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Registration of political parties under Section 29A of the Representation

of the People Act, 1951
(Please read the guidelines carefully)

For the purpose of registration of any association or body of individual citizens of

India as a political party, the association or body is required to make an application
(Format at Annexure-I) to the Election Commission of India giving therein full
particulars required under sub-section (4) of Section 29A of the Representation of the
People Act, 1951 and additional particulars required under the Registration of Political
Parties (Furnishing of Additional Particulars) Order, 1992, separately.


The application should be neatly typed on the partys letter-head, if any, and it

should be sent by registered post/presented personally to the Secretary to the Election

Commission within 30 days following the date of the formation of the party. Any
application made after the said period will be time-barred under the provisions of
Section 29A(2)(b) of the Representation of the People Act, 1951. All pages of the
application including annexure should be (page) numbered in continuation.

The application must be accompanied by the following documents/information:Party Constitution drawn on following lines:
Article I:

Name of the Party

(Should not contain religion or caste)

Article II:

Objectives of the Party

(Should be in consonance with the Constitution of India)

Article III:

Membership of the Party

(Open to all adult Indian citizens)

Article IV:

Organs of the Party (Organizational Structure)

Powers and Functions of each of these organs
(Decision making power should reflect democratic spirit no veto
Method of appointment (and terms) of members to each of these

(Not more than 1/3rd members can be nominated; Tenure should be

fixed not exceeding 5 years; Periodic elections within 5 years
Article V:

Office-bearers of the Party

Powers and functions of each of these office-bearers
(Decision making power should reflect democratic spirit no veto
Method of appointment (and terms) of each of these office-bearers
(Should be elected; Not more than 1/3rd can be nominated; Fixed
tenure not exceeding 5 years for everyone; Periodic elections
within 5 years maximum)

Article VI:

Rules of Dispute Resolution & Discipline

Article VII:

Basics of Rules of Conduct of Business

Decision making process; Meetings quorum, notice and decision
making etc. ;
(Details can be annexed separately)

Article VIII: Party Funds & Accounts

Party funds to be utilized for political activities; Accounts to be
maintained on accrual system; To be annually audited by Auditor
on the panel of CAG; Audited annual accounts to be submitted to
the ECI within 6 months of the end of financial year.
(Details can be annexed separately)


Article IX:

Party Constitutions Amendment Procedure

Article X:

Merger, Split and Dissolution Procedure

Article XI:

Mandatory Provision under Section 29A (5) of RP Act, 1951.

A CHECKLIST, with clear answer against each item therein, may be submitted

with application (Annexure-II).

The relevant page no. of application, where the

details of the particular item in checklist can be verified, must be indicated by you.

A Demand Draft of Rs. 10,000/- (Rupees Ten Thousand only) on account of

processing fee drawn in favour of the Under Secretary, Election Commission
of India, New Delhi. It may be noted that the processing fee is non-refundable.


A neatly typed/printed copy of the memorandum/rules and bye-laws/Constitution

of the Party containing a specific provision as required under sub-section (5) of
Section 29A of the Representation of the People Act, 1951 in the exact terms,

which reads ... (Name of the party) shall bear true

faith and allegiance to the Constitution of India as by law established, and to the
principles of socialism, secularism and democracy and would uphold the
sovereignty, unity and integrity of India. The above mandatory provision must
be included in the text of party constitution itself as one of the clauses. As per
provision to sub-section (7) of the said Section 29A of the Representation of the
People Act, 1951, no association or body shall be registered as a political party
unless the memorandum, rules and regulations or the constitution of such
association or body conform to the above referred provision of sub-section (5) of
Section 29A.

There should be a specific provision in the rules/Constitution of the party

regarding internal democracy in the party, organisational elections at different
levels, mode of such elections and the periodicity of such elections, term of office
of the office-bearers and powers and duties of the office-bearers of the party, and
the various representative bodies of the party (such as Executive Committee,
Council etc.)


Besides these particulars, procedure to be followed in the case of

merger/dissolution of the Association, amendment in Party Constitution and
disciplinary action against erring members of the party should be provided in the

There should be clear provision in the party constitution about

membership of the party. There should not be any discrimination in the matter of

Extracts from the latest electoral rolls in respect of atleast 100 members of the
organisation (including all office-bearers/members of main decision making
organs like Executive Committee/Executive Council) duly certified by the
Electoral Registration Officer of concerned assembly constituency to show that
they are registered electors. Alternatively, photocopies of Elector Photo Identity
Cards (EPICs) of the members duly attested by a Gazetted officer or Notary
should be submitted.


An affidavit duly signed by the President/General Secretary of the applicant party

and sworn before a 1st class Magistrate/Oath Commissioner/Notary Public to the
effect that no member of the organisation is a member of any other political party
registered with the Commission (Specimen of affidavit at Annexure- III).


Individual affidavits from atleast 100 members of the party to the effect that the
said member is a registered elector and that he is not a member of any other
political party registered with the Commission. These affidavits should be on
Stamp Paper of atleast Rs. 2/- denomination and duly sworn before a 1st class
Magistrate/Oath Commissioner/Notary Public. These affidavits should be from
those persons in respect of whom certified extracts of electoral rolls or EPICs are
being furnished as mentioned in Para (v) (Specimen of affidavit at AnnexureIV).


A list of office bearers and members of the party mentioned in (vi) and (viii)
above, should be submitted and the certified copy of electoral rolls or EPICs
and individual affidavits should be enclosed as per the sequence of the list.


Particulars of Bank account and Permanent Account Number (PAN), if any, in the
name of the party should be furnished.


The applicant party has to produce a No Objection Certificate , in the form of

an affidavit on stamp paper, from the owner of the premises where the party office is
situated with certified copies of tangible proof, such as House Tax Receipt or Registry
papers, etc. , of ownership of the premises.


The applicant has to attach a No Objection Certificate from the Local Body,
Municipal Corporation etc. to the effect that there is no prohibition under the rules
and regulations of the authority to set up political party office in that building
where the party office is situated.

(xiv) Separate Affidavits from the office bearers of the main organs of the applicant
party in respect of their Assets and Liabilities have to be furnished. (Format
enclosed at Annexure-V).

The office bearers of the applicant party have to furnish a copy of their Income
Tax Returns filed for the last three years, if they are Income Tax payees. In case
any office bearer is not Income Tax payee he/she has to furnish certified details
of his/her monthly income alongwith source of income.

(xvi) The details of PAN Card have to be furnished in respect of office bearers of the

Affidavits from the office bearers of the main organs of the applicant party
showing information about their criminal antecedents have to be furnished in
affidavit form. (Format enclosed at Annexure-VI).

(xviii) The applicant party must submit authenticated proof to show that the party
constitution has been adopted by the General Body of the party.
(xix) The applicant party must declare in its constitution that it shall submit its audited
annual financial statement to the Commission within a period of 60 days after the
end of each financial year.

The applicant party must ensure in its constitution itself, vide a specific clause in
the party constitution that the party will not, in any manner, promote or instigate
or participate in violence.

(xxi) The applicant party must ensure in its constitution itself vide a specific clause in
the party constitution that party will hold periodic (Period to be specified in
constitution but at least once in 4 years) and regular election to all positions of
office-bearers and organs of the party.
(xxii) The applicant party must ensure in its constitution itself vide a specific clause in
the party constitution that any amendment to the constitution must be approved by
the General Body of the party.
(xxiii) The party must declare in its constitution that it must contest an election conducted
by the Election Commission within 5 years of its registration. (If the Party does
not contest elections continuously for 6 years, the Party shall be taken off the list
of registered parties).
It is advised to ensure that the application is complete in all respects as per the
CHECKLIST enclosed at Annexure-II.
If any requisite information has not been
furnished by you or wrongly furnished with your application (as per the CHECKLIST),
it may not be possible to consider the application. Therefore, it is advised that the
CHECKLIST may be filled carefully and submit alongwith application.
The application alongwith all the required particulars/documents mentioned
above must be made to the Commission within 30 days following the date of the
formation of the party. Any application made after the said period will be time-barred
under the provisions of Section 29A(2)(b) of the Representation of the People Act, 1951
and will not be considered.
Within 2 weeks of receipt of your duly completed application you will receive an
acknowledgement of your application from the Election Commission guiding you on
future course of action.

The Secretary
Election Commission of India,
Nirvachan Sadan, Ashoka Road,
New Delhi 110 001.
It is requested that
(Name of the applicant party) may be registered as a political party under section 29A of
the Representation of the People Act, 1951. The particulars required under sub-section
(4) of the said Section 29A and additional particulars required under para 2 of the
Registration of Political Parties (Furnishing of Additional Particulars) Order, 1992 are
furnished as under:1.
Particulars required under sub-section (4) of Section 29A of the Representation of
the People Act, 1951.




the Name of the Association or

the State in which its head office
is situated :
the address to which letters and
other communications meant for it
should be sent:
the names of its President,
Secretary, Treasurer and other
the numerical strength of its
members, and if there are
categories of its member, the
numerical strength in each
category :
whether it has any local units; if
so, at what levels:


whether it is represented by any

member or members in either
House of Parliament or of any
State Legislature; if so, the
number of such member or


Date of formation
Association or Body:



Additional Particulars required under para.2 of the Registration of Political Parties
(Furnishing of Additional Particulars) Order, 1992.

the principles on which the Association or

Body is based :


the policies, aims and objects it pursues or

seeks to pursue:


its programme, functions and activities for

the purpose of carrying out its principles,
policies, aims and objects :


the names of the main organs (by

whatever name called) of the association
or body, their functions and the names of
the Chairman (by whatever name called),
and other members of such organs:


the relationship of the Association or

Body with the electors and the popular
support it enjoys, along with tangible
proof, if any, of such relationship and


Duly completed CHECK LIST alongwith requisite documents prescribed therein

is enclosed herewith.
Yours faithfully,

Signature:---------------------------Name:------------------------------Designation: (General Secretary/Chairman
/President of the party)
Seal of the party:-------------------

The application should contain the following particulars/documents. Applicant must
indicate against each of the items in CHECKLIST whether the item has been
complied with or not. None of the items should be left. Application with incomplete
CHECKLIST will be summarily rejected:Sl.


