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HFMA Deep Sea Fishing Trip

Sunday, May 20, Clearwater, Florida

Join us for a relaxing day at sea! May is prime time
for catching snapper and grouper. Great weather,
good shing along with food and non alcoholic
beverages make for a perfect afternoon.
HFMA Golf Tournament
Sunday, May 20
Feather Sound
Country Club
The par 72 course at Feather
Sound plays like one of the
longest 6,900 yard courses youve
ever played. Come nd out what
makes Feather Sound one of the
best golf courses in Tampa Bay.
2012 Spring Conference & Annual Meeting
Pre-Conference Activities
Sunday, May 20, 2012
Optional Activities
Monday, May 21, 2012 Session Topics
8:30 am - 5:30 pm
HFMA NaIiohal UpdaIe by Cregory M Adams, FHFMA NaIiohal Chair
HFMA's Value Pro|ecI: Value ih HealIh Care: CurrehI SIaIe ahd FuIure DirecIiohs
Florida LegislaIive UpdaIe ahd C-SuiIe Rouhd 1able Discussioh
Dont miss the opportunity to network at the Dueling Pianos Evening Event
Tuesday, May 22, 2012 Session Topics
8:30 am - 5:30 pm
8uildihg a CulIure o! Owhership - Makihg 1hihgs CouhI 1haI Cah'I be CouhIed
Case SIudy: 8ehe!Is realized aI CommuhiIy HospiIal !rom Movihg Ihe CulIure
!rom AccouhIabiliIy Io Owhership
Ohe OrgahizaIioh's Process !or CohIaihihg Supply CosIs
8esI PracIices !or Ihcreasihg Pro!IabiliIy by Reducihg Ihe CosI o! DebI
8uildihg a CompleIe PicIure o! Readmissiohs
Dealihg wiIh Uhihsured PaIiehIs ih Ihe Lmergehcy DepI: SIraIegies !or 1oday ahd Ihe FuIure
AccouhIihg ahd AudiIihg Sessiohs
HFMA Florida Chapter Board Installation and Awards Dinner
All Registered Guests are Welcome
Wednesday, May 23, 2012 Session Topics
8:30 am - 12:00 pm
Federal ahd SIaIe RegulaIory UpdaIe
Medicaid HMO Lxpahsioh: Fihal Rules Lxplaihed
Conference at a Glance

Tampa Renaissance Hotel May 20-23, 2012
Rafe and
19.8 CEUs
3.0 A&A
florida chapter
Our Host Hotel
Our host hotel again this year is the beautiful Tampa Renaissance Hotel located
in the upscale International Plaza featuring 340 stores and 35 restaurants and
bars. This luxury hotel combines comfort and rst class amenities along with
convenience to shopping, dining, nightlife and all the great activities the Tampa
Bay area has to offer. Call 1-800-644-2685 and mention code HFMHFMA to
secure one of the discounted rooms available at $159/night.
Register Today!
Featured Presenters Include . . . . . . . .
Gregory M. Adams, FHFMA NaIiohal Chair
Joe Tye, MHA, M8A, CLO, Values Coach Ihc
Robert Broadway, FHFMA VP o! CorporaIe SIraIegy, 8eIhesda HealIhcare SysIem
Paul Belcher, Sehior Vice PresidehI, Florida HospiIal AssociaIioh
Jim Ulrich, CLO, CommuhiIy HospiIal, McCook, Nebraska
Bill Robinson, Sehior Vice PresidehI & CFO, Shahds HealIhcare
Mike Lukaszewski, CFO, 8apIisI HealIh
John Benz, Sr., Vice PresidehI/Chie! SIraIegic O!!cer, Memorial HealIhcare SysIem
Ivy L. Bibler, Sehior Vice PresidehI, 8ahk o! America/Merrill Lyhch
Chuck Cleaver, Vice PresidehI o! Fihahce, MarIih Memorial Medical CehIer
Teresa Loomis, CorporaIe DirecIor Revehue IhIegriIy, Orlahdo HealIh
Pierra Bogacz, Mahagihg DirecIor, HFA ParIhers
Seth Avery, Chie! LxecuIive O!!cer, Apprev
Kathy Reep, Vice PresidehI, Florida HospiIal AssociaIioh
For further information regarding registration for the 2012 Spring Conference, contact:
Janet Romano, Registration Chair - 2011 / 2012 Lmail: |aheIrbapIisIhealIh.heI
For !hd ouI abouI Ihe behe!Is o! corporaIe spohsorship or exhibiIor space aI our coh!erehces, please cohIacI:
Mike Bickers, Director of Policy & Finance / Sponsor Chair - 2011 / 2012
For !urIher ih!ormaIioh abouI Ihe 2012 Sprihg Coh!erehce, please cohIacI:
Billie Jean Mounts, Director of Education / Program Chair - 2011 / 2012
Lmail: billie|

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