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Andover Continuum CyberStation

Configurators Guide for Version 1.8

2006, TAC All Rights Reserved No part of this publication may be reproduced, read or stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without prior written permission of TAC. This document is produced in the United States of America. Infinity is a trademark of TAC. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Andover Continuum CyberStation Configurators Guide for Version 1.8 December, 2006 TAC part number: 30-3001-781 The information in this document is furnished for informational purposes only, is subject to change without notice, and should not be construed as a commitment by TAC. TAC assumes no liability for any errors or inaccuracies that may appear in this document.

TAC, Inc. One High Street North Andover, MA 01845 (978) 470-0555 Fax: (978) 975-9782



Contents 1 Introduction ................................................................................................................ 1 About this Guide........................................................................................................... 1 Key Concepts ............................................................................................................... 3 Andover Continuum Product Description ..................................................................... 5 CyberStation............................................................................................................... 12 Starting CyberStation ................................................................................................. 14 Closing CyberStation.................................................................................................. 15 2 Menu Pages .............................................................................................................. 17 The CyberStation Main Menu .................................................................................... 17 Accessing the Online Help System ............................................................................ 22 Menu Page Selections ............................................................................................... 23 Configuring New Menu Pages ................................................................................... 32 Button Wizard ............................................................................................................. 36 3 Continuum Explorer................................................................................................. 39 Objects in Continuum Explorer .................................................................................. 39 Starting Continuum Explorer ...................................................................................... 45 Dropdown Menus ....................................................................................................... 46 Quick Picks Toolbar ................................................................................................... 54 Popup Menus ............................................................................................................. 55 Continuum Explorer Window...................................................................................... 55 Explorer Views ........................................................................................................... 58 Creating Objects......................................................................................................... 62 Importing from ASCII Dump Files .............................................................................. 65 Importing from CSV Files ........................................................................................... 66 Creating CSV Files for CyberStation.......................................................................... 67 Updating or Creating Personnel Objects from CSV Files .......................................... 68 CyberStation Object Editors ....................................................................................... 70 Access Security Rules in Continuum Explorer........................................................... 70 4 Security ..................................................................................................................... 73 Security Groups.......................................................................................................... 73 Configuring Object-Level Security.............................................................................. 80
Andover Continuum CyberStation Configurators Guide

Folder and Device Level Security............................................................................... 85 5 Configuring Users .................................................................................................... 89 What Are Users? ........................................................................................................ 89 Customizing the User Environment............................................................................ 89 Before Configuring Users ........................................................................................... 90 Creating a User Object............................................................................................... 90 Groups Tab User Editor .......................................................................................... 93 SecurityLevel Tab User Editor................................................................................. 93 Setting up the General and CFR Preferences ........................................................... 94 Creating a ControllerUser Object ............................................................................. 100 6 Configuring a Network........................................................................................... 103 Creating a Network Object ....................................................................................... 104 Assigning a Network Object to a Default Folder ..................................................... 105 7 Configuring Controllers......................................................................................... 107 Commissioning a Controller ..................................................................................... 108 Creating an InfinityController Object ........................................................................ 109 Creating a bCX1 (40x0) or b4920 Controller............................................................ 122 Sending Controller Data to the CyberStation Database .......................................... 123 Working With Infinet Controllers .............................................................................. 124 Creating an Infinity Infinet Controller Object ............................................................ 125 Creating an Infinet Controller Offline ........................................................................ 126 Editing an Infinet Controller Object .......................................................................... 126 8 Configuring Comm Ports....................................................................................... 131 Supported Device Types .......................................................................................... 131 Configuring a Comm Port for a Terminal ................................................................. 132 Configuring a Comm Port for a Printer ..................................................................... 133 Configuring a Comm Port for a LBus ....................................................................... 133 Configuring a Comm Port for a TankNet.................................................................. 134 Configuring a Comm Port for XDrviers..................................................................... 134 Configuring a Comm Port for Infinet, MS/TP, or Wireless ....................................... 135 Configuring a Comm Port......................................................................................... 137



Creating IOU Module Objects ............................................................................... 147 Creating an IOU Module Object ............................................................................... 148 Commissioning an IOU Module ............................................................................... 149 Replacing an IOU Module ........................................................................................ 150

10 Configuring Alarms................................................................................................ 151 Considering the Alarm System................................................................................. 151 Alarms and BACnet.................................................................................................. 151 Considering the Alarm System................................................................................. 151 Basic Steps for Setting Up Alarms .......................................................................... 152 About EventNotification Objects .............................................................................. 152 About Configuring Alarm System Components ....................................................... 152 Using the EventNotification Editor............................................................................ 154 Distributing Tasks to Several Workstations.............................................................. 163 About AlarmEnrollment ............................................................................................ 168 Using the AlarmEnrollment Editor ............................................................................ 169 Writing Alarm Messages .......................................................................................... 175 Attaching Alarms to a Point ...................................................................................... 176 Active Alarm View .................................................................................................... 180 Infinet Intrinsic Alarms .............................................................................................. 196 Database Fault Detection Alarm .............................................................................. 199 11 Configuring Reports .............................................................................................. 201 Overview................................................................................................................... 201 Source Tab ............................................................................................................... 204 Configuring Columns for a Report............................................................................ 212 Filter Tab .................................................................................................................. 215 Output Tab ............................................................................................................... 219 Scheduling Automatic Reports ................................................................................. 224 What Are Extended Logs? ....................................................................................... 230 The ReportViewer .................................................................................................... 230 12 Templates................................................................................................................ 237 About CyberStation Templates ................................................................................ 237
Andover Continuum CyberStation Configurators Guide

Creating a Template Object ..................................................................................... 239 Creating an Object from a Template ........................................................................ 241 Editing an Object Created from a Template............................................................. 240 13 Points, Logs, and Triggers .................................................................................... 243 What is a Point? ....................................................................................................... 243 About InfinityInput and InfinityOutput Points ............................................................ 244 Before You Start ....................................................................................................... 245 Creating an InfinityInput Object ................................................................................ 245 InfinityOutput Points ................................................................................................. 261 Creating an InfinityOutput Object ............................................................................. 261 About Infinity Software Points .................................................................................. 267 Creating Infinity Software Points .............................................................................. 267 About BACnet Points................................................................................................ 273 14 BACnet .................................................................................................................... 275 What is BACnet? ...................................................................................................... 275 Andover Continuums BACnet Product Line ............................................................ 277 BACnet-Related Documentation .............................................................................. 277 Post Installation System Integration ......................................................................... 278 The Device Editor ..................................................................................................... 288 Configuring BACnet Alarms ..................................................................................... 311 BACnet Defined Objects .......................................................................................... 330 Infinity and BACnet Object Editors ........................................................................... 333 15 Configuring Schedules and Calendars ................................................................ 371 Schedule Views Finding Your Way Around .......................................................... 372 Configuration Tab ..................................................................................................... 376 Working with Exception Schedules .......................................................................... 383 Working with Standard Days and User-defined Days .............................................. 391 Current State Tab ..................................................................................................... 399 Proprietary Schedule Properties for Programs ........................................................ 400 Mass Create Populating Devices with a Schedule ............................................... 401 Mass Change Updating Multiple Schedules ......................................................... 404 Calendars and the Calendar Editor .......................................................................... 406


16 Configuring Loops ................................................................................................. 411 Overview................................................................................................................... 411 General Tab ............................................................................................................. 412 Tuning Tab ............................................................................................................... 416 What Is PID? ............................................................................................................ 419 Tuning the PID Loop ................................................................................................ 421 Customizing the PID Graph...................................................................................... 422 Basic Alarms Tab and Advanced Alarms Tab.......................................................... 429 17 Configuring Trend Loops ...................................................................................... 433 Overview................................................................................................................... 433 General Tab ............................................................................................................. 434 Data Tab................................................................................................................... 437 Extended Logging Tab ............................................................................................. 440 Basic Alarms Tab ..................................................................................................... 441 18 Configuring Areas and Doors ............................................................................... 447 Configuring Andover Continuum for Security and Access Control .......................... 447 Key Terms for Access Control ................................................................................. 447 About Areas, Doors, and Personnel......................................................................... 449 Sequence for Creating Access Control Objects....................................................... 451 Creating an Area Object........................................................................................... 452 Creating a Door Object............................................................................................. 452 Data that Defines a Door Object .............................................................................. 452 General Tab Door Editor ....................................................................................... 453 Card Formats Tab Door Editor .............................................................................. 454 Channels Tab Door Editor..................................................................................... 455 Options Tab Door Editor........................................................................................ 460 XDriver Tab Door Editor ........................................................................................ 461 Entry Reader Tab Door Editor............................................................................... 462 Entry Options Tab Door Editor .............................................................................. 464 Entry Status Tab Door Editor ................................................................................ 465 Exit Reader Tab Door Editor ................................................................................. 466 Exit Options Tab Door Editor ................................................................................ 468
Andover Continuum CyberStation Configurators Guide

Exit Status Tab Door Editor................................................................................... 469 Alarms Tab Door Editor......................................................................................... 469 Access Events Tab Door Editor ............................................................................ 469 Using Area Lockdown .............................................................................................. 470 More About Area Lockdown ..................................................................................... 470 What Happens During Lockdown............................................................................. 471 Locking down an Area.............................................................................................. 471 Locking down Individual Doors................................................................................. 472 Controlling Access with Condition Levels ................................................................ 472 Sending a Condition Level Message to Controllers ................................................. 473 Restoring Controller Condition Levels to Previous Levels ....................................... 473 About Sending Condition Level Values to Individual Controllers ............................. 474 19 Personnel ................................................................................................................ 475 Personnel Manager .................................................................................................. 475 Enabling the Personnel Manager ............................................................................. 477 Adding New Personnel Objects................................................................................ 477 Editing a Personnel Object....................................................................................... 480 Making/Editing a Badge ........................................................................................... 485 Reading Card Information ........................................................................................ 491 Replacing Card Information...................................................................................... 492 Issuing or Restoring a Temporary Card ................................................................... 492 Marking a Card as Lost ............................................................................................ 493 Deleting Personnel Objects...................................................................................... 493 Working with Personnel Clearance Levels and Controller Condition Levels ........... 494 Configuring the Personnel Manager ........................................................................ 498 Creating a Personnel Profile .................................................................................... 500 Customizing Personnel Attributes ............................................................................ 506 Selecting Configuration Settings for the Personnel Manager .................................. 508 Personnel Import Utility ............................................................................................ 510 What Can I do with the Personnel Import Utility?..................................................... 511 Configuration Tab ..................................................................................................... 515 Mapping Data Source Attributes to CyberStation Personnel Attributes................... 520
viii TAC

Previewing Data ....................................................................................................... 522 Data Source Data Tab.............................................................................................. 523 Transforming Data Using the XSLT File .................................................................. 524 Saving a Configuration and Importing Data into CyberStation ................................ 526 20 Managing Personnel Distribution......................................................................... 529 Access Distribution View .......................................................................................... 529 Launching and Populating the Access Distribution View ......................................... 531 Filtering Distribution Events in Access Distribution View ......................................... 532 Using Columns in the Access Distribution View....................................................... 535 Using Toolbar Buttons in Access Distribution View ................................................. 540 Distributing Personnel Immediately Distribute Now ............................................ 540 21 Managing Configuration Files............................................................................... 543 Overview................................................................................................................... 543 General Tab ............................................................................................................. 544 Backing Up a Devices Configuration....................................................................... 545 Restoring a Devices Configuration.......................................................................... 547 22 Creating Groups ..................................................................................................... 549 What is a Group? ..................................................................................................... 549 What is a Graph? ..................................................................................................... 550 Using the Group Editor............................................................................................. 551 Opening a Log Viewer.............................................................................................. 559 Editing a Group from the Log Viewer ....................................................................... 559 23 Creating ListViews ................................................................................................. 561 What is a ListView? .................................................................................................. 561 About Creating a New ListView................................................................................ 561 Using the ListView Editor ......................................................................................... 561 Test and Save .......................................................................................................... 573 Creating a History or Graph of a ListView................................................................ 574 24 Creating EventViews.............................................................................................. 577 Overview................................................................................................................... 577 Before Creating an EventView ................................................................................. 578 Creating an EventView............................................................................................. 579
Andover Continuum CyberStation Configurators Guide

The Active Event View ............................................................................................. 583 25 Configuring and Viewing Video ............................................................................ 593 Overview of Video Integration and Configuration..................................................... 593 Using the VideoServer Editor ................................................................................... 596 Using the VideoLayout Editor................................................................................... 597 26 Graphics Panels ..................................................................................................... 605 Introduction............................................................................................................... 605 Pinpoint Environment ............................................................................................... 613 Configuring a Pinpoint Panel.................................................................................... 615 Selecting Default Properties for Components .......................................................... 618 Creating an Active Text Component ........................................................................ 619 Inserting Images ....................................................................................................... 621 Creating an Active Switch Control............................................................................ 621 Creating an Active Rotation Control ......................................................................... 622 Creating a Personnel Picture Switch Control ........................................................... 623 Creating an Active Bar Control................................................................................. 624 Creating an Active Button Control ............................................................................ 625 Creating an Active n-Stage Animation Control......................................................... 628 Creating an Active Animated Button Control............................................................ 632 Inserting a Scale....................................................................................................... 636 Inserting a Gauge ..................................................................................................... 637 Importing a Pinpoint Panel ....................................................................................... 639 Creating Windows Controls...................................................................................... 639 Controlling a Door .................................................................................................... 664 A Using the Personnel Editor ................................................................................... 671 General Tab Personnel Editor............................................................................... 672 Area List Tab Personnel Editor ............................................................................. 674 Privileges Tab Personnel Editor ............................................................................ 678 Employee Info Tab Personnel Editor .................................................................... 678 Personnel Info Tab Personnel Editor .................................................................... 679 Current Status Tab Personnel Editor .................................................................... 680 Access Events Tab Personnel Editor .................................................................... 681


Templates Tab Personnel Editor........................................................................... 681 Custom Attributes Tab Personnel Editor............................................................... 682 Security Tab Personnel Editor .............................................................................. 682 B EpiBuilder Installation ........................................................................................... 685 Installing EPIBuilder ................................................................................................. 686 C Personnel Import Utility Tables and Sample XSLT File ..................................... 687 Active Directory Attributes Table .............................................................................. 688 Continuum Personnel Attributes Table .................................................................... 691 Card Type Table....................................................................................................... 695 Active Directory ........................................................................................................ 696 LDAP Protocol.......................................................................................................... 701 Sample XSLT File .................................................................................................... 704 D Scheduling Automatic Personnel Object Updates ............................................. 711 Working with Scheduled Tasks ................................................................................ 717 Selecting Global Options.......................................................................................... 718 E Custom Card Formats............................................................................................ 719 Configuring CyberStation for Custom ABA Card Access......................................... 720 Multiple Custom Card Formats ................................................................................ 728 F Points Electrical Types ....................................................................................... 731 Infinity Electrical Types and BACnet Objects........................................................... 732 InfinityInput Types .................................................................................................... 732 InfinityOutput Types ................................................................................................. 735

Andover Continuum CyberStation Configurators Guide





The chapter is an introduction to the Andover Continuum CyberStation Configurators Guide. This chapter also presents Andover Continuums hardware and software, key concepts that are important for a configurator to understand, an overview of CyberStation, and instructions on how to start and stop CyberStation.

About this Guide

This guide is designed to help you configure your building automation control system with Andover Continuum CyberStation software. This guide is based on the assumption that CyberStation has already been successfully installed on your system in accordance with the instructions contained in the Andover Continuum CyberStation Installation Guide, 303001-720. Once the installation has occurred, the system is ready to configure as described in this guide.

Document Scope
This guide is a reference document for configuring the CyberStation software on your building control system. Chapters follow the typical sequence that is involved in configuring CyberStation on your Infinity or BACnet system.

How this Guide Is Organized

This guide is organized as follows: Chapter/Appendix Chapter 1 Description Introduction Presents an introduction to this guide, brief descriptions of Andover Continuums product line, and overview of CyberStation, key concepts, and instructions for starting and stopping CyberStation. Menu Pages Describes all the features available from CyberStations main menu, how to create new menu pages and hot spots, and how to use the Button Wizard.
Andover Continuum CyberStation Configurators Guide 1

Chapter 2

Chapter/Appendix Chapter 3

Description Continuum Explorer Explains how the Explorer is laid out, its four views, describes objects and how they are represented on the Explorer and how viewer access to it is determined by security rules. Security Configuring Users Configuring a Network Configuring Controllers Configuring Comm Ports Creating I/O Module Objects Configuring Alarms Configuring Reports Templates Points, Logs, and Triggers BACnet Configuring Schedules and Calendars Configuring Loops Configuring TrendLogs Configuring Areas and Doors Configuring Personnel Managing Personnel Distribution Managing Configuration Files Creating Groups Creating ListViews Creating EventViews Configuring and Viewing Video Graphics Panels Using the Personnel Editor EpiBuilder Installation Personnel Import Utility Tables and Sample XSLT File Scheduling Automatic Personnel Object Updates

Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 9 Chapter 10 Chapter 11 Chapter 12 Chapter 13 Chapter 14 Chapter 15 Chapter 16 Chapter 17 Chapter 18 Chapter 19 Chapter 20 Chapter 21 Chapter 22 Chapter 23 Chapter 24 Chapter 25 Chapter 26 Appendix A Appendix B Appendix C Appendix D

Chapter/Appendix Appendix E Appendix F

Description Custom Card Formats Points Electrical Types

Related Documentation
The following documents are related to this configurators guide: Title Andover Continuum CyberStation Installation Guide for Version 1.8 Remote Communication Configuration Guide Command Terminal Configuration Guide RoamIO2 (BACnet service tool) Users Guide RoamIO2 (Infinet service tool) Users Guide SNMP Configuration Guide Introducing BACnet A Guide for CyberStation Users Plain English Language Reference bCX1 Series Controller Technical Reference Part Number 30-3001-720 30-3001-814 30-3001-843 30-3001-910 30-3001-989 30-3001-855 30-3001-863 30-3001-872 30-3001-890

CyberStation includes an extensive online help system. This help system is described in more detail in Chapter 2.

Intended Readers of this Guide

This guide is written for anyone at your site who is responsible for configuring the CyberStation software that controls the operation of your building control system. This person is the configurator. Network administrators and operators may also need this guide.

Key Concepts
The design of the CyberStation system is based on several key concepts that are involved in the makeup of the software and hardware components of a building control system. These key concepts are outlined below. More thorough descriptions may be found in subsequent chapters.

Your building complex, or whatever you are controlling with the Andover Continuum system, is referred to as a site. In complex operations, you may have control of multiple sites.

Andover Continuum CyberStation Configurators Guide

The control of equipment requires monitoring individual inputs and actuating individual outputs. In Infinity and CyberStation systems, these discrete entities are referred to as points. Youll see references to output point or input point often. Internal places within a controller or workstations memory are also referred to as points. These software-based points may be temporary storage locations for setpoints or the memory location where the current date and time are stored.

During operation, things happen as a result of actions taken by users, by the controllers, or as the result of no action. These occurrences can include the triggering of an overtemperature warning or the discovery of a forced door entry. In Andover Continuum systems, they are classified as events. There are several types of events. Each type can be monitored and acted upon through automatic and programmed control. All events are stored by the system.

Alarms are events that signal the controller of an unusual occurrence. Typical alarms might include temperature variations and intrusion attempts.

Schedules allow the operation of the system to be regulated according to a particular day, week, month, year, or time of day.

The user or operator is the person or persons who manually acknowledge alarms, monitor system activity, and interact with the system on a daily basis. Users are also individuals who have access to the CyberStation software.

The configurator is the person who sets up (configures) the CyberStation software to match the physical devices of the site.

The programmer is the person who determines the operational flow of the system. The programmer writes programs in a BASIC-like language called Plain English.

The network is a medium through which electronic hardware communicates. Andover Continuum products use several types of networks: Network controllers communicate with a user workstation and with each other via an Ethernet TCP/IP network. Our products support physical wire and fiber versions of the Ethernet as well as wide-area wireless Ethernet. Andover Continuum controllers communicate with external input and output modules through a variety of commercial and proprietary network products.

Controllers are small, dedicated computers that perform the logic necessary to read external inputs and operate external outputs. User-created programs that are loaded into the controller define the controllers personality. There are two types of controllers: Network controllers communicate through an Ethernet network. Infinet controllers communicate through either the Andover Continuum proprietary Infinet network or the Master-Slave/Token Passing (MS/TP) network for BACnet devices.

The user interacts with the Andover Continuum system through a personal computer called the workstation, which runs the CyberStation software. CyberStation is used to configure, program, monitor and operate the system. All workstations on the Andover Continuum system are BACnet-compliant BACnet Operator Workstations (B-OWS).

The entire Andover Continuum system configuration of workstations, servers and networks with attached controllers and I/Os is called an enterprise. An enterprise can consist of an unlimited number of networks containing a total of up to 4 million controllers and workstations.

Andover Continuum Product Description

Andover Continuum is a mixture of hardware and software that is designed to monitor and control the various functions of a building. These functions include, but are not limited to, security, access control, lighting, heating, ventilation, and cooling. The hardware consists of equipment controllers, network communication controllers, input and output interfaces. The CyberStation software is a computer program that allows you to communicate with, monitor and control the operation of the entire Andover Continuum system.

CyberStation Software
A key component of the Andover Continuum system is a Windows-based application program called CyberStation that runs on a PC workstation and interacts with the control system. Andover Continuums second key software component is the database that stores all the vital information pertaining to the building automation control system. CyberStation CyberStation provides a graphic user interface that can display and manipulate data that allows the entire site management of adjusting schedules and setpoints, acknowledging alarms, controlling doors, tracking personnel, and so on. Andover Continuum allows you to connect several CyberStation workstations simultaneously to provide for the most flexible configuration/control and monitoring operation available.
Andover Continuum CyberStation Configurators Guide 5

Database The information that describes the structure and operation of your building is stored in the CyberStation database. The values of each point in the system, the settings for limits, the configuration of the hardware, the personal data of the personnel granted access to your building, and more, are contained in the database. The database engine that CyberStation uses is either Microsoft SQL server or MSDE 2000. Objects The components associated with your site (networks, workstations, actuators, sensors, and so on) are created, monitored, and controlled as objects in CyberStation. For example, for every controller you have in a building, CyberStation stores a controller object. When you have created an object for a piece of hardware, you can monitor, disable, change the settings for, and enable that equipment using that object in CyberStation. Objects represent every aspect of Andover Continuums building control system, whether it is building security, lighting, or HVAC control. Refer to Chapter 3 for more information about objects and how they are represented in CyberStation. Attributes An attribute is a characteristic of an object. All objects have attributes associated with them. In most cases, there are several attributes that describe an object. (Attributes are known as properties in BACnet objects.)

Andover Continuum Hardware Products

The Andover Continuum product line encompasses a wide variety of TAC components including Infinity CX 9XXX series controllers, NetControllers and NetController II network controllers, 9702 Site controllers, bCX1 series controllers, Infinet and Infinet II controllers, BACnet controllers, local and expansion input/output IOU modules, display modules and smart sensors. These components are networked to create a total building automation system. Andover Continuum System Architecture Depending upon the complexity of the site architecture, a system can range from a single-user configuration with one workstation to a large, multi-user configuration with a network of multiple workstations, a file server, and numerous controllers.


Single-User Configuration In single user configurations (shown below) the Andover Continuum product line consists of a network controller (NetController or NetController II with optional input/output modules), a bCX1 or a 9702 Site Controller and a CyberStation workstation. The MSDE database also resides on the workstation. The NetController/bCX1/9702 use Ethernet TCP/IP protocol to communicate with the workstation. Field bus communication between the network controller and the I/O modules is conducted over a special ACC I/O bus. There are two versions of the bCX1. One uses Infinet protocol and the other communicates over standard MS/TP BACnet.

Andover Continuum CyberStation Configurators Guide

Multi-User Configuration The Andover Continuum system design is based on scalability, so expansion to a multiuser, larger network configuration is easily accomplished. The following figure below shows such a configuration. In this configuration, the Ethernet LAN is expanded to include another workstation and an SQL database server.

Network Controllers There are several types of Andover Continuum network controllers: Infinity CX 9000 series NetController II 96xx series NetController CX 94xx series 9702 Site Controller BACnet b4920 Gateway/Controller

bCX1 series All are Ethernet TCP/IP compatible. The first four contain at least one Infinet port to allow communication with Infinet application controllers. The b4920 includes one MS/TP network for communicating with b3xxx BACnet controllers.

The Infinity CX9XXX series are connected to individual IOU modules via an RS-485 cabling arrangement referred to as "LBUS". The NetController, NetController II, and 9702 Site Controller are powerful CPUs with flash EPROM providing the central network management functions for Andover Continuum building automation system. These network controllers can be connected to individual IOU modules via a different RE-485 protocol called ACC-LON. The 9702 Site Controller includes the equivalent of a NetController, a power supply, and an AC-1 access controller in one small package. The bCX1 is a series of Infinet and Native BACnet routers and controller/ routers. The Infinet devices (96xx) function as Ethernet-to-Infinet field bus routers. The BACnet devices (40x0) function as BACnet/IP-to-MS/TP field bus routers Infinet Controllers These controllers include combinations of inputs and outputs for the monitoring and control of local sensors and devices. There is a wide variety of Infinet controllers; each device is designed for a specific purpose. Infinet controllers are connected to network controllers via the Infinet network. BACnet Controllers These controllers include combinations of inputs and outputs for the monitoring and control of local sensors and devices. They are equivalent in function to the Infinet i2 series controllers mentioned above. BACnet controllers are connected to a bCX1 or b4920 controller/gateway via the MasterSlave/Token Passing (MS/TP) network. Workstations A personal computer (PC) connected to the Continuum Ethernet network runs the CyberStation software and database. The system can contain a single workstation or multiple workstations, depending on the site configuration. Networks The Infinet is Andover Continuums high-performance, token-passing LAN that allows Infinet application controllers to communicate with each other and to a single network controller. With repeaters, it is possible to have 127 Infinet controllers on one Infinet network The LBUS is the cable that connects IOU modules to a CX network controller or via the LA-1 (see Table 1-1) to a NetController or NetController II. Only one LBUS can be connected to a CX network controller. Each LBUS can handle up to 16 IOUs. The BACnet MS/TP network is an RS-485 based industry standard LAN that allows BACnet b3 controllers to communicate with each other and to a single b4920 or bCX1. It is possible to have 127 Infinet controllers on one MS/TP network. NetController I/O Modules NetController I/O modules are specialized units that receive sensor inputs and activate equipment (valves, fans, door locks, and so on) and perform access control functions.
Andover Continuum CyberStation Configurators Guide 9

The I/O modules, available in several configurations including input, output, mixed I/O, and display are listed in the following table. Type Input Module UI-8-10 and UI10-10V DI-6 AC and DI-6 AC HV DI-8 DM-20 MI-6 Output AO-4-8 AO-4-8-O DO-4-R DO-4-R-O DO-6-TR LO-2 LO-2-O Access Control AC-1 AC-1A AC-1 Plus VS-8-4 Display LB-8 LS-8 LC-1 VM-1 Miscellaneous VT-1 LA-1 Function Universal Input Module AC Digital Input Module Digital Input Module Digital Input/Output Module (for DIO-20) MilliAmp Input Module Analog Output Module Analog Output Module with override Relay Output Module Relay Output Module with override Triac Output Module Lighting Output Module Lighting Output Module with override Door, Access Control Door, Access Control Door, Access Control Video Switch Module 8-Channel LED Bar Display/w 8 Push buttons 8-Channel, 3-Digit 7-Segment LED Display/w 16 Buttons 2-Line LCD Display/w 12 Push Buttons Voice Record and Playback Module (requires LC-1 Module) Voice module for use with touch-tone telephones Allows use of LBUS IOUs with a NetController or NetController II



Controller Expansion Modules Expansion modules extend the I/O capability of certain i2, BACnet, and bCX1 controllers. Type Universal Expansion Module xPUI4 xPBD4 * xPBA4 * Input Output xPDI8 xPAO2 xPAO4 xPDO2 xPD04 Display xP Display xP Remote Display Function 4-Channel Universal Input Module 4-Channel Universal Input and 4-Channel Digital Output Module 4-Channel Universal Input and 4-Channel Analog Output Module 8-Channel Digital Input Module 2-Channel Analog Output Module 4-Channel Analog Output Module 2-Channel Relay Output Module 4-Channel Relay Output Module Internal Mounted Keypad/Display Module (920 only) Externally Mounted Keypad/Display Module

*These modules expand the I/O of bCX1 series controllers only.

Andover Continuum CyberStation Configurators Guide



You use CyberStation software to configure, monitor and control the Andover Continuum and Infinity hardware. CyberStation has a collection of tools and applications that work together to help you create and interface with all the objects in the system. The figure below illustrates some of them.



Creation Tools Editors Every type of object has its own editor. An editor is a software tool that allows you to create an object of a specific type. Each object type is known as an object class. You can also use editors to change object settings, such as the value of an output object. Templates Templates are objects that are used to create other objects. Templates look like editors that have been pre-configured with most or all of the information required to rapidly create multiple instances of the same object class. To create a new object, copy the template, and change or add information as needed. Configuration Wizard The Configuration Wizard allows you to create and edit CyberStation templates. It presents a tab for each template subfolder contained in the template folder. Clicking on a tab displays a listing of all the templates available in the subfolder. CyberStation Online Help Online help topics cover all CyberStation object class editors (including BACnet object class editors) and all major CyberStation features. Reference information on the Plain English IDE programming environment, including a Plain English keyword reference, is also provided. Help buttons, located in the CyberStation user interface editors, dialogs, live views, and so on open help topics related to the CyberStation editor or feature in which you are working. You can also press the F1 key to bring up related help. For more information about online help, please see: Accessing the Online Help System, Chapter 2. Programming Tools Plain English Plain English is the programming language you or your programmer will use to write functions and programs that can automatically initiate and respond to activity in your building control system. You can also use the Plain English program to automate routine tasks, such as generating reports. The language is easy to use because its keywords are common, easy to understand words. The Plain English Editor also makes programming easy by reducing most of the typing to mouse clicks. Command Line The command line is a simple text field interface that allows you to directly enter, via the keyboard, Plain English commands. The command is executed immediately after entry. This tool is handy for trying commands before committing them to your program. You can also review and use a running history of the commands you entered. Message Window The Message Window allows you to view the results of your Plain English programs as CyberStation processes them.

Andover Continuum CyberStation Configurators Guide


Monitoring Tools Continuum Explorer The Continuum Explorer is your main access window into CyberStation. It is similar to the standard Windows explorer, and displays all the objects on your system in a hierarchical view. This allows you to see the relationship between objects. The Continuum Explorer also provides access to all the object editors. Menu Pages Menu pages are the graphic screens you will see after logging into CyberStation. Menu pages help you navigate to, as well as monitor, certain objects. These screens contain "hot spots" that you can click to move to another screen or to open an application. Menu pages also display a status bar that shows the most recent alarm. The status bar includes an icon that provides access to the Active Alarm View. Graphic Panels Using a sophisticated Graphic Panel editor, you can create colorful screen-based graphics that simulate control panels, floor plans, and automated warnings or alerts. These panels can then become primary interfaces for your end users. Active Event Views, Groups, and ListViews These are all objects that you create for the purpose of monitoring other objects.

Starting CyberStation
Use the following procedure to start CyberStation: 1. Click the Start button in your task bar. 2. Select Programs. 3. Select Continuum in the list of programs, and then click program list. Continuum in the

The CyberStation splash screen and the main menu appear along with the following dialog:

4. Enter your User Name and password. 5. Click OK.

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Your administrator usually assigns authorizations to access the CyberStation software. For unassigned users there is a default user name and password. Note: Once you start CyberStation, you can create a Windows shortcut to open CyberStation from your desktop by clicking on the Continuum icon:

Closing CyberStation
Use the following procedure to shut down CyberStation: 1. Right-click the Continuum icon your screen. 2. Select Exit from the popup menu: in the taskbar at the lower right-hand corner of

3. When prompted to confirm that you want to close the application, click Yes. 4. If prompted to add a comment, enter a comment in the Comment field, and then enter your user name and password.

Andover Continuum CyberStation Configurators Guide


5. Click the OK button, and wait for all CyberStation processes to terminate. If you do not wait for all processes to finish you risk losing system information.



Menu Pages

This chapter describes the features of the CyberStation user interface and explains how to use screen elements, such as hot spots and popup menus, to access information in CyberStation. This chapter also describes how to customize CyberStation menu pages to meet your requirements.

The CyberStation Main Menu

The CyberStation Main Menu, shown on the next page, contains the following features: Title Bar - Shows the title for the current menu page. Menu Area - Covers the entire region in between the title bar and status line. Main Menu Links or Hot Spots Displays menu selections for major features (Graphics, Schedules, Groups, and so on) along the left side of the window. Status Line - Displays information including user name, workstation name, current date and time, error messages, and prompts. Alarm Bar - Displays text that describes an active alarm condition.

Andover Continuum CyberStation Configurators Guide


Title Bar

Hotspot Menu Links

Menu Area

Alarm Bar

Status Line

Continuum Tooltray and Icons

All CyberStation menu pages share the same basic features as the Main Menu described above.

Selecting Items on the Main Menu

There are two ways to select items from the CyberStation Main Menu: Hot spots Popup menus

Hot Spot Links Hot spots are selectable areas of a menu page. Clicking on the hot spot: Moves you to another menu page. Launches a CyberStation application, such as Schedules or Listviews. Runs a program.

Creates new objects. Hot spots may look like buttons clearly marked by text or icons, or they may simply be objects, such as doors, boilers, or controllers, that are part of the overall graphic. You will always know that a hot spot exists if the cursor arrow changes to the hand symbol. Shortcut Popup Menu You can also select certain items from the Main Menu using a popup menu:
18 TAC

1. Move the cursor to any part of the menu area that is not a hotspot. 2. Right click to display the popup menu. 3. Select Change Page and then the item you want to open from the dropdown list. For example:

Tool Tray Items

CyberStation-related icons appear in the lower right-hand corner of the Windows task bar, known as the tool tray:

Placing the cursor over each of these icons displays a message indicating the status of the item represented by the icon. Right click the icon to bring up a popup menu for each item. The SQL Server Icon The SQL server icon appears only on a machine that is also functioning as the MSDE Server. Right click the icon to display a menu that allows you to start and stop the SQL server from CyberStation and determine whether it starts automatically with the OS Note: The SQL Server Service Manager menu is usually restricted, and used only by the system administrator. Do not stop the SQL server without first consulting your administrator. Distribution Server Icon When you make changes to CyberStation objects, CyberStation immediately sends the new configuration information to the controllers. This process is referred to as distribution and is performed by the CyberStation distribution server. The CyberStation distribution server handles moves, copies, deletes, creating objects from templates and any other actions occurring between a workstation and a controller. icon in the tool tray provides feedback about the current The distribution server status of the distribution server.
Andover Continuum CyberStation Configurators Guide 19

When the distribution server is active, the icon animates to indicate the activity. Connecting lines appear between the document and the controller, and a red dot animates along the connecting lines. For more detailed information, double click the icon (or right click) and select Properties from the icons popup menu to display a Distribution Properties dialog. This dialog provides detailed information about the status of the server and the currently running operation. Note: The Distribution View button in the Distribution Properties dialog launches a powerful tool, the Access Distribution View, which allows you to monitor distribution-event transactions and perform an immediate distribution of a personnel record. (See Chapter 20, Managing Personnel Distribution.) Workstation Status Icon The Workstation Status Icon or offline: indicates whether the CyberStation workstation is online

When the workstation is online, CyberStation is communicating with controllers and other devices in the network. The workstation is typically online when CyberStation is running.

When the workstation is offline, CyberStation does not send or receive messages form the network. Changes that you make to CyberStation objects while the workstation is offline are not sent to the controllers until you change the workstation status to online. Double click or right click the icon to change the workstation status. Continuum Icon Right click the Continuum icon to display a popup menu with several options:

Advanced CyberStation functions Access to online help and software version numbers Logoff and Logon options Exit option to close CyberStation

Alarm Icon You can double click the Alarm icon to bring up the Active Alarm View:

20 TAC

You can also access the Active Alarm View from the popup menu for this icon.

Alarm Bar Selectable Items

When an alarm condition occurs, and the Active Alarm View is in the status line mode, text describing the alarm appears in the white status box in the alarm bar. To respond to the alarm, you click the appropriate icon in the bar for the action you wish to perform: Acknowledge View a graphic panel View report Silence (mute) an audio alarm Execute a user-defined Plain English function for the alarm. Bring up the surveillance video monitor (the VideoLayout editor) when a point goes into an alarm. This is the VideoLayout object attached to the point for this alarm. (See Chapter 25, Configuring and Viewing Video.)

associated with the Display the AlarmEnrollment or EventEnrollment editor selected alarm. See the section, Active Alarm View, in Chapter 10 for complete details on the Active Alarm View modes: view mode and status line mode.

Andover Continuum CyberStation Configurators Guide


Accessing the Online Help System

Within CyberStation, an extensive online help system is readily accessible. From the CyberStation Main Menu, you may access the Help system in two ways: Press the F1 key as instructed in the status line. Right-click the Continuum icon in the tool tray, and select How Do I from the popup menu. Either method opens the online help and displays the home screen:

The CyberStation editors, live views, and other major dialogs have a Help button. Click the Help button (or press the F1 key) to display help topics related to the feature in which you are working. To learn how to use all the features of the online help system, click the Contents tab in the Help navigation pane, and then click the topic, How to Use this Online Help, as shown below:

22 TAC

When you access the online help system for the first time, please read the topic entitled, How to Use this Online Help. The help system has a navigation pane and a viewing pane. The navigation pane has a Contents tab, as well as an Index tab with a text search engine. Though the CyberStation online help system contains some task-oriented how to information, the help topics, by design, are closely aligned with the user-interface attributes of CyberStation editors, dialogs, and other features that display Help buttons.

Menu Page Selections

The CyberStation main menu is a list of hotspots that you can select to display another menu page. Each page provides specific capabilities for annotating and controlling your building automation system.

Click the hot spot to display a listview of all graphics files on the system. These graphics files contain Pinpoint panels, which are described in detail in Chapter 26.

Andover Continuum CyberStation Configurators Guide


Each entry lists the name of the graphic object, its alias, and the ownership of the object, as indicated by file path. Double click an entry to open the selected object in the Graphics editor.

Click the hot spot to display a listview of all schedules system. Click an entry to open the selected schedule in the Schedule editor. Refer to Chapter 15 for a detailed discussion of Schedules.

Click the hot spot to display a listview of all groups on the system. Click an entry to open the selected group in the Group editor. Refer to Chapter 22 for a detailed discussion of Groups.

Click the hot spot to display the Listviews menu page:

24 TAC

Within this menu page many hot spots are arranged in five categories. Clicking on a hot button produces a listview of the selected object. Under Alarms you can request a list of all alarms on the system, as well as the alarm activity for various time intervals. You can also create a list of all unacknowledged alarms and view alarm acknowledgements. The User Activity hot buttons each produce a listview of user activity on the system for a particular time frame. The User Logons hot buttons provide selections for the day, week, or month that create a listview of all user logons to CyberStation. Each entry indicates the time of logon, where the logon occurred (NodeName) and the name used (UserName) to logon with.

Andover Continuum CyberStation Configurators Guide


The Access Events hot buttons display listviews of access event activity on the system for a particular time frame. Valid and Invalid Access can also be reported by day, week, or month. The Invalid Access Listview provides a time stamp, event type, door, a person ID, card number, and message for each invalid event occurring on the system. See also Chapter 23, Creating Listviews and Chapter 11, Configuring Reports.

26 TAC

Click the hot spot to display the Personnel menu page.

An example of the listview associated with the All Personnel hot spot is shown below.

The hot spots under the Prompted Lists heading let you search for a Personnel object by entering a card number, a department number, a last name, a driver's license, or a Social Security number.

Click the hot spot to open Continuum Explorer.

Andover Continuum CyberStation Configurators Guide


Continuum Explorer is where you work with all the objects on your CyberStation system. From Continuum Explorer, you can open object editors, create new objects, open Listviews and schedules, launch graphics panels and view the properties of objects. See Chapter 3 for detailed information about working in Continuum Explorer.

System & Status

Click the hot spot to display the System & Status menu page.

28 TAC

Command Line hot spot to display the Command Line. The Command Line is Click the where you enter Plain English statements for carrying out CyberStation system tasks. For example, you can run a report, print the values of system variables, or change input setpoints by typing the appropriate keywords for these actions at the Command Line. The Command Line consists of a title bar, a button to expand the Command Line, a button to open the explorer, an area in which to type commands, and a message window in which messages and printed values display.
This is where you type Plain English Statements. This title bar displays the current path to the controller you are working on

This button opens the Continuum Explorer navigation tree. This button expands the Command Line to a scrollable window

This is where print requests and messages display.

The title bar contains the path to the controller or device the Command Line is connected to. To hide or display the title bar, right click it, and select Title Bar from the popup menu. To view messages that are too long for the Command Line window, you can either resize the command line, or place your cursor anywhere in the message text to display a pop up view of the entire message. Plain English Editor hot spot to open the Plain English editor. You use the Click the Plain English editor to write, edit, and debug your Plain English programs. Refer to the online help for more information about Plain English and the Plain English editor. You can also refer to the Plain English Language Reference Guide, 30-3001-872 Message Window Click the Window. hot spot to display brings up the Continuum Message

Andover Continuum CyberStation Configurators Guide


The Continuum Message Window displays system messages and the results of print requests generated from within programs. Graphics Editor hot spot to display the Pinpoint graphics editor. Pinpoint, the Click the CyberStation graphics application program, allows you to produce dynamic virtual control panels on your workstation. Refer to Chapter 26 for complete details on the use of Pinpoint. Configuration Editor Click the hot spot to display the Configuration Wizard.

The Configuration Wizard is a tool for using CyberStation templates. Templates are predefined objects that you can drag and drop into container objects to create new objects with the same attributes. The Configuration Wizard displays the templates that are stored in the template folder. Each subfolder in the template folder creates a tab in the Wizard. The Miscellaneous tab is created by the template folder itself. Refer to Chapter 12 for a full discussion on templates.

30 TAC

Communication Status, Point Status and System Messages The hot spots appearing along the bottom half of the System and Status page display listviews that report the status of system components and objects as well as all error messages. Communication Status The hot spots listed under Communication Status open listviews that indicate the communication status (on-line or off-line) of the system controllers and IOU modules. An example of the listview of IOU Modules is shown below.

Point Status Under the Point Status heading, listviews are available for points. An example of the listview for Doors is shown below.

System Messages Under System Messages, hot spots link to error message listviews for the day, week and month.

Andover Continuum CyberStation Configurators Guide


Windows Applications
The Windows Applications Windows applications. hot spot provides direct access to

Click a hot spot to open the corresponding Windows program.

Configuring New Menu Pages

As you configure your CyberStation system, you may want to create new menu pages and add hot spots to them. For example, you may want to create a menu page of all the building control objects that you need to access and create hot spots for each of them.

Creating a New Menu Page

1. In the CyberStation Main Menu page, place your cursor anywhere that is not a hot spot. 2. Right click to display the popup menu, and click Edit. On the Main Menu page, dashed lines appear around the existing hot spots, like the one shown below:

The Edit toolbar of options also appears.

32 TAC

Create a New Page




icon in the Edit toolbar. The current menu page changes to a blank 3. Click the page and the Page Edit dialog appears:

Page Information Enter a Name and a Description for the page. Users see the name you entered when they click Change Page in the shortcut menu and is the name that Change Page hot spots refer to. Name can be up to 132 characters (including spaces). Select the Main Page checkbox if you want the page you are creating to be the first page the user sees.

Andover Continuum CyberStation Configurators Guide


Background File The typical graphic file for a menu page has some sort of background or theme that represents the purpose of the menu page and objects or text that can serve as hot spots. A Main Page graphic might also include the corporate image of your company. Insert the name of a graphic file for the menu page into the Background File field: button to browse for a .bmp file. The default path for menu page files is Use the wherever CyberStation was installed, in the UserProfile folder. Select the file you want to use, and click the Open button. Audio To add audio to the new menu page, proceed as follows: 1. In the File to Play field, click the whenever users move to this page. button to browse for an audio file that plays

2. Locate and select the audio (.wav) file that you want to use, and then click the Open button. 3. Select the Enable checkbox to enable the audio file. 4. Select the Use MS MPlayer checkbox to use Microsofts Media Player. If your workstations use another type of media player, clear this checkbox. If you check the Use MS MPlayer box, a second checkbox appears, Show MPlayer. Check this box if you want the Microsoft Media Player to display on the screen: Video To add video to the new menu page, proceed as follows: 1. In the File to Play field, click the whenever users move to this page. button to browse for a video file that plays

2. Locate and select the video (.avi) file name, and click the Open button. 3. Check the Enable checkbox to enable the video file. 4. Check the Full Screen checkbox if you want the video to be the size of the monitor screen. To have the video display in a window, clear this checkbox. Save and Run 1. Click OK to close the Page Edit dialog. 2. Save your changes by clicking the 3. Click the icon in the Edit toolbar.

icon in the Edit toolbar, or display the shortcut menu and click Run.

You are now ready to add hot spots to the page you created.

34 TAC

Creating a Hot Spot to Run a Windows Program

To create a hot spot on the new menu page, perform the following steps. 1. Place your cursor anywhere that is not a hot spot, right click, and select Edit from the popup menu. 2. Use your cursor to draw a rectangle around the area of the graphic or text that you want to be the hot spot. Define a big enough hot spot so users can easily click it. 3. Place the cursor anywhere inside the dashed lines surrounding the hot spot just created. 4. Right click, and then select Properties to display the Edit HotSpot dialog:

5. Select the Execute radio button. 6. Click the browse button in the Open field.

7. Locate and select an executable program file. For example, to open Excel you need to locate and select the executable file for Microsoft Excel on your workstation. 8. Click the Open button. 9. Check the Make hotspot look like a window button checkbox. 10. Enter a title for the button (for example Excel) in the Button field.

Creating a Change Page Hot Spot

You can create a hot spot that will send you to another menu page. For example, if you create a new menu page, you might like to have a hot spot on the main menu that takes you to it. 1. Place your curser anywhere that is not a hot spot, right click, and select Edit from the popup menu.

Andover Continuum CyberStation Configurators Guide


2. Use your curser to draw a rectangle around the area of the graphic or text that you want to be the hot spot. Define a big enough hot spot so users can easily click it. 3. Place the curser anywhere inside the dashed lines surrounding the hot spot just created. 4. Right click, and then select Properties to display the Edit HotSpot dialog: 5. Select the Change Page radio button. 6. From the dropdown menu for the Open field, select the name of the new menu page. 7. Check the Make hotspot look like a window button checkbox. 8. Enter a title for the button in the Button field. 9. Click OK. 10. Click the Save icon in the Edit toolbar. 11. Click the Run icon in the Edit toolbar The button should now appear on the menu page. Selecting it takes you to new menu page.

Button Wizard
The Button Wizard is another method for creating buttons on menu pages. You can create buttons to: Edit an existing object Create a new object Open an existing object Create a new object from an existing template object

The following procedure described how to use the Button Wizard to create a button that opens a CyberStation object in the appropriate object editor. 1. Create a hot spot as previously described under Creating a Hotspot as a Windows Button. 2. Right click inside the Hot Spot rectangle and select Button Wizard from the popup menu. You are presented with the following menu.

36 TAC

3. Select Open an existing object, and click Next.

4. Select I would like to select an object to open, and click Next.

Andover Continuum CyberStation Configurators Guide


5. From the dropdown menu, select the class of object to attach to the new button, and click Next.

6. Using the browse button, select a location for the object, select whether users can browse to other locations to locate the objects, and click Next.

7. Enter a HotSpot name and description. 8. To display the hotspot as a button, check the checkbox and enter the text you want displayed on the button. 9. Click the Finish button. The button should now appear on the menu page and selecting it will open the selected object (in the above example, a listview).
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Continuum Explorer

Continuum Explorer is a tool that allows you to work with all the objects in your Andover Continuum system. It displays the controllers, inputs, outputs, and workstations and is the main environment in which you configure your system. From Explorer, you can open object editors, create new objects, open listviews and schedules, launch graphics panels, and view the properties of objects.

Objects in Continuum Explorer

Andover Continuum control system software is based on object-oriented programming principles. Objects and classes are the basic building blocks of the Continuum system. All the items that make up the system, both the hardware and the software, are identified as objects. Each item appearing in a Continuum Explorer screen represents an object. Objects are organized in classes. For example, devices, points, personnel records, areas, graphics, doors, schedules, and programs are all examples of object classes. Some object classes, known as containers, can own other objects.

Container Objects and Object Ownership

Container objects and object ownership are terms that describe the relationships between objects in the Andover Continuum system. Container Objects Objects in CyberStation are arranged in a hierarchy. The Root object is always the prime object at the top of the hierarchy. Objects at the top of the hierarchy contain, or own the objects beneath them. Networks, Devices, InfinityControllers, InfinityInfinetControllers, BACnet Controllers and Folders are examples of Continuum container objects. Objects that are not container objects cannot own any other objects. Object Ownership Object ownership refers to the physical network connection between devices and to where the objects are stored within the network.

Andover Continuum CyberStation Configurators Guide 39

For example, if an input point called Rm Temp 1 was attached to a CX 9XXX controller named CX1 which is connected to the Ethernet network called Building 1, you have the following object hierarchy: the network object (Bldg1) owns the attached device object (controller CX1) which owns the input point object (Rm Temp1). These relationships are shown below.






Input Point

Rm Temp1

Class Icons Each class has a default icon associated with it so that you can easily identify the object class. Icons can represent a hardware object (for example, a controller or a workstation) or a software object, such as a schedule. The following table shows all the default objectclass icons. Note: In the following table, an asterisk (*) denotes an object class that may include or be limited to BACnet objects. Refer to Chapter 14 for more information on BACnet and BACnet icons. Icon Object Class AlarmEnrollment AnalogInput * AnalogOutput * AnalogValue *

40 TAC


Object Class Area BinaryInput * BinaryOutput * BinaryValue * Calendar * ControllerUser CommPort DateTime Device (Andover Continuum b4/b3 controller) * Device (third-party BACnet controller) * Device (Andover Continuum workstation) * Device (third-party workstation) * Door EventEnrollment * EventView EventNotification * (equivalent to BACnet NotificationClass object) File * Filter
Andover Continuum CyberStation Configurators Guide 41


Object Class Folder (Continuum/Infinity) Folder (BACnet) Folder (Continuum/Infinity default class) Folder (BACnet default class) Function Graphics Group InfinityController InfinityInfinetCtlr InfinityInfinetCtlr (Infinity 2 only) InfinityDateTime InfinityFunction InfinityInput InfinityOutput InfinityNumeric InfinityProgram InfinityString

42 TAC


Object Class InfinitySystemVariable IOUModule Listview Loop * MultistateInput * MultistateOutput * MultistateValue * Network (Continuum/Infinity) Network (BACnet) * NetworkDialup

Personnel Program * Report Schedule * SecurityLevel String TrendLog *

Andover Continuum CyberStation Configurators Guide 43


Object Class User VideoLayout VideoServer

Object Names and Object Aliases

Each object in CyberStation has two identifiers, a name and an alias. An object name can be lengthy and descriptive. Although an object name and alias can be the same, an object alias must conform to stricter naming conventions. Object Names Descriptive object names help other users identify what the object is. For example, if you are creating an output point for operating fans, you might want to enter a name like Fan Start/Stop. The name can be up to 128 characters long, and can include spaces, underscores, dashes, slashes, and periods. An object name is stored in the CyberStation database, but not at the controller. Object Aliases The alias is the name of the object used in programs and functions. CyberStation creates the alias version of an object name for you as you type the object name when creating a new object. The alias is saved to the controller. The alias is also saved in the CyberStation database. Alias Naming Conventions An object alias can be up to 16 characters, and can use only alphanumeric (letters and numbers) characters, periods, and underscores. Aliases must start with a letter, and have no spaces. They also cannot be reserved words, or keywords, which are words that have a designated use in CyberStation or in the Plain English programming language.

44 TAC

Starting Continuum Explorer

On left-hand side of the Main Menu (Chapter 2) click the hot
Title Bar Dropdown Menus Quick Picks Command Scroll Box


Explorer Window

Navigation Pane Status Bar

Viewing Pane

The Explorer includes the following elements: Title bar - indicates the path of the selected object, or the name of the selected device or folder. Dropdown Menus contains menus for Explorer tasks. Quick Picks toolbar Popup menus Command scroll box - always shows the path of the last selected object or the name of the selected device or folder. Clicking the down arrow of the scroll bar presents a history of all previous selections of objects, devices and folders. Explorer Window divided into the two main viewing areas: navigation pane and viewing pane. Status bar - indicates Explorers activity, either in the idle state (Ready) or displaying an active state. In the right-hand corner, indicates the number of objects appearing in the viewing pane, and the number selected.

Andover Continuum CyberStation Configurators Guide 45

Dropdown Menus
Object Menu
The following table describes the selections in the Object dropdown menu, shown below. The number of selections that appears in the dropdown menu varies according to the object selected. Object menu options are also available from popup menus when you right click an object. Selection Open Purpose Opens the editor dialog corresponding to the first object that appears in the viewing pane by default. If you select another object, the dialog that corresponds to that object appears. Opens the editor dialog corresponding to the first object that appears in the viewing pane by default. If you select another object, the dialog that corresponds to that object appears. Opens another session of Continuum Explorer. Depending on what item is selected a controller, default object class folder, object, and so on clicking View may do one of two things: Open a listview. Display submenu selections: History, Graph, and Report. The History and Graph submenus provide a LogView history. In these cases, you may chose a time range for the history log by specifying the range in the Time Range for History dialog that appears. Selecting Report brings up the Report editor, from which you may create, configure, and view a graphical or text report in the ReportViewer. (See Chapter 11, Reports and the Report Editor.)


Explore View

Import Into Find New BACnet Devices Backup to Infinet2 Flash

Causes the Open dialog to appear. You can select an ASCII dump file from which to import object settings Searches the network for BACnet devices that have not been declared. The new devices then appear automatically on the Explorer. Saves the Infinet 2 controller's RAM configuration to its flash memory, in accordance with the attribute value that is set for the ACCRestartMode system variable. When you click this button, a Confirm Operation dialog appears.

46 TAC

Selection Backup BACnet Device

Purpose Backs up configuration information (stored in a special File object called ACCConfiguration) for a single BACnet controller, or multiple controllers, and saves it to your CyberStation database, for BACnet devices that support Backup/Restore (See Chapter 21, Managing Configuration Files.) Restores configuration information from your database to one or more BACnet controllers, for BACnet devices that support Backup/Restore. (See Chapter 21, Managing Configuration Files.) Sends all Personnel objects to a selected controller. When you click this menu item the following submenu items appear: Text File: Opens the Save As dialog. Use the Save As dialog to save Continuum Explorer data in the desired location. Printer: This option is disabled in this version of Continuum Explorer. Controller: Appears whenever a controller icon is highlighted in the Explorer. Used in conjunction with the Send to Controller Options selection in the Options menu to reload the controller. Database: Used in conjunction with the Send to Database Options selection in the Options menu to reload the database.

Restore BACnet Device Distribute Personnel Send To

New Delete

Displays a submenu of object classes. Use this menu selection to create new objects. Deletes the selected object and all its container objects including all references and links to the database. It is a nonrecoverable operation. A Confirm Operation dialog appears as a warning. Click OK or Cancel. Opens the Rename dialog so that you can rename the selected object. Sets up paper size and margins for the print commands. Prints the viewing pane of Continuum Explorer on the default printer. The printout dimensions depend on the default printer settings. Displays the Properties dialog for the currently selected object. Closes Continuum Explorer.

Rename Page Setup Print

Properties Exit

Andover Continuum CyberStation Configurators Guide 47

Edit Menu
Selection Select All Select None Inverse Selection Purpose Selects all the objects currently displayed in the viewing pane. Clears the selection of all objects in the viewing pane. Reverses whatever the last selection was. For example, if you selected A, B, and C, but left D unselected, inverse selection causes D to be the only selection.

View Menu
Selection Toolbar Status Bar Explorer Bar Class Folders Show TAC BACnet Device As Objects Hide Out Of Services Devices Icon Small Icons List Details Up One Level Stop Refresh Refresh All Purpose Displays or hides the Quick Picks toolbar. Displays or hides the Status Bar. Provides four different ways to view the Andover Continuum system. (See Explorer Views, later in this chapter.) Displays class folders in the viewing pane. Provides three different ways to view an Andover Continuum BACnet device. (See Viewing Options in Chapter 14.) Displays objects in the viewing pane. Allows you to hide out-of-service BACnet device objects on the Explorer tree. (Refer to Hiding Out of Service Devices in Chapter 14.) Displays graphic images that represent a file, folder, subfolder, command, or object. Displays small icons in the viewing pane. Alphabetizes objects vertically rather than horizontally in the viewing pane. Displays attributes in columns in the viewing pane that is, name, alias, owner, and so on. Moves the cursor one level higher in the tree hierarchy in the left pane. Halts user-initiated list building in the viewing pane. Updates the content in the Explorer window to display newly added, deleted, or modified objects. Updates the content in the Explorer window to display all the latest data.

48 TAC

Selection Configuration Wizard

Purpose Opens the Configuration Wizard dialog. You use the Configuration Wizard to create objects from templates.

Options Menu
Selection Copy Options Import Into Options Send to Text File Options Send To Controller Options Send To Database Options Copy Options Dialog Continuum Explorer makes it easy to copy objects among containers. You can use copy and paste from the Edit menu, or you can drag objects from one container to another. The Copy Options dialog helps you control how and when objects can be copied in Continuum Explorer. Note: After copying an object, ensure that the name and alias have changed. If the name or alias has not changed, manually change the name or alias, as required. The Copy Options dialog has the tabs described in the following table. Tab Name General Description Allows you to select Source Container and Source Object options. For more information about container and child objects, see Container Objects and Object Ownership earlier in this chapter. Allows you to decided what CyberStation does when it detects objects that have the same name in the source and target containers. Allows you to select how to copy source objects. You can copy all, include only certain classes, or exclude certain classes selected from a scroll-down list. Purpose Opens the General tab of the Copy Options dialog. Opens the Import Into Options dialog. Opens the Send To Text File Options dialog. Opens the Send To Controller Options dialog. Opens the Send To Database Options dialog.

Name Conflicts Class Filter

Import Into Options Dialog Continuum Explorer allows you to set various skip, merge, replace, and area link options, when you import CyberStation object data from ASCII dump files and importing from CSV files. The Import Into Options dialog is displayed when you select the Import Into option from a menu in Continuum Explorer. The following table describes selections on the Import Into Options dialog.
Andover Continuum CyberStation Configurators Guide 49

Skip, Merge, and Replace Options Skip source objects with name conflicts. Click this radio button to stop the import operation for an object when the name of the source file object and the name of the target object are the same. Click this radio button to merge the source file object with the target object, if the source and target objects are of the same object class. If the source and target objects are of different classes, stop the import operation for the object. Merge target objects with name conflicts if the source object is of the same class, otherwise replace the source object. Click this radio button to merge the source file object with the target object, if the source and target objects are of the same object class. If the source and target objects are of different classes, overwrite the source object with the target object. Replace target objects with name conflicts. Click this radio button to replace the target object with the source file object, when the names of the source object and target object are the same. Click this radio button to overwrite the area links (Assigned areas) in the personnel target object with the area links in the personnel source file object. Click this radio button to add the personnel source file object's area links to the area links of the personnel target object. Click this radio button to replace the area links in the parent template of a personnel objec with the source file area links, and append (or "import") these template links to the target object, leaving all the other targetobject links unchanged. The target object then has its own links plus the links from the updated template. All personnel objects that were created from this parent template are also refreshed to represent the changed parent template.
50 TAC

Merge target objects with name conflicts if the source object is of the same class, otherwise skip the source object.

Area Link Options Overwrite existing area links

Append imported area links to existing area links. Replace the area links from the personnels parent template, but leave all other area links unchanged.

Checkbox Distribute personnel during an ASCII import. Check this checkbox to ensure the information that is newly imported into the CyberStation database is distributed to all the controllers that are affected by the modified Personnel objects.

Send to Text File Options Continuum Explorer allows you to set various source-object options and text-file options when you when you export CyberStation object data to ASCII dump files. The Send to Text File Options dialog is displayed when you select the Export to option from a Continuum Explorer menu. The following table describes selections on the Send to Text File Options dialog. Source Object Options Do not dump child objects. Click this radio button to export the data for the selected object, but not the child objects -- that is, not the objects contained within the controllers belonging to the parent object in the device hierarchy. Click this radio button to export the data for the selected object, as well as all child objects that is, all objects contained within the controllers belonging to the parent object in the device hierarchy, but do not export the child objects within the controllers contained beneath those "child controllers" in the device hierarchy. Click this radio button to export a parent object and everything beneath it. That is, this operation exports the parent object, all objects contained within controllers belonging to the parent object, plus all objects within the controllers contained beneath those "child controllers" in the device hierarchy. Text File Options Overwrite the file if it already exists. Append to file if it already exists. Click this radio button to overwrite the data in the target text file with the data from the parent source object. Click this radio button to add the data from the parent source object to the data in the target text file.

Dump child objects, but do not dump the children's children.

Dump child objects and the children's children.

Andover Continuum CyberStation Configurators Guide 51

Checkbox Dump pictures to separate files. Check this checkbox to export the graphics in the source object into separate bitmap graphics files. This operation results in one text file for object data, plus individual graphics files for the pictures.

Send To Controller Options Continuum Explorer allows you to set source-object options when you perform "send-tocontroller" operations that is, when you update an object in the CyberStation database and need to distribute or "reload" the updated data to controllers that need to know about the updates. You can initiate send-to-controller operations from the Send To Controller selection in the popup menu displayed when you right click a container object. The following table describes selections in the Send To Controller Options dialog: Source Object Options Do not reload attached objects. Click this radio button to reload the controller, but not to reload the data from the attached objects. If this is used on a CX series Infinity controller, only the import/export table is reloaded. Click this radio button to reload the newly updated object data in the affected controllers, but not to reload the child objects belonging to the controllers contained within this parent (attached) object in the device hierarchy. Click this radio button to reload the newly updated object data in the affected controllers, and also reload the data objects belonging to the controllers contained within this parent (attached) object in the device hierarchy.

Reload attached objects, but not attached controllers.

Reload attached objects and controllers.

52 TAC

Send To Database Options Continuum Explorer allows you to set source-object options when you perform "send-todatabase" operations. A send-to-database operation is needed if you have directly updated an object in a controller from a command terminal and need to notify system administrators that these updates must be synchronized with the CyberStation database. You initiate Send-to-database operations from the Send To Database selection in the popup menu displayed when you right click a container object. The following table describes selections in the Send To Database Options dialog: Source Object Options Do not save attached objects. Click this radio button to save the controller data to the CyberStation database, not to save data from attached objects. Click this radio button to save the data in the object that you have just directly updated in a controller from the command terminal, but not to save the child objects belonging to the controllers contained in this parent (attached) object in the device hierarchy. Click this radio button to save, the data in the object that you have just directly updated in a controller from the command terminal, and also to save the child objects belonging to the controllers contained in this parent (attached) object in the device hierarchy.

Save attached objects, but not attached controllers.

Save attached objects and controllers.

CAUTION: Complete the following steps to ensure that the Send to Database operation is successful for controllers residing on a bCX1 40x0 controller for a field bus network. "Learn" a bCX1 40x0 Controller before Sending to Database Before performing a routine Send to Database operation on a bCX1 40x0 series controller, you must first perform a "learn" operation by clicking the Learn button on the Settings tab of the Comm Port editor. (See Chapter 8.) This ensures that the bCX1 40x0 first knows about the existence of its BACnet field bus controllers (b3 and third-party controllers). After the learn, the Send to Database fetches object information from all controllers residing on the field bus subnetwork and saves it to the CyberStation database. Before performing the Send to Database operation, make sure you have also selected the Save attached objects and controllers radio button.

Andover Continuum CyberStation Configurators Guide 53

Help Menu
Selection Contents About Continuum Explorer Purpose Opens help topics for Continuum Explorer. (You may also press the F1 key.) Displays the CyberStation software version and copyright information.

Quick Picks Toolbar

Button Description Explorer bar. When you click the downward arrow to the right of the Explorer bar, a dropdown menu lists the Explorer bar viewing options. See Using the Explorer Bars. View Class Folders. For additional information, see Understanding Object Classes. View Objects. For additional information, see Understanding Object Classes. Stops current process. Refreshes, or updates, both panes with newly added, deleted, or modified objects. Moves the cursor one level higher in the tree hierarchy in the left pane. Changes the views you see in the Continuum Explorer viewing pane. For additional information, see Working with the Viewing Pane. Opens the Configuration Wizard. Prints the viewing (right) pane of the Continuum Explorer on the default printer. The dimensions depend on the default printer settings.

Command Scroll Box

The Command scroll box always shows the path of the last selected object. Clicking the scroll bar lists paths of all previously selected objects.

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Popup Menus
Throughout CyberStation, in the Continuum Explorer and in almost all CyberStation applications, right clicking displays a popup menu a popup menu. Popup menus may interchangeably be referred to as shortcut menus. The selection appearing in bold text in a popup menu is called the default verb for that object. When you double click an object in the Continuum Explorer or in a browse field, the action that takes place depends on the default verb for that object.

Continuum Explorer Window

The Continuum Explorer window is divided into two panes where objects appear: The navigation pane on the left The viewing pane on the right.

Navigation Pane
The navigation pane is a tree structure hierarchical representation of the root object and the objects connected to it.

The first icon (the infinity symbol) that appears in the list is the root object. Below the root object are device and folder objects. A plus sign (+) indicates that the object contains sub objects. Click the plus sign and the object icon opens, displaying its contents. In the above figure, the Network folder object is expanded, indicated by the fact that the + sign has been replaced by a minus sign (-). The Infinity 1 controller icon is displayed. When the + sign for the controller was clicked, the folder objects below it appeared. Click the minus sign (-) to collapse a list of objects or folders.

Andover Continuum CyberStation Configurators Guide 55

Viewing Pane
Use the viewing pane to view the contents of objects selected in the navigation pane and to find details about the objects you are viewing.

Selecting How Objects Will Be Displayed You can use the viewing pane to display objects in four different ways by making selections from the Views drop down menu, or by clicking the Views icon in the Quick Picks toolbar until the desired view appears. Option Icon Description Displays large icons in the viewing pane Displays small icons in the viewing pane Displays objects in a list in the viewing pane Displays details of objects in the viewing pane Example

Small Icon



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Details Options The Details option provides the following information about CyberStation objects: Column Name DeviceID or Owner Alias Description Name of the object. Identification of the attached folder or device. The name used to identify the object in programs and functions. When referring to an object, whether in a path or a program, always use the object alias. The object class or type. The date and time the object was last modified.

Type Last Change

Changing the Width of Details View Columns Place the cursor on a vertical line that separates two columns at the top of the Details View window:

When the cursor changes to look like this right. Class Folders or Objects

,drag column boundaries to the left or

to select Use the class folder and object buttons in the Quick Picks toolbar how the viewing pane displays objects. You can display the class folders or the objects in the class folders.

The picture on the left represents the class folder image of the objects pictured on the right.

Andover Continuum CyberStation Configurators Guide 57

Explorer Views
Continuum Explorer allows you to view your system in five different ways: All Paths, Networks, Folders, Templates, and BACnet View. To change views, click the down arrow attached to the Explorer quick picks icon .

All Paths View

This is the default view for Continuum Explorer. It displays all elements in the Andover Continuum system, including all devices, networks, folders, and templates. The Root appears at the top of the navigation panel with all linked objects below it. The contents of any object selected in the navigation pane appear in the viewing pane.

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Networks View
The Networks view shows the objects in your system in the viewing pane in relation to physical hardware (workstations, controllers, and connected peripheral devices) that contains them in the navigation pane.

Folders View
The Folders view shows folders, subfolders and class folders in the navigation pane. Folders, class folders, and objects are shown in the viewing pane.

The Folders view organizes objects in your system independent of their physical connection to each other. For example, suppose you have an Infinity Input point named Room Temperature 1 attached to a controller named CX1 and you want to create a folder named Chiller Plant that contains all the objects having to do with cooling systems in a building. In Folder view, you place the CX1 controller in the Chiller Plant folder. (See the following figure.)

Andover Continuum CyberStation Configurators Guide 59

In contrast to the Folders view, the Network view shows the objects in relation to their physical arrangement in the network. The figure below shows the comparison between the two views back to the root object. Network View


Folder View
Network Root Building 1

Folder Owner Chiller Plant

Attached Device CX1

Infinity Input Room Temperature 1

This arrangement is possible because CyberStation allows every object to have two owners, an attached network device and a folder owner. In the figure, the input point Room Temperature 1 has two owners: Chiller Plant Folder and Attached Device CX1. The folder owner is optional.

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Class Folders CyberStation keeps track of the objects you create by storing them in class folders. Every time you create a new object on a device, CyberStation either stores it in an existing class folder, or, if the object is the first instance of a class, CyberStation creates the appropriate class folder for you. The picture below shows a device and all the class folders that it owns:

Templates View
The Templates view displays the templates that are available in the CyberStation system. The templates (Chapter 12) appear as folders and subfolders in the navigation pane. In the viewing pane the templates are represented as folders and object icons.

BACnet View
In the BACnet view, only BACnet objects and devices are displayed. (Refer to Chapter 14.) For example:

Andover Continuum CyberStation Configurators Guide 61

Creating Objects
Here are some points to keep in mind before you create your first object: CyberStation automatically creates the appropriate class folders as you create your objects and stores the objects in the applicable views. You can store objects in more than one view at the same time.

You may use either the navigation pane of Continuum Explorer or the New dialog to navigate to the device that you want to attach. Most objects must be attached to (stored in) a device such as a controller or workstation. The exceptions are: Areas AlarmEnrollments Event Views EventNotifications Folders Graphics Groups List Views Personnel Security Levels Templates Users

Creating a New Object

Perform the following steps to create a new object: 1. In the Continuum Explorer, select the Network or All Paths view. 2. Select the object to which you want to attach the new object. See the table on the following page for a container object listing. 3. Right click the object or select New in the Object menu to display a pop up list of object classes. 4. Select the object class of the object you want to create. For example, select InfinityNumeric to create an InfinityNumeric point object. 5. The New dialog appears, with the object type you selected displayed in the Objects of type field. The following figure shows an InfinityNumeric object.

6. In the New dialog, enter the Object name field.

62 TAC

CyberStation fills in the Alias field, but you can change it. 7. Click Create to enter the editor of the object you are creating. The following table lists the CyberStation objects that can be owned by container objects. Can Be Owned by this Container This Object
Network Infinity Controller No No No No No No No No No Yes Yes No No Yes Yes (b4/b3 only) Yes (b4/b3 only) No Yes No No No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Infinity Infinet Controller No No No No No No No No No No No No No Yes No No No Yes No No No Yes Yes No Yes Yes No Yes Andover Continuum Workstation Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No Yes No Yes No Yes No No No No Yes Yes Yes No No No No No Infinity Folder Yes No No No Yes Yes Yes Yes No No Yes Yes No Yes No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes BACnet Device * No Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No Yes No Yes Yes No Yes No No No Yes Yes No No No No No BACnet (Network) Folder ** No No No No No No No No No No No No Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

AlarmEnrollment AnalogInput AnalogOutput AnalogValue Area BinaryInput BinaryOutput BinaryValue Calendar CommPort ControllerUser DateTime Device * Door EventEnrollment EventNotification EventView File Filter Folder Function Graphics Group InfinityController InfinityDateTime InfinityFunction InfinityInfinetCtlr InfinityInput

No No No No No No No No No Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No Yes No No No No

Andover Continuum CyberStation Configurators Guide 63

Can Be Owned by this Container This Object

Network Infinity Controller Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No Yes Yes Yes No No Yes No No No Infinity Infinet Controller Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes No No No No No No Yes Yes Yes No No Yes No No No Andover Continuum Workstation No No No No No No* Yes No Yes Yes Yes No Yes No Yes Yes Yes No Yes No No No No Infinity Folder Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes BACnet Device * No No No No No No Yes No Yes Yes Yes No No No Yes No Yes No No Yes No No No BACnet (Network) Folder ** No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

InfinityNumeric InfinityOutput InfinityProgram InfinityString InfinitySystem Variable IOUModule Listview Loop MultistateInput MultistateOutput MultistateValue Network NetworkDialup Personnel Program Report Schedule * SecurityLevel String TrendLog User VideoLayout VideoServer

No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

*Note: A Device is a BACnet object, viewed in the BACnet Devices portion of the Continuum Explorer. A BACnet Device object can be one of the following: Andover Continuum b4 or b3 controller device, third-party device, third-party workstation. Although Andover Continuum workstations are BACnet devices, they appear at the Root, not in the BACnet Devices network. Also, a Schedule object may or may not be owned by a third-party device, depending on whether the device supports Schedule. **Note: A BACnet folder is a folder designated as a network, viewed in the BACnet Devices portion of the Continuum Explorer.

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Importing from ASCII Dump Files

Importing from ASCII dump files is a process you can use to: Update or reload CyberStation objects with previously backed-up data. Create new objects. You can update or create one CyberStation object from each ASCII file. You may also set options for performing operations. See, Import Into Options Dialog earlier in this chapter.

Updating and Reloading Objects from ASCII Files

To update and reload data from ASCII files into existing CyberStation objects: 1. Right click the object that you want to update or reload. 2. From the popup menu, or from the Object dropdown menu, select Import Into. 3. In the Open dialog, locate and select the .DMP file that contains the back-up data for the object you want to reload, and 4. Click Open. If your workstation is set up to confirm reloads, you'll see a confirmation dialog. 5. Click OK to start reloading the object. If your workstation has been set up to monitor object loads, you will see a dialog that will show you the load progress, as well as any errors that occur.

Creating Objects from ASCII Files

To create a CyberStation object from an ASCII file: 1. In the ASCII file, ensure that you specified the appropriate attribute values, such as Name, Alias, Owner, Device ID, and Description for the object you want to create, and then save and close the file. 2. Right click the container where you want to store the new object, and select Import Into... from the popup menu. 3. In the Open dialog, select the DMP files (*.DMP) you want to use and click Open. If your workstation is set up to confirm load operations, you see a confirmation dialog. 4. Click OK to start loading the object. If your workstation is set up to monitor object loads, you see a dialog that will show you the load progress, as well as any errors that occur.

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Exporting Object Data to ASCII Dump Files

Exporting data to ASCII dump files is a process by which all the information about an object is sent to a text file. To export data to an ASCII dump file for a CyberStation object: 1. From the Continuum Explorer, right click the object that you would like to export, and select Send to... and then select Text File. Note: If you right click an object that contains other objects, you will be exporting data for all the contained objects as well as the object on which you clicked. See also Send To Text File Options Dialog, earlier in this chapter, for export options involving an object's children and children's children. 2. In the Save As dialog, navigate to the folder that will store the file, and enter the name of the dump file, including a .DMP extension, in the File name field. 3. Click Save. If your workstation is set up to confirm for ASCII dumps, a confirmation dialog appears. 4. Click OK. If your workstation is set up to monitor ASCII dumps, you will see a dialog that will show you how the dump is progressing, as well as any errors that might occur.

Importing from CSV Files

Importing from CSV files is a process you can use to: Update or reload objects. Update existing objects. This feature allows the creation or update of one or more objects from a text file containing an object class name and a list of object attributes, one row per object. All attributes and attribute values are separated by commas. CSV files are especially useful for creating and loading Personnel objects for access control applications. A single CSV file may include a list of Personnel records, each row containing, for example, Last Name, First Name, Middle Initial, a template object name, photo file name, card number, and so on. You may also set options for performing import operations. See: Import Into Options Dialog earlier in this chapter.

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Creating CSV Files for CyberStation

To create CyberStation objects from a CSV file, the file must contain an object class name, a list of object attributes, and one row for each object. The first line specifies the class name of the objects to be imported. The second line, called the Attribute Definition Line (ADL), defines the attributes to be imported by name. The third and successive rows contain the objects themselves, called Attribute Value Lines (AVL), using the ADL as a template for what order the attributes are in. You can create and edit CSV files in a text editor or a spreadsheet program. An example of a CSV import file viewed through a text editor is as follows:
Object Class Attribute Definition Line

Attribute Value Lines

If you create or edit a CSV file with Microsoft Excel, you must open the CSV file with a text editor and remove all of the extra commas in the object class lines and at the end of any lines throughout the file that have extra commas at the end. Extra commas

Andover Continuum CyberStation Configurators Guide 67

Updating and Reloading Objects from CSV Files

To update and reload existing CyberStation objects from CSV files: 1. Right click the object that you want to update or reload, and select Import Into from the popup menu. 2. In the Open dialog, select CSV Files (*.CSV) from the Files of type dropdown menu. 3. Locate and select the CSV file that you want to use, and then click Open. If your workstation is set up to confirm load operations, you see a confirmation dialog. 4. Click OK to start reloading the object. If your workstation is set up to monitor object loads, you'll see a dialog that will show you the load progress, as well as any errors that occur.

Creating Objects from CSV Files

To create CyberStation objects from a CSV file: 1. Open the container object (root, folder, device or controller) that will contain the object you are going to create, and right click the opened container object. 2. Select Import Into... from the popup menu. 3. In the Open dialog, select CSV Files (*.CSV) from the Files of type dropdown menu. 4. Locate and select the CSV file that you want to use, and then click Open. If your workstation is set up to confirm load operations, you see a confirmation dialog. 5. Click OK to start loading the object. If your workstation is set up to monitor object loads, you see a monitor dialog that will show you the load progress, as well as any errors that occur.

Updating or Creating Personnel Objects from CSV Files

The CSV import of personnel objects follows the same format as that of other objects, except that there are three optional lines that can be added. The format includes the following additional CSV keyword lines: AutoNumber This optional line automatically assigns CardType, SiteCode(for NonABA) and CardNumber for every personnel object imported. You can overwrite this autoassignment for particular personnel by including CardType, SiteCode(For Non-ABA), and CardNumber in the attribute definition line and put non-empty values in the attribute value line. If no value is specified in a line, auto-assignment will take place. This overwrite feature is useful when you want to change a personnels cardnumber with the Key line presented and set to non-CardNumber. Key This optional line tries to resolve each attribute value line (personnel or user) by using the unique key or keys specified in the key line. With this line, you can specify the attribute list that uniquely identifies personnel. Examples of Key lines are as follows:

68 TAC

Key,firstname,lastname Key,socsecno Key,name Key,alias Key,cardnumber,sitecode,cardtype Key,name,socsecno

Note: Key must not be an attribute in any class. All attributes in the Key Definition Line (KDL) must also be in the Attribute Definition Line (ADL). Option This line has two options available, as follows: NoPhotoUpdate This option does not update the personnel photo file. NoCardNumberCheck This option does not check CardNumber duplication. This will speed up personnel CSV import. Without this option, CSV import always check CardNumber duplication. The CSV import file format for personnel objects is as follows: ClassName AutoNumber,CardType,SiteCode,BeginCardNumber Key,attribute1,attribute2, Option,NoPhotoUpdate Attribute Definition Line Attribute Value Lines

Andover Continuum CyberStation Configurators Guide 69

CyberStation Object Editors

CyberStation object editors are dialogs you use for creating or modifying objects. Each class of CyberStation object has its own editor. Each editor shows the class name, object name, and path in the title bar.

Opening an Object Editor

When you create an new object (described on the previous page) the object editor automatically appears on the CyberStation screen. Use one of the following methods to open an editor for an object that already exists in Continuum Explorer. Double click the object in Continuum Explorer. Right click the object, and select Edit from the popup menu that appears.

Using CyberStation Object Editors

Each editor has a series of tabs containing text fields, buttons, and dropdown menus that you use to define or modify an object. You enter text in the fields, make choices by clicking buttons, and select from lists of possibilities. The bottom of the dialog consists of five buttons: OK, Cancel, Apply, Refresh and Help: Button OK Cancel Apply Refresh Help Purpose Save changes and exit the editor. Exit the editor without saving changes. Apply and save changes without exiting the editor. Update to current values. Open online help topics for the object editor.

Access Security Rules in Continuum Explorer

The objects that appear in both the navigation and viewing panes of Continuum Explorer are determined by the user's security level settings for view access, as described below. The navigation and viewing panes do not display objects to which the user does not have view access. If users do not have view access to all the objects within a class folder, the folder does not appear in the navigation path. For example, if a controller appears in the navigation pane, and the user does not have view access to the InfinityNumeric objects for that controller, no InfinityNumeric class folder appears in the tree path beneath the controller. Note: You cannot browse to individual objects for which you have view access if the objects are contained within a class folder that you cannot access.

Multiple Path Lists

The security action "Multiple path lists" is included in the ListView class of the Security menu. (Refer to Chapter 4.)
70 TAC

Use this menu to determine whether or not a user has the ability to create listview objects with a path type that shows objects for more than one path. This action should be used with the view access (above) to restrict users from seeing objects to which they do not have access.

Andover Continuum CyberStation Configurators Guide 71

72 TAC


Security groups and SecurityLevel objects are two CyberStation tools that you use to determine the access privileges of CyberStation users. Security groups enable you to define the access privileges needed by different types of CyberStation users. You can then assign users to appropriate security groups. Access privileges that you define for object classes in the Security editor apply to all objects in that class (for example, all doors, all personnel). SecurityLevel objects are CyberStation objects that you attach to other CyberStation objects or to containers. You use SecurityLevel objects if you want to further restrict security group access to individual objects, or to actions, such as deleting or editing, that may be taken with the individual objects. You attach a SecurityLevel object to each CyberStation container or object that you want to be controlled by those privileges. Access privileges that you define in the SecurityLevel editor for SecurityLevel objects apply only to the individual objects or containers that you attach them to. They do not apply to other objects in the same object class. For more information, see SecurityLevel Editor.

Security Groups
A security group is a category of CyberStation privileges for using editors and applications. Typically, a system administrator sets up security groups defined by certain access privileges and then assigns users to security groups in accordance with their needs. The security groups are configured to allow or deny the user access to Continuum objects. Security groups might include the following examples: Administrator allowed access to all Continuum applications Security Guard allowed full access to doors, areas, and personnel data but limited to view only access to everything else. HVAC Technician allowed access to all HVAC related objects, but denied access to everything else.
Andover Continuum CyberStation Configurators Guide 73

Setting up CyberStation security groups has three major steps: 1. Configure security groups that allow or deny access to CyberStation object classes and actions. 2. Create a user object for each person who will be allowed access to a CyberStation workstation. 3. Assign users to the appropriate security groups for the access each user requires. This chapter explains the process of configuring the security groups. This chapter also describes how to create SecurityLevel objects and use them with security groups to further customize CyberStation security. See Chapter 5 to create user objects and assign them to security groups.

Configuring User Security Groups

You use the Security editor to configure security groups. To access the Security editor, proceed as follows: 1. Right click the Continuum icon This displays the Security editor. Displaying Security Groups CyberStation provides 1024 security groups for which you can assign access privileges. By default, the first 128 groups are displayed. You can display the additional groups as needed in multiples of 128 (256, 384, 512, and so on) up to 1024. Note: If you reduce the number of displayed security groups, users assigned to groups that are no longer displayed lose all access to CyberStation. Be sure to assign all users to security groups that are currently displayed. Security groups that are not displayed retain their settings and user assignments. If you later display these security groups, the settings in these groups will apply to any users assigned to them. 1. In the Group Names tab, select a value from the dropdown list for Number of Security Groups. 2. Click the Change button. If you select a smaller number of groups, you are prompted to confirm the change. Click Yes to continue. 3. Click Apply or OK. Renaming Security Groups By default, the security group names are Group 01 through Group 1024. You can rename the groups that you use, if you wish. 1. In the Group Names tab, use the vertical scroll bar to locate the security group name that you want to change. 2. Double click the group name, enter a new name, and press the Enter key.
74 TAC

in your tooltray.

2. Select Security from the popup menu.

3. Repeat steps 1 and 2 to rename other security groups as needed. 4. Click Apply or OK. Displaying Access Privileges in the Actions Tab 1. Select the Actions tab. 2. Expand a folder to display the object classes or tasks (actions) within that folder. Expand an object class to display the actions and editor tabs for that object class. For example, expand the Area class to display the actions for Area objects and the list of tabs in the Area editor.

Security groups are displayed to the right of the action or the tab name. The icon used to identify each group indicates whether the group has access privileges for it: indicates that the users in the security group do not have access The Lock icon privileges; that is, the action or tab is locked for this security group.

The Key icon indicates that the users in the security group have access privileges; that is, the action or tab is unlocked for this security group. Position your cursor over an icon to display the name of the security group and the action or editor tab it represents. Group names are defined in the Group Names tab. You can edit the names as needed, and also select the number of security groups that are displayed. Assigning Access Privileges for Security Groups Use this procedure to assign or remove access privileges for security groups.

Andover Continuum CyberStation Configurators Guide 75

You can also assign and remove privileges by copying access settings to other security groups and by importing security groups. For more information, see Copying Security Groups and Importing and Exporting Security Groups later in this chapter. Note: When you remove access privileges to view an object class for a security group, users in that group do not see that object in Continuum Explorer. If the objects are contained within a class folder, the class folder is not displayed when any of these users are logged into CyberStation. For example, if a user belongs to a security group that does not have access privileges to view Personnel objects, Personnel objects and the Personnel class folder are not displayed in Continuum Explorer when this user is logged into CyberStation. 1. Expand a view or folder. To assign access privileges to object classes, expand the Classes folder, and then expand an object class. A list of actions is displayed. If you expanded an object class, a list of the tab names in that object editor is displayed after the actions. Use the vertical scroll bar to locate the action for which you would like to assign access privileges. In addition to actions specific to that object class, if any, the following actions are listed for most object classes: Change Out of Service Users belonging to security groups with this privilege can enable and disable objects of this class. Create Users belonging to security groups with this privilege can create objects of this class. Delete Users belonging to security groups with this privilege can delete objects of this class. Edit Users belonging to security groups with this privilege can open the editors of objects of this class, and modify object values in the editor. View Users belonging to security groups with this privilege can open the editors of objects of this class, but cannot modify any values unless they also have Edit privileges. These users will also be able to view the class folder for any objects for which they have view access (provided the users also have access to Continuum Explorer). Send To Text File Users belonging to security groups with this privilege can import and export object data to text files. 2. Assign or remove access privileges. If you want to . . . assign an access privilege for an action or an editor tab to a security group Then . . . In the row that contains the action or tab name, click the for the security group that you want to have Lock icon the privileges. The Key icon is now displayed for this security group, indicating that the group has access to the action or tab.
76 TAC

If you want to . . . remove an access privilege for an action or an editor tab from a security group

Then . . . In the row that contains the action or tab name, click the Key icon for the security group where you want to remove the privileges. is now displayed for this security The Lock icon group, indicating that the group does not have access to the action or tab.

assign access privileges to all actions within a view, object class, or folder

Right click the view, object class, or folder, and select Unlock Actions from the popup menu. In the Unlock Actions for Groups dialog, select the checkbox next to each security group that you want to have access, and click OK. is now displayed for the selected security The Key icon groups, indicating that the groups have access to all the actions (and editor tabs) in the view, object class, or folder.

remove access privileges to all actions within a view, object class, or folder

Right click the view, object class, or folder, and select Lock Actions from the popup menu. In the Lock Actions for Groups dialog, select the checkbox next to each security group that you do not want to have access, and click OK. is now displayed for the selected The Lock icon security groups, indicating that the groups do not have access to any of the actions (and editor tabs) in the view, object class, or folder.

3. Click OK. Copying Access Privileges Between Security Groups Use this procedure to copy the access privileges assigned to one security group to another security group. This is useful when you want to define privileges for a security group that are only slightly different from another security group. When you paste the copied access privileges to the destination security group, the privileges for all actions in all folders are replaced with the new privileges. You can then assign or remove privileges as needed. 1. In the Actions tab, expand a view or folder. 2. If needed, use the horizontal scroll bar to display the icon for the security group whose access privileges you want to copy. 3. Right click the security group, and select Copy Group from the popup menu.

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4. If needed, use the horizontal scroll bar to display the icon for the security group where you want to paste the access privileges. 5. Right click the security group where you want to paste the privileges, and select Paste Group from the popup menu.

6. Assign or remove privileges as needed for the security group where you copied the access privileges. 7. Click Apply or OK.

Exporting and Importing Security Groups

CyberStation provides backup and restore capabilities for the security group settings with its export and import features. These features export and import security group settings using dump files with the security dump file extension (.SDF). The export feature exports the access privileges for all security groups. The import feature imports the access privileges from a security dump file that you select. You can import access privileges for all security groups or for a selected security group. Exporting Security Groups Use the following procedure to export access privileges for all security groups. 1. In the Actions tab, right click anywhere under Action or Locks, and select Export All from the popup menu.

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2. In the Save As dialog, enter a filename, and click the Save button to create the .SDF file. Importing One Security Group Use this procedure to import the access privileges for a selected security group from a security dump file (.SDF). 1. In the Actions tab, expand a view or folder, and right click the security group for which you want to import access privileges. 2. Select Import Group from the popup menu.

3. In the Open dialog, select the file containing the security group settings you want to import, and click the Open button. Note: Importing access privileges overwrites the previous access privileges for the security group. Ensure that you have imported the access privileges that you want to use before clicking Apply to save them in the Security editor. 4. Click Apply or OK to save the access privileges for the selected security group. Importing All Security Groups Use this procedure to import the access privileges for all security groups from a security dump file (.SDF). 1. In the Actions tab, right click anywhere under Action or any white space, and select Import All from the popup menu. 2. In the Open dialog, select the SDF file that contains the security group privileges that you want to import, and click the Open button.
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Note: Importing all security group privileges overwrites the previous access privileges for the security groups. Ensure that you have imported the access privileges that you want to use before clicking Apply to save them in the Security editor. 3. Click Apply or OK save the security groups settings.

Configuring Object-Level Security

Use the SecurityLevel editor to define the security group access privileges in a SecurityLevel object. You can create multiple SecurityLevel objects, each with customized access privileges. You then attach a SecurityLevel object to individual CyberStation objects or containers. Each of these is then accessible to users only as defined in the SecurityLevel object attached to it. If you attach a SecurityLevel object to a container, such as a folder, all objects stored in the folder are accessible as defined in the SecurityLevel object. This customized security is known as object-level security, and it works with the access privileges defined in security groups. In the Security editor, you set up security groups and assign access privileges to those groups. These access privileges are defined for object classes rather than individual containers or objects. Object-level security further refines those access privileges by controlling access to individual containers or objects to which SecurityLevel objects are attached. Note: Object-level security can be more restricted than the access privileges defined in the Security editor for security groups; it cannot be less restricted. For example, if users in a security group can edit Personnel objects, a SecurityLevel object attached to selected Personnel objects can prevent the users from editing those objects. However, the reverse is not permitted in CyberStation: if users in a security group are prevented from editing Personnel objects, a SecurityLevel object with editing of Personnel objects unlocked does not allow the users to edit Personnel objects to which the SecurityLevel object is attached. When user-level and objectlevel privileges differ for the same object class and action, CyberStation uses the more restricted setting.

Creating a SecurityLevel Object

Note: You cannot delete or move SecurityLevel objects. In Continuum Explorer, they must reside in Root. 1. In Continuum Explorer, right click Root. 2. Select New, and then select SecurityLevel from the popup menu. 3. Enter a name for the object, and click Open. 4. The SecurityLevel editor is displayed. You define access privileges for the SecurityLevel object in the Security tab of this editor.

Displaying Access Privileges in the Security Tab

Expand Classes to display the object classes. Expand an object class to display the actions and editor tabs for that object class. For example, expand the Area class to display the actions for Area objects and the list of tabs in the Area editor.
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Security groups are displayed to the right of the action or the tab name. The icon used to identify each group indicates whether the group has access privileges for it: indicates that the users in the security group do not have access The Lock icon privileges; that is, the action or tab is locked for this security group.

indicates that the users in the security group have access privileges; The Key icon that is, the action or tab is unlocked for this security group. Position your cursor over an icon to display the name of the security group and the action or editor tab it represents. Group names are defined in the Group Names tab of the Security editor.

Universal Unlock Folder

Using the Universal Unlock folder, you can deny one or more user groups universal access and viewing privileges to all features of all objects to which the SecurityLevel object is attached. When you deny a security group access privileges (place a lock) in this folder, it overrides any other key (unlock) on any features throughout the system for that security group. It is a quick way to prevent access to every object to which the SecurityLevel object is attached for users in the security group. (Users are assigned to security groups in the Groups tab of the User editor.) When the universal lock is unlocked, all objects owned by a parent (folder or device) inherit the security level of the parent; security levels of each class are applied. To deny all access to any security group, lock the universal lock for that group. This simplifies the task of locking all access for a security group from a folder or a device.

Assigning Access Privileges in a SecurityLevel Object

Use this procedure to assign access privileges to security groups in a SecurityLevel object. 1. In the Security tab, expand the Classes folder, and then expand an object class. A list of actions is displayed, followed by a list of the tab names in that object editor. Use the vertical scroll bar to locate the action for which you would like to assign access privileges. In addition to actions specific to that object class, if any, the following actions are listed for most object classes: Change Out of Service Users belonging to security groups with this privilege can enable and disable objects of this class. Create Users belonging to security groups with this privilege can create objects of this class. Delete Users belonging to security groups with this privilege can delete objects of this class. Edit Users belonging to security groups with this privilege can open the editors of objects of this class, and modify object values in the editor.

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View Users belonging to security groups with this privilege can open the editors of objects of this class, but cannot modify any values unless they also have Edit privileges. These users will also be able to view the class folder for any objects for which they have view access (provided the users also have access to Continuum Explorer). Send To Text File Users belonging to security groups with this privilege can import and export object data to text files. 2. Assign or remove access privileges. If you want to . . . assign an access privilege for an action or an editor tab to a security group Then . . . In the row that contains the action or tab name, click the for the security group that you want to have Lock icon the privileges. The Key icon is now displayed for this security group, indicating that the group has access to the action or tab. remove an access privilege for an action or an editor tab from a security group In the row that contains the action or tab name, click the Key icon for the security group where you want to remove the privileges. is now displayed for this security The Lock icon group, indicating that the group does not have access to the action or tab. assign access privileges to all actions within a view, object class, or folder Right click the view, object class, or folder, and select Unlock Actions from the popup menu. In the Unlock Actions for Groups dialog, select the checkbox next to each security group that you want to have access, and click OK. is now displayed for the selected security The Key icon groups, indicating that the groups have access to all the actions (and editor tabs) in the view, object class, or folder. remove access privileges to all actions within a view, object class, or folder Right click the view, object class, or folder, and select Lock Actions from the popup menu. In the Lock Actions for Groups dialog, select the checkbox next to each security group that you do not want to have access, and click OK. is now displayed for the selected The Lock icon security groups, indicating that the groups do not have access to any of the actions (and editor tabs) in the view, object class, or folder.

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3. Click OK. You attach a SecurityLevel object to individual CyberStation objects in the SecurityLevel tab in their respective object editors. For more information, see the help topics for SecurityLevel tabs in the editors.

Copying Access Privileges from a Single Security Group to Another Group

Use this procedure to copy the access privileges assigned to one security group to another security group. This is useful when you want to define privileges for a security group that are only slightly different from another security group. When you paste the copied access privileges to the destination security group, the privileges for all actions in all folders are replaced with the new privileges. You can then assign or remove privileges as needed. 1. In the Security tab, expand an object class. 2. If needed, use the horizontal scroll bar to display the icon for the security group whose access privileges you want to copy. 3. Right click the security group, and select Copy Group from the popup menu.

4. If needed, use the horizontal scroll bar to display the icon for the security group where you want to paste the access privileges. 5. Right click the security group where you want to paste the privileges, and select Paste Group from the popup menu.

6. Assign or remove privileges as needed for the security group where you copied the access privileges. 7. Click Apply or OK.
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Copying Access Privileges from the Security Editor

Use this procedure to copy the access privileges for all security groups from the Security editor to a SecurityLevel object. You can paste the access privileges into a SecurityLevel object in the SecurityLevel editor and then edit the access privileges as needed for the object. Note: You can also copy access privileges from another SecurityLevel object and paste them into a different SecurityLevel object. 1. In the tool tray, right click the Continuum icon, and select Security from the popup menu. 2. In the Actions tab, right click any white space (not over text or icons), and select Copy All from the popup menu. 3. Click OK. 4. In Continuum Explorer, create or edit the SecurityLevel object where you want to paste the access privileges. 5. In the SecurityLevel editor, select the Security tab. 6. Right click any white space, and select Paste All from the popup menu. 7. Edit the access privileges as needed, and click Apply or OK.

Viewing Objects Controlled by a SecurityLevel Object

Use this procedure to view a list of the CyberStation objects to which a specific SecurityLevel object is assigned. 1. In Continuum Explorer, expand the SecurityLevel folder, and double click the SecurityLevel object you want to view. 2. In the SecurityLevel editor, select the Attached Objects tab. The list of objects to which this SecurityLevel object is attached is displayed.

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Attaching a SecurityLevel Object to a Container or Object

Only one SecurityLevel object can be attached to an object or container. You can also remove a SecurityLevel object from an object. 1. Open the object to which you want to attach a SecurityLevel object in its editor. 2. Select the SecurityLevel tab. 3. Select the SecurityLevel object you want to attach to this object.

If you want to remove an attached SecurityLevel object without attaching another one, right click in the list of SecurityLevel objects, and select Clear Selection. 4. Click OK.

Folder and Device Level Security

Folder and device level (FDL) security allows you to apply a security level to a collection of child objects by placing them in a folder or device object (the parent) so that the child objects inherit the parents security level. Note: FDL security does not apply to Root, since Root is not treated as a folder by FDL.

Attaching SecurityLevel Objects to Parent Objects and Folders

Your CyberStation system can include thousands of objects that you want to be accessible only to the appropriate users. One efficient way to define access to these objects is to attach SecurityLevel objects to containers: parent objects and folders that can contain other objects. Child objects in the container inherit the access privileges defined in the SecurityLevel object attached to the container. Implementing security in this way is referred to as folder and device-level (FDL) security. For example, you can create a folder and place personnel, areas, doors, points, and programs into it and then attach a security level object to the folder that gives view access to one group of users, edit access to another group of users, and no access to a third group of users. You an also apply the same process to a network controller, an Infinet controller or a CyberStation workstation.
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Guidelines for Using FDL Security

When you configure security at your site using FDL, consider the following factors: Roles categories to which a user can be assigned (Administration, Guard, Maintenance, and so on) Partitions division of site into physical areas (Building A, Building B, and so on)

Security Groups the combination of roles and partitions (BldgAAdmin, BldgAGuard, BldgAMaint, and so on) The number of groups can be determined by the following formula: Number of groups = Number of roles X Number of partitions The use of these guidelines is illustrated in the following example.

Example of Using FDL Security

Consider the situation where you want to partition the security in a site that is located in two separate buildings. Using the above guidelines, proceed as follows: 1. Determine the roles of the users. This example uses three categories: Administrators Guards

Maintenance 2. Determine the partitions. This example uses two partitions: BuildingA BuildingB 3. Determine the number of security groups to configure: Number of roles x Number of partitions = Number of groups For example: 3 x 2 = 6 Security groups 4. Assign names to security groups in the Group Names tab of the Security editor: BldgAAdmin BldgAGuard BldgAMain BldgBAdmin BldgBGuard BldgBMain

5. In the Actions tab, select security privileges for each group. This should be role based. That is, all guards should have the same lock and key settings. The same should be true for the maintenance personnel. Administrators usually have keys to all objects and actions. 6. Create users, and assign each user to the appropriate group in the User editor. (See Chapter 5.) 7. In Continuum Explorer, create two folders named BuildingA and BuildingB.
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8. Create a SecurityLevel object for each folder named BldgAAccess and BldgBAccess, and define access as shown in the following table. You can use the Universal Lock/Unlock feature in the SecurityLevel editor to quickly assign access privileges to the security groups. Folder BuildingA Security Level Object BldgAAccess Groups Allowed Access BldgAAdmin BldgAGuard BldgAMain BldgBAdmin BldgBGuard BldgBMain Groups Denied Access BldgBAdmin BldgBGuard BldgBMain BldgAAdmin BldgAGuard BldgAMain



9. Attach the SecurityLevel objects to the appropriate folders. 10. Place the objects associated with each building in the appropriate folders.

User Limitations
Users that do not have access privileges to certain folders/devices will not be able to access any objects contained in them. Pinpoint is the exception to this. Pinpoint will not hide controls based on FDL security. However, Pinpoint does prevent users from editing objects that they have no access to. The following table summarizes the effect of user access privileges with FDL security. Function List Views Group Views Active Alarm View Event View Continuum Explorer User Limitations The user will be able to see objects they dont have access to, but will not be able to access them. The user will be able to see objects they dont have access to, but will not be able to access them. The user will be able to see objects they dont have access to, but will not be able to access them. The user will be able to see objects they dont have access to, but will not be able to access them. The user will not see any object that the user doesnt have view access to when using the Universal Lock. If the Universal Lock is unlocked, for a group and the view access of a device class or folder is locked, then the corresponding device/folder will not be viewable from explorer. If a security level object is set up to allow viewing the folder but not viewing any child class under it, attaching this security level object to a folder would not prevent child class objects from showing under that folder in Continuum Explorer. When users click a child class object however, an access denied error will show up. The use case of viewing a folder/device but not viewing children under that folder/device in Explorer is not supported in current FDL implementation.
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Function Command Line Editors web.Client Pinpoint

User Limitations The user cannot change the value of any object or attribute if they do not have change value level. The user cannot edit any object that they do not have edit access to. This applies to all editors independently of where they are launched. All applications in web.Client will mirror the corresponding CyberStation security functionality. Pinpoint will not apply view FDL security to controls. All controls will always display. If the user does not have change value level, then they cannot modify values using in line controls. If they do not have edit access, then they are denied from launching object editors. If they do not have access to other graphics that are linked using buttons, then they will be denied access to the graphics when clicking the button.

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Configuring Users
What Are Users?

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A user is a person who logs onto a CyberStation workstation on a command terminal to monitor and manage their building control system. Users have passwords that allow them access to CyberStation, and they have security levels that restrict the kinds of changes they can make, and actions they can take.

User Object
For every user in your company who is allowed access to your building control system, you must create a User object in CyberStation. User objects contain each users password and security group assignment. If you choose to you can also record personal information, such as the Social Security number and address, about each user. User objects are always created under the Root object. ControllerUser objects are created under the applicable NetController. ControllerUser cannot exist under Root.

ControllerUser Object
For every user in your company who is allowed access to a command terminal remotely connected to a NetController you must create a ControllerUser object in CyberStation. (See Creating a ControllerUser Object, later in this chapter.) Controller users are separate from CyberStation users. Controller objects have a direct relationship with the NetController they are connected to.

Customizing the User Environment

In CyberStation, you can customize each users environment by specifying the following: Programs that start when the user logs in or out A graphic panel to display when the user logs in A menu-pages file to display when the user logs in

A report program to run when the user logs in Procedures for customizing the users environment begin below.
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Additionally, the CyberStation can be configured to implement the features that assist in satisfying the requirements of Part 11 of Title 21 of the Code of Federal Regulations entitled Electronic Records; Electronic Signatures (better known as 21 CFR 11). Procedures for setting features on the General Preferences and CFR Preferences dialogs to implement these features are presented later in this chapter.

Before Configuring Users

Youll use the User editor to configure each user of your system. Before using the editor, you need to know the following information about the person to whom you are giving access to the system: The users name. There are two name considerations: the name that is assigned to the User object that is created for the user and the Full Name that is entered in the User editor. The object name is the one that system recognizes. The password this user will use when logging on to CyberStation. (It must be between 0 and 16 alphanumeric characters as determined by the General Preferences setting.) What programs, reports, menu pages, or graphics panels you want to run when this User logs on.

The CyberStation User Security Group(s) that this user will be assigned to. In order to use the User editor, you must first create a User object.

Creating a User Object

Create a user object for each person who requires access to the CyberStation software. At a minimum, you specify the following information: Object name, which is also the username the user enters to log on to CyberStation Password, which is also required to log on

Security group or groups to which the user is assigned (See Chapter 4 for more information about security groups.) You can also enter personal information for the user. Perform the following steps to create a User object: 1. In Continuum Explorer, right click the Root. 2. Select New, and then select User from the popup menu. 3. In the New dialog, enter the username in the Object name field. CyberStation fills in the Alias field, but you can change it if needed. 4. Click the Create button.

General Tab User Editor

In the General tab, you enter the user password. You can also enter personal information, such as the users full name and phone number.

