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Celebrating the European Union: A Half Century of Change and Progress Since the creation of the EU half a century

y ago, Europe has enjoyed the longest period of peace in its history. European political integration is unprecedented in history. EU enlargement has helped overcome the division of Europe contributing to peace, prosperity, and stability across the continent. A single market and a common currency conditions for companies and consumers. EU has united the citizens of Europe while preserving Europes diversity. What is the European Union? Shared values: liberty, democracy, respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms, and the rule of law. Largest economic body in the world. Worlds most successful model for advancing peace and democracy. A unique institution Member States voluntarily cede national sovereignty in many areas to carry out common policies and governance. Not a super-state to replace existing states, nor just an organization for international cooperation. Worlds most open market for goods and commodities from developing countries. Goals of the EC To continue to improve Europes economy by regulating trade and commerce.

To form a single market for Europe's economic resources. As these goals were accomplished, other goals were developed: Environmental movements Regulatory acts Human rights concerns.

Principal Objects of the EU Establish European Citizenship

Ensure freedom, security, and justice Promote economic and social progress

Assert Europes role in the world Basis of the EU The European Union is based on the rule of law and democracy. It is neither a new State replacing existing ones nor is it comparable to other international organizations. Its Member States delegate sovereignty to common institutions representing the interests of the Union as a whole on questions of joint interest. All decisions and procedures are derived from the basic treaties ratified by the Member States.

EU Institutions European Commission 27 Commissioners, representing the European perspective, each responsible for a specific policy area. EUs executive branch proposes legislation, manages Unions day-to-day business and budget, and enforces rules. Negotiates trade agreements and manages Europes multilateral development cooperation. Council of the European Union EUs main decision-making body, comprised of ministers of 27 Member States, representing Member States point of view. Decides on foreign policy issues. Council presidency rotates among Member States every six months. EU Institutions European Parliament Voice of European citizens members elected for five-year terms. With the Council, passes EU laws and adopts EU budgets. Approves EU Commissioners. European Court of Justice Highest EU judicial authority. Ensures all EU laws are interpreted and applied correctly and uniformly. Can act as an independent policy maker but unlike the U.S. Supreme Court, the ECJ can only deal with matters covered by the Treaties. What Does it Take to qualify for Membership in the EU: 1. The candidate country has achieved stability of institutions guaranteeing democracy, the rule of law, human rights and respect for and protection of minorities. 2. The candidate country has the existence of a functioning market economy, as well as the capacity to cope with competitive pressure and market forces within the Union. 3. The candidate country has the ability to take on the obligations of membership, including adherence to the aims of political, economic and monetary union. European Central Bank The European Central Bank (ECB) is the central bank for Europe's single currency, the euro.

The ECBs main task is to maintain the euro's purchasing power and thus price stability in the euro area. The euro area comprises the 15 European Union countries that have introduced the euro since 1999. The ECB operates independently from Member State governments. United in Diversity - The uro EUROPEAN UNION DEPOSITORIES The European Union has a long standing tradition of maintaining European Documentation Centers (EDCs) throughout the EU member countries, with a total of 275 EDCs world-wide.

The EU presently supports over fifty depositories in the United States. The earliest of these depositories were established with the creation of the ECSC in the 1950s.

EU Depositories Holdings *Depositories and EDCs automatically receive one copy of a majority of EU produced items free of charge, in the designated language. * The only items that are not part of this agreement are the Technical Reports and the Press Materials issued by the Commission's Offices located outside of Brussels. *The public can purchase official EU documents from the Office for Official Publications (EU-OP). Purchase requests can be made via the internet. *There is a large cache of free current information on EU web page. OU has been an EU Depository since 1973 The uro 1951: In the aftermath of World War II, the aim was to secure peace among Europes victorious and vanquished nations and bring them together as equals, cooperating within shared institutions. Based on a plan by French Foreign Minister Robert Schuman.

Six founding countries Belgium, the Federal Republic of Germany, France, Italy, Luxembourg and the Netherlands signed a treaty to run heavy industries (coal and steel) under common management. Treaty of Rome The six founding countries expanded cooperation to other economic sectors, creating the European Economic Community (EEC) or common market. As a result, people, goods, services, and capital today move freely across the Union.

EU PUBLICATIONS * The EU publishes on a multitude of topics in a variety of formats. Statistics, parliamentary reports, current events, debate, regulations, and news items all fall within the range of EU publication topics. *The type of publications includes periodicals, monographs, and annuals. *The format of publications is either paper, fiche or electronic, with Internet being heavily utilized since 2000.

