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Oracle EBS R12 General Ledger

Created on Friday, March 30, 2012


Copyright 2003, 2007, Oracle. All rights reserved. Powered by OnDemand Software. Distributed by Oracle under license from Global Knowledge Software LLC. 1998-2007. All rights reserved. The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice. If you find any problems in the documentation, please report them to us in writing. This document is not warranted to be error-free. Except as may be expressly permitted in your license agreement for these Programs, no part of these Programs may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, for any purpose. If this documentation is delivered to the United States Government or anyone using the documentation on behalf of the United States Government, the following notice is applicable: U.S. GOVERNMENT RIGHTS The U.S. Governments rights to use, modify, reproduce, release, perform, display, or disclose these training materials are restricted by the terms of the applicable Oracle license agreement and/or the applicable U.S. Government contract. Oracle, JD Edwards, PeopleSoft, and Siebel are registered trademarks of Oracle Corporation and/or its affiliates. Other names may be trademarks of their respective owners.

Training Guide
Oracle EBS R12 General Ledger

Table of Contents
Introduction ...................................................................................................................... vi Journal Entry .................................................................................................................... 1
Creating Journal Batches ............................................................................................................. 1 Entering Journals ......................................................................................................................... 6 Changing the Journal Entry Currency ....................................................................................... 10 Entering Journal Lines ............................................................................................................... 15 Entering Entered Currency Journal ........................................................................................... 19 Entering Statistical Journals ...................................................................................................... 23 Autocopying Journal Batches .................................................................................................... 27 Changing a Batch Period ........................................................................................................... 32 Entering and Posting Journal Batches ....................................................................................... 37 Creating Recurring Journal Entries ........................................................................................... 42 Creating Skeleton Journal Entries ............................................................................................. 45 Changing a Recurring Journal Entry ......................................................................................... 49 Reviewing Recurring Journal Batches....................................................................................... 53 Posting Journals ......................................................................................................................... 57 Copying Entries from an Existing Recurring Journal Batch ..................................................... 63 Entering a Year-End Closing Journal Entry .............................................................................. 67 Creating Standard Recurring Journal Entry Lines ..................................................................... 71 Correcting Batch Posting Errors ................................................................................................ 75 Posting Journal Batches Automatically (AutoPost) .................................................................. 90 Reversing Journals..................................................................................................................... 95 Generating Reversing Journal Batches .................................................................................... 101 Enabling Journal Line Reconciliation ..................................................................................... 108 Entering Reconciliation References ........................................................................................ 114 Using Automatic Journal Scheduling ...................................................................................... 118 Adding Attachments to a Journal Entry .................................................................................. 127 Checking or Reserving Funds for a Journal Batch .................................................................. 135

Online Inquiries ............................................................................................................ 143

Performing Account Inquiries ................................................................................................. 143 Performing Journal Entry Inquiries ......................................................................................... 154 Drilling Down to Subledger Details ........................................................................................ 165 Viewing T-Accounts................................................................................................................ 187 Performing Budget Inquiries ................................................................................................... 194 Reviewing Budget Balance in a Master Budget ...................................................................... 198 Processing Consolidated Balance Inquiries ............................................................................. 202

Defining Budgets ........................................................................................................... 209

Defining Budgets ..................................................................................................................... 209 Assigning Budget Periods ....................................................................................................... 211 Opening a Budget Period......................................................................................................... 214 Copying Budget Amounts from a Budget ............................................................................... 217

Managing Budget Organizations ................................................................................. 223

Defining Budget Organizations ............................................................................................... 223 Assigning Account Ranges to Budget Organizations .............................................................. 226 Protecting a Budget Organization with a Password ................................................................ 232 Adding or Changing Individual Accounts ............................................................................... 236

Budget Formulas ........................................................................................................... 241

Creating a Budget Formula Entry ............................................................................................ 241
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Creating Budget Formula Entry Lines ..................................................................................... 244 Copying Existing Budget Formulas......................................................................................... 248 Changing a Budget Formula Entry .......................................................................................... 251

Entering Budget Amounts............................................................................................ 255

Entering Budget Amounts for Multiple Accounts ................................................................... 255 Entering Budget Rules to Distribute Budget Amounts ............................................................ 258 Entering Budget Journals......................................................................................................... 264 Creating Unposted Journal Batches ......................................................................................... 268 Exporting a Budget Worksheet Using the Budget Wizard ...................................................... 276

Transferring Budget Amounts..................................................................................... 295

Transferring Budget Amounts Using Budgetary Control ........................................................ 295 Entering Budget Transfer Amounts ........................................................................................ 299

Freezing Budgets ........................................................................................................... 305

Freezing Budget Formula Batches........................................................................................... 305 Freezing Budget Organizations ............................................................................................... 307 Freezing Budgets for a Range of Accounts ............................................................................. 310

Encumbrance Accounting ............................................................................................ 315

Defining Encumbrance Types ................................................................................................. 315 Entering Encumbrances ........................................................................................................... 317 Viewing Funds Available ........................................................................................................ 323 Carrying Forward Year-End Encumbrance and Budget Balances .......................................... 326

Average Balance Processing......................................................................................... 333

Opening a New Period............................................................................................................. 333 Archiving Journals................................................................................................................... 341 Consolidating Transactions ..................................................................................................... 344 Consolidating Balances ........................................................................................................... 357

Financial Reporting ...................................................................................................... 369

Running Simple Reports.......................................................................................................... 369 Using the Financial Statement Generator (FSG) ..................................................................... 376 Viewing Ledger Sets ............................................................................................................... 381

Maintenance .................................................................................................................. 387

Defining a Move/Merge Request ............................................................................................ 387 Submitting a Move/Merge Request ......................................................................................... 390 Creating New Accounts with Mass Creation........................................................................... 393

Global Consolidation System ....................................................................................... 397

Using the Consolidation Workbench ....................................................................................... 397 Transferring Subsidiary Data to Your Parent .......................................................................... 403 Creating Elimination Entries ................................................................................................... 406 Purging Consolidation Audit Data........................................................................................... 411

Multi-Currency ............................................................................................................. 415

Defining Foreign Currencies ................................................................................................... 415 Defining Currency Cross Rates ............................................................................................... 418 Entering a Journal with Conversion Rounding Differences .................................................... 421 Using the Currency Rates Manager ......................................................................................... 427

Journal or Subledger Level Reporting Currencies.................................................... 435

Entering Reporting Currencies ................................................................................................ 435 Using Reporting Currencies .................................................................................................... 438

Using the Account Hierarchy Manager ...................................................................... 455

Starting the Account Hierarchy Manager ................................................................................ 455
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Displaying Multiple Hierarchies ............................................................................................. 457 Adding or Changing Rollup Groups ........................................................................................ 468 Adding or Changing Parent Hierarchies .................................................................................. 480 Adding or Changing Child Values .......................................................................................... 501

Basic General Ledger Setup ......................................................................................... 523

Defining General Ledger Value Sets ....................................................................................... 523 Creating a Responsibility for the Controller ............................................................................ 526 Creating a Security Rule .......................................................................................................... 531 Defining Accounting Key Flexfield Structures ....................................................................... 538 Entering Values for Key Flexfields ......................................................................................... 552 Using the Account Hierarchy Editor ....................................................................................... 557 Defining an Accounting Calendar ........................................................................................... 572 Defining a Ledger .................................................................................................................... 581 Opening the First Accounting Period ...................................................................................... 587 Setting Up Journal Categories and Sources ............................................................................. 592 Setting Up Suspense Accounts ................................................................................................ 597 Entering Unbalanced Journals ................................................................................................. 600

Custom General Ledger Reports ................................................................................. 609

Creating a Row Set .................................................................................................................. 609 Running an Ad-Hoc Row Set Report ...................................................................................... 615 Running a Row Set Summary and Detail Report .................................................................... 618 Creating a Column Set ............................................................................................................. 622 Creating a Column Set Heading .............................................................................................. 628 Running a Column Set Ad-Hoc Report ................................................................................... 632 Running Column Set Detail and Summary Reports ................................................................ 636 Defining a Content Set ............................................................................................................ 640

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Training Guide
Oracle EBS R12 General Ledger

Oracle General Ledger enables you to create and maintain ledgers, ledger currencies, budgets, and journal entries. Upon completion of this module, you will be able to: Perform journal entry. Perform online inquiries. Define budgets. Manage budget organizations. Manage budget formulas. Enter budget amounts. Freeze budgets. Use encumbrance accounting. Perform average balance processing. Run financial reporting. Perform maintenance. Use the Global Consolidation system. Manage multi-currencies. Enter reporting currencies. Use the Account Hierarchy Manager. Set up general ledger users. Set up general ledger. Manage custom general ledger reports.

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Oracle EBS R12 General Ledger

Journal Entry
Journal Entry includes information on journal batches, journal entries, batch periods, recurring entries, and recurring batches. Upon completion of this lesson, you will be able to: Create journal batches. Enter journals. Enter journal lines. Enter entered currency journal. Enter statistical journals. Auto-copy journal batches. Change batch periods. Enter and post journal batches. Create recurring journal entries. Create skeleton journal entries. Post Journals. Correct batch posting errors. Post journal batches automatically. Reverse journals. Generate reversing journal batches. Enter reconciliation references. Use automatic journal scheduling. Check or reverse funds for a journal batch.

Creating Journal Batches

You can organize journal entries with common attributes into batches. For example, you might group your journal entries by type or date. You can have multiple journals in one batch, or you can have a separate batch for each journal entry. In this topic, you will create journal batches.


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Training Guide
Oracle EBS R12 General Ledger

Step 1. 2.

Action Begin by navigating to the Enter Journals page. Click the vertical scrollbar. Click the General Ledger, Vision Operations (USA) link.

3. 4.

Click the Journals: Enter link. The Find Journals page enables you to search for journals based on specific search criteria.

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Oracle EBS R12 General Ledger

Step 5.

Action Click the New Batch button. or Press [Alt+B].


The Batch page enables you to create, view, and modify a batch. A batch can contain multiple journals, each of which can belong to a different ledger. However, all the ledgers within a batch must have the same calendar, period type, and chart of accounts.

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Oracle EBS R12 General Ledger

Step 7. 8. 9. 10. 11.

Action Click in the Batch field. Enter the desired information into the Batch field. Enter "Provisioning of Accrual Expenses". Click in the Period field. Enter the desired information into the Period field. Enter "Oct-07". Click the Journals button. or Press [Alt+J].


The Journals page enables you to enter all journal entries in a batch in the same period. You can create a journal batch for any Open or Future Enterable accounting period. You can only post batches in Open accounting periods.

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Oracle EBS R12 General Ledger

Step 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23.

Action Enter the desired information into the Journal field. Enter "Accrual Expenses for Computer Resources". Enter the desired information into the Description field. Enter "Journal Entry for Accrual Expenses of Computer Resources". Click in the Line field. Enter the desired information into the Line field. Enter "10". Click in the Account field. Enter the desired information into the Account field. Enter "01-130-6100-0000000". Click in the Debit field. Enter the desired information into the Debit field. Enter "150". Click in the Line field. Enter the desired information into the Account field. Enter "01-130-2225-0000000". Click in the Credit field.

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Oracle EBS R12 General Ledger
Step 24. 25. 26. 27. Action Enter the desired information into the Credit field. Enter "150". Click in the Journal field. Click the New button. Click the Yes button. or Press [Alt+Y]. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. Enter the desired information into the Journal field. Enter "Accrual Expenses for Marketing Department". Click in the Description field. Enter the desired information into the Description field. Enter "Journal Entry for Accrual Expenses of Marketing Department". Click in the Line field. Enter the desired information into the Line field. Enter "10". Click in the Account field. Enter the desired information into the Account field. Enter "01-490-6100-0000000". Click in the Debit field. Enter the desired information into the Debit field. Enter "150". Click in the Line field. Enter the desired information into the Account field. Enter "01-490-2225-0000000". Click in the Credit field. Enter the desired information into the Credit field. Enter "150". Click the Save button. You have completed the Creating Journal Batches procedure. End of Procedure.

Entering Journals
The Enter Journals page enables you to create journal entries with or without batch information.

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Oracle EBS R12 General Ledger
In this topic, you will learn to enter journals.


Step 1.

Action Begin by navigating to the Enter Journals page. Click the vertical scrollbar.