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Full Name

Enter the users full name. You may use up to 32 characters, including spaces. The order of the first and last names is not important, but you should use the same format for all your users. Full Name is optional. Users must enter their user name, to log into CyberStation. For example, if you create a user object named jbrown for Jim Brown, Jim must enter jbrown and his password to log in.


Enter the users password. The password must be between 0 and 16 alphanumeric characters, including underscores and periods. The password must start with a letter. For security, the characters you type are displayed as asterisk marks (*). A password is optional, but highly recommended. Enter the users Social Security number. You can use up to 11 characters, including dashes. This is optional. Enter up to 48 characters, including spaces, for the users address. This is optional. Enter the users office phone number. You can use any characters you need, such as dashes and parenthesis. This is optional. Enter the users home phone number. You can use any characters you need, such as dashes and parenthesis. This is optional. Enter the users employee number. You can use up to 32 characters, including spaces and dashes. The employee number can contain letters as well as numbers. This is optional. Enter the users job title. You can use up to 32 characters, including spaces. This is optional.

Social Security Address Office Phone # Home Phone # Employee #


Security Tab User Editor

In the Security tab, you can set up programs, reports, menu files, and graphic panels to run or display when this user logs on. These settings, in addition to access privileges defined in the security group(s) to which you assign each user, allow you to control the information users can view and change in CyberStation. Personnel Record State Not implemented in this release. Select either enabled or disabled from the dropdown menu. When a user object is disabled, the user will not be able to log in. If you disable a user while he/she is logged on, that user is automatically logged off. When a user object is enabled, the user will be able to log in.

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LogOn Program

If you have a program that you would like to run every time the user logs on, click the browse button to locate and select it. This displays a Browse dialog to help you find the right file. When you have located the file you want, select it and click the Select button. This inserts the correct path and filename into the Logon Program text field. If you have a program that you would like to run every time the user logs off, click the browse button to locate and select it. This displays a Browse dialog to help you find the right file. When you have located the file you want, select it and click the Select button. This inserts the correct path and filename into the LogOff Program text field. If you have a report that you would like to run every time the user logs on, click the browse button to locate and select it. This displays a Browse dialog to help you find the right file. When you have located the file you want, select it and click the Select button. This inserts the correct path and filename into the Report text field. If you have a file containing customized CyberStation menu options that you would like to run every time the user logs on, click the browse button to locate and select it. This displays a Browse dialog to help you find the right file. When you have located the file you want, select it and click the Select button. This inserts the correct path and filename into the Menu File text field. If you have a graphic panel that you would like to display every time the user logs on, click the browse button to locate and select it. This displays a Browse dialog to help you find the right file. When you have located the file you want, select it and click the Select button. This inserts the correct path and filename into the Graphic text field. In this field, you enter the amount of time (in minutes) that no user activity occurs in CyberStation before the user is automatically logged off. All applications, such as the Continuum Explorer, the Plain English IDE, Pinpoint, and any object editor will be closed after the number of minutes. Note: Keyboard entry and mouse clicks are considered user activity. Hovering the mouse over any CyberStation application is not considered user activity.

LogOff Program


Menu File


Inactivity Timer

Enable Operator Text Prompt for changes

When checked, a comment dialog appears whenever this user modified any objects, persistent settings, etc. This option is enabled by default when a user object is created.

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Enable Operator Text Prompt for Alarm Acknowledgement

When checked, a comment dialog appears whenever this user acknowledges an alarm.. This option is enabled by default when a user object is created.

Groups Tab User Editor

In the Groups tab, you select the security groups that you want to assign the user. Security groups determine the objects this user can work with and the actions the user can perform with those objects. Users can belong to more than one security group. Click the checkbox for each security group to which this user will belong. To remove the user from a specific security group, click the checkbox to remove the check mark. CyberStation provides you with 1024 security groups. By default, these security groups are named Group 1 through Group 1024. You can rename security groups and specify object actions for each in the Security dialog.

SecurityLevel Tab User Editor

For details in attaching or detaching SecurityLevel objects to CyberStation objects , see Chapter 4, Security.

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Setting up the General and CFR Preferences

There are two separate preference menus that allow you to set up the user activity that satisfies the 21 CFR 11 requirements. Preferences for most requirements are included in the main release of CyberStation and are covered under the General Preferences section (below). The remaining CFR features, which the customer may choose to purchase, are covered under the CFR Preferences section, later in this chapter.

General Preferences
This section presents password management requirements and configuration of 21 CFR 11. In order to implement the password management features of CyberStation, the following requirements must be met: A General Preference setting for a password age of between 7 and 180 days must exist for all users of the system. A General Preference setting for a password length of between 0 and 16 alphanumeric characters must exist for all users of the system. A General Preference setting for the consecutive number of invalid login attempts of between 0 and 255 before an alarm is triggered must exist for all users of the system. A General Preference setting that tells CyberStation how far back in time to check a users password history the number of previous passwords to check in search of duplicate passwords. When a user changes the password, or the password expires, and a duplicate password is found in his/her password history, the user receives an error message. A General Preference setting to force a password change after the password of a user account has been modified must exist for all users of the system. An EventNotification object called LogonStatus must exist to trigger an Invalid Attempt Alarm. A means to allow any user of the system to change their own password at any time. A means to allow the system administrator to immediately disable the account of any user of the system.

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Setting up Password Management Features

Perform the following steps to set up the password management features in CyberStation. symbol located in the tool tray area of the Windows 1. Right click the Continuum task bar, and select General Preferences. The General Preferences dialog appears. The first six preference attributes in the list apply to CyberStation password management.

2. In the Value column, enter or select your preference for each attribute. Preference Maximum password age Minimum password age Maximum consecutive invalid attempts before alarm in triggered Value Enter a value between 7 and 180 days. The default value is 0, which means it never expires. Enter a value between 1 and 16 alphanumeric characters. The default value is 0. Enter a numeric value. The default value is 5. Note: Setting this column to zero (0) will prevent the alarm from being triggered for invalid logins with a valid User account.

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Preference Password History Depth

Value Enter a value between 1 and 10. The default value is 1. When a user changes his/her password, or when a password expires, CyberStation used this number to look for previous duplicate passwords in this users password history. This number tells CyberStation how far back in time to check a password history (the number of previous passwords to check). A value of 1 means the new password cannot be the same as the old password. A value of 2 means the old password cannot be the same as either of the two previous passwords, and son on. CyberStation always stores every users last 10 passwords. This mean that you, the administrator can use this feature and enforce passwords immediately, rather than waiting for password histories to accumulate.

Enable Operator Text Prompt for Alarm Acknowledgement Force password change after User account password modification 3. Click the Close button.

Select True. The default value is False.

Select True. The default value is True.

4. In Continuum Explorer, under Root in the All Paths view, double click the Templates folder, and select EventNotification. 5. Double click LogonStatus EventNotification object in the Explorers viewing pane. 6. In the EventNotification editor, enter the appropriate settings for the LogonStatus object as described in Using the EventNotification Editor in Chapter 10. Make sure that the applicable workstations are included in the Delivery tab as recipients of the LogonStatus object. The CyberStation is now configured to implement password management.

General Preferences Settings for Extended-Log Reports

Your CyberStation administrator configures settings 7 through 10 in the General Preferences dialog as part of the process of configuring extended logs. For more information on setting up extended logs and descriptions of these General Preference settings, please see the subsection, Extended Logs, in the description of the point-editor Logs tab in Chapter 13. See also What Are Extended Logs? in Chapter 11.

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CFR Preferences
The additional 21 CFR 11 features affects two separate areas of the CyberStation system: Audit Trail Alarm Log Both of these areas are configured from CyberStations CFR Preferences dialog.

Setting Up Audit Trail Features

In order to implement the Audit Trail features of CyberStation, the following requirements must be met: The 21 CFR 11 bit of the Security hardware Key (supplied with the CyberStation installation kit) must be enabled in order for the CFR Preferences features of CyberStation to be available. An entry to the Activity Log when CyberStation starts up. The entry will not include user information since no user is logged on at that time. An entry to the Activity Log when CyberStation shuts down. The entry will include user information. A setting to enable an Operator Text Prompt for changes at both the CFR Preferences and user levels of the system.

A CFR Preferences setting that provides the user with the option to enable logging of all attribute values that are set when an object is created. Perform the following steps to set up the Audit Trail features in CyberStation. 1. Right click the Continuum icon in the tool tray, and select CFR Preferences form the Continuum popup menu to access the CyberStation CFR Preferences dialog. 2. Verify that the value of item 2, Enable Operator Text Prompt for changes, is set to True. 3. For item 3, Log attribute values set at object time select either: True to log the attributes that are set when an object is created. False to not log the attributes that are set when an object is created. 4. Click Close. 5. For each CyberStation user, verify that the Enable Operator Text Prompt for Changes checkbox is checked in the Security tab of the User editor. This is the default setting. The CyberStation is now configured to implement the 21 CFR 11 Audit Trail features.

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Setting up Alarm Log Features

In order to implement the Alarm Log features of CyberStation, the following requirements must be met: The CFR 11 bit of the Security hardware key (supplied with the CyberStation installation kit) must be enabled in order for the CFR Preferences features of CyberStation to be available. The user is forced to enter text comments along with user name and password to the Alarm log whenever alarms are acknowledged; this is covered under the General Preferences dialog. The user name and password must match the logged on user this only applies when the Allow different user to sign off operator text value is set to False in the CFR Preferences dialog. A CFR Preference setting that provides the option of allowing a user other than the original user to sign off operator text dialogs. Perform the following steps to set up the Alarm Log features in Continuum CyberStation. 1. Right click the Continuum icon in the tool tray, and select CFR Preferences from the Continuum popup menu to access the CyberStation CFR Preferences dialog. 2. For item 1, Allow different user to sign off operator text, select one of the following settings: True if you want operator text dialogs to accept any valid and enabled CyberStation user name and password. False if you want operator text dialogs to accept only the user name and password of the user that is logged on. 3. For each CyberStation user, verify that the Enable Operator Text Prompt for Alarm Acknowledgement checkbox is checked in the Security tab or the User editor. This is the default setting. The CyberStation is now configured to implement the 21 CFR 11 Alarm Log features.

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Results of General and CFR Preference Settings

Once the features that affect the Password Management, Audit Trail and Activity Logging activities (previously described) have been implemented, the events discussed below will occur. Invalid Login Attempts When an invalid login attempt occurs at login, the following error message will appear.

When the maximum number of invalid logins (set in the General Preferences dialog) is exceeded, the following error message appears:

If the workstation is added to the list of recipients in the Delivery tab of the EventNotification editor (for the LogonStatus EventNotifcation object), this alarm is reported in the Active Alarm View. The user name and the workstation that was used for the logon attempts are displayed. Also, any attempt to login at any workstation with a disabled account will fail and be recorded on the Activity log. This situation is shown in the second entry of the Active Alarm View log shown above. Maximum Password Age Exceeded Whenever the Maximum password age setting in the General Preferences dialog is exceeded for a user, the user is prompted to create a new password when the user next attempts to log in. Password Change and/or Password Length Exceeded When either of these events occur: The password is changed in the General tab of the User editor, and the Force password change after User account password modification in the General Preferences dialog is set to True.

The Minimum password length setting in the General Preferences dialog is exceeded. The user is not allowed to access the system until he/she successfully creates a new password. The new password must be different than the old one.

Andover Continuum CyberStation Configurators Guide 99

Duplicate Password Found in Password History Whenever a user changes his/her password, or it expires, and CyberStation finds a duplicate password in a users password history (the depth of which is specified in the Password History Depth setting of the General Preferences dialog) the user is prompted to create a different password. Enabling Operator Text Prompts for Changes Each time a modification is made to an object, or the user makes some other type of persistent change, and the Enable Operator Text Prompt for changes setting on the CFR Preferences dialog is set to True, the user is prompted to enter a comment. The user must enter explanatory text in the Comment field and then enter a valid user name and password in the appropriate text fields. If the user tries to cancel comment entry, an entry is recorded in the log indicating the canceled action. Also, the action indicated by the text entry will be canceled. Enabling Operator Text Prompt for Alarm Acknowledgement Whenever an alarm is acknowledged, or an audio alarm is silenced and the Enable Operator Text Prompt for Alarm Acknowledgement setting on the General Preferences dialog is set to True, the user is prompted to add a comment as well as their user name and password. The comments and the user name appear in the Operator Text column of the Active Alarm View. Disabling a User Account The CyberStation administrator can log any user out of all workstations by either of the following methods: Right click the User object, and select Disable from the popup menu: In the User editor, select Disabled in the State dropdown menu on the Security tab.

Creating a ControllerUser Object

The ControllerUser object allows you to assign the security level permissions for users who need access to a command terminal interface to a network controller. You can track all changes in the CyberStation activity log. ControllerUser objects can be owned only by a network controller. To create a ControllerUser object: 1. In Continuum Explorer, right click the network controller where you want to create a ControllerUser, and select New and ControllerUser from the popup menu. 2. In the New dialog, enter the name of the ControllerUser in the Object name field, and click the Create button. 3. In the General tab, enter information about the ControllerUser object as described below. Full Name Password Enter the full name of the controller user. Enter the password of the controller user.

100 TAC

Login Program

Use the browse button to search for the name of the CyberStation program that will run when the ControllerUser logs in. This program must be owned by the same controller that owns the UserController object. Use the browse button to search for the name of the CyberStation program that will run when the ControllerUser logs out. Select a security level from the drop down list

Logout Program Controller Security Level

Refer to Object Level Security in Chapter 4 for details on how to attach a SecurityLevel object to a ControllerUser object. 4. Click OK. You can use Continuum Explorers Copy and Paste features to place the same ControllerUser on other network controllers.

Andover Continuum CyberStation Configurators Guide 101

102 TAC

Configuring a Network

A network is a system of one or many controllers and their connected peripheral devices that are linked together on an Ethernet communications network to share information. In CyberStation, a network object represents a network configuration of up to 190 controllers that know about and exchange information with each other. This chapter describes the process of creating a network object.

Andover Continuum CyberStation Configurators Guide 103

Creating a Network Object

Create a Network object, as follows: 1. In the Continuum Explorer, right-click the Root object, select New, and then select Network. 2. In the New dialog, enter a name for your network object in the Object Name field. 3. Click the Create button. 4. In the General of the Network editor, enter information about the network object. Description Time Zone Difference Enter a description of the Network object, up to 32 characters (including spaces). Enter the Universal Time Coordinate (UTC) offset in minutes. This is the difference in minutes between your local time and Greenwich Mean Time. 300 means you are 300 minutes (5 hours) ahead of Greenwich Mean Time.

-300 means you are 300 minutes (5 hours) behind Greenwich Mean Time. The following are UTC offsets for the Continental United States: Default Folder Eastern Standard Time (EST) -300 Central Standard Time (CST) -360 Rocky Mountain Standard Time (RMT) -420 Pacific Standard Time (PST) -480

All child objects of this network will be stored in the folder you select. Note: If you do not designate a default folder for a new Network object, and you select Put object in folder when you created the Network object, all its child objects will default to their respective class folders under the Root. Click the browse button to display the Browse dialog. Select the folder that you want to hold the child objects for this network object, and, click the Select button.

Controller to CyberStation DBsync

Check this checkbox if you want changes made to the controller outside of CyberStation, such as through a command terminal connection to the controller, to be synchronized with the CyberStation database. If a reload of the controller occurs, a flag appears on the controller icon in Continuum Explorer, indicating that a save to database must be performed.

5. Click the Alarms tab.

104 TAC

6. You can attach up to eight alarms to the network object. You may also attach a graphic panel and a report or other program to the object. 7. Click the corresponding browse button to select the AlarmEnrollment object, graphic, or program you want to attach. 8. If you selected AlarmEnrollment objects, click the Enabled checkbox next to the field to enable the alarm. 9. If you want to attach a SecurityLevel object to this network object, select the SecurityLevel tab and select a SecurityLevel object. 10. For details in attaching or detaching Security Levels, refer to Chapter 4. 11. Click OK.

Assigning a Network Object to a Default Folder

After you create a Network object, you need to create a link between that Network object and its owner (folder). When you copy objects in Folder View, they are stored on the designated default device in Network View. When you create objects from a template in Virtual View (Folder or Template) and drop them on a parent folder, the objects are created in Network View (Network or Controller) on the assigned default device of that folder. 1. Select the default folder of the Network object, right-click the folder, and then select Edit from the popup menu. 2. In the editor for the default folder, browse for the Default Device, the Network object you just created. 3. Select the Network object, and click the Select button. Click OK.

Andover Continuum CyberStation Configurators Guide 105

106 TAC

Configuring Controllers

CyberStation allows you to create and configure controllers from a CyberStation workstation. You do this by creating a new controller object and then using a controller editor to configure the controller. There is a separate editor for each type of controller: InfinityController (for CXxxxx, NetController, NetController II, bCX1 96xx, bCX1 40x0, or b4920)

InfinityInfinet controller (for TCXxxx, i2xxx, or b3xxx) Refer to Chapter 1 for a description of these controllers.

Network Secure Communication

TAC has a local network security policy that secures communication between certain Andover Continuum controllers and workstation. This secure communication ensures authentication, integrity, and encryption of IP data packets, using the Internet Protocol Security (IPS) and the Internet Key Exchange (IKE). Network security is a separately purchased option that is supported on the NetController II model 9680 and in the ACX controller models 5720 and 5740. For more information, please see Establishing Network Security for a Controller later in this chapter, and the Network Security Configuration Guide, 30-3001-996.

Andover Continuums Wireless Controllers

Certain models of the Infinity controller series can also become parent wireless controller for an Active Continuum wireless mesh network. NetController II (model CX9680 or CX9681) configured with its wireless Infinet field controllers bCX1 9640 controller configured with its wireless Infinet field controllers

bCX1 40x0 controller configured with its wireless BACnet b3 MS/TP field controllers. Note: As a future enhancement, ACX 57xx series controllers will support Wireless communication, much like the NetController II models 9680/9681. See also the Andover Continuum Wireless Mesh Network Concepts and Best Practices Guide, 30-3001-912, the NetController II Operation and Technical Reference Guide, 30Andover Continuum CyberStation Configurators Guide 107

3001-995, the ACK 57xx Series Controller Operation and Technical Reference Guide, 30-3001-999, and the bCX1 Series Controller Technical Reference Guide, 30-3001-890. Note: In order to make one of these controllers a wireless controller, you must designate one of its comm ports as Wireless to establish wireless communication with the wireless mesh network. Note: Andover Continuum BACnet-compliant controllers are included in the Andover Continuum product line. These are the bCX1 (40x0), b4920 and the b3xxx series controllers. The b4 is created as an InfinityController object, and the b3 is created as an InfinityInfinetCtlr object. Depending on which Continuum Explorer view you select, b4 and b3 controllers may also be viewed as BACnet Device objects in the BACnet Devices portion of Explorers navigation pane, while also being viewed as InfinityController and InfinityInfinetCtlr objects in the Infinity portion of the navigation pane. (Please refer to Chapter 14 for more information on BACnet and BACnet devices.) Andover Continuum also supports third-party BACnet devices that are integrated into the Andover Continuum system. By default, communication with Andover Continuum BACnet controllers is enabled on your system. If you have no BACnet devices, or if you do not want exposure to BACnet class objects, you may want to disable system communication with BACnet, whereby CyberStation no longer sends or responds to BACnet communication requests. In this case, only Infinity and InfinityInfinetCtlr controller objects are visible in Continuum Explorer. For more information, please see Chapter 14. All InfinityControllers, including b4 controllers, must be commissioned before they can communicate with CyberStation. bCX1 device commissioning is described in the bCX1 Controller Technical Reference, 30-3001-890. Once an InfinityController has been commissioned, a network controller object can be created to represent it on the network.

Commissioning a Controller
In order for CyberStation to communicate with an Ethernet-level controller, you or your administrator must connect to the controller and enter its network address and other identification information. This process is called controller commissioning. You can commission most Andover Continuum controllers by accessing and entering information on their embedded web pages. Some older controllers, such as the previous-generation NetController, require you to connect to the controller using a command terminal emulator, such as HyperTerminal. For more information, please see the manual for your controller: NetController II (968x series) NetController II Operation and Technical Reference Guide, 30-3001-995, and its embedded web page online help. NetController (older generation 990x, 994x, 920x series) NetController Technical Reference Guide, 30-3001-703 ACX 57xx series ACX 57xx Series Controller Operation and Technical Reference Guide, 30-3001-999

108 TAC

bCX1 series (9640, 40xx) bCX1 Series Controller Technical Reference Guide, 303001-890 BACnet b4920 b3 and b4920 Controller Technical Reference Guide, 30-3001-862 CX 9702 Commissioning information is detailed on the controllers faceplate. (A 9702 manual will be released as a future enhancement.)

Creating an InfinityController Object

Note: Before performing this procedure, you must commission the controller as described in its product documentation. To create an InfinityController object: 1. In Continuum Explorer, right click the Network object that will contain the new controller, select New, and then select InfinityController. 2. In the New dialog, enter a name for the controller in the Object name field, and click the Create button. 3. Refer to the following pages to enter information about this controller in the tabs of the InfintyControler editor, and click Apply to save your entries. 4. After you save the controller information, refer to Teaching Network Controller later in this chapter to exchange information about this controller in the network.

General Tab InfinityController Editor

Note: In CyberStation 1.8 or higher, you may be replacing your NetController (models 990x, 994x, 920x) with a newer NetController II model (model 9680 or 9681). If so, please so Guidelines for Converting a NetController to a NetController II later in this chapter. You begin configuring the InfinityController by entering information on the InfinityControllers General tab. Note: Depending on the controller type, some editor attributes are not selectable. If an attribute is gray and is not selectable, it is not relevant to the type of controller you are creating. Note: The InfintyController editor does not have a Backup to Flash button, which is used for NetController II controllers, ACX 57xx controllers, and bCX1 controllers. Instead, in Continuum Explorer, you can right click on the controller and select Backup to Flash from the container popup menu. Description ACCNet ID Enter up to 32 characters of text to describe the physical characteristics or functionality of the controller. Identifies each controller by a unique number between 1 and 190 for the network. This number is set at the controller during commissioning.

Andover Continuum CyberStation Configurators Guide 109

Controller Type

Select the controller model number from the dropdown menu. Andover Continuum BACnet-compliant controllers are designated as bCX1 (40x0) or b4920. (See also the subsection, Creating an Andover Continuum bCX1 (b40x0) or b4920 Controller, later in this chapter.) NetController II controllers are designated as 9680 and 9681. Older NetControllers are designated as 990x, 994x, and 920x. Selections for 572x and 574x are ACX series controllers.

Comm Status Out of Service

CyberStation sets the comm status to OnLine or OffLine depending on whether the workstation is in communication with the controller. Check this checkbox if you need to place the controller in an out-ofservice (disabled) state. This creates a return-to-normal failure alarm on all CyberStations with the associated AlarmEnrollment editors Alarmed Attribute value set to OutOfService (see Using the AlarmEnrollment Editor in Chapter 10). It also allows the user to clear unwanted failure alarms from the alarm viewer and prevents any further failure alarms being reported from the controller. Also, personnel distribution cannot occur on the controller or its associated Infinet controllers. Check this checkbox if daylight savings time is in effect. Check this checkbox to activate the TAC network security policy for this controller. Note: Network security is supported only in the NetController II model 9680 and in the ACX controller models 5720 and 5740. The TAC network security policy is a local security policy, established and enabled through CyberStation, through the Network Security Configuration web page and other web pages embedded in the controller, and through your Windows Administrative Tools. Network security secures communication between the controller and a workstation using the Internet Security Protocol (IPS) and the Internet Key Exchange (IKE). It ensures authentication, integrity, and encryptions of IP data packets. For more information on how to implement network security in CyberStation, please see Establishing Network Security for a Controller later in this chapter. For complete instructions on configuring network security on the controller and in Windows, please see the Andover Continuum Network Security Configuration Guide, 30-3001-996.

Daylight Savings Network Security

110 TAC

Probe Time

Enter the interval in seconds by which the Infinity controller checks the comm status of its other connected CX series controllers and CyberStations. When the Infinity controller does not receive a response from another CX controller or CyberStation within the probe time, it changes their comm status to Offline. Displays a list of IOU module connected to a CX9400 Controller. Not applicable to any other controllers. Enter the Universal Time Coordinate (UTC) offset in minutes. This is the difference in minutes between your local time and Greenwich Mean Time (GMT): 300 means you are 300 minutes, or 5 hours ahead of GMT. -300 means you are 300 minutes or 5 hours behind GMT. Identifies the bCX1 (40x0) or b4920 BACnet controller by a unique integer. Each controller must have a unique ID. The Max Master property, which is of type Unsigned, is present if the device is a master node on a BACnet MSTP network. Enter an integer in this field that equals the exact number of b3 and thirdparty BACnet controllers connected to this device. It must be less than or equal to 127 (the default). Enter the location of the controller (optional). CyberStation retrieves the controllers serial number from the hardware. This integer displays the ID number of the BACnet/IP and Ethernet TCP/IP network on which the controller resides. CyberStation retrieves the controllers version number from the hardware. This integer displays the ID number of the BACnet MasterSlave/Token Passing (MS/TP) or Wireless network on which the bCX1 (40x0) or b4920 controller resides. Browse to select the folder where the child objects of this controller will be stored (optional). You can upgrade the Infinity controllers operating system by clicking the Update OS button. You can then locate and select an update (.upd) file and click OK to load the new operating system to the controller.

IOU Models UTC Offset

BACnet Device Id BacMaxMaster

Location Serial Number Network ID - UPD Version Network ID Comm2 Default Folder Update OS

Andover Continuum CyberStation Configurators Guide 111

Update IOUs

If you have loaded IOU module firmware updates received from TAC, use the Update IOUs button to update the modules. Click the Update IOUs button. You can then locate and select an (.IOU) file and click OK to update the IOU modules currently connected to this controller. Note: Make sure you select the .IOU file for the type of controller you want to update. Each .IOU file updates a single model of IOU module.

Update BACnet b3 OS

Click the Update BACnet b3 OS button to upgrade the operating system of the Infinity Infinet BACnet b3 controllers currently connected to this Infinity controller. When you click this button, an Open dialog appears. This dialog helps you locate the update file (shipped with CyberStation) to send to the b3 controllers. Search for and select the file, and then click OK. The new operating system is automatically downloaded to the controllers. Theres no need to replace the microchip. If you are creating or modifying an Infinity 9xxx controller, this button changes to: Update Infinet 2 OS. (See below.)

112 TAC

Update Infinet 2 OS

Click the Update Infinet 2 OS button to upgrade the operating system of the Infinity Infinet 2 controllers currently connected to this Infinity controller. The upgrade procedure is identical to that for a b3 controller (described above). When you click this button, an Open dialog appears. This dialog helps you locate the update file (shipped with CyberStation) to send to the Infinet 2 controllers. Search for and select the file, and then click OK. The new operating system is automatically loaded to the controller. Theres no need to replace the microchip. Note: If this parent controller is a NetController II (model CX9680/CX9681) and one comm port is configured for Infinet while another is configured for Wireless, be sure your update file matches the active medium (in this case, Infinet) of the comm port to which the i2 controllers are attached. If it does not match, a warning message appears, telling you there is a mismatch and asking you if you want to continue. If you continue with this mismatch, another message appears: Upon successful update, all controllers that participated in the update will now be operating in Wireless mode. These controllers will be offline until the selected comm port mode is changed, the controller is connected by proper medium, and the parent controller is reloadedContinue with update? See also the description for the Wireless Update I2 OS button, below. Wireless on ACX 57xx Series Controllers As a future enhancement, ACX 57xx series controllers will support Wireless communication much like the NetController II 9680/9681. When you are creating or modifying a BACnet bCX1 40x0 or b4920 controller, this button changes to: Update BACnet b3 OS. (See above.)

Andover Continuum CyberStation Configurators Guide 113

Update Wireless I2 OS

Click the Update Wireless i2 OS button to upgrade the operating system of Infinity Infinet 2 (i2) controllers affixed with Wireless Adapters in a wireless mesh network and connected to this parent wireless Infinity controller. Wireless on ACX 57xx Series Controllers As a future enhancement, ACX 57xx series controllers will support Wireless communication much like the NetController II 9680/9681. Note: The Update Wireless I2 OS button appears only when this Infinet controller is a NetController II (CX9680/CX9681) and when its comm ports are configured in one of these ways: OR Comm1 is configured as Wireless and Comm2 is configured as Infinet. When you click this button, an Open dialog appears. This dialog helps you locate the wireless-controller update file (shipped with CyberStation) to send to the wireless Infinet 2 controllers. Search for and select the file, then click OK. The new operating system is automatically loaded to the controllers. Theres no need to replace the microchip. Note: Be sure your update file matches the active medium (in this case, Wireless) of the comm port to which the i2 controllers are attached. If it does not match, a warning message appears, telling you there is a mismatch and asking you if you want to continue. If you continue with this mismatch, another message appears: Upon successful update, all controllers that participated in the update will now be operating in Infinet mode. These controllers will be offline until the selected comm port mode is changed, the controller is connected by proper medium, and the parent controller is reloadedContinue with update? Comm1 is configured as Infinet and Comm2 is configured as Wireless


Click the Reset button when you need to delete all programs and points stored on the controller. Use the Reset button with caution, and only after you have saved the programs and points to the CyberStation database. When you click the Reset button, a dialog appears and asks you if you want to continue. If you click OK, you will not be able to retrieve the deleted programs and points except by reloading them from the CyberStation database. See Teaching Network Controllers later in this chapter for information about this button.


114 TAC

Network Tab - InfinityController Editor

Enter the following information on the InfinityController Network tab. Note: Depending on the controller type, some editor attributes are not selectable. If an attribute is gray and is not selectable, it is not relevant to the type of controller you are creating. Transport Type From the dropdown menu, select the type of network protocol through which the controller communicates with workstations and other Ethernet-level controllers. Selections are TCP, UPD, or TCP and UPD. TCP stands for Transmission Control Protocol. TCP uses a connectionoriented byte stream and guarantees data delivery. TCP is used by network applications that require guaranteed delivery and that cannot be hampered by time-outs and retransmissions. TCP requires more CPU and network bandwidth than UDP. UDP stands for User Datagram Protocol. Many application protocols use UDP: for example, Network File System (NFS), Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP), and BACnet. UDP, which is a connectionless datagram delivery service, does not maintain an end-toend connection with the remote UDP module. UDP does not guarantee delivery, whereas TCP does. Ethernet ID IP Address, Subnet Mask, PPP IP Address, and Default Router Max Response Time The Ethernet ID number for the controller is assigned to the controller at the factory. This number is retrieved from the controller. Enter the IP address, Subnet Mask, PPP IP address if using remote access communications, and Default Router numbers provided by your network administrator. If you are operating a standalone system, be sure that the Subnet Mask numbers on the workstation and controller match. This number is the number of seconds the controller will wait before resending a packet of information. In most situations, the default value of 5 seconds is sufficient. You may want to increase the number of seconds in the following situations: If your network nodes are far apart If the connection between nodes exhibits a slow transmission rate. It is recommended that only your network administrator change the number of seconds. Home Page This is the Plain English function path of this controllers web page. This path is used by the web.Client application. When a user clicks a controller, via the web.Client Web Pages feature, web.Client accesses this path, and displays the appropriate web page in the browser. For example:

Andover Continuum CyberStation Configurators Guide 115

Controller to CyberStation DBsync

Check this checkbox if you want changes made to the controller outside of CyberStation, such as through a command terminal connection to the controller, to be synchronized with the CyberStation database. If a reload of the controller occurs, a flag appears on the controller icon in Continuum Explorer, indicating that a save to database must be preformed.

Options Tab InfinityController Editor

In Options tab of the InfinityController editor. you can review the hardware options installed in the controller. This tab also lists the XDriver settings for each comm port, as well as whether or not the TAC network security policy is enabled for a NetController II 9680 or an ACX 57x0 controller. This tab displays read-only information.

X Driver

X drivers can be enabled or disabled on each comm port. A value of 0000 means disabled. A value of 0001 means enabled. All other values in the 4-digit hex number shown for each comm port are X Driverspecific bits set at the factory. The total number of controllers that can be attached to this controller. Indicates whether or not the LAN card is installed.

Max Infinet Controllers LAN

116 TAC

LON Modem PCB Revision

Indicates whether or not a 9900, 9400 or 9410 controller has a LON X Driver card installed. Indicates whether or not the controller has an installed modem. The revision number of the controller's printed circuit board. This information may be requested by TAC Technical Services Department if you are calling in with a problem related to this controller. Indicates whether or not the Web Server feature of the controller is turned on. Indicates whether the advanced Simple Network Management Protocol is enabled. For more detailed information about SNMP, refer to Continuum SNMP Alarming MiniGuide (30-3001-855). Indicates whether the ACC_LON I/O has been selected. In this example, indicates that ACC_LON I/O is disabled and L-BUS I/O is enabled. Hardware Configuration Resource. Displays the current revision level of the hardware. Displays whether or not the Area Lockdown feature is Enabled or Disabled. Displays whether or not the Condition Level feature is Enabled or disabled. Displays the version of the controllers bootloader, represented by its bootloader UPD file that you received from TAC. Indicates whether or not this controller may be configured for network security, which is a separately purchased option from TAC. If the entry says Enabled, it means your site has purchased this option. If it says Disabled, it means your site has not purchased this option. Note: Only the NetController II model 9860, as well as the ACX controller models 5720 and 5740, can support Network Security. For more information on network security, please see Establishing Network Security for a Controller later in this chapter.

Web Server SNMP

ACC_LON I/O L-BUS I/O HCR Area Lockdown Condition Level Bootloader Version Network Security

SecurityLevel Tab InfinityController Editor

For details in attaching or detaching Security Levels, see Chapter 4, Security.

Andover Continuum CyberStation Configurators Guide 117

Teaching Network Controllers

After you finish configuring the network controller, click Apply to save the information you have entered into the fields of the InfinityController editor. Network controllers need CyberStation information in order to send alarms and events to those CyberStation workstations. They must also have network controller information if they reference points in other network controllers (for example, in Plain English programs). Network controllers are organized into networks. The network controllers in each network should know about each other, but they should not know about any network controllers outside their network. To exchange this information, you use the Teach button in the InfinityController editor. You click the Teach button when you add new network controllers or CyberStation workstations to the system. It is automatically invoked when a network controller or CyberStation is deleted, and when a network controller is modified. Note: During a teach, a controller queries through the system Ethernet network asking for and receiving the IP addresses of up to 64 CyberStation workstations. The controller can only be taught about workstations with a network ID number in the range of 191-254. Workstations with network IDs outside this range cannot be taught. When you click the Teach button, a Select Teach Mode dialog appears containing the following teach mode selections. Click the appropriate Teach Mode radio button and then click OK. Mode Infinity Controller Teach Network Teach Description Teaches other network controllers in this network about this network controller. It also teaches the network controller about all other network controllers on its Network and all the CyberStation workstations in the system. Teaches all network controllers in a Network about all other net controllers is the same Network. It also teaches the network controllers about all CyberStation workstations in the system. When there are multiple networks, choosing this teach mode has the same effect as executing a Network Teach on each Network.

Global Teach

Establishing Network Security for a Controller

TACs network security policy is a local security policy that secures communication between the controller and a workstation. You establish network security on an Andover Continuum system through CyberStation, through the Network Security Configuration web page embedded in the controller, and through you Windows Administrative Tools. Note: Network security is supported only the NetController II model 9680 and in the ACX controller models 5720 and 5740. On Andover Continuum controller, network security is not enabled by default, your site must purchase it as a separately sold option from TAC.
118 TAC

For communication in an Andover Continuum system, network security ensures authentication, integrity, and encryption of IP data packets, using the Internet Protocol System (IPS) and the Internet Key Exchange (IKE). Main Configuration Tasks Establishing network security involved the following four major configuration tasks. Task 1: Determine if network security is enabled for this controller. 2: Configure network security on the controller 3: Configure network security on the workstation 4: Activate network security for the controller Description Determines whether or not your site has purchased the network security option for this NetController II 9860 or ACX 57x0. Configured network security settings inside the controller. Where It Is Configured CyberStation InfinityController editor, Options tab

Web-page dialogs embedded in the NetController II 9860 or the ACX 57x0 Windows Control Panel Administrative Tools Local Security Settings CyberStation InfinityController editor, General tab

Imports, edits, assigns, and exports the local TAC network security policy on the workstation. Sets the Network Security attributes for an existing controller or a new controller.

Configuring Network Security Perform the following procedure to establish network security. For complete, in-depth instructions on configuring network security, please see the Andover Continuum Network Security Configuration Guide, 30-3001-996, the NetController II Operation and Technical Reference Guide, 30-3001-995, and the ACX 57xx Series Controller Operation and Technical Reference Guide, 30-3001-999. 1. Edit the online controller (bring up the InfinityController object editor) on which you want to enable network security. 2. Select the Options tab of the InfinityController editor. If the Network Security entry says Enabled, it means your site has purchased the network security option for your 9680 or 57x0 controller. Go to step 6. If the entry says Disabled, it means your site has not purchased the network security option for your 9680 or 57x0 controller. In this case, go to the next step. 3. Purchase the network security option from TAC for this controller. In turn, TAC sends your site a UPD file. 4. On the General tab, click the Update OS button and load the appropriate UPD file to enable the network security option for this controller. 5. When the update is complete, verify that the controller has returned online. Go back to Option tab, and verify that the Network Security entry now says Enabled.
Andover Continuum CyberStation Configurators Guide 119

6. Access and configure the controller for your preferred security. To do so, you must access and log in to the controllers main embedded web configuration page, then navigate to the Network Security Configuration embedded web page. Note: For complete instructions on configuring network security, please see the Andover Continuum Network Security Configuration Guide, 30-3001-996, the NetController II Operation and Technical Reference Guide, 30-3001-995, and the ACX 57xx Series Controller Operation and Technical Reference Guide, 303001-999. 7. If you have not imported the IPSec security policy, do so now. if you already have, go to the next step. From the Windows Control Panel, open Administrative Tools, then Local Security Policy, which launches the Local Security Policy dialog. Note: For complete instructions, see the Andover Continuum Network Security Configuration Guide, 30-3001-996. 8. Edit the imported security policy. You do this via the Control Panel and the TAC Encrypt and Authenticate dialog. Note: For complete instructions, see the Andover Continuum Network Security Configuration Guide, 30-3001-996. 9. If necessary export the edited security policy to other workstation. This allows the use of the modified policy on other workstations without having to edit it on each workstation. You do this from the Launch Security Settings dialog. Note: For complete instructions, see the Andover Continuum Network Security Configuration Guide, 30-3001-996. 10. Activate network security in an existing controller or on a new controller that you are creating. For an existing controller, enter CyberStation offline editing mode. On the General tab of the InfinityController editor, check the Network Security checkbox. 11. Click Apply. 12. Enter online editing mode. 13. Verify that the controller is online. 14. From the General tab, click the Teach button to update the network.

Guidelines for Converting NetController to NetController II

CyberStation supports the conversion of a previous-general NetController (CX9680 and CX9681). A procedure over viewing this conversion follows. 1. Back up your SQL Server database. See the Andover Continuum CyberStation Installation Guide, 30-3001-720, and Microsofts SQL Server documentation.

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2. From Continuum Explorer, right click the controller, and select Send To Text Files. This dumps the controller objects data into a text file. 3. Update your workstation with a version of CyberStation that supports the newer NetController models. (These models are supported in CyberStation Version 1.8 and higher.) See the Andover Continuum CyberStation Installation Guide, 30-3001-720. 4. Physically remove the old NetController, and mount/connect your NetController II. When you configure and commission the NetController II, use the same controller name, network IP address, and neting ID. This is performed via the controllers embedded web commissioning pages, via the General tab, and via the Network tab. See the Andover Continuum NetController II Operation and Technical Reference Guide, 30-3001-995, and the Andover Continuum NetController II Installation Instructions, 30-3001-994. 5. Switch to CyberStation offline editing mode (if you are not already there) in the InfinityController editor. 6. On the General tab, from the Controller Type dropdown menu, change the model number to 9680 or 9681, depending on which NetController II you are installing. 7. Make sure you actually want to replace the NetController. When you attempt to change the controller model, CyberStation displays a few warning messages: CyberStation warns that a model change is irreversible. CyberStation warns that, if an XDriver is used with this controller, not all XDrivers are supported by the new model. This warning only occurs if an XDriver is loaded and enabled. If you proceed, the XDriver links are left in place regardless of the availability of a replacement XDriver. XDrivers on NetController II In general, XDrivers that are available on the bCX1 model 9640 are also supported on the NetController II. For example, supported NetController II XDrivers include, but are not limited to, the following: Filter XdTest Modbus TCP

Modbus RTU Note: XDrivers built for the previous-generation NetController will not run on the NetController II What is an XDriver? An XDriver is special, customized software that your site purchases separately from TAC. This XDriver software allows your controller to connect to and communicate with a special piece of third-party equipment needed at your site. In the CommPort editor, you must configure a controller comm port for this special device that the XDriver software enables.
Andover Continuum CyberStation Configurators Guide 121

When you leave the InfinityController editor, go back to online editing mode. 8. If necessary, provide an updated XDriver file compatible with your NetController II. CyberStation prompts you to do this. Note: You can specify an XDriver on the General tab of the CommPort editor. Specify XDriver for the Default Mode, and use the browse button in the XDriver File Name field to search for and specifiy the path of the XDriver. See, Configuring Settings for an XDriver, later in this chapter. 9. Determine whether this NetController II has network security. If so, configure network security for this controller. See, Establishing Network Security for a Controller, earlier in this chapter. Note: Network Security is supported online in NetController II model 9680, as well as ACX controllers 5720 and 5740. 10. Restore (reload) data from your database into the new controller. From Continuum Explorer, use the Object dropdown menu, or right click the controller and select Sent to Controller. 11. Back up to flash. In Continuum Explorer, right click the controller, and from the container popup menu, select Backup to Flash. This saves the controllers RAM configuration to its flash memory.

Creating a bCX1 (40x0) or b4920 Controller

Create a BACnet-compliant controller as an InfinityController, as follows: 1. In Continuum Explorer, right click a Network object, and select New from the popup menu, and then select InfinityController. 2. In the New dialog, enter the name and alias of the new controller, and click the Create button. 3. In the General tab, select b40x0 or b4920 from the Controller Type dropdown menu. 4. Configure the BACnet attributes and other configuration attributes using the tabs of InfinityController editor. See Creating an InfinetController Object earlier in this chapter for a description of each attribute and lock tab. See also Chapter 14 for more information on BACnet device operations.

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Sending Controller Data to the CyberStation Database

If controller settings or data are changed outside of CyberStation (for example, through a command terminal), you need to update the database with these changes. You do this using the send to database feature in Continuum Explorer. 1. Click the Options dropdown menu, and select Send To Database Options.

2. Select the appropriate radio button, and click OK. (See Chapter 3.) 3. In Continuum Explorer, right click the controller that was edited, select Send To, and then select Database. 4. When prompted to confirm the operation, click OK to initiate the operation. When the send to database is accomplished, you can click the Refresh icon to remove the exclamation flag next to the controller icon in Continuum Explorer.

Reloading a Controller from CyberStation

If a controller object is modified in CyberStation in the offline-editing mode, CyberStation creates an event in the Activity Log and marks (with a flag) the object icon in the presents a tool tip when the cursor is placed over it that indicates Explorer. The flag that the controller must be reloaded. You can reload the controller with the Send To Controller operation. 1. In Continuum Explorer, open the Options dropdown menu, and select Send to Controller Options.

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2. Select the appropriate radio button, and click OK. 3. In Continuum Explorer, right click the controller you want to update, select Send To, and then select Controller. 4. When prompted to confirm the operation, click OK to initiate the operation. When the send to controller is accomplished, you can click the Refresh icon to remove the exclamation flag next to the controller icon. Turning Off DB Sync Note: Disabling these attributes should be restricted to the facility's system administrator. Setting the value of the NetController and network Database Synchronization attributes to FALSE will disable the db sync message and prevent the warning flags from appearing in Continuum Explorer. An event is created in the Activity Log each time CyberStation receives a db sync message as a result of a controller change.

Working With Infinet Controllers

Infinet controllers communicate with Infinity controllers through the Infinet network. These subcontrollers, attached to Infinet networks, contain the various input and output points needed to control building systems such as fans, boilers, chillers, and other electromechanical units. Note: Andover Continuum provides a b3 series of BACnet controllers. Refer to Chapter 14 for a description of these controllers.

About Infinet 2 Controllers

Infinet 2 (i2) controllers store all user-created objects (points, programs, and so on) in non-volatile flash memory. All Infinet 2 controllers contain EPROM flash memory that can be upgraded electronically. The Infinet 2 flash memory has two separate areas:
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A user backup area

A warm start area The user backup area is used to store a copy of the controller's original RAM database. The warm start area is used as a temporary storage region that stores the configuration of the controller's database at the time a reset or power failure occurred. How the data in flash memory is used depends on the mode in which the Controller restarts after a power failure reset: Cold Start: The Infinet 2 controller comes up, from a reset, with no user objects or configuration in place. Cool Start: The Infinet 2 controller comes up, from a reset, and restores a user configuration from flash memory (the user backup area) that was initially saved by the user. Cool start can be thought of as a self reload.

Warm Start: The Infinet 2 controller comes up, from a reset, and restores the configuration that was present in the controller when it was reset and/or power was lost (restored from the warm start area of flash memory). For each Infinet 2 controller, you can specify which restart mode to use as described in Setting the ACCRestartMode Attribute later in this chapter.

Flash Backup Notification

Andover Continuum provides a safeguard to ensure that you are aware of the need to backup an Infinet 2 controller. This is true for the WarmToCool and CoolStartOnly modes. It does not apply to the WarmStartOnly mode. When an Infinet 2 controller needs a backup, a flag in the form of an exclamation point in Continuum Explorer. The flag presents a tool will appear over the controller's icon tip when you place the cursor over it.

To backup the controller you edit the controller and click the Backup to Flash button on the InfinityInfinetCtlr General tab. (See next page for details.)

Creating an Infinity Infinet Controller Object

The usual method for configuring Infinet controllers into the system is known as learning them into the system. The learning procedure is as follows: 1. In Continuum Explorer, click the Explorer bar icon view. , and select the Networks

2. Select the InfinityController to which the Infinet controller is attached. 3. Click the + in the navigation pane to expand the icons beneath the InfinityController. 4. Open the CommPort object that corresponds to the communication port attached to the Infinet controller.
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The CommPort editor appears. 5. In the CommPort editor Settings tab, click the Learn button. This sends information to the InfinityController about the Infinet controllers on the network connected to this communication port. When the learn process completes, you can see the controllers on the Field Bus Controllers tab of the editor. (For more information, see Chapter 8.) 6. Click OK. 7. Refresh the Explorer by selecting Refresh from the View dropdown menu or the Explorers refresh button. The new Infinet controller is now shown. You can now open the controller if you want to view or edit its attributes. See Editing an Infinet Controller Object later in this chapter.

Creating an Infinet Controller Offline

It is possible (but not recommended) for you to create Infinet controllers offline, using the following procedure: 1. In Continuum Explorer, click the Explorer bar icon and select the Networks view.

2. In the Networks view, right click the InfinityController object under which you are adding the Infinet controller, select New, and then InfinityInfinetCtlr. 3. Name your controller in the Object name field. 4. Remove the check from the Put object in folder checkbox. 5. Click the Create button. Enter the controller attributes, and click OK to save the controller object.

Editing an Infinet Controller Object

1. In Continuum Explorer, right click the controller you want to edit, and select Edit. 2. Refer to the following pages to enter information in the tabs of the InfinityInfinetController editor.

General Tab InfintyInfinet Editor

In the General tab, you view and enter information that describes the controller and its location, and to which Infinity comm port it is connected. Description Location Enter up to 32 characters of text that describes the physical characteristics or functionality of the device. Enter up to 32 characters of text that describes the location of the device.

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Select the Infinet controller's model number from the dropdown menu. Note: When you select a BACnet-compliant b36xx, b38xx, or b39xx controller, you are creating an Andover Continuum BACnetcompliant Device object, in addition to an InfinityInfinetCtlr object. To configure BACnet analog, binary, and multistate inputs, outputs, and values for this new BACnet device, you must first create them as Infinity Input, Infinity Output, and Infinity Numeric points. A b3 controller must be reside on a b4 controller. Otherwise the b3 controller selections will not be available in the Model dropdown menu. (See also the subsection, Creating an Andover Continuum b3 Controller, later in this chapter.)

CommPort Infinet Id

Browse to locate the comm port to which this Infinet controller is connected. Enter an ID number for this controller if you are creating this controller offline. Normally, you let CyberStation assign one for you by clicking the Learn button from the Comm Port editor (Chapter 8). This is known as an Infinet Learn. An Infinet Learn checks for new Infinet controllers. If it finds one without an ID number, it assigns a number. If it finds an Infinet controller with an ID number that has been manually entered, it learns that number. You need to perform an Infinet Learn only if your are adding a new Infinet controller. Do not do an Infinet Learn if you are replacing an existing controller. Identifies the b3 BACnet controller by a unique integer. Each controller must have a unique ID. Click the browse button to select the default folder for this controller. CyberStation displays either Online or Offline, depending on whether or not the Infinet controller is in communication with its attached Infinity controller. Click this button to save the configuration to its flash memory in accordance with the attribute value that is set for the ACCRestartMode system variable. Click this button to upgrade the Infinet 2 controllers operating system. You need to locate and select an update (.upd) file to sent o the Infinet 2 controller to update its operating system. Click the button to upgrade the BACnet b3 controllers operating system. (See Chapter 14.) You need to locate and select an update (.upd) file to send to the BACnet b3 controller to update its operation system.

BACnet Device Id Default Folder (Optional) Status

Backup to Flash Update INfinet2 OS Update b3 OS (replaces above button for BACnet controllers)

Andover Continuum CyberStation Configurators Guide 127

Runtime Tab InfinityInfinetCtlr Editor

In the Runtime tab, you can: View information about the controller during runtime. Find the controllers serial and version numbers, as well as information about any errors that may have occurred.

With the exception of Serial #, all of the information on this tab is read-only. In the case of the Serial #, if for some reason the controller had to be replaced, you would enter the new number in the Serial # field.

Serial # Version # Error # Error Time Error Count

Displays the serial number that is filled in when you click the Learn button from the CommPort editor. Displays the version number that is filled in when you click the Learn button from the CommPort editor. Displays the last error to occur on the controller. Displays the time and date that the last error occurred on the controller. Displays the number of errors that have occurred on the controllers since it was last set to zero. Totals up to 255 errors and remains set at 255 until it is reset to zero. Use a Plain English program to reset this attribute.

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Displays the number of times the network has been reconfigured. The network automatically reconfigures itself when it detects a communication error. If a high number of errors and a high number of reconfigs occur, your network may have a loose connection somewhere that is causing the communication error. The Reset button clears the controllers memory.


Security Level Tab InfinityInfinetCtlr Editor

For details in attaching or detaching Security Levels, see Chapter 4, Security. Setting the ACCRestartMode Attribute To specify the restart mode to use, you must set the value of the Infinet 2 system variable ACCRestartMode. 1. In the InfinitySystemVariable folder of the Infinet 2 controller, double click ACCRestartMode. 2. In the InfinitySystemVariable editor, enter the value that corresponds to the restart mode you want to use: Enter this value ACCWarmStartOnly To use The warm start area of the controller flash memory. The system attempts automatically to restore the Infinet 2 controllers RAM to the state it was in at the time of the reset or power failure. With this setting, the ACCStatusBackup is set to ACCBackupInactive. The user backup area of the controller flash memory. The flash backup notification flag (see next page) appears in the Explorer tree when a change or reload occurs to RAM and you must initiate the action by activating the Backup to Flash button which causes the controllers RAN to be restored from the user backup flash area. The flash notification flag, which appears in the Explorer tree when a change or reload occurs to RAM. You must initiate the action by editing the controller and clicking the Backup to Flash button. The controller will first attempt a warm start, and if that fails it will attempt a cool start. This is the system default setting.



3. Enter a description (optional.) 4. Select Enabled in the State dropdown menu. 5. Click the Apply and OK buttons.

Creating an Andover Continuum b3 Controller

The most common and suggested method for creating a BACnet-compliant b3 controller is to open the comm port on the b4 device and perform a learn. Another way to create a b3 controller is:
Andover Continuum CyberStation Configurators Guide 129

1. In Continuum Explorer, right click an Infinity controller. 2. Select New and then select InfinityInfinetCtlr.. 3. In the New dialog, enter the name and alias of the new controller, and click the Create button. 4. In the General tab, from the Model dropdown menu, select a b36xx, b38xx, or b39xx controller. When you select a b3 model, notice that the BACnet field, BACnet Device Id, becomes selectable. Note: You must create a b3 controller residing on a b4 controller. Otherwise, the b3 model selections are not available. 5. Configure the BACnet fields and other configuration attributes, using the InfinityInfinetCtlr editor. For more information on these configuration attributes, see the attribute descriptions in Editing an Infinet Controller Object earlier in this chapter. See also Chapter 14 for more information on BACnet operations.

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Configuring Comm Ports

After a controller is defined its communication ports need to be configured for the devices connect to them. Each Andover Continuum network controller includes provisions for adding other devices. The network controllers include up to four programmable communications interfaces called comm ports and a dedicated interface for the Continuum IOU modules. A comm port is an electrical interface used to connect the controller to an external device such as a printer or a terminal. When you create a controller object, CyberStation automatically creates appropriate comm port objects for each of the comm ports of that controller. You use the CommPort editor to provide settings that enable the comm port to work with the device attached to it.

Supported Device Types

CyberStation supports the following types of devices. Not all comm ports support all of these devices. Make sure that the port you are configuring includes support for the device you select. Printers Printers are typically used to produce hard copy of lists and logs. These devices interface with controllers via an RS-232 serial connection. Andover Continuum controllers and other equipment that communicates over a proprietary version of an RS-485 network called Infinet, a standard BACnet version called the MasterSlave/Token-Passing (MS/TP) network, or a wireless network with a Wireless Adapter affixed to a bCX1 90xx (Infinet) controller or bCX1 40x0 (BACnet) controller. XDrivers are custom interfaces that have been designed to provide an interface between the controller and another device generally manufactured by another company.
Andover Continuum CyberStation Configurators Guide 131

Infinet, MS/TP, Wireless


TankNet L-BUS

TankNet is another version of RS-485 developed for communication between controllers and certain tank-mounted liquid level sensors. LBUS is the cable that connects IOU modules to a CX network controller. Only one LBUS can be connected to a CX controller. Each LBUS can have up to 16 IOU modules on it.

Configuring a Comm Port for a Terminal

Terminals can be connected to controllers two ways: Directly to the controller using up to 50 feet of RS-232 cable Remotely to the controller using a modem The table below shows the comm port settings to use for each controller when you connect a command terminal. Setting Comm Port Number and Default Mode Description You can use the settings indicated for each of the following controller models: 9200/9300: Use AutoSet or Window on COMM1, COMM2, COMM#, and COMM4. On 9300 models, you can also use Command on these ports. AutoSet is the default on COMM3. 9400: Use AutoSet, Window, or Command on COMM1, COMM2, COMM3, or COMM4. AutoSet is the default mode on COMM3. 9924: Use AutoSet, Window, or Command on COMM1 and COMM2. AutoSet is the default mode on COMM2.

Baud Rate

NetController: Use AutoSet, Window, or Command on COMM1, COMM2, COMM3, or COMM4. AutoSet is the default mode on COMM3. The default baud rate setting is 9600. All baud rates are valid, however if you are experiencing communication problems, check the baud rate requirement for your equipment and choose the matching baud rate. CyberStation automatically uses XonXoff for terminals, regardless of which flow control type you select. Click the terminal type that you are using. If you are running a terminal emulation program on a computer, select VT100. This attribute is automatically selected. Deselect it only if your terminal is connected directly to the controller (not through a modem). Select this attribute only if your terminal is not connected to the controller over a modem. This is required.

Flow Control Terminal Type TrackCXD

Direct Connect
132 TAC

Configuring a Comm Port for a Printer

The table below shows the comm port settings to use for each controller when you connect to a printer. Setting Comm Port Number and Default Mode Description You can use the settings indicated for each of the following controller models: 9200: Use COMM1, COMM2, COMM3, or COMM4. Select Printer for Default Mode. 9400: Use COMM1, COMM2, COMM3, or COMM4. Select Printer for Default Mode. 9924: Use COMM1 or COMM2. Select Printer for Default Mode. NetController: Use COMM1, COMM2, COMM3, or COMM4. Select Printer for Default Mode.

Baud Rate

bcx1 Series: Use COMM1 or COMM2. Set the baud rate to match the baud rate of the serial printer you are using. If you are unsure of the printers baud rate, set the comm port baud rate at the lowest setting, then try to print. If the baud rate is set too low, something will usually print, but it may be unintelligible. Change the comm ports baud rate to next higher settings and print again. Continue this process until the printer works properly. Depending on the flow control type required by your printer, select either NoFlowControl, XonXoff, CtsRts, or XonXoffCtsRts. This attribute does not apply to printers.

Flow Control


Configuring a CommPort for an LBus

You can set up a comm port for an Lbus to communicate with one or more IOU modules. Once you set a comm ports default mode to LBus, you cant change it without resetting the controller, so be sure to plan ahead. The table below shows which comm port you should use: Setting Comm Port Number and Default Mode Description You can use the settings indicated for each of the following controller models: 9200: Use COMM4. Select LBus for Default Printer. 9400: There are no LBus comm ports on the 9400 series. 9924: There are no LBus comm ports on the 9924 series. NetController: Use COMM1. Select LBus for Default Printer.
Andover Continuum CyberStation Configurators Guide 133

Baud Rate

The default baud rate is 19.2K. All baud rates are valid. If you are having communication problems, check the baud rate requirements for your equipment, and then make the appropriate selection here. Set to a lower baud rate if you require greater noise immunity. Flow control does not apply to LBus connections. This attributes does not apply to LBus connections.

Flow Control TrackCXD

Configuring a Comm Port for a TankNet

You can configure a TankNet port to use for communicating with a network of Infinity RS485 level-sensing probe through this port. There is a maximum of one TankNet per controller. You can use the RS-485 connectors on the following ports for TankNet: Setting Comm Port Number and Default Mode Description You can use the settings indicated for each of the following controller models: 9200: You COMM1, COMM2, COMM3, or COMM4. Select TankNet for Default Mode. 9400: Use COMM1, COMM2, COMM3, or COMM4. Select TankNet for Default Mode. 9924: Use CustomPort. TankNet is the default mode..

Baud Rate Flow Control TrackCXD

NetController: Use COMM1, COMM2, COMM3, or COMM4. Select TankNet for Default Mode. The default baud rate, 4800, is the only setting allowed for TankNet. Flow control does not apply to TankNet connections. This attribute does not apply to TankNet probes.

Configuring a Comm Port for XDrivers

You can configure a comm port to connect to special equipment. To do this, you will need to purchase Andover Continuum customized software called an XDriver. The table below shows which comm ports are available for XDrivers for each controller. Setting Comm Port Number and Default Mode Description You can use the settings indicated for each of the following controller models:
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9200: Use COMM1, COMM2, COMM3, or COMM4. Select XDriver for Default Mode. 9400: Use COMM1, COMM2, COMM3, or COMM4. Select XDriver for Default Mode. 9924: Use COMM1 or COMM2. Select XDriver for Default Mode. NetController: Use COMM1, COMM2, COMM3, or COMM4.

Select XDriver for Default Mode. NetController II: Use COMM1, COMM2, COMM3, or COMM4. Select XDriver for Default Mode. bxc1 Series: Use COMM1 or COMM2.

Baud Rate Flow Control TrackCXD

ACX 57xx series: Use COMM1. (The ACX57xx controller has only one configurable RS-485 comm port). Select XDriver for Default Mode. The appropriate baud rate may vary depending on the XDriver software. Refer to the instructions provided with the software. Flow control does not apply to XDrivers. In most cases, TrackCXD should be selected. However, this may vary depending on the device. Check the documentation that came with the XDriver to be sure.

What Additional Settings Do I Need to Make? When the default mode is set to XDriver, the Settings tab contains the attributes shown below:
Baud Rate Data Length Parity Stop Bits

Refer to the documentation provided with the XDriver to select the appropriate setting. Refer to the documentation provided with the XDriver to select the appropriate setting. Refer to the documentation provided with the XDriver to select the appropriate setting. Refer to the documentation provided with the XDriver to select the appropriate setting.

Configuring a Comm Port for Infinet, MS/TP, or Wireless

You can configure a comm port to communicate with an Infinet controller, a BACnet MS/TP controller, or a bCX1 series controller equipped with a wireless adapter, communicating with a wireless subnetwork. Note: The Wireless choice is available for the following parent controllers: Infinet bCX1 Model 9640, BACnet bCX1 model 40x0, and NetController II models 9680 and 9681. See the tables below. Note: As a future enhancement, ACX 57xx series controllers will support Wireless, much like the NetController II models 9680 and 9680. A bCX1 series controller can be either an Infinet controller (90x0 model) or a BACnet controller (40x0 model). The Wireless choice is available both the Infinet bCX1 and the BACnet bCX1. For more information, please see the bCX1 Series Controller Technical Reference, 30-3001-890, and the Wireless Adapter Installation Sheet, 30-3001-887. For each controller, the table below lists comm ports to use for Infinet or Infinet Wireless.
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Note: Once you select Infinet and save for the default mode, you cannot change it. 9000 and 9200 9400 9924 NetController (99xx) NetController II (9680 and 9681) Use COMM1 or COMM2. Select Infinet for Default Mode. Use COMM1 or COMM2. Select Infinet for Default Mode. Use the Infinet port. The default mode for this port is Infinet. Use COMM1 or COMM2. Select Infinet for Default Mode. For both Infinet and Wireless, use COMM1 or COMM2. When COMM1 is configured for Infinet and COMM2 is configured for Wireless (or vice versa) there are some special considerations for updating the operating system of the Infinet or Wireless field controllers. (See the descriptions for the buttons on the General tab of the InfinityController editor.) Use COMM1. the ACX 57xx controller has only one configurable RS485 comm port. The default mode for this port is AutoSet. Use COMM1. The default mode for this port is Infinet. Use COMM2. Select Infinet or Wireless for Default Mode.

ACX 57xx series 9702 bCX1 9640

Which Comm Ports Should I Use for MS/TP or BACnet Wireless b4920 bCX1 40x0 Baud Rate Use COMM1. You must use MSTP for Default Mode. Use COMM2. You can select MS/TP or Wireless for Default Mode. The default baud rate is 19.2K baud. Valid baud rates for Infinet also include 1200, 2400, 4800, and 9600. (MSTP also permits 9600 baud. Wireless also permits 19.2K.) Set the baud to a lower rate if you require greater noise immunity. If you are using an Infilink on the Infinet, be sure that their baud rates match. Flow control does not apply to Infinet connections. This attribute does not apply to Infinet connections.

Flow Control TrackCXD

Completing Configuration of Controllers

After you enter and apply settings to connect a controller to a comm port, you use the Learn button to create controller objects with configuration data for each controller connected to this comm port. Learn also sends information about: All the network-connected Infinet controllers to the Infinity controller All the BACnet MS/TP network-connected b3 controllers and other BACnet thirdparty devices to the b4 or bCX1 40x0 controller. All the controllers connected through a wireless subnetwork to the wireless adapter affixed to the bCX1 9640 Infinet controller.

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When the learn process completes, you will be able to see these controllers on the Field Bus Controllers tab. Learn and bCX1 40x0 Controllers Before performing a routine Send to Database operation on a bCX1 40x0 series controller, you must first perform a "learn" operation. This ensures that the bCX1 40x0 first knows about the existence of its BACnet field bus controllers (b3 and third-party controllers). After the learn, the Send to Database fetches object information from all controllers residing on the field bus subnetwork and saves it to the CyberStation database. Before performing the Send to Database operation, make sure you have also selected the Save attached objects and controllers radio button in the Send to Database Options dialog. This ensures that data from child objects in child controllers (attached to the parent bCX1 40x0) are also saved. CAUTION: If you do not do these things, the Send to Database operation may fail for controllers residing on a bCX1 40x0 controller's field bus network. See Chapter 3, Continuum Explorer, for more information on Send to Database operations, and the Send to Database Options dialog. Comm 1 and 2 of a network controller can be configured as Infinet ports. Each Infinet port on a network controller can support up to 127 regular (building automation) Infinet controllers and up to 31 priority (security access and display) Infinet controllers.

Configuring a Comm Port

The comm port you select to configure and the settings you choose in the CommPort editor depend on the model of network controller and the device you want to connect to it. Refer to Comm Port Settings for Specific Devices to identify the appropriate settings to use for you devices. To configure a comm port, follow these steps: 1. In Continuum Explorer, expand the network controller whose comm ports you want to configure. 2. CommPort objects appear in the list of objects in the viewing pane. Double click the CommPort class folder under the controller. 3. Double click the CommPort object you want to configure. 4. In the CommPort editor, select the appropriate settings in each tab as described on the following pages. 5. Click OK.

Andover Continuum CyberStation Configurators Guide 137

General Tab CommPort Editor

In the General tab, enter basic information about the comm port. Note: When Infinet, MSTP, or Wireless is selected in the Default Mode field, another tab, Field Bus Controllers, appears. See Field Bus Controllers Tab, later in this chapter.

Type in a description for the comm port. You can use up to 32 alphanumeric characters. This attribute is optional, but providing a good description can aid other users. The CommPort attribute displays the number of the comm ports you are editing. Each comm port has a default mode. To change the default mode, select a different one from the Default Mode dropdown menu. The Settings tab displays different attributes, depending on the default mode you select. Note: In the event of a controller reset, each comm port reverts to its original default mode. For a complete list of default modes for each comm port on each controller, please see the section, Default Modes, later in this chapter. Printer Command Select this option when connecting a serial printer to this port. Select this option when you are connecting a VT100 or VT200 type terminal to this port and you want to have the terminal to display a command line. If you want the terminal to display windows and menus, select the Window option instead. To switch between Window and Command mode at the terminal, select the AutoSet option. Select this option to set up this comm port as an Infinet port. An Infinet port connects an Infinity controller to an Infinet network. When the default mode is set to Infinet, another tab is added to the CommPort editor: Field Bus Controllers. Select this option to set up this comm port as a BACnet Master-Slave/Token-Passing (MS/TP) port. The MS/TP option is the only option available on the b4920. It is also available on bCX1 40x0 BACnet controllers. MS/TP is required for the b4920 controller to communicate with other BACnet devices, such as b3 controllers.

Comm Port Number Default Mode

Infinet (Comm 1 and 2 Only)


138 TAC


Select this option to use a Wireless Adapter on a bCX1 96xx Infinet controller or a bCX1 40x0 BACnet controller, communicating over a wireless subnetwork. Select this option to set up communications between your controller and one or more IOU boards on an LBus. Lbus is supported for comm4 on a CX9200 or CX9300 controller and comm1 on a NetController. Select this option when you are connecting a VT100 or VT220 type terminal to this port and you want to be able to switch between Window and Command mode. This option provides you with a blank screen when the terminal is first turned on. Type either Window or Command at the blinking cursor to select a mode. Select this option to connect to an Infinity levelsensing probe. Select this option to use a customized external equipment driver to connect to a special piece of equipment. Note: Before you can select the XDriver, you must first install it using the instructions provided with the software. To select an XDriver file, click the browse button to locate and select the file for the XDriver. Depending on how you installed the XDriver, the file may or may not have a file extension of .xdr.



TankNet XDriver (Support for an XDriver must be purchased)


Select this option if the comm port is available. Indicates that the port is not preset to any other default mode configuration.

Viewing the Status of an XDriver Device In the General tab, click the XDriver Status button to view the status of the device that is using the XDriver. The XDriver Status button displays the following read-only information:

Andover Continuum CyberStation Configurators Guide 139

Status Error Error Time Error Count

Displays the status of the device, or XdrvNotInstalled when no XDriver file has been selected. Displays the last error to occur on the device. Displays the time and date that the last error occurred on the device. Displays the number of errors that have occurred on the device since you last set it to zero. Increments to 255 errors and remains set at 255 until you reset it to zero by clicking the Reset Count button.

Settings Tab CommPort Editor

The Settings tab is where you view or edit the communications speed and handshaking settings for the mode that you have chosen for the port. Depending on which Default Mode you select on the General tab, some of the attributes on this tab may be unselectable (appear gray).

140 TAC

Baud Rate

The Baud rate is the speed, measured in bits per second, at which the controller sends information to the device that you are connecting to the comm port. Select the baud rate that matches that required by the equipment connected to this port. This option monitors a communications carrier detect signal called CXD. When selected, it enables the controller to detect when communication with connected objects has been lost. Depending on your modem configuration, the CXD (sometimes called DCD) signal (pin 8 on an RS-232 connector) is asserted "high" when the communications link is established between modems. Once the carrier signal is lost, CXD goes "low." Track CXD looks for this high-to-low transition and makes the controller reset this comm port to its default mode. Track CXD cleans up the comm port by logging off the last user. Track CXD is selected by default, and it is required for comm ports that are connected to modems. If Track CXD is not selected, the controller cannot respond to the loss of the CXD signal.

Track CXD

Andover Continuum CyberStation Configurators Guide 141

Flow Control

The flow control type determines how the comm port handles the flow of data between the controller and its attached device (usually a printer, modem or terminal). This process is also known as handshaking. Select one of the following options from the dropdown menu:

Select this flow control type if you do not want to regulate the flow of information between the controller and its attached printer, modem, or terminal. Without a flow control type, buffers that hold data that is being transmitted or received could overflow, and some data could get lost. This flow control type uses hardware signals to send "clear to send" (Cts) and "request to send" (Rts) messages. Both of these messages must be acknowledged by the controller and its attached device before information can be transmitted. This control flow type uses software signals in the form of characters that are sent as part of the data being transmitted. When the controller or its attached device detects that it has been sent an Xon character, it makes itself available to receive data. It considers all data received after the Xon character as valid. When it detects an Xoff character at the end of the data stream, the controller or attached device knows the transmission is complete. This flow control type uses both the software (XonXoff) and hardware (CtsRts) handshake methods for regulating the flow of information between the controller and its attached device.




Current Mode

This is a read-only attribute that shows you the default mode selected in the General tab.

SecurityLevel Tab CommPort Editor

Refer to Chapter 4 for details regarding attaching or detaching SecurityLevel objects.

Field Bus Controllers Tab CommPort Editor

When you set Default Mode on the General tab to Infinet, MSTP, or Wireless, on the Field Bus Controllers tab is added to the CommPort editor appears. This tab displays the controllers that reside on their respective field bus network Infinet, BACnet MS/TP, or Wireless connected to this comm port. The controllers will not display, however, until you click the Learn button on the Settings tab. The CommStatus column displays either Online or Offline for controllers listed in the Name column. When a controller is Online, it is communicating with the rest of the network. When a controller is Offline, it is not in communication with the rest of the network.. This information is read only.
142 TAC

Summary of Comm Port Characteristics

The following table presents a summary of default modes and other modes for comm ports in the following controllers. 9200
Infinet Port

User Port

Default Mode: Not Configured Other Modes: Window AutoSet Infinet TankNet XDriver Command on 9300

Default Mode: Not Configured Other Modes: Window AutoSet Infinet TankNet XDriver Command on 9300

Default Mode: AutoSet Other Modes: Window TankNet XDriver Command on 9300

Default Mode: Not Configured Other Modes: Window AutoSet Lbus TankNet XDriver Command on 9300



Andover Continuum CyberStation Configurators Guide 143

Infinet Port

User Port

Default Mode: Not Configured Other Modes: Window Command AutoSet Infinet TankNet XDriver

Default Mode: Not Configured Other Modes: Window Command AutoSet Infinet TankNet XDriver

Default Mode: AutoSet Other Modes: Window Command Printer TankNet XDriver Command

Default Mode: Not Configured Other Modes: Window Command AutoSet TankNet XDriver

Default Mode: LON Other Modes: XDriver


Infinet Port
Default Mode: Infinet Other Mode: XDriver

User Port

Default Mode: Not Configured Other Modes: Window Command AutoSet XDriver

Default Mode: AutoSet Other Modes: Window Command AutoSet XDriver




Default Mode : TankNet Other Mode : XDriver

Infinet Port

User Port

Default and only Mode: Infinet

Default Mode: AutoSet Other Modes: Printer





Infinet Port

User Port

Default Mode: Not Configured Other Modes: Window AutoSet Infinet TankNet XDriver Command L-BUS

Default Mode: Not Configured Other Modes: TankNet XDriver

Default Mode: AutoSet Other Modes: Window Printer XDriver Command

Default Mode: Not Configured Other Modes: XDriver

Default Mode: LON Other Modes: XDriver


144 TAC

NetController II 9680 and 9681

Infinet Port User Port COMM1 Default Mode: AutoSet Other Modes: Printer Infinet Lbus LON PPP Wireless XDriver COMM2 Default Mode: AutoSet Other Modes: Printer Infinet Wireless XDriver COMM3 Default Mode: AutoSet Other Modes: Printer PPP XDriver COMM4 Default Mode: AutoSet Other Modes: Printer I Lbus XDriver COMM16 Default Mode: LON Other Modes: XDriver CustomPort -

ACX 57XX Series

Infinet Port UserPort COMM1 Default Mode: AutoSet Other Modes: Infinet Wireless XDriver COMM2 COMM3 COMM4 COMM16 CustomPort -

Note: Although Wireless is a selection for COMM1, ACX 57xx series controllers will support Wireless as a future enhancement. bCX1 96xx
Infinet Port User Port

Default Mode: AutoSet Other Modes: Printer PPP Xdriver

Default Mode: AutoSet Other Modes: Infinet Wireless Printer Xdriver





Andover Continuum CyberStation Configurators Guide 145

bCX1 40x0
Infinet Port User Port

Default Mode: AutoSet Other Modes: Printer

Default Mode: Autoset Other Modes: MS/TP Wireless Printer





146 TAC

Creating IOU Module Objects

After you finish configuring a controller with the Comm port editor, you can define your input and output. Start by defining the IOU modules with the IOUModule editor. IOU modules are electrical units that contain a number of input and/or output circuits that are electrically and sometimes physically attached to controllers. They provide controllers with the ability to interface with the outside world. There are four types of IOU Modules: Input modules Output modules Mixed input and output modules Special-purpose modules

Andover Continuum CyberStation Configurators Guide 147

Creating an IOU Module Object

The following steps allow you to add an IOU Module object for an IOU Module connected to a controller. 1. Right click the controller that you want to own this module, select New, and then select IOUModule. 2. When the New dialog appears, name the IOUModule and click Create.

General Tab IOUModule Editor

Use the General tab to enter basic information about the IOU module.


The description is optional, but a good description of the IOUModule object helps others when they need to test, modify or manipulate the network. To enter a description, type up to 32 characters (including spaces) in the text field. Enter the IOU number here. You must manually assign a unique number (between 1 and 32) for each IOU module on a network controller. Physically label the IOU modules with the numbers you assign. This number is not the same as the 12-digit module ID # assigned to the individual module at the factory. You will use this number when you configure points on this controller.

IOU Number

Model Number

The model number identifies the type of the IOUModule and is read from the module.

148 TAC

Comm Status Module ID and Program ID

This displays Online or Offline, depending on whether the controller is in communication with the module. These TAC-assigned numbers appear after the Learn process. The only time you will need these numbers is when speaking to a TAC Support Representative. These numbers will help our staff to answer your questions. You may manually enter the Module ID number in this field, (if you know it), rather than following the Learn process. Use the Learn button to commission the IOU module on the network. See Commissioning an IOU Module later in this chapter. Use the Wink button after commissioning the IOU module to confirm that your system recognizes the IOU module. Click the Wink button. The Status light on the IOU module should flash. This indicates the IOU module was successfully commissioned. Click the Update IOU button to browse for a *.iou file (a TAC-provided Flash File for individual modules) when updating IOU modules with new firmware.

Learn Wink

Update IOU

SecurityLevel Tab IOUModule Editor

The SecurityLevel tab shows the object security level and access privileges for the object. For more information, see Chapter 4, Security.

Commissioning an IOU Module

Perform this procedure after installing the IOU module on the controller. 1. In the IOUModule editor, click the Learn button. A dialog displays requesting the operator to press the Commission button on the physical module. 2. At the IOU Module, press the Commission button on the front panel. The dialog at the workstation should disappear indicating that it received the information from the module. If the module is not easily accessible, you can enter the module ID found on the label inside the cover of the module into field, and click the Apply button. 3. In the IOUModule editor, click the Refresh button. The ModuleID for commissioned module, the ProgramID field, and the IO model type (i.e., AO-4-8) are automatically entered. This information was received from the module. Also, the Comm Status should be online.

Andover Continuum CyberStation Configurators Guide 149

Replacing an IOU Module

Proceed as follows: 1. Remove power from the I/O Bus where the module is to be installed. 2. Replace the module, and re-apply power. 3. In CyberStation, open the IOUModule editor for the module you are replacing, and click the Learn button. 4. At the IOU Module, press the Commission button found on the front panel of the module. If the module is not easily accessible, you can enter the module ID found on the label inside the cover of the module into the field, and click the Apply button. 5. In the IOUModule editor, click the Refresh button. The Module ID for commissioned modules, the ProgramID field and the IO model type (that is, AO-4-8) are automatically entered. This information was received from the module. Also, the Comm Status should be on-line. Check that the version of the module reported on this screen is compatible with the current version of CyberStation. The fourth field in the Program ID is the version number. For example the Program ID of a DO-4 with version 10 is: 81:11:01:10:00:04:00:01

Version number

150 TAC

Configuring Alarms
Considering the Alarm System


Before setting up your alarm system, you need to consider the following questions: 1. What points or network objects do I want to monitor for example, space temp sensors? 2. What conditions would cause a point to be in an alarm state high limit, low limit, or off setpoint? 3. What actions do I would want to take place in the system in response to that point meeting those conditions? For example, alarms can be configured to send flashing alarm messages, play audio files, or send email in response to an alarm. 4. Who should be notified that an alarm condition exists? The size of your system will help to determine how may different sets of actions you should configure for alarms. If you have only one place to send alarms, you dont need to create a lot of different sets of actions to be taken in response to alarms. Once you have decided what points need to have alarms, what the alarms will do, and who will be notified, you can begin using Continuum editors to create alarm system objects. Alarm objects are configured in the reverse order of the steps used in thinking about the alarm system described above.

Alarms and BACnet

Alarms are created as AlarmEnrollments for Infinity objects, and they are created as BACnet EventEnrollments for BACnet objects. An EventEnrollment defines a standardized object that represents and contains the information required for managing events within BACnet systems. You use the AlarmEnrollment editor to create, access, and edit AlarmEnrollment objects. Similarly, you use the EventEnrollment editor for BACnet EventEnrollment objects. (Please see Chapter 14 for a description of EventEnrollments and the EventEnrollment editor.)

Andover Continuum CyberStation Configurators Guide


Basic Steps for Setting Up Alarms

To set up alarms for Continuum objects use the following basic steps: 1. Create the EventNotification object(s) you need.
2. Create the AlarmEnrollment or EventEnrollment object(s) you need, each of which is associated with an EventNotification object. 3. On the Alarms tab (or Advanced Alarms tab) of an object editor, attach AlarmEnrollment objects to the point or network object.

About EventNotification Objects

EventNotification objects are linked to AlarmEnrollment objects, EventEnrollment (BACnet) objects, or basic alarms. One EventNotification can be associated with multiple alarm enrollment objects. EventNotification objects define which workstations receive events. The event states that are processed by Event Notification objects are: alarms, returns to normal, and alarm faults. In addition to event routing, Event Notifications define which hours events will be reported, and what actions are taken upon receiving the event such as: emailing, paging, logging, printing, displaying the alarm view, displaying graphics, running programs, playing audio, blinking, and so on. Event Notification objects provide prioritization of events, repeat timer functionality, acknowledgement rules, color coding, and deactivation criteria. For example, a workstation can be configured to display events between the hours of 9-5, and use the paging feature during the hours of 5-9 only if the alarm remains unacknowledged for the repeat interval. EventNotification objects route alarms to different workstations based on the problem source. For instance, security alarms can be routed to the guard workstation, HVAC alarms can be routed to the maintenance workstation, and IOModuleStatus alarms can be routed to the administrators station. Another usage is segmenting a site EventNotifications can route alarms to different workstations based on the source of the event. For instance, all events occurring in BuildingA can be routed to WorkstationA and all events occurring in BuildingB can be routed to WorkstationB. We recommend you that you use EventNotification objects as severity levels. For example, create EventNotification objects named Warning, Critical, and Alert, and associate appropriate events with them accordingly. Furthermore, if site segmentation is used, we recommend that the location is added to the name. For example, the name BuildingACritical would be used in the example above. Adding and removing recipients from an event notification can affect the way several alarms are routed because a single event notification object can be attached to several alarm enrollment objects.

About Configuring Alarm System Components

To complete the tabs of the EventNotification and AlarmEnrollment object editors, you type information into text fields and make selections from dropdown menus in the tabs of

152 TAC

the editors. You then open a point editor and attach AlarmEnrollment objects to the point and set other alarm parameters. To create an EventNotification object, youll make decisions based on the following questions: Which colors and fonts will the notification have? Youll answer this question by specifying font styles and background colors for each possible event state. Which notification actions will occur? Youll answer this question by making selections from a list of possible notification actions. Who will be notified of the event? Youll answer this question by creating a list of workstations where notification of the event will be delivered. How will users remove the event from the active alarm view? Youll answer this question by selecting a condition that must exist before Continuum will remove the event from the Active Alarm View. Will Event Notification Include the Playing of Audio Files? Youll answer this question by deciding whether or not to associate an audio file with each possible event state. Who will have permission to make changes to the configuration of this EventNotification? Please refer to Chapter 4, Security.

Andover Continuum CyberStation Configurators Guide


Using the EventNotification Editor

The EventNotification editor is a series of tabs. Each tab contains text fields, buttons, and dropdown menus that youll use to define or modify the EventNotification object. Youll enter text in the text fields and make choices by clicking buttons and selecting from lists of possibilities.


CAUTION When working with EventNotification objects, please be aware that when you edit existing attributes you are changing the way every associated basic alarm and AlarmEnrollment object is delivered.

Creating the EventNotification Object

To create an EventNotification object perform the following steps: 1. In the Explorers navigation pane, right click the Root or the folder to which you want to add an EventNotification object. 2. From the New dialog select EventNotification: 3. When the New dialog appears enter a name for the EventNotification object in the Object name text field. 4. Click the Create button to create the object and bring up the EventNotification editor.

154 TAC

The EventNotification General Tab

In the General tab, you enter basic information about the event.


The description, although optional, is an important part of an EventNotification object. A good description helps future users choose the correct EventNotification object to associate to a particular event or alarm. To enter a description, type it into the Description text field on the General tab. Your description can be up to 32 characters (including spaces) long.

Ack Required

This section is used for BACnet controllers only. Check the appropriate checkbox to specify whether acknowledgement is required in notifications generated for the following event transitions: Alarm ReturnToNormal Fault


Priority numbers help sort events in the Active Alarm View. One of the benefits of sorting by priority number is that it is one way to display critical events at the top of the active list. In the Active Alarm View, you determine whether high or low priority numbers display at the top by selecting either ascending or descending as your sort order. The range of priority numbers is 0 to 254. Each event state receives its own priority number. To enter a priority number for an event state, type it in its text field on the General tab.

Andover Continuum CyberStation Configurators Guide


Colors and Fonts

For every event state you can specify colors and font styles. The colors and fonts you select will display in the status bar and in the Active Event View or Active Alarm View when an event associated with this EventNotification is delivered. To select colors and fonts, place your cursor in the Alarm Colors, RTN Colors or Fault Colors area of the General tab. Right click to display a pop-up menu. To select a new font style and size, select Font. The Font dialog appears. Select a font and font style from the scrollable lists. As you make your selections, youll see an example of the font and all the settings youve chosen in the Sample text field. For more help, click the dialog. button. Click specific area of the Font

Click OK to save your font settings. To select background color and text colors, select Background Color or Text Color. Click a basic color, or click Define Custom Colors if you dont see a color you like. This adds a color matrix to the dialog. Define your color by changing the Hue, Sat, Lum, Red, Green, and Blue settings. You can enter either of these settings, or change them by clicking anywhere in the matrix and by moving the cursor. Click Add to Default Colors when you are finished. For more help, click the dialog. button. Click specific area of the Color

Click OK to save your color settings. Repeat The repeat interval specifies how many minutes the workstation will wait until re-issuing the event. When an event is re-issued, its repeat actions are carried out. Re-issuing continues until the event is either silenced or acknowledged. To enter a repeat interval, type the number of minutes into the Repeat field on the General tab.

156 TAC

Ack Rules

Acknowledgment rules simplify the task of acknowledging alarms whose EventNotification objects are configured for multiple entries. From the General tab, select one of the following rules from the Ack Rules dropdown menu. AckAll - Acknowledge all reported events for the same alarm. AckUntilTime - Acknowledge the currently selected event and all events reported before this one for the same alarm. AckOnlyThisOne - Acknowledge only the currently selected event for this alarm. These acknowledgment rules apply to just one object at a time. For example, if RoomTemp1 and RoomTemp2 both trigger an alarm named TooHot, when the operator acknowledges the alarm triggered by RoomTemp1 the AckAll and AckUntilTime rules wont acknowledge the alarm triggered by RoomTemp2.

Event Configuration

Select either Multiple Entry or Single Entry. This determines whether or not the Active Alarm View will display an additional entry every time the event changes state. Single Entry is recommended, as this will decrease the number of entries in the Active Alarm View. If you select Multiple Entry, select an acknowledgment rule as well.

Understanding Alarms
Every reported event has an attribute named ToState. The value of this attribute is determined by the status of the alarm that triggered the event. At any given time, an event has one of three possible statuses: Alarm, Return to Normal, and Fault. Listed below youll see an explanation of each state and how each one triggers an event. Alarm When an objects attributes changes to what has been previously established as being outside normal operating standards, the objects event state changes to Alarm. If the AlarmEnrollment object or the basic alarm associated with the object has the Alarm report option selected, the controller sends this out as an event. This event displays in the Active Alarm View with a ToState value of Alarm. How and to whom the event is delivered is determined by the AlarmEnrollment objects associated EventNotification object. When an objects attributes changes to what has been previously established as being normal, the objects event state changes to Return to Normal. If the AlarmEnrollment object or the basic alarm associated with the object has the Return to Normal report option selected, the controller sends this out as an event. This event displays in the Active Alarm View with a ToState value of Return to Normal. How and to whom the event is delivered is determined by the AlarmEnrollment objects associated EventNotification object.

Return to Normal

Andover Continuum CyberStation Configurators Guide



When a device that is local to the object detects a fault, the object is said to be in a Fault state. The ability to detect faults and the messages associated with faults vary depending on the device manufacturer. If the AlarmEnrollment object or the basic alarm associated with the object has the Fault report option selected, the controller sends this out as an event. This event displays in the Active Alarm with a ToState value of Fault. How and to who the event is delivered is determined by the associated EventNotification object.

Note: When installing more than 64 CyberStation workstations (NetworkID 191-254), you will need to set the NetworkID to 0 and also set the DeviceID to a unique number. Refer to Setting Up Workstation Parameters in the Continuum Installation Guide, 30-3001-720. CyberStation workstations with NetworkID 0 shall receive alarms and participate as a normal CyberStation.

The EventNotification Actions Tab

The Actions tab lets you define how the event is enunciated.

Print Alarm

If the event is in an Alarm state, sends event notification to the system printer. This action requires the Alarm report option to be selected, and it requires that a workstation is selected as a printer in the Delivery tab. If the event is in a Return to Normal state, sends event notification to the system printer. This action requires the Return to Normal report option to be selected, and it requires that a workstation is selected as a printer in the Delivery tab.

Print Return to Normal

158 TAC

Print Fault

If the event is in a Fault state, sends event notification to the system printer. This action requires the Fault report option to be selected, and it requires that a workstation is selected as a printer in the Delivery tab. Sends a message to the system printer when the event is acknowledged. The message contains the same information that is displayed in the alarm and event viewers. This action requires that a workstation be selected as a printer in the Delivery tab. Runs the Plain English program specified on the Alarms or Advanced Alarms tabs of the alarmed objects editor. Not available for Basic Alarms. Always removes the event from the status line alarm of the Active Alarm View, when acknowledged. If the event is in an Alarm state, causes workstations to beep continuously when the event is delivered. If the event is in a Return to Normal state, causes workstations to beep continuously when an event notification is delivered. If the event is in a Fault state, causes workstations to beep continuously when event is in a Fault state. Plays the alarm audio file selected from the EventNotification or AlarmEnrollment Feedback tab. Plays the Return to Normal audio file selected from the Feedback tab. Plays the fault audio file selected from the Feedback tab. Displays the panel specified on the Alarms or Advanced Alarms tabs of the object editor. Not available for Basic Alarms. Displays the Active Alarm View when the event is received. Note: The Active Alarm Views View menu has an entry called Always on top. When this option is selected, the alarm view will always be the top most window. Displays the surveillance video monitor (the VideoLayout editor) when this alarm event occurs. For more information on VideoLayouts, please see Chapter 25. Causes events to blink in the status line of the Active Alarm View. Note that when Continuum is minimized, its task bar icon will blink instead.

Print Acknowledgment

Run Program

Remove from Alarm Line on Acknowledged Beep on Alarm Beep on Return to Normal Beep on Fault Play Audio on Alarm Play Audio on Return to Normal Play Audio on Fault Display Panel Display Alarm View

Display Video

Blink on Alarm

Andover Continuum CyberStation Configurators Guide


Email on Alarm

Sends an Alarm event notification to all Email recipients in the EventNotification distribution list. Note: When running under Windows XP this distribution list is called Contact.

Email on Return to Normal Email on Fault Email on Acknowledgement Page on Alarm Page on Return to Normal Page on Fault Page on Acknowledgement

Sends a Return to Normal event notification to all Email recipients in the EventNotification distribution list. Sends a Fault event notification to all Email recipients in the EventNotification distribution list. Sends an event acknowledgement message to all Email recipients in the EventNotification distribution list. Sends an Alarm event notification to all pager recipients in the EventNotification distribution list. Sends a Return to Normal event notification to all pager recipients in the EventNotification distribution list. Sends a Fault event notification to all pager recipients in the EventNotification distribution list. Sends an event acknowledgement message to all pager recipients in the EventNotification distribution list.

The EventNotification Delivery Tab

The Delivery tab is where you create a recipient list. Every workstation in the list receives and views events associated with this EventNotification object in the status line of the Alarm Bar and their Alarm View. 160 TAC

Via the Recipients Configuration dialog described on the next page, for each workstation that you add to the recipient list, you specify the following: The valid days the workstation will receive event notification. The valid time periods during which the workstation will receive notification. Which notification actions for which the workstation is responsible. Notification actions include forwarding, printing, e-mailing, paging and logging. These actions are optional; however, for compatibility with Infinity controllers, you must designate one workstation to forward events. Whether the workstation is designated as one that downloads and forwards alarm notification messages to other BACnet recipient workstations. (At least one workstation recipient in the list must be designated this way. See the description of the Download To BACnet Device checkbox on the next page.)

To delete a recipient workstation from the list, select it and click Remove Recipient. To add a recipient, click the Add Recipient button. This displays the Recipients Configuration dialog, shown and described on the next page. Note: The Send to All Workstations checkbox is always unselectable and appears in gray. See the description of the Recipients Configuration dialog, next.


Click the button next to the Recipient field. This displays Continuums Browse dialog for devices. Use this dialog to find the workstation you want. Click Select to insert the correct path and workstation name into the Recipient field.

Andover Continuum CyberStation Configurators Guide


BACnet Address

To ensure that Continuum knows about a specific BACnet destination recipient, and to differentiate between a BACnet global broadcast and delivery to a specific BACnet device, check this checkbox. When you check this box, the Recipient field's browse button becomes a dropdown menu, offering the following choices: Global Broadcast Select this option to deliver event messages as a global BACnet broadcast. Net:MAC Select this option if the message must be delivered to a specific BACnet destination recipient. When you select this option, Net:Mac appears in the Recipient field. Identify the device by entering the network number and the MAC address number for the device in this field. The network number is an integer. The MAC address number is hexadecimal. For example: 13:002B.

The hexadecimal MAC address number must have an even number of digits, include leading zeros in the octet. If you enter an odd number of digits, you will receive an error message. When you select the BACnet Address box, the Primary, Backup, and Repeat checkboxes become disabled. Guarantee Delivery Download To BACnet Device Check this checkbox to guarantee delivery of message, from a BACnet device to CyberStation recipients or other BACnet device recipients. Check this checkbox to download and forward alarms from this recipient workstation to other BACnet recipient workstations. This option conserves memory in BACnet devices in the system. At least one workstation in the recipient list must be designated as a downloading and forwarding workstation. When this is checked for this recipient, the Download column on the Delivery tab displays the value, True. Select the days on which this workstation will receive notification. Simply click the checkboxes next to the days you want. Enter the From and To times this workstation can receive event notification. Select the hour, minute, second, or AM/PM setting you wish to change. Type over the existing value, or click the up and down arrows to change the value. Noncontiguous times are supported such as: From = 7pm To = 6am This is equivalent to 7pm 11:59pm 12am 6am

Valid Days From Time To Time

162 TAC

Primary, Backup, Repeat Transitions

Select forwarding, emailing and paging notification tasks to be carried out by the primary and/or backup workstations as described below. In this section, select the event transition states for an event notification that is sent to this recipient workstation. Check the checkboxes for ToOffNormal, ToFault, and ToNormal. These selections specify which transitions control the delivery of an event notification to this recipient workstation. For example, you may not want to notify a security guard about a device fault.

Distributing Tasks to Several Workstations

Each workstation in your recipient list can be assigned tasks such as printing the event or sending email about the event to a select group of people. By assigning different tasks to different workstations, you can distribute important tasks to your faster machines, and give the less crucial tasks to slower machines. You can also designate a workstation as either the primary or backup machine for each task. Primary workstations are simply workstations that are primarily responsible for the task. Backup workstations only perform the task if the primary workstation is off-line. For this purpose, the Delivery tabs Recipients Configuration dialog has three columns of responsibilities, Primary, Backup, and Repeat, and a list of tasks, shown below:

To display the Recipient Configuration dialog, double-click a recipient you would like to edit, or click the Add Recipient button to work on a new recipient. To assign a task to a workstation, click in either the Primary or Backup column for that task. If you would like the workstation to perform the task only if the event has been repeated, click in the Repeat column as well. The repeat interval is determined by what you set in minutes on the Repeat field on the General tab. (See EventNotification General Tab, earlier in this chapter.) Each column contains the following actions: Print Prints the notification. Alarms, Returns to Normal, faults, and acknowledgements are sent to designated alarm printers of the primary and backup workstations. You can assign the path to the alarm printer via the Continuum Preferences dialog. The Windows default printer is used if the field is left blank. If suppress form feed is selected, it is assumed that a raster printer is being used. In this case, the printer must be local to the printing workstation.

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Sends notification to the other workstations in the recipient list. This is currently used for all alarm acknowledgements, alarm silencing and BACnet alarms. This is applicable to versions earlier than version 1.5, which implemented enhanced alarm logging. If you have an old version (or if the Enhanced Alarm Logging checkbox on the Database Initialization dialog was not checked during Continuum installation) checking the Log box creates a log of events in a Listview.


E-mail Paging

Sends email to everyone in this EventNotification email distribution list. Pages everyone in this EventNotification page distribution list.

Creating an EventNotification Email and Page Distribution List

Requirements for forwarding CyberStation alarms via email or page: The CyberStation workstations that have been designated primary and backup email and/or page handlers must have a MAPI-compliant email client such as MS Exchange or Outlook. The email client application can communicate with an existing email server application, such as MS Exchange Server. The primary or backup email/paging workstation must be running CyberStation at the time an alarm is generated. Each EventNotification object associated with the alarms that you wish to email or page must have its own email distribution list in the personal address book or Contacts list of the client email application using a specified naming convention as outlined in Step 4 below. This email distribution list must be stored in the first address book shown in the list of available address books in the email client application. For example, if you create an EventNotification distribution list in the Personal Address Book in Microsoft Outlook, then the Personal Address Book must be the first one showing in the address list dropdown menu when you open the Address Book.

Creating an EventNotification Distribution List To create an email or page distribution list, proceed as follows: Note: The following steps are based on Microsoft Outlook. Other mail applications may have different menu names and choices but the general procedure is the same. 1. Open the Address Book for the email account on the CyberStation workstation that will be providing the email/paging service(s). Your toolbar may have a button for this. If not, use the Address Book option of the Tools menu. 2. Select New Entry from the Files menu. 3. Select the entry type Personal Distribution List and put this entry in the Personal Address Book. 164 TAC

4. In the Name field enter a name for the distribution list using the following format: For Email: ACC.eventnotification_name For Paging: For example, if your EventNotification object is named Severe, the personal distribution list for email deliveries should be named: ACC.Severe. Likewise, your personal distribution list for page deliveries should be named: Note: Use the EventNotification object Name not the Alias, for example, Critical Temp, not CriticalTemp. 5. Add members (the email addresses or pager and service numbers of those to whom the notification of the alarm will be sent) to your personal distribution lists. 6. Set address book options so that the address book where your personal distribution lists are stored is the first one to be searched when sending emails or pages. For example, in Microsoft Exchange, select Options from the Tools menu. Click the Addressing tab. When sending mail, check names using these address lists in the following order area, use the Add button, then the up or down arrow buttons to add the correct address book to this field and position it at the top of the list.

The EventNotification Deactivate Tab

The Deactivate tab is where you select a condition that must exist before the controller removes the event from the Active Alarm View. To select a condition, click one of the following options:

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Acknowledged Returned to Normal Acknowledged OR Returned to Normal Acknowledged AND Returned to Normal Acknowledged AFTER Returned to Normal

Removes the event when it is acknowledged Removes the event when the event status returns to normal Removes the event when either the event status returns to normal, or is acknowledged Removes the event when both the event status returns to normal and is acknowledged Removes the event when it is acknowledged only after its status returns to normal.

Note: You can use the deactivation criteria along with the reporting options in the alarm enrollment editor to achieve the desired results.

The EventNotification Feedback Tab

Use the Feedback tab to associate an audio file to each event state.

You use audio files when you want a recorded message or sound to play on workstations when an event is delivered. You can associate a different audio file to each event state. This is useful for alerting and informing operators as to the specific and appropriate response for different event states. Here are some basic points to keep in mind when associating audio files: For every audio file you add to this tab, make sure you select the corresponding action on the Actions tab. In other words, if you associate an audio file with the Alarm state, select Play Audio on Alarm on the Actions tab. You may also select audio files for AlarmEnrollment objects. Every AlarmEnrollment object has a designated EventNotification object that defines how the alarm will be

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delivered. When an AlarmEnrollment object with audio has an EventNotification object with audio files, the AlarmEnrollment audio files take precedence. Some objects can have basic alarms in addition to associated AlarmEnrollment objects. Basic alarms are specific to one object, unlike AlarmEnrollment objects, which can be associated to many objects. Like AlarmEnrollment objects, basic alarms have designated EventNotification objects that define how the basic alarm will be delivered. Consequently, the audio files you specify on this tab will apply to all basic alarms associated with this EventNotification object. To associate an audio file to an Alarm, Return to Normal or Fault event state, click button next to the appropriate text field. This will display the dialog shown the below:

Audio files have a .wav file extension. You may have to navigate to the system folder that contains your audio files. Click the button, then click in the Look in field for help on moving to different folders. Once you have found the file you want, select it and click the Open button. This will close the dialog and insert the correct path and audio file name into the Feedback tab.

The EventNotification Security Level Tab

For details in attaching or detaching Security Levels, see Chapter 4, Security.

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About AlarmEnrollment
AlarmEnrollment objects define the set of conditions used to determine when a point is in an alarm state. They specify the text messages that appear in the Active Alarm View. When you create objects in Continuum, you have the option to attach up to eight alarms to it. For example, you could set up an InfinityInput object for a temperature sensor so that an alarm goes off when the temperature gets too high. Each AlarmEnrollment object is associated with an EventNotification object. To create an AlarmEnrollment object, youll make decisions based on the following questions: Which attributes will trigger this alarm? Youll answer this question by selecting an attribute on the General tab. Most of the time alarms are set up to monitor the value attribute. Who will be notified of this alarm? Youll answer this question by selecting an EventNotification object on the General tab. EventNotification objects determine, among other things, which workstations receive notification, and which methods are used for notification. What Algorithm will this alarm use? Youll answer this question by selecting an algorithm and providing its parameters on the Algorithms tab. An algorithm is a set of rules by which an alarm is evaluated. What will operators see and hear when this alarm goes off? Youll answer this question by writing text messages and selecting audio files for each event state. The text messages you write will appear in the Active Alarm View, alarm log, emails, pages, and printer output. After you have configured an alarm, you can review the details of the configuration with the following: Active Alarm View All Alarms ListView

Object editors Note: Continuum provides coverage for BACnet compliant devices. Configuring alarms for these devices requires a new object class called EventEnrollment. Refer to Chapter 14 for more information on the EventEnrollment editor.

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Using the AlarmEnrollment Editor

The AlarmEnrollment editor is a series of tabs. Each tab contains text fields, buttons, and dropdown menus that you use to define or modify AlarmEnrollment objects. Youll enter text in the text fields, and make choices by clicking buttons and selecting from lists of possibilities.

The AlarmEnrollment General Tab

The General tab is where youll enter basic information about the event. Youll provide information for the following attributes:


The description, although optional, is an important part of an AlarmEnrollment object. A good description helps future users. To enter a description, type it into the Description text field on the General tab. Your description can be up to 32 characters (including spaces) long.

Event Notification

Browse for an EventNotification object. This will insert the correct path and object name into the Event Notification text field.

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Alarmed Attribute

Only used for workstation alarms. Select an attribute from the dropdown menu. This is a list of all of the possible attributes from all object classes. Based on the algorithm parameters you set on the Algorithms tab, the value of the attribute you select from this list triggers the alarm. For security applications, the Alarmed Attribute will always be Value. Infinity always uses Value for a hi/lo limit or expression.


When checked, each Send option causes the event to be displayed to the Active Alarm View and all recipients on the notification list when the associated point changes to that status. The Alarm option reports the alarm when the point goes into an alarm state. The Return to Normal option reports the alarm when the point returns to normal. The Fault option reports the alarm when a BACnet device local to the point detects and reports a mechanical fault. For example, if both Alarm and Return to Normal are checked, the event is displayed when the point first goes into alarm and again when it returns to normal. If no option is checked, no events are reported.

Alarm Type

The selection you make here determines what fields display on the Algorithms tab of this editor. The choices of Infinity alarm types are: Expression Infinity Low Limit Infinity High Limit *Change of State *Command Failure *Floating Limit *Out of Range *These alarms are only applicable to BACnet objects. Refer to The EventEnrollment Algorithms Tab in Chapter 14.

Notification Type

From the dropdown menu, select a notification type. The notification type specifies whether the notification message appears in the Active Alarm View as an alarm message, an event message, or a message of event acknowledgement.

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The AlarmEnrollment Algorithms Tab

The attributes on this tab change, depending on the Alarm Type you selected from the General tab.

Time Delay

Time Delay appears on the Algorithms tab for each of the choices of Alarm Type. In the Time Delay field, enter the number of seconds you want to postpone evaluating the alarm. For example, you may decide that the point value can exceed or fall below its alarm boundaries for 30 seconds before the alarm goes off. Note: The alarm must be active at the end of the time delay. Using time delays cuts down on the number of active alarms and reduces both system traffic and operator responsibility by filtering out some nuisance alarms

Algorithm Fields

The other fields that appear on the Algorithms tab differ according to the Alarm Type selected on the General tab. The above figure reflects an Expression Alarm Type selection.

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Algorithm Parameters for an Infinity High Limit Alarm Infinity High Limit Alarms can be attached to the following Infinity objects: InfinityNumeric InfinityInput InfinityOutput InfinityDateTime

InfinitySystemVariable When you select Infinity High Limit from the Alarm Type of the General tab, the following fields appear on the Algorithms tab.

