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b ri d gehou s e

Serving Boulders Homeless & Working Poor


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Dear Bridge House Supporter: 2011 was an eventful year for Bridge House. We changed our name. Our old name, The Carriage House Community Table, came from our location in the historic carriage house behind First Congregational Church and from our merger with the Community Table organization. Our board of directors wanted a new name that was shorter and also better reflected our mission. Our staff and volunteers worked to create a transition to the new name that involved the adoption of a new logo and a number of events to introduce the new name to the community. The transition went well, and our new name and logo really help to send the message that we provide a bridge to help the homeless and working poor in our community to employment, housing and stable lives. Our staff and board also spent considerable time and effort this past year in our search for larger facilities. Our 1200 square foot building has been bursting at the seams. Not only are we hampered in our ability to expand our program services, but the crowding is a safety concern as well. We hosted a neighborhood meeting in May to get feedback on the possibility of moving to the old Yocum Studio building near Broadway and Arapahoe. After listening to many concerns from the community as well as conducting an extensive examination of the risks and costs that would be associated with a remodel of the building, our board decided not to purchase the building. While our building committee continues to work with City of Boulder staff to search for new facilities, we have achieved some relief from crowding by leasing a small office in a building just across the alley from our present facility. After more than a year of planning we launched our Ready to Work program in December. Ready to Work is a supportive employment program that provides work opportunities for people who are homeless and chronically unemployed or underemployed. Ready to Work has met with an enthusiastic reception from our clients, city government, the business community, and our funders. The program is starting as a six month pilot, but we hope that it will flourish and expand. Our long term and beloved Executive Director, Joy Eckstine, left Bridge House in December, due to health problems. The board has now hired Isabel McDevitt as our new executive director. Isabel is the person who can not only continue the values of caring and respect that Joy brought, but take us to the next level of organizational development and help to make services for the homeless more efficient, effective and accessible. And we are thrilled that Joy will continue to be involved with Bridge House as a volunteer. Bridge House has benefitted tremendously from our relationship with Social Venture Partners over the last couple years. SVP is a part of the Community Foundation Serving Boulder County. SVP has provided not only financial support, but advice, counsel, and leadership to help us grow as a non-profit organization. Its an honor for me to serve as the chair of the Bridge House board of directors. I am very proud of the work of our organization and the wonderful support that we receive. Thank you all! Sincerely,

George Epp

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There are so many successes and so many varieties of what success means Here, see a few of our successes over the years.

RON CHASE. What a story! Disabled from a fall while running to catch the bus to work, Ron has finally succeeded in obtaining benefits and is moving back to his trailer. But, not content to wait passively, Ron ran for City Council to try to better the situation of other homeless people.

LEXI UDELL. Lexi, who once worked in airplane manufacturing, is now housed in Denver. She visits us and brings us information about resources in her new role as advocate for Colorado Coalition for the Homeless.

ANDREW. Familiar to so many of us, but perhaps you are not aware that he is a Bolder Boulder finisher! (thanks to AIR Foundation.)

BRAD H. Housed, happy and stable, Brad was one of the most faithful garden volunteers. TRAVIS CULLEY. Travis arrived in Boulder a few years ago with $2 in his pocket. He worked assiduously for years as a bike messenger. He now works at Left Hand Bookstore and is happily housed and happily in a relationship.

DANIEL ARMSTRONG. Housed, but back to help us fight the good fight!

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Dennis Arfmann Jade Beaty Barbara Bennett Linda Caven Amanda Donovan George Epp Roger King Tom Nelson Bobby Pelz Jr. William Treadwell Elizabeth Treister Michael Tucker

CHAD CARBONE is a 3rd generation Boulder resident and was homeless on and off for almost 12 years.
While receiving services in the community, Chad has always volunteered at various places throughout his years on the street. He started volunteering around Thanksgiving in 2010 at Bridge House on a daily basis and through hard work became the greeter on a full time basis. Chad now is the Ready to Work crew supervisor.

