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Volume 103 March 29, 2012 Number 21
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Entertainment | Page 9
Fact of the Week:
Human thigh
bones are
stronger than
Hunger Games
Movie Review
Equestrian Team
heads to Nationals
Arts and
Hate crime at Berry
Kelly dicKerson
News Editor
A student returned to his Deerfeld residence hall Mon-
day night around 11:15 p.m. to fnd liquid bleach poured
in his top two dresser drawers along with a note reading
faggot nigger fuck off.
Racially its upsetting that someone hates me for who
I am, the student said. Sexually its upsetting that some-
one hates me for who they think I am.
After discovering the damage the student said he called
his resident assistant who then called campus police offcer
Smith. The offcer arrived around 11:45 p.m. and fled a po-
lice report and the resident assistant then fled a Residence
Life report.
The student said he planned on going home that night
but arrived at his car to fnd the back right tire slashed and
the bottle of bleach behind his car. He then called Offcer
Smith who arrived and took pictures of the damage.
The past couple days have been extremely uncomfort-
able, the student said. I consider Berry my home and I
feel like I have been violated in my own home.
The student said he chose a college based on the com-
munity, the support on campus, and the kind of people at
the school. He said he still feels safe and welcome at Berry
but now with a degree of hesitation.
The student said he was gone from his room from about
noon to 11:15 p.m. that day but he and his roommate left
the door unlocked.
Director of International Students Tasha Toy said there
have been incidents on campus before but nothing to this
degree of severity.
Dean of Students Debbie Heida said at the beginning of
the fall semester, there was one incident of comments made
to a student and two incidents of writing on a whiteboard.
However, Heida said this occurrence is a greater level of
severity since a students property was damaged.
Heida said she and Chief of Police Bobby Abrams met
with the student Tuesday. An investigation is underway to
fnd the person or persons responsible.
The student said there has been an incredible response
from the administration, faculty and students.
They have all been very helpful and I can see there is
a general disagreement with things like this, the student
Frankly, I hope people are angry, Heida said.
Heida said whoever is found to be responsible will be
disciplined according to Viking Code and this kind of of-
fense is punishable by suspension. Heida said suspensions
are rarely less than one year.
Heida said this kind of act can make the victim feel sin-
gled out and fearful.
I believe its very diffcult to feel like youre the tar-
get based on your race, ethnicity, sexual orientation or re-
ligion, Heida said. This kind of act arouses a great deal
of fear.
The student said he thinks it is sad that in the 21st cen-
tury this kind of thing is still going on.
My parents and grandparents experienced things like
this, hoping that I wouldnt have to go through the same
thing, the student said.
Heida said she believes this kind of act impacts not only
the victim but the community too.
Tuition, retention rates increase
Head football
coach search
nears close
Kelly dicKerson
News Editor
Associate Provost Andrew
Bressette said he believes tuition
has increased at a rate of about six
percent in recent years.
Six percent may seem like a
lot, but when you compare it to
our peer and aspirant schools, the
dollar amount is actually less,
Bressette said. Our tuition is the
second lowest in our peer and
aspirant group so a six percent
increase of $24,000 tuition is sig-
nifcantly less than say a four per-
cent increase of an almost $40,000
tuition institution.
Bressette said that keeping tu-
ition on the lower end and giving
out more fnancial aid than simi-
lar schools has been a priority for
Dean of Students Debbie Heida
said that need-based scholarships
are adjusted proportionally with
the increase in tuition but merit
scholarships are not.
Heida said this years increase
was about the same as last year.
Bressette said the increase is
largely due to maintaining opera-
tional costs.
Things like energy costs have
gone up signifcantly, Bressette
said. Unfortunately most of the
increase is from fxed costs like
utilities and insurance so it be-
comes a take it or leave it kind of
Bressette said some of the in-
crease also goes toward modest
salary increases for professors.
College President Stephen R.
Briggs said tuition is a cost that is
not necessarily obvious.
The cost of tuition is the cost
of what students dont pay for,
factoring fnancial aid, Briggs
said. Tuition covers a small por-
tion of overall expenses of the
college, and other areas of the col-
leges revenue that dont grow as
see TUITION P. 2
ryder McenTyre, Graphics Editor
KrisTen sellers
Deputy News Editor
Beginning in October 2011, the
future plans for Berry football be-
come offcial and started a new
chapter in Berry history. Among
many simultaneous aspects be-
ing planned, currently the search
and decision for the head coach is
coming to a close with the top two
candidates visiting the campus.
The fnal decision of the top
two candidates was recently made
after multiple sessions of closely
examining all details of over 260
applications. Athletic Director
Todd Brooks released the names
in a campus-wide email Tuesday,
March 27.
Tony Kunczewski of LaGrange,
Ga. is visiting Berry Wednesday,
March 28 and Thursday, March
29. The other fnalist, Rick Fox
of West Des Moines, Ia. is visit-
ing Sunday, April 1 and Monday,
April 2.
These two are the ones we
have the most excitement about,
College President Stephen R.
Briggs said.
Among the plans on the sched-
uled itinerary for the candidates
are tours of the campus, the Ste-
ven J. Cage Athletic and Recre-
ation Center, as well as Rome.
They will have the chance to meet
with faculty and students each in
their own open forum where they
will introduce themselves, pro-
vide background information and
answer any questions.
Brooks said he hopes facul-
ty and students will attend the
open forums and get to know the
We do want to be transpar-
ent and let everyone be involved
and meet the candidates, Brooks
At each forum, the attendees
will receive an evaluation form to
complete and return before leav-
ing. These will be taken into ac-
count as a voice from the campus
for the fnal decision.
racially its upsetting that someone hates me for who i am. -Victim
PAGe 2, CAMPUs CARRIeR MARCh 29, 2012
-Property damage- On
March 27 a student
reported unknown
person(s) entered his
room in Deerfeld Hall
and poured bleach on
clothes in his dresser
drawer. He later dis-
covered someone had
also punctured a tire
on his parked vehicle.
Guard your personal
information against
identifcation theft.
continued from Pg. 1
Briggs said colleges are a professional service industry which
tend to be more expensive than the consumer price index.
We look at all the expense areas, and also analyze revenue ser-
vices, Briggs said.
Bressette said retention has been increasing slightly over the
past few years.
Not only have we seen better retention with the freshman
class, the upper classmen rate has gone up, Bressette said. Right
now about 92 percent of students who are eligible to register for
the fall have registered.
Bressette said preregistration for next year appears to be about
the same amount as last year.
Weve seen our largest incoming classes in the last few years
and next year could be the frst year we top 2,000 students, Bres-
sette said. I have been at Berry since 1998 and Ive never seen the
student population over that.
Bressette said the presidents offce has set a goal of about
2,000-2,100 students. Once this goal has been reached, the offce
will assess any changes that need to be made to accommodate
more students, like adding more faculty or residences while still
maintaining other departments and existing infrastructure.
