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Security Interest Information

Module Name Link Name Screen Name Creation Add of Security Security Interest Interest Creation Add of Security Security Interest Interest Creation Add of Security Security Interest Interest Creation Add of Security Security Interest Interest Creation of Security Interest Creation of Security Interest Add Security Interest Add Security Interest Field name Data type

Security Interest



Security Interest



Security Interest



Security Interest



Security Interest Security Interest

Security_Interest_Creation_Date Varchar(10) Evaluated Price of Asset as on Security Interest Creation date Number (17,2)

Creation Add of Security Security Interest Interest

Security Interest

Token Field

Varchar (100)

Interest Information

1. 0-9 numbers allowed

1. 0-9 numbers allowed

1. 0-9 numbers allowed

1. 0-9 numbers allowed

1. Select from the calender. 2. Future dates are not allowed. It should be a valid number upto 2 decimal places.

It may contain any combination of characters and numbers within the specified field length

Borrower Details - Company

Module Name Link Name Screen Name Field name

Creation of Security Interest

Add Security Interest

Borrower DetailsCompany


Creation of Security Interest

Add Security Interest

Borrower DetailsCompany


Creation of Security Interest

Add Security Interest

Borrower DetailsCompany


Data type Validation 1. A-Z alphabets are allowed. 2. 0-9 numbers are allowed. 3. Special characters are allowed. 4. Space as first character is not allowed. 1. A-Z alphabets are allowed. 2. 0-9 numbers are allowed. 3. Special characters are allowed. 4. Space as first character is not allowed. 1. 10 characters are fixed. Alphanumeric in given format. First digits alpabets,next four digits numbers, last digit alphabet. Eg. APRIL2345R 2. Special characters are not allowed.




Borrower Details - Individual

Module Name Creation of Security Interest Link Name Add Security Interest Screen Name Borrower DetailsIndividual Field name Data type



Creation of Security Interest

Add Security Interest

Borrower DetailsIndividual



Creation of Security Interest

Add Security Interest

Borrower DetailsIndividual



Creation of Security Interest

Add Security Interest

Borrower DetailsIndividual

Borrower_Individual_Father's/Hu sband's Name Varchar(50)

Creation of Security Interest Creation of Security Interest

Add Security Interest Add Security Interest

Borrower DetailsIndividual Borrower DetailsIndividual

Borrower_Individual_PAN Borrower_Individual_DOB

Varchar(10) Varchar(10)

Validation 1. Select from dropdown list. 2. Special characters, numerals are not allowed. 1. A-Z alphabets are allowed. 2. 0-9 numerals are not allowed. 3. Special characters except space are not allowed. 1. A-Z alphabets are allowed. 2. 0-9 numerals are not allowed. 3. Special characters except space are not allowed. 1. A-Z alphabets are allowed. 2. 0-9 numerals are not allowed. 3. Special characters except space are not allowed. 1. 10 characters are fixed. Alphanumeric in given format. First digits alpabets,next four digits numbers, last digit alphabet. Eg. APRIL2345R 2. Special characters are not allowed. 1. Select from the calender. 2. Future dates are not allowed.

Charge On Proprietorship Firm Module Name Link Name Screen Name Field name

Creation of Security Interest

Add Security Interest

Borrower DetailsProprietership Firm Borrower_Prop_Firm_Name

Creation of Security Interest Creation of Security Interest

Add Security Interest Add Security Interest

Borrower DetailsProprietership Firm Borrower_Prop_Firm_PAN Borrower DetailsProprietership Firm Borrower_Prop_Firm_COM_IND_Flag

Creation of Security Interest

Add Security Interest

Borrower DetailsProprietership Firm Borrower_Prop_Firm__COM_Name

Creation of Security Interest Creation of Security Interest

Add Security Interest Add Security Interest

Borrower DetailsProprietership Firm Borrower_Prop_Firm_COM_CIN Borrower DetailsProprietership Firm Borrower_Prop_Firm_IND_Title

Creation of Security Interest

Add Security Interest

Borrower DetailsProprietership Firm Borrower_Prop_Firm_IND_Surname

Creation of Security Interest

Add Security Interest

Borrower DetailsProprietership Firm Borrower_Prop_Firm_IND_Name

Creation of Security Interest Creation of Security Interest

Add Security Interest Add Security Interest

Borrower DetailsProprietership Firm Borrower_Prop_Firm_IND_Father_Husband_Name Borrower DetailsProprietership Firm Borrower_Prop_Firm__IND_DOB

rm Data type Validation 1. A-Z alphabets are allowed. 2. 0-9 numbers are allowed. 3. Special characters are allowed. 1. 10 characters are fixed. Alphanumeric in given format. First digits alpabets,next four digits numbers, last digit alphabet. Eg. APRIL2345R 2. Special characters are not allowed. Values are "PRF_COM","PRF_IND" 1. A-Z alphabets are allowed. 2. 0-9 numbers are allowed. 3. Special characters are allowed.





