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International Textile Conference, Terrassa 2001


Lubos Hes, Technical University of Liberec, Czech Republic e-mail Abstract In order to explain the thermal comfort of underwear or shirts touching the sweating human skin, a new parameter called moisture absorptivity was introduced in the paper and a simple equation of the moisture transfer between the fabric and skin was derived. Since the direct measurement of the moisture absorptivity is complicated, an indirect method for its experimental determination was proposed and used for the evaluation of thermal comfort of fabrics when coming into contact with wet human skin. The experimental results obtained by means of this new method correlate with practical experience. The results also confirmed, that the so called smart knits may provide better thermal contact comfort in wet state than common cotton fabrics. 1. Introduction Many people believe, that 100% cotton underwear (t-shirts) provide the best thermal contact comfort, even in hot days, due to its easy and fast sweat sorption (wetting), and their experience based on common life of a clerk or a bussinesman confirms this statement. Nevertheless, when the wearer has to exhibit some physical effort, the excess of the sweat keeps accumulated in the cotton fabric in the proximity of sweating glands for long time and causes thermal discomfort. On the other hand, when we wear the PES/cotton fabrics in hot day, the thermal discomfort appears as well (even without physical effort), but such fabric gets dry soon. Some customers believe, that both fabrics differ in their water vapour permeability mainly. In order to explain the effect of this parameter, various underwear fabrics were measured in this study. From the measurements made on the PERMETEST (Sensora) instrument (see in Tab. 2) resulted, that water-vapour permeability of the measured underwear fabrics depends more on their mass per area then on their composition, and that in all cases the relative vapour permeability was very good, exceeding 15%. The next parameter in question is the moisture sorption capacity (absorbency) of shirt fabrics. There are many methods to determine this parameter [1]. Nevertheless, the moisture absorbency characterises just the specific moisture retention corresponding to the state of full saturation of the fabric volume by water or sweat, and is directly proportional to the fabric mass. No transient aspects are considered here, and no different boundary conditions of moisture transmission between the skin and a fabric are respected. Therefore, Scheurell and al. [3] reminded the importance of studying the dynamic surface wetness of fabrics, and developed a new method of their determination, which is based on humidity dependent colour changes of a special chemical agent deposited on the fabric surface. In their study, a cotton fabric freely exposed to saturate water-vapour increased its surface humidity 2-3 times faster then a PES fabric of similar parameters. The authors concluded, that the dynamic surface wetness is a very important factor influencing the clothing comfort of garments. A survey of other techniques to measure trans-planar liquid transport into fabrics

published Kissa [3]. Nevertheless, all the found measuring methods are not suitable for simple standard measurements of transient fabric wetting, due to quite complicate preparation of the measurements and poor dynamic properties of some of these methods. Moreover, the reduced comfort caused by wearing e.g. the PES/cotton shirts in hot day is felt mainly in the moment, when the suddenly wetted fabric touches the skin. Consequently, local cool feeling occurs, which is considered unpleasant. Within the con-tact time, heat is transferred by conduction through a thin intermediate layer, created by wet outstanding fibres. Thus, the boundary condition approximates to the heat transfer of 1st order, which should be respected within a measuring method in question. Therefore, the first objective of the research work was to develop a method of an indirect experimental determination of the so called surface moisture absorptivity B [4], whose higher level apparently increases the contact comfort of wet fabrics and on the contrary. Such parameter should present an integral factor, embracing the effect of moisture surface adhesion (given by the contact angle) and the moisture conduction (depending on capillary forces). The highest surface moisture absorptivity appears in the moment, when the adhesion and conduction mechanisms, which in some cases act again each other, create a specific synergic effect. A new measuring method described in the paper is easy and reproducible, and reflects the real moisture and heat transfer conditions between the fabric and the skin. 2. Theoretical 2.1. Introduction of Moisture Absorptivity The amount of liquid inside any porous structure or textile fabric can be expressed in terms of the fabric free volume saturation s [1]. Thus, for s = 0 the fabric is dry, and for s = 1 all the pores are full of a liquid. In this case, the saturation propagation within a fabric, either along its surface, but also perpendicularly to its surface, can be characterised by the classical partial differential equation of diffusion processes:
( s / ) = A ( 2s / x2) (1)

Here, A [m2/sec] is so called moisture diffusivity. This parameter is for textile fabrics sometimes moisture dependent due to swelling. The solution of equation of this kind for A = const is generally known. If we consider just short time moisture conduction, then we can convert a textile fabric to a semi-infinite body, where the 1st order boundary condition is applied. In this case, the moisture saturation propagation in the x direction is given by the equation
s = erfc (x /2 A1/2 1/2) (2)