Types of Publications EU publications fall into a number of EU-specific categories: Green Papers, White Papers, Bulletins, Communications, Reports, Memorandum, and Press Releases.

The main division of these items is between General Information and Official Documents.

EUROPA THE SERVER FOR THE EU Born: 1995 Name: Parents: EU-institutions Characteristic: Portal to all EU institution and bodies Mult-lingual (11 official languages)

37 million visitors per month 1.5 million documents consulted daily 1.3 million documents available Purpose: Openness and transparancy Give citizens access to information Involve as many as possible in the decision making-process One-stop Shopping Fully searchable Divided into six main areas: ABC News Activities Institutions Official Documents Information Sources 50 Years of EU Integration Enlargement has: Inspired reforms and consolidated common principles of liberty, democracy, respect for human rights, fundamental freedoms, the rule of law, and market economy. Enhanced the EUs weight in the world and made it a stronger and more attractive international partner. Addressing Global Challenges Peace & Security Works for global peace and security alongside the United States and multilateral organizations including NATO and the United Nations. Undertakes humanitarian and peacekeeping missions and has provided military forces for crisis management around the globe. Counterterrorism & Homeland Security Taken steps to improve intelligence sharing, enhance law enforcement and judicial cooperation, curtail terrorist financing. Boosts trade and transport security to support the struggle against terrorism.

Democracy & Human Rights Works globally for free elections and open democratic processes. Fights racism and intolerance at home and abroad. Campaigns globally against capital punishment.

Development Assistance & Humanitarian Relief The EU and its Member States are the worlds largest aid donor, providing 55% of total official development assistance. Provides billions of dollars in humanitarian aid to more than 100 countries in response to crises and natural disasters.

Trade European Commission represents all 27 EU Member States before the World Trade Organization. Supports free trade and open markets, within the rules-based structure of the WTO, to promote growth and jobs in both industrialized and developing countries. The world's most open market for products and commodities from developing countries 40% of all EU imports are from developing countries.

Environmental Protection A leader in global efforts to protect the environment, maintaining rigorous and comprehensive systems at home. Plays a key role in developing and implementing international agreements, such as the Kyoto Protocol on Climate Change. Executing a cap and trade system to reduce greenhouse gas emissions Takes the lead in the fight against global warming with the adoption of binding energy targets (cutting 20% of the EUs greenhouse gas emissions by 2020). The European Union and the United States

Partners in Global Leadership EU and U.S. work together to develop international standards: Fighting terrorism and transnational crime Advancing global trade liberalization Combating piracy and intellectual property violations Spreading benefits of globalization EU and its Member States are helping restore peace and stability in Afghanistan. EU and U.S. work together in the Middle East Quartet to advance the peace process. When the EU and U.S. agree, others tend to follow. Shared Values and Responsibilities Freedom & Democracy Support free elections, good governance, human rights, and the rule of law around the world. Security Cooperate to fight terrorism, limit the spread of nuclear weapons, and work for global peace.

Development Together, EU and U.S. provide 80% of global development assistance and an even larger share of global humanitarian aid in times of disaster and conflict.

A Dynamic Transatlantic Economy EU and U.S. together account for 40% of total global trade (more than $1.5 billion in transatlantic trade every day). The $3 trillion EU-U.S. transatlantic economy employs 14 million workers on both sides of the Atlantic. In 2005, Europe accounted for roughly two-thirds of total global investment flows into the U.S. by far the most significant source of foreign investment in the U.S. economy. European companies are the leading foreign investors in the U.S. The UK, Germany, France, and the Netherlands top four sources of jobs created by foreign investment in the United States.

American companies invest far more in EU countries than in Asia. U.S. businesses make 5 times the profit in the Netherlands - alone - as they make in

China. In 2005, EU investments in Texas alone surpassed all U.S. investments in China and Japan, combined. Future of Transatlantic Relations EU and U.S. face common challenges that are global in origin and impact. With global challenges, come global responsibilities.

EU and U.S., with our shared values and common interests, are natural partners to give a lead in four key areas: Promote peace, human rights and democracy worldwide. Confront global challenges, including security and non-proliferation. Foster prosperity and opportunity. Advance strategic cooperation on energy security, climate change and sustainable development.

Education & Research EU and U.S. cooperate on science and technology education through: Exchange programs More than 700 institutional partnerships Vocational training Scholarship programs R&D cooperatives EU and U.S. provide joint or dual higher educational degree programs. EU funds Centers of Excellence at leading U.S. universities.

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