1. Has the Name of the applicant Party/Organisation been Yes/No
given clearly? The name should be clearly different
from the name of existing parties. Also, no part of the
name should have any religious, communal or cast
2. Has the date of formation of the party been indicated Yes/No
both in figures and words? (Documents/evidence
relating to formation of the party should be furnished.)
3. Has the application to the Commission been made Yes/No
within 30 days following the date of formation of the
4. Has the Demand Draft of Rs.10,000/- on account of Yes/No
processing fee been enclosed with the application?
(The Demand Draft should be in favour of Under
Secretary, Election Commission of India payable at
Delhi. Applications received without the processing
fee alongwith the application will not be taken up for
Have the following particulars required under Section
29A (4) of the Representation of the People Act,
1951been provided in the application?
(a) the Name of the association or body ;


(b) the State in which its head office is

situated ;
(c) the address to which letters and other
communications meant for it should be
sent ;

page No.

(d) the names of its President, Secretary, Yes/No

Treasure and other office-bearers ;
(e) the numerical strength of its members, Yes/No
and if there are categories of its
member, the numerical strength in each
category ;
(f) whether it has any local units; is so, at Yes/No
what levels;
(g) whether it is represented by any Yes/No
member or members in either House of
Parliament or of any State Legislature;
if so, the number of such member or
members ;

6. Have the following additional particulars required

under Para 2 of the Registration of Political Parties
(Furnishing of Additional Particulars) Order, 1992
been provided separately with the application?
(a) the principles on which the association Yes/No
or body is based ;
(b) the policies, aims and objects it pursues Yes/No
or seeks to pursue ;
(c) its program, functions and activities for Yes/No
the purpose of carrying out its
principles, policies, aims and objects ;
(d) the names of the main organs (by Yes/No
whatever name called) of the
association or body, their functions and
the names of the Chairman (by
whatever name called), and other
members of such organs ;
(e) the relationship of the Association or Yes/No
Body with the electors and the popular
support it enjoys, along with tangible
proof, if any, of such relationship and
(None of the above items should be left blank even if
some of the details are provided in the party

page No.

7. Has the chief Executive of the party signed the

application and the party constitution?


8. Has the affidavit by President/General Secretary of the Yes/No

organization, duly sworn before a 1st Class
Magistrate/Oath Commissioner, affirming that no
member of the party is a member of any other political
party already registered with the Commission, and that
no proclaimed absconder is a member of the party and
that all the members who have sworn affidavit as
members of the party have appended their own
signature/T.I. before the Notary who attested the
affidavit, been submitted?
9. Has the total number of Members of the party been Yes/No
indicated (both in figures and words)?
10. Have certified extracts of electoral rolls in respect of at Yes/No
furnished? (The extract should be certified by the ERO
concerned. Alternatively, photocopies of EPICs of the
members duly attested by a Gazetted officer or Notary
should be submitted.)
11. Have individual affidavits on stamp paper of at least Yes/No
Rs. 2/- denomination and duly sworn before a 1st Class
Magistrate/Oath Commissioner /Notary Public from
the aforesaid 100 members of the organization been
furnished? (In the affidavits the members should
affirm that (i) he/she is a member of the applicant party
(name of the party should be mentioned) (ii) he/she is
a registered elector in a particular constituency (name
of the Constituency to be given) and (iii) he/she is not a
member of any other political party registered with the
Commission or whose application for registration with
the commission is pending disposal).
12. Has a list of office bearers and members been furnished Yes/No
and the certified copy of electoral rolls or EPICs and
individual affidavits enclosed as per the sequence of
the list.
13. Has a copy of the party constitution with all details and Yes/No
provisions regarding the administrative set-up and
functioning of the party on democratic basis been
enclosed with application? Especially check the
following:(i) Whether the constitution has been adopted by
General Body and some authenticated
documentary proof enclosed?

page No.

page No.

(ii) Whether the constitution provides for(a) Periodic regular election to all offices Yes/No
& office bearers
(b) Declares democracy, socialism &
secularism as its basic tenets.
(c) Declares that party will not, in any
manner, promote or instigate or
participate in violence;
(d) Declares that party will hold periodic
(period to be specified in constitution
but at least once in 4 years) elections to
all positions of office bearers and
organs of the party;
(e) Declares that party must contest an
election conducted by the Election
Commission within five years of its
registration and thereafter should
continue to contest. (if the party does
not contest elections continuously for
six years the party will be taken off the
list of registered parties;)




(f) Declares that party must get its account Yes/No

audited during each financial year by a
Chartered Accountant and submit its
copy to the Election Commission
within a period of 60 days after the end
of each financial year.
14. Has the Chief Executive of the party authenticated the Yes/No
party constitution on each page with his full signature
and the seal of the party affixed thereon?
15. Has the mandatory provision as in section 29A (5) of Yes/No
the Representation of the People Act, 1951 that the
party shall bear true faith and allegiance to the
Constitution of India as by law established, and to the
principles of socialism, secularism and democracy and
would uphold the sovereignty, unity and integrity of
India been provided in the text of the party
constitution in these exact wordings?
16. Have the names of all main organs (committees, Yes/No
councils, etc. of the party) and all office bearers of the
said organs been furnished.


17. Have functions and powers of each organ of the party Yes/No
and office-bearers been given? (Even if some of the
organs have not been constituted at the time of
submission of the application, the party Constitution
should cover all organs).
18. Has it been specifically provided in the Party Yes/No
Constitution that only Indian Citizen who have attained
the age of 18 years are eligible to be members of the
There should be no restrictions on the
membership of the party, and party membership should
be open to any adult Indian Citizen.
19. Have explicit and clear provisions regarding Yes/No
organizational elections at different levels and term of
office (normally not exceeding 4 years) of various
committees/office bearers been provided in the party
There should be clear provisions to show that
all apex level committees and representative bodies of
the Party are constituted though democratic election
process. Nomination of members of such bodies, if at
all provided, should be restricted to a minimum scale,
not exceeding 1/3rd of the strength of the
20. Has clear provision been provided to the effect that Yes/No
election process to various offices of the party is
democratic (No office should be hereditary or held
Dose the Party constitution also clearly show that the Yes/No
functioning of the party is democratic?
Is decision making process by way of majority views Yes/No
of the representative bodies of appropriate level?
21. Has the procedure for merger and dissolution of the Yes/No
party been provided in the constitution?
(Such important decisions should be taken with
consultation at all levels of the party. The provisions
should be clear in this regard.)
22. Does the party constitution have a specific clause that
any amendment to the Constitution must be approved
by the General Body of the party
23. Has the procedure of disciplinary action against the Yes/No
erring members been given in the constitution?

page No.

24. Have the particulars of Bank Account and PAN, if any, Yes/No
in the name of the party been supplied?

page No.

25. Has no objection certificate from the owner of the Yes/No

house/premises where the party office is situated been
furnished with certified copies of tangible proof of
ownership of the premises such as House Tax Receipt
or Registry Papers.
26. Has a no objection certificate from the Local Body, Yes/No
Municipality, Municipal Corporation etc. to the effect
that there is no prohibition under the rules and
regulations of the authority to set up political party
office in that building/premises where the party office
is situated been furnished?
27. Has the provision for valid meetings of the various Yes/No
Committees, councils and other representative bodies
of the party, that the quorum should be minimum of
1/3rd members of the Committee/Council/Body, been
provided in the Party Constitution?
28. Have the separate affidavits from the office bearers of
the main organs of the applicant party in respect of
their assets and liabilities, been furnished?
29. Have the office bearers of the applicant party furnished
a copy of the Income Tax Returns filed for the last
three years, if they are Income Tax payees.
30. If they are not Income Tax payee, has he/she furnished
certified details of his/her monthly income alongwith
source of income.
31. Have the details of PAN Card in respect of office
bearers of the party been furnished?
32. Have the affidavits from the office bearers of the main
organs of the party showing information about their
criminal antecedents been furnished in affidavit form?


N.B. [Applications containing all particulars/documents as per the CHECK LIST, will be
processed and the applicant called for a personal hearing within a reasonable period of 2
to 3 months from the date of receipt of complete application. In case no reply/response is
received from the Commission till that period, the applicant is advised to contact the
Commissions Secretariat.]