The experimental determination of the moisture diffusivity from the moisture propagation along the measured fabric is possible. Unfortunately, the moisture diffusivity in this form does not characterise the volumetric capacity V of the fabric expressed in this case in m3/m2s to conduct the moisture (sweat) from the contacted skin away towards a fabric interior. To cope with this task, a Darcy law modified for the saturation gradient should be introduced as follows: V (3) = s ( s/ x)

Here s [m2/s] is the volumetric moisture flow conductivity, which is proportional to the fabric permeability. In the next step, we should remind, that in the first Ficks diffusion law, which is used to express the mass flow in the form formally identical with Eq. (3), the same diffusion coefficient D occurs, as in the second Ficks law for transient mass transfer by diffusion. By simplifying the problem solved to a simple diffusion, we can express the moisture flow conductivity in Eq. (3) s by means of the moisture diffusivity A. From applying this relation in equation (2) follows: V (4) = A1/2( s/
1/2 1/2)

The first term in this equation fully characterises the fabric ability to absorb the moisture from any moist surface, which contacts the fabric. Then this so called moisture absorptivity B [m3 s1/2] is defined by the next relation: B = A1/2 (5)

As shown in [3], many researchers have already measured the time-dependent longitudinal wicking of fabrics. From these results, the moisture diffusivity A could be determined and its square root used for the calculation of the spontaneous moisture uptake according to Eq. 4. Nevertheless, this approach may produce inaccurate results, since longitudinal wicking rates not always correlate with the corresponding trans-planar ones, due to the complexity of the wicking processes, which besides the diffusion processes include capillary penetration of moisture inside fabrics, and also moisture absorption of the fibre surface. Therefore, the goal of this paper is to develop a technique, which would determine not the moisture absorptivity itself, but its real impact on the comfort properties of a surface wetted fabric. To achieve this, an indirect way was chosen, as explained in the next chapter. 2.2. Indirect Method of the Moisture Absorptivity Measurement The suggested method is based on the objective evaluation of warm-cool feeling perceived by a wearer of a cloth, which suddenly comes into contact with a wetted skin. In this moment, the cotton fabric absorbs the liquid sweat rapidly, and conducts it away from the fabric surface towards to the fabric interior. Due to high adhesion forces, the sweat keeps accumulated in the fabric close the places where the sweat was generated. If the amount of sweat is not too high, within a short time the moisture concentration close to the fabric contact surface reduces, and the wearer feels the pleasant contact of nearly dry fabric. The other mechanism of achieving the pleasant dry feeling of underwear and shirts is based on the use of PES micro-fibres, which, due to higher surface, absorb in some extend the humidity also, but the liquid sweat is rapidly distributed by capillary forces in larger area surrounding the perspiration zone, thus reducing the average relative humidity of fabric under the limit, which would result in unpleasant wet feeling. Unfortunately, this mechanism requires also some additional dynamic contact forces typical for sport activities. In the case of blended fabrics containing too much poorly absorbing PES fibres of common section and fineness, the sweat keeps adhered on the skin, and provokes an unpleasant cool feeling due to sweat evaporation. The suggested method is based on the objective evaluation of cool feeling effect within an experimental procedure, which simulates the real fabric wearing conditions described

above. Before the method is explained, the instruments for the objective warm-cool feeling determination are described. 2.2.1. Instruments For the Evaluation of Thermal Contact Feeling of Textile Fabrics Warm-cool feeling means the feeling we get when the human skin touches shortly any object, in our case textile or other fabric used in clothing, furniture or carpets. It was found, that this parameter characterises well the transient thermal feeling which we get in the moment, when we put on the undergarment, shirts, gloves or other textile products. Since this feeling strongly affects the choice of people when buying the clothes or garments, the objective assessment of this feeling became very important in the last decade. The first instrument, which was able to evaluate the warm-cool feeling of fabrics objectively, was developed by YONEDA and KAWABATA in 1983 [5]. They have introduced the maximum level of the contact heat flow qmax [W/m2K] as a measure of this transient thermal characteristics, and KAWABATA has published the first objectively determined values describing the thermal-contact properties of textile fabrics. Their instrument, called THERMO-LABO, was commercialised. In 1986, another instrument for the objective evaluation of warm-cool feeling of fabrics, but of different concept, was completed at the Technical University in Liberec. This computer controlled semi-automatic instrument called ALAMBETA calculates all the statistic parameters of the measurement and exhibits the instrument auto-diagnostics, which avoids faulty instrument operation. The whole measurement procedure, including the measurement of thermal conductivity , thermal resistance R, qmax, sample thickness and the results evaluation, lasts less than 3 -5 min. As the objective measure of warm-cool feeling of fabrics, so called thermal absorptivity b [Ws1/2 /m2K] was introduced [6]. The meaning of this parameter (formerly used in the civil engineering and ergonomics) is explained in next paragraph. Provided that the time of thermal contact between human skin and a fabric is short, textile fabric was idealised to a semi-infinite body of thermal capacity c[J/m3] and initial tem-perature t2. Transient temperature field between human skin (characterised by a constant temperature t1) and a fabric is then given by the following partial differential equation ( t (6) / ) = a ( 2t / x2)

