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3G-2G Cell Reselection and Handover Parameters Specification

Prepared by: ETISALAT MS section HUAWEI Radio Network Planning Department 2004-02-15

3G-2G Cell Reselection and Handover Parameters Specification

1. 3G to 2G cell reselection parameters specification ...................................................................... 3 2. 3G to 2G handover parameters specification ............................................................................... 6


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3G-2G Cell Reselection and Handover Parameters Specification

1. 3G to 2G cell reselection parameters specification

Parameters Qoffset1sn Min RX level Hysteresis 1 Inter-RAT cell reselection threshold Reselection delay time Min quality level Value -3 -58 2 3 0 -18 Meaning -3dB -115dBm 4dB 6dB 7.68S -18dB

Step 1: 3G measure Ec/Io < Inter-RAT cell reselection threshold + Min quality level Step 2: GSM Rxlev measurement value > Min RX level Step 3: GSM Rxlev measurement value Qoffset1sn > 3G RSCP measurement value + Hysteresis1 Step 4: Reselection delay time Step 5: Trigger 3G to 2G reselection

Parameters specification:
Step1: 3G measure Ec/Io < Inter-RAT cell reselection threshold + Min quality level 3G measure Ec/Io: the measurement Ec/Io value in 3G serving cell.

Inter-RAT cell reselection threshold: Threshold for inter-RAT cell reselection. When the quality (CPICH Ec/Io measured by UE) of the serving cell is lower than the threshold plus Min quality level of the cell, the inter-RAT cell reselection procedure will be started. Value range: -16 ~ Physical value range: Physical unit: dB. 10. -32 ~ 20 ; step: 2.

Min quality level: Minimum required quality level corresponding to the CPICH Ec/Io. UE can camp on the cell only when the CPICH Ec/Io measured is larger than the value of this parameter; it will affect the call setup success rate. Value range: -24 ~ Physical unit:


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3G-2G Cell Reselection and Handover Parameters Specification

Step 2: GSM Rxlev measurement value > Min RX level GSM Rxlev measurement value: the measurement BCCH Rxlev value in GSM cell. Min RX level: Minimum required Rxlev value of the GSM neighboring cell. Value range: -58 ~ -13. -25; step: 2.

Physical value range: -115 ~ Physical unit: dBm.

Step 3: GSM Rxlev measurement value Qoffset1sn > 3G RSCP measurement value + Hysteresis1 GSM Rxlev measurement value: the measurement BCCH Rxlev value in GSM cell.

3G RSCP measurement value: the measurement RSCP value in 3G serving cell.

Qoffset1sn: Offset for GSM Rxlev measurement value. It is used for cell reselection process. The greater the value is, the less is the probability of reselecting the GSM neighboring cell Value range: -50 ~ 50.

Physical unit: dB.

Hysteresis 1: Hysteresis for 3G RSCP measurement value. It is used for cell reselection process. The greater the value is, the less is the probability of reselecting the GSM neighboring cell Value range: 0 ~ 20 Physical value range: 0 ~ Physical unit: dB. 40; step: 2.

Step 4: Reselection delay time Reselection delay time: If the signal quality of a GSM neighbor cell is better than the 3G serving cell (satisfied the step 3) during the specified time of this parameter, the UE will reselect the neighbor cell. It is used to avoid ping-pong reselection between different cells Value range: 0 ~ 31 Physical unit:

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3G-2G Cell Reselection and Handover Parameters Specification

The actual value of reselection delay time setting is depended on the DRX cycle length coefficient. DRX cycle length coefficient: Used by UE to calculate the DRX cycle length of the CN domain. Value range: 6 ~ 9. Recommendation value: 8.

