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Archive fo r - The Airfix Tribute Fo rum - The Airfix Tribute Fo rum was established in April 20 0 6 to discuss the making

o f Airfix mo dels. Email: admin at airfixtributefo .uk

- T he Airf ix Trib ut e Fo rum - Fo rum Ind e x - > K it R e st o rat io ns C o rrico n Airf ix 1/35 Scale R o mme l' s Sd K f z 250/3 Half t rack

Yet ano ther Ebay aquisitio n in a started state. Bo ught fo r a 'so ng' in my eyes (2.9 0 plus po stage). Will try to do a resto ratio n build in the same vane as the SAM 2 Missile as this kit appears to be little made to o ! It will be built as Ro mmel's transpo rt including all the figures which will be a first fo r me. First o ff the bo x and sprue sho ts as always, as yo u can see the interio r is co mpletely made co mplete with figure which has been well and truely stuck in. Ho pefully no t to o much o f him will sho w o nce it's co mpleted. Has had a patchy co at o f green applied, o nly co lo ur available! , can't think why green was used unless it was the

Have no w given the interio r a co at o f grey which I think is mo re in keeping with what it sho uld be. Once its given a 'wash' and so me dry brushing it sho uldn't lo o k to o bad as mo st o f it will be hidden.

Mo re to fo llo w between finishing o ff the Matado r, Bren Carrier and Jeep

R at ch C o rrico n

I shall fo llo w with interest It's been a while but have no w made a little pro gress, had a go at dry brushing the interio r and initial painting o f the figure in the driving seat (this figure is

unlikely to be seen o nce the build is co mplete so if I achieve a passible representatio n I'll be happy). Have started to add so me bits to the to p co wling to o and have also given the o ther figures so me flesh co lo uring. Pictures belo w:

Mo re to fo llo w!
f e ano r

Ayup Co rrico n... Was there no chance o f prising the figure o ut after remo ving the Steering wheel and o ther bits?

C o rrico n

Feano r, No chance it was stuck well fast, no t even sure what glue had been used but there was certainly lo ts o f it!! After do ing so me dry assembly the figure will o nly just be visible so sho uldn't detract to o much fro m the vehicle.

C o rrico n

Well getting back to this o ne again! Have no w finished adding the parts to the sides o f the cabin and have cemented the sides to the cabin flo o r. This has no w been taped up to try and align all the parts as the bo tto m lo o ked as tho ugh it had been twisted. It is no w aside to dry tho ro ughly ho pefully so me pictures to mo rro w!

C o rrico n

Pictures as pro mised this was left o vernight befo re remo ving the sello tape as I was trying to co rrect the twist in the base. Almo st did it but yo u can still see a slight twist in picture 3. I'm ho ping when the co ver go es o n it will help to align it.

B4 e n

That is a nasty warp co rrico n - is it to o late to give it the ho t water treatment? Nice wo rk o n the resto ratio n.

C o rrico n

Finally go t back to this. Have no w finished o ff the interio r by adding the small parts that were missing and have no w fitted the to p to the bo dy. After carefully glueing the to p starting fro m the fro nt and wo rking gradually ro und leaving it to set o vernight in between each glueing I think I've managed to get mo st o f the

glueing the to p starting fro m the fro nt and wo rking gradually ro und leaving it to set o vernight in between each glueing I think I've managed to get mo st o f the warping o ut o f it. It no w lo o ks like this after 3 days wo rth o f waiting to dry:

So to night a co at o f desert co lo ured paint is o n the cards!

Sg t .Sq uare he ad Jesus.....What ever did they paint it with? So me go dawful GW (Bo o Hiss!

) 'Namby-Wood-Elf-Tights' type co lo ur by the lo o k o f it!

I lo o k fo rward to seeing it resto red to a mo re appro priate appearance! All the best Sgt.S
C o rrico n

Lo o ks like a flurescent green acrylic I think, anyway it's no w had a co at o f a sandy yello w and lo o ks mo re in keeping, pics to fo llo w to mo rro w! Ho ping to pro gress this a bit quicker no w, fingers cro ssed. As pro mised (altho ugh a day late) pictures o f the first co at o f 'Desert' co lo ur:

C o rrico n

At least the green has no w go ne!

C o rrico n

Mo re slo w pro gress, mudguards no w fitted: (

Oh no ! the dreaded green is back!)

A sho t fro m underneath:

Mo re to fo llo w in the co ming week ho pefully!

Ep ic C o rrico n

Wo w, yo u really have a lo t to do ... I think the green is multiplying, what an awful co lo ur, lo o ks like algae... Mo re pro gress!

One set o f bo gie wheels no w fitted and so me filler applied to the base (altho ugh no t likely to be seen!)

Mudguards no w have a co ating o f 'desert co lo ur' to o !

Mo re to fo llo w!
Ep ic

Phew, no mo re green!

R at ch

Bet yo u I finish mine first Co ming o n go o d

C o rrico n

Pro bably Ratch! I'm do ing to o many o ther things at the mo , what with cinema with the kids, scho o l co ncerts, parties, visits fro m distant relatives, visiting distant relatives, co llecting the tree , putting up the deco ratio ns and preparing fo r the 'big man's' visit it's quite hectic in the ho useho ld at present (no t to o much time fo r building mo dels )

Sg t .Sq uare he ad

No w, no w bo ys.....It's no t the finishing first that co unts, it's the taking part! Lo o king fo rward to seeing them bo th finished (and to getting o ne myself). All the best Sgt.S

C o rrico n

Go t chance to get away fo r an ho ur o r so and have managed to get the o ther set o f bo gies o n and the filler sanded. Also managed to get o ne track jo ined (needle and thread, I knew my sco uting days wo uld co me in handy o ne day). Will just need to build in so me 'sag' to the track. Pics belo w:

C o rrico n

Mo re pro gress, had a day o ff wo rk and the wife went sho pping so had so me time to myself. No w at the stage where I have 'Kleared' the areas where the decals are go ing in preparatio n fo r the final push to add all the small parts prio r to final weathering and finishing. A few pics belo w:

Still need to 'add' so me sag to the tracks!