1. A-Z alphabets are allowed. 2. 0-9 numbers are allowed. 3. Special characters are allowed. 4. Space as first character is not allowed. Varchar(21) 1. Select from dropdown list. 2. Special characters, numerals are not allowed. CONSTANT.(Values are "Mr.","Mrs.","Ms.","Dr.") 1. A-Z alphabets are allowed. 2. 0-9 numerals are not allowed. 3. Special characters except space are not allowed. Varchar(50) 1. A-Z alphabets are allowed. 2. 0-9 numerals are not allowed. 3. Special characters except space are not allowed. Varchar(100) 1. A-Z alphabets are allowed. 2. 0-9 numerals are not allowed. 3. Special characters except space are not allowed. Varchar(50) 1. Select from the calender. 2. Future dates are not allowed. DATE (DD-MM-YYYY)

Borrower Details - Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) Firm

Module Name Link Name Screen Name Field name

Creation of Security Interest Creation of Security Interest

Add Security Interest Add Security Interest

Borrower DetailsLLP Borrower DetailsLLP


Borrower_LLP_Partner Title

Creation of Security Interest

Add Security Interest

Borrower DetailsLLP

Borrower_LLP_ Partner Surname

Creation of Security Interest

Add Security Interest

Borrower DetailsLLP

Borrower_LLP_Partner Name

Creation of Security Interest Creation of Security Interest

Add Security Interest Add Security Interest

Borrower DetailsLLP Borrower DetailsLLP

Borrower_LLP_Partner Father's/Husband's Name Borrower_LLP_Partner DOB

Creation of Security Interest

Add Security Interest

Borrower DetailsLLP

Borrower_LLP Firm (PAN)

bility Partnership (LLP) Firm

Data type Validation 1. A-Z alphabets are allowed. 2. 0-9 numerals are not allowed. 3. Special characters are not allowed. 1. Select from dropdown list. 2. Special characters, numerals are not allowed 1. A-Z alphabets are allowed. 2. 0-9 numerals are not allowed. 3. Special characters are not allowed. 1. A-Z alphabets are allowed. 2. 0-9 numerals are not allowed. 3. Special characters are not allowed. 1. A-Z alphabets are allowed. 2. 0-9 numerals are not allowed. 3. Special characters are not allowed. 1. Select from the calender. 2. Future dates are not allowed. 1. 10 characters are fixed. Alphanumeric in given format. First digits alpabets,next four digits numbers, last digit alphabet. Eg. APRIL2345R 2. Special characters are not allowed.





Varchar(50) Varchar(10)


Borrower Details - Partnership Firm

Module Name Creation of Security Interest Creation of Security Interest Link Name Add Security Interest Add Security Interest Screen Name Borrower DetailsPartnership Firm Borrower DetailsPartnership Firm Field name



Creation of Security Interest

Add Security Interest

Borrower DetailsPartnership Firm


Creation of Security Interest

Add Security Interest

Borrower DetailsPartnership Firm


Creation of Security Interest Creation of Security Interest

Add Security Interest Add Security Interest

Borrower DetailsPartnership Firm Borrower DetailsPartnership Firm

Borrower_Partner_Father's/Husband's Name Borrower_Partner_DOB

Creation of Security Interest

Add Security Interest

Borrower DetailsPartnership Firm


nership Firm
Data type Validation 1. A-Z alphabets are allowed. 2. 0-9 numbers are allowed. 3. Special characters are allowed. 1. Select from dropdown list. 2. Special characters, numerals are not allowed. 1. A-Z alphabets are allowed. 2. 0-9 numerals are not allowed. 3. Special characters are not allowed. 1. A-Z alphabets are allowed. 2. 0-9 numerals are not allowed. 3. Special characters are not allowed. 1. A-Z alphabets are allowed. 2. 0-9 numerals are not allowed. 3. Special characters are not allowed. 1. Select from the calender. 2. Future dates are not allowed. 1. 10 characters are fixed. Alphanumeric in given format. First digits alpabets,next four digits numbers, last digit alphabet. Eg. APRIL2345R 2. Special characters are not allowed.





