Boundary Layers

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Theory In order to understand the experiment fully, it is fundamental to first define the term boundary layer. It is referred as a thin layer of fluid adjacent to solid surfaces in a moving stream, that is distinguishable from the main flow by distinctive flow characteristics of its own caused by frictional force due to viscous forces. fig(1.0)

Also, it is known from established scientific literature that the layer of fluid which is just next to the surface is brought to rest by the wall shear stress, w. Velocity is zero(non-slip) at wall surface and increases gradually to the free stream velocity at the edge of the boundary layer. The velocity profile enables the determination of the boundary layers edge. This is illustrated for both laminar and turbulent flow in the figure (1.2) and figure

(1.3) shown below:



It was required for the experiment carried out to determine the boundary thickness at specific distances from both the sharp and blunt leading edges of a smooth plate. The full thickness of the boundary layer, (from surface to edge) is defined as the locus point where the velocity component, u parallel to the plate reaches 99% of the external free stream velocity, U.


From figure 1.4, we can observe that Rex is directly proportional to the order of the plate length.

FIG(1.5) From figure 1.5, boundary layer thickness increases X increases. A boundary layer consists of four parts namely: Viscous layer, buffer layer, inertial sublayer and turbulent layer.

Section (a) shows the boundary layer adjacent to the surface that has the highest viscous stresses. The velocity gradient in this layer is exceptionally high, but velocity profile is linear. Section(b) shows a transitional phase where viscous effects dominates turbulent effects. Section(c) is the inertial sublayer where both laminar and turbulent effects are dominant. Section(d) is the outer/turbulent layer. It is a highly turbulent part of the turbulent boundary layer, where turbulent stresses are large (3-4 orders of magnitude greater) compared to viscous stresses In order to determine the characteristics of the boundary layer, the local Reynolds number, Re(x) is used: Re(x) = (Ux)/ Where: U = velocity of the main free stream(m/s) X= distance from leading edge(m) = viscosity of fluid(Ns/m2) = density of fluid(kg/m3)

APPARATUS The experiment for boundary layers involves the use of air flow bench: a transparent acrylic wind tunnel with bell mouth, complete with slots for the installation of the test plates and the Pitot/Pitot-static tubes. Both Pitot and Pitot-static probes are used for the measurement of stagnation, static and dynamic pressures. The pitot probes are supplied with a calibrated traverse scale of o to 150mm at 0.1mm intervals. There are two types of differential pressure measuring instruments available: the portable laboratory manometer and the electronic

differential pressure transducer. The first one covers a range of 1 to 5000 Pascals with an accuracy of 1% of a reading. The electronic differential pressure transducer has a range of 0 to 1000 Pascals at 1% accuracy of the full scale.

HOW DOES THE AIR FLOW BENCH WORKS? The bench is a stand-alone mobile unit consisting of an epoxy coated steel flame, ducts and a motor-driven centrifugal fan. The fan has a rated output of 0.55kw at 2800 rev/min, and a free blowing capacity of 1800 m3/hr. The inlet and outlet ducts connected to the centrifugal fan are designed with flow straightener, complete with output pressure tapping and a flow regulating valve(damper).When the bench is switched on, the fan will draw air into the inlet duct through the test set, before the air is finally expelled from the outlet duct on the top on the bench. The flow rate through the bench is controlled by the regulating valve(damper) at the outlet. The dumping sections and the boundary layer boundary layer growth test section can be easily assembled together using the latch clamps. Rubber o-ring is used to seal all the connecting ducting sections to prevent pressure losses. This setup enables the determination of the factors governing the boundary layer thickness and the velocity profile within it. These parameters will vary with velocity of the fluid flowing over the surface, the distance from the leading edge and from the surface, the distance from the leading edge and from the surface, and the degree of surface roughness. Two smooth test plates were provided, one with a blunt leading edge and the other with a sharp leading edge. Experimental procedure The pitot static tube was placed into one of the four plastic pathways and it was sealed to avoid pressure loss. Total pressure readings were then obtained for different height ranging from 0.5mm until constant pressure readings were obtained. These procedures were repeated for the 3 remaining

pathways while making sure that all of them were sealed. It was made sure that the tube was not forced into contact with the plate. However, it was made to touch gently the surface of the plate. Those steps were repeated for both the sharp edged and blunt edged plate.