and can be used for the calculation of the initial level of heat flow q passing between the skin (characterised by a constant temperature t1) and textile fabric according to the next equation, whose derivation for the boundary condition of 1st order is similar to derivation of the Eq. (4): qdyn (7) Thus derived thermal absorptivity b [Ws1/2/m2K] is given by the following relation: b (8) = ( c)1/2 = b (t1 t2)/(

As it can be see, the level of thermal absorptivity depends neither on the temperature gradient between the fabric and skin, nor on the measurement time. This value just depends on the contact pressure, which also correspond to the real situation. The pressure is adjustable.
1 2 3 8 11


Fig. 1 Principle of the ALAMBETA instrument The simplified scheme of the instrument is shown on Fig. 1. The principle of first version of this instrument depends in the application of ultra thin heat flow sensor 4, which is attached to a metal block 2 with constant temperature, which differs from the sample temperature. When the measurement starts, the measuring head 1 containing the mentioned heat flow sensor drops down and touches the planar measured sample 5, which is located on the instrument base 6 under the measuring head. In this moment, the surface temperature of the sample suddenly changes and the instrument computer registers the heat flow course. Simultaneously, a photoelectric sensor measures the sample thickness. All the data are then processed in the computer according to an original programme, which involves the mathematical model characterising the transient temperature field in thin slab subjected to different boundary conditions [7]. To simulate the real conditions of warm-cool feeling evaluation, the instrument measuring head is heated to 32C (see the heater 3 and the thermometer 8), which correspond to the average human skin temperature, while the fabric is kept at the room temperature 22C. Similarly, the time constant of the heat flow sensor, which measures directly the heat flow between the automatically moved measuring head and the fabrics, exhibit similar value (0,07 sec), as the human skin.. Thus, the full signal response is achieved within 0,2 sec. The validity of thermal absorptivity as a new warmcool feeling parameter of fabrics was confirmed by several tests where the results of relative subjective feeling of 100 persons were compared with the values of thermal absorptivity found by means of the ALAMBETA instrument, see in [4]. Within various research projects the thermal-insulation and thermal-contact properties of all common textile products were experimentally investigated. It was found, that practical values of thermal absorptivity of dry fabrics range from 20 to 300, see Tab. 1. The higher is this value, the cooler feeling represents.

Tab. 1

20 - 40 30 - 50 40 - 90 70 120 100 - 150 130 - 180 150 - 200 180 - 250 250 - 350 300 - 400 330 - 500 450 - 650 600 - 750 > 750 1600

Micro-fibre or fine PES fibre non-woven insulation webs Low density raised PES knits, needled and thermally bonded PES light webs Light knits from synthetic fibres (PAN) or textured filaments, raised tufted carpets Light or rib cotton RS knits, raised wool/PES fabrics, brushed micro-fibre weaves Light cotton or VS knits, rib cotton woven fabrics Light finished cotton knits, raised light wool woven fabrics Plain wool or PES/wool fabrics with rough surface Permanent press treated cotton/VS rough weaves, dense micro-fibre knits Dry cotton shirt fabrics with resin treatment, heavy smooth wool woven fabrics Dry VS, Lyocell, silk weaves, smooth dry resin-free heavy cotton weaves (denims) Close to skin surface of wetted (0,5 ml of water) cotton/PP (or spec. PES) knits Heavy cotton weaves (denims) or wetted knits from spec. PES fibres (COOLMAX) Rib knits from cotton or PES/cotton, knits from micro-fibres, if superficially wetted Other woven and knitted fabrics in wet state Liquid water (evaporation effect not considered)

