Primary Research Findings: Factors Influencing Student To Work Part Time

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Primary research findings

Out of 40 people surveyed, 22 were male and 18 were female. Most of them doing part time job and them thought that part time job had improved them in positive way.

Factors influencing student to work part time

Figure 1 shows that out of the 40 people surveyed, 55% or 22 of them work for pocket money.37% or 15 person work to gain experience. There are only 5% or 2 persons and 3% or a person work to make friends and need to work, respectively. Based on the survey findings, there are 12 persons or 30% work at fest food restaurant, 14 persons or 35% work at supermarket/convenience store. A person or 2.5% worked as a model and 13 persons or 32.5% others job that have been mention.

Factors Influencing Student to Work Part Time

37% 55% For pocket money Need to work To make friends Gain experience



Figure 1

Student monthly salary

Figure 2 illustrate the student monthly salary.15 students or 37.5% monthly salary are less than RM200.There were 11 students or 27.5% earned RM200 to RM500 a month.10 students or 25% got RM500 to RM700 for a month.4 students or 10% earned more than RM700 monthly. We found that 9 students or 22.5% work once in a week.7 students or 17.5% worked three to five times in a week. There were 18 students or 45% work twice in a week and 5 students or 12.5% others.

Student Monthly Salary

16 14 number of students 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 less than RM200 RM200-RM500 RM500-RM700 More than RM700

Figure 2

CGPA Students

Figure 3 shows that CGPA of students. For below 2.0 and 3.5 to 4.0 both got 2 students. The highest were 19 students that got 2.5 to 3.0.There were 10 and 7 students got 3.0 to 3.49 and 2.0 to 2.49, respectively. Based on our survey, mostly students spent 3 to 4 hours for study in a week, which were 26 students or 65%.10 students or 25% spent 5 to 6 hours in a week. There were 4 students or 10% study 6 hours and more.

CGPA Student's
5% 25% below 2.0 2.0-2.49 2.5-3.0 3.0-3.49 3.5-4.0 5% 17%


Figure 3

Improvement that have been gained

Graph below shows that studens improvement in them. Communication skills is the highest skills have been improve,24.54% followed by self confident 21.8% and time management skills 20%.They also have improve in interpersonal skills and business skills 17.27% and 16.36% respectively. In addition, we have found 30 students or 45.45% have informed their parents about their part time job. Only 29 students or 43.9% let their friends known about their work.6 or 9% and 2 or 1.5% students have told their guardian and lecturer, respectively.

Improvement that have been gained

Interpersonal skills 17.27%

Time management skills


business skills


Self confident


Communication skills


For clothes, figure below shows the amount of money their spent to buy the clothes. Most of the respondent spent RM60-RM100 for their clothes and only a few of them spent more than RM150 for their clothes. There were three places that usually student bought their clothes. The store, Bundle shop and Boutique.Fiqure below show the most popular place that student frequently bought their clothes. From figure, the store was the most popular place and only a few of student bought their clothes at boutique.

9% 10% 1st Qtr 2nd Qtr 23% 58% 3rd Qtr 4th Qtr

The Places
35% 41% The store Bundle shop Boutique others

9% 15%

Based on the graph, there were a lot of students spent less than RM300 for their expenses and only a few of students spent more than RM500 for their expenses. Figure below shows, the higher number of students spent their expenses money for their food and only a few students spent their expenses money to support their family.

10% 6%

59% less than RM300 25% RM300-RM400 RM400-RM500 More than RM500

Type of expenses
4% 26% 40% Support family Food Transport Rental


From graph below,we know that only a few number of students spent more than RM300 for their saving and 10 number of students spent less than RM100 for their saving.Students usually saved their money in other banks.

14% 48% 19% less than RM100 RM100-RM200 RM210-RM300 Moret than RM300


Type of saving
13% 16%

Others saving in other banks Invest in unit trust 32% 39% Invest in ASB

The graph shows that 15 numbers of students spent less than RM100 for their accessories and only 2 numbers of students spent more than RM200 for their accessories. Based on the figure, we know that 11 numbers of students spent their money for gadget and only 2 numbers of students spent their money for jewelleries .

8% 12%

less RM100 20% 60% RM 100-RM150 RM 160-RM200 More than RM200

Type of accessories
21% 38% Cosmetics Shoes Jewelleries Gadget



Disadvantages of part time job

Graph below shows the disadvantages of part time job. Most of them were lack of rest. About 26.79% or 15 students were not had enough time to study. 6 students or 10.7% were stress.

Disadvantages of part time job

26.79% Not enough time to study

10.70% stress

62.50% Lack of rest

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