Specimen of Affidavit to be signed by the President or General
Secretary of the party to be sworn before a 1st Class Magistrate/Oath
Commissioner/Notary Public.
I__________________________(Deponent) Son/Daughter of Shri__________________
_____ resident of _______________________________________ do hereby solemnly
affirm and state as follows:-


that I am President/General Secretary of the ____________________

___________________(Please mention the Name of the applicant party).


that no member of the party is a member of any other political party registered
with the Election Commission of India.


I declare that the above facts are true and correct to the best of my knowledge
and belief.



Specimen of Individual Affidavit in r/o at least 100 members (including
all office bearers) of the party to be sworn before a 1st Class
Magistrate/Oath Commissioner/Notary Public.

I__________________________(Deponent) Son/Daughter of Shri__________________

_____ resident of _______________________________________ do hereby solemnly
affirm and state as follows:-


that I am a member of the ____________________(Please mention the Name

of the applicant party).


that I am a registered elector in _____________________________Assembly

Constituency (Please give the Sl. No. and Name of the Assembly


that I am not a member of any other political party registered with the Election
Commission of India.


I declare that the above facts are true and correct to the best of my knowledge
and belief.




Registration of political party under Section 29A of the Representation

of People Act, 1951
(Affidavit to be furnished by the office bearers (President, VicePresident, General Secretary, Treasurer) of the applicant party
regarding assets and liabilities.)
I, ____________________, son/daughter/wife of ________________________
aged _____ years, resident of ____________________________________________,
holding the office of _______________________(mention the name of office) of the
_______________________________(mention the name of the political party), do
hereby solemnly affirm and state on oath as under:(Strike out whichever not applicable)
That the details of the assets (immovable, movable, bank balance, etc.) of myself,
my spouse and dependents* are given below:- _______

Details of movable assets. (Value)

(Assets in joint name indicating the extent of joint ownership will also have to be given)





Institutions and


Debentures and
Shares in


Other Financial
NSS, Postal
Savings, LIC,
Policies, etc.


Motor Vehicles
(details of
make, etc.)








(give details of
weight and


Other assets,
such as values
of claims /

Note : Value of Bonds / Shares / Debentures as per the latest market value in Stock
Exchange in respect of listed companies and as per books in the case of non listed
companies should be given.
*Dependent here means a person substantially dependents on the income of the

Details of Immovable assets

[Note : Properties in joint ownership indicating the extent of joint ownership will also have to
be indicated]





Agricultural Land
- Location(s)
- Survey number(s)
- Extent (Total measurement)
- current market value


Non-Agricultural Land
- Location(s)
- Survey number(s)
- Extent (Total measurement)
- current market value


Buildings (commercial and

- Location(s)
- Survey / door number(s)
- Extent (Total measurement)
- current market value


Houses / Apartments, etc.


Dependent Dependent Dependent-1


- Location(s)
- Survey / door number(s)
- Extent (Total measurement)
- current market value
(such as interest in property)



I give herein below the details of my liabilities / over dues to public financial
institutions and government dues :-

[Note : Please give separate details for each item]



(a) (i)

Loans from Banks

Name and address of Bank / Amount outstanding

/ as on .

(ii) Loans from financial


(iii) Government dues:-

(a) dues to departments

dealing with government
(b) dues to departments
dealing with supply of
(c) dues to departments
dealing with supply of
(d) dues to departments
dealing with telephones


(e) dues to departments

dealing with government
aircrafts and helicopters)
(f) other dues, if any



(b) (i)

PAN number


Name and address of Bank / Amount outstanding

/ as on .

Income Tax Return for last

assessment year

(iii) Wealth Tax Return for last

assessment year
(iv) Sales Tax Return for last
financial year [Only in case
of proprietary business]
(v) Property Tax for last financial

I, the deponent above named, do hereby verify and declare that the contents of this
affidavit are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief; no part of it is false
and nothing material has been concealed therefrom.
Verified at ____________ this the _________ day of _______, 20__.



Registration of political party under Section 29A of the Representation

of the People Act, 1951
(Affidavit to be furnished by the office bearers (President, VicePresident, General Secretary, Treasurer) of the applicant party
regarding criminal background)
I, ___________________________, son/daughter/wife of ________________________
aged _____ years, resident of ____________________________________________,
holding the office of _______________________(mention the name of office) of the
_______________________________(mention the name of the political party), do
hereby solemnly affirm and state on oath as under:(Strike out whichever not applicable)

I have not been convicted by any court of law for any offence

I have been convicted in the following cases as per details below:-



Case/First information report No./Nos. .

Court(s) which passed the order of conviction
Police station(s) District (s) State(s)..
Section(s) of the concerned Act(s) and short description of the offence(s)
for which the candidate has ever been charged ..
Date(s) on which the sentence (s) was/were pronounced
Whether the sentence(s) has/have been stayed by any court(s) of
competent jurisdiction
No case is pending against me before any court of law:-

The following case(s) is/are pending against me in which cognizance has been
taken by the court, as per details below:-


Section of the Act and description of the offence for which cognizance
taken :
The Court which has taken cognizance :
Case No. :
Date of order of the Court taking cognizance :
Details of appeal(s) / application(s) for revision, etc., if any, filed against
above order taking cognizance :


I, the deponent above named, do hereby verify and declare that the contents of this
affidavit are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief; no part of it is false
and nothing material has been concealed therefrom.
Verified at ____________ this the _________ day of _______, 200__.


Ykksd izfrfuf/kRo vf/kfu;e] 1951 dh /kkjk 29d ds v/khu jktuhfrd nyksa ds iathdj.k ds fy,
ekxZfunsZk rFkk vkosnu i=
(d`Ik;k ekxZfunsZkksa dks lko/kkuh iwoZd i<sa)
fdlh laxe ;k Hkkjrh; ukxfjdksa ds fudk; dks jktuhfrd ny ds :i esa iathdj.k ds mn~ns; ls] ml
laxe ;k fudk; dks yksd izfrfuf/kRo vf/kfu;e] 1951 dh /kkjk 29d dh mi/kkjk (4) ds v/khu viuk
laiw.kZ&fooj.k rFkk jktuhfrd&nyksa dk iathdj.k vfrfjDr fooj.k ds v/khu i`Fkd :i ls vfrfjDr&fooj.k
iznku djrs gq, Hkkjr fuokZpu vk;ksx dks ,d vkosnu (layXud&I ij fn, x, izk:Ik es)a izLrqr djuk visf{kr
gS A

;g vkosnu ny ds ysVj gSM ] ;fn dksbZ gks] ij LoPN :Ik ls Vafdr gksuk pkfg, rFkk bls ny ds

xBu dh frfFk ls 30 fnuksa ds Hkhrj lfpo] Hkkjr fuokZpu vk;ksx dks jftLVMZ Mkd }kjk Hkstk@O;fDrxr :Ik
ls izLrqr fd;k tkuk pkfg, A mijksDr vof/k ds ckn izzLrqr fd;k tkus okyk dksbZ Hkh vkosnu] yksd izfrfuf/kRo
vf/kfu;e] 1951 dh /kkjk 29 (2) ([k) ds micU/kksa ds v/khu dkykrhr gks tk,xk A vkosnu i= rFkk mlds
layXudksa ds leLr i`Bksa ij dzek% i`B la[;k vafdr gksuh pkfg, A

vkosnu ds lkFk fuEufyf[kr nLrkost@ tkudkjh vo; layXu gksus pkfg, %&


ny dk lafo/kku bl dkj fufeZr fd;k tk, %&

vuqPNsn I &

ny dk uke
/keZ ;k tkfr dk uke fufgr ugha gksuk pkfg,A

vuqPNsn II &

ny dk mn~ns;
Hkkjr ds lafo/kku ds vuq:Ik gksuk pkfg,A

vuqPNsn III & ny dh lnL;rk

lHkh o;Ld Hkkjrh; ukxfjdksa ds fy,A
vuqPNsn IV & ny ds ?kVd laxBukRed lajpuk
buesa ls R;sd ?kVd dh kfDr;k vkSj dk;Z
fu.kZ; ysus dh kfDr esa yksdrkaf=d Hkkouk ifjyf{kr gksuk pkfg, u fd
fuks/kkf/kdkj dh kfDrA
buesa ls R;sd ?kVd ds lnL;ksa dh fu;qfDr dk rjhdk vkSj inkof/k ,d
frgkbZ ls vf/kd lnL;ksa dk ukekadu ugha fd;k tk ldrk] vof/k fufpr gksuh

pkfg, tks ikp okZ ls vf/kd u gks] vkof/kd fuokZpu vf/kd ls vf/kd
ikp okZ ds vUnj
vuqPNsn V &

ny ds inkf/kdkjh
buesa ls R;sd inkf/kdkjh dh kfDr;k vkSj dk;Z fu.kZ; ysus dh kfDr esa
yksdrkaf=d Hkkouk ifjyf{kr gksuh pkfg, u fd fuks/kkf/kdkj dh kfDr
buesa ls R;sd inkf/kdkjh dh fu;qfDr dk rjhdk vkSj inkof/k fuokZfpr
fd;k tkuk pkfg,] ,d frgkbZ ls vf/kd dk ukekadu ugha fd;k tk ldrk]
R;sd ds fy, fu;r vof/k ikp okZ ls vf/kd ugha gksuh pkfg,A vkof/kd
fuokZpu vf/kd ls vf/kd ikp okZ ds vUnjA

