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Vampire: the Masquerade

Buffalo Chronicle
December 2001

We need to start off with all new characters so as to make the game more fair for everyone involved. This will also allow for me to tailor the game more to suit the players characters as well as giving me more of a reason to put the players together into a group. The theme of the game will be of death decay and corruption. In every aspect of society you will see one of these themes. Political figures will be corrupt, the local population will be leaving for greener pastures, those that stay behind will be either the upper class who have a strangle hold over the area or those too poor to afford to leave.

Areas of Note Central Terminal: Home of the Nosferatu. Found in the tunnels beneath the building. This building is frequented by transients, homeless and artists looking for muse. This building has been abandoned since 1979. It is currently owned by a front company for the clan with the intention of restoring it to its original glory. Kleinhans Music Hall: One of the many places that court is held. This is the home of the Buffalo Philharmonic Orchestra. For obvious reasons this is one of the frequented places for the Toredor to be found. One of the reasons that it is used for court is because of the design of the building, it is recognized as being one of acoustic perfection meaning that everything said on stage even in a whisper is heard whereas everything said from the back going forward is silenced.

Connecticut Street Armory: Home of the 73rd Regiment of the US Army National Guard, it is also home of all the primogen meetings as well as any official presentations for court. Any time that a Justicar or Archon comes into town this is where they are received.

Buffalo Psychiatric Center: Home of the Malkavian Primogen and his family. This property is avoided by Kindred and kine alike. Many buildings on the property are abandoned and some are rumored to be haunted

Club Diablo: Is one of the known haunts for the local Brujah and some of the more extreme Toredors. Indeed one of them owns this location. If you are looking for some good music, provocative works of art, a shady connection, or an easy way to feed this is the place to do it. Just keep in mind that although this place is owned by a Vampire that does not mean that you do not have to observe the Masquerade, there are still mortals present.

Bethlehem Steel: The Buffalo Club: Functions as the Tremere Chantry. Lake and Rail Elevator:

Persons of Note
The Rogue: AKA Joe. Known for destroying a Hunter Enclave in L.A. Approximately 6 months ago. Seen by several witnesses afterwords enjoying the sunrise. Know for diablarizing several kindred and suspected for many more. Little is know about the Rogue other than the path of destruction that follows in his wake. His age, generation, clan, indeed even his sire is unknown. Rumored to be in Buffalo, Dallas and, Atlanta. Nikola Willoughby: The Sheriff of Buffalo has a penchant for cruelty. Very few kindred who sit in her interrogation room ever survive the ordeal. Those that do are never the same after.

Allen Bow: Prince of Buffalo, Allen is a man with drive and ambition. He always seems ahead of the curve, maybe a little too far ahead. He has spent centuries jumping too soon. He has a great eye for seeing the winds of change most of the times before anyone else. In the Early 19th century he bet on Tesla's Alternating Current Electricity to be the biggest and he was right but too soon. In the 1929 he saw the stock market crashing nut second guessed himself and waited too long. It cost him everything. He has had many opportunities pay off however and it has earned him a lot of power and success. Wilhelm Waldburg: Is the princes mentor and a possible rival or ally depending on how the characters handle the money situation. If they want to be seen as a ally they need to be sure that at no point do any of the other kindred find out that Allen got taken. Saving Allen from embarrassment will earn the Troupe gratitude. If they try to gain leverage by using the information, for black mail for example, they will have earned a powerful enemy who has a very long reach. Optimally the Wilhelm should never even know that the characters exist. If they come to him looking for help tracking the money he will give it grudgingly and after it is recovered he will encourage Allen to start using them as fodder to try and tie up loose ends. Wilhelm will very rarely be in a position to be reached. He is more of the guy who comes to town for a few hours and gives important instructions or more likely just calls so as to not expose himself. Erik Eigermann: The main protagonist, he should seem to be larger than life. The players should never really even know that he exists. The politics of the game being more part of the larger Jyhad. Erik wants to embarrass Wilhelm for slighting him several hundred years ago. Erik is a Justicar and at one point Wilhelm was one of his Archons. Wilhelm left after he had gotten everything useful out of the position. Erik knows that Allen is part of the secret to

Wilhelm's success and therefore wants to either take him away or destroy him. In a very real sense he sees it as If I can't have it no one will.

Story The story starts with the players getting embraced and presented to the Prince. Some time after the presentation the prince realizes that someone has stolen $93 million from the city accounts and that that money belonged to him. The PCs are tasked with finding the money and bringing the group responsible for the theft in to be dealt with.

The money was given to the Prince by Wilhelm his mentor to help stabilize the region. It was actually invested into a front company that then siphoned cash off the top until it was gone. This was done under the direct orders of his mentor's rival ,Erik Eigermann, a Justicar who Wilhelm had offended. The theft of the money is a precursor to an attack by the Sabbat. This has all been done to embarrass Wilhelm and get revenge for the offense given.

The players go to the office of the person who took the money and its been taken over by the law firm next door. When they search the office they find that there are several garbage bags of construction waste and 1 desk the bags have an office memo that has been addressed to all members of the office from a corporate headquarters office. This is the only list of employees that the players will receive. This will help keep them from getting misinformation. If the players decide not to search the trash there will be a night-watchman or a janitor that they can question. The law firm that has taken over the space is Cellino & Barnes and none of the
employees really seem to know anything about what is going on there. Other than that the place closed down and it is going to be their new conference room. They can only point the party to the secretary to the firm. The players finally get to one of the workers they can interrogate the individual and they will give up the information right away. If they somehow kill the NPC then they can look on the computer and maybe a love letter from the con-man to the secretary. I want all roads to lead to the secretary. The players will only end up finding information on the con-man, who is the target anyways. Once again I will utilize the wherever they the PCs look they will find something that will lead the players to the target. Some ideas are to use the trash idea, looking on the computer, if for some reason they burn the

house down there will be information in the car and if they do not look in the car there will be a letter from him in the mailbox. If all else fails they there will be a UPS or FedEx delivery which the players can steal. The package has a note that comes from the con-man. The players will go to the address as a blizzard starts when they get to the address they will find an old factory that has been converted to apartments. They know from the address they found that the conman's condo is on the top floor. As they pull up they see a person skittering down the fire escape and a few seconds later they see the targets condo explode like it did in Fight Club complete with couch from Ikea landing smoldering in front of the PCs. If they go up to the condo they will find it is smoldering not actually on fire. I will require 1 Rtschreck roll there will be no issues unless there is a botch.

If they go up to the condo, the players find the burnt body of the con-man as well as a duffel full of cash (about $50,000). If they follow the person coming down the fire escape they will find the target running away. Also with a bag with $50,000. When they try to get the rest of the money the target will not be able to provide it because it will be gone. The $50k will be all that is left. Basically there are multiple copies of the con-man because he has been fleshcrafted to look the same. When the Justicar suggested that Buffalo be used for a training ground for new Sabbat Packs he drew the attention of Face a high power
Tzimisce called face. This will end the first chapter and start the invasion of the city by the Sabbat. Which will be the start of chapter 2. The fall will start with Niagara Falls being taken over.

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