This algorithm is used with Infinity points to report an alarm if the alarmed attribute value changes to a value that is equal to or above a high limit that you specify. Youll also specify a value that the value must change to (or below) before a Return to Normal state can be reported. To Use an Infinity High Limit Algorithm: 1. Enter a high limit value in the text field marked High Limit. 2. Enter a return to normal value in the text field marked Return to Normal. Algorithm Parameters for an Infinity Low Limit Alarm Infinity Low Limit Alarms can be attached to the following Infinity objects: InfinityNumeric InfinityInput InfinityOutput InfinityDateTime

InfinitySystemVariable When you select Infinity Low Limit from the Alarm Type of the General tab, the following fields appear on the Algorithms tab:

This algorithm is used with Infinity points to report an alarm if the alarmed attribute value changes to a value that is equal to or below a low limit that you specify. Youll also specify a value that the value must change to (or above) before a Return to Normal state can be reported.

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To Use an Infinity Low Limit Algorithm: 1. Enter a low limit value in the text field marked Low Limit. 2. Enter a return to normal value in the text field marked Return to Normal. Algorithm Parameters for an Expression Alarm When you select Expression from the Alarm Type dropdown menu of the General tab, the following field appears on the Algorithms tab:

To enter an expression, type it into the text field. How Do Expression Alarms Work? An expression algorithm tests for a condition that is not within normal operating parameters. This condition is defined using an expression such as: ABS(VALUE - Point1) > 3 If the expression results in a value of TRUE, the associated point reports an alarm. If the expression results in a value of FALSE, the associated point does not report an alarm. Alarm Points in Expressions Alarm points allow you to attach an expression alarm to multiple points. The expression on the Algorithms tab does this by including a "point" variable name, rather than an actual point name. When this expression alarm, in turn, is attached to an object (for example, an AnalogInput or a Door) the alarm references up to four alarm points, which are named Point 1, Point 2, Point 3, and Point 4. Alarm point configuration is performed via the Alarm Points dialog:

The Alarm Points dialog is accessed from the Alarms tab or Advanced Alarms tab of the following object editors: AnalogInput, AnalogOutput, AnalogValue, BinaryInput, BinaryOutput, BinaryValue, Door, InfinityInput, InfinityNumeric, InfinitySystemVariable, MultistateInput, MultistateOutput, MultistateValue, or Network. (See: Attaching Alarms to a Point, later in this chapter.)

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Using alarm points saves you the trouble of having to change the expression every time you attach an expression alarm to a different point. You must configure these alarm points when you attach an alarm to an object. That is, you must specify the actual point names for every alarm point the expression references. The referenced point, for example, can be an input-point temperature reading.

The AlarmEnrollment Feedback Tab

The Feedback tab lets you write text messages for the Active Alarm View list and the Alarm Bar and to associate an audio file with each event state.

Text Messages

You can write a different message for each possible event state, Alarm, Return to Normal and Fault. Continuum supports wild card characters %n and %d, which inserts the corresponding name and description of the alarmed object. For example, %n went into alarm yields: mytempsensor went into alarm. A good text messages alerts operators to the nature and severity of the alarm. For example, Temperature is too high or Door Forced Open. For more on Text Messages, see the next section, Writing Alarm Messages.

Audio Files

Use audio files when you want a recorded message or sound to play on workstations when an event is delivered. You can associate a different file with each event state. This is useful for alerting and informing operators as to the specific and appropriate response for different event states.

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Note: For every audio file you add to this tab, select the corresponding action on the Actions tab of the associated EventNotification object. In other words, if you associate an audio file with Alarm, make sure the associated EventNotification object has Play Audio on Alarm selected on its Actions tab. Note: Some EventNotification objects have audio files associated with event states as well. When an AlarmEnrollment object with audio has an associated EventNotification object with audio files, the AlarmEnrollment audio files take precedence.

Writing Alarm Messages

Use the Feedback tab to write the text message that will appear in the active list and the Alarm Bar. You can write a different message for each possible state: Alarm, Return to Normal, and Fault. Good text messages alert operators to the nature and severity of the alarm. To enter a text message, type it into the appropriate text field.

Using the Name and Description Fields of Objects as Alarm Message Text
You can create custom alarm messages with the %D and %N features of Continuum, without creating custom AlarmEnrollment objects for each Alarm, Return to Normal, or Fault: %D is like a shortcut to the Description field of the object to which the AlarmEnrollment is attached. %N is like a shortcut to the Name field of the object to which the AlarmEnrollment is attached. Use %D or %N in your text messages in the Alarm, Return to Normal, or Fault fields on the Feedback tab to insert the Description or Name of the object in alarm. When a point alarm, return to normal, or fault is generated, the message in Active Alarm View (see page 10-180) displays the point Description field inserted in place of the %D character and the point Name field inserted in place of the %N character. Example: A motion detector is configured as an InfinityInput named "Motion3B" and has a Description field entry "motion detect in 3rd fl comp lab, bldg B". An AlarmEnrollment object for an after hours motion alarm is created with the alarm text message, "%N, the %d, is in alarm. Call the security desk at 978 470-0555". When generated, the alarm will read "Motion3B, the motion detector in the 3rd floor computer lab, building B, is in alarm. Call the security desk at 978 470-0555". Note: This feature is case-insensitive. %D is the same as %d, %N is the same as %n.

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Attaching Alarms to a Point

Once you have created the appropriate EventNotification and AlarmEnrollment objects, you need to open a point object editor. From the navigation pane of the Continuum Explorer: 1. Double click the Infinity controller that contains the points you want to alarm. 2. In the viewing pane of Continuum Explorer, right click the icon for the point, and select Open from the drop down menu. The object editor for that point will appear. 3. Select the Alarms tab (or Advanced Alarms tab on some object editors). The Alarms tab (or Advanced Alarms tab) appears. For example:

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Using the Alarms / Advanced Alarms Tab of an Object Editor

Use the Alarms tab (or Advanced Alarms tab) to browse for up to eight AlarmEnrollment objects to attach to the point. To attach an alarm to an object: 1. Click the browse button in one of the empty alarm fields. 2. Search and find the alarm you want. 3. Click the Select button. 4. Check the Enabled checkbox. To delete an attached alarm, select its name in the text field and press the Delete key on your keyboard. Graphic Click the browse button in the Graphic field to search for the desired graphic panel that you want to appear when the alarm goes off. Select the page number of the graphic panel you want first to appear. Click the browse button in the Program field to search for the desired report program or any other Plain English program to this object. Note: You cannot select an HTML report directly. To associate an HTML report with an object, you must select a program that uses the SHOWREPORT keyword to run an HTML report. An example of the SHOWREPORT keyword is: SHOWREPORT C:\PROGRAM FILES\CONTINUUM\REPORTS\SYSTEMCHK.HTM Alarm Points Alarm points allow any expression alarm that you attach on this tab to reference up to four "alarm points," named Point 1, Point 2, Point 3, and Point 4. Using alarm points saves you the trouble of having to change the expression (via the Algorithms tab of the AlarmEnrollment editor for that alarm object) every time you attach an expression alarm to a different point:


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See: Algorithm Parameters for an Expression Alarm, earlier in this chapter. To configure these alarm points for an attached expression alarm, click the Alarm Points button to bring up the Alarm Points dialog:

Using the Alarm Points dialog, you must specify the actual point names for every alarm point the attached expression alarm references. The referenced point, for example, can be an input-point temperature reading. (See also: Using an Expression Algorithm.) Follow this procedure: 1. In the General tab of the AlarmEnrollment editor, for the alarm you want to attach, make sure that you select Expression for the Alarm Type. Any attached alarm to which you want to apply alarm points must be an expression alarm. 2. In the Algorithms tab of the AlarmEnrollment editor, enter the expression in the Expression field. When you want to use alarm points, the alarm point name (point1, point2, point3, or point4) must be part of the expression. For example: ...value > point1 + 2... 5. Save the AlarmEnrolllment object after making these expression-alarm changes. 6. On this tab of this editor, click the Alarm Points button to search for and select the name of an object for every alarm point referenced by attached expression alarm. The Alarm Points dialog appears, showing fields 178 TAC

where you may specify up to four point names, Point 1 through Point 4. 7. Click the browse button in one of the point's fields. 8. Once you have found the point you want, click the Select button. That point specified in the field will be associated with that alarm point and applied to the attached expression alarm, which references the point. 9. Click OK. Video Points Click the Video Points button to bring up the Video Points dialog:

Use the Video Points dialog to assign cameras to doors and points and configure parameters that control video images, via VideoLayout objects, during alarm conditions. When the alarm goes off, a video layout is launched (if a VideoLayout object has been configured to work with video points) and displays the "video point" camera images in the its video image frames. In the Video Points dialog, you may also configure a camera to record a video clip, for specified number of seconds, when the alarm goes off. For complete information about video layouts and video configuration, please see Chapter 25, Configuring and Viewing Video. Use the Video Points dialog to assign between one and four "video point" cameras point 1 through point 4. Use the Video Servers dropdown menu to select a video server on which the camera is located. (A VideoServer object must be already configured and the server online. See Using the Video Server Editor in Chapter 25.) Use the Cameras dropdown menu to select a camera for the numbered video point. (The camera must be configured and enabled on the selected video server.) Check the Rec. checkbox to enable the recording of a video clip from the selected camera. Recording begins at the moment the alarm goes off. In the Duration field, use the up and down arrows to select the number of seconds to record a video clip, once you check the Rec. checkbox. In the PTZ field, select the number of the preset camera view. (These PTZ

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(pan, tilt, zoom) capabilities are configured on the Integral video servers, using Integral software. See Overview of Integration and Configuration in Chapter 25.) If you are associating a VideoLayout with the video points for this object, then you must first reference these video points from the General tab of the VideoLayout editor. (See Chapter 25.)

Active Alarm View

The active alarm view window displays a list of active alarms. From this window you can perform the following basic tasks: Respond to alarms View information about alarms to which other operators have already responded

Organize alarm information The active alarm view is displayed one of two ways: Alarm View mode Status Line mode

The Active Alarm view is never displayed in both modes it is always in one or the other mode selected by the user.

The Alarm View Mode

To enter the Active Alarm View mode: 1. Right click the alarm icon in the Windows tool tray.

2. From the popup menu, select Alarm Viewer. The Active Alarm View window appears on the screen:

Components of the Active Alarm View The Active Alarm View window contains a menu bar, a tool bar, and a list of alarms. A horizontal scroll bar at the bottom of the view is used to expand the Alarm List in order to cover all the information provided for each alarm. (See The Alarm List, later in this chapter.) 180 TAC

The Menu Bar Just beneath the Active Alarm View title bar is the menu bar. The menu bar consists of the following menus: ObjectUsing_the_Object_Menu>(w95sec) View Acknowledge Mute

Help Each of these menus is discussed below. The Object Menu The Object menu options are not available in this release: The View Menu The View menu consists of the following options. A check mark to the left of a menu option indicates that option is selected:

Menu Option Toolbar Status Bar Sort Auto Sort

Description Displays the tool bar when selected. Hides the tool bar when not selected. Displays the status bar when selected. Hides the status bar when not selected. Displays the Sort Criteria dialog, which defines the criteria for sorting the contents of the active alarm view. Automatically sorts the contents of the active alarm view whenever a new alarm is received, according to the criteria defined in the Sort Criteria dialog.

Andover Continuum CyberStation Configurators Guide


Menu Option Freeze Add/Remove Columns Always on Top

Description Stops alarm list scrolling when selected. Allows alarm list scrolling when not selected. Allows you to add or remove columns from the Active Alarm View. Upon opening the active alarm view, places the window on top of all other windows on your desktop. When you make this selection, you are prevented from clicking on any other window or process and bringing it in front of the Active Alarm View window. Hides the active alarm view. When the active alarm view is hidden, the alarm view icon blinks in the alarm tray. Places the Active Alarm View into status line mode. The alarm that appears in the alarm status line is the first alarm (at the top of the list) that either has not been acknowledged or has been acknowledged but does not have the Remove From Status Line When Acknowledged box checked in the event notification object assigned to the alarm. In status line mode, the active alarm view list never appears. Likewise, in alarm view mode, the alarm status line never appears. Displays the alarm enrollment editor associated with the selected alarm. Displays the event notification editor that is associated with the selected alarm. Displays the object editor of the object that is associated with the selected alarm. Displays and runs the report program that is attached to the object that is associated with the selected alarm. Displays graphic panel of the object that is associated with the selected alarm. Displays the surveillance video monitor (the VideoLayout editor) for the selected alarm when its point goes into alarm. This is the VideoLayout attached to the point for this alarm. (See Chapter 25, Configuring and Viewing Video.)

Hide Alarm Status Line

Alarm Enrollment Event Notification Object Program Output

Graphic Video

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Menu Option Alarm Function

Executes a user-defined Plain English function for the selected alarm, to make something special happen, regarding the alarm. The alarm's attributes are passed as arguments into the function, and the function runs.

Note: See your Continuum CyberStation Release Notes for specific instructions on creating a custom, userdefined alarm function. The Acknowledge Menu The Acknowledge menu provides two methods for acknowledging alarms:

Menu Option Ack Selected Ack All The Mute! Button

Description Selects a single alarm in the Active Alarm View list to acknowledge. Selects all the alarms in the Active Alarm View list to acknowledge.

This selection on the tool bar acts as a button since there is no menu associated with it. Clicking on it will mute (turn off) the sound of an audio alarm selected in the Alarm List of the Active Alarm View. The Help Menu Clicking on Help and then selecting Contents from the drop-down menu will take you to Continuums extensive online help system.

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The Tool Bar The below table provides you with the descriptions of the different Alarm View tool bar icons. The use of these icons is described throughout the following pages.
Click This Icon To . . .

Print Screen. Not available in this release.

Acknowledge all alarms.

Acknowledge selected alarms.

Freeze the scrolling list of active alarms. or Restart the scrolling of active alarms. Mute audio alarms.

Run a report previously defined on the Alarms page of the object that caused the alarm. Bring up the surveillance video monitor (the VideoLayout editor) when a point goes into an alarm. This is the VideoLayout object attached to the point for this alarm. (See Chapter 25, Configuring and Viewing Video.) Display a graphics panel previously selected on Alarms page of the object that caused the alarm. Execute a user-defined Plain English function for an alarm in the list, to make something special happen, regarding the alarm. Select (highlight) an alarm, and click this alarm-function icon. The alarm's attributes are passed as arguments into the function, and the function runs. Note: See your Continuum CyberStation Release Notes for specific instructions on creating a custom, user-defined alarm function. Object. Displays the object editor that is associated with the selected alarm Event Notification. Displays the event notification editor that is associated with the selected alarm. 184 TAC

Click This Icon

To . . .

Alarm Enrollment. Displays the AlarmEnrollment or EventEnrollment editor associated with the selected alarm. Auto Sort. Automatically sort the contents of the Active Alarm View whenever a new alarm is received, according to the criteria defined in the Sort Criteria dialog, which is accessed via the View menu. Access the Help topics for Active Alarm View.

The Alarm List The Active Alarm View displays the following information about each alarm appearing in the Alarm List: Column Heading Date/Time Name Value To State Priority Type Message Event Notification Alarm Enrollment Operator Text Column Contents Date and time the alarm occurred. Name of the object that triggered the alarm. Value of the object that triggered the alarm. State Priority number assigned to the alarm on the General tab of the AlarmEnrollment object. Type of alarm that was selected on the General tab of the AlarmEnrollment object. Message typed in on the Feedback tab of the AlarmEnrollment object. Name of the EventNotification object. Name of the AlarmEnrollment object. Text entered by the operator to further explain actions taken in response to the alarm. An alternative is for the operator to click the text field column of the alarm and type text in that Alarm Viewer field. Dropdown menu of actions taken in response to each alarm. User name of the person who acknowledged the alarm. This is filled in automatically when the alarm is acknowledged. Date and time the alarm was acknowledged. This is filled in automatically when the alarm is acknowledged. User name of the person who silenced the alarm. This is filled in automatically when the alarm is acknowledged.

User Actions Acknowledged By Date/Time of Acknowledgement Silenced By

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Column Heading Date/Time of Silence

Column Contents Date and time the alarm was silenced. This is filled in automatically when the alarm is silenced.

Forcing the Alarm View to Display via Popup Menu The Show on Active Alarm selection, located under Options in the alarm icons tool tray popup menu, allows you to force the active alarm view to display whenever an active alarm is triggered. To do this: Right click the alarm icon in the tool tray, then select Options:

Show on Active Alarm is checked by default, so you must deselect it when you do not want the active alarm view to display on an active alarm. Selecting this option overrides the event notification for the active alarm, whenever the Event Notification editors Display Alarm View option for the alarm is not selected. Note: When neither the Show on Active Alarm option nor the EventNotification editors Display Alarm View option is selected for the active alarm, the active alarm view is not displayed. Instead, the alarm icon in the tool tray flashes.

The Status Line Mode

To enter the Active Alarm View mode: 1. Right click the alarm icon in the Windows tool tray.

2. From the popup menu, select Display and Alarm Status Line.

3. The Active Alarm Status Line appears in the Alarm Bar at the bottom of the Continuum Explorer window.

When the active alarm view is in status line mode, the Active Alarm View window disappears. In Status Line mode, the alarm that appears in the status field: Is the first alarm that would appear at the top of the Active Alarm View list. Has not been acknowledged. Has been acknowledged but does not have the Remove From Alarm Line on Acknowledged box checked in the Actions tab of the EventNotification editor.

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You can also select the Status Line mode from the View menu by clicking on Alarm Status Line. In Status Line mode, you can right click the alarm icon access its context popup menu. in the Windows tool tray to

Menu Option Hide Alarm Viewer Always on top

Description Hides the status line. Switches from status line mode to alarm view mode, displaying the complete active alarm view list. Upon opening the active alarm view, places the active alarm view window on top of all other windows on your desktop. When you make this selection, you are prevented from bringing any other window or process to the front of the active alarm view window. located at the right of the

To return to the Active Alarm View, click the alarm icon Status Line field.

Working With the Features of the Active Alarm View

The Active Alarm View is designed to help you respond to and document the results of each alarm quickly and easily. You can perform the following tasks directly from the Active Alarm View: Stop and Start Scrolling the Alarm List New alarms appear in the Active Alarm View as they occur. When this happens the alarm list scrolls down to make room for new alarms. If you need to concentrate on a particular alarm, you can momentarily stop the scrolling. This allows you to silence, add information or acknowledge that alarm without having to constantly scroll up to find it. When you have finished working with the alarm, you can restart the scrolling. There are two methods for stopping and starting the scrolling alarm list: icon in the Active Alarm View tool bar. The icon, Click the which resembles a traffic light, changes from a green to a red light, shown below: Click this icon to resume scrolling, or select Freeze from the View menu. Deselect it to resume scrolling.

Andover Continuum CyberStation Configurators Guide


Silence Alarms

When an operator silences an alarm, it is silenced on all recipient workstations and is logged in the alarm log. The User name, and date and time of silence appear in the Silenced By and Date/Time of Silence columns of the Active Alarm View. To Silence an Alarm: button to the left of the alarm. You dont need to Click the select the alarm first. Once you have silenced an alarm, you can not "un-silence" it. You should continue the recommended acknowledgement process if you are playing audio files. Select the actions that have been taken in response to alarms. Note: If an alarm is silenced when CFR is active, the user will be prompted to add comments. See Enabling Operator Text Prompt for Alarm Acknowledgement in Chapter 5.

Display Graphic Panels Associated with Alarmed Objects

Some alarms have an associated graphic panel. The panel helps operators view the source of the alarm, and in some cases, operate the controls necessary to abate the alarm. To display an alarms associated graphic panel, select the alarm by clicking on it. Next, click the or Click Panel in the menu bar. Not all alarms have associated panels. icon in the Active Alarm View toolbar.

Running Report Programs

Some alarms have an associated report program. Although alarm reports vary depending on the programs that generate them, alarm reports commonly print or display information relating to the alarm. To run an alarm associated report program, select the alarm by icon in the Active Alarm View clicking on it. Next click the toolbar. or Click Program Output in the drop down View menu on the Menu Bar. Note: For you to run a report program, via this method, a program must be attached to the point that is goes into the alarm.

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Acknowledging Alarms

Acknowledging an alarm lets other operators know that you have seen the alarm and have taken the appropriate actions. When you use one of the following methods to acknowledge an alarm, your user name will appear in the alarms Acknowledged By column. Note: Version 1.51 of Continuum provides the option in the CFR Preferences dialog to require operator response in the form of explanatory text whenever an alarm is acknowledged. See Enable Operator Text Prompt for Alarm Acknowledgement in Chapter 5 for details. Click the ACK button to the left of the alarm that you wish to acknowledge. or Select an alarm by clicking on it, then click the Acknowledge icon in the tool bar. or icon in the tool bar to Click the Acknowledge all alarms acknowledge all active alarms in the list. Note: If the Enable Operator Text Prompt for Alarm Acknowledgement value is set to True in the CFR Preferences dialog, (see Note, above) the Acknowledge all alarms options will be disabled. or Select Ack Selected from the Acknowledge menu instead of clicking on the icons mentioned above.

Viewing Alarm Information

No matter who responds to an alarm, the Active Alarm View columns allow all operators to view the following details: Who Silenced the Alarm? What Action Was Taken? Look in the Silenced By column for the user name of the operator who silenced the alarm. This information can be verified in the Alarm Log. Look in the User Action and Operator Text columns to see what action was taken by the person who silenced or acknowledged the alarm. This information can be verified in the Alarm Log. Look in the Acknowledged By column to see the user name of the operator who acknowledged the alarm. This information can be verified in the Alarm Log.

Who Acknowledged the Alarm?

You can also view the details of any alarm in the Details View dialog.

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Displaying the Details View of an Alarm

If you want a quick way to look at alarm information without scrolling from side to side, double left click the mouse on the selected alarm. The Details View dialog shown below comes onscreen.

From Details View you can: Display the following objects associated with the alarm: Alarmed object EventNotification object AlarmEnrollment object Acknowledged by user object

Silenced by user object Type messages to the Operator Text field. Entering operator text is an optional task you can perform when responding to alarms. You can enter text that: Provides additional information about the alarm Describes the result of the action you took in response to the alarm

Describes a user action not found in the User Action list To enter operator text:

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1. Enter comments in the Add field. 2. Click the Add button. The comments you have entered in the Add field now appears in the Operator Text field. or In the Active Alarm View, click the Operator Text field for the alarm you want to enter text about. 3. Type in the desired comments. 4. Click the ACK button.

Creating a List of User Actions

Before you can select from a list of user actions, you or someone in your company will have to create the list. To do this, create a text file named Alarm User Actions.txt. In this file, make a list of as many user actions as you like. Type each action on its own line, as shown below: Repaired the unit Shut down the unit Called the fire department Started evacuation procedure Notified building security Confronted the intruder See Operator Text column

The order in which you type the actions determines the order in which the actions will appear in the dropdown menu. Save or copy Alarm User Actions.txt to the following directory: Program Files\Continuum\ Tip: A complete list of user actions should include an entry such as See Operator Text to provide for unanticipated user actions. By providing this action, the responding operator need not leave the User Action column blank when special circumstances arise. Additionally, directing other operators to the operator text avoids any confusion as to the action that was taken.

Select a User Action

Selecting a user action for an alarm lets other operators know what has been done in response to that alarm. Locate the alarm in the Active Alarm View to which you would like to respond. Click the Selection control in the User Actions field to display the list. Click the user action of your choice. You may also make your selection from the Details View of the alarm.

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Note: If after displaying the list of user actions, you dont see an action that accurately describes your response to the alarm, type the action you took in the Operator Text column or in the alarm Details View. Click the ACK button to acknowledge the alarm and save the entries for Operator Text and User Actions. Click the Cancel button to take no action here for the alarm.

Muting Workstation Alarms

Audio alarms play the audio files (.wav) selected in the EventNotification and/or Alarm Enrollment objects. When an audio alarm is triggered, the audio file plays on all designated recipient workstations. Some audio alarms are sent to loudspeakers. Continuums Active Alarm View has a mute function that lets you turn off the sound of alarms. Muting alarms stops the current sounds from playing on your workstation and connected loudspeakers only. A mute is logged as an activity. Important Note: Muting alarms is NOT the same as silencing an alarm. Muting Alarms There are three ways to turn off the sound of currently playing audio alarms: Click the mute icon in the Active Alarm View toolbar Click the mute icon in the Alarm Bar Click Mute! in the Active Alarm View menu.

Configuring Alarm Messages in the Device Editor

There are six text (see below) files that can be configured in any editor and are assigned in the Preferences tab of the Device editor. (See Chapter 14.) The contents of these files can contain any text (including HTML) and predefined XML tags that are used to substitute live alarm data automatically. You can use these XML tags to customize alarm messages for: Printers Emails Pagers Name NormalEmail NormalPager NormalPrinter AcknowledgeEmail AcknowledgePager AcknowledgePrinter Default value normalemail.txt normalpager.txt normalprinter.txt acknowledgeemail.txt acknowledgepager.txt acknowledgeprinter.txt Purpose Alarm/RTN/Fault email message Alarm/RTN/Fault pager message Alarm/RTN/Fault printer message Acknowledge email message Acknowledge pager message Acknowledge printer

Modifications to all these files will not take effect until Continuum is shut down and restarted. The following table provides the predefined XML tags and their descriptions.

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XML Tag <\date>

Description The date of the alarm. Example: Tuesday, June 19, 2001


The time of the alarm. Example: 4:37:59 PM

<\name> <\value>

The name of the infinity object that generated the alarm. The current value of the alarm. Example: 190.00

<\state> <\priority> <\type>

The state of the alarm. The value can be alarm, return to normal, acknowledged, or fault. The current priority of the alarm. The type of alarm that was triggered. Example: Continuum High Limit

<\message> <\eventnotification> <\alarmenrollment> <\operatortext>

The message of the alarm. For alarms, this currently returns alarm. The name of the event notification for this alarm. The name of the alarm enrollment for this event. The operator text for this alarm (set by those who acknowledged this event.)

Organizing Alarm Information

The Active Alarm View provides so much information that you may want to make some changes to make it easier to find the information you need most often. For example, you may want to hide information you do not need, move the columns you read most to the left, or change the order of the alarms to highlight certain trends. The follow list contains different ways to organize alarm information. Hide or add columns of information Rename columns Move columns Resize columns Change the alarm sort order

Adding or Hiding an Alarm View List Column 1. To add or hide a column to the Active Alarm View Alarm list, put the cursor on any column heading and right click the mouse to display a popup menu. 2. Click Hide or Add.

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3. Select the checkbox for the column you want to add or hide in the alarm list. 4. Click OK. Renaming an Alarm View List Column To rename a column: 1. Right click the column heading to be to display a popup menu.

2. Click Rename Heading. 3. Type the new column name in the pop up dialog that appears. Justifying an Alarm View List Column To change the justification of a column entry: 1. Right click the column heading to be to display a popup menu. 2. Click Justify and select Left, Right or Center justification. Formatting the Name Column To determine the format of the entry that will appear in the Name column, put the cursor on the Name column heading and right click the mouse to display the above menu. Click Format to display the following menu and select the desired name format to appear in the Active Alarm View.

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Resizing Columns Use the mouse to change the width of the Active Alarm View columns. Place your mouse on the vertical line that separates two columns:

Your cursor will change to look like this boundary to the left or right. Understanding Sort Order

, indicating that you can move the column

For every column by which you sort, youll specify whether its the primary, secondary, or tertiary (third) column in the sort order. The sort order defines what happens when the Active Alarm View finds two or more alarms that have the same column values. For example, if the primary sort column is Name, how does the Active Alarm View order two alarms for objects named RoomTemp1? Which one is listed first? If another column has been set up as the secondary sort attribute, the Active Alarm View uses the value of that second column to decide which alarm is listed first. The tertiary sort attribute works the same way. That is, if the Active Alarm View finds two or more alarms with the same primary column value and the same secondary column value, it uses the tertiary column value to decide how to list the alarms. For example, the alarms listed below are sorted in ascending order by Name, then by Value, then by To State. Name Door1 Door4 Door4 RoomTemp1 RoomTemp1 Value Unlocked Locked Locked 72 85 To State Alarm Alarm Return to Normal Return to Normal Alarm

In our example, Name is the primary sort column, Value is the secondary sort column, and To State is the tertiary sort column. First notice that the first three alarms are sorted by name. Next, notice that the two Door4 alarms are sorted by To State value because the values in the primary and secondary columns, Name and Value, are identical. Finally, notice that the RoomTemp1 alarms are sorted by value because they have the same name. Tip: Sort order does not affect the order of your columns. For easier reading, we suggest positioning your columns by their sort order. In other words, make sure your primary column is the first column, the secondary column is the second column, and the tertiary column is the third.

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Changing Alarm Sort Order You can sort alarms by the values of up to three columns. This is useful for grouping alarms to look for trends in, for example, the source of alarms, types of alarms, and which operators are responding most often. Youll select which columns to by which to sort alarms in the Sort Criteria dialog shown below.

To Sort Alarms by Columns: 1. Select Sort from the Active Alarm View menu to display the Sort Criteria dialog. 2. Select up to three columns from the Primary, Secondary and Tertiary dropdown menus. The columns you select establish the sort order that the Active Alarm View needs to sort by more than one column. 3. Click the Ascending checkbox to sort in ascending order, or clear it to sort by descending order (see below). 4. Click OK. Sorting in Ascending or Descending Order For every column by which you sort, youll specify either ascending or descending order (step 3, above). Ascending order starts with the lowest value and ends with the highest value. For time values, ascending order places the oldest events on top, descending order places the most recent events on top. For text, ascending order is A to Z. For numbers ascending order is 0 to the highest numeric value. Descending order starts with the highest value and ends with the lowest value. For text, descending value is Z to A. For numbers, descending value is the highest value to 0. Note that column values such as Active, Inactive, ON, OFF, Online, Offline, Enabled and Disabled are represented to Continuum by 1 and 0 respectively. These values will be sorted just like numeric values.

Infinet Intrinsic Alarms

When an intrinsic alarm occurs, the notification of an alarm is done in the Explorers Navigation pane and also in the Active Alarm View as described in this section. 196 TAC

The following four conditions cause an intrinsic alarm notification to occur. Communication Status Database Backup Needed (Infinet 2 devices only) Database Backup Disabled (Infinet 2 devices only)

Database Backup Failed (Infinet 2 devices only) The table below provides a description of the intrinsic alarm conditions. Note: Intrinsic alarms conditions are cleared both automatically and manually. Alarm Condition Communication Status Cause of Alarm The NetController detecting the Infinet controller is offline. Where is Alarm Displayed In the Active Alarm View if the Infinet Status Event Notification template object was configured. The alarm is logged to the object status dictionary attribute. The Explorer displays an overlay icon and tooltip text based on this attribute. To read the tooltip, hover your mouse over the icon. Return to Normal Condition The NetController detecting the Infinet controller is online.

Database Backup Needed

The Infinet 2 device database needs to be backed up.

When the database has successfully been backed up and the Explorer is refreshed and removes the overlay icon and tooltip text based on this attribute.

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Alarm Condition Database Backup Disabled

Cause of Alarm The Infinet 2 database has been backed up 10,000 times, thus triggering the flash circuit breaker.

Where is Alarm Displayed The alarm is logged to the object status dictionary attribute, and an alarm is displayed in the Active Alarm View using the InfinetStatus Event Notification template object. The message displayed is:

Return to Normal Condition You have to manually re-enable the backup. Also, the alarm is logged to the object status dictionary attribute, and an alarm is displayed in the Active Alarm View using the InfinetStatus EventNotification template object. The message displayed is:

Backup disabled due to excessive use (Requires manual enable).

The Explorer displays an overlay icon and tooltip text based on this attribute.

Backup re-enabled.
The Explorer displays an overlay icon and tooltip text based on this attribute. The database has successfully been backed up. Also, the alarm is displayed in the Active Alarm View only if the InfinetStatus Event Notification template object was configured. The message displayed is:

Database Backup Failed

An attempt was made to back up the Infinet 2 database, but was not successful due to an internal error (e.g., flash device failure).

In the Active Alarm View using the InfinetStatus EventNotification template object. The message displayed is:

Unable to backup controller due to unknown failure.

Backup failure corrected; backup completed.

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Other Conditions that Cause an Intrinsic Alarm Notification

In addition to the above four intrinsic alarms, the following conditions will also cause an intrinsic alarm notification to occur: Offline editing OS update failure When a Save from Controller is required

Database Fault Detection Alarm

Configuration Requirements
Continuum automatically responds to database faults. There are no configuration requirements involved in order to have the system detect, respond to, and recover from a database fault. However, you must be specified as a recipient in the FaultStatus EventNotification template object in order to receive the database fault alarm. The workstation DatabaseStatus system variable settings on the Basic Alarms tab are shown below. Normally, you should not need to edit it, since it is configured this way by default.

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Database Faults
A database fault occurs whenever there is a problem accessing information from the database. This can happen for two reasons: The connection between the Continuum workstation and the SQL database becomes defective. The SQL database server is experiencing problems.

Fault Detection
When a database fault is detected, the system is set into a "warning state for five seconds while the fault is verified. If the fault continues past that time, the system enters a "no database mode". (It may take up to 2 minutes to verify the database fault.) When will appear in the Explorer task bar at the bottom right-hand this occurs an icon corner of the screen and a fault dialog will popup. A database fault message is written to the NT Event Log (see below) stating that the system has entered a "no database mode".

Both the icon and the dialog will remain until the system recovers from the fault. However, clicking on the OK button will remove the dialog from the screen and send an entry to the NT Event Log (see below) stating that the dialog was acknowledged. Also, a database fault alarm will be displayed in the Active Alarm View window. Emails (optional) can be sent out to notify selected users that there is a database fault. This requires that the FaultStatus EventNotification object be configured with a recipient. If you log off the system during the "no database mode" a message is written to the NT Event Log indicating your action.
Message: DATABASE FAULT! Continuum workstation is unable to communicate with the Continuum database server. The database may be offline, or the network connection to the server may be down.

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Configuring Reports


With version 1.7 and higher, CyberStation provides a powerful, versatile, graphical suite of features, called Reports, that allows you to gather, view, and compare data values, locally or remotely, manually or automatically, from virtually anywhere in your Continuum system.

This section provides an overview of Reports and the Report editor. Specifically: What can I do with Reports? What is the Report editor? What is the ReportViewer? What are preconfigured vs. ad hoc reports?

Before getting started activating reports Note: To use any of the report features, your users must be given access to these features via the Security editor.

What Can I Do with Reports?

Using Reports, you may collect and filter data from a multiple number of dynamic building-control data sources (including extended logs) then display this data in graphically attractive bar charts, pie charts, trend charts, or columned text charts. With reports, you can: Display report data using one of several data formats. Display two or more reports simultaneously.
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Modify report configurations on the fly while viewing them. Schedule reports to run automatically at a specified time. Save a report to a file, manually and/or automatically. Email a report, manually and/or automatically. Print a report.

What Is the Report Editor?

The Report editor is a powerful editor that you use to configure the class object, Report, allowing you to: Select a report data source and report type, including a point's current value, extended log data, activity events, access events, alarms, and errors. (See: Source Tab.) Select a chart type, including plotted trend charts, bar charts, pie charts, and text reports. (See: Source Tab.) Filter point-object data that you want to show in the report, based on day/time, and various object characteristics. (See: Filter Tab.) Build and modify a list of member objects, whose values you want to display in the report. (See: Filter Tab.) Configure the "look and feel" of the report's output text headings, text captions, plot and scale configuration, and so on. (See: Output Tab.) Specify the data format you wish to display for example, Adobe PDF and web formats. (See: Output Tab.) Specify how you wish to distribute a report automatically to email addresses, to a printer, to a file, and so on. (See: Output Tab and Scheduling Automatic Reports.) Configure, add, and remove columns for text reports. (See: Configuring Columns for Reports.)

What Is the Report Viewer?

When you run a report (easily accomplished via the Report editor or by double clicking on a Report object) the report is displayed in a special application window, called the ReportViewer. The ReportViewer allows you to: View data via one of several data formats, such as HTML, XML, scalable vector graphics (SVG), and PDF. View multiple reports. Email, print, save, or reload the report you are viewing. Zoom in, zoom out, and adjust the view of the chart you are viewing. For more information, please see the help topic for the ReportViewer.

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What Are Preconfigured and Ad Hoc Reports?

At any given time, you work with reports using one of two general methods: Preconfigured reports Ad hoc reports Preconfigured reports If you need to view report data for a specific set of values regularly, and the data sources, report type, output setup generally remain the same, then configure a Report object that can be accessed, run in the ReportViewer, and/or distributed at any time, manually or automatically. In Continuum Explorer, Report object files are placed in a Report object class folder, as other CyberStation objects are. With preconfigured reports, you may modify the configuration at any time. To create/modify a preconfigured report: 1. In Continuum Explorer, right click a folder or device, and select New, and then select Report, from the popup menu. 2. Enter a name for the Report object, and click the Create button. The Report editor appears. 3. Configure the Report object, using the Source, Filter, and Output tabs, and click Apply or OK. Note: To modify an existing Report object, right click the Report object in Explorer, and select Edit from the popup menu. Also, while in the ReportViewer, you may edit the parent object of the displayed report, thereby bringing up the Report editor. 4. To preview/run the report, click the View Report button. The report appears in the ReportViewer as you configured it. Ad Hoc Reports If you need to view reports on the fly, without creating a Report object, then you may quickly locate the point (for example, an Infinity input) and run a report on it. Use ad hoc reports when you know you do not need to run a report regularly, when a Report object is not already created for the data you need to see. To create/modify an ad hoc report: 1. In Continuum Explorer, find the location of the point or points whose values you want to display in a report. 2. Right click the object. 3. From the popup menu, select View, then Report. The Report editor appears. 4. Configure the ad hoc report for that object, using the Source, Filter, and Output tabs. 5. In the Filter tab, be sure to add additional objects to the object member list, if necessary. 6. Click Apply, then click View Report. The report appears in the ReportViewer as you configured it.
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Note: As an option, you may save the ad hoc report to a file. (See: Output Tab.)

Before You Get Started Activating Reports

Before using reports in CyberStation, you must activate reports in the CyberStation installation (database initialization) process in version 1.7 or higher. CyberStation supplies many Report templates that include bar-chart templates, pie-chart templates, and trend templates giving Reports a certain default "look and feel." To use these templates (and thus, reports in general) you must import them during the CyberStation installation process, in version 1.7 or higher. In the Database Initialization dialog, you must check the Create/Update Graphical Report Settings checkbox. (For more information, please see the CyberStation Installation Guide, 30-3001-720.) If you do not check this checkbox then reports are not available. Since some reports use extended-log data, please be aware that there are tasks indirectly related to extended logging. These are: Choosing extended logging backwards compatibility, so that "old" (pre-Version 1.7) extended logs are used with new reports based on extended-log data. This is done in the database initialization procedure. Configuring several General Preference settings (6, 7, 8, and 9).

Designating one or more workstations to upload extended log data from the controller to the CyberStation database, via settings 21 and 22 of the Preferences tab of Device editor. For complete information, please see the subsection, Extended Logs, in Chapter 13, the description of the Device editors Preferences tab in Chapter 14 and the Andover CyberStation Installation Guide, 30-3001-720.

Source Tab
In the Source tab, shown below, you select the source and type of data on which you want to report for example, extended log data, alarm event data, error event data, and so on. You also select the type of chart on which to plot your data for example, pie chart, bar chart, trend chart, and so on. The settings on this tab work together with the settings on the other tabs of the Report editor (Filter and Output) to define the content of the report, before you run it in the ReportViewer.

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Source Tab Attributes

The following table describes the attributes on the Source tab. Editor Attribute Description Data Source Meaning Enter a text description of this Report object. Since this description may be used in an actual report output, be creative. From the dropdown menu, select one of the following sources of data, on which you want to report: CurrentValue This is a snapshot of the current value of an object at any given time. This includes any object that has a value. ExtendedLog This is a collection of additional point values, uploaded from a log on a controller to a workstation's CyberStation database. It is an extension of a "local" log, whose values are stored on a point's controller. Typically, Extended-log is selected for LAN controllers. See the extended log settings in the General Preferences dialog. See also: What Are Extended Logs? and descriptions of the Logs tab in the InfinityDateTime, InfinityInput, InfinityOutput, InfinityNumeric, and InfinityString editors. Refreshed-Extended-Log The extended-log values are updated or "refreshed" immediately uploaded from the controller to the workstation's database before they appear in the report. Use this data source when you want to see the
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Editor Attribute

Meaning most "up-to-the-minute" extended log entries, not the entries based on the last specified update interval. Typically, this is used for remote (RAS) controllers, which require dial-up access for database uploads. See the extended log settings in the General Preferences dialog. See also: What Are Extended Logs? and descriptions of the Logs tab in the InfinityDateTime, InfinityInput, InfinityOutput, InfinityNumeric, and InfinityString editors. AccessEvent This is data associated with access attempts. There are many types of access-event data from which to choose. For example, you can see "most accessed doors" or "most active persons". Please see the section, Matching Data Sources, Report Types, Chart Types, and Chart Subtypes, later in this chapter. The names of these access events are self-explanatory. AlarmEvent This is data associated with system alarms. There are 22 available types of alarm data from which to choose. For example, you can see "most active alarmed objects" or "active alarms under a network". Please see the section, Matching Data Sources, Report Types, Chart Types, and Chart Subtypes, later in this chapter. The names of these alarm events are self explanatory. ActivityEvent This is data associated with system activities. There are 11 available types of activity data from which to choose. For example, you can see "login attempts per user" or "most common activities". Please see the section, Matching Data Sources, Report Types, Chart Types, and Chart Subtypes, later in this chapter. The names of these activity events are self-explanatory. ErrorEvent This is data associated with system errors. There are six available types of error data from which to choose. For example, you can see "error events per workstation" or "most common errors". Please see the section, Matching Data Sources, Report Types, Chart Types, and Chart Subtypes, later in this chapter. The names of these error events are self-explanatory. ListView This is the content of a ListView object, which you specify in the member object list on the Filter tab. This source has only one Report Type (ListView) and can one Chart Type (Text). Please see the section, Matching Data Sources, Report Types, Chart Types, and Chart Subtypes, later in this chapter. The text report that is generated looks similar to a CyberStation ListView.

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Editor Attribute

Meaning Note: When you select this source, the Configure Columns button is unselectable. The columns of the ListView object are duplicated in the text report. To configure the ListView report columns, do so from the ListView editor. Note: On the Filter tab, only one ListView object is selected. Note: The selections in the other three fields, Report Type, Chart Type, and Chart Subtype, change, depending on which Data Source you choose. Please see the section, Matching Data Sources, Report Types, Chart Types, and Chart Subtypes, later in this chapter.

Report Type

This narrows down the type of data on which you want to report, based on the Data Source. Select a report type from the dropdown menu. There are many report types available, for many different event scenario. This makes Reports a very powerful and useful tool. If you choose ExtendedLog or Refreshed-Extended-Log, then three report types are available: The object value The minimum and maximum object values

The average object value The CurrentValue has two report types, the snapshot of an object's value at any given time or the snapshot of a TrendLog buffer content. The other data sources have many report types from which to choose. For a list, please see: Matching Data Sources, Report Types, Chart Types, and Chart Subtypes, later in this chapter. The names of these report types are self-explanatory. Note: The selections in the remaining fields, Chart Type and Chart Subtype, change, depending on what you choose. See the table below. Maximum number of values in the report Enter an integer, representing the maximum number of values to plot in your report when you run it. The default is 100. You may need to experiment with this number to get the right amount of plotted data so that it makes the most sense, visually.

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Editor Attribute Chart Type

Meaning Depending on which Data Source and/or Report Type, select Bar, Pie, Text, Trend, Minmax, or Clustered Bar, from the dropdown menu. Please see the section, Matching Data Sources, Report Types, Chart Types, and Chart Subtypes, later in this chapter. Select the subtype compatible with your Chart Type. The Text chart has two subtypes available. All the others have one. Please see the section, Matching Data Sources, Report Types, Chart Types, and Chart Subtypes, later in this chapter.

Chart Subtype

Note: When you select the Chart Type, the box on the right-hand side of the Source tab displays a graphic example of what this type of chart will look like. For example, if you select a pie chart, a pie graphic appears. If you choose a Clustered Bar chart, a clustered bar graphic appears. Configure Columns Click this button to launch the Selectable Columns dialog and add, remove, and sort columns for your report. The columns that are available for any given report change, depending on how you configure the Source tab. This applies only to text reports. (See Configuring Columns for a Report, later in this chapter.) Click this button to run your report, based on all the criteria you have configured in the entire Report editor. When you run a report, it is displayed in the ReportViewer. (See The ReportViewer, later in this chapter.) Click this button to save your Report configuration changes immediately, while remaining in the Report editor. (Click OK to save changes and dismiss the Report editor.)

View Report


Matching Data Sources, Report Types, Chart Types, and Chart Subtypes
When you select a data source, certain report types become selectable. In turn, depending on the Data Source/Report Type combination you choose, certain chart types and chart subtypes become selectable. The table on the next page shows you which reports are available on the Source tab, depending on the combination you select. Note: Two report types, Snapshot-of-object value and Snapshot-of-Trend-Log-buffercontent, are available for the CurrentValue source. Note: A "clustered" bar chart is a special two-dimensional chart, where a member object is associated with one or more related objects for example, when you select a Report Type like Alarms-for-an-event-object-with-event-notification or Most-activepersons-entering-selected-door. In this bar chart, therefore, the "associated" objects are displayed next to (or "clustered" with) their member object.
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To differentiate the member-object bar from its "satellite" object bars, the ReportViewer displays each bar in the cluster in a different color. The ReportViewer also displays a color key at the bottom of the report, listing the color, name, and type of object in the cluster. Data Source CurrentValue REPORT TYPE Snapshot-of-object-value Chart Type Bar Pie Text Snapshot-of-Trend-Log-buffer-content Trend Text ExtendedLog Object-value Trend Text Min-max-of-object-value Minmax Text Average-of-object-value Bar Pie Text RefreshedExtended-Log Chart Subtype AccBarChart AccPieChart AccTextHtmlA ccTextXML AccTrend AccTextHtmlA ccTextXML AccTrend AccTextHtml AccTextXML AccMinMax AccTextHtmlA ccTextXML AccBarChart AccPieChart AccTextHtmlA ccTextXML

Same as ExtendedLog

Andover Continuum CyberStation Configurators Guide 209

Data Source AccessEvent

REPORT TYPE Most-accessed-doors Most-accessed-areas Most-accessed-controllers Most-active-persons Access-events-per-person Access-events-per-area Access-events-per-door Invalid-attempts-of-a-person Invalid-attempts-of-a-door Invalid-attempts-of-an-area Valid-and-invalid-attempts-of-a-person Lock-unlock-events-per-door Channel-override-events-per-door Persons-accessed-the-selected-area Areas-accessed-by-the-selected-person Access-equipment-fault-report Door-use-by-person Area-use-by-person Controller-use-by-person Most-active-persons-entering-selectedarea(s) Most-active-persons-entering-selecteddoor(s) Access-events-under-a-controller

Chart Type Bar Pie Text

Chart Subtype AccBarChart AccPieChart AccTextHtml AccTextXML

Clustered Bar Text

AccClusteredB ar AccTextHtml AccTextXML

Bar Text

AccBarChart AccTextHtml AccTextXML

210 TAC

Data Source AlarmEvent

REPORT TYPE Alarm-transitions-per-object Most-active-alarmed-objects Offline-alarms-per-controller Offline-alarms-per-IOU-module Offline-alarms-per-field-controller Most-alarm(s)-acking-workstation Most-alarm(s)-silencing-workstation Most-alarm(s)-logging-workstation Most-alarm(s)-acking-user Most-alarm(s)-silencing-user Active-alarms-under-a-controller Active-alarms-under-a-field-controller Active-alarms-per-object Active-alarms-under-a-network Most-offline-IOU Most-offline-controller Most-offline-field-controller Active-unACKed-alarms-per-controller Alarms-for-an-event-object-with-alarmenrollment Alarms-for-an-event-object-with-eventnotification RTNs-for-an-event-object-with-alarmenrollment RTNs-for-an-event-object-with-eventnotification

Chart Type Bar Pie

Chart Subtype AccBarChart AccPieChart


AccTextHtml AccTextXML

Clustered Bar Text

AccClusteredB ar AccTextHtml AccTextXML

Andover Continuum CyberStation Configurators Guide 211

Data Source ActivityEvent

REPORT TYPE Activity-events-per-object Login-attempts-per-user Failed-login-attempts-per-user Failed-login-attempts-per-workstation Objects-created/saved-events-per-user Most-common-activities Activity-events-per-activity-type Activity-events-per-workstation Activity-events-per-controller Activity-events-per-controller-withchildren Activity-events-per-user

Chart Type Bar Pie

Chart Subtype AccBarChart AccPieChart


AccTextHtml AccTextXML


Error-events-per-object Error-events-per-workstation Error-events-per-controller Error-events-per-controller-with-children Error-events-per-user Most-common-errors

Bar Pie Text

AccBarChart AccPieChart AccTextHtml AccTextXML

Configuring Columns for a Report

When you click the Configure Columns button on the Source tab, the Selectable Columns dialog, shown below, appears. This applies only to text reports. Note: When you select a ListView as the Data Source on the Source tab, the Configure Columns button on the Source tab is unselectable. The columns of the ListView object are duplicated in the text report. To configure the ListView report columns, do so from the ListView editor. (See Chapter 23.)

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From this dialog, you may add and remove columns for your report. You may also sort the order of columns. The columns that are available for any given report change, depending on which Data Source and/or Report Type you select on the Source tab.

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The following table describes the attributes of the Selectable Columns dialog. Dialog Attribute Unselected Selected Meaning Columns The columns available to display in your report, based on your settings on the Source tab, appear in these windows. The columns that initially appear in your report, by default, are listed in the Selected window. Other columns that are available, but not yet selected, appear in the Unselected window. Add Remove Adding a column In the Unselected window, highlight the unselected column name you want to add, and click the Add button. This column moves to the Selected window. Removing a column In the Selected window, highlight the column you do not want to appear in the report, and click the Remove button. This column moves to the Unselected window. Up Down In a report, columns appear from left to right, according to the order in the Selected window, whereby the first in the list is the leftmost column, and the last in the list is the rightmost column. To change a column's place in the report, highlight its column name, and click the Up or Down button to move the column up one position or down one position, respectively. Sort Attribute Sort By You may sort events according to three columns. The report displays several columns of information, according to the sort criteria you select here. Sorting is useful to look for trend. From the Primary, Secondary, and Tertiary dropdown menus, select up to three columns. The columns you select establish the sort order that the report uses. Sort Direction The checkboxes beside the Primary, Secondary, and Tertiary fields specify the sort direction for the column values. There are two directions: Ascending and Descending. For descending order, check the Descending checkbox. Ascending order is the default (no check). The following table describes the meaning of ascending and descending: For this value Time values Descending and Ascending mean this Ascending order places the oldest events on top. Descending order places the most recent events on top. Ascending order is from A to Z. Descending order is from Z to A.

214 TAC


Ascending order is 0 to the highest numeric value. Descending order starts with the highest value and ends with the lowest value. Columns with binary values, such as On and Off, are represented by 1 and 0, respectively. These values are sorted just like numeric values.

Binary values

Filter Tab
In the Filter tab, shown below, there are two types of data on which you may apply a filter for your report: Time data Object data

The Log Filter and the Time Interval attributes allow you to filter time by selecting a time filter or by setting up a specific "custom" time range. A log filter is an existing CyberStation-supplied filter object, such as Today and Last Week. For more information on these time-data attributes, please see the descriptions in the table below. You also build an object member list by filtering object data. Using the object member list, you specify individual objects on which to report. If you have thousands of objects, then selecting certain subsets of objects for your report becomes an important task. You may
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browse for and add one or more new members to the list via the Add button. Similarly, you may highlight one or more members in the list and remove them via the Remove button. Using the Path field, you may also specify the path of a controller to run (view) a report on the member-list objects within that controller in your system. For more information, please see the attribute descriptions, below. The settings on this tab work together with the settings on the other tabs of the Report editor (Source and Output) to define the content of the report, before you run it in the ReportViewer. Editor Attribute Log Filter Meaning Select this radio button when you want to specify a time range for the report, based on a CyberStation system-supplied filter. To do so, click the Log Filter field's browse button. The Browse dialog appears, displaying all the filters in the Root directory or any folder you specify. Select the filter you want, and click the Select button. The name of this filter appears in the Log Filter field. Time Interval Select this radio button when you want to define a specific "custom" time range for the report. To do so, select a specific starting date and time and a specific ending date and time, via the Start and End fields. Using the calendar Click the Start or End field dropdown menu, and select a start date or end date, respectively, on the calendar that appears. Click the day of the month to select it. The selected day appears in a blue oval. (The current date appears in a red circle.) Use the right-arrow and left-arrow buttons at the top of the calendar to display the next month or previous month, respectively. When you click a day, the day appears in the field, and the calendar is dismissed. As an alternative to the calendar, you may "key in" the date. Click and highlight the day, month, or year in the Start or End field and enter the integers for month, day, and year. For example: 12/23/2003 1/15/2004 2/ 8/2004 Keying in a time To select a start and end time, click and highlight the hour, minute, or second field, and enter the integers for the hour, minute, or second to start or end. Also, you click PM/AM to specify afternoon/evening or morning.
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Editor Attribute Member object list

Meaning The member object list window contains a collection of points on which you want to run a report. At any one time, you may add or remove one or more objects from the list. For each member, the member object list columns display the object name and object class type. For each member, it also displays either the device ID (the name of the device to which the object belongs) or the owner name (the name of the folder in which the object resides). Note: To add an object to the member object list, you may either drag and drop an object from a Continuum Explorer window to the member object list window in this Filter tab, or use the Add button, described below.


Click this button to add one object, or a multiple number of objects, to the member object list. When you click the Add button, the Browse dialog appears. Note: As an alternative you may also drag and drop an object from Continuum Explorer to the member object list window. From the Browse dialog, search for and select the object(s) you want to add. You may select several consecutive objects, just as you would do in Microsoft Windows Explorer. For example, click and highlight the first one in the tree, press and hold the Shift key, and click the last one in the tree. All the objects in between are highlighted. Similarly, you may select two or more individual, non-consecutive objects, just as you would do in Windows Explorer. For example, click and highlight the first one, then press and hold the Ctrl key, and click additional objects, one at a time, to add them to the collection. Click the Select button. The newly added objects appear in the member object list. Note: In the Browse dialog, you may use the network view button, folder-view button, and other buttons, as well as the Folder dropdown menu to expose the tree (as you would in Continuum Explorer) to adjust view of directory paths and available objects. Note: In the Browse dialog, you may also use the Objects of type dropdown menu to select only objects of a certain object class type. For example, if you select InfinityInput, only InfinityInput points appear in the Browse dialog window in the network view. In folder view, only the folders containing InfinityInput points appear. This is a powerful feature that narrows down your list.

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Editor Attribute Remove

Meaning To remove one or more objects in the member object list, click and highlight the object(s) you want to remove, and click the Remove button. The members are immediately removed from the list. You may select multiple consecutive and non-consecutive objects in the member object list, as you would in Microsoft Windows Explorer. For details, please see the description under the Add attribute, above.


Use the Path dropdown menu to search for and select, from the tree, a specific system controller whose member-list objects on which you want to run (view) a report. Specifying the path of a controller here is necessary when you have two or more controllers containing objects that have the same names from controller to controller. For example, one moment you may want to run a report on FanInput1 through FanInput8 residing on one fan controller, and the next moment run another report on the same named points on another fan controller. To switch views in the tree, right click the dropdown-menu down arrow and select Network View or Folder View from the popup.

Configure Attribute Filter

Click this button to bring up the Attribute Filter Configuration dialog, where you can filter values according to object attributes. When you select specific attributes for a specific object, their values appear in the report. From this dialog, beneath Unselected, from the Choose object class here dropdown menu, select an object whose attributes you want to filter. The attributes available for that object appear in the Unselected window. Note: The attributes in the Unselected list change, according to which object you select. To select one or more attributes, so that their values appear in the report, highlight the attribute, and click the >> button. The attribute appears in the right-hand Selected window. (Likewise to remove an attribute, highlight it in the Selected window, and click the << button. It moves back to the Unselected window.) When you have finished configuring the attributes, click OK.

View Report

Click this button to run your report, based on all the criteria you have configured in the entire Report editor. When you run a report, it is displayed in the ReportViewer.

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Editor Attribute Apply

Meaning Click this button to save your Report configuration changes immediately, while remaining in the Report editor. (Click OK to save changes and close the Report editor.)

Output Tab
In the Output tab, shown below, you configure the "look and feel" of the report output to appear in the ReportViewer text headings, captions, plot and scale configuration, and so on as well as how the report is generated and outputted. The settings on this tab work together with the settings on the other tabs of the Report editor (Filter and Source) to define the content of the report, before you run it in the ReportViewer.

Two fields on this tab, Output report to email address and Output report to file in path, work with automatic reports. That is, via a special tool, a report can be set up to run automatically at regularly scheduled times and then sent to the email addresses and/or file specified in these fields. See descriptions of these fields, below.

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Editor Attribute Heading

Meaning Enter a text heading to appear at the top of the report. You may use wildcards in the text. (See the table of available wildcards, below.) The default is: %r where the wildcard %r is the report type.


Enter a text subheading to appear beneath the heading, if desired. The default is: Report created at %t where the wildcard %t is the time when the report is generated. You may use wildcards in the text. (See the table of available wildcards, below.)


Enter a text caption that describes the values along the X (horizontal) axis of the plot. You may use wildcards in the text. (See the table of available wildcards, below.)


Enter a text caption that describes the values along the Y (vertical) axis of the plot. You may use wildcards in the text. (See the table of available wildcards, below.)


Enter a text caption for the Z (for clustered bar chart). You may use wildcards in the text. (See the table of available wildcards, below.) Note: This field is selectable only when you run a report as a clustered bar chart. A clustered bar chart is only available with some Report Types belonging to the AccessEvent and AlarmEvent Data Sources. (See the table for these types in the Source tab.)


Enter a text footnote, if desired. The default is: %p where the wildcard %p is the report page number. You may use wildcards in the text. (See the table of wildcards.)

220 TAC

Editor Attribute Heading

Meaning Enter a text heading to appear at the top of the report. You may use wildcards in the text. (See the table of available wildcards, below.) The default is: %r where the wildcard %r is the report type.

Selectable Text Fields: The Heading, Subheading, and Footnote fields are selectable for all chart types. However, the X-caption, Y-caption, and Z-caption fields are not selectable for a pie chart or text chart because they are relevant only for trend, bar, and clustered bar charts. Default Values in Caption Fields: The default values that appear in the X-caption, Ycaption, and Z-caption fields vary according to the Data Source, Report Type, and Chart Type that you have selected. For example, when you have a trend, the X-caption is Time, and the Y-caption is Value. For example, when you select an ActivityEvent data source and a Most-common-activities report type, the bar chart X-caption is Activity Type, and the Y-caption is Number of Activities. For example, when you select an AlarmEvent data source and a Most-alarm(s)-acking-workstation report type, the bar chart X-caption is Workstation, and the Y-caption is Number of ACKed Alarms. Available Wildcards for Text Fields Wildcard %r %n %t %p %c Description The report type The first five names of objects in the object member list The time that the report was generated The report page number Configuration data Showing configuration data is especially important when archiving printed reports, whereby it provides a better description of what the report is and what it contains. %d %u The description taken from the text in the Description field of the Source tab. The units that are described for the first object in the object member list. Check the checkbox to show object names or full pathnames in the report output.

Display the full path in the report

Andover Continuum CyberStation Configurators Guide 221

Editor Attribute Heading

Meaning Enter a text heading to appear at the top of the report. You may use wildcards in the text. (See the table of available wildcards, below.) The default is: %r where the wildcard %r is the report type.

One plot for all

This radio button is selectable only when you run a trendchart report that is, when you select ExtendedLog as a Data Source and Object-value as a Report Type on the Source tab. Click this radio button when you want to compare the trends of multiple points with different scales on one X-and-Y plot.

One plot per member

This radio button is only selectable when you run a Report only for trend data. That is, when you select ExtendedLog as a Data Source and Object-value as a Report Type on the Source tab. Click this radio button when you want to place each point with its own scale on one X-and-Y plot. For example, if the trend data from point to point were very dissimilar, and they were unrelated, you would select one plot per member. For example, you could compare analog values with different scales to digital values with different scales for example, digital values of 0 and 1 (off and on) and analog temperature values between 60 and 80 degrees. Based on this data, you may, for example, set a room-occupancy flag, which would then trigger the heating in your room, whereby the trend comparisons on one plot indicate how quickly your room heated up based on occupancy.

Report Format

Select either a "web" format or a PDF file format that you wish to display when you run your report in the ReportViewer: Web Click this radio button if you are displaying a graphical (scalable vector graphics) image, such as a trend chart, bar chart, or pie chart, in the ReportViewer. Use the web format for HTML displays also. PDF Click this radio button if you are outputting a report to an Adobe Acrobat PDF file. With this option, the content of the PDF file is immediately displayed in the ReportViewer. The Acrobat Reader is actually launched and embedded in the ReportViewer.

222 TAC

Editor Attribute Heading

Meaning Enter a text heading to appear at the top of the report. You may use wildcards in the text. (See the table of available wildcards, below.) The default is: %r where the wildcard %r is the report type.

Fixed Scale

Click this radio button and enter integers in the From and To fields to designate the low and high limits of your scale, based for the units of the point values that are plotted. For example, the report could show a fixed temperature scale between 60 and 80 degrees. Use fixed scales when you do not want the system to set its own scales automatically, based on the point data being plotted.

Output report to email address

Check the checkbox and enter the email addresses of one or more email recipients who need to receive an automatic report. This is used by the report command line tool that schedules a report to run automatically, at a specific regular time. When this report runs automatically, it is emailed to the addresses in this field. Delimit email addresses with a semicolon. For more information, see Scheduling Automatic Reports. The email recipients listed here are also the default recipients used when you email a report manually, via the email button on the ReportViewer.

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Editor Attribute Heading

Meaning Enter a text heading to appear at the top of the report. You may use wildcards in the text. (See the table of available wildcards, below.) The default is: %r where the wildcard %r is the report type.

Output report to file in path

Check the checkbox when you want to send an automatic report to a file. This is used by the report command line tool that schedules a report to run automatically, at a specific regular time. When this report runs automatically, it is saved to the file whose path is specified in this field. Click the browse button to search for and select the path in which you want save report file. (Or, as an alternative, you may enter the path in the field.) The system generates a file, with a unique filename, based on the name of the report and a timestamp. At the time the report is run, a timestamp is appended to the end of the filename (the Report object name). For more information, see Scheduling Automatic Reports. The file path listed here is also the default path used when you save a report to a file manually, via the Save As button on the ReportViewer.

View Report

Click this button to run your report, based on all the criteria you have configured in the entire Report editor. When you run a report, it is displayed in the ReportViewer. Click this button to save your Report configuration changes immediately, while remaining in the Report editor. (Click OK to save changes and dismiss the Report editor.)


Scheduling Automatic Reports

Using a special application, ReportCmdLine, and the Microsoft Windows Scheduler, you may regularly run any report automatically at a specified time. When the report runs automatically, you may also have it automatically emailed to one or more email recipients and/or saved to a file. Note: On the Output tab, check the Output report to email address and Output report to file in path checkboxes, and specify the email addresses that should receive the automatic report, as well as the path of the file to which it should be saved.
224 TAC

Note: CyberStation must be running when you use the ReportCmdLine application. To set up and run a report automatically, perform this procedure: 1. If you want to email this report when it runs automatically, check the Output report to email address checkbox on the Output tab, and enter email recipients. Likewise, if you want to save the report to a file when it runs automatically, check the Output report to file in path checkbox, and enter the path of the file. 2. From the Start menu, select Programs\Accessories\System Tools\Scheduled Tasks. The Scheduled Tasks dialog appears:

Note: User interfaces are self-explanatory. 3. In the Schedule Tasks dialog, double click Add Scheduled Task. The Scheduled Task Wizard appears:

Click Next. 4. In the next screen, search for the program you want to run (ReportCndLine). Click the Browse button. In the Select Program to Schedule dialog, navigate to and open the Program Files\Continuum folder, and select ReportCmdLine.exe. 5. The Scheduled Task Wizard displays the application name, ReportCmdLine, in the program naming field. If you wish, change this name from ReportCmdLine to another scheduled-task name in this field:

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6. On the same screen, select one of the radio buttons to specify how often you want this report to run automatically, and click Next. 7. On the next screen, select the time and day you want this scheduled task to start, and click Next. Enter a start time and start date, in their respective fields. Also use the radio buttons to make this task run every day, only on weekdays, or as a recurring day. The user-interface is self-explanatory:

7. On the next screen (shown on the next page) enter the name and password of a user in the Enter the user name and Enter the password fields, respectively, and click Next. The task will run automatically, as if it were started by that user.
226 TAC

8. The next screen informs you that the task has been successfully scheduled. It also provides the time and frequency of the task and the day it begins:

If you want to configure more advanced properties for this scheduled task, check the checkbox entitled, Open advanced properties for this task when I click finish. 9. Click Finish. The ReportCmdLine (or whatever program name you designated earlier) dialog appears:
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This dialog contains the "advanced" properties for this task, as mentioned in the previous step. If you do not check this box in the previous step, the scheduled-task setup completes, and the ReportCmdLine dialog does not appear. 10. On the Task tab of the ReportCmdLine dialog (shown above) in the Run field, enter the command line syntax, as follows:
"C:\Program Files\Continuum\ReportCmdLine.exe" /o ObjectName /u UserName /t Type

Note: When entering the command from here, please make sure you set the parameters outside the quotes surrounding the path name. If the ObjectName and/or UserName path contains a space, then you must also place quotes around those items. For example: "C:\Program Files\Continuum\ReportCmdLine.exe" /o "ObjectName" /u "UserName" /t Type If ObjectName or UserName (when it contains a space) is not enclosed in quotes, the report does not run. Parameter /o ObjectName Description Enter the path name of the Report object you want to run automatically. It is recommended you use a full path, instead of the just the name of the object file.

228 TAC

Parameter /u UserName /t Type

Description Enter the CyberStation user name. Enter an integer to specify the type of distribution: 0 Save to a file 1 Email 2 Save to a file and email The email recipients and file path are specified on the Output tab. See step 1.

11. On the Task tab, in the Start in field, enter the path of the folder in which you are starting the application. In this case: "C:\Program Files\Continuum" 12. Select the Schedule tab.

13. Click the Advanced button to bring up the Advanced Schedule Options dialog. As needed, configure more advanced settings, then click OK. 14. In the ReportCmdLine dialog, configure other advanced settings, as needed, on the Task, Schedule, and Settings tabs.
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15. Click OK to complete the setup.

What Are Extended Logs?

The Report editor allows you to view CyberStation extended log data in the ReportViewer in the form of an extended log report. This is associated with "new" extended logging, with Version 1.7 and higher. Before version 1.7, you created "old" extended logging that is, created Plain English programs for extended logs. These programs facilitated extended log tables in the database, one table per controller. With version 1.7 and higher, you may use either type of extended logging, or both. Note: During CyberStation installation of version 1.7 or higher, in the database initialization process (the Database Initialization dialog) you check the Extended Logging Backwards Compatibility checkbox to retain the pre 1.7 method for creating extended logs, while also enabling new extended logging functionality. If you do not check this box, then you may not use the old (pre 1.7) method. For more information, please see the CyberStation Installation Guide, 30-3001-720.

"Logs" vs. "Extended Logs"

Logs store values for an Infinity point on the local controller. These non-extended "short term" logs are established via attributes on the Logs tab for InfinityInput, InfinityOutput, InfinityNumeric, and InfinityString. (For more information on logs, please see the Logs tab description for InfinityInput in Chapter 13.) CyberStation offloads the local-controller extra log entries for this point and stores them in the database. This happens once the maximum number of controller log entries is filled. You activate an extended log for a point by checking the Extended Logging checkbox on the Logs tab of its point editor. When you activate extended logs, the additional "extra" entries are transferred (uploaded) to the database before the entries are overwritten in the controller. The extended log is an extension of a log that continues recording values where the log leaves off. It records values depending on how you set up the short-term log via the Logs tab attributes for a point number of entries, log type, and time interval as well as the extended-log settings in the General Preferences dialog. For more information on extended logs and the General Preference dialog settings, please see Chapter 13.

The ReportViewer
You run, view, compare, and distribute reports in the CyberStation ReportViewer, a powerful and versatile tool. This section describes the following: Viewing various report data formats Running a report in the ReportViewer Displaying multiple reports in the ReportViewer Using the ReportViewer toolbar emailing, printing, reloading, saving a report

230 TAC

Note: To use any of the report features, your users must be given access to these features via the Security editor.

Viewing Report Data Formats

The ReportViewer displays a report using the following data formats, depending on which type of report you have configured in the Report editor. For each report displayed in the ReportViewer, a format icon also appears on each report window tab along the bottom of the ReportViewer: Icon Data Format Displays a scalable vector graphics (SVG) format. This includes bar charts, clustered bar charts, pie charts, and trend charts. Displays an HTML text format, in the form of a table. Displays an XML text format, in the form of XML code. Displays the content of a PDF file, where the Adobe Acrobat PDF reader actually launches, and is embedded in, the ReportViewer window. Note: You may use the Adobe Acrobat PDF reader toolbar functions, such as Email, Print, Save and Copy, Search, zoom, text touch-up functions, and other Adobe functions, as if you were running the PDF reader. You specify PDF format on the Output tab of the Report editor.

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Here are several examples of the ReportViewer displaying a pie chart, bar chart, text chart, XML code, and a trend chart:

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Here is an example of the ReportViewer displaying the content of a PDF file, with the PDF reader embedded in the ReportViewer:

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Running a Report in the ReportViewer

You may run and view a report in the ReportViewer in one of the following ways: Double click a preconfigured report object in Continuum Explorer to launch the ReportViewer. Right click a preconfigured report object in Continuum Explorer, and from the popup menu select Open, to launch the ReportViewer. Right click a preconfigured report object in Continuum Explorer, and from the popup menu, select Edit, to launch the Report editor. Modify the report configuration, if desired, and click the View Report button in the Report editor to launch the ReportViewer. Right click a CyberStation object for which you want to view an ad hoc report, and from the popup menu click View then Report to launch the Report editor. Configure the report, and click the View Report button in the Report editor to launch the ReportViewer.

Schedule a report to run automatically, and have it emailed or saved to a file. (See Scheduling Automatic Reports, earlier in this chapter.) Note: If you run a report and no data is available to display in the report, based on your Report editor configuration, the following message appears in the ReportViewer:
No data was returned for this report. Please check the report time interval and filter.

Edit the parent object to ensure that your source, filter, and output settings feed data into the report.

Displaying Multiple Reports in Report Viewer

Within the ReportViewer, you may run and view two or more reports, whereby each report has its own report window and each window has its own tab, which you select along the bottom of the ReportViewer. The tab label states the name of the object. Note: In the ReportViewer, you may edit the parent object that is, create differently configured variations of the same Report object and display them as separate reports for the same object within the ReportViewer. When two or more reports for the same object are displayed, the object-name tab labels are numbered. For example: MyReport, MyReport(2), MyReport(3), and so on. Likewise, you may launch reports for additional Report objects and display separate reports (in the same ReportViewer) for the different objects. When you configure and run two or more reports, the first report window tab appears at the left margin of the ReportViewer, while subsequent report tabs appear to the right of the previous tab, as they are created. Initially, as you create two or more reports, the report whose tab you have selected appears alone, hiding the other reports. However, just as in Microsoft Windows, you may cascade and tile the report windows within the ReportViewer, via the Window dropdown menu, which gives you three choices: Cascade, Tile Horizontally, and Tile Vertically.
Andover Continuum CyberStation Configurators Guide 235

Here is an example of multiple tiled reports:

To select an individual report, either click its window or click its tab.

Using the Toolbar Emailing, Printing, Saving a Report

The following table describes the buttons on the ReportViewer toolbar. Button Description Launches the Report editor for the parent Report object representing this report. You may edit the Report's configuration and run the report again. Reloads/refreshes the graphical report in the ReportViewer. Opens the Microsoft Print dialog, allowing you to print the report. Opens an email window, and either attaches the report as a file, or embeds the report content in the email window. The default email recipients are the ones you listed on the Output tab of the Report editor. Opens the Microsoft Save As dialog, allowing you, by default, to save the content of the report in an scalable vector graphics (.SVG) file, .HTML file, .XML file, or .PDF file, depending on how you configured your report and what data format you selected. The default file path is the one you listed on the Output tab of the Report editor. Opens the Open dialog, allowing you to search for a Report object in your system, then run it (via the Open button) in the ReportViewer.

236 TAC

About CyberStation Templates


A template is an object with pre-defined attributes that you use to create new objects with the same attribute settings. Templates let you quickly, easily, and consistently create new objects of the same class. Templates are a powerful tool for ongoing maintenance of your system. You can use templates to create objects such as points, controllers, alarms, and programs. When you use a template to create a new object, most of the work is already done. A template includes values for most or all of the attributes of the object.

About Copied, Inherited, and Specified by User Attribute Values

When you create a template, you specify values for attributes. In addition, you specify the source of attribute values in objects created from the template: When an attribute is copied from a template, that attribute value is passed to the new object being created from the template. That attribute can be changed afterward in the object without affecting the template. Any changes to that attribute in the template do not affect the copied attribute in any object created from that template. Attributes inherited from a template retain a link to the template. Changes to these attributes in the template affect all objects created from that template. These inherited attributes are an easy way to maintain consistent attribute values across objects of the same class. If you try to change an inherited attribute in an object created from a template, CyberStation protects the link and offers several choices of actions, including updating the template or breaking the link to it. Note: If you create Personnel objects from a template, any attribute values with the inherited from Template data source cannot be edited in the Personnel Manager.
Andover Continuum CyberStation Configurators Guide 237

If the source of an attribute is Specified By User, CyberStation prompts you for the attribute value when you use the template to create the object.

Creating a Template Object

The following steps provide a general description of how to create a new template. The tabs that are displayed and the attributes for which you can enter values are determined by the type of object. Note: Do not attempt to create a template for any of the following BACnet point objects: AnalogInput AnalogOutput AnalogValue BinaryInput BinaryOutput BinaryValue Multi-stateInput Multi-stateOutput Multi-stateValue

However, you may create templates for BACnet EventEnrollment and EventNotification objects. Configuration of EventEnrollments and EventNotifications at a large site can be a big job. It is recommended you create templates for these objects to save a lot of time and effort. (See Considerations for EventEnrollment Templates, later in this chapter. See also Chapter 14.) 1. In Continuum Explorer, open the Template folder. 2. Select the template subfolder where you want to store this template, or create a new subfolder. Note: When you create a personnel template, store it in the Personnel Templates folder, which is a subfolder of the Templates folder. Personnel templates stored elsewhere within CyberStation cannot be attached to profiles or to existing Personnel objects. 3. Right click the folder, select NewTemplate, and select the object class that you wish to create the template for from the popup menu. 4. Type the Object name and Alias in the New Template dialog that appears, and then click the Create button. 5. In the Template editor, specify the necessary information on the various tabs of the editor. 6. When you are finished, click OK.

Entering Template Information

The Template Information tab is where youll enter a name and alias for all objects that will be created from this template. When deciding on a name, try to be as descriptive as possible. Descriptive names help future users choose the correct templates to create objects from. For example, if you are creating an output point for operating fans, you might want to enter a name like Turn_Fan On/Off. Entering an alias is optional. If you leave this field blank, CyberStation will use the templates alias. 238 TAC

CyberStation automatically avoids conflicts that are caused by duplicate object names when you create multiple objects using the template. If CyberStation detects an existing object with the same name, it appends an underscore and a number to the name of the new object. When CyberStation finds an existing object (for example, an alarm named alarm3), it renames the new object (for example, alarm3_1). The next time the same template is used to create an object in the same container, CyberStation will give the new object a name of alarm3_2.

Entering Attribute Data Sources

The Attribute Data Source tab is where youll choose a data source for the value for each attribute of the objects created from this template. See About Copied, Inherited, and Specified by User Attribute Values earlier in this chapter.

Considerations for BACnet EventEnrollment Templates

When you create templates for BACnet EventEnrollments, please be aware of the following: Some fields are disabled in EventEnrollment template objects, and can be specified only in the objects created from the template. The event type (Event Type field on General tab of EventEnrollment editor) cannot be changed once the template object is created. If an inherited object is deleted from a third-party device in CyberStation, and the object is re-learned, the inheritance is broken. Some event types are not supported on the Andover Continuum b4 and b3 controllers. (See Using the EventEnrollment Editor, in Chapter 14.) In the Attribute Data Source tab, some EventEnrolllment attributes cannot be changed. These are: Setpoint Reference Attribute (Algorithms tab in EventEnrollment editor, when the Floating Limit event type is selected.) Setpoint Reference Object (Algorithms tab in EventEnrollment editor, when the Floating Limit event type is selected) Object (General tab in EventEnrollment editor) Attribute (the Event Property attribute, General tab in EventEnrollment editor)

Creating an Object from a Template

1. In the Configuration Wizard (discussed in Chapter 2) click the tab with the template you want to use. 2. Drag the object icon or folder icon from the page of the Wizard to the container object in Continuum Explorer. You will be prompted by the Enter Attribute Values dialog for any attributes that had been designated as SpecifiedbyUser in the template(s). Andover Continuum CyberStation Configurators Guide 239

3. Enter the attribute value, and click the Next button for each prompted attribute.

4. After you see the message The operation is finished, click the Close button in the Creating Objects from Templates dialog to complete the creation of your new object. CyberStation automatically avoids conflicts that are caused by duplicate object names. If CyberStation detects an existing object with the same name, it appends an underscore and a number to the name of the new object. Once you have created a new object from a template you can review its attributes with the object editor or its Properties dialog. When you review the properties of an object created from a template, the name of the parent template appears at the bottom of the Main tab.

Editing an Object Created from a Template

When an attribute value is inherited, it cannot be changed in the object without breaking the link to the template. (Values inherited from a personnel template cannot be edited in the Personnel Manager.) Attempts to edit an inherited attribute value result in the following dialog, which requires users to select one of the options before they can make changes to the object:

You can automatically change an inherited attribute in all objects created from a template by editing the attribute in the template. 240 TAC

Note: If you select the third option, Break the connection between this object and the template object, you break the connection to the template for all attribute of the object itself, not just for the attribute you wanted to change. If you break the link between an object and a template, you cannot link the object to the template.

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242 TAC

Points, Logs, and Triggers

What is a Point?


Throughout Andover Continuum literature youll see references to the word point. In some cases its definition may be obvious; however there are instances where the term is not familiar. Inputs and outputs are referred to as points. An input point is a particular connection at a unique channel where an input sensor is connected. An output point is a particular channel where an actuator or other output device is connected. Points include internal memory locations that serve as virtual points. These locations act as storage locations for values that our programs change. Because they can be read and set just like inputs and outputs, we find it easier to refer to them in the same terms.

Types of Points
There are three types of points in the Andover Continuum system hardware-defined, software-defined, and BACnet-defined. Hardware-Defined InfinityInput InfinityOutput Software-Defined InfinityDateTime InfinityNumeric InfinityString BACnet-Defined CyberStation has nine points supported by BACnet devices. BACnet points are created on third-party BACnet devices or when an InfinityInput, InfinityOutput, or InfinityNumeric is created on an Andover Continuum b4920 or bCX1 40x0 InfinityController object or an Andover Continuum b3 InfinityInfinetCtlr object. BACnet points are:
Andover Continuum CyberStation Configurators Guide 243

Connections to an Infinity input device Connections to an Infinity output device Storage location where the current system time and date are available Storage location where numeric (number) information is stored Storage location where ASCII text characters are stored

AnalogInput, BinaryInput, and MultistateInput (created from an InfinityInput) AnalogOutput, BinaryOutput, and MultistateOutput (created from an InfinityOutput) AnalogValue, BinaryValue, and MultistateValue (created from an InfinityNumeric)

Note: The term point is a CyberStation term. According to the BACnet standard, these nine points are known as BACnet objects. For more information, plase see About BACnet Objects, at the end of this chapter. See also Chapter 14, BACnet.

About InfinityInput and InfinityOutput Points

What Is an InfinityInput?
An InfinityInput is a connection to an Infinity or Infinet controller for monitoring incoming signals from a sensor. Decisions we make during the configuration of an input determine how the controller will interpret and present that sensor input. The controller reads input values once per scan time and therefore can be updated automatically. Input Types CyberStation can monitor a variety of sensor types: Contact closures Thermistors Voltage and current transducers Current sensors DC voltage signals AC voltage signals Supervised security inputs

What Is an InfinityOutput?
An InfinityOutput is a connection to an Infinity or Infinet controller where signals are sent to controlled devices. Outputs turn things on and off, provide variable voltages, currents or air pressures. Outputs also change value either by program control, the command line, or from a graphic panel control. Output Types Outputs send signals to controlled devices that are: Digital (On Off, such as contact closures) Controlled by analog signals, voltage or current Air pressure controlled

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Before You Start

Before creating input or output points you will need to know: Information about the IO Module IO card slot numbers (for CX 94xx controllers) IOU board Lbus number (for CX 92xx controllers and NetControllers) IOU modules used on L-Bus Andover Continuum IO module number (for NetControllers) Infinet device name and path (for InfinityInfinet Controllers) Channel numbers where the physical connections are made Information about the sensor (input) or controlled device (output) Electrical type Engineering units in which you want the data presented on the workstation Display format in which you want the data presented on the workstation Resistor type for supervised inputs

Creating an InfinityInput Object

To create an InfinityInput object: 1. In the navigation pane of the Continuum Explorer, locate the controller object that you want to add the InfinityInput object to. 2. Right-click the controller object. 3. Select New, then select InfinityInput to bring up the New dialog. 4. In the New dialog, name the InfinityInput in the Object name field. 5. Click the Create button to bring up the InfinityInput editor:

Andover Continuum CyberStation Configurators Guide 245

The InfinityInput General Tab

The General tab, shown on the previous page, has several attributes that you can provide values for and a few attributes that are set by the control system. Attributes that you set include Units, Description and State. Value If a point is enabled, input values are read from the sensor that the point is attached to, updating the Value attribute with each system scan. For testing purposes, you can force an input to a pre-set value after you have set the points State to Disabled. Units, also known as engineering units, add meaning to the point value. When displayed on the workstation next to the value, as in 40 % Humidity, or 75 Deg F, units help users understand what the point is doing. Enter up to 12 characters (including spaces) in the Units field. Dont use double quotes. The text you enter here can be anything you want it to be. It is just a text string included to help the user. It has no affect on input point values. Description The description is optional, but a good explanation of the point helps others if they need to test, modify or manipulate the point in the future. The Description characters take up memory space in the controller. Type up to 32 characters (including spaces) in the Description field.


246 TAC


Enabled means the point is under system control. When the point is Enabled, the control system reads the sensor and sets the Value attribute to the value taken from the environment. Disabled means the system no longer updates the value. If we set the point to a different value, it holds that value as long as the point remains disabled. Never set a point manually unless you are testing or repairing the system.


If this point is referred to in a program on another controller or has an alarm attached, you will see a check in this checkbox. The Exported attribute is set by the control system. There is no user entry in this field. This read-only attribute shows the number of active alarms associated with this point.


The InfinityInput Settings Tab

This tab, shown below, is where you define the following: The electrical type (ElecType) of the device connected to this point The input channel number The IOU number of the input module (if applicable) The format in which the value of this point is displayed on the workstation Specific settings related to certain ElecTypes

Andover Continuum CyberStation Configurators Guide 247


The electrical type specifies the ElecType attribute for all InfinityInput points. See Appendix B for a complete listing of the possible electrical types. Note: If you are creating this input for an Andover Continuum b4, bCX1 40x0, or b3 controller, then a BACnet AnalogInput, BinaryInput, or MultistateInput is also created, when you select an analog, digital, or multistate (supervised) ElecType, respectively. See About BACnet Objects at the end of this chapter, and see Chapter 14, BACnet.


If you select Digital as an electrical type, and want to invert the meanings of ON and OFF, click the Invert box (usually grayed out) to put a check mark in it. Channel numbers are silkscreened onto the front of each type of IO unit on every type of controller. Typical channel number markings are IN18 (channel 18) on an Eclipse controller IO module or IN5 (channel 5) on an Andover Continuum IOU Module.


248 TAC


Enter an IOU number for the following three types of controllers: CX9200. Enter the number of the IOU board on Lbus. A CX9400. Enter the slot number where the IO card is plugged in to the card rack. Andover Continuum NetController. Enter the number of the IO module or IOU board on Lbus that is sending the input. Assign the appropriate number for the module you are configuring.


The format field is where you specify what display format you want to use to present the Value attribute to the operator. The # sign is a placeholder. Examples ###.### would be a number with three decimal places $### shows values greater than zero as ON, values equal to zero as OFF and values less than zero as ON.

Digital Filter

Enable or disable the digital filter by selecting True or False from the dropdown menu. When the Digital Filter is True, value updates are slightly delayed in order to filter out sudden, radical changes in sensor readings (due to, for example, electrical surges). When the Digital Filter is False, the value is updated with every sensor reading. This provides slightly faster updates.

Andover Continuum CyberStation Configurators Guide 249

The InfinityInput Conversions Tab

The Conversions tab is where you enter information about how the controller converts the sensor readings (ElecValue) into engineering units Enter a conversion formula in the Conversion field or use the Auto Conversion fields to set the top and bottom of scale values. Input signals are converted to temperatures, relative humidities, atmospheric pressures, and so on.


Enter the amount of change in engineering units that must occur before the point updates other objects such as programs, functions, alarms, reports and exports to other controllers. A threshold of zero increases network traffic, as all associated objects update with any change in point value. You enter a conversion formula for either of the two following circumstances: The conversion between the sensor reading ElecValue and engineering units is non-linear. For example, enter the formula SQRT(ELECVALUE)*500, if the square root of the ElecValue must be multiplied by 500 to equal the correct engineering unit Value. You want to limit or bias a linear conversion. For example, enter the formula (ELECVALUE + .5), to calibrate a temperature sensor reading. Note: Do not include VALUE = in the formula you enter in the Conversion field.


250 TAC

Auto Conversion

Enter the top of scale for the engineering units in the Top field on the left. For example, if you entered % Humidity in the Units field on the General tab, your top of scale would most likely be 100, for 100%. Enter the bottom of scale for the engineering units in the Bottom field on the left. For example, if you entered % Humidity in the Units field on the General tab, your bottom of scale could be 0, for 0%. The fields for ElecType values are on the right side of the Auto Conversion section. The values you enter will be used in a linear conversion. Enter the top of scale for the electrical units in the upper ElecType field on the right. For example, if you selected Voltage in the ElecType dropdown menu on the Settings tab, your top of scale would most likely be 5, as this is the highest reading possible for voltage on many controllers. Enter the bottom of scale for the electrical units in the lower ElecType field on the right. For example, if you selected Voltage in the ElecType dropdown menu on the Settings tab, your bottom of scale would most likely be 0, as this is the lowest reading possible for voltage. Formulas entered in the Conversion field take precedence over the conversion generated by the Auto Conversion section, but the Auto Conversion will recognize a limiting or biasing formula and use it in its conversion.

Test the Point

Once you have completed the General, Settings and Conversions tabs of the editor, you have supplied enough information to create the point. Now is a good time to save the point and test your preliminary configuration. Save the Point Click InfinityInput editors OK button. Verify Value The Explorers Command Line should show the correct path to the controller . Enter PRINT Pointname You should see the current value of the point in the response line. Verify ElecValue From the Command Line, enter PRINT Pointname ELECVALUE You should see the current input electrical value of the point in the response line.

Andover Continuum CyberStation Configurators Guide 251

InfinityInput Logs Tab

In the Logs tab, shown below, you define logs and extended logs for the point. A log is a collection of point values. The structure, also known as an array, looks like a two-column table. The first column contains an index of entry numbers. The second column contains recorded values.

In the Logs tab, you define and activate two types of logs for a point: Logs Log entries are stored on the local controller that owns the point. See Logs, later in this section. Extended logs CyberStation offloads the local-controller extra log entries for this point and stores them in the database. This happens once the maximum number of controller log entries is filled. When you activate extended logs, the additional "extra" entries are transferred (uploaded) to a workstation's CyberStation database, to capture them before they are deleted in the controller. The extended log, which is an extension of a log, continues recording values where the log leaves off. It records values depending on how you set up the short-term log. These extended log entries can be uploaded from both local-area network (LAN) controllers and remote-access services (RAS) network controllers to the workstation. (See Extended Logs, later in this section.) Extended-log settings on the Preferences tab of the Device editor for a workstation. (For more information on these settings, see Extended Logging, later in this section, and Chapter 14, BACnet.)

Extended logs work according to the attribute settings on this tab, as well as:

252 TAC

Extended-log settings 7, 8, 9, and 10, in the General Preferences dialog. (For more information on these settings, see Extended Logging, later in this section.)

Automatic Logs and Manual Logs For Infinity Input, Output, Numeric, String, and DateTime points, you can set up one of two basic types of short-term logs: Logs that the system updates automatically Logs that you update manually

Automatic Logs Automatic logs are generated by CyberStation at specific intervals that you define via the attribute settings on this tab, as well as the preference settings in the General Preferences dialog. (See Extended Logs, later in this section, for General Preference settings.) For example, the following picture depicts an automatically updated log for a point named SupplyAir:

CyberStation updates automatic logs by inserting new values into the first log entry. Every interval, a new value is stored in the first log entry, pushing existing values down to the remaining entries. When the specified number of entries is full of values, the bottom value "drops off when a new value is inserted. When working with logs, you wont actually see structures like the one shown above. Instead, you use point names and index numbers to retrieve values stored in logs. To do this, simply enclose the index number in square brackets [ ] directly after the point name. For example, to print the sixth entry (72) of the log for SupplyAir, use the following command: PRINT SupplyAir[6]

Andover Continuum CyberStation Configurators Guide 253

Manual Logs Unlike automatic logs, CyberStation cannot set manual logs. Manual logs are set either from the Command Line editor or a Plain English program. To update a manual log, simply enclose the index number in square brackets [ ] directly after the point name. The example below sets the third log entry of an array named MyNum: SET MyNum[3] TO 12 Note: To perform calculations on logs, see the following Plain English keywords: SUM AVERAGE MINIMUM MAXIMUM Logs The following table describes the attributes in the Logs section of this tab. These settings affect extended logs, when extended logging is activated. Number of Entries Enter an integer representing the number of entries. The maximum number of entries allowed in a log depends on the memory available on your controller, but cannot exceed 32,767 entries per log. When this number is exceeded, and you have activated extended logging, then the first-in-first-out log entries are transferred (uploaded) to a workstation's CyberStation database. If extended logging is not activated, then the first-in-first-out log entries are deleted from the controller. Type In the Type field, use the down arrow to show a list of available log types and select one: Manual Not set by CyberStation. Can be set only from the command line, a report, or a Plain English program CyberStation stores the current value of this point at the beginning of every interval CyberStation calculates the average point value over every interval, using a weighted average algorithm. Average values are stored at the end of every interval. CyberStation compares all values over an interval, finds the minimum and stores it at the end of every interval CyberStation compares all values over an interval, finds the maximum and stores it at the end of every interval

LogInstantaneous LogAverage



254 TAC


If the Type is not Manual, set the Interval. This determines how often CyberStation stores new values in the log. The values that you enter for days, hours, minutes and seconds are combined to create the total interval. For example, if you enter a 1 for days and a 12 for hours, the log will be updated every 1.5 days. Similarly, if you need a 90-minute interval, enter a 1 for hours and a 30 for minutes. Days maximum value is 365 Hours maximum value is 23 Minutes maximum value is 59 Seconds maximum value is 59

Tip: In order to have a log updated at the same time every hour (every quarter hour, or every half hour, for example) your interval must be evenly divisible into one hour (1 min, 2 min, 3 min, 4 min, 5 min, 6 min, 10 min, 12 min, 15 min, 20 min, or 30 min). Extended Logs To activate extended logs for this point, check the Extended Logging checkbox. When you activate extended logs, the additional "extra" entries are transferred (uploaded) to a workstation's CyberStation database, to capture them before they are deleted in the controller. The extended log, which is an extension of a log, continues recording values where the log leaves off. It records values depending on how you set up the short-term log. These extended log entries can be uploaded from both LAN controllers and RAS controllers to the workstation. In addition to checking the Extended Logging box and setting the Number of Entries, Type, and Interval attributes on a point's Logs tab, your administrator also configures settings 7, 8, 9, and 10, in the General Preferences dialog.

Andover Continuum CyberStation Configurators Guide 255

The General Preferences dialog is shown below:

Setting 7, Extended Log Database Check Interval (minutes) This is the time interval, in minutes, that CyberStation checks the database for points that are enabled for automatic extended logging, checks the extended logging table, and uploads the point data. The default is 5 minutes. Increase for RAS Network: If you know you will be performing extended-log uploading from controllers on a RAS (remote) network, it is good practice to increase the number of interval minutes because this process takes longer on such a network. Data is lost when this process takes longer than 5 minutes beyond the number of minutes specified here. It is also good practice to decrease the Extended Log maximum RAS Buffer Percentage (see setting below). Setting 8, Extended Log Maximum LAN Buffer Interval (minutes) This is the maximum time interval, in minutes, that CyberStation may check each controller on a LAN network for new extended logging data. Setting 9, Extended Log Maximum RAS Buffer Percentage This is the maximum amount (percentage) of new point log data allowed to accumulate in a controller on a RAS network, before it is downloaded automatically. It is a percentage of total controller log size. CyberStation knows the logging interval and the log buffer size on a RAS controller, and it calculates when a certain percentage of the buffer in the controller is filled. It dials into the controller when the percentage is exceeded to download the log data. This may be any percentage between 0 and 100 percent. Decrease to Ensure More Frequent Downloads: Make sure this percentage is small enough to ensure more frequent downloading. Data is lost when a downloading operation takes longer than 5 minutes beyond the number of minutes specified in the 256 TAC

setting above, Extended Log Data Check Interval. It is also good practice to increase the number of minutes in that setting (see above). Setting 10, Extended Log Automatic Purge Interval (days) This is the number of days to keep extended log data in the database before purging it. Extended log data is stored in a single internal table, so purging the data after a specified number of days prevents this table from becoming too large. A value of 0 ensures that the data is never purged. symbol To access the General Preference dialog, right click the Continuum located in the bottom right-hand corner of the screen, and select General Preferences. Settings 16 of the General Preference dialog are related to password-management configuration. For more information, please see Chapter 5. Enabling a Workstation for Extended Logging You may enable or disable any workstation to download extended log data from controllers on a local-area network (LAN) or from controllers on a remote-access services (RAS) network, to the workstation. This is done via settings 19 and 20 (Enable personnel distribution to controllers on the LAN and Enable personnel distribution to RAS networks) on the Preferences tab of the Device editor for the workstation device that you wish to enable or disable. Your must determine which workstations at your site are best suited to perform this task. For more information, see the Preferences tab of the Device editor, in Chapter 14. Extended Logging Backwards Compatibility (Old and New Extended Logs) Before version 1.7, you created Plain English programs for extended logs. These programs facilitated extended log tables in the database, one table per controller. During CyberStation installation of version 1.7 or higher, in the database initialization process (the Database Initialization dialog) you check the Extended Logging Backwards Compatibility checkbox to retain the pre 1.7 method for creating extended logs, while also enabling new extended logging functionality. If you do not check this box, then you may not use the old (pre 1.7) method. Note: The "old" extended log tables, created before your upgrade to version 1.7, remain in the database. When a "new" extended log table is created, if necessary, data from an "old" table are copied and merged with the data in the "new" table. For more information, please see the CyberStation Installation Guide, 30-3001-720. Extended Logs and Reports Extended log data, as well as other report data sources, can be presented in a report and displayed in the form of attractive trend chart, text chart, bar chart, or pie chart. CyberStation supplies many Report object templates that include bar-chart templates, pie-chart templates, and trend templates giving reports a certain default "look and feel." To use these Report templates, your must import them (and thus activate reports) during the CyberStation installation process, in an upgrade to version 1.7 or higher. During installation, in the Database Initialization dialog, you must check the Create/Update Graphical Report Settings checkbox. If this box is not checked, then the TAC-supplied Report templates are not available. For more information, please see the CyberStation Installation Guide, 30-3001-720, as well as descriptions of Reports and the Report editor in Chapter 11.
Andover Continuum CyberStation Configurators Guide 257

Setting 11 - Time Interval Between Requests Setting 11 of the General Preferences dialog is the number of milliseconds that CyberStation waits before it polls controllers and networks for value changes in points embedded in Pinpoint graphics panels. The default is 30 ms. This delay between poll requests enhances performance by ensuring that a controller/network is not flooded with too many requests. Note: This setting is applied globally, to all controllers/networks to all Infinity controllers, Infinet controllers, Infinet networks, Andover Continuum BACnet controllers, BACnet networks, and third-party BACnet controllers. If a third-party request interval is longer than this global setting, the third-party interval overrides this setting. If a third-party interval is shorter than this global setting, the global setting overrides. (The longer interval prevails.) Remote access services (RAS) controller graphic points are polled synchronously, so this setting does not affect graphics on remote controllers. Settings 12, 13 Fieldbus Personnel Distributions Setting 12: Number of Concurrent Fieldbus Personnel Distributions This General Preference setting is the number of concurrent personnel distributions that are sent from each workstation to controllers on each field bus network. The default (and minimum) value is 1. Maximum value is 4. This setting, which works in conjunction with setting13, improves performance by preventing or large numbers of personnel records from flooding field bus controllers. See also Chapter 20, Managing Personnel Distribution. Time Interval Between Fieldbus Personnel Distributions This General Preference setting is the amount of time (in milliseconds) that CyberStation waits before it sends another personnel distribution to controllers on the same fieldbus network. The default value is 30. Minimum value is 0. Maximum value is 15000 (15 seconds). This setting, which works in conjunction with setting 12, improves performance by preventing large numbers of records from flooding field bus controllers. It is also useful when there are many workstations performing access distribution. (That is, set it higher if there are many workstations.) See also Chapter 20, Managing Personnel Distribution. Settings 14, 15 NetController Personnel Distributions Setting 14: Number of Concurrent NetController Personnel Distributions This is the number of concurrent personnel distributions that are sent from each workstation to NetControllers and all other Ethernet-level controllers. The default (and maximum) value is 4 and the minimum value is 1. This setting works in conjunction with setting 15. Setting 15: Time Interval Between NetController Personnel Distributions -- This is the amount of time (in milliseconds) that CyberStation waits before it sends another personnel distribution to NetControllers and all other Ethernet-level controllers. The default (and minimum) value is 0 and the maximum value is 15000 (15 seconds). This setting, which works in conjunction with setting 14, improves performance by preventing large numbers of personnel records from flooding these Ethernet-level controllers. It is also useful when there are many workstation performing access distribution.

258 TAC

The InfinityInput Triggers Tab

The Triggers tab is where youll associate triggers with a point. Triggers are Plain English programs whose status changes to active when the point value changes by at least the amount of the Threshold attribute setting. One point may have numerous triggers associated with it. Conversely, one program can be triggered by many points. To associate an Infinity program with a point, click the Add button. This will display a Browse dialog for Plain English programs. Once you have found the Infinity program you want, click the Select button, and that program will be added to the points trigger list. To delete an Infinity program from the trigger list, click it, then click Remove button.

Andover Continuum CyberStation Configurators Guide 259

The InfinityInput XDriver Tab

If you have purchased a special device that you have connected to a controller, TAC can develop special software that allows your device to work with the controller. The software is called an XDriver. After you have connected your device to the controller, and installed the XDriver software, you need to specify the comm port that you used in the XDriver window.

Use the dropdown menu to select the desired comm port. Once the proper comm port has been selected additional XDriver parameters will be required (see your XDriver documentation).

The InfinityInput Security Level Tab

Refer to Chapter 4 for details on entering information into the Security Level tab.

260 TAC

InfinityOutput Points
An InfinityOutput point is an object that you create on Infinity or Infinet controllers. An output point changes or affects the environment by controlling a piece of equipment such as a heater or fan. Infinity controllers have numerous (the number varies depending on the type of controller) channels for output points. A channel in this case is simply an area in the controller than can be physically connected to a device. When you create an InfinityOutput point, you define it by specifying values for its attributes. An attribute can be thought of as a characteristic of the point. For example, you have many attributes such as height, weight, hair color, and age. Some of the attributes for an InfinityOutput point include value, electrical type, display format, threshold. Youll specify values for these attributes and many more in the following tabs of the InfinityOutput editor.

Creating an InfinityOutput Object

You create an InfinityOutput object in the same way that you created an InfinityInput object. Repeat the steps for an InfinityInput object, but replace the word InfinityInput with InfinityOutput throughout the steps. This brings up the InfinityOutput editor:

Andover Continuum CyberStation Configurators Guide 261

The InfinityOutput General Tab

The General tab has several attributes that you can provide values for and a few attributes that are set by the control system. Value When a point is enabled and active, the control system updates it automatically. Never set a points value manually unless you are testing or repairing the system. Always disable a point before setting the value manually. Units, also known as engineering units, add meaning to the point value. When displayed on the workstation next to the value, as in % open, or PSI, units help users understand what the point is doing. Enter up to 12 characters (including spaces) in the Units field. Dont use double quotes. The text you enter here can be anything you want it to be. It is just a text string included to help the user. It has no affect on input point values. Description The description is optional, but providing a good explanation will help others work with the point. Type up to 32 characters (including spaces) in the Description field. Select Enabled or Disabled from the dropdown menu. When the point is enabled, the control system sets the value to the desired output setting. When the point is disabled, a program can't set the point. A user can set it from the Command Line or a control on a graphic panel. Never set a point manually unless you are testing or repairing the system. A check in the Exported checkbox means that programs or reports on another controller use this point's value. The Alarms attribute displays the number of active alarms associated with this point.



Exported Alarms

262 TAC

The InfinityOutput Settings Tab

The Settings tab is where you specify various settings regarding the output point, such as the channel number and the electrical type.


Select one of the electrical types from the dropdown menu. Note: If you are creating this output for a b4, bCX1 40x0, or b3 controller, then a BACnet AnalogOutput, BinaryOutput, or MultistateOutput is also created when you select an analog, digital, or multistate (tristate) ElecType, respectively. See About BACnet Objects at the end of this chapter, and see Chapter 14, BACnet. Voltage Digital The output point is a voltage type. Enter a conversion formula on the Conversions tab. The output point is an ON or OFF contact closure. You can use the Invert checkbox to invert the meanings of ON and OFF. The output is a current type The output is a tristate type (ON, OFF, ON) Not used

Current Tristate ACC_Pneumatic

Andover Continuum CyberStation Configurators Guide 263

ReaderDoor (Infinity only)

The controller is an Infinet controller, other than a 700 series, and the point is controlling a door or mag strike lock on a door with a card reader on an EMX 190 or a CRM 100 module. This output type usually applies only if you do not have the access control version of Infinity. The controller is an Infinet controller and the point is a voltage output on an EMX 151 or AOM 500. The controller is an Infinet controller and the point is a current output on an EMX 151 or an AOM 500. The output is for an LED display on an Andover Continuum door-mounted display module .

HiResVoltage HiResCurrent PanelMeter


Channel numbers are silkscreened onto the front of each type of IO unit on every type of controller. Typical channel number markings are OUT1 (channel 1) on an Eclipse controller IO card or OUT3 (channel 3) on an Andover Continuum IO Module. Enter an IOU number for IO in the following three types of controllers: CX9200: Enter the number of the IOU board on the Lbus. These IOU numbers are set with dipswitches. Look at the dipswitches to determine the IOU number. CX9400: Enter the slot number where the IO card is plugged in to the card rack. The slots are numbered from left to right, starting with 1. Andover Continuum NetController: Enter the number of the IO module or the IOU number on Lbus that is sending the output. Assign the appropriate number for the module you are configuring. For example, for Andover Continuum IO modules, you may decide to number the modules from left to right, starting with the top DIN rail. NetControllers can control up to 32 IOU modules. Label the IOU modules with the numbers you assign. This number is not the same as the 12-digit module ID # assigned to the individual module at the factory. Outputs created on any other types of controllers, will show the IOU field grayed out.



The format field is where you specify what display format you want to use to present the Value attribute to the operator. The display format $### shows values greater than zero as ON, values equal to zero as OFF and values less than zero as ON.

264 TAC

About Displaying Percents

There are two ways to show percent values to the user, depending on how you configure the Value and Units attributes for an output point. 1. On the General tab of the editor, include a % sign as the first character of the Units attribute. For example: %RH This will have no effect on the Value attribute of the point. 2. On the Settings tab of the editor, include a % sign in the Format field. For example: %###.# When the % sign is in the display format field this way, the Value of the point will automatically be multiplied by 100 and a % sign added when the point is displayed. Note: If using this method with an Auto Conversion, the top of scale should be set to 1, not 100. This second method of showing percents is commonly used with analog outputs. For example in the Plain English Language print statement: Print The value is set to %### open., WATER_VALVE prints the value in numeric characters as a percentage of the scale for the WATER_VALVE point with the scale set from 0 to 1, where 0 is fully closed and 1 is fully open. So if the value is .45, the statement prints: The value is set to 45% open.