SCOTT MEDINA has been director of the Bridge House dinner program since 1999, after leaving the

ISABEL MCDEVITT, Executive Director, has over 12
years experience working in workforce development, community affairs, and social enterprise. For over 9 years, Isabel was part of the senior leadership team for business development, government relations, and community engagement strategies at The Doe Fund, a transitional employment and housing organization serving homeless and formerly incarcerated individuals in New York City. At The Doe Fund, Isabel founded two ventures creating jobs in the fields of pest management and biodiesel conversion and ran several other social enterprises employing over 400 formerly homeless and jobless people. Since relocating to Boulder, Colorado in 2006, Isabel has advised companies including Skirt Sports, a womens apparel company, and BoeFly, an online marketplace connecting small business borrowers with lenders, on cause marketing, online engagement and strategic growth strategies. Most recently, Isabel launched and leads the Ready to Work program for Bridge House Boulders day shelter for the homeless and working poor. Isabel has served on the Board of Directors of the Womens Wilderness Institute, is a Partner with Social Venture Partners of Boulder County, and continues to be active in community development coalitions in New York City. Isabel graduated magna cum laude from the University of Pennsylvania with a BA in Sociology.

corporate world in search of more meaningful service work. An active musician, Scott also teaches music classes and special events for preschool children throughout Boulder County, leads evenings of devotional chanting and other spiritually-focused events, and has released several CDs of original music. In the spring of 2010, Scott took on the role of volunteer coordinator in addition to coordinating the dinners.

EMILY MESSINA-HEIM began working with the homeless in 1996 as a volunteer at a transitional living shelter in Placentia, California. In 2010, she started volunteering at Bridge House, and in January 2011 she was hired to fill the development director position. Emily has her bachelors in literature and writing from Naropa University and is a mother of two children. She loves good wine and watching documentaries. DEBBIE LITTLE-KEENE started out as a volunteer at the Bridge House in 2010. She is now the part time
Administrative Assistant. She also fills in occasionally as the door greeter and as a case manager. Debbie has a Bachelor of Sciences degree from Southwest Texas State University. She is currently working towards her Certified Addiction Counseling certification. She enjoys spending time with family and friends, traveling, fishing, watching football and bird watching.

VERA LINE started out as a volunteer at the Bridge House in December 2007. She now fills the position of Director
of Finance and Administration and is in charge of the financial and operational aspects of Bridge House. She holds a masters degree in psychology from Saarland University, Germany and has additional education in accounting. Vera enjoys traveling, yoga, and good food.

RACHEL OVERTON began working at Bridge House in November 2011 as the case manager for the Ready
to Work Program. She strongly believes in Ready to Works philosophy that employment is the cornerstone of independence, and she is passionate about helping the Ready to Work trainees get back into mainstream employment, and thus, back on their feet. In addition to her position at Bridge House, Rachel is a direct care counselor at Attention Homes, where she works with at-risk teens. She enjoys the balance of working with both populations and age groups. Rachel was born in Boulder, but grew up in a small mountain town on the western slope of Colorado. She returned to Boulder in 2005 to attend college at CU, where she received her bachelors degree in Psychology & Neuroscience. She loves spending time with friends, snowboarding, and enjoying all that Boulder has to offer!

STEVE TOMBLESON, Facility Manager, started working with the homeless in Anchorage, Alaska in 1983,and volunteered at the shelter there for two years. He traveled around the U.S. with his backpack and guitar,playing at festivals, bars, and coffee houses for seven years, and spent a lot of time with street people in many cities. He started working at the Bridge House, then called S.T.A.R.T., in December of 2000. HEATHER PAUZE started working for Bridge House in March 2008. She worked as the greeter for 8 months
and the remaining time as the case manager. Before working at the Bridge House, she worked at CPWD as a case manager. She has also been the coordinator for several programs serving disadvantaged youth. Heather has a master in Public Administration and a bachelor in sociology. Outside of the Bridge House, she loves traveling and trying strange and unusual foods.

LEDRIEDRE DEEDEE SEASE relocated to Boulder in 2011 as part of the homeless community with
her husband Eric. She received services from Bridge House while working on the Pearl Street Mall. She is the mother of four and grandmother of 14. She became part of Bridge House staff in November 2011 as the greeter full time.