As results from the table, the thermal - contact feeling of the fabrics is strongly affected by their structure and composition. It was found 8], that fibres and fibre polymers of higher moisture regain, provide also cooler feeling. Therefore, the warmest feelings can be achieved at fabrics made from PVC, PP, PAN, whereas viscose, flax, cotton and PAD fibers show the coolest feeling. Which feeling is better, depends on customer: for hot summer garments cooler (cotton) feeling is demanded, whereas in the north of Europe warmer clothing, based on the PES/wool is preferred. An important aspect of the warm-cool feeling evaluation is the change of this feeling when the textile product gets wet. Because the time of the warm-cool feeling evaluation of samples in the ALAMBETA instrument is very short, less than 3 minutes, the evaluation of humid samples is reliable (the sample does not turn dry during the measurement). Because the thermal conductivity and thermal capacity of water is much higher than these of dry textile structure, the negative feeling of coolness of garments moistened by sweat can exceed 1000. Thermal contact properties of socks in wet state were studied in [9]. Since the thermal absorptivity is mainly the superficial property, its level can be changed by any superficial or finishing treatment, like raising, brushing and coating. The instrument was commercialised [10].

2.2.2. Methodology of the Indirect Measurement of the Fabric Moisture Absorptivity The intention of this research was to characterise the contact comfort felt by a wearer of a shirt during a hot day. For this purpose, a special thin interface fabric was found, which should simulate the effect of a sudden sweat discharge on the skin. This sweat simulator should be as thin as possible, in order not to influence (in dry state) the thermal capacity of the measured fabric, but this interface fabric should absorb a certain amount of liquid injected in the centre of this interface fabric and mainly - it should distribute the liquid fast and uniformly within a circle of approx. 50 mm diameter (in order to cover the area 25x25 mm of the heat flux sensors). After some trials, a thin (0,1 mm) nonwoven fabric containing PP on one side and viscose fibres on the other side was found to fulfil all demands. In order to reduce the amount of liquid, the interface fabric was perforated. At the beginning of the measurement, the ALAMBETA instrument is switched on and the measured underwear is placed on the measuring base of the instrument. Then, the volume of 0,2 ml of water (containing detergent) was injected on the centre of the interface fabric surface, covered by the viscose fibres. Within one minute, the liquid distributed uniformly within a circle of 45-50 mm, and stopped. When this occurred, this interface fabric was turned by the viscose side down and inserted into the space between the measured sample and the centre of the measuring head of the instrument - see Fig. 2. At the same time, the interface fabric and the measuring head of the instrument dropped down towards to the measured underwear or shirt fabric. Within a few seconds, the liquid from the interface fabric was more (in case of pure cotton shirt) or less (in other cases) taken away by absorption into the lower fabric. If this fabric exhibits low absorption, the thermal capacity of the interface fabric is maintained quite large and the initial level of thermal absorptivity b is significantly higher. In the case of measurement of warm-cool feeling on pure cotton fabrics, characterised by higher moisture absorptivity, the moisture is rapidly distributed within the whole thickness of the fabric, so that the interface fabric gets nearly dry, and the instrument shows a lower level of the resulting thermal absorptivity.

Guiding shaft



Upper heat flow sensor Interface Bottom HF sensor Fabric fated Measuring plate Fabric

Fig. 2 - Simulation of the underwear wetting and wicking by means of the ALAMBETA instrument 2.2.3. Theoretical Analysis of the Underwear Wicking and Wetting Effect on Cool Feeling

In the new version of the ALAMBETA, not only one, but two heat flow sensors are applied, as shown on Fig. 1 - see the second sensor 7 . This enables to simplify the heat flow signals evaluation and moreover, the instrument can check the level of heat, which is during the measurement conducted away (in the surrounding air) from the sample. This increases the measurement precision. During the measurement, the computer integrates the heat Q[W] passing through both heat flow sensors, which is accumulated inside the measured sample, according to the Eq. 1: Q (9) = q( ) d =

( q1


The measurement finishes for the time level T, when q1 (T ) equals qo (T). Then, the heat Q causes the increase of the average temperature inside the measured sample, as follows: Q= 1 moco (t1 to) 2 (10)

This equation then yields the surface related heat capacity moco [J/m2]. Simultaneously, the sample thickness h[mm] is measured and used for the determination of the fabric heat capacity oco [ J/m3] from the equation oco = moco/h (11)

The consequent steady state measurement of heat flow passing through the sample then enables the easy determination of the coefficient of thermal conductivity [W/m.K] and the fabric thermal resistance R[m2K/W]. The warm-cool feeling parameter - thermal absorptivity, then follows from Eq. 3. In the next step, the mentioned measuring principle will be applied in the simple analysis of the wetting and wicking simulation. In this case, heat balance of the space between both heat flow sensors should include the effect of heat capacity per area m1c1 of the interface fabric and its initial moisture Mwcw, provided that the measuring head has just dropped down and completed the thermal contact between the interface and underwear fabrics: QM = 1 (moco + m1c1 + Mwcw )(t1 to) 2 (12)