Click the General Ledger, Vision Operations (USA) link.

3. 4.

Click the Journals: Enter link. The Find Journals page enables you to search for the appropriate journal based on specific search criteria. To enter a journal without entering batch information, click the New Journal button.

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Oracle EBS R12 General Ledger

Step 5.

Action Click the New Journal button. or Press [Alt+J].


The Journals page enables you to: Enter a unique name and description Select a ledger for a journal entry Enter a category to describe the purpose of your journal entry Enter the period Accept or change the effective date Enter journal lines

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Oracle EBS R12 General Ledger

Step 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17.

Action Click in the Journal field. Enter the desired information into the Journal field. Enter "Labor Cost Provision". Click in the Description field. Enter the desired information into the Description field. Enter "Lab our Cost Provision for the month of Oct-07". Click in the Line field. Enter the desired information into the Line field. Enter "10". Click in the Account field. Enter the desired information into the Account field. Enter "01-000-5020-0000000". Click in the Debit field. Enter the desired information into the Debit field. Enter "7500". Click in the Line field.

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Oracle EBS R12 General Ledger
Step 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. Action Enter the desired information into the Account field. Enter "01-000-2410-0000000". Click in the Credit field. Enter the desired information into the Credit field. Enter "7500". Click the Save button. You have completed the Entering Journals procedure. End of Procedure.

Changing the Journal Entry Currency

You can change the currency for any unposted journal entry. If you are using budgetary control, and have reserved funds for the journal entry, you must unreserve funds before you can change the currency. In this topic, you will change the journal entry currency.


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Oracle EBS R12 General Ledger

Step 1.

Action Begin by navigating to the Enter Journals page. Click the vertical scrollbar.


Click the General Ledger, Vision Operations (USA) link.

3. 4.

Click the Journals: Enter link. The Find Journals page enables you to search for a journal based on specific search criteria.

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Step 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11.

Action Click in the Batch field. Enter the desired information into the Batch field. Enter "Accrued Expenses 02DEC-2007 23:01:21". Click in the Period field. Enter the desired information into the Period field. Enter "Oct-07". Click in the Status: Posting field. Enter the desired information into the Status: Posting field. Enter "Unposted". Click the Find button. or Press [Alt+i].

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Oracle EBS R12 General Ledger

Step 12.

Action Click the Review Journal button. or Press [Alt+u].


The Journals page enables you to define, create and view journal entries.

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Oracle EBS R12 General Ledger

Step 14.

Action Click the Change Currency... button. or Press [Alt+y].


The Change Currency page enables you to enter the journal currency conversion information such as currency date, conversion type, and conversion rate.

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Oracle EBS R12 General Ledger

Step 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21.

Action Enter the desired information into the Currency: To field. Enter "EUR". Click in the Type: To field. Enter the desired information into the Type: To field. Enter "Corporate". Click in the Rate: To field. Click the OK button. You have completed the Changing the Journal Entry Currency procedure. End of Procedure.

Entering Journal Lines

Enter a Line number for each journal line to control the sequence in which the journal entry lines appear online and in reports. In this topic, you will enter journal lines.

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Oracle EBS R12 General Ledger


Step 1.

Action Begin by navigating to the Enter Journals page. Click the vertical scrollbar.


Click the General Ledger, Vision Operations (USA) link.

3. 4.

Click the Journals: Enter link. The Find Journals page enables you to search for the appropriate journal based on specific search criteria. To enter a journal without entering batch information, click the New Journal button.

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Oracle EBS R12 General Ledger

Step 5.

Action Click the New Journal button. or Press [Alt+J].


The Journals page enables you to: Enter a unique name and description Select a ledger for a journal entry Enter a category to describe the purpose of your journal entry Enter the period Accept or change the effective date You can enter a line number for each journal line to control the sequence in which the journal entry lines appear online and in reports. After you enter the first journal entry line number, Oracle General Ledger automatically increments the numbers for the following lines, but you can change the line numbers as necessary. You can enter an account for the journal line. Your data access set must provide read and write access to the ledger, or read and write access to the account's balancing segment value or management segment value.

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Oracle EBS R12 General Ledger

Step 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16.

Action Click in the Description field. Enter the desired information into the Description field. Enter "Rent Accrual for the month of Oct-07". Click in the Line field. Enter the desired information into the Line field. Enter "10". Click in the Account field. Enter the desired information into the Account field. Enter "01-000-7420-0000000". Click in the Debit field. Enter the desired information into the Debit field. Enter "12500". Click in the Line field. Enter the desired information into the Account field. Enter "01-000-2225-0000000".

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Oracle EBS R12 General Ledger
Step 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. Action Click in the Credit field. Enter the desired information into the Credit field. Enter "12500". Click in the Line field. Click the Save button. You have completed the Entering Journal Lines procedure. End of Procedure.

Entering Entered Currency Journal

You can enter manual journal entries using an entered currency using the Enter Journals page. An entered currency is a currency that is not the ledger currency. If you use reporting currencies (journal or subledger level), an entered currency is a currency that is not the currency of the reporting currency. In this topic, you will enter entered currency journals using the Enter Journals page.


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Oracle EBS R12 General Ledger

Step 1. 2.

Action Begin by navigating to the Enter Journals page. Click the vertical scrollbar. Click the General Ledger, Vision Operations (USA) link.

3. 4.

Click the Journals: Enter link. When you click the Journals: Enter link, the Find Journals page appears. You can use this page to enter or query a batch, or click the New Batch button or the New Journal button.

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Step 5.

Action Click the New Journal button. or Press [Alt+J].


You can use the Journals page to enter journal information, specifying the entered currency you want to use for your journal entry.

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Oracle EBS R12 General Ledger

Step 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14.

Action Enter the desired information into the Journal field. Enter "Accrued Expense". Click in the Description field. Enter the desired information into the Description field. Enter "Accrued salary expenses for the month of Oct-07". Click in the Conversion: Currency field. Enter the desired information into the Conversion: Currency field. Enter "GBP". The conversion date is the posting date for the journal entry and should fall within the accounting period you defined for the journal entry. Click in the Conversion: Type field. In the conversion Type field, you can select Spot, Corporate, or User type, or any conversion type you defined. Enter the desired information into the Conversion: Type field. Enter "Corporate". Click in the Line field.


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Oracle EBS R12 General Ledger
Step 16. Action You can enter your journal lines using the Lines Tab. You can use debit and credit amounts in the entered currency. Oracle General Ledger automatically converts the entered amounts into your ledger's currency based on the designated conversion rate. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. Enter the desired information into the Line field. Enter "10". Click in the Account field. Enter the desired information into the Account field. Enter "01-000-5020-0000000". Click in the Debit field. Enter the desired information into the Entered: Debit field. Enter "15000". Click in the Line field. Enter the desired information into the Account field. Enter "01-000-2410-0000000". Click in the Credit field. Enter the desired information into the Credit field. Enter "15000". Click the Save button. You have completed entering entered currency journals using the Enter Journals page. End of Procedure.

Entering Statistical Journals

With General Ledger you can enter statistical journals in two ways. You can enter journals with only statistical debit and credit amounts. You can also, if your user profile permits, combine monetary and statistical amounts in the same journal line. In this topic, you will enter a statistical journal using the Enter Journals page.


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Oracle EBS R12 General Ledger

Step 1. 2.

Action Begin by navigating to the Enter Journals page. Click the vertical scrollbar. Click the General Ledger, Vision Operations (USA) link.

3. 4.

Click the Journals: Enter link. When you click the Journals: Enter link, the Find Journals page will display. You can use this page to enter or query a batch, or click the New Batch button or the New Journal button.

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Oracle EBS R12 General Ledger

Step 5.

Action Click the New Journal button. or Press [Alt+J].


You will use the Journals page to enter your journal information, specifying STAT for the journal currency. Statistical journal entries do not require balanced debits and credits. If you use the Reporting Currencies option (Journal or Subledger Level), statistical journals will be generated for your reporting currencies, but the journals are not affected by the currency conversion process.

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Oracle EBS R12 General Ledger

Step 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16.

Action Enter the desired information into the Journal field. Enter "Employee strength per department". Click in the Description field. Enter the desired information into the Description field. Enter "Employee headcount for various departments". Click in the Conversion: Currency field. Enter the desired information into the Conversion: Currency field. Enter "STAT". In the Lines tab, enter your journal lines, using statistical debit and credit amounts. The debits do not need to equal credits for a statistical journal. Click in the Line field. Enter the desired information into the Line field. Enter "10". Click in the Account field. Enter the desired information into the Account field. Enter "01-000-9110-0000000".

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Oracle EBS R12 General Ledger
Step 17. Action You can enter the statistical quantity for each journal line in the Debit (STAT) and the Credit (STAT) fields. Oracle General Ledger automatically displays the unit of measure associated with the natural account segment value for the line. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. Click in the Debit (STAT) field. Enter the desired information into the Debit (STAT) field. Enter "200". Click in the Line field. Enter the desired information into the Account field. Enter "01-110-9110-0000000". Click in the Debit (STAT) field. Enter the desired information into the Debit (STAT) field. Enter "350". Click in the Line field. Enter the desired information into the Account field. Enter "01-111-9910-0000000". Click in the Debit (STAT) field. Enter the desired information into the Debit (STAT) field. Enter "450". Click in the Line field. Click the Save button. You have completed entering statistical journals using the Enter Journals page. End of Procedure.

Autocopying Journal Batches

You can create a new journal batch by copying and modifying an existing journal batch. Use Autocopy to copy a journal batch from the Journals window, the Batch window or the Enter Journals window. If you have multiple journals contained in a journal batch, using Autocopy will copy the entire batch. You cannot copy a single journal in the batch. In this topic, you will autocopy journal batches.

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Step 1. 2.

Action Begin by navigating to the Enter Journals page. Click the vertical scrollbar. Click the General Ledger, Vision Operations (USA) link.

3. 4.

Click the Journals: Enter link. The Find Journals page enables you to search for a journal batch based on specific criteria.

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Oracle EBS R12 General Ledger

Step 5. 6. 7.

Action Click in the Batch field. Enter the desired information into the Batch field. Enter "Provisioning of Accrual Expenses". Click the Find button. or Press [Alt+i].


The Enter Journals page displays journals for an existing batch. It also enables you to view the batch status, source, category, period, batch name, and currency for a journal. In addition, use the Enter Journals page to access the Review Journal, Review Batch, Post, New Journal, New Batch, Tax Batch, and Autocopy windows.

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Oracle EBS R12 General Ledger

Step 9. 10. 11. 12. 13.

Action Click the Autocopy button. The Autocopy page enables you copy the batch. You can also review the batch or review the journal before autocopying. Enter the desired information into the Batch field. Enter "Provisioning of Accrual Expenses for Nov-07". Click the OK button. Click the OK button. or Press [Alt+O].

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Oracle EBS R12 General Ledger

Step 14.

Action Click the View menu. or Press [Alt+V].


Click the Requests menu. or Press [R].


The Find Requests page enables you to search for the requests you submitted based on specified search criteria.

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Oracle EBS R12 General Ledger

Step 17. 18. 19. 20.

Action Click the Specific Requests option. Click in the Request ID field. Enter the desired information into the Request ID field. Enter "5179393". Click the Find button. or Press [Alt+i].

21. 22.

The Requests page enables you to view request status information, drill down to view details, log and output information,and access the Diagnostics window. You have completed the Autocopying Journal Batches procedure. End of Procedure.

Changing a Batch Period

If you change the period for an unposted batch, General Ledger updates the posting date for each journal entry. If you are using budgetary control, and have reserved funds for the batch, you must unreserve funds before you can change the batch period.
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In this topic, you will change batch periods.


Step 1.

Action Begin by navigating to the Enter Journals page. Click the vertical scrollbar.


Click the General Ledger, Vision Operations (USA) link.

3. 4.

Click the Journals: Enter link. The Find Journals page enables you to search for journals based on specific search criteria.

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Oracle EBS R12 General Ledger

Step 5. 6. 7.

Action Click in the Batch field. Enter the desired information into the Batch field. Enter "Provisioning of Accrual Expenses". Click the Find button. or Press [Alt+i].


The Enter Journals page enables you to view details of journal entries, and access the Review Journal, Review Batch, New Journal, and New Batch pages.

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Oracle EBS R12 General Ledger

Step 9.

