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A conversation with my atheist friend

By Dr. Mostafa Mahmoud

Table of Content

1- He begot none nor was he begotten. 2- If God preordained my deeds, why should he judge me? 3- Why did God create evil? 4- What about those unreached by the Quran? 5- Paradise and Hell 6- Is religion an opium? 7- Islam and women. 8- The spirit. 9- The conscience. 10- Is pilgrimage a pagan rite? 11- Could Mohamed be the author of the Quran? 12- The Quran did not come from a human. 13- Doubts. 14- Religion and evolution. 15- There is no God but Allah. 16- K.H.'A.S. 17- The miracle. 18- The meaning of religion. 19- We won worldly happiness and you got delusions.

A conversation with my atheist friend


By Dr. Mostafa Mahmoud

Because God is unseen .. Because the future is unseen .. Because the hereafter is unseen .. And because who is buried in the grave doesn't come back. All that lead atheism to spread out, lead people to be selfish, to only care for themselves and to follow whatever they crave, thinking that there is nothing else after life .. Wars and conflicts by great countries seeking the wealth .. Many philosophies and theories supporting atheism and science became the cornerstone for the non-believers. The matter of the human genome that tiny booklet which contains 5 million pages inside everyone of us, written in a microscopic cellular space of 3 milliard chemical letters about the fate of everyone of us and the spots of weakness and strength, health and sickness resuscitated the whole world as if it was an electric shock .. How? When? .. What kind of invisible pen which wrote such a precise book about a future that has not been discovered yet. Who wrote that book? How? Who can write down such information? We watched TV when Clinton the president of the greatest country of the world announced that data collection about human genome is finally available and scientists are about to disclose the code written by God about our fate .. In this manner, he mentioned "God" by name in his statement. Yes .. It was a temporary awakening .. followed by arguments and controversies .. Many people were talking in the name of religion and in the name of science .. old questions returned again about the freedom of the man .. is he compelled or free? And if God preordained our deeds, why should he judge us? Why did God create evil? What about those unreached by the Quran? What is the attitude of religion regarding evolution? Why do we say it is impossible that Quran came from a human? That old dialogue with my atheist friend repeated again .. about the freedom of choice .. the fate .. the resurrection .. to be the subject of matter. This new edition released in time .. to share in solving this riddle .. to come back to discuss this issue from Quranic and scientific perspective .. and the divine certainty that never shakes. Welcome again to the peaceful constructive conversation.

Mostafa Mahmoud

A conversation with my atheist friend


By Dr. Mostafa Mahmoud

Chapter 1 He begot none nor was he begotten.

My friend the atheist likes to talk and argue .. He thinks that we the nave believers got delusions, fool ourselves by thinking about paradise and by missing the charming events during life. By the way, my friend graduated and got his PhD from France .. He lived with hippies and became denying everything.

The atheist friend said sarcastically: "You say that God exists .. your main proof is
causality which includes that for every making there is a maker .. for every creature there is a creator .. the weave denotes the weavers .. the painting denotes the painter .. From this point, the universe denotes the existence of God the creator. We believed and had faith in this God, but from that same point, doesn't that give us the right to ask who created the creator?

Dr. Mostafa replies: "Your question is wrong, you accept that God is a creator then
you say who created him? You made him a creature and a creator at the same time, that is a contradiction. Another wrong aspect of this question that you imagine the creator submitting to the laws of his own creatures .. causality is for humans who are affected by time and place. God created time and place, it is not logical to imagine him being limited by time and place, we cannot imagine him submitting to the law he created. By this sophistry, you look like a toy that moves using a mainspring, those toys think that the man who made them is also moving like them using a mainspring .. if we told those toys "no, the man is moving willingly", they would reply "it's impossible for anything to move willingly, in my world I see everything moving using a mainspring". In the same manner, you do not imagine that God exist without a creator, simply because you see everything around you needs a creator. You also think that God need a parachute to land and requires a bus to reach his prophets .. Subhanaho wa ta'ala (God's almighty, he must not be described to need such things). Immanuel Kant the German philosopher realized in his book " The Critique of Pure Reason" that the human brain doesn't understand the essence of things, but it can only realize the phenomena. We knew God by conscience not by brain .. our eagerness to justice proved the existence of the Just .. like our thirst proved the existence of water.

A conversation with my atheist friend


By Dr. Mostafa Mahmoud

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