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EVENTS FOR THIS WEEK: April 1st April 7th Today 04/01 9:00 am Adult Focus Group 10:30

0 am Worship Service Monday 04/02 6:30 pm Pack Meeting Tuesday 04/03 8:15 am ROMEOs will meet at Dennys, I-75 & SR 40 5:30 pm SPRC 7:00 pm Choir 7:00 pm Boy Scouts Wednesday 04/04 6:00 pm Brownies Thursday 04/05 Dusk Tableau Office closed Friday 04/06 Dusk Tableau 6:00 pm Passover Seder (Beth Judah congregation) Saturday 04/07 Name Tags Please remember to wear your name tags in church AND during the fellowship time after church. A basket will be provided in the Fellowship Hall to place your name tag in it after fellowship time. Name tags will only be made every two (2) weeks. Offering placed on the communion rail today, during Holy Communion, is used to help those in need in our church and the community. Canned Food Sunday, April 8 - The following items are needed to pack boxes: cereal, spaghetti & sauce, mashed potatoes, rice, canned meat (no tuna, please) and canned fruit. Please remember all items must be new and unopened. Thank you for your continued support of this ministry. Easter Egg Hunt will be held Sunday, April 8 for all the children. Each child should bring a basket and meet Ms. Joy & Ms. Debby Hildenbrandt after lunch in Fellowship Hall. Address for Norman, Keith SPC - PRT Uruzgan, FOB Tarin Kowt, APO AE 09380. Flower Cross - Easter is April 8 and once again this year, we will decorate the flower cross outside the sanctuary. Please bring either fresh or artificial flowers to decorate the cross. This is a beautiful testament to our faith and community. - Worship Committee Bells for Worship - On Easter Sunday morning, we are going to celebrate the Risen Savior by ringing bells in worship. If you have a bell of any size, shape or style that you can bring that morning, please do. We will all ring them together in celebration and make a joyful noise together! MODELs will meet at Shanes Rib Shack, 2602 SW 19th Ave Rd, Ste 105-106 on April 17 at 12:30 pm. If you plan to attend, please email your reservation to or call the office by April 15. All women are invited. Dont forget to bring $1 to be donated to a charity at the end of the year.

Our Mission Statement

Serving Christ by Learning, Leading and Loving

We are glad you are here!

Druid Hills United Methodist Church

1712 S.E. Lake Weir Road Ocala, Florida 34471 352-629-5688 Rev. Daryl W. Allen, pastor Email: Pastors blog: Website:

Passion/Palm Sunday
April 1, 2012


Anthem Second Scripture Lesson Peoples Response: Message: Sacrament of Holy Communion Fear Not, Fear Not Ye People of Zion Matthew 26:45-50 (NRSV) Chancel Choir NT, pg. 30


Worship Leader: This is the day the Lord has made. All: Let us rejoice and be glad in it. Welcome and Announcements Time of Greeting Prelude, Lighting of the Candles & Procession of the Palms

May God add His richest blessings to the reading, the hearing, and the living out of His Holy Word. Amen. The Drama: Judas Role Rev. Daryl W. Allen UMH 12


*Hymn of Dedication *Benediction Rev. Daryl W. Allen Hosanna, Loud Hosanna On The Way To Calvary John 13:21-30 (NRSV) Gloria Patria UMH 278 insert NT, pg. 108 UMH 70 *Benediction Response Blest Be the Tie that Binds UMH 557 O Mighty Cross
(altar rail open for prayer during this hymn)



Opening Prayer *Praise Hymn *Call to Worship First Scripture Lesson *Peoples Response: Young Disciples Moment

Communion stewards for todays service are Betty & Jim Knepp & Carole Newlin The flowers on the altar are given by Jenny & Harry Hosey in celebration of their anniversary Choir Director: Lenny Shank Greeter: Dorothy Stein Liturgist: Peggy Sue Munday Head Usher: Steve Rittmayer


Sharing of Joys and Prayer Concerns *Hymn of Preparation Pastoral Prayer When I Survey the Wondrous Cross
(altar rail open for prayer during this hymn)

Last weeks offering: $2,865.00

UMH 298

Attendance: 109


Prayer of Blessing and Consecration Offering and Offertory *Peoples Response Doxology *Congregation standing as you are able. UMH 95