The science department in particular has experienced rapid
growth in the past three years. Bressette said the Offce of the Pro-
vost has been meeting with the chairs of the science department
to assess the needs of each department in regards to faculty and
departmental budget.
Bressette said sometimes an incoming class will have an usu-
ally high proportion of one major choice.
The trick is determining if the increase in science students is a
temporary blip or a steady trend, Bressette said. It then becomes
a question of how do we respond by still maintaining quality in
every other department and not increasing tuition too much.
news analyst of ABc, nPr to speak
kelly dickerson
News Editor
Political commentator and news ana-
lyst Cokie Roberts will be this years Gloria
Shatto lecturer.
Roberts will give her speech Insiders
View of Washington D.C. Thursday night
at 8 p.m. in the Stephen J. Cage Athletic and
Recreation Center.
Roberts has had over 40 years of experi-
ence in broadcast journalism, has won three
emmy Awards and been inducted into the
Broadcasting and Cable Hall of Fame.
From 1996-2002 Roberts co-anchored the
ABC program This Week. Roberts was also
named by the American women in Radio and
Television as one of the ffty greatest women
in the history of broadcasting.
Roberts and her husband, steven Roberts,
are editors at USA Weekend Magazine and
wrote the New York Times bestseller From
this Day Forward. The book is an account of
their over 40-year marriage and other mar-
riages throughout American history. Rob-
erts has written three additional bestsellers:
We Are Our Mothers Daughters in 1998,
Founding Mothers in 2004 and Ladies of
Liberty in 2008.
Roberts graduated from Wellesley College
with a bachelors degree in political science
and holds over 20 honorary degrees. Roberts
is also involved in several nonproft organi-
zations and the Presidents Commission on
service and Civic Participation.
The Gloria Shatto Lecture Series is in
memory of Gloria Shatto, who served as
president of Berry College from 1980-1998.
Shatto made history as the frst female col-
lege president in Georgia.
contriButed By PuBlic relAtions
There is no spokesperson with a catchy phrase to remind the driver to slow down, stop eating,
quit messing with the radio or pay attention to the road. Theres Only You. Speak Up.
Hate Crime
continued from Pg. 1
I think we all think of Berry as a safe place, Heida said. So
something like this makes us all react. Something like this can
make students think will I be the next target?
I think the three emotions aroused by this are fear, anger and
frustration, Heida said. Fear of being targeted, angry that some-
thing like this could happen at Berry and frustration since individ-
uals responsible in the fall were not identifed. I hope that students
will not have to be frustrated again.
Heida said she believes Berry is built on a sense of caring.
I encourage students to speak up, Heida said. We need to
stand up against this kind of thing and be the caring community
that we say we are.
students who can offer any information are encouraged to
immediately contact Campus Safety.
Heida said tomorrow there will be a presentation on the Tray-
von Martin case and said she expects this instance will be brought
into the discussion as well.
Heida said the Speak Listen Stand campaign the senior class
and SGA developed last year in response to the incidents in the
fall will continue to be active and provide an outlet for students to
take a stand against this kind of behavior.
march 29, 2012 camPUs carrIer, PaGe 3
Movie Night
watch a Beautiful mind
and join in on the follow-
ing discussion on mental
illnesses Thursday march
29 at 6 p.m. in cook 304.
ce credit offered.
Gloria Shatto Lecture
hear aBc and NPr senior
news analyst cokie roberts
share an Insiders View of
washington D.c. Thurs-
day march 29 at 8 p.m. in
the steven J. cage Per-
formance Gym. ce credit
enjoy the Dormtain-
ment comedy group who
focuses on college life
Friday march 30 at 8 p.m.
in spruill Ballroom.
Outdoor Movie Night
Take trucks, cars, blankets
or chairs and watch the
movie sherlock holmes
(a Game of shadows)
Friday march 30 at 10 p.m.
in clara Bowl.
The 25th Annual Putnam
County Spelling Bee
see a Tony award winning
production performed by
the Berry college Theatre
company Friday march
30 at 7:30 p.m., saturday
march 31 at 2 p.m. and 7:30
p.m. or sunday april 1 at
2 p.m. in the Ford audito-
rium. ce credit offered.
The Vagina Monologues
hear monologue perfor-
mances celebrating female
sexuality Friday march 30
at 11 p.m., saturday march
31 at 8 p.m. or sunday apr.
1 at 2 p.m. in Krannert
Underground. ce credit
Art and Music Festivals
see arts and crafts all cre-
ated by Berry students and
rome community mem-
bers saturday march 31 at
10 a.m. on the moon Lawn.
Then enjoy the world
music and Dance Festival
at 2 p.m. on the memorial
Library Lawn.
Vitals Lab
Learn the proper way to
check vital signs and what
they mean saturday march
31 at 10 a.m. in the science
Mr. Berry
see who earns this years
title of mr. Berry saturday
march 31 at 6:30 p.m. in
spruill Ballroom.
Jesters Ball
enjoy dancing along to
live band Gentlemen of
swing saturday march 31
at 7 p.m. in the Ford Din-
ing hall.
Faculty athletic representative Paula
englis said these visits by the possible future
coaches are very important and will allow
them to experience Berry life.
This is such an important decision for
Berry so we want to bring in the right person
to ft Berry and our culture, Englis said.
after the visits, more evaluations will be
made concerning Kunczewski and Fox and
who would best fll the role of the frst foot-
ball coach and ft into the Berry lifestyle and
Brooks said the fnal choice will hope-
fully be made by the second or third week of
april, so the candidate chosen can move to
Rome and be in his new offce by May 1.
Once the head coach is fnal and settled
in at Berry, then the process to fnd and hire
two assistant coaches will begin. They are
planned to be named over the summer.
according to Brooks, all coaches will not
be full time coaches and will have other aux-
iliary responsibilities.
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Event aimed at sustainability
keLLy DiCkerSON
News Editor
The environmental science
methods class eVs 405 will be
organizing an event in april to
educate community members on
conservation and sustainability.
The project will focus on the
biodiversity of the northwest
Georgia and coosa river Basin
assistant Professor of Geol-
ogy Tamie Jovanelly said before
deciding on what project to do,
the class surveyed the commu-
nity to assess what locals felt were
the major environmental issues in
the area.
Other than water quality
concerns we didnt see any major
trends, Jovanelly said.
Jovanelly said the survey
results included concerns like air
quality, bike lanes, recycling, lit-
tering and solar energy.
Jovanelly said the param-
eters for the project were that it
had to be locally oriented and
create a positive change in the
we decided on an environ-
mental science education proj-
ect, Jovanelly said.
The class has partnered with
the rome/Floyd county eco cen-
ter and Director eric Lindberg.
The students will be building
display cases for the eco center.
some of the displays will include
information about wetlands,
energy effciency and geology.
The class is also designing
interactive components for the
displays and hopes to design
some activities that will promote
sustainability consciousness.
The opening of the display cases
will take place at the eco center
at the eco Jubilee on april 21.