Action Click the Review Batch button. or Press [Alt+c].


The Batch page enables you to create, view, and modify a batch. A batch can contain multiple journals, each of which can belong to a different ledger. However, all the ledgers within a batch must have the same calendar, period type, and chart of accounts.

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Step 11.

Action Click the Change Period... button. or Press [Alt+g].


The Change Period page enables you to update the batch period. If the original creation date of your journal entry batch is within the new period, Oracle General Ledger assigns the creation date as the new effective date. If the creation date of your journal entry batch is not in the same period as the new batch period, Oracle General Ledger assigns either the first or last day of the new period as the new effective date, depending on which date is closer to the creation date.

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Oracle EBS R12 General Ledger

Step 13. 14. 15. 16. 17.

Action Enter the desired information into the Period: To field. Enter "Sep-07". Click in the Effective Date: To field. Enter the desired information into the Effective Date: To field. Enter "15-SEP2007". Click the OK button. You have completed the Changing a Batch Period procedure. End of Procedure.

Entering and Posting Journal Batches

You can organize journal entries with common attributes into batches. A batch can contain multiple journals, each of which can belong to a different ledger, but all of the ledgers within a batch must have the same calendar, period type, and chart of accounts. All journal entries in a batch must share the same period. You can create a journal batch for any Open or Future Enterable accounting period, but you can only post batches in Open accounting periods. In this topic, you will enter and post journal batches.

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Step 1. 2.

Action Begin by navigating to the Find Journals page. Click the vertical scrollbar. Click the General Ledger, Vision Operations (USA) link.

3. 4.

Click the Journals: Enter link. Use the Find Journals page to navigate to the New Batch button to enter journal batches.

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Step 5.

Action Click the New Batch button. or Press [Alt+B].


The Journals page enables you to enter your journal information for the journal batches.

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Oracle EBS R12 General Ledger

Step 7. 8. 9.

Action Click in the Journal field. Enter the desired information into the Journal field. Enter "Training Journal 1". The Lines tab enables you to enter a line number for each journal line to control the sequence in which the journal entry lines appear online and in reports. After you enter the first journal entry line number, Oracle General Ledger automatically increments the numbers for the following lines.

10. 11. 12. 13.

Click in the Line field. Enter the desired information into the Line field. Enter "1". Click in the Account field. Enter an account for the journal line. Your data access set must provide read and write access to the ledger, or read and write access to the account's balancing segment value or management segment value. Enter the desired information into the Account field. Enter "01-000-1570-0000000". Click in the Entered: Debit field. Enter the debit amount for the designated account. Enter the desired information into the Debit field. Enter "1000".

14. 15.

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Oracle EBS R12 General Ledger
Step 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. Action Click in the Line field. Enter the desired information into the Line field. Enter "2". Click in the Account field. Enter the desired information into the Account field. Enter "01-000-1110-0000000". Click in the Credit field. Enter the Credit amount for the designated account. Enter the desired information into the Credit field. Enter "1000". Click in the Line field. Click in the Account field. Enter the desired information into the Account field. Enter "01-000-1410-0000000". Click in the Debit field. Enter the desired information into the Debit field. Enter "2000". Click in the Line field. Enter the desired information into the Line field. Enter "4". Click in the Account field. Enter the desired information into the Account field. Enter "01-520-5310-0000000". Click in the Credit field. Enter the desired information into the Credit field. Enter "2000". Click the Save button. The Post button enables you to post journal batches to update the account balances of your detail and summary accounts. Click the Post button. or Press [Alt+P].

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Step 35. Action Click the OK button. or Press [Alt+O]. 36. You have completed the Entering and Posting Journal Batches procedure. End of Procedure.

Creating Recurring Journal Entries

You can use recurring journal entries to define automatic consolidating and eliminating entries. Recurring journal entries examples include; intercompany debt, bad debt expense, and periodic accruals. In this topic, you will create the recurring journal entries and use them for each subsequent accounting period you generate.


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Step 1. 2. Action Begin by navigating to Define Recurring Entries page. Click the vertical scrollbar. Click the General Ledger, Vision Operations (USA) link.

Step 3. 4.

Action Click the Recurring link. Use the Define Recurring Journal Entries page to define the recurring journal entries that you want to use later.

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Step 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14.

Action Click in the Recurring Batch: Batch field. Enter the desired information into the Recurring Batch: Batch field. Enter "DBI COGs Adjustments". Click in the Recurring Batch: Description field. Enter the desired information into the Recurring Batch: Description field. Enter "To adjust COGS for DBI Reports". Click in the Journal field. Enter the desired information into the Journal field. Enter "DBI COGS Adjustment". Click in the Category field. Enter the desired information into the Category field. Enter "Adjustment". The Currency field is used to convert foreign currency recurring journals. Click in the Journal Entry: Effective From Date field.

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Step 15. Action Enter a range of Effective Dates that includes only those periods for which you want the recurring journal entry to be used. Enter the desired information into the Journal Entry: Effective From Date field. Enter "27-NOV-2007". Click in the Journal Entry: Effective To Date field. Enter the desired information into the Journal Entry: Effective To Date field. Enter "01-Dec-2007". Click the Save button. You have created a recurring journal entry. End of Procedure.

16. 17. 18. 19.

Creating Skeleton Journal Entries

Create skeleton journal entries for journal entries that affect the same accounts each period, but have different posting amounts. After you generate skeleton journal entries, edit the unposted journal batch using the Enter Journals page and enter the debit and credit amounts for the journal lines. In this topic, you will create skeleton journal entries.


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Step 1. 2.

Action Begin by navigating to the Define Recurring Journal Formula page. Click the vertical scrollbar. Click the General Ledger, Vision Operations (USA) link.

3. 4.

Click the Recurring link. The Define Recurring Journal Formula page enables you to enter or query the batch name and the journal entry name for creating a skeleton journal entry.

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Step 5. 6.

Action Click in the Recurring Batch: Batch field. Enter the batch name. Enter the desired information into the Recurring Batch: Batch field. Enter "Training". Click in the Journal field. Enter the journal entry name. Enter the desired information into the Journal field. Enter "Training Recurring Journal 1". Click in the Category field. Enter the desired information into the Category field. Enter "Adjustment". Click the Lines button. or Press [Alt+n].

7. 8.

9. 10. 11.


The Journal Entry Lines page enables you to enter a line number to set the order of your recurring journal entry lines.

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Step 13. 14. 15. 16.

Action Click in the Line field. Enter the desired information into the Line field. Enter "1". Click in the Account field. Enter the Account you want General Ledger to update when you generate and post your recurring journals. Enter the desired information into the Account field. Enter "01-000-7420-0000000". Enter the desired information into the Line Description field. Enter "RENT EXPENSE".


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Step 18.

Action Click the Save button. or Press [S].


You have completed the Creating Skeleton Journal Entries procedure. End of Procedure.

Changing a Recurring Journal Entry

If the recurring journal entry does not have security enabled, you can modify the recurring journal entry. However, if the recurring journal entry has security enabled, you can only modify recurring journal entries for which you have modify privileges through your definition access sets. In this topic, you will change the recurring journal entry information.


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Step 1. 2.

Action Begin by navigating to the Define Recurring Journal Formula page. Click the vertical scrollbar. Click the General Ledger, Vision Operations (USA) link.

3. 4.

Click the Journals: Define: Recurring link. Use the Define Recurring Journal Formula page to query the name of the recurring journal formula batch that you want to change.

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Step 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

Action Click the Find... button. Use the Source Batches page to search and select the batch that you want to change. Click the Recurring Expenses Journal list item. Use the Find Recurring Batches page to query and select the name of the recurring journal entry you want to change. Click the OK button. or Press [Alt+O].


Click the Lines button. or Press [Alt+n].


Use the Journal Entry Lines page to review or change the recurring journal entry lines.

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Step 12.

Action Enter the information to edit the recurring journal lines. Click in the Formula: Amount field. Enter the desired information into the Formula: Amount field. Enter "100".


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Step 14. 15.

Action Click the Save button. You have changed the recurring journal entry information. End of Procedure.

Reviewing Recurring Journal Batches

You must generate recurring journals to create unposted journal entries from the recurring journal formulas you defined. After generating the formulas, you can review or edit the recurring journal batches before posting them. You must have read-only or read and write access to the ledger and the balancing segment value or management segment value used in the recurring journal formula to generate recurring journals. When you generate recurring journals from the recurring journal definition or from the Generate Recurring Journals page for average daily balance ledgers, you can set the profile option to GL: Number of Formulas to Validate for each Recurring Journal Batch, to validate your recurring journal batch before running the generation program for any average balancing processing violations with the calculation effective date or average balance usage. In this topic, you will review the recurring journal batches.

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Step 1. 2.

Action Begin by navigating to the Find Journals page. Click the vertical scrollbar. Click the General Ledger, Vision Operations (USA) link.

3. 4. 5.

Click the vertical scrollbar. Click the Inquiry: Journal link. Use the Find Journals page to find journal batches and journal entries. General Ledger displays search results in either the Journal Entry Inquiry or Enter Journals page.

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Step 6. 7. 8.

Action Click in the Batch field. Enter the desired information into the Batch field. Enter "Training Recurring Journal 01". Click the Find button. or Press [Alt+i].


Use the Journal Entry Inquiry page to review the batch or journal entry information. You can also perform a journal entry inquiry by clicking the Request button.

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Step 10.

Action Click the Review Batch button. or Press [Alt+c].


Use the Batch page to review detailed information of a batch, a journal entry within that batch, and the line details within that journal entry.

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Step 12.

Action Click the Journals button. or Press [Alt+J].

13. 14. 15.

Use the Journals page to view journal and subledger transaction information as balanced accounting entries. Click the Close button. You have reviewed the recurring journal batches. End of Procedure.

Posting Journals
Post journal batches to update the account balances of your detail and summary accounts. You can post actual, budget, or encumbrance journal batches. In this topic, you will post journals.

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Step 1.

Action Begin by navigating to the Post Journals page. Click the vertical scrollbar.


Click the General Ledger, Vision Operations (USA) link.

3. 4.

Click the Journals: Post link. The Find Journal Batches page enables you to find journal batches based on specific search criteria.

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Step 5. 6. 7.

Action Click in the Period field. Enter the desired information into the Period field. Enter "Oct-07". Click the Find button. or Press [Alt+i].


The Post Journals page enables you to view and post the batch.

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Step 9. 10. 11.

Action Click the Selected for Posting option. Click the Selected for Posting option. Click the Post button. or Press [Alt+P].


Click the OK button. or Press [Alt+O].

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Step 13.

Action Click the View menu. or Press [Alt+V].


Click the Requests menu. or Press [R].


The Find Requests page enables you to search for requests based on specific search criteria.

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Step 16. 17. 18. 19.

Action Click the Specific Requests option. Click in the Request ID field. Enter the desired information into the Request ID field. Enter "5176773". Click the Find button. or Press [Alt+i].


The Requests page enables you to view details of your request search, and to access the View Details, View Output, Diagnostics, and View Log pages.

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Step 21.

Action Click the View Output button. or Press [Alt+p].

22. 23.

Review the Posting Validation Report to assure your journals were properly posted. You have completed the Posting Journals procedure. End of Procedure.

Copying Entries from an Existing Recurring Journal Batch

You can create a new recurring journal formula batch quickly by copying and modifying an existing recurring journal formula batch. In this procedure, you will copy a journal batch using the Autocopy function in the Define Recurring Journal Formula page.

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Step 1. 2.

Action Begin by navigating to the Define Recurring Journal Formula page. Click the vertical scrollbar. Click the General Ledger, Vision Operations (USA) link.


Click the Journals: Define: Recurring link.

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Step 4. Action In the Define Recurring Journal Formula page, you can create or copy recurring journal formula batches which include ledgers that have the same chart of accounts, calendar, and period type as the data access set of your current responsibility. When you generate the recurring journal formula batches, you must have read or read and write access to the ledger and balancing segment value or management segment value to generate recurring journals. If you use reporting currencies (journal or subledger level), you can create recurring journal formula batches for single reporting currencies or multiple reporting currencies.

Step 5. 6. 7.

