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Rick Dowd Am Studies

By Rick Dowd
Associated Writer

Indians Two Run Win

By Rick Dowd
Associated Writer

The two Platoons of Infantry Stationed in Khe Sanh

Encountered heavy resistance as they fought off two regiments of Vietcong in what was supposed to be a simple patrol mission. It turned quickly, forcing the units to call in artillery and air support. This came in personified by the favored nickname of Willy Phill, which is napalm or white phosphorous. It was an hour of hard fighting, resulting in many casualties from the first platoon. But this came with jubilation as they recovered the remains of the Vietcong. They requisitioned an armory worth of weapons, preventing them from escaping back into enemy hands. The war is taking a turn for Democracy, as two platoons are able to wipe out two regiments of Vietcong. There is word from General Westmoreland that the offensives against the Vietcong will be stepped up, along with the assistance of the ARVN forces. Supposedly there are more regiments out there but they will encounter several platoons instead of just two.

Soldiers move forward against Vietcong forces just North of Khe Sanh

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Sonny Siebert mad history last night with a no hitter. Through 9 innings he refused to allow the Washington Senators a single hit. Scoring two runs in the first and third innings. Overall there were five hits, and 29 at bats for the Cleveland Indians, while the Washington Senators had 28 at bats and no hits. What amazed even more was the Sonny pitched all nine innings; he fought a game not just against the Senators but against exhaustion. He won out in both cases, forcing the Senators to walk home with their heads hung, while his own team paraded back home boasting with a no hitter under their belts.

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Do Police Have to Warn You of Your Rights?

By Rick Dowd
Associated Writer

The Miranda v Arizona case is to be decided on Tuesday, June 13. This will determine whether the Police have to warn you of your rights while arresting you. According to the projected results, gleaned from Mirandas lawyer, is for Police to be brought up on charges if they do not do so. The rights they will have to warn you about will be the rights to remain silent and the right to a lawyer. The proposed lines would be You Have the right to remain silent, anything you say can and will be used against you in court. You have the right to an attorney. If you cannot afford one, one will be provided to you.. There will be a retrial for Miranda soon after the decision for this case. However the evidence for the case and the future of law enforcement hangs in the balance of this decision. Because with this decision comes another duty of the officer as well as another weakness. The officer would be punished for incorrectly stating or failing to state at all the rights of the arrestee.

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