The event is free and open to the
each display will have a three
foot by four foot poster. some
displays the students are work-
ing on include a geology display
that will feature a cabinet with
rocks, minerals and fossils and an
energy effciency display which
will include a bike used to power
light bulbs.
Jovanelly said that the dis-
plays are being built with as much
reclaimed and recycled material
as possible.
student samijo miron said her
geology display cabinet is being
built with reclaimed wood and
she will be working with a profes-
sor at Georgia highlands college
to gather some of the material for
the case.
Its truly becoming a commu-
nity project and thats what our
initial intent for the project was,
miron said.
Jovanelly said the class has
secured several donors and
has coordinated with many
on-campus and off-campus
we received a grant from
the Bonner center and Lowes,
Jovanelly said. weve also had
help from the electrical depart-
ment, welding shop, house o
Dreams, the bike shop and Keep
rome Floyd Beautiful (KrFB).
senior matt higdon is in
charge of coordinating the eco
Jubilee. higdon said several Berry
student enterprises will be pres-
ent at the event including Jersey
Beef, Viking creations and Viking
cycle works. higdon said there
will also be food vendors, music
by alex willoughby and Jeffrey
Lidke, associate professor of reli-
gion and a Nissan hybrid car on
Jovanelly said the event will
last from 10 a.m. to 5p.m. and
every half hour, the students in
environmental science methods
will be giving a green technol-
ogy demonstration. Tours of the
wetlands outside the eco center
and of the displays inside the
eco center will also be given
throughout the day. senior Kelsey
Blankenship is organizing chil-
drens activities that will also run
throughout the event.
Jovanelly said the project has
utilized not only the students
academic knowledge, but other
practical skills like carpentry,
artistic skills and event planning.
Jovanelly said the class would
appreciate volunteers for the
event and anyone interested
may contact her by email at tjo-

-When: April 21
10 a.m. to 5
-Where: Rome/
Floyd County Eco
-Admission: Free
-Berry EVS role:
Designing dis-
plays for the Eco
Center and dem-
onstrating green
technology use.
Students conduct research, create projects to improve local environment

pAGE 4, CAMpUs CARRiER MARCh 29, 2012
The Carrier editorial reflects a consensus of the The Carriers editorial board.
Our ever-increasing tuition
Ashley McIntyre
Elizabeth Petrey
Managing Editor
Rachel Childs
Copy Editor
Kelly Dickerson
News Editor
Kimberly Treese
Features Editor
Parker Sealy
Photo Editor
Paul Watson
Sports Editor
Ana Hadas
Online Editor
Bonny Harper
Opinions Editor
Ryder McEntyre
Graphics Editor
Heather Barger
Entertainment Editor
Kristen Sellers
Deputy News Editor
Sydney Kelly
Asst. Features Editor
Christian Turner
Asst. Photo Editor
Steven Evans
Asst. Sports Editor
Austin Sumter
Asst. Online Editor
Andy Plott
Business Manager
Emily Wakefeld
Asst. Business Manager
Emily Faulkner
Asst. Entertainment
Kaitlyn Pierce
Kevin Kleine
Berry College
Recipient of Georgia College
press Associations senior
College General Excellence
Award, 1988-1998, 2000-2002, 2004
Campus Carrier
490520 Berry College
Mt. Berry, GA 30149
(706) 236-2294
The Carrier is published weekly except
during examination periods and holidays.
The opinions, either editorial or com-
mercial, expressed in The Carrier are not
necessarily those of the administration,
Berry Colleges board of trustees or The
Carrier editorial board. student publica-
tions are located in 202 Richards Gym.
The Carrier reserves the right to edit all
content for length, style, grammar and
libel. The Carrier is available on the Berry
College campus, one free per person.
so the newest buzz on
campus is all about the lat-
est raise in tuition for the
2012-2013 academic year.
Youve probably heard all
the reactions to it: people
hate it, people are trans-
ferring, people cant afford
it, Berrys just trying to
run our wallets dry, yada
And in many respects,
these reactions are more
than feasible.
Yes, that extra $1,600 is
most likely not in a lot of
peoples bank accounts,
just waiting to be with-
drawn and handed over
to Berry with a radiant
Yes, many people are
here on scholarships
which may barely cover
enough to allow them to
And yes, we have no
clue what in the world
Berry is going to do with
said $1,600. is it just a
result of the infation of liv-
ing costs? if so, have living
costs really risen a whole
$1,600 per person? it does
seem rather unlikely that
general living costs could
increase so drastically in
just a year.
Another valid ques-
tion would be: Are they
increasing fnancial aid
honestly, it could be
And no, this isnt some
pro-Berry editorial that
were publishing just to
look good to the higher-
ups. no one asked us to
write this; this is simply
the opinion of The Car-
rier editorial staff, nothing
more. As students, we try
to think objectively before
presenting our opinion
before the student body.
After all, bashing Berry
endlessly never got any-
thing done. not to men-
tion it makes the basher
look a little less than intel-
ligent, because theyre the
one whos still attending
this school that they claim
to hold so many grudges
That being said, the
increase in tuition next
year could indeed be
worse. Were lucky; many
other schools tuitions go
up by an even higher per-
centage each year.
And compared to
Berrys tuition being as
expensive as it is any-
wayand forgive us for
sounding spoiled, but
another $1,600 hardly
makes that huge of a
difference, especially
if youre here on loans
Maybe Berry will make
good, constructive use of
all that extra money. We
tend to always assume
the worst of the admin-
istration, when they do
in fact need money to
give us all the things we
complain about needing.
Crazy, we know.
At any rate, we love
Berry. no $1,600 is going
to come between us and
this school.
Internet connec-
tion prolongs efforts
to complete tasks
Get ready to squirm folks,
were about to talk about race
And they suck.
Trayvon Martins killing has
the country talking about some-
thing we have been trying really
hard to ignore for decades:
racial profling and race rela-
tions. Whether or not his death
at the hand of George Zimmer-
man was racially motivated,
were talking about it. its true
that our generation is the most
racially diverse and tolerant that
this country has ever seen. Our
generation does not only expect
diversity, but we demand it:
diversity in race, sexual orienta-
tion, socioeconomic background
and the list goes on. And thats
great. But we need to do more,
because disgraceful acts of racial
discrimination, aggression and
profling keep happening every
day, even at our beloved Berry.
im disappointed in some
of our own Berry students this
year. i personally know of two
separate acts of racial hatred
directed at two separate stu-
dents. One student had a racial
slur directed at him, and another
friend had his clothes ruined
with bleach and the tires on
his car slashed, enclosed with
a threatening, racially charged
note. Maybe ive been trapped
in my own little microcosm for
entirely too long and have been
way too optimistic about the
world, but i could have sworn
that Berry students were better
than this. One event is heart-
breaking and disappointing.
Two is cause for outrage and a
need for some serious changes.