How to calculate the reselection delay time by DRX cycle length coefficient. Refer to 3GPP 25.133 Formula: DRX cycle length = 2 n * 10ms


If DRX cycle length coefficient = 8 then DRX cycle length = 28 * 10ms = 2560ms=2.56s

Then use table below to get the reselection time and number of DRX cycles (defined by 3GPP)

DRX cycle length [s] 0.08 0.16 0.32 0.64 1.28 2.56 5.12

TmeasureGSM [s] (number of DRX cycles) 2.56 (32) 2.56 (16) 5.12 (16) 5.12 (8) 6.4 (5) 7.68 (3) 10.24 (2)

Step 5: Trigger 3G to 2G reselection


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3G-2G Cell Reselection and Handover Parameters Specification

2. 3G to 2G-Handover parameters specification

Parameters Cell individual offset GSM RSSI threshold Hysteresis Inter-RAT handover trigger time Filter coefficient Report interval Inter-freq measure start RSCP threshold Inter-freq measure end RSCP threshold 2D Hysteresis 2F Hysteresis 2D trigger time 2F trigger time Value 0 15 2 1000 UU_FC4 UU_RILE_1 -95 -90 6 6 640 640 Meaning 0 -95dB 1dB 1S 7 1S -95dBm -90dBm 3dB 3dB 0.64S 0.64S

Step 1: 3G RSCP measurement value = < Inter-freq measure start RSCP threshold - 2D Hysteresis/2 Step 2: Filter coefficient Step 3: Report interval Step 4: GSM Rxlev measurement value + Cell individual offset >= GSM RSSI threshold + Hysteresis/2 Step 5: Inter-RAT handover trigger time Step 6: Trigger Inter-RAT handover

Parameters specification:
Step1: 3G RSCP measurement value = < Inter-freq measure start RSCP threshold 2D Hysteresis/2 3G RSCP measurement value: the measurement RSCP value in 3G serving cell.

Inter-freq measure start RSCP threshold: UE will report 2D event and then RNC will send signal to start CM and inter-frequency measurement when the measured value is lower than this threshold. Value range: -115 ~

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3G-2G Cell Reselection and Handover Parameters Specification

Physical unit:


2D Hysteresis: Hysteresis value of the 2D event. This parameter value is related to the slow fading characteristic. The greater this parameter is valued, the less ping-pong and misjudgment can be caused. However, in this case, the event cannot be triggered in time. Value range: 0 ~ 29 Physical value range: 0 ~ 14.5 with the step size of 0.5 Physical unit: dB

2D event refer to 3GPP 25.331 Triggering condition Equation 1:

QUsed TUsed 2d H 2d / 2
The variables in the formula are defined as follows: QUsed is the quality estimate of the used frequency. TUsed 2d is the absolute threshold that applies for the used frequency and event 2d. H2d is the hysteresis parameter for the event 2d.

Leaving triggered state condition Equation 2:

QUsed TUsed 2d H 2d / 2
The variables in the formula are defined as follows: QUsed is the quality estimate of the used frequency. TUsed 2d is the absolute threshold that applies for the used frequency and event 2d. H2d is the hysteresis parameter for the event 2d.

2D trigger time: 2D event trigger delay time. This parameter value is related to the slow fading characteristic. The greater this parameter is valued, the less the misjudgment probability is. However, the response speed of the event to the measurement signal change becomes lower. Value range: D0, D10, D20, D40, D60, D80, D100, D120, D160, D200, D240, D320, D640,
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3G-2G Cell Reselection and Handover Parameters Specification

D1280, D2560 and D5000 Physical value range: 0, 10, 20, 40, 60, 80, 100, 120, 160, 200, 240, 320, 640, 1280, 2560 and 5000 Physical unit: ms

Inter-freq measure end RSCP threshold: UE will report 2F event and then RNC will send signal to stop CM and inter-frequency measurement when the measured value is higher than this threshold. Value range: -115 ~ Physical unit: dBm -25

2F Hysteresis: Hysteresis value of the 2F event. This parameter value is related to the slow fading characteristic. The greater this parameter is valued, the less ping-pong and misjudgment can be caused. However, in this case, the event cannot be triggered in time. Value range: 0 ~ 29 Physical value range: 0 ~ 14.5 Physical unit: dB with the step size of 0.5

2F event refer to 3GPP 25.331 Triggering condition: Equation 1:

QUsed TUsed 2 f H 2 f / 2
The variables in the formula are defined as follows: QUsed is the quality estimate of the used frequency. TUsed 2f is the absolute threshold that applies for the used frequency and event 2f. H2f is the hysteresis parameter for the event 2f.

Leaving triggered state condition: Equation 2:

QUsed TUsed 2 f H 2 f / 2
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3G-2G Cell Reselection and Handover Parameters Specification

The variables in the formula are defined as follows: QUsed is the quality estimate of the used frequency. TUsed 2f is the absolute threshold that applies for the used frequency and event 2f. H2f is the hysteresis parameter for the event 2f.