The InfinityOutput Conversions Tab

The Conversions tab (shown on next page) is where you enter a conversion formula or set Auto Conversion fields to convert engineering units to control signals. The output value is converted and displayed based on the formula in the Conversion or Auto Conversion fields. Value/10 in the Conversion field would carry out the same conversion as shown in the Auto Conversion section.

Test the Point

Once you have completed the General, Settings and Conversions tabs of the editor, you have supplied enough information to create the point. Now is a good time to save the point and test your preliminary configuration. Save the Point Click InfinityInput editors OK button. Verify Value The Explorers Command Line should show the correct path to the controller . Enter PRINT Pointname You should see the current value of the point in the response line.
Andover Continuum CyberStation Configurators Guide 265

Verify ElecValue From the Command Line, enter PRINT Pointname ELECVALUE You should see the current input electrical value of the point in the response line.

Continuing On
Once you have tested the point, reopen the editor and complete the remaining tabs to finish configuring the point. Enter information into the Triggers, Alarms, Logs and XDriver tabs of the InfinityOutput editor. Complete these tabs using the explanations provided earlier in this chapter for completing the same tabs of the InfinityInput editor. Refer to Chapter 4 for details on entering information into the Security Level tab.

266 TAC

About Infinity Software Points

Software points are holding places for information. They are numerics, datetimes, or strings. Infinity software points are those that exist on Infinity controllers (including NetControllers) and Infinet controllers that are connected to the Andover Continuum system. InfinityNumeric InfinityNumeric points are storage locations in an Infinity controllers memory. They store numeric information, such as temperature setpoints. They can store the values ON, OFF and ON as well as floating point numbers such as 1.52, 6.14 and so on. They are also used when configuring Andover Continuum enclosure door display modules. InfinityDateTime points store date and time information used in schedules and are used to create time stamps. InfinityString points are storage locations for plain text messages in an Infinity controllers memory. These can include logical paths to physical devices such as printers, or messages that are displayed to an operator.

InfinityDateTime InfinityString

Creating Infinity Software Points

To create new Infinity software points you type information into text fields and make selections from dropdown menus in the tabs of the CyberStation InfinityNumeric, DateTime and String editors. Once you have created the new points, you can review the details of the configuration several different ways: Object editor Object Properties dialog, also called the Info Viewer ListView or class default ListView From the Command Line

Creating an InfinityNumeric Object

You create an InfinityNumeric object in the same way that you created an InfinityInput object. Repeat the steps from the InfinityInput procedure, but replace the word InfinityInput with InfinityNumeric throughout the steps. This brings up the InfinityNumeric editor, as shown on the next page.

Andover Continuum CyberStation Configurators Guide 267

Note: For instructions on how to use objects editors in general refer to Chapter 3. The InfinityNumeric General Tab Attributes that you can set for all InfinityNumeric points include Value, Units, Description, State, Format and Setpoint. For points connected to certain IOU modules, you also set the Channel and IOU numbers and Direction. Value Units The initial value of a newly created InfinityNumeric point is 0.000. Enter value in the field or set it from the command line. Units (engineering units) make clear the type of information the point registers. They display next to the Value, as in 72 Deg F, to help users. Other examples of engineering units are: % Humidity and Deg C. Type up to 12 characters (including spaces). Dont use quotation marks. A description of up to 32 characters (including spaces) is optional, but a good explanation helps users when they need to test, modify, or manipulate the point. Set channel and IOU numbers so the points value can be read or changed by a display module. Enter the channel number as it is marked on the controller. Enter an IOU number.


Channel and IOU Numbers (NetControllers Only)

268 TAC


Direction is required only if the points value can be read or be changed by a display module. Select one of the following from the Direction dropdown menu: IOInput IOOutput IOBidirectional Allow changing the point value from the controller only. Allow changing the point value from the control system only. Allow changing the point value from both the controller and the control system.

BACnet Object Type

If this Infinity Numeric is associated with a BACnet device (b4, bCX1 40x0, or b3 controllers only) then it must become an AnalogValue, BinaryValue or MultistateValue object. From the dropdown menu, select AnalogValue, BinaryValue, or MultistateValue. See About BACnet Objects at the end of this chapter, and see Chapter 14, BACnet. Select Enabled or Disabled from the dropdown menu. The control system can change an Enabled point from a program or report, but not a Disabled point. Check the Setpoint checkbox so the controller stores the current point value in the CyberStation database. The format field is where you specify what display format you want to use to present the Value attribute to the operator. The # sign is a placeholder. Examples: ###.### would be a number with three decimal places $### would equal on/off/-on.


Setpoint Format

Exported Continuing On

If Exported is checked, it means that programs or reports on another controller use this point's value or has an alarm attached.

Once you have tested the point, reopen the editor and complete the remaining tabs to finish configuring the point. Enter information into the Triggers, Alarms, Logs, and XDriver tabs of the InfinityNumeric editor. Complete these tabs using the explanations provided earlier in this chapter for completing the same tabs of the InfinityInput editor. Refer to Chapter 4 for details on entering information into the Security Level tab.

Creating an InfinityDateTime Object

You create an InfinityDateTime object in the same way that you created an InfinityInput object. Repeat the steps for InfinityInput, but replace the word InfinityInput with InfinityDateTime throughout the steps. This brings up the InfinityDateTime editor:

Andover Continuum CyberStation Configurators Guide 269

Note: For instructions on how to use objects editors in general refer to Chapter 3. The InfinityDateTime General Tab InfinityDateTime points store date and time information used in schedules and are used to create time stamps. They print from Plain English in the format: MM/DD/YY. Value Description The initial value of a newly created InfinityDateTime point is 1/1/89. Enter value in the text field or set it from the command line. A description of up to 32 characters (including spaces) is optional, but a good explanation helps users when they need to test, modify, or manipulate the point. Set channel and IOU numbers so the points value can be read or changed by a display module. Enter the channel number as it is marked on the controller. Enter an IOU number. On 9200 CX controllers, IOU numbers are set with dipswitches. After you enter these numbers, select a direction, if applicable (NetController only).

Channel and IOU Numbers

270 TAC


Direction is required only if the points value can be read or be changed by a display module. Select one of the following from the Direction dropdown menu: IOInput IOOutput IOBidirectional Allow changing the point value from an Andover Continuum display module only. Allow changing the point value from the control system only. Allow changing the point value from both the Andover Continuum display module and the control system.


Select Enabled or Disabled from the dropdown menu. The control system can change an enabled point from a program or report but not a disabled point. Check the Setpoint checkbox so the controller stores the current point value in the CyberStation database. The Exported attribute is set by the control system. A check in the Exported checkbox means that programs, reports, or alarms on another controller use this point's value.

Setpoint Exported

Continuing On Once you have tested the point, reopen the editor and complete the remaining tabs to finish configuring the point. Enter information into the Triggers, Logs and XDriver tabs of the InfinityDateTime editor. Complete these tabs using the explanations provided earlier in this chapter for the InfinityInput editor. Refer to Chapter 4 for details on entering information into the Security Level tab.

Creating an InfinityString Object

You create an InfinityString object in the same way that you created an InfinityInput object. Repeat the steps from the InfinityInput procedure, but replace the word InfinityInput with InfinityString throughout the steps. This brings up the InfinityString editor, shown on the next page. The InfinityString General Tab InfinityString points are storage locations for plain text messages in an Infinity controllers memory. These can include logical paths to physical devices such as printers, or messages that are displayed to an operator.

Andover Continuum CyberStation Configurators Guide 271

Value Description

This field is blank in a newly created point. A description of up to 32 characters (including spaces) is optional, but a good explanation helps users when they need to test, modify, or manipulate the point. The default InfinityString point size is 132 characters. You can set a lower number, being sure to pad the size in case you later change the string. The control system truncates characters that exceed the specified string size. Set channel and IOU numbers so the points value can be read or changed by a display module. Enter the channel number as it is marked on the controller. Enter an IOU number. On 9200 series CX controllers, IOU numbers are set with dipswitches. After you enter these numbers, select a direction. (See below.)

String Size

Channel and IOU Numbers (NetController Only)

272 TAC


Direction is required only if the points value can be read or be changed by a display module. Select one of the following from the Direction dropdown menu: IOInput IOOutput IOBidirectional Allow changing the point value from the controller only. Allow changing the point value from the control system only. Allow changing the point value from both the controller and the control system.


Select Enabled or Disabled from the dropdown menu. The control system can change an enabled point from a program or report, but not a disabled point. Check the Setpoint checkbox so the controller stores the current point value in the CyberStation database.


Continuing On Once you have tested the point, reopen the editor and complete the remaining tabs to finish configuring the point. Enter information into the Triggers, Logs and XDriver tabs of the InfinityString editor. Complete these tabs using the explanations provided earlier in this chapter for the InfinityInput editor. Refer to Chapter 4 for details on entering information into the Security Level tab.

About BACnet Points

Just as Andover Continuum b4920, bCX1 40x0, and b3 BACnet devices must first be created as InfinityController objects and InfinityInfinetCtlr objects, so too must the nine BACnet points, listed at the beginning of this chapter, first get created as Infinity points. Specifically, if they are attached to Andover Continuum BACnet controllers, they are initially created as InfinityInputs, InfinityOutputs, and InfinityNumerics.

How Are BACnet Points Created?

When an InfinityController object is created for an Andover Continuum BACnet b4920 or bCX1 40x0 controller, or when an InfinityInfinetCtlr object is created for an Andover Continuum BACnet b36xx, b38xx, or b39xx controller, both Infinity and BACnet points are created.

Andover Continuum CyberStation Configurators Guide 273

The following table illustrates this creation: When you create this Infinity point for its b4/bCX1 40x0 InfinityController or b3 InfinityInfinetCtlr InfinityInput (with analog electrical type) InfinityInput (with digital electrical type) InfinityInput (with multistate supervised electrical type) InfinityOutput (with analog electrical type) InfinityOutput (with digital electrical type) InfinityOutput (with multistate tristate electrical type) InfinityNumeric (created as an AnalogValue) InfinityNumeric (created as a BinaryValue) InfinityNumeric (created as a MultistateValue) This BACnet object is also created for its corresponding b4/bCX1 40x0/b3 BACnet Device AnalogInput BinaryInput MultistateInput AnalogOutput BinaryOutput MultistateOutput AnalogValue BinaryValue MultistateValue

BACnet Input and Output Objects When you create an InfinityInput and select an analog, binary, or multistate electrical type (via the ElecType field in the Settings tab of the InfinityInput editor) a BACnet AnalogInput, BinaryInput, or MultistateInput is also created, respectively. BACnet Value Objects When you create an InfinityNumeric and select AnalogValue, BinaryValue, or MultistateValue as the BACnet Device Type field in the General tab of the InfinityNumeric editor, a BACnet AnalogValue, BinaryValue, or MultistateValue is also created, respectively. These editors and their tabs are shown earlier in this chapter. Note: For third-party BACnet devices that are integrated into the Andover Continuum system, AnalogInput, BinaryInput, and MultistateInput objects were already created as objects on those third-party BACnet controllers. When InfinityInputs, InfinityOutputs, and InfinityNumerics are first created, their BACnet counterparts are not simultaneously created. The BACnet counterpart is created when, from Continuum Explorer, you highlight the BACnet controller (b4, bCX1 40x0, b3), right click, and from the popup menu select Send To Database. See Chapter 3 and Chapter 14. In Continuum Explorer, after these BACnet points are created and learned into the system, they appear as Infinity points in the CyberStation/Infinity portion of the navigation pane, and as BACnet points in the BACnet Devices portion of the navigation pane. On the Infinity side, they appear in CyberStation/Infinity class folders beneath the InfinityController and InfinityInfinetCtlr object icons. Likewise, on the BACnet side, they appear in BACnet default class folders beneath their Device icons. (See Chapter 3 and Chapter 14 for more information on these Explorer views.) 274 TAC



Andover Continuum fully supports the BACnet standard. Andover Continuums BACnet product line includes controllers, expansion IO modules, repeaters, routers, and CyberStation workstations modified as BACnet Operator Workstation (B-OWS). This chapter describes CyberStations implementation of BACnet support, including BACnetcompliant editors and other BACnet features that help you successfully configure and integrate BACnet devices into your building control system.

What is BACnet?
BACnet stands for Building Automation and Control network. It is a communication protocol, developed by the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and AirConditioning Engineers, Inc. (ASHRAE), that allows products made by different manufacturers to be integrated into a single building automated control system. This means that as long as they meet the ANSI/ASHRAE BACnet Standard, different manufacturers products can seamlessly communicate data to each other over a network. The types of products include controllers, workstations, actuators, and sensors. In BACnet, each of these products is referred to as a device. In order for communications to occur between two different systems a common network technology is required. BACnet supports six different types of networks: Ethernet, BACnet/IP, ARCNET, MS/TP, Point-to-Point, and LonTalk. Continuum supports MS/TP, a twisted-pair cabling arrangement based on the RS-485 standard, and BACnet/IP for its BACnet networking requirements. BACnet provides a standard to model each BACnet device in a building automation system network as a collection of software entities called objects. Each object is characterized by a set of attributes called properties. A third feature, called services, provides messages needed for manipulating the devices objects and properties.

BACnet Objects
The BACnet protocol is based on objects, properties, and services. Objects are the logical representation of system data. Objects may represent single physical points or
Andover Continuum CyberStation Configurators Guide 275

logical groupings/collections of points that perform a specific function. The BACnet standard objects supported are: AnalogInput AnalogOutput AnalogValue BinaryInput BinaryOutput BinaryValue Calendar Device File EventEnrollment Loop MultistateInput MultistateOutput MultistateValue Program Schedule TrendLog EventNotification (NotificationClass in the BACnet standard)

Objects are examined and controlled by a set of properties that belong to each object. BACnet properties are equivalent to attributes in CyberStation. (Refer to Key Concepts in Chapter 1.) Examples of object properties are name, type, present value, status flags, high-limit, low limit, and so forth. The most commonly used property for interoperability is Present Value. Each BACnet device also has a device object containing properties that can be used to verify communications, identify the vendor, and identify software and firmware revision and other characteristics of the device. The device objects properties represent the externally visible characteristics of a BACnet device. Note: CyberStation provides object editors for most BACnet objects. The user interfaces in these editors have the same look and feel as other CyberStation/Infinity object editors. BACnet properties appear inside the editors, the way CyberStation attributes do. (See the sections, BACnet Defined Objects and Infinity and BACnet Object Editors, later in this chapter.) Important: While using these object editors, you will notice that certain properties/attributes and, in some cases, entire sections and tabs are unselectable (appear gray). This means that they are not supported on or applicable to the device on which the object resides for example, on Andover Continuum b4920, bCX1 (40x0 series), and b3 controllers, and certain third-party BACnet devices.

276 TAC

In order for two different devices to interoperate, a common set of services is required. BACnet services provide messages for accessing and manipulating properties of device objects. For example, the devices need to identify themselves (I Am, Who Is), read and write data (Read Property, Write Property), and so forth. BACnet defines 35 services that are grouped into six categories: Alarm and Event Device Management File Transfer Object Access Virtual Terminal Security

Andover Continuums BACnet Product Line

The Andover Continuum line of BACnet products includes a variety of controllers, expansion modules, and other devices that conform to the ASHRAE standards BACnet Advanced Application Controller (B-AAC) device profile. Andover Continuum CyberStation conforms to the ASHRAE B-OWS profile. Both the B-AAC controllers and the B-OWS-enhanced CyberStation are classified as native BACnet devices, meaning that they can interoperate directly with other manufacturers (third-party) BACnet devices.

BACnet-Related Documentation
For more information on BACnet, Andover Continuums BACnet product line, and Andover Continuums implementation of BACnet, please see the following: Introducing BACnet - A Guide for Continuum Users, 30-3001-863 BACnet Controller Technical Reference, 30-3001-862 bCX1 Series Controller Technical Reference, 30-3001-890 ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 135-2004: BACnet A Data Communication Protocol for Building Automation and Control Networks BACnet PICS (Protocol Implementation Conformance Statements), located on the BACnet page of TACs tech support web site. PICS are detailed descriptions of a devices inherent BACnet capabilities. PICS tell a potential user what objects and BACnet services a device supports. It also details the type of communications network, the baud rate, the range of values each object property expects and whether or not a property is read-only. (This sites BACnet page has many other useful BACnet documents.) CyberStation online help

Andover Continuum CyberStation Configurators Guide 277

Post Installation System Integration

Once the new BACnet hardware devices have been installed on your system and CyberStation software has been installed in accordance with the CyberStation Installation Guide, 30-3001-720, start up CyberStation. (See Starting CyberStation in Chapter 1.) Access the Continuum Explorer. Normally you will be in the All Paths view.

Locating BACnet Devices

To find new BACnet devices: 1. Ensure that setting 1, Enable BACnet, in the BACnet Preferences dialog is set to True. (See the BACnet Preferences dialog later in this chapter.) 2. Right click Root in the Explorers navigation pane. The object dropdown menu appears:

3. Select Find New BACnet Devices. The new BACnet network icon appears in the navigation pane.

4. Click the + sign next to display BACnet devices, folders, and other objects:

Device Icons

Note: You can also right click an InfinityController and select Find New BACnet Devices.

278 TAC

BACnet Icons In CyberStation, BACnet-related icons appear in the Explorer to differentiate between BACnet and non-BACnet devices. These icons are shown below. BACnet Devices

Continuum (blue)

Third Party (olive)

Continuum i2 Device (gray)

Third Party Workstation (olive monitor)

CyberStation Workstation (blue monitor)

BACnet Device BACnet


BACnet Folder (blue)

BACnet Default Class Folder (blue)

CyberStation Default Class Folder

BACnet Class Objects

BACnet AnalogInput BinaryInput MultistateInput Networks

BACnet BinaryOutput

BACnet AnalogValue BinaryValue

AnalogOutput MultistateOutput

BACnet Network Color differentiates between Andover Continuum (blue) and third-party (olive) BACnet devices, folders, and workstations. Also, Andover Continuum i2 devices appear in gray.

Andover Continuum CyberStation Configurators Guide 279

The following illustration shows Continuum Explorer with many of these BACnet and nonBACnet icons. Note that the upper portion of the navigation pane shows Infinity (nonBACnet) icons, whereas the lower portion shows BACnet icons, beneath the BACnet network icon:

280 TAC

Saving BACnet Devices to the Database

The new BACnet devices need to be added to CyberStations SQL database. By default, each new BACnet device icon has a yellow exclamation flag next to it. When you place the cursor over the flag, the following tool tip appears: Root\BACnet Device\ xxxxxxx requires a save to database. CyberStation offers you two ways to accomplish this manually or automatically. Manual Save to Database To manually save a BACnet device to the database: 1. Right click the BACnet device. A popup menu appears. 2. Select Send to Database option from the popup menu:

This causes the content of the device to be uploaded to the SQL database. Once the process is complete, select Refresh from the Explorers View menu (or click the Explorers refresh button) and the exclamation flag disappears from the devices icon. Automatic Save to Database You can set up CyberStation so that each new BACnet device is automatically saved to the database (upon learning of new BACnet devices) by performing the following procedure: in the window taskbar (tool tray). 1. Right click the Continuum icon 2. Select BACnet Preferences from the popup menu:

3. In the BACnet Preferences dialog (shown on the next page) change the value of item 2, Automatically save new BACnet devices to the database, from False to True.

Andover Continuum CyberStation Configurators Guide 281

4. Find new BACnet devices. Right click over the Root directory in the Explorer, and from the popup menu, select Find New BACnet Devices. (See the procedure, Locating BACnet Devices, earlier in this chapter.)

Viewing Options
CyberStation offers you three ways to view Andover Continuum BACnet controllers in the Explorer. The choices are: As both Infinity/Infinet Controller objects and BACnet Device objects As BACnet devices only As a Infinity/Infinet controllers only

Viewing Both Infinity Controllers and BACnet Devices To view Andover Continuum BACnet controllers as both Infinity/Infinet Controller objects and as BACnet Device objects in the Explorers navigation pane: 1. From the Explorers View dropdown menu, select Show TAC BACnet Device As... 2. Select Infinity Controller and BACnet Device:

282 TAC

The navigation pane of the Explorer now reflects this viewing selection. For example:

b4920 controllers, b4Controller1 and b4Controller2 are shown with Infinity Controller icons in the

The same controllers (with the same names) are also shown with BAC t i i th Viewing BACnet Device Only To view Andover Continuum BACnet controllers only as BACnet Device objects in the Explorers navigation pane: 1. From the Explorers View dropdown menu, select Show TAC BACnet Device As 2. Select BACnet Device Only.

The navigation pane of the Explorer now reflects this viewing selection. For example:

bCX1 controllers, b4Controller1 and b4Controller2, do not appear as Infinity Controllers in the Infinity portion of the tree.

Viewing Infinity Controller Only To view Andover Continuum BACnet controllers as Infinity/Infinet Controller objects in the Explorers navigation pane: 1. From the View dropdown menu, select Show TAC BACnet Device As 2. Select Infinity Controller Only.
Andover Continuum CyberStation Configurators Guide 283

The navigation pane now reflects this viewing selection. For example:

bCX1 controllers, b4Controller1 and b4Controller2, do not appear in the BACnet portion of the

Disabling BACnet
The first setting (Enable BACnet) in the BACnet Preferences dialog allows you to disable communication with all BACnet devices on your system. To accomplish this: 1. Right click the Continuum icon in the window taskbar (tool tray). 2. Select BACnet Preferences from the popup menu:

3. In the BACnet Preferences dialog, change the value on item 1, Enable BACnet, from True to False. 4. Change your viewing options to Infinity Controller Only:

Once you have performed this procedure, CyberStation no longer sends or responds to BACnet communication requests and works completely in the context of CyberStation/Infinity class objects. To return to BACnet, change the Enable BACnet setting to True (its default setting) and change your viewing option to Infinity Controller and BACnet Device.
284 TAC

BACnet View
The Explorer provides a BACnet View selection in its View dropdown menu. This selection shows only the BACnet portion of the Explorer tree. To use this view: 1. Click the down arrow attached to the Explorer bar icon toolbar. 2. Select BACnet View from the dropdown menu: in the quick picks

The navigation pane shows the BACnet devices portion of the tree:

Hiding Out of Service Devices

You can hide any out-of-service devices that you do not want to appear in the Explorer by performing the following procedure: 1. In the Explorer, right click the device you wish to hide. 2. Select Open from the dropdown menu. The Device editor appears. (Refer to the next page.) 3. Check the Out of Service checkbox in the Device editor. 4. Click the editors OK button. 5. Select Hide Out of Service Devices from the Explorers View menu: 6. Select Refresh from the Explorers View menu, or click the Explorers refresh button The selected device should not appear on the refreshed Explorer view.

Registering a BACnet Broadcast Management Device (BBMD)

If your workstation is designated as a BACnet Broadcast Management Device (BBMD), click the BBMD Registration button (located in the BACnet Preferences dialog) to view the BBMD Registration dialog, which is a list of system BBMDs that are registered with your BBMD workstation the other BBMDs that yours knows about. This list is an internal table, known as the BBMD table. BBMDs ensure that broadcast messages are delivered among all BACnet devices across subnetworks. Your BBMD must know about other BBMDs as part of the broadcast process. In addition to the BBMD table, each BBMD also has a table of foreign devices. These are BACnet devices to which broadcast messages are routed.
Andover Continuum CyberStation Configurators Guide 285

For each BBMD, the BBMD Registration dialog lists the IP address, network port, broadcast disk mask, and last "teach time" the last time you used the Teach button to inform other BBMDs about the existence of your BBMD and BBMD table. (See Teaching BBMDs, below.) Adding BBMDs You may add a BBMD to your BBMD table, as follows: 1. From the BACnet Preferences dialog, click the BBMD Registration button:

The BBMD Registration dialog appears:

2. Click the Add button. The Add BBMD dialog appears:

286 TAC

3. Enter the IP address, network port, and broadcast distribution mask of the BBMD. Note: If you also want to learn about the BBMDs contained within the internal table of the BBMD you are adding, check the Import all BBMDs from device checkbox. The BBMDs from that table are added to the registered list (your table). 4. Click OK, then from the BBMD Registration dialog, click Refresh. Teaching BBMDs From the BBMD Registration dialog, you may teach other system BBMDs about the existence of your BBMD (including the BBMDs listed in your internal BBMD table). 1. From the BACnet Preferences dialog (shown in previous section) click the BBMD Registration button. The BBMD Registration dialog (shown in previous section) appears. 2. Click the Teach button. A window appears showing the progress of the teach process, before the process completes. The Last Teach Time column in the BBMD Registration dialog will reflect this teach. Deleting BBMDs From the BBMD Registration dialog, you may delete one or more BBMDs. 1. From the BACnet Preferences dialog, click the BBMD Registration button. The BBMD Registration dialog appears. 2. Highlight (select) a BBMD entry in the list. 3. Click the Delete button, then click the Refresh button.

Andover Continuum CyberStation Configurators Guide 287

Note: Click the Exit button to dismiss the BBMD Registration dialog. For important related BBMD information, see also the Details tab and the Foreign Devices tab of the Device editor, which is discussed next. For complete information on BBMDs, please see Introducing BACnet A Guide for Continuum Users, 30-3001-863.

The Device Editor

Once a BACnet device has been saved to the CyberStation SQL database, you can open its Device editor. To do this, right click the Device icon in the Explorers navigation pane, and select Open from the dropdown menu. The Device editor opens with the General tab displayed. Note: When you are editing a BACnet Device object, fields in the editor will be unselectable (grayed-out) for those properties that the BACnet device does not support.

The General Tab

The general tab summarizes the network features of the device, most of which are automatically supplied by the system. A few remaining inputs and actions are supplied by the user. A summary of all the features on the tab is described below.

Description BACnet Network Number

288 TAC

Name of the device and its node number. Specifies the ID of the BACnet IP network

Model Name Device Node ID Device Status

Displays a model name based on the information it receives via the BACnet protocol. The node ID number assigned to the device Based on the current status of the device, this displays one of the following: Operational indicates the device is working and is ready to receive or transmit data. DownloadRequired indicates the device requires a download of information NonOperational indicates the device is offline or that a fault has been detected. OperationalReadOnly indicates the device is working and ready to transmit data. DownloadInProgress indicates a download is in progress and the device will not be ready to transmit data until the download is complete.

Comm Status

CyberStation sets the comm status to OnLine or OffLine depending on whether the workstation is in communication with the device. Check this checkbox to designate this workstation as the primary access server. Check this checkbox to designate this workstation as the secondary access server. The Media Access address assigned to the device. Enables a device to auto download schedules to controllers. Set the interval in seconds by which the device checks the comm status of the other connected CX series controllers and CyberStation workstations. When the device does not receive a response from another CX controller or CyberStation within the probe time, it changes their comm status to Offline.

Primary Access Server Secondary Access Server BACnet MAC Address Auto Download Probe Time

Andover Continuum CyberStation Configurators Guide 289

Probe Type

From the dropdown menu, select one of the following. Note: Probe Type is used only for third-party BACnet devices. Probe Probing occurs at the interval specified in Probe Time. The default is 60 seconds. The advantage of this is that CyberStation detects a device going offline regardless of whether or not CyberStation is attempting communications with the device. The disadvantage is excess probe traffic for devices. ProbeOnDemand Probing does not occur unless a communications transaction with the target device fails. Once a transaction fails then probing occurs at the interval specified in Probe Time until the device comes back online. The advantage is that additional requests to the controller fail immediately. The disadvantage if that node failure is not detected until a CyberStation application needs to communicate with a controller. ProbeOff Probing does not occur. The advantage is that there is never probe traffic to the device. The disadvantage is that each request to the device fails only after the transaction times out.

BACnet Max Master Out of Service BACnet Workstation

The Max Master property is a value that specifies the highest possible address for master nodes. When checked, hides the selected device. (See Hiding Out-ofService Devices, earlier in this chapter.) Add check in checkbox to identify a third-party device as a workstation. It will show up as an olive computer icon in the Explorer. Type in the physical location of the device (optional). Enter up to 32 characters of text that indicates the container type (workstation). Specifies the controllers serial number, which is retrieved once the workstation is in communication with the controller and you have used the Teach button to update your network. Specifies the default folder under which the device will appear. When selected, brings up the Reinitialize Device dialog. (See below.) Invokes the teach mode (see next page)

Location Container Type Serial Number

Default Folder Reinitialize Device Teach

290 TAC

Reinitializing Andover Continuum BACnet Controllers Andover Continuum BACnet controllers contain EPROM flash memory that can be upgraded electronically. Whenever a reset is desired or power failure occurs, these controllers can be reinitialized. This can be accomplished as a cold start or a warm start, defined as follows: Cold Start when the controller comes up from a reset and recalls a backup copy of the controllers original RAM database

Warm Start when the controller comes up from a reset and recalls a copy of the controllers database at the time the reset or power failure occurred. To reinitialize a controller proceed as follows: 1. Click the Reinitialize Device button (previous page) to bring up the Reinitialize Device dialog:

2. Click the State fields down-arrow button to open the dropdown menu. 3. Click the desired reinitialize state (Coldstart or Warmstart). 4. Enter your password in the Password field. (Enter password on third-party BACnet devices only. Andover Continuum BACnet controllers do not require a password.) 5. Click the OK button. Teach Click this button to perform a manual "teach". This updates or "teaches" all Infinity controllers (including Andover Continuum BACnet controllers) about this CyberStation device and teaches all Infinity controllers about each other and about all devices. Note: The Teach feature is implemented on CyberStation devices only. It is not implemented on BACnet devices. When you click the Teach button, a Select Teach Mode dialog appears:

Andover Continuum CyberStation Configurators Guide 291

Teach supports two modes of operation: Mode Device Teach Description Click the Device Teach radio button to teach all Infinity controllers, including b4920/bCX1 (40x0 series) controllers, on the network about the existence and properties of this device. Click the Global Teach radio button to teach everything to teach each Infinity Controller, and each b4920/bCX1 (40x0 series) controller, about the other Infinity controllers that are on the same network, and to teach all Infinity controllers about all devices.

Global Teach

292 TAC

The Details Tab

The Details tab supplies various information about the BACnet device. Two of the most important items on this tab are the Supported Object Types and the Supported Services windows, which list the objects and services that are supported by the device. This tab also allows you to designate this device as a BACnet Broadcast Management Device (BBMD) or register this device as a foreign device with an existing BBMD.

Supported Services Supported Object Types Vendor Name Vendor ID Software Revision Firmware Revision

Lists the types of BACnet services that are supported by the device. Lists BACnet objects that are supported by the device. Displays the name of the vendor who manufactured the device. Displays the vendor's corporate ID number. Displays the version number of the software application supported by this device. Displays the version number of the devices firmware.

Andover Continuum CyberStation Configurators Guide 293

Protocol Version

Displays a number that indicates which specific set of standardized protocol services and object classes this object supports. Displays the version number of the firmware innate to the standardized protocol services and object classes this object supports. Displays the version number of the CyberStation database. Represents the maximum number of octets that may be contained in a single, indivisible application layer protocol data unit. Displays the maximum number of times that an APDU (application protocol data unit) shall be retransmitted. The default value is 3. If you have access permission, you may change the number in this field. Displays the amount of time in milliseconds between retransmission of an APDU requiring acknowledgment for which no acknowledgment has been received. The default value is 60,000 milliseconds. If you have access permission, you may change the number in this field.

Protocol Revision

Database Revision Max APDU Length Accepted APDU Retries

APDU Timeout

Max Info Frames

Specifies the maximum number of information frames that may be sent before the device must pass the token. The field is selectable (writable) if this device is a node on an MS/TP network. If it is not writable or otherwise userconfigurable, its value shall be 1. Indicates whether or not this device supports segmentation of messages, and if so whether it supports segmented transmission, reception, or both. The possible values are listed below: Segmented Both Supports both segmented transmission and reception. Segmented Received Supports only segmented reception. SegmentedTransmit Supports only segmented transmission. NoSegmentation Does not support segmentation.

Segmentation Support

294 TAC

Segment Timeout

Displays the amount of time in milliseconds between retransmission of an ADPU segment. The default value is 2000 milliseconds. In order to achieve reliable communication, all intercommunicating devices should have the same Segment timeout value. If you have access permission, you may change the number in this field.

Max Segments Accepted Max # of Async Requests

Displays an integer that represents the maximum number of message segments allowed. Note: This attribute is used only for third-party BACnet devices. This attribute specifies how many concurrent requests will be sent to the device. You may either: Accept the default (1). This is non-concurrent. Enter another integer that specifies the maximum number of concurrent requests that the Pinpoint graphics application can send to this device to update the values of points and objects attached to graphic controls inside an open Pinpoint graphics file. Accepting 1, the default Accepting 1, the default, means that the requests (or the "polling" of point/object values) occur one request at a time. When you accept 1, the request interval (time between requests) must also be set. (See Request Interval, below.) Note: For the least impact on network performance, the default is recommended. This avoids heavy polling traffic. Changing the Default Value When you enter an integer of 2 or higher, Pinpoint polls the device in multiple, concurrent read-property requests. Use this feature if you believe the Pinpoint data-value updates are too slow. Concurrent polling works best for devices attached to an Ethernet network. It is not recommended for devices attached to a field-bus network, such as MS/TP. Note: The Request Interval field (see below) is not selectable if you enter a value of 2 or higher. The Request Interval field is used only for sequential (non-concurrent) data polling (when the value is 1).

Andover Continuum CyberStation Configurators Guide 295

Request Interval

Note: This attribute is used only for third-party BACnet devices. This field can be set only when the Max # of Async Requests is set to 1 (the default). The request interval is the number of milliseconds that elapse between two sequential (non-concurrent) data-value requests. (The Pinpoint graphics application sends requests to this device to update the values of points and objects attached to graphic controls inside an open Pinpoint graphics file. See also Max # of Async Requests, above.) You may either: Accept the default value (500 milliseconds). Enter another value, in milliseconds. Note: For best performance, the default (500 milliseconds) is recommended.

296 TAC

BACnet Broadcast Management Device

Check this checkbox if the device is a BACnet Broadcast Management Device (BBMD). A BBMD facilitates the delivery of broadcast messages among BACnet devices located on different TCP/IP subnetworks. Note: As of this version, a workstation and a bCX1 40x0 controller can be designated a BBMD. By default, this checkbox is not checked. When it is not checked, you may register this device (as a foreign device) with an existing BBMD. Enter values in the fields of the Foreign Device Registration section, located beneath the checkbox. These fields are described below. A foreign device is a BACnet device that has an IP subnet address different than other BACnet devices with which it must share broadcast communication. When you check it, the Device editor also displays a Foreign Devices tab, which lists foreign devices that are registered all the ones that the BBMD knows about. The Foreign Devices tab is described later in this chapter. (Each BBMD has an internal table of foreign devices, as well as an internal table of other BBMDs.) Note: See also Registering a BACnet Broadcast Management Device (BBMD), earlier in this chapter.. The BBMD Registration feature allows you to maintain a registered list of other BBMDs (the internal table of BBMDs). For complete information on BBMDs, please see Introducing BACnet - A Guide for Continuum Users, 303001-863.

Foreign Device Registration BBMD IP Address Enter the IP address of the BBMD with which you want to register this device as a foreign device. This field defaults to 0. Enter the BACnet network port (hexadecimal integer) of the BBMD with which you want to register this device as a foreign device. This field defaults to 0xBAC0. Enter the number of seconds that a foreign device registration is active that is, how long it remains registered in the table of foreign devices of the BBMD. If no reregistration occurs before the time expires, the foreign device is purged from the table when the time expires. The default is 300 seconds (5 minutes).
Andover Continuum CyberStation Configurators Guide 297


Time to Live

Note: For complete information on all BACnet properties, please see ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 135-2004: BACnet A Data Communication Protocol for Building Automation and Control Networks.

The Backup/Restore Tab

Using the Backup/Restore tab, you can automatically back up configuration information from this BACnet device to your database, as well as automatically restore it from the database to this device. The configuration information resides in a special configuration file, which is stored as an object the BACnet class object, File. (See Chapter 21.) You can also archive it locally in a text file (ASCII dump file.)

The backup selections on this tab see also the editor attributes table below allow you to: Back up configuration information (stored in a special File object called ACCConfiguration) for this BACnet controller and save it to your CyberStation database. Note: You can also perform this operation for one or more devices via the right-click container popup menu in Continuum Explorer's navigation pane. Please see Backing Up a Device's Configuration in Chapter 21.

298 TAC

Back up configuration information for this controller from the database and archive it into a text (ASCII dump) file. Simultaneously back up this controller's configuration information to the database and copy (archive) it to a text (ASCII dump) file. The restore selections on this tab see also the editor attributes table below allow you to: Restore configuration information from your database to this BACnet controller. Note: You can also perform this operation for one or more devices via the right-click container popup menu in Continuum Explorer's navigation pane. Please see Restoring a Device's Configuration in Chapter 21. Restore archived configuration information (contained in a text ASCII-dump file) to your database.

Simultaneously restore the archived configuration information (contained in a text ASCII-dump file) to your database and to this controller. The File object When a backup operation is performed for a BACnet device, a File object (a BACnet class object) is created. This object, which is stored in the File object class folder residing in its respective BACnet controller, is named ACCConfiguration and it contains configuration information for that controller all the configuration settings for objects in the controller. For more information please see Chapter 21, Managing Configuration Files. Backup To Database Time Backup Failure Timeout Last Restore To Device Time Last Restored Archive File Displays the last date/time the configuration information was backed up from the controller to the database. Enter the time to allow a backup to complete before a backup operation ends due to a timeout. Displays the date/time the configuration information was last restored to the controller. Displays the path of the last archive (.dmp) file to be restored.

Andover Continuum CyberStation Configurators Guide 299


Select one of the radio buttons to perform a backup operation, as follows:

To Database Back up the content of the

ACCConfiguration file from this controller and save it to your database.

Database To Archive Back up the saved configuration in your database from the database to an archived (ASCII .dmp) file. In the Archive File Name field, click the browse button, search for, and select the file into which you want to archive the information. To Database and Copy to Archive Perform both backup operations. That is, back up ACCConfiguration from this controller to the database and archive it to an ASCII .dmp file. In the Archive File Name field, click the browse button, search for, and select the file into which you want to archive the information.

When you have selected the operation you want and (if needed) have selected an archive file, click the Backup button to execute the backup operation. For Andover Continuum BACnet controllers, the Distribution Properties dialog appears, showing progress messages about the status of the backup operations. For some third-party BACnet controllers, you are first prompted to enter a password. If the password is accepted, the operation begins. Restore Select one of the radio buttons to perform a restore operation, as follows:
From Database Restore the content of the

ACCConfiguration file from your database to this controller.

From Archive to Database Back up the content of an archive file to the database. In the Archive File Name field, click the browse button, search for, and select the file whose configuration information you want to restore to the database. From Archive To Database and Device Back up the content of the archive file to the database and to the controller. In the Archive File Name field, click the browse button, search for, and select the file from which you want to restore to both the database and controller.

Configuration Files In Archive This window lists one or more ACCConfiguration file images contained within the particular archive (.dmp) file that you have
300 TAC

selected. It helps you identify whether or not this is the correct archive file that you want to restore. Archive Backup Time When you select the archive (.dmp) file that you want to restore, this field displays the last time that the information in this archive file was backed up from the controller to the database. This timestamp helps determine whether or not this is the archive file that you want to restore.
Note: You may use the restore operations on this tab to

restore archive-file information to one or more controllers. To do so, access the Device editor for every controller to which you want to restore the archived information. When you have selected the operation you want and (if needed) have selected an archive file, click the Restore button to execute the restore operation. For Andover Continuum BACnet controllers, the Distribution Properties dialog appears, showing progress messages about the status of the restore operations. For some third-party BACnet controllers, you are first prompted to enter a password. If the password is accepted, the operation begins.

The Known Devices Tab

The Known Devices tab lists the BACnet devices that exist on the network that can be monitored by this device. Entries in the list identify the actual device addresses that are used when the device is accessed via a BACnet service request.

Andover Continuum CyberStation Configurators Guide 301

Device BACnetNetworkNumber BACnetMacAddress

Displays the path of the device. Specifies the ID of the BACnet network. The Media Access address assigned to the device.

The Foreign Devices Tab

If this device is designated as a BACnet Broadcast Management Device (BBMD), then this Foreign Devices tab appears in the Device editor:

This tab lists all the foreign devices contained in the BBMD's internal foreign device table. A foreign device is a BACnet device that has an IP subnet address different from those comprising the BACnet/IP network. Foreign devices are registered with a BBMD. This registration makes it possible for the BBMD to facilitate the delivery of broadcast messages among registered BACnet devices located on different system subnetworks. Note: The BACnet Broadcast Management Device checkbox on the Details tab must be checked for the Foreign Devices tab to appear. For more information on BBMDs, please see Introducing BACnet A Guide for Continuum Users, 30-3001-863. For each foreign device listed, this tab displays the following information. The values in this tab reflect the properties of subscriptions of foreign devices registered with CyberStation. IP Address The IP address of the BBMD with which you want to register this device as a foreign device. This is specified in the Details tab. Port The BACnet network port (hexadecimal integer) of the BBMD with which you want to register this device as a foreign device. This is specified in the Details tab.

302 TAC

Time To Live The total number of seconds that a foreign device registration inactive that is, how long it will be registered in the table of foreign devices of the BBMD. If no re-registration occurs before the time expires, the foreign device is purged from the table when the time expires. This is specified in the Details tab. Time Remaining The number of remaining seconds that a foreign device will be registered in the table of foreign devices. If the foreign device is not re-registered before this time expires, then it is purged from the table when the time expires.

The Time Tab

The Time tab is where you synchronize the BACnet device time and date to the systems local time and date:

Local Time UTC Offset

Enter the local time hour: minutes: seconds AM or PM Enter the Universal Time Coordinate (UTC) offset in minutes. This is the difference in minutes between your local time and Greenwich Mean Time. Note: When entering this number, use the opposite sign (negative or positive) from what you actually want the system to write. For example, if you are 300 minutes (5 hours) ahead of GMT, enter: -300 If you are -240 minutes (4 hours) behind GMT, enter: 240

Local Date Daylight Savings Synchronize to Local Time and Date

Enter the date month/ day/ year. Check if daylight savings time is in effect. Use the BACnetDevice window to locate the new BACnet device. (See below.)

To synchronize the new BACnet device with the systems local time and date: 1. Scroll through the BACnetDevice window to locate the new BACnet device.
Andover Continuum CyberStation Configurators Guide 303

2. Click the device to highlight it. 3. Click the Add button. 4. Click the Sync Time button. Note: To remove a BACnet devices local time and date from the system, perform steps 1 and 2 (above), and the click the Delete button.

The Alarms Summary Tab

This tab provides an alarm summary from the BACnet device each time the Refresh button is selected:

Event Object Alarm State Acked Transitions

Displays the event object that caused the alarm. Displays the state of the alarm. Displays one of three alarm acknowledgement transition events: ToOffnormal ToFault ToNormal These are cleared upon the occurrence of the corresponding event and set under any of these conditions:

304 TAC

Upon receipt of the corresponding acknowledgment Upon the occurrence of the event if the corresponding flag is not set (meaning event notifications will not be generated for this condition and thus no acknowledgment is expected) Upon the occurrence of the event if the corresponding flag is set (meaning no acknowledgment is expected)

The Preferences Tab

Note: The Preferences tab is only applicable to CyberStation workstations. It is not supported for Andover Continuum b3, b4920, and bCX1 (40x0 series) devices or for third-party BACnet devices. This tab presents settings that you set by typing in values, selecting the location of files and file paths from dropdown menus, or selecting true or false conditions.

Setting 1

Description Command Prompt in the Command Line application

Value Command prompt for the CyberStation command line application. Select files from the browse dialog. Type in the format.

2 3

The location of the badge format files The default badge format

Andover Continuum CyberStation Configurators Guide 305

Setting 4

Description Default Report Viewer

Value Type in the report viewer file (notepad.exe, and so on) Select True or False Type in the number. Type in the number. Type in the file path. Type in the file path. Select True or False. Select True or False. Use the Open dialog to select the file path. Use the Open dialog to check the path. Use the Open dialog to check the path. Select True or False.

5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 thru 14 15 thru 17 18 19

Increment Report File Maximum entries in the Alarm Viewer Maximum entries in the Access Event Viewer The location of the Plain English Wizard files Path to the Alarm Printer Suppress form feeds when printing alarms Use preset image cropping Alarm, Return to Normal and Fault Email Format file path for each item Acknowledge File Path for each item The file name of main menu Enables and disables the immediate distribution of personnel records from this workstation to controllers on the local area network (LAN). True (enabled) is the default. When this feature is enabled, the workstation inspects the status of the database, and if there are pending distributionevent transactions, it performs the distributions. Note: This preference should be set only by a system administrator. When to disable this preference Typically, you would set this preference to False if the workstation is running a lot of applications, such as graphics. If there are several workstations at this site, disabling it on the web server may result in better performance. It also gives you the choice of turning it off for a workstation that is shut down at the end of a day. When to enable this preference Typically, you would set this preference to True for workstations that are dedicated servers (running 24 hours per day and seven days per week, typically in a back

306 TAC


Description room) and for other workstations based on the number of distributions and throughput. The more workstations that are distributing, the faster the distribution occurs. For related information, please see Chapter 20, which describes the Access Distribution View.



Enables and disables the immediate distribution of personnel records from this workstation to controllers on remote access services (RAS) networks. True (enabled) is the default. When this feature is enabled, the workstation inspects the status of the database, and if there are pending access distributions, it performs the distributions. Note: This preference should be set only by a system administrator. The guidelines for disabling and enabling this preference (given in setting 19) also apply to setting 20. Please see setting 19, above. For related information, please see Chapter 20, which describes the Access Distribution View.

Select True or False.


Enables and disables the downloading of extended log data from the controllers on the local area network (LAN) to this workstation. TRUE (enabled) is the default. Note: This preference should be set only by a system administrator. When to disable this preference Typically, you would set this preference to FALSE if the workstation is running a lot of applications, such as graphics. If there are several workstations at this site, disabling it on the web server may result in better performance. It also gives you the choice of turning it off for a workstation that is shut down at the end of a day. When to enable this preference Typically, you would set this preference to TRUE for workstations that are dedicated servers (running 24 hours per day and seven days per week, typically in a back room) and for other

Select True or False.

Andover Continuum CyberStation Configurators Guide 307


Description workstations based on the number of amount of downloading and throughput. For more extended log preference settings, please see the description of the General Preferences dialog in Chapter 13.



Enables and disables the downloading of extended log data from the controllers on a remote access services (RAS) network to this workstation. TRUE (enabled) is the default. Note: This preference should be set only by a system administrator. The guidelines for disabling and enabling this preference (given in setting 21) also apply to setting 22. Please see setting 21, above. For more extended log preference settings, please see the description of the General Preferences dialog in Chapter 13.

Select True or False.


Establishes the data-refresh rate for an active graphic in the web.Client Pinpoint graphics application. Note: Graphics objects are created in CyberStation, in Pinpoint design mode. You may not create, design, or modify graphics objects in web.Client. However, in web.Client you may open a graphic panel, monitor its values and, in run mode, dynamically adjusting those values. (See the web.Client online help.) Enter the rate (in seconds) at which you want to poll values in web.Client Pinpoint graphics continuously and automatically. When web.Client graphics are in use, they are automatically refreshed at this rate. The default is 5 seconds.

Type in the number of seconds or accept the default.

308 TAC

Setting 24

Description This setting is used by the CyberStation Pinpoint graphics application. Enter a rate (in milliseconds) at which you want to poll graphics panel values in real time and refresh the canvas in a Pinpoint graphics object, when the application is active (selected in the foreground on a PC). The range of acceptable values is 20 ms to 32000 ms (32 seconds). The default is 20. Setting a value outside this range generates an error message. Tips: Using the default or another low number means that graphics are constantly refreshed. However, some processors may become sluggish if they are less able to handle such a rapid rate. In this case, you would want to use a higher number, such as 250 or 500 ms, to stabilize performance.

Value Enter the rate in milliseconds.


This setting is used by the CyberStation Pinpoint graphics application. Enter a rate (in milliseconds) at which you want to poll graphics panel values and refresh the canvas in a Pinpoint graphics object, when the application is inactive (not selected in the foreground on a PC). The range of acceptable values is 20 ms to 32000 ms (32 seconds). The default is 20. Setting a value outside this range generates an error message. For some usage tips, see the note in setting 24, above.

Enter the rate in milliseconds.


Use Personnel Manager. True is the default selection, indicating that the Personnel Manager, a powerful and easy-to-use tool for creating, editing, and managing Personnel objects is the editor for Personnel objects at this workstation. Select False if you want to use the Personnel editor, a dialog similar to other CyberStation editors.

Select True or False.

Andover Continuum CyberStation Configurators Guide 309

Security Level Tab

The access permissions configured in a security level allow you to customize (deny)access to individual CyberStation objects.

Security levels are actual CyberStation objects (Security Level objects) configured via the Security Level editor. A security level can deny access to a CyberStation object editor on a page-by-page basis using object-level security. Object-level security is a way to deny user groups the ability to create, delete, or change individual CyberStation objects. Every object editor in CyberStation has a Security Level tab that displays a list of all existing security level objects. Selecting a security level object here attaches that security level to the object being edited. To attach a security level to this point, locate the security level in the Name column and click the radio button next to it. To detach a security level from this point, locate the security level in the Name column and double-click the radio button to remove the black dot it contains. Or you can right click the security level in the Name column to bring up a popup menu. Click Clear Selection in the popup menu. Refer to Chapter 4 for information on the attaching security levels to a BACnet device. The Next Step Once you are finished with the BACnet Device editor, you can begin to configure alarms for your BACnet devices.

310 TAC

Configuring BACnet Alarms

Configuring alarms for BACnet devices deviates somewhat from the standard CyberStation alarm configuring procedure described in detail in Chapter 10. Basically, to configure a standard CyberStation alarm you: Create the EventNotification object(s) Create the AlarmEnrollment object(s) associated with the EventNotification object

Attach AlarmEnrollment objects to the point to be monitored However for configuring BACnet devices the BACnet object class, EventEnrollment, replaces the AlarmEnrollment object.

The EventEnrollment Object

The EventEnrollment object is required for BACnet systems. It defines a standardized object that represents and contains the information required for managing events within BACnet systems. An EventEnrollment defines criteria that, when applied to the attached object, will generate an event and transmit an event message to recipients defined by the attached EventNotification. The EventEnrollment object contains the event-type description, the parameters needed to determine if the event has occurred, and a link to an EventNotification object and the object to which the event applies. You use the EventEnrollment editor to access and edit EventEnrollment objects. Creating The EventEnrollment Object To create an EventEnrollment object, perform the following procedure: 1. In the Explorers navigation pane, right click the icon of the device to which you want to add an EventEnrollment. Note: For Andover Continuum b4920, bCX1 (40x0 series), and b3 controllers, right click its InfinityController or InfinityInfinetController object icon, respectively, in the upper Infinity portion of the navigation tree. For third-party devices, right click its Device object icon in the BACnet portion of the navigation tree. You cannot create an EventEnrollment for a b4920, bCX1 (40x0 series), or b3 controller via its BACnet Device object. 2. From the New dialog, select EventEnrollment: 3. When the New dialog appears, enter a name for the EventEnrollment object in the Object name field. 4. Click the Create button to create the object and bring up the EventEnrollment editor.

Andover Continuum CyberStation Configurators Guide 311

Using the EventEnrollment Editor

The EventEnrollment editor contains four tabs that you use to define the event object. In doing this you will make decisions based on the following questions: Which property will trigger this event? Youll answer this question by selecting an Event Property on the General tab. Most of the time alarms are set up to monitor the value event. Who will be notified of this alarm? Youll answer this question by making selections in the EventNotification and Recipient dropdown menus on the General tab. EventNotification objects determine, among other things, which workstations receive notification, and which methods are used for notification. (Refer to About EventNotification Objects in Chapter 10.) What Algorithm will this event use? Youll answer this question by selecting an algorithm and providing its parameters on the Algorithms tab. An algorithm is a set of rules by which an alarm is evaluated. The type of algorithm is determined by the Event Type selection you make on the General tab. What will operators see and hear when this alarm goes off? Youll answer this question by writing text messages and selecting audio files for each event state. The text messages you write appear in the Active Alarm View, alarm status bar, alarm log, emails, pages, and printer output. (Refer to Active Alarm View in Chapter 10.)

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The EventEnrollment General Tab The General tab is where you enter basic information about the event.

Description Event Notification Object Event Property

Type a description of the EventEnrollment object. It can be up to 32 characters (including spaces) in length. Browse for an EventNotification object. This will insert the correct path and object name into the Event Notification field. Browse for the applicable event object. Browse the BACnet properties listing in the dropdown menu, and select a property. The list includes all of the properties for all of the BACnet objects. Except for the TrendLog object, Andover Continuum only supports the Value property. For a TrendLog object, the Event Property may also be LogBuffer. When checked, each Send option causes the event to be displayed in the Active Alarm View and all recipients on the notification list when the associated point changes to that status. The Alarm option reports the alarm when the point goes into an alarm (OffNormal) state. The Return to Normal option reports the alarm when the point returns to normal. The Fault option reports the alarm when a BACnet device local to the point detects and reports a mechanical fault.
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Event Type

The selection you make here determines what fields display on the Algorithms tab of this editor. The choices of BACnet event types are: Change of Bitstring Change of State Change of Value Command Failure Floating Limit Out of Range Buffer Ready (for TrendLogs Chapter 17) Note: The Change of Bitstring and Command Failure algorithms are selectable for third-party BACnet devices only. They are not available for Andover Continuum b4920, bCX1 (40x0 series), and b3 BACnet devices. When you attach a TrendLog as an object, Buffer Ready is always displayed in this field, and LogBuffer is always displayed in the Event Property field. (Please see a related procedure in Chapter 17, Configuring TrendLogs, for configuring algorithmic notifications for TrendLogs.)

Notification Type

From the dropdown menu, select a notification type. The notification type specifies whether the notification message becomes an alarm message, an event message, or a message of event acknowledgement. AlmNotification Defines the event as type alarm, appearing in the Active Alarm View when the event occurs. EvtNotification Defines the event as type event, appearing in Active Alarm View when the event occurs. Acks Defines the event as type ack-notification, appearing in the Active Alarm View when the event occurs.

*Recipient *Process Id *Priority

Select workstation to receive the alarm from the browse dialog. Identifies the process in the receiving device for which notification is intended. Property of type Unsigned that convey the priority to be used when issuing event notifications in the case when a Notification Class object is not used. The purpose of prioritization is to provide a means to ensure that alarms or event notifications with critical time considerations are not unnecessarily delayed. The possible range of priorities is 0 - 255. A lower number indicates a higher priority.

314 TAC

*Confirmed Notification

Property of type BOOLEAN, shall convey whether confirmed (TRUE) or unconfirmed (FALSE) event notifications shall be issued when a Notification Class object is not used.

*Only applicable to third party devices. Grayed out for all Andover Continuum devices. The EventEnrollment Algorithms Tab The Algorithms tab is where you set the parameters for the algorithm that will be used to evaluate the event. The appearance of this tab is determined by the Event Type selection that was made on the General tab.

Time Delay

Time Delay appears on the Algorithms tab for all of the Event Type selections, except Buffer Ready. (See the General tab.) Type the number of seconds in the Time Delay field you want to postpone evaluating the alarm. For example, you may decide that the point value can exceed or fall below its alarm boundaries for 30 seconds before the alarm goes off. If at the end of the 30 seconds, the object is in alarm, the alarm goes off regardless of its state during the 30-second delay. Using time delays cuts down on the number of active alarms and reduces both system traffic and operator responsibility by filtering out some nuisance alarms.

Algorithm Parameters The other fields that appear on the Algorithms tab differ according to the Event Type selected on the General tab. The above figure reflects an Out of Range Event Type selection. The algorithm parameters that you set for each of the event types are described on the following pages.
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Algorithm Parameters for an Out of Range Event When you select Out of Range from the Event Type on the General tab, the fields shown below appear on the Algorithms tab:

High and Low Limits The high and low limits simply establish boundaries for the point value. When the point value either exceeds the high limit or falls below the low limit, the alarm goes off. To enter these limits, type them into the fields. Dead Band Value The dead band value establishes a range, known as a dead band, within the high and low limits. This range is used to define a subset of acceptable or normal values. The dead band value that you supply is subtracted from the high limit and added to the low limit. The resulting values form the high and low ends of the range of normal values. To enter a dead band value, type it into the Deadband field. The following figure shows a range of normal values formed by a dead band value of 1. The low and high limits are 45 and 74, respectively. The normal range is 46 to 73, because 45 + 1 = 46, and 74 - 1 = 73:

Note that the dead band value is optional. If you leave this value at 0, then all values between the high and low limits are considered normal. When the associated point attribute exceeds or falls below the normal range, its Event State attribute changes to High Limit or Low Limit, respectively.

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Algorithm Parameters for a Change of Bitstring Event When you select Change of Bitstring from the Event Type on the General tab, the Algorithms tab appears, as shown below.

A change of bitstring occurs when: The value of the referenced property becomes equal to one of the values contained in the Bitstring Values list, after applying the Bitmask.

That value remains equal for the duration of seconds displayed in the Time Delay field. The change of bitstring generates a ToOffnormal transition, and an event notification is sent. A change of bitstring clears (transitions ToNormal) when: The value of the referenced event property is no longer equal to one of the values contained in the Bitstring Values list, after applying the Bitmask.

That value remains not equal for the duration of seconds in the Time Delay field. Time Delay Time Delay appears on the Algorithms tab for each of the choices of Event Type on the General tab. Type the number of seconds in the Time Delay field you want to postpone evaluating the alarm. For example, you may decide that the point value can exceed or fall below its alarm boundaries for 30 seconds before the alarm goes off. Using time delays cuts down on the number of active alarms and reduces both system traffic and operator responsibility by filtering out some nuisance alarms.
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This field represents a bitmask that is used to indicate which bits in the referenced property are to be monitored by the algorithm. A value of 1 in a bit position indicates that the bit in this position in the referenced property is to be monitored by the algorithm. A value of 0 in a bit position indicates that the bit in this position in the referenced property is not significant for the purpose of detecting this change of bitstring.

Bitstring Values

This is list of bitstrings that apply to this event algorithm. This list of bitstrings defines the set of states for which the referenced property is OffNormal. Only the bits indicated by the Bitmask are significant. If the value of the referenced property changes to one of the values in this bitstring list, then the referenced property of this EventEnrollment object makes a ToOffnormal transition, and appropriate notifications are sent.

Algorithm Parameters for a Change of State Event This algorithm detects changes of state in a specific event object. When you select Change of State from the Event Type on the General tab, the Algorithms tab appears, as shown below:

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A change of state occurs when: The value of the referenced property becomes equal to one of the values contained in list of values in the Alarm On field.

That value remains equal for the duration of seconds displayed in the Time Delay field. This type of event may only be applied to a property that has discrete or enumerated values, including Boolean. The change of state generates a ToOffnormal transition, and an event notification is sent. A change of state clears (transitions ToNormal) when: The value of the referenced property is no longer equal to one of the values in the list That value remains not equal for the duration of seconds in the Time Delay field. Time Delay Time Delay appears on the Algorithms tab for each of the choices of Event Type on the General tab. Type the number of seconds in the Time Delay field you want to postpone evaluating the alarm. For example, you may decide that the point value can exceed or fall below its alarm boundaries for 30 seconds before the alarm goes off. If at the end of the 30 seconds, the object is in alarm, the alarm goes off regardless of its state during the 30-second delay. Using time delays cuts down on the number of active alarms and reduces both system traffic and operator responsibility by filtering out some nuisance alarms. Alarm On This is a list of values that apply to the referenced property. The types of values here may only be discrete or enumerated values, including Boolean.

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Algorithm Parameters for a Change of Value Event When you select Change of Value from the Event Type scroll box on the General tab page the Algorithms tab page will appear as shown below.

A change of value always generates a ToNormal transition and occurs when: The absolute value of the referenced property changes by an amount equal to or greater than the value displayed in the Reference Property Increment field. That amount remains equal to or greater than this value for the duration of seconds displayed in the Time Delay field. Any of the bits defined in the Bitmask field changes state.

If the referenced property is a bitstring data type, then the change of value occurs when: The bits remain changed for the duration of seconds in the Time Delay field. Time Delay Time Delay appears on the Algorithms tab for each of the choices of Event Type on the General tab. Type the number of seconds in the Time Delay field you want to postpone evaluating the alarm. For example, you may decide that the point value can exceed or fall below its alarm boundaries for 30 seconds before the alarm goes off. Using time delays cuts down on the number of active alarms and reduces both system traffic and operator responsibility by filtering out some nuisance alarms. Bitstring Check this checkbox if the referenced property is a bitstring. When you check this checkbox, the Bitmask field becomes selectable, and the Reference Property Increment field becomes non-selectable. This is the increment by which the referenced property must change in

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Property Increment Bitmask

order for the event to occur. This field represents a bitmask that is used to indicate which bits in the referenced property are to be monitored by the algorithm. A value of 1 in a bit position indicates that the bit in this position in the referenced property is to be monitored by the algorithm. A value of 0 in a bit position indicates that the bit in this position in the referenced property is not significant for the purpose of detecting this change of bitstring.

Algorithm Parameters for a Command Failure Event When you select Command Failure from the Event Type on the General tab, the Algorithms tab appears, as shown below.

A command failure occurs when the value of the referenced property differs from the value of the attribute specified in the Feedback Reference section, for the duration of seconds displayed in the Time Delay field. This algorithm may be used, for example, to verify that a process change has occurred after writing to a property. This type of event shall only be applied to a property that has a discrete value. The command failure generates a ToOffnormal transition, and an event notification is sent.

Andover Continuum CyberStation Configurators Guide 321

A command failure clears (transitions ToNormal) when the value of the referenced property becomes equal to the value of the attribute specified in the Feedback Reference section, for the duration of seconds in the Time Delay field. Time Delay Time Delay appears on the Algorithms tab for each of the choices of Event Type on the General tab. Type the number of seconds in the Time Delay field you want to postpone evaluating the alarm. For example, you may decide that the point value can exceed or fall below its alarm boundaries for 30 seconds before the alarm goes off. Using time delays cuts down on the number of active alarms and reduces both system traffic and operator responsibility by filtering out some nuisance alarms. Feedback Reference Object Attribute This is used to select an attribute of an object with which the attribute of this EventEnrollment will be associated. Displays the name of the object, whose value is being compared to the value of the attribute that is selected in the Attribute field. From the dropdown menu, select a Feedback Reference attribute, whose value is to be compared with the value of the referenced property of the attached object.

Algorithm Parameters for a Floating Limit Event The Floating Limit Algorithm tests to see if the alarmed attribute deviates from a range of values. A setpoint reference, high and low differential limits, and a dead band determine this range of values. This is known as a floating limit because the range of values is determined by the current value of the setpoint. How Do Floating Limit Algorithms Work? A Floating Limit algorithm causes the associated point to report changes in the alarmed attributes value using the examples discussed below. Example of High Diff Limit Floating Limit Equation Alarm states are reported when: attribute value > set point reference value + High Diff Limit for Time Delay seconds

322 TAC

Assumptions Selected Alarmed Attribute = Value Point associated with this EventEnrollment object = AnalogInput named RoomTemp1 Current set point = 70 High Diff Limit = 4

Low Diff Limit = 25 Discussion For example, suppose the value for RoomTemp1 changes from 72 to 75. This change would result in an alarm state, because the following floating limit equation results in TRUE: attribute value > set point reference value + High Diff Limit OR 75 > 70 + 4 Diagram This diagram shows how a Floating Limit algorithm detects an alarm state.

Example of Low Diff Limit Floating Limit Equation Alarm states are reported when: attribute value < set point reference value - Low Diff Limit for Time Delay seconds

Andover Continuum CyberStation Configurators Guide 323

Assumptions Selected Alarmed Attribute = Value Point associated with this EventEnrollment object = AnalogInput named RoomTemp1 Current set point = 70 High Diff Limit = 4

Low Diff Limit = 25 Discussion Now suppose the value for RoomTemp1 changes to 44. This change would also result in an alarm state because the following floating limit equation also results in TRUE: attribute value < set point reference value - Low Diff Limit OR 44 < 70 - 25 Diagram Same as above. Example of Floating Limit Using the Deadband Equation Alarm states are reported when: attribute value > (set point reference value - Low Diff Limit) + dead band value for Time Delay seconds Assumptions Selected Alarmed Attribute = Value Point associated with this EventEnrollment object = AnalogInput named RoomTemp1 Current set point = 70 High Diff Limit = 4 Low Diff Limit = 20

Deadband = 1 Discussion For example, suppose the value for RoomTemp1 changes from 75 to 72. This change would result in a normal state, because the following floating limit equations result in TRUE: attribute value < (set point reference value + High Diff Limit) - dead band value OR 72 < 70 + 4 1 and attribute value > set point reference value - Low Diff Limit + dead band value OR
324 TAC

72 > 70 - 20 + 1 Diagram

When you select Floating Limit from the Event Type on the General tab, the Algorithms tab appears, as shown below.

Time Delay

Time Delay appears on the Algorithms tab for each of the choices of Event Type on the General tab. Type the number of seconds in the Time Delay field you want to postpone evaluating the alarm. For example, you may decide that the point value can exceed or fall below its alarm boundaries for 30 seconds before the alarm goes off. Using time delays cuts down on the number of active alarms and reduces both system traffic and operator responsibility by filtering out some nuisance alarms.

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High Diff Limit

This field establishes the value amount that is allowed above the high limit of the acceptable range of values (deadband). This "diff" amount is added to the value of the Setpoint Reference attribute. The reference property value is then compared with the attribute value to determine if a floating high-limit event has occurred.

Low Diff Limit

This field establishes the value amount that is allowed below the low limit of the acceptable range of values (deadband). This "diff" amount is subtracted from the value of the Setpoint Reference attribute. The reference property value is then compared with the attribute value to determine if a floating low-limit event has occurred.


The value in the Deadband field establishes a range, known as deadband, within the high and low limits. This range defines a subset of acceptable, normal values. The deadband value that you supply is subtracted from the high limit and added to the low limit. The resulting values form the high and low ends of the range of normal values. Enter a value in the Deadband field.

Object Attribute

Search for and select a Setpoint Reference object, whose attribute value you want to compare with the value of the referenced property. Select an attribute of the selected Setpoint Reference object. This value is compared with the value of the referenced property. Value is the default.

To use a Floating Limit algorithm: 1. Type in the High Diff and Low Diff differential limits. 2. Type in a Deadband value (optional). 3. Next, select a Setpoint Reference. 4. Click the button in the Object field. The Browse dialog appears. 5. In the Browse dialog, click the object you want to highlight it. 6. Click the Select button in the Browse dialog, and the correct path and object name will be inserted into the Object field. 7. Finally, select an attribute from the Attribute dropdown menu. Buffer Ready The Buffer Ready type is used only when you have attached a TrendLog object in the Object field of the General tab. In this case, this EventEnrollment algorithm accommodates workstation recipients who need to be notified when new records are added to a TrendLog object, so that the records can get downloaded to each workstation's database. (Please also see a related procedure, in Chapter 17, Configuring TrendLogs, for configuring algorithmic notifications for a TrendLog.)

326 TAC

The Current State Tab The Current State tab is a read-only page that indicates the present (current) state of the EventEnrollment object.

Event State Last Time Stamp To OffNormal To Normal To Fault

Indicates the current state of the event. Indicates the times of the last event notifications for the three listed conditions. Indicates the last time that the event transitioned to the OffNormal state. Indicates the last time that the event transitioned to the Normal state. Indicates the last time that the event transitioned to the Fault state.

The Security Level Tab See Chapter 4 for details regarding the attachment of security levels to a BACnet device. The Next Step Once you are finished configuring alarms for your BACnet devices, you will need to consider the assignment of BACnet command priorities to certain object properties and the creation of objects with BACnet object editors. Using Templates for EventEnrollment and EventNotification Objects It is recommended that you use CyberStation templates to create EventEnrollment and EventNotification objects that share similar information. At large sites, configuration of EventEnrollments and EventNotifications can be a very big job. Templates save a lot of time and effort. Please see Chapter 12, as well as help topics for templates in the CyberStation online help system.

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Command Prioritization
In a building control system, an object may be manipulated by any number of different applications. Each such application program has a well-defined function it needs to perform. When the actions of two or more application programs conflict with regard to the value of an objects property, a decision process must be implemented to determine which application has priority.

Commandable Properties
In a BACnet system, a prioritization scheme is used to assign varying levels of priorities to object properties (referred to as commandable properties). At present, the objects that have commandable properties are: Object Analog Output Binary Output Multi-state Output Analog Value Binary Value Multi-State Value Commandable Property Present_Value Present_Value Present_Value Present_Value Present_Value Present_Value

Each of these objects is responsible for acting upon its commandable property in accordance with a command priority list.

Application Priority Assignments

Command priorities are assigned priority levels from 1 (highest) to 16 (lowest). The standard command priority array list from the ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 135-2004 is shown below. Priority Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Application Manual-Life Safety Automatic-Life Safety Available Available Critical Equipment Control Minimum On/Off Available Manual Operator Priority Level 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Application Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available

328 TAC

For interoperability between BACnet systems, it is necessary that all BACnet devices implement the same priority scheme. In CyberStation, this requirement is implemented by incorporating the 16 priorities in the BACnet Preferences dialog. The standard command priority list is reflected in a dropdown menu on the Value column of the CyberStation BACnet Preferences dialog:

The seven applications that require BACnet command priority level assignments are: CyberStation programs Editor web.Client Pinpoint CAUTION The assignment of BACnet command priorities described in the following steps should only be accomplished by the system administrator. To assign BACnet command priorities to these applications: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Right click the Continuum icon in the window task bar (tool tray). Select BACnet Preferences from the popup menu. Scroll down to setting 4 BACnet Command Priority for CyberStation Programs. Click the entry in the Value column to open the priority list scroll box. Scroll to the desired priority and click it. For settings 5 through 10, repeat steps 4 and 5 for the remaining BACnet command priorities.
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Command Line ListView Other

BACnet Defined Objects

In Infinity, there are two types of points: Hardware-Defined InfinityInput InfinityOutput Software-Defined InfinityDateTime InfinityNumeric InfinityString Storage location where the current system time and date are available Storage location where numeric (number) information is stored Storage location where ASCII text characters are stored Connections to an Infinity input device Connections to an Infinity output device

Note: Refer to Chapter 13 for a discussion of each of the above points. BACnet devices support ASHRAE Standard 135-2004, which means that they support these corresponding object classes: BACnet Defined AnalogInput AnalogOutput AnalogValue BinaryInput BinaryOutput BinaryValue MultistateInput MultistateOutput MultistateValue

Mapping Infinity Points to BACnet Objects

In order to provide compatibility with Andover Continuum b4920, bCX1 (40x0 series), and b3 controllers, mapping between Infinity points and BACnet objects is necessary, as shown in the following table: Infinity InfinityInput Point Values Voltage, Current, Temperature Digital Counter, supervised InfinityOutput Voltage, Current Digital Tristate InfinityNumeric Maps to BACnet AnalogInput BinaryInput MultistateInput AnalogOutput BinaryOutput MultistateOutput AnalogValue BinaryValue MultistateValue InfinityString InfinityDateTime
330 TAC

Plain text messages Date and time data

No equivalent No equivalent

To become accustomed to this concept, start by viewing objects on the Continuum Explorer. Some examples are given on the following pages. There are two views shown of each example. The first shows the Infinity view, and the second shows the BACnet view. InfinityInput to AnalogInput The point-mapping table on the previous page shows that an InfinityInput point maps to a BACnet AnalogInput object. An example of this relationship is show below:


AnalogInput One of the Infinity points, PhotoCell, did not map because it did not fit the BACnet profile for an AnalogInput. InfinityOutput to BinaryOutput The point-mapping table shows that an InfinityOutput point maps to a BACnet BinaryOutput object. An example of this relationship is show below:
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BinaryOutput In the above example, only the FanStart InfinityOutput point mapped to a BinaryOutput object. Neither the ValueControl point (an analog type) nor the TriStateValue point (a multistate type) fit the BACnet profile for a BinaryOutput. InfinityNumeric to AnalogValue The point-mapping table shows that an InfinityNumeric point maps to a BACnet AnalogValue object. An example of this relationship is shown below:

332 TAC


AnalogValue In this example, all four InfinityNumeric points fit the BACnet profile AnalogValue objects.

Infinity and BACnet Object Editors

In Infinity, there are Infinity point editors: InfinityInput, InfinityOutput, InfinityNumeric, InfinityString and InfinityDateTime. (See Chapter 13.) In CyberStation, Andover Continuum introduces BACnet object editors one for each of the BACnet objects listed in the mapping table earlier in this chapter. There is no BACnet equivalent for InfinityString and InfinityDateTime points. BACnet object editors are described on the following pages.

Using BACnet Object Editors

In an Andover Continuum system containing Andover Continuum BACnet-compliant b4920, bCX1 (40x0 series), and b3 controllers, you typically configure controllers and their attached points using the Infinity view, with Infinity point editors. BACnet object editors are used primarily to view and modify objects created on third-party BACnet devices that have been integrated into the system. They also allow all users to view
Andover Continuum CyberStation Configurators Guide 333

Andover Continuum BACnet objects, on b3, bCX1 (40x0 series), and b4920 devices, as third-party devices would see them. However, if your system has no third-party devices, but does have b4920, bCX1 (40x0 series), and b3 controllers, there would normally be no reason to view them as BACnet objects in the BACnet Devices portion of the Continuum Explorer navigation pane. Although the combined Infinity/BACnet view is enabled by default, you would normally configure, view, and work with Andover Continuum BACnet-compliant controllers and their objects using the Infinity Controller Only view option via the Explorers View dropdown menu, described earlier in this chapter. That is, you would view and work with InfinityController and InfinityInfinetCtlr objects, instead of b4920, bCX1 (40x0 series), and b3 BACnet Device objects. You would view and work with InfinityInputs, InfinityOutputs, and InfinityNumeric points, instead of AnalogInput/Output/Value objects, Binary Inputs/Outputs/Value objects, and MultistateInputs/Outputs/Value objects. Note: Although you would view and work with them on the Andover Continuum side, you still must find and save them into the BACnet side for proper configuration and operation. See the section, Post-Installation System Integration, earlier in this chapter. If you are viewing third-party BACnet devices, you may also find out which objects and services are supported for the device, using the Details tab of the Device editor, described earlier in this chapter. New BACnet objects on a b4920, bCX1 (40x0 series), or b3 controller are created from Infinity point editors that is, entirely from the Infinity view. Before creating BACnet objects as InfinityInputs, InfinityOutputs, and InfinityNumerics, you will have: Installed and commissioned a new Andover Continuum b4920 or bCX1 (40x0 series) controller in the system. (See Appendix A for information on commissioning a new controller.) Created and fully configured one or more InfinityController objects. (See Creating an InfinityController Object in Chapter 7.) Created one or more InfinityInfinetContrller (b3) objects. Within the Explorer, selected Find New BACnet Devices to locate the new controllers. (This is described earlier in this chapter.)

Within the Explorer, performed a Send To Database operation. (This is described earlier in this chapter.) To configure Infinity points attached to the new b4920, bCX1 (40x0 series), and b3 controllers, you do so in the Infinity view on the Explorer. For example, you create an InfinityInput point from the InfinityInput editor, then select an electrical type that makes it analog, binary, or multistate. (Refer to Chapter 13.) Note: BACnet objects in third-party BACnet devices become visible and incorporated within the system when the Find New BACnet Devices and Send To Database operations are performed. They do not require the use of an InfinityInput, InfinityOutput or InfinityNumeric editor, and are always listed as BACnet objects, with their BACnet devices, in the BACnet Devices portion of the Explorer viewing pane.

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For example, assume that you have created an InfinityInput point called Fan1Status, and that it was assigned to a sensor that would supply electrical-current input signals to the controller. It would therefore have been assigned Voltage in the Elec Type field of the InfinityInput editors Settings tab. (See InfinityInput Settings Tab in Chapter 13.) In the BACnet view, if you were to decide to use it, this InfinityInput point would map, as an AnalogInput, to the corresponding BACnet Device object that corresponds to the b4920, bCX1 (40x0 series), or b3 controller. If you decide to use the BACnet view, once you have configured and saved the object, you may view it from its BACnet device, as follows: 1. Click the + next to the BACnet devices icon in the Explorers navigation pane. to

2. Click the + sign next to the Andover Continuum BACnet controller device icon expand it. 3. An AnalogInput BACnet folder should appear beneath the device icon. Click the folder to open it:

4. The Fan1Status InfinityInput object that you created should appear in the Explorers viewing pane, as an AnalogInput:

5. Double click this icon to open the BACnet AnalogInput editor. From this BACnet editor, you may modify this object. BACnet AnalogInput Editor

You use the BACnet AnalogInput editor to refine the object (created as an InfinityInput on a b4920, bCX1 (40x0 series), or b3 controller or as an AnalogInput on a third-party BACnet device). It represents analog values such as voltage, current, temperature, and so on. This editor has five tabs that let you type in or select information, or in some cases supply you with data. Note: The Triggers and Advanced Alarms tabs are unselectable (appear gray) for all BACnet objects because they are enabled only for CyberStation/Infinity objects only. Also, the Basic Alarms tab is supported for BACnet objects attached to third-party BACnet devices, not for objects attached to Andover Continuum b4920, bCX1 (40x0 series), and b3 controller devices. AnalogInput General Tab The General tab has several properties for which you provide values, and a few properties that will be set by the control system.

Andover Continuum CyberStation Configurators Guide 335

Value Units Update Interval Description Device Type Out of Service

View or enter a value into this field. Select a unit of measure from the dropdown menu. Enter an integer to specify the maximum time (in hundredths of a second) between updates to the value, when the input is not overridden and not out-of-service. Enter up to 32 characters (including spaces) in this field. Indicates the type of device that is connected to this AnalogInput. Check this checkbox to put this object out of service so that it loses communication with its attached device. Putting the object out of service is a good way to test the object and the functions that rely on it. You can simulate various situations by manually changing the value or reliability attributes. This allows you to see how associated functions react to these changes. Enter a numeric display format. For example: ###.### Provides information on the object's condition. The condition can be one of the following: InAlarm indicates that the Event State has a value other than normal. Overridden indicates that a local device has manually overridden the point.

Format Status

336 TAC

OutOfService indicates that the object is disabled. Fault indicates that the Reliability property has a value other than NoFaultDetected. Reliability Provides an indication of whether or not the controller has detected a malfunction that might compromise the integrity of the object's present value. The attribute can be one of the following: NoFaultDetected indicates that the present value is reliable and that no fault is detected. OverRange indicates that the sensor is reading a value that is higher than the normal operating range. OpenLoop indicates that the connection between the object and the device is providing a value resulting from an open circuit. UnreliableOther Indicates that the controller detects an unreliable present value and that none of the above conditions describe the nature of the problem. NoSensor indicates that no sensor is connected to the AnalogOutput point. UnderRange indicates that the sensor is reading a value that is lower than the normal operating range. ShortedLoop indicates that the connection between the object and the device is providing a value resulting from a closed circuit. AnalogInput Basic Alarms Tab The Basic Alarms tab is where intrinsic alarms are defined specifically for this object. Note: This is enabled for BACnet objects attached to third-party BACnet devices. It is not supported on Andover Continuum b4920, bCX1 (40x0 series), and b3 controllers. An example of a Basic Alarms tab, populated with information for a third-party device, is shown below. The information here determines when the alarm will go off, and what happens when it does. Information that determines what happens when the alarm goes off is built into the EventNotification object that you associate with this alarm. (Refer to EventNotification in Chapter 10.) The EventNotification object defines how and to whom the alarm is sent.

Andover Continuum CyberStation Configurators Guide 337

Event State

Displays the value of the To State attribute which is set by the control system. If you have set up this object to report alarms, this attribute displays Normal when the object is not in an alarm state and OffNormal when it is. If you have not set up the object to report alarms, this attribute always displays NORMAL. Displays the value of the Acknowledge Received For property. Displays ALARM, FAULT, or NORMAL if acknowledgements have been received for reported alarms, faults, or return-to-normal events, respectively. These values display only if both of the following conditions are true: You have selected the report options for these events. The associated EventNotification object requires acknowledgement for these events.

Acknowledge Received For

COV Increment

Enter the number of units for example, degrees that must increase or decrease before a COV is triggered, and COV notification is sent to a client . An increment of 0 appears by default. CAUTION: Set this increment high enough so that the subscriber is not inundated with too many COV notifications. Even the tiniest value changes can trigger too many COVs. Do not accept the default, 0. Leaving it at 0 will produce negative results.

High Limit

Enter a high limit for the object. Check the Enable checkbox to the right to enable the high limit. The high and low limits establish boundaries for the object value. When the object value exceeds the high limit, or falls below the low limit, the alarm goes off.

338 TAC

Low Limit Time Delay

Enter a low limit for the object. Check the Enable checkbox to the right to enable the low limit. Enter a time delay in seconds. The time delay postpones the alarm for the amount of time you specify. For example, you may decide that the object value can exceed or fall below its boundaries for 30 seconds before the alarm goes off. Using time delays cuts down on the number of active alarms and reduces both system traffic and operator responsibility. Enter a dead band value. The dead band value establishes a range, known as a dead band, within the high and low limits. This range is used to define a subset of acceptable, or normal, values. The dead band value that you supply is subtracted from the high limit, and added to the low limit. The resulting values form the high and low ends of the range of normal values. In the Report section, you may select up to three report options: Alarm, Return to Normal, and Fault. When selected, these options trigger the basic alarm in the following situations: The Alarm option triggers the basic alarm when the object's Event State changes to OffNormal. The Return To Normal option triggers the basic alarm when the object's Event State changes to Normal. The Fault option triggers the basic alarm when a local device detects a fault.

Dead Band


Notification Type

From the dropdown menu, select a notification type. The notification type specifies whether the notification message becomes an alarm message, an event message, or a message of event acknowledgement. AlmNotification Defines the event as type alarm, appearing in the Active Alarm View when the event occurs. EvtNotification Defines the event as type event, appearing in Active Alarm View when the event occurs. Acks Defines the event as type ack-notification, appearing in the Active Alarm View when the event occurs.

Event Notification

Select an EventNotification object by clicking the browse button. The Browse dialog appears. Locate the Event Notification object that you want. Select it and click the Select button. This will insert the correct path and EventNotification name into the Notification class field.

Andover Continuum CyberStation Configurators Guide 339

AnalogInput Advanced Alarms Tab The Advanced Alarms tab allows you to attach up to eight alarms to an object. (See Attaching Alarms to a Point in Chapter 10.) Note: This tab is only enabled for CyberStation/Infinity objects. It is disabled for all BACnet objects. You may also use this page to attach a graphic panel and a report or other program to the object, via the Graphic and Program fields, respectively. When an AnalogInput object generates an alarm, either via an associated EventEnrollment, Basic Alarm or Advanced Alarm, the associated graphic can be programmed to automatically launch. (See Graphic below.) The graphic can also be manually launched via the Alarm View Graphic button. (See View Menu in Chapter 10.) Similarly, a program can be configured to run automatically when this object goes into alarm and can also be run manually via the corresponding Alarm View Program Output button. (See Program below and View Menu in Chapter 10.)

Graphic Program

Browse for the graphic panel program file that you want to display when the object goes into an alarm state. Browse for the program that you want to run when the object goes into an alarm state.

340 TAC

Alarm Points

Alarm points allow any expression alarm that you attach on this tab to reference up to four "alarm points," named Point 1, Point 2, Point 3, and Point 4. Using alarm points saves you the trouble of having to change the expression (via the Algorithms tab of the AlarmEnrollment editor for that alarm object) every time you attach an expression alarm to a different point. For complete information, please see the section, Using the Alarms/Advanced Alarms Tab of an Object Editor, in Chapter 10. Video points allow you to assign cameras to doors and points and configure parameters that control video images, via VideoLayout objects, during alarm conditions. When the alarm goes off, a video layout is launched (if a VideoLayout object has been configured to work with video points) and displays the "video point" camera images in the its video image frames. In the Video Points dialog, you may also configure a camera to record a video clip, for specified number of seconds, when the alarm goes off. For complete information on this field, and how to use Video Points, please see the section, Using the Alarms/Advanced Alarms Tab of an Object Editor, in Chapter 10. See also Chapter 25, Configuring and Viewing Video.

Video Video Points

AnalogInput Triggers Tab The Triggers tab is not applicable to BACnet devices. Triggers are not supported for objects associated with Andover Continuum b3, b4920, and bCX1 (40x0 series) controllers or third party BACnet devices. It is applicable to CyberStation/Infinity objects only. (Refer to InfinityInput Triggers Tab in Chapter 13.) AnalogInput Security Level Tab The access permissions configured in a security level allow you to customize (deny) access to individual CyberStation objects. Security levels are actual CyberStation objects (Security Level objects) configured via the Security Level editor. (See Chapter 4.) A security level can deny access to a CyberStation object editor on a page-by-page basis using object-level security. Object-level security is a way to deny user groups the ability to create, delete, or change individual CyberStation objects. Every object editor in CyberStation has a Security Level tab, shown on the next page, that displays a list of all existing security level objects. Selecting a security level object here attaches that security level to the object being edited.

Andover Continuum CyberStation Configurators Guide 341

To attach a security level to this point, locate the security level in the Name column and click the radio button next to it. To detach a security level from this point, locate the security level in the Name column and double-click the radio button to remove the black dot it contains. Or you can right click the security level in the Name column to bring up a popup menu. Click Clear Selection in the popup menu. BACnet AnalogOutput Editor

An AnalogOutput is a BACnet object that is created with the InfinityOutput editor. (See Chapter 13) They can also be learned in from a third-party device, or created via the AnalogOutput editor. AnalogOutputs are associated with BACnet devices. Note: The Triggers and Advanced Alarms tabs are unselectable (appear gray) for all BACnet objects because they are enabled only for CyberStation/Infinity objects only. Also, the Basic Alarms tab is supported for BACnet objects attached to thirdparty BACnet devices, not for objects attached to Andover Continuum b4920, bCX1 (40x0 series), and b3 controller devices. When you create an InfinityOutput object for an Infinity b4920 or bCX1 (40x0 series) controller, or an Infinity Infinet b3 series controller, and select an analog electrical type via the Settings tab of the InfinityOutput editor, a BACnet AnalogOutput is created. (Refer to Chapter 13.) AnalogOutput General Tab The General tab has several attributes that you can provide values for, and a few attributes that are set by the control system. Many fields on this tab are also view-only.
342 TAC

Present Value

This field displays this object's present value that the current priority (the priority level that appears in the Present Priority field) is currently commanding to this object. This field is non-editable. This field displays the current priority level that is currently commanding the present value of this object. This field is non-editable. This field is used for setting the value of the analog output at the default command priority displayed in the Command Priority field. By default, the command priority is set to the command value established in the BACnet Preferences dialog. The default is Manual Operator. If you have access permission, you may change the value in this field for this command priority level. This field displays the default command priority value that is used when setting and relinquishing the value. By default, this field is set to the command value established in the BACnet Preferences dialog. This field is non-editable. Click this button to assign the new value (the value that you just changed in the Command Value field) to this object.

Present Priority Command Value

Command Priority


Andover Continuum CyberStation Configurators Guide 343


Click this button to relinquish the non-NULL value of the priority level that appears in the Command Priority field. Note: Relinquishing the value means changing it to NULL, so that the next higher-numbered priority level that holds a non-NULL value begins to command its value to the object. From the Command Priority tab, your administrator may relinquish values at all command priorities.

Units Description Device Type Update Interval Out of Service

Select a unit of measure from the dropdown menu. Enter up to 32 characters (including spaces) in this field to describe the object. Enter the type of device that is connected to this analog output object. Enter an integer to specify the maximum time (in hundredths of a second) between updates to the value, when the input is not overridden and not out-of-service. Check this checkbox to put the object out of service, so that it loses communication with its attached device. Putting the object out of service is a good way to test the object and the functions that rely on it. You can simulate various situations by manually changing the value or reliability attributes. This allows you to see how associated functions react to these changes. Enter a numeric display format. For example: ###.### Provides information on the object's condition. The condition can be one of the following: InAlarm indicates that the Event State property has a value other than NORMAL. Overridden indicates that a local device has manually overridden the object. Fault indicates that the Reliability property has a value other than NoFaultDetected Out of Service indicates that the object is disabled.

Format Status

344 TAC


Provides an indication of whether or not the controller has detected a malfunction that might compromise the integrity of the object's present value. The attribute can read one of the following: NoFaultDetected indicates that the present value is reliable and that no fault is detected. OpenLoop indicates that the connection between the object and the device is providing a value resulting from an open circuit. Unreliable Other indicates that the controller detects an unreliable present value and that none of the above conditions describe the nature of the problem. NoOutput indicates that no sensor is connected to the AnalogOutput object.
ShortedLoop indicates that the connection between the object and the device is providing a value resulting from a closed circuit

AnalogOutput Command Priority Tab In this tab page you may view members of the BACnet priority array (a list of priority levels) and their values for this BACnet object. You may also select a priority level for this BACnet object and change the level's value (thereby overriding its current commanded value) as well as relinquish a priority level set it to NULL so that: It no longer commands a value to this BACnet object at the select priority level. The next highest priority level may command a non-NULL value. CAUTION Only system administrators should be granted security access permission to use this tab page. When first configuring your system, also remember to set the value in the Relinquish Default field, located at the bottom of this tab. This default value is commanded to the object when all priority level values are relinquished (in other words, when they become all NULL). This protects against users who inappropriately click the Relinquish button on the General tab and/or on this tab. See the subsection, Application Priority Assignments, earlier in this chapter, for command priority levels.

Andover Continuum CyberStation Configurators Guide 345

Present Value

This field displays the objects present value that the current priority (the priority level that appears in the Present Priority field) is currently commanding to this object. This field is non-editable. This field displays the current priority level that is currently commanding the present value to this object. This field is non-editable. This field is used for setting the value of the analog output at the default command priority displayed in the Command Priority field. By default, this field is set to the command value established in the BACnet Preferences dialog. The default is Manual Operator. If you have access permission, you may change the value in this field for this command priority level. This field displays the default command priority level value. By default, this field is set to the command value established in the BACnet Preferences dialog. From this field's dropdown menu, you may change this level's value, which appears in the Command Value field. Also, from the Command Priority dropdown menu, you may select any other priority level, and also change its value. Click this button to assign the new value (the value that you just changed) to this object at the corresponding command priority.

Present Priority Command Value

Command Priority


346 TAC


Click this button to relinquish the non-NULL value of the priority level that appears in the Command Priority field. Note: Relinquishing the value means changing it to NULL, so that the next higher-numbered priority level that holds a non-NULL value begins to command its value to the object. To relinquish any level's value, first use the Command Priority dropdown menu to select the priority level whose value you want to relinquish, then click Relinquish.

Priority Array Window Relinquish Default

This window contains the BACnet priority array a list of the names of all 16 BACnet protocol command priority levels, along with the value that each level in the array is currently commanding. Enter a value to command to this object when all command priority levels have been relinquished (when all values become NULL). This ensures the object has a value at all times. Set this field when you first configure the system.

Basic Alarms, Advanced Alarms, Triggers, and Security Level Tabs These tabs are covered under the AnalogInput editor. BACnet AnalogValue Editor

An AnalogValue is a BACnet object that is created via the InfinityNumeric editor. (Refer to Chapter 13.) They can also be learned in from a third-party device, or created via the AnalogValue editor. AnalogValues are associated with BACnet devices. Note: The Triggers and Advanced Alarms tabs are unselectable (appear gray) for all BACnet objects because they are enabled only for CyberStation/Infinity objects only. Also, the Basic Alarms tab is supported for BACnet objects attached to thirdparty BACnet devices, not for objects attached to Andover Continuum b4920, bCX1 (40x0 series), and b3 controller devices. When you create an InfinityNumeric point for an Infinity b4920 or bCX1 (40x0 series) controller, or an Infinity b3 series controller, and select AnalogValue in the BACnet Object Type field of the InfinityNumeric editors General tab, a BACnet AnalogValue is created. (Refer to Chapter 13.) AnalogValue points are temporary storage locations in the controllers memory that store floating-point numbers. AnalogValue General Tab With the exception of Units (discussed below) the remainder of items on this tab is covered under AnalogOutput General Tab.

Andover Continuum CyberStation Configurators Guide 347


Select a unit from the dropdown menu. When displayed next to the value, as in 72 Degrees F, or 17 Employees, units help users understand what the point is doing. Enter a numeric display format. The default is: ###.###


Basic Alarms, Advanced Alarms, Triggers and Security Level Tabs These tabs are covered under the AnalogInput editor. BACnet BinaryInput Editor

A BinaryInput is a BACnet object that is created via the InfinityInput editor, or on thirdparty devices. They can be learned from a third-party device, or created via the BinaryInput editor. BinaryInputs are associated with BACnet devices. Note: The Triggers and Advanced Alarms tabs are unselectable (appear gray) for all BACnet objects because they are enabled only for CyberStation/Infinity objects only. Also, the Basic Alarms tab is supported for BACnet objects attached to thirdparty BACnet devices, not for objects attached to Andover Continuum b4920, bCX1 (40x0 series), and b3 controller devices. When you create an Infinity Input point for an Infinity b4920 or bCX1 (40x0 series) controller, or an Infinity b3 series controller, and select a digital/binary electrical type on the Settings tab of the InfinityInput editor, a BACnet BinaryInput point is created. Typically, these inputs are used to detect whether a particular piece of equipment, like a fan or a pump is running or idle. The ON state usually indicates the equipment is running, whereas the OFF state usually indicates the equipment is idle.
348 TAC

BinaryInput General Tab

Value Description Device Type Out of Service Status Reliability

Select ON or OFF from the dropdown menu. Enter up to 32 characters (including spaces) in this field. Enter the type of device that is connected to this input. See Out of Service covered under AnalogOutput General Tab. See Status covered under AnalogOutput General Tab. See Reliability covered under AnalogOutput General Tab.

Andover Continuum CyberStation Configurators Guide 349

BinaryInput Settings Tab

Inactive Text Active Text Polarity

Enter text for an inactive state. This text is displayed as the value when the binary input is in the inactive state. Enter text for an active state. This text is displayed as the value when the binary input is in the active state. Select either Normal or Reverse from the Polarity dropdown menu.

BinaryInput Counters Tab In the Counters tab, you find the amount of time the point has been in an active state, and the date and time the state changed last. You can also find out when this information was last reset. This tab is divided into two sections: Active Time Change of State

350 TAC

Active Time

Elapsed Time Shows the number of seconds since the point's status changed from Inactive to Active. Last Reset Shows the date and time the elapsed time was last reset. Reset Elapsed Active Time on Next Save For the controller reset the Elapsed Active Time the next time data are saved, check this checkbox.

Change of State

Value Changed at Shows the date and time the state last changed. Change-of-State Count Shows you how much time the state has changed. Last Reset Shows the time when this count was last reset to zero. Reset Change-of-State Count on Next Save For the controller reset the Change of State Count the next time data are saved, check this checkbox.

Andover Continuum CyberStation Configurators Guide 351

BinaryInput Basic Alarms Tab The Basic Alarms tab is where intrinsic alarms are defined specifically for this object. Note: This is enabled for BACnet objects attached to third-party BACnet devices. It is not supported on Andover Continuum b4920, bCX1 (40x0 series), and b3 controllers. The information here determines when the alarm will go off, and what happens when it does. Information that determines what happens when the alarm goes off is built into the EventNotification object that you associate with this alarm. (Refer to EventNotification in Chapter 10.) The EventNotification object defines how and to whom the alarm is broadcast. Keep in mind that basic alarms apply only to the object in which they were created. Another way to configure alarms in BACnet is to use the EventEnrollment class. Event State Acknowledgement Received For Alarm Where Value Is Report Time Delay See Event State under AnalogInput Basic Alarms Tab. See Acknowledgement Received For under AnalogInput Basic Alarms Tab. Select Off or On from the dropdown menu. An alarm is triggered based on this value. See Report under AnalogInput Basic Alarms Tab. Enter a time delay in seconds. The time delay postpones the alarm for the amount of time you specify. For example, you may decide that the point value can exceed or fall below its boundaries for 30 seconds before the alarm goes off. Using time delays cuts down on the number of active alarms and reduces both system traffic and operator responsibility. See Notification Type under AnalogInput Basic Alarms Tab. See Event Notification under AnalogInput Basic Alarms Tab.

Notification Type Event Notification

BinaryInput Advanced Alarms, Triggers, and Security Level Tabs These tabs are covered under the AnalogInput editor.

352 TAC

BACnet BinaryOutput


A BinaryOutput is a BACnet object that is created with the InfinityOutput editor, or on third-party devices. They can be learned from a third-party device, or created via the BinaryOutput editor. BinaryOutputs are associated with BACnet devices. Note: The Triggers and Advanced Alarms tabs are unselectable (appear gray) for all BACnet objects because they are enabled only for CyberStation/Infinity objects only. Also, the Basic Alarms tab is supported for BACnet objects attached to thirdparty BACnet devices, not for objects attached to Andover Continuum b4920, bCX1 (40x0 series), and b3 controller devices. When you create an InfinityOutput for an Infinity b4920 or bCX1 (40x0 series) controller, or an Infinity b3 series controller, and select a digital/binary electrical type via the Settings tab of the InfinityOutput editor, a BACnet BinaryOutput is created. (Refer to Chapter 13.) Typically these outputs are used to switch a particular piece of equipment, like a fan or a pump, ON or OFF (the equivalent BACnet values are active and inactive). BinaryOutput General Tab The General tab has several properties that you can provide values for, and a few attributes that are set by the control system. The fields on this tab are view-only if the particular device does not support them.

Andover Continuum CyberStation Configurators Guide 353

Refer to AnalogOutput General Tab for a description of all the items that appear on this tab. BinaryOutput Settings Tab

The Settings tab has the following properties, described below. Inactive Text Active Text Minimum On Time Minimum Off Time Polarity Enter text for an inactive state. This text will help future operators determine the meaning of values for this point. Enter text for an active state. This text will help future operators determine the meaning of values for this point. Enter the minimum time in seconds that the point will remain active after it has been changed to active. Enter the minimum time in seconds that the point will remain inactive after it has been changed to inactive. Select either Normal or Reverse from the Polarity dropdown menu.

354 TAC

BinaryOutput Counters and Basic Alarms Tab Pages Refer to BinaryInput Counters Tab. Refer also to BinaryInput Basic Alarms Tab, except for the Feedback Value property (described below). Feedback Value Select the inactive entry or the active entry from the dropdown menu. The object must equal this value for an alarm to occur. (These selections represent text set in fields on the Settings tab.)

BinaryOutput Command Priority Tab The items on this tab are covered under the AnalogOutput editor. BinaryOutput Advanced Alarms, Triggers, and Security Level Tabs The items on these tab pages are covered under the AnalogInput editor. BACnet BinaryValue Editor

A BinaryValue is a BACnet point object that is created via the InfinityNumeric editor, or on third-party devices. They can be learned from a third-party device, or created via the BinaryValue editor. BinaryValues are associated with BACnet devices. Note: The Triggers and Advanced Alarms tabs are unselectable (appear gray) for all BACnet objects because they are enabled only for CyberStation/Infinity objects only. Also, the Basic Alarms tab is supported for BACnet objects attached to thirdparty BACnet devices, not for objects attached to Andover Continuum b4920, bCX1 (40x0 series), and b3 controller devices. When you create an InfinityNumeric for an Infinity b4920 or bCX1 (40x0 series) controller, or an Infinity b3 series controller, and select BinaryValue in the BACnet Object Type field of the InfinityNumeric editor's General tab, a BinaryValue is created if the Infinity or Infinet controller on which it resides was created as a BACnet device. (Refer to Chapter 13.) Typically, BinaryValues are used as control system parameters that have only one of two possible values that you define.

Andover Continuum CyberStation Configurators Guide 355

BinaryValue General Tab This tab is covered under the BinaryOutput editor.

BinaryValue Settings, Counters, and Basic Alarms Tabs These tabs are covered under the BinaryInput editor. BinaryValue Command Priority Tab This tab page is covered under the AnalogOutput editor. BinaryValue Advanced Alarms, Triggers and Security Level Tabs These tabs are covered under the AnalogInput editor. BACnet MultistateInput Editor

A MultistateInput is a BACnet object that is created via the InfinityInput editor, or on thirdparty devices. (Refer also to Chapter 13.) They can be learned from a third-party device, or created via the MultistateInput editor. MultistateInputs are associated with BACnet devices. When you create an InfinityInput for an Infinity controller, and select a multistate (Supervised) electrical type, via the Settings tab of the InfinityInput editor, a BACnet MultistateInput is created if the controller on which it resides was created as a Andover Continuum BACnet-compliant device specifically: As a b4920 or bCX1 (40x0 series) controller As a b36xx, b38xx, or b39xx controller

356 TAC

In these cases, a MultistateInput is created with three states: On, Off, and Trouble. See also the subsection, MultistateInput States Tab. Note: For third-party BACnet devices that become part of the Andover Continuum system, MultistateInput objects were already created as objects on those thirdparty BACnet controllers. Therefore, Continuum Explorer already lists these objects as MultistateInputs within third-party devices. Controllers have channels for sensors. A channel in this case is an area in the controller that can be physically connected to a sensor. A sensor is a device that measures and reports on specific environmental factors, such as temperature, humidity, water pressure, and air flow. MultistateInput values represent one of a specific set of possible states that you define. Each state that you define has its own numeric value. The state text is what users see as the objects value. Note: The Triggers and Advanced Alarms tabs are unselectable (appear gray) for all BACnet objects because they are enabled only for CyberStation/Infinity objects only. Also, the Basic Alarms tab is supported for BACnet objects attached to thirdparty BACnet devices, not for objects attached to Andover Continuum b4920, bCX1 (40x0 series), and b3 controller devices.

Andover Continuum CyberStation Configurators Guide 357

MultistateInput General Tab The items on this tab, shown below, are covered under the BinaryInput editor.

358 TAC

MultistateInput States Tab This tab lists the number of states this object has, as well as the text values of each state. Depending on the type of BACnet device on which the input was configured, and depending on how the MultistateInput itself was configured, the number and types of states may vary. If it was configured as an InfinityInput object for a Andover Continuum b4920 or b3 controller, with a Supervised multistate electrical type ElecType on the Settings tab of the InfinityInput editor then the MultistateInput has three states named Off, On, and Trouble, as shown below:

However, if the MultistateInput was configured on a third-party BACnet device, it may have a different number of states, configured with text names from that device. For example, a third-party MultistateInput might have four states named Quiet, Active, Fault, and Disabled. Note: You may change the state of this MultistateInput via the Value fields dropdown menu on the General tab. Each state listed in the State Text field has a its own text and numeric value beginning with 1: 1 <= value <= number of states

Andover Continuum CyberStation Configurators Guide 359

Number of States State Text

This is an integer that defines the number of states for this object. The number must be greater than zero. This is a BACnet array of character strings (text values) representing all possible states of the object. The number of text values matches the number of states defined in the Number of States field.

MultistateInput Basic Alarms Tab

With the exception of Alarm Values and Faults Values (described below) the remainder of the properties on this tab is covered under the AnalogInput editor. Alarm Values This list specifies the states that the MultistateInput must equal before a ToOffnormal event is generated. This is required if intrinsic reporting is supported by this object. As an option, this list specifies the states that the MultistateInput must equal before a ToFault event is generated. If it becomes equal to any of the states in the list, and no physical fault has been detected, then Reliability (General tab) has the value, MultistateFault. This is required if intrinsic reporting is supported by this object.

Fault Values

MultistateInput Advanced Alarms, Triggers, and Security Level Tabs The properties on these tabs are covered under the AnalogInput editor.