Maybe the punishment for
crimes like this isnt harsh
enough, and maybe we as an
institution need to reexamine
that. i cant believe that some-
one paying to attend an institu-
tion of higher learning would
stoop so low to engage in activi-
ties we all would like to think
got left in 1968. With all this free
time to vandalize and terrorize
someone, dont you have home-
work to do? Were supposed
to be intelligent, open-minded
people and quite frankly, i dont
know how you got in here.
im also amazed at the num-
ber of people who will take the
time to watch the KOnY 2012
video, but prefer to hide from
Trayvon Martins babyface.
Dont get me wrong, i can appre-
ciate that there is a cause that
needs to be helped in Africa as
well. But its easier to be so visi-
bly outraged over Kony because
that issue is an ocean and a con-
tinent away, and Americans
dont have to wake up every
morning and deal with it. here,
with Trayvon Martin, his death
is in your face. its relevant. its
now. its in your backyard. And
its not over yet.
But, thats actually the prob-
lem with our generation. We are
so disillusioned that we think
that racism, both subtle and
violent, got left in our grand-
parents heyday. im sorry to
inform every one of you read-
ing this, but racism has not
gone away. its not a dinnertime
discussion because its uncom-
fortable. it hurts. But on behalf
of myself and anyone else who
has been slighted at the hand
of racism, im telling you, its
time to get uncomfortable. its
time to have those debates. its
time to open yourself up to the
discomfort, because weve been
ignoring it for too long. Going
around telling people, Well,
one of my best friends in ele-
mentary school was black is
not enough. if i had a nickel for
every time i heard that phrase, i
wouldnt have student loans to
deal with in a few months. We
have got to do better.
Trayvon Martin hits my heart
so close to home because at any
moment, his story easily could
have been my little brothers. A
young, black teenager shot for
being suspicious. Woes betide
the person who hurts my baby
brother. Travyon could have
been my cousin, my friend, my
uncle, my father or even me.
Would you have cared then?
how does change start?
As cool as i think Obama is,
change you can believe in
starts with each and every one
of us. Behaviors that plagued
my friends and the racial profl-
ing that led to the death of Tray-
von Martin keep happening
because we as a society allow
them to happen. We plead igno-
rance, claim its not our prob-
lem. We dont endorse it, we
ignore itand thats almost as
lethal. Fight the ignorance, fght
the hatred. Like it or not folks,
racism is on our doorstep. i beg
you, dont ignore it. Open the
door and pummel the problem
head on, because thats the only
way its ever going to end.
Racism: the smackdown
March 29, 2012 paGE 5, caMpUs carriEr
reversing the class-
roomrotating all the
furniture backward.
Whats the best april Fools
prank youve done or seen?
The seniors at my
school parked their
cars sideways, so half
the senior class got
called out of class
to fx their cars.
Jennie Lambert

at my school, the
seniors moved the
Visitors parking
sign to the back of
the parking lot.
Kristina Lewis
one time my sisters
and i replaced my
parents sugar with
salt, so they put salt
in their coffee.
For our senior
prank we took the
sophomores license
plates and spelled
out seniors on the
big hill with them.
Charley Bates
Letter SubmiSSion PoLicy
Letters to the editor must include a name, address and
phone number, along with the writers class year or
title. The carrier reserves the right to edit for length,
style, grammar and libel.
John House
Will Finnell
no, rome, Ga. is not the highest popu-
lated city, especially not with college stu-
dents. Berry and shorter are both lower
populated institutions. We dont have a
huge mall or big city fun, but there is so
much more than most give it credit for.
often i hear students complaining,
There is nothing to do at Berry. rome
is so boring. students should start real-
izing how thankful they should be to
attend Berry college. Yes, we all know it
is a fabulous school with highly valued
degrees, but Berry has so much to offer
beyond academic experience that a lot of
students tend to overlook and neglect. it is
not all students who fall into this narrow-
minded, pessimistic outlook of our col-
lege life on campus, but many people do,
which will hopefully change soon.
With this large piece of land on which
most of us live for the majority of the year,
there are 88 miles of hiking and biking
trails, over 75 organizations to join rang-
ing from service and religion to hobbies
and sports and more that is offered in the
rome community to college students. Get
involved. if there is too much free time
and constant boredom and complaints of
boring Berry are common, get involved.
There is an organization for everyone.
Even if being outdoors is not some-
thing that always appeals to you, i hardly
feel that anyone can deny the pure beauty
of the campus. With that, why not just go
explore some new place on campus you
havent been? im sure there are a handful
of students who have explored the cam-
pus very thoroughly, but probably only a
select handful. another option is to check
out some more historic parts of campus
that you are not completely familiar with
and learn more about them. Why not go
take the free tour for students at oak hill
and explore that part of campus?
in rome, most places are good to col-
lege students because were not a typical
college town, so they want to take care
of the students. Dozens of organizations
love college students to help, to have fresh
young faces and new involvement. check
different places to get involved. rome isnt
a nasty town. appreciate it for the small
town atmosphere; that sweet environment
is becoming a thing of the past.
recognize all that is around and appre-
ciate Berry and rome for everything they
have to offer. There is plenty to do.
Dear Ms. Turnbuckle,
Ive made a complete embarrass-
ment of myself in front of the most
beautiful man Ive ever laid eyes on!
I had been in love with him for
years, and I fnally worked up the
courage to talk to him this past week-
end. We were having the best con-
versation I could ask for, and then it
turned for the worst!
I was looking in my bag to show
him something, and something else
caught my eye.
His pants were unzipped.
Being the clever girl I am, I didnt
use words to tell him; I just made a
face and pointed at his lower half.
He looked concerned with my ges-
ture but assured me that it was fne.
I just cant get it out of my head
though. How am I ever going to talk
to him again after that?

Wordless and Woeful
Dear Wordless and Woeful,
This is not your beloved Ms.
This is someone else.
someone who is trying to lead a
normal life out of the public eye.
someone who was never asked
if she could always be used as an
example for all of you to laugh at.
someone who, despite all this,
somehow ends up in this thrice-
cursed column every single week
Thats right.
This. Is. Penelope.
Ms. Turnbuckles dear niece.
and im here to set things
straight. I snuck into the offce
late last night, after Jerome and
his gnomes had fnished putting
the paper together, and wrote this,
because the world needs to know.
The world needs to know that
my aunt is a crazy old spinster
who does nothing but sit at home
and watch daytime soaps with her
cats all day, every day. she has no
clue how to solve her own prob-
lems, much less anyone elses.
i dont understand why you all
continue writing her. so stop it,
before you, too, become like her:
the least cool aunt ever.
and good grief, Wordless. its
obvious that guy is way out of
your league. Just give up.
Dont ASk mS. turnbuckLe
Ms. Turnbuckle wants to hear your
woes, but dont you dare send her
your burdens, secrets or questions at
her personal email, violaturnbuckle@ or fnd Viola Turnbuckle
on Facebook and ask her there! no
matter what, shell ask her cats for
advice and then respond right here in
the opinions section of The carrier.
and you dont want that.