The tables of results for the sharp edged plate experiment are shown on the next page:

Total pressure measurements in mm of H20 at 4 specific distances from sharp leading edge of a smooth test plate under laminar flow condition are shown below in table 1.0 and table 1.1: Postion (from leading edge) Static Pressure(m m of H20) Slot1(50m m) -32.0 Slot2(90m m) -32.0 Slot3(150m Slot4(250m m) m) -33.0 -34.0

table 1.0

Height from surface (mm) 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 -15.7 -16.0 -15.5 -15.0

Total Pressure(mm of h20)

-17.0 -16.5 -16.0 -15.0

-18.5 -16.5 -15.0 -14.5

-19.0 -18.5 -16.5 -15.5

0.9 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5

-12.5 -8.5 -7.5 -7.5 -7.5 -7.5 -7.5

-13.5 -12.5 -11.0 -11.0 -11.0

-13.5 -13.0 -12.0 -12.0 -12.0

-15.0 -13.0 -13.0 -13.0

table 1.1

Sample calculations are shown below for the calculation of pressure in Pascal, dynamic pressure and U/ U. All the pressure readings taken were in mm. Pressure is obtained in Pascal by using the following equation: P= 0.1gh Where = 1000 kgm-3, g= 9.81 ms-2, h= height from manometer Sample calculation: When h= -32.0mm, P= 0.1gh P =0.1x 1000 x 9.81 x (-32.0) P= 31.39 Pa Total pressure measurements in Pascal at 4 specific distances from sharp leading edge of a smooth test plate under laminar flow condition are shown below in table 1.2 and table 1.3:

Position (from leading edge) Static Pressure(P a) Slot1(50m m) -31.39 Slot2(90m m) -31.39 Slot3(150m Slot4(250m m) m) -32.37 -33.35

table 1.2

Height from surface (mm) 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 -15.4 -15.7 -15.2 -14.7 -12.3 -8.33 -7.4 -7.4 -7.4 -7.4 -7.4

Total Pressure(Pa)

-16.7 -16.2 -15.7 -14.7 -13.2 -12.3 -10.8 -10.8 -10.8

-18.2 -16.2 -14.7 -14.2 -13.2 -12.8 -11.8 -11.8 -11.8

-18.7 -18.2 -16.2 -15.2 -14.7 -12.8 -12.8 -12.8

table 1.3

Sample calculations for the first set of data for the sharp leading edge plate: Dynamic Pressure is calculated using the following formula: Pdynamic = Ptotal - Pstatic Pdynamic= -15.4-(-31.39) = 16.0 Pa The ratio of U/ U is given by: U/ U=[ (Ptotal-Pstatic)/(Ptotal-Pstatic)max]1/2 = [(-15.4-(-31.39))/(24.5)]1/2 = 0.82 Dynamic pressure measurements and the corresponding U/ U ratio at 4 specific distances from the sharp leading edge of a smooth test plate under laminar flow condition are shown below in table 1.4:
Position (from leading edge) Maximum dynamic pressure of free stream of air(Pa) Slot1(50mm) 23.99 Slot2(90mm) 20.59 Slot3(150mm) 20.57 Slot4(250mm) 20.55

Pdynami Height c from the surface(m m)

U/ U


U/ U


U/ U


U/ U

0.5 0.6

15.9 9 15.6 9

0.82 0.81

14.6 9 15.1 9

0.85 14.1 7 0.86 16.1 7

0.83 14.6 5 0.89 15.1 5

0.85 0.86

0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5

16.1 9 16.6 9 19.0 9 23.0 6 23.9 9 23.9 9 23.9 9 23.9 9 23.9 9


15.6 9

0.87 17.6 7 0.90 18.1 7 0.94 19.1 7 0.96 19.5 7 1.00 20.5 7 1.00 20.5 7 1.00 20.5 7

0.93 17.1 5 0.94 18.1 5 0.96 18.6 5 0.98 20.5 5 1.00 20.5 5 1.00 20.5 5 1.00

0.91 0.94 0.95 1.00 1.00 1.00

0.83 16.6 9 0.89 18.1 9

0.98 19.0 9 1.00 20.5 9 1.00 20.5 9 1.00 20.5 9 1.00 1.00

table 1.4

The following graphs represent how height from surface varies with respect with the ratio U/ U for each of the four slots: SLOT1:

The equation for this graph is: y= 3.4544X-2.1728 When U/ U= 0.99, x =0.99 Therefore, y=3.4544(0.99)-2.1728=1.247mm


The equation for this graph is: y= 4.2555x-3.0623 When U/ U= 0.99, x =0.99 Therefore, y=4.2555(0.99)-3.0623=1.151mm


The equation for this graph is: y= 4.4147X-3.2841 When U/ U= 0.99, x =0.99 Therefore, y=4.4147(0.99)-3.2841=1.086mm


The equation for this graph is:

y= 3.8612X-2.7747 When U/ U= 0.99, x =0.99 Therefore, y=3.8612(0.99)-2.7747=1.048mm

The boundary layer thickness profile for the sharp edge plate experiment is shown below:

Slot no

Boundary layer thickness/mm 1.247 1.151 1.086 1.048

1(50mm) 2(90mm) 3(150mm) 4(250mm)

The tables of results for the blunt edged plate experiment are shown in the 2 following pages:

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