system is also not untouchable in this regard. Although it includes many features but still it would not be sufficient as the user requirements are not always same. The change in the requirements will need some changes in the system to fulfill the requirements.

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