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6000 5000

Annual Case Management Activities

Bridge House Case Management Data 2007-2011

Medical Assistance Mental Health Substance Abuse Housing Search Benefits Identification Assistance Job Search Legal Assistance Housed Employed 36 105 52 42 43 46 49 117

4000 3000
712 468 388 163 144 343 101

398 242 254 90 128 270 200

318 225 225 259 270 397 195

377 336 376 159 113 247 152

1028 442 378 483 1056 597 411 264 81 90

2000 1000 0 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011


IDs Obtained

100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% 2007 2008 Basic Needs 2009 2010 2011

Case Management Focus: Basic Needs vs. Transitional Services








Transitio n a l S e r vi c e s


Clients Employed


The Bridge House mission is twofold - to meet both the basic and transitional needs of its clientele. The ratio of basic needs to transitional services generally reflects Bridge Houses two pronged approach to engaging its clients. Basic Needs includes: Medical Assistance, Mental Health Assistance, Substance Abuse Assistance. Transitional Services include: Housing Search, Job Search, Legal Services, Benefits, Identification Assistance.

Clients Housed
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0 Jan. Feb. March April May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec.

10,000 2009 2010 2011

2011 2010 2009 January February March April May June July August September October November December Totals 2009 1536 1001 1236 590 727 1721 2013 2002 1776 1940 2196 2422 19160 2010 2110 1910 2179 2091 1376 1889 1839 1762 1902 1784 2208 2032 23082 2011 1442 1625 2039 1687 1867 1314 2000 2120 1994 2110 2257 2574 23029


Rent Assistance Provided


Meals Served

275... Prescriptions Filled

Bus Tokens Provided
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How are program funds spent?

Client Programs & Services

Where do our funds come from?

2% 2% 28% 17%

Spent in 2011
$432,709 98,291 54,399

74% 17% 9%

6% 9%


Fundraising Administrative

Total Expenses




28% 17% 27% 9% 9% 2% 6% 2%

Foundations Benefactor Individuals City and County Grants Board Faith Community Businesses

Received in 2011
$203,002 $125,000 $192,801 $67,088 $61,451 $17,097 $39,692 $13,227

17% 74%
Total Expenses and Funding $719,358

Interest and Other

Reserve Funding

Total Revenue



Reserve Funding for new program development...Ready to Work Program and relocation efforts

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$20,000 and over
Lester Houtz & Valerie Anderson Janet Jackson Jared Polis Foundation Jewish Community Foundation Stanley & Lois Kruschwitz Shaun & Sarah Labarre Barbara & Donald Lea Mark Lonergan Lucile & Maurice Pollak Fund Macys Corporate Services David Madison Franklin Medford Mosaic Architects PC Craig & Heather Neugeboren Open Door Endowment Inc. Pelz Management Presbyterian Deacons Fund John Price Michael Quintana James & Judith Rhoads Philip & Marlys Robertson Jeanne Ryan & Linda Davidson Solar Stocktank Company Steve & Donna Spearman Chris & Kathy Squadra St Andrews Presbyterian Church St Johns Foundation Steffens Foundation Sterling Rice Group Porter & Gail Storey Charles Thabault The Colorado Episcopal Foundation The Community Foundation - Aweida Impact Fund The Community Foundation - Community Trust Fund The Community Foundation - Eberspacher Family Fund The Community Foundation - Murphy Foundation The Community Foundation - Passthrough Fund The Community Foundation - Millenium Trust The Kirk Foundation Trust TOSA Foundation William & Jan Treadwell Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church Trinity Lutheran Church - Youth Group Urban Mattress Claudia VanWie Jeffrey & Susan Wallace Maribel Williams Hillary Hall & Tim Enwall Jean Heard John Hess Hogan Lovells US John & Mary Humke Mark Jaffee Edwin Johnson Lynn & Karon Johnson Michael Kelley Indira Mahalingam & Krishnamurthy Radhakrishnan Julie Levine Louis P. Singer Fund, Inc. Denise & John McCorvie Robert & Mary Medina Mount Calvary Lutheran Church North Boulder Dental Group Martha & Neil Palmer Nancy Pierce & Roger Koenig RBC Capital Red Empress Foundation David & Margaret Robinson Anne Ross Carl Runner Winnie Sanders Alfred & Becky Sawatzky Robert & Linda Schwall Mark Shaw & Lu Wen-Ying Jane Snyder & Frank Zoldak Susan Stephens Carol & Patrick Thacker The Community Foundation - Calhoun Family Fund Michael & Sharon Tucker Jeanne & W.F. Utlaut Wells Fargo Foundation Susan White Millie & Arnold Williams Justin Wyman

$800, 000 $700,000 $600,000

Bridge House Total Contributions


Boulder County Denver Post Season to Share John Horner Tom & Cheryl Nelson Pangaea Foundation Robert & Erna Pelz SVP Boulder County

