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The Amazing Race, Sigma Pi Edition

Race Overview, Rules and Regulations, Penalties and Deficits

Iota-Alpha Chapter Sigma Pi Fraternity, International

Introduction and Race Start (approx. 20 Minutes):
Introduction and slideshow on race rules and guidelines Solving of the word puzzles in order to depart the start

Race Events (approx. 3 hours):

Participants travel from challenge to challenge competing against each other and the clock as they continue to race from location to location along the route

Race End (approx. 30 Minutes):

Teams will race to finish the final puzzle

Zero cost to you!


1. Teams must complete each challenge as specified by the clues given to them throughout the Race. a. Should a team fail to properly complete a challenge, violate any provisions made in a clue or task description, or miss a clue altogether (unless specifically allowed to do so, e.g., by winning the Presidential Pardon), they must either go back and complete the challenge, or incur a penalty (see Penalties and Deficits below). 2. Teams are allowed contact with friends, family, and acquaintances during the Race, though, at the expense of their own time. Unless otherwise stated by the clues, teams are allowed to use the help of locals for navigating and during tasks. 3. Teams are ABSOLUTELY prohibited from collaborating with other teams (unless otherwise specified or within Intersection events). 4. Teams are encouraged to hinder the performance of other teams by creative cheating and/or subterfuge in some circumstances.
Sigma Pi Fraternity IotaAlpha Chapter 1

The Amazing Race, Sigma Pi Edition

Race Overview, Rules and Regulations, Penalties and Deficits

a. Extra credit points are available for specific occurrences of cheating; these specific actions will not be revealed to competition teams prior to the event. b. Prohibited cheating, such as by taking extra clues from event staff or other teams, and any actions which may be deemed illegal, unsafe, or destructive of public property. 5. Teams are required to abide by all national and local laws. 6. At the conclusion of each event, participants may request a summary of points gained/lost throughout that specific event.


1. Collaboration with other teams: a. 2-point deficit for each occurrence 2. Action deemed illegal/unsafe/destructive a. 10-point deficit for each occurrence b. May result in expulsion from event 3. Failure to complete event a. 5-point deficit for each occurrence

Sigma Pi Fraternity IotaAlpha Chapter

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