Kristen seLLers
Deputy News Editor
its that time of year again. The time of
year when nobody wants to do anything
but lay on the lawn in front of the library
and nap. The time of year when everyone
starts talking about graduation and sum-
mer internships. The time of year when
everyone breaks out their tank tops, san-
dals and sunglasses. For me, its the time
of year to break out the Braves jersey.
im not nave enough to think that im
the only Braves fan in rome or even the
only one at Berry but, i do feel more and
more lonely every spring when i print out
the Braves spring training schedule and
hang it on my door. its always a chal-
lenge to fnd anyone who will want to go
to opening Day for the rome Braves with
me. i feel like a dying breed these days.
im a fan of all sports. im a UGa foot-
ball fan, i love to watch a good tennis
match and, like most people, my world
stops turning during the World cup. i
believe in sports bringing people together
and entertaining the masses. Theres noth-
ing better than a good tailgate in the fall,
watching people playing fag football and
grilling out waiting for the game to start.
i know not everyone is a Braves fan. i
know not everyone is a baseball fan, for
that matter, but around here, the fans are
dwindling fast. Baseball was once named
americas Favorite pastime and im just
not sure thats the case any more. and that
breaks this diamond girls heart.
Being a baseball fan is part of my iden-
tity. Im a journalist, flmmaker, director,
McEachern indian, Berry Viking, Geor-
gia Bulldog and atlanta Brave. i grew up
playing softball and watching the Braves
on television. i went to Turner Field at
least 10 times every summer, even if that
meant we bought $1 seats and didnt eat
anything. Baseball was an important part
of my childhood and taught me more than
I could say. Excluding all the clichs about
teamwork, respect, character and even
fun, baseball brought me an appreciation
for a group of people coming together to
support a representative of their city.
im not asking anyone to drop every-
thing and buy season tickets to Braves
games, but i am asking that we show a
little support for a team that brought us
14 consecutive pennant wins and a World
series title. since then, the Braves orga-
nization has gone downhill for sure, but
part of being a fan is sticking around for
the bad times, not just the good ones.
on behalf of the Braves, i beseech you
go to a game this season, watch it on tele-
vision, pull out your old hats and jerseys.
if Turner Field is too far away, we have
easy access to the Braves organization in
rome. its true the rome Braves havent
had the best record the past few years, but
its worth $5 and a sunday afternoon. This
team needs their fans support more than
ever, and theres no way that can happen
without taking that frst step.
i hope ill run into you this summer
at Turner Field. ill be the one sporting a
chipper Jones jersey, adamantly perform-
ing the Tomahawk chop. Go Braves.
to do: get involved
sydney KeLLy
Asst. Features Editor
Cheer on the Braves
Letter to the eDitor
Editors Note: This letter is in response to the article International stu-
dent numbers decrease in the March 22, 2012 issue of The Carrier.
a great way to increase the presence of international students on our campus is for
Berry students to study abroad on our exchange programs. For every Berry student
who participates in such a program, space becomes available for an international stu-
dent to come to Berry for a semester or academic year. Not only do we have exchange
agreements with universities in England, the netherlands, Korea and canada, but Berry
is also a member of the International Student Exchange Program, a network of over 150
universities representing more than 45 countries. isEp programs also allow students to
use full fnancial aid, and exchange programs help save Berry money by keeping tuition
dollars here on campus. The Berry community benefts from exchange programs they
allow Berry students to earn credit around the world and keep the campus vibrant by
enabling international students to study at Berry.
sarah Egerer,
international programs Director
Kim Treese
Features Editor
sydney Kelly
Asst. Features Editor
The Berry College Art Society will continue the tradition of hosting a biannual display of the community's handmade
crafts. This spring, the Arts and Crafts Festival will present the handiwork of Berry students, faculty and staff as well as
members of the Rome Community. Everything from scarves and coasters to jewelry and hula-hoops will be sold for the
proft of the craftsmen, to fund raise or for the development of Berry Student Enterprises like Viking Creations. Here are
a few examples of student work that will be sold on Saturday and the inspiration behind their craft.
"I've gone to the Arts
and Crafts festival
every year and always
wanted to make things
for it. It's such a cool
thing that Berry does.
This is my senior year
and I'm going to Lon-
don and this is a good
way to make some
"With the hula-hoops, I'm trying to start a hooping commu-
nity at Berry. I got started with hooping at this festival last
summer. I saw some hoopers and it was so beautiful. I de-
cided to make myself one and then my friends said 'Hey, can
you make me one?' and it just went from there."
"The fowers are hair clips
and pins to go on your shirts.
I couldn't decide which I
wanted to do so I decided to
do both."
"I really enjoy snail
mail. My freshman year,
when I came here, my
friends and I would
send each other letters
all the time. It's just
more personal. So I
started making station-
ary with old maps and
books that I found in
used bookstores."
Kayla sanner
Craft: Headbands,
bracelets & stationary
erin Coughlin
Craft: Hula-hoops,
tie-dye & hair pins
Creative Classmates
"It all started with the bracelets. I've known how to make them since
I was fve and my babysitter taught me. I just make them while I'm
watching TV or something. It's a great mindless task."
"I don't even know how I got started with the head-
bands. I think it started with me making them for my-
self. I've used yarn and went on a tie-dye binge and
dyed a bunch of old T-shirts, so I've used that too. The
yarn ones are great for a hippie look."
"I very much
enjoy weaving. It's
a stress reliever.
It's nice to come
in after a long day
of class and just
work for while.
It's also really cool
that Berry gives us
the opportunity
to make our own
"We'll be selling woven products for Viking Creations. a
bunch of alumni wanted to get weaving back on campus so
they sent out a mass email. We use old looms and even met a
90-year-old woman who used to tour with Martha Berry and
sell woven products."
"We're selling coasters, which we call 'mug rugs' and table
runners. There are fve employees with Viking Creations
and four didn't know how to weave when we started so
we're also selling hair clips, magnets, crocheted headbands
and hats."
Amanda marbut
Craft: Weaving
Need more ideas?
For more photos of Saturday's
arts & Crafts Fair visit Viking
Fusion at
MarCH 29, 2012
Commentary By
HeatHer Barger
Entertainment Editor
Who was excited to watch the 15th annual dance con-
cert? This kid. It was exciting, exotic and everything I
hoped it would be. I think I talked about it for at least two
days straight.
The frst piece, Legacy, was a conglomeration of
Michael Jackson songs. Even though it was a cool idea and
the dancer who played Michael Jackson was perfect for the
role, it could have been more exciting. Its Michael Jackson
songs. You can pretty much do anything you want. How-
ever, the choreographer played it safe and did not deliver
as much as she could have. The crowd enjoyed it though
and it was still fun to watch the main character pelvic
thrust across the stage.
Compulsions made me walk away scratching my
head. I could not decipher the meaning. I think it had
something to do with sickness or death overcoming the
patients and doctors, but it seemed too abstract. The danc-
ers did not seem to understand it either and refected that
in their dancing. The music was beautiful, however, and I
really enjoyed the music from Cirque de Soleil.
