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Personal Media Use and Production Diary Journalism is communicated through a broad range of media.

The media used to communicate a specific story may be idealistic to the targeted audience and therefore different forms of media are chosen for the communication of different stories. A trend leaning towards newer forms of media is visible with internet becoming more essential as a form of communication for the latest news updates. Type of Media Traditional Radio Newspaper Television Online Browsing Facebook Magazines Mon 120 10 60 30 30 20 Tue 150 0 60 0 30 20 Wed 240 5 120 0 30 10 Thur 240 5 90 0 30 0 Fri 240 0 240 40 120 20 Day Sat 60 10 240 0 90 0


Sun Mon Tue Wed 0 120 160 240 0 10 5 0 300 60 60 60 Total Traditional Media 0 20 30 0 30 30 30 10 20 20 Total New Media Total Overall Media Usage 120 0

Total 1570 45 1290 2905 120 540 120 780 3685

Table 1: Shows my personal media use over a period of ten days.

Media Use
350 300 Time (mins) 250 200 150 100 50 0 Mon Tue Wed Thur Fri Sat Day Sun Mon Tue Wed Radio Newspaper Television Internet Articles Facebook Magazines

Graph 1: Displays my daily personal media use.

Total Media Use Over a Ten Day Period

3% 3% 15% 43% Radio Newspaper Television 35% Internet Articles Facebook Magazines 1%

Graph 2: Shows the percentage of total specific media use over the ten day period.

Total Media Use

4000 3500 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 0 Traditional Media Use New Media Use Overall Media Use

Graph 3: Displays the total media use separated into categories for the duration of ten days.

My media use and production diary proves that both traditional and new forms of media were engaged over the specific ten day period. Traditional media use, however, showed a significant dominance over new media use as scrutinised by graph 3. Radio was the most popular media I engaged with, followed closely by television. Both television and radio are forms of traditional media and both proved increasingly popular among my personal media use when compared to other forms as seen in graph 2. I listen to the radio primarily whilst driving to and from university. The main reason for this behaviour is convenience. A common belief towards journalism involves the loss of traditional forms

Time (mins)

of media with the addition of new forms of media. An incline towards modernised forms of journalism has been provoked through the use of social networking sites and the internet in general as a primary source for journalism, however it is convenience and routine that encourages the continued use of traditional forms of journalism.

Source of News
1% 4% 13% 24% 17% 18% Newspaper Online "newspaper" TV 23% Radio Twitter Facebook Other

Graph 4: Interprets the attained survey results showing the popularity of various forms of media as a source of news. Data obtained from the Introduction to Journalism and Communication survey coincides with the judgement derived from my personal media log. Graph 4 denotes that television is the most popular form of media as a source of news. Being a traditional form of media, the survey proves that the regular routine and convenience involved with watching television was not challenged by new media. Online newspaper proved to be second in terms of popularity showing increased attention for new forms of media. The newspaper is still a viable source of news and effectively popular as evident by its third place rating in the survey results. A clear trend in the survey results leans towards an increased popularity of the social networking site, facebook. 97.3 percent of students survey acknowledged that they had at least one facebook account and facebook was the most popular app used by smart phone owners. 91.9 percent acknowledged they spent most of their time online on facebook, proving it to be the most popular online activity. Once again coinciding with my personal media log, facebook has proven to be the most popular form of new media. In considering both the survey results as well as my personal media diary, it is evident that traditional forms of media are still accepted however new forms of media have become increasingly popular. Facebook in particular has proven itself as a prominent form of media in communicating journalism although convenience and routine has allowed for the ongoing success of radio and television within the journalism industry.

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