vuqPNsn VI &

fooknksa ds fuiVku ,oa vuqkklu ds fu;eA

vuqPNsn VII &

dkedkt ds lapkyu dh ewyHkwr tkudkjh

fu.kZ; ysus dh fd;ka] cSBdsa] cSBd esa lnL;ksa dh U;wure vko;d la[;k]
uksfVl vkSj fu.kZ; fy;k tkuk bR;kfn%
fooj.k vyx ls layXu fd;k tk ldrk gS

vuqPNsn VIII &

ny ds dksk ,oa ys[ks

jktuhfrd xfrfof/k;ksa ds fy, ny ds dksk dk mi;ksx fd;k tkuk pkfg,]
ys[kksa dk ksn~Hkou .kkyh esa vuqj{k.k fd;k tkuk pkfg;s] fu;a=d vkSj
egkys[kk ijh{kd ds iSuy ds ys[kk ijh{kd }kjk okfkZd :Ik ls laijhf{kr
okfkZd ys[kksa dks foRrh; okZ lekIr gksus ds N% eghus ds vUnj Hkkjr
fuokZpu vk;ksx dks Lrqr djukA
fooj.k vyx ls layXu fd;k tk ldrk gSA

vuqPNsn IX &

ny ds lafo/kku dh lakks/ku f;kA

vuqPNsn X &

foy;u] foHkktu vkSj fo?kVu dh f;kA

vuqPNsn XI &

yksd frfuf/kRo vf/kfu;e 1951 dh /kkjk 29 d 5 ds v/khu vfuok;Z


vkosnu ds lkFk ,d tkp&lwph pSd fyLV


layXud&II ] ftldks lHkh enksa ds le{k

LiV mRrj lfgr] izLrqr fd;k tk, A vkosnu dh laca) i`B la[;k tgk tkp lwph ds fdlh en foksk dk
fooj.k ns[kk tk lds] vkids }kjk vo; bafxr fd;k tkuk pkfg, A
izlj.k kqYd ds fy, voj lfpo] Hkkjr fuokZpu vk;ksx] ubZ fnYyh ds i{k esa ns;


10]000@& : (nl gtkj :Ik;s ek=) dk fMekaM M~zkQ~V A ;g mYys[kuh; gS fd ;g izlj.k kqYd fdlh Hkh
nkk esa yksSVk;k ugha tk,xk A

ny ds Kkiu@ fu;e ,oa fofu;e@ fofu;e@lafo/kku dh ,d LoPN Vkbi@eqfnzr izfr

ftlesa yksd izfrfuf/kRo vf/kfu;e] 1951 dh /kkjk 29 (d) dh mi/kkjk (5) ds v/khu visf{kr v/kksfyf[kr
fofkV ko/kku v{kjk% lekfoV gksa %&
---------------------------------------------- ny dk uke fof/k }kjk LFkkfir Hkkjr ds lafo/kku ds izfr rFkk lektokn]
iFk&fujis{krk vkSj yksdra= ds fl)karksa ds izfr lPph J)k vkSj fuBk j[ksxk rFkk Hkkjr dh izHkqrk] ,drk o
v[kaaMrk dks v{kq..k j[ksxk A mDr vko;d izko/kku vfuok;Zr% ny ds lafo/kku ds ewy ikB esa blds ,d
[k.M ds :Ik esa lfEefyr gksuk pkfg, A yksd izfrfuf/kRo vf/kfu;e] 1951 dh mDr /kkjk 29 (d) dh
mi/kkjk (7) ds izko/kku ds vuqlkj dksbZ Hkh laxe ;k fudk; ,d jktuSfrd ny ds :Ik esa rc rd iathd`r
ugha fd;k tk,xk tc rd fd ,sls laxe ;k fudk; dk Kkiu@fu;e vkSj fofu;e@lafo/kku dh /kkjk (29)
;FkkiwoksZDr mi/kkjk (5) ds micU/kksa ds vuq:i ugha gS A

ny ds Kkiu@fu;e o fofu;e@lafo/kku esa ny ds vkUrfjd tkrU= ny ds fofHkUu Lrjksa

ij laxBukRed pquko ,oa pqukoksa dh i)fr] pqukoksa dh le;kof/k] ny ds inkf/kdkfj;ksa dh dk;kZof/k vkSj muds
vf/kdkjksa o dRrZO;ksa vkSj ny dh rjg&rjg dh frfuf/k lfefr;ksa tSls dk;Zdkjh lfefr@dk;Zdkjh ifjkn~
vkfn ds ckjs esa fofkV ko/kku gksuk pkfg,A

blds vfrfjDr lafo/kku esa ny ds foy;@fo?kVu dh fLFkfr esa ;qDr dh tkus okyh

dk;Zokgh ny ds lafo/kku esa lakks/ku dk ko/kku vkSj nkskh ik, x;s lnL;ksa ds fo:) vuqkklfud dk;Zokgh dh
O;oLFkk gksuh pkfg,A ny ds lafo/kku esa ny dh lnL;rk ds ckjs esa LiV ko/kku gksuk pkfg,A ny dh
lnL;rk ds lEcU/k esa dksbZ foHksn ugha gksuk pkfg,A

laxBu ds de ls de 100 lnL;ksa leLr inkf/kdkjh@dk;Zdkjh lfefr tSls fu.kZ; ysus okys

eq[; vaxksa ds lnL;ksa lfgr ds lEcU/k esa uohure fuokZpd ukekofy;ksa ds m)j.k tks lacaf/kr fo/kku lHkk {ks=
ds fuokZpd iath;u vf/kdkjh }kjk gks vkSj ftlls fl) gks fd og iathd`r fuokZpd gSA blds fodYi

ds :Ik esa lnL;ksa ds ernkrk igpku i= dh jktif=r vf/kdkjh ;k uksVjh ifCyd }kjk fof/kor izfr
izLrqr djuh pkfg,A

vkosnd ny ds v/;{k@egklfpo }kjk mfpr :Ik ls gLrk{kfjr ,d kiFk&i= tks Fke

esftLVsV@uksVjh ifCyd@kiFk vk;qDr ds le{k fy;k x;k gks fd laxBu dk dksbZ Hkh lnL; Hkkjr fuokZpu

vk;ksx }kjk iathd`r fdlh vU; jktuSfrd ny dk lnL; ugha gS layXud&iiiA


ny ds de ls de 100 lnL;ksa ds O;fDrxr kiFk&i= fd kiFk ysus okyk lnL; ,d

iathd`r ernkrk gS rFkk Hkkjr fuokZpu vk;ksx }kjk iathd`r fdlh vU; jktuSfrd ny dk lnL; ugha gSA ;s
kiFk&i= de ls de 2@&: nks :Ik;s ewY; oxZ ds LVkWEi isij ij Fke eftLVsV@kiFk
vk;qDr@uksVjh ifCyd ds le{k fy, x, gksaA ;s kiFk&i= mu O;fDr;ksa ds gksus pkfg, ftuds lEcU/k iSjk
vi esa fn, x, fuokZpd ukekofy;ksa ds m)j.k Lrqr fd, tk jgs gSaSA kiFk&i= dk uewuk layXud
&vi ij

ny ds in/kkfj;ksa rFkk lnL;ksa tks mijksDr en vi o vii ij of.kZr gSa dh ,d iw.kZ lwph

Lrqr dh tkuh pkfg, vkSj fuokZpd ukekofy;ksa ;k ernkrk QksVks igpku&i=ksa dh izfr rFkk O;fDrxr
kiFki= bl lwph ds e ds vuqlkj gh layXu fd;k tkuk pkfg,A

ny ds uke ls cSad [kkrs dk fooj.k rFkk LFkk;h [kkrk la[;k iSu] ;fn gks] rks og fn;k

tkuk pkfg,A

vknsnd ny dks] Hkou@ifjlj ftlesa ny dk dk;kZy; fLFkr gS mlds Lokeh ls LVkEi isij

ij ,d kiFk&i= ds :Ik esa ,d vukifRr ek.k&i=] Hkou@ifjlj ds LokfeRo ds ek.k tSls x`gdj jlhn ;k
jftLVh nLrkostksa dh fr ds lkFk Lrqr djuk gSA

vkosnd dks LFkkuh; fudk;] uxj fuxe bR;kfn ls bl Hkko dk ,d vukifRr ek.k&i=

yxkuk gksxk fd ,sls Hkou esa jktuhfrd ny dk dk;kZy; LFkkfir djusa esa ml kf/kdj.k ds v/khu fu;eksa o
fofu;euksa dk dksbZ mYya?ku ugha gSA

vkosnd ny ds eq[; vaxksa ds in/kkfj;ksa ls i`Fkd kiFk&i=ksa esa mudh ifjlaifRr;ksa ,oa

nkf;Roksa dh tkudkjh nsuh gksxh layXu v ij k:Ik layXu


vkosnd ny ds in/kkfj;ksa dks fiNys rhu okkasZ dh ntZ dh xbZ mudh vk;dj fjVZu dh fr