360 TAC

BACnet MultistateOutput


A MultistateOutput is a BACnet object that is created via the InfinityOutput editor, or on third-party devices. (Refer also to Chapter 13.) They can be learned from a third-party device, or created via the MultistateOutput editor. MultistateOutputs are associated with BACnet devices. When you create an InfinityOutput for an Infinity controller and select a multistate (Tristate) electrical type via the Settings tab of the InfinityOutput editor, a BACnet MultistateOutput is created if the controller on which it resides was created as an Andover Continuum BACnet device specifically: As a b4920 controller or bCX1 (40x0 series) controller As a b36xx, b38xx, or b39xx controller In these cases, a MultistateOutput is created with three states: On, Off, and -On. See also the subsection, MultistateOutput States Tab. Note: For third-party BACnet devices that become part of the Andover Continuum system, MultistateOutput objects were already created as objects on those thirdparty BACnet controllers. Therefore, Continuum Explorer already lists these objects as MultistateOutputs within third-party devices. An output object changes or affects the environment by controlling a piece of equipment, such as a heater or fan. MultistateOutput values represent one of a specific set of possible states that you define. Each state that you define has its own numeric value. The state text is what users see as the object's value. Note: The Triggers and Advanced Alarms tabs are unselectable (appear gray) for all BACnet objects because they are enabled only for CyberStation/Infinity objects only. Also, the Basic Alarms tab is supported for BACnet objects attached to thirdparty BACnet devices, not for objects attached to Andover Continuum b4920 , bCX1 (40x0 series), and b3 controller devices.

Andover Continuum CyberStation Configurators Guide 361

MultistateOutput General Tab

Refer to BinaryOutput General Tab for a description of all the properties that appear on this tab.

362 TAC

MultistateOutput States Tab This tab lists the number of states this object has, as well as the text values of each state. Depending on the type of BACnet device on which the input was configured, and depending on how the MultistateOutput itself was configured, the number and types of states may vary. If it was configured as an InfinityOutput object for an Andover Continuum b4920, bCX1 (40x0 series), or b3 controller, with a Tristate multistate electrical type ElecType on the Settings tab of the InfinityOutput editor then the MultistateOutput has three states named Off, On, and -On, as shown below:

However, if the MultistateOutput was configured on a third-party BACnet device, it may have a different number of states, configured with text names from that device. Note: You may change the state of this MultistateOutput via the Present Value field on the General tab.

Andover Continuum CyberStation Configurators Guide 363

Each state listed in the State Text field has a its own text and numeric value beginning with 1: 1 <= value <= number of states Number of States State Text This is an integer that defines the number of states for this object. The number must be greater than zero. This is a BACnet array of character strings (text values) representing all possible states of the object. The number of text values matches the number of states defined in the Number of States field.

MultistateOutput Basic Alarms Tab With the exception of Feedback Value (described below) the remainder of properties on this tab is covered under BinaryInput Basic Alarms Tab. Feedback Value This specifies the value that the MultistateOutput must equal for an alarm to occur.

MultistateOutput Advance Alarms, Triggers, and Security Level Tabs These tabs are covered under AnalogInput Basic Alarms Tab. BACnet MultistateValue Editor

A MultistateValue is a BACnet object that is created, and assigned state values, via the InfinityNumeric editor and third-party BACnet devices. (Refer also to Chapter 13.) They can be learned from a third-party device, or created via the MultistateValue editor. MultistateValues are associated with BACnet devices. When you create an InfinityNumeric for an Infinity controller and select MultistateValue in the BACnet Object Type field of the InfinityNumeric editor's General tab, a BACnet MultistateValue is created if the controller on which it resides was created as an Andover Continuum BACnet device specifically: As a b4920 or bCX1 (40x0 series) controller As a b36xx, b38xx, or b39xx controller Note: For third-party BACnet devices that become part of the Andover Continuum system, MultistateValue objects were already created as objects on those thirdparty BACnet controllers. Therefore, Continuum Explorer already lists these objects as MultistateValues within third-party devices. Typically, a MultistateValue is used as a control system parameter whose value can be any one of a set that you define. For example, you can create a MultistateValue object named DayofWeek whose value can be Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, or Sunday. Note: The Triggers and Advanced Alarms tabs are unselectable (appear gray) for all BACnet objects because they are enabled only for CyberStation/Infinity objects only. Also, the Basic Alarms tab is supported for BACnet objects attached to third364 TAC

party BACnet devices, not for objects attached to Andover Continuum b4920, bCX1 (40x0 series), and b3 controller devices. Creating and Assigning State Values for a MultistateValue As mentioned on the previous page, on an Andover Continuum b4920, bCX1 (40x0 series), or b3 controller, you create a MultistateValue object as an InfinityNumeric point. For example:

As shown above, on the General tab of the InfinityNumeric editor, select MultistateValue from the BACnet Object Type fields dropdown menu. Enter a value, in the Value field, and select the corresponding units of measure from the dropdown menu in the Units field. A MultistateValue, when it is created as an InfinityNumeric, can have a wide variety of different sets or clusters of values. In addition to assigning an integer or floating-point numeric value and units, you may also assign such things as days of the week, or months of the year, or other non-numeric (text) state values. In the Value field, when you enter a non-numeric text value, such as Monday, CyberStation searches its internal System Value Cluster (SVC) tables for the cluster of states to which Monday belongs in this case, a cluster that lists seven states (index 17). In the MultistateValue editor, you may change the Present Value field of the General tab to select another cluster member. (See the subsection, MultistateValue General Tab.) An InfinityNumeric that has been designated as a MultistateValue can also be assigned a value cluster that resembles a binary object. For example, it can have three states (index of 3) with state values of On, Off, and On. Or, it can have two states with state
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values of Active and Inactive. Entering On or Inactive in the Value field triggers an automatic search to the CyberStation SVC tables, for the appropriate multistate cluster member. Those values are then reflected in the MultistateValue object editor. CAUTION: You must assign a value for multistate objects (in this case, a cluster type) in the InfinityNumeric editor. You may reassign a state (a member of a cluster) in a Multistate editor, but you cannot assign a cluster itself. If you do not assign a value in the InfinityNumeric editor, then by default, the MultistateValue is assigned a dummy value of State-1 with an index of 256 State-1 through State-256. MultistateValue General Tab

Refer to BinaryOutput General Tab for a description of all the items that appear on this tab. (Note that this tab does not have the Device Type field that appears on the BinaryOutput and MultistateOutput General tabs.) MultistateValue States Tab If the MultistateValue was created as an InfinityNumeric for an Andover Continuum b4920, bCX1 (40x0 series), or b3 controller, the States tab reflects the multistate cluster value that you entered on the General tab of the InfinityNumeric editor. For example, if you entered Wednesday, the cluster representing days of the week is shown in the MultistateValue editor. The integer 7 appears in the Number of States field, and the values Sunday through Saturday appear in the State Text field. As mentioned earlier in
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this section, in the InfinityNumeric editor, you can assign a wide variety of different clusters of values.

MultistateValue Basic Alarms Tab The items on this tab are covered under the MultistateInput editor. MultistateValue Command Priority Tab This tab is covered under the AnalogOutput editor. MultistateValue Advanced Alarms, Triggers and Security Level Tabs These tabs are covered under the AnalogInput editor.

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BACnet Program Editor

The Program Editor allows you to run, suspend, restart, halt, and check the status of BACnet programs, running on Andover Continuum BACnet devices b4920, bCX1 (40x0 series) and b3 controllers and third-party BACnet devices.

Note: On third-party BACnet devices, you can also load and unload BACnet programs via the Program Editor, depending on whether the third-party device supports these capabilities. You cannot load and unload programs on Andover Continuum BACnet devices. The properties on the General tab are compliant with the BACnet standard. If an InfinityProgram object is created on a b4920, bCX1 (40x0 series), or b3 controller via the Plain English IDE then the program can be viewed in two places in the CyberStation system because: b4920, bCX1 (40x0 series), and b3 controllers exist as Infinity controller and InfinityInfinet controller objects, respectively, on the "Infinity side" of the system. In this case, the program is an InfinityProgram object. b4920, bCX1 (40x0 series), and b3 controllers also can be viewed as Device objects. In this case, the program is a BACnet Program object.

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Note: Refer to the Plain English Language Reference Guide, 30-3001-872, for complete details on the IDE. The Program Editor General Tab The General tab provides you with the following information, some are read only and others you fill in. Program State This status line displays the current state of the process executing the BACnet program. One of the following values is displayed: Idle The process is not executing Loading The program is being loaded Running The program is currently executing Waiting The program is waiting for some external event. Halted The program is halted because of some error condition. Unloading The program has been requested to terminate. Reason for Halt and Description of Halt These status lines display a numeric error code, a text value, and a text description, of an error that has caused the executing program to halt. (It also tells you when the program is executing normally.) Reason for Halt The Reason for Halt status line displays an integer plus one of the following values: Normal The program is not halted due to any error condition. Load Failed The program could not complete loading. Internal The program is halted by some internal mechanism. Program The program is halted by a program-change request. Other The program is halted for some other reason. Description of Halt The Description of Halt field displays a userwritten text description (originating in the local BACnet device on which the application program resides) that accompanies to the error code and value displayed in Reason for Halt. Program Location Depending on the local BACnet device and programming environment, this field may display the line of code that is currently executing (or that is halted) within the program. For example, it may display a line number, program label, or section name. The content of what is displayed is defined locally. Displays the local name (originating in the local BACnet device) of the program being executed. The content of what is displayed is defined locally. Loads and unloads the content of a program, are available only in some third-party BACnet devices. They are not available on Andover Continuum BACnet devices.
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Instance of

Load and Upload

Run Restart Halt Description Out of Service

Executes the program. Restarts execution of the program after it has been halted. Halts the program while it is executing. Describes the application being carried out by this process. Check this checkbox if you wish to put this program out of service (disable it). You must check this box while the program is running. When it is out of service, it loses communication with its attached device. It is a good way to test the program and the processes that rely on it.


Displays one of four flags that indicate the general status of the program. Three of the flags are associated with the values of other properties of this object. A more detailed status could be determined by reading the properties that are linked to these flags. The four flags are: In_Alarm The program is in an alarm state. Fault The program is in a fault state. Overridden The program has been overridden by a mechanism that is local to the corresponding BACnet device. Out_Of_Service The program is in an out-of-service (disabled) state.


Displays information about whether or not the controller has detected a malfunction that might compromise the integrity of the program.

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Configuring Schedules and Calendars


The Schedule editor allows you to create Continuum Infinity and/or BACnet Schedule objects. A schedule is essentially a collection of scheduled events that typically determine, for example, when equipment runs, processes occur, personnel have access to an area, doors are locked or unlocked, and so on. A schedule comprises standard days and user defined standard days, such as holidays. A schedule also includes BACnet exception schedules, special calendar entries based on the BACnet Calendar object, which Continuum supports. These Calendar entries can be single days, a range of days, or recurring days, in accordance with the BACnet standard. You can therefore create or reference Calendar object values and integrate them into a Schedule object. This chapter covers: Schedule views finding your way around The Configuration tab Working with exception schedules Working with standard days and user-defined days The Current State tab Proprietary Schedule properties for programs Mass Create populating devices with a schedule Mass Change updating multiple schedules Calendars and the Calendar editor

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Schedule Views Finding Your Way Around

This section discusses the various schedule views, and also offers some information for finding your way around in the Schedule editor.

Schedule Views
The Schedule editor presents yearly, weekly, and daily views. To see each view, simply click the Yearly, Weekly, or Daily tab, respectively:

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To move to the next/previous year, week, or month, click the right-arrow button (next) or left-arrow button (previous) at the top of the respective tab. On these various views, there are scheduled events for standard days and user-defined standard days, as well as exception schedule calendar entries. Continuum supplies only one default user-defined day Holiday. You may create other user-defined standard days. The standard days, Monday through Friday, appear in one default color (light blue) while the weekend standard days, Saturday and Sunday, appear in another default color (medium blue). The user-defined day, Holiday, appears in red, by default. Note: You may change the color of a standard or user-defined day when you edit one of these days. Note: To see more of the schedule events on the weekly and daily views, increase the size of your Schedule editor window, as you would increase the size of any Microsoft window.

Exception and Standard Day Tabs

On the left side of the Schedule editor, you see two tabs Exception and Standard Days. Each tab shows an expandable tree structure. For example:

The Standard Days tab lists the Weekly Schedule tree (Monday through Sunday) as well as the User Defined Days tree (Holiday by default, plus any other user-defined standard day you create). For more information, see: Working with Standard Days and User-defined Days, later in this chapter.
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The Exception tab lists the Exception Schedule tree, which includes calendar entries (single days, ranges of days, recurring days) that have been assigned (selected) or referenced. The Exception Schedule tree includes user-defined standard days. For more information, see: Working with Exception Schedules, later in this chapter. Note: An exception-schedule entry is sometimes based on the BACnet Calendar object, which Continuum supports, in accordance with the BACnet standard. These Calendar object values can be integrated into a Schedule object. (See Calendars and the Calendar Editor, later in this chapter.) Note: To see more of the entries in the Exception and Standard Day trees, increase the size of your Schedule editor window, as you would increase the size of any Microsoft window.

You configure all Schedules, both for Infinity and BACnet controllers, using the Configuration tab. The attributes on this tab define a schedule, when and where it takes effect, when it is enabled or disabled, how it is downloaded to a controller, and so on. When you create a Schedule object on a BACnet controller, such as an Andover Continuum b4 controller, the Infinity-related attributes on the Configuration tab are not visible. Likewise, when you create a Schedule object on an Infinity controller, the BACnet-related attributes are not visible. For more information, see: Configuration Tab, on the next page. Note: When you create a Schedule object on a BACnet controller, such as an Andover Continuum b4 controller, the Infinity-related attributes in the Schedule editor, such as some attributes on the Configuration tab, are not visible. Likewise, when you create a Schedule object on an Infinity controller, the BACnet-related attributes are not visible. Note: When you make changes to standard days in a schedule, they take effect globally for all years within the schedule and affect all objects set by that schedule. Current State The Current State tab, which is visible only for a BACnet controllers Schedule object, displays information about the value of the current event. For more information, see Current State Tab later in this chapter.

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Mass Create and Mass Change

The Schedule editor allows you to copy and distribute (populate) a Schedule object to two or more devices on your system. It also allows you to make Schedule-object changes to many other Schedule objects. Click the Copy button to expose the Mass Create and Mass Change tabs appended to the right side of the editor. These tabs are normally hidden. To expand and retract the width of the Mass Create/Mass Change tab area, place your cursor on the right edge of the yearly, weekly, or daily view (typically the yearly view) until it becomes a double rightleft arrow cursor. Drag this cursor left or right to expand or retract, respectively. To close the Mass Create/Mass Change tab area, click the X button. For more information, see Mass Create - Populating Devices with a Schedule and Mass Change - Updating Multiple Schedules, later in this chapter.

Configuration Tab
Use the Configuration tab to configure schedules, both for Infinity and BACnet controllers. The attributes on this tab define a schedule, when and where it takes effect, when it is enabled or disabled, how it is downloaded to a controller, and so on. Note: When you create a Schedule object on a BACnet controller, such as an Andover Continuum b4 controller, the Infinity-related attributes on this tab are not visible. Likewise, when you create a Schedule object on an Infinity controller, the BACnetrelated attributes are not visible. The Configuration tab attributes on a BACnet controller are shown on the next page.

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The following table provides descriptions of attributes that appear on the tab for a Schedule object created on a BACnet controller. Editor Attribute Description Clear Past Events Meaning Enter a description for this Schedule object. Check this box when you need to delete BACnet special events that no longer impact an exception schedule. This may become necessary to conserve memory in controllers on your system when updated exception schedules are sent to controllers. By default, this box is not checked. When you check this box, save the Schedule, and re-open the editor, the box is checked. Important things to know about this feature: If you do not check this box, exception schedule event data (everything ever created) are re-sent to controllers. This can quickly consume memory, especially in controllers with limited memory capacities. Events must be at least three days old before they are automatically removed. Continuum calculates this by comparing the day on which the event expires to the current workstation time.
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Editor Attribute

Meaning Of the four types of exception choices (Date, Range of Dates, Recurrence, and Calendar Reference) only Date and Range of Dates may be automatically removed. Newly created exceptions that take effect and expire in the past are removed immediately Exception entries that meet the above criteria are automatically removed from view either when the box is initially checked or when the editor opens with the box already checked. If you inadvertently add new exceptions whose expiration dates are in the past (more than three days old) these expired events will also be removed from view the next time the editor opens. In all cases, the exception value is written as it appears in the view when you click the OK or Apply button. In addition to using this checkbox, you can also conserve memory by creating partial-day exception schedules. See Partial-Day Exception Schedules, later in this chapter.

Effective From/To

Using Effective From and To fields to select a day that designates when the schedule becomes active and inactive. Click the dropdown-menu down arrow to use the calendar to select a day that designates when the schedule becomes active and inactive. Or, as an alternative, click (highlight) the month, day, or year field and enter the digits for the month, day, or year. Show BACnet Date Fields Check this checkbox to use the BACnet properties for these date fields. (Remove the check to use the "system" Effective From/To.) The BACnet date fields, which are self-explanatory, allow you to enter any month, day, year, and day of week. Using the month dropdown menu, you may select a specific month, Any month, Even months, or Odd months. Using the day-of-week dropdown menu, you may select a specific day or Any day. Note: To select any day or any year, simply enter the word "Any" into the day or year field, respectively. Right-click switching between fields To switch between the BACnet fields and From/To (or "system") fields, right click anywhere in or near the fields, and select BACnet or System from the popup menu, depending on which fields you prefer.


Using the dropdown menu, select a BACnet command priority for this Schedule object.

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Editor Attribute Time Scale

Meaning From the dropdown menu, select the number of minutes with which you want to partition an hour in the daily and weekly views. Selections are: 5 minutes, 6 minutes, 10 minutes, 15 minutes, 30 minutes, 60 minutes. The time scale applies to the entire schedule. For example, if you select 15 Minutes, four time slots (demarcated by gray lines) appear within each hour in the daily and weekly views throughout the schedule. For example, if you select 5 Minutes, 12 time slots (demarcated by gray lines) appear within each hour in the daily and weekly views.

Default Data Type

To apply a certain data type to all new Schedule events by default, select a type from the dropdown menu. Note: It is recommended that you first assign a default data type before creating new events for this schedule. BACnet standard revision 2004 requires that one data type is specified for schedule events. The data types of old events are not affected by this selection. However, when you assign a default data type, a message appears, telling you that some existing scheduled events have different (non-default) data types. If you receive this message, you should manually delete them. When you set this default type, it also assigns this type as the default in the Value Type fields in the Schedule Default section and in the "apply at midnight" section.

Schedule Default Value Value Type

This section (enabled only for devices that support the BACnet standard revision 2004 and higher) displays a default value/type for the entire schedule when no other value is assigned. That is, the scheduled default is used as a "last resort" for the present value when no other exception or weekly scheduled event is in control. Check the NULL checkbox to relinquish control of a commanded property when no scheduled events are in effect. Note: When you set the Default Data Type (see above) the schedule default value type is set to that default data type automatically. Note: The Schedule Default value also works with partial-day exception schedules. Please see Partial-day exception schedules , later in this chapter.

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Editor Attribute Apply value and type to all Schedule events at midnight. Value Value Type

Meaning Check this checkbox to ensure that all weekly and exception Schedule events are reset at midnight to the value and data type specified in the Value and Value Type fields. An event is scheduled at midnight automatically so that you do not have to do it manually. Note: This checkbox is checked by default for pre-revision 2004 schedules. If your schedules do not support revision 2004, do not remove the check from this box. This ensures that a value/type are applied at midnight, thereby allowing a "whole day" schedule. Note: With the introduction of the Schedule Default in revision 2004, you can use the Schedule Default section (see above) to apply a value/type, whereby this schedule default is applied to events at midnight automatically, in absence of any other event in control at midnight. When this box is checked, the value/type specified here takes effect at midnight (00:00) for any new exception schedule that you create. (See also: Working with Exception Schedules and Working with Standard and User-defined Days.) Enter a value, and from the dropdown menu select a data type, to be applied at midnight to all weekday and schedule event entries. They must be applied at midnight to comply with the BACnet standard. (For more information on Value, Value Type, and the Time Value dialog, please see: Working with Exception Schedules and Working with Standard and User-defined Days.) Note: These fields are selectable only when the Apply this value and type to all Schedule events at midnight checkbox is checked.

Object Property List

This window lists BACnet objects that are set by this schedule. To add a schedule to the list, click the Add button and from the Search for an object property reference dialog, search for and select an object, then click the Select button. The selection appears in the list. To remove an object from the list, highlight it in the list, then click Delete.

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The Configuration tab attributes on an Infinity controller look like this:

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The following table provides descriptions of attributes that appear on this tab for a Schedule object created on an Infinity controller. Editor Attribute Description State Point Configuration Meaning Enter a description for this Schedule object. Use the dropdown menu to enable or disable the schedule. In the Occupancy field, enter the path or click the browse button to search for Infinity DateTime point that designates when the schedule becomes active. In the Unoccupancy field, enter the path or click the browse button to search for an Infinity DateTime point that designate when the schedule becomes inactive. In the Occupancy Point field, enter the path or click the browse button to search for the InfinityNumeric or InfinityOutput object that will be set by this schedule. A schedule is used to turn the object on (active) or off (inactive). Time Scale From the dropdown menu, select the number of minutes with which you want to partition an hour in the daily and weekly views. Selections are: 5 minutes, 6 minutes, 10 minutes, 15 minutes, 30 minutes, 60 minutes. The time scale applies to the entire schedule. For example, if you select 15 Minutes, four time slots (demarcated by gray lines) appear within each hour in the daily and weekly views throughout the schedule. For example, if you select 5 Minutes, 12 time slots (demarcated by gray lines) appear within each hour in the daily and weekly views. Events These five fields display current information about this schedule's events. Present Value Displays the current event value: Active or Inactive. Occupancy Time Displays the specified occupancy time from Occupancy time field, above. Unoccupancy Time Displays the specified unoccupancy time from Unoccupancy time field, above. Next Occupancy Time Displays the next day/time the schedule becomes active. Next Unoccupancy Time Displays the next day/time the schedule becomes inactive. Note Enter information about this schedule. This note appears in weekly and daily calendar views.

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Editor Attribute Automatic Schedule Download

Meaning Check this checkbox, and select a day and time, to download this schedule's values automatically from the workstation database to the controller on which this schedule was opened. Use the day dropdown menu to select a day. To select a time, click and highlight the hours, minutes, seconds, or AM/PM field to select the hour, minute, second, and AM/PM, you want the automatic download to occur. Use the up and down arrows to move to the previous hour/minute/second and to select AM or PM.


To download this schedules values to the controller immediately (and not wait for the designated download day/time) click the Download Events to Controller NOW button.

Working with Exception Schedules

This section covers: Overview Creating an exception entry Partial-day exception schedules Exception schedule icons Editing, deleting, and moving an exception entry Making user-defined standard days exception schedules Creating an exception entry via Daily and Weekly tabs Selecting (highlighting) an entire month or an entire week on the yearly view

Using the Exception tab, you may create and/or reference a BACnet exception schedule to your Schedule object. An exception schedule is a special schedule entry that is sometimes based on the BACnet Calendar object, which Continuum supports. These exception entries can be single days, a range of days, recurring days, or a referenced Calendar object, in accordance with the BACnet standard. You can therefore integrate Calendar object values into a Schedule object. Note: Exception schedules can also be partial days, as of the implementation of the BACnet protocol revision 4. That is, you can create two or more exception schedules for the same day. See also Partial-day exception schedules, later in this chapter. Note: You may not use a recurring-day entry or referenced Calendar-object exception entry for a schedule created on an Infinity controller only a BACnet controller. The Exception tab lists the Exception Schedule tree, which includes single days, ranges of days, recurring days, and referenced calendar days that have been assigned
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(selected). This includes the assignment of user-defined days, as well as any new exception entry that you create or reference via the Exception Schedule tree.

Creating an Exception Entry

To create a new exception entry, follow this procedure: 1. Click the New Exception button beneath the Exception Schedule tree (or right click Exception Schedule and select New Exception from the popup). The Special Event dialog (or BACnet Special Event dialog for BACnet controllers) appears:

2. In the Entry Type section, select one of the following radio buttons: Date Range of dates Recurrence Calendar Reference Notice the data fields on the right side of the dialog are different for each selection. Note: The Recurrence and Calendar Reference radio button selections do not appear for a Schedule on an Infinity controller. 3. Enter the desired information in the data fields on the right side of the dialog. These fields are self-explanatory.
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Note: For year, month, day, and day of week, you can select "any," as opposed to a specific selection. To do so, check the respective Any checkboxes. Also, for Month, you may use the dropdown menu to select Odd Months or Event Months, as opposed to a specific month. For range, enter a starting and ending date. For recurrence, enter a recurring weekday for a particular month. For example, if you were defining "Thanksgiving," you could choose Last, Thursday, and November. For a calendar reference, click the Calendar Reference Object field's browse button. The Select an object dialog appears. Search for and select the Calendar object (on a BACnet controller) that you want to reference and integrate into your Schedule object. Click the Select button. The Calendar object path appears in the Calendar Reference Object field. 4. Select either the Time Value List radio button (when you want to add one or more unique time values to apply to the new entry) or the User Defined Standard Day radio button when you want select the time value of an existing user-defined day, such as Holiday. If you select Time Value List, go to step 5. If you select User Defined Standard Day, go to step 6. 5. Click the Add button. The Time Value dialog appears:

In the Time field, select a time at which you want this entry's event to apply a value hour, minute, second. Note: If you want to use BACnet time fields (in which you can specify a specific time or any time) check the BACnet Time Fields checkbox. There are four BACnet time fields. From left to right, enter the hour, minute, second, and hundredth of second. To enter any hour, any minute, any second, or any hundredth of second, enter the word "Any" in the desired field. In the Value field and Value Type field (schedule on a BACnet controller) enter a value and value type. For example, on a BACnet controller, for a temperature value, you could enter a real number and select Real from the Value Type field's dropdown menu. For example, you could enter a text value, then select Character String as a value type.
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For a schedule on a BACnet controller, choices for Value Type are: Boolean Unsigned Integer Signed Integer Enumerated Date Time Character String Real BACnet Object Identifier Double Octet String Bit String Note: Check the NULL checkbox to relinquish control of a commanded property when no scheduled events are in effect. Note: The Value Type field is not available for a schedule on an Infinity controller. Value field choices on an Infinity controller are Active and Inactive (on/off). For example:

In the Notes field, describe the entry's event. These notes, along with the values, appear in the weekly and daily views. Click OK. The time/value entry appears in the Time Value List window in the Special Event dialog. Repeat this procedure if you want to apply two or more times/values for this entry. For example, you may create one time/value to raise the temperature at 7:00 a.m. to 70 degrees, and another to lower the temperature at 9:00 pm to 55 degrees.

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CAUTION: Too many exception-entry events scheduled on one day can create time/value conflicts. If this happens, the following warning appears on the Daily tab, as well as the Weekly tab for each conflicted day: There are too many events in this day. Please double-click to see details. Double click over this warning on the Daily or Weekly tab. The Time Values for Day dialog appears, displaying a list of times/values for events scheduled on that day. Note: The values you select are applied to the attached objects listed in the Object Property List (BACnet controller) on the Configuration tab. On an Infinity controller, values are applied to the InfinityNumeric or InfinityOutput point specified in the Occupancy Point field on the Configuration tab. Note: You may also access the Time Value dialog (and create a new exception event) by clicking in the time margin or a non-event slot in the Daily or Weekly tab. The Time Value dialog accessed from those tabs asks for a start-time event, as well as an end-time event. For example:

"Rest of the day" end time As described above, when you access the Time Value dialog on the Daily or Weekly tab, and you are asked to specify both a start time and an end time. Here you have the option of specifying a midnight end time by checking the Rest of the day checkbox. Check this box when this event needs to be active for the remainder of the day. It also saves you the time of filling in the End time fields. Again, if you want to use BACnet time fields (in which you can specify a specific time or any time) check the BACnet Time Fields checkbox. Go to step 7.
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6. From the dropdown menu, select the user-defined standard day whose value you want to apply to this new entry. Note: The values you select are applied to the attached objects listed in the Object Property List (BACnet controller) on the Configuration tab. On an Infinity controller, values are applied to the InfinityNumeric or InfinityOutput point specified in the Occupancy Point field on the Configuration tab. 7. In the Event Priority field of the BACnet Special Event dialog, select a BACnet command priority (1...16) from the dropdown menu. This priority is useful if there are exception schedule event conflicts. For more information on BACnet command priority, see the Help topic, Working with Command Priorities, in your Continuum online help, and Chapter 14, BACnet, and your BACnet Standard. 8. In the Name field, enter a name or description of the day, range, recurrence, or referenced entry. This name appears for this entry in tree. 9. Click OK. The new entry is added to the tree. Note: At this point, you may right click the Daily or Weekly tab and from the popup menu and select the number of minutes with which you want to partition an hour in the daily and weekly views. Selections are: 5 minutes, 6 minutes, 10 minutes, 15 minutes, 30 minutes, 60 minutes. (This is known as the Time Scale, which you may also set on the Configuration tab.) The time scale applies to the entire schedule. For example, if you select 15 Minutes, four time slots (demarcated by gray lines) appear within each hour in the daily and weekly views throughout the schedule. For example, if you select 5 Minutes, 12 time slots (demarcated by gray lines) appear within each hour in the daily and weekly views.

Partial-Day Exception Schedules

The BACnet standard, revision 2004, introduces partial-day exception schedules. Before revision 2004, an exception schedule governed an entire day, an entire day for each day in a range or days, or an entire day for each day of recurring days. This meant that an exception schedule would stay in control for an entire day and never relinquish control back to weekly scheduled events for that day, since a weekly schedule yields to an exception schedule. Passing Control Back to Weekly Schedule on Same Day -- Partial-day exception scheduling allows you to control a portion of a given day, rather than the whole day. This means that exception events and weekly events can be integrated into the same day, as needed. Important one-time exception events now can temporarily interrupt the weekly schedule (for only as many hours as it needs to) and then hand control back to the weekly schedule. That is, regularly scheduled events are no longer completely ignored when a weekly and exception schedule fall on the same day. Before revision 2004, to overcome this dilemma, weekly schedule events were often included in the exception schedule. This was the only way to add additional events to that day.

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For example, take a classroom that is normally controlled by a weekly schedule, where the room is occupied from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. But suppose that one particular Wednesday a special lab takes place from 6:00 to 8:00. Before revision 2004, if an exception schedule were added to allow this room to be occupied from 6:00 to 8:00 on a particular Wednesday, that exception would also need to specify the room as occupied from 9:00 to 3:00 because all Wednesday's normal events would be overridden. Partial-day scheduling removes that limitation. When an exception event ends, control can be passed back to the weekly schedule. In the classroom example, this allows you to specify an exception entry only from 6:00 to 8:00. You can pass control from the exception back to the weekly schedule by specifying a special value (NULL) in the exception's time value list. In the classroom case, it means that the exception could look like this: 6:00 a.m. - Specify the value (for example, turn on heat or light) that makes the room occupied. 8:00 a.m. - Specify the value that makes the room not occupied.

At a time after 8:00, but before 9:00 - Specify NULL. Note: The exception and weekly schedule properties can also interact with the Schedule Default property, which might allow the above schedule to be specified differently, but control identically. See also the Configuration tab. Using Two Exception Schedules on the Same Day -- Before revision 2004, it was not possible to use different exceptions to control different parts of the same day. Now, one exception can control a morning's events and another exception control the evening's events. Using the previous classroom example, suppose that, on a Sunday, the room must be occupied from 6:00 a.m. to 8:00 a.m., and again from 9:00 to 3:00 p.m. No weekly schedule is in effect for Sunday. This means that the exceptions could look like this: Exception 1 6:00 a.m. - Specify the value that makes the room occupied. 8:00 a.m. - Specify the value that makes the room not occupied. At a time after 8:00, but before 9:00 - Specify NULL.

Exception 2 9:00 a.m. - Specify the value that makes the room occupied. 3:00 p.m. - Specify the value that makes the room not occupied.

Partial-Day Exceptions and Schedule Default -- Partial-day exception schedules can also work with the schedule default value, established in the property, Schedule Default. (See also the Configuration tab.) The value of the schedule default is the value the schedule takes at any moment where there are no exception or weekly events in control. Using the first classroom example (exception vs. weekly events), the 8:00 value, which makes the room unoccupied, is not necessary if the schedule default has the same
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value. Instead, the exception can just specify the NULL value and cause the schedule default to take control because there are no weekly events at 8:00 a.m.

Exception Schedule Icons

As you add exception entries, the Exception Schedule tree identifies them in the list with the following icons: Single day Range of days Recurring days Calendar object reference When you expand an entry, its time values and command priorities appear in the tree. The exception entries are highlighted on the yearly view and noted in the weekly and daily views. Note: Dates listed in the tree appear in red on the yearly view. If you select a day in the tree, it appears in blue on the yearly view. Note: When you click and select a date in the yearly view, you may right click and assign a user-defined standard day. Any day that is assigned in this manner also appears in the tree. See also: Working with Standard Days and User-defined Days, later in this chapter.

Editing, Deleting, and Moving an Exception Entry

Editing an Entry To edit an existing exception entry in the Exception Schedule tree, simply right click its icon/entry in the tree, and select Edit from the popup menu. The Special Event dialog appears. Use the procedure for creating an exception entry, above, as guidelines. Deleting an Entry To delete an exception entry in the Exception Schedule, simply right click its icon/entry in the tree, and select Delete from the popup menu. The entry is removed from the tree and the calendar view. Moving an Entry in the Tree To move an entry up or down in the tree, simply right click its icon/entry, and select Up or Down from the popup menu. The entry is inserted above the previous or next entry in the tree, respectively.

Making User-Defined Standard Days Exception Entries

From the Standard Day tab, in the User Defined Day tree, when you assign a userdefined standard day (or a range of user-defined standard days) on the yearly view, the day or range also becomes part of the exception schedule. For more information, see: Working with Standard and User-defined Days, later in this chapter.

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Creating an Exception Entry via Daily and Weekly Tabs

On the Daily and Weekly tabs of the Schedule editor, you may click inside a time slot, or the time margin, to bring up the Time Value dialog and add a time/value event. (See procedures above for information on the Time Value dialog.) When you access the Time Value dialog from these tabs, it provides two sections for the Start time and End time. Hence you are creating two time/value events in using one dialog a start event and an end event.

Selecting an Entire Month or Entire Week on the Yearly View

To select (highlight) an entire month or an entire week: 1. Select the Yearly tab. 2. To select (highlight) an entire month, click inside the day initials for that month (S M T W T F S). To select (highlight) an entire week, click to the left of that week (to the left of Sunday "S" of that week).

Working with Standard Days and User-defined Days

This section covers the following: Overview Editing a weekly standard day Creating and editing a user-defined standard day Assigning one or more single user-defined standard days Assigning a range of user-defined standard days in the yearly view Resetting a user-defined standard day as a weekly standard day Deleting a user-defined standard day Using exception schedules exclusively (deleting weekly standard day events) Selecting (highlighting) an entire month or an entire week from Yearly tab

The Schedule editor, by default, supplies weekly standard days (Monday through Sunday). These standard days are listed on the Standard Day tab, in the Weekly Schedule tree. You may modify any weekly standard day. Within each standard day, you add and edit events, specifying the time these events become active and inactive during the day, as well as values for these events for example, temperature values, on/off switches, and so on.

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Note: For schedules on an Infinity controller, an event value can only be either on (active) or off (inactive). However, on a BACnet controller, you may apply many different types of event values for example, real numbers, character strings, arrays, Boolean values, and so on, and change these values during the course of a day, as needed. Event information, including notes on and the current state of each event, appears within the daily and weekly calendar view of a weekly standard day. Also on the Standard Day tab, in the User Defined Day tree, you may create userdefined standard days. Only one user-defined standard day is supplied by default Holiday. Note: When you edit standard days and user-defined standard days, you make global changes that affect all weeks of all years within that schedule, and all objects that are attached to that schedule.

Editing a Weekly Standard Day

To edit a standard day and add/modify events within that standard day, perform this procedure: 1. Select the Standard Day tab. 2. In the Weekly Schedule tree, right click the standard day you want to edit (Monday...Sunday) and select Edit from the popup. The standard day dialog appears. (The name of the standard weekday is the title of the dialog.) 3. Check the background color, and change this color, if desired. If you wish to pick a new color for this weekday, click the color box. From the Color dialog, select a new color, as you would in Microsoft Windows. Click OK, after selecting the new color. This color is shown in all the views, as well as in the Standard Day tab, for this weekday. 4. To add a new standard-day event, click the Add button. To edit an existing standard-day event, in the Event List highlight the event you want to change, and click the Edit button. The Time Value dialog appears. Note: To delete an existing standard-day event, in the Event List highlight the event you want to delete, and click the Delete button. The event is removed from the list. In the Time Value dialog: In the Time field, select a time at which you want this event to apply a value hour, minute, second. Note: On a BACnet controller, if you want to use BACnet time fields (in which you can specify a specific time or any time) check the BACnet Time Fields checkbox. There are four BACnet time fields. From left to right, enter the hour,
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minute, second, and hundredth of second. To enter any hour, any minute, any second, or any hundredth of second, enter the word "Any" in the desired field. In the Value field and Value Type field (schedule on a BACnet controller) enter a value and value type. For example, on a BACnet controller, for a temperature value, you could enter a real number and select Real from the Value Type field's dropdown menu. For example, you could enter a text value, then select Character String as a value type. Note: The Value Type field is not available for a schedule on an Infinity controller. Value field choices on an Infinity controller are Active and Inactive (on/off). For a schedule on a BACnet controller, choices for Value Type are: Boolean Unsigned Integer Signed Integer Enumerated Date Time Character String Real BACnet Object Identifier Double Octet String Bit String Check the NULL checkbox to relinquish control of a commanded property when no scheduled events are in effect. In the Notes field, describe the entry's event. These notes, along with the values, appear in the weekly and daily views. Click OK. The event appears in the Event List window in the standard day dialog. Repeat this procedure if you want to apply two or more time/value events for this entry. For example, you may create one time/value to raise the temperature at 7:00 a.m. to 70 degrees, and another to lower the temperature at 9:00 pm to 55 degrees. Note: The values you select are applied to the attached objects listed in the Object Property List (BACnet controller) on the Configuration tab. On an Infinity controller, values are applied to the InfinityNumeric or InfinityOutput point specified in the Occupancy Point field on the Configuration tab. Note: You may also access the Time Value dialog (and create a new event) by clicking in the time margin or a non-event slot in the Daily or Weekly tab. The Time Value dialog accessed from those tabs asks for a start-time event, as well as an end-time event. For example:
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"Rest of the day" end time As described above, when you access the Time Value dialog on the Daily or Weekly tab, and you are asked to specify both a start time and an end time. Here you have the option of specifying a midnight end time by checking the Rest of the day checkbox. Check this box when this event needs to be active for the remainder of the day. It also saves you the time of filling in the End time fields. 5. Check the Apply events to all weekdays in weekly schedule checkbox to copy this weekday's events to all other weekdays. 6. Click OK. The standard day changes appear throughout the Schedule editor. Note: At this point, you may right click the Daily or Weekly tab and from the popup menu select the number of minutes with which you want to partition an hour in the daily and weekly views. Selections are: 5 minutes, 6 minutes, 10 minutes, 15 minutes, 30 minutes, 60 minutes. (This is known as the Time Scale, which you may also set on the Configuration tab.) The time scale applies to the entire schedule. For example, if you select 15 Minutes, four time slots (demarcated by gray lines) appear within each hour in the daily and weekly views throughout the schedule. For example, if you select 5 Minutes, 12 time slots (demarcated by gray lines) appear within each hour in the daily and weekly views.

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Creating and Modifying a User-defined Standard Day

To create a new user-defined standard day, or modify an existing one, perform this procedure: 1. Select the Standard Day tab. 2. To add a new user-defined standard day: Click the New User Defined Day button beneath the User Defined Day tree (or right click User Defined Day, and select New from the popup). To edit an existing standard day: In the User Defined Day tree, right click the name of the user-defined standard day you wish to change. The Standard Day dialog appears. Note: Only one user-defined standard day is provided, by default Holiday. 3. Check the background color, and change this color, if desired. If you wish to pick a new color for this user-defined standard day, click the color box. From the Color dialog, select a new color, as you would in Microsoft Windows. Click OK, after selecting the new color. This color is shown in all the views, as well as in the Standard Day tab, for this userdefined standard day. Note: The default color for Holiday is red. 4. To add a new user-defined-standard day event, click the Add button. To edit an existing user-defined standard day event, in the Event List, highlight the event you want to change, and click the Edit button. The Time Value dialog appears. Note: To delete an existing user-defined standard day event, in the Event List highlight the event you want to delete, and click the Delete button. The event is removed from the list. In the Time Value dialog: In the Time field, select a time at which you want this event to apply a value hour, minute, second. Note: On a BACnet controller, if you want to use BACnet time fields (in which you can specify a specific time or any time) check the BACnet Time Fields checkbox. There are four BACnet time fields. From left to right, enter the hour, minute, second, and hundredth of second. To enter any hour, any minute, any second, or any hundredth of second, enter the word "Any" in the desired field. In the Value field and Value Type field (schedule on a BACnet controller) enter a value and value type. For example, on a BACnet controller, for a temperature value, you could enter a real number and select Real from the Value Type field's dropdown menu. For example, you could enter a text value, then select Character String as a value type.
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Note: The Value Type field is not available for a schedule on an Infinity controller. Value field choices on an Infinity controller are Active and Inactive (on/off). For a schedule on a BACnet controller, choices for Value Type are: Boolean Unsigned Integer Signed Integer Enumerated Date Time Character String Real BACnet Object Identifier Double Octet String Bit String Check the NULL checkbox to relinquish control of a commanded property when no scheduled events are in effect. In the Notes field, describe the entry's event. These notes, along with the values, appear in the weekly and daily views. Click OK. The event appears in the Event List window in the Standard Day dialog. Repeat this procedure if you want to apply two or more time/value events for this entry. For example, you may create one time/value to raise the temperature at 7:00 a.m. to 70 degrees, and another to lower the temperature at 9:00 pm to 55 degrees. CAUTION: Too many exception-entry events scheduled on one day can create time/value conflicts. If this happens, the following warning appears on the Daily tab, as well as the Weekly tab for each conflicted day: There are too many events in this day. Please doubleclick to see details. Double click over this warning on the Daily or Weekly tab. The Time Values for Day dialog appears, displaying a list of times/values for events scheduled on that day. Note: The values you select are applied to the attached objects listed in the Object Property List (BACnet controller) on the Configuration tab. On an Infinity controller, values are applied to the InfinityNumeric or InfinityOutput point specified in the Occupancy Point field on the Configuration tab. Note: You may also access the Time Value dialog (and create a new event) by clicking in the time margin or a non-event slot in the Daily or Weekly tab. The
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Time Value dialog accessed from those tabs asks for a start-time event, as well as an end-time event. 5. Click OK. The user-defined standard day changes appear throughout the Schedule editor. Note: At this point, you may right click the Daily or Weekly tab and from the popup menu select the number of minutes with which you want to partition an hour in the daily and weekly views. Selections are: 5 minutes, 6 minutes, 10 minutes, 15 minutes, 30 minutes, 60 minutes. (This is known as the Time Scale, which you may also set on the Configuration tab.) The time scale applies to the entire schedule. For example, if you select 15 Minutes, four time slots (demarcated by gray lines) appear within each hour in the daily and weekly views throughout the schedule. For example, if you select 5 Minutes, 12 time slots (demarcated by gray lines) appear within each hour in the daily and weekly views.

Assigning One or More Single User-defined Standard Days

To assign one or more single user-defined standard days in your schedule: 1. Select the Yearly tab. 2. In the yearly view, select (left click) the day you wish to assign, and then right click. From the popup menu, select Assign a User Defined Standard Day, as well as the name of the user-defined day you wish to assign. The yearly view shows that day as the user-defined day you selected, in its designated color. The Exception Schedule tree also lists that day as a single exception day, with its single-day icon. (See: Working with Exception Schedules, earlier in this chapter.) Note: To assign two or more individual (non-consecutive) user-defined standard days, hold down the CTRL key, and click (highlight) the individual days you wish to assign. Right click, and proceed as described, above. (Holding the SHIFT key in this way allows you to assign two or more consecutive days.)

Assigning a Range of User-defined Standard Days in Yearly View

To assign a range of user-defined standard days: 1. Select the Yearly tab. 2. In the yearly view, click and hold the mouse button on the first day of the range (for example, February 15). 3. Drag the cursor on the calendar to the last day of the range (for example, February 22). The range (February 15...22) is highlighted. 4. Right click, and from the popup menu, select Assign a User Defined Standard Day, as well as the name of the user-defined day you wish to assign for that range. The yearly view shows a range of that user-defined day, in the designated color.
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The Exception Schedule tree also lists these days as an exception range of days, with its range icon. (See: Working with Exception Schedules, earlier in this chapter)

Resetting a User-defined Standard Day to a Standard Day

To reset a user-defined standard day to a weekly standard day: 1. Select the Yearly tab. 2. In the yearly view, select (left click) on the user-defined day you wish to set back to a weekly standard day, and then right click. 3. From the popup, select Reset to weekly schedule. Note: This also applies to ranges and recurrences.

Deleting a User-defined Standard Day

To delete a user-defined standard day: 1. Select the Standard Day tab. 2. In the User Defined Day tree, right click the user-defined day you wish to delete. 3. From the popup menu, select Delete. Caution: The user-defined standard day is deleted and removed from everywhere it is used, including the Exception Schedule.

Using Exception Schedules Exclusively (Deleting Weekly Standard Day Events)

If you do not wish to use the weekly standard day schedule (as listed in the Weekly Schedule tree), and want to use exception schedules exclusively, perform the following procedure. Using an exception schedule exclusively is beneficial when you need nonrepetitive schedules for example, when students are entering and leaving a laboratory, based on their course requirements and the amount of time it takes them to finish their work, rather than a weekly scheduled time-allotment. 1. Select the Standard Day tab. 2. Right click Weekly Schedule. 3. From the popup, select Delete Weekly Events. WARNING: When you make this selection, all existing events in all weekly standard days are removed from your schedule.

Selecting an Entire Month or Entire Week on Yearly View

To select an entire month or an entire week: 1. Select the Yearly tab. 2. To select (highlight) an entire month, click inside the day initials for that month (S M T W T F S).

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To select (highlight) an entire week, click to the left of that week (to the left of Sunday "S" of that week).

Current State Tab

This tab displays information about the value of the current event. This tab is not visible on Schedules for Infinity controllers. Editor Attribute Present Value Meaning Displays the present value of the current event. This can be of any BACnet time/value type. (See Working with Exception Schedules and Working with Standard and User-defined Days.) Indicates whether or not a malfunction has been detected, compromising the integrity of the present value of the current event. Possible reliability settings are: NoFaultDetected Indicates that the present value is reliable and that no fault has been detected. UnderRange Indicates that the sensor connected to the input is reading a value that is lower than the normal operating range. OverRange Indicates that the sensor connected to the input is reading a value that is higher than the normal operating range.


Status Flags

UnReliableOther Indicates that the sensor has detected that the present value is unreliable and that none of the above conditions describes the nature of the problem. Provides information on the condition of the value of the current event. The condition can be one of the following: InAlarm Indicates that the event state has a value other than NORMAL. Overridden Indicates that a local device has manually overridden the object. Fault Indicates that the Reliability has a value other than NoFaultDetected.

Transition Time

OutOfService Indicates that the object is disabled. Note: These Transition Time fields appear only on controllers that support the BACnet Standard protocol revision 4. Displays the day/time when objects in the object property list (Configuration tab) transition from one value to another. Previous Displays the last day/time objects transitioned (changed) from one value to another. Next Displays the next day/time that objects will transition
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Editor Attribute

Meaning (change) from one value to another. Following Displays the day/time, following the next transition, that objects will transition (change) from one value to another. Note: See also Proprietary Schedule Properties for Programs, below.


Check the Out Of Service checkbox when you want to assign a fixed value to schedule event when you do not want to compute the value from the weekly schedule, exception schedule, or schedule defaults. When this box is not checked, the fields are not selectable.

Proprietary Schedule Properties for Programs

Andover Continuum BACnet controllers support proprietary Schedule-object properties that are used in Plain English programs to optimize the start and stop times for scheduled events in HVAC systems. These proprietary properties are based on scheduled occupancy times for example, when rooms need to be prepared with heating before occupancy or when lights need to be shut off after occupancy. Note: See also the Transition Time fields on the Current State tab. The properties are: Property PreviousTransitionTime NextTransitionTime Identifier 512 513 Meaning The time when the Schedule's Present_Value most recently changed value The time when the Schedule's Present_Value is next scheduled to change value after the time indicated by Next_Transition The time when the Schedule's Present_Value is next scheduled to change value after the time indicated by Next_Transition



These properties are unsigned integer values, each giving a date and time expressed as the number of seconds. Plain English, which specifies the behavior of Program objects, can compare these times with the present time and compute time intervals. In a Plain English program, the value of the each property would be specified as follows: ScheduleName PreviousTransitionTime ScheduleName NextTransitionTime ScheduleName FollowingTransitionTime
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where ScheduleName is the name of the Schedule object, whose event start and stop times are being computed. Each transition indicates a scheduled change in the value of the Schedule's Present_Value property. These values are stored as, and can be read or written as, InfinityDateTime objects. Note: In a Plain English program, the ReadProperty function can be used to retrieve the values of these properties. (These properties are read-only.) When determining a transition, time-value pairs that specify the same value as the Schedule's PresentValue (that do not change the value) are not considered transitions. Similarly, if two or more time-value pairs have the same time, only the last pair with that time is used for determining a transition. For more information on Plain English, please see the Plain English Language Reference, 30-3001-872, and the Continuum online help.

Mass Create Populating Devices with a Schedule

Using the Schedule editor's Mass Create tab, you may immediately copy and distribute (populate) this Schedule object to other devices on your system. This is very useful when other controllers throughout your system need to use this schedule. In the Schedule editor, click the Copy button to expose expose the Mass Create tab and Mass Change tab, appended to the right side of the editor. These tabs are normally hidden, as shown below:

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When you click the Copy button, the tabs become visible, as shown below:

To expand and retract the width of the Mass Create/Mass Change tabs, place your cursor on the left border of the tab area until it becomes a double-arrow cursor. Drag this cursor left or right to expand or retract, respectively. When the tab area covers part of the Yearly, Weekly, or Daily view, as shown above, use the horizontal scroll bar to see the right side of the view. To close the Mass Create/Mass Change tab area, click the X button, located in the upper-right corner of the tab area. As the tab indicates, there are three general steps for populating a schedule: Search for controllers you want to populate. Select the controllers to receive this schedule.

Populate (distribute) the schedule to the selected controllers. To mass create a schedule, follow this procedure: 1. On the Mass Create tab, in the search field of Step 1 (Search for devices to populate with this schedule), use the wildcard asterisk to enter an alphanumeric string contained in the paths of controllers that need to have this schedule. For example, *fan* would list all the controllers whose paths have the string "fan". Note: If you want to list all controllers, and not narrow the list, leave this field blank (with just the asterisk). 2. Click the Search button. Based on what you enter in the search field, controller paths are listed under the Device column in the window of Step 2.
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Note: If your schedule is created on a BACnet controller, BACnet devices are listed. Likewise, if it is created on an Infinity controller, Infinity devices are listed. 3. In the list, highlight (select) one or more controllers with which you want to populate this schedule. Also: To select them all, right click a controller and choose Select All from the popup menu. To deselect them all, right click a controller and choose Select None from the popup menu. To remove entries from the list, highlight them and click the Remove button. (Or you may right click an entry, and select Remove Devices from the popup menu.) Adding a controller to the list To add device entries to the list, click the Add button (or right click an entry and select Add Devices). The Selection dialog appears. Note: As an alternative you may also drag and drop device objects from Continuum Explorer to the member object list window. From the Selection dialog, search for and select the device objects you want to add. Use the Objects of type dropdown menu to select the object class you want to add: InfinityController, InfinityInfinetCtrl, or Device. Only objects of that object class type appear. (For Infinity schedules, the Device object is not available in this dropdown menu.) Click the Select button. The paths of the newly added objects appear in mass-create list. Note: In the Selection dialog, you may use the network view button, folder-view button, and other buttons, as well as the Folder dropdown menu to expose the tree (as you would in Continuum Explorer) to adjust view of directory paths and available objects. Click the Populate button (Step 3). The schedule is copied to the selected devices in the list. Note: Look at the Status column in the list in Step 2. For each list member, this column states whether the population process has succeeded or failed. If the process fails If the process fails, some possible explanations are: One or more controllers are offline. The schedule contains a Calendar object reference and you are attempting to populate a BACnet controller that does not support Calendar objects. You are attempting to copy a schedule to your own controller (the one on which the schedule was created). You are attempting to copy a schedule to a controller that does contain the objects listed in the Object Property List of the Configuration tab (BACnet) or that does contain the attached Occupancy Point object of the Configuration tab (Infinity).

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Mass Change Updating Multiple Schedules

Note: In the Schedule editor, click the Copy button to expose expose the Mass Create tab and Mass Change tab, appended to the right side of the editor. These tabs are normally hidden. For details on expanding and collapsing these tabs in the editor, please see the previous section, Mass Create. Using the Schedule editor's Mass Change tab, you may immediately copy your Schedule configuration to other Schedule objects on your system, thereby "updating" them. This is very useful when other schedules require the exact same events, special calendar days, attached objects, and so on. Click the right-arrow button in the right-hand corner of the editor to expose the Mass Change tab (along with the Mass Create tab) appended to the right side of the editor:

As the tab indicates, there are three general steps for updating a schedule: Search for schedules you wish to update. Select the schedules whose configurations need to be updated.

Update the selected schedules by copying (overwriting) this schedule's configuration over theirs. To mass change a schedule, follow this procedure:

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1. On the Mass Change tab, in the search field of Step 1 (Search for schedules to update), use the wildcard asterisk to enter an alphanumeric string contained in the paths of schedules that need to be updated. For example, *sched* would list all the controllers whose paths have the string "sched". Note: If you want to list all schedules, and not narrow the list, leave this field blank (with just the asterisk). 2. Click the Search button. Based on what you enter in the search field, schedule paths are listed under the Device column in the window of Step 2, and the names of those Schedule objects listed under the Schedule Name column. 3. In the list, select one or more schedules you want to update. Also: To select them all, right click in the list and choose Select All from the popup menu. To deselect them all, right click in the list and choose Select None from the popup menu. To remove entries from the list, highlight them and click the Remove button. (Or you may right click an entry, and select Remove Devices from the popup menu.) To edit any schedule in the list, right click the schedule you want to edit, and select Edit Schedule from the popup menu (or simply double click the schedule). The Schedule editor for that schedule appears with its current (last-saved) configuration. If at any time you wish to return to the original (previous) original schedule, click the Return to path at the bottom, beneath Step 3. Adding a schedule to the list To add schedule entries to the list, click the Add button (or right click an entry and select Add Schedules). The Selection dialog appears. Note: As an alternative, you may also drag and drop Schedule objects from Continuum Explorer to the member object list window. From the Selection dialog, search for and select the Schedule objects you want to add. Only objects of object class type, Schedule, appear. Click the Select button. The paths of the newly added objects appear in masschange list. Note: In the Selection dialog, you may use the network view button, folder-view button, and other buttons, as well as the Folder dropdown menu to expose the tree (as you would in Continuum Explorer) to adjust view of directory paths and available objects. 4. Click the Update button (Step 3). Your schedule configuration overwrites the configurations of the selected schedules in the list.
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Note: Look at the Status column in the list in Step 2. For each list member, this column states whether the update process has succeeded or failed.

Calendars and the Calendar Editor

Calendar is a standard BACnet class object. A Calendar object is typically used with and referenced by Schedule objects. You use Calendar simply to select a day on a yearly view of a calendar, as you would according to the BACnet standard. Specifically, via the Calendar Entry dialog, you establish: A single-day A range of dates

A recurrence of a day You create a Calendar object on an Infinity b4920, b40xx series, or b3 controller, in the Infinity view of the Continuum Explorer. A Calendar object, like other BACnet objects on the Continuum system, is placed in both an Infinity Calendar class folder beneath the b4, b40xx series, or b3 controller, and in a BACnet Calendar class folder beneath its corresponding b4, b40xx series, or b3 controller in the BACnet view. Note: In the BACnet view, you may create a Calendar object on a third-party BACnet device, but not on an Andover Continuum BACnet device. Note: Some BACnet controllers support a Schedule but do not support a Calendar. Others support both objects. Infinity legacy (non b4 and b3) controllers support Schedule objects, but not Calendar objects.

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Adding or Removing a Calendar Entry

The Calendar editor's right-hand pane displays a yearly calendar on the Yearly View tab. The left-hand pane contains a Date List tree:

The Date List tree lists all established dates single days, ranges of days, and recurring days and identifies them in the list with the following icons: Single day Range of days Recurring days Note: Dates listed in the Date List appear in light blue on the calendar. If you select a day in the Date List, it appears in yellow on the calendar. The Present Value field displays the current value of the Calendar object. Enter a description of the Calendar object in the Description field. Adding and Removing a Single Day via Calendar Click You may add a single day to the Date List by clicking once on an individual day on the calendar. The single day entry immediately appears in the Date List.
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Note: When you add a day in this way, notice its entry is not named in the Date List. To name it, right click its new Date List entry, and from the Calendar Entry dialog, enter a name in the Name field. (Or in the tree, you may simply click inside its empty name field and enter a name the way you would for a file in Microsoft Windows Explorer.) Note: You may also use the yearly calendar to assign two or more individual (non consecutive) dates. Hold down the CTRL key, and click (highlight) the individual days you wish to assign. Right click, and proceed as described, above. You may also remove a day by clicking once on a single established "red" or "blue" day on the calendar. When you do so, you are asked: Do you want to remove all calendar entries that reference this date? Click Yes to remove the date or No to keep it. Adding Calendar Entries via Calendar Entry Dialog Add a single day, range of days, or recurring days, using the Calendar Entry dialog. To add an entry: 1. Click the New Calendar Entry button, or right click an entry in the Date List, and select New Calendar Entry. The Calendar Entry dialog appears. 2. In the Entry Type section, select one of the following radio buttons. Date Range of dates Recurrence Notice the calendar data fields on the right side of the dialog are different for each selection. 3. Enter the desired information in the calendar data fields on the right side of the dialog. These fields are self-explanatory. For range, enter a starting and ending date. Note: You may also use the yearly calendar to assign a range of days. In the yearly view, click and hold the mouse button on the first day of the range (for example, February 15). Drag the cursor on the calendar to the last day of the range (for example, February 22). The range (February 15...22) is highlighted. Enter a name by editing its calendar entry in the Date List. For recurrence, enter a recurring weekday for a particular month. For example, if you were defining "Thanksgiving," you could choose Last, Thursday, and November. 4. In the Name field, enter a name or description of the day, range, or recurrence entry. This name appears for this entry in the Date List. 5. Click OK. The new entry is added to the Date List.

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Editing or Removing an Entry via Date List To edit an existing entry, right click the entry, and select Edit from the popup menu. The Calendar Entry dialog appears for that entry. Modify the data as needed. To remove an entry from the Date List tree, right click the entry, and select Remove from the popup menu. The entry is immediately removed from the tree and the calendar view.

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Configuring Loops


A Loop is a BACnet standard object that allows you to create a feedback system without manually creating or editing Plain English code. The loop feedback system is comparable to cruise control for a car. Just as cruise control automatically adjusts variables to maintain the desired speed, the loop object automatically adjusts input values to achieve the desired setpoint and remain at the setpoint indefinitely. The ultimate goal is for the input to reach the setpoint in the shortest amount of time possible. It does so by using a PID (Proportional, Integral, and Derivative) control algorithm. The controller obtains the value of the input when it polls the current value of the input reference (sensor, valve, and so on.). Then, the controller uses the PID algorithm to adjust the input to come as close as possible to the setpoint. The result of the PID algorithm determines an output that is then assigned to the output reference, or an object whose values control such things as sensors and dampers. The controller continues to alter the value of the output to maintain the input value at the value of the setpoint. The error, or the difference between the input value and the setpoint value, is used to adjust the output value. The PID algorithm uses the error's value to measure how much the loop should be adjusted. The Tuning tab gives you the opportunity to adjust these values or to tune the loop to fit your particular preference. You create a Loop-object feedback system using the Loop editor and its tabs. Using the General tab, you can monitor and alter the current state of the loop. The Tuning tab also contains a dynamically updating graph that displays loop, output, input, and setpoint values as they change over time. This tab is interactive because you can tune the loop and customize the graph to your liking. This chapter presents the following topics:

General Tab Tuning Tab What Is PID?

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Tuning the PID Loop Customizing the PID Graph Basic Alarms Tab and Advanced Alarms Tab

General Tab
The General tab allows you to view and/or alter the current state of the loop object. Note: All output-reference, setpoint-reference, and input-reference values are references to objects that were originally created either as points on Andover Continuum controllers, or as BACnet objects on third-party BACnet controllers.

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The following table describes the attributes on the General tab. Editor Attribute Description Units Present Loop Value Present Output Value Meaning Enter up to 32 characters including spaces to describe the loop. From the dropdown menu, select the type of units desired for the output value. Displays the result of the most recent PID calculation. This value is used to set the output reference object and the priority defined by the present pool priority. Displays the present value of the output reference object. This value is usually equal to the present loop value. However, if the output reference object is commanded at a higher priority or disabled (out of service) then the present value of the output may have a different value. Specify the desired BACnet command priority of the Loop object. Displays the BACnet command priority of the object (output reference) to which the loop is writing. This command priority is configured within the individual BACnet object, in its object editor. Select the object/attribute to which the loop writes. Using the browse button, search for and select the object. Then select an object attribute, such as Value, from the dropdown menu. The attributes that appear in the menu vary, according to the object that is selected. Note: The Index field is read-only and the user cannot alter the value. See also Index below. Input Value Input Reference Displays the current value of the input reference object Select the object from which the loop obtains the current value. Using the browse button, search for and select the object. Then select an attribute from the dropdown menu. The attributes that appear in the menu vary, according to the object that is selected. Index This field allows you to specify the element of a BACnet array property. If you select an array as the input reference (PriorityArray from the dropdown menu) the Index field enables and allows you to reference a specific element of the array. Specify the array element by selecting the up and down arrows or by entering the desired array-element number.

Present Loop Priority Present Output Priority

Output Reference

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Editor Attribute Setpoint

Meaning If you prefer to enter a specific setpoint value for this loop, select this radio button. When you select this button, the field enables and the Setpoint Reference fields (see below) disable. In this Setpoint field, you can only enter numeric values. Numbers with decimals are acceptable entries.

Setpoint Reference

If you prefer instead to reference an object whose value becomes the loop's setpoint, select this radio button. When you select this button, the fields enable and the Setpoint field (see above) disables. Click the browse button, and search for and select the object whose property value become the setpoint. Use the dropdown menu to select the type of property. The properties that appear in the menu vary, according to the object that is selected.


This field allows you to specify the element of a BACnet array property. If you select an array (the PriorityArray attribute from the dropdown menu) the Index field enables and allows you to reference a specific element of the array. Specify the array element number by using the up and down arrows or by simply entering a number.

Update Interval

Enter the time (in milliseconds) the PID loop should wait before re-evaluating its output. Note: Do not make this value too small because you want to give the environment a chance to react to the output. If the loop updates the output too frequently, the equipment can burn out. Check the manufacturer's recommendations to avoid causing harm to the equipment.

Out of Service

Check this checkbox to indicate that the loop object is out of service and has lost communication with its attached device. Putting the point out of service is a good way to test the point and the functions that rely on it. You can simulate various situations by manually changing the value or reliability attributes. This allows you to see how associated functions react to these changes.

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Editor Attribute Status

Meaning Provides information on the loop's condition. The condition can be one of the following:

InAlarm -- Indicates that the Event State attribute has a value other than NORMAL. Overridden -- Indicates that a local device has manually overridden the point. Fault -- Indicates that the Reliability property has a value other than NoFaultDetected. OutOfService -- Indicates that the point is disabled.


Provides an indication of whether or not the controller has detected a malfunction that might compromise the integrity of the loop's present value. The attribute can read one of the following: NoFaultDetected -- Indicates that the present value is reliable and that no fault is detected. OpenLoop -- Indicates that the connection between the point and the device is providing a value resulting from an open circuit. UnReliableOther -- Indicates that the controller detects an unreliable present value, and that none of the above conditions describes the nature of the problem. More About an OpenLoop State Here are some conditions that could cause an OpenLoop state:

The Controlled_Variable_Reference or Manipulated_Variable_Reference properties reference an AnalogInput or AnalogOutput, where the Channel (Infinity property) is not configured. This causes the Out_Of_Service property for the AnalogInput or AnalogOutput to always have a value of True, which in turn causes the Loop's Reliability property to have a value of OpenLoop.

The Present Loop Value is different than the Present Output Value, after the Loop updates the output value. This can occur when the output value (Manipulated_Variable_Reference) is currently commanded by another process at a higher priority than that at which the Loop writes. This could be a common occurrence when the Loop is configured to write to the Present_Value property of an object that has a priority array, and the Loop is writing at a lower priority than something else.

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Editor Attribute


When the Loop is initially configured and saved, the Reliablility property may initially be displayed as "OpenLoop", even though it is properly configured. If the editor is refreshed (generally within a few seconds) the Reliablity property should change to NoFaultDetected.

Note: The editor only shows the Priority Array attribute in the Input and Setpoint Reference dropdown menus if the reference is an AnalogValue. The dropdown menu also displays all attributes that are float values; therefore, it might show attributes that the controller does not support.

Tuning Tab
The Tuning tab contains all the PID (proportional, integral, derivative) loop variables. It also contains a dynamically updating graph that displays loop, output, input, and setpoint values as they change over time.

This tab is interactive. That is, you can tune the loop and customize the graph to your liking. Before Version 1.73, Continuum users created Plain English programs to set the PID gain constants and tune the loop. Now you can accomplish these tasks via the Tuning tab. (See also What Is PID? later in this chapter.)
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Editor Attribute Loop Value

Meaning Check this checkbox to display the loop value on the graph. Click the Loop Value hyperlink to bring up the Graph Configuration dialog, where you can customize the graph's Loop plot properties. Using the dialog's navigation tree, you can click Output, Input, or Setpoint to switch to those plot properties, respectively. Click Display to show the graph's display properties. The Loop Value field is read-only and cannot be changed. See Customizing the PID Graph, later in this chapter.

Output Value

Check this checkbox to display the output value on the graph. Click the Output Value hyperlink to bring up the Graph Configuration dialog, where you can customize the graph's Output plot properties. Using the dialog's navigation tree, you can click Loop, Input, or Setpoint to switch to those plot properties, respectively. Click Display to show the graph's display properties. This field is read-only and cannot be changed. See Customizing the PID Graph, later in this chapter.

Input Value

Check this checkbox to display the input value on the graph. Click the Input Value hyperlink to bring up tthe Graph Configuration dialog, where you can customize the graph's Input plot properties. Using the dialog's navigation tree, you can click Loop, Output, or Setpoint to switch to those plot properties, respectively. Click Display to show the graph's display properties. This field is read-only and cannot be changed. See Customizing the PID Graph, later in this chapter.

Setpoint Value

Check this checkbox to display the setpoint value on the graph. Click the Setpoint Value hyperlink to bring up the Graph Configuration dialog, where you can customize the graph's Setpoint plot properties. Using the dialog's navigation tree, you can click Loop, Output, or Input to switch to those plot properties, respectively. Click Display to show the graph's display properties. This field is read-only and cannot be changed. Note: In order to change the value of the setpoint, go to the General tab and change the value. Select the Apply button to activate the value change.
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Editor Attribute Maximum Loop Value Minimum Loop Value Poll Frequency Sample Size

Meaning Enter the maximum value that the PID algorithm can assign to the loop. If the output should never go above a certain value, set the limit in this field. Enter the minimum value that the PID algorithm can assign to the loop. If the output should never go below a certain value, set the limit in this field. Specify the number of seconds the graph should wait before polling the controller for the new setpoint and input values. Select the intervals of time for the X axis. The maximum sample size is 10; the larger the sample size, the more points the graph displays.

Note: Non-default values that you select for Poll Frequency and Sample Size take effect immediately, as you manipulate a live graph in real time while the Loop editor is open. Non-default values cannot be saved they revert back to the default values when you close the Loop editor because these attributes are technically not part of the Loop object. When you change these values, the Apply button does not become selectable. The Graph The graph displays the effects the PID algorithm has on the input, output, and setpoint values. The graph dynamically shows how the values you assign to the proportional, integral, and derivative constants alter the value of the loop. To start the graph, right click the graph and select Start from the popup menu. Double-click the graph (or right click the graph and select Maximize from the popup menu) to maximize the graph into its own separate window. You can also customize the graph configuration by right clicking the graph and selecting the Display from the popup menu. Capturing the Graph: You may capture a screenshot of the current graph (create a graphic file) by right clicking the graph and selecting Save Screenshot. This feature makes it easy to distribute the graph to others and to illustrate documents. See Customizing the PID Graph, later in this chapter. Proportional Integral Derivative Specify the value for the proportional constant in the Value field and select the type of units from the dropdown menu Specify the value for the integral constant in the Value field and select the type of units from the dropdown menu. Specify the value for the derivative constant in the Value field and select the type of units from the dropdown menu.

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Editor Attribute Error Last Error Bias

Meaning This field displays the difference between the input and the setpoint. This field displays the previous difference between the input and the setpoint. The bias is the amount of the initial value of the output reference. If the PID algorithm produces a value of X, then the final value of the loop will be X plus the bias. For example, if the valve starts at 10% open, as opposed to 0, you have to add that initial value (the bias) to the value of the loop. Select one of the following from the dropdown menu.


Direct Select this when you want an increase in the output value to cause an increase in the input value, and vice versa. For example, select this option if the valve must open in order to increase the temperature. Reverse Select this when you want an increase in the output value to cause a decrease in the input value, and vice versa. For example, select this option if the valve must close in order to increase the temperature.

What Is PID?
Note: In order to tune a loop, you should already have some experience with PID and feedback loops. PID control refers to three types of control actions that are used in the process of modulating equipment, such as valves, dampers, and variable-speed devices. It is essentially a balancing act between the Proportional, Integral, and Derivative controls to reach the desired setpoint. These three types of controls are defined as follows: Proportional - Control based on how far the input is away from the setpoint. Integral - Control based on the average error over time. (The error is the difference between the input and the setpoint.) Derivative - Control based on how quickly the input is approaching the setpoint. PID control combines the three types of control actions, which improve control accuracy and lessens the time it takes for the input to reach the setpoint.

Note: The input is also referred to as the controlled variable because it is the environmental factor you want to control.

Proportional Control
Proportional control produces a control signal based on the difference between an actual condition and a desired condition for example, the difference between the actual temperature and the setpoint. The controller sends a signal that is directly proportional to this difference, or the error. (the difference between the input and the setpoint). Although
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simple and fast, proportional action alone produces a small amount of error, or an "offset," which prevents the system from reaching the desired setpoint. The Proportional control algorithm is as follows: Proportional = Kp * Err where Kp is the Proportional Gain and Err is the error (the difference between the input and the setpoint)

Proportional Integral (PI) Control

PI control sums the error over time, or takes the integral of the error. By adding the value of the last error to the proportional signal, the control loop produces a control action over time. In turn, the current value moves closer to the setpoint value. Combining proportional and integral actions reduces offset error but produces a different kind of error overshoot. Essentially, the integral action overcompensates, causing the value to go past the setpoint. This is called the "overshoot." Another limitation to the PI control is that the algorithm produces a problem called "integral windup." Integral windup occurs when the output and input reach their maximum values and cause a large error to exist. This persistent error causes the sum of errors to become very large, and this, in turn, requires a large error in the opposite direction to bring the sum back to zero. Integral windup is detrimental because the equipment is forced to stay at its extreme for long periods of time, which impacts comfort and results in a waste of energy. The PI algorithm is as follows: PI = Ki * Err Time where Ki is the Integral Gain, Err is the sum of errors since the error became greater than the threshold, and Time is the change in error since the last PID update.

Proportional Integral Derivative (PID) Control

Derivative action provides an additional control action that anticipates the difference between the current and desired conditions. The derivative action significantly reduces overshoot by counteracting the result of the proportional and integral algorithm. To reduce the overshoot, derivative action determines the rate of change of the error. The controller then uses this derivative to pace the device, producing a more stable output. The PID algorithm is as follows:
Output = (Kp * Err) + ( Ki * Err Time) + (Kd * Err / Time) + Bias

where Output is the output of the controller, Kp is the Proportional Gain, Err is the error (the difference between the input and the setpoint), Ki is the Integral Gain, Err is the sum of errors since the error became greater than the threshold, Time is the change in error since the last PID update, Kd is the Derivative Gain, Err is the change in error since the last PID update, and the Bias is the offset adjustment parameter.

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Tuning the PID Loop

The process of setting values to the Proportional, Integral, and Derivative (PID) gain constants is called tuning the PID loop. (See Tuning Process below.) Tuning configures a feedback loop so that the input value reaches the setpoint value in the shortest amount of time possible. You perform this configuration by entering values in the Loop editor's Tuning tab. The Tuning tab also includes a dynamic graph that displays the realtime changes in the loop's values. PID control tells the controller how much to adjust an output reference, such as a valve or damper setting, so that the setpoint value is reached in the shortest amount of time possible. (See also Loop Tuning Hints later in this chapter.) Note: To ensure a more effective result, it is recommended you test the loop before starting the actual tuning process. By testing the loop performance, you can avoid any problems that may arise when actually tuning the loop. Check the Out of Service checkbox on the General tab to test the loop without affecting the actual components.

Tuning Process
Note: In order to tune a loop, you should already understand PID and have some experience with feedback loops. The most common method for tuning the loop is the process of trial and error that is, tuning while observing the response to setpoint changes. After specifying objects/attributes for the Output, Input, and Setpoint sections on the General tab, perform the following procedure. To tune a PID loop using the Loop editor, follow this procedure: 1. Modulate the output. That is, determine how often the controller should update the output. Enter a value in the Update Interval field on the General tab 2. Set the action of the output reference. Select either Direct or Reverse from the Action field's dropdown menu on the Tuning tab. 3. If you wish to enter an initial value for the output reference, insert the value in the Bias field on the Tuning tab. 4. Enter the PID gain constants into the corresponding fields on the Tuning tab. One way to ensure a steady control is to enter a value in the Proportional field and leave the Integral and Derivative values at 0. After you see the resulting output change on the graph and in the other fields on the Tuning tab, modify the integral and derivative gains until you achieve the result you want. Try entering the initial integral value for the integral gain and reduce the value until you achieve a steady loop. Do the same for the derivative value. Note: The value of the proportional gain constant is usually 1.0 or below.

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Loop Tuning Hints

Here are some general tips that might help you tune a loop:

Eliminate the bias when the output is being ramped from the start point. The ramping acts as a slowly increasing bias. Eliminate the Derivative gain PID control loops that produce setpoint reset signals. For example, eliminate the derivative gain if a room temperature control loop resets the supply air temp setpoint or VAV flow setpoint. It is important to reset setpoints smoothly and slowly to reduce erratic secondary control responses. Some control loops cannot be accurately tuned by simply manipulating gain factors. There are other factors that influence the accuracy of control loops. Some of these factors are as follows: o The controlled device (or output reference), such as a damper or a valve, must be sized properly. o The difference between the controlled variable and the controlled medium cannot be too extreme. For example, the control loop could be compromised if you are attempting to control a reheat coil for a 70degree leaving air temp when the hot water supply temperature is 210 degrees and the entering air temperature is 68 degrees. o The sensor SPAN must be small enough to be sensitive to the application while no conditions fall outside the range's minimum and maximum values. o The sensor position should be in a location that best represents the average of the application. For example, duct temperature sensors should not be located close to heating coils to avoid heating by radiation.

Customizing the PID Graph

You can customize the "look and feel" of the graph displayed on the Tuning tab of the Loop editor to suit your own personal tastes. Specifically, using the Graph Configuration dialog, you can:

Alter the display configuration Alter the plot configuration

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Here are some examples of what a plotted graph looks like:

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Copying a Graph Configuration

After customizing your graph, you can copy the graph configuration to another Loop object. To do so, follow this procedure: 1. From the Tuning tab, right click the graph. 2. From the popup menu, select Copy then To. 3. Choose the To option from the submenu. 4. Search for and select the Loop object to which you wish to copy the graph. When you create a new Loop object, you can also copy a graph configuration from an existing Loop object into the new Loop object. To do so, follow this procedure: 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Create a new Loop object, and select the Tuning tab. Right click the graph. From the popup menu, select Copy, then From. Search for and select the existing Loop object from which you want to copy a graph. Search for and select the Loop object to which you wish to copy the graph.

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Altering Display Configuration via Graph Configuration Dialog

To alter the graph's display properties, right click the graph, and select Display from the popup menu. The Graph Configuration dialog for display appears.

The following table describes the attributes of the four major sections of the dialog. Editor Attribute Graph Properties Meaning In the Name field, enter up to 32 character (including spaces) to describe the graph. Enter the minimum and maximum values for the Y-axis in the Minimum and Maximum fields. The Scroll Direction dropdown menu allows you to select the direction from which the new value plots move on the graph Right to left or Left to right. Check the appropriate checkbox to display the following: Display values on mouse over -- When this box is checked, you may move your mouse cursor over a plot on the graph to display a text tooltip that lists the current values for Loop, Output, Input, and Setpoint. Each entry appears in its designated color. Display grid -- When this box is checked, the grid appears on the graph. If the box is not checked, no grid appears. Update y axis min and max values dynamically -- When this box is checked, the graph dynamically updates a range of values displayed on the Y axis, based on the minimum and maximum values currently plotted. To show all minimum/maximum values, check the "Display all min max values along the y axis" box.
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Display notches along the x and y axis -- When this box is checked, notch lines protrude on the outside of the X and Y axes where the grid lines meet the axis lines. Display all min max values along the y axis -- When this box is checked, the speciified minimum and maximum values (specified in Minimum and Maximum fields) appear on the Y axis. This checkbox is selectable only if the "Display notches along the x and y axis" box is checked. Colors Customize the colors of the Background, Foreground, Axis, Text, and Grid by clicking the browse button next to the corresponding field. Using the color-palette dialog, select the desired color and click the OK. The color appears in the field. Enter the X-axis label in the Name field. Select the desired number of grid columns in the Columns field by clicking the up and down arrows or by entering the number manually. Similarly, in the Label Interval field, choose the number of intervals between the labeled time increments on the X-axis. Click the up and down arrows to specify an amount or enter the number manually. Y-Axis Properties Enter the Y-axis label in the Name field. Select the desired number of grid rows in the Rows field by clicking the up and down arrows or by entering the number manually. Similarly, in the Label Interval field, choose the number of intervals between the labeled time increments on the Y-axis. Click the up and down arrows to specify an amount or enter the number manually.

X-Axis Properties

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Altering Plot Configuration via Graph Configuration Dialog

To customize the graph for specific plots, bring up the Graph Configuration dialog in one of the following ways:

On the Tuning tab, click the hyperlinked colored text of the plot you wish to configure: Loop Value Output Value Input Value Setpoint Value Right click the graph, and select Plot Properties. The Graph Configuration dialog appears. Depending on which plot you want to configure, select one of the following from the popup menu: Input Value Setpoint Value Loop Value Output Value

The Graph Configuration dialog for plots appears.

Using the navigational tree on the left-hand side of the dialog, you can expand Plot, and switch from one plot configuration to another.

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The following table describes the attributes of the four major sections of the dialog. Editor Attribute Plot Properties Meaning In the Label field, enter up to 32 characters (including spaces) to describe the plot. In order to specify the minimum and maximum values for the plot check the appropriate checkbox. The Minimum and Maximum fields will enable and allow you to enter in the limits. Check the Update this plots min and max values dynamically checkbox to automatically update the plot based on the minimum and maximum values. This checkbox is only enabled if the Specify this plots min and max values checkbox is selected. Line Properties Change the color of the line by clicking the browse button and then selecting a specific color from the dialog. Click the OK button to finalize the change. Assign a style to the line by selecting an option from the corresponding dropdown menu. Specify the width of the line by clicking the up and down arrows or by entering the number manually. Point Properties Change the color of the point by clicking the browse button and then selecting a specific color from the dialog. Click the OK button to finalize the change. Assign a style to the point by selecting an option from the corresponding dropdown menu. Specify the width of the point by clicking the up and down arrows or by entering the number manually. Border Properties Change the color of the border by clicking the browse button and selecting a specific color from the dialog. Specify the width of the border by clicking the up and down arrows or by entering the number manually.

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Basic Alarms Tab and Advanced Alarms Tab

The Basic Alarms tab is where intrinsic alarms are defined specifically for this object. Note: This is enabled for some BACnet objects attached to third-party BACnet devices. It is not currently supported on Andover Continuum BACnet controllers.

The information here determines when the alarm will go off, and what happens when it does. Information that determines what happens when the alarm goes off is built into the EventNotification object that you associate with this alarm. The EventNotification object defines how and to whom the alarm is broadcast. Editor Attribute Event State Meaning Displays the value of the To State attribute, which is set by the control system. If you have set up this object to report alarms, this attribute displays Normal when the object is not in an alarm state and OffNormal when it is. If you have not set up the object to report alarms, this attribute always displays NORMAL.

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Editor Attribute Acknowledge Received For

Meaning Displays the value of the Acknowledge Received For attribute. Displays ALARM, FAULT, or NORMAL if acknowledgements have been received for reported alarms, faults, or return-tonormal events, respectively. These values display only if both of the following conditions are true: You have selected the report options for these events. The associated Event Notification object requires acknowledgement for these events. Specify a COV increment, or the minimum change in the present value, for the object.

COV Increment

If the difference between the present value and the last present value of the loop is greater then the COV increment, an alarm is sent. Error Limit Time Delay Enter an error limit for the object. If the current error exceeds the set error limit, an alarm is sent. Enter a time delay in seconds. The time delay postpones the alarm for the amount of time you specify. For example, you may decide that the object value can exceed or fall below its boundaries for 30 seconds before the alarm goes off. Using time delays cuts down on the number of active alarms and reduces both system traffic and operator responsibility. Report In the Report section, you may select up to three report options: Alarm, Return to Normal, and Fault. When selected, these options trigger the basic alarm in the following situations:

The Alarm option triggers the basic alarm when the object's Event State changes to OffNormal. The Return To Normal option triggers the basic alarm when the object's Event State changes to Normal The Fault option triggers the basic alarm when a local device detects a fault.

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Editor Attribute Notification Type

Meaning From the dropdown menu, select a BACnet notification type. The notification type specifies whether the notification message becomes an alarm message, an event message, or a message of event acknowledgement. AlmNotification Defines the event as type alarm, appearing in the Active Alarm View when the event occurs. EvtNotification Defines the event as type event, appearing in Active Alarm View when the event occurs. Acks Defines the event as type ack-notification, appearing in the Active Alarm View when the event occurs.

Event Notification

Select an Event Notification object by clicking the browse button. The Browse dialog appears. Locate the Event Notification object that you want. Select it and click the Select button. This will insert the correct path and Event Notification name into the Notification class field.

The Advanced Alarms tab is disabled for BACnet objects (b4, bCX1, b3, and thirdparty). They are supported for Infinity (non-BACnet) objects only. See the appropriate Infinity object editor.

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Configuring Trend Logs



A TrendLog is an object that allows you to configure the logging of data from other BACnet object property. You can log data on an object/property using one of these methods: Change of values (COV) When the object/property value is changed, the TrendLog is notified and another entry is added to the log. (See the General tab on the next page.)

Periodic polling of data Entries are logged via regular continuous polling of an object/property. (See the General tab.) Each TrendLog object has an internal buffer, stored on the controller, whereby the TrendLog acquires data and stores it in its buffer. (See also the Data tab later in this chapter.) When entries are added to the log, workstations can be automatically notified of new entries, and workstations can automatically download them to their databases. (See also the Basic Alarms tab later in this chapter.) The records in a TrendLog object can also be run as a trend report, displayed in the ReportViewer, after the TrendLog object is specified in the Report editor. (See Chapter 11, Configuring Reports.) It can be launched via the View Report button on the Data tab.

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General Tab
On the General tab, configure basic information for this TrendLog. You also select either of the following logging methods: Change of Value (COV) Periodic poll

Guidelines for Choosing a Logging Method

Here are some guidelines for choosing a logging method. (See also the attribute descriptions in the table below.) Before choosing a method, perform an assessment of how the data will be changing, how the data will be used, and how much memory each method would use for any given application. COV is generally more accurate and can be more memory-efficient, depending on how often the logged object reports a COV. BACnet objects (AnalogInput, AnalogOutput, AnalogValue) support a property called COV Increment. You may adjust this value for logged objects, thereby allowing you to control how frequently a COV is reported. For frequently changing values, periodic polling provides more predictable results. If the COV Increment in the logged object is set to 0 (the default) room temperature readings could produce thousands of records per day. Without changing the COV Increment of the input, periodic polling (for example, every 30 minutes - 48 records per day) is more efficient. Note: Be aware that the Threshold attribute (Conversions tab of InfinityInput object editor Chapter 13) and the COV Increment property (Basic Alarms tab of the AnalogInput, AnalogOutput, and AnalogValue editors Chapter 14) have two different effects. Setting the Threshold higher (for example, degrees Fahrenheit) only affects the activity of the present value. It is the setting of the COV Increment higher that reduces the number of COV events in the logged object. COV is generally a better choice for binary outputs that do not change their values more than a few times per day. With periodic polling, you may not know when the output value changes. For example, if you set polling to occur every 30 minutes, you know only that the output is polled every 30 minutes -- that 48 records are stored each day, even if their value changes, for example, only three times. With COV, you not only have three records stored but also know precisely when those records were stored (precisely when the values changed). Changing the COV Increment of the logged object (as opposed to changing the COV increment of the TrendLog) is generally better for reducing network traffic. The system filters events at the source, rather than at the TrendLog object, which may reside on an external controller.

434 TAC

The following table describes the attributes on the General tab. Editor Attribute Description Enabled/Disabled Meaning Enter a description of the TrendLog you are creating. Select Enabled to activate the TrendLog so that it logs entries, or Disabled, to disable all logging. While the TrendLog is an enabled state, some TrendLog properties cannot be modified (for example, Log Buffer Size). Logged Object Click the browse button to search for and attach a BACnet object whose property values you wish to log. The path of the object appears in the field. From the dropdown menu, select the logged object's property for which you want to create log entries, using the desired logging method. (See below.) Note: The properties listed in this menu change, depending on which type of object you select, because properties differ from object to object.

Logged Property

Andover Continuum CyberStation Configurators Guide 435

Editor Attribute Index

Meaning The index dropdown menu allows you to select an array element of a BACnet array property. The integer represents the array element (and a BACnet command priority) whose values you want to log. (This field is not selectable if an array property is not designated as the logged property.) This field indicates the maximum number of entries (or records) that you can store in a log. You may change this number only when the TrendLog is disabled. Click Apply, and re-enable the TrendLog after changing the number, to reactivate logging. The default is 10. Some BACnet controllers may implement a limit on this number. If you receive an error when changing the buffer size, the number may exceed the limit set by the controller. In this case, either lower the number in this field or create the TrendLog externally, on another BACnet device. Note: While the TrendLog is enabled, you cannot change this property. Check this checkbox if you want to disable logging when this TrendLog's buffer gets full (when it reaches its maximum Log Buffer Size.) To begin logging again, do one of the following, then re-enable the log: Remove the check here. Increase the Log Buffer Size. Clear the content of the log buffer. (See the Data tab.)

Log Buffer Size

Stop Logging When Buffer is Full

Change of Value (COV)

See also Guidelines for Choosing a Logging Method, above. If you want to log an entry when an object/property's value changes, select this radio button. The controller on which this TrendLog runs uses COV interval and increment values to subscribe to COVs on other controllers. COV Resubscription Interval The interval, in seconds, at which the COV subscriptions to other controllers are refreshed. The default is 320 seconds. COV Increment The increment in a value change (the number of units, for example, degrees) that must increase or decrease before a COV is triggered. An increment of 1 appears initially in this field. When the Default checkbox is checked, it defaults to whatever is appropriate for the BACnet controller

436 TAC

Editor Attribute

Meaning usually 0 or NULL. Note: The values in these fields cannot be changed if this TrendLog resides on an Andover Continuum BACnet controller, only on some third-party BACnet controllers.

Periodic Poll

See also Guidelines for Choosing a Logging Method, above. If you want to log entries based on periodic polling of the object/property, select this radio button. Log Interval Enter the frequency at which you want the TrendLog to request the value the frequency of days, hours, minutes, seconds, and hundredths of seconds. For example, if you want the TrendLog to poll the value every 5 seconds, enter (or use the up/down arrow buttons to select) 05s in the seconds field, and leave all other fields at 0.

Enable Start Time

If you want logging to begin at a specific day and time, check this checkbox, select a day from the dropdown menu, and use the up/down arrow buttons to select a time. To continue logging indefinitely, without stopping, do not check the Enable Stop Time checkbox. If you want logging to stop at a specific day and time, check this checkbox and select a day from the dropdown menu, and use the up/down arrow buttons to select a time. If logging is already underway and you do not need a start time, but do want it disabled at a specific time, do not check the Enable Start Time checkbox.

Enable Stop Time

Note: The Timed Activation settings are not based on recurring intervals. That is, you cannot set start/stop times for each day. They simply designate one period of time, one begin time and one end time.

Data Tab
The Data tab displays the current entries in this TrendLog, as well as general information about the log. It also allows you to filter the logs that are displayed.

Andover Continuum CyberStation Configurators Guide 437

Dialog Attribute Record Count Record Count Since Creation Filter Last

Meaning Displays the current number of records in the controller's internal buffer for this TrendLog. Displays the number of records that have been logged since this TrendLog was created. Check the Filter checkbox when you want to limit the number of records manually downloaded and displayed in the record list (or "grid") on the lower half of this Data tab. In the Last field, enter (or use the up/down arrows to select) the number of records to download and display in the list. Important: Do not enter a number greater than 4000. The most recent records in a buffer are downloaded to a workstation's database, and the number of records that can be manually downloaded is capped at 4000. Therefore, this means that if a buffer has more than 4000 records, the least recent records residing in the buffer (above the 4000 record count) are never downloaded.

Refresh Grid
438 TAC

Click this button to refresh the list of records and display the most recent object/property values being logged.

Dialog Attribute Clear Records View Report

Meaning Click this button to remove all records in the TrendLog. Click this button to launch a graphical Trend report in the ReportViewer. The report is a snapshot of contents of the TrendLog buffer. See also Reports and the Report Editor in Chapter 11. The table in the lower half of the Data tab displays records currently residing in the TrendLog's buffer. TimeStamp column displays the date and time the record was logged. StatusFlags column displays a BACnet flag (InAlarm, Fault, Overridden, or Out_Of_Service). These are the logged object's status flags, and they are not always available since a controller may or may not associate these flags with the log record. The flags appear here when they are set (True). For example, if all the flags are False, then the column is empty, even though the Status_Flags property value is stored as part of that record. LogDatum column displays the actual status message that is logged. It could be any BACnet data type, although most controllers only support a few basic ones. LogDatum might also contain messages like "log-disabled," "failure," error messages, and so on. For more information on status flags and LogDatum, please see the BACnet Standard.

List of records

Andover Continuum CyberStation Configurators Guide 439

Extended Logging Tab

This tab displays information about the last time this TrendLog's records were downloaded from its controller to a workstation database. The values displayed here are specific to automatically downloaded records; manual downloads (via the Data tab) do not update this information.

Specifically: Last Download Time Lists the day and time of the last time a workstation downloaded records from the controller the database. Last CyberStation to Log Data Lists the name of the workstation that performed the last download. Number of records downloaded Lists the total number of records that the workstation downloaded during the last download.

440 TAC

Basic Alarms Tab

You may configure the way that workstations receive notifications as well as which workstations to notify when new records are added to this TrendLog, so that the data is downloaded to each workstation's database.

There are two methods for reporting TrendLog data to workstations: Intrinsic notification You configure TrendLog notifications using the attributes on this tab, as well as the EventNotification editor, where you specify which workstations to notify. (Please see the table of attribute descriptions below.) Note: Intrinsic notifications are supported only on some third-party BACnet controllers. They are not supported on Andover Continuum BACnet controllers. If intrinsic notifications are not supported in this device, the attributes on this tab are disabled and unselectable. Algorithmic notification You configure TrendLog notifications externally (outside the TrendLog editor) using the EventEnrollment editor. (Please see the procedure for configuring algorithmic notifications below.) Note: Algorithmic notifications are supported on Andover Continuum BACnet controllers.

Andover Continuum CyberStation Configurators Guide 441

Editor Attribute Event Notification

Meaning Using the browse button, search for and attach an EventNotification object to this TrendLog. This EventNotification specifies the workstation recipients to be notified when new records are added to this TrendLog. (Please see the Delivery tab of the EventNotification editor.)

Notification Type

From the dropdown menu, select a notification type. The notification type specifies whether the notification message becomes an alarm message or an event message in the Active Alarm View. AlmNotification Defines the event as type alarm, appearing in the Active Alarm View when the event occurs. EvtNotification Defines the event as type event, appearing in Active Alarm View when the event occurs.

Notification Threshold

Acks Defines the event as type ack-notification, appearing in the Active Alarm View when the event occurs. Note: Choosing AlmNotification or EvtNotification produces the same result. Acks has no function when it is applied to TrendLogs, and it should be ignored. Enter the number of new records that must accumulate in the TrendLog before the workstations are notified. When newrecord count reaches this number, a notification is sent. Displays the number of new records that have been added to the TrendLog.

New Records

442 TAC

Editor Attribute Last Notify Record Previous Notify Record Current Notify Record

Meaning Depending on which revision of the BACnet Standard is supported by the device, this tab displays either: Last Notify Record or: Previous Notify Record Current Notify Record With the latest (2004) revision, Last Notify Record is displayed. With the previous (2001) revision, Previous Notify Record and Current Notify Record are displayed. Last Notify Record displays the number of the last record about which workstations were notified. The record number is the last record received in the notification. For example, if the last record was the ninety-ninth in a series of records, the record number would be 99. Previous Notify Record and Current Notify Record display timestamps, whereby the date/time becomes the actual identify of the record. Current Notify Record is the most recent record received in the notification, and Previous Notify Record is the last record (the one preceding the current record) received in the notification.

To Normal / Buffer Ready Events

Check the Buffer Ready Event Enabled checkbox to enable the delivery of notifications for this TrendLog. For intrinsic notifications, this box must be checked so that workstations receive notifications according to the threshold and other configuration settings. Note: This is enabled only for third-party controllers that support intrinsic notifications. Active Event State is ready-only. When it is checked it signifies the event state is in a Normal (Return To Normal) state. Last Notification Time is a read-only field that displays the date/time the notification was delivered. Notification Acknowledged is read-only. When it is checked, it signifies that acknowledgements have been received for return-to-normal events.

Andover Continuum CyberStation Configurators Guide 443

Editor Attribute To Fault / COV Failure Events

Meaning Check the COV Failure Event Enabled checkbox to send a notification if there is a failure with the COV subscription. This is used when Change Of Value has been selected as the logging method. (See the General tab.) Note: This is enabled only for third-party controllers that support intrinsic notifications. Active Event State is ready-only. When it is checked it signifies the event state is in a Fault (To Fault) state. Last Notification Time is a read-only field that displays the date/time a failure notification was delivered. Notification Acknowledged is read-only. When it is checked, it signifies that acknowledgements have been received for the failure events.

Configuring Algorithmic Notifications

To configure external, algorithmic notification, perform the following procedure, using the EventEnrollment, EventNotification, and Device editors. 1. Create a TrendLog for which you want to configure an algorithmic notification. (Please see the other TrendLog editor help topics.) 2. On the General tab of the EventEnrollment editor, in the Event Notification field, click the browse button, and search for and attach an EventNotification object. (See Chapter 14.) 3. On the General tab of the EventEnrollment editor, in the Object field, click the browse button, and search for and attach the TrendLog object whose records you want to report to workstations, via the attached EventNotification object. When you attach a TrendLog object, the following fields are automatically configured LogBuffer is entered in the Event Property field. LogBuffer represents the list of records displayed in the Data tab in the TrendLog editor. Buffer Ready is entered in the Event Type field.

Return to Normal is checked in the Send section. 4. On the General tab of the EventEnrollment editor, from the Notification Type dropdown menu, select a type. Note: This number serves the same purpose as the Notification Type field in the TrendLog editor (intrinsic method). See the description in the tab-attributes table above or in the General tab of the EventEnrollment editor. 5. On the Algorithms tab of the EventEnrollment editor, enter the number of new records that must accumulate in the attached TrendLog before the workstations are notified. When new-record count reaches this number, a notification is sent. When
444 TAC

Buffer Ready is the Event Type, only one field, Notification Threshold, appears on this tab. Note: This number serves the same purpose as the Notification Threshold field in the TrendLog editor (intrinsic method). 6. On the Delivery tab of the EventNotification editor, specify the workstations to be notified when new records are added to the attached TrendLog. Note: Recipient workstations listed on the Delivery tab must be up and running in order for records to get delivered to the database. If all workstations are CyberStations, then one CyberStation must receive the information. See Chapter 10. 7. On the Preferences tab of the Device editor for each workstation, ensure that preference 21, Download Extended Log data from controllers on the LAN, is set to True. 8. For this device, perform a Send to -> Database operation. Note: Failure to perform this step will prevent Continuum from downloading TrendLog records. 9. During the process, in each editor, be sure to click Apply and/or OK to save your work. See Chapter 14 for more information on the EventEnrollment and Device editors. See Chapter 10 for more information on the EventNotification editor.

Andover Continuum CyberStation Configurators Guide 445

446 TAC

Configuring Areas and Doors


Configuring Andover Continuum for Security and Access Control

Areas and doors, with personnel, are the central elements of security and access control in the Andover Continuum system. This chapter provides an overview of access control in your Andover Continuum system. It also provides detailed information for configuring areas and doors in CyberStation, and for using two important access-control features, area lockdown and controller condition levels. Chapter 19 provides detailed information about creating and managing personnel information in CyberStation.

Key Terms for Access Control

Access Validation The process of checking conditions that must be met before a person is allowed into an area. Access validation conditions include, but are not limited to: Valid site number on the access card Valid card number Valid personal identification number (PIN) for keypad entry Schedules that determine when doors can unlock and for whom

Andover Continuum CyberStation Configurators Guide 447

Anti-Passback Violation

There are two types of Anti-Passback violations: area based and time based: Area-based violations occur when personnel attempt access from a non-adjacent area. This could occur if the person tailgated into an area. Adjacent Area objects have at least one common door in their respective lists. As people move through areas, CyberStation keeps track of the last area entered by each person. A person causes a violation when he or she tries to use a door that isnt in the list of the last known area associated with the persons card or key code.

Clearance Level

The system can be configured to prevent the same card or access code from being used more than once within a predetermined time to enter the same area. A time-based antipassback violation is an attempt to use the card or code twice before the anti-passback time configured in the door settings expires. A value assigned in a Personnel object that determines whether a person can access an area based on the condition level in effect for the area. You can assign the same clearance level to all areas to which the person is allowed access, or you can assign different values to different areas for the person. For more information about clearance levels, see Personnel Clearance Levels and Controller Condition Levels in Chapter 19, Personnel.

Condition Level (not available for all controllers)

A controller variable that establishes the security alert level (sometimes called the threat level) in effect at doors in areas managed by the controller. The value of this variable is compared to the clearance level for a person seeking access to determine whether access is permitted. Clearance level is defined in Personnel objects. An attribute you can select in a Personnel object to enable the person to enter or exit areas to which he or she is assigned when those areas are in the Lockdown state. A CyberStation feature that enables you to send a new Condition Level value to all controllers that support the Condition Level variable. This changes the condition level at all the controllers. An attempt to access an area by a person who is: Not authorized to enter the area Not authorized by schedule (for example, not authorized to be in the facility at night or on weekends) Not in the controller or CyberStation database

Executive Privilege (not available for all controllers) Global Condition Level (not available for all controllers) Invalid Attempt



Lockdown (not available for all controllers)

The state in which doors to an area are locked, and remain locked, until the Lockdown state is cleared. In the Lockdown state, only personnel who are assigned executive privilege access can enter or exit areas to which they have access. This feature helps you quickly control area access in an emergency. The use of an authorized card by more than one person to gain access through a controlled door. For example, the card owner uses the card to gain access, and then "passes back" the card to another person who can use the card to gain access through this or another door. A device, such as a pushbar, motion detector, or button, that is used instead of a card reader or keypad to pass through a door. An input on a controller or expansion unit that monitors the resistance of the device attached to it. If the wiring is tampered with, the resistance of the circuit changes. This change in resistance causes the switch to go into a Trouble state. In CyberStation, you can configure Trouble conditions to trigger alarms. The practice of following another person into an area without swiping a card or entering an access code. If an individual has tailgated into an area, the system does not have an accurate record of the individuals location or of the number of occupants in an area.


Request-to-Exit (RTE) Device Supervised Input


About Areas, Doors, and Personnel

An area is a space that is accessed only by passing through an access control device, such as a card reader or keypad. An area can be accessed through one or more doors. A door is a portal controlled by an access control device, leading to a specific area. Each door becomes part of two different areas, one on each side. One or both sides can be controlled by access control devices. Personnel are the people in your facility who require access to various areas. A Personnel object is a CyberStation object that contains access control information, including access card data, area assignments, and other information, for one person. (Personnel objects can also contain other data, such as employee information, photograph, and personal information.) The controllers use the information in a Personnel object to determine whether the person is allowed access. When you configure a Door object, you assign each of its access control devices to an area. The door name is then included in the Doors to Area tab in the Area editor for that Area object, as shown in the following illustration.

Andover Continuum CyberStation Configurators Guide 449

When you create Personnel objects, you assign the areas to which each person has access. The Personnel object is then included in the People with access tab in the Area editor, as shown in the following illustration.



The following diagram is an example of how areas and doors can be defined and controlled.
Motion Detector Lab


Glass Break Detector

Door 4

Door 2 Lobby

Door 3

Door 1

Card Reader Keypad Outside Motion Detector Request-toExit

In this example, Door 2 has both an entry reader and an exit reader. Personnel must present their access cards to enter and exit the area labeled Lab. They can enter the Office area through Door 3 by typing a code at a keypad. They can exit the Office area to the Lobby area through Door 3 without using a card or keypad entry. They can also exit the Office area through Door 4, which has a Request-to-Exit device.

Sequence for Creating Access Control Objects

Configure access control objects in the following order. 1. Create Area objects. 2. Create Door objects, and associate each Door object with an Area object. 3. Create Personnel objects, and assign them to the Area objects to which they are allowed access. When you finish, you have Area, Door, and Personnel objects that work together to check which personnel can access which areas: Each Area object has a list of Door objects and a list of authorized personnel. Each Door object is configured with an entry reader and exit reader (optional) that associates each reader with one Area object. From the Door object, you can see which person was the last to go through.
Andover Continuum CyberStation Configurators Guide 451

Each Personnel object has a list of Area objects to which the person is allowed access.

Creating an Area Object

The following procedure describes how to create an Area object. 1. In Continuum Explorer, right click the folder where you want to store your areas, select New, and then select Area from the popup menu. 2. Enter the area name, and click the Create button. 3. In the General tab of the Area editor, enter a description of the area. 4. If you want to assign a SecurityLevel object to the area, select the SecurityLevel tab, and then select a SecurityLevel object. 5. Click OK. You can now assign doors and personnel to this Area object.

Creating a Door Object

The following sections describe how to configure a Door object using the Door editor to specify schedule, area, and other information to control movement of people through the door. The Entry Status and Exit Status tabs show read-only data on such details as last person admitted, time admitted, last invalid person, and entry count. A door can provide access to two different areas (the areas on either side of the door). When you configure a door, you assign areas to it. The door name automatically appears in the Doors to Area tab of those Area objects Door objects are always created in the controller to which the door sensors, access card readers and keypads are wired. The exact configuration details for a Door editor depend on the model of the controller or IOU module to which your access control devices are wired. 1. In Continuum Explorer, right click the controller where you want to create the door, select New, and then select Door from the popup menu. 2. Enter the door name, and click the Create button. 3. Refer to the following sections to enter and save the appropriate settings in the Door editor.

Data that Defines a Door Object

You need to provide the following information when you configure a Door object:

Site codes and format information for access control card sets IOU, channel and area information for entry and exit card reader and keypad inputs Type of validation (card, site, PIN, etc.) Channel numbers for the following Door outputs and inputs o Door lock output

o o o o o o

Alarm output (optional) Exit request input (optional) Door switch input (optional) Bond sensor input (optional) (AC-1 Plus) ADA Input (optional) (AC-1 Plus) ADA Exit Request (optional) (AC-1 Plus)

The schedules used to lock and unlock doors (optional) The InfinityNumeric objects that those schedules turn on and off (optional)

General Tab Door Editor

The General tab lets you enter and monitor basic information about the door. Description Enter up to 32 characters including spaces to describe this door. A good description can help others realize the door's significance and physically locate it and its access control equipment. Door Lock Displays whether the door is locked or unlocked. You can also lock or unlock the door by selecting Locked or Unlocked from the dropdown menu. Changing this setting has no effect if the Lockdown state is present. Door Switch Displays whether the door has been open, closed or tampered with. The Door Switch is a supervisory input from the door you are assigning to the controller. The field displays Open, Closed or Trouble. Trouble indicates that a problem, such as a cut wire or a shorted wire, is present at the door switch. Select Disabled or Enabled. Disabled means that no personnel access is allowed through the door. Enabled means valid access is permitted to authorized personnel. Operating Mode Not implemented in this version.