$5,000 - $19,999

$500,000 $400,000 $300,000 $200,000

$183,219 $499,849

A.V. Hunter Trust AEC Trust Amgen Foundation Bieber Family Foundation City of Boulder CoBiz Cares Foundation Covidien Denver Foundation Joy Eckstine Roger King May & Stanley Smith Charitable Trust McDonald Pelz Global Commodities MDU Resources Foundation Timothy Oberg Qualcomm Foundation Virginia Hill Foundation WD Foundation William and Judith Wolpert Peter Resnick




$1,000 - 4,999


Note: Carriage House and Community Table merged in May 2008. All figures reflect financial activities of the combined organizations.

1st Congregational Church Dennis Arfmann & Julie Brown Becker Sisters Fund Barbara Bennett & Michael Chapman Timothy & Mary Black Cisco Matching Gifts Program CLD Pacific Grain, LLC Jason Cole Collins Trust Colorado Capital Bank Amanda & Sean Donovan Doorways for the Disabled Gift Fund Deborah Dore Alex Duncan El Pomar Foundation George Epp & Kenda Peterson First Baptist Church of Boulder Flatirons Bank Gannett Foundation Gay & Lesbian Fund for Colorado George & Virginia Markham Foundation Paul Harris & Janet Eden-Harris Deborrah Hayes Thomas Healy Jonathan & Elizabeth Hinebauch Knute Holum

$250 - $499


Connie & Brent Balazs Balsam Capital Baltimore Community Foundation Berg Hill Greenleaf & Ruscitti LLP Boulder Arts & Crafts, Inc. Boulder Friends Meeting Boulder Meeting of the Religious Society Stanley Brown & Pamela Barsam-Brown Tim & Heather Bulk Michael & Nancy Burgermeister Evolve Technologies Soto & Diane Flouris Ken Goldman Stanley & Elissa Guralnick Trudy & Scott Gygi Ida Halasz & John Sullivan

Eduardo Alfaro Jacob Alldredge Bank of America William & Lee Benjamin Joyce Benson & Stanley Woodard Boulderado Hotel Brenda Burnell Bruce Campbell Clutter Consign, LLC Colorado Capital Management Christine & David Correa Keith & Jeanne Crouch David Feasby Gordon & Katherine Day Terri Douglas Elevations Credit Union Bruce & Maryann Enstad Silvine & RS Farnell Michael & Anne Fenerty First Presbyterian Church First Western Trust Bank Ben Geesaman Richard & Breida Geesaman Google Matching Gifts Program Shawnie & Mike Hansen

2005 $131,529









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OUR DONORS (continued)