Lrqr djuh gksxh] ;fn os vk;dj nkrk gSaA ;fn dksbZ in/kkjh vk;dj nkrk ugha gS] rks mls viuh vk; dk fooj.k nsuk gksxkA

ny ds in/kkfj;ksa ls lEcfU/kr iSu dkMZ dk fooj.k nku fd;k tk,A


vkosnd ny ds eq[k vaxksa ds in/kkfj;ksa ls muds vkijkf/kd iwoZo`Rr fdzeuy ,aVhlhMasV dh

tkudkjh nkkZrk gqvk kiFk&i= Lrqr djuk gksxkA layXu vi ij k:Ik layXuA

vkosnd ny dks bldk ,d vfHkekf.kd lk{; Lrqr djuk pkfg, fd ny ds lafo/kku dks

ny dh lk/kkj.k lHkk }kjk vaxhdkj fd;k x;k gSA

xix vkosnd ny dks vius lafo/kku esa ;g ?kksk.kk djuh pkfg, fd og R;sd foRrh; okZ dh lekfIr ds 60
fnuksa ds Hkhrj vk;ksx dks ys[kk ijhf{kr okfkZd foRrh; fooj.k Lrqr djsxkA

vkosnd ny dks ny ds lafo/kku esa ,d fofkV micU/k ds }kjk vius lafo/kku esa ;g

lqfufpr djuk pkfg, fd ;g ny] fdlh Hkh dkj dh fgalk dks ksRlkfgr ;k mRrsftr ugha djsxk vkSj u gh
mlesa Hkkx ysxkA

vkosnd ny] vius lafo/kku esa ,d fofkV micU/k ds }kjk ;g lqfufpr djsxk fd ny ds

in/kkfj;kssa dks lHkh inksa rFkk ny ds vaxksa ds fy, fu;r dkykof/k ij lafo/kku esa de ls de 4 okZ esa ,d ckj
mYys[k djuk gksxk rFkk fu;fer fuokZpu djk,xkA

vkosnd ny] vius lafo/kku esa ,d fofkV micU/k ds }kjk ;g lqfufpr djsxk fd lafo/kku

esa dksbZ Hkh lakks/ku ny dh lk/kkj.k lHkk ds }kjk vuqeksfnr fd;k tkuk pkfg,A

ny dks vius lafo/kku esa ;g ?kksfkr djuk pkfg, fd og vius iathdj.k ds ikp okksZa ds

vUnj fuokZpu vk;ksx }kjk djk, tkus okys fuokZpuksa esa Hkkx ysxkA ;fn ny yxkrkj 6 okksZ rd pquko ugha
yM+rk gS] rks mls iathd`r nyksa dh lwph ls gVk fn;k tk;sxk A


;g lqfufpr djus dh lykg nh tkrh gS fd vkosnu layXud&ii esa nh xbZ tkp lwph ds

vuqlkj lHkh dkj ls iw.kZ gksA ;fn vkids vkosnu esa tkp lwph ds vuqlkj okafNr@dksbZ lwpuk vkids }kjk
ugha Lrqr dh xbZ gS ;k xyr Lrqr dh xbZ gS rks vkids vkosnu ij fopkj djuk laHko ugha gksxkA vr% ;g
lykg nh tkrh gS fd tkp lwph dks lko/kkuh iwoZd Hkjdj vkosnu ds lkFk tek fd;k tk,A

vkosnu mDr mfYyf[kr lHkh visf{kr fooj.kksa@nLrkostksa ds lkFk ny ds xBu dh frfFk ls 30

fnuksa ds vanj vk;ksx esa vo; Lrqr fd;k tkuk pkfg,A mijksDr vof/k ds ckn Lrqr fd;k tkus okyk dksbZ
Hkh vkosnu yksd frfuf/kRo vf/kfu;e] 1951 dh /kkjk 29d 2[k ds mica/kksa ds v/khu dkyoftZr gksxk rFkk
ml ij fopkj ugha fd;k tk,xkA

vkids }kjk fof/kor~ iw.kZ vkosnu dh kfIr ds nks lIrkg ds vUnj vkidks Hkkjr fuokZpu

vk;ksx }kjk vkids vkosnu dh kfIr Lohd`fr nh tk,xh ftlesa vkids }kjk vkxs dh tkus okyh dkjZokbZ ds
lEcU/k esa ekxZ nkZu fd;k tk,xkA


Ykksd frfuf/kRo vf/kfu;e] 1951 dh /kkjk 29 d ds v/khu jktuhfrd ny

ds :Ik esa iathdj.k ds fy, vkosnu dk i=
lsok esa]
Hkkjr fuokZpu vk;ksx]
fuokZpu lnu] vkksd jksM]
ubZ fnYyh&110001egksn;]
;g vuqjks/k gS fd ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------vkosnd ny dk
uke dks yksd frfuf/kRo vf/kfu;e] 1951 dh /kkjk 29 d ds v/khu ,d jktuhfrd ny ds :Ik esa iathd`r dj
fy;k tk,A mDr /kkjk 29 d dh mi&mi/kkjk 4 ds v/khu visf{kr fooj.k vkSj jktuhfrd nyksa dk iathdj.k
vfrfjDr fofkV;ksa dh Lrqrh vknsk] 1992 ds iSjk 2 ds v/khu visf{kr vfrfjDr fofkfV;k fuEu dkj gS%&
1yksd frfuf/kRo vf/kfu;e] 1951 dh /kkjk 29d dh mi&/kkjk 4 ds v/khu visf{kr
fofkV;k %
d laxe ;k fudk; dk uke

[k og jkT; tgk bldk eq[;ky; fLFkr gS

x og irk ftl ij blds fy, vkkf;r i=

vkSj vU; lalwpuk, Hksth tk,aA

?k blds v/;{k] lfpo] dkskk/;{k vkSj

vU; inkf/kdkfj;ksa ds uke

M+ blds lnL;ksa dh dqy la[;k

vkSj ;fn blds lnL;ksa dh Jsf.k;ka gS
rks R;sd dh vkafdd la[;k

p D;k bldh LFkkuh; bdkb;ka gSa \

;fn gSa] rks fdl Lrj ij

N D;k laln ;k fdlh jkT; fo/kkueaMy ds

fdlh lnu esa blds fdlh lnL; ;k lnL;ksa
dk frfuf/kRo gS \ ;fn gS] rks ,sls lnL; ;k
lnL;ksa dh la[;k
Tk laxe ;k fudk; ds xBu dh rkjh[k


2jktuhfrd nyksa dk iathdj.k vfrfjDr fofkV;ksa dh Lrqfr vknsk] 1992 ds iSjk 2 ds

v/khu visf{kr vfrfjDr fofkV;k

os fl)kar] ftu ij laxe ;k fudk; vk/kkfjr gS


os uhfr;ka] y{; vkSj mn~ns;] ftudk og

vuqlj.k djrk gS ;k vuqlj.k djuk pkgrk gS

vius fln~/kkarksa] uhfr;ksa] y{;ksa vkSj mn~ns;ksa dks iwjk

djus ds fy, blds] dk;Ze] dk;Z vkSj xfrfof/k;k


laxe ;k fudk; ds eq[; vaxksa ds uke] muds dk;Z vkSj

v/;{k dk uke pkgs tks Hkh uke gks] vkSj ,sls vaxksa ds
vU; lnL;

M+ fuokZpdksa ds lkFk laxe ;k fudk; dk lEcU/k vkSj

turk ls izkIr leFkZu tks mls miyC/k gks rFkk ,sls
lEcU/k vkSj leFkZu dk ewrZ ek.k] ;fn dksbZ gks]

iw.kZ :Ik ls Hkjh xbZ tkap lwph] mlesa fofgr visf{kr nLrkostksa ds lkFk ,rn~}kjk layXu gSA
fnukd %&


gLrk{kj ------------------------------------------------uke--------------------------------------------------------inuke % ny dk egklfpo@

ny dh eksgj----------------------------------------

layXud II
yksd izfrfuf/kRo vf/kfu;e] 1951 dh /kkjk 29 d ds v/khu jktuhfrd ny ds iathdj.k ds fy, vkosnu ds
lkFk layXu dh tkus okyh tkp&lwph
vkosnu esa fuEufyf[kr fooj.k@nLrkost gksus pkfg, A vkosnd dks tkp&lwph ds izR;sd en ds le{k ;g
vo; bafxr djuk pkfg, fd lac) en ds funsZkksa dk ikyu fd;k x;k gS ;k ugh A fdlh Hkh en dks viw.kZ
ugha NksM+k tkuk pkfg, A viw.kZ tkp&lwph ds lkFk izkIr vkosnu dks ljljh rkSj ij vLohd`r dj fn;k tk,xk
dze la0
1D;k vkosnd ny@laxBu dk uke LiV :i ls fn;k
x;k gS\ ;g uke fon~;eku nyksa ds uke ls LiVr;k
fHkUu gksuk pkfg, A lkFk gh] ny ds uke dk dksbZ Hkh
Hkkx /kkfeZd] lkaiznkf;d ;k tkfrxr vFkZ fy, gq, ugha
gksuk pkfg, A
2D;k ny ds xBu dh frfFk vadksa o kCnksa nksuksa esa nh
xbZ gS\ ny ds xBu ls lacaf/kr nLrkost@lk{;
izLrqr fd, tkus pkfg,
3D;k vk;ksx dks vkosnu ny ds xBu dh frfFk ds 30
fnukas ds vanj Hkstk x;k gS\
4D;k vkosnu ds lkFk izlj.k kqYd ds :i esa
10]000 :0 dk fMekaM M~zkQ~V layXu fd;k x;k gS\
;g fMekaM M~zkQ~V voj lfpo Hkkjr fuokZpu vk;ksx
ds i{k esa fnYyh esa ns; gksuk pkfg, A izlj.k kqYd ds
fcuk izkIr vkosnu i=ksa dk izlj.k ugha fd;k tk,xk
5D;k yksd izfrfuf/kRo vf/kfu;e] 1951 dh /kkjk 29 d
4 ds v/khu visf{kr fuEufyf[kr fofkfV;k vkosnu
esa miyC/k djkbZ xbZ gS\a
d laxe ;k fudk; dk uke
[k og jkT; tgk bldk eq[;ky; fLFkr gS
x og irk ftl ij blds fy, vkkf;r i= vkSj
vU; lalwpuk,a Hksth tk,a
?k blds v/;{k] lfpo] dkskk/;{k vkSj vU;
inkf/kdkfj;ksa ds uke
M- blds lnL;ksa dh dqy la[;k vkSj ;fn blds
lnL;ksa dh Jsf.k;ka gSa rks izR;sd dh vkafdd la[;k