My favorite of the night is a toss-up, but one of the
choices is defnitely Breaking Through. It truly spoke
to me. The piece was about female empowerment and the
all the women and girls in the crowd were cheering right
along. Watching the dancers show force and power in one
dance was really incredible to watch. It taught me that no
matter who is putting me down, I can overcome.
Relent was a beautiful dance about anxiety and
depression. I believe this piece spoke to women in general.
It really showed what many women and girls go through
in their lives. Many of the girls around me talked about
how beautiful this piece was and I would have to agree
with each one of them.
Soul on Fire was the other dance that was one of my
favorites. This piece was so incredible from beginning to
end. The reading began in Spanish and ended in English.
Santa Maria by Gotan Project happens to be one of my
favorite tango songs and then mashing that up with Baila-
mos by Enrique Iglesias was absolutely perfect. All of the
couples were perfectly in sync and the dance was very sexy
and vivacious. I relished every moment.
The second act, Breaking the Spell was very cool. It
was about fairy tales like Sleeping Beauty. It was the
only dance that had a story I could truly follow and under-
stand the whole way through. I loved the costuming in this
dance as well. It was brilliantly designed.
Playful Attractions was adorable. There were catcalls
the entire time the dance was going on. The couples were
cute together and seemed to be having just as much fun
as we were. The piece was about that frst time you meet
someone you are attracted to and firting with the person.
It was so playful and energetic.
The African dance Sub Saharan Sunrise was the true
defnition of vitality. The women in the dance represented
the embodiment of life and strength.
Never-Ending Track was very powerful and the music
was perfect. It was about womens abuse by a spouse or
boyfriend. I found it interesting that there was no actual
man in the dance; that he was off in the distance some-
where. The dancers did a great job with this piece.
There were two alumni pieces in this concert and I did
not like either of them. The frst, Finding Your Niche was
very boring, but I liked their choice of clothes. The second
alumni dance was 1,825 Days Later. It was about turn-
ing into vampires. I thought it was overdone, creepy and
weird. Weve dealt with vampires for the past fve years
or so. We are sick of vampires. Please do not do vampires.
Ever again. Thanks.
Other mentions are The Purpose which had really
good music, Revuls which was very beautiful and
smooth and Vital Signs which was fun but unexpectedly
I loved every minute of this dance concert. There were
dances that were better than others and there were dances
that I did not understand, but this was the best concert that
the Berry College dance troupe has put on to date. I hon-
estly cannot wait to see how they top it next year
Hey you!
Yes you!
The one with the face!
You look like you could use
some writing experience!
Why not write for the Campus
We have meetings on Mondays
at 5:15 in Richards Gym!
relay for Life raises money for cancer research
Staff Writer
The American Cancer Society sponsored Berry Colleges
Relay for Life, a 12-hour event in the Cage Center from 6
p.m. Friday March 23 to 6 a.m. the next morning.
Relay for Life commemorates loved ones lost to cancer
and celebrates survivors. Individuals selected 30-minute
intervals during which to walk; for the entirety of the event
walkers occupied the track. In the evening, participants
held a luminary ceremony. A poem was read, luminaries
were lit, and two laps were walked in silence in honor of
those lost to cancer, those fghting and those who have sur-
vived. This years Relay was dedicated to Kelsey Trusty
and Martha Van Cise.
Berry College upperclassmen who have worked for
Relay in the past along with several freshman volunteers
comprised the Relays Luminary Committee, Spirit Com-
mittee, Publicity Committee and Logistics Committee
among others. These combined committees formed one
larger committee responsible for the Relay for Life.
Senior Katie Weisbecker, co-chairwoman of the com-
mittee, commented on the devotion of the people in the
Without the dedication and tireless efforts of the com-
mittee, Relay wouldnt have been as big of a success as it
was. It was honestly like they performed miracles consid-
ering how well everything just fell into place the night of,
Weisbecker said.
Freshman Clint Tyer, a volunteer on the Spirit Commit-
tee, said that he thinks Relay for Life is a good cause.
I think it was just a great way to remember those who
have fallen and honor the survivors, Tyer said.
The amount raised at the luminary sales broke the pre-
vious Berry record. The goal was 80 luminaries, and they
sold 180 luminaries.
The relay itself was not the only attraction at the event.
Soft drinks, candy, baked goods and other refreshments
were for sale at various booths hosted by several student
organizations. There were booths for sports trivia, twister
and face painting along with dance-offs and Nintendo Wii
games. Berry College students sophomore Carly Crider,
junior Ariel Rainbow and sophomore Holly Davis played
music, joining sophomore John House and sophomore
Ashley Bettler as Relays source of live musical entertain-
ment, and Berrys own improvisational comedy troupe,
Easy Baked Improv, provided humorous entertainment
that Crider said was her favorite event of the night. To keep
the night lively, sophomore Christian Turner provided his
services as DJ. Senior Jessica Cantrell, co-chairwoman of
the committee in charge of Relay for Life, praised KCAB
for the entertainers that they provided, specifcally a man
on stilts and a magician whose energetic antics during the
small hours of the morning helped keep up the energy of
the event.
Teams of donation collectors were sent off campus,
and the Relay involved both pre- and post-event fundrais-
ing. The multiple attractions, talented entertainers and
performers and efforts of the many volunteers who were
seen rushing from task to task all night in their bright yel-
low shirts made for an altogether successful event. As of
March 26, the funds raised by the Relay for Life totaled
$16,621 and still counting.
As a graduating senior, Im sad that this will be my
last Relay at Berry but Im glad it ended on a high note,
Cantrell said.
ContriButed By david CHiem
Parker seaLy, Photo Editor
Dance concert wows audience with choreography
Parker seaLy, Photo Editor
Sophomore Caroline Fagan and alumni Seth Smith
dance during the Spanish piece Soul on Fire by Jeanne
Schul, director of dance.
march 29, 2012 campus carriEr, pagE 9
Commentary by
GraCe dunklin
Staff Reporter
First and foremost, i am a book snob. the authors ver-
sion of the story is more important to me than the screen-
writers adaptation. that is why i go into movies like the
hunger games with trepidation in my soul. i have been
burned many times by movies based on books, and i am
more careful every time.
however, i did not have to worry. the hunger games
exceeded my expectations in both visuals and message. it
followed the book more closely than I expected, a diffcult
feat, as the book is in frst person present tense. Though
it eliminated some minor characters for the sake of time,
it did so in a way that did not harm the overall feel of the
the hunger games takes place in a post-apocalyptic
world where children are made to fght to the death to
atone for the rebellion of their ancestors. the death match
is then made into a reality television game for the enter-
tainment of the citizens. Katniss Everdeen, played by Jen-
nifer Lawrence, and peeta mellark, played by Josh hutch-
erson, are two of the 24 children chosen for the hunger
games the year this story takes place.