Action Click in the Recurring Batch: Batch field. Enter the desired information into the Recurring Batch: Batch field. Enter "Training Recurring Journal 01". Though not selected for this procedure, you can optionally select the Enable Security checkbox to apply Definition Access Set security to your recurring journal formula.
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Step 8. Action Click the AutoCopy... button. or Press [Alt+A]. 9. 10. Click the Training Recurring Journal 1 list item. Click the OK button. or Press [Alt+O]. 11. Click the Generate button. or Press [Alt+G]. 12. Click the Submit button. or Press [Alt+S].

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Step 13. 14. 15. Action Click in the Period field. Enter the desired information into the Period field. Enter "Dec-06". Click the Submit button. or Press [Alt+S]. 16. Click the OK button. or Press [Alt+O]. 17. You have completed the Copying Entries from an Existing Recurring Journal Batch procedure. End of Procedure.

Entering a Year-End Closing Journal Entry

Many organizations follow specific procedures to generate special journal entries to close and open fiscal years. These closing entries apply to both the income statement and balance sheet. Auditable closing procedures vary considerably, depending on country reporting requirements, generally accepted accounting practices in a country, and organization business needs. Oracle General Ledger enables you to create actual closing journals for year-end and other closing periods. If your organization has multiple legal entities, you can create closing journals for multiple ledgers simultaneously with ledger sets. You also have added security through data access sets because you can only run the closing journals programs against ledgers you have full read and write access to through your data access set. In this procedure, you use the Journals page to enter a year-end closing journal entry.


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Step 1. 2.

Action Begin by navigating to the Journals page. Click the vertical scrollbar. Click the General Ledger, Vision Operations (USA) link.


Click the Journals: Enter link.

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Step 4.

Action Click the New Journal button. or Press [Alt+J].

5. 6.

Use the Journals page to enter a journal entry. Before you process year-end closing journals, you should: Set up the last day of the fiscal year as an adjusting period. Set up the first day of the new fiscal year as an adjusting period. Ensure the period you are closing is an Open period. Complete your routine accounting before the last day of the year. Post your adjustments and closing entries in the adjusting period. Define your ledger set if you plan to submit the closing journals programs for multiple ledgers simultaneously. In the last adjusting period of the fiscal year you want to close, you should: Run the Create Income Statement Closing Journals process to transfer income statement year-end account balances of your revenue and expense accounts to the retained earnings account. Run the Create Balance Sheet Closing Journals process to close and zero out the year-to-date balances of all balance sheet accounts: assets, liabilities, and owner's equity.


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Step 8. Action In the first adjusting period of your new fiscal year, you should: Run the Open Period program to open the first period of the new year. Reverse and post the balance sheet closing journals to reopen those balances. Note: When closing journals, you are closing actual journals. You cannot close budget or encumbrance balances. For more information about closing journals, see the Oracle General Ledger User's Guide.

Step 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14.

Action Click in the Journal field. Enter the desired information into the Journal field. Enter "Training 2007 Year End Close Journal". Click in the Category field. Enter the desired information into the Category field. Enter "Year End Close". Click in the Period field. Enter the desired information into the Period field. Enter "Dec-2007".

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Step 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. Action Click in the Effective Date field. Enter the desired information into the Effective Date field. Enter "31-Dec-2007". Click in the Line field. Enter the desired information into the Line field. Enter "1". Click in the Account field. Enter the desired information into the Account field. Enter "01-000-1570-0000000". Click in the Debit field. Enter the desired information into the Debit field. Enter "50000". Click in the Line field. Enter the desired information into the Account field. Enter "01-000-1110-0000000". Click in the Credit field. Enter the desired information into the Credit field. Enter "50000". Click the Save button. You have completed the Creating Year-End Closing Journal Entry procedure. End of Procedure.

Creating Standard Recurring Journal Entry Lines

You can define an unlimited number of journal entry lines for each recurring journal entry. The journal entry lines specify the accounts to update with the recurring journals. Each line also contains the amount to post to the designated account, or a formula to calculate the journal amounts. In this procedure, you will use the Define Recurring Journal Formula page to enter recurring journal lines for a journal batch.


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Step 1. 2.

Action Begin by navigating to the Define Recurring Journal Formula page. Click the vertical scrollbar. Click the General Ledger, Vision Operations (USA) link.

3. 4.

Click the Journals: Define: Recurring link. Use the Define Recurring Journal Formula page to define a recurring journal entry.

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Step 5. 6.

Action Click the Find... button. Click the OK button. or Press [Alt+O].


Click the Lines button. or Press [Alt+n].


The number you enter in the Line field sets the order of your recurring journal entry lines. You can indicate an automatic offsetting line for your recurring journal entry by entering the line number 9999. See the Oracle General Ledger User's Guide for more information regarding automatic formatting.

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Step 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14.

Action Click in the Line field. Enter the desired information into the Line field. Enter "2". In the Account field, you enter the account you want Oracle General Ledger to update when you generate and post your recurring journals. Click in the Account field. Enter the desired information into the Account field. Enter "01-000-1120-0000000". When entering formula information, note that there are two types of factors associated with formula entries you can use: A fixed amount A specific account. You can use standard, end-of-day, or average balances in your formula lines.


You enter a step number in the Step field to specify the order in which you want to process the steps in your formula. Each formula can contain an unlimited number of steps.

16. 17.
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Click in the Step field. Enter the desired information into the Formula: Step Number field. Enter "1".

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Step 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. Action Click in the Amount field. Enter the desired information into the Amount field. Enter "1500". Click in the Account field. Enter the desired information into the Formula: Account field. Enter "01-0001120-0000-000". Click the Save button. You have completed the Creating Standard Recurring Journal Entry Lines procedure. End of Procedure.

Correcting Batch Posting Errors

You need read and write access to the ledger or read and write access to all the balancing segment values or management segment values in the journal batch to make corrections to the journal batch. When you correct the error, the error status and error number do not change until you post the batch. If you eliminate all your errors, the status changes to Posted after the batch is successfully posted. In this topic, you will correct batch posting errors.


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Step 1.

Action Begin by navigating to the Post Journals page. Click the vertical scrollbar.


Click the General Ledger, Vision Operations (USA) link.

3. 4.

Click the Journals: Post link. The Find Journal Batches page enables you to find journal batches based on specific search criteria.

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Step 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

Action Click in the Period field. Enter the desired information into the Period field. Enter "Oct-07". Click in the Batch field. Enter the desired information into the Batch field. Enter "Purchase of Assets : Furniture and Vehicles". Click the Find button. or Press [Alt+i].


The Post Journals page enables you to view and post the batch.

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Step 11. 12.

Action Click the Selected for Posting option. Click the Post button. or Press [Alt+P].


Click the OK button. or Press [Alt+O].

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Step 14.

Action Click the View menu. or Press [Alt+V].


Click the Requests menu. or Press [R].


The Find Requests page enables you to search for requests based on specific search criteria.

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Step 17. 18. 19. 20.

Action Click the Specific Requests option. Click in the Request ID field. Enter the desired information into the Request ID field. Enter "5176815". Click the Find button. or Press [Alt+i].


The Requests page enables you to view details your request, and you can also access the View Details, View Output, Diagnostics, and View Log pages.

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Step 22.

Action Click the View Output button. or Press [Alt+p].


The output is generated in a webpage.

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Step 24.

Action Click the Close button.

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Step 25.

Action Click the File menu. or Press [Alt+F].


Click the Close Form menu. or Press [C].

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Step 27.

Action Click the File menu. or Press [Alt+F].


Click the Close Form menu. or Press [C].

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Step 29.

Action Click the Open button. or Press [Alt+O].

30. 31.

Notice the Journals section is expanded. Click the Open button. or Press [Alt+O].


The Find Journals page enables you to search for journals based on specific search criteria.

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Step 33. 34.

Action Enter the desired information into the Batch field. Enter "Purchase of Assets : Furniture and Vehicles". Click the Find button. or Press [Alt+i].


The Enter Journals page enables you to view details of journal entries, and access the Review Journal, Review Batch, New Journal, New Batch pages.

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Step 36.

Action Click the Review Journal button. or Press [Alt+u].


The Journals page enables you to enter all journal entries in a batch in the same period. You can create a journal batch for any Open or Future Enterable accounting period, but you can only post batches in Open accounting periods.

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Step 38. 39. 40. 41.

Action Click in the Control Total field. Enter the desired information into the Control Total field. Enter "20000". Click the Save button. Click the Post button. or Press [Alt+P].


Click the OK button. or Press [Alt+O].


Click the View menu. or Press [Alt+V].


Click the Requests menu.

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Step Action or Press [R].

Step 45. 46. 47. 48.

Action Click the Specific Requests option. Click in the Request ID field. Enter the desired information into the Request ID field. Enter "5176819". Click the Find button. or Press [Alt+i].

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Step 49.

Action Click the View Output button. or Press [Alt+p].


You have completed the Correcting Batch Posting Errors procedure. End of Procedure.

Posting Journal Batches Automatically (AutoPost)

You can automatically post journal batches that meet specific criteria that you defined in an AutoPost criteria set. You can define multiple criteria sets that include a range of journal effective dates and multiple AutoPost priorities. AutoPost priorities include combinations of ledger or ledger set, journal source, journal category, balance type, and period. Once you define an AutoPost criteria set, run the AutoPost program to select and post any journal batches that meet the criteria defined by the criteria set. You can also schedule the AutoPost program to run at specific times and submission intervals. In this topic, you will post journal batches automatically.

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Step 1.

Action Begin by navigating to the Autopost page. Click the vertical scrollbar.


Click the General Ledger, Vision Operations (USA) link.

3. 4. 5.

Click the vertical scrollbar. Click the Setup: Journal: AutoPost link. The AutoPost page enables you to define an AutoPost criteria set and run the AutoPost program to select, and post any journal batches that meet the criteria defined by the criteria set. You can also schedule the AutoPost program to run at specific times and submission intervals.

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Step 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16.

Action Click in the Criteria Set field. Enter the desired information into the Criteria Set field. Enter "Criteria Set : Source : Manual". Click in the Description field. Enter the desired information into the Description field. Enter "Criteria Set where Journal Source is Manual". Click in the Priority field. Enter the desired information into the Priority field. Enter "1". Click in the Ledger/Ledger Set field. Enter the desired information into the Ledger/Ledger Set field. Enter "Vision Operations (USA)". Click in the Source field. Enter the desired information into the Source field. Enter "Manual". Click in the Category field.

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Step 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. Action Enter the desired information into the Category field. Enter "Adjustment". Click in the Period field. Enter the desired information into the Period field. Enter "Sep-07". Click the Save button. Click the Submit button. or Press [Alt+u]. 22. Click the OK button. or Press [Alt+O]. 23. Click the View menu. or Press [Alt+V]. 24. Click the Requests menu. or Press [R]. 25. The Find Requests page enables you to search for requests based on specific search criteria.

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Step 26. 27. 28. 29.

Action Click the Specific Requests option. Click in the Request ID field. Enter the desired information into the Request ID field. Enter "5176854". Click the Find button. or Press [Alt+i].


The Requests page enables you to view details of your request, and to access the View Details, View Output, Diagnostics, and View Log pages.

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Step 31.

Action Click the View Output button. or Press [Alt+p].


You have completed the Posting Journal Batches Automatically (AutoPost) procedure. End of Procedure.

Reversing Journals
Use reversing journal entries to reverse accruals, estimates, errors, or temporary adjustments and reclassifications. Assign a reversal period and, if average balances is enabled, a reversal effective date to a journal entry if you want to generate a reversing entry from the Enter Journals page, or later from the Reverse Journals page. You can enter a reversal period and effective date at any time, even after the journal is posted. However, you cannot reverse batches and journals that you have already reversed. You can also reverse a journal or batch from the Enter Journals page, even if you have not assigned a reversal period and effective date. In this topic, you will reverse journals.
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Step 1. 2.

Action Begin by navigating to Journal Entry page. Click the vertical scrollbar. Click the General Ledger, Vision Operations (USA) link.

3. 4.

Click the Journals: Enter link. Use the Find Journals page to search for an existing or an unposted journal.

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Step 5. 6. 7.

Action Click in the Batch field. Enter the desired information into the Batch field. Enter "Accrued Expenses 02DEC-2007 23:01:21". Click the Find button. or Press [Alt+i].

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Step 8.

Action Click the Review Journal button. or Press [Alt+u].


Use the Review Journal page to review the journal entry information and reverse the journal entry period.

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Step 10. 11.