vkosnd dh
gk @ ugha

gk @ ugha
gk @ ugha

gk @ ugha
gk @ ugha
gk @ ugha
gk @ ugha
gk @ ugha

p D;k bldh LFkkuh; bdkb;k gS\a ;fn gSa rks fdl gk @ ugha
Lrj ij
N D;k laln ;k fdlh jkT; fo/kkueaMy ds fdlh gk @ ugha
lnu esa blds fdlh lnL; ;k lnL;ksa dk izfrfuf/kRo
gS\ ;fn gS] rks ,sls lnL; ;k lnL;ksa dh la[;k
D;k jktuhfrd nyksa dk jftLVhdj.k vfrfjDr
fofkfV;ksa dh izLrqfr vknsk] 1992 ds iSjk 2 ds v/khu
visf{kr fuEufyf[kr vfrfjDr fofkfV;k vkosnu ds

lUnHkZ i`B la0

lkFk i`Fkd :i ls miyC/k djkbZ xbZ gSa \





d os fl)kar] ftu ij laxe ;k fudk; vk/kkfjr gS

[k os uhfr;ka] y{; vkSj mn~ns;] ftudk og
vuqlj.k djrk gS ;k vuqlj.k djuk pkgrk gS
x vius fl)karksa] uhfr;ksa] y{;ksa vkSj mn~ns;ksa dks
iwjk djus ds fy, blds dk;Ze] dk;Z vkSj xfrfof/k;k
?k laxe ;k fudk; ds eq[; vaxksa ds uke pkgs tks
Hkh uke gks muds dk;Z vkSj v/;{k dk uke pkgs tks
Hkh uke gks ] vkSj ,sls vaxksa ds vU; lnL;
M- fuokZpdksa ds lkFk laxe ;k fudk; dk lEcU/k
vkSj turk ls izkIr leFkZu tks mls miyC/k gS] ,sls
lEcU/k vkSj leFkZu dk ewrZ izek.k] ;fn dksbZ gks]
D;k ny ds eq[; dk;Zdkjh us vkosnu rFkk ny ds
lafo/kku ij gLrk{kj fd, gSa \
D;k laxBu ds v/;{k@egklfpo }kjk izFke
eftLVsV@kiFk vk;qDr ds le{k fof/kor~ :i ls kiFk
ysdj ,d kiFk&i= izLrqr fd;k x;k gS fd bl ny
dk dksbZ Hkh lnL; vk;ksx ds ikl igys ls jftLVMZ
fdlh vU; ny dk lnL; ugha gS rFkk dksbZ ?kksfkr
HkxksM+k bl ny dk lnL; ugha gS rFkk os lHkh lnL;
ftUgksaus ny ds lnL; ds :i esa kiFk yh gS ml
uksVjh ds le{k vius gLrk{kj@vaxwBs dk fukku yxk;k
gS ftlus kiFk&i= lR;kfir fd;k gS\
D;k ny ds lHkh lnL;ksa dh la[;k vadksa o kCnksa
nksuksa esa nkkZ;h xbZ gS\
D;k de ls de 100 lnL;ksa dh fuokZpd ukekofy;ksa
inkf/kdkfj;ksa@lnL;ksa@dk; lfefr ds lnL;ksa
lfgr izLrqr fd, x, gSa\ mn~/kj.k lacaf/kr fuokZpd
jftLVhdj.k vf/kdkjh }kjk gksus pkfg,A
fodYir%] lnL;ksa ds fuokZpd QksVks igpku i= dh
QksVks igpku i= dh QksVks izfr;ka jktif=r vf/kdkjh
;k uksVjh }kjk fof/kor~ :i ls djokus ds
mijkUr gh izLrqr dh tkuh pkfg, A
D;k laLFkk ds mijksDr 100 lnL;ksa ls 2@& :
ewY; oxZ ds LVSai isij ij fy, x, O;fDrxr kiFki=]
ftl ij izFke eSftLVsV@kiFk vk;qDr@uksVjh
ifCyd ds le{k gLrk{kj fd, x, Fks] izLrqr dj fn,
x, gSa\ kiFk i= esa lnL;ksa dks bl lEcU/k esa iqfV
djuh pkfg, fd (i og vkosnd ikVhZ dk lnL; gS
ikVhZ dk uke mYys[k djsa (ii og fdlh foksk
fuokZpu {ks= dk jftLVhd`r fuokZpd gS fuokZpu {ks=
dk uke nsuk gS rFkk (iii og vk;ksx esa iathd`r
fdlh vU; jktuSfrd ikVhZ ;k ftldk vkosnu vk;ksx
ds ikl fuiVku ds fy, yafcr gS] dk lnL; ugha gS A
D;k inkf/kdkfj;ksa ,oa lnL;ksa dh ,d lwph izLrqr dh

gk @ ugha
gk @ ugha
gk @ ugha
gk @ ugha
gk @ ugha
gk @ ugha
gk @ ugha

gk @ ugha
gk @ ugha

gk @ ugha

gk @ ugha



xbZ gS rFkk fuokZpd ukekoyh dh izfr ;k

ernkrk igpku i= ,oa O;fDrxr kiFk i=] lwph esa
of.kZr eokj layXu gSa \
D;k yksdrkaf=d vk/kkj ij ikVhZ dh izkklfud O;oLFkk
rFkk dk;Ziz.kkyh ds lEcU/k esa lHkh fooj.k rFkk izko/kkuksa
lfgr ikVhZ ds lafo/kku dh ,d izfr vkosnu ds lkFk
layXu dj nh xbZ
fuEufyf[kr dh foksk :i ls tkp dj ysa %
D;k ikVhZ dk lafo/kku ikVhZ dh
lk/kkj.k lHkk
}kjk vaxhd`r gS rFkk D;k dksbZ bl lEcU/k esa nLrkosth; izek.k layXu fd;k x;k gS \
(ii)D;k lafo/kku esa fuEufyf[kr izko/kku kkfey
gSa \ %&
d lHkh inkas rFkk inkf/kdkfj;ksa ds le;c)
fu;fer pquko
[k yksdra=] lektokn rFkk /keZfujis{kokn dks
blds ewy fl)kar ?kksfkr djrk gS A
x ;g ?kksfkr djrk gS fd ikVhZ fdlh Hkh izdkj
dh fgalk dks c<+kok ugha nsxh vkSj u gh
mlesa kkfey gksxh A
?k ;g ?kksfkr djrk gS fd ikVhZ inkf/kdkfj;ksa
ds lHkh inksa rFkk ikVhZ ds vaxksa ds fy,
le;c) pquko le;kof/k
dks lafo/kku esa
fofufnZV fd;k tk,xk ij ;g 4 okZ esa de ls
de ,d ckj vo; djk;s tk,axs A
M;g ?kksfkr djrk gS fd ny vius
iathdj.k ds ikap okksZa ds vanj fuokZpu vk;skx
}kjk djok, tkus okys pquko yMs+xk rFkk mlds
i'pkr~ pquko yM+uk tkjh j[ksxk ;fn ny
yxkrkj N% okksZa rd pquko ugha yM+rk rks
iathd`r nyksa dh lwph ls mldk uke gVk fn;k
;g ?kksfkr djrk gS fd izR;sd foRrh; okZ
ds nkSjku ikVhZ vius ys[kksa dh ys[kk&ijh{kk pkVsZM
,dkmUVsV ls vo; djok,xh rFkk bldh izfr
izR;sd foRrh; okZ dh lekfIr ds 60 fnuksa ds vUnj
fuokZpu vk;ksx dks izLrqr djsxh A
D;k ikVhZ ds eq[; dk;Zikyd us ikVhZ lafo/kku ds
izR;sd i`B dks vius iw.kZ gLrk{kj }kjk
fd;k gS rFkk D;k ml ij ikVhZ dh eqgj yxkbZ xbZ gS\
D;k yksd izfrfuf/kRo vf/kfu;e] 1951 dh /kkjk 29 d
5 ds vfuok;Z micU/k fd ny fof/k }kjk LFkkfir
Hkkjr ds lafo/kku ds izfr rFkk lektokn] iaFk&fujis{krk
vkSj yksdra= ds fl)karksa ds izfr lPph J)k vkSj fuBk
j[ksxk rFkk Hkkjr dh izHkqrk] ,drk o v[kaMrk dks