Varchar(50) Varchar(10)


Borrower Details - Trust

Module Name Link Name Screen Name Field name

Creation of Security Interest

Add Security Interest

Borrower DetailsTrust


Creation of Security Interest Creation of Security Interest

Add Security Interest Add Security Interest

Borrower DetailsTrust Borrower DetailsTrust



Creation of Security Interest

Add Security Interest

Borrower DetailsTrust


Creation of Security Interest

Add Security Interest

Borrower DetailsTrust


Creation of Security Interest Creation of Security Interest

Add Security Interest Add Security Interest

Borrower DetailsTrust Borrower DetailsTrust

Borrower_Trustee_Father's/H usband's Name Borrower_Trustee_DOB

ils - Trust
Data type Validation 1. A-Z alphabets are allowed. 2. 0-9 numbers are allowed. 3. Special characters are allowed. 1. 10 characters are fixed. Alphanumeric in given format. First digits alpabets,next four digits numbers, last digit alphabet. Eg. APRIL2345R 2. Special characters are not allowed. 1. Select from dropdown list. 2. Special characters, numerals are not allowed. 1. A-Z alphabets are allowed. 2. 0-9 numerals are not allowed. 3. Special characters are not allowed. 1. A-Z alphabets are allowed. 2. 0-9 numerals are not allowed. 3. Special characters are not allowed. 1. A-Z alphabets are allowed. 2. 0-9 numerals are not allowed. 3. Special characters are not allowed. 1. Select from the calender. 2. Future dates are not allowed.






Varchar(50) Varchar(10)

Borrower Details - HUF (Karta Details)

Module Name Link Name Screen Name Borrower DetailsHUF (Karta Details) Borrower DetailsHUF (Karta Details) Borrower DetailsHUF (Karta Details) Borrower DetailsHUF (Karta Details) Field name Data type

Creation of Security Interest

Add Security Interest

Borrower_Karta_ Title Varchar(3)

Creation of Security Interest

Add Security Interest

Borrower_Karta_ Surname Varchar(50)

Creation of Security Interest

Add Security Interest

Borrower_Karta_ Name Varchar(100) Borrower_Karta_ Father's/Husband 's Name Varchar(50)

Creation of Security Interest

Add Security Interest

Creation of Security Interest Creation of Security Interest

Add Security Interest Add Security Interest

Borrower DetailsHUF (Karta Details) Borrower DetailsHUF (Karta Details)

Borrower_Karta_ PAN Varchar(10) Borrower_Karta_ DOB Varchar(10)

Validation 1. Select from dropdown list. 2. Special characters, numerals are not allowed. 1. A-Z alphabets are allowed. 2. 0-9 numerals are not allowed. 3. Special characters are not allowed. 1. A-Z alphabets are allowed. 2. 0-9 numerals are not allowed. 3. Special characters are not allowed. 1. A-Z alphabets are allowed. 2. 0-9 numerals are not allowed. 3. Special characters are not allowed. 1. 10 characters are fixed. Alphanumeric in given format. First digits alpabets,next four digits numbers, last digit alphabet. Eg. APRIL2345R 2. Special characters are not allowed. 1. Select from the calender. Future dates are not allowed. 2.

Borrower Details - HUF (Karta Details)

Module Name Link Name Screen Name

Creation of Security Interest

Add Security Interest

Borrower Details-Co operative Society

Creation of Security Interest

Add Security Interest

Borrower Details-Co operative Society

Creation of Security Interest

Add Security Interest

Borrower Details-Co operative Society

Creation of Security Interest

Add Security Interest

Borrower Details-Co operative Society

ils - HUF (Karta Details)

Field name Data type Validation 1. A-Z alphabets are allowed. 2. 0-9 numerals are not allowed. 3. Special characters are not allowed. 1. A-Z alphabets are allowed. 2. 0-9 numerals are not allowed. 3. Special characters are not allowed.

Borrower_CO Soc_Name


Borrower_CO Soc_Reg_no


Borrower_CO Soc_Date




1. Select from the calender. 2. Future dates are not allowed. 1. 10 characters are fixed. Alphanumeric in given format.First digits alpabets,next four digits numbers, last digit alphabet. Eg. APRIL2345R 2. Special characters are not allowed.

Details of Borrower
Module Name Link Name Screen Name Field name

Creation of Security Interest

Add Security Interest

Borrower Details

Borrower_Plot No/Survey Number/House-Flat Number

Creation of Security Interest Creation of Security Interest

Add Security Interest Add Security Interest

Borrower Details

Borrower_Building No.

