Using BMC Patrol To Monitor Caché: 30 June 2005

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Using BMC PATROL to Monitor Cach

Version 5.0.17 30 June 2005

InterSystems Corporation 1 Memorial Drive Cambridge MA 02142

Using BMC PATROL to Monitor Cach InterSystems Version 5.0.17 30 June 2005 Copyright 2005 InterSystems Corporation. All rights reserved. This book was assembled and formatted in Adobe Page Description Format (PDF) using tools and information from the following sources: Sun Microsystems, RenderX, Inc., Adobe Systems, and the World Wide Web Consortium at The primary document development tools were special-purpose XML-processing applications built by InterSystems using Cach and Java.

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Table of Contents
Using BMC PATROL to Monitor Cach........................................................................... 1 1 Running PATROL with Cach .................................................................................... 1 1.1 Cach PATROL System Class Methods ............................................................ 2 1.2 Automatic PATROL Startup .............................................................................. 2 2 Cach PATROL Knowledge Modules ......................................................................... 3 2.1 Adding Cach Modules to PATROL .................................................................. 4 3 Cach Metrics Used with BMC PATROL ................................................................... 5

List of Tables PATROL Method Arguments ......................................................................................... 2 Cach PATROL Metrics ................................................................................................. 5

Using BMC PATROL to Monitor Cach iii

Using BMC PATROL to Monitor Cach

This article describes the new interface between Cach and BMC PATROL. BMC PATROL is a tool for monitoring and managing various software systems. Cach supplies PATROL extensions so that you can monitor and collect information about Cach. This interface allows users to monitor metrics of one or multiple Cach systems from the PATROL Console. The interface requires that the PATROL daemon is running on the Cach system to collect and output the metric values and that the Cach knowledge module files (*.km) are loaded into the PATROL Console to read and display these values. This article provides information about: Running PATROL with Cach Cach PATROL Knowledge Modules Cach Metrics Used with BMC PATROL

1 Running PATROL with Cach

You run the ^PATROL Cach ObjectScript routine on each Cach installation that you want to monitor using the Cach-provided system class methods, or by setting it to automatically run at system startup. The routine starts a background process that outputs metrics to a file, patrol.dat, located in the Cach manager's directory, c:\CacheSys\mgr by default. The file is rewritten for each collection period, so the file size is static. The file also includes an identifying header and a time stamp so that the PATROL Console can determine that it is active and up-to-date. There are two ways to run PATROL in Cach: Cach PATROL System Class Methods Automatic PATROL Startup

Using BMC PATROL to Monitor Cach1

Running PATROL with Cach

1.1 Cach PATROL System Class Methods

Cach provides system class methods to start and stop BMC PATROL. These methods are in the %SYSTEM.MonitorTools.BMC class. To start PATROL:
Do $System.MonitorTools.BMC.StartPatrol(Data,ProcessCount,Timer)

PATROL Method Arguments

Argument Data ProcessCount Timer Description The literals Total, Delta, or Rate to indicate the type of numbers to output. How many processes for which to pass %SS statistics. Collection period in seconds. Default

20 30

The collection period argument is also passed to the PATROL Console so that the collection and display update are in sync. To stop PATROL:
Do $System.MonitorTools.BMC.StopPatrol()

1.2 Automatic PATROL Startup

The Cach Configuration Manager has an option to automatically start the PATROL daemon. 1. Start the Cach Configuration Manager (by selecting it from the Cach cube menu.) 2. Near the bottom of the Advanced tab, double-click Monitoring to expand the tree. 3. Double-click BMC Patrol to display the Patrol settings. 4. Select Start Patrol at System Startup and click Change. 5. Select the check box to start Patrol at Cach startup.

2Using BMC PATROL to Monitor Cach

Cach PATROL Knowledge Modules

You can also set the other PATROL routine arguments described in the previous section by selecting each and clicking Change.

2 Cach PATROL Knowledge Modules

The architecture of PATROL is based on the concept of knowledge modules. A knowledge module contains a set of commands, parameters to monitor, and actions used by PATROL. The Cach plug-in for PATROL consists of several knowledge modules, that you load into the PATROL Console.

