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Submitted to : Lect. Dilpreet Kaur

Submitted by : Insha BBA 2nd sem.

What is the role of drawing tool bar? Ans: The Drawing Toolbar contains a powerful set of drawing tools that are available for use in the Microsoft Word, Excel and PowerPoint applications.

Who owes the internet? ANS: There are many organizations, corporations, governments, schools, private citizens and service providers that all own pieces of the infrastructure, but there is no one body that owns it all. There are, however, organizations that oversee and standardize what happens on the Internet and assign IP addresses and domain names, such as the National Science Foundation, the Internet Engineering Task Force, ICANN, Inter NIC and the Internet Architecture Board.

what do you mean by spreadsheet? Ans: the centre fold and treating the two pages as one large one. The compound word spread-sheet came to mean the format used to present bookkeeping ledgers with columns for categories of expenditures across the top text and/or graphics that covers two facing pages, extending across the centre fold and treating the two pages as one large one. The compound word spread-sheet came to mean the format used to present

Purpose of square root and count function in mx excel? ANS: In Excel, the Sqrt function returns the square root of a number. The syntax for the Sqrt function is: Sqrt( number ) number is a positive number that you wish to return the square root for.

Excel's Count Functions allow you to count up the number of cells being used for a specific purpose such as the number of cells containing number values or the number of blank cells in a data range.

what is the purpose of protocol? Ans: Protocol refers to a summarized document or the minutes of a meeting that are initialed by the parties present to indicate the accuracy of the document or minutes.

What is internet? How its evolved.explain various application of internet? ANS:The Internet is a global system of interconnected computer networks that use the standard Internet protocol suite (often called TCP/IP, although not all protocols use TCP) to serve billions of users worldwide. It is a network of networks that consists of millions of private, public, academic, business, and government networks, of local to global scope, that are linked by a broad array of electronic, wireless and optical networking technologies. The Internet carries an extensive range of information resources and services, such as the interlinked hypertext documents of the World Wide Web (WWW) and the infrastructure to support email. The Internet grew from ARPANET the first computer network designed for the Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA) of the U.S Department of Defence ARPA sponsored research on interconnecting geographically remote computers to allow communication and sharing of data and resources The goal was to create a communications network that could exist even if parts of it was incapacitated One of the early developments that proved significant to the success of ARPANET (which later on becomes the Internet) were packet switching and TCP/IP Packet switching involves digital systems that transmit data in small packets that use the best current path to their destination TCP/IP is the core Internet protocol that allows

computers to communicate with each other Realizing the value of interconnected computers the academic community started with its own research network The NSFNet, created and named for the National Science Foundation, linked academic networks that connected universities and research organizations around North America. Networks from Europe and other countries were connected to NSFNet making it the backbone of the Internet. ARPANET was decommissioned and the management of the Internet was passed on to the NSFNET Restriction on commercial use was lifted The emergence of World Wide Web, and Mosaic brought an unprecedented growth to the Internet NSFNET reverts back to a research project, leaving the Internet in commercial hands and its management to independent organizations The Internet started as a military network called ARPANET, which was involved in networking research The Internet later expanded to include universities, businesses and individuals Today, the Internet is also referred to as the Net, Information Superhighway, and Cyberspace E-Mail: Messaging (SMTP) Remote computer access (Telnet) File Transfer (FTP) World Wide Web (HTTP) Chat (IRC) Internet telephony, mobile access, etc. Service that allows one computer to access another computer Enables the user to exchange data and issue commands on the other computer, the Telnet host Mainly used by libraries to allow access to information stored in their computers Allows the transfer or copying of files from one computer to another

Ideal for procuring or sending files to a remote computer FTP Programs available freely Internet supports 3 key information related activities: Communication medium messaging: E-Mail Information access medium - Internet as Information Source Publishing, distribution and dissemination medium information hosting and delivery.