Door State

Andover Continuum CyberStation Configurators Guide 453

Card Formats Tab Door Editor

Use the Card Formats tab to enter information about your access cards, and if needed, your keypad.

Note: For more information on the use of multiple custom formats with specific controllers, see Appendix E. Site Codes Enter up to four site codes that are valid at this door. If communication problems prevent the door from communicating with the device controller or the access server that manages access control information in your network to validate individual card numbers, you can configure the door to allow access with a valid site code. You specify these settings on the Entry Reader and Exit Reader tabs. General Code Enter the keypad code that allows personnel access through a specific door. Any personnel who know this general code will be allowed access through the door. Not implemented in this release. Click either Wiegand or ABA. Select either ABA Format 2 or Custom. This format must match the card format used by the personnel. Note: Andover Continuum supports custom ABA cards. Each custom ABA format must be defined as a special InfinityString object. See Appendix E.
454 TAC

Arm Code Card Format ABA Formats

Wiegand Formats

Select the card format of the cards used by your personnel.

Channels Tab Door Editor

Use the Channels tab to specify information about the access control hardware. ADA (Alternate Door Access) options allow you to configure a door to accommodate disabled persons by allowing for longer than usual door unlock and open periods. A controller that supports these features, such as the AC-1 Plus, is required. Door Output Channel Displays the channel number to which the door lock is wired. For ACX 700 controllers, the value of this attribute depends on how the strike controlling the door has been wired to the controller or the expansion units. If one expansion unit has been used with the 700, its Door Output Channel is 4. If two expansion units have been used, the second 190 Door Output Channel is 5. On an AC-1 module the Door Output Channel is 1. The door output relay can be a normally open (NO) or normally closed (NC) device. Invert Door Strike Seconds Door Ajar Seconds Forced Entry Delay Click this checkbox to invert the meanings of Locked and Unlocked. Enter the number of seconds the door is to remain unlocked after a valid access. Enter the number of seconds, 0 to 255, that you want the door to be ajar after the Door Strike Seconds have elapsed. Enter the number of seconds, 0 to 255, that you want to delay the delivery of forced-entry alarms/events that are caused by non-forced-entry "door bounce." Enter the number of the ADA output channel number to which an electronic door opener is wired. You designate ADA status for individual personnel in the Personnel object for each person who requires it. ADA Output Strike Seconds ADA Door Ajar Seconds Enter the number of seconds you want the door to remain unlocked after a valid access by personnel with disabilities. Enter the number of seconds, 0 to 255, the door can be ajar after the ADA Output Strike Seconds have elapsed.

ADA Output Channel

Andover Continuum CyberStation Configurators Guide 455

Alarm Output Channel

Enter the channel number to which the alarm is wired if a flashing or beeping alarm for the door has been installed. Channel 9 on an ACX 781 controller is a spare channel. Connect it to a light or some other signaling device physically near the door. In the event of an alarm, this channel will be activated. Use Channel 2 (Auxiliary) for alarm output on an AC-1.

Alarm Relay Seconds Exit Request Input Channel

Enter the number of seconds the alarm output channel remains energized when a Door attribute goes into alarm. Enter the channel number as it is marked on the controller. Every input connection area (channel) on every type of controller is numbered. The Exit Request Input for an AC-1 is Channel 3. Select a resistor type (10K ohms) from the dropdown list. Check this checkbox if you want to unlock the door every time an exit request occurs. Otherwise, clear the checkbox. Note: If the door is in the Lockdown state, all requests to exit are ignored, even if this option is selected.

Exit Request Input Resistor Type Unlock on Exit Request

Door Switch Input Channel

Enter the channel number to which the door switch is wired. The door switch input channel monitors whether the door is open or closed. Every input connection area (channel) on every type of controller is numbered. Enter the channel number as it is marked on the controller. The Door Switch Input for an AC-1 is Channel 2.

Door Switch Input Resistor Type Relock upon Door Closure Bond Sensor Input Channel

Select a resistor type from the dropdown list. Check this checkbox to lock the door 1 second after it is closed. If this checkbox is not checked, the door is locked 1 second after the door switch is opened. Enter the channel number to which the bond sensor is wired. The bond sensor determines the physical latch position. Every input connection area (channel) on every type of controller is numbered. Enter the channel number as it is marked on the controller.

Bond Sensor Input Resistor Type

Select a resistor type from the dropdown list.



ADA Exit Request Input Channel

Enter the channel number to which the ADA Exit Request Input is wired. The ADA Exit Request Input requests that the door be opened when the request is transmitted the system presumes that the door is unlocked to allow exit from a restricted area for a disabled person. Every input connector area (channel) on every type of controller is numbered Enter the channel number as it appears on the controller.

ADA Exit Request Input Resistor Type ADA Input Channel

Select a supervised input connection scheme from the dropdown list. Enter the channel number to which the ADA Input is wired. The ADA input requests that the door be opened when the request is transmitted the system presumes that the door is unlocked providing a disabled person with entrance to a restricted area. Every input connector area (channel) on every type of controller is numbered. Enter the channel number as it appears on the controller.

ADA Input Resistor Type

Select a supervised input connection scheme from the dropdown list. See the following sections for more information about supervised inputs.

Supervised Input and Switch Types If the wiring is tampered with, the resistance of the circuit changes. This change in resistance causes the switch to go into a Trouble state, which can cause the door to go into an alarm condition. You should attach all supervised inputs to a Trouble alarm. The normal state of the switch is the state the switch is in when the door is closed. All ACX700 / 780 controller series inputs are supervised inputs. ACX 57xx series controllers also have supervised inputs. All inputs on an AC-1 are supervised inputs.

Andover Continuum CyberStation Configurators Guide 457

The table below summarizes the selections in the dropdown menus in these fields based upon your switch configuration. Wiring configurations for each switch type are shown on the following page. Supervised Input Type NOSeries NOParallel NOSerPar NCSeries NCParallel NCSerPar Switch Type Normally-open switch with a resistor in series. Normally-open switch with a resistor in parallel. Normally-open switch with a resistor in parallel and an added resistor in series. Normally-closed switch with a resistor in series. Normally-closed switch with a resistor in parallel. Normally-closed switch with a resistor in parallel and an added resistor in series. Controller and Expansion Unit 700 Series Inputs First Expansion Unit Inputs Second Expansion Unit Inputs 780/781 Controller Inputs

The table below summarizes the ACX781 door switch configuration options. Supervised Inputs 1-8 9 or 10 11 or 12 1 - 32



NC Series
External Resistor 10 K AUX or DOOR or REX

NO Series
External Resistor 10 K AUX or DOOR or REX

Contact Closure

Contact Closure



Sensor Closed Open

Switch Position Closed Open Shorted Wire cut

Resistance Value 10 K Infinite Zero K Infinite

Value Off On Trouble On

Sensor Closed Open

Switch Position Open Closed Shorted Wire cut

Resistance Value Infinite 10 K Zero K Infinite

Value Off On Trouble On

NC Parallel
AUX or DOOR or REX Contact Closure External Resistor 10 K

No Parallel
AUX or DOOR or REX Contact Closure External Resistor 10 K



Sensor Closed Open

Switch Position Closed Open Shorted Wire cut

Resistance Value Zero K 10 K Zero K Infinite

Value Off On Off Trouble

Sensor Closed Open

Switch Position Open Closed Shorted Wire cut

Resistance Value 10K Zero K Zero K Infinite

Value Off On On Trouble

NC Series and Parallel

External Resistors 10 K AUX or DOOR or REX

NO Series and Parallel

External Resistors 10 K AUX or DOOR or REX

Contact Closure RET

Contact Closure RET

Sensor Closed Open

Switch Position Closed Open Shorted Wire cut

Resistance Value 5K 10 K Zero K Infinite

Value Off On Trouble Trouble

Sensor Closed Open

Switch Position Open Closed Shorted Wire cut

Resistance Value 10K 5K Zero K Infinite

Value Off On Trouble Trouble

Andover Continuum CyberStation Configurators Guide 459

Options Tab Door Editor

In the Options tab, you specify schedules to lock and unlock the door. You also select the types of access events sent from the controller to a CyberStation workstation for logging and viewing. Note: If the door is in the Lockdown state, all schedules for locking and unlocking are ignored. The schedules resume when the Lockdown state is cleared. Door Force Lock Schedule Browse for and select an InfinityNumeric point controlled by the schedule if you want to control this door with the following conditions: When the schedule is on, the door is locked but access is permitted to all personnel by card swipe and/or keypad entry. (Allow use of door.)

Door Force Unlock Schedule

When the schedule is off, the door is locked and card reader and keypad access is denied to all personnel. (No access through the door) Browse for and select an InfinityNumeric point controlled by the schedule if you want to control this door with the following conditions: When the schedule is on, the door is unlocked. CyberStation ignores this door and any other schedules attached on the Entry Reader and/or Exit Reader tabs of the Door editor.

Anti-Passback Control

When the schedule is off, the door is locked but access is permitted to all personnel by card swipe and/or keypad entry. (Allow use of door.) You can select a setting to control passback events. Passback is the use of an authorized card by more than one person to gain access through a controlled door. For example, the card owner uses the card to gain access, and then "passes back" the card to another person who can use the card to gain access through this or another door. Anti-passback control settings allow you to specify whether the program checks where a card was recently used within the facility: Within Controller - Select this option to check whether a card was recently used at other doors assigned to the same controller as this door. Network Wide - Select this option to check whether a card was recently used at another door in the network.

460 TAC

Anti-Passback Type

Area Based Control - This option enforces Anti-Passback violations based on areas. Zone Number Based Control - Not implemented in this release.

Send Access Events

Select the events that you want to log for this door. You can view the logged events at the Access Events tab of the Door editor and in the Active Event View. Select the checkbox next to each event that you want to log. Occurs when a card number or access code has been accepted as valid and the door switch detects that the door has opened. Occurs when a card number or access code is rejected and access is denied. Occurs when someone uses a keypad, card reader, motion detector, or Request-to-Exit button to ask the system to unlock a door so the person can leave an area. Occurs when the door switch detects that the door lock is locked and the doors with is open, or the input is tampered with (Trouble condition). Occurs when a door remains open longer than the number of seconds specified for the Door Strike and Door Ajar attributes combined. Occurs when a card number or access code has been accepted as valid, and the door switch detects that the door has not opened.

Valid Attempts

Invalid Attempts Exit Requests

Forced Entries

Door Ajar

Valid Access No Entry

About Associating Schedules with Doors CyberStation offers many different ways to link schedules and doors. The control requirements of a particular building or area should determine how you configure the Door editor to permit or deny access based on schedules. For example, a lobby door may have different locking requirements than one door of many into an auditorium. The fields where you link Door objects to schedules are labeled as Schedule fields. The objects you attach in the Schedule fields are the InfinityNumeric points that are turned on and off by the schedules. You do not attach the Schedule objects themselves.

XDriver Tab Door Editor

If you purchased a special device that you connected to a controller, TAC can develop special software that allows your device to work with the controller. The software is called an XDriver. After you connect your device to the controller and install the XDriver software, you need to specify the comm port that you used in the XDriver window.
Andover Continuum CyberStation Configurators Guide 461

On the XDriver tab, select a comm port from the dropdown menu for the Commport field.

Entry Reader Tab Door Editor

In the Entry Reader tab, you enter settings that identify the IOU module or controller that controls the card reader or keypad. You make selections that determine what the controller does with information taken from the reader (and keypad, if used) and how it determines whether or not the door will open. If the door has a card reader or keypad on both sides, enter settings for the second reader/keypad in the Exit Reader tab. Note: If the door is in the Lockdown state, the door is locked, and these settings are ignored. The settings resume when the Lockdown state is cleared.

Reader IOU

Enter the number of the IOU module connected to the card reader. You can find the IOU module number in the General tab of the IOUModule editor. If the door is controlled by an Infinet controller, leave the Reader IOU at zero. Enter the channel number on the IOU module or controller that is connected to the reader. An AC-1 Reader Channel is 1. Enter the channel number on the IOU module or controller that is connected to the keypad. An AC-1 Keypad Channel is 1.

Reader Channel

Keypad Channel

462 TAC


Click the browse button. In the Browse dialog, select the area to which the door gives access. When you save the settings for this door, CyberStation automatically assigns the door to the area you selected. Note: Selecting an area from the Browse dialog ensures that the full path name for the Area object is entered into the field.

Validate Reader or PIN Access Validation

Not implemented in this release. Select one or more conditions the controller uses to decide whether to open the door. You can select one or more validation conditions for each operating mode. To gain access through this door, a person must provide valid credentials for all the validation conditions you selected. Use the Access Validation settings to determine how the controller validates access information from this reader/keypad in the following operating modes: Normal: Devices, controllers, and the CyberStation workstation are communicating normally. Comm Fail: The local controller and the CyberStation workstation that manages access control information in your network (the access server) are unable to communicate.

Validate Site Validate Card Validate PIN

No Database: The IOU module or controller is unable to obtain access information from the database at the network controller. This can occur if communication between the two has failed. It also occurs if the network controller has been reset so that its database has no access data to provide. Select this condition if you want the controller to require a valid site code on the access card. Select this condition if you want the controller to require a valid card number on the access card. Select this condition if you want the controller to check the numbers pressed at the keypad to see if they form a valid personal identification number (PIN). Check the numbers pressed at the keypad to see if they match the general code you entered in the Card Formats tab.

General Code

Andover Continuum CyberStation Configurators Guide 463

Door Forced Lock Schedule

Check this checkbox to control this door with the following conditions: When the schedule is on, the door is locked and card reader and/or keypad access is denied to all personnel.

Personnel Schedule Reader Schedule

When the schedule is off, the door is unlocked and access is permitted to all personnel by card swipe and/or keypad entry. Not implemented in this release. Not implemented in this release.

Entry Options Tab Door Editor

In the Entry Options tab, you select options that help enforce the access validation choices and reader options. Note: If the door is in the Lockdown state, the door is locked, and all entry option settings are ignored. The settings resume when the Lockdown state is cleared.

Reader Enable Schedule Department Point

Not implemented in this release. Browse for the InfinityNumeric point that holds the department number of the last person through the door. This number is taken from the Personnel object created when you add a person to the system.

464 TAC

Timed Anti-Passback Minutes Zone Number Allow Entry on a Timed Anti-Passback Violation Anti-Passback Protection

Enter the number of minutes during which an individual cannot enter through the same area again. Not implemented in this release. Allows re-entry to an area within the time in Timed AntiPassback Minutes. Makes the controller check for individuals who have tailgated. A violation is logged when someone tries to gain access through this door without obtaining valid access through other doors to reach this door. This can occur if a person enters through a door that was opened for someone else who provided valid access credentials. Permits access even though it appears the individual has tailgated. This checkbox is available when the Anti-Passback Protection checkbox is selected. Lets personnel signal a duress situation by entering a special PIN when forced into an area by an unauthorized individual. Lets personnel signal a duress situation when an access card is not swiped properly. An alarm can be set to go off if this occurs. Allows an entry when a card is swiped with the front of the card facing the building rather than away from it. (This does not work for proximity cards.)

Allow Entry on an Anti-Passback Violation PIN Duress Reverse Card Duress

Allow Entry on a Reverse Card

Entry Status Tab Door Editor

The Entry Status tab lets you view the following information about the doors entry status. Current Operating Mode Last Person Admitted Time Admitted Last Persons Department Last Invalid Person Last Invalid Time Displays Card mode, Site mode and Card Mode, or PIN mode. Displays the name of the person associated with the last card number or access code used to go through the door. Displays the time the last person went through the door. Displays the last person's department number. Displays the name of the person who last attempted to enter but was not granted access. Displays the time of the last invalid attempt.
Andover Continuum CyberStation Configurators Guide 465

Last Card Number Last Site Number

Displays the number encoded in the last valid card swiped. Displays the site code encoded in the last card swiped. (Wiegand cards only, as the last card number for ABA cards is always 0)

Entry Count

Displays the total number of personnel that have entered through this door with valid access credentials. You can use a Plain English command to reset the door count. For example: Set DoorName EntryCount to 0.

Exit Reader Tab Door Editor

In the Exit Reader tab, you enter settings that identify the IOU module or controller that controls the card reader and/or keypad used to exit the area that can be accessed using the reader/keypad specified in the Entry Reader tab. If no access validation is needed to exit the area, and no card reader or keypad is in use, you do not need to enter any values on this tab. This tab is configured the same way as the Entry Reader tab. Note: If the door is in the Lockdown state, the door is locked, and these settings are ignored. The settings resume when the Lockdown state is cleared. Reader IOU Enter the number of the IOU module connected to the card reader. You can find the IOU module number in the General tab of the IOUModule editor. If the door is controlled by an Infinet controller, leave the Reader IOU at zero. Enter the channel number on the IOU module or controller that is connected to the reader. An AC-1 Reader Channel is 1. Enter the channel number on the IOU module or controller that is connected to the keypad. An AC-1 Keypad Channel is 1. Click the browse button. In the Browse dialog, select the area to which the door gives access. When you save the settings for this door, CyberStation automatically assigns the door to the area you selected. Note: Selecting an area from the Browse dialog ensures that the full path name for the Area object is entered into the field. Validate Reader or PIN Not implemented in this release.

Reader Channel

Keypad Channel


466 TAC

Access Validation

Select one or more conditions the controller uses to decide whether to open the door. You can select one or more validation conditions for each operating mode. To gain access through this door, a person must provide valid credentials for all the validation conditions you selected. Use the Access Validation settings to determine how the controller validates access information from this reader/keypad in the following operating modes: Normal: Devices, controllers, and the CyberStation workstation are communicating normally. Comm Fail: The local controller and the CyberStation workstation that manages access control information in your network (the access server) are unable to communicate.

Validate Site Validate Card Validate PIN

No Database: The IOU module or controller is unable to obtain access information from the database at the network controller. This can occur if communication between the two has failed. It also occurs if the network controller has been reset so that its database has no access data to provide. Select this condition if you want the controller to require a valid site code on the access card. Select this condition if you want the controller to require a valid card number on the access card. Select this condition if you want the controller to check the numbers pressed at the keypad to see if they form a valid personal identification number (PIN). Check the numbers pressed at the keypad to see if they match the general code you entered in the Card Formats tab. Check this checkbox to control this door with the following conditions: When the schedule is on, the door is locked and card reader and/or keypad access is denied to all personnel.

General Code Door Forced Lock Schedule

Personnel Schedule Reader Schedule

When the schedule is off, the door is unlocked and access is permitted to all personnel by card swipe and/or keypad entry. Not implemented in this release. Not implemented in this release.

Andover Continuum CyberStation Configurators Guide 467

Exit Options Tab Door Editor

In the Exit Options tab, you select options that help enforce the access validation choices and reader options. If no card reader or keypad is configured in the Exit Reader tab, you do not need to select any options in this tab. Note: If the door is in the Lockdown state, the door is locked, and all exit option settings are ignored. The settings resume when the Lockdown state is cleared. Reader Enable Schedule Department Point Not implemented in this release. Browse for the InfinityNumeric point that holds the department number of the last person through the door. This number is taken from the Personnel object created when you add a person to the system. Timed Anti-Passback Minutes Zone Number Allow Entry on a Timed Anti-Passback Violation Anti-Passback Protection Enter the number of minutes during which an individual cannot enter through the same area again. Not implemented in this release. Allows re-entry to an area within the time in Timed AntiPassback Minutes. Makes the controller check for individuals who have tailgated. A violation is logged when someone tries to gain access through this door without obtaining valid access through other doors to reach this door. This can occur if a person enters through a door that was opened for someone else who provided valid access credentials. Permits access even though it appears the individual has tailgated. This checkbox is available when the Anti-Passback Protection checkbox is selected. Lets personnel signal a duress situation by entering a special PIN when forced into an area by an unauthorized individual. Lets personnel signal a duress situation when an access card is not swiped properly. An alarm can be set to go off if this occurs. Allow Entry on a Reverse Card Allows an entry when a card is swiped with the front of the card facing the building rather than away from it. (This does not work for proximity cards.)

Allow Entry on an Anti-Passback Violation PIN Duress Reverse Card Duress

468 TAC

Exit Status Tab Door Editor

The Exit Status tab lets you view the following information about the doors exit status. Current Operating Mode Last Person Admitted Time Admitted Last Persons Department Last Invalid Person Last Invalid Time Last Card Number Last Site Number Displays Card mode, Site mode and Card Mode, or PIN mode. Displays the name of the person associated with the last card number or access code used to go through the door. Displays the time the last person went through the door. Displays the last person's department number. Displays the name of the person who last attempted to enter but was not granted access. Displays the time of the last invalid attempt. Displays the number encoded in the last valid card swiped. Displays the site code encoded in the last card swiped. (Wiegand cards only, as the last card number for ABA cards is always 0) Exit Count Displays the total number of personnel that have entered through this door with valid access credentials. You can use a Plain English command to reset the door count. For example: Set DoorName EntryCount to 0.

Alarms Tab Door Editor

Return to this tab to configure alarms after you have set other Door attributes and saved the object. Alarms are discussed in Chapter 10, Configuring Alarms.

Access Events Tab Door Editor

Use the Access Events tab of the Door editor to review the access activities for this door. This tab is an event viewer for this door only, and shows access events as they occur.

Andover Continuum CyberStation Configurators Guide 469

Event Class Time Stamp Person Area

The type or class of access event that has occurred. The time at which the access event occurred. The name and path of the Personnel object for the person causing the event. The Area object associated with this event.

Using Area Lockdown

The area lockdown feature in the Area editor enables you to immediately prevent entry or exit through all doors to an area. When the Lockdown state is in effect, only personnel with executive privilege access to the area can enter or leave it. You can also lock down individual doors instead of an entire area. The lockdown feature is supported in NetController II (models 9680 and 9681) network controllers and ACX 57xx controllers. Area Lockdown must also be enabled in the CyberStation security key to use this feature. Issuing a lockdown message does not affect access through doors controlled by other controllers.

More About Area Lockdown

The area lockdown feature is intended to help you quickly control area access in emergencies: You can issue a lockdown message to prevent access through all doors assigned to an area. You can clear the Lockdown state to restore routine access to an area.

470 TAC

You can lock down and restore access to individual doors in an area that is not locked down. You can view the lockdown status of an area and of the doors assigned to an area.

What Happens During Lockdown

When an area is locked down, the Lockdown state overrides the following access control features, and doors to the area are locked: Requests to exit, including pushing on crash bars Use of valid cards or keypad entries Schedules that unlock doors or allow access with valid cards or keypad entries

Attempts to force unlock a door in the Door editor, through a Pinpoint control, or using a Plain English program Only personnel who are assigned executive privilege access and are assigned access rights to the area can enter or exit through a door in the lockdown state. You select executive privilege access and assign area access rights in the Personnel object for each person that you want to have this access. For more information about executive privilege, see Chapter 19. When the Lockdown state is cleared from an area, routine access resumes at doors to the area (if adjacent areas are also not in the Lockdown state.)

Locking down an Area

Use this procedure to lock down all doors assigned to an Area object. This procedure describes how to lock down an area from the Area editor. Depending on how your CyberStation system is configured, you can also lock down areas using a Pinpoint area control, a Plain English program, or command line entry. 1. Open the Area object for the area that you want to lockdown. 2. In the General tab of the Area editor, click the Lockdown Area button. 3. To verify that all doors to the area are locked down, select the Doors to Area tab, and view the lockdown status of each door: A door is locked down when the value for ForceLock is True. A door is not locked down when the value for ForceLock is False. The value may be false because the controller for the door did not receive the lockdown message, or because the controller does not support the area lockdown feature. If a door could not respond to the lockdown message (for example, because its controller was temporarily offline), in the General tab you can click the Lockdown Area button to send the message again. 4. To remove the Lockdown state from the area, in the General tab, click the Clear Lockdown Area button. When you remove the Lockdown state, all doors to the area resume their normal states. A door that provides access to another area that is still locked down remains locked down until the Lockdown state is cleared from the other area.
Andover Continuum CyberStation Configurators Guide 471

Locking down Individual Doors

Use this procedure to lock down one or more doors that are assigned to an area that is not locked down. This procedure describes how to lock down doors from the Area editor. Depending on how your CyberStation system is configured, you can also lock down doors using a Pinpoint area control, a Plain English program, or command line entry. 1. Open the Area object for an area that is assigned the door that you want to lockdown. 2. Click the Doors to Area tab of the Area editor. 3. Select one or more doors, and click the Lockdown Selected Doors button. You can select multiple doors by holding down the Ctrl key or the Shift key while you select doors in the list. 4. To verify that all doors to the area are locked down, view the lockdown status of each door: A door is locked down when the value for ForceLock is True. A door is not locked down when the value for ForceLock is False. The value may be false because the controller for the door did not receive the lockdown message, or because the controller does not support the area lockdown feature. If a door could not respond to the lockdown message (for example, because its controller was temporarily offline), in the General tab you can click the Lockdown Selected Doors button to send the message again. 5. To remove the Lockdown state from doors, select one or more doors, and click the Clear Lockdown Selected Doors button. When you remove the Lockdown state, doors resume their normal states. A door that provides access to an area that is locked down remains locked down until the Lockdown state is cleared from the other area.

Controlling Access with Condition Levels

Several Andover Continuum controllers support a system variable named ConditionLevel: NetController II 96xx models NetController 99xx models

ACX 57xx models If this system variable is supported in your controllers and is also enabled in the CyberStation security key, you can use this variable to rapidly control area access in emergencies. A ConditionLevel value is stored at the controllers that manage access to the doors to each area. Typically, the controller condition level corresponds to security alert levels that your company has established for emergencies. You use controller condition levels with personnel clearance levels to control access during different categories of emergency. A value of 1 for a controller condition level is the most severe alert level. A value of 255 is the least severe. 472 TAC

You can quickly change the condition level at all controllers by sending a new value for ConditionLevel from the CyberStation workstation using the Global Condition Level dialog. This is a faster method of changing the values than manually changing the condition level at each controller. You can also restore the previous condition level at all controllers by selecting a ConditionLevel value of Local in this dialog. For more information about condition levels, see Personnel Clearance Levels and Controller Condition Levels in Chapter 19, Personnel.

Sending a Condition Level Message to Controllers

Use this procedure to send a new value for the ConditionLevel system variable to all controllers. All controllers that receive the message and support the ConditionLevel system variable update the value of the variable with the new condition level. CyberStation also saves each controller's original value for ConditionLevel in the DB Value field in the CyberStation database. 1. In the CyberStation tool tray, right click the Continuum task icon, and select Global Condition Level. 2. Select a new condition level for Change To. You can select Level_0 for the value if you do not want the controllers to use the condition level value when validating access. 3. Click Change. 4. When prompted to confirm the change, click Yes. 5. When prompted that the condition level is changed, click OK.

Restoring Controller Condition Levels to Previous Levels

Use this procedure to send the ConditionLevel value that was saved in the DB Value field for each controller to the controllers. This is the ConditionLevel value that was in effect at each controller before CyberStation sent the new ConditionLevel value. For example, if the value for ConditionLevel at Controller A was originally 4, the value at that controller is once again 4. 1. In the task bar, right click the Continuum task icon, and select Global Condition Level. 2. Select Local for Change To. 3. Click Change. 4. When prompted to confirm the change, click Yes. 5. When prompted that the condition level is changed, click OK.

Andover Continuum CyberStation Configurators Guide 473

About Sending Condition Level Values to Individual Controllers

Using the Global Condition Level dialog enables you to change the value for ConditionLevel at multiple controllers with one command. You can also change the value for individual controllers: You can edit the ConditionLevel variable in the InfinitySystemVariable editor. You can enter a command to change the value from the command line. You can use a Plain English (PE) program to change the value.

You can use PE script attached to a Pinpoint control to change the value. When you use the command line or a PE program to send a value for this variable, you must use the numeric value that corresponds to the condition level that you want to set. Do not use a text string. For example, if you want to use the SET command to change the value for ConditionLevel to Level 5, use the following syntax: SET \[pathname]\ConditionLevel = 5

474 TAC



This chapter covers two major topics, the Personnel Manager and the Personnel Import Utility. The CyberStation Personnel Manager is a powerful and easy-to use tool for creating, viewing, and managing personnel records. The Personnel Import Utility allows you to import third-party personnel data that was created outside of an Andover Continuum system. It bridges the gap between other personnel databases and CyberStation personnel records by allowing you to import and upload personnel data in large amounts and save the imported data as CyberStation Personnel objects.

Personnel Manager
Use the CyberStation Personnel Manager for entering, viewing, and managing personnel data: Security access information, such as card number and a list of the areas the person may enter. Employee information, such as department name and number, supervisor name, and vehicle information.

Personal information, such as name, blood type, emergency contact, height, weight, and hair color. The data for each person is stored in a Personnel object. In the Personnel Manager, a Personnel object can also be referred to as a record, card, or badge because the data in the Personnel object may be associated with any of these.

Andover Continuum CyberStation Configurators Guide 475

Search Capability
In the Personnel Manager, you can quickly locate Personnel objects using the built-in search feature. You can search by criteria such as first and last names, card number, and employee number. You can enter full or partial information for the criteria. Search results can display thumbnail photos from employee badges, if available.

Customizable Profiles for Viewing and Entering Personnel Data

The Personnel Manager uses profiles to streamline the process of creating new Personnel objects by providing predefined lists of area access rights. You can also use profiles to determine the personnel data displayed when users view, edit, or create Personnel objects. Profiles enable you to limit user access to sensitive personnel data, such as Social Security numbers and home phone numbers. The Personnel Manager also supports the use of CyberStation personnel templates.

476 TAC

Simplified Area Assignment

The Personnel Manager provides several methods for adding or editing the list of areas you assign to Personnel objects: You can specify the areas in profiles. The areas are then assigned in any Personnel objects created from the profile. You can replace the areas in a Personnel object with the areas from a profile or a personnel template.

You can add or remove individual areas as needed in Personnel objects. Regardless of the method that you use, schedule and clearance level information can be included with the areas you assign to Personnel objects. This enables you to customize the access rights for types of personnel (employee, contractor, visitor, etc.) or for individual personnel as needed in your facility.

Personnel Enrollment from Card Reader

The Personnel Manager can automatically create new Personnel objects using information from an access card that is read at a card reader that you designate. You can edit these Personnel objects to enter additional information at any time. You can also use this feature to identify the owner of an access card.

Enabling the Personnel Manager

The Personnel Manager is enabled by default at each CyberStation workstation. However, users can choose to enable the Personnel editor, a dialog similar to other CyberStation dialogs (used in earlier versions of CyberStation), instead of the Personnel Manager. If another user enabled the Personnel editor at your workstation, and you want to resume using the Personnel Manager, complete the following steps. 1. In Continuum Explorer, right click your workstation folder, and click Open. 2. Select the Preferences tab of the Device editor. 3. Scroll down to the preference setting, Use Personnel Manager, and select True. 4. Click OK. In Continuum Explorer, you can now double click a Personnel object to edit the object in the Personnel Manager. The Personnel Manager also opens when you create a new Personnel object from Continuum Explorer.

Adding New Personnel Objects

You can add a new object from Continuum Explorer or from the Personnel Manager. When you add an object from the Personnel Manager, CyberStation automatically generates the object ID and alias that are displayed when you view the list of Personnel objects in Continuum Explorer. Note: You can also use the Personal Import Utility to import personnel records from another application into CyberStation. Once imported, these records become Personnel objects that you can edit and manage in the Personnel Manager. For more information, see Personnel Import Utility later in this chapter.
Andover Continuum CyberStation Configurators Guide 477

Perform the following steps to add a new Personnel object. 1. If the Personnel Manager is open at your workstation, click Add Record, select a profile from the popup menu, and proceed to step 4. When the Personnel Manager is open, you can add and save multiple Personnel objects without having to close and reopen the Personnel Manager each time. 2. If the Personnel Manager is not open, in Continuum Explorer, right click the folder that contains your Personnel objects. Select New from the popup menu, and then select Personnel. Proceed to step 3. 3. Enter a Personnel object name, and click the Create button. 4. In the Details tab, enter values for personnel attributes as needed.

Values for attributes marked with an asterisk (*) are required. If you try to save the record without all required values, a warning message lists attributes that still require entries. If You want to add card information from an access card read at your enrollment card reader (requires a card read designated in the configuration settings) Then Swipe the card at the card designated reader. In the Personnel Manager, click the Read Card Info button. In the Card Information dialog, verify in the status line that the card is not assigned to any personnel record, and click the Insert Data button. In the Details tab, the Card Type, Site Code, and Card Number attributes are updated with the information read from the card.

478 TAC

If This person requires additional time to open and pass through doors This person is a visitor to your facility

Then Check the ADA checkbox. Use the Door editor to configure doors to allow extra time for entry for personnel with ADA access. Check the Visitor checkbox.

If the Personnel object is associated with a template, you cannot change attribute values inherited from that template. 5. Assign areas to this Personnel object, if needed. Any areas that are assigned in the profile you used to create the Personnel object are automatically assigned to the object. You can assign other areas to the object as needed. If you want to Replace the currently assigned areas (if any) with the areas from another profile Then Select the Profile radio button, select profile from the dropdown list, and click the Reset Access Rights button. When prompted, click Yes. Any areas previously assigned to this Personnel object are removed when you add the areas from the selected profile. Replace the currently assigned areas (if any) with the areas from a personnel template Select the Template radio button, select a template from the dropdown list, and click the Reset Access Rights button. When prompted, click Yes. Any areas previously assigned to this Personnel object are removed when you add the areas from the selected template.

Andover Continuum CyberStation Configurators Guide 479

If you want to Assign individual areas

Then Under Access Rights, expand UnAssigned, and check the checkbox next to each area you want to assign. You can click the Filter by Folder button, and select a folder, to view only the areas in that folder. You cannot filter by Root.

Remove access to an area

Under Access Rights, expand Assigned, and clear the checkbox next to each area you want to remove.

6. If you want to attach a schedule point to one or more areas, expand an area, and click the icon next to Add Schedule. The Add Schedules dialog is displayed. If needed, select the browse button next to Schedule Points Location, and locate the folder or container with the schedule point you want to add. Select a schedule point. Select the areas where you want to attach the schedule point, and click OK. 7. If you want to override this person's Default Clearance Level for an area, expand the area, and click the icon next to Clearance Level. In the Clearance Level dialog, enter a new value for the clearance level, and click OK. If the security key attached to the CyberStation workstation is not configured to view condition levels, condition level and clearance level attributes and values are not displayed or configurable in CyberStation. For more information about clearance levels, see Personnel Clearance Levels and Controller Condition Levels later in this chapter. 8. Click Apply. 9. If needed, click Add Record, select a profile, and repeat this procedure from step 4 to add another Personnel object. 10. Click OK to save changes and close the Personnel Manager.

Editing a Personnel Object

To open the Personnel Manager, double click any Personnel object in Continuum Explorer. When the Personnel Manager is open, you can use its powerful search feature to locate a Personnel object that you want to edit. In the Personnel Manager, changes to a Personnel object are not saved until you click Apply or OK.

Searching for a Personnel Object

You can search for personnel by any of the following criteria: first or last name, Social Security number, employee number, card number, department, and department code.
480 TAC

Note: You can also locate a Personnel object that you want to edit by scrolling through the list of Personnel objects in Continuum Explorer. You can then double click the object to open it in the Personnel Manager and edit it as described in this topic. Perform the following steps to search for a Personnel object. 1. In the Personnel Manager, click the New Search button, and enter search criteria. The Personnel Manager can search for exactly what you type if you put the entry in quotes. If you do not enter quotes, the Personnel Manager searches for records with attributes that begin with what you type. The following table provides an example of search criteria entered to locate a Personnel object by last name. Typing J Johnson John Searches for Every last name that starts with the letter J Records of personnel whose last name is Johnson Every last name that starts with John

You can limit the number of records returned by entering a value between 1 and 50 for Maximum Results. If you do not enter a value, the Personnel Manager displays the first 50 records that match the search criteria that you entered. 2. Click the Find Now button. If not already checked, check the Show Thumbnails checkbox if you want to display photos in the search results. 3. Click a name in the search results to display the record details in the Personnel Manager. To return to your search results, click the Search Results tab.

Assigning or Changing Access to Areas

Any areas in the profile you used to create a Personnel object are automatically added to the object. If needed, you can assign other areas to the object, or remove areas, as described in the following procedure. 1. In the Personnel Manager, search for the Personnel object that you want to edit, and select the record from the search results. 2. Assign areas to this Personnel object. If you want to ... Replace the currently assigned areas (if any) with the areas from another profile Then... Select the Profile radio button, select a profile from the dropdown list, and click the Reset Access Rights button. When prompted, click Yes. Any areas previously assigned to this Personnel object are removed when you add the areas from the selected profile.

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If you want to ... Replace the currently assigned areas (if any) with the areas from a personnel template

Then... Select the Template radio button, select a template from the dropdown list, and click the Reset Access Rights button. When prompted, click Yes. Any areas previously assigned to this Personnel object are removed when you add the areas from the selected template.

Assign individual areas

Under Access Rights, expand UnAssigned, and check the checkbox next to each area you want to assign. You can click the Filter by Folder button, and select a folder, to view only the areas in that folder. You cannot filter by Root.

Remove access to an area

Under Access Rights, expand Assigned, and clear the checkbox next to each area you want to remove. Under Access Rights, expand Assigned, and expand the area for which you want to disable access for this person. Clear the Enable Area checkbox. The checkbox next to the area name changes to . You can check the Enable Area checkbox to restore this person's access to the area.

Disable access to an area without removing the area

Note: Areas assigned from a profile or template using the Reset Access Rights button described below do not maintain their association with the profile or template they came from. If you later edit the profile or template, existing Personnel objects are not affected by the changes. 3. Click Apply.

Attaching a Schedule Point to an Area

Schedule points are associated with schedules that define specific time periods when a person can access that area. You can attach only one schedule point to an area. However, you can attach the same schedule point to multiple areas. For more information about schedules, see Chapter 15, Configuring Schedules and Calendars. Perform the following steps to attach a schedule point to an area assigned to a Personnel object. 1. In the Personnel Manager, search for the Personnel object that you want to edit, and select the record from the search results. 2. Under Access Rights, expand Assigned.
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3. Expand the area that you wish to add a schedule point to. 4. Click the icon next to Add Schedule to display the Add Schedules dialog. 5. If needed, select the browse button next to Schedule Points Location, and locate the folder or container with the schedule point you want to add. 6. Select a schedule point. Select the areas where you want to attach the schedule point, and click OK.

7. Click Apply.

Changing the Clearance Level of a Personnel Object

The Clearance Level for areas enables you to provide different access privileges to different areas assigned to the same person. The clearance level you assign to an area in a Personnel object does not affect the access of other personnel with access to the same area. The Default Clearance Level applies to all areas that you assign to the person, unless you choose to override this value with different values for individual areas. (To change the Default Clearance Level, this attribute must be displayed in the profile assigned to the current user. For more information about profiles, see Working with Personnel Profiles and Templates later in this chapter.) Areas with a clearance level of zero use the value entered for the Default Clearance Level to determine access to the area for this person. For more information about how clearance levels control access to assigned areas, see Personnel Clearance Levels and Controller Condition Levels later in this chapter. Note: If the security key attached to the CyberStation workstation is not configured to view condition levels, condition level and clearance level attributes and values are not displayed or configurable in CyberStation.

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Changing the Default Clearance Level Perform the following steps to edit clearance levels for a Personnel object. Clearance level values are maintained in the Personnel object for each person: 1. In the Personnel Manager, search for the Personnel object that you want to edit, and select the record from the search results. 2. In the Details tab, enter a value for Default Clearance Level. Enter 0 if you do not want to assign a default clearance level to this person. 3. Click Apply. Changing the Clearance Level of Specific Areas The clearance level you enter for the area overrides the default clearance level for the Personnel object. Perform the following steps to change the clearance level of a specific area for a Personnel object. 1. In the Personnel Manager, search for the Personnel object that you want to edit, and select the record from the search results. 2. Under Access Rights, expand Assigned. 3. Expand the area for which you want to change the clearance level. 4. Click the icon next to Clearance Level. 5. In the Clearance Level dialog, enter a new value for Clearance Level, and click OK.

6. Click Apply.

Assigning Executive Privilege to a Personnel Object

When the Lockdown state is in effect, only personnel who are assigned executive privilege can enter and exit the areas to which they have access. All other personnel, regardless of the areas and access right assigned to them, are prevented from entering or leaving areas in the Lockdown state. For more information about the Lockdown state, see Using Area Lockdown in Chapter 18. Perform the following steps to assign executive privilege to a personnel object. 1. In the Personnel Manager, search for the Personnel object that you want to edit, and select the record from the search results. 2. In the Details tab, select True for Executive Privilege. 3. Click Apply.
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Disabling or Enabling a Personnel Object

When you disable a Personnel object, the access card for this person is no longer valid at any doors in areas to which the person is assigned. For example, you can disable the Personnel object for a contract employee who is not working for your company but may return in the future. You can enable a disabled Personnel object at any time. Perform the following steps to disable or enable a Personnel object. 1. In the Personnel Manager, search for the Personnel object that you want to edit, and select the record from the search results. 2. Disable or enable the object. To disable a Personnel object, clear the checkbox next to Card Enabled. The text turns red, indicating that person's card is disabled. To enable a Personnel object, check the checkbox next to Card Enabled. 3. Click Apply.

Setting the Current Area

CyberStation determines the current area from the last-door-entered information, if available. In systems set up to prevent or discourage tailgating, you may occasionally need to override the displayed current area if the person accessed a different area without using his/her card or entering a PIN and is now prevented from leaving an area. Perform the following steps to specify the current location of the card holder associated with a Personnel object. 1. In Continuum Explorer, open the folder that contains your Personnel objects. 2. Select the Personnel object that you want to edit, right click, and select Set Current Area from the popup menu. 3. In the Browse dialog, locate the area, and click the Select button. 4. When prompted, click OK.

Making or Editing a Badge

If you have already purchased the separately sold badging software product, Epibuilder, you can create a badge by setting up a location for badge layout files and default badge formats. See Appendix B for installation information. Setting up a Badge Location and Format Before you can create a badge, you must set up a location for badge layout files as well as a default badge format. 1. In Continuum Explorer, right click your workstation icon, and select Open from the popup menu. The Device editor appears. 2. Select the Preferences tab.

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4. Click inside the Value column of this setting: The location of the badge format files From the browse dialog, search for and assign a default path for the folder in which you want to store badge layout files. 5. Click inside the Value column of this setting: The default badge format Specify a default badge layout for the system to load when creating a new Personnel object. Note: This is unique to each user. For each user, repeat steps 4 and 5. 6. Click OK. 7. Assign and/or deny write privileges to users who will and wont be making/editing badges. 8. Open the Security editor. Right click the Continuum task icon in the icon tray, and select Security from the popup menu. 9. Select the Actions tab, then scroll down to and expand the Personnel directory. 10. Scroll down to Edit Badge Layout, and assign or deny access privileges. 11. Assign a key symbol or a lock, respectively, to the appropriate user groups.

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5. Click OK. Creating or Editing a Badge To create or modify a persons badge, including layout photo, signature, and fingerprint, perform the following steps. 1. On the General tab of the Personnel editor, click the Make/Edit Badge button. (From the Personnel Manager, click the Create/Edit Badge button. 2. In the Badge Layout field, specify a badge layout file. Either accept the default or click the browse button to search for and select another layout. (The default layout must be assigned in the Preferences tab of the Device editor. EPIDesigner Compatible with Guard Draw: In Version 1.8 and higher, the EPIDesigner application replaces Guard Draw, which was the layout tool used in previous versions. Guard Draw files created in previous versions are compatible with EPIDesigner. The Badge Layout field accepts either an EPIDesigner layout (.dgn file) or a Guard Draw layout (.gdr file). You can easily open and save your existing Guard Draw layout in EPIDesigner. It is saved as a .dgn file. 3. Click the Edit Badge Layout button. The EPIDesigner application appears.

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4. Use EPIDesigner (and its graphical layout window) to design or change the design of this persons badge layout. EPIDesigner Documentation: For complete instructions on how to use this EPIDesigner application, access its online help using the Help dropdown menu in the menu bar. Also consult the EPIDesigner 6.3 Users Guide. This manual is available as .PDF file via your Windows Start menu. (Click Start, select Programs, select Continuum, and then select Documentation.) 5. From the Made/Edit Badge dialog, to capture a photo, signature, or fingerprint, as needed, double click inside the photo, signature, or fingerprint window, respectively.

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As an alternative, you can also: Click the Capture Photo, Capture Signature, or Capture Fingerprint button, respectively. Use the Capture dropdown menu, and select Photo, Signature, or Fingerprint, respectively The Select Profile dialog appears. 6. From the Select Profile dialog, capture a source profile: Capturing source profile for the first time When you perform the previous step, and the Select Profile dialog appears, you must capture the source. (If you have installed a video capture device, select Twain.) For further instructions, click the Help button in this Select Profile dialog, or see the EPIDesigner 6.3 Users Guide. Changing an existing source profile To change an existing source profile, from the Tools dropdown menu on the Make/Edit Badge dialog, select Set Photo Image Source, Set Signature Image Source, or Set Fingerprint Image Source, respectively. The Select Profile dialog appears. For further instructions, click the Help button in this Select Profile dialog, or see the EPIDesigner 6.3 Users Guide. 7. From EPIDesigner (and its graphical layout window), you may bind a Personnel objects attributes to graphic layout elements. Note: EPIDesigner imports all the attribute names from the Personnel object.
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To do so: In the graphical layout window, select an existing graphic element or make a new one and select it. Select an attribute form the attribute dropdown menu, located next to Text dropdown menu on the bottom toolbar. The name of the attribute appears inside the selected graphic element. EPIDesigner Documentation: For complete instructions on how to use this EPIDesigner application, access its online help using the Help dropdown menu in the menu bar or consult the EPIDesigner 6.3 Users Guide. Print the current card (or multiple cards) if you wish to do so. Printing a single card To print the current card, from the File dropdown menu on the Make/Edit Badge dialog, select Print Card. (You may also click the Print Badge button.) To preview the current card before printing it, select Print Preview Card from the File dropdown menu. The Print Preview dialog appears, displaying the card you are about to print. When you print a card you are also issuing a card. Printing more than one card To print all cards that have not already been printed in other words, cards that have not yet been issued select Batch Print Cards from the File dropdown menu. This prints, or issues, all the non-printed cards. To see all the cards that have not yet been issued, select Batch Preview Cards. The Print Preview dialog appears. Click the right-arrow button to scroll through all the cards, one by one, that you are about to print. Click the left-arrow button to scroll back. Note: At any given time, each card carries a status of Issued or Unprinted (nonissued). To find out how many cards have been issued, look at the Issued field on the Make/Edit Badge dialog. If you want to change the status of the current card from Issued to Unprinted, open the Tools dropdown menu, and select Set Card Unprinted. When you set an issued card to Unprinted, the number displayed in the Issued field is reduced by one, and that card is added to the list on non-issued card in the Print Preview dialog. 8. Set up external card encoding if you wish to do so. Configure your encoder settings by accessing the following dialogs: From the Tools dropdown menu on the Make/Edit Badge dialog, select External Card Encoder Setup. The External Encoders Setup dialog appears. From the File dropdown menu in EPIDesigner, select Layout Properties. From the Layout Properties dialog, select the General tab, and click the Encoding button. The Card Encoding dialog appears. Note: If you need instructions for configuring the settings on these dialogs, click the Help button to access extensive online documentation, or consult the EPIDesigner 6.3 Users Guide. 9. Set up card encoding for a printer if you wish to do so.
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Configure our encoder settings by accessing the following dialogs: From the Tools dropdown menu on the Make/Edit Badge dialog, select Printer Card Encoder Setup. The Card Printer Encoder Setup dialog appears. From the File dropdown menu in EPIDesigner, select Layout Properties. From the Layout Properties dialog, select the General tab, and click the Encoding button. The Card Encoding dialog appears. Note: If you need instructions for configuring the settings on these dialogs, click the Help button to access extensive online documentation, or consult the EPIDesigner 6.3 Users Guide.

Reading Card Information

You can read card information in the Personnel Manager that you obtain by swiping access cards at a card reader designated in the configuration settings for the Personnel Manager. You may want to do this to look up the card holder of an unidentified access card. You can also do this to assign new cards to existing Personnel objects. Note: To assign card information from a swiped card when you create new Personnel objects, see Adding New Personnel Objects, earlier in this chapter. 1. If the Personnel Manager is not open, you can double click any Personnel object in Continuum Explorer to open the Personnel Manager. 2. Swipe the card at the designated card reader. 3. In the Personnel Manager, click the Read Card Info button to open the Card Information dialog. The Card Information dialog displays the values for the following attributes: Card Type, Site Code, and Card Number. A message in the status bar of the dialog indicates whether a record in the Personnel Manager matches the values for these attributes. If ... The card information matches a personnel record, and you want to view the record Then... Check the Load the personnel record that matches the criteria checkbox, and click Close. The personnel record associated with the access card is displayed in the Details tab of the Personnel Manager. You want to close the dialog without loading a personnel record Click Close.

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Replacing Card Information

Use this procedure to replace the current card information in a Personnel object with information read from a new access card. Note: If you need to replace the access card information in a record because the card is misplaced or lost, you may want to assign new card information as described in Issuing or Restoring a Temporary Card or Marking a Card as Lost, later in this chapter. Using either of those procedures ensures that the card you are replacing cannot be used to access your facility. 1. In the Personnel Manager, search for the Personnel object you want to edit, and select the personnel record from the search results. 2. If the Personnel Manager is not open, you can double click any Personnel object in Continuum Explorer to open the Personnel Manager. 3. Swipe the card at the designated card reader. 4. In the Personnel Manager, click the Read Card Info button to open the Card Information dialog. The Card Information dialog displays the values for the following attributes: Card Type, Site Code, and Card Number. A message in the status bar of the dialog indicates whether a record in the Personnel Manager matches the values for these attributes. 5. Click the Insert Data button. In the Details tab of the Personnel Manager, the Card Type, Site Code, and Card Number attributes in the personnel record are updated with the values from the access card. 6. Click Apply. If you mistakenly assign card information already associated with a personnel record to a different personnel record, an error message is displayed when you click Apply, indicating that the card information duplicates the information in another record. The changes are not saved in the current record.

Issuing or Restoring a Temporary Card

Use this procedure to issue a temporary card. Issuing a temporary card saves the card holder's current information and temporarily assigns a new card number to the Personnel object. Issue a temporary card when you expect to reinstate the original card in the future. Unlike marking a card as lost, issuing a temporary card enables you to restore the original card. 1. In the Personnel Manager, search for the Personnel object for which you want to issue a temporary card, and select the record from the search results. If the Personnel Manager is not open, you can double click any Personnel object in Continuum Explorer to open the Personnel Manager.
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2. Click the Issue Temp Card button, and enter a new card number when prompted. When clicked, the button label changes to Restore Temp Card. You can click the Restore Temp Card button to restore card information that was saved by issuing a temporary card. 3. Click Apply.

Marking a Card as Lost

Use this procedure to mark a card as lost. A new record is then created automatically with all of the same personnel information and access rights with the exception of the card number. A new card number is required. Note: You cannot restore a card that you mark as lost. 1. In the Personnel Manager, search for the Personnel object for the lost card, and select the record from the search results. If the Personnel Manager is not open, you can double click any Personnel object in Continuum Explorer to open the Personnel Manager. 2. Click the Mark Card as Lost button. When prompted, click Yes. 3. In the New Card Number dialog, enter a new card number, and click OK. The Personnel Manager renames the current record by appending ".Lost" to that Personnel object's name. For example, "John Smith" would be the new record, and "John Smith.Lost" would be the old record. You can delete the .Lost record if you do not want it in your database.

Deleting Personnel Objects

You may want to delete a Personnel object when it is no longer needed or valid (for example, when a person leaves your company). This permanently removes the Personnel object from CyberStation. Note: When you delete a Personnel object, it is marked for deletion, but is not removed from CyberStation until the Personnel object can be removed from all controllers that receive access distributions from CyberStation. If a controller cannot be contacted by CyberStation, the Personnel object remains in CyberStation until communication between the controller and CyberStation resumes.

Deleting Personnel Objects in Continuum Explorer

1. In Continuum Explorer, open the folder that contains your Personnel objects. 2. Select the Personnel objects you want to delete. To select multiple objects, hold down the Ctrl or Shift key while you select Personnel objects. 3. Right click, and select Delete.
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4. When prompted to confirm deletion, click OK.

Deleting Personnel Objects in the Personnel Manager

1. In the Personnel Manager, click the New Search button, and enter search criteria. The Personnel Manager can search for exactly what you type if you put the entry in quotes. If you do not enter quotes, the Personnel Manager searches for records with attributes that begin with what you type. The following table provides an example of search criteria entered to locate a Personnel object by last name. Typing J Johnson John Searches for Every last name that starts with the letter J Records of personnel whose last name is Johnson Every last name that starts with John

You can limit the number of records returned by entering a value between 1 and 50 for Maximum Results. If you do not enter a value, the Personnel Manager displays the first 50 records that match the search criteria that you entered. 2. Click the Find Now button. If not already checked, check the Show Thumbnails checkbox if you want to display photos in the search results. 3. Click a name in the search results to display the record details in the Personnel Manager. To return to your search results, click the Search Results tab. 4. Click the Delete Record button. 5. When prompted to confirm deletion, click Yes. 6. To locate additional Personnel objects to delete, click the Search Results tab. Select another object to delete, or perform a new search.

Working with Personnel Clearance Levels and Controller Condition Levels

Clearance levels and condition levels are features of the Andover Continuum system that enable you to rapidly control area access in emergencies. Clearance and condition levels work with other security access features, such as the area lockdown feature and the access settings defined in Personnel objects. By configuring and managing this information in CyberStation, you can respond quickly to changing circumstances. Note: If the security key attached to the CyberStation workstation is not configured to view condition levels, condition level and clearance level attributes and values are not displayed or configurable in CyberStation.

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Personnel Clearance Levels

Clearance level values are maintained in the Personnel object for each person: The Default Clearance Level applies to all areas that you assign to the person, unless you choose to override this value with different values for individual areas. The Clearance Level for areas enables you to provide different access privileges to different areas assigned to the same person. The clearance level you assign to an area in a Personnel object does not affect the access of other personnel with access to the same area.

Controller Condition Levels

A value for Condition Level is stored at the controllers that manage access to the doors to each area. Controllers that support the Condition Level variable include: NetController II NetController, models CX99xx

ACX 57xx The Condition Level variable must be enabled in the security key in order for these controllers to use the variable and accept Condition Level values sent from CyberStation. Typically, the controller condition level corresponds to security alert levels that your company has established for emergencies. You use controller condition levels with personnel clearance levels to control access during different categories of emergency. A value of 1 for a controller condition level is the most severe alert level. A value of 255 is the least severe. A value of 0 indicates that no condition level is in effect. You can quickly change the condition level at all controllers by using the Global Condition Level dialog to send a new Condition Level value to the controllers from the CyberStation workstation. This is a faster method of changing the values than manually changing the condition level at each controller. You can also restore the previous condition level at all controllers using this feature. The following figure is an example of how a new Condition Level is sent from CyberStation changes condition levels at two controllers.

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How Clearance Levels and Condition Levels Work Together

The condition level at a controller establishes the security alert level (sometimes called the "threat level") in effect at doors in areas managed by the controller. After verifying access card information (or keypad entry) and that the current area is assigned to a person requesting access, the controller compares its condition level to the clearance level of the person. For the controller to allow access, the value of the person's clearance level must be equal to or smaller than the condition level. The following figure is an example of how a controller uses clearance and condition levels to validate access.

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Implementing Clearance Levels and Condition Levels

The Andover Continuum system enables you to set up highly customized access that is tailored to the needs of your facility and the people who need access in normal and emergency situations. You can define up to 255 clearance levels and condition levels: 1 is the clearance level that allows the most access. That is, when the condition level is 1 (most severe alert), only personnel with a clearance level of 1 who are assigned to the area will have access. 255 is the clearance level that allows the least access. That is, the condition level must be 255 for personnel with a clearance level of 255 to be allowed access.
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You can use as many of these levels as you need. For example, a public facility in the United States might define condition levels that correspond to the five levels of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Advisory System, as shown in the following table. DHS Level Severe High Elevated Guarded Low DHS Color Red Orange Yellow Blue Green Condition Level Level_01 Level_02 Level_03 Level_04 Level_05 Clearance Level Needed for Access 1 2 3 4 5

In Personnel objects, you can specify clearance levels that correspond to these condition levels.

Configuring the Personnel Manager

The Personnel Manager has default settings so that you can immediately create and view Personnel objects. However, you can configure settings to customize many features, enabling you to enter and manage personnel data more efficiently.

Working with Personnel Profiles and Templates

This topic contains information about using personnel profiles and templates to create, edit, and view data in Personnel objects. Using Personnel Profiles A personnel profile is a collection of settings that you use to create new Personnel objects and to view existing objects in the Personnel Manager. A personnel profile contains predefined settings and values for the following personnel information: The attributes displayed when a user creates, edits, or views a Personnel objects, including attribute labels, whether attributes are required or are read only, and default values

The areas assigned to Personnel objects, which can also include schedule points attached to the areas, clearance levels for individual areas, and whether the area is enabled or disabled Profiles are similar to personnel templates. However, in addition to determining the personnel information that is predefined, profiles enable you to have more control over the personnel data that is entered, edited, and viewed in a Personnel object. For example, you can assign a profile that does not display sensitive information, such as Social Security numbers, to CyberStation users who do not need to see this information. Users who do require this information can be assigned a profile in which sensitive attributes are displayed. You can also specify whether attribute values are editable or read only.
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The Personnel Manager provides four predefined profiles: Employee, Contractor, Temporary Employee, and Visitor. You can customize these profiles and create your own. To create a personnel profile, see Creating a Personnel Profile later in this chapter. How Profiles Are Applied When a user creates a Personnel object: The profile the user selects after clicking the Add Record button determines: The areas that are initially assigned to the Personnel object Any additional access rights associated with the areas, such as schedules and clearance levels The user can edit the area assignments and access rights as needed in the Personnel object. The profile assigned to the user determines: The attributes displayed in the Details tab for the new object Any predefined properties of the attributes, such as default entries and required entries

The folder where the Personnel object is saved When a user edits an existing Personnel object, the profile assigned to the user determines: The attributes displayed in the Details tab Any predefined properties of the attributes, such as read-only and required entries

Using CyberStation Personnel Templates You can use a personnel template to create a Personnel object: In Continuum Explorer, you can use the Configuration Wizard to create a Personnel object from a template that you select. You can also drag a personnel template to a folder containing your Personnel objects to create a new object.

In the Personnel Manager, you can create a Personnel object from a profile that has a template assigned to it, if you have customized a profile to include the Template attribute. In the profile, you can also specify the personnel template to use. When you edit the Personnel object, a message is displayed in the Personnel Manager status line indicating that a template is attached to the Personnel object. Any attribute values that are inherited from the template are read-only in the Personnel Manager. Attribute values copied (not inherited) from the template are editable. The profile assigned to the CyberStation user determines which attributes are displayed, regardless of the profile used to create the Personnel object. If you edit a template that is already assigned to Personnel objects, any changes to inherited attributes will automatically be changed in the Personnel objects using the template (Template content is displayed in the Personnel editor dialog rather than in the Personnel Manager.). Changes to attribute values that are copied (not inherited) from the template will not change in existing Personnel objects. New Personnel objects created
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from the edited template will include the updated values for both inherited and copied attributes. Assigning Areas from Personnel Profiles and Templates In the Personnel Manager, you can quickly assign areas specified in a profile or a template to a Personnel object. Any schedule points and clearance levels attached to the areas are also included in the Personnel object when you add the areas. Once in a Personnel object, you can edit the areas list as needed for the individual. Note: Area, schedule, and area clearance levels assigned to a Personnel object from a profile or template using the Reset Access Rights button in the Personnel Manager completely replace any area information already in the Personnel object.

Creating a Personnel Profile

Use this procedure to create a personnel profile that defines the information that is entered and displayed for Personnel objects in the Personnel Manager. Note: If you want Personnel objects created or edited using the profile to be associated with a personnel template, be sure to add the Template attribute to the Assigned Attributes list and select the template to use. For more information about creating templates, see Chapter 12, Templates. If you want to be able to attach a SecurityLevel object to Personnel objects, add the SecurityLevel attribute to the Assigned Attributes list in the profile. Store personnel templates in the Personnel Templates folder, which is a subfolder of the Templates folder. Personnel templates stored elsewhere within CyberStation cannot be attached to Personnel profiles or objects. Perform the following steps to create a personnel profile and specify its settings: 1. In the Personnel Manager, click the Configure button. If the Personnel Manager is not open, you can double click any Personnel object in Continuum Explorer to open the Personnel Manager. The Configure button is disabled unless a Personnel object is currently displayed in the Personnel Manager. 2. In the Configuration dialog, click the New button. 3. In the New Profile dialog, enter a new profile name and a description (optional), and then click OK. 4. In the Available Attributes list, select the attributes you want to include in your profile, and then click the add attributes button ( the Assigned Attributes list. ) to add the selected attributes to

You can select one attribute at a time, or select more than one by pressing the Ctrl or Shift key while selecting. It is recommended that you always include First Name and Last Name in a profile, and make these attributes required entries.
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5. Arrange the attributes in the Assigned Attributes list: To remove an attribute, select it and click the remove attributes button ( selected attribute moves to the Available Attributes list. ). The

To arrange the sequence of attributes in the Assigned Attributes list, select an ) to move it within the list. The attribute, and click the up and down buttons ( , order you specify in this list determines the order in which the attributes are displayed in the Details tab when you add or edit a Personnel object using this profile. 6. Define the data entry properties of each attribute as needed. Property Required Read Only Description Check this checkbox to make an entry for this attribute required. Check this checkbox to make this attribute value read only; that is, not changeable. It is not recommended that an attribute be both required and read only. Enter a default value for this attribute. Users can edit the value in Personnel objects created from the profile if Read Only is not selected for the attribute and if the value is not inherited from a template. 7. Click the Assign Area button. 8. Expand UnAssigned, and check the checkbox next to each area that you want to assign.
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9. Click the browse button next to Path for New Personnel, and select the folder where you want to save Personnel objects created from this profile. Although it is not recommended, you can save Personnel objects in Root. If you selected a folder but want to select Root, click in the Path for New Personnel field, and press the Delete key or the Backspace key. Root is then displayed in the field. When you save the profile, you are prompted to confirm that you want to use Root. Click OK to continue. 10. Click OK.

Creating a Profile from an Existing Profile

Use this procedure to create a new profile by editing an existing profile and saving it with a new name: 1. In the Personnel Manager, click the Configure button. If the Personnel Manager is not open, you can double click any Personnel object in Continuum Explorer to open the Personnel Manager. The Configure button is disabled unless a Personnel object is currently displayed in the Personnel Manager. 2. In the Configuration dialog, select the profile that you want to edit. 3. Edit the profile as needed and click Save As. 4. In the New Profile dialog, enter a new profile name and description (optional), and then click OK. 5. Click OK.

Assigning Areas, Schedules, and Clearance Levels to Profiles

Use the following procedures to assign specific areas, schedule points, and clearance levels to a profile. When a new Personnel object is created from the profile, this information is automatically included in the new object. Existing objects are not affected by any changes to this information in the profile used to create the objects. Note: The Configure button is disabled unless a Personnel object is currently displayed in the Personnel Manager. Assigning Areas to Profiles Use this procedure to assign one or more areas to a profile. For example, you may want to assign only the lobby and cafeteria areas to the profile used to create Personnel objects for visitors. 1. In the Personnel Manager, click the Configure button. If the Personnel Manager is not open, you can double click any Personnel object in Continuum Explorer to open the Personnel Manager, and then click the Configure button. 2. In the Configuration dialog, select the profile that you want to edit. 3. Click the Assign Area button.
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4. In the Assign Areas dialog, expand UnAssigned. 5. Check the checkboxes next to the areas that you want to assign. To remove access to an assigned area, clear the checkbox next to the area.

6. Click OK. 7. Click OK to save the profile. Attaching Schedule Points to Profiles Use this procedure to attach a schedule point to a specific area assigned to a profile. Schedule points are associated with schedules that define specific time periods when a person can access that area. For example, you may want to allow contractors into the building through the lobby only between the hours of 8 A.M. and 5 P.M. You can attach only one schedule point to an area. However, you can attach the same schedule point to multiple areas. 1. In the Personnel Manager, click the Configure button. If the Personnel Manager is not open, you can double click any Personnel object in Continuum Explorer to open the Personnel Manager, and then click the Configure button. 2. In the Configuration dialog, select the profile that you want to edit. 3. Click the Assign Area button. 4. In the Assign Areas dialog, expand Assigned. 5. Expand the area to which you want to attach a schedule point. 6. Click the icon next to Add Schedule to display the Add Schedules dialog. If needed, select the browse button next to Schedule Points Location, and locate the folder or container with the schedule point you want to add. 7. Select a schedule point. Select one or more areas where you want to attach this schedule point, and click OK.

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8. Click OK. 9. Click OK to save the profile. Changing an Area Clearance Level in a Profile Use this procedure to assign a clearance level to a specific area in a profile. When a new Personnel object is created from this profile, the clearance level for the area is included in the new object. The predefined value for Clearance Level for all areas is zero, indicating that the value entered for Default Clearance Level in the personnel attributes (shown on the Details tab) is the clearance level used for the area. If you want personnel to have access privileges for a certain area that are more or less restricted than the access provided by the person's default clearance level, you can specify a different clearance level for that area. If the security key attached to the CyberStation workstation is not configured to view condition levels, condition level and clearance level attributes and values are not displayed or configurable in CyberStation. For more information about clearance levels, see Personnel Clearance Levels and Controller Condition Levels earlier in this chapter. 1. In the Personnel Manager, click the Configure button. If the Personnel Manager is not open, you can double click any Personnel object in Continuum Explorer to open the Personnel Manager, and then click the Configure button. The Configure button is disabled unless a Personnel object is currently displayed in the Personnel Manager. 2. In the Configuration dialog, select the profile that you want to edit. 3. Click the Assign Area button. 4. In the Assign Areas dialog, expand Assigned.
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5. Expand the area for which you want to change the clearance level.

6. Click the icon next to Clearance Level. 7. In the Clearance Level dialog, enter a new value, and click OK. 8. Click OK. 9. Click OK to save the profile.

Assigning a Profile to a User

Use this procedure to assign a profile to a specific user. The user sees only the attributes defined in the assigned profile when creating, editing, or viewing Personnel objects. Attributes that are not included in the assigned profile are not visible to the user. 1. In the Personnel Manager, click the Configure button. If the Personnel Manager is not open, you can double click any Personnel object in Continuum Explorer to open the Personnel Manager, and then click the Configure button. The Configure button is disabled unless a Personnel object is currently displayed in the Personnel Manager. 2. In the Configuration dialog, click the Assign Profile to User button. 3. In the User Profiles dialog, select a user from the Users list. Users are listed alphabetically. Click the Users column heading to sort the list in ascending or descending order. 4. Select a profile from the dropdown menu, and click OK. 5. Repeat steps 3 and 4 as needed to assign profiles to other users. 6. Click OK.

Deleting a Personnel Profile

Use this procedure to delete a profile from the Personnel Manager. 1. In the Personnel Manager, click the Configure button.
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If the Personnel Manager is not open, you can double click any Personnel object in Continuum Explorer to open the Personnel Manager, and then click the Configuration button. The Configure button is disabled unless a Personnel object is currently displayed in the Personnel Manager. 2. In the Configuration dialog, select the profile that you want to delete. 3. Click the Delete button. 4. When prompted to confirm deletion, click Yes. 5. Click OK. If the profile you deleted was assigned to any users, assign another profile to the users as described in Assigning a Profile to a User. If you do not assign another profile, the profile selected in the configuration settings is used.

Customizing Personnel Attributes

Use this procedure to edit personnel attributes. You can change the attribute display name, limit the values that can be selected, and create or edit a list of allowable values for an attribute. The changes that you make to the attributes apply to all profiles and Personnel objects that use the attributes. The attributes Info1 through Info6 are user-definable. You can use them to capture personnel data that is specific to your company. For example, you can rename one of these attributes to First Responder with predefined values of Yes and No to identify employees to contact for assistance in emergencies. 1. In the Personnel Manager, click the Configure button. If the Personnel Manager is not open, you can double click any Personnel object in Continuum Explorer to open the Personnel Manager, and then click the Configure button. The Configure button is disabled unless a Personnel object is currently displayed in the Personnel Manager. 2. In the Configuration dialog, click the Customize Attributes button to display the Customize Attributes dialog.

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3. In the Display Name column, edit attribute names as you want them to appear in the Personnel Manager. The Attribute column contains attribute names as they are defined in the CyberStation program. These names are not editable. 4. Check the corresponding Limit Allowable Values checkbox for each attribute whose values you want to limit. If you select this option, users must select a value for the attribute from a dropdown list whose entries you define. Users cannot enter values that are not in the list. For example, you can check the Limit Allowable Values checkbox for Department and then enter a list of the departments in your company. This option is available for attributes whose values are text strings. It is not available for attributes with numeric, date/time, or logical (True/False) values. 5. In the Edit Allowable Values column, click the blue button for the corresponding attribute to open the Edit Allowable Values dialog. Note: If you did not check Limit Allowable Values for the attribute, the dropdown list you create will not be displayed with the attribute when you create or edit a Personnel object using this attribute. 6. Click in the Attribute Values field and enter the value(s) you want in the dropdown list for this attribute.

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When you start typing a value, a new line appears under your value. To add another value, press the Enter key. To delete a value, check the Delete checkbox for that value. The value is deleted when you click OK. The value is not removed from any Personnel objects in which it is currently used. 7. Click OK to save the attribute values. 8. Click OK. 9. Click OK.

Selecting Configuration Settings for the Personnel Manager

Use this procedure to select the following settings for the Personnel Manager: Whether thumbnail images of personnel are displayed with search results The path for the card reader that you can use to read card information and display it in Personnel Manager The default paths for schedule points and new Personnel objects The profile that is used to display Personnel objects if no other profile is assigned to a user If the Personnel Manager is not open, you can double click any Personnel object in Continuum Explorer to open the Personnel Manager, and then click the Configure button. The Configure button is disabled unless a Personnel object is currently displayed in the Personnel Manager. 2. In the Configuration dialog, select the Settings tab.
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1. In the Personnel Manager, click the Configure button.

3. To display thumbnail images of personnel by default with search results, check the Show Thumbnails on startup checkbox. You can also display or hide thumbnail images at any time in the Search Results tab. 4. To select a card reader that you can use to read card information in the Personnel Manager, check the Enrollment Reader checkbox and click the browse button. Select the Door object to which the reader is assigned, and click the Select button. Note: The enrollment reader does not need to be physically connected to a door. However, in CyberStation, you set up all card readers by entering their settings in Door objects. For information about setting up a card reader, see Chapter 18. 5. Click the browse button for Schedule Location. In the Select Schedule Location dialog, select the folder or controller that contains schedule points for determining when personnel can access specific areas, and click the Select button. When you attach schedule points to areas in a profile or Personnel object, you can select a different folder or controller, if needed. 6. Under Default Profile, select the profile that the Personnel Manager uses to display Personnel objects for any users who are not assigned another profile. The default assigned profile is Employee. A personnel profile is a collection of settings that you can use to view existing Personnel objects or to create new objects in the Personnel Manager. The profile determines what personnel data is visible to users. You can assign different profiles to different users as needed to prevent unauthorized access to sensitive personnel data. For more information, see Assigning a Profile to a User. 7. Click OK.

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Personnel Import Utility

This topic provides an overview of the Personnel Import Utility, a table showing the entire step-by-step data importing process, and links to specific functions in this utility configuring and mapping data, previewing data, transforming data, and importing/saving data.

What is the Personnel Import Utility?

In CyberStation, you have likely already used the Personnel Manager (or Personnel Editor) and related editors to create and modify personnel accounts. However, in some cases, you may need to import third-party personnel data outside of an Andover Continuum system. The Personnel Import Utility allows you do so. The Personnel Import Utility bridges the gap between other personnel databases and CyberStation personnel records by allowing you to import and upload personnel data in large amounts from outside the system. The Personnel Import Utility is also a conversion tool, as well as an import tool. It takes the "source" personnel attributes of non-CyberStation personnel records, and (via data filtering and special configuration files) converts them to CyberStation Personnel attributes. Personnel Import Utility is a CyberStation application based on Active Directory. Active Directory is a Microsoft Windows directory service that provides a unified view of complex networks. Active Directory is installed on a Microsoft Windows 2000 or Windows Server 2003 machine, known as the domain controller. CyberStation uses the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) to read and extract Active Directory user information. For more information on Active Directory and LDAP please see: What Is Active Directory? and What Is the LDAP Protocol?. Note: Your IT or system administrator is responsible for learning about and establishing the Microsoft Active Directory service on a domain server. You must have this Microsoft service in order to use the Personnel Import Utility. For more information on setting up Active Directory, please visit web sites such as these: Note: You do not need to install anything on CyberStation to accommodate Active Directory or LDAP; however the Personnel Import Utility is a separately purchased option, enabled via your CyberStation product key. It is launched from the Continuum task icon's popup menu, if you have a license. (See the import process below.) Note: Throughout these topics, references to the Continuum Personnel editor can also mean the Personnel Manager, depending on which one you are using.

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What Can I do with the Personnel Import Utility?

The Personal Import Utility has many powerful features. With this application, you can: Define a folder location into which the transformed CyberStation Personnel objects will be placed. Define an alias name and customize other attributes and constants. Note: An alias has a limit of 16 characters an is usually made up of the following: Any constant + FirstName FirstName + LastName + SSN Add card types. Add site codes. Add personnel templates based on department. Specify a personnel template name to associate with Personnel objects. Add individual areas to a personnel record through a transformation file. Specify the number of records to view to avoid alias conflictions. View the Active Directory information before it is transformed. View the transformed data (the CyberStation Personnel object attributes) before they are imported. Find disabled records. Use Windows Scheduler to define and schedule automatic personnel-record import operations.

Import Process the "Big Picture"

The following procedure presents the major steps you would typically perform to import personnel data using the Personnel Import Utility an overview of the entire process. 1. Launch the Personnel Import Utility. Right click on the Continuum icon in your tool tray, and select Personnel Import Utility from the popup menu. This runs the CyberStation application, PersonnelImportUtlity.exe, and the utility window appears. 2. Identify an Active Directory data source. Specify a new path of the Active Directory domain server. (You do this from the Data Source section of the Configuration tab.) In the Data Source section, you also enter your User Name and Password to gain access to the domain server. (See your IT or system administrator.) 3. Filter the number of personnel records you want to import. If you do not want to import all records, you must filter the records according to the specific criteria, such as record name, department, group, the time created or modified, and so on. (You do this from the Filter Data Source section of the Configuration tab.
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4. Map the Active Directory data source attributes to the Continuum Personnel editor attributes. When you lunch the Personnel Import Utility, attributes are automatically extracted from a configuration file and populated in the mapping window of the Configuration tab. In this mapping window, you can include, exclude, and add new attributes so that they appear or do not appear in the imported Personnel records. For more information on mapping attributes, see Mapping Data Source Attributes to Continuum Personnel Attributes later in this chapter. Note: When you launch the utility for the first time, data are extracted from a default configuration file, PersonnelImportUtility.exe.config. (You can enter your own configuration file name when you save all configuration settings.) For more information, see Step 8 below and the topic Saving a Configuration and Importing Data into CyberStatioin. 5. Edit your transformation file and specify the file name. Use the browse button in the Transformation File Name field on the Configuration tab to search for and edit the XSLT transformation file. When you do this for the first time, you can open the default file, PIUTransformation.xsl, which is located in: Program Files\Continuum or you may select your own XSLT file. The XSLT file, written in xsl tag code, provides additional instructions that define and customize personnel attributes in the transformation of personnel records. For example, in this file it is recommended that you define an Alias name and define (or accept the default for) the location of the folder into which imported personnel records are stored. Using this file, you can also modify mapped attributes, resulting in highly customized records. When finished, save your transformation file either the default file or your own file. If you choose, you can also rename the file and place it another directory. 6. Retrieve and preview your mapped data-source and transformed data attributes. You must look at the data-source and transformed data that is, all the Active Directory source attributes and the CyberStation Personnel attributes. (You do this using the Preview button on the Configuration tab. Source data attributes are displayed in the matrix on the Data Source Data tab. Transformed CyberStation Personnel attributes are displayed in the matrix on the Transformed Data tab.) Filter the number of records you want to preview using the Preview filters on the Configuration tab.

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7. Re-edit and apply transformation file, as needed. If the transformed data in the preview are not to your satisfaction, repeat steps 5 and 6 until the attributes are the way you want them. Excluding the first time, every time you edit your data in the XSLT transformation file, you must click the Apply Transformation button to transform the data. 8. Save your configuration. When you are satisfied with the mapped data on the Data Source Data tab and Transformed Data tab, use the dropdown menu in the Configuration File Name field on the Configuration tab to select a configuration file, and then click the Save Config File button. Note: If you are configuring these settings for the first time, you must enter the name of a configuration file in the Configuration File Name field, so that it is saved to the database. Subsequently, when users create/save additional configuration files, they appear in this dropdown menu. When you perform a save, all the settings on the Configuration tab are saved to the CyberStation database. When you launch the utility again, following a save, these saved settings populate all the sections of the Configuration tab. 9. Import the transformed records. Only when you are satisfied with the entire Personnel Import Utility configuration, click the Import button at the bottom of the Configuration tab. A message box will prompt you to import. Clicking Yes will execute the import operation and place new and/or modified CyberStation Personnel records into the Personnel objects folder that you specified. 10. View the Error Log. After the import process is complete, you can view a CyberStation Error Log. This log is located in: Program Files \ Continuum \ PIUErrors290906161911 (this is PIUErrors + current date and time. Errors are also stored in the ErrorEvent table in the CyberStation database. 11. As an option, schedule automatic imports. As an option, you can use the Windows Scheduler to define and import automatic personnel-record import operations at specific predefined times. (For more information, see Scheduling Automatic Personnel Object Updates.) The following is a flow chart that diagrams this entire process. Use this chart as a quick reference to the import process procedure.

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Configuration Tab - Personnel Import Utility

The Configuration tab is the first tab that appears when you open the Personnel Import Utility. From this tab, you perform all operations, including: Filtering the records you want to import by different categories (name, department, group, or time) Previewing the data being imported, as well as the source data Creating and saving multiple configurations Locating disabled personnel Mapping data source attributes to CyberStation personnel attributes Viewing the total number of filtered records and the total number of records that have successfully been imported

Transforming the data using the XSLT file (use the default or modify your own) to add or customize personnel attributes. The following table describes the attributes on the Configuration tab. Data Source Attributes

Attribute Server Name

Description The path of the Active Directory domain server, where the source personnel data to be imported resides. The default server name is LDAP://testDC=test,DC=com. The test next to // is the server name. The test in DC=test is the domain name.

User Name Password

Name of the user who can access the data source data on the Active Directory. The password that allows you to connect to the Active Directory domain server. Note: You will not be able to view or import your data unless you have entered a valid user name and password. See you system or IT administrator.

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Filter Data source Attributes

Attribute All Records Filtered Records

Description Select this radio button to get all the data source personnel records from the Active Directory domain server. Select this radio button when you want to filter the data and get records based on record name, department, group, disabled records, and/or time. Check this checkbox, then select Starts With from the dropdown menu to find all the users that start(s) with a letter(s). In Active Directory, a name is stored Firstname Lastname. For example, to find Tom Hanks, type T or To or Tom. This option is only enabled with Filtered Records is checked. This is not case sensitive.

By Record Name (Starts With)

By Record Name (Is Exactly)

Check this checkbox, then select Is Exactly from the dropdown menu to find a user by typing her/her exact name. Exact name is firstname space Lastname. This is not case sensitive. This option is only enabled with Filtered Records is checked.

By Department
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Check this checkbox and enter a department name to get all


Description the users under that specific department. This option is only enabled when Filtered Records is checked.

By Group

Check this checkbox and select a group from the dropdown menu to get all the users under that specific group. Group names are provided from the Active Directory data source. This option is only enabled when Filtered Records is checked. To access the dropdown menu, you must first click in the field. Check this checkbox to get all the users created or modified during that specific time period. This option is only enabled when Filtered Records is checked. Select this radio button to get all the users created during the time interval you supply, or by using a filter such as Last Hour, Last Week, Last Year, Last Month, or Last Run. This selection works with the Time Filter dialog. See Time Filter below. This option is only enabled when Filtered Records is checked. The Last Run time is not updated until an import operation occurs. It is only for an existing configuration. Last Run is used for 2 cases: It gets the value when the last import occurred with that configuration and the current time you are executing for the existing configurations. It searches within the time frame.

By Time



For new configuration or applications running without a configuration file, it takes the Start and End times as the current time and you will not see any records. Select this radio button to get all the user modified during the time interval you supply, or by using a filter such as Last Hour, Last Week, Last Year, Last Month, or Last Run. This selection works with the Time Filter dialog. See Time Filter below. This option is only enabled when Filtered Records is checked. The Last Run time is not updated until an import operation occurs. It is only for an existing configuration. Last Run is used for 2 cases: It gets the value when the last import occurred with that configuration and the current time you are executing for the existing configurations. It searches within the time frame. For new configuration or applications running without a configuration file, it takes the Start and End times as the
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Attribute Time Filter

Description current time and you will not see any records. After selecting Created or Modified, click this button to launch the Time Filter dialog and choose the time period in which personnel records were created or modified. Records are retrieved strictly during the time you set. All times are adjusted to UTC.

Attribute Filter

Description Select this radio button to select a time filter (such as Last Hour) from the corresponding dropdown menu. Select this radio button to select a Start time and an End time from the corresponding dropdown calendars.

Time Interval

Disabled Records

Check this checkbox to exclude all enabled users in the data. This option is only enabled when Filtered Records is checked.

Preview Attributes

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Attribute All Some

Description Select this radio button to preview all records to be imported. Select this radio button to preview only some of the users being imported. The default number is 100. Accept this number or enter your own number is the field provided. Click this button to see the results on the Data Source Data tab and, after the transformation is over, in the Transformed Data tab. For more information on how to preview your data, see Previewing Data later in this chapter.


Other Attributes Attribute Total Number of Filtered Records Total Number of Imported Records Transformation File Name Description This field shows how many records are to be imported based on your filter settings. This field shows how many records have been imported after the import process is complete or after you click the Cancel button when an import operation is in progress. This displays the path of the user-defined XSLT file after you have used the browse button to search for and select the file. This special file allows you to add and customize attributes for the imported CyberStation personnel records. When you do this for the first time, you can open the default file, PIUTransformation.xsl, which is located in: Program Files \ Continuum or open and edit your own file. For more information on transforming your data and using the XSLT file, see Transforming Data Using the XSLT File later in this chapter. Apply Transformation Click this button to apply the changes in the XSLT file and see the transformed data. For more information, see Transforming Data Using the XSLT File and the Transformed Data tab. This is the configuration file (residing in the CyberStation database) that contains all the saved settings of all sections of the Configuration tab. For the first time, enter a name in this field; otherwise, use the dropdown menu to select one of the existing files in the database. For more information, see Saving a Configuration and Importing Data into CyberStation. Note: If you click this button without entering anything in
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Configuration File Name


Description the field, the Save Configuration dialog appears, asking you to specify a name for the configuration file.

Map Data Source Attributes to Continuum Attributes

In this window you see all the mapped data source attributes (Active Directory) and their corresponding CyberStation personnel record attributes. Mapping data source attributes to CyberStation attributes allows you to pick and choose attributes to be transformed. The information that populates this window is extracted from the default configuration file. For more information on manipulating attributes or adding more attributes, see Mapping Data Source Attributes to CyberStation Personnel Attributes. Click this button to import your personnel records in CyberStation, only when the configuration is filled out to your satisfaction. This is the last step to importing personnel. For more information on how to import your data, see Saving a Configuration and Importing Data into CyberStation. Click the button to cancel the operation at any time during the import/preview process. Click this button to launch the Continuum help.


Cancel Help

Mapping Data Source Attributes to CyberStation Personnel Attributes

When you launch the Personnel Import Utility, it automatically extracts the attributes from the default configuration file and populates them on the Configuration tab in the window entitled Map Data Source Attributes to Continuum Personnel Attributes. Active Directory source attributes appear beneath the Data Source Attribute column, while their CyberStation Personnel object counterparts appear in the Continuum Personnel Attribute column. Note: If you are doing this for the first time, data are extracted from a default configuration file supplied with CyberStation. You must subsequently specify the name of a configuration file (or select the name of an existing one) when you save it. This mapping window allows you to choose which attributes you want to include or exclude in your transformed personnel records. To include an attribute, check the box in the Include column, in the row containing the attribute you want to include. To exclude an attribute, either leave the checkbox blank or, if the box is already checked, remove the check from the box.

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For example, if you want to include a person's name, but not his/her office telephone number, check these boxes: givenname /First Name sn / Last Name but do not check this box: telephonenumber / Office Phone In this mapping window, you may also use the dropdown menu (embedded in entries within the Continuum Personnel Attribute column) to select another attribute to correspond with (or "map to") the data-source attribute. You do not need to accept the default mapping. Attributes in the dropdown menu represent those in CyberStation Personnel objects.

You can further customize and add attributes by editing the XSLT file. For more information, please see Transforming Data Using the XSLT File. There are some rules to keep in mind when youre mapping data source attributes to CyberStation personnel attributes:
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A single Active Directory attribute should not be mapped to more than one CyberStation attribute. A single CyberStation attribute should not be mapped to more than one Active Directory attribute. A single CyberStation attribute should be populated either by mapping an Active Directory attribute or by specifying the attribute name as an XSLT tag, but not both. CyberStation attributes that are mapped to Active Directory attributes must also appear in the XSLT file's "copy-of select" list. (See sample XSLT file section for more information.) The XSLT file should reference CyberStation attributes and not reference any Active Directory attributes. When specifying CyberStation attribute names in the XSLT file, be aware that CyberStation attribute names are case-sensitive (refer to table of Continuum attribute names for correct spelling).

Through the use of XSLT tags, it is possible to set the value of one CyberStation attribute to the value of a different CyberStation attribute. Attribute-mapping changes you make on the Configuration tab are saved with the configuration file. The following table is a sample listing of data-source (Active Directory) attributes with their corresponding CyberStation Personnel object attributes. These are extracted from the configuration file, but do not represent all the data-source attributes that reside on the Active Directory domain server. Note: When the Active Directory server is also a Microsoft Exchange Server, Active Directory stores 16 additional "extended" attributes that can map to Continuum Personnel attributes.

Previewing Data
Before importing transformed personnel records, you must preview your data via the Preview button, located on the Configuration tab. When previewing data, you can either preview all personnel by selecting the All radio button, or specify how many personnel records to preview by selecting Some. When Some is selected, the default number (100) is automatically filled in; however, you can enter another number. Clicking the Preview button displays the data on the Data Source Data tab and Transformed Data tab. It is important to view your data first because you want to make sure everything is mapped correctly before you import all the data. You should pay particular attention to the Alias attribute, since this attribute is the primary key to the CyberStation Personnel creation mechanism. You should verify that all aliases are unique and contain a value consistent with CyberStation naming conventions. Aliases need to be a maximum of 16 characters. The first character cannot be numeric, and the remaining characters are alpha, numeric, or one of "." or "_". The Personnel Import Utility will strip invalid characters and use the left-most sixteen characters when creating an alias. Records with empty Alias values will not be created.

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If the aliases are not unique, subsequent records will be updated, rather than created. If the personnel information is incorrect or you want to change something, you can go back to the Configuration tab, change it, then preview it again. You should always preview your data before importing it. If you make more changes, you must click the Apply Transformation button again in order to display the changes. Personnel Import Utility will not make the changes automatically.

Data Source Data Tab Personnel Import Utility

When you click the Preview button on the Configuration tab, personnel information from the data source is displayed on the Data Source Data tab and the Transformed Data tab. The Data Source Data tab contains a table showing the raw data taken directly from the Active Directory domain server. These are the data source attributes.

Notice that these attributes are not the CyberStation attributes that you selected in the Map Data Source Attributes to CyberStation Attributes window on the Configuration tab. See Mapping Data Source Attributes to CyberStation Personnel Attributes. In order to see the CyberStation attributes that you mapped on the Configuration tab, look at the Transformed Data tab.
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Transforming Data Using the XSLT File

The XSLT file is a special user-defined file containing information that allows you to transform data-source attributes into CyberStation personnel record attributes. It is recommended that this file, written in xsl tag language, define an Alias name. This file must define the folder location where the transformed imported CyberStation Personnel objects will reside. You can also use this file as a powerful data transformation tool, because you can add new attributes, as well as customize the existing attributes, so that they appear in the transformed Personnel records precisely the way you want them. On the Configuration tab, using the browse button in the Transformation File Name field, search for and select your XSLT file. When you do this for the first time, you can specify the default file that CyberStation provides PIUTransformation.xsl, which is located in: Program Files\Continuum or open and edit your own file. Each time the file is changed, you must either apply the settings by clicking the Apply Transformation button, or preview your data again by clicking the Preview button. To view the updates, select the Transformed Data tab. Note: You must preview your data at least once before clicking the Apply Transformation button. Although the Apply Transformation button will be enabled before you preview, an error message will inform you that you must preview your data first. You can change this XSLT file using Notepad or other open-source tools, such as XRAY ( or Cook Top ( Uses of the XSLT File You must use the XSLT file to: Define an owner folder location into which imported personnel records are placed (as Continuum Personnel objects). Add Area links (can be added only from the XSLT file)

Have the attribute "State" in the "copy-of-select" list You can also use this file to: Define the Alias name, which is used later to find that person in the database. You shouldn't change this every time; it is a one-time process. Modify and customize attributes, as needed. Add attributes like Site Code, Card Name, and so on that may not be included in mapping, to supplement user information that comes from Active Directory.

Convert the state names into two-character State abbreviations. Refer to Mapping Data Source Attributes to CyberStation Personnel Attributes for a list of rules to keep in mind while mapping data source attributes to CyberStation personnel attributes.
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Transformed Data Tab Personnel Import Utility

When you click the Preview button on the Configuration tab, personnel information from the data source (Active Directory) is displayed on the Data Source Data tab. Likewise, the Transformed Data tab displays a table containing personnel attributes that will appear in the transformed CyberStation personnel records. Note: If you specify another XSLT file, simply selecting a new file is not enough to transform the data; it does not transform automatically. You must click either the Apple Transformation button or Preview button again.

The transformed data that appears on this tab represents the way you have: Mapped data source attributes to CyberStation personnel attributes. Filtered the records.

Modified and customized your XSLT transformation file. There are two important things to look for while viewing this tab: Each alias must be unique. If the aliases are not unique, subsequent records will be updated with that record and a new record will not be created. (See Saving a Configuration and Importing Data into CyberStation.) To verify this, when previewing your data, make sure that every alias name under the "Alias" column is unique before importing.
Andover Continuum CyberStation Configurators Guide 525

Each person under the Owner Folder column must be assigned to a location. This attribute defines the folder where the record will reside in Continuum Explorer (for example, Root\Floor 1, Root\Lobby, and so on). Remember, if you change the XSLT transformation file, you must click Apply Transformation or the Preview button to update the information on this tab.

Saving a Configuration and Importing Data into CyberStation

On the Configuration tab, after you have configured everything to your satisfaction, you can save all your configuration settings in a configuration file. For the first time, enter a name in the Configuration File Name field; otherwise, use the dropdown menu to select one of the existing files in the database. As users save configuration files, and the files accumulate in the database, the names of these files appear in the dropdown menu. Note: When you enter the name of a configuration file no file extension is required or select one from the menu and click the Save Config File button, you receive the following message: Do you want to read the Configuration of the Personnel
Import Utility from the selected Configuration file?

Click Yes. If you do not enter/select a filename, and click the Save Config File button, the Save Configuration dialog appears, asking you to enter a name in the field provided. Enter a name, and click OK. When you save a configuration, all settings on the Configuration tab are saved the filtered data, server name, transformation file name, mapped attributes, and so on. (Remember, saving a configuration file does not save the information to the XSLT file only to the configuration file.)

Importing Personnel Records into CyberStation

After clicking the Preview button, and only after being completely sure your data is correct, you should import your data into the CyberStation database as Personnel objects. To import data, click the Import button. When you click this button, a message box appears asking "Do you want to Import data into Continuum?" Click Yes. A message window appears, showing the import progress specifically, how many personnel records have been imported and how many there are left to import. To stop this import process at any time, click the Cancel button. Canceling the import only stops the process from importing more records. The records that have already been imported are not erased from the database. For example, if you start to import 100 records, and click the Cancel button halfway through, only the first 50 are imported. On the Configuration tab, you are able to see the Total Number of Filtered Records (showing how many records to be imported based on your filter settings) and the Total
526 TAC

Number of Imported Records (showing how many records have been imported during and after the import process). Note: User accounts that are disabled in Active Directory will be disabled in CyberStation.

Error Logs and Activity Logs

After the import process completes, you can view a CyberStation Error Log. This log is located in: Program Files\Continuum\PIUErrors290906161911.txt (this is PIUErrors + current date and time) Errors are also stored in the Error Event table in the CyberStation database.

This lists the reasons why a record could not be imported. For example: You were unable to connect to the server. A duplicate alias was found. Incorrect user name and/or password was provided.

An attribute was mapped incorrectly. (The log tells you the incorrect attribute.) Along with the Error Log, the CyberStation Activity Log (Activity Event table in the CyberStation database) automatically tracks all user activities and logs all Personnel Import Utility activities.
Andover Continuum CyberStation Configurators Guide 527

Some Activity Log information that could appear are: Personnel Import Utility started. Personnel Import Utility search started. Personnel Import Utility search ended. Personnel Import Utility Import into Continuum started. Personnel Import Utility Import into Continuum ended. Personnel Import Utility ended.

528 TAC

Managing Personnel Distribution


When personnel are assigned to areas and doors, their information is sent to the controller hardware, where the doors are located. The act of sending this information is called distribution. Several things can get in the way of a clean distribution: The controller may be offline for some reason. The network may be down. There may be an error on the network during the distribution.

The telephone line connecting a remote site to the main controller may be busy. In all these cases, the distribution of a personnel object may not make it down to the proper controller immediately. Eventually, the distribution will go through, unless the memory capacity of the controller is exceeded. However, in the meantime, key personnel may not be able to obtain entrance to the area.

Access Distribution View

In CyberStation, you may open a new Continuum application, the Access Distribution View, to display all distribution tasks (also known as distribution-event transactions) and determine their current status that is, whether they have succeeded, failed, or are in process. The Access Distribution View is similar to the Active Alarm View and Active Event View. Instead of active alarms and active events, the Access Distribution View lists active personnel-distribution tasks. The Access Distribution View is a powerful application. If necessary, you may immediately distribute a single personnel record, in any pending distribution transaction, to its proper controller. This is useful in urgent situations, when a personnel record must be sent to the controller but for some reason, such as those listed above, distribution is not happening.
Andover Continuum CyberStation Configurators Guide 529

You may also designate multiple workstations to act as distribution servers. By having more than one workstation perform a distribution, there is less dependency on a single PC. The workstations work together to assure that they do not perform multiple distributions of the same personnel object. The Access Distribution View displays the workstation that is currently distributing or handling the distribution of any personnel object. Distribution is enabled for every workstation, by default. To disable a workstation's ability to distribute records to controllers, set preference 19 (Enable personnel distribution to controllers on the LAN) and/or 20 (Enable personnel distribution to RAS networks) to FALSE on the Preferences tab of the Device editor for any workstation that should not be a distributing workstation. (See Chapter 14 for a description of the settings on the Device editors Preferences tab.) Using Continuums General Preferences dialog, you may also set the number of concurrent personnel distributions sent to controllers on each field bus network, as well as set a time interval between these fieldbus distributions. This is done via General Preference settings 12 and 13, as follows: Setting 12: Number of Concurrent Fieldbus Personnel Distributions This setting is the number of concurrent personnel distributions that are sent from each workstation to controllers on each field bus network. The default (and minimum) value is 1. Maximum value is 4. This setting, which works in conjunction with setting 13, improves performance by preventing or large numbers of personnel records from flooding field bus controllers.

Time Interval Between Fieldbus Personnel Distributions This General Preference setting is the amount of time (in milliseconds) that CyberStation waits before it sends another personnel distribution to controllers on the same fieldbus network. The default value is 30. Minimum value is 0. Maximum value is 15000 (15 seconds). This setting, which works in conjunction with setting 12, improves performance by preventing large numbers of records from flooding field bus controllers. It is also useful when there are many workstations performing access distribution. (That is, set it higher if there are many workstations.) For more information on General Preferences, see the Continuum online help and Chapter 13.

530 TAC

Launching and Populating the Access Distribution View

To launch and populate the Access Distribution View, please follow this procedure. 1. Double click the Distribution server icon located in your tool tray. The Distribution Properties dialog appears. Note: For more information on the Distribution server, please see Chapter 2 or the Continuum online help. 2. Click the Access Distribution View button. The Access Distribution View Summary appears. The summary view, which appears initially by default, displays the total number of transactions for each destination network, controller, door, or area based on the status of each transaction. That is, the summary view's columns display total numbers of each transaction, according to status total failed, total successful, total in process, and so on. (See Using Columns in Access Distribution View, later in this chapter.) Here is an example of the summary view:

If you wish to switch from summary view to full view (where individual transactions are listed, instead of totals) go to step 3, and apply a filter. Note: In order to use the Distribute Now function, you must switch to full view and apply a filter. 3. Switch from summary view to full view. Select Edit filters from the Filters dropdown menu. The Filter dialog appears. 4. In the Filter dialog, remove the check from the Summary view checkbox, and apply a filter. (See Filtering Distribution Events in Access Distribution View, next.) Note: In summary view, Filter dialog attributes are not selectable, except two destinations, Network and Controller. 5. Click OK. The full Access Distribution View appears. 6. Select Refresh from the View menu, or click the refresh button icon in the toolbar. Note: Access Distribution View remembers your filter settings and launches in full view at your next session.

Andover Continuum CyberStation Configurators Guide 531

Filtering Distribution Events in Access Distribution View

From the Filters dropdown menu, select Edit Filters. Via the Filter dialog, you may select certain criteria based on destination, personnel, and status, to display specific types of distribution-event transactions in the Access Distribution View. For example, you may choose to see transactions for one person, for one area, for one controller, for failed transactions, and so on. Filtering the list greatly narrows your search for anomalies. Note: When you launch the Access Distribution View initially, the Access Distribution View Summary appears. To switch from summary view to full view, remove the check from the Summary view checkbox at the top of the Filter dialog. The summary view lists the total number of transactions for each destination, based on the status of each transaction. The full view lists the actual, individual transactions, instead of totals. You must apply a filter in order to use the Distribute Now feature. (See Launching and Populating the Access Distribution View, earlier in this chapter.)

Access Distribution View remembers your filter settings. Therefore, these settings are applied in the full view in your next session. The Filter dialog has three general types of filters: Destination Personnel Status Destination Filter Filter Network Description Select the Network radio button, and click the browse button in the Network field, to search for and select a Network object. This displays only the transactions occurring in the selected network. From the Browse dialog, use the dropdown menu in the Objects of type field to select Network. No other object class is selectable. Highlight the network you want, and its name appears in the Object name field. Click the Select button to select that network and dismiss the Browse dialog. The Network object name appears in the Network field. As an option, you can apply an area to the selected network. (See Area, below.)

532 TAC


Select the Controller radio button, and click the browse button in the Controller field, to search for and select an InfinityController or InfinityInfinetCtlr object. This displays only the transactions that are controlled by the selected controller. From the Browse dialog, use the dropdown menu in the Objects of type field to select InfinityController to make just Infinity controllers selectable, select InfinityInfinetCtlr to make only Infinet controllers selectable, or select All classes to make them both selectable. Highlight the controller you want, and its name appears in the Object name field. Click the Select button to select that controller and dismiss the Browse dialog. The controller object name appears in the Controller field. As an option, you can apply an area to the selected controller. (See Area, below.)


Select the Door radio button, and click the browse button in the Door field, to search for and select a Door object. This displays only the transactions occurring at the selected door. From the Browse dialog, use the dropdown menu in the Objects of type field to select Door. No other object class is selectable. Highlight the door you want, and its name appears in the Object name field. Click the Select button to select that door and dismiss the Browse dialog. The Door object name appears in the Door field. As an option, you can apply an area to the selected door. (See Area, below.)

Note: You may deselect any and all radio buttons in the Destination filter section. You need not select any Destination radio button. Area Check the Area checkbox, and click the browse button in the Area field, to search for and select an Area object. This displays only the transactions that are happening in the selected area. Note: You may select an area as a sole destination, or you may select a network, controller, or door, and then select an area with which to associate it. In the Browse dialog, use the dropdown menu in the Objects of type to select Area. No other object class is selectable. Highlight the area you want, and its name appears in the Object name field. Click the Select button to select that area and dismiss the Browse dialog. The Area object name appears in the Area field. Personnel Filter Filter No Personnel Filter Description Select this radio button when you do not want to apply any personnel filter, thereby allowing any personnel record to appear in the list of transactions.
Andover Continuum CyberStation Configurators Guide 533

Browse for Personnel

Select this radio button, and click the browse button in this field, to search for one personnel record that you wish to appear in the list of transactions. This path of this person's personnel record object appears in this field. Select this radio button when you want to apply a filter, rather than specifying a personnel record. You may apply a filter according to: First Name, Last Name, Department, and Card Number, described below. Check the First Name checkbox, and enter the first name in the field. Select the Exact match radio button, and enter a complete first name, if you want to display transactions for all persons who have this first name. Select the Starts with radio button, and enter a string of characters, if you want to list transactions for all persons whose first names begin with these characters. For example, if you enter KE, the filter finds matches with persons named Kenneth, Kendra, Kelly, Kevin, and so on. Click OK to apply the filter.

Use filters below

First Name

Last Name

Check the Last Name checkbox, and enter the last name in the field. Select the Exact match radio button, and enter a complete last name, if you want to display transactions for all persons who have this last name. Select the Starts with radio button, and enter a string of characters, if you want to list transactions for all persons whose last names begin with these characters. For example, if you enter SIMON, the filter finds matches with persons with last names such as Simon, Simone, Simonson, Simonetti, and so on. Click OK to apply the filter.


Check the Department checkbox, and enter the department name in the field. Select the Exact match radio button, and enter a complete department name, if you want to display transactions for all persons in this department. Select the Starts with radio button, and enter a string of characters, if you want to list transactions for all persons whose department names begin with these characters. Click OK to apply the filter.

Card Number

Check the Card Number checkbox, and enter the card number in the field, to display transactions for the person who holds this card number. Click OK to apply the filter.

534 TAC

Status Filter Filter Success Failed In Process Available Controller out of service Description Check this checkbox to display successful transactions. Check this checkbox to display failed transactions. Check this checkbox to display transactions that are locked by a workstation. Check this checkbox to display transactions that are waiting to be processed. Check this checkbox to display transactions that are ignored because the controller is out of service.

Note: For each transaction listed in the Access Distribution View, the Status column displays an icon that indicates one of these status conditions. For a description of these icons, please see Using Columns in the Access Distribution View, next.