Borrower Details

Borrower_Building Name

Creation of Security Interest

Add Security Interest

Borrower Details

Borrower_Street No. /Name

Creation of Security Interest

Add Security Interest

Borrower Details


Creation of Security Interest

Add Security Interest

Borrower Details


Creation of Security Interest Creation of Security Interest

Add Security Interest Add Security Interest

Borrower Details Borrower Details

Borrower_District Borrower_State

Creation of Security Interest Creation of Security Interest Creation of Security Interest Creation of Security Interest Creation of Security Interest

Add Security Interest Add Security Interest Add Security Interest Add Security Interest Add Security Interest

Borrower Details

Borrower_PIN code

Borrower Details


Borrower Details


Borrower Details Borrower Details

Borrower UID Borrower_Property_Owner

Data type Validation 1. A-Z alphabets are allowed. 2. 0-9 numerals are allowed. 3. Special characters except /,-,\ are not allowed. 1. A-Z alphabets are allowed. 2. 0-9 numerals are allowed. 3. Special characters except /,-,\ are not allowed. 1. A-Z alphabets are allowed. 2. 0-9 numbers are allowed. 3. Special characters are allowed. 1. A-Z alphabets are allowed. 2. 0-9 numerals are allowed. 3. Special characters except /,-,\ are not allowed. 1. A-Z alphabets are allowed. 2. 0-9 numerals are not allowed. 3. Special characters except space are not allowed. 1. A-Z alphabets are allowed. 2. 0-9 numerals are not allowed. 3. Special characters except space are not allowed. 1. A-Z alphabets are allowed. 2. 0-9 numerals are not allowed. 3. Special characters except space are not allowed. 1. Select from dropdown list.







Varchar(100) Varchar(2)




Number(12) Varchar(1)

1. 0-9 numerals are allowed. 2. A-Z alphabets are not allowed. 3. Special characters are not allowed. 1. 0-9 numerals are allowed. 2. A-Z alphabets are not allowed. 3. Special characters are not allowed. 1. A-Z alphabets are allowed. 2. 0-9 numbers are allowed. 3. Special characters are allowed. 1. 0-9 numerals are allowed. 2. A-Z alphabets are not allowed. 3. Special characters are not allowed. 1.Only values 'Y' and 'N' allowed

Third Party Mortgage

Module Name Creation of Security Interest Creation of Security Interest Link Name Add Security Interest Add Security Interest Screen Name Third Party Mortgage Third Party Mortgage Field name Third Party Mortgage Third Party Mortgage Type

Note : Depending upon type of Third Party Mortgage, other details are similar to borrower's details except Borrower_P

Data type Char(1) Char(3) Check box Drop down Validation

rrower's details except Borrower_Property_Owner field

Security Interest Holder Details

Module Name Creation of Security Interest Link Name Screen Name Security Interest Holder Details Field name

Add Security Interest

BSR Code / Branch Code

Creation of Security Interest

Add Security Interest

Security Interest Holder Details

Branch Name

Creation of Security Interest

Add Security Interest

Security Interest Holder Details

Building Name

Creation of Security Interest

Add Security Interest

Security Interest Holder Details

Street Name / no

Creation of Security Interest

Add Security Interest

Security Interest Holder Details


Creation of Security Interest

Add Security Interest

Security Interest Holder Details


Creation of Security Interest

Add Security Interest

Security Interest Holder Details


Creation of Security Interest Creation of Security Interest

Add Security Interest Add Security Interest

Security Interest Holder Details Security Interest Holder Details

District State

Creation of Security Interest

Add Security Interest

Security Interest Holder Details

PIN code

Data type Validation 1. A-Z alphabets are allowed. 2. 0-9 numerals are allowed. 3. only spaces allowed 1. A-Z alphabets are allowed. 2. 0-9 numerals are allowed. 3. Special characters except /,-,\ are not allowed. 1. A-Z alphabets are allowed. 2. 0-9 numerals are allowed. 3. Special characters except /,-,\ are not allowed. 1. A-Z alphabets are allowed. 2. 0-9 numerals are allowed. 3. Special characters except /,-,\ are not allowed. 1. A-Z alphabets are allowed. 2. 0-9 numerals are not allowed. 3. Special characters except space are not allowed. 1. A-Z alphabets are allowed. 2. 0-9 numerals are not allowed. 3. Special characters except space are not allowed. 1. A-Z alphabets are allowed. 2. 0-9 numerals are not allowed. 3. Special characters except space are not allowed. 1. A-Z alphabets are allowed. 2. 0-9 numerals are not allowed. 3. Special characters except space are not allowed. 1. Select from dropdown list. 1. 0-9 numerals are allowed. 2. A-Z alphabets are not allowed. 3. Special characters are not allowed.