The flm is actually a little slow to get started, as the
audience needs to be informed of the background of the
story before many events can take place. therefore, the
frst main section of the flm is used to let people know
why certain things are going on. After that though, the flm
picks up the pace fairly quickly, as the games take a couple
of weeks and the flmmakers only have a couple of hours
to communicate the situation.
Once it gets going, the flm positively fies. The effects
are absolutely stunning in some places, though in others
they become overwhelming. i suppose it might be because
there are few places to use massive cgi effects once the
children reach the arena where the games take place, so the
flmmakers tried to make the frst hour spectacular.
however, the scenes in the arena seemed more visually
compelling than the scenes elsewhere. many of them were
flmed in the heart of the woods: nothing but trees, rocks
and moss as far as the eye could see. the viewer realizes it
is the future, but at the same time the story almost seems to
be part of the past, simply because of the visuals.
When it came to the integrity of the story, i surprised
myself by not becoming upset over changes in hunger
games. certainly there are changes, some of which will
make fans of the books cringe a little bit. characters were
eliminated, such as madge, the mayors daughter, and
the avox girl. content was shifted back and forth over the
timeline, but in the end it all worked out. a book the length
and style of the hunger games, if made verbatim into
a movie, would be very long, very slow and no one would
want to watch it. By taking some things from the second
book and weaving them into the movie and moving the
fashbacks around to make a coherent storyline, the flm
was condensed into something that kept moving and kept
people interested. Despite what more critical book fans
may say, sometimes you have to change the details a little
to retain the meaning at the heart of a movie.
Hunger Games flm remains true to book
Commentary by
emily Faulkner
Asst. Entertainment Editor
this past weekend i drove over 1,000 miles, spent an
excessive amount of money and became extremely dehy-
drated, all to meet famous people from the internet.
this past weekend, i attended a Youtube convention
called playlist Live held in Orlando, Fla. that brought
together the partners and the viewers in one extremely life
changing weekend. Ever since i can remember, i have been
watching videos on Youtube. since i have been at Berry, i
have become more and more interested in the creators of
the videos rather than the actual videos themselves. there
are certain people on Youtube that actually paid to create
content for the website and are called partners.
After what felt like ages, my roommate and I fnally got
to Orlando and we prepared ourselves for whatever was
going to happen. my roommate and i awoke very early
saturday, got ready and drove ourselves to the conven-
tion center. playlist Live was located at the convention
center inside the Buena Vista palace across the street from
Downtown Disney. throughout the weekend, there were
performances and talks by many famous people, includ-
ing shay carl, Jeffrey Dallas and gloZell. there was even
a concert at the end of the weekend where Breathe caro-
lina and the ready set performed. there were all kinds of
different booths spread out where people could talk about
electronics, buy t-shirts, and get critiqued on their video
content. a lot of the people there, including myself, spent
most of their time trying to meet up with different Youtube
Dont get me wrong, i wanted to go there and hear
about how to get better at making online videos. But at the
same time, i wanted to meet the people who made me so
interested in online video. i had already talked to a few of
them on twitter before i got there, including a British You-
tuber who i persuaded to bring me over my favorite choc-
olate. When i tried actually talking to them, it was very dif-
fcult, not because I was afraid, but mostly because of the
overwhelming amount of young girls focking to them all.
turns out, girls between the age of 12 and 16 are extremely
in love with British Youtubers.
On my frst attempt to meet some British YouTubers, I
was standing in a large crowd when i saw Jack howard
and Dean Dobbs from OmFgitsJackandDean. i had
talked to Jack on twitter earlier that week and i had per-
suaded him to fy over a bag of Mars Planets for me. After
pushing past a large crowd of small children, I fnally made
eye contact with Jack and Dean, and the frst thing out of
their mouths was i know you. i was extremely excited to
know that i had made an impression on them and through-
out the weekend i kept running into them and we would
chat and i would give them big hugs. all the while you
could hear little girls behind me whispering, how does
she know them?
During this past weekend i also tried to go meet Dan
howell and phil Lester from amazingphil and Danis-
notonfre. They were the reason I had decided to go to
playlist Live and i was determined to get them to remem-
ber who i was. i had to wait until their meet and greet to
actually talk to them because they had already been bom-
barded with so many young girls; it was crazy to even see
them through that crowd. i ended up waiting in line for two
hours to meet them. i hadnt had anything to eat or drink
that day, so i was so exhausted and my wait was made
even worse by the girls waiting in line with me. their com-
ments literally drove me insane. they would say things
like Dan and phil are only eight years older than me; we
can get married. i was so embarrassed to be near them.
Finally i got to the front of the line and i was greeted by
the two most beautiful faces i have ever had the pleasure
of laying my eyes on. i got them to sign a few things for
me and they gave me hugs, but then i realized i was doing
exactly what everyone else was doing and i needed to do
something to be remembered by. so i reached deep within
me and asked the only question i thought would work. i
asked if i could kiss them on the cheek. surprisingly, they
seemed very excited to do it, and so was i. i dont think i
have ever felt so many eyes glaring at me at once while i
was doing it either. Later that night, i ran into both of them
again and both times they smiled, waved and remembered
who i was. i was so happy.
i met so many other people that weekend and i have so
many stories to share; overall my weekend was phenom-
enal. i dont think i have been that happy in a very long
time. For those of you interested in online video or just
enjoy watching videos online, this place was for you. there
were so many different people from different places, it was
amazing. i am so excited to go to my next convention in a
few months and do it all again.
youtuber convention full of excellence
Plant Tr ees! Plant Tr ees!
Contributed by: katie minor
Emily Faulkner poses with Phil Lester from the YouTube
show, AmazingPhil.
march 29, 2012 page 10, campuS carrier
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Equestrian heads to Nationals
When sophomore cecilia
Shields-auble mounted her horse
for her fnal class, she was one
point away from a trip to the
national championships.
She placed third by one point
to send the Lady Vikings Western
equestrian team to the National
Intercollegiate Horse Show Asso-
ciation championships.
We needed the win and she
came through, equestrian head
coach Margaret Knight said. She
had an amazing ride.
The Lady Vikings placed third
out of eight schools and their
scores earned them a place at the
ihSa championships in North
Carolina. The Lady Vikings won
the championship last year and
this years competition will take
place in May.
Sophomore ariel robelen
made the fnals of intermediate
horsemanship, but didnt qualify
for nationals; she placed eighth
out of 16 riders in her class, while
Samantha Brown placed eighth in
beginner horsemanship. Sopho-
more Andrea Smith placed ffth in
During equestrian shows, the
horse that a rider competes with
is chosen by random draw. The
riders are judged on a number
of categories, including how tal-
ented she is at maneuvering the
horse she is riding.
I drew an excellent horse,
Shields-Auble said. The railwork
went pretty smoothly and the pat-
tern wasnt perfect. I didnt really
realize how nervous I was until
I got off and couldnt keep my
hands still.