How to move or copy information between the programme? Ans: Copying or moving information from one location to another within a program is easy using the cut-and-paste commands that almost all Windows programs support. Cutting-and-pasting uses the Clipboard to store information temporarily. Moving or copying information between programs is also easy using the Clipboard. You can use the ClipBook Viewer to look at what's on the Clipboard. Some programs also let you use your mouse to drag information from one location to another. You can use the Clipboard to move or copy text, a range of spreadsheet cells, a picture, a sound, or almost any other piece of information you can create with a Windows application. The Clipboard can hold only one chunk of information at a time, so you either have to paste it somewhere else right away, or not cut or copy anything else until you've pasted the information where you want it. If you cut or copy another chunk of information, it replaces the information already on the Clipboard. To use the Clipboard to move or copy information within or between files, or to share information between programs, you cut or copy the information from one window and paste it in another. You can also use the Clipbook Viewer to see what's on the Clipboard. Cutting, Copying, and Pasting Cut-and-paste is a feature of Windows that enables you to select information from one file and move or copy it to another file (or to another location in the same file). Cut-and-paste works by storing information temporarily on the Clipboard. The following cut-and-paste

techniques enable you to copy or move information within or between almost any Windows application: Cut Removes selected information from its current location and stores it (temporarily) on the Clipboard. Copy Copies selected information and makes a (temporary) duplicate of it on the Clipboard. Paste Copies information from the Clipboard to the location of the cursor in the active application. To move information, you select it, cut it to the Clipboard, and then paste it in the new location. To copy information, you select it, copy it to the Clipboard, and then paste it in the new location. You can cut, copy, and paste information by using the following methods (some methods might not work in some applications): Menu Choose the Edit menu's Cut, Copy, and Paste commands. Keystrokes Press CTRL-X to cut, CTRL-C to copy, and CTRL-V to paste. Buttons Many applications have toolbars with Cut, Copy, and Paste buttons, Drag-and-drop is another method of moving or copying information from one file to another, or to another location in the same file. To move information from one location to another, select it with your mouse and drag it to its new location.

what is custom fill series ? how it can be created and changed? Ans:To make entering a particular sequence of data (such as a list of names or sales regions) easier, you can create a custom fill series. A custom fill series can be based on a list of existing items on a worksheet, or you can type the list from scratch. Use a custom fill series based on an existing list of items On the worksheet, select the list of items that you want to use in the fill series. On the Tools menu, click Options, and then click the Custom Lists tab. Verify that the list of items that you selected is displayed in the Import list from cells box, and then click Import. The items in the list that you selected are added to the Custom lists box.

On the worksheet, click a cell, and then type the item in the custom fill series that you want to use to start the list. Drag the fill handle across the cells that you want to fill. Use a custom fill series based on a new list of items On the Tools menu, click Options, and then click the Custom Lists tab. In the Custom lists box, click New list, and then type the entries in the List entries box, beginning with the first entry. Press ENTER after each entry. When the list is complete, click Add. On the worksheet, click a cell, and then type the item in the custom fill series that you want to use to start the list. Drag the fill handle across the cells that you want to fill. A custom list can contain text or text mixed with numbers. To create a custom list that contains only numbers, such as 0 through 100, first select enough empty cells to contain the list. On the Format menu, click Cells, and then click the Number tab. Apply the Text format to empty cells, and then type the list of numbers in the formatted cells. Select the list and then import the list. You cannot edit or delete a built-in fill series (such as a fill series for months and days), but you can edit or delete a custom fill series. On the Tools menu, click Options, and then click the Custom Lists tab. In the Custom lists box, select the list that you want to edit or delete. To edit the fill series, make the changes that you want in the List entries box, and then click Add. To delete the fill series, click Delete.

How appointmeint can be manged by using ms-excel explain? Ans: You have a number of options for creating an appointment calendar, including on your cell phone, using online services, or purchasing contact management software. But if you have Microsoft Access installed on your computer, you may be able to create your own customer calendar using this program. The process is quick and simple when you use an Access template -clicking on its icon located on the desktop. 2 Click on the "File" option located in the upper tab on the left side of the screen. Scroll down to "New" and select it. A new screen will open up. Click on the "Create" option, which will allow you to create the calendar.

3 Press on the option called "Form Design" in the window. A new form and the design menu will load. 4 Insert the function marked "Insert ActiveX Control" located in the design menu. A list will appear below the ActiveX control. 5 Select the ActiveX control item called "Calendar Control" and press "OK" when asked. The program will now load a calendar. 6 Insert the appointments into the calendar by clicking on the day and typing with the keyboard. Change the size of the calendar by moving the arrows located in the corners. Simply click, hold and drag. The dropdown box featured in the calendar is changes the month, as well as the year.


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