Varchar(100) Varchar(2)


Property Details
Module Name Creation of Security Interest Link Name Screen Name Field name

Add Security Interest

Property Details

Nature of Property

Creation of Security Interest

Add Security Interest

Property Details

Survey No / Gat No./khasra No/khewat No/khata No/Patta No

Creation of Security Interest

Add Security Interest

Property Details

Plot No

Creation of Security Interest

Add Security Interest

Property Details

Carpet/Built-up Area

Creation of Security Interest

Add Security Interest

Property Details

House No / Flat No/Bunglow No

Creation of Security Interest

Add Security Interest

Property Details

Floor No

Creation of Security Interest

Add Security Interest

Property Details

Building No

Creation of Security Interest

Add Security Interest

Property Details

Building / SOCIETY Name

Creation of Security Interest

Add Security Interest

Property Details

Block No

Creation of Security Interest

Add Security Interest

Property Details

Street Name /No

Creation of Security Interest

Add Security Interest

Property Details


Creation of Security Interest

Add Security Interest

Property Details

Stage / Sector No/Ward

Creation of Security Interest

Add Security Interest

Property Details


Creation of Security Interest Creation of Security Interest

Add Security Interest Add Security Interest

Property Details Property Details

Latitude_Value Latitude_Direction

Creation of Security Interest Creation of Security Interest

Add Security Interest Add Security Interest

Property Details Property Details

Longitude_Value Longitude_Direction

Creation of Security Interest

Add Security Interest

Property Details


Creation of Security Interest

Add Security Interest

Property Details


Creation of Security Interest

Add Security Interest

Property Details

Taluka / Tehsil

Creation of Security Interest Creation of Security Interest Creation of Security Interest

Add Security Interest Add Security Interest

Property Details Property Details

District State/Union Territory

Add Security Interest

Property Details

PIN code

Creation of Security Interest

Add Security Interest

Property Details

By North

Creation of Security Interest

Add Security Interest

Property Details

By South

Creation of Security Interest

Add Security Interest

Property Details

By East

Creation of Security Interest

Add Security Interest

Property Details

By West

Data type Validation


Select from drop down list. 1. A-Z alphabets are allowed. 2. 0-9 numerals are allowed. 3. Special characters except /,\,-,#, . ,( ) are not allowed. 4.Special characters are not allowed contineously. 1. A-Z alphabets are allowed. 2. 0-9 numerals are allowed. 3. Special characters except /,\,-,#, . , ( ) and space are not allowed. 4.special characters are not allowed contineously 1. 0-9 numerals are allowed upto 2 decimals . 2. A-Z alphabets are not allowed. 3. Special characters are not allowed. 1. A-Z alphabets are allowed. 2. 0-9 numerals are allowed. 3. Special characters except /,\,-,#, . , ( ) are not allowed. 1. A-Z alphabets are allowed. 2. 0-9 numerals are allowed. 3. Special characters except / \ - are not allowed. 1. A-Z alphabets are allowed. 2. 0-9 numerals are allowed. 3. Special characters except / \ - are not allowed. 1. A-Z alphabets are allowed. 2. 0-9 numerals are allowed. 3. Special characters except /,\,-,#, . , ( ) are not allowed. 1. A-Z alphabets are allowed. 2. 0-9 numerals are allowed. 3. Special characters except / \ - are not allowed. 1. A-Z alphabets are allowed. 2. 0-9 numerals are allowed. 3. Special characters except /,\,-,#, . , ( ) are not allowed. 1. A-Z alphabets are allowed. 2. 0-9 numerals are allowed. 3. Special characters except /,\,-,#, . , ( ) are not allowed.