Andrew Harrington & Kathryn Lemere Joan Hay John Heins & Marilyn Nelson Hope Boulder Foursquare Church Carleton Howard Howards Draperies David & Janet Hummer Insight Designs Web Solutions LLC Barbara & Lloyd Johnson L Jim Johnson Win & Cinda Johnson William & Martha Jones Pamela & Tim Kane Steve Kehoe David Kline & Judy Gilligan James Koehler L.B. Kravitz Law Office of Gary Sandblom, P.C. Brandon & Vera Line Michael McMannis Dean McMurry Andy McNutt Grace Miller Chris Munley Bob & Catherine Murphy New Frontier Media Betsy Nunley Pierce, Fenner & Smith, Inc. Wayne Plakmeyer & Jeannie Schuman Joyce & Robert Quinn Nancy & Lawrence Raymond Rita & Norman Riis Edward & Carmen Ruestow Lewis & Marilynn Sawin Imogene Smith Kala Spangler Mary Steffens Schweitzer John & Amy Thornbury Margaret & Andrea Watson Janet Watts Ann Weickmann Jodi Williams David Williard Nicky Wolman Rosemary Wrzos Frank & Jo Anne Bogart Joan Brett & Robert Golten Nan Bunce Gregory & Patricia Calhoun Lee Carin Sheila Carrigan & Marlin Buse Dan Catlin Edward Cepulis Thomas & Eleanor Chalmers Richard Sterling Clark Coal Creek Elementary Richard Collins & Judith Reid Common Sense Ministries Chris Cook Dan & Sharyn Corson Paula Crane Meri & Joseph Cunningham Tom Daly & Judy Blitz Vickie Darveau Madeline Day William Deininger & Judith Stone Janna & Phil Del Prince Chas. Dinwiddie Khalil Dizaji & Mojgan Mehdinia Bob Donchez Jean Dugan Karen Dumler Randall & Rebecca Eastland Kevin & Patricia Eggleston Paul Eklund Steven Ellis Engage Leadership, Inc. Hugh Evans Mary Jean Ewing Judy & Daniel Feasby Michael & Rebecca Fellows Nondis Field Cooper First Christian Church Howard Flug James Freeman & Vickie Patton Don French Carol Fruth Felicia Furman Carolyn & Norman Gard Deborah Gardner Dean Garyet Wendy Gaylord & S. Ritter Sandra & John Gilfillan Stanley & Lucia Gill Giving First Golden West Council Michael & Anita Gonzales Thomas Gordan Jean Gore Linda Gore Allan & Joan Graham Doris Gray Judith & Gregory Greenan Robert Grossman David Hahn Kent & Cathy Hansen David Harrison Shahid Hassan Linda & Steve Hawkins Josephine Heath Henry Waters & Associates Elliot & Frances Higgins Dwight & Jo Ann High Russell & Mary Holecek James & Edith Hooton R. David & Suzanne Hoover Dyan Hummel Janis Hunt Johanna & David Hurley Intervention Ivy Rebekah Lodge #51 Brian & Nancy Johnson Linda Johnson Jonathan & Karen Jones Patrick & Kathy Keating Joanne & Alan Kelly Bridget Klauber & E.J. Meade Colleen Knopinski Don Koplen & Barbralu Cohen Paul Lander G. & A. Langer Lee Ann Lathrop Patricia & Antonio Laudisio Burton Lee Warren Leggate Shari Leyshon Sibyl & Steve Liedtke Ira & Barbara Litke Ray & Mindy Logan Karen Ann Louis Bruce MacKenzie William & Susan Marine Kevin & Karen Martindale Martha L Maxwell Timothy Mazzola William McCaa Charles & Gretchen McCord Hunter & Janet McDaniel Bruce McKenzie Missy Minor & Peter Watson Momentum Fund Carol Moremen Doug Mortenson Jacqueline Muller Neale & Marilyn Murray Eric and Linda Nehls David & Kay Norris Stuart Ollanik Allison Palmer Grace Pascoff Timothy & Stephanie Pease William Perry & Diane Clymer G & B Peters Mary Peters Sydney Power Connie Proulx Christine Quenroe Arthur & Maria Richmond Virginia Robbins Donna Rohde Mara Rose Rebecca Roser Martha Rosner Warren Rovetch Louis Rozaklis Saint