2F trigger time: 2F event trigger delay time. This parameter value is related to the slow fading characteristic. The greater this parameter is valued, the less the misjudgment probability is. However, the response speed of the event to the measurement signal change becomes lower. Value range: D0, D10, D20, D40, D60, D80, D100, D120, D160, D200, D240, D320, D640, D1280, D2560 and D5000 Physical value range: 0, 10, 20, 40, 60, 80, 100, 120, 160, 200, 240, 320, 640, 1280, 2560 and 5000 Physical unit: ms


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3G-2G Cell Reselection and Handover Parameters Specification


2D Trigger time

Send 2D event to RNC

2D Hysteresis/2

2D threshold

Start 2D measurement
2D Hysteresis/2

Stop 2D measurement

Start 2F measurement 2F Trigger time

2F Hysteresis/2

Send 2F event to RNC

2F threshold

2F Hysteresis/2

Stop 2F measurement
-85dBm Time

Step 2: Filter coefficient Filter coefficient: Inter-RAT measurement L3 filter coefficient, the greater this parameter is valued, the stronger smoothing effect can be caused to the signal and the greater anti-slow fading ability can be possessed. However, the signal change tracing ability becomes weaker. Value range: D0, D1, D2, D3, D4, D5, D6, D7, D8, D9, D11, D13, D15, D17, D19. Physical value range: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 13, 15, 17, 19. Filter coefficient Iterative report 0 1 1 2 2 3 3 5 4 7 5 10 6 15 7 21 8 30 9 42 11 85

Step 3: Report interval Report interval: Time interval in which UE reports the inter-RAT measurement results to RNC periodically.
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3G-2G Cell Reselection and Handover Parameters Specification

Value range: D250, D500, D1000, D2000, D3000, D4000, D6000, D8000, D12000, D16000, D20000, D24000, D28000, D32000, D64000. Physical value range: 250, 500, 1000, 2000, 3000, 4000, 6000, 8000, 12000, 16000, 20000, 24000, 28000, 32000, 64000. Physical unit: ms.

Step 4: GSM Rxlev measurement value + Cell individual offset >= GSM RSSI threshold + Hysteresis/2 GSM Rxlev measurement value: the measurement BCCH Rxlev value in GSM cell.

GSM RSSI threshold: Requirement for the BCCH Rxlev of GSM cell in the inter-RAT handover. Cell individual offset: It is used in inter-RAT handover decision process. The greater the value is, the more is the probability of handover to the GSM cell. Value range: -50 ~ 50. Physical unit: dB.

Hysteresis: It decides whether to trigger the GSM handover decision together with the GSM RSSI threshold. The value can be decreased to some degree in areas with less shadow fading, and increased in areas with more shadow shading. Value range: 0 ~ 15. Physical value range: 0~7.5; Physical unit: dB. step: 0.5.

Reference 3GPP 25.331 Triggering conditions: Equation 1:

M Other


CIOOther RAT TOther


H /2

The variables in the formula are defined as follows: MOther RAT is the measurement quantity for the cell of the other system.
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3G-2G Cell Reselection and Handover Parameters Specification

CIOOther RAT is the cell individual offset for the cell of the other system. TOther RAT is the absolute threshold that applies for the other system in that measurement. H is the hysteresis parameter for inter-RAT handover

Leaving triggered state conditions: Equation 2:

M Other


CIOOther RAT TOther


H /2

The variables in the formula are defined as follows: MOther RAT is the measurement quantity for the cell of the other system. MOther RAT is expressed in dBm. CIOOther RAT is the cell individual offset for the cell of the other system. TOther RAT is the absolute threshold that applies for the other system in that measurement. H is the hysteresis parameter for inter-RAT handover

Step 5: Inter-RAT handover trigger time Inter-RAT handover trigger time: The inter-RAT handover to GSM procedure will be started if the GSM BCCH Rxlev always satisfies the inter-RAT handover decision (step 4) during the specified period of this parameter. Value range: 0 ~ 64000. Physical unit: ms Step: 1

Step 6: Trigger Inter-RAT handover

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