Mapserver, Mscross and Grida3: Roberto Demontis - Crs4

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Mapserver, msCross and Grida3

Roberto Demontis - Crs4

15 dicembre 2008

What are

MapServer is an Open Source development environment for building spatially-enabled internet applications. msCross is a AJAX (WEB 2.0) WEB GIS client ( Mapserver, Web Gis Services ...)

MapServer via msCross

Standard configuration - Apache web server and mapserver cgi-bin interface [server] - msCross JavaScript library (Ajax) [client] Typical data - Shapefiles ( shp + dbf ), - GRASS ( raster ), - Postgis (database table)

The data to be shown is located in the spooler dir: $EF_SPOOLER owned by the user + The data access depends on the apache user's privileges = Lack of security

(The server is not accesible outside Crs4)

Solution (minimal)

The data to be shown is located in the spooler dir: $EF_SPOOLER owned by the user + Use of the CGI Interface inside a script shell executed by the user = An enginframe service in the new portal (The portal is not accesible outside Crs4)

/enginframe/agisgrid/agisgrid.xml?_uri=//agisgrid/ landsuit_mapserver_NEW

Solution (minimal)

Single map layer (GRASS raster) Interactive with Multiple layer (Shapefiles and Grass raster)

Map files:

Single map layer (GRASS raster) Interactive with Multiple layer (Shapefiles and Grass raster)

Solution (minimal)

The service declaration

<ef:service id="landsuit_mapserver_NEW" hidden="true" > <ef:name>try_mapserv</ef:name> <ef:action result="image/gif" id="get_image"> export QUERY_STRING ${EF_PLUGIN_PATH}/bin/ </ef:action> </ef:service>

The script

#!/bin/sh export LD_LIBRARY_PATH='.....' # the "dd" command removes the "Content-Type..." string /GRIDA3/EFData/AGISGRID/bin/mapserv "QUERY_STRING=$QUERY_STRING" -nh | dd bs=1 skip=25 2>/dev/null

Solution (minimal)

The JavaScript msCross map object definition

myMap1 = new msMap( document.getElementById('dc_map') , 'standardCornerRight'); if ( == '') myMap1.setCgi('/enginframe/agisgrid/agisgrid.xml? _uri=//agisgrid/landsuit_mapserver_NEW' ); else myMap1.setCgi('' ); myMap1.setFullExtent( 1521000, 1560000, 4358000 ); myMap1.setMapFile( '..../data/'); myMap2 = new msMap( document.getElementById('dc_ref') ); ................... myMap1.setReferenceMap(myMap2); myMap1.redraw(); myMap2.redraw();

Solution (minimal)

The JavaScript msCross library ?

this.get_map_url = function() { var my_url; if (_protocol == 'mapservercgi') { ............ my_url = _cgi + '?mode=' + _mode + '&' + _map_file + '&' + ext + '&' + size + '&layers=' + _layers; ...............

replaced with:
my_url = _cgi + '&mode=' + _mode + '&' + _map_file + '&' + ext + '&' + size + '&layers=' + _layers;


Data Model: - vector and raster data

- GRASS context: location and mapset defined in WIND e PROJ files

Data Storing: Import:

- Ascii files (raster data) - postgis tables (vector data)

- postgis table --> psql2shp --> shp+dbf files - gzipped ascii file --> GRASS --> GRASS raster

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