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Course Title: Code: Lecturer: Email.

Office: Credits: Duration: Target Group:

INTRODUCTION TO BIOLOGICAL CONCEPTS BIO 111 Trudy Christian FAS Staffroom 3 6 wks Students pursuing non science majors who are interested in Biology as a General Education course

COURSE DESCRIPTION This course is designed to familiarize the non science major with selected biological principles and concepts. The course does not meet the prerequisite requirement for any other biological courses. It satisfies the general education requirement for non-science majors. GOAL OF THE COURSE To enable non science majors to acquire general knowledge in biological concepts. GENERAL OBJECTIVES Upon completion of this course students will be able to 1. State the characteristics of life 2. Outline the Scientific Method 3. Discuss the Linnean system of Classification 4. Describe the terms elements, atoms, compounds 5. Explain the types of bonding 6. Describe the various levels of biological organization 7. List the principles of the cell theory 8. Differentiate between prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells

9. Discuss the functions of the organelles in the cell 10. Explain how substances move into and out of cells 11. Describe transport in animals 12. Describe transport in plants 13. Explain autotrophic nutrition 14. Describe the process of digestion in humans 15. Describe the process of respiration in humans 16. Explain how physical organisms interact with their environment 17. Discuss basic genetics 18. Classify the diversity of organisms existing today. 19. Discuss the process of natural selection NB More specific objectives will be given at the class level.

METHODOLOGY Lectures, Discussion, Group work ASSESSMENT Course work (40%)

Two tests @ 15 % Group Assignment Quizzes

30% 5% 5%

Final Examination (60%)

RECOMMENDED TEXT Concepts in Biology (12th Ed.) Eldon Enger, Frederick Ross, David Bailey

ACADEMIC HONESTY All work that students submit as their own work must, in fact, be their own work. For example, if a paper presents ideas of others, it must clearly indicate the source. Wordfor-word language taken from other sources books, papers, web sites, people, etc. must be placed in quotation marks and the source identified. Likewise, work on tests and exams must be the students own work, not copied or taken from other students work, and students must comply with instructions regarding use of books, notes, and other materials. In accordance with the Dominica State College policy on academic dishonesty, students in this course who submit the work of others as their own (plagiarize), cheat on tests and examinations, help other students cheat or plagiarize, or commit other acts of academic dishonesty will receive appropriate academic penalties, up to and including failing the course. Papers with plagiarized ideas or language will be graded F and the grade of F will remain the recorded grade on that assignment. Cheating on tests and exams will result in an F on the test or exam and the student will be reported to the appropriate management officials for further action which can very likely result in expulsion. (Used with permission).


Week 1 2 3

Lectur e 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

SCHEDULED TOPIC Introduction to Biology, Branches of biology, Characteristics of Life, Scientific Method Atoms , Elements, Molecules Compound bonding : ionic, covalent/ Water as a solvent Molecules of life Cell theory, cellular organelles, function Diversity of cells; Prokaryotes and Eukaryotes/ Movement into and out of cells Test 1 (June 22nd 2011) Structure and function of blood, blood vessels and human heart/ Types of Circulation; Lymphatic system Structure and function of xylem and phloem/ Uptake in plants, Autotrophic nutrition/ Heterotrophic nutrition- holozoic nutrition, food, diet, health, enzymes Digestion in Humans Mitosis/ Meiosis Test 2 (July 13th 2011) Heredity and Genetics Ecology Group presentations/ Review Review

9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

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