R at ch

Lo o ks like yo urs will be finished first

Ho w did yo u jo in the tracks and was this do ne prio r to o r after fitting the ro adwheels
C o rrico n

Ratch, Needle and thread! I lo o ped the thread thro ugh the ho les at the ends o f the tracks a co uple o f times and tied the ends to gether, if yo u're gentle when yo u kno t them they kind o f embedd themselves in the track making it almo st invisible, then I sealed the thread with a dab o f super glue. I then slipped the track o ver the wheels and they didn't take a lo t o f stretching to fit them either, but as I said befo re they are a bit taught and I will need to 'build in' so me sag! (this was an o lder kit so had the o lder mo re manageable tracks!)

R at ch C o rrico n

Cheers, I might try sewing them when wrapped aro und the wheels A bit mo re slo w pro gress and pro bably all no w till after Christmas, decalling no w co mpleted just needs sealing with ano ther co at o f Klear (which might get do ne this side o f xmas) which I wo n't sho w until after I do so me mo re assembly. Pics belo w:

C o rrico n

Mo re small parts attached! Pics belo w:

Getting there, so o n be finished (I ho pe!)

f e ano r

Ayup Co rrico n... That's o ne nice Halftrack Mate. Can't wait to see yo ur Weathering Techniques o n it !

R at ch B re ws B4 e n B e auf ig ht e r C o rrico n

Nearly there Lo o king impressive. Lo o ks go o d Co rrico n. I'd be slo shing muck all o ver it by no w! This cries o ut to be re-released, especially no w the 1/32 figures are back o n sale. Mo re pro gress to night. No w have mo st o f the small parts remo ved fro m the sprues and where needed assembled ready fo r attaching to the halftrack. No pictures thus far. Ho pe to attach these parts to mo rro w in preparatio n fo r applying the base co lo ur to them. Then it's o nto the interesting part, weathering the finish do wn. Still have to wo rk o n the figures at this time and I think they will be the last bits to get do ne!

C o rrico n

Pictures to day. Fitted mo st o f the smaller parts no w, just the headlights, machine guns and steps to fit (and the figures to finish o ff). Have given it a wash in black and then black and burgundy acrylics. Further dry brushing with an acrylic lighter bro wn to fo llo w alo ng with a black!

The last pho to was taken with a flash and tends to bleach o ut the pho to in my o pinio n! It will also need a final matt spray to o to rid any shiney areas that remain fro m when it was 'Kleared' fo r the decals!

B4 e n

Lo o king go o d Co rrico n. Yo u're really pulling this to gether well. A thin black wash and so me light green and/o r sand drybrushing wo uld bring up the clo th sto wage nicely.

C o rrico n

Right mo re pro gress, really needs a spray o f matt varnish but tho ught I'd po st up so me (almo st) finished pictures tho ugh!

(I still need to get the figures do ne

B4 e n

Very nice indeed! Yo ur weathering is wo rking a treat. Are yo u go ing to try to sag the tracks a bit? Difficult I kno w when they are a tight fit.

C o rrico n

Yes will be trying to 'sag' them. The tracks do n't seem to be that tight, and appear quite flexible. Will try 'super glue' at stategic po ints!

B e auf ig ht e r

This may be an artefact o f the flash pho to graphy, but what's the ratio nale fo r a black wash? I'd asso ciate this effect with dirty city rain. This desert vehicle in co ntrast exhibits grease spo ts, and what lo o k like bo o t marks, alo ng the left mudguard and o n the glacis plate between the edge and the hatch. The driving light o n the left, the rubber mudguard flaps and the upper surfaces generally appear dusty. Likewise this o ne. Just a tho ught.

B4 e n

I do n't kno w abo ut Co rrico n but I find an o verall very thin black wash useful fo r to ning do wn the initial co lo ur and emphasising hatches, viewpo rts etc. (Co mpare his recent sho ts with earlier pics to see what I mean). Later I might pick o ut so me details with black pinwashes, but it's easy to o verdo so I try to keep that to a minimum. Mo re o ften fo r desert stuff I'd use black with a little red mixed in to make a dark o r even reddish bro wn. This is a handy basis fo r adding rust effects later. Drybrushing and/o r crushed pastels can then be added o ver the washes to get highlights and dust effects to whatever degree yo u are after. I think in general the smaller the scale the mo re co ntrast yo u need to bring o ut details - assuming that is what yo u want. It is mo re o bvio us in real life viewing than in pho to s tho ugh.

B e auf ig ht e r

Mo del pho to s can certainly be deceptive. I tend to paint figures with fairly subtle highlights which then almo st vanish when pho to graphed. I co nclude that to make them visible in a pho to they'd need to be o verdo ne.

Sg t .Sq uare he ad Ho w much is visible depends an awful lo t o n the lighting.

Great wo rk o n a classic Airfix kit! All the best Sgt.S

C o rrico n

So metime ago I kno w but I've finally go t ro und to finishing the figures and 'sagging' the tracks. Pics belo w, I'm no t really a figure painter tho ugh:

Sg t .Sq uare he ad

Very smart! All the best Sgt.S

B re ws

It's a go o d scale fo r that vehicle.

- T he Airf ix Trib ut e Fo rum - Fo rum Ind e x - > K it R e st o rat io ns Pag e 1 o f 1

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