Action Click in the Reverse: Period field. Enter the Period for the reversing entry. If the average balances option is enabled, you must also enter the effective date. Enter the desired information into the Reverse: Period field. Enter "Nov-07". Click the Reverse button. or Press [Alt+R].



Click the Yes button. or Press [Alt+Y].


Click the OK button. or Press [Alt+O].


Click the OK button.

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Step Action or Press [Alt+O]. 16. Click the View menu. or Press [Alt+V]. 17. Click the Requests menu. or Press [R]. 18. Use the Find Requests page to search and view the requests that you have submitted.

Step 19. 20.

Action Click the Specific Requests option. Click in the Request ID field.

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Step 21. 22. Action Enter the Request ID that you have submitted. Enter the desired information into the Request ID field. Enter "5177803". Click the Find button. or Press [Alt+i]. 23. You have reversed journals. End of Procedure.

Generating Reversing Journal Batches

You can generate reversing entries from the Enter Journals page, or you can use the Reverse Journals page to reverse any unreversed journals. The unreversed journals must have an assigned reversing period and reversal method. Also, if average balances are enabled, the unreversed journals must have an assigned reversing effective date. You can reverse a single journal or an entire batch from the Enter Journals page. You can even reverse a journal entry or batch if you have not assigned it a reversal period and, if average balances are enabled, a reversal effective date. In this topic, you will generate reversing journal batches.


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Step 1. 2.

Action Begin by navigating to Reverse Journals page. Click the vertical scrollbar. Click the General Ledger, Vision Operations (USA) link.

3. 4.

Click the Generate: Reversal link. Use the Find Journals page to search for an existing or an unposted journal.

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Step 5. 6.

Action Click in the Ledger field. You must post the journal in the ledger before you can reverse the journal. Enter the desired information into the Ledger field. Enter "Vision Operations (USA)". Click in the Batch field. Enter the desired information into the Batch field. Enter "Expense Provisioning". Click the Find button. or Press [Alt+i].

7. 8. 9.


Use the Reverse Journals page to generate unposted reversal batches for each entry.

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Step 11.

Action Select the batch you want to reverse. Click the Selected for Reversal option. Click the Selected for Reversal option. Use the Reverse button to generate unposted reversal batches for each entry. Click the Reverse button. or Press [Alt+R].

12. 13.


Click the OK button. or Press [Alt+O].

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Step 15.

Action Click the View menu. or Press [Alt+V].


Click the Requests menu. or Press [R].


Use the Find Requests page to search and view the requests that you have submitted.

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Step 18. 19. 20.

Action Click the Specific Requests option. Enter the Request ID that you have submitted. Enter the desired information into the Request ID field. Enter "5177841". Click the Find button. or Press [Alt+i].

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Step 21.

Action Click the Find... button.

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Step 22. 23. 24.

Action Click in the Request ID field. Enter the desired information into the Request ID field. Enter "5177842". Click the Find button. or Press [Alt+i].


You have generated reversing journal batches. End of Procedure.

Enabling Journal Line Reconciliation

General Ledger Entry Reconciliation enables you reconcile transactions in General Ledger accounts that should balance to zero, such as a VAT control account. You can enable reconciliation either for natural account segment values or for complete accounting code combinations. In this procedure, you will use the Accounting Setup Manager page to enable journal line reconciliation.

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Step 1. 2.

Action Begin by navigating to the Accounting Setup Manager page. Click the vertical scrollbar. Click the General Ledger, Vision Operations (USA) link.

3. 4. 5.

Click the vertical scrollbar. Click the Accounting Setups link. In the Accounting Setup Manager page, you can search and review the accounting options for the ledgers defined in your organization.

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Step 6. 7. 8. 9.

Action Click in the Search criteria field. Enter the desired information into the Search criteria field. Enter "Vision Belgium". Click the Go button. Click the Update Accounting Options button.

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Step 10.

Action Click the Update button.

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Step 11.

Action Click the Next button.

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Step 12. 13.

Action Click the Next button. With General Ledger Entry Reconciliation, you can selectively cross-reference transactions in Oracle General Ledger with each other by entering reconciliation reference information at the journal line level. When the balance for a group of transactions is zero, you can mark the transactions as reconciled. You can perform account reconciliation automatically with the General Ledger Automatic Reconciliation report, or manually in the reconciliation Lines window.

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Step 14. 15. 16.

Action Click the Enable Journal Reconciliation option. Click the Finish button. You have completed the Enabling Journal Line Reconciliation procedure. End of Procedure.

Entering Reconciliation References

You can enter a reconciliation reference for a journal line with an account that has reconciliation enabled. Use the Reconciliation Reference column in the Journals page to enter reconciliation references. Enter the same reconciliation reference for all the transactions that you want to group together in one reconciliation. Alternatively, use the Reconciliation Reference at the journal header level under the Other Information tab in the Journals page to apply the same reference to all journal lines that include a reconciliation account. You can also import reconciliation references from Subledger Accounting. In this topic, you will enter reconciliation references.

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Step 1. 2.

Action Begin by navigating to Journal Entry page. Click the vertical scrollbar. Click the General Ledger, Vision Operations (USA) link.

3. 4.

Click the Journals: Enter link. Use the Find Journals page to search for an existing, unposted journal and click the Review Journals button. Click the New Journals button to open a enter journal. The Journals page appears.

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Step 5.

Action Click the New Journal button. or Press [Alt+J].


Use the Journals New page to query or enter the journal lines that you want.

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Step 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17.

Action Enter the desired information into the Journal field. Enter "Assets Purchased Not Capitalized". Click in the Description field. Enter the desired information into the Description field. Enter "Assets Purchased but not capitalized, temporarily booked in Assets clearing acc". Click in the Line field. Enter the desired information into the Line field. Enter "10". Click in the Account field. Enter the desired information into the Account field. Enter "01-000-1970-0000000". Click in the Debit field. Enter the desired information into the Debit field. Enter "15000". Click the horizontal scrollbar. Click in the Reconciliation Reference field.

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Step 18. Action Enter the value in the Reconciliation Reference field to assign to all lines in the Journal Entry that are for reconciliation accounts. Enter the desired information into the Reconciliation Reference field. Enter "ABC". Click the horizontal scrollbar. Click in the Line field. Enter the desired information into the Account field. Enter "01-000-1110-0000000". Click in the Credit field. Enter the desired information into the Credit field. Enter "15000". Click the Save button. You have entered reconciliation references. End of Procedure.

19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25.

Using Automatic Journal Scheduling

Automatic Journal Scheduling lets you generate Recurring Journals, AutoAllocation sets, MassAllocations, MassBudgets, and Budget Formulas according to a schedule you define. For example, you can schedule the same journal and allocation sets to be generated every month as part of your month-end closing procedures. In this topic, you will use automatic journal scheduling.


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Step 1.

Action Begin by navigating to the Define Recurring Journal Formula page. Click the vertical scrollbar.


Click the General Ledger, Vision Operations (USA) link.

3. 4.

Click the Journals: Define: Recurring link. The Define Recurring Journal Formula page enables you to define recurring journal formula for transactions that have a common format or that you enter frequently. You can also create recurring journal formulas to create allocation entries.

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Step 5.

Action Click the View menu. or Press [Alt+V].

6. 7.

Click the Query By Example list. Click the Enter menu. or Press [E].

8. 9.

Enter the desired information into the Recurring Batch: Batch field. Enter "Rent Expenses - Provision". Click the View menu. or Press [Alt+V].

10. 11.

Click the Query By Example list. Click the Run menu.

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Step Action or Press [R]. 12. Click the Generate button. or Press [Alt+G]. 13. Click the Schedule button. or Press [Alt+h]. 14. The Recurring Journal Parameters page enables you to enter parameters for recurring journals.

Step 15. 16.

Action Click in the Period field. Enter the desired information into the Period field. Enter "Oct-07".

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Step 17. Action Click the Schedule button. or Press [Alt+c]. 18. The Submit Request page enables you to enter the name, parameters, language, and other details of the request you want to submit.

Step 19.

Action Click the Schedule... button. or Press [Alt+d].


The Schedule page enables you to create, view, and modify the schedule to run the request.

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Step 21. 22. 23. 24.

Action Click the On Specific Days option. Click in the End At field. Enter the desired information into the End At field. Enter "10-DEC-2008 23:00:00". Click the OK button. or Press [Alt+O].

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Step 25.

Action Click the Submit button. or Press [Alt+m].


Click the OK button. or Press [Alt+O].

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Step 27.

Action Click the View menu. or Press [Alt+V].


Click the Requests menu. or Press [R].


The Find Requests page enables you to search for requests based on specific search criteria.

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Step 30. 31. 32. 33.

Action Click the Specific Requests option. Click in the Request ID field. Enter the desired information into the Request ID field. Enter "5179684". Click the Find button. or Press [Alt+i].


The Requests page enables you to view details of your request, and access the View Details, View Output, Diagnostics, and View Log pages.

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Step 35.

Action Click the View Details... button. or Press [Alt+s].


You have completed the Using Automatic Journal Scheduling procedure. End of Procedure.

Adding Attachments to a Journal Entry

The Attachments feature enables you to link objects, such as images and spreadsheets to General Ledger data. For example, you can attach spreadsheets to journal entries to support how the values for a journal were derived. The attachment will be linked to the journal entry, and can be viewed with the journal in the Enter Journals page. In this procedure, you will use the Enter Journals page to enter journal lines and add an attachment.


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Step 1. 2.

Action Begin by navigating to the Enter Journals page. Click the vertical scrollbar. Click the Journals: Enter link.

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Step 3.

Action Click the New Journal button. or Press [Alt+J].


Use the Journals page to edit journal entries. One type of edit is to add an attachment to the journal entry.

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Step 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15.

Action Click in the Line field. Note: This procedure assumes that you already entered the journal header information. When you are actively updating journal lines, the Attachments button is disabled. Enter the desired information into the Line field. Enter "10". Click in the Account field. Enter the desired information into the Account field. Enter "01-130-1110-0000000". Enter the desired information into the Debit field. Enter "500.00". Click in the Line field. Click in the Account field. Enter the desired information into the Account field. Enter "01-000-2225-0000000". Click in the Credit field.

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Step 16. 17. 18. Action Enter the desired information into the Credit field. Enter "450.00". Before you add an attachment, you must post any active journal lines. Click the Post button. or Press [Alt+P]. 19. Click the Yes button. or Press [Alt+Y]. 20. Click the Yes button. or Press [Alt+Y]. 21. Click the OK button. or Press [Alt+O]. 22. 23. Click the Attachments... button. In the Attachments page, you can specify a document sequence number, category, or description. After you specify the attachment details, you use the Source tab to add the attachment.

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Step 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31.

Action Enter the desired information into the Sequence field. Enter "10". Click in the Category field. Enter the desired information into the Category field. Enter "Journal". Click the Source tab. Click in the Data Type field. Enter the desired information into the Data Type field. Enter "File". Click in the File or URL field. When you click the File or URL field in the Attachments page, the system automatically opens the File Upload page. You use the File Upload page to select the file you want to attach.

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Step 32.

Action Browse and select the file you want to attach. Click the Browse... button.

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Step 33. 34.

Action Click the Submit button. The Confirmation page verifies that your document has been uploaded successfully.

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Step 35.

Action Click the Yes button. or Press [Alt+Y].

36. 37.

Your attachment name displays in the File or URL field. You have completed the Adding Attachments to a Journal Entry procedure. End of Procedure.

Checking or Reserving Funds for a Journal Batch

If you are using budgetary control, you can check, reserve, or unreserve funds for individual journal entries or a journal batch. Funds are checked or reserved for the entire batch, whether you perform the fund check or reservation at the journal or batch level. In this topic, you will check or reserve funds for a journal batch.


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Step 1.

Action Begin by navigating to the Enter Journals page. Click the vertical scrollbar.


Click the General Ledger, Vision Operations (USA) link.

3. 4.

Click the Journals: Enter link. The Find Journals page enables you to search for journals based on specific search criteria.

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Step 5.

Action Click the New Batch button. or Press [Alt+B].


The Batch page enables you to create, view, and modify a batch. A batch can contain multiple journals, each of which can belong to a different ledger. However, all the ledgers within a batch must have the same calendar, period type, and chart of accounts.

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Step 7. 8. 9. 10.