gk @ ugha

gk @ ugha

gk @ ugha
gk @ ugha
gk @ ugha
gk @ ugha

gk @ ugha

gk @ ugha

gk @ ugha
gk @ ugha








v{kq..k j[ksxk A dks bUgha kCnksa esa ikVhZ lafo/kku esa

kkfey fd;k x;k gS \
D;k lHkh eq[; vaxksa ikVhZ dh lfefr;ka] ifjknsa
bR;kfn ds uke rFkk mDr vaxksa ds inkf/kdkfj;ksa ds
lEcU/k esa lwpuk izLrqr dh xbZ gS \
D;k ikVhZ ds izR;sd vax rFkk inkf/kdkfj;ksa ds dk;Z
rFkk muds vf/kdkjksa dk mYys[k gS \ ;fn vkosnu
izLrqr djrs le; fdUgha vaxksa dk xBu ugha fd;k x;k
gS rks Hkh ikVhZ lafo/kku esa bu lHkh vaxksa dks kkfey
fd;k tkuk pkfg,
D;k ikVhZ lafo/kku esa bl ckr dk mYys[k fd;k x;k gS
fd dsoy os Hkkjrh; ukxfjd ftUgksaus 18 okZ dh vk;q
izkIr dh yh gS] ikVhZ dk lnL; cuus ds ik= gS\a ikVhZ
dh lnL;rk ij dksbZ izfrcU/k ugha gksuk pkfg, rFkk
ikVhZ lnL;rk fdlh Hkh o;Ld Hkkjrh; ukxfjd ds
fy, [kqyh gksuh pkfg,A
D;k fofHkUu Lrjksa ij laxBukRed pqukoksa ds lEcU/k esa
LiV izko/kku rFkk fofHkUu lfefr;ksa@inkf/kdkfj;ksa dh
inkof/k lkekU;r% 4 okksZ ls vf/kd ugha dh lwpuk
ikVhZ lafo/kku esa nh xbZ gS\
lafo/kku esa LiV izko/kku gksus pkfg, fd ikVhZ dh lHkh
khkZ Lrjh; lfefr;ksa rFkk izfrfuf/k fudk;ksa dk xBu
yksdrkaf=d pquko izfdz;k ds ek/;e ls gks ,sls fudk;ksa
ds lnL;ksa dk ukekadu] ;fn izko/kku gks U;wure gksuk
pkfg, rFkk ;g lfefr@fudk; dh dqy la[;k ds ,d
frgkbZ ls vf/kd ugha gksuk pkfg, A
D;k bl lEcU/k esa LiV izko/kku fn, x, gSa fd ikVhZ
ds fofHkUu inksa dh pquko izfdz;k yksdrkaf=d gS dksbZ
Hkh in vkuqoafkd ugha vFkok LFkk;h :i ls j[kk x;k
ugha gksuk pkfg, \
D;k ikVhZ lafo/kku bl ckr dk Hkh LiV mYys[k
djrk gS fd ikVhZ dh dk;Ziz.kkyh yksdrkaf=d gS\
D;k mfpr Lrj ds izfrfuf/k fudk;ksa esa fu.kZ; ysus
dh izfdz;k cgqer ds vk/kkj ij gS\
D;k ikVhZ ds foy; rFkk fo?kVu dh izfdz;k dk lafo/kku
esa mYys[k fd;k x;k gS\ bl izdkj ds egRroiw.kZ
fu.kZ; ikVhZ ds lHkh Lrjksa ij ijkekZ ds i'pkr~ fy,
tkus pkfg,A bl lEcU/k esa izko/kku LiV gksus pkfg,\
D;k ny ds lafo/kku esa foksk micU/k fn;k x;k gS fd
lafo/kku esa dksbZ Hkh lakks/ku ny dh lkekU; lHkk }kjk
vo; Lohd`r gksuk pkfg,\
D;k ny ds lafo/kku esa nkskh ik, x, lnL;ksa ds fo:)
vuqkklukRed dk;ZokbZ dh f;k nh xbZ gS\
D;k ny ds uke ij cSasd [kkrk LFkkbZ [kkrk la[;k iSu]
;fn dksbZ gks] dk fooj.k fn;k x;k gS\
D;k ftl Hkou esa ny dk dk;kZy; fLFkr gS] mlds
Lokeh dh vksj ls vukifRr ek.k i= rFkk ml Hkou ds

gk @ ugha
gk @ ugha

gk @ ugha

gk @ ugha

gk @ ugha

gk @ ugha
gk @ ugha
gk @ ugha

gk @ ugha
gk @ ugha
gk @ ugha
gk @ ugha




LokfeRo dks fl) djus ds fy, ewrZ ek.k tSls

Hkou&dj jlhn ;k jftLVh ds dkxtkr dh
fr Lrqr dh xbZ gS\
D;k LFkkuh; fudk;] E;wfuliSfyVh] E;wfufliy
dksjiksjsku vkfn ls bl vkk; dk vukifRr ek.k i=
fd lacaf/kr fudk; ds fu;eksa&fofu;eksa ds v/khu
mijksDr Hkou esa ny dk dk;kZy; LFkkfir fd;s tkus
ij dksbZ frac/k ugha gS \
D;k ny ds lafo/kku esa ny dh fofHkUu lfefr;ksa
ifjknksa rFkk vU; frfuf/k fudk;ksa dh oS/k cSBdksa ds
fy, x.kiwfrZ@lacaf/kr fudk;ksa ds U;wuRre 1@3 lnL;
gksus laca/kh ko/kku lfEefyr gSa \
D;k vkosnd ny ds eq[; vaxksa ds inkf/kdkfj;ksa dh
vksj ls mudh ifjlaifRr;ksa rFkk nkf;Roksa ds lEcU/k esa
vyx ls kiFk&i= Lrqr fd;s x;s gSa \
D;k vkosnd ny ds inkf/kdkfj;ksa us fiNys rhu okksZa esa
tek dh xbZ vk;dj&fjVuZ dh fr] ;fn os vk;&dj
nkrk gS] Lrqr dh gS\
;fn os vk;dj nkrk ugha gSa rks D;k mUgksaus vius vk;
ds ksr ds lkFk viuh vk; dk fooj.k Lrqr
fd;k gS\
D;k ny ds inkf/kdkfj;ksa ds lEcU/k esa iSu dkMZ dk
fooj.k izLrqr fd;k x;k gS \
D;k ny ds eq[; vaxksa ds inkf/kdkfj;ksa }kjk muds
vkijkf/kd iwoZo`Rr ls lacaf/kr lwpuk kiFk&i= ds :Ik
esa izLrqr dh xbZ gS \

gk @ ugha

gk @ ugha

gk @ ugha
gk @ ugha
gk @ ugha
gk @ ugha
gk @ ugha

foksk% tkp&lwph ds vuqlkj lHkh fooj.kksa ,oa nLrkostksa ds lkFk kIr vkosnu ij dkjokbZ dh tk,xh ,oa iw.kZ
vkosnu dh kfIr ds 2 ;k 3 ekg dh rdZ lEer vof/k ds vUnj vkosnd dks O;fDrxr lquokbZ ds fy, cqyk;k
tk,xkA ;fn bl vof/k esa vk;ksx ls dksbZ i= ugha kIr gksrk gS rks vkosnd dks vk;ksx ds lfpoky; esa laidZ
djsus dh lykg nh tkrh gSA

izFke eftLVsV@kiFk vk;qDr@uksVjh ifCyd ds le{k kiFk ysus ds fy, ny ds v/;{k
;k egklfpo }kjk gLrk{kj fd, tkus okys kiFk&i= dk uewuk
eSa --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------vfHklk{kh lqiq=@lqiq=h Jh -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- fuoklh -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ,rn~}kjk
lR;fuBk ls izfrKk djrk gw@djrh gw@rFkk ;g dgrk gwWa@dgrh gwWa


fd eSa ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------d`i;k vkosnd ny ds uke dk mYys[k djsa dk

v/;{k@egklfpo gwWa A


fd bl ny dk dksbZ Hkh lnL; Hkkjr fuokZpu vk;ksx ds ikl iathd`r fdlh vU; jktuhfrd ny dk
lnL; ugha gS A


eSa ?kksk.kk djrk gwWa@djrh gwWa fd mDr rF; esjs loksZRre Kku rFkk fookl ds vuqlkj lR; ,oa lgha gSa A


izFke eftLV~zsV@kiFk vk;qDr@uksVjh ifCyd ds le{k ny ds 100 lnL;ksa
lHkh in/kkfj;ksa lesr ds lEcU/k esa O;fDrxr kiFk&i= dk uewuk
eSa --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------vfHklk{kh lqiq=@lqiq=h Jh -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- fuoklh -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ,rn~}kjk
lR;fuBk ls izfrKk djrk gwa@djrh gw@rFkk ;g dgrk gw@dgrh gw
1- fd eSa ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------d`i;k vkosnd ny ds uke dk mYys[k djsa ny dk
,d lnL; gwA

2- fd eSa -------------------------------------------------------------- fo/kku lHkk fuokZpu {ks= d`i;k fuokZpu {ks= dh dze la0 o
uke fy[ksa esa ,d iathd`r fuokZpd gw A

