Installing Android SDK and Setting Development Environment With Eclipse

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Installing Android SDK and setting development environment with Eclipse:

(Offline Installation); Required Softwares: 1. JDK Java Development Kit click on JDK to download. 2. Eclipse Download the Eclipse from the following link. Eclipse Classic version in recommended. Othervise a JAVA or RCP version is recommended. 3. Android SDK Download the Android SDK from the following link. select the necessary link to download. Installer is recommended. Downloading Tools and Platforms-tools and Platforms: To download the tools and platforms first go to following link Tools:

In this xml file find the correct name for tools and edit the above line with this name as follows

Copy and paste the above URL in web browser to download the Android SDK tools. Platforms-tools:

Like downloading tools, get the name for platform tools from the xml file and edit the URL

Platforms and samples: Similiarly download files for platforms and samples from the XML file.

Note: Use WinRAR to unzip file. Right click on the required file and selec Extract Here option to unzip. There are 5 parts in Setting up the Android Development environment i. Installing Java Development Kit(JDK).

ii. Configuring Android SDK iii. Installing Eclipse. iv. Configuring Eclipse. v. Creating Virtual Devices. Installing JDK 1. Install the Java Development Kit(JDK) using default setup. 2. Go to My Computer-> Properties -> Advanced system setting -> Advanced(tab) -> Environmental variables -> System variables -> New Variable name Variable value JAVA_HOME C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_03\

Variable value is the path of JDK. Click OK for all.

Configuring Android SDK:

3. Create a folder Android in c drive (c:\Android). 4. Create another folder called workspace inside the Android folder(c:\Android\workspace). 5. Unzip the Android SDK ( Note: Use Extract Here option. 6. Copy the android-sdk-windows folder to c:\Android folder. Inside the android-sdk-windows folder, a tools folder is present. Delete the tools folder. 7. Now extract the downloaded Android SDK tools file( and copy it to android-sdk-windows folder. Rename it as tools. 8. Similarly, Extract the Android SDK Platform tools file( Copy the extracted folder to android-sdk-windows folder and rename it as platform-tools. 9. Inside the android-sdk-windows folder, there is a folder called platforms. Unzip the Android SDK platform file and move it to platforms folder. If you have many Android SDK platforms unzip all files and copy it to platforms folder. 10. Now create a folder called samples. Like platforms, unzip all the Android SDK sample zip files and copy it to samples folder.

Installing Eclipse: 11. Extract the downloaded Eclipse zip file( Move the eclipse folder to c:\program files\.

Configuring Ecllipse: 12. Run eclipse.exe file (c:\program files\eclipse\eclipse.exe). It will ask for the workspace to use. Give the created workspace path(c:\Android\workspace). Check Use this as default workspace and do not ask again.

13. Select Help -> Install a New Software. Click Add button on the top right corner of the install windows. Click Archive. Browse the downloaded ADT file( and open it. Give name as ADT. Click Ok. 14. A new window appears. Check the Developers Tools. Click Next. Accept the defaults. (In this step you need to be in online for a while). After installing Developers Tools Eclipse should be restarted. 15. After restarting Eclipse, go to Windows -> Preferences. Select Android on the left side pane. Click on browse button and browse the Android SDK location. In this case SDK location is (c:\Android\android-sdk-windows). 16. We can see that the android platforms and samples installed.

Creating Virtual Devices: 17. In Eclipse go to Windows -> Android SDK and AVD Manager. Click Virtual Devices on the left pane. Click New. 18. A new window to create new Android Virtual Device will appears. Give name as RPC. Select the target platform as Android 2.2 API Level 8. Give the SD card size as 512 and click Create AVD. Now our Android Development Environment is ready to use.

This is folder structure of the Android SDK. (i.e., c:\android).

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