Number(8,5) Varchar(5)

1. A-Z alphabets are allowed. 2. 0-9 numerals are allowed. 3. Special characters except / \ - are not allowed. 1. A-Z alphabets are allowed. 2. 0-9 numerals are allowed. 3. Special characters except / \ - are not allowed. 1. 0-9 numerals are allowed upto five decimals. 2. A-Z alphabets are not allowed. 3. Special characters are not allowed Select from dropdown list. 1. 0-9 numerals are allowed upto five decimals. 2. A-Z alphabets are not allowed. 3. Special characters are not allowed 1. Select from dropdown list. 1. A-Z alphabets are allowed. 2. 0-9 numerals are not allowed. 3. Special characters except space are not allowed. 1. A-Z alphabets are allowed. 2. 0-9 numerals are not allowed. 3. Special characters except space are not allowed. 1. A-Z alphabets are allowed. 2. 0-9 numerals are not allowed. 3. Special characters except space are not allowed. 1. A-Z alphabets are allowed. 2. 0-9 numerals are allowed. 3. Special characters except space are not allowed. Select from dropdown list. 1. 0-9 numerals are allowed. 2. A-Z alphabets are not allowed. 3. Special characters are not allowed. 1. A-Z alphabets are allowed. 2. 0-9 numerals are not allowed. 3. Special characters except space are not allowed. 1. A-Z alphabets are allowed. 2. 0-9 numerals are not allowed. 3. Special characters except space are not allowed.

Number(8,5) Varchar(5)




Varchar(100) Varchar(2)






1. A-Z alphabets are allowed. 2. 0-9 numerals are not allowed. 3. Special characters except space are not allowed. 1. A-Z alphabets are allowed. 2. 0-9 numerals are not allowed. 3. Special characters except space are not allowed.

Document Details
Module Name Creation of Security Interest Link Name Add Security Interest Screen Name Document Details Field name Document type Data type Constant

Creation of Security Interest

Add Security Interest

Document Details

Document type others


Creation of Security Interest Creation of Security Interest

Add Security Interest Add Security Interest

Document Details Document Details

Document number Date of document

Varchar(50) Varchar(10)

Creation of Security Interest

Add Security Interest

Document Details

Sub registrar


Creation of Security Interest

Add Security Interest

Document Details



Creation of Security Interest Creation of Security Interest

Add Security Interest Add Security Interest

Document Details Document Details

District State

Varchar(100) Varchar(2)

Creation of Security Interest

Add Security Interest

Document Details

PIN code


Validation Select from dropdown list. 1. A-Z alphabets are allowed. 2. 0-9 numerals are allowed. 3. Special characters except space, /,\ are not allowed 1. A-Z alphabets are allowed. 2. 0-9 numerals are allowed. 3. Special characters except space, /,\ are not allowed 1. Select from the calender. 2. Future dates are not allowed. 1. A-Z alphabets are allowed. 2. 0-9 numerals are allowed. 3. Special characters except space are not allowed. 1. A-Z alphabets are allowed. 2. 0-9 numerals are not allowed. 3. Special characters except space are not allowed. 1. A-Z alphabets are allowed. 2. 0-9 numerals are not allowed. 3. Special characters except space are not allowed. Select from dropdown list. 1. 0-9 numerals are allowed. 2. A-Z alphabets are not allowed. 3. Special characters are not allowed.

Loan Account Details

Module Name Link Name Screen Name Field name

Creation of Security Interest

Add Security Interest

Loan Account Details

Nature of Facility

Creation of Security Interest

Add Security Interest

Loan Account Details

Loan Account no

Creation of Security Interest Creation of Security Interest

Add Security Interest Add Security Interest

Loan Account Details Loan Account Details

Loan Amount Sactioned Date of Disbursement

Creation of Security Interest

Add Security Interest

Loan Account Details

Rate of Interest

Charge Collection

Add Charge Record

Loan Account Details

Expected Repayment Period

Charge Collection

Add Charge Record

Loan Account Details

Extent of Operation

Charge Collection

Add Charge Record

Loan Account Details

Misc narrative Information

Data type Validation Drop down list consisting of following elements: 1) Term Loan 2) Demand Loan 3)LAP 4)Cash Credit 5)Overdraft 6)LC 7)BG 8)Bills 1. 0-9 numerals are allowed 2. A-Z alphabets are not allowed. 3. Special characters are not allowed 1. 0-9 numerals are allowed upto two decimals. 2. A-Z alphabets are not allowed. 3. Special characters are not allowed 1. Select from the calender. 2. Future dates are not allowed. 1. 0-9 numerals are allowed upto two decimals. 2. A-Z alphabets are not allowed. 3. Special characters are not allowed 1. 0-9 numerals are allowed. 1. A-Z alphabets are not allowed. 3. Special characters are not allowed 1. A-Z alphabets are allowed. 2. 0-9 numbers are allowed. 3. Special characters are allowed. 1. A-Z alphabets are allowed. 2. 0-9 numbers are allowed. 3. Special characters are allowed.



Varchar(100) Date(10)





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