Within a few seconds, the moisture will be absorbed by the underwear and distributed in its volume. In fabrics exhibiting good moisture conduction the sweat will be transported by the capillary action outside the area of heat flow sensors. Hence, the effective moisture content in central part of the underwear will be reduced to lower level mw, thus reducing the volumetric thermal capacity of the system consisting of interface fabric and underwear. The integral heat detected by both heat flow sensor will be as follows: Qm = 1 (moco + m1c1 + mwcw)(t1 to) 2 (13)

Because mw < Mw, and due to the fact, that the specific heat of water cw is very high approx. 3 times higher than that of fabrics, even small differences in the moisture amount absorbed form the sweat simulating fabric and conducted away form the sensing area of heat flow sensors will result in relative big changes in heat capacity of various tested fabric system and hence (according to Eq. 8) in big changes in their thermal absorptivity levels. In fact, the resulting sensitivity will be even bigger, due to varying evaporation effects, which were not considered in this simple analysis (the more moisture keeps in the interface fabric after contact, the cooler is ist surface, and the higher is the resulting thermal absorptivity). 3. Experimental Results The composition of the investigated plane fabrics varied from 100% cotton to 100% PES or PP fibres. Medium values of the results are shown in the following Table 2.
Tab. 2. Cool feeling (thermal absorptivity) of various fabrics measured by the ALAMBETA instrument when simulating their sudden thermal contact with wetted skin, pressure 200 Pa Sample thickness H [mm] CV up 3% 1.15 0,66 1,21 0,54 0,71 0.43 0.38 0.21 0,28 0,23 0,26 0.22 Thermal conductivity [mW/mK] CV up 3% 105 100 112 97.2 86,2 83.1 90.1 78,7 120 88,9 123 149 Relative water vapour permeability [%] CV up 6% 41,4 43,0 40,2 32,1 13,5 22,5 24,7 25,4 24,8 19,4 22,4 22,8 Thermal absorptivity b [Ws1/2/m2K] CV up 5% 415 421 430 443 452 508 565 731 751 875 935 1178


45% cotton, 45% PP+PAD Italian 2 layers smart knit 50% cotton 50% PP spec. structture Czech smart knit 100% spec. Section PP + common PP, Czech 1 layer smart knit 100% spec. Section PES, single layer knit Dupont Coolmax 100 % cotton denim 100% cotton shirt, no resin 100 % cotton shirt, no resin 70 % cot. + PES woven shirt 35 % cot. + PES woven shirt 75 % cot. + PES woven shirt 35 % cot. + PES woven shirt 100% cotton shirt resin treated 3.2.Results Evaluation

3.2.1.With an increasing portion of PES fibres in common woven shirt fabrics increases the unpleasant cool feeling (i. e. increases thermal absorptivity) when worn in conditions of surface wetting, which matches the practical experience of wearing the tested shirts. 3.2.2. Special smart fabrics with improved thermal comfort properties like double layered knits or T shirts knitted from Coolmax or Coolplus (Taiwan) modified PES fibres reveal more pleasant contact feeling in conditions of superficial wetting. 3.2 3. Exceptionally some cotton/PES blend fabrics made from common fibres may exhibit relatively good thermal contact comfort in the wet state, even with quite high portion of PES fibres, due to some unknown effect or due to a special fabric structure (confirmed by wearers).

3.2.4. Cotton shirt weaves containing too much chemical agents deposited inside the fabric may show worse contact comfort feeling in the wet state, in spite of the fact, that their steady-state water vapour permeability keeps very high. Lukas proved in [11], that closingup the finest capillary channels (e.g. by resins) should reduce the vertical suction height of water in these fabric (which should result in worse moisture uptake). 4. Conclusions From the application of the indirect method of experimental determination of the moisture absorptivity described in this paper may be concluded, that superficially wetted non finished 100% cotton fabrics show substantially warmer (more pleasant) feeling then those of cotton/PES blends, which correlate with practical experience. Special smart products like Coolmax knits made of modified PES fibres, 100% PP knits containing modified filaments or double layered cotton/PP knits exhibit even warmer feeling after their thermal contact with the wetted surface which indicates, that their resulting moisture absorptivity is higher as that of the pure cotton woven fabric. The described method thus proved its applicability for the purposes of designing or fast evaluation of fabrics with increased moisture absorptivity. Acknowledgements The presented results of the project LN00B090 were supported by the Ministry of Education of Czech Republic Literature Cited
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