Using BMC PATROL to Monitor Cach3

Cach PATROL Knowledge Modules

Once these KMs are loaded, the Console automatically attempts to discover Cach installations on all connected systems. The discovery process either searches the Registry on NT or parses the output from the ccontrol list command on UNIX and OpenVMS. For each Cach installation it finds it checks to see if the patrol.dat file exists in the Cach manager's directory and if the time stamp within that file is current. Cach installations which are currently reporting Cach metrics for PATROL appear in the PATROL Console.

2.1 Adding Cach Modules to PATROL

To add a Cach knowledge module into the Console and activate it: 1. From the PATROL Console File menu, click Load KM. 2. Select all the *.km files, located in the Cach Patrol directory, c:\CacheSys\Patrol, by default. 3. The ISC_CACHE module should appear in the Desktop tab of the Console in a few seconds. 4. Right-click ISC_CACHE and choose Add Configuration from the KM Commands menu. 5. In the Add Configuration dialog box, enter a configuration name and the Cach directory, C:/CacheSys, as the install directory. 6. You may need to wait for, at most, 30 seconds (PATROL default sync period), before PATROL recognizes Cach statistics. For more information you can consult the BMC Web site. If any Cach installations are discovered on a system, then the main entry for Cach (the Cach class) appears under that system entry. Each Cach instance (each Cach configuration installed on that system) appears under the Cach class. Under each Cach instance are the general metric categories of Overview, Global, Routines, Disk Activity, Network, and Other. For example:
- PATROLMainMap - TEST1 - ISC_CACHE - ISC_Config_CACHE + ISC_DiskActivity + ISC_Global + ISC_Network + ISC_Other + ISC_Overview + ISC_Routine

4Using BMC PATROL to Monitor Cach

Cach Metrics Used with BMC PATROL

The categories expand to show all the individual metrics. The metrics under Overview are gauges showing current levels. The others are graphs showing values over time. Right clicking the Cach configuration allows the user to select Cach-specific commands, to either Remove Configuration or show a Process Status window. Manually adding a configuration should not normally be necessary, since all Cach installations should be automatically discovered, but might be useful if there is a question or a problem with a specific installation. Error messages from the Cach KMs may be output to the System Output window. Check these messages if you have questions about Cach installations that are not automatically discovered.

3 Cach Metrics Used with BMC PATROL

The list of metrics for Cach: Cach PATROL Metrics
Category Overview Metric Global Refs (gauge) Global Sets, Reads, Kills (graph) Net Global Refs (gauge) Net Global Sets, Reads, Kills (graph) Routine Lines (gauge) Routine Loads (gauge) Locks (gauge) Process Count (graph) Cache Efficiency (graph) (= 100*(LogicalReads/(LogicalReads + Physical Reads)) ) Licenses Used (gauge)

Using BMC PATROL to Monitor Cach5

Cach Metrics Used with BMC PATROL

Category Global

Metric Global Refs Global Sets Global Kills Global Reads Blocks Allocated Locks Successful Locks Failed Locks Job InGlobal WD QueSize Global AvailBufs Que Gaccess Que GaccUpd Que GBFAny Que GBFSpec Journal Entries Jrn FileSize Jrn EndOffset Tot Global Bufs GThrottle Cur GThrottle Max GThrottle Cnt


Routine Lines Routine Loads Routine Fetches

6Using BMC PATROL to Monitor Cach

Cach Metrics Used with BMC PATROL

Category Disk Activity

Metric Physical Directory Reads Physical U-Ptr Reads Physical B-Ptr Reads Physical Data Reads Physical Routine Reads Physical Map Reads Physical Other Reads Physical Directory Writes Physical U-Ptr Writes Physical B-Ptr Writes Physical Data Writes Physical Routine Writes Physical Map Writes Physical Other Writes Logical Directory Reads Logical U-Ptr Reads Logical B-Ptr Reads Logical Data Reads Logical Routine Reads Logical Map Reads Logical Other Reads

Using BMC PATROL to Monitor Cach7

Cach Metrics Used with BMC PATROL

Category Network

Metric Net Global Refs Net Global Sets Net Global Kills Net Global Reads Net Requests Sent Net Cache Hits Net Cache Misses Net Locks Net Retransmits Net Buffer Net GblJobs


Terminal Reads Terminal Writes Terminal Read Char Terminal Write Char Sequential Read Sequential Write

8Using BMC PATROL to Monitor Cach

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