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Lithe. Now theres a word you dont get to use too often.

At least not legitimately, but this girl was lithe all over. Slim without being angular, her long limbs flowed as she walked, her every movement liquid and catlike in its grace. Her hair flowed down past her shoulders like black silk in slow motion, thick and smooth and beautiful. Her bare feet seemed constantly en point as her calves rolled beneath the hem of her dress. Her exotic eyes flashed joyously as she passed.

Hey, fucker! shouted Jess, jolting me out of my reverie with a punch to arm. Ogling Kate again, are we? Shut up! I hissed, waving a hand in her direction. What if she hears you? Jess snorted. If she heard me say you were ogling her shed probably be flattered, a good looking guy like you. She gave me an exaggerated once-over and waved her hand as if I was too hot to touch. Pfft, yeah right I said, shes the prettiest girl on campus and you think shed be flattered because Im staring at her like an idiot? I rolled my eyes. Whatever, man. You have no idea what shed think and you never will because youre way too much of a pussy to actually ask her out. Now I need your opinion on something: sexy or natural? Huh? I dragged my eyes from Kate to look at Jess, confused. What are you talking about? Jess grinned, Im trying to seduce that redhead in our psych class and I want to know whether you think shed react better to a sexy look or a more natural look. Itll be at a party so shell probably be drunk, if that helps. I sighed, Come on, Jess. You never have any trouble getting girls no matter how you dress. Ok, tell you what: dress sexy. It makes no difference but you always need me to make the decision. Jess giggled, Yeah, I do. Thanks Pete, sexy it is. Tell you what, why dont you come along to this party? Its a house party with not too many people, some harmless fun. When is it? I asked. Saturday, Ill pick you up around 8, ok? I sighed, she always got her way with me. Ok, Ill see you then. Good. I gotta go now, but you enjoy your ogling while you can. I think I wanna get you laid this weekend.

I just smiled to myself as Jess skipped off. She was an absolute force of nature, that girl. Not that I minded, she was a good friend, and very cute. She did get me laid on a regular basis, too. A pity she was gay, then. Shed have made the absolute best girlfriend a guy could hope for. Id heard rumours of her getting with the occasional guy back in high school but Id never seen it and she always maintained that guys just couldnt do it right. Ah well, I thought to myself, I wonder whos house this partys at.

Saturday night came fairly quickly, between uni and work, and I was actually looking forward to having some fun at someone elses place. Id dressed casual; jeans, shirt with sleeves rolled up, slightly ratty volleys. I had, however, made sure I was wearing clean underwear and my room was tidy, if not spotless. Like I said, Jess did get me laid sometimes, especially when she said she would. At any rate the doorbell rang around 8 and I went to meet Jess, making sure I had all my things (keys, wallet, phone, condom). As I opened the door, I saw Jess and I was momentarily stunned. She had taken my advice to dress sexy very seriously. She wore black, medium-height heels which raised her to around my 180cms, a sexy black dress which looked classic, clingy without being revealing with slim bands of fabric joining behind her neck, and a neckline which was far from demure, but which tantalised rather than exhibited. A simple gold chain hung around her neck and her face was made

up just to the point of looking stunning, without looking actually made up. Her hair hung lustrous over her shoulder to curl towards her breast. She grinned at me You about done checking me out? And for the record Im not wearing any underwear, either. You did say sexy. I got my balance back Arent you a little over dressed for a house party? I asked. She shook her head as she stepped inside Nah, if anything youre underdressed. If you wanna change I can wait. I nodded, Ok, Ill be down in a minute, and climbed the stairs back up to my room. There, I changed into a slightly nicer shirt, my decent, but still comfortable black shoes, and a suit jacket. I came down the stairs to find Jess had opened a beer from my fridge while waiting. She downed the last of it as I reached the bottom and waggled her eyebrows at me, Ooh, la la. Tres chic. She came over and took my arm, her ample breast pressed against my bicep, Shall we? I smiled, Lets.

She drove, as I had no idea where we were headed, and she took us into an area of town near campus that I didnt really know. I was a little apprehensive as this meant I wouldnt know whoever was hosting the party but resigned myself to just drinking a bit more than Id planned and making some new friends. Jess pulled in in front of a house which already had several cars parked out front and in we went. As we entered the familiar sounds of a house party wafted over me, the music, the laughing, the obligatory dog. A familiar smell wafted over me as well and I smiled, weed would make meeting some new friends much easier. I looked around, there was almost no-one I recognised, and those I did were only vague acquaintances. As I looked around I realised that Id lost Jess. I smiled to myself. Shed probably seen her redhead and gone off in pursuit. I asked a random where I could get a drink and he directed me to the traditional bathtub full of beers on ice. I got myself a Carlton and started to wander around, looking for someone or something interesting. I wandered along the hall, and out into the back yard where a bunch of people were sitting around a bucket of fire, laughing and drinking and passing around a joint. There was a free seat so I sat. The girl to my right had the joint and after taking a drag she smiled as she passed it over. Whats your name? She asked as I took a drag. Peter I said, the smoke making my voice breathy. Oh, cool said the girl as I passed the jay to the guy on my left. And how do you know our illustrious hostess? Im not sure I do, to be honest I replied, I came here with a friend, but she left me to pursue someone else and now Im all alone. Oh, thats too bad said the girl, mock pouting Are you at the uni, though? Yeah, I study philosophy and linguistics. Dont ask me what Im doing after uni. She laughed. Yeah, Im doing gender studies and I say exactly the same thing. I smiled, Isnt gender studies for bulldykes? She grimaced, Isnt philosophy for fags? Touche I replied. So who is hosting this shindig? I should probably find out whose beer Im drinking. The girl giggled a little then looked over my shoulder Here she comes now, it looks like she recognises you even if you dont know her. I turned and there, walking towards me, smiling, utterly radiant, was Kate. Fuck, I was gonna kill Jess for this.

Hi Peter, Im so glad you could make it. Jess said you might be busy but I told her to persuade you and it obviously worked said Kate as she sashayed over. I was gobsmacked. Shed invited me? Why hadnt Jess mentioned this? Definitely going to kill Jess. Slowly. Later though, for now play it cool. Yeah, Im glad I could come too. Nice place, by the way. Cheers said Kate, Im sharing but my roommates down the coast for the week so I thought Id have a party. Have you had the tour? I

passed the joint on again and exhaled Nope, I only just arrived. Ok, come on then. Ill show you around said Kate. How could I refuse? Lead the way.

We started in the kitchen the Instant Noodle repository, then moved through to the lounge in which several people were having a heated conversation / argument over, it sounded like, flavours of ice cream. We made our way past the bathroom and up some stairs. When we reached the top she turned left and beckoned me on. There was no-one else up here and we passed another bathroom as we went down a short corridor to a closed door. This is the final stop said Kate as she opened the door, My room. She walked in and I, a little buzzed from the weed and not wanting to be rude, followed her. She closed the door behind her and I looked around. It was a typical students bedroom with a double bed, some cheap-looking shelving units full of textbooks and novels, and a desk with computer, the screen showing a screensaver.

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