Action Enter the desired information into the Batch field. Enter "Health & Welfare Expenses for Sep-07". Click in the Period field. Enter the desired information into the Period field. Enter "Sep-07". Click the Journals button. or Press [Alt+J].


The Journals page enables you to enter all journal entries in a batch in the same period. You can create a journal batch for any Open or Future Enterable accounting period, but you can only post batches in Open accounting periods.

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Step 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22.

Action Enter the desired information into the Journal field. Enter "Health & Welfare Expenses". Click in the Description field. Enter the desired information into the Description field. Enter "Health & Welfare Expenses for Sep-07". Click in the Line field. Enter the desired information into the Line field. Enter "10". Click in the Account field. Enter the desired information into the Account field. Enter "01-760-6140-0000000". Click in the Debit field. Enter the desired information into the Debit field. Enter "10000". Click in the Line field. Enter the desired information into the Account field. Enter "01-760-2410-0000000".

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Step 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. Action Click in the Credit field. Enter the desired information into the Credit field. Enter "10000". Click in the Line field. Click the Save button. Click the Check Funds button. or Press [Alt+k]. 28. 29. The Note page indicates that your transaction has passed a funds check. Click the OK button. or Press [Alt+O].

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Step 30. Action Click the Reserve Funds button. or Press [Alt+n]. 31. 32. The Note page indicates that your transaction has passed funds reservation. Click the OK button. or Press [Alt+O]. 33. You have completed the Checking or Reserving Funds for a Journal Batch procedure. End of Procedure.

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Online Inquiries
Online Inquiries includes information on account inquiries, journal entry inquiries, subledger detail, viewing T-Accounts, budget inquiries, reviewing budget balances in a master budget inquiry, and processing consolidated balance inquiries. Upon completion of this lesson, you will be able to: Perform account inquiries. Perform journal entry inquiries. Drill down to subledger detail. View T-Accounts. Perform budget inquiries. Review budget balances in a master budget inquiry. Process consolidated balance inquiries.

Performing Account Inquiries

You can perform an account inquiry to view actual, budget, and encumbrance account balances for summary and detail accounts. You can also compute variances between two balance types, for both summary and detail accounts when querying on balances for a specific ledger. You can also view account balances for multiple ledgers, journal and subledger transaction information. You can also view journal entries that comprise your account balances and drill down Subledger Accounting and subledger transactions. In this topic, you will perform an account inquiry.


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Step 1. 2.

Action Begin by navigating to the Account Inquiry page. Click the vertical scrollbar. Click the General Ledger, Vision Operations (USA) link.

3. 4.

Click the vertical scrollbar. Click the Inquiry: Account link.

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Step 5. 6. 7.

Action Double-click the Inquiry list item. Double-click the Account list item. The Account Inquiry page enables you to perform an account inquiry to view actual, budget, and encumbrance account balances for summary and detail accounts.

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Step 8.

Action Specify a ledger or a reporting currency. Your data access set must provide read access to at least one balancing segment value or management segment value to view balances for a ledger. Click in the Name field. Enter the desired information into the Name field. Enter "Vision Operations (USA)". Click in the Accounting Periods: From field. Enter the desired information into the Accounting Periods: From field. Enter "Jan-03". Click in the Accounting Periods: To field. Enter the desired information into the Accounting Periods: To field. Enter "Dec03". Specify the currency type to include in the inquiry using: Total to view the cumulative ledger currency balances. Entered and specify a currency in the Entered field to only view balances that were entered in a specific currency. Statistical to only view balances entered using the Statistical currency.

9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14.

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Step 15. Action Click the Currency Option list.

Step 16.

Action Click the Entered list item.

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Step 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23.

Action Click in the Entered field. Enter the desired information into the Entered field. Enter "USD". Click in the Accounts: Drilldown Record Indicator field. The Find Accounts page enables you to search for an account. Click in the Company: Low field. Enter the desired information into the Company: Low field. Enter "03". Click the OK button. or Press [Alt+O].


Click the Show Journal Details button. or Press [Alt+J].


The Journals page displays the journal entry activity for the current account based on your inquiry criteria.

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Step 26.

Action Click the Drilldown button. or Press [Alt+D].


The Consolidation Drilldown page displays information about the subsidiary balance that was consolidated to the parent.

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Step 28.

Action Click the Close button.

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Step 29.

Action Click the Show Full Journal button. or Press [Alt+J].

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Step 30.

Action Click the Close button.

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Step 31.

Action Click the Detail Balances button. or Press [Alt+B].

32. 33.

The Detail Balances page displays the detail balances for the selected journal. Click the Summary Balances button. or Press [Alt+S].

34. 35.

The Summary Balances page displays the summary accounts into which the detail account rolls up. Click the Close button.

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Step 36. 37.

Action Click the Close button. You have completed the Performing Account Inquiries procedure. End of Procedure.

Performing Journal Entry Inquiries

You can perform an inquiry using the Find Journals page to obtain information about actual, budget, or encumbrance journal entry batches for a ledger. In this topic, you will perform journal entry inquiries.


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Step 1. 2.

Action Begin by navigating to the Find Journals page. Click the vertical scrollbar. Click the General Ledger, Vision Operations (USA) link.

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Step 3.

Action Click the vertical scrollbar.

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Step 4. 5.

Action Click the Inquiry: Journal link. Use the Find Journals page to find journal batches and journal entries. General Ledger displays search results in either the Journal Entry Inquiry or Enter Journals page, depending on how you navigated to the Find Journals page. Your search results include information about actual, budget, or encumbrance journal entry batches for a ledger.

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Step 6. 7.

Action Click in the Batch field. Click the Find button. or Press [Alt+i].


The Journal Entry Inquiry page displays journal batches or journals that meet your query criteria in the Find Journals page.

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Step 9. 10.

Action Click in the Batch Status field. Click the Review Journal button. or Press [Alt+u].


The Journals page displays detailed information about the selected journal.

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Step 12.

Action Click the Close button.

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Step 13.

Action Click the Review Batch button. or Press [Alt+c].


The Batch page displays detailed information on the selected batch in the Journal Entry Inquiry page.

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Step 15.

Action You can click Journals to go back to the Journals page. Click the Journals button. or Press [Alt+J].

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Step 16.

Action Click the Close button.

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Step 17.

Action Click the Close button.

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Step 18. 19.

Action Click the Close button. You have completed the Performing Journal Entry Inquiries procedure. End of Procedure.

Drilling Down to Subledger Details

When you perform an account or journal inquiry in General Ledger, you can drill down to view transaction-level detail if the transactions originated in an Oracle subledger application that uses Oracle Subledger Accounting (SLA). In this topic, you will drill down to subledger details.


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Step 1. 2.

Action Begin by navigating to the Account Balances page. Click the vertical scrollbar. Click the General Ledger, Vision Operations (USA) link.

3. 4. 5.

Click the vertical scrollbar. Click the Inquiry:Acct Analysis-Drilldown link. The Account Balances page enables you to search and view account balances in the ledgers.

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Step 6.

Action Click in the Account From field.

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Step 7.

Action Enter the desired information into the Account From field. Enter "01-000-11100000-000".

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Step 8.

Action Click in the Account To field.

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Step 9.

Action Enter the desired information into the Account To field. Enter "01-000-11100000-000".

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Step 10.

Action Click the Currency Type list.

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Step 11.

Action Click the Entered list item.

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Step 12.

Action Click in the Currency field.

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Step 13.

Action Enter the desired information into the Currency field. Enter "USD".

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Step 14.

Action Click in the Period From field.

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Step 15.

Action Enter the desired information into the Period From field. Enter "Sep-07".

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Step 16.

Action Click in the Period To field.

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Step 17.

Action Enter the desired information into the Period To field. Enter "Dec-07".

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Step 18.

Action Click the Go button.

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Step 19. 20.

Action Click the 7,878,350.08 link. All the journal entries display for the account you specified.

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Step 21.

Action Click the vertical scrollbar.

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Step 22.

Action Click the Return to Account Balances link.

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Step 23.

Action You can view a summary of the accounts in the selected ledger. Click the Summary Accounts button.

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Step 24.

Action Click the 01-000-1000-T-T link.

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Step 25.

Action Click the vertical scrollbar.

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Step 26.

Action Click the Return to Summary Balances link.

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Step 27. 28.

Action Click the Return to Account Balances link. You have completed the Drilling Down to Subledger Details procedure. End of Procedure.

Viewing T-Accounts
Use the T Accounts page to view General Ledger journals or subledger accounting entries in a graphical T-account format, displayed in the T Accounts page. The system displays information such as the account, the activity detail, the net activity for the entry, and the account balance. You can also choose to view journals or subledger accounting entries as an activity summary report, displayed in the Activity Summary page. The page displays information such as the account, the net activity for the entry, and the account balance.T-accounts can be accessed from General Ledger, the Enter Journals, Journals, and Journal Entry Inquiry pages. T-accounts can also be accessed by an account inquiry, by first drilling down to the Journals page. In this topic, you will view T-Accounts using the T Accounts page.

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Step 1. 2.

Action Begin by navigating to the Journals Entry Inquiry page. Click the vertical scrollbar. Click the General Ledger, Vision Operations (USA) link.

3. 4. 5.

Click the vertical scrollbar. Click the Inquiry: Journal link. The Find Journals page enables you to find journal batches and journal entries. General Ledger displays search results in either the Journal Entry Inquiry or Enter Journals page, depending on your navigation to the Find Journals page.

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Step 6. 7.

Action Click in the Batch field. Click the Find button. or Press [Alt+i].


The Journal Entry Inquiry page displays journal batches and journal entries.

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Step 9. 10.

Action Click in the Batch Status field. Click the Review Journal button. or Press [Alt+u].


The Journals page displays detailed information about the selected journal.

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Step 12.

Action Click the T Accounts... button. or Press [Alt+c].


The T Accounts page displays General Ledger journals or subledger accounting entries in a graphical T-account format. The system displays information such as the account, the activity detail, the net activity for the entry, and the account balance.

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Step 14.

Action Click the Activity Summary button. or Press [Alt+m].


The Activity Summary page displays information such as the account, the net activity for the entry, and the account balances for journal or subledger entries.

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Step 16. 17.

Action Click the Close button. You can click the Options button and specify the default page that will open the next time you want to view T-accounts. For example, you can view T-Accounts by full accounting flexfield or by segment. You can also choose whether account balances should be displayed.


The Options page enables you to specify the display options and the default window that will open the next time you view T-accounts.

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Step 19. 20.

Action Click the Close button. You have completed the Viewing T-Accounts procedure. End of Procedure.

Performing Budget Inquiries

You can perform online inquiries about your master and detail budgets. General Ledger compares summary balances between your master and detail budgets, and checks for budget variances and violations. In addition, you can drill down from summary balances to detail account balances, and then to budget journal details. In this topic, you will perform a budget inquiry.


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Step 1. 2.

Action Begin by navigating to the Budget Inquiry page. Click the vertical scrollbar. Click the General Ledger, Vision Operations (USA) link.

3. 4. 5.

Click the vertical scrollbar. Click the Inquiry: Budget link. The Budget Inquiry page enables you to perform online inquiries about your master and detail budgets.

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Step 6.

Action Enter the Ledger and Budget you want to review. You can enter a master budget, detail budget, or a budget not associated with a master-detail relationship. However, you must enter a budget which has at least one open budget year. Click in the Ledger field. Enter the desired information into the Ledger field. Enter "Vision Operations (USA)". Click in the Budget field. Enter the desired information into the Budget field. Enter "Bis Corporate". Click in the Accounting Periods: From field. Enter the desired information into the Accounting Periods: From field. Enter "Jan-01". Click in the Accounting Periods: To field. Enter the desired information into the Accounting Periods: To field. Enter "Dec01". Click in the Summary Accounts drop-down field.

7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14.

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Step 15. 16. 17. 18. Action The Find Accounts page enables you to search for an account. Click in the Company: Low field. Enter the desired information into the Company: Low field. Enter "01". Click the OK button. or Press [Alt+O]. 19. 20. Click in the Summary Accounts field. Click the Show Balances button. or Press [Alt+B]. 21. The Budget Balances page displays summary balances for the master budget.

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Step 22. 23. Action Click the Close button. You have completed the Performing Budget Inquiries procedure. End of Procedure.