Shields-Auble was getting
over a bout of the fu before the
competition and said she didnt
realize that she had secured the
teams spot in the championship
until she looked over at Knight.
Coach Knight had this
insanely happy look on her face,
congratulated me then ran to
make sure her calculations were
correct, she said. The competi-
tion was really tight, everyone
looked so great and all our riders
looked phenomenal.
I knew that when I was rid-
ing, at the time, that I was doing
the best I could, Smith said.
Knight said she was confdent
that the team was prepared and
would perform well.
The team was prepared men-
tally and physically, Knight said.
There were some lessons learned,
discoveries made and to improve
on the little things.
We have a really good team,
Smith said. Our riders are really
strong, and we can do really well.
Im excited to show in four classes
and get more experience.
Smith and Shields-auble both
said that graduate assistant coach
Allie Jones leadership and super-
vision helped the teams growth
Im obviously very happy,
Knight said. It was a very good
experience for them and nationals
will be a good experience too.
The Lady Vikings English team
will compete this weekend in Vir-
ginia for a chance at the national
PARkER SEALY, Photo Editor
The Vikings Equestrian team is headed to the national championship after placing third out of eight
teams at the Intercollegiate Horse Show Association Championships in North Carolina. Sophomore Cecilia
Shields-Auble scored third in her last class to propel the Lady Vikings to the Nationals. The English team will
now head to Virginia this weekend for Nationals.
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March 29, 2012 page 11, caMpuS carrier
Thursday, Mar 22
Womens Lacrosse
vs. Wooster: t, 14-14
Friday, Mar 23
Men & Womens Outdoor
Shorter relays
Saturday, Mar 24
Equestrian - Western
Semifnals: 3rd Place
Mens & Womens Out-
door Track
Shorter relay
vs. Centre: W, 3-2 W, 7-3
at Birmingham-Southern:
L, 2-9 L, 1-11
Mens Lacrosse
at Greensboro: L, 6-11
Sunday, Mar 25
Equestrian - Western
Semifnals: 3rd Place
Womens Lacrosse
at Millsaps: W, 23-14
at Birmingham-Southern:
L, 4-5
Tuesday, Mar 27
vs. Covenant: W, 6-5
L 7-10
Thursday, Mar 29
Men & Womens Tennis
vs. Piemont: 3:00 p.m.
Friday, Mar 30
Men & Womens Tennis
vs. Emmanuel (Ga.): 3:00
vs. Huntingdon: 5:00 p.m.
Saturday, Mar 31
vs. Piedmont: 12:00 p.m.,
2:00 p.m.
Mens Lacrosse
vs. Ferrum: 1:00 p.m.
vs. Huntingdon: 1:00 p.m.,
3:00 p.m.
Sunday, Apr 1
Men & Womens Tennis
vs Birmingham-Southern:
1:00 p.m.
vs. LaGrange: 2:00 p.m.,
4:00 p.m.
Plant Tr ees! Plant Tr ees!
Lady Vikings split double header
Asst. Sports Editor
The Lady Vikings (16-6)
remained hot as they snapped
Covenant Colleges (14-7) eight-
game win streak in the opening
game of the doubleheader at home
yesterday 6-5. In the following
game, however, Covenant struck
back, putting an end to the Lady
Vikings own eight-game winning
streak with a score of 10-7.
Berry opened up the evening
strong, scoring three runs in the
bottom of the frst inning, taking
a 3-0 lead. Junior pitcher Caillee
Shamoun sent all three of the bat-
ters that she faced in the top of
the frst inning back to the dugout
with strikeouts.
It was awesome for us to get
ahead on them early. We knew
they would be a tough opponent,
Shamoun said. Our offense was
great, and it helped us get ahead
on them early which allowed us
to get loose and have some fun
and be less reserved.
The Lady Vikings went strong
into the next inning, shutting
down Covenants offense in the
top of the second inning, and
scoring another run in the bottom
of the second.
In the third inning, Covenant
senior Beth Harris hit a one-out,
two-run homerun which brought
the game to 4-2.
Junior Jessica Washington
added to Berrys lead in the fourth
inning with a double to right-
center feld that scored freshman
Critter Dawsey. Junior Kristin
Stoll then added her second RBI of
the game two batters later when
she singled home Washington to
make it 6-2.
I felt that the game was one
of the better competitions that
we had. They had a great hitting
team, one of the best hitting teams
weve played. Everybody pitched
really well, Dawsey said. Our
defense was on the spot. We had
a great energy going in, and that
frst run we got sparked the game
and we took it from there.
In the sixth, Harris hit a leadoff
triple to bring Covenant back into
the pace. Covenant junior Court-
ney Wagoner hit a double of her
own to to run Harris in.
Covenant junior Morgan
Booker tripled to right feld and
scored on a Covenant RBI single
that made the score 6-4.
After Shamouns replacement,
sophomore Andrea Cole, retired
two Covenant batters to start the
top of the seventh inning, Cov-
enant hit back-to-back singles
which put runners at frst and
second. Covenant sophomore
Lauren Johns hit an RBI single
to right, which allowed Cole to
strike out Covenants fnal bat-
ter, giving Shamoun and the Lady
Vikings the win.
Covenant struck back in the
second game, pounding in six
points in just the frst two innings.
Cole, who fnished a perfect
3-for-3 and added two RBIs for
the Lady Vikings, couldnt carry
over her momentum and only
pitched for two innings.
Shamoun returned to the
pitching circle in third inning to
take over for Cole. She tossed fve
innings. She struck out ten batters,
and only allowed four unearned
Berry stayed on point offen-
sively, scoring six runs from the
third through sixth innings. The
biggest problem that the Lady
Vikings exhibited was their strug-
gle to bring back the solid defense
that they showed in the frst game,
committing four errors total.
Offensively, we did great,
head coach Cori Thiermann said.
We had 13 hits against their num-
ber one pitcher. We took her deep
in the count and we hit our pitch.
What killed us in game two was
our defense. We had too many
errors that cost us a lot of runs.
The Lady Vikings will be back
in action with a doubleheader
against the Piedmont College
Lady Lions at home on Saturday
starting at noon.
ChriSTiAn TurnEr, Asst. Photo Editor
Sophomore Andrea Cole brought the heat against the Covenant
College Lady Scots. The Lady Vikings won their frst game of the dou-
bleheader against the Lady Scots 6-5, but lost the second 10-7. The
next home game is Saturday against the Piedmont College Lady Lions
at noon.
PAGe 12, CAMPUs CARRIeR MARCh 29, 2012
Battle on the
Photos By Crystal Ward, Staff Photographer
The Berry College Block and Bridle club presented the fourth annual Battle
on the Mountain rodeo on March 24 at the Gunby Equine Center. Berry stu-
dents and staff had free admission and were also granted free admission
to the Runnin Wild Band concert in Clara Bowl afterwards with their rodeo
ticket stub. Many riders and students turned out to make this years Battle
on the Mountain another enjoyable rodeo.

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