So, What Do You Do Day-To-Day?: Jessica: I Felt LBS Sports & Clubs Lacked An Official Document That They Could Turn To

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Dear all, Elections for next year's SA officers are around the corner.

In the run-up to elections on 19th April, we wanted to give everyone a chance to see what the SA has been up to over the past year and help potential candidates get more insight into each of the roles. Over the coming weeks, the SA will share conversations with the current officers for each of the positions coming up for election. We're starting with Jessica Julmy and Kieran Byrne, co-reps for Clubs and Sports:

So, what do you do day-to-day? We are the main point of contact for all Sports and Clubs matters on-campus. Day-today, we answer questions from club leaders-- especially about creating and demoting clubs & discussion groups-- and address issues of everyday club functioning. We also manage the allocation of funds to LBS clubs. We are responsible for chairing MBAT, the annual sports tournament hosted by HEC. For the first time, we also decided to have LBS participate in Spring Games, a similar tournament hosted by IESE, and we have been working very hard to send a small contingent. What were the best things that you were able to accomplish? Jessica: I felt LBS Sports & Clubs lacked an official document that they could turn to with questions about proper governance. I worked on a Club Regulations Document to provide club leaders with better guidance and direction to run their clubs more effectively and professionally. Kieran: Organising MBAT (to be confirmed!) What did you enjoy most about being on the SA?

Jessica: I really enjoyed the extent to which it allowed me to be in contact with a wide variety of the campus community and make lasting relationships. Being part of the SA was a tremendously challenging and enriching experience. In many respects, I learned more from this role than from within a pure classroom setting. Kieran: Its a great chance to interact with the senior leadership of the school. I also enjoyed organising activities that become some of the major highlights of the student calendar. What's one of the most useful things that you learned during your time in the role? Jessica: I learned about the organization and leadership required to plan events like Tattoo. It always looks easier from the outside, and its not until you're in the middle of it that you realise just how much work it entails! I have profoundly enjoyed every one of these experiences; they were great opportunities to stretch myself out of my comfort zone within the safety net of the LBS community. Kieran: A lot of work goes on in the background to keep LBS ticking. LBS relies continually on people giving their time to help make the student experience something special. Everyone needs to get involved!! Why did you decide to join the SA? Jessica: I wanted to give back to LBS, a community that had managed to bring me so much in less than one year. In addition, it stemmed from the acknowledgment that for all the amazing aspects of the school, there remained room for improvement. In that context, I think it's easy to just look at what's wrong and simply complain, without getting involved and working hard to make change happen for the better. I wanted to do my part to help. Kieran: It was a chance to give something back to the School. I got a lot of enjoyment and had benefited from the Sports and Clubs scene at LBS, and I wanted to help ensure that others got the same experience.

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