Reviewing Budget Balance in a Master Budget

When you perform an inquiry on a master budget, you can view summary balances for the master budget and drill down to the detail balances. You can also see master and detail budgets together, or show only those periods for which the sum of the detail budget balances exceeds the master budget balance. In this topic, you will review budget balances in a master budget.


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Step 1. 2. Action Begin by navigating to the Budget Inquiry page. Click the vertical scrollbar. Click the General Ledger, Vision Operations (USA) link.

3. 4. 5.

Click the vertical scrollbar. Click the Inquiry: Budget link. The Budget Inquiry page enables you to review the budget balances. Enter your budget inquiry criteria, specifying a master budget.

Step 6. 7. 8.

Action Click in the Ledger field. Enter the desired information into the Ledger field. Enter "Vision Operations (USA)". Click in the Budget field.

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Step 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. Action Enter the desired information into the Budget field. Enter "Bis Corporate". Click in the Accounting Periods: From field. Enter the desired information into the Accounting Periods: From field. Enter "Jan-01". Click in the Accounting Periods: To field. Enter the desired information into the Accounting Periods: To field. Enter "Dec01". Click in the Summary Accounts drop-down field. The Find Accounts page enables you to search for your account. Click in the Company: Low field. Enter the desired information into the Company: Low field. Enter "01". Click the OK button. or Press [Alt+O]. 19. 20. Click in the Summary Accounts field. Click the Show Balances button. or Press [Alt+B]. 21. The Budget Balances page displays the period-to-date (PTD) Master Balance for every period in the inquiry range, for the master budget and summary account you specified.

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Step 22. 23.

Action Click in the Period field. Click the Detail Accounts button to review the budget balances for the detail accounts that roll up into the summary account for the selected period. Click the Detail Accounts button. or Press [Alt+D].


Click the Summary Balances button. or Press [Alt+S].

25. 26.

Click the Close button. You have completed the Reviewing Budget Balance in a Master Budget procedure. End of Procedure.

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Processing Consolidated Balance Inquiries

From your consolidated parent ledger, you can drill down to account balances, subsidiary ledger, subsidiary ledger entries and details, review consolidation journal entries and review subsidiary account balances. In this topic, you will perform consolidated balance inquiries.


Step 1. 2.

Action Begin by navigating to the Account Inquiry page. Click the vertical scrollbar. Click the General Ledger, Vision Operations (USA) link.

3. 4.

Click the vertical scrollbar. Click the Inquiry: Account link.

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Step 5. 6. 7.

Action Double-click the Inquiry list item. Double-click the Account list item. The Account Inquiry page enables you to perform an account inquiry to view actual, budget, and encumbrance account balances for summary and detail accounts.

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Step 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.

Action Click in the Accounting Periods: From field. Enter the desired information into the Accounting Periods: From field. Enter "Jan-03". Click in the Accounting Periods: To field. Enter the desired information into the Accounting Periods: To field. Enter "Dec03". Click the Currency Option list.

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Step 13.

Action Click the Entered list item.

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Step 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20.

Action Click in the Entered field. Enter the desired information into the Entered field. Enter "USD". Click in the Accounts: Drilldown Record Indicator field. The Find Accounts page enables you to search for an account. Click in the Company: Low field. Enter the desired information into the Company: Low field. Enter "03". Click the OK button. or Press [Alt+O].


Choose the Show Journal Details button to drill down to the Journals page. Click the Show Journal Details button. or Press [Alt+J].

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Step 22. Action The Journals page displays the journal entry activity for the current account based on your inquiry criteria.

Step 23.

Action Click the Detail Balances button. or Press [Alt+B].

24. 25. 26.

The Detail Balances page displays the detail balance for the selected journal entry. Click the Close button. You have completed the Processing Consolidated Balance Inquiries procedure. End of Procedure.

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Defining Budgets
Defining Budgets includes information budget creation, management, and budget periods. Upon completion of this lesson, you will be able to: Define budgets. Assign a budget period. Open a budget period. Copy budget amounts from an existing budget.

Defining Budgets
The Define Budgets page enables you to create a budget to represent a collection of estimated amounts for a range of accounting periods. You can use AutoCopy to create a new budget from an existing budget. You can create budget hierarchies by assigning lower-level budgets to a master budget. This enables you to track budgeted amounts against your control budget. In this topic, you will define budgets.


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Step 1. Action Begin by navigating to the Define Budget page. Click the vertical scrollbar. 2. Click the General Ledger, Vision Operations (USA) link.

3. 4. 5.

Click the vertical scrollbar. Click the Budget: Define: Budget link. The Define Budget page enables you to create or copy budgets if your data access set provides read and write access to the ledger and all of its balancing segment values or management segment values. You will not be able to create budgets if you only have read access to the ledger or read and write access to just a portion of its balancing segment values or management segment values.

Step 6. 7.

Action Click in the Budget field. Enter the desired information into the Budget field. Enter "H.R. BUDGET".

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Step 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. Action Click in the Description field. Enter the desired information into the Description field. Enter "Human Resources Department budget". Click in the Status field. Enter the desired information into the Status field. Enter "Open". Click in the Budget Periods: First field. Enter the desired information into the Budget Periods: First field. Enter "Jan07". Click in the Budget Periods: Last field. Enter the desired information into the Budget Periods: Last field. Enter "Sep07". Click the Save button. You have completed the Defining Budgets procedure. End of Procedure.

Assigning Budget Periods

Create a budget to represent a collection of estimated amounts for a range of accounting periods. You can use AutoCopy to create a new budget from an existing budget. You can create budget hierarchies by assigning lower-level budgets to a master budget. This enables you to track budgeted amounts against your control budget. In this topic, you will assign budget periods.


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Step 1. 2. 3.

Action Begin by navigating to the Define Budgets page. Click the vertical scrollbar. Click the Budgets: Define: Budget link. In the Define Budget page, enter the first period of your budget. Once you save the budget, you cannot change the first period.

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Step 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.

Action Enter the desired information into the Budget field. Enter "CORPORATE". Click in the Description field. Enter the desired information into the Description field. Enter "5 Year". Click in the Status field. Enter the desired information into the Status field. Enter "Open". Click in the Budget Periods: First field. Enter the desired information into the Budget Periods: First field. Enter "Jan06". Click in the Budget Periods: Last field. Enter the last period for your budget. Your budget can include up to sixty periods per year, and can span an unlimited number of fiscal years. Enter the desired information into the Budget Periods: Last field. Enter "Dec10". Click the Save button.


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Step 14. Action You have completed the Assigning Budget Periods procedure. End of Procedure.

Opening a Budget Period

Budget periods must be opened before data can be input and analyzed for defined budget. In this topic you will learn how to open a budget period using the Define Budget page.


Step 1. 2.

Action Begin by navigating to the Define Budget page. Click the vertical scrollbar. Click the General Ledger, Vision Operations (USA) link.


Click the vertical scrollbar.

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Step 4. 5. Action Click the Budgets : Define : Budget link. Use the Define Budget page to define and open budget periods.

Step 6.

Action Click the View menu. or Press [Alt+V].

7. 8.

Click the Query By Example menu. Click the Enter menu. or Press [E].

9. 10.

Click in the Budget field. Enter the desired information into the Budget field. Enter "H.R. Budget".

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Step 11. Action Click the View menu. or Press [Alt+V]. 12. 13. Click the Query By Example menu. Click the Run menu. or Press [R]. 14. Click the Open Next Year button. or Press [Alt+O]. 15. Click the Yes button. or Press [Alt+Y]. 16. Click the OK button. or Press [Alt+O]. 17. Click the View menu. or Press [Alt+V]. 18. Click the Requests menu. or Press [R]. 19. The Find Requests page enables you to search for the requests you submitted based on specified search criteria.

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Step 20. 21. 22. 23.

Action Click the Specific Requests option. Click in the Request ID field. Enter the desired information into the Request ID field. Enter "5175005". Click the Find button. or Press [Alt+i].


You have completed the Opening a Budget Period procedure. End of Procedure.

Copying Budget Amounts from a Budget

The Define Budget page enables you to use Autocopy to copy budget amounts to a new budget from an already existing budget. You can only copy budget amounts if you have read and write access to the ledger and all of its balancing segment values or management segment values as defined by your data access set. In this topic, you will copy budget amounts from a budget.

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Step 1.

Action Begin by navigating to the Define Budget page. Click the vertical scrollbar.


Click the General Ledger, Vision Operations (USA) link.

3. 4. 5.

Click the vertical scrollbar. Click the Budgets: Define: Budget link. The Define Budget page enables you to create or copy budgets if your data access set provides read and write access to the ledger and all of its balancing segment values or management segment values. You will not be able to create budgets if you only have read access to the ledger or read and write access to just a portion of its balancing segment values or management segment values.

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Step 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15.

Action Click in the Budget field. Enter the desired information into the Budget field. Enter "CORPORATE 2003". Click in the Description field. Enter the desired information into the Description field. Enter "Auto copying budget amounts from existing budget". Click in the Status field. Enter the desired information into the Status field. Enter "Open". Click in the Budget Periods: First field. Enter the desired information into the Budget Periods: First field. Enter "Jan03". Click in the Budget Periods: Last field. Enter the desired information into the Budget Periods: Last field. Enter "Dec03".

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Step 16. Action Click the AutoCopy... button. or Press [Alt+A]. 17. Click the Yes button. or Press [Alt+Y]. 18. 19. Click the CORPORATE 2002 list item. Click the OK button. or Press [Alt+O]. 20. Click the View menu. or Press [Alt+V]. 21. Click the Requests menu. or Press [R]. 22. The Find Requests page enables you to search for the requests you submitted based on specified search criteria.

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Step 23. 24. 25. 26.

Action Click the Specific Requests option. Click in the Request ID field. Enter the desired information into the Request ID field. Enter "5175018". Click the Find button. or Press [Alt+i].

27. 28.

The Requests page enables you to view request status information, drill down to view details, log and output information, and access the Diagnostics page. You have completed the Copying Budget Amounts From a Budget procedure. End of Procedure.

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Managing Budget Organizations

Managing Budget Organizations enables you to add or change individual accounts, password protection for the organization, assigning account ranges, and defining new budget organizations. Upon completion of this lesson, you will be able to: Assign account ranges Define and manage budget organizations Define passwords Define individual accounts

Defining Budget Organizations

You can use the Define Budget Organization page to define budget organizations or update existing budget organizations. Before you define a budget organization you must define your ledger using Accounting Setup Manager,and assign your ledger to an Accounting Setup that has a status of Confirmed using Accounting Setup Manager. You can optionally,define definition access sets and assign them to Responsibilities if you want to secure use, view, or modify access to your Budget Organization. In this topic, you will define a budget organization using the Define Budget Organization page.


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Step 1.

Action Begin by navigating to the Define Budget Organization page. Select the responsibility General Ledger, Vision Operations(USA). Click the vertical scrollbar. Click the General Ledger, Vision Operations (USA) link.


3. 4. 5.

Click the vertical scrollbar. Click the Budgets: Define: Organization link. Use the Define Budget Organization page to define budget organizations or update existing budget organizations. You can review, assign, delete or copy ranges of Accounting Flexfields to your budget organizations. If you have defined at least one budget organization, you can define an "All" budget organization that contains all the Accounting Flexfields from all the budget organizations you define. This all-inclusive budget organization is useful if you want one budget organization for budgeting to all accounts, or if you do not currently need specialized budget organizations, but may want to add them later.

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Step 6. 7.

Action Click in the Organization field. To define a new budget organization that includes only specific ranges of accounts, enter a unique name in the Organization field. Budget organization names must be unique for a ledger. If you have defined at least one budget organization, you can create a budget organization named "All" that automatically includes all accounts that are assigned to any budget organization. Enter the desired information into the Organization field. Enter "H.R. Organization".

8. 9. 10.

Click in the Description field. Enter the desired information into the Description field. Enter "Human Resources Budget Organization". You can specify the display sequence in the Display Sequence field for your account segments. You can use this sequence to change the order of your account segments on the Enter Budget Amounts and Enter Budget Journals pages. Click in the Display Sequence field.