Using Columns in the Access Distribution View

Like the Active Alarm View and Active Event View, the Access Distribution View lists its information across many columns. As with the other views, you may add and hide these columns in the Access Distribution View. You may also rename, resize, move, and change the sort order of columns. Note: You cannot add/hide columns in the summary view. Use the following procedure to add or hide a full-view column. 1. In the full view, select Add/Remove Columns from the View menu. The Add/Hide Columns dialog appears, showing you all the columns that are available in the Access Distribution View. 2. Check the column's checkbox to show this column in the view. Remove the check to hide the column. 3. Click OK in the Add/Remove Columns dialog to apply the change and add/hide the column. Note: You may also right click a column heading and select Add or Hide from the popup menu. When you select Add, the Add/Hide Columns dialog appears. In this case, go to step 2. When you select Hide, the column over which you have right-clicked is immediately removed from the view. For information on how to rename, resize, move, and change the sort order of columns, please see Organizing Information in Chapter 10, Configuring Alarms, and apply that information to the Access Distribution View window. See also: Changing Alarm Sort Order in Chapter 10. In the Continuum online help, please see the following topics: Organizing Information in the Active Alarm View, as well as Changing the Sort Order, Understanding Sort Order, and Sorting in Ascending or Descending Order.
Andover Continuum CyberStation Configurators Guide 535

Full View Columns

The following table describes the information that appears in the columns of the full Access Distribution View. Here is an example of the full view:

536 TAC

Column Status

Description Shows the current status of the distribution-event transaction. Status conditions that appear in this column (along with their status icons) can be one of the following: Status and Status Icon Description The transaction has completed successfully. Success Transactions can be personnel downloads, personnel deletes, or special transactions that set the controller out of "NoDatabase" mode after a reload. The last attempt to process the transaction has failed. Transactions are degraded based on the number of consecutive failures, following a number of retries. This means transactions that continue to fail are retried less often. This is done by setting the Next Retry. A workstation has "locked" the transaction and is processing it. The lock expires after a certain amount of time if the workstation has not unlocked the transaction. (The default is 5 minutes.) Workstations do not process transactions that are locked by other workstations. The transaction needs to be processed. Available This is the result of personnel modifications, controller reloads, door/area additions, and so on. The transaction is ignored because the controller is out of service.


In Process

Controller out of service Destination Area Department Door

Displays the path of the controller to which the information is being distributed. Displays the path of the area to which the person has access. Displays the department of the person. Displays the path of the door through which access is being attempted.
Andover Continuum CyberStation Configurators Guide 537

Column Personnel Card Number Card Type

Description Displays the name of the person whose personnel record is involved in the distribution transaction. Displays the card number of the person. Displays the type of card that was specified (via the Personnel editor when the personnel record object was established) for the person. Displays the site code that is encoded on the card belonging to the person. Displays the text of the system error occurring in the most recent (or current) transaction. If the most recent transaction is a success, then the word "Success" appears. Displays the date and time of the next attempt to process the transaction. Each time a transaction fails, the failure count is incremented. The "next retry" time is based on the number of failures. The transaction is tried less and less frequently as this number of failures increases. For example, the Next Retry time is 10 minutes from the current time for the first failure, 20 minutes for the second failure, 40 minutes for the third failure, 80 minutes for the fourth failure, and so on. This ensures that reoccurring unsuccessful transactions do not have a negative impact on the system.

Site Code Last Error

Next Retry


Displays either Low or High for the transaction. A Low priority denotes the "normal" operation of the distribution process. In an emergency situation (for example, when someone is waiting to get into a building) an administrator may click the Distribute Now button to elevate the priority to High. This does not necessarily distribute immediately, but high-priority transactions are processed before low-priority transactions. This is useful when a large distribution is occurring.

Transaction Type

Displays the current type of transaction, which can be one of the following: Update Indicates that a new or modified personnel record is being downloaded to the controller. See the status of this download transaction in the Status column. Delete Indicates that a personnel record is being deleted from the controller. See the status of this delete transaction in the Status column. AccessModeNormal Indicates that the controller has just completed the reload of its database, and personnel records

538 TAC


Description are being re-distributed to the controller, after its reload, to repopulate personnel in the controller. The transaction is responsible for setting the SystemStatus variable back to Normal. Displays an integer indicating the number of failed distribution attempts, including "retries." Displays the workstation that is currently processing or "handling" the transaction, regardless of the status. If the locking workstation goes down, the lock on the transaction expires, allowing another workstation to process the transaction.

Number of Failures Locking Workstation

Summary View Columns

The summary view displays the total number of access-event transactions (an integer) for each destination network, controller, door, or area, based on the status of each transaction. Summary view columns are: Destination Total Failed Total Available Total In Process Total Successful Total Out of Service

Andover Continuum CyberStation Configurators Guide 539

Using Toolbar Buttons in Access Distribution View

The following table describes the toolbar button icons in the Access Distribution View. Button Description Opens the Pending Access Distribution dialog, which allows immediate distribution. This resolves a person's attempt to access an area. (See Distributing Personnel Immediately Distribute Now, next.) Refreshes the list so that information is up-to-date. (You may also select Refresh from the View menu.) Enables the column sort function. (You may also select Sort from the View menu.) The sort function works like the sort function in the Active Alarm View and the Active Event View. (Please see Using Columns in the Access Distribution View, earlier in this chapter.) Opens the online help system. (You may also select Contents from the Help menu.) Displays the next "page" in the view, when the list of transactions is longer than the length of the window. Note: The page status line at the bottom of the view (Page x of x) tells you what "page" you are currently viewing in a long list. Click the inner right-arrow button to move to the next page. Click the rightmost button to view the last page. Likewise, click the inner leftarrow button to view the previous page and the leftmost button to view the first page.

Distribute Now

Refresh Sort


Right-arrow and left-arrow buttons

Note: You may move the Distribute Now, Refresh, Sort, and Help buttons as one toolbar. Click and hold the left edge of the Distribute Now button, and drag the toolbar to the desired location. Click and drag the arrow buttons as one toolbar in the same way.

Distributing Personnel Immediately Distribute Now

For any pending distribution-event transaction listed in the Access Distribution View, you may immediately distribute a personnel record (representing the person who has access an area) to a controller on the local area network (LAN) and/or a remote access services (RAS) network. Note: Distribution is enabled for every workstation by default. To disable a workstation's ability to distribute records to controllers, set preference 19 and/or 20 to FALSE on the Preferences tab of the Device editor for any workstation that should not be a
540 TAC

distributing workstation. (See Chapter 14 for a description of the settings on the Device editors Preferences tab.) Note: You cannot use this Distribute Now feature while in the summary view. To distribute personnel using Distribute Now, follow this procedure. 1. In the full Access Distribution View, highlight the pending transaction. in the toolbar, or double click any transaction 2. Click the Distribute Now button listed in the view. The Pending Access Distribution dialog appears. For example:

Note: The Distribute Now button is enabled in the toolbar only when both the personnel and controller object IDs are present. Both are needed to perform the distribution. 3. In the Pending Access Distribution dialog, make sure the person that appears in the Personnel field is the one that you wish to distribute to the controller that appears in the Controller field. If this is not the right person or controller, click Cancel to dismiss this dialog. Make sure information in the Door and Area fields is also correct. 4. If this is the right person and controller, click the Distribute Now button. The personnel record is immediately distributed to the controller. 5. In the Access Distribution View, select Refresh from the View menu (or click the refresh button) to refresh the information in the window. In the Status column, the status icon of this event is changed.

Andover Continuum CyberStation Configurators Guide 541

542 TAC

Managing Configuration Files



Continuum's file management system offers a powerful suite of features that manage configuration information for BACnet devices. You can automatically back up configuration information from the BACnet device to your database, as well as automatically restore it from the database to the device. The configuration information resides in a special configuration file, which is stored as an object the BACnet class object, File. You can also archive it locally in a text file (ASCII dump .dmp file.)

Backup Capabilities
Specifically, file management backup features allow you to: Back up the configuration information (stored in a special File object called ACCConfiguration in Andover Continuum) for a single BACnet controller and save it to your Continuum database. Back up configuration information for multiple controllers (also stored in ACCConfiguration files, each in its respective controller) and save the information for multiple controllers to your Continuum database. Back up configuration information from the database and archive it to a text (ASCII dump) file. Simultaneously back up a controller's configuration information to the database and copy (archive) it to a text (ASCII dump) file.

Note: You perform these operations via either the right-click container popup menu in Continuum Explorer's navigation pane or the Backup/Restore tab in the Device editor for that controller. For detailed information on backup operations, please see Backing Up a Device's Configuration and the Device editor's Backup/Restore tab, Chapter 14.
Andover Continuum CyberStation Configurators Guide 543

Restore Capabilities
Specifically file management restore features allow you to: Restore configuration information from your database to a single BACnet controller. Restore configuration information from your database to multiple controllers. Restore the archived configuration information (contained in the text ASCII-dump file) to your database. Simultaneously restore the archived configuration information (contained in the text ASCII-dump .dmp file) to your database and to the controller.

Note: You perform these operations via either the right-click container popup menu in Continuum Explorer's navigation pane or the Backup/Restore tab in the Device editor for that controller. For detailed information on restore operations, please see Restoring a Device's Configuration and the Device editor's Backup/Restore tab, Chapter 14.

The File Object

When a backup operation (or send-to-database operation) is performed for a BACnet device, a File object (a BACnet class object) is created. This object, which is stored in the File object class folder residing in its respective BACnet controller. It contains configuration information for objects residing on the controller. Note: The number and names of these files and file names are determined by individual BACnet devices (Andover Continuum vs. third-party). On Andover Continuum devices, the name of this file is ACCConfiguration. Because the BACnet File object is implemented in Continuum, this object has an object editor consisting of two tabs: General and SecurityLevel. The General tab displays information about the file properties of the ACCConfiguration file.

General Tab
The File editor's General tab displays information about the file properties of the ACCConfiguration file. Note: The General tab is read-only. You cannot change the values in its fields. The following table describes the read-only attributes of the General tab. For more information on these attributes, see the File object type section in the BACnet Standard. Editor Attribute Description Meaning This field is typically blank. However, if some third-party BACnet devices support the Description property for the File object, then the content of the description appears in this field. Displays the date/time that the configuration file was last modified. Displays the class object type, File.

Last Changed Type

544 TAC

Editor Attribute Size Access Method Record Count Archive Read Only

Meaning Displays the size of the file. The size changes whenever the file is modified. Displays either Stream_Access or Record_Access. Displays the size of the file in records. This is displayed only when AccessMethod is Record_Access. This box is checked if this is an archive file in the device. This box is checked by default.

Backing Up a Devices Configuration

File-management backup operations, listed below, are performed via the container popup menu in Continuum Explorer's navigation pane and/or via the Backup/Restore tab in the Device editor for that controller: Back up configuration information (stored in a special File object called ACCConfiguration) for a single BACnet controller and save it to your Continuum database. (See the procedures below.) Back up configuration information for multiple controllers (also stored in ACCConfiguration files, each in its respective controller) and save the information for multiple controllers to your Continuum database. (See the procedures below.) Back up configuration information from the database and archive it to a text (ASCII dump) file. (See Backup/Restore tab of the Device editor, Chapter 14.) Simultaneously back up a controller's configuration information to the database and copy (archive) it to a text (ASCII dump) file. (See Backup/Restore tab of the Device editor, Chapter 14.)

Note: Backup/restore operations are not supported in the context menu if the device does not support the BACnet property, AutomaticReadFile. Backup/restore operations are not supported on the Backup/Restore tab of Device editor if the device does not support the BACnet property BackupFailureTimeout.

Backing up a single device To back up a configuration for a single device, perform the following procedure: 1. On the BACnet side of Continuum Explorer's navigational pane, locate the controller whose configuration information you want to back up. 2. Right click over the device, and from the popup menu select Backup BACnet Device. For Andover Continuum BACnet controllers, the backup operation begins and the Distribution Properties dialog appears, showing the progress of and information about the operation. (For more information on the Distribution Server and the Distribution Properties dialog, see Chapter 2.)
Andover Continuum CyberStation Configurators Guide 545

For some third-party BACnet controllers, you are first prompted to enter a password. If the password is accepted, the operation begins. Backing up multiple devices To back up configurations for multiple devices, perform the following procedure: 1. On the BACnet side of Continuum Explorer's navigational pane, locate the controllers whose configuration information you want to back up. 2. In the navigational tree, click the parent container containing the desired devices, so that those controllers appear in the viewing pane. For example, the parent container could be BACnet Devices or any BACnet controller that contains sub-devices. 3. Highlight (select) two or more controllers in the viewing pane. 4. Right click over the highlighted controllers, and from the popup menu select Backup BACnet Device. For Andover Continuum BACnet controllers, the backup operation begins and the Distribution Properties dialog appears, showing progress messages about the status of the operations. For multiple controllers, information is backed up one controller at a time. The progress messages tell you when the backup operation finishes for one controller and begins for the next. (For more information on the Distribution Server and the Distribution Properties dialog, see Chapter 2.) For some third-party BACnet controllers, you are first prompted to enter a password. If the password is accepted, the operation begins. Backing up all devices on a BACnet Network You can back up configurations for all devices residing in a BACnet network by right clicking over a BACnet Network folder: 1. On the BACnet side of Continuum Explorer's navigational pane, locate the blue BACnet Network folder that contains the devices whose configurations you want to back up. 2. To back up all the devices contained in the Network, right click over Network folder, and from the popup menu select Backup BACnet Device. To back up two or more controllers selectively (but not all of them), in the navigation tree, click the Network folder so that its controllers appear in the viewing pane. In the viewing pane, highlight (select) the controllers you want to back up. For Andover Continuum BACnet controllers, the backup operation begins and the Distribution Properties dialog appears, showing progress messages about the status of the operations. For multiple controllers, information is backed up one controller at a time. The progress messages tell you when the backup operation finishes for one controller and begins for the next. (For more information on the Distribution Server and the Distribution Properties dialog, see Chapter 2.) For some third-party BACnet controllers, you are first prompted to enter a password. If the password is accepted, the operation begins.

546 TAC

Restoring a Devices Configuration

File-management restore operations, listed below, are performed via the container popup menu in Continuum Explorer's navigation pane and/or via the Backup/Restore tab in the Device editor for that controller: Specifically file management restore features allow you to: Restore all configuration information from your database to a single BACnet controller. (See the procedures below.) Restore configuration information from your database to multiple controllers. (See the procedures below.) Restore the archived configuration information (contained in the text ASCII-dump file) to your database. (See the Backup/Restore tab of the Device editor, Chapter 14.) Simultaneously restore the archived configuration information (contained in the text ASCII-dump file) to your database and to the controller. (See the Backup/Restore tab of the Device editor, Chapter 14.)

Note: Backup/restore operations are not supported in the context menu if the device does not support the BACnet property, AutomicReadFile. Backup/restore operations are not supported on the Backup/Restore tab of Device editor if the device does not support the BACnet property BackupFailureTimeout.

Restoring to a single device To restore a configuration to a single device, perform the following procedure: 1. On the BACnet side of Continuum Explorer's navigational pane, locate the controller whose configuration information you want to restore. 2. Right click over the device, and from the popup menu select Restore BACnet Device. For Andover Continuum BACnet controllers, the restore operation begins and the Distribution Properties dialog appears, showing the progress of and information about the operation. (For more information on the Distribution Server and the Distribution Properties dialog, see Chapter 2.) For some third-party BACnet controllers, you are first prompted to enter a password. If the password is accepted, the operation begins. Restoring to multiple devices To restore configurations to multiple devices, perform the following procedure: 1. On the BACnet side of Continuum Explorer's navigational pane, locate the controllers whose configuration information you want to restore. 2. In the navigational tree, click the parent container containing the desired devices, so that those controllers appear in the viewing pane. For example, the parent container could be BACnet Devices or any BACnet controller that contains sub-devices.
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3. Highlight (select) two or more controllers in the viewing pane. 4. Right click over the highlighted controllers, and from the popup menu select Restore BACnet Device. For Andover Continuum BACnet controllers, the restore operation begins and the Distribution Properties dialog appears, showing progress messages about the status of the operations. For multiple controllers, information is restored one controller at a time. The progress messages tell you when the restore operation finishes for one controller and begins for the next. (For more information on the Distribution Server and the Distribution Properties dialog, see Chapter 2.) For some third-party BACnet controllers, you are first prompted to enter a password. If the password is accepted, the operation begins. Restoring to all devices on a Network You can restore configurations to all devices residing in a BACnet network by right clicking over a BACnet Network folder: 1. On the BACnet side of Continuum Explorer's navigational pane, locate the blue BACnet Network folder that contains the devices whose configurations you want to restore. 2. To restore all the devices contained in the Network, right click over Network folder, and from the popup menu select Backup BACnet Device. To restore two or more controllers selectively (but not all of them), in the navigation tree, click the Network folder so that its controllers appear in the viewing pane. In the viewing pane, highlight (select) the controllers you want to restore. For Andover Continuum BACnet controllers, the restore operation begins and the Distribution Properties dialog appears, showing progress messages about the status of the operations. For multiple controllers, information is restored one controller at a time. The progress messages tell you when the restore operation finishes for one controller and begins for the next. (For more information on the Distribution Server and the Distribution Properties dialog, see Chapter 2.) For some third-party BACnet controllers, you are first prompted to enter a password. If the password is accepted, the operation begins.

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Creating Groups
What is a Group?


A group is an object used to monitor other objects. Each group has its own list of objects known as members. Members can be objects from any class, and one group can have members from different classes. Typically, youll create a member list by adding objects that have something in common. For example, you could create a group that monitors all the objects stored on a particular controller. Similarly, you could use a group object to monitor all the objects pertaining to a particular function, such as air handling or security. Group objects provide three ways to monitor objects: You can view a groups member list. The member list displays the name, class, and value of every object in the member list. For groups that consist entirely of personnel objects, the member list displays the last name, first name and middle initial of the individual, the last known location of the individual, and personnel object name. You can view a graph the groups first 15 points. The graph plots logged values. You can view a history of the object values. The history displays a list of all the points in the group, and the values logged for them over a particular period.

When creating a group, youll work with the group editor to build or modify its member list, and you make choices that will configure the groups graph and history views.

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What is a Graph?
The graph view plots logged values for a point, or the first 15 points and/or system variables in a groups member list. Youll see a vertical scale to the left of the graph. Along the bottom, youll see a horizontal line delineated by time periods. In most cases, youll see a horizontal scroll bar that allows you to move left and right along the time line. The vertical scale and the horizontal time line are also known as the vertical axis and horizontal axis, respectively. The body of the graph displays one line for each point. To the right of the graph, youll see a legend. The legend lists the names of the points, each in different color. The color of the point name matches the color of its respective line in the graph.

Reading Graphs
Graphs differ from histories in that they depict trends as well as actual point values. For example, its easy to see whether temperatures tend to rise at noon. Simply find 12:00 PM in the horizontal time line, then look at the lines above its tick mark in the body of the graph. Do they spike up, or drop down? In a history view, you would have to compare all the point values in the 12:00 PM row against values in other rows to retrieve the same information. As with a history view, a graph view also provides specific point values for specific times. To locate a points value, find the time you want in the horizontal axis. Next, imagine a vertical line going from the times tick mark to the line that represents the point in which you are interested. Finally, imagine a horizontal line going from the line to the vertical axis. The value located where the horizontal line intersects the vertical axis is the value of the point for that particular time.

Working With Multiple Scales

A graph can be set up to use more than one scale. When points to be graphed use different units (Deg F, CFM, Square Meters, etc.) multiple scales allow one graph to plot the values for all. Graphs that use multiple scales display only one scale at a time. Youll know that a graph uses multiple scales if the scales color matches the color of the first point in the legend. That means the graph is currently displaying the scale for that point. To switch to another scale, use one of these methods: Click the scale to change its color and scale values. The scale will change to according to the order of the points in the legend. Keep clicking until the scales color matches the color of the point whose scale you would like to see. Click a point name in the legend. This changes the scale color and the scale values to match the point on which you click.

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What Are Automatic Logs?

Automatic logs are record-keeping devices that can be set up for every kind of point except DateTime and String. There are four types of automatic logs: LogInstantaneous Continuum stores the current value of points at the beginning of every interval. LogAverage Continuum calculates average point values over every interval, using a weighted average algorithm. Average values are stored at the end of every interval. LogMinimum Continuum compares all values over an interval, and finds the minimum value. Minimum values are stored at the end of every interval. LogMaximum Continuum compares all values over an interval, and finds the maximum value. Maximum values are stored at the end of every interval.

Log intervals determine how often to record the point value. These intervals are specified in the points editor, on the Logs tab. Logs store values in an array that group views use to create histories and graphs.

Using the Group Editor

The Group General Tab
You use the General tab to set up data sampling parameters for the group you are configuring.

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Description Default View Default Time Range

The text you enter in this field appears as the title of the graph and history of your group. Select the view of the group that you want to appear when you open the Group object with the SHOW command. Enter the Days, Hours or Minutes to specify what period of time your group graph or history will sample. For example, if you enter 1 hour, the group monitors group members for one hour. The time range selected on this tab does not affect the starting and stopping time for the group. These values are specified by you when you open a History or Graph view. This is the polling rate. Enter the interval in seconds at which you want the system to update values for your group. Members will only be refreshed when the Member List is shown. Not implemented in this release.

Member List Refresh Rate Personnel Only Member List

The Member List Tab

The Member List tab lets you add objects to or delete them from the group. You click the Add button to browse for objects to add to the group. Remember, graph and history views display only point objects that have automatic logs set up for them. From this tab you can right-click any object in the list and select any of the following options: Open Edit View History or View Graph Send To Controller or Send To Text File Rename Properties

Use the Member List tab to add and delete members. You can also look the properties for each member. Adding Members To add a member, click the Add button. This displays a Browse dialog to help you locate the object you want. You can also add members by dragging the objects from the viewing pane of the Explorer into the open member list. After you have found the object you are looking for, select it, then click the Select button. When adding objects, keep these points in mind: Graph and history views display only point objects that have automatic logs set up for them. If you are creating a group consisting entirely of Personnel objects, select Personnel Members Only on the General tab to insure that the member list displays the appropriate attributes.

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When you add folder, ListView, or group objects, all the objects contained by or listed in these objects are added to the group as well. Deleting Members To delete a member, click it, then click the Delete button. Viewing Member Properties To view a members properties, click it, then click the Properties button.

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The Graph Tab

This is the tab you use to set up the parameters of the graph view of this group. Use the Graph tab to configure the scale that will be used to plot the first 15 point values in the member list. Note that only points with automatic logs set up for them will be graphed. To complete this tab, youll perform the following tasks:

Scale of Vertical Axis Vertical Axis Scale Top Bottom Units

Singular Scale: Use the Singular Scale option if all your points use the same units. Multiple Scale: Use the Multiple Scale option if you have a group of objects with different units. If you are using a single scale, you will need to define the vertical axis. The vertical axis displays a range for the point values in your member list. Enter the number that will show on the graph view as top of scale. Enter the number that will show on the graph view as bottom of scale. Enter the Unit nomenclature that will show as the label for the vertical axis, for example, Deg F.

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The History Tab

Use the History tab to configure how the automatic log data for the objects in the group will appear in the group view:

Display History Values

This view displays two types of values, actual and fill. Actual values are taken from automatic logs at the intervals defined for each log. Fill values occur at the interval defined by the Time Between Rows setting.

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Filling Type

Select the option for filling in values between the logged values on the History chart. The history view displays two types of values: actual and interim. Actual values are taken from automatic logs at the intervals defined for each log. Interim values occur at the interval defined by the Time Between Rows setting. If the Time Between Rows setting matches the automatic log interval, all the values displayed are actual values. In most cases, however, the Time Between Rows setting is less than the log interval. For example, the time between rows could be set to 10 seconds, and the log interval could be one minute. In this case, the history view will display more rows than there are entries in the log. In fact, there will be 5 rows for every 1-log entry. To compensate for this, the history view uses interim values until it receives an actual value from the log. Interim values are either repeated actual values, or sloped to show the gradation between one actual value and the next. The Filling Type determines how the History view will display the interim values. Your Filling Type choices are as follows: None This option displays only the values taken at each log interval. In other words, no interim values are displayed between rows. The following picture shows a history view using the None filling type:

This filling type omits interim values from the history view. To achieve this effect, click None on the History tab.

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Repeat Values Until Change This option repeats the last value until the point value changes The following picture shows a history view using the Repeat filling type:

This filing type repeats the last actual value until it changes. To achieve this effect, click Repeat Values Until Change on the History tab. Slope Between Values This option displays gradations of values between the rows. Gradation calculations are based on the difference between row values, and the number of refresh rate values between rows.

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The following picture shows a history view using the Slope filling type:

Notice that this filling type shows gradations of one actual value to the next. To achieve this effect, click Slope Between Values on the History tab. Time Between Rows Dim Fill Values Enter the Hours, Minutes, or Seconds that will be the interval between rows of values on the History chart. When this checkbox is selected, the fill values between logged values on the History chart are dimmed and appear gray instead of black.

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The following picture shows a history view with its interim values dimmed:

Notice that this filling type makes it easy to distinguish actual values from interim, or fill, values. To achieve this effect, click Dim Fill Values on the History tab.

Opening a Log Viewer

Once you have configured a Group object, you can review the activities of the objects in the group three different ways: Log Viewer Member List Log Viewer History Log Viewer Graph

To bring up any of these group views: 1. Select the Group object in Continuum Explorer 2. Right-click and select View then Member List, History or Graph from the popup menus Or, select View from the Object menu, then Member List, History or Graph.

Editing a Group from the Log Viewer

Do the following steps to open the Group editor for a Log Viewer: 1. Click the Edit Parent Object icon in the GroupView tool bar.
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2. You then can change an existing Groups default settings or add members to its member list. If there is a check in the checkbox next to an object on a Member List, that object will appear in a history. 3. You can drag and drop objects from Continuum Explorer to the Member List tab.

560 TAC

Creating ListViews
What is a ListView?


A ListView is a Continuum object that displays information about a specific object class. ListView information is either live or retrieved from the Continuum database. The information that you see in a ListView depends on the columns of information displayed, how those columns have been configured, and whether or not qualifiers have been established to filter objects by specified criteria. You can view the contents of the ListView from the ListView object itself, from an HTML report, or from a printed document. ListViews provide features that allow you to display an HTML report, format and print the ListView contents, and even access the ListView editor itself. From the editor, you can add and configure columns, choose colors for various situations, and set up qualifiers to filter objects. Additionally, you can open the editor for any object shown in the ListView.

About Creating a New ListView

You create ListViews by typing information into text fields, making selections from dropdown menus, and browsing for objects. Once you have used the ListView editor to create a ListView, you will run the ListView then return to the editor if necessary.

Using the ListView Editor

The ListView General Tab
Use the General tab to select an object class and specify where Continuum looks for objects of this class. You can also specify an HTML template for viewing your ListView data in an HTML report document.
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Description Class

Enter a description of up to 32 characters (including spaces) to help others who need to test, modify or manipulate this ListView. Select an object class from the dropdown menu. This list of objects includes all the object classes that appear in the New object popup list in Continuum Explorer. Continuum also provides many specialized ListView classes you can use to track system events, such as AlarmInfo, DistributionBatch, EventLogControl and ImExportRef.

About Class Default ListViews

Continuum allows only one Class Default ListView per class. Database and Live qualifiers should not be used in a Class Default ListView. You can use sorting and background color choices when configuring the ListView columns to make items in the list stand out. For example, you can create an InfinityInfinetController Class Default ListView with three columns, Name, CommStatus and InfinetId. Make the CommStatus column Sort order be Primary and Sort direction be Ascending. Make the CommStatus column Background color red. Make the Name column Sort order Secondary. Selecting any path other than ClassDefault will not produce a Class Default ListView.
Path Type

Select from the dropdown menu. This helps Continuum decide where it looks for objects in the Class, such as Programs on a particular controller or BinaryValue points stored in a certain folder.

562 TAC


Searches all possible paths on your system


Searches the folder in the Path field


Searches the folder in the Path field and all its subfolders

Searches the device in the Path field


Searches the device in the Path field all the objects attached (owned by) the device

Displays a dialog that asks users for the ListView path


Designates this ListView as the default view for the class you selected from the Class dropdown menu.
Path Options

Browse for and select the device or folder to insert in Path.

Show Grid Lines: Use this option if you want your ListView to contain row and column markings.

Live Data on Open: Use this option to make the ListView open with live data rather than data from the Continuum database.
Options Live Data Refresh Rate: If your ListView contains live data, enter the refresh rate in seconds. Continuum refreshes the ListView display using the interval you specify here. Five (5) seconds is the fastest a list view is permitted to refresh. List Reload Rate: The rate that Continuum reloads the entire list in seconds. The time is measured from when the list finishes loading. For example if you set the reload rate to 20 seconds, the list will reload 20 seconds after it finishes loading, not 20 seconds from when it starts loading: load list, wait 20 seconds, reload list, wait 20 seconds, and so on. Zero (0) seconds disables this feature. A valid setting must be 5 or more seconds. Report Template

Click the Browse button Open dialog:

in the Report Template field to display the

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Browse to find the HTML report template file that you want to use for this ListView. The HTML file must be local to the workstation or be stored on the server. The HTML report templates provided for this course contain the fields that will accept ListView attribute data. When you view the HTML report, the ListView data that appears in the report fields is static. The values are not updated from the ListView. Creating HTML report templates is covered in the Continuum System Administration Course.

The Columns Tab

Use the Columns tab to add, remove and configure data columns in the ListView. You can configure the contents and appearance of each column you add.

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Add Column

Click the Add Column button once for every column you want in your ListView. For every column you add, a column template like the one shown below appears:

See Configuring ListView Columns on the next tab for instructions on configuring columns after you create them.

Configuring ListView Columns

For each column you add to your ListView you select the attribute information that it displays and make several other choices regarding its appearance. To make these choices, you work with a column template like the one shown below

Each column template begins with default values for every aspect of your data. To specify different values, click in the field containing the value you want to change (see diagram above). Depending on the value type, you can: 1. Type over the existing value 2. Choose a new value from a dropdown menu.
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3. Display a dialog that helps you select a new value. 4. Select a checkbox to indicate yes, or clear it to indicate no. The following table tells you how to use each field. Column Field Attribute How to Configure Select an attribute such as Name or Status from the dropdown menu. Type in the first letter of the attribute you want to make the list scroll to that letter. Heading By default, the ListView uses the attributes name as a heading. To use a different heading, type over the attribute name. Select this checkbox to let users edit the attribute from the ListView. Clear the checkbox to disallow editing. Note: Not all attributes are editable. Font and Heading Font For each ListView column you can specify fonts for the column data and the column heading: Click in the Font or Heading Font field of your column. Click the dialog. button that appears to display the Font


Select a font, font style and size from the scrollable lists. As you do so, the Sample box shows a text sample. In Effects, specify strikeout marks, underlines and font color. Click OK to save your font settings. Justification Source Select Right, Left, or Center from the dropdown menu. Select Database or Live from the dropdown menu. With Database, display the attributes database value. With Live, display the current attribute value of the object. Specify the refresh rate in Live Data Refresh Rate on the General tab. Sort Width Show See the section Sorting in ListViews later in this chapter for instructions on using the option. The number of pixels for the column width, such as 25. To include this column in the ListView, select the Show checkbox. To hide this column in the ListView, clear the checkbox. Columns that do not show in a ListView can appear in HTML and printed report formats.

566 TAC

Column Field Background Color

How to Configure Click in the Background Color field of your column. Click the dialog. button that appears to display the Color

Select a color from the palette or define your own custom colors. Click OK to save your color settings.

Sorting in ListViews
You can sort the data in your ListView by the values of up to three attributes. This is useful for ordering the rows of data to make them easier to read. Select the attributes used to sort the rows from the Columns tab. Because each column represents one attribute of the object class you are viewing, you can sort by Name, Value, or Status providing you have added and configured columns for those attributes.

To Sort by Attribute Value

Click the Sort field of the column of the attribute you wish to sort. This displays the dialog shown below:

Select an Order number to help establish the sort order when you sort by more than one attribute. See Understanding Sort Order on the next tab. Select either Ascending or Descending from the dropdown menu. See the section, Sorting in Ascending or Descending Order on the next tab. Click OK to save your work, or click Cancel to exit the dialog without saving. For every attribute on which you base the sort order, specify if its the Primary, Secondary, or Tertiary sort order. The Order number defines what happens when Continuum finds two objects that have the same attribute value.
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For example, if the Primary sort attribute is Name, how does Continuum order two objects named RoomTemp1? Which does it list first? If another attribute has been set up as the Secondary sort attribute, Continuum uses its value to decide which object is listed first. The Tertiary sort attribute works the same way. If Continuum finds two objects with the same Primary and Secondary sort attributes, it uses the Tertiary sort attribute to decide how to list the objects.

Sorting in Ascending or Descending Order

For every attribute on which you base the sort order, specify either Ascending or Descending order: Ascending order starts with the lowest value and ends with the highest value. For text, ascending order is A to Z. For numbers ascending order is 0 to the highest numeric value. Descending order starts with the highest value and ends with the lowest value. For text, descending value is Z to A. For numbers, descending value is from the highest value to 0.

Note: Values such as Active, Inactive, ON, OFF, Online, Offline, Enabled and Disabled are represented to Continuum by 1 and 0 respectively. These values are sorted just like numeric values.

Sorting Example
The following example shows Numeric objects sorted in Ascending order, with Name as the Primary sort attribute, Value as the Secondary and Device Name as the Tertiary:

The first two objects are sorted by Device Name because they have the same name and value. The third object is sorted by Value because, although it has the same name as the first two, its value is higher. The last two objects are sorted by Name.

The Qualifiers Tab

Uses the Qualifiers tab to enter Plain English statements to further qualify the objects displayed in the ListView. While the General tab allows you to qualify objects by class and path, the Qualifiers tab lets you qualify and highlight objects depending on their attribute values. It is divided into
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three main sections: Database, Live and Highlight. In addition, the Highlight Color field is used in conjunction with the Highlight section.

The Qualifiers tab offers two methods of creating qualifying statements for ListView objects: 1. Type the statements directly into the appropriate text field. 2. Use the Query Wizard to build the statements. The method that you use is determined by the state of the "Advanced XXX Qualifiers checkbox. If it is checked, the edit control is enabled and text can be entered into the text field. If it is not checked, the Query Wizard button is enabled and selecting it will open the Query Wizard dialog (see below) which allows you to build an appropriate qualifier statement.

Using the first (advanced) method, you are responsible for creating the qualifier statement correctly. With the second method, the Query Wizard assists you in building the statement and once it is built, it is returned to the appropriate text field in the Qualifier tab. If necessary, the statement can then be edited by checking the "Advanced XXX Qualifier checkbox Live versus Database Qualifiers The Qualifiers tab offers you the choice of constructing statements Live or from the Database. If you select Live, the Cyberstation retrieves the settings of the qualifier statement attributes directly from the controller. If you select Database the Cyberstation retrieves the attributes settings from Continuum's database.
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The choice between Live and Database depends on certain factors. By using Live, you are assured of getting the latest version of the qualifier attribute settings since they are retrieved directly from the controller. If you know the attribute doesn't change very often, you can retrieve it from the database, which is faster than going to the controller to get a live value. Using the Qualifiers Tab in the Advanced Mode To create your qualifier statements directly in the Qualifiers tab, proceed as follows: 1. Click the Advanced Database (or Live) Qualifier checkbox. 2. Type the Plain English qualifier statement/s in the Database (or Live) text field. For example: STATE = DISABLED OR OVERRIDE = TRUE 3. Click the Advanced Highlight Qualifier checkbox if you wish to highlight certain parts of the statement created in step 2. 4. Type the parts of the statement you want highlighted in the Highlight text field. For the example in Step 2, if you want to highlight only those objects with an Override value of TRUE, you would enter the following statement: 5. OVERRIDE = TRUE 6. Place the cursor in the Highlight Color text field and click the right mouse button:

7. Click Background Color to display the Color dialog:

8. Select the color you want and click the OK button. 9. Repeat steps 6 and 7 for the desired Text Color. Your color selections will be previewed in the Highlight Color field. 10. Return to the General tab and follow the "Test and Save" procedure at the end of this chapter to create the ListView.

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Highlight Text and Color Example The following figure shows an example of a ListView where objects with a State attribute of Disabled have been highlighted:

Using the Query Wizard To build your qualifier statements with the Query Wizard, proceed as follows: 1. Click the Query Wizard button in the Database (or Live) section of the Qualifier tab (the Advanced XXX Qualifier checkbox must unchecked) to display the Query Wizard dialog.

2. Click the down arrow in the Attribute list field and scroll through the list and select the attribute you want by clicking on it. 3. Click the down arrow in the Operator list field and select the operator you want by clicking on it. (See "Operator Selections" on the next page.) 4. Click the Value text field and type in the appropriate value for your qualifier statement (see "Value Selections" on the next page). 5. Click the Prompt checkbox if you want to be prompted for an alternate attribute value when the ListView appears. (See "Prompt for an Attribute Value" on the next page.) Note: The Prompt feature is only available for a Database qualifier. It is not available for object link attributes, such as owner ID or device ID. 6. If you have additional qualifying conditions to add to your statement move down to the next row of boxes on the Wizard.
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7. Fill in the Attribute, Operator and Value fields as described in steps 2, 3 and 4. 8. Click the left hand field to enter a joint and/or operator. (See "Compound Qualifiers" on the next page.) 9. Repeat steps 6, 7 and 8 if additional Compound Qualifiers are required. 10. Click the OK button. If the statement validates without any errors, it will re-appear in the appropriate text field of the Qualifier tab. If errors occur during validation, an error message will appear and must be corrected to complete the operation. (See "Error Messages" later in this chapter.) Operator Selections The operators that are selectable from the Operator dropdown menu include the following: > >= < <= Is Is not Is between Is not between Is like Is not like

Refer to Chapter 3 of the Plain English Language Reference manual for explanations for each of these operators. The values to associate with these operators are discussed below. Value Selections The value that you select must be an appropriate one for the operator. The value requirements for certain operators are listed below. Operators Value Is Is not Is like Is not like Is between Is not between >, >= <, <= Number or expression that gives a number or a string. Also works with object links, for example "Ownerid is \root\MyFolder". An asterisk (*) for number of characters or a question mark (?) for any single character. An expression that gives two numeric values, the lower one first, separated by an ampersand (&): number & number Number or expression that gives a number.

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Compound Qualifiers Notice that an additional selection box appears to the left of the last three rows in the Query Wizard dialog. These boxes allow you to link multiple statements together with the and/or joining operators. An example might look like this: Attribute Operator Value Description A* Is like Value 1 & 10 and is between Channel 1 and > Prompt for an Attribute Value Notice that a Prompt checkbox is located at the right hand end of each row on the Query Wizard dialog. This is an optional feature that is only available for a Database qualifier. Activating the checkbox will cause a prompt to appear on the screen when the ListView is opened. The prompt will allow you to change the corresponding attribute value and thus change the contents of the ListView for that particular object. Error Messages The error messages that you may receive if the qualifier statement is invalid are listed below. Note: In the Error Message column, the words in italics represent the type of item that would be substituted in the actual message. Error Message "You must pick an operator for the expression" "You must join additional qualifiers with either an and or an or operator" "The value AttritubeValue you entered for the attribute AttributeName is invalid. "You may only use the is, is not, is like and is not like operators on the attribute AttributeName. "The object ObjectName that you entered for the attribute AttributeName does not exist in the database. Do you wish to use this object anyway?" Possible Cause You selected an attribute but did not pick an operator to go with it. You have more than one qualifier statement, but did not pick an AND/OR operator to join them. The value portion of the expression failed validation for some reason. For example "The value is not within the specified range". You have selected an operator that is not supported for the attribute. You have tried to enter a value for an object link attribute but the value you entered does not exist in the database. This message box will give you two choices, yes and no. If you select yes then the text you entered will be used anyway, if you select no then validation will fail and you can then change the text.

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Test and Save

After you fill out the tabs of the ListView editor, return to the General tab. 1. Click the Apply button to create the new ListView. 2. Click the Run ListView button. Your new ListView will appear, covering the ListView editor window. 3. Review the elements of your new ListView. 4. To use the editor to modify the ListView, click its button in the Windows task bar at the bottom of the screen. 5. Use the ListView buttons in the Windows task bar to switch between the ListView and its editor. 6. Click OK in the editor to save the ListView.

Creating a History or Graph of a ListView

To create a history or graph of your ListView, follow these steps. Note: This procedure is performed the same (with the same screens) when a history or graph report for your ListView is required. The final output of your history or graph is different and both outputs are shown. 1. Highlight the ListView from which you want a history or graph. 2. From the ListView Object menu, select History or Graph.

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3. You are presented with the following screen. Select the times you require in the Range fields and the Time Between Rows fields. Select the type of log you require and click OK or Now.

4. Depending on whether you selected History or Graph, you are presented one of the following screens depicting a history or a graph of your ListView. If you select History, the following appears:

If you select Graph, the following appears:

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576 TAC

Creating EventViews


An EventView object determines which access-related events will display in an Active Event View. You configure an EventView object using the EventView editor. Active Event Views are used to monitor access-related activities. These activities include the use of card readers and/or keypads to gain access through locked doors, or trouble situations such as a door left ajar, keypad tampering, or forced entry. Active Event Views also provide information such as who is using which door, when, and whether the door re-locks properly. Event views are called active because they receive and list access control events as they occur. Using the EventView editor, you specify the types of events and the doors you want to monitor. You can also specify sorting criteria for the events, and configure the font and color for each event. Once you have created an EventView object, users on any CyberStation workstation can monitor events as they occur in an Active Event View.

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Before Creating an EventView

Prior to creating an EventView object, make sure the appropriate Access Events have been selected on the Options tab of your Door editor.

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Creating an EventView
From the Continuum Explorer, right-click the Live Views folder, New, and select EventView.

Type in a name for the new EventView (for example, DoorXXEventView) and press Enter.

You will be presented with the following tabs. These tabs are discussed in the following sections.

General Doors Fonts and Colors

Andover Continuum CyberStation Configurators Guide 579

The General Tab

In the General tab, enter information about the Active Event Views general appearance.

Description Maximum Number of Events

Enter a description that explains which doors and event types will display in the Active Event View. (Adding this information is optional.) Enter the maximum number of events you want the Active Event View to display at one time. When the number of events displayed reaches the maximum number, the bottommost event drops off the list as a new event displays. The order in which events display depends on the sort criteria you set up. Enter the number of seconds events will display in the Active Event View before expiring and dropping off the list. If this field is left blank, events dont expire, they drop off the list based on the maximum number of events and the current sort order.

Maximum Time in View

Sort Criteria

In the Sort Criteria area, you may sort events according to three columns. The Active Event View displays several columns of information for every event, according to the sort criteria you select here. Sorting is useful for grouping events to look for trends in, for example, the source of events, types of events, and which personnel are accessing which doors most often. From the Primary, Secondary, and Tertiary dropdown menus, select up to three columns. The columns you select establish the sort order that the Active Event View uses. Check the ascending checkbox to sort in ascending order, or clear it to sort by descending order and click OK to save your work.

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The Doors Tab

In the Doors tab, select the doors and the event types to display in the Active Event View. These doors and event types you select are listed on this tab.

Perform the following steps to add doors and/or event types. 1. Click the Add Door button. The Browse dialog appears. 2. Search the directories for, and select, a door to add to the list of doors to be displayed in the Active Event View.
Note: As an alternative, you may select one or more doors from the desired directory, click and drag the doors to the Doors tab, and release the mouse button.

3. Click OK to return to the Doors tab. 4. For each door listed, check the checkbox for every event type that you want to include in the Active Event View. Use the horizontal scroll bar to see all the available event types.
Note: As an alternative, select the event type you want to include in the Active Event View, and click Check Selected.

5. When you do not want to include an event type in the Active Event View, scroll to the event type you want to remove, and click the checkbox to remove the check.
Note: As an alternative, select the event type you do not want to include, and click Uncheck Selected.

Perform the following steps to remove doors. 1. In the list of doors on the Doors tab, select one or more doors you wish to remove.
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2. Click Remove Doors.

The Fonts and Colors Tab

In the Fonts and Colors tab, configure the font, text color, and background color for every event type. All event types are listed on this tab. For example, you could use a green background for valid access events, yellow for invalid attempts, and red for door ajar events. Configuring fonts in this way helps the operator quickly differentiate events. When you select a font and color for an event type, that event type is listed with its new font and new colors.

Perform the following steps to configure fonts and colors. 1. On the Fonts and Colors tab, right click an event type. A popup menu appears. 2. Select Font to configure the font and font style. 3. Select Background Color or Text Color to configure colors for the background and text, respectively.

The Security Level Tab

For details in attaching or detaching Security Levels, see Chapter 4, Security.

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The Active Event View

The Active Event View lists the events associated with the specified object (in this case the Lobby Area). Based on how your Administrator configured the active event view, it can show events for one door, a group of doors, all doors, or doors associated with a particular area. The events are shown in chronological order with the most recent event presented first. Each row displays columns of information related to a particular event. Event information can be displayed in a variety of colors to depict different categories of events.

Parts of the Active Event View

An Active Event View generally consists of the following types of components:

Active Event View menus Quick pick options Columns

The Active Event View has the following dropdown menus: Object, View, and Help.
Object Menu Menu Selection Print Print Preview Print Setup Clear All Events Exit Description

Prints the current Active Event View. Displays a full screen preview, showing how the current Active Event View will be formatted when printed. Opens the Microsoft Print Options dialog for changing printers and setting print options.

Closes the Active Event View. Prompts to save data.

View Menu

Menu Selection Toolbar


Prints the current Active Event View.

Andover Continuum CyberStation Configurators Guide 583

Sort Auto Sort Freeze Add/Remove Columns Status Bar Always on Top Event View Object Door Area Person

Displays a full screen preview, showing how the current Active Event View will be formatted when printed. Sorts all access events. Opens the Microsoft Print Options dialog for changing printers and setting print options. Closes the Active Event View. Hides or displays the status bar. When selected, ensures that the Active Event View will stay on top of all other applications on your screen. Opens the EventView object editor for this Active Event View. Opens the Door object editor. Opens the Area object editor. Opens the Personnel Manager.
Help Menu

Menu Selection Contents About Active Access Event View


Opens Active Event View help topics. Displays program information, version number, and copyright information.

Quick Picks
As an alternative to the dropdown menus, you may use the these quick pick icons to save time:
Click this To

Print the current Active Event View. Start or stops the addition of new events. Open the EventView editor. Open the Personnel Manager or editor. Open the Door editor. Open the Area editor. Navigate to a video (brings up the VideoLayout editor) for an event. Enable the sort function.
584 TAC

Click this


Open the Pending Access Distribution dialog, which allows immediate distribution. When you want to distribute a personnel record immediately to a controller, in order to resolve a pending request to access an area by that person, highlight the pending distribution-event transaction, and click this button. The Pending Access Distribution dialog appears. To perform an immediate distribution, click the Distribute Now button. For related information, please see Chapter 20, Managing Personnel Distribution. Open Active Event View help topics.

For every event, the Active Event View displays the following columns of information:
Column Date/Time Type Door Person Area Controller Message Zone Code Department Point Card Number Card Type Site Code Description

Date and time the event occurred Type of access event. Door at which the event occurred Personnel associated with the card reader or keypad event Area in which the event occurred Full path to the controller that controls the door Not yet implemented If the system is zone-based rather than area-based, the code number of the zone in which the event occurred Department point number of the person causing the event Access card number of the person causing the event Access card type, Wiegand, or ABA, of the person causing the event Access card site code number of the person causing the event

Working in the Active Event View

As mentioned previously, the Active Event View is a dynamically updating list. By default, the view lists all of the event details in columns. You use the scroll bars to access the information not displayed in the window.

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Two options are available for changing the way the information is presented in the view:
Resizing Columns You can resize column widths by pointing on the vertical dividing line between two columns.

, then hold down the mouse button When the cursor changes to a double arrow and drag the column boundary to the left or right.
Adding/Removing Columns from the View - You can modify the settings for the view to remove (or add) columns from the display. To accomplish this, choose the option Add/Remove Columns from the View dropdown menu.

A dialog appears:

Click the box to the left the columns you want removed from the view. The check mark is removed from the box indicating the column has been deselected. Click the OK button to save the changes and have the view updated to reflect the column removal. Conversely, if you want to add columns to the view, click in the box so a check mark does appear and then click OK to save the changes.

Viewing Event Details

Viewing the event information can be accomplished through the Active Event View or you can retrieve an Event Details View. The Details View conveniently displays all of the event information in one window that you may find easier to read the event information. Double click any event in the Active Event View to see the Details View of that event. The Details View shows you all the Active Event View column information in a single dialog.

586 TAC

Right click any browsable field to open a popup menu of options.

Field Type Date and Time Message Door Personnel Area Controller Department Point Zone Code Card # Card Type Site Code

Description Indicates what type of event occurred.

Indicate when the event occurred. Displays a text string describing the event condition. Indicates at which door the event occurred. Shows the person associated with the card reader or keypad event. Shows what area the event occurred (where door is located). Displays the name of the controller the access control device is attached. Indicates the department point number of the person causing the event (if one has been defined for the person). Reflects the code number of the zone in which the event occurred, if your system uses zone rather than area based access control. Shows the access card number of the person causing the event. Indicates the type of access control card used by the person causing the event. Displays the site code assigned to the person causing the event (if one has been defined for the person).

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Sorting Events
You can sort events by the values of up to three columns. This is useful for grouping events to look for trends in, for example, the source of events, types of events, and which personnel are accessing which doors most often.

Note: You may also sort events by columns, and establish sort criteria, via the General tab of the EventView editor.

Perform the following steps to sort events by columns. 1. Select Sort from the View menu to display the Sort Criteria dialog. 2. From the Sort Criteria dialog, select up to three columns from the Primary, Secondary and Tertiary dropdown lists. The columns you select establish the sort order that the Active Event View uses. 3. Check the ascending checkbox to sort in ascending order, or clear it to sort by descending order. 4. Click OK.

Rearranging Active Event View Columns

Use the click and drag method to rearrange the columns in the Active Event View: 1. Click once on a column heading to highlight the column. 2. Click again anywhere in the column, and hold down the mouse button. A small box appears next to your cursor. This indicates you are ready to move the column. 3. Drag the cursor to the new location in the Active Alarm View, and release the mouse button.

588 TAC

Adding and Hiding Columns

Follow these procedures to add a column, hide two or more columns, and hide one column. To add a column: 1. Select Add/Hide Columns from the View menu. This opens the Add/Hide Columns dialog. 2. Select the checkboxes of the columns you want to add. To hide two or more columns: 1. Select Add/Hide Columns from the View menu. This opens the Add/Hide Columns dialog. 2. Clear the check boxes of the columns you want to hide. To hide one column: 1. Right click the column you want to hide. This opens the shortcut menu. 2. Click Hide.

Accessing Events for a Specific Door

To monitor the access control activities of a particular door, you open the Door editor window for the door through a listview. The steps to do this are as follows: 1. Click the All Doors listview button. The listview opens showing a list of all your doors.

2. Double-click the door whose activities you want to monitor. The Door editor window opens for the door (in this example, Lobby Door is the selected door.)

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To monitor the access control activities of a particular door, you open the Door editor window for the door through a listview. Follow this procedure: 1. Click the Access Events tab. The window updates to show the events recorded for this door, in chronological order.

590 TAC

As you can see from the figure, the Access Events list displays:
o o o o

The type of event (EventClass column) Date and time the event occurred (TimeStamp column) Person associated with the event (Person column) Area associated with the event (Area columnnot shown in this figure but accessible via the horizontal scroll bar)

2. Click the Refresh button to see the most recent access events. In addition to monitoring active events, you may need to review past event information that has been stored in the CyberStation database. To look at event history, ListViews are utilized. Event history is useful in diagnosing recurring problems. For example, your supervisor may ask you to research Door Ajar events for a particular door. Or, gather information about the number of personnel moving into or out of a specific area. An example event listview is shown below.

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592 TAC

Configuring and Viewing Video


Version 1.7 and higher, CyberStation has two video object classes, VideoLayout and VideoServer, and video integration. Specifically, this chapter presents: Overview of Video integration and configuration Using the VideoServer editor Using the VideoLayout editor

Overview of Video Integration and Configuration

Video integration comprises: Two object classes: VideoLayout and VideoServer. A VideoLayout object is essentially CyberStations video surveillance monitor, through which you may view live and/or recorded video images. Each layout can display images from up to nine cameras. A VideoServer object identifies video servers for CyberStation, making it possible for CyberStation to communicate with each video server and its cameras. Note: It is assumed that the video servers (Integral brand) have already been configured, along with cameras and video presets. Therefore, to perform your configuration tasks, you should already know the video server names, user names, user passwords, and IP addresses for each Integral video server. Various attributes for many existing object classes that have video associated with them for example, graphics objects, Door objects, and points, such as InfinityInput and BinaryInput. Active Alarm View features and Active Event View features that integrate video with individual alarms and access events, respectively
Andover Continuum CyberStation Configurators Guide 593

The following procedure provides an overview of configuration tasks that you perform to achieve video solutions suited to your site. While completing these tasks, refer to the other sections in this chapter (Using the VideoServer Editor and Using the VideoLayout Editor) for more details. Also refer to other parts of this manual, where noted. 1. Create all VideoServer objects Enter server names, user names, passwords, and IP addresses. Test each server's connection. (See Using the VideoServer Editor, later in this chapter.)
Note: You must have already gathered this information from each video server, which should have already been configured, along with cameras and presets. (See your Integral video server documentation.) 2. Create all VideoLayout objects When you create a VideoLayout object, you must associate cameras with (and assign them to) video control frames, or windows, where images are displayed. There are two ways to do this: Manually assign cameras You may manually assign a camera that is, hardwire it to each video frame in the VideoLayout object editor. You would typically hardwire a camera to view video that is not associated with alarms. For example, this method is useful during real-time surveillance and routine guard tours. (See Using the VideoLayout Editor, later in this chapter.) Pre-assign cameras You may pre-assign cameras in objects that associate video with alarms and access events. This method uses a new feature called video points. In the long run, video points save time and are easier to use because they populate the frames of VideoLayout objects dynamically and automatically. Up to four video point frame assignments are made in objects (such as a Door or InfinityInput) that generate alarms and access events. When the object goes into alarm, the VideoLayout associated with the object dynamically loads those camera assignments.

Within the VideoLayout object, you must reference one of the four video points. (See Using the VideoLayout Editor, later in this chapter.) The actual assignment of video points in objects is addressed in Step 4. See Step 4 below, as well as the section, Using the Alarms/Advanced Alarms Tab of an Object Editor, in Chapter 10, Configuring Alarms.) 3. Make a list of objects to be associated with video You do this whenever you have a need to view video images when those objects, such as doors and input points, go into alarm or have an access event. 4. Configure video points in the object editor For each object in the list, configure video points using its object editor, and associate the object with a VideoLayout. Video points are video-server and camera references that are attached to Continuum objects. Video points also contain other video information, such as presets, record flags, and PTZ (pan, tilt, zoom) information. A VideoLayout can be attached to objects in exactly the same way a graphic can be attached to an object.
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Note: If you launch (open) a VideoLayout from Continuum Explorer, from a graphic, from a ListView, and so on, and that layout references video points, then only the frames whose cameras have been hardwired display video. Open each object from the list in Step 3, select its editors Alarms tab or Advanced Alarms tab, and associate the video layout with the object. (See the section, Using the Alarms/Advanced Alarms Tab of an Object Editor, in Chapter 10, Configuring Alarms.) Configure video points 1 through 4 from the Video Points dialog. (See Chapter 10.) Repeat for each object in your list. 1. Configure EventNotifications to display video with alarms If you are associating video with alarms, and you want to pop up a video layout when a new alarm comes in, then edit the EventNotifications associated with those alarms, and select Display Video on the Actions tab of the EventNotification editor. (See the section, The EventNotifcation Actions Tab, in Chapter 10.) 2. Configure graphics with video Configure graphic controls to launch hardwired video layouts from buttons and other graphic controls. 3. Test the alarms and access events Trigger an alarm with an associated video layout. Ensure the video pops up, if configured to do so. If you choose not to pop up video, you can launch the video layout using the new video button on the Active Alarm View. (See Active Alarm View in Chapter 10.) Repeat this process for access events, if necessary. Launch the video layout using the new video button on the Active Event View. (See Active Event View in Chapter 21.)

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Using the VideoServer Editor

Using the VideoServer editor's General tab, you assign a physical video server to this VideoServer object. Any camera attached to this VideoServer object may be therefore assigned to (and its images viewed in) a video layout image frame or window. (See Using the VideoLayout Editor, later in this chapter.)

General Tab
In the General tab, you assign a physical video server to this VideoServer object:

Any camera attached to this VideoServer object may therefore assigned to video image windows (video controls) in the VideoLayout editor. Editor Attribute Description IP Address User Name Password Verify Password Meaning Enter a text description of this VideoServer object. Enter the IP address of the physical video server that you wish to assign to this object. Enter the user name, and this user's password, that will be used to log onto the video server, when this VideoServer object is accessed. This user must exist on the actual video server to which you are connected. If the user does not exist on the server, this VideoServer object cannot be created for that user. Tip: To have two or more users log onto the same video server, create two or more VideoServer objects that connect to the same server, but with different user names and passwords. This is useful when you need to limit a Continuum user's access to Continuum video features. For example, a guard typically should not have the same access to video servers and layouts as an administrator.
596 TAC

Test Connection

Click this button to test the network connection to the server whose IP address appears. If the test is successful, this message appears beneath the button: Connection successful If it is unsuccessful, this message appears: Error Connecting to Server

Using the VideoLayout Editor

A "video layout" is essentially the video surveillance monitor for CyberStation. You open a VideoLayout object either manually in Continuum Explorer, or automatically by attaching it to a point's alarm or to a graphical control, to view live video images from a single surveillance camera or from multiple cameras set up in a matrix of video image frames. (See also Overview of Video Integration and Configuration, earlier in this chapter.) Note: You may also open a video layout via the Plain English SHOW command, in the Continuum Command Line or via a Plain English program. Via the VideoLayout editor's General tab, you may also: Assign, delete, and reassign cameras in the layout. Play back a recorded video clip. Capture a video image and save it to a file. Freeze, reload/refresh, pan, tilt, zoom, and adjust the image resolution (contrast, brightness, and so on)

Each image window in the layout is called a video control frame. Using a multiple-camera matrix, the VideoLayout editor allows you to assign (and view the images of) one, two, three, four, six, or nine cameras. Note: In order to assign a camera to a video control, at least one video server must have been configured so that its cameras are available to the VideoLayout. (See the first two sections in this chapter.) In Continuum Explorer, you may create a VideoLayout object from the Root directory or a folder. You may not create a VideoLayout object from a network, controller, workstation, or any other device.

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General Tab
In the General tab, you configure a VideoLayout object, view video images, and perform basic video operations:

The General tab displays one or more video controls frames that display live or recorded images from one or more video cameras associated with one or more video servers. Using a multiple-camera matrix, you may assign (and view the images of) one, two, three, four, six, or nine cameras in the same layout. How to Access the Video Control Popup Menu The video control popup menu allows you to assign and reassign cameras, view live video, play back recorded video clips, capture video images, adjust the image resolution, and perform other basic video operations. To access the video control popup menu:

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1. Select (highlight) the video control frame with which you want to work. A red box appears around the selected frame. 2. Right click the selected frame. The popup menu appears. Video Control Popup Menu The following table describes the choices in a video control popup menu, as well as the tasks you may perform via each selection. Menu Selection Live Video Description Select Live Video to display live (real time) images from the camera assigned to this video control frame. Note: Be sure to select Live Video again for any image that was previously frozen. (See Freeze Video, below.) Recorded Video Select Recorded Video to play back a video clip from the camera assigned to this video control frame. When Recorded Video is selected, a list of clips appears at the bottom of the video layout. Each clip in the list displays the camera name, the date the clip was recorded, the start time, the end time, and the number of frames. For example:

Select the video clip that you want to play back. A black play button and stop button appear on the bottom of the frame. Click the play button to begin the playback. Click the stop button to stop playback. You may also use the slider control within the frame to move forward and backward in the recording. To search for available video clips, specify a start date/time and an end date/time in the Start and End fields, respectively. Then click the Search button. All video clips within that time frame appear in the list. In the date fields, click the down arrow to display a calendar. Then click a start or end date on the calendar. The selected date is highlighted in
Andover Continuum CyberStation Configurators Guide 599

Menu Selection

Description blue, while the current date appears in a red circle. As an alternative, you may highlight the month, day, or year field, and manually key-in the month, day, or year. In the time fields, use the up- and down-arrow buttons to select a time. As an alternative, you may highlight the hour, minute, second, or AM/PM field, and manually key-in the hour, minute, and second, and specify morning or afternoon/evening (AM or PM). Playback fps Select the speed (number of frames per second) at which you want to play back the video clip. The current number of frames per second is displayed at the left of this field. Use the slider bar and right- and left-arrow buttons, as needed. Note: Video clips are stored on the video server, and not in the Continuum database.

Freeze Video Delete Camera Assignment

Select Freeze Video to freeze the moving image of this video control frame immediately. Select Delete Camera Assignment to remove the camera from this video control frame. When you delete a camera assignment, the camera images disappear and the frame goes black. To reassign a camera, select Change Camera. (See below.)


Select PTZ when you need to pan, tilt, or zoom in and out of the video image in this video control frame. Note: The camera assigned to this video control frame must have PTZ capabilities in order to use this feature. At the bottom of the frame, PTZ displays the numbers 1...6, as well as the following letters: IOFNOC I Click to zoom in. O Click to zoom out. F Click to focus the camera "far" or further out. N Click to focus the camera "near" or further in. O Click to open the iris and increase the amount of light streaming into the camera. C Click to close the iris and decrease the amount of light streaming into the camera. The numbers 1...6 are the first six "preset" camera views. Although some cameras support up to 256 camera presets, only the first six are

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Menu Selection

Description supported here. Panning and tilting To pan and tilt the camera, place your cursor inside the video control frame, and click once. A light blue thick arrow appears. You may pan/tilt up, down, left, right, and diagonally. The blue arrow changes direction, according to where you place it on the frame: Up arrow Pan up. Click cursor at top-center. Down arrow Pan down. Click cursor at bottom-center. Left arrow Pan left. Click cursor at left-center. Right arrow Pan right. Click cursor at right-center. Right diagonal up arrow Pan diagonally to the upper right. Click cursor at top right corner. Left diagonal up arrow Pan diagonally to the upper left. Click cursor at top left corner. Right diagonal down arrow Pan diagonally to the lower right. Click cursor at bottom right corner. Left diagonal down arrow Pan diagonally to the lower left. Click cursor at bottom left corner.

Capture Image

Select Capture Image to capture the image being displayed in this video control frame and to save it to a file. The Capture Video Image Save dialog appears. Browse for the directory in which you want to save the image file, specify the file name, specify the image file type (.BMP, .JPG, and so on), and click Save.

Video Points

Select Video Points to preconfigure a video control frame so that, when this VideoLayout is attached to an object and associated with an alarm, up to four cameras (known as "video points") can be automatically associated with the VideoLayout. When the alarm goes off, this VideoLayout is launched, displaying the video points associated with the object that went into alarm. These cameras are pre-assigned via the Video Points button (and the Video Points dialog) in the Alarms tab or Advanced Alarms tab of the AnalogInput, AnalogValue, BinaryInput, BinaryValue, Door, InfinityInput, InfinityNumeric, InfinitySystemVariable, MultistateInput, or MultistateValue editor. Note: See Overview of Video Integration and Configuration, earlier in this chapter, as well as the section, Using the Alarms/Advanced Alarms Tab of an Object Editor, in Chapter 10, Configuring Alarms.) Using the Video Points dialog (shown below) in these editors, you
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Menu Selection

Description designate between one and four video points, whereby each numbered "video point" represents a frame in this VideoLayout's matrix.

About the Video Points Dialog Click the Video Points button on the Alarms or Advanced Alarms tab of the editors listed above to bring up the Video Points dialog. (See also Chapter 10, Configuring Alarms.) In this Video Points dialog, you may also configure a camera to record a video clip, for specified number of seconds, when the alarm goes off. Video Servers: Use the Video Servers dropdown menu to select a video server on which the camera is located. (A VideoServer object must be already configured and the server online. See VideoServer Editor earlier in this chapter.) Cameras: Use the Cameras dropdown menu to select a camera for the numbered video point. (The camera must be configured and enabled on the selected video server.) Rec: Check the Rec. checkbox to record a video clip from the selected camera. Recording begins at the moment the alarm goes off. Duration: In the Duration field, use the up and down arrows to select the number of seconds to record a video clip, once you check the Rec. checkbox. PTZ: In the PTZ field, select the number of the preset camera view. (This camera must have PTZ (pan, tilt, zoom) capabilities in order to use this feature.) See also the General tab of the VideoLayout editor.) After you preassign the video point cameras to the frames (Chapter 10) you reference a video point number here (in the General tab of the VideoLayout editor) that corresponds with each numbered frame you configured in the Video Points dialog. Right click over the frame, select Video Points, then select 1, 2, 3, or 4. For example, the camera you specified as "Video point 1" in the object editor is assigned to the frame you reference as "1" in this VideoLayout object. When the VideoLayout is launched, on an alarm associated with the
602 TAC

Menu Selection

Description object, this preconfigured video control matrix is displayed.

Change Camera

Select Change Camera to assign or reassign a camera or "video source" to this video control frame. Select the name of a server in the popup menu of server names, next to Change Camera. Then, in the next popup menu, select the name of a camera for example, it might be called "main lobby" or "loading dock" belonging to that server. The camera is assigned to the video control, and the camera's images immediately appear in its frame. Note: If a server is not available for connection (not online) then its list of cameras does not appear in the popup menu. The server must be available for connection. Likewise, a server's cameras must be enabled. If a camera is disabled (via Integral video server software) it does not appear in the menu. In order to assign a camera to a video control, at least one video server must have been configured. (See the VideoServer editor.) Security considerations: Access to video servers may be restricted by Continuum's security system. Access to cameras on the video server may be restricted by the server's security system. That is, users see only the cameras to which they have been granted access. Repeat this procedure for every video control frame in the matrix. You may select another camera, or even the same camera, for other video control frames. When you select the same camera for two or more frames, then the same camera images are displayed in those frames. You may also select cameras from more than one video server.

The following table describes other General tab video attributes and buttons, which allow you to adjust your video control images. Editor Attribute Text Overlay Meaning Check this checkbox to display the name of the camera, as well as the date and time, over each video control frame of the matrix. Click and remove the check to display no text. Top Click this radio button to position the text at the top of each frame. Bottom Click this radio button to position the text at the bottom of each frame.

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Editor Attribute Text Colors

Meaning You may change the color of the text in the text overlay by clicking one of the six colors in the color key, located beneath the text overlay radio buttons. These colors are: Red White Blue Yellow Green Black Black is the default.

Brightness Contrast Sharpness

Use the slider control to increase and decrease brightness, contrast, or sharpness, respectively. Note: The slider control on the Brightness, Contrast, or Sharpness blinks at any given time to indicate which setting is currently selected. Click this button to reload and refresh all the video controls. Click this button to freeze every video image in every video control frame. If you wish to freeze the image for just one video control, right click the control frame and select Freeze Video from the popup. (See the table above.)

Reload Layout Freeze All Video

Capture Layout

Click this button to capture the image being displayed (live or recorded) in the selected video control frame and save it to a file. The Capture Video Image Save dialog appears. Browse for the directory in which you want to save the image file, specify the file name, specify the image file type (.BMP, .JPG, and so on), and click Save.

Matrix Selections

To select or change the desired video-control matrix to display one, two, three, four, six, or nine video images in your layout, click one of these video control frame matrix buttons. The matrix changes immediately. Note: The three-frame and six-frame matrices display one frame larger than the others, as shown in these matrix buttons. A video-control frame remains black until you assign a camera by right-clicking on its frame and selecting Change Camera from the popup. (See the table above.)

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Graphics Panels


The Pinpoint graphics application is used to produce dynamic virtual control panels right on your CyberStation workstation. CyberStation control panels are computer-generated representations of physical panels. They consist of a screen display of buttons, switches, animations and text, and other controls that control particular points, particular elements of log or array points, point attributes, system variables, or certain Continuum objects, such as areas and doors. Every control placed on a CyberStation control panel can be easily changed, deleted and re-assigned through software. Controls can be active or passive: Active controls, such as a switch or button, can be manipulated by the user. For example, a switch control, when turned, might set a point value or setpoint.

Passive controls convey information, such as gauges and read-only text controls that display values. A text control might display the current room temperature. A control panel can have one or more controls, or not controls at all. Pinpoint supports a simple form of animation that uses multiple images of the same control. Because each image is slightly different, viewing them in a sequential order produces the effect of animation. The following example shows a Pinpoint graphics panel that monitors HVAC equipment on one floor of a building.

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The following list identifies the type of controls available in the Pinpoint application. A library of predefined images for each control is provided with the application. You can also use bitmap images that you created in another application to represent controls. Switches Pinpoint switch controls allow you to control two-state (on-off) points. In addition to their control capabilities, they also can display a different image for each state. Clicking once activates the control and also automatically displays the controls image associated with its activation. You choose the bitmap image set that defines the switch in each position. Buttons Buttons work in a similar manner to switches. They allow you to control two-state (on-off) points, launch applications, etc. Buttons can be any shape, but they do not change appearance. Active Animated Buttons Active or animated buttons can be any shape. They can change color when pressed.
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Bar Control A bar control shows the value of the point by rising or descending to a particular level as the value of the point changes. Both horizontal and vertical bar controls are available in the image library.

Text Control A text control displays a textual representation of a point value. If the point is an input or output, it displays the point value in engineering units. For a numeric point, it displays the numeric value. For a string point, it displays the characters in the string. For a datetime point, it displays the date and time in the point. Door Control The door control provides a graphic display of a CyberStation door object. It illustrates the switch states of the door by using configurable animation. Images illustrate the states of the door, such as locked/unlocked, trouble, and alarm. When you right click a door control, a popup menu provides access to additional functions, such as locking or unlocking the door, and opening the Door editor. Area Control The area control provides a graphic display of an Area object and can indicate whether the area is in Lockdown state or its normal state. You can also use an area control to initiate or clear the Lockdown state. Popup menu options allow you to lockdown individual doors to the area, or to clear the Lockdown state as well as to access other area functions. For more information regarding area lockdown, see Chapter 18.

Panel with Multiple Controls

The following figure shows a complex graphics panel that monitors both access information and HVAC data. This panel uses several Pinpoint features: Background image representing the controller and IOU module Lines created with drawing tools Text boxes to display and label values

Images associated with active components to current conditions for CyberStation points and other objects The table following the figure identifies how some of the controls are set up.

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Text Controls

Controller Time/Date

This is a text control tied to the system clock. It displays the date and time. Power Fail

This text control indicates whether the power fail condition is true or false. The other text controls are also tied to various points throughout the system and include such information as the amount of free system memory, which server is being accessed, alarm and error counts, etc. Bar Control Temperature Gauge

This bar control is linked to a sensor and displays the temperature graphically. Switches Gate Switches

Off On These switch controls operate security gates. When on, the indicator on the top of the switch turns red. Gate 4

This object indicates whether a gate in the building area is open (up) or closed (down) position.

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About Image Files Used in Panels

Where you store your image files affects your system performance. Whether you access images from a central location, such as a server, or from the local drive of a workstation makes a difference. Using a central location may be appropriate if you are working with a large number of workstations. However, because the data must travel through a network, accessing them will be slower than if the data was retrieved locally. See Setting Up Pinpoint Options. When you create a graphic to become part of your panel, we suggest that you save the image in the lowest resolution possible, so that the resulting image file is small and requires little memory. The Pinpoint image library contains bitmap (*.bmp), JPEGs, Icon, and enhanced metafile (*.emf) files. We recommend that you use the metafile graphics wherever possible. Metafiles are significantly smaller than the other formats, they scale up or down without distortion, and they support transparency better than the other formats. In addition, the number of controls on a panel may affect how quickly the panel is updated when changes occur. Using large numbers of controls on a panel can affect the rate at which the controls react to changes.

Creating a Pinpoint Panel

1. Click the 2. Click the hot spot on the CyberStation Main Menu. hot spot.

3. Select the File option on the Pinpoint menu bar, and then select New. 4. In the Create Graphic dialog, enter a name into the Object Name field, and click the Create button. A new blank Pinpoint panel appears.

Selecting Graphics Locations

Use this procedure to select the default folders to use for the following Pinpoint elements: Pinpoint panels (.Pin) Bitmap images that represent controls

Images that represent the background in a panel 1. From the System and Status menu page, open the Pinpoint graphics editor. 2. From the View menu, select Options.

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3. Enter (or browse to) the appropriate locations where you want your graphics, image, and background files stored. Location Graphics Folder Image Folder Background Folder Description Pinpoint panel files that you create or modify. Images that you can use to represent controls. Background image files.

Setting Panel Options

Although Pinpoint has default values for all options, you can change these options by performing the following steps: 1. From the System and Status menu page, open the Pinpoint graphics editor 2. From the View menu, select Options. 3. In the Options dialog, select the Misc tab.

4. Select options for working in the graphics editor. Option Warn Save Into Run Mode Description If selected, Pinpoint displays a message asking if you want to save the panel file before you enter Run Mode ; if not selected, Pinpoint automatically saves the panel file when you enter Run Mode. If selected, Pinpoint automatically makes a backup copy of a panel (.pin) file when that panel file is saved in the graphics folder. Backup files have the extension: *.bck. Enter (or browse to) a Pinpoint graphic file to use as the Pinpoint application home panel. When you click the Home button of the Pinpoint Standard Toolbar, the selected home panel opens.
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Make Backup Copy Panel File Home Panel Field

Option No Change Minimize Close (default) Default Paper Orientation Field Units of Measure 5. Click OK.

Description Opens the home panel with no change to the current panel state. Opens the home panel and minimizes the current panel. Opens the home panel and closes the current panel. Select the radio buttons to choose the default paper orientation (landscape or portrait). Select the units of measure for the size of your canvas. The default is inches.

Drag and Drop

Pinpoint supports drag and drop of points from any CyberStation source, such as Continuum Explorer. With drag and drop, you can create an active control that is automatically linked to the object it was dragged from. The drag and drop operation can be performed with either the left or right mouse button depending on what type of control you want to create on the Pinpoint canvas. Left Mouse Button When you drag and drop an object (other than a door or area) with the left mouse button, an active text control button is created. When you select a door or an area, a door or area control is created. To drag and drop an object with the left mouse button, proceed as follows: 1. Open the panel where you want to add a control. 2. Open Continuum Explorer and adjust its size so that the Pinpoint panel is visible to one side. 3. Place the cursor over the object in Continuum Explorer that you want to place on the panel. 4. Hold down the left mouse button while you drag the object onto the Pinpoint panel. 5. Release the mouse button. An active text control button for this object appears on the Pinpoint panel. Right Mouse Button When you drag and drop an object with the right mouse button, you can choose a control to be created from the object on the Pinpoint panel. To drag and drop an object with the right mouse button, proceed as follows: 1. Open the panel where you want to add a control. 2. Open Continuum Explore and adjust its size so that the Pinpoint panel is visible to one side.
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3. Place the cursor over the object in Continuum Explorer that you want to place on the panel. 4. Hold down the right mouse button while you drag the object onto the Pinpoint panel. 5. Release the mouse button. A popup menu appears listing the control types. 6. Select the type of control you want. The object will appear on the panel represented by the control you selected.

Pinpoint Environment
Pinpoint operates in two modes: Design and Run. In Design Mode you create a panel, which allows you to draw, animate, and insert objects, attach points, etc.

In Run Mode the panel operates showing assigned point values, opening/closing doors, you designed it to do. Below are the basic components of the Pinpoint environment: Pinpoint Window Features Menu bar Tool bars Description The Menu bar comprises the standard Windows program functions and Pinpoint-specific functions. The tool bars provide editing functions in Pinpoint. When no applicable elements are open in the main window, the functions are grayed-out indicating their unavailability. The canvas represents the graphics panel. In Design Mode, you arrange controls and other components on the canvas as you want them to appear on the panel when it operates in Run Mode. The status bar along the bottom of the window indicates whether Pinpoint is in Design Mode or Run Mode, and at what magnification the panel is displaying. The status bar also provides you with useful prompts, and visual indication of the status of various keyboard functions.


Status bar

Drawing Pinpoint Components

Components are objects that you place on the canvas (Pinpoint workspace) and manipulate. A component can be a simple shape (such as a rectangle or circle) or a complex collection of shapes or images. To start drawing a component, you select the toolbar button or menu command that corresponds to a particular shape.

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To Draw a component of equal proportions or at 90 degree angles Resize a component from the center Draw a line

You can Hold the SHIFT key while drawing a component. If you select a rectangle tool button and then clicked in an empty area on the canvas while holding the SHIFT key, the application draws a square. Hold the CTRL key while resizing a component. Click the Line button and then click and hold the mouse button in an empty area on the canvas until the line is the desired length. Release the mouse button. and then click in an Click the Polyline button empty area on the canvas. Click again to place an endpoint or corner. Double click to finish drawing the component. Click the right mouse button to cancel the action. and then click in an Click the Polygon button empty area on the canvas. Click to place each endpoint or corner. Double click to finish drawing the polygon. Click the right mouse button to cancel the action. Click the Rectangle button and then click and hold the mouse button in an empty area on the canvas. Drag the pointer until the rectangle is the width and length you want. and then click in an Click the Polycurve button empty area on the canvas. Click to place an endpoint, two control points and another endpoint. Double click to finish drawing the curve. and then click in an Click the Closed Curve button empty area on the canvas. Click to place an endpoint, two control points and another endpoint. Double click to finish drawing or click the right mouse button to cancel. You can assign a fill color to a closed curve. and then click and hold Click the Ellipse button the mouse button in the canvas. Drag the pointer until the ellipse is the size you want. and then click in an empty Click the Text button area on the canvas. Right click the text to edit.

Draw a polyline

Draw a polygon

Draw a rectangle

Draw a polycurve

Draw a closed curve

Draw an ellipse

Add text

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To Add an image

You can Click the Image button to open a standard dialog from which you can select an image to insert on the canvas in the following formats: .bmp .ico .jpg

.emf .dib

Configuring a Pinpoint Panel

1. From the File menu, select Configuration to display the Graphics dialog for the panel you are editing. The General tab page of the Graphics dialog appears. 2. Enter the configuration information in the fields described below: Description Graphic Panel File General description of the panel, up to 32 letters. File created when the panel is saved. By default it takes the same name as the panel object. All files are saved to a specific location (shared in a multi-user environment) usually set at c:\Program Files\Continuum\NewGraphicsFiles. Graphic panel files have a .pin extension. Use this field to select a program or Infinity program when the panel is in Run Mode.

Plain English Program to Run When the Panel is Opened Stop When Panel is Closed

If selected and you have selected a Plain English program to run when the panel opens, the Plain English program stops running when you close the panel or put it into Design Mode. If not selected, the Plain English program continues to run when the panel is closed or put in Design Mode. Select whether the panel should be maximized or retain the position/size of the panel when it was last saved. Check this checkbox to enable scroll bars in Run or Design Mode. Without scroll bars you can still view parts of a panel that do not initially appear onscreen, because the Pinpoint window can be resized by stretching the frame around the panel.
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Window Size Field

Scroll Bars

Active Polling Rate Only

Check this checkbox to enable the active polling.

3. Select the Canvas tab, and select preferences for the panel workspace, which is called the canvas. Background Color Background File Select a background color for the panel from the drop down list. Enter the location of the background image file displayed when the panel is loaded. If the background file changes, the panel reflects the latest change. If you choose a background file that is not located in the default background folder specified in the Options dialog, a copy of the file is placed in the default folder. If you choose a background file for your panel, it will override the background color. For example, if you have a gray background for your panel and then you add a graphic image to be the background, the image will show and the background color will not. A background file is optional. Canvas Width/ Height Enter the dimensions of the canvas.

4. Select the Object List tab to view the CyberStation objects attached to Pinpoint controls in the current panel.

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Object name Component name Polling Rate

Name and path of the CyberStation object Name of the Pinpoint control that represents the object in this panel Polling rate in milliseconds, which determines how often the panel can be updated when object information changes. Deletes the selected object. Selects the active component in the panel and brings it to the center. Finds an object selected by the user. Replaces the object found in the Find Object field with an object selected by the user. Replaces the selected object with the one specified by the user. Replaces all selected objects with the one specified by the user.

Delete Go To Find Object Replace With Replace Object Replace All Objects

6. If you want to attach a single object to this panel, click the Security Level tab and select a single object. 7. Click OK.
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Selecting Default Properties for Components

Before adding components to a panel, you can set their default properties. The properties you select are common to all component types and are used as the initial settings for every component added to the panel. Your settings apply only to new object and do not apply to existing objects. 1. Right click the canvas, and select Default Properties from the pop up menu. 2. In the Line tab, define the default appearance of lines in a component: Select line color, style, and width. Dashed or dotted lines can be used only when 0 Point is selected for line width. If you do not want to display lines when the panel is in Run Mode, check the Transparent checkbox.

3. Select Fill tab to define component fill properties. A solid fill, a foreground color without hatching, is the most commonly used fill. A hatched fill with a background color can also be used. When Transparent Fill is selected, a components fill wont show when the panel is in Run Mode. Selecting Transparent Fill locks out the use of the other options on this tab.

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4. Select the Font tab, and select font properties to define the appearance of text in a component. Because True Type fonts are the only fonts that support rotation, text is limited to True Type fonts. 5. Click OK.

Creating an Active Text Component

An active text control can display the text of any object attribute. You can also use a text box as a label for a value displayed in another text box or other active component.

From the Drawing tool bar, select the Text icon.


2. Click a location on the canvas to place the text box. Adjust the size, placement, and appearance of the component as needed. If you want to Resize the component Then Select any of the points on the border of the text box and drag the point to increase or decrease size.

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If you want to Move the component

Then Hover the curser over the center of the text , and box until the cursor changes to then click and drag the box to a different location. You can also use your keyboard arrow keys or the nudge buttons to move the text box in small increments.

Edit the display properties of the component

Right click the text box, and select Display properties. Edit line, fill, font, and other properties, and click OK.

3. To make this text component an active component (tied to a point object ), select the text component, and click the Text icon from the Active Components toolbar.

The Active Text tab page of the Active Text Object dialog is displayed. Object Enter or use the browse button to locate the path to the point object and attribute you want to attach to the component. Browse or type in the path to a Continuum point and attribute. Check this checkbox to change the value of the point in RunMode. If the checkbox is not selected, the value will be read only. Enter the maximum and minimum values accepted for this point when user entry is enabled.

User Entry High/Low Limit

4. If the selected object is attached to alarm(s), select the Alarms tab, and use the colorwells attached to each alarm to select the color the text changes to in response to the alarm event. 5. Select the Misc tab. 6. If you want to adjust the polling rate, enter a new value for Rate. The polling rate determines how often a point is queried per millisecond to see if its value has changed. 7. Check the ToolTips checkbox if you want to display a tooltip when the cursor lovers over the text box, and then specify the tooltip content: Select Attached Object if you want to display the name and path of the object attached to the text box.

Select User Defined, and enter the appropriate text if you want to display custom text in the tooltip. 8. Click OK. 9. To save and test the component, click the Run Mode button in the Standard toolbar. Click the Design Mode button to return to editing the panel.
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Inserting Images
To insert an image to use in a component, perform the following steps. You can insert predefined images from the image library or browse images created another application. 1. From the Insert menu, select Image Library. 2. In the PinPoint images dialog, expand folders to view the list of images, and select an image to display it in the preview area. 3. To insert a custom image, click the Browse button to locate the folder that contains the image. 4. Double click an image to insert it in the current panel. Continue inserting images as needed. 5. Click Close.

Creating an Active Switch Control

An active switch control always toggles between two discreet values, i.e., binary or digital values such as on and off. 1. Create two graphics to represent the two state of the switch control: You can draw the graphics with the Pinpoint drawing tools. You can insert bitmap images in the panel. 2. Place the graphic you created to symbolize the off state on top of the graphic you created to symbolize the on state, completely covering the on graphic. Do not group the graphic together. 3. Select the graphic object for the off state, and select Active Components/Switches, from the Active Components toolbar. or select the Active Switch button 4. In the Object field in the Active Switch tab page, enter the full path or click the browse button to locate the point, object, or object attribute that the switch controls. The object or attribute must have only two states (as a digital point does). For example, you can have the switch change the State of a program ENABLED or DISABLED. 5. Select the User Entry checkbox if you want to allow users to toggle the state of the object or attribute (for example, to allow an operator to turn a light on and off). 6. Click OK. 7. To save and test the component, select the Run Mode, or select the Run Mode button from the Standard toolbar. This action saves the panel.

Click the Design Mode button to return to editing the panel.

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Creating an Active Rotation Control

An Active Rotation control can be any shape or combination of grouped shapes, but it is most useful in a circular style control. For example, you can draw a fan or pump with spokes inside the circular part of it, and define it as an Active Rotation Control. When the fan or pump is on, the spokes continuously rotate. 1. Create the graphic to represent the rotating object: You can draw the graphic with the PinPoint drawing tools. Group the shapes that make the graphic as a single element. You can insert a bitmap image in the panel. from the Active

2. Select the graphic object, and select the Active Rotation button Components toolbar.

3. In the Active Rotation dialog, select the point the control represents and the rotation properties of the control.


Enter the full path or browse to the point the control represents. This is an option; you do not have to link the rotation to an object. It can be used simply for effect. Select when rotation occurs: Always indicates that the object always rotates. There is no need to select a point. Value is on indicates that the object rotates whenever the value of the point is not zero. You can use Value is on with analog (numeric) or digital (binary) points.

Rotate when:

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Direction Rotation Rate Angle

Choose a clockwise or counterclockwise rotation. Enter the rotation rate for the control. The valid range for this field is between 100 and 5000 milliseconds. Enter the angle in degrees the control will rotate at each interval based on the Rotation Rate. The valid range for this field is between 1 and 180 degrees. By default, a component chosen to be an Active Rotation object will rotate about its center. To change the center of rotation, click the Select Pivot Point button. The Center of Rotation dialog appears. Either drag with the mouse or use the Nudge Pivot buttons to move the rotation selector to the desired center of rotation. Click OK.

Select Pivot Point

4. Click OK. 5. To save and test the component, select the Run Mode, or select the Run Mode button from the Standard toolbar. This action saves the panel. Click the Design Mode button to return to editing the panel.

Creating a Personnel Picture Control

You can create personnel picture control to display a photo and information from Personnel objects in a graphics panel. For example, you can create a control that displays a photo name and access card number of a person who requests access at a specific door. 1. Click the Personnel Picture Control 2. Specify the properties of the control. from the Active Components toolbar.

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Either type in or browse for the Personnel object of the person whose photo you want to display, or for an attribute that stores a personnel object. For example, any of the following door attributes may be used: LastPersonEntered LastPersonExited LastInvalidEntry

Fade: Delay Time Fade: File User Entry Beep When the Picture Changes 3. Click OK.

LastInvalidEntryExit If you select one of these attributes, you can display the persons photo when the person enters/exits through the door. Enter the number of seconds you want to display a photo before it fades. If the delay is 0, the personnel photo will not fade. Either type in or browse for the path to the personnel photo. Select this checkbox to change the control right from the panel in Run Mode. Select this checkbox to hear a beep when a new photo appears.

4. To save and test the component, select the Run Mode, or select the Run Mode button from the Standard toolbar. This action saves the panel.

Click the Design Mode button to return to editing the panel.

Creating an Active Bar Control

A bar control is similar to a thermometer. It fills as the value rises and empties as the value falls. You can change the value of the point object that the bar component is tied to. Users can click the left mouse button while in Run Mode, and an image of a calculator will appear. Users can then use the mouse to click the calculator buttons or use the keyboard to type in the new value, and click OK on the calculator to set the new value. 1. From the Drawing toolbar, select the rectangle icon.


2. Draw a rectangle on the canvas by holding down the left mouse button and moving the mouse diagonally.
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3. If you want to edit visual properties of the rectangle, such as color, right click and select Display Properties from the popup menu. Edit the properties and click OK. 6. Select the rectangle and select the Active Bar icon from the Active Components toolbar. 5. In the Active Bar Object dialog, select the object the bar represents and the properties of the bar. Object User Entry Top of Scale Bottom of Scale Direction Enter or click the browse button for the point and attribute. Select the check box to allow users to change the value of the point from the panel. Enter the maximum value to represent a completely filled bar. Enter the minimum value to represent an empty bar. Select the Horizontal or Vertical radio button to indicate which direction you want the bar to grow in proportion to the value.

6. Click OK. 7. To save and test the component, select the Run Mode, or select the Run Mode button from the Standard toolbar. This action saves the panel.

Click the Design Mode button to return to editing the panel.

Creating an Active Button Control

You can create a button control to trigger one of the following events or actions: Open an object Open a panel Replace a point Run a Plain English program Start a Windows program Stop a Plain English program

Toggle the value of a point A button can be any shape or can be an image. For a button to change color when pressed, create an active animated button rather than a button. Buttons do not change appearance. 1. From the Drawing toolbar, select a shape or image button.

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2. Select a location in the canvas to place the shape. 3. If you want to edit visual properties of the component, right click and select Display Properties from the popup menu. Edit the properties, and click OK. 4. Click the Active Button toolbar icon to display the Active Button Object dialog. 5. Select an action from the Action dropdown list.

After you select an action, the Active Button data entry fields change to reflect the information required for that action. The following table describes how to configure each option. If you select Open Object Open Panel Then Enter or click the browse button to specify the full path name for the object the button opens. Enter or click the browse button to specify the full path for the graphics panel the button opens. Under Current Window, select what happens to the display of the current panel (the panel containing the button) when the new panel is opened. Enter or click the browse button to specify the full path name for the point that will be replaced when a user clicks the button. Note: When you go into Run Mode, click the replacement point you have selected to become an active button. You are prompted for the point you want to replace. Run Plain English Program Enter or click the browse button to specify the full path of the Plain English program that you want to run when a user clicks the button.

Replace Point

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Start Windows Program (enables you to start any installed Windows applications, such as Notepad or Excel, or to create or edit CyberStation Objects)

If you want to open another application, enter or click the browse button to specify the executable file (.exe) of the Windows program you want the button to launch. Enter any arguments, such as launching another application or opening a specific file that should be passed to the Windows program in the Command Line Arguments field (optional). If you want to create a button to create, edit, or open a CyberStation, click the Button Wizard button, and make selections from the wizard as prompted. Click Finish to close the wizard. The Windows Program and Command Line Arguments fields are populated with the values needed to create or edit the object you specified.

Stop Plain English Program Toggle Value

Enter or click the browse button to specify the full path of the Plain English program you want to stop when a user clicks the button. Enter or click the browse button to specify the full path for the point you want to turn on or off (or enable/disable, etc.) when a user clicks the button. Under Current Window, select the desired state that the current window should be in after the Active Button is clicked.

Current Panel

3. To execute Plain English (PE) commands in addition to the button action you defined in step 5, select the Plain English script tab, and enter the PE script. Click the Check button to verify that the script has no syntax or other errors.

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PE scripts can execute any command-line command. PE scripts cannot have local variable declarations or labels. PE scripts are executed before the selected Active Button performs its action (i.e., open panel, open object, etc.). 4. Select the Misc tab. 5. If you want to adjust the polling rate, enter a new value for Rate. The polling rate determines how often a point is queried per millisecond to see if its value has changed. 6. Select the ToolTips checkbox if you want to display a tooltip when the curser hovers over the text box, and then specify the tooltip content: Select Attached Object if you want to display the name and path of the object attached to the text box.

Select User Defined, and enter the appropriate text if you want to display custom text in the tooltip. 7. Click OK. 8. To save and test the component, click the Run Mode button in the standard toolbar. Click the Design Mode button to return to editing the panel.

Creating an Active n-Stage Animation Control

An active animation control displays a series of images that correspond to analog or digital values of a point that you specify. For example, you could use a sequence of propeller images to indicate a fan that is turned on.

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1. Click the Active Animation toolbar icon 2. Select the animation type.

to display the Active Animation dialog.

The selection you make in the Animation Type field determines the appearance of the tab page. If you want to Create animation for analog points, allowing images to be shown on value ranges Create animation for digital (binary) points, allowing images to represent the two states of the point (enabled/disabled, on/off, etc.) Then Select Analog Animation. Proceed to step 3. Select Digital Animation. Proceed to step 4.

3. Select the point, images, and valid range for analog animation.

C:\Program Files\Graphics\Graphic File1 C:\Program Files\Graphics\Graphic File2 C:\Program Files\Graphics\Graphic File3 C:\Program Files\Graphics\Graphic File4

Value Image Ranges

Enter or click the browse button to specify the full path of to the analog value to be used to control which image is viewed for the animation. Value ranges for each chosen image file. The ranges are created from the low and high limit you enter.

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Image Files

List of the images used for this animation. To create and organize the list of images, use the four icons above the preview area: Insert a new image Click this icon image and type in the file name and path. Delete an image Select the image to be deleted and click this icon. Move an image one up the list Select the image to move and click this icon. Move an image one down the list - Select the image to move and click this icon. Also, to edit an existing image, double click the image and make the appropriate changes in the open edit box.

Preview High/Low Limit Change

Click this button to preview the files in the Image Files field. Enter maximum and minimum values. If you change either of these values, the ranges are automatically calculated when the edit boxes lose their focus. By default, the ranges are split evenly over the range limits entered in the High Limit and Low Limit fields. Use this button to change the high limit for a selected range (and as a result the low limit for the next higher range) in the Image Range field. Click this button to reset all the ranges to their default ranges ({High limit Low Limit}/ # of files in the image list). This is only applicable if you have made changes to the default range. Select this checkbox to hide the animation if the value of the point is outside the limits of the range.


Hide Animation if Above/Below Range 8. Select the point, images, and animation properties for digital animation.

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C:\Program Files\Graphics\Graphic File1 C:\Program Files\Graphics\Graphic File2 C:\Program Files\Graphics\Graphic File3 C:\Program Files\Graphics\Graphic File4

Value Image Files

Enter or click the browse button to specify the full path of the binary value to be used to control which image is viewed for the animation. List of the images to be used for this animation. To create and organize the list of images, use the four icons above the preview area: Insert a new image Click this icon and type in the file name and path in the edit box. Delete an image Select the image to be deleted and click this icon. Move an image one up the list Select the image to move and click this icon. Move an image one down the list - Select the image to move and click this icon. Also, to edit an existing image, double click the image and make the appropriate changes in the open edit box.

Preview Animate When On Animate only when Change of State

Click this button to preview the files in the Image Files field. Select this checkbox for the animation to continue repeatedly when the value is on. Deselect this checkbox for the animation to continue repeatedly when the value is off. If this checkbox is selected, the system runs through the image list one time for change of state on, and then in reverse order for change of state off. This cycle repeats for every change of state.

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Invisible When Off Current Frame When Off Image Rate

Select this checkbox to make the image invisible when it is not animating. (when value = off) When the animation is off and visible, select this checkbox for the current frame to appear. Leave this checkbox unselected for the first frame in the image list to appear. Rate (in ms) the system cycles through the images selected in Image Files.

5. Select the Misc tab. 6. If you want to adjust the polling rate, enter a new value for Rate. The polling rate determines how often a point is queried per millisecond to see if its value has changed. 7. Select the ToolTips checkbox if you want to display a tooltip when the curser hovers over the text box, and then specify the tooltip content: Select Attached Object if you want to display the name and path of the object attached to the text box.

Select User Defined, and enter the appropriate text if you want to display custom text in the tooltip. 8. Click OK. 9. To save and test the component, click the Run Mode button in the standard toolbar. Click the Design Mode button to return to editing the panel.

Creating an Active Animated Button Control

Like the active button, the animated button can be any shape. It also supports the same actions as an active button, but can change appearance when an event occurs. 1. From the Drawing toolbar, select a shape. You cannot use text or images as an active animated button.

2. Select a location in the canvas to place the shape. 3. Specify the shape, and click the Animated Button icon on the toolbar. 4. In the Active Animated Button dialog, specify trigger settings.

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Trigger Options

Enter or click the browse button to specify the full path to the object used to trigger the animated effects of the button. The trigger is the point or attribute that initiates (fires) an event. Select the event that triggers button animation: On/Off Alarm Ranges

Disable Action Action Field

Select this checkbox to disable the trigger action on the button. Select an action from the Action dropdown list.

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Select the checkbox that indicates what will happen to the current window when the panel is launched. 5. Select the Options tab. The settings in this tab depend on the trigger option you selected in the Active Animation Button tab.

Object Drop Menu Current Window

If needed, enter or browse to the action object.

Trigger Option Value


The values in the Trigger Option Values list are determined by the selection you make in the Trigger Options in the Active Animated button tab. In the above example, the choices are On/Off. Use this tab to determine how the button appears in each state. Note: Both On and Off require separate configuration. Select this checkbox to select Fill options for the state selected in the Trigger Option Value field. The Fill Properties dialog appears. Select fill settings for the button, and click OK.

Visible Blink and Beep

634 TAC

Select this checkbox for the button to be visible in that state. Select these checkboxes for the button to blink and/or beep in that state.

Not implemented in this release. Display Value 6. To execute Plain English (PE) commands in addition the button action you defined in step 5, select the Plain English script tab, and enter the PE script. Click the Check button to verify that the script has no syntax or other errors.

PE scripts can execute any command-line command. PE scripts cannot have local variable declarations or labels. PE scripts are executed before the selected Active Button performs its action (i.e., open panel, open object, etc.). 7. Select the Misc tab. 8. If you want to adjust the polling rate, enter a new value for Rate. The polling rate determines how often a point is queried per millisecond to see if its value has changed.. 9. Select the ToolTips checkbox if you want to display a tooltip when the curser hovers over the text box, and then specify the tooltip content: Select Attached Object if you want to display the name and path of the object attached to the text box.

Select User Defined, and enter the appropriate text if you want to display custom text in the tooltip. 10. Click OK. 11. To save and test the component, click the Run Mode button in the standard toolbar. Click the Design Mode button to return to editing the panel.

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Inserting a Scale
A scale active component works with a gauge active component to display the value of a point object that you specify: The scale provides the visual characteristics: upper and low limits, divisions and steps, and labels. Create the scale before you create the gauge.

The gauge provides the graphic element that represents the point value on the scale, such as the needed on a circular dial. To insert a scale, follow these steps: 1. From the Insert menu, select Scale. The Scale dialog appears with the default scale type as linear. 2. Select settings that define the appearance and labeling on the scale.

Type Orientation

Select linear or circular. If you selected Linear, select Horizontal or Vertical.

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Start and Sweep Angle Fields

Enter the number of degrees from vertical in a clockwise direction as the start angle. The default start angle is 90 degrees. The direction of the sweep angle is always clockwise. The default sweep is 180 degrees.

Direction Radio Buttons

Use these radio buttons to choose the direction that the numbers will appear on the scale. Select Clockwise and the numbers appear clockwise from low to high.

Scale Color Limits

Select Counterclockwise and the numbers appear counterclockwise from low to high. Select a color for the scale using the Scale colorwell dropdown list. Use these fields to set the high and low limits of the scale. The limits can be positive or negative (you can set the number of decimal places that appear in the Decimal Places field). The High limit is the largest number displayed on the scale. The Low Limit is the smallest number displayed on the scale. Use these fields to set the number of Subdivisions and Steps that appear on the scale. Subdivisions are the tiny tick marks between each Step (major tick mark). Use these fields to type in and select the color for a short text string usually used to display the units of scale. Select the color you desire from the colorwell, which opens like a drop down list. Select Show Numbers to display numbers on the scale. Type in or scroll to the number of decimal places you want to display in the Decimal Places field. Select the color you want the numbers to appear in Color field. Use the Position drop down list to enter where you want the numbers to appear. The options depend on the type of scale selected.


Show Units

Show Numbers

3. Click OK.

Inserting a Gauge
To insert a gauge, follow these steps: 1. Use the drawing toolbar to create the graphic representing the gauge reading on the scale you drew in the previous procedure.
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2. Position the graphic on the scale, and select the graphic (not the scale component). 3. From the Active Components toolbar, select Gauge. The Gauge dialog appears.

4. Select settings for the gauge. Object Scale Direction Browse for or enter the Continuum point that the gauge will indicate. Enter the upper and low limits of values shown. Select the direction in which the numbers will appear on the scale: Selecting Clockwise causes the numbers to appear clockwise from high to low. Selecting Counterclockwise causes the numbers to appear from low to high in a counterclockwise direction. Enter the angle, in degrees, (the direction of the sweep angle is always clockwise) for the gauge. For example, a gauge with measurements that form a complete circle has a Sweep Angle of 360 degrees. The default sweep angle is 310 degrees. The example to the right shows the sweep angle of 180 degrees. Click this button to display the Select the Center of Rotation dialog. Use this graphic device to position the pivot point of the gauge. In the above example, the gauge appears in the default pivot position.

Sweep Angle

Select Pivot Point

5. Click OK. The gauge is now capable of moving to the corresponding position on the scale when the value it represents changes.

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Importing a Pinpoint Panel

Use this procedure to import a Pinpoint panel file that was created in another CyberStation installation. For example, a TAC dealer could create custom panels for you on the dealers CyberStation system. 1. From the File menu, select Import Panel File. 2. In the Import Panel File dialog, select a panel, and click the Import button. A warning telling you that the imported file will completely replace the contents of the open panel appears. 3. Click OK.

Creating Windows Controls

Windows controls are graphics that visually represent common components on a control panel, such as buttons, sliders, and LED displays. Like active components, Windows controls are associated with CyberStation points. Two special Windows controls represent CyberStation area and door objects. Windows controls do not require you to create a graphic to represent the control. Each control has a predefined set of images that represent the control in its various states. Many controls include several image sets to choose from.

Creating a Button Control

Follow these steps to create a Windows button control. 1. From the Windows Controls toolbar, select the button control. The following control is created for you on your Pinpoint working area.

2. Click the button control to display the Active Button Object dialog. Note: The properties of this Window control are the same as the standard Pinpoint active button control. Refer to the section in this chapter called Creating an Active Button Control for detailed information about these properties.

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3. After you select the properties you require, click OK.

Creating an Edit Box Control

Follow these steps to create an edit box control. You can use an edit box control to display values or to accept user entry values. 1. From the Windows Controls toolbar, select the edit box control. The following control is created for you on your Pinpoint working area.

2. Select Edit from the menu bar, and click Object Properties. 3. In the Edit Box Object Properties dialog, select the properties you require. Object User Entry Enter or click the browse button to specify the path to a Continuum point and attribute. If selected, users can enter values into the edit control, just as they do for active text controls. If not selected, the content of the edit box is read only. If selected, the control has a border.

3D Border

4. Select the Misc tab. 5. If you want to adjust the polling rate, enter a new value for Rate. The polling rate determines how often a point is queried per millisecond to see if its value has changed. Select the ToolTips checkbox if you want to display a tooltip when the curser hovers over the text box, and then specify the tooltip content.

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Select Attached Object if you want to display the name and path of the object attached to the text box. 6. Select User Defined, and enter the appropriate text if you want to display custom text in the tooltip. 7. Click OK. 8. To save and test the component, click the Run Mode button in the standard toolbar. Click the Design Mode button to return to editing the panel.

Creating a Switch Control

Follow these steps to create a Windows switch control. 1. From the Windows Controls toolbar, select the Switch Control. The following control is created for you on your Pinpoint working area.

2. Select Edit from the menu bar, and select Object Properties. 3. In the Switch Properties dialog, select the properties you require. Object Style Enter or click the browse button to specify the path to a Continuum point and attribute. Under Style, click the down arrow, and then select the switch graphic you want to use.

User Entry

If selected, users can click the switch to toggle the attached object value.

4. Select the Misc tab. 5. If you want to adjust the polling rate, enter a new value for Rate. The polling rate determines how often a point is queried per millisecond to see if its value has changed. 6. Select the ToolTips checkbox if you want to display a tooltip when the curser hovers over the text box, and then specify the tooltip content.
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Select Attached Object if you want to display the name and path of the object attached to the text box.

Select User Defined, and enter the appropriate text if you want to display custom text in the tooltip. 7. Click OK. 8. To save and test the component, click the Run Mode button in the standard toolbar. Click the Design Mode button to return to editing the panel.

Creating a Combo Box Control

Follow these steps to create a Windows combo box control. 1. From the Window Controls toolbar, select the Combo Box Control. The following control is created for you on your Pinpoint working area.

2. Select Edit from the menu bar, and select Object Properties. 3. In the Combobox Object Properties dialog, select the properties you require. Object List Items Enter or click the browse button to specify the path to a Continuum point and attribute. The List Items are the possible values of the attached object that will be displayed in the dropdown list of the combo box control. Use the four icons at the top of the List Items field: Insert a new list item Click this icon and type in the list item in the edit box. Delete a list item Select the item to be deleted and click this icon. Move an item one up the list Select the item to move and click this icon. Move an item one down the list - Select the item to move click this icon. and


Also, to edit an existing list item, double click the item and make the appropriate changes in the edit box. Click this button to automatically insert the values of a selected object in the List Items field. Note: A message will appear informing you that the current list of items will be overwritten with the newly selected values.