3- eSa Hkkjr fuokZpu vk;ksx ds ikl iathd`r fdlh vU; jktuhfrd ny dk lnL; ugha gwA

4- eSa ?kksk.kk djrk gwa@djrh gwa fd mDr rF; esjs loksZRre Kku o fookl ds vuqlkj lR; ,oa lgh gS A


yksd izfrfuf/kRo vf/kfu;e] 1951 dh /kkjk 29 d ds v/khu jktuhfrd ny dk iathdj.k
vkosnd ny ds inkf/kdkfj;ksa v/;{k] mik/;{k] egklfpo] dkskk/;{k }kjk ifjlaifRr;ksa ,oa nkf;Roksa ds laca/k esa
izLrqr fd;k tkus okyk kiFk i=
eSa lqiq=@lqiq=h@iRuh -------------------------- vk;q---------------------------------okZ ------------------------- fuoklh -----------------------------------------------------------gw rFkk -------------------------------------------ny dk uke dk ----------------------------------- inuke gw] lR;fuBk ls
izfrKk djrk gw@djrh gw vkSj kiFkiwoZd dgrk gw@dgrh gw %&
tks ykxw gks u gks mls dkV nsa
2fd esjs Lo;a ds rFkk esjs ifr@iRuh rFkk vkfJrksa dh ifjlEifRr;ksa vpy@py cSad tek vkfn dk
fooj.k bl izdkj gS %

py ifjlEifRr ds fooj.k ewY;

la;qDr LokfeRo ds foLrkj dks crkrs gq, la;qDr uke esa ifjlEifRr;ksa dks Hkh crkuk gksxk
vkfJr&2 vkfJr&3
dk uke
dk uke
dk uke bR;kfn dk uke
2cSad] foRrh; laLFkkuksa
vkSj xSj cSafdx foRrh;
daifu;ksa esa tek /ku
3daifu;ksa esa ckM]
fMcSUpj vkSj ks;j
4vU; foRrh; lk/kuksa
,u-,l- ,l-( Mkd
cpr ( ,y-vkbZ-lhikfylh vkfn A
5eksVj okgu dEiuh
ekMWy vkfn dk
6xgus Hkkj rFkk dher
dk fooj.k nsa
7vU; ifjlEifRr;ka tSls
nkos dh dher@C;kt %lwphcn~~/k dEifu;ksa ds lEcU/k esa ckM@ks;j@fMcsUpj dh dher] LVkd ,Dlpsat dh v/;ru cktkj
dher ds vuqlkj rFkk xSj lwphcn~/k dEifu;ksa ds ekeyksa esa [kkrksa ds vuqlkj nh tk, A

vkfJr ls rkRi;Z vfHklk{kh vH;FkhZ dh vk; ij og O;fDr iw.kZr% vkfJr gS A

vpy ifjlEifRr;ksa dk fooj.k la;qDr LokfeRo dh laifRr esa la;qDr LokfeRo ds foLrkj dk Hkh mYys[k fd;k tk,



d`fk Hkwfe
&fLFkfr fLFkfr;k
&losZ{k.k la[;k
&foLrkj dqy eki
&orZeku cktkj dher
xSj d`fk Hkwfe
&fLFkfr fLFkfr;k
&losZ{k.k la[;k
&foLrkj dqy eki
&orZeku cktkj ewY;
Hkou O;olkf;d vkSj
&fLFkfr fLFkfr;k



&foLrkj dqy eki
&orZeku cktkj ewY;
edku@vikZVesUV vkfn
&fLFkfr fLFkfr;k
&losZ{k.k@njoktk uEcj
&foLrkj dqy eki
&orZeku cktkj ewY;
vU; lEifRr ls C;kt


dk uke

dk uke

dk uke

bR;kfn dk

3eSa] lkoZtfud foRrh; laLFkkvksa vkSj ljdkjh nsunkfj;ksa dks cdk;k viuh ns;rkvksa@vfr ns;rkvksa dk
fooj.k uhps ns jgk gw %& d`i;k izR;sd en ds fy, vyx fooj.k nsa
e la[;k
d 1

e la[;k
[k 1


laLFkku@laLFkkuksa foHkkx
foHkkxksa dk uke vkSj irk

fnukad ------------ dks

cdk;k jkfk

laLFkku@laLFkkuksa foHkkx
foHkkxksa dk uke vkSj irk

fnukad ------------ dks

cdk;k jkfk

cSad ls _.k
foRrh; laLFkkuksa ls _.k
Lkjdkjh ns;rk,%&
d ljdkjh vkokl ls lacaf/kr
foHkkx dh ns;rk,
[k ty&vkiwfrZ foHkkx dh ns;rk,
x fo|qr&vkiwfrZ foHkkx dh ns;rk,
?k nwj&lapkj foHkkx dh ns;rk,
M- ljdkjh ifjogu gokbZ tgkt
,oa gsfydkWIVj lfgr foHkkx dh
p vU; ns;rk,Wa] ;fn dksbZ gks
LFkkbZ [kkrk la[;k PAN
fiNys dj fu/kkZj.k okZ dh vk;&dj
fiNys dj&fu/kkZj.k okZ dh
lEifRr&dj fjVuZ
fiNys foRrh; okZ dh fcdzh&dj
fjVuZ dsoy LokfefRod O;oLkk; ds
fiNys foRr&okZ dk lEink dj
Property Tax

eSa] mi;qZDr uke dk vfHklk{kh] blds }kjk ;g lR;kfir djrk gw@djrh gw] vkSj ;g ?kksk.kk djrk
gw@djrh gw fd bl kiFk i= dh fok; oLrq esjs fookl vkSj tkudkjh esa lR; vkSj lgh gS vkSj bl dk dksbZ
Hkh Hkkx xyr ugha gS vkSj dqN Hkh egRoiw.kZ blesa fNik;k ugha x;k gS A
o"kZ -------------------------200-------ds------------------------------------fnu dks ----------------------------------------------LFkku ij lR;kfir

yksd izfrfuf/kRo vf/kfu;e] 1951 dh /kkjk 29 d ds v/khu jktuhfrd ny dk iathdj.k
vkosnd ny ds inkf/kdkfj;ksa v/;{k] mik/;{k] egklfpo] dkskk/;{k }kjk vkijkf/kd i`BHkwfe ds lanHkZ
esa izLrqr fd;k tkus okyk kiFki=
eSa]------------------------------------------- iq=@iq=h@iRuh -------------------------- vk;q---------------------------------okZ] tks -------------------------dk@dh fuoklh gw rFkk -------------------------------ny dk uke dk ----------------------------------- inuke gw] lR;fuBk ls izfrKk
djrk gw@djrh gw@kiFkiwoZd dgrk gwA@dgrh gw %&
tks ykxw gks u gks mls dkV nsa
1eSa fdlh Hkh vijk/k ds fy, fdlh Hkh U;k;ky; }kjk nkskh ugha Bgjk;k x;k gw@xbZ gw vFkok eq>s uhps
fn;s x;s fooj.kkuqlkj fuEufyf[kr ekeyksa esa nkskh ik;k x;k gS %
ekeyk @izFke lwpuk fjiksVZ la[;k@la[;k,a -------------------------------------------------------------(ii) U;k;ky;] ftlds ftuds }kjk nkskh ik, tkus laca/kh vknsk ikfjr fd;k x;k A
(iii) iqfyl Fkkuk Fkkus ---------------------- ------------------------ ftyk
ftys -------------------------------- jkT;
(iv) lacaf/kr vf/kfu;e vf/kfu;eksa dh /kkjk /kkjk,a vkSj vijk/k vijk/kksa dk laf{kIr fooj.k ftlds
ftuds fy, vfHklk{kh vkjksfir fd;k x;k gS------------------------------------------------------------------------------------(v) rkjh[k rkjh[ksa ftudks naMknsk lquk;k x;k Fkk@lquk, x, Fks -----------------------------------------------------(vi) D;k lHkh ;k dksbZ dk;Zokgh fdlh l{ke vf/kdkfjrk okys U;k;ky; }kjk jksdh xbZ gaS@gS ------------------------2-

esjs fo:} fdlh Hkh U;k;ky; esa dksbZ Hkh ekeyk yafcr ugha gS A
esjs fo:} uhps fn;s x;s fooj.kkuqlkj fuEufyf[kr ekeyk@ekeys yafcr gS@gSa ftudk laKku U;k;ky;
}kjk fy;k x;k gS %

lacaf/kr vf/kfu;e vf/kfu;eksa dh /kkjk /kkjk, vkSj ml vijk/k mu vijk/kksa dk laf{kIr fooj.k
ftlds ftuds fy, laKku fy;k x;k gS %
U;k;ky; ftlus laKku fy;k %
okn la[;k %
laKku ysus ds U;k;ky; ds vknsk dh rkjh[k %
laKku ysus okys mijksDr vknsk ds fo:) iqujh{kk vkfn] ;fn dksbZ gks] ds fy,
nk;j dh xbZ vihy@vihyksa] vkosnu@vkosnuksa dk fooj.k %

vfHklk{kh ds gLrk{kj

eSa ij ukfer vfHklk{kh] ;g lR;kfir vkSj ?kksfkr djrk@djrh gw fd bl kiFki= dh varoZLrq esjs loksZRre
Kku vkSj fookl ds vuqlkj lR; vkSj lgh gsS vkSj bldk dksbZ Hkkx feF;k ugha gS vkSj dksb rkfRod ckr
fNik;h ugha xbZ gS A
vfHklk{kh ds gLrk{kj

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