Ambrose Episcopal Church Robert Sancetta Jackie & Gary Sandbloom Bob Sargent Elizabeth & Donald Saunders J.R. & P.J. Scarritt Daniel & Susan Scheeres Barbara & Robert Schnurr Sharon Scudder Nehls Michael & Carlyn Smith Phillip Smith Stanley Smith St. Aidens Episcopal Church Douglas Stephen Earla Stewart Glen Strand Ruth Struik Pamela Talley & P. Simonson Russell & Janice Teets Angela M Tennant Terri Heath Gillatt Living Trust The Little Jewel LLC The Organic Dish Joel LLC Thompson Daniel & Diane Thornton Thomas Tilley Vassilena Toneva Elizabeth Treister Unitarian Universalist Church of Boulder Emily Verplanck Chris & Frank Vibrans Gary Waggoner Jack Walker Judith Waller Judith Warner Marc Weaver Steven & Catherine Werner Shirley Whiteley F.D. Wilkins Jennifer Wilson Linda Wittekind Linda Wood Patricia Wood Rebecca Wood Lee Woods Arthur Wouk WWR R.E. Serv-Disbursement Carl & Loretta Yarbrough Majid Yazdi Sandra Younghans Wendy Zerin Michael Zupko J. K. Barriger Sandra Bateman Heather Beadle Jade Beaty KC Becker Catherine Bedell Alan Beezley Ervin & Mary Ellen Bell Lee Benjamin Andrea & John Bernthal K.A. Bertness Kathryn Bingman Laura Bloom Richard Boeye Boulder Valley Womens Health Center Teresa Box Christopher & Helen Braider Judy & James Brantz Bridges Survivor Trust/Norma Bridges Ellen Brock & Lawrence Kaptein Eileen Brown Lynne Buhlig C. & R. Bullion Miriam Campos Minerva Canavan Bradley Cantelon Jose Cardenas Paul & Carol Cardosi Forrest & Virginia Carhartt James Carr Eben Carsey David & Anne Carson Elizabeth Case Arturo & Elisabeth Castro Center for People with Disabilities Kim Chase Aphrodite Chellos R.B. & Nancy Cherry Susan Chrisman David & Barbara Christiansen Amy Chu David Clair Carol Clifford Mary Cobb Philip & Marilyn Cohen William & Sara-Jane Cohen Morris & Barbra Cohn Carol & Rogers Coke Fred Cole Heather Collaton & James Griffey Marcia Collins Chris & Cathy Conery Nonnie & David Cooper Charlotte Corbridge George Crutcher George Curtis Laurence & Jean Danielson Helen Davis Leanne Davis Deborah-Rebekah Group of FCC Audrey Debroux Kimberly Decker Thomas Degrand & Mary Dangelo Design Evolution, Inc. Laura Dickinson Stephen Dickson Lisa Dierauf Maureen Dobson Sean Donnelly Michael Dow Anne Doyle Dennis & Carol Duffy Susan Duiker Walter & Mary-Ruth Duncan Garrett Eastman EFAA El Loro Jewelry & Clog Co Judith Epstein Paula Erez Dianne Ewing Exquisite Living FamilyLinks, Inc. Judy Feland First and Goal, LLC Hilton & Jenny Fitt-Peaster Robyn Fogelberg Angela Forest Jennifer Franklin Susan Freas Warren Frebel David Friedman & Anne Marie Doherty Carol Ann Garn Jean Gatza GE Foundation Janet & Jerry Gilland Leo Gilling S. Scott Goddard, III Peggy Goehringer Jerry & Diane Gollnick Pamela Goodell Charlotte Gordon Leslie Grady Eleanor Gradziel Gordon Gray Tracy Grodsky M&D Guilinger Jean Gyder David Hach Lauralee & Robert Hadaway Jennifer Haemmerlein Jeanie Hale Harriet Hall Wendy Hall Earl C. & B.K. Hancock Aaron Handrich Barbara Hanst Catharine Harris Laura Hay James & Judith Heinze David & Deborah Heitman Elizabeth Heppner Dorothy Hicks Sarah Hillstrom Hints for the Hard of Seeing, LLC Sue Hintz-Siegrist Boyd & Heidi Hoback Jack Hodges Sheryl Holmes Hospice of Boulder County Veronica House Roland Hoverstock Eleanor Hubbard Brent Hultman Robert & Eileen Hunnes