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4. Select the Misc tab. 5. If you want to adjust the polling rate, enter a new value for Rate. The polling rate determines how often a point is queried per millisecond to see if its value has changed. 6. Select the ToolTips checkbox if you want to display a tooltip when the curser hovers over the text box, and then specify the tooltip content. Select Attached Object if you want to display the name and path of the object attached to the text box.

Select User Defined, and enter the appropriate text if you want to display custom text in the tooltip. 7. Click OK. 8. To save and test the component, click the Run Mode button in the standard toolbar. Click the Design Mode button to return to editing the panel.

Creating a Slider Control

Follow these steps to create a Windows slider control. 1. From the Window Controls toolbar, select the Slider Control. The following control is created for you on your Pinpoint working area.

2. Select Edit from the menu bar, and select Object Properties. 3. In the Slider dialog, select the properties you require.

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Object Top of Scale Bottom of Scale Integers Only

Enter or click the browse button to specify the path to a Continuum point and attribute. Enter the maximum value to represent a completely filled slider. Enter the minimum value to represent an empty slider. Check this check box if you want the slider scale to be in whole numbers

4. Select the Misc tab. 5. If you want to adjust the polling rate, enter a new value for Rate. The polling rate determines how often a point is queried per millisecond to see if its value has changed. 6. Select the ToolTips checkbox if you want to display a tooltip when the curser hovers over the text box, and then specify the tooltip content. Select Attached Object if you want to display the name and path of the object attached to the text box.

Select User Defined, and enter the appropriate text if you want to display custom text in the tooltip. 7. Click OK. 8. To save and test the component, click the Run Mode button in the standard toolbar. Click the Design Mode button to return to editing the panel.

Create a Video Control

A video control window is used to display a live or recorded video stream from a source video object a surveillance camera or a file containing a recorded video that you assign to the video control. Follow these steps to create a video control. 1. From the Window Controls toolbar, select the Video Control. A new video control window appears.

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Right click the empty video control window, and select Display Properties from the popup menu.

3. Enter the name of the video control window. 4. Check the Preserve Original Video Aspect Ratio checkbox if you are going to resize the video control and want to preserve its original aspect ratio in the resize. That is, it prevents you from accidentally distorting the dimensions of the image. This box is not checked, by default. Note: This checkbox is for live video only. If you are using a video source file, this setting does not apply. 5. Click OK. 6. Right click the video control, and select Object Properties. In the Active Video tab, you must select either a video source file or a video source device (surveillance camera.)

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Note: If you wish to select a source object, it must be an object that has two states something that can be on or off, enabled or disabled, set or cleared, and so on. Live or recorded video is displayed only when the object is an on/enabled state. It does not display when it is in an off/enabled state. If you do not select a source object, live images are displayed continuously, and recorded file video is played either once (by default) or continuously, via the Loop Forever checkbox (described in the following text). 7. If you select a source data object, click the browse button in the Play when object value is On field, search for, and select an object that has an on/off (or enabled/disabled) state, such as an alarm. 8. Click the Video Source Device radio button if you want to display live images from a surveillance camera. If you are selecting Video Source File, go to step 11. 9. If you clicked Video Source Device, select a video driver from the dropdown menu, and then go to step 12. Your system must be configured with video surveillance-camera software in order for video driver selections to appear in the dropdown menu. The following video hardware is recommended for use with the video control window:
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CreativeLabs WebCamGo+ USB camera Hauppage WinTVGo Model 190 Any capture board with VGA/DirectX compatibility Integrals FlashBus cards

10. If you selected Video Source File, click the browse button in the Video Source File field to browse for a AVI, MOV, or MPG file whose video recording you want to play back. Use the four checkboxes to configure the files video display. Select Loop Forever If you want The recorded video in the file will play back continuously (over and over again). Remove the check from this box if you want the files recorded video to play back only once. Note: If you have selected a source data object, the video is played back (once or continuously) only when the object is on/enabled. If the object is turned off or becomes disabled during playback, the playback stops and the image disappears from the video control window. Show configuration menu Access to the video control windows configuration popup menu accessible in either deign mode or un mode. This menu allows you to modify the display in a number of ways, including speed and volume. Remove the check to deny access to the configuration menu for example, if you dont want security guards or certain other users to change the video display. Show Play Controls To display a play button, a menu button, and a playback slider control along the bottom of the video control window, as shown in step 12. Remove the check to hide these controls. The video control window to begin playback automatically, as soon as its panel loads on the screen.

Auto Play when panel loads 11. Click OK.

Live images If you are viewing live video from a device (surveillance camera) the live image appears. For example:

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Recorded images If you are viewing a recorded video file, the beginning of the recording appears (in a stopped state) in design mode in your video control window. For example:

Note: Your video control window can play a video stream in either design mode or run mode . In the recorded video image above, notice the play controls along the bottom of the control window. Live images (from a video source device) do not display play controls. Play Controls In run or design mode, the play controls function as follows: Click the play button to begin or resume the playback of a video. Play button This button becomes a stop button when the video is playing. Click the menu button (next to the play button) to bring up the Menu button configuration menu at any time, while the video is playing or stopped. The length of the slider control represents the Playback slider control entire duration of the recorded video. The position of the slider control button represents the current spot in playback. For example, if the slider button is located in the middle of the slider, playback is 50 percent completed. Use the slider button to go to a specific spot in the recording. Click and drag the slider control button right to advance the recording forward, as well as all the way to the right to go to the end of the recording. Likewise, slide it left to go back to a previous spot in the recording, or all the way to the left to restart the entire recording.

12. Configure the size, sound, and speed of your video stream via the Configuration menu.

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(You must have checked the Show configuration menu checkbox in the Video Properties dialog.) This menu also allows you to make a still copy of the image inside the video control window, open and close the window, and pause, stop, and resume playback. To use this menu, right click on the video control window in run or design mode. The Configuration popup menu appears. Select View To Select the size of the image from its popup menu, as shown above. Half Size reduces the image by 50 percent Double Size increases the image to twice its current size


Normal Size restores the image to its original (100 percent) size Adjust the videos sound (if the video has sound) using the volume slider control. Click and drag the slider button down to decrease volume. The integer inside the slider button indicates the percentage of full volume. Likewise, drag the slider up to increase volume.


Adjust the playback speed using the speed slider control. Click and drag the slider button down to decrease playback speed. The integer inside the slider button indicates the percentage of speed, where 100 percent is normal speed.


Make a still snapshot of the image currently inside the video control window. This is useful if you want to show a picture of something important happening at a precise moment during the course of a video recorded. This image can be pasted into documentation files, for example. Note: Copy copies the image only, not the video control window.

13. Select the Misc tab. 14. If you want to adjust the polling rate, enter a new value for Rate. The polling rate determines how often a point is queried per millisecond to see if its value has changed. 15. Select the ToolTips checkbox if you want to display a tooltip when the curser hovers over the text box, and then specify the tooltip content. Select Attached Object if you want to display the name and path of the object attached to the text box. Select User Defined, and enter the appropriate text if you want to display custom text in the tooltip.
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16. Click OK. 17. To save and test the component, click the Run Mode button in the standard toolbar. Click the Design Mode button to return to editing the panel.

Creating a Check Box Control

Follow these steps to create a Windows check box control. 1. From the Window Controls toolbar, select the Check Box Control. The following control is created for you on your Pinpoint working area.

2. Select Edit from the menu bar, and select Object Properties. 3. In the Check Box dialog, select the properties you require.

Object User Entry

Enter or click the browse button to specify the path to a Continuum point and attribute. When selected, users can click the control to check the checkbox or to the clear the check.

4. Select the Misc tab. 5. If you want to adjust the polling rate, enter a new value for Rate. The polling rate determines how often a point is queried per millisecond to see if its value has changed. 6. Select the ToolTips checkbox if you want to display a tooltip when the curser hovers over the text box, and then specify the tooltip content. Select Attached Object if you want to display the name and path of the object attached to the text box.

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Select User Defined, and enter the appropriate text if you want to display custom text in the tooltip. 7. Click OK. 8. To save and test the component, click the Run Mode button in the standard toolbar. Click the Design Mode button to return to editing the panel.

Creating a Web Browser Control

A web browser control allows you to show web pages inside a Pinpoint panel. This page can be either a URL address or a local HTML file. You control which web pages to display in a web browser control window, based on certain trigger conditions. When a point is on, one page is displayed; when the point is off, another web page is displayed. For example, you can display different web pages, depending on the current state of an alarm that is, when an alarm is active, acknowledged, returned, and so on. This control can also host any type of active document, such as Microsoft Word or Excel. You may want to use the web browser control to display documentation, such as instructions for handling an active alarm. Note: Your web browser control window must be in run mode source object to display in the window. To create a new web browser control: 1. Click the web browser (globe) icon in your Window Controls toolbar. An empty web browser control window appears. 2. Right click the control, and select Object Properties from the popup menu. The Web Browser Control Object Properties dialog appears. You must assign a trigger for the web browser control. The trigger comprises a string object (representing a URL address or an HTML file) and a trigger, which defines the condition under which your web page appears. 3. Click the browser button in the String Object field, and select a Continuum string object. 4. Select a Trigger Option from the dropdown menu. String URL By default, you may simply bring up a URL or HTML page in your web browser control window, every time the web browser window opens that is, whenever the string object that you assigned is turned on. When you choose this String URL, the Options tab is therefore not selectable. in order for the web

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Select this option when you want to launch two different web pages in your web browser control one when the string object is turned on, and the other when it is turned off. When you select On-Off, the Options tab becomes selectable. From the On-Off Options tab, in the On field, enter a URL address, or click the browse button to specify an HTML file that you want to launch in your web browser control window when your string object is turned on. Likewise, in the Off field, enter a URL address, or click the browse button to specify an HTML file that you want to launch in your web browser control window when your string object is turned off.


Select this option when you want to open different web pages according to a particular state of an alarm, when an alarm is triggered on you string object. For example, you can launch one URL or HTML file when an alarm is active, another when it is acknowledged, another when it is returned, and so on. When you select Alarms, the Options tab becomes selectable. In this Options tab, there are five fields; one field for each sate of an alarm. In each states respective field, enter a URL address or use the browse button to specify an HTML file. When your string object triggers an alarm, the web page that you specify will open according to the state of the alarm.

5. In the General tab, you can specify a home page for your web browser control window. To do, simply enter a URL address in the Home Page field, or click the browse button to browse for an HTML file to launch as a home page. When the web browser control is active, click the home icon control to go to the specified home page. at the top of the

6. From the General tab, you can select user entry mode and theater mode by checking the User entry URL and Theater Mode checkboxes, respectively. User entry URL This feature allows you to navigate in run mode with a manual entry. To do so, enter a URL address in the edit field at the top of the web browser control window. This feature displays the web browser control window without the navigational buttons and edit entry field. Using theater mode, you may create buttons that trigger certain conditions whereby a different web page appears based on which particular button you click. Each button would be labeled according to the web page that it retrieves.

Theater Mode

7. Select the Misc tab. 8. If you want to adjust the polling rate, enter a new value for Rate. The polling rate determines how often a point is queried per millisecond to see if its value has changed.
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9. Click OK. 10. To save and test the component, click the Run Mode button in the standard toolbar. Click the Design Mode button to return to editing the panel.

Creating a Progress Bar Control

Follow these steps to create a Windows progress bar control. 1. From the Window Controls toolbar, select the Progress Bar Control. The following control is created for you on your Pinpoint working area.

2. Select Edit from the menu bar, and select Object Properties. 3. In the Progress Bar Object Properties dialog, select the properties you require. Object High/Low Limit Enter or click the browse button to specify the path to a Continuum point and attribute. Enter maximum and minimum values. If you change either of these values, the ranges are automatically implemented on the progress bar. Select to display the progress bar values. Select to display units with the value. Select to change the progress bar from horizontal to vertical. If selected, users can click the control to display a calculator that they can use to change the value associated with the control.

Display Value Units Vertical User Entry

4. Click the Colors tab to view the Colors dialog. This screen allows you to select colors for: Text Background Start

End 5. Select the Misc tab. 6. If you want to adjust the polling rate, enter a new value for Rate. The polling rate determines how often a point is queried per millisecond to see if its value has changed. 7. Select the ToolTips checkbox if you want to display a tooltip when the curser hovers over the text box, and then specify the tooltip content.
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Select Attached Object if you want to display the name and path of the object attached to the text box.

Select User Defined, and enter the appropriate text if you want to display custom text in the tooltip. 8. Click OK. 9. To save and test the component, click the Run Mode button in the standard toolbar. Click the Design Mode button to return to editing the panel.

Creating a Trend Control

A trend control is used to display points of data, plotted on a trend graph from one or more sources (data objects) over a period of time. Data from the objects are displayed in user-customized formats on a graph within the trend control window. These can be line, point, or bar graphs. The trend window consists of four main areas: Graph plot area, with optional grid (center of window) Pen units scale (left side of window) Time scale (bottom of window) Pen labels area (beneath the time scale by default). This area lists the pens (a key to the data object sources) that are plotted on the graph. You may move the pen labels area to the right side of the trend control windows via the Graph Properties dialog, discussed later in this section.

The trend window with its four main areas is shown below. In this example, the trend control has three pens, each of which is polling data for temperature, in degrees Fahrenheit:

You may select the color and plot-point design of each pen, via the pen style properties.
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Note: Your trend control window must be in run mode in order for Pinpoint to poll live data from the data source objects and plot it on the graph. Margin The area surrounding the entire trend control window is called the margin. You may change the margin color (as well as many other characteristics of the graph) via the Graph Properties dialog, discussed later in this chapter. Pen scale units begin at 0 at the bottom of the graph, by default. You many scroll the pen units scale and the time scale by placing the cursor over one of the scales, holding down the left mouse button, and dragging the scale up or down (for the pen scaled) or from side to side (for the time scale). You may also scroll up the pen units scale to show negative unit values. Scrolling the scales is useful when you want to demarcate a certain area of plots on the graph. Your trend control allows you to zoom in and zoom out on the graph. The zoom features are contained in the graphs run mode menu.



About Pens All pens belonging to a trend control are displayed in the windows pen labels areas. The list of pens in the pen labels area is scrollable if there are more pens than the area can display. In the pen labels area, each pen is listed as a pushbutton. Each label name appears on its respective button. You may select a pen as follows: Click its pen button in the pen labels area. Click its actual pen data plotted on the graph. When you select a pen, the active pen scale and active time scale change according to how that pen is configured. Once the pen labels area is created on the trend control window, you may access the Pen Properties dialog by moving the cursor over one of the pens in the pen labels area, right clicking, and selecting Pen Properties from the popup menu.

Creating a New Trend Control Graph Follow these steps to create a Windows trend control. 1. From the Windows Controls toolbar, select the Trend Control. A new graph appears.

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The graph is empty, and it does not display the pen labels area because you have not yet created a pen. However, the active pen unit scale and the time scale appear at the left side and bottom of the graph, respectively. 2. Right click, and select Add New Pen from the popup menu. The Pen Properties dialog appears.

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3. Click the browse button in the Pen Data Object field, and search for an object whose data you wish to poll, track, and plot. A data source is a real-time source (object attribute). The name of the pen data object becomes the pen label (i.e., the name of the pen). Pen labels appear in the pen labels area of the trend control window. 4. In the Scale area, enter maximum and minimum values for the data that is plotted on the graph. 5. In the Style area, customize the appearance of the trend line and data points. Style characteristics include pen color, what kind of line connects the data points, as well as the style of the data points themselves. Check the Hide this pen checkbox when you dont want this pen to appear on the graph. The pen continues to record data from its source data object, but does not plot data on the graph. A gray screen covers the pen itself in the pen labels area. For example, the pen on the left is hidden:

6. Click OK. 7. Right click the trend control, and select Properties from the popup menu. 8. Select the Plot tab and specify properties of the graph. Margin Select the margins background color and size. From the Background color dropdown menu, select a color from the color palette. The default color is blue. Select the graphs background color as well as whether to show or hide the grid. From the Background Color dropdown menu, select a color from the color palette. The default color is gray. Check the Grid Marks checkbox if you want to show the grid. Remove the check if you want to hide the grid. The Grid Marks box is checked by default. Label In the label field, as an option, you may enter a name for the trend control window. This label appears above the graph. Click the Font button to select a typeface and font for the trend control label, as well as for the text throughout the entire trend control. Check the Show checkbox when you want to show the trend control label name. Remove the check in the Show checkbox when you want to hide the label name.


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Time Scale

Check the Show Time Scale checkbox when you want to show the time scale on the trend control. Remove the check when you want to hide the time scale. The Show Time Scale box is checked by default. Check the Vertical Text checkbox when you want to display time scale text vertically, at a right angle. This box is not checked, and text is displayed horizontally, by default. When you check this box, text is displayed vertically.

9. Click the Pen Labels tab to show, hide, and position pen labels, as well as pen label units, on the trend control. Show Pen Labels Show at the Bottom Displays the pen labels on the trend control. Remove this check to hide all pen labels. Displays the pen labels along the bottom of the trend control, beneath the time scale. By default, this button is selected, and pen labels are displayed at the bottom. Displays the pen labels along the right side of the trend control. Displays the pen units scale. Displays text in the pen scale vertically.

Show on the Right Show Pen Units Vertical Text

10. Select the Pens tab to add or delete a pen, as well as access the Pen Properties dialog, where you may view and/or modify a pens properties. 11. Select the Misc tab. 12. If you want to adjust the polling rate, enter a new value for Rate. The polling rate determines how often a point is queried per millisecond to see if its value has changed. 13. Select the ToolTips checkbox if you want to display a tooltip when the curser hovers over the text box, and then specify the tooltip content. Select Attached Object if you want to display the name and path of the object attached to the text box.

Select User Defined, and enter the appropriate text if you want to display custom text in the tooltip. 14. Click OK. 15. To save and test the component, click the Run Mode button in the standard toolbar. Click the Design Mode button to return to editing the panel. Run Mode Menu Features of Trend Graphs The run mode popup menus for the graph and the pen labels enable you to control certain display characteristics of the plotted data.

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Right click the graph to display the following options: Pause Restart Auto Scroll Select Pause to stop the plotting of new sample data on the graph. Select Restart after a pause, to resume the plotting of data on the graph. Select Auto Scroll when you want the graph to scroll to the left automatically whenever more data samples are plotted on the graph. This allows you to see the latest plotted data. Select Fit Time to show all the plotted data on the graph at once, beginning with the time of the first plot in the leftmost part of the graph, and ending with the latest plot on the rightmost part of the graph. Select Time Zoom In to zoom into the graph area (time axis) by 50 percent of its current size. Select Time Zoom Out to zoom out of the graph area (time axis) by 50 percent of its current size.

Fit Time

Time Zoom In Time Zoom Out

Right click a pen to display the following options: Object Properties Hide Fit Time Select Object Properties to launch the object editor for the source data object whose data is being polled and plotted. Select Hide to hide the selected pen. Select Fit Time to show all the plotted data on the graph at once, beginning with the time of the first plot in the leftmost part of the graph, and ending with the latest plot on the rightmost part of the graph.

Design Mode Menu Features of Trend Graphs

Right click the graph to display the following options: Properties Add New Pen Select Properties to launch the Graph Properties dialog for the trend control. Select Add New Pen to launch the Pen Properties dialog, which allows you to add a new pen to the trend control window. See also Adding a New Pen. Select Auto Scroll when you want the graph to scroll to the left automatically whenever more data samples are plotted on the graph. This allows you to see the latest plotted data. Select Fit Time to show all the plotted data on the graph at once, beginning with the time of the first plot in the leftmost part of the graph, and ending with the latest plot on the rightmost part of the graph.

Auto Scroll

Fit Time

Andover Continuum CyberStation Configurators Guide 659

Right click a pen, and select Pen Properties to launch the Pen Properties dialog containing all the settings for that particular pen.

Creating an LED Number Control

A light-emitting diode (LED) number control allows you to simulate a digital LED number display, based on numeric values it receives from a source data object that is assigned to the number control. The number control can be a multiple-digit integer, up to 10 digits. You may also display the digits in certain colors to indicate various states of an alarm, when your data object has triggers an alarm. To create a new LED number control: 1. Click the LED number control icon on the Windows Controls toolbar. A new, empty LED number control appears. By default, it has four digit places.

2. Right click the control, and select Object Properties from the popup menu. The LED Number Control Object Properties dialog appears.

3. In the General tab, click the browse button in the Object field, search for, and select an object whose numeric value you want to display. 4. Enter the number of digits to display. You may select a minimum of one digit and a maximum of 10 digits. 5. Check the User Entry checkbox if you want users to be able to manually change the integer value of the number controls source object.

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Users can click the control to display a calculator where they can specify a new value. Clear the checkbox to make the control read only. 6. Select the Alarms tab, and select a color for each state of an alarm. When your data object triggers an alarm, the integer in the LED number control appears in the specified color, depending on its current state. 7. Select the Misc tab. 8. If you want to adjust the polling rate, enter a new value for Rate. The polling rate determines how often a point is queried per millisecond to see if its value has changed. 9. Select the ToolTips checkbox if you want to display a tooltip when the curser hovers over the text box, and then specify the tooltip content. Select Attached Object if you want to display the name and path of the object attached to the text box.

Select User Defined, and enter the appropriate text if you want to display custom text in the tooltip. Click OK. 10. To save and test the component, click the Run Mode button in the standard toolbar. Click the Design Mode button to return to editing the panel.

Creating a Door Control

The Windows door control provides you with a graphic display of a Door object. It illustrates the switch states of the door by using configurable animation. Bitmap images illustrate the states of the door: Alarm Enabled/disabled Locked/unlocked Scheduled lock/unlock Trouble Timed unlock

Enabled/disabled keypad/reader access To make the control operational, you have the option of: Using the default animation bitmap set. Choosing from several supplied bitmap sets.

Using your own bitmap set. Follow these steps to create a door control: 1. From the Window Controls toolbar, select the door control. The following control is created for you on your Pinpoint working area.
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2. Right click the door control and select Object Properties to display the Door Control dialog. 3. In the General tab, select the properties you require. Object Style User Entry Switch Animation Enter or click the browse button to specify the path to a door object to attach to this control. Select a style of door graphics that you want to use from the drop down menu. If selected, users can right click the door control to display a popup menu with options for controlling to door. Check this box if you want the selected set of bitmaps in the Style combo box to reflect the state of the door switch or to represent the locked/unlocked state of the door. If the attached door is not configured for a switch (switch channel is zero), the switch animation checkbox is unchecked and disabled and the locked/unlocked state of the door is represented.

If not checked, the door control will have a raised edge Flat (appearing like a button.) Appearance 4. Select the Advanced Alarms Images tab to display a specific image for a forced entry, door ajar, or custom alarm. Browsing to or entering an image file (in their respective edit boxes) and then specifying the alarm link (1 through 8) from the door editors alarm page. If the alarm enrollment associated with the alarm link is in the alarm stage, the specified bitmap is displayed. The custom alarm can be attached to any alarm link. Note: If advanced alarms are not required, make sure the Alarm Links values are set to zero. 5. Select the Custom Images tab if you wish to use your own door style images. 6. Browse to or enter the names of your custom set of bitmaps in the Open, Closed, Alarm, and Trouble edit boxes. Files must be entered for both the Open and Closed images; the Alarm and Trouble images are optional. If the Alarm and Trouble images are blank, the door control checks the door switch state and implements the appropriate Open or Closed image. Note: If you are not going to use custom images, ensure that the Open, Closed, Alarm, and Trouble edit boxes are blank.
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7. Select the Personnel Data tab, to select up to four attributes to be displayed in the details dialog. You can select any personnel attributes listed to be displayed under the personnel picture of the last person to enter or to exit through the attached door. If the check box next to the attribute is checked, it is displayed in the dialog.

8. To execute Plain English (PE) commands in addition the button action you defined in step 5, select the Plain English Script tab, and enter the PE script. Click the Check button to verify that the script has no syntax or other errors. PE scripts can execute any command-line command. PE scripts cannot have local variable declarations or labels. PE scripts are executed before the selected Active Button performs its action (i.e., open panel, open object, etc.). 9. Select the Misc tab. 10. If you want to adjust the polling rate, enter a new value for Rate. The polling rate determines how often a point is queried per millisecond to see if its value has changed.. 11. Select the ToolTips checkbox if you want to display a tooltip when the curser hovers over the text box, and then specify the tooltip content: Select Attached Object if you want to display the name and path of the object attached to the text box.

Select User Defined, and enter the appropriate text if you want to display custom text in the tooltip. 12. Click OK. 13. To save and test the component, click the Run Mode button in the standard toolbar. Click the Design Mode button to return to editing the panel.

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Controlling a Door
You can use a door control to unlock the door assigned to the control, view door details and events, and perform other functions to control that door object. You cannot use a door control to lock down a door or to clear the Lockdown state from a door. Instead, use the area control for the Area object to which the door is assigned. Note: The User Entry checkbox must be checked in the Door Control dialog for the specific door control before you can control the door as described in the following table. For more information see, Creating a Door Control, earlier in this chapter. If you want to Prevent access at the card reader or keypad associated with the door Unlock the door and allow it to remain unlocked Then Right click the door control, and select Disable Keypad/Reader Access from the popup menu. Right click the door control, and select Permanent Unlock from the popup menu. If the door is in the Lockdown state, the message is ignored and door does not unlock. Unlock the door for a specified amount of time, and then relock it Right click the door control, select Timed Unlock, and then select the number of minutes to allow the door to remain unlocked. To enter a specific time, select Custom, enter the number of minutes (up to 105), and click OK. If the door is in the Lockdown state, the message is ignored and the door does not unlock. Relock an unlocked door Obtain information about the card holder of the access card used (or PIN entered) most recently at this door (including the photo of the card holder, if available) View the list of access events that occurred at this door View or change values for door attributes View a video layout, if one is attached to the door object associated with the control Run the Plain English script that is entered in the Door control dialog for this control
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Right click the door control, select Timed Unlock, and then select Relock. Right click the door control, and select Door Details.

Right click the door control, and select Door Events. Right click the door control, and select Edit Door to open the Door editor. Right click the door control, and select Video Layout. Right click the door control, and select Run Script.

Creating an Area Control

The area control provides a graphic display of a CyberStation Area object. The control illustrates whether the area is in the Lockdown state or in the Normal state, using either bitmap images or colors. You can create an Area control and attach a CyberStation Area object to the control, or you can drag an Area object from Continuum Explorer onto the Pinpoint canvas to create an area control for the selected area. In run mode, you can click the area control to initiate the Lockdown state at the controllers that manage doors for the area. You can also right click the area control and select Options from the popup menu to lock down or clear the Lockdown state for the area and at individual doors assigned to the area. Use the following procedure to create an area control and attach the control to an Area object. 1. Either click the area icon on the Windows controls toolbar, or select Area from the Windows controls dropdown menu. A new area control appears on the canvas.

2. Click the new area control. The Area Control dialog appears. 3. In the General tab, configure the control properties, as follows. Object User Entry Enter or click the browse button to specify a path to an Area object. Check this checkbox to interact with the area control when in run mode. While in run mode, you can click the area control to lock down the area. You can also right click the area control to access a context menu with options or controlling the area and doors assigned to the area. Do not check this checkbox if you want the area control to have a raised edge (appearing like a button). Check this checkbox to be prompted with a confirmation message when you lock down the area using this area control.

Flat Appearance Warn before changing Lockdown

4. In the Images tab, specify how you want to represent the area in its Lockdown and Normal states: Select From Library to use the predefined bitmap images.

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Select Custom Images, and use the browse buttons to select the files that contain the bitmap images you want to use for the Lockdown and Normal states.

Select Color, and select the colors you want to represent the Lockdown and Normal states for this area. When you select the Color option, the select color fills the rectangle that represents the area in the specified state. 5. In the Label tab, select the Show Area Name checkbox if you want to display the area name on the control. Select the font and color you want to use to use for the text in the Lockdown and Normal states. 6. In the Plain English (PE) Script tab, you can execute any command-line command. PE Scripts cannot have local variable declarations or labels. Note that PE scripts are executed before the selected active button performs its actions (that is, open panel, open object, and so on). Create or insert your PE script, and click the Check button to check the script for errors. 7. Select the Misc tab. 8. If you want to adjust the polling rate, enter a new value for Rate. The polling rate determines how often a point is queried per millisecond to see if its value has changed.. 9. Select the ToolTips checkbox if you want to display a tooltip when the curser hovers over the text box, and then specify the tooltip content: Select Attached Object if you want to display the name and path of the object attached to the text box.

Select User Defined, and enter the appropriate text if you want to display custom text in the tooltip. 10. Click OK. 11. To save and test the component, click the Run Mode button in the standard toolbar. Click the Design Mode button to return to editing the panel.

Controlling Doors with an Area Control

After you create an area control for an area, you can use the area control to monitor and control individual doors assigned to the area. (You assign doors to an area in the Door editor.) When an area is locked down, only personnel who are assigned executive privilege access and have access rights to the area can enter or exit through doors assigned to it. Requests to exit and lock and unlock messages issued manually, in CyberStation, by schedules, or through Plain English programs are ignored in the Lockdown state. Note: The User Entry checkbox must be checked in the Area Control dialog for the specific area control before you can control associated doors as described in the following table.

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If you want to Lock down an individual door

Then Right click the area control, select Doors, and then select the name of the door you want to lock down. Select Lockdown. If prompted to confirm the change in state, click Yes. Right click the area control, select Doors, and then select the name of the door you want to change. The Clear Lockdown option is disabled if either or both of the area to which the door provides access are still in the Lockdown state. You must cleat the Lockdown state from the area, which should also clear the Lockdown state from the associated doors.

Clear the Lockdown state from an individual door

Unlock the door and then relock it

Right click the area control, select Doors, and then select the name of the door. Select Momentary Unlock. The door remains unlocked for the number of seconds entered for Door Strike in the Channel tab of the Door editor. The door is then relocked. If the door is in the Lockdown state, the message is ignored and door does not unlock.

Unlock the door and allow it to remain unlocked

Right click the area control, select Doors, and then select the name of the door. Select Permanent Unlock. If the door if in the Lockdown state, the message is ignored and door does not unlock.

Obtain information about the card holder of the access card (or PIM) entered, used most recently at this door (including the photo of the card holder, if available) View the list of access events that occurred at this door View or change values for door attributes

Right click the area control, select Doors, and then select the name of the door. Select Door Details.

Right click the area control, select Doors, and then select the name of the door. Select Door Events. Right click the area control, select Doors, and then select the name of the door. Select Edit Door to open the Door editor.

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Using an Area Control to Lock Down an Area or Door

After you create an area control for an area, you can use the control to monitor and change the lockdown status of the area and of individual doors assigned to the area. When an area is locked down, only personnel who are assigned executive privilege access and have access rights to the area can enter or exit through doors assigned to it. Requests to exist and lock and unlock messages issued manually, in CyberStation, by schedules, or through Plain English programs are ignored in the Lockdown state. You select executive privilege access and assign area access rights in the Personnel object for each object that you want to have this access. Note: The User Entry checkbox must be checked in the Area Control dialog for the specific area control before you can change the Lockdown state as described in the following table. For more information, see Creating an Area Control, earlier in this chapter. If you want to Lock down an area that is currently in the Normal state Then Click the area control. If prompted to confirm the change in state, click Yes. You can also lock down an area by right clicking to area control, and selecting Lockdown from the popup menu. Right click the area control, and select Clear Lockdown from the dropdown menu. Right click the area control, select Doors, and then select the name of the door you want to lock down. Select Lockdown. Right click the area control, select Doors, and then select the name of the door you want to change. Select Clear Lockdown. The Clear Lockdown options is disabled if either or both of the areas to which the door provides access are still in the Lockdown state. You must clear the Lockdown state from the area, which should also clear the Lockdown state from the associated doors.

Clear the Lockdown state from an area Lock down an individual door Clear the Lockdown state from an individual door

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Appendix A
Using the Personnel Editor

Andover Continuum CyberStation Configurators Guide 671

The following appendix describes how to complete the tabs of the Personnel object editor. The Personnel editor is a dialog similar to other CyberStation dialogs. The Personnel Manager, described in Chapter 19, is a powerful and easy-to-use tool for entering, viewing, and managing personnel data. If you prefer to use the Personnel editor, you can edit the workstation configuration to display this editor. 1. 2. 3. 4. In Continuum Explorer, right click your workstation folder, and click Open. Select the Preferences tab of the Device editor. Scroll down to the preference setting, Use Personnel Manager, and select False. Click OK. In Continuum Explorer, you can double click a Personnel object to edit the object in the Personnel editor.

General Tab Personnel Editor

In the General tab, you enter access-card and access-code information so the person can use an access card and/or access code to gain entrance to the areas on the Area List tab. You also use the settings in the General tab if an access card is lost.

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From the General tab, you also create or modify a photo ID badge for this person. See the Make/Edit Badge description in the table below. Note: The Andover Continuum system supports custom ABA cards. Each custom ABA format must be defined as a special Infinity String. The custom format of this string affects the way you enter card numbers and site does in this tab. Name State Activation Date Expiration Date Card Type Card Number Site Code PIN Visitor ADA Enter from left to right, a persons first name, middle initial or middle name (if applicable), and last name. Select Enabled or Disabled. Enter the date and time a person can begin using an access card.

Enter an expiration date and time for this person's access card. Expiration Date automatically disables a personnel object when the specified date/time is reached. Select this persons card type from the dropdown menu. Enter the number that is encoded on this person's card. Enter the site code that is encoded on this person's card. Enter this persons Personal Identification Number (PIN). Select if this person is a visitor rather than a permanent employee. Select if the person requires assistance due to a disability. Selecting this attribute allows a door to remain open for a length of time specified in the ADA configuration choices for each door connected to a controller or IOU module that supports this feature. Use the Door editor to configure door settings for ADA access.

Signature Default Clearance Level

Displays this persons signature in a read-only box. Enter the clearance level that applies to all areas you assign to this person. You can enter a value between 0 and 255, with 1 providing the greatest access and 255 providing the least access. Enter 0 if you do not want to assign a default clearance level to this person. You can override the Default Clearance Level for an individual area by entering a different clearance level for the area when you assign the area to this person. You assign areas to a personnel object and specify their clearance levels in the Area List tab.

Executive Privilege

Check the Executive Privilege checkbox if you want this person to be able to access any area assigned to him/her when the area, or a door to the area, is in the Lockdown state.

Andover Continuum CyberStation Configurators Guide 673

Mark Card As Lost

Click this button in the editor if a person has lost an access card. CyberStation creates another personnel record for this individual with a .LOST file extension. If the card is used after being marked as lost, it will not open a door and it logs into the Event Viewer as an Invalid Attempt. Click this button to issue a card to temporarily replace a lost card. The button text changes to Restore Permanent Card. CyberStation saves the personnel object for the original card. You can later click the Restore Permanent Card button to restore the information if the original card is found. Click this button to create or modify a photo ID badge for this person. When you click this button, the Make/Edit Badge dialog appears. From this dialog, you can create/edit a badge layout, select a photo-image source, and, if necessary, a signature-image and fingerprint-image source. See Making/Editing a Badge in Chapter 19 for more information. To create or modify a badge layout, your site must have purchased the separately sold application called the EPIDesigner. This option is enabled/licensed via your CyberStation key, if your site has purchased this option. Compatible with old Guard Draw Files: For Version 1.8 and higher, EPIDesigner is used for layout instead of Guard Draw. However, you can easily open and save you pre-Version 1.8 Guard Draw layouts (.gdr files) as EPIDesigner layouts (.dgn files).

Issue Temporary Card/ Restore Permanent Card Make/Edit Badge

Area List Tab Personnel Editor

In the Area List tab, you specify the areas to which this person is allowed access. The list of areas displays the following information: The name of each area The name of the schedule that controls each area The clearance level, if any, assigned to each area for this person, and whether validation for access to this area occurs at the access server or at the controller managing doors to the area The status of the area, either enabled or disabled, indicating whether or not the area is currently accessible

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You can complete the following tasks in the Area List tab: Assign one or more areas to a person, and attach a schedule to an area. Enter a clearance level for a specific area assigned to one person, overriding the value for Default Clearance Level entered in the General tab. Temporarily disable a persons access to an area. Permanently remove a persons access to an area.

Assigning an Area to a Personnel Object

Perform the following steps to add one area in CyberStation. 1. Click the Add Area button. 2. Click the browse button in the Area field to search for and select the area that you wish to add for this person. 3. Click the browse button in the Area Schedule field to search for and select the schedule for that area. 4. Select the State from the dropdown menu (Enabled or Disabled. 5. From the Workstation Validation Only dropdown menu, select True to specify that this persons record (and access permission for this area) gets validated only in the workstations serving as access servers, instead of being validated by the local controllers database. This saves data storage space in the controller. Use this option when controller memory is filling up with records that do not utilize these areas very often. 6. Enter a value for Clearance Level if you want to override the persons default clearance level specified in the General tab. Leave the value at 0 if you do not want to override the default clearance level for this person. You can override the default clearance level if you want a person to have access privileges in a specific area that are more or less restricted than the access provided by the persons default clearance level. 7. Click OK. 8. In the Area List tab, click the Apply button to save, or click the OK button to save and exit.

Assigning Multiple Areas to a Personnel Object

Perform the following steps to add multiple areas in CyberStation. 1. Click the Add Areas button. The Area dialog appears, listing the names and locations of areas that you can assign to this person. 2. Click and highlight the first area, hold down the Ctrl key, then click and highlight the next area you want to add. While still holding the Ctrl key, click additional areas you want to add for this person. (You can hold down the Shift key instead of the Ctrl key to select the next area and all areas in your first and last selection.)

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3. Click OK. You are then asked: Do you want to attach a schedule to the areas? 4. Click Yes to search for, select, and attach a schedule, via the Browse dialog. Click No if you do not want to attach a schedule. 5. Click OK. If you want to change the clearance level of any of the areas you added, you can edit the area properties as described below.

Changing the Clearance Level of an Assigned Area

The Clearance Level for an area enables you to specify different access privileges to different areas assigned to the same person. Perform the following steps to change the clearance level of an assigned area. 1. Select the area you want to change, right click, and select Area Properties. 2. Enter a new value for Clearance Level. If you want the clearance level for an area to be the same as the value entered for Default Clearance Level in the General tab, enter 0 for Clearance Level for the area. 3. Click OK.

Disabling Access to an Assigned Area

When you disable access to the area, any schedule attached to the area and other area properties continue to be stored in the Personnel object and are restored when you later enable the area. Other personnel with access to the same area are not affected. Perform the following steps to temporarily disable a persons access to an area. 1. Select the area you want to change, right click, and select Area Properties. 2. Select Disabled for State, and click OK. 3. Click OK.

Removing Access to an Assigned Area

When you remove an assigned area, the persons card or key code no longer allows them to access the area. Any schedule or clearance level saved with the area is also removed for this person. Other personnel with access to this area are not affected. You many want to remove an area if an employee has changes jobs within your company and no longer needs access to the area in their new assignment. Perform the following steps to remove an area from the areas list. 1. Select one or more areas to remove from a persons area list. To select multiple areas, click and highlight the first area, hold down the Ctrl key, then click and highlight the next area you want to add. While still holding the Ctrl key, click additional areas. (You can hold down the Shift key instead of the Ctrl key to select the next area and all areas in the list between your first and last selections.)
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2. Click the Remove Areas button. 3. Click OK.

Privileges Tab Personnel Editor

In the Privileges tab, you enter and view information that defines a persons access privileges. Zone Point Custom Control Fields Allow AntiPassBack Browse for a Numeric point. Used only if Andover Continuum created custom controls as part of the installation. Check this checkbox to allow this person to access an area regardless of an Anti-Pass violation. If such a violation occurs, it is recorded in the event log, but the person is granted access to the area. Disable Card if not used in Days Enter the number of days of inactivity after which the access card is disabled. The card remains in the database and is restored if you later enable the card in the General tab.

Employee Info Tab Personnel Editor

In the Employee Information tab, you enter employment-related information about a person. Everything on this page is optional and provided for convenient record keeping. Department Dept Number Enter the name of the department for which this person works. Enter the number of the department for which this person works. This number is limited to the range 0-65535. This number is stored in every door objects department point every time this person gains access through a door. In this way, the control system tracks which departments use which doors. Employee Number Supervisor Office Phone Office Location Title Parking Sticker Vehicle Info 678 TAC Enter this person's employee number. Enter the name of this person's supervisor. Enter this person's office phone number. Enter the location of this person's office. Enter this person's job title. Enter the number of this person's parking sticker. Enter vehicle information, such as year and make, for this

person. License Social Security # Start Date Info 1 Info 6 Enter this person's license number Enter this person's Social Security number. Enter the date this person started work. Enter values as needed for these user-defined attributes. Your CyberStation administrator may have customized the attribute names for your company.

Personal Info Tab Personnel Editor

The Personal Info tab lets you enter optional personal information such as home address, physical characteristics, and an emergency contact. Everything on this tab is optional. Address City State ZIP Country Emergency Phone Home Phone Date of Birth Hair Color Eye Color Height Weight Sex Enter this person's home street address. Enter the city in which this person lives. Enter the state in which this person lives. Enter this person's ZIP code. Enter the country in which this person lives. Enter the name of this person's emergency contact. Enter the phone number of this person's emergency contact. Enter this person's home phone number. Enter this person's date of birth. Enter this person's hair color. Enter this person's eye color. Enter this person's height. Enter this person's weight. Enter this person's sex. Select either Male or Female from the dropdown menu. Blood Type Enter this person's blood type.

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Current Status Tab Personnel Editor

In the Current Status tab, you view a persons current status. Current Area Displays the last area entered by this person. If needed, you can also override the current area with a different area for this person. CyberStation determines the current area from the last door entered information, if available. In systems sets up to prevent or discourage tailgating, you may occasionally need to override the displayed current area if the person accessed a different area without using their card or entering their PIN and is now prevented from leaving an area. To override the current area, click the browse button. In the Browse dialog, locate the correct area for the person, and click the Select button. CyberStation distributes the new current area for this person to the appropriate controllers. Current Security Zone Last Door Entered Current Status Not implemented in this release

Displays the object name of the last door a person went through using an access card and/or access code. If doors in your facility are set up to detect personnel requesting access under duress (that is, when compelled by an unauthorized person or in other emergency circumstances), and if this situation occurs, Duress is displayed in this field for the Personnel object associated with the access card used (or PIN entered). You select duress settings in the Entry Options tab and Exit Option tab of the Door Editor. Displays the time and date a person entered the area displayed for Current Area.

Time of Entry

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Access Events Tab Personnel Editor

In the Access Events tab, you view access activities for this person. This tab displays all the events in the current access log that pertain to this person. The events are loaded onto this tab the first time you click the Access Events tab. You can then click the Refresh button to see additional events that occurred since you displayed the tab. Event Class Time Stamp Door Area Displays the type of class of access event that has occurred. Displays the date and time at which the access event occurred. Displays the name and path of the Door with which the person caused the event. Displays the area associated with this event.

Templates Tab Personnel Editor

The Templates tab displays a list of personnel template objects that appear in the Personnel Templates folder of Continuum Explorer and indicates whether one of these templates is attached to the current Personnel object. A template is an object with predefined attributes. You use a template to create new objects with the same attribute settings. CyberStation templates let you quickly, easily, and consistently create new objects of the same class. Templates are a powerful tool for ongoing maintenance of your system. Use the Templates tab to associate the Personnel object with a selected template. Typically, you do this to assign areas configured in the template to the personnel record. Any values for attributes whose data source in the template is Inherited from Template will also be added to the Personnel object when you associate the template with the object. In the Templates tab, you can also clear values linked to a template from a Personnel object. Any areas that you added to the Personnel object using the buttons in the Area List tab remain assigned to the object when you select a different template. If you entered individual clearance levels for any of these areas, the clearance levels are not overwritten by the new areas list.

Adding a Personnel Template

1. Click the radio button next to the personnel template that has the areas you want to assign to the current Personnel object. 2. Click OK.

Removing a Personnel Template

1. Right click the list of templates, and select Clear Selection from the popup menu. 2. Click OK.

Andover Continuum CyberStation Configurators Guide 681

Custom Attributes Tab Personnel Editor

The Custom Attributes tab shows any custom attributes that have been configured for your system. Custom Attributes are created and deleted in the Custom Attributes editor.

Security Tab Personnel Editor

The access permissions configured in a security level allow you to customize (deny) access to individual CyberStation objects. Security levels are actual CyberStation objects (SecurityLevel objects) configured via the SecurityLevel editor. A security level can deny access to a CyberStation object editor on a page-by-page basis using object-level security. Object-level security is a way to deny user groups the ability to create, delete, or change individual CyberStation objects. Every object editor in CyberStation has a Security Level tab that displays a list of all existing security level objects. Selecting a security level object here attaches that security level to the object being edited. Note: Object-level security that is placed on an individual CyberStation object in the SecurityLevel editor (or from this Security Level tab) cannot grant access permission to any user group that has already been denied access in the default user security group settings, established in the main CyberStation Security editor. That is, you can override the default Security editor settings to deny access (change a default key to a security-level lock) but you cannot override the default settings to grant access (change a default lock to a security-level key).

Attaching a SecurityLevel Object

1. Determine which security level you wish to assign to the object that you are configuring in this editor. The names of security levels are listed in the Name column. Security descriptions are listed in the corresponding Descriptions column. 2. In the Name column, click and place a black dot in the radio button next to the name of the security level that you want to attach.

Detaching a SecurityLevel Object

1. Determine which security level you wish to remove from the object that you are configuring in this editor. 2. In the Name column, click and remove the black dot in the radio button next to the name of the security level that you want to remove. OR 1. In the security level list, click and highlight the security level that you want to remove from this object. 2. Right click on the highlighted security level. A popup menu appears. 3. Select Clear Selection from the popup menu.

682 TAC

Distributing Personnel Objects to Controllers

There are two methods for distributing Personnel objects to controllers: Sending Selected Personnel Objects to All Controllers. Select and right click the Personnel objects to be sent to the controllers. Click Send To in the dropdown menu and select Controllers.

Sending All Personnel Objects to a Specific Controller Select and right click the controller to which the Personnel objects will be distributed. On the dropdown menu select Distribute Personnel.

Andover Continuum CyberStation Configurators Guide 683

684 TAC

Appendix B
EpiBuilder Installation

Andover Continuum CyberStation Configurators Guide


In order to make or modify a badge layout, your site must have already purchased the separately sold badging software product, EPIBuilder, made and distributed by ImageWare Systems. In CyberStation Version 1.8 and higher, EPIBuilder replaces EPISuite software, which was used in previous versions. The EPIBuilder option is enabled and activated via your CyberStation key, if your site has purchased this option. In CyberStation 1.8 and higher, the EPIDesigner application replaces Guard Draw as the badge layout tool. (Guard Draw is used in previous versions of CyberStation.) However, your existing Guard Draw files are compatible with and can be used in EPIDesigner.

Installing EPIBuilder
EPIBuilder, with its EPIDesigner photo badge layout application, is a separate product that your site has purchased as a special option. EPIBuilder is included on your CyberStation product key that you insert into your computer. If your site has not purchased EPIBuilder, TAC activates the option inside the CyberStation key at the factory. Therefore, not much is required, other than inserting your key. 1. Insert the CyberStation product key into the USB port on your computer, as you would normally. Note: If your site has purchased this option, then EPIBuilder is already activated inside your CyberStation key. Proceed to Step 2. However, if your site wants to add EPIBuilder on computers with existing CyberStation installations, then your administrator must contact TAC to obtain an activation code. When contacting TAC, provide the serial number of your CyberStation key. To assist in obtaining this serial number and activating the key, run the file, ACCKeyWriter.exe, located in: Program Files\Continuum Enter the activation code into the Keycode field in the ACCKeyWriter, and click the Update button. If successful, you receive this message: Your key has been programmed. This activation must be performed on every workstation. 2. Continue installing CyberStation as you would normally. For more information on installing CyberStation, please see the Andover Continuum CyberStation Installation Guide, 30-3001-720.

686 TAC

Appendix C
Personnel Import Utility Tables and Sample XSLT File
Andover Continuum CyberStation Configurators Guide 687

This appendix presents the following tables: Active Directory attributes Continuum Personnel object attributes Card type formats and allowed values for site code and card number

This appendix also includes a sample XSLT file and general information about Active Directory and the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP).

Active Directory Attributes Table

This table lists supported data-source personnel attributes that reside on the Active Directory domain server. This table lists the attribute name, the user-interface attribute name, and the tab on which it appears. Note: When processing Active Directory "Multi-value" attributes, the Personnel Import Utility will treat these attributes differently than all of the other, Single-value attributes. When the Personnel Import Utility retrieves a Multi-value Active Directory attribute, it will create a comma-delimited list of the items before mapping the values to a CyberStation attribute. You can manipulate the comma-delimited list in the XSLT file, if desired. This behavior concerns the following Active Directory attributes: directReports, memberOf, otherFacsimileTelephoneNumber, otherHomePhone, otherIpPhone, otherMailbox, otherMobile, otherPager, otherTelephone, ou, and url. Attribute Name assistant businessCategory c carLicense cn co comment company countryCode createTimeStamp department description directReports
688 TAC

Active Directory User Interface Tab

Active Directory User Interface Attribute Name





Organization Address

Company Country/region

Organization General Organization

Department Display Name Direct Reports

Attribute Name displayName distinguishedName division employeeID employeeNumber employeeType extensionAttribute1 extensionAttribute2 extensionAttribute3 extensionAttribute4 extensionAttribute5 extensionAttribute6 extensionAttribute7 extensionAttribute8 extensionAttribute9 extensionAttribute10 extensionAttribute11 extensionAttribute12 extensionAttribute13 extensionAttribute14 extensionAttribute15 extensionAttribute16 facsimileTelephone Number givenName homePhone homePostalAddress houseIdentifier

Active Directory User Interface Tab General

Active Directory User Interface Attribute Name Display Name

Telephones General Telephones

Fax First Name Home

Andover Continuum CyberStation Configurators Guide 689

Attribute Name info initial ipPhone l (Lower-case L) mail manager memberOf middleName mobile modifyTimeStamp name otherFacsimileTelephone Number otherHomePhone otherIpPhone otherMailbox otherMobile otherPager otherTelephone ou pager personalTitle physicalDeliveryOffice Name postalAddress postalCode postOfficeBox preferredLanguage

Active Directory User Interface Tab Telephones General Telephones Address General Organization Member Of

Active Directory User Interface Attribute Name Notes Initials IP phone City E-mail Manager Member Of



Telephones Telephones Telephones

Fax Number (Others) Home Phone (Others) IP Phone Number (Others)

Telephones Telephones General

Mobile Number (Others) Pager Number (Others) Phone Number (Others)





Address Address

Zip/Postal Code P.O. Box

690 TAC

Attribute Name primaryGroupID primaryInternationalISDN Number primaryTelexNumber roomNumber sAMAccountName sAMAccountType sn st street streetAddress telephoneNumber title url userPrincipalName userWorkstations whenChanged whenCreated wWWHomePage

Active Directory User Interface Tab Member Of

Active Directory User Interface Attribute Name Primary Group


User Logon Name (preWindows 2000)

General Address

Last Name State/Province

Address General Organization General Account Account Object Object General

Street Telephone Number Title Web Page Address (Others) User Logon Name Logon On To/Logon Workstations Modified Created Web Page

Continuum Personnel Attributes Table

This table lists all CyberStation Personnel object attributes that can be modified in the Personnel Import Utility. This table lists the user-interface display name, the tab on which it appears in the Personnel editor, the data type, and any possible value restrictions. These attributes appear in the Details tab of the Personnel Manager (if they are select to be displayed in the Personnel Manager profiles).

Andover Continuum CyberStation Configurators Guide 691

Continuum Personnel Editor Personnel Tab and Field Attribute Name ADA Address Alias General / ADA Personal Info / Address Properties / Alias

Active Directory Data Type String or Boolean String String

Rules and Boundaries for Values Value of "True" or "False" String value having a length 1-48 String value having a length 1-16, and follows normal Continuum naming rules Value of "True" or "False"


Privileges / Allow String or Entry Upon Area Anti- Boolean Passback Violation AreaList / N/A String


String value having a length 1-255 (supported only from .xsl file) String value having a length 1-3 Range of values depends on Card Type -- see table below. String value, naming supported Continuum Card Type -- see table below. String value having a length 1-16 String value having a length 1-12 Time Value Value 0-255

Blood Card Number

Personal Info / Blood Type Genera / Card Number General / Card Type

String String or Integer String

Card Type

City Country DateOfBirth Default Clearance Level Department Department Code

692 TAC

Personal Info / City Personal Info / Country Personal Info / Date of Birth General / Default Clearance Level Employee Info / Department Employee Info / Department Number

String String Generalized Time String or Integer String String or Integer

String value having a length 1-32 Value 0-65535

Continuum Personnel Editor Personnel Tab and Field Attribute Name Emergency Contact Emergency Phone EmpNumber Executive Privilege Expiration Date EyeColor FirstName HairColor Height HomePhone Info1 Info2 Info3 Info4 Info5 Info6 JobTitle Personal Info / Emergency

Active Directory Data Type String

Rules and Boundaries for Values String value having a length 1-80 String value having a length 1-40 String value having a length 1-16 Value of "True" or "False" Time Value String value having a length 1-32 String value having a length 1-16 String value having a length 1-12 String value having a length 1-16 String value having a length 1-40 String value having a length 1-40 String value having a length 1-40 String value having a length 1-40 String value having a length 1-40 String value having a length 1-40 String value having a length 1-40 String value having a length 1-40

Personal Info / Phone String Employee Ingo / Employee Number General / Executive Privilege General / Expiration Date Personal Info / Eye Color General / Name Personal Info / Hair Color String String or Boolean Generalized Time String String String

Personal Info / Height String Personal Info / Home Phone String

Employee Info / Info 1 String Employee Info / Info 2 String Employee Info / Info 3 String Employee Info / Info 4 String Employee Info / Info 5 String Employee Info / Info 6 String Employee Info / Title String

Andover Continuum CyberStation Configurators Guide 693

Continuum Personnel Editor Personnel Tab and Field Attribute Name LastName License Number Lost Card MiddleName NonABACard Number OfficeLocation Parking Sticker PIN RefTemplate General / Name Employee Info / License General / N/A General / Name General / Card Number Employee Info / Office Location Employee Info / Parking Sticker General / Pin Templates / N/A

Active Directory Data Type String String String or Boolean String String or Integer String String String or Integer String

Rules and Boundaries for Values String value having a length 1-32 String value having a length 1-12 Value of "True" or "False" String value having a length 1-40 Range of values depends on Card Type -- see table below String value having a length 1-16 String value having a length 1-8 Value of 1-65535 String value having a length 1-255, Continuum directory path to Personnel Template String value having a length 1-128, Continuum directory path to Security Level object Value of "Male" or "Female" Range of values depends on Card Type -- see table below String value having a length 1-11 Time Value


Security Level / N/A


Sex SiteCode

Personal Info / Sex General / Site Code

String String or Integer String Generalized Time

SocSecNo StartDate

Employee Info / Social Security No Employee Info / Start Date

694 TAC

Continuum Personnel Editor Personnel Tab and Field Attribute Name State General / State

Active Directory Data Type N/A

Rules and Boundaries for Values Value determined by state of User account in Active Directory String value having a length 1-2 String value having a length 1-40 String value having a length 1-40 Value of "True" or "False" Value of 0-999 String value having a length 1-40 String value having a length 1-9

StateOf Residence Supervisor Vehicleinfo Visitor Weight WorkPhone ZIP

Personal Info / State Employee Info / Supervisor Employee Info / Vehicle Info General / Visitor Personal Info / Weight Employee Info / Office Phone Personal Info / ZIP

String String String String or Boolean String or Integer String String

Card Type Table

For different card types, this table lists minimum and maximum values allowed for Site Code and Card Number. Card Type ABA2 AC4plus432 CK34 CustomMagStripe (Custom ABA) CustomWiegand G31 (Wiegand31) HIDCorp1000_35 Infinity_37 Site Code MinimumMaximum N/A 1 2047 1 4095 0 65535 0 6535 1 255 1 4095 1 4095 Card Number Minimum-Maximum 1 99999999999999999999999 1 8191 1 7065535 1 99999999999999999999999 1 4294967295 1 65535 1 1048575 1 524287
Andover Continuum CyberStation Configurators Guide 695

Card Type PINOnly Wiegand26

Site Code MinimumMaximum N/A 1 255

Card Number Minimum-Maximum N/A 1 65535

Active Directory
The Personnel Import Utility uses the Microsoft Active Directory service. Active Directory, a service based on the LDAP network protocol, provides a unified view of complex networks. It is a tree structure. Each node in the tree has a set of properties. Active Directory, or Active Directory Services (ADS), resides on a server known as the domain controller. The domain controller must be Windows Server 2000 or Windows Server 2003 machine. When ADS is installed, four principle objects are created: A user entry that represents the administrator of the network A computer entry that represents the domain controller for the Windows 2000/2003 Server Various default groups for managing security relationships in Windows 2000 A Domain context container into which the above objects are placed.

Note: You IT or system administrator is responsible for learning about and stabling the Microsoft Active Directory service on a domain server. You must have this Microsoft service in order to use the Personnel Import Utility. For more information on setting up Active Directory, visit webs sites such as these:

Three Purposes of Active Directory

Active Directory is usually used for one of the following three purposes: Note: The Personnel Import Utility only uses the implementation external directory. External Directory: These directories are typically located on servers in the perimeter network or demilitarized zone (DMZ) at the boundary between the corporate local area network (LAN) and the public Internet. External Directories are typically used to store information about customers, clients, and business partners who access external applications or services. They are also made available to customers, clients, and business partners to provide them with selected business information such as catalogs and so on. Internal Directory: These directories are used within the corporate network for publishing information about users and resources within the enterprise. A companys internal directory may be accessible to employees when they are outside the company network using a secure connection such as a virtual private network (VPN) connections, but it is not accessible to non-employees.

696 TAC

Application Directory: These directories store private directory data that are relevant only to the application in a local directory, perhaps on the same server as the application, without requiring any additional configuration to Active Directory. The personalization data, which is only interesting to the portal application and does not need to be widely replicated, can be stared solely in the directory associated with the application. This solution reduces replication traffic on the network between domain controllers.

Logical Domain Structure of Active Directory

Unit Simple Objects Description Simple Objects include computers, groups, users, security policies, and user-defined objects. Objects have attributes, some of which are mandatory and some of which are options. Organizational Unites (OUs) are a new object type within 2000 Servers Active Directory. They are designed to reduce the number of domain in an organization. OUs are often used to replace domains and sub-domains on systems migrating to Active Directory. Under NT 4.0, different departments in an organization are often structures as separate domains, but by using Active Directory, these domains can and should be restructured as OUs, thereby flattening the domain structure. OUs can be nested, so that a section within a department can have its own OU within the department OU. Objects within OUs must be contained within one domain. Domain By definition, a domain is a logical grouping of users and computers. A domain typically resides in a localized geographic location, but this is not always the case. In reality, a domain is more than a logical grouping it is actually a security boundary in w Windows 2000 or NT Server. The hierarchy structure of the domain, organization units, and objects, is called a tree. The objects within the tree are referred to as endpoints, while the OUs in the tree structure are nodes. In terms of a physical tree, you can think of the branches as OUs or containers and leaves as objects an object is the natural endpoint of the node within the tree.

Organizational Units


Andover Continuum CyberStation Configurators Guide 697

Unit Domain Trees

Description A domain tree exists when several domains are linked by trust relationships and share a common schema, configuration, and global catalog. A domain tree also shares a contiguous name space. A contiguous name space follows the same naming DNS (domain Name System) hierarchy within the domain tree. For example, if the root domain is and domain A and domain B exist in a domain tree, the contiguous name space for the two would be and If domain A resides in and domain B resides in, then the two would not share a contiguous namespace. The following is an example of a contiguous namespace.


A forest is one or more trees that do not share a contiguous namespace, but the trees in the forest do share a common schema, configuration, and global catalog. All trees in the forest trust each other through Kerberos Transitive Trusts. In actuality, the forest does not have a distinct name, but the trees are viewed as a hierarchy of trust relationships. The tree at the top of the hierarchy normally is referred to as the forest root. For example,,, and form a forest with serving as the forest root.

698 TAC

Unit Site

Description A site is not actually considered a part of the Active Directory hierarchy, but it is configured in the Active Directory for replication purposes. A site is defined as a geographical location in a network containing Active Directory servers with a well-connected TCP/TP subnet. Well-connected means that the network connection is highly reliable and fast to other subnets in the network. Administrators use the Active Directory to configure replication between sites. User to not have to be aware of site configuration. As far as the Active Directory is concerned, users only see domains. The schema is simply a framework of definitions that establishes the type of objects available to the Active Directory. These definitions are divided into object classes and the information that described the object is known as its attributes. There are two types of attributes, those that must exists and those that may exist. For example, the schema defines a user object class as having the users name as a required attribute; the users physical location or job description is optional. Attributes are used to further help distinguish one object from another. They include Object Name, Object Identifier (OID), Syntax, and Optional Information. The schema is stored within the Active Directory database file Ntds.dit. Object definitions are stored as individual objects, so that Directory can treat schema definitions in the same way it treat other objects. The default schema is created with the first installation on the Active Directory. It contains common objects and properties for items such as users, groups, computers, printers, and network devices. It also establishes the default Active Directory structure that is used internally. As an extensible component, new object classes may be dynamically added to the current schema and old object classes can be modified. It is not possible to modify or deactivate system classes and attributes.


Andover Continuum CyberStation Configurators Guide 699

Active Directory Names

In the Active Directory, every object (such as a user, a group, a computer, a printer, and so forth), has a unique name. There are four kinds of names associated with each object, as shown in the following table. Name Distinguished Name (DN) Description The DN is unique from all other objects and contains the full information needed to retrieve the object. The DN contains the domain where the object resides and the path to the object. It is made up of these attributes: DomainComponentName (DC) OrganizationalUnitName (OU) CommonName (CN) By using the DN, the Active directory can begin at the top of the domain and work its way down to the actual folder or document. Relative Distinguished Name (RDN) The RDN is the part of the DN that defines the actual object. This part if called an attribute. This is the CN, or common name. Fortunately, all you need to know to search for objects are common names. You do not have to know or use the DN, and the DN itself is normally hidden from the users. The GUID is a 128-bit number unique from all others. It is assigned to an object when it is created in the Active Directory, and it never changes. Active Directory objects can be identified by the UPN, which is a short, friendly name that looks like an email address, such as

Globally Unique Identifiers (GUID) User Principal Name (UPN)

The Active Directory provides the DN, RDN, GUID, and UPN for objects to ensure uniqueness, ease of location for LDAP queries, and ease of use. These names are used to map data source attributes to Continuum personnel record attributes in the Personnel Import Utility. (For more information, refer to Chapter 19, Personnel.)

Global Catalog
The LDAP protocol allows network users to search for a find te objects in the Active Directory they want to use. For this to happen, the Active Directory domain controllers maintain a global catalog. The global catalog allows users and applications to find objects in the Active Directory by searching for one or more particular attributes. The global catalog holds a partial replica of the objects and their most common attributes. When you perform a search operation to find a user (or other object), the global catalog is checked to find matched for
700 TAC

that request. The global catalog looks for that attribute and returns matches. Data in the global catalog are built and maintained through replications among domain controllers.

LDAP Protocol
The Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) is a networking protocol for querying and modifying directory services running over TCP/IP. The Personnel Import Utility uses the LDAP-compatible Microsoft Active Directory service. An LDAP directory usually followings the x.500 model: it is a tree of entries, each of which consists of a set of named attributes with values. Note: If you need to know more about the KDAP beyond the information that is provided in this manual, please consult websites and other literature for this network protocol.

Protocol Overview
LDAP is a protocol designed to be a lightweight front-end to a X.500 directory or standalone directory serve, such as Active Directory, over the Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) and the User Datagram Protocol (UDP). LDAP is a client-server protocol that enables you to locate specific information and other resources, such as files and devices on a network. Protocol elements are carried directly over TCP or UDP, thereby bypassing much of the session/presentation overhead requires for other directory serves, such as X.5000. LDAP uses a lightweight basic encoding rule (BER) notation to encode all protocol elements.

LDAP Directory Structure

The protocol accesses LDAP directories, such as Active Directory services, which follow the X.500 model: A directory is a tree of director entries. An entry consists of a set of attributes. An attribute has a name (an attribute type or attribute description) and one or more values. The attributes are defined in a schema.

Each entry has an unambiguous name: Distinguished Name (DN). This consists of its Relative Distinguished Name (RDN) constructed from some attribute(s) in the entry, followed by the parent entrys DN. Think of the DN as a full filename, or a database index value, and the RDN as a relative filename in a folder. For more information on these names, refer to Active Directory earlier in this appendix. A server holds a subtree starting from a specific entry (for example, dc=example,dc=com and its children). Servers may also hold references to other servers, so an attempt to access ou=Some department,dc=example,dc=com could return a referral or continuum reference to a server that holds the part of the directory tree. The client can then contact the other server. Some servers support chaining, which means the server contacts the other server and returns the results to the client.

Andover Continuum CyberStation Configurators Guide 701

LDAP rarely defines any ordering. The server may return the values in an attribute, the attributes in an entry, and the entries found by a search operation, in any order. The following is a table of acronyms used in LDAP. ADSI ADS DNS DN OU CN LDIF RDN DC ADAM Active Directory Services Interfaces Active Directory Services Domain Name System Distinguished Name Organizational Name Common Name LDAP Data Interchange Format Relative Distinguished Name Domain Controller Active Directory Application Mode

The following is a table of Active Directory user attributes information and their corresponding LDAP names. Attribute Name Text-Country Address AddressHome Assistant Comment Picture Description The country/region in which the user is located. The user's address. The user's home address. The distinguished name of a user's administrative assistant. The user's comments. This string can be a null string. An image of the user. A spaceefficient format like JPEG or GIF is recommended. The country/region in the address of the user. The country/region is represented as the 2-character country code based on ISO-3166. Contains the telephone number of the user's business fax machine. CN TextCountry Address AddressHome Assistant Comment Picture LDAP Display Name CO streetAddress honePostalAddress Assistant info thumbnailPhoto



702 TAC


facsimileTelephone Number

Attribute Name InternationalISDNNumber LocalityName Personal-Title Post-OfficeBox PostalAddress Postal-Code State-OrProvinceName SteetAddress TelephoneNumer PhoneHome-Other

Description Specifies an International ISDN Number associated with an objet. Represents the name of a locality, such as a town or city. The user's title. The P.O. Box Number for this object. The mailing address for the object. The postal or zip code for mail delivery. The name of a user's state or province. The user's street address. The user's primary phone number. A list of the user's alternate home phone numbers.

CN Internation al-ISDNNumber LocalityName PersonalTitle PostOffice-Box PostalAddress PostalCode State-OrProvinceName StreetAddress TelephoneNumber PhoneHomeOther

LDAP Display Name internationalISDNN umber l PersonalTitle postOfficeBox PostalAddress PoastalCode st

street telephoneNumber otherHomePhone

LDIF (LDAP Data Interchange Format)

The LDAP Data Interchange Format (LDIF) is a data interchange format that facilitates exporting data from and importing data to LDAP domain servers. It conveys directory information or a description of changes made to directory entries. The data are represented in plain text form, with a LDIF file comprising a number of records (directory entries or changes to directory entries). The following is a complete example and explanation of what an entry can look like, when represented in LDAP Data Interchange Format, or LDIF (LDAP itself is a binary protocol). Dn: cn=John Doe,dc=example,dc=com cn: John Doe givenName: John sn=Dor telephoneNumber: +1 555 6789 telephoneNumber: +1 555 1234 mail:
Andover Continuum CyberStation Configurators Guide 703

manager: cn=Barbara Doe,dc=example,dc=com objectClass: inetOrgPerson objectClass: organizationalPerson objectClass: person objectClass: top Here, dn is the name of the entry; it is not an attribute nor part of the entry. cn=John Doe is the entrys RDN, and dc=example,dc=com is the DN of the parent entry. The other lines show the attributes in the entry. Attribute names are typically mneumonic strings, like cn for common name, dc for domain name, and mail for email address.

Sample XSLT File

The following are pieces of examples of an XSLT file, broken into these topics: Selecting all the attributes you mapped in the Map DataSource Attributes to Continuum Attributes window How to manipulate states Adding templates based on department Manipulating telephone numbers Adding individual Continuum attributes Adding Arealinks Removing carriage return characters (or any characters) when importing AD attribute values Manipulating multi-valued attribute

Using your own functions in an XSL file Note: This is not an exact XSLT file. Do not use this exact file, but reference it if you need help. For more information on XSLT file notation, please visit the website, 1. Selecting all the attributes you mapped in the Map DataSource Attributes to Continuum Attributes window <xsl:copy-of select="ADA|Address|AllowEntEntEgr|Blood|CardNumber|CardType|City|Country| DateOfBirth|DefaultClearanceLevel|Department|DepartmentCode|EmergencyContact EmergencyPhone|EmpNumber|ExecutivePrivelege|ExpirationDate|EyeColor| FirstName|HairColor|Height|HomePhone|Info1|Info2|Info3|Info4|Info5|Info6| JobTitle|LastName|LicenseNumber|LostCard|MiddleName|NonABACardNumber| OfficeLocation|ParkingSticker|PIN|SecurityLevel|Sex|SiteCode|SocSecNo| StateOfResidence|StartDate|Supervisor|VehicleInfo|Visitor|Weight|WorkPhone| Zip"/> You can not add those attributes that you are manipulating or defining with xsl tags (see Rule 4 of Uses of XSLT File).

704 TAC


How to manipulate states

<!-- If the attribute is used here don't add it at the <xsl:copy-of select--> <!-<StateOfResidence> <xsl:choose> <xsl:when test="StateOfResidence='Massachusetts'"> <xsl:text>MA</xsl:text> </xsl:when> <xsl:when test="StateOfResidence='New Hampshire'"> <xsl:text>NH</xsl:text> </xsl:when> <xsl:when test="StateOfResidence='Washington DC'"> <xsl:text>DC</xsl:text> </xsl:when> <xsl:when test="StateOfResidence='Connecticut'"> <xsl:text>CT</xsl:text> </xsl:when> <xsl:otherwise> <xsl:value-of select="StateOfResidence"/> </xsl:otherwise> </xsl:choose> </StateOfResidence>--> 3. Adding templates based on department: <!--<Adding Templates to personnel object based on department>--> <!--<Can do the same way with DepartmentCode >--> <!--<xsl:value-of select=AreaTemplate1000/> same as <xsl:text>AreaTemplate1000</xsl:text>--> <!--<RefTemplate> <xsl:choose> <xsl:when test="DepartmentCode ='1000'"> <xsl:text>AreaTemplate1000</xsl:text> </xsl:when> <xsl:when test="DepartmentCode ='2000'"> <xsl:text>AreaTemplate2000</xsl:text> </xsl:when> <xsl:otherwise> <xsl:text>AreaTemplate3000</xsl:text> </xsl:otherwise> </xsl:choose> </RefTemplate>--> <!--<Adding one personnel Template to personnel object>-->

Andover Continuum CyberStation Configurators Guide 705

Giving single value and appending Department to it: <RefTemplate> <xsl:value-of select="concat('Root\Templates\Personnel Templates\', Department)"/> </RefTemplate> Giving single value: <RefTemplate> Root\Templates\Personnel Templates\PT1</RefTemplate>

4. Manipulating telephone numbers <WorkPhone> <xsl:choose> <xsl:when test="contains(WorkPhone,'-')"> <xsl:value-of select="WorkPhone"/> </xsl:when> <xsl:when test="string-length(WorkPhone)=0"> <xsl:value-of select="WorkPhone"/> </xsl:when> <xsl:otherwise> <xsl:value-of select="concat(substring(WorkPhone,1,3),',substring(WorkPhone,4,3),'',substring(WorkPhone,7,4))"/> </xsl:otherwise> </xsl:choose> </WorkPhone> 5. Adding individual Continuum attributes <!--<Adding CardType>--> <CardType>AC4plus432</CardType> <!--<Adding SiteCode>--> <SiteCode>35</SiteCode>

706 TAC

6. Adding Arealinks <!-- To implement Area Links, uncomment the section below before the <AreaLinks> tag and after the </AreaLinks> tag--> <!-- To add more areas, Copy the <AreaLink></AreaLink> tags and everything between them and past after the first </AreaLink> tag--> <!-- State can be Enabled or Disabled, Preload is Workstation Only and can be True or False, AreaId example Root\MyPersonnelFolder. --> <!-- This is line 1 of 2 to remove to implement Area Links <AreaLinks> <AreaLink> <AreaId><![CDATA[Full Path To Area Here]]></AreaId> <SchedId>Full Path To Schedule Here</SchedId> <State>Enabled</State> <Preload>False</Preload> <ClearanceLevel>0</ClearanceLevel> </AreaLink> </AreaLinks> This is line 2 of 2 to implement Area Links -->

7. Removing carriage return characters (or any characters) when importing AD attribute values <!--Replcing the linefeed in the address --> <!-- Unicode of linefeed &#xA; (is line break \n), Unicode of tab &#x9;--> <!-- <xsl:value-of select="translate(Address, '\n', ' ')"/> Won't work --> <!-<Address> <xsl:value-of select="translate(Address, '&#xA;', ' ')"/> </Address> -->

Andover Continuum CyberStation Configurators Guide 707

8. Manipulating multi-valued attributes !--************************************************************** --> <!--These are the examples of how to parse Multi valued Active Directory attributes after mapping them to Continuum attributes --> <!--Use Continuum attributes names instead of these dummy attribute names, variable names can be as you wish--> <!-- This example takes the first element from the list, it shows the use of a variable --> <!--<HomePhone> <xsl:variable name="phoneNumbers" select='HomePhone'/> <xsl:value-of select="substring-before($phoneNumbers, ',')"/> </HomePhone>--> <!-- This example takes the second element from the list. --> <!-- It uses a param at the top of the file. after the line <xsl:template match="SourceUser">--> <!--Or use a local variable between phone2 tags<xsl:variable name="allPhoneNumbers" select='HomePhone'/>--> <!--<Phone2> <xsl:variable name="after-first-comma" select='substringafter($allPhoneNumbers,",")'/> <xsl:variable name="second-comma" select='substring-before($afterfirst-comma,",")'/> <xsl:value-of select="$second-comma"/> </Phone2>--> <!-- This example outputs a xml tag if the element exists in the list --> <!--<memberOf> <xsl:variable name="memberGroups" select="memberOf"/> <xsl:if test="contains($memberGroups, 'Engineering')"> Engineering Lab1 </xsl:if> </memberOf>--> <!--************************************************************** -->

708 TAC

9. Using your own functions in an XSL file <!-- define the Javascript or C# or VBScript functions that you want to include within a msxsl:script element. - language indicates the scripting language - implements-prefix gives the namespace prefix that you declared for your function (i.e. TAC) - Use the functions where ever you want. For example <alias> <xsl:value-of select=" TAC:today()" /> </alias>--> <msxsl:script language="C#" implements-prefix="TAC"> <!-- it's often helpful to use a CDATA section in cases where you would like to add characters that would normally cause XSL compile errors, such as a "<" sign. --> <![CDATA[ public string today() { return "abcdefs"; } ]]> </msxsl:script> Use functions only when you need more flexibility/power than XSL supports. <!-- Example of using User defined functions --> <!-- <Alias> <xsl:value-of select="TAC:today()" /> </Alias>-->

Andover Continuum CyberStation Configurators Guide 709

710 TAC

Appendix D
Scheduling Automatic Personnel Object Updates
Andover Continuum CyberStation Configurators Guide 711

This appendix provides a procedure for setting automatic updating of personnel data in CyberStation with data from your personnel application. This information applies only to customers who use the Personnel Import Utility to import personnel records into CyberStation. For more information about the Personnel Import Utility, see Chapter 19. The Windows Task Scheduler is a Windows system tool you can use to run scripts or programs according to a schedule. With this tool, you may regularly perform personnel import operations automatically at specific times. Note: Before you run Task Scheduler, make sure the computers date and time settings are accurate. Perform the following steps to set up and run a task automatically: 1. From the Windows Start menu, select Programs, select Accessories, select System Tools, and then select Scheduled Tasks.

Note: This procedure is based on Microsoft Windows XP. Other user interfaces may vary. 2. In the Schedule Tasks dialog, double click Add Scheduled Task, and click Next. 3. To search for the program you want to run (PersonnelImportUtility), click Browse. 4. Double click the Program Files folder, and then double click the Continuum foler. 5. Navigate to and double click PersonnelImportUtility.exe. The Schedule Task Wizard automatically displays the application name in the program naming field.

712 TAC

6. Select one of the radio buttons to specify how often you want to thus update to run automatically, and click Next. 7. Select the time and day you want this scheduled task to start, enter a Start time and Start Date in their respective fields, and click Next.

Andover Continuum CyberStation Configurators Guide 713

8. Enter the name and password of a user in the Enter the user name field and Enter the password field respectively, and click Next.

The final screen informs you that the task has been successfully scheduled. It also provides the time and frequency of the task and the day it begins. For example:

714 TAC

If you want to configure more advanced properties for this scheduled task, check the Open advanced properties for this task when I click Finish checkbox. 9. Click Finish. 10. The PersonnelImportUtility dialog appears. This dialog contains the advanced properties for this task, as mentions in the previous step. If you do not check this box in the previous step, the scheduled task setup completes, and the PersonnelImportUtility dialog does not appear.

11. In the Tasks tab of the PersonelImportUtility dialog, enter the command in the Run field as follows: C:\Program Files\Continumm-C ConfigurationFileName G No E ErrorFil.txt -U acc Note: When entering the command rom here, please make sure you set the parameters outside the quotes surrounding the path name. If the ObjectName and/or UserName contains a space, then you must also place quotes around those items.
Andover Continuum CyberStation Configurators Guide 715

12. Enter the path of the folder in which you are starting the application in the Start field. In this case: C:\Program Files\Continuum 13. In the Schedule tab, click the Advanced button to bring up the Advanced Schedule Options dialog. Configure more advanced settings as needed, and click OK.

14. On the PersonnelImportUtility dialog, configure other advanced settings as needed on the Task, Schedule, and Settings tabs. 15. Click OK to completely the setup. The following is a table of permissions for managing scheduled tasks. Full Control Modify Read and Execute Read Write View, Run, Change, Delete, Change Owner View, Run, Change, Delete View, Run View View, Run, Change, Delete

716 TAC

The following is a table of names you must use and a description of those names. Name -C -G -E -U PersonnelImportUtility Description Configuration File Name UI Mode Error File Name Continuum User Name Executable File Name

Working with Scheduled Tasks

After creating a schedule, you are able to modify it and/or check the status of that schedule. There are many options offered by the Task Scheduler to work with existing schedules. Start and Stop Scheduled Tasks: Rather than having to wait for the next scheduled occurrence, you are able to run any schedule at any time. To do this, open the Scheduled Tasks window, select the task you wish to start or stop, choose File from the menu bar, and select Run. You could also just right click on the specific task and select Run. Check the Status of Scheduled Tasks: To check the status of a scheduled task, select the Details view of the Scheduled Tasks window. To access the log file, open the Schedule Tasks window, select Advanced from the menu bar, and select View. It is also possible to open the log manually from Notepad. Below is a table of status notation and their meanings. Status Notation Could not start Empty Missed Running Meaning The most recent attempt to start the task failed. The task is not running or the task has run successfully. One or more attempts to run the task were missed. The task is running.

Modify Scheduled Tasks: To change the properties for an already existing task, open the Scheduled Tasks window and select the task you wish to modify. Open the tasks Properties dialog and make the needed changes.

Delete Scheduled Tasks: To delete a scheduled task, open the Scheduled Tasks window and select the task you wish to delete. Press the Del key, click the Delete icon on the toolbar, or choose File from the menu bar, and then select Delete. It is also possible to right click the task and select Delete from the popup menu.
Andover Continuum CyberStation Configurators Guide 717

Note: Task Scheduler sends deleted tasks to the Recycle Bin. If you do not want a task to run, but think you might want to use the task later, Disable the task instead of deleting it.

Selecting Global Options

The Task Scheduler Advanced Menu offers many options for controlling the way the scheduled tasks operate. To get to this menu, open the Scheduled Tasks window, and select Advanced from the menu bar. You are presented with the following options. Option Stop Using Task Scheduler Description Select this option to disable all scheduled tasks and prevent Task Scheduler from running automatically when you start Windows. To get to this menu, open the Scheduled Tasks window and click Advanced in the menu bar. In order for the Task Scheduler to return to its normal operation, you must select Start Using Tasks Scheduler. Pause Task Scheduler Select this option to temporarily stop running tasks and prevent Task Scheduler from running automatically when starting Windows. This command is especially useful to stop tasks while you are installing software. In order to resume Schedules Tasks, you must select Continue Task Scheduler. Any tasks that were scheduled to run while Pause Task Scheduler was active will go on to run at the next scheduled time. Notify Me of Missed Tasks This option notifies you only of Task Schedulers failure, not of individual missed tasks. Tasks that fail to run because of corrupt or missing executables do not set off a notification. This option allows you to change the user account under which tasks scheduled with the At command will run (the default account is System). Select this option opens the AT Service Account dialog. To change the account, select This Account, enter a user account, and then enter and confirm the password for that account. View Log Select this option to open the task log in Notepad. You can use the log to track the success or failure of your scheduled tasks.

AT Service Account

718 TAC

Appendix E
Custom Card Formats

Andover Continuum CyberStation Configurators Guide


Configuring CyberStation for Custom ABA Card Access

In addition to supporting the ISO 7811 ABA (American Banking Association) standard the magnetic stripe cards, CyberStation now provides support for custom ABA access cards. The CyberStation standard ABA card format only reads one field (the Primary Account Number or PAN) consisting of 19 digits from the card, which is used it identify the card number. The custom ABA card format expands that capability (in addition to the card number) to provide support for: Site code Issue code

Manufacturer code CyberStation provides the user with an interface to specify the structure of a custom ABA magnetic stripe card.

Custom ABA Card Rules

In order for CyberStation to support custom ABA cards the following requirements apply. Andover Continuum CX series controllers connected to AC-1 Plus Door Access modules must be used. A door can be configured for ABA Format2 or Custom ABA, but not both. Only one custom ABA format will be supported at a time. The default mode for parsing a card is fixed length. Installations not using fixed length cards must indicate that they are using variable length structures with a special identifier character (V) described later in this section.

Overall Process
The over process of setting up CyberStation to support custom ABA access cards works as follows: Define a special InfinityString object in the CX controller editor and name it CustomABAFormat. This allows CyberStation to interrupt important custom information contained on a persons ABA access card for example, the site or faculty code, the issue code, the manufacturer code, and so on. Specify the Custom ABA card format in the Door editor. Enter the card number and site code of the Personnel object for each holder. Once the door is configured for Custom ABA card format, the CX controller sends the value of the string to the AC-! Plus modules. The AC-1 Plus modules use the information in the string to parse card swipes and then send the parsed data (CardNumber, SiteCode, etc.) to the CX controller for validation.

720 TAC

The detailed steps involved in defining and configuring a custom ABA card format are described below. 1. In network view in the Continuum Explorer, right click the CX controller to be configured for the custom ABA format. 2. Select New, and then select InfinityString from the dropdown menus. 3. Type in CustomABAFormat in the Object name field of the New dialog. 4. Click the Create button. This InfintyString editor will appear. 5. In the General tab, set the String Size field to 60 or less characters. 132 is the default. If you enter more than 60 you will receive an error message (only on CX reload). 6. Ensure that the Setpoint checkbox is checked (the string must be identified as a setpoint) and click Apply. 7. In the Value field, enter the unique alphanumeric characters for the CustomABAFormat string. 8. Click OK. 9. Open the Door editor associated with the CustomABAFormat CX controller selected in step 1. 10. In the Card Formats tab, select the Card Format ABA radio button. 11. Select the ABA Formats Custom checkbox. 12. In the Entry Reader tab, select the Validate Site checkboxes, along with any other applicable checkboxes. 13. Repeat step 12 for the Exit Reader tab. 14. Click OK. 15. Open the Personnel Manager (or Personnel editor) for the person holding a CustomABAFormat access card. 16. From the Card Type dropdown menu, select CustomMagStripe. 17. Enter the correct numbers in the Site Code and Card Number fields. Site Code is optional. If it is not used, set it to 0. 18. Click OK. Repeat steps 15-18 for each custom ABA cardholder.

Andover Continuum CyberStation Configurators Guide


Guidelines for Creating a CustomABAFormat InfinityString

The special name CustomeABAFormat (step 3 above) together with the unique alphanumeric InfinityString that you enter as its value (step 7 above), s what tells CyberSTation howt o interpret and validate the information on a perons custom ABA card. Every CX controller that has AC-1 Plus IOU modules attached will need to have its own instance of the CustomABAFormat InfinityString object. The string structre must match the layout of the data on the card. Definitions Associated with ABA Card Formats The following table describes important terms used when dealing with ADA card formats. Term Bit Description A binary digit with the value of either 0 or 1. Each track consists of a string of bits; but strings make up an alpha or numeric character. A defined character (bit pattern) in an encoding format. Cannot be all zeros. The Start Sentinel is encoded on the magnetic stripe immediately before the first data character and indicates the beginning of data. A designated character, which separated data fields. Cannot be used for data. A defined character (bit pattern) in an encoding format. Cannot be used for data. The End Sentinel is encoded on the magnetic stripe immediately after the last data character and indicates the beginning of data. A bit pattern, which is encoded immediately after the End Sentinel. Checks for bit errors in the message, which includes the Start Sentinel, End Sentinel, data, and Field Separators.

Start Sentinel

Field Separator End Sentinel

Longitudinal Redundancy Check Character (LCR)

Custom ABA Card Structure ABA cards are digit oriented, not bit oriented. The card structure defines the membership of each digit to one or more of the card fields with each field having a character identifier. The character identifiers are assembled in a CX controller string object (CustomABAFormat), which contains all the information needed to allow the AC-1 Plus IOU modules to parse the card swipes. The supported card fields are SiteCode, CardNumber, IssueCode, and ManufacturerCode. Other elements of the cardstructure are the StartSentinel, FieldSeparator, EndSentinel, and the LRC Check. TAC provides the following card data fields that you must use in defining your structure.

722 TAC

Card Field Start Sentinel (for fixed length structure) Start Sentinel (for variable-length structure) Site or Faculty code

Description Indicates the beginning of data. See Definition, above. See Definitions, above, and Rules and Guidelines, later in this chapter. The site code, if used, is a number that identifies your facility. See Site Code Requirements, later in this chapter. Contains the custom ABA card number. See Card Number Requirements, later in this chapter. Separates the digits of one field from another. See Definitions, above. If used, the number of times a person has been issued a card second, third, fourth, and so on. See Card Issue Code Requirements, later in this chapter. Identifies the cards manufacturer code. See Manufacturer Code Requirements, later in this chapter. Each of these integers indicates that the digit is shared in two or more fields. If you specify shared-field integers, the string structure must be fixed-length. See Shared-field Integer Requirements, later in this chapter. Indicates digits that are not used within the string structure. See Rules and Guidelines, later in this chapter. Indicates the end of data. See Definition, on previous page. Checks for bit errors when the card is read. See Definitions on previous page. To read the raw data encoded on a card, set the first characters to R. See Raw ABA Data Mode, later in this chapter.

Alphanumeric Identifier T (an ASCII character) V (an ASCII character) 1 (a hexadecimal integer)

Card Number

2 (a hexadecimal integer) S (an ASCII character) 4 (a hexadecimal integer)

Field Separator Card Issue Code

Manufacturer Code

8 (a hexadecimal integer) Any other hexadecimal integer

Shared-field Integers

Not Used

X (an ASCII character) Z (an ASCII character) L (an ASCII character) R (an ASCII character)

End Sentinel Longitudinal Redundancy Check (LRC) Raw Data Mode

Andover Continuum CyberStation Configurators Guide


Example of a CustomABAFormat String As an example, you might enter the following value as a CustomABAFormat string: T3311222222222SXXXX8888ZL Settings the CustomABAFormat string to the value shown above tells CyberStation to interpret the information read from a custom ABA card as follows: The first digit (T) is the start sentinel. The second and third digits (33) are the first two digits of the site code as well as the first two digits of the card number since both fields share them. Digits 4 6 (111) are the remaining digits of the site code. Digits 7-15 (222222222) are the remaining digits of the card number. Digit 16 (S) is a field separator. Digits 17-20 (XXX) are ignored by CyberStation since they have been marked as not used. Digits 21-24 (888) make up the manufacturer code. Digit 25 (Z) is the end sentinel.

Digit 26 (L) is the LRC (Longitudinal Redundancy Check). Now, suppose that a card that has been previously encoded with the following data is swiped at the custom ABA door. SS1055123456789FS20021040ESL (For the purpose of this illustration, SS is the start sentinel, FS is the field separator, and ES s the end sentinel.) In accordance with the CustomABAFormat string entered in the example on the previous page, CyberStation will interpret the card data as follows: Site Code Card Number Not Used Manufacturer Code 10555 10123456789 2002 1040

Note that the site code and card number share the same first two digits (10) as determined by the 33 in the string format. Rules and Guidelines Here are some important rules and guidelines to follow when entering the string structure value: CyberStation parses and interprets the card data from left to right, based on the string structure you provide. The leftmost digit becomes the most significant digit. Remember, the a limit of 60 characters. There is a limit to the number of digits each field may have. Field Card Numer 724 TAC Limit 19 digits

Site Code Card Issue Code Manufacturer Code

5 digits 2 digits 16 digits

In a fixed-length structure, the number of digits in a field of a persons card must match the number of digits in each field of the structure you define. For example, if your facilitys code (site code) is 75 (encoded on the second and third digits on you cards) and your cards use up to 4 digits for the card number (encoded on the fourth through seven digits) you would configure the CustomABAFormat string as follows: T112222 When the cards are encoded, any card with a card number less than four digits must be padded to four digits. For example, a card with card number 12 must be encoded with 0012 in the card number field.

In a fixed-length structure, you must use a field separator (S) to correspond with every place it appears in the persons card. For example, if the card contains four field spearators, your structure must have four separators that must appear in the same location specified by the CustomABAFormat string. If the card has no separators, your structure should have no separators. A variable-length structure can accommodate cards containing fields whose digits vary in length. If the number of digits in a field on a persons card is less than the number of corresponding digits in your structure, then CyberStation pads hat number with zeros. For example, if a persons site code is 75, the card number is 1234, and your structure is V11111S222222, then these numbers become: 00075 001234 In a variable-length structure, you must use a field separator (S) to separate the fields. The card must be encoded with a field separator to indicate to CyberStation where each field ends, as follows: SS74FS1234FS.ESLRC (For the purpose of this illustration, SS is the start sentinel, FS is the field separator, and ES is the end sentinel.

In any structure, the not-used character (X) should correspond with digits that are not used on the card (see example on previous page). Any ASCII character, other than A, B, C, D, E, F, L, R, S, T, V, X, and Z, is invalid.

Card Number Requirements The field containing the integer 2 represents the card number that is read from a persons custom ABA card. The limit is 19 digits. The largest card number supported is 99999999999999999999. The structure must be fixed-length when one ore more digits are shared. See, Shared Site Code Requirements, below. The card number must be entered in the Card Number field on the Personnel editors General tab.

Andover Continuum CyberStation Configurators Guide


Site Code Requirements The field containing the integer 1 represents a persons site. The limit is five digits. The largest site doe supported is 65535. The site code is optional. If you have a site code, it must be entered in a Site Codes field on the Personnel editors General tab. Card Issue Code Requirements The field containing the integer 4 represents digits belonging to the card issue code (that is, if your site uses issue codes). The limit is 2 digits. CyberStation reads the issue code (one or two digits) from the card, and attaches the code to the beginning of the persons card number, whereby is becomes part of the card number. The card number is first padded with zeros if necessary until it has the same number of digits as specified in the CustomABAFormat string. For example, if a perons card number is 751, the issue code is12, and if the CustomABAFormat string specifies a 6- digit card number, the resulting card number is: 12000751 CyberStation inserts the issue code in front (to the left) of the card number. Note: Because the issue code becomes the first digits (or first 2 digits) of a persons card number, you must enter this modified card in the Card Number field in Personnel objects, so that CyberStation recognizes the issue code. Using the example above, you would enter 12000751. Manufacturer Code Requirements This field contain the integer 8 represents digits belonging to the manufacturer code (that is, if your site uses a manufacturer code). The limit is 16 digits. Note: You must append the cards actual manufacturer code after the LRC (L) whereby this code becomes the last digits of the structure. For example, if the manufacturer code on your card is 576, then the latter half of the CustomABAFormat string would look similar to this: S44XXX888ZL576 where CyberStation will reject any cards that does not contain the number 576 in the location specified by the code 888 in the CustomABAFormat string. Shared-Field Integer Requirements In two or more fields, you may share any digit that is read from a persons card. To do so, use one or more of the following hexadecimal integers in your string structure: 3, 5, 6, 7, 9, A, B, C, D, E, or F Each of these integers tells CyberStation to read the digit and use it in the field specified by the integer. For example, the integer 3 means the digit is used in the card number and the site code. The integer D means the digit is used in the site code, the card issue code, and the manufacturer code (See the table below). Note: To accommodate shared-field integers, your string structure must be fixed-length.

726 TAC

You must place the overlapping (shared) integer in the structure from left to right because CyberStation parses digits from left to right. For example, suppose you were sharing two numbers in the site code and card number. (The integer 3 specifies a share between these two fields.) Suppose the persons site code is 75, and the card number is 75944. The site code and card number fields in your structure would look similar to this: T332222 For every combination of shared fields (two, three, or four fields), the following table tells you which hexadecimal integer to use in your string structure. Note: Each integer below is the sum of the integers that represent the shared fields (1 for site code, 2 for card number, 4 for card issue code, and 8 for manufacturer code). For example, a 9 specifies a share between the site code field (1) and manufacturer code field (8) in other words, 1 plus 8. A 6 specifies a share between the card number field (2) and the card issue code field (4) in other words, 2 plus 4. To Share Digits in these Fields Card Number Site Code Site Code Card Issue Code Card Number Card Issue Code Card Number Site Code Card Issue Code Site Code Manufacturer Code Card Number Manufacturer Code Card Number Site Code Manufacturer Code Card Issue Code Manufacturer Code Site Code Card Issue Code Manufacturer Code Use this Shared Hexadecimal Integer 3 (represents 2+1) 5 (represents 1+4) 6 (represents 2+4) 7 (represents 2+1+4) 9 (represents 1+8) A (represents 2+8) B (represents 2+1+8) C (represents 4+8) D (represents 1+4+8)

Andover Continuum CyberStation Configurators Guide


To Share Digits in these Fields Card Number Site Code Manufacturer Code Card Number Site Code Card Issue Code Manufacturer Code

Use this Shared Hexadecimal Integer E (represents 2+1+8) F (represents 2+1+4+8)

Remember the string structure must be fixed-length. Raw ABA Data Mode Sometimes it is desirable to read the raw data encoded on a card. To do this, the first character that you enter in the CustomABAFormat string must be an R. This character takes the place of the StartSentinel. When the CX controller detects such a string, it sends a Custom Card event to the CyberStation workstation and allows the raw card data to appear in an Active Event View whenever the card is swiped. The raw data that appears will be from the Start Sentinel digit to the LCR digit.

Multiple Custom Card Formats

You can now define more than one AccessFormat array object. This will enable the access control engine to handle more than one custom card format per controller. Note: Multiple Custom Card Formats are supported in the CX99xx and NetController II (96xx) controllers only. Requirements The points must be named AccessFormat, AccessFormat2, AccessFormar3, and AccessFormat4. Each custom card format must have a unique site code, otherwise the system will not be bale to uniquely identify people with the same card number but different formats. Selecting the Custom card type on a door will allow all custom card types to enter that door.

Functionality There is no change in the way custom cards are implemented; this new revision only expands the number of custom cards supported from one to four. Custom Card Validation in Degrade Mode Degrade Mode is when the AC-1 cannot communication with the NetController. For the AC-1 to perform site code validation when operating in degrade mode, do the following:

728 TAC

Add the following code at the end of the Plain English program where the AccessFormat array9s) is/are initialized: Numeric siteCode1, SiteCode2, SiteCode3, SiteCode4 Set up AccessFormat below AccessFormat[0] = etc

STORE SITE CODES FROM DOOR SiteCode1 = MyDoor Site1 SiteCode2 = MyDoor Site2 SiteCode3 = MyDoor Site3 SiteCode4 MyDoor Site4

CLEAR DOORS SITE CODES MyDoor Site1 = 0 MyDoor Site2 = 0 MyDoor Site3 = 0 MyDoor Site4 = 0

RESOTRE DOORS SITE CODES MyDoor Site1 = SiteCode1 MyDoor Site2 = SiteCode2 MyDoor Site3 = SiteCode3 MyDoor Site4 = SiteCode 4 All site code information is sent to the AC-1s for each card type selected in the following order. 1. Infinity37 2. AC4Plus432 3. Weigand26 4. CK34 5. Custom 6. G31

Andover Continuum CyberStation Configurators Guide


The AC-1 can only store all four site codes for one format and the last one selected from the above list wins. Out of the four possible Custom Access Format arrays, only the AccessFormat is sent to the AC-1. Note that if G31 were select, the AC-1 would store that instead of Custom Access Format.

730 TAC

Appendix F
Points Electrical Types

Andover Continuum CyberStation Configurators Guide


Infinity Electrical Types and BACnet Objects

Andover Continuum supports BACnet-compliant devices for Andover Continuum b4920, bCX1 (b40x0 series), and b3 controllers, as well as third-party devices. When you create an InfinityInput or InfinityOutput residing on Andover Continuum BACnet controller, a BACnet Analog, Binary, or Multistate input or output object is also created, depending on the electrical type you assign when the InfinityInput or InfinityOutput point is created via their respective editors. For example, if you select an analog electrical type, Voltage, a BACnet AnalogInput or AnalogOutput is also created. If you select a binary electrical type, Digital, a BACnet BinaryInput or BinaryOutput is also created. If you select a multistate electrical type, Supervised or Tristate, a MultistateInput or MultistateOutput object is created, respectively. These BACnet Analog, Binary, and Multistate input and output objects may be viewed in the BACnet devices portion of the Continuum Explorers navigation pane. Their Infinity point counterparts may be viewed in the Infinity portion of the navigation pane. Please see Chapter 14 for a description of the Analog, Binary, and Multistate object editors, as well as BACnet device operations in general.

InfinityInput Types
Type ACC_Airflow ACC_Keypad ACC_Pressure ACCTemp(DegC) Description Not Available: This electrical type will be available in a future release. Not Available: This electrical type will be available in a future release. Not Available: This electrical type will be available in a future release. Use this electrical type for Andover Continuum thermistor type temperature sensors, and for the EMX 170/SP 100 temperature sensor modules. This input type performs the conversion from voltage to temperature in degrees Celsius. Use this electrical type for Andover Continuum thermistor type temperature sensors, and for the EMX 170/SP 100 temperature sensor modules. This input type performs the conversion from voltage to temperature in degrees Fahrenheit. Use this electrical type for a pulse counting input. The counter triggers on the falling edge of the input waveform.



732 TAC

Type Digital

Description Use this electrical type of the input point is an ON or OFF contact closure. After you select Digital as an electrical type, a checkbox for Polarity will appear. If you want to invert the meanings of ON and OFF, click the box to put a check mark in it. Use this electrical type if the input is a current type. Use this electrical type for RTD 1000 Ohms temperature (Celsius) sensors. Use this electrical value if the sensor is a Resistive Thermal Device Temperature Sensor, 1000 Ohms, Degrees Celsius, 2 wire. Use this electrical type for RTD 1000 Ohms temperature (Fahrenheit) sensors. Use this electrical value if the sensor is a Resistive Thermal Device Temperature Sensor, 1000 Ohms, Degrees Fahrenheit, 2 wire. Use this electrical type for Andover Continuum 1K RTD resistive type temperature sensors. These sensors must be wired to two consecutive input points where the first channel number is an odd number. Assign the odd number as the channel number. This input type automatically performs the conversion from resistance to temperature in degrees Celsius. RTD Temp is only available on 9400 and 9500 series controllers. Use this electrical type for Andover Continuum 1K RTD resistive type temperature sensors. These sensors must be wired to two consecutive input points where the first channel number is an odd number. Assign the odd number as the channel number. This input type automatically performs the conversion form resistance to temperature in degrees Fahrenheit. RTD Temp is only available on 9400 and 9500 series controllers. Use this electrical type if the sensor is a Resistive Thermal Device Temperature Sensor, 100 Ohms, Degrees Celsius, 2 wire. Use this electrical type if the sensor is a Resistive Thermal Device Temperature sensor, 100 Ohms, Degrees Fahrenheit, 2 wire.

InputCurrent RTD1000TempC RTD1000TempC2W

RTD1000TempF RTD1000TempF2W





Andover Continuum CyberStation Configurators Guide


Type Supervised

Description Use this multistate electrical type if the input is for an access control system on either a 700 or a 800 series controller, an AC1, AC1Plus or AC1A Continuum module, a b4 or b3 controller, and most Infinity models. This type creates three states: On, Off, and Trouble. Supervised inputs are normally part of a Door object, so you do not have to set them up as input points unless you want to user them in programs, or associated them with alarms. After you select Supervised as an electrical type, a checkbox for the resistor type will display. Click the down arrow to select one of the following: NoSeries, NoParallel, NoSerPar, NCSeries, NCParallel, or NCSerPar. If the resistor is for a Supervised input on a EMX 190 or CRM 100 (channel 9, 10, 11, or 12), you must select NOSeries, NOParallel, NCSeries, or NCParallel. Note: When this type is selected, a BACnet MultistateInput object, with these three states (On, Off, and Trouble) is created, in addition to the InfinityOutput point. The MultistateInput can be viewed in the BACnet devices portion of the Continuum Explorers navigation pane. Please see Chapter 14 for a description of the MultistateInput editor and on BACnet in general.

TankProbe ThermoCoupBTempC ThermoCoupBTempF ThermoCoupETempC ThermoCoupETempF ThermoCoupJTempC ThermoCoupJTempF ThermoCoupKTempC 734 TAC

Use this electrical type for a probe on TankNet Not Available: This electrical type will be available in a future release. Not Available: This electrical type will be available in a future release. Not Available: This electrical type will be available in a future release. Not Available: This electrical type will be available in a future release. Not Available: This electrical type will be available in a future release. Not Available: This electrical type will be available in a future release. Not Available: This electrical type will be available in a future release.

Type ThermoCoupKTempF ThermoCoupRTempC ThermoCoupRTempF ThermoCoupSTempC ThermoCoupSTempF ThermoCoupTTempC ThermoCoupTTempF Voltage

Description Not Available: This electrical type will be available in a future release. Not Available: This electrical type will be available in a future release. Not Available: This electrical type will be available in a future release. Not Available: This electrical type will be available in a future release. Not Available: This electrical type will be available in a future release. Not Available: This electrical type will be available in a future release. Not Available: This electrical type will be available in a future release. Use this electrical type if the input point is a voltage or current sensor. Continuum gives a voltage reading for this type of sensor, so you will need to enter a conversion formula on the Conversions page.

InfinityOutput Types
Type Current Digital Description Select this type if the output is a current type. Use this electrical type of the output point is an ON or OFF contact closure. After you select Digital as an electrical type, a text box for Polarity will appear. If you want to invert the meanings of ON and OFF, click the box to put a check mark in it. Select this type for certain EMX input modules. Select this type for certain EMX input modules. Use this unit type when setting up an output point for an LS-8 Seven Segment Display Board IOU module. A PanelMeter output allows a Plain English program to assign a numeric value to the display without doing a string conversion. The Alternative is to use a string output, but the Plain English program must convert the string using the NumToStrn function.

HiResCurrent HiResVoltage PanelMeter

Andover Continuum CyberStation Configurators Guide


Type Pneumatic

Description Select this type if the output is a pneumatic type. Pneumatic is applicable only if the controller is an Infinet controller and the point is on an EMX 140 or POM 200 expansion module. If you have an EMX 141 or an EMX 143 with only one output, you must skip a channel for the missing one. Select this multistate type if the output is a tristate type (ON, OFF, and -ON). Note: When this type is selected, a BACnet MultistateOutput object, with these three states, is created, in addition to the InfinityOutput point. The MultistateOutput can be viewed in the BACnet devices portion of the Continuum Explorers navigation pane. Please see Chapter 14 for a description of the MultistateOutput editor and on BACnet in general.



Use this electrical type if the output point is a voltage output. Continuum gives a voltage setting for this type of output, so you will need to enter a conversion formula on the Conversions page.

736 TAC

Andover Continuum CyberStation Configurators Guide

Andover Continuum CyberStation Configurators Guide Document Number: 30-3001-781 Version 1.8


Andover Continuum CyberStation Configurators Guide

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