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Republic of the Philippines North Luzon Philippines State College San Nicolas, Candon City, Ilocos Sur A.

Title of Training: Employee Development and Assessment B. Date and Time: April 9-11, 2012 at 7:30 am 4:00 pm C. Venue: Civic Center, Candon City. D. Rationale: Assessment itself can be defined and interpreted in several ways like financial, educational or even psychological assessment however, for the sake of the current discussion we shall stick to the context of HR and define assessments within it. Assessments are systematic methods of gathering data under standardized conditions and reaching a conclusion regarding the knowledge, qualification and potential of an employee. The objective is to further use the data to take certain strategic decisions like selection and hiring, promotions and appraisals and also to give feedback for development. Structured assessments carried out for a well defined and specific objective for e.g. promotion or role change provides crucial information regarding not just the knowledge and skills of a participant but also about his behavioral attitude and motivation.

E. Objective of the Training Increase the level of their current talent Develop skills and bench strength for future jobs It helps to understand more the development management Help trainers identify training needs. To maintain the development of employers skill in current job as well as their employees To make them become more effective evaluators in assessing employees

F. Target Participants: 30 participants 25 = supervisors and administrators from diff. companies 5 = BSBA graduates

G. What to Receive:
Certificate of Participation and a token (mug)

H. Seminar Fee: 450/participant 30 x 450 = 13,500

I. Resource Speaker with Educational Background: Name: Lorena C. Tomelden Address: Rosario, Pangasinan Name of School Elementary: Rizal Elementary School Date 2000-2001 Achievements 3rdhonorable 1st honorable BSBA-HRDM graduate /Cum Laude Experiences: HR Assistant - Watsons Personal Care Stores, (Phils.),Inc. Rosales,

High School: Rosales National High School 2004-2005 College/University: University of Pangasinan 2008-2009

Assistant Manager Dagupan City Chamber of Commerce and Industry

J. Topics Classification of Assessment How to Design Employee Needs-Assessment Tools Hiring Consultant to Evaluate Employee Skills How to Give an Effective Employee Evaluation Preparing for the Assessment Conducting the Assessment Discussion

The Final Assessment Document

K. Contact Persons and Contact No. Jeremy Gray (09093236112) Harold Gadingan Jr. (09284404532)

L. Schedule of Activities to be presented in matrix table. Date/Time Activity Person Involved

April 9

7:30-8:00 am 8:00-8:30 am 8:30-10:00 am 10:00-10:15 am 10:15-12:00 am 12:00-1:00 pm 1:00-2:30 pm 2:30-2:45 pm 2:45-4:00 pm

Opening Prayer/ Presentation of the speaker Mr. John Introduction of the speaker Start of Discussion Snack Time!! Continuation of Discussion Lunch Break Continuation of Discussion Snack Time!! An Overview of the Discussed Topics

Michael Orpilla Lorena C. Tomelden

April 10

7:30-8:45 am 8:45-10:00 am 10:00-12:00 am 12:00-1:00 pm 1:00-2:30 pm 2:30-2:45 pm 2:45-4:00 pm

Continuation of Discussion Snack Time!! Video Presentation of the Discussion Lunch Break An overview of Discussed Topics Snack Time ( catering service) Awarding of participants

Lorena C. Tomelden

M. Budget Requirements Breakdown of Expenses: Resource Speakers allowance Snacks (1500 * 2 days) Meals (3000 * 2 days) Certificate and tokens ( 500+7000) Speakers lodging Rent for sound systems and camera projector Rent for the Venue Catering Service TOTAL: 3000 3000 6000 7500 2000 1500 1000 10000 32000

Presented By: Orpilla, John Michael B. BSBA HRDM III Presented To: Dr. Rodolfo Moreno

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