$100 - $249

AA Group Joan & Richard Paul Acker Mary Addison Ann Amundson & Charles Wilkinson Thomas & LaVerne Anderson Thomas & Patricia Angerer Anonymous Alvin & Betty Baal Donald & Dorothy Bachman Heather Baines Patrick Bird & Barbara Long Kelly & Carole Beard David Becher Sally & Stanley Benjamin Dennis & Elizabeth Berry Katherine Biers Peter & Suzanne Birkeland Susanna Block

$1 - $99

Lois Abbott Patricia Abendroth Dolores Afainer Lisa & Robert Akins Richard & Alma Alber Daniel & Lois Anderson Dee Andrews Anonymous Jennifer Arbogash Kathleen Argenta Cynthia Aubrey Axiom Action Warren & Jean Baker Mary Banks Laura Barclay


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OUR DONORS (continued)

June Huss I Can Help You Organize LLC IBM Employee Service Center Ronald Jelinek Thomas Johnston Suzanne Jones Jozwiak & Blecher Dawn Kairns Geo Kakatsakis & K. Meyer Elizabeth Kamibayashi Lisa Kamibayashi Kelly Keefe Julie Keene Colleen Keller Alan Kelly Douglas Kerry Deanne Ketterman Christopher Knud-Hansen Susan Kohl Cathy Koziol Peggy Kraft Karel Kriz Beth Laber Dianne Ladd Yolande Lafontaine Patricia & R. Darrell Laham Andrea Landin M.K. Lathrop Julie Lauer Patrick Lavin Michael Leccese & Kathleen McCormick Linda Lee & John Woods Catherine & Wesley LeMasurier Judi Lesta Kristin Lewis Stephen Liguore D.F. & E.M. Lilley Mary Lind Karol Lombardi Crystal Lopez William Lowell & Kathleen Aki Nancy Lucci Robert & Judy Lynn Peter Lyon Diane Madigan Joyce Manzone Don Marinelli Kate Marshall Martin Print Services Martha Mason Lena & Robert McBeth Richard McDowell Patrick McIntosh Mark & Jill McIntyre Sarah McKenzie & Toutenhoofd Nico Frederick & Cheryl McLean James & Susan McMaster David McMillen Mary G McQuiston Allen & Kathleen Meyer Shochet Mischo Sarah K Mitchell Susan Mitrovic Sara Moore Robert & Mildred Mortimer Lisa Ann Morzel Mustards Last Stand Kate Myers Stuart Naegele E.A. Naylor Sharon Nehls New Qwest Services Inc. Karen Nielson Lyna Norberg Margaret Oakes Shannon Oberndorf A. R. & J.T. Ohlinger Lance & Teri Olander Alan & Barbara Olds Elayne & James Oligschlaeger Phyllis Olson Wendy Osterman David & Lynn Page Robert Palaich & Margaretha Maloney John Parvensky Peter Pascoff Peter Pedersen & Julia Rubinsky Hans & Patricia Peterson James Petri Barbara & Joseph Pickett Ted & Sophia Piper Margot Planchard Timothy Plass Suzanne Polacek E.W. & C.A. Poore C.A. Porter Fredrick Powers Jacqueline & Rex Rea Fred & Mary Resh Mary & James Rianoshek Lynn Rice Barbara Richards Kevin Riddle Joann Roberts Jane Rogers Franca Rothman Emily Rucker Jeanne & Jerry Ryan Terrence Ryan Saint Paul United Methodist Church Arthur & Wendy Saltarelli Eileen Sammells E.D. Sampson Garry Sanfacon Carol Saunders & L. Reed Bailey Sax Publishing Scott Schell Richard & Diane Schmierer Marjorie Schmitz Eric Schwartz Kari Scott Wayne Scott Ruth Seagull Dee Dee Sease Senior Living Options & Referrals Debbie Setlock Seventh Day Adventist Church Elizabeth Shaw Ingrid & Dennis Shea Christopher & Elisabeth Shears Ann Shelly Warren & Julie Sill Michael Simpson Frances & Robert Sinton Sister Carmen Community Center Jennifer Skiendzielewski Mary Smith Raymond Snead & Paula Sewall Susan Soklin Charles and Janice Squier St. Johns Episcopal Church St. Martin de Porres Todd Stark Charles Stein William & Janice Stengel Patricia Stepan Kenneth Stephens Mark Stobbs Joyce Stockdill Strong Bond Incorporated John Michael Sullivan Patricia Sunfield Steve Sutherland Ailie Swanson Wilda & James Swift Sara Tanner Jim Thomas & Sandra Ireland Jessica Thrall Loyd & Barbara Timblin Thomas Trager Amanda & Zach Tyler Russell Udelhofen Upscale Woodfinishing, LLC Susan Usel James & Mary Van Lieshout Amy Vandersall Timothy & Diane Wagner Marilyn Walker Peter Watson Sandra Weeks Christopher Weiland Rita & Lawrence Weiss Tom Wells & Lisa Bryant W Roy Wessel James & Anna Wilkinson Charles & Michelle Williams Michelle Williams Jonathan & Hayden Williamson Mary Ann Wilner John & Bridget Winsor John Woods Betty Woon Helen Worden Daniel Ziskin & Ellen Rosenthal

Avery Brewing BC Wealth Management BHGR Law Boulder Valley Rotary Club Boulder Valley Rotary Club Foundation Carol Grever CI International CJ Gauss Clutter Colorado Capital Management Elevations Credit Union Engage Leadership, Inc. First Citizens Bank First Western Trust Bank Gibbons and White Greenwich Treasury Advisors LLC Halvan Associates Hogan Lovells Hotel Boulderado Howards Draperies Insight Design Izze Liquor Mart Lotus Fund Martin Auctioneering McDonald Pelz Commodities, Inc. Merrill Lynch Mosaic Architects Myers-Holum New Frontier Media Norris and Teri Hermsmeyer North Boulder Dental Group RC Special Events Rocky Mountain Wealth Management Rotary Club of Niwot Savory Cuisines Southwest Generation Sterling-Rice Group Sturtz and Copeland The Ryan Davidson Team Urban Mattress


