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Devinee Fitzgerald THE BRAND

Devinee Fitzgerald
University of Kansas William Allen White School of Journalism and Mass Communications Bachelor of Science in Journalism, strategic communication emphasis Graduation date: May 2012 (785) 840-8933 660 Gateway Ct #A1 Lawrence, KS 66049


Wichita, Kan. I was born and raised within the city limits of

the Air Capital, which is host to the major aircraft companies Cessna, Learjet, Hawker Beechcraft, and Boeing since the early part of the 20th century. Aerospace engineering, the backbone of Wichitas economy and affordably-priced Midwestern real estate, leads to a smorgasbord of closed-minded, homogenous suburban neighborhoods. Inevitably, one either finds Wichitas conservative culture comforting or suffocating. I fall into the latter category, but I will never regret or deny my home. I say so not out of pride, but because that previous deprivation of diversity gives me a special appreciation for diversity as I experience it today.


Creative Briefing SWOT Analysis Adobe Creative Suite Illustrator InDesign Photoshop Final Cut Pro Intermediate German

University of Kansas Recreation Services

Marketing Program Manager, Summer 2011-present Oversaw marketing activity of three departments, Designed print advertisements for local newspaper, Created a standards manual for design elements, Maintained social media accounts, Initaited Social Media Video Contest The Merc Co-op

Great Lakes, Ill. I joined the United States Navy in May

Branding Intern, Fall 2011 Designed elements of The Merc Brand Book, Developed campaign strategy in preparation for a corporate competitor, Wrote Kansas Public Radio commercials, Collaborated on packaging design for vitamins, Concepted store incentives, Launched social media platform University of Kansas Recreation Services Membership Services Office Assistant, Fall 2009-present Coordinated enrollment and accepted payment for students participating in programs at the recreation fitness center, Screened and approved applications for spouse/domestic partner memberships, Balanced cash drawer after each shift

of 2008. However, two days into boot camp, I was honorably discharged due to a childhood ear surgery. Since it took about 30 days to process the discharge paperwork, I hung out in a room full of 75 other Navy rejects. I attribute the Great Lakes naval base with providing my first real exposure to diversity.

USA Today Sports Media Ideas Ignited Creative Director, Spring 2012 Offering creative leadership to my agency Ieas Ignited in Diane OByrnes JOUR 676 strategic campaigns class


University of Kansas Marketing Research Study Researcher, Fall 2011 Examined the brand identity of Android OS compared to iPhone OS

Public Relations Student Society of America Member Advertising Club Member Recreation Services Student Staff Ambassador Director Eastlake Community Church Volunteer KU Advocacy Corps. CPR Certified

Lawrence, Kan. This town destroyed my illusion that

there is only one ideal to aspire to and embrace. I previously saw people existing in ideological categories on a horizontal plane. Rather than the static expectation of one common cultural belief, there is a mutual acceptance of culture, ideas, and personal circumstance here. It may be the result of having a basketball player from New Jersey shopping at the same grocery store as an international student from Peru. Or maybe, it is the 4/20 friendly townie walking his dog at the same park as a Tri-Delt sorority sister.


the professional ones

Maslows heirchy of needs has always stuck with me. The needs are essentially steps along the way to achieving a single goal. I decided to set up my professional goals in the same way. I have asked a lot of questions. I found that you will get a different answer to a single question every time you ask Two people may say the same words but will convey two entirely different messages based on non-verbal context. After analyzing this correlation, I realized that you can manipulate different variables in order to get a more favorable response.

to the ad industry
a perceived solution, but ultimately each individual audience member decides on the end result of the campaign.

I will teach others

Im not going to lose sleep over decisions that are not mine to make.

I will look back on my career with pride.


What does one do with an A+ in manipulation?

I will be successful and realize I am on the right path.


Someone will pay me to do what I enjoy.


Break hearts? Burn bridges? Maybe. Like with any gift, a little responsibility goes a long way. For a long time, I felt nauseated at the idea of using manipulation to earn a paycheck. Then I started to understand the responsibility component. You are responsible for your own actions. Period. This means I have control over one personme. This concept applies to any audience member of my campaigns. Advertising is NOT a game of manipulation; there is a perceived problem, and an advertisement provides a perceived solution. The result of a campaign is always an independent decision of its audience members. Advertising manipulates a perceived problem to provide a target audience with

Did I do my best to present a brand in a way that connects a person to the brand in an ethical and meaningful way? If I can say yes, then I have accomplished the responsibility component. The responsibility component always pertains to responsibility to self, to strive to accomplish something meaningful and values-based.

Im also taking responsibility for the fact that I am not done learning.

I will add foundational skills to my natural abilities.




July 4, 2011 Reports of the London

Hacking Scandal go public. The scandal blemishes Londons classy reputation. Also, it brings attention to the news being a corporation and how the competition of capitalism blurs ethical lines in journalistic reporting.

September 17, 2011

Occupy Wall Street came as an obvious response to corporate greed. However, as a group, the movement failed to offer clear sollutions or make specific demands.

culturally relevant evnets of the last year

July 15, 2011 This day marks the end of

a universally acclaimed cultural phenomenon. It will b interesting to see fi there was any global relevance to multiple countries sharing appreciation for the Harry Potter series for an entire decade.

October 5, 2011

Modern innovator, Steve Jobs dies at the age of 56. How will he be remembered? Will his accomplishments compare to famous revolutionaries such as Ben Franklin or Charles Darwin?

November 25, 2011 Reports Black Friday

starts at midnight. If stores continue to open at midnight, will it be enough to change the tradition fo Thanksgiving? Will Thanksgiving dinner become Thanksgiving lunch? It is interesting to watch a historical tradition merge with our capitalist culture.


My birth year falls into Generation Y. We are tech-savy and creative. We are self-expressive, educated, and independent.

classes were nothing special academically. Then I started mixing in my professional classes junior year. From the point on, I clearly saw what separated strategic communication students from the rest. We have the uncommon ability to articulate our thoughts. As a result of excelelend leadership, we uphold ourselves to high standards.


I go to a top 10 ranked J-School according to USA today. I dont have a way to truly measure that, but I can say this much. My first two years of gen-ed


I participate in and what is compelling about them


I went to Eastlake Community Church for the first time in the summer of 2011. This is a place where you belong before you believe. No weird stuff and no perfect people allowed. Agnostics, Athiests, and Christians serve each other and the community side-byside. It provides me a safe place to hash out my doubts and scars related to relgion. The end result? I love God and I love others.


Its a great place to be a champion.






I adopted a dog in December. I found out that he (Larry) was picked up by the humane society on Black Friday. This particularly resonated with me as I remember the chill I felt standing in line for capitalism that day.

I HAVE IT. THIS MEANS IM EXTRA USEFUL IN A BRAINSTORMING SESSION. Rock climbing provides a total body workout. More importantly though, is experiencing the thrill of pushing myself to my potential.



This will change the way you listen to rap music. I attended a guest lecture called the Anthology of Rap last fall. Speaker, Adam Bradley, enlightened me on the term hashtag rap. This term, originally coined by Kanye West, refers to the following lyrical construction: In your city faded off the brown, Nino She insists she got more class, we know Swimming in the money come and find me, Nemo If I was at the club you know I balled(bald), chemo The word(s) in green are the hashtag of the line. This is a lyrical construction that you didnt see until the age of Twitter. Understanding the lyrical construction of modern rap was a conflicting experience for me. I used to get really pumped when I listened to rap. Now I listen criticaly as if Im listening to an academic master piece. When a function of a social media site merges into the hip hop music industry, I call that a cultural phenomenon.



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