Please remember these people in prayer this week: Geneann Apodaco, Carol Bendle, Jeff Bixler, Jason Bonell, Bob & Eric Brombacker, Edie Caroleo, Rose Carroll, Eunice Charles, John Clayton, Fred Coder, Tiffany Critchfield, Cynthia & Jim Dekersky, Lauren DeLise, Raymond & Violet Dyer, Lisa Faulk, Eddie Ferguson, Jennifer Foster, Mary Frye, Brad Fuller, Chris Garris, Tina Gorski, Ruth & Jim Griffith, Joey Hager, Bernie Hamilton, Tola & Emil Hass, Robert Hildenbrandt, Jean Hoesman, Harry Hosey, Linda & Kenny Kinsey, Tom Klotz, Joanne Knepp, Alene & Les Krouse, Flo & Ken LaVine, Michael MacPherson, Berniece Mason, Michael McGlinchey, Jean McGowan, Dwayne Miller, Sandi Moore, Ed Munday, Sue & Karen Murray, Lily Nettles, Keith Norman, Doris & Bill Pitts, Kathy Puskar, Jan & Don Ridley, P. R. Rion, Ilene Rittmayer, Wilhelmina Rogers, Rob Sanders, Joe Scott, Joe Scott, Jr, Emily Shaw, Harvey Singley, Floy Smith, June Stiefel, Adele Stipp, Gerry Theisen, Kenny Tumblin, Eileen Zimmerman, Suci Zoll

ON THE WAY TO CALVARY Leader: Crosses of palm, fashioned by the faithful in faraway places, unite us in our devotion of Jesus of Nazareth, and focus our gaze on the King, the Lamb, the Son of God. All: On the way to Calvary and victory, palms were waved - honor given the coming King. Leader: Rejoice greatly, O daughter of Zion! Shout aloud, O daughter of Jerusalem! Lo, your king comes to you; triumphant and victorious is he, humble and riding on a donkey, on a colt, the foal of a donkey. All: On the way to Calvary and victory, palms were waved - response to One who came to suffer so. Leader: He was despised and rejected by others; a man of suffering and acquainted with infirmity; and as one from whom others hide their faces he was despised, and we held him of no account. All: On the way to Calvary and victory, palms were waved - prelude to the cross and death. Leader: Surely he has borne our infirmities and carried our diseases; yet we accounted him stricken, struck down by God, and afflicted. But he was wounded for our transgressions, crushed for our iniquities; upon him was the punishment that made us whole, and by his bruises we are healed. All: On the way to Calvary and victory, we take up our crosses, and watch this One, who takes the deathward journey in our stead. Leader: On the way to Calvary, we take our places - to watch in silence, to wait in humble expectation as he rides now to death and to life eternal - one King, one Lord, one Death - for all!

ON THE WAY TO CALVARY Leader: Crosses of palm, fashioned by the faithful in faraway places, unite us in our devotion of Jesus of Nazareth, and focus our gaze on the King, the Lamb, the Son of God. All: On the way to Calvary and victory, palms were waved - honor given the coming King. Leader: Rejoice greatly, O daughter of Zion! Shout aloud, O daughter of Jerusalem! Lo, your king comes to you; triumphant and victorious is he, humble and riding on a donkey, on a colt, the foal of a donkey. All: On the way to Calvary and victory, palms were waved - response to One who came to suffer so. Leader: He was despised and rejected by others; a man of suffering and acquainted with infirmity; and as one from whom others hide their faces he was despised, and we held him of no account. All: On the way to Calvary and victory, palms were waved - prelude to the cross and death. Leader: Surely he has borne our infirmities and carried our diseases; yet we accounted him stricken, struck down by God, and afflicted. But he was wounded for our transgressions, crushed for our iniquities; upon him was the punishment that made us whole, and by his bruises we are healed. All: On the way to Calvary and victory, we take up our crosses, and watch this One, who takes the deathward journey in our stead. Leader: On the way to Calvary, we take our places - to watch in silence, to wait in humble expectation as he rides now to death and to life eternal - one King, one Lord, one Death - for all!

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