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How do we serve so many clients and guests on a daily basis here at Bridge House? Our simple answer is: YOU. Each month we have hundreds of volunteers work with us, people who truly care about the homeless and low-income population and who are doing something about it. We honestly couldnt provide the quality or quantity of services that we do without the support of the community, and we are proud to serve with you in this endeavor. Volunteers are crucial to every aspect of serving 3 meals a day to hundreds of guests, including preparing, serving and cleaning up: In addition to the huge food production, here are some of the other ways that volunteers have supported us in the past year: Organizing our interview clothing closet which provides nicer attire for our clients when they go out on job interviews or other important appointments. Creating hundreds of holiday stockings which are filled with useful items for those on the streets. These holiday gifts are handed out in mid December. Working in our community garden (located at Hawthorn Gardens by the North Boulder Rec. Center), often alongside our clients, to harvest delicious organic produce which we then use in our meals. Being attentive listeners for our clients through our Angel at the Table program, giving them the respect and attention that they so need. Donating hundreds of winter coats, backpacks, sleeping bags, tents, long underwear and other essential items for people with no homes to survive. Leading creative writing groups, art classes, legal assistance, resume writing, computer support...we even have an acupuncture group come in on a weekly basis to serve our clients for free! Preparing thousands of sandwiches throughout the year, which we hand out along with the other food we are serving. Painting and spring-cleaning the Bridge House, and our storage unit. Gift-wrapping holiday presents at the Boulder Bookstore as a fundraiser for us.

Our successful cooking crew has a great time every Monday and Tuesday morning, putting together the ingredients we receive from Community Food Share, Olive Garden, The Boulderado and more, and resulting in delicious dishes which form the basis of our lunch & dinners. A very active team of volunteers serves breakfasts and hot lunches daily at Bridge House. Over a dozen faith communities, businesses and school groups come on a monthly basis to serve at our Community Table dinner program, which feeds 100 or more people a night throughout the year. Savory Cuisine makes sure that our Thanksgiving and Christmas dinners are covered, providing delicious catered dinners with all of the trimmings which are served to our guests at their tables. This has been an extremely rewarding program the past couple of years!


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All this and more is done by hundreds of individual volunteers, along with student groups from CU, Naropa and local high schools, middle schools and elementary schools, plus many local businesses. We thank each and every one of you for serving those in need here in our community! We love hearing from many of you that you truly get more back than you give. Keep that spirit of service alive with us in the coming years!


At Bridge House, we rely on the generosity of people like you to serve the thousands of people who come through our doors. Please consider Making a Gift, Donating your Time, or Sharing Your Stuff with Bridge House.

If you would like to volunteer, and receive our bi-monthly Volunteer e-newsletter, please e-mail Scott Medina at:


You can make a big difference in the life of a homeless man, woman or child by providing financial assistance to our programs. A little goes a long way at Bridge House. A gift of $100 provides a whole weeks worth of bus tokens for 20 clients who need transportation to get to job interviews. A gift of $25 provides one-hour of mental health counseling to people in need. Please consider giving today.


We have a volunteer opportunity for nearly every schedule and skill level. Some examples of volunteer jobs include: To bring prepared meals to the Bridge House To help with meal preparation, serving and clean up To sit with our clients and listen to their stories To assist with administrative tasks To help organize our outreach events To take videos and photos at special events


Our clients need things that many of us take for granted. Heres a list of supplies that we can immediately put to good use: Mens and Womens Clothing: Hats, gloves, underwear, interview clothing, socks Food: Canned food, dry goods, prepared meals, peanut butter, jelly, coffee Supplies: Towels, bowls for serving, laundry detergent, sewing kits, office supplies, day planners, notepads, pens, paper First Aid: Multi-vitamins, first aid supplies Other: Bicycles, bicycle locks, luggage, backpacks, camping pads


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S e rving B ou ld e r s H om e le s s & W o r k ing P o o r


OUR MISSION Bridge Houses mission is to address immediate survival needs of homeless and working poor individuals and provide resources which lead to employment, permanent housing, personal stability and healing.

PO Box 626, Boulder, Colorado 80306 | 303.442.8300 |

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