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Step 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. Action In the Display Sequence page, for each segment, enter a unique sequence number from 1 to n, where n is the number of segments in your account. Enter the desired information into the Company field. Enter "1". Click in the Department field. Enter the desired information into the Department field. Enter "2". Click in the Account field. Enter the desired information into the Account field. Enter "3". Click in the Sub-Account field. Enter the desired information into the Sub-Account field. Enter "4". Click in the Product field. Enter the desired information into the Product field. Enter "5". Click the OK button. or Press [Alt+O]. 22. 23. Click the Save button. You have completed defining a budget organization using the Define Budget Organization page. End of Procedure.

Assigning Account Ranges to Budget Organizations

You can enter budget amounts, budget journals, upload budget amounts, and transfer budget amounts in any currency. You can calculate budget formulas and mass budget journals. In this topic, you will learn to assign account ranges to budget organizations.


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Step 1.

Action Begin by navigating to the Define Budget Organization page. Click the vertical scrollbar.


Click the General Ledger, Vision Operations (USA) link.

3. 4. 5.

Click the vertical scrollbar. Click the Budgets: Define: Organization link. The Define Budget Organization page enables you to specify accounts by defining a budget organization, then assigning appropriate accounts to that organization. Use this window to define budget organizations or update existing budget organizations. You can review, assign, delete or copy ranges of Accounting Flexfields to your budget organizations. You must define at least one budget organization before you can enter budget amounts.

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Step 6.

Action Click the View menu. or Press [Alt+V].

7. 8.

Point to the Query By Example menu. Click the Enter menu. or Press [E].

9. 10.

Enter the desired information into the Organization field. Enter "H.R. Organization". Click the View menu. or Press [Alt+V].

11. 12.

Point to the Query By Example menu. Click the Run menu.

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Step Action or Press [R]. 13. Click the Ranges button. or Press [Alt+R]. 14. The Account Ranges page contains ranges of accounts that make up the budget.

Step 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20.

Action Enter the desired information into the Line field. Enter "10". Click in the Accounts: Low field. The Operations Accounting Flex page enables you to enter specified accounts within the designated account range. Enter the desired information into the Company: Low field. Enter "01". Click in the Department: Low field. Enter the desired information into the Department: Low field. Enter "760".
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Step 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. Action Click in the Account: Low field. Enter the desired information into the Account: Low field. Enter "6100". Enter the desired information into the Account: High field. Enter "6175". Enter the desired information into the Sub-Account: Low field. Enter "0000". Click in the Product: Low field. Enter the desired information into the Product: Low field. Enter "000". Click the OK button. or Press [Alt+O]. 28. 29. Click the Save button. Click the OK button. or Press [Alt+O]. 30. Click the View menu. or Press [Alt+V]. 31. Click the Requests menu. or Press [R]. 32. The Find Requests page enables you to search for the requests you submitted based on specified search criteria.

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Step 33. 34. 35. 36.

Action Click the Specific Requests option. Click in the Request ID field. Enter the desired information into the Request ID field. Enter "5175080". Click the Find button. or Press [Alt+i].


The Requests page enables you to view request status information, drill down to view details, log and output information, and access the Diagnostics window.

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Step 38.

Action Click the View Output button. or Press [Alt+p].


You have completed the Assigning Account Ranges to Budget Organizations procedure. End of Procedure.

Protecting a Budget Organization with a Password

By assigning passwords to different budget organizations within your enterprise, you can distribute budgeting responsibilities among your various organization managers. When a budget organization has password protection, you must enter the password before reviewing, entering, or changing budget information for any account within that budget organization. In this topic, you will protect a budget organization with a password using the Define Budget Organization page.

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Step 1. 2.

Action Begin by navigating to the Define Budget Organization page. Click the vertical scrollbar. Click the General Ledger, Vision Operations (USA) link.

3. 4. 5.

Click the vertical scrollbar. Click the Budgets: Define: Organization link. The Define Budget Organization page enables you to define an organization.

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Step 6. 7.

Action Click in the Organization field. Click the View menu. or Press [Alt+V].

8. 9.

Click the Query By Example list. Click the Enter menu. or Press [E].

10. 11.

Enter the desired information into the Organization field. Enter "H.R. Organization". Click the View menu. or Press [Alt+V].


Click the Query By Example list.

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Step 13. Action Click the Run menu. or Press [R]. 14. Click the Set Password button. or Press [Alt+S].

Step 15. 16. 17. 18.

Action Enter the desired information into the New Password field. Enter "welcome". Click the OK button. Enter the desired information into the New Password field. Enter "welcome". Click the OK button.

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Step 19. 20.

Action Click the Save button. You have completed the Protecting a Budget Organization with a Password procedure. End of Procedure.

Adding or Changing Individual Accounts

You can display each account within a specific range you assigned to your budget organization. General Ledger sorts the accounts in ascending order by ordering segment value. You can add new accounts to your budget organization that fall within the designated range, or you can temporarily delete accounts from the budget organization. In this topic, you will learn to add or change individual accounts.


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Step 1.

Action Begin by navigating to the Define Budget Organization page. Click the vertical scrollbar.


Click the General Ledger, Vision Operations (USA) link.

3. 4. 5.

Click the vertical scrollbar. Click the Organization link. The Define Budget Organization page enables you to specify accounts by defining a budget organization, then assigning appropriate accounts to that organization. Use this window to define budget organizations or update existing budget organizations. You can review, assign, delete or copy ranges of Accounting Flexfields to your budget organizations. You must define at least one budget organization before you can enter budget amounts.

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Step 6. 7.

Action Click in the Organization field. Click the View menu. or Press [Alt+V].

8. 9.

Point to the Query By Example menu. Click the Enter menu. or Press [E].

10. 11.

Enter the desired information into the Organization field. Enter "H.R. Organization". Click the View menu. or Press [Alt+V].


Point to the Query By Example menu.

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Step 13. Action Click the Run menu. or Press [R]. 14. Click the Ranges button. or Press [Alt+R]. 15. The Account Ranges page contains ranges of accounts that make up the budget.

Step 16.

Action Click the Range Assignments button. or Press [Alt+a].


The Account Assignments page enables you to assign, upload, and transfer budget amounts in any currency.

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Step 18. 19. 20. 21.

Action Click in the Account field. Enter the desired information into the Account field. Enter "01-760-6165-0000000". Click the Save button. You have completed the Adding or Changing Individual Accounts procedure. End of Procedure.

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Budget Formulas
Budget Formulas includes information on creating a budget formula entry, entering budget formula entry lines, copying existing budget formulas, and changing a budget formula entry. Upon completion of this lesson, you will be able to: Create a budget formula entry. Enter a budget formula entry line. Copy existing budget formulas. Change a budget formula entry.

Creating a Budget Formula Entry

Your budget formulas can be simple or complex and you can use any combination of fixed amounts and account balances, including actual or budget amounts, statistics, and period-to-date or year-to-date balances from the current period, prior period or same period last year. When you define budget formulas, you create a budget formula batch. The batch contains one or more budget entries, and each entry contains one or more formulas. In this topic, you will create a budget formula entry using the Define Budget Formula page.


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Step 1. 2.

Action Begin by navigating to the Define Budget Formula page. Click the vertical scrollbar. Click the General Ledger, Vision Operations (USA) link.

3. 4. 5.

Click the vertical scrollbar. Click the Budgets: Define: Formula link. You will use the Define Budget Formula page to create a budget formula entry. In this page, you will enter the budget formula batch information which includes: A name for the formula entry in the Batch field. The ledger you specified for the batch defaults for the formula entry in the Ledger field.

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Step 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13.

Action Click in the Recurring Batch: Batch field. Enter the desired information into the Recurring Batch: Batch field. Enter "Training - Jan 2008". In the Journal Entry region, you will enter the details of the formula entry journal, currency and category as well as the effective dates. Click in the Journal field. Enter the desired information into the Journal Entry: Journal field. Enter "Training". Click in the Journal Entry: Category field. Enter the desired information into the Journal Entry: Category field. Enter "AP Costs". Use the Effective Dates: From/To fields to enter a range of effective dates to limit use of the budget formula to a specific time interval. Note that the effective dates are based on the system date. Users will be prevented from generating budget formulas if the system date falls outside the effective date range.

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Step 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. Action Click in the Effective Dates: From field. Enter the desired information into the Effective Dates: From field. Enter "01JAN-2008". Click in the Effective Dates: To field. Enter the desired information into the Effective Dates: To field. Enter "31-JAN2008". Click the Save button. You have completed creating a budget formula entry using the Define Budget Formula page. End of Procedure.

Creating Budget Formula Entry Lines

When you create budget formula entries, you will also create budget formula entry lines. Your budget formulas can be simple or complex and you can use any combination of fixed amounts and account balances, including actual or budget amounts, statistics, and period-to-date or year-to-date balances from the current period, prior period or same period last year. When you define budget formulas, you create a budget formula batch. The batch contains one or more budget entries, and each entry contains one or more formulas. In this topic, you will create budget formula entry lines, using the Define Budget Formula page.


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Step 1. 2.

Action Begin by navigating to the Define Budget Formula page. Click the vertical scrollbar. Click the General Ledger, Vision Operations (USA) link.

3. 4. 5.

Click the vertical scrollbar. Click the Budgets: Define: Formula link. Before you create budget formula entry lines, you will use the Define Budget Formula page to create a budget formula entry. In this page, you will enter the budget formula batch information which includes: A name for the formula entry in the Batch field. The ledger you specified for the batch defaults for the formula entry in the Ledger field.

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Step 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15.

Action Click in the Recurring Batch: Batch field. Enter the desired information into the Recurring Batch: Batch field. Enter "Training - Jan 2008". In the Journal Entry region, you will enter the details of the formula entry journal, currency and category as well as the effective dates. Click in the Journal field. Enter the desired information into the Journal Entry: Journal field. Enter "Training". Click in the Journal Entry: Category field. Enter the desired information into the Journal Entry: Category field. Enter "AP Costs". Click in the Effective Dates: From field. Enter the desired information into the Effective Dates: From field. Enter "01JAN-2008". Click in the Effective Dates: To field.

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Step 16. 17. 18. Action Enter the desired information into the Effective Dates: To field. Enter "31-JAN2008". Once you have created the budget formula entry, you will use the Lines button on the Define Budget Formula page to enter the formula. Click the Lines button. or Press [Alt+n]. 19. 20. You will use the Journal Entry Lines page to enter the details of line, line description, account information as well as to enter a formula. In the Line field, enter a line number to set the order of your recurring journal entry lines.

Step 21. 22. 23.

Action Click in the Line field. Enter the desired information into the Line field. Enter "1". Click in the Account field.

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Step 24. 25. 26. Action In the Account field, enter the account whose budget amount you want to calculate with a formula. Enter the desired information into the Account field. Enter "01-110-6100-0000000". In the Step field, enter a Step number to specify the order in which you want to process the steps in your formula. Each formula can contain an unlimited number of steps. 27. 28. 29. Click in the Formula: Step Number field. Enter the desired information into the Formula: Step Number field. Enter "1". You will now enter a factor for the formula step using the Amount or the Account field. There are two types of factors you can use. You can: Enter a fixed amount in the Amount field. Specify an account in the Account field to use a balance in the formula calculation. You can use standard, end-of-day, or average balances in your formula lines. You will enter a fixed amount to enter a factor for the formula step using the Amount field. 30. 31. 32. 33. Click in the Formula: Amount field. Enter the desired information into the Formula: Amount field. Enter "1500". Click the Save button. You have completed creating budget formula entry lines using the Define Budget Formula page. End of Procedure.

Copying Existing Budget Formulas

You can create a new budget formula batch quickly by copying and modifying an existing budget formula batch. In this topic, you will copy an existing budget formula using the Define Budget Formula page.

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Step 1. 2.

Action Begin by navigating to the Define Budget Formula page. Click the vertical scrollbar. Click the General Ledger, Vision Operations (USA) link.

3. 4. 5.

Click the vertical scrollbar. Click the Budgets: Define: Formula link. You will use the Define Budget Formula page to copy an existing budget formula. In this page, you will enter a Batch Name, Description, and Ledger for the new budget formula batch. Note that if you use reporting currencies (journal or subledger level), you can enter a reporting currency instead of a ledger.

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Step 6. 7. 8.

Action Click in the Recurring Batch: Batch field. Enter the desired information into the Recurring Batch: Batch field. Enter "Training - Feb 2008". Choose the AutoCopy button to copy the existing budget formula. Note that you can only copy budget formula batches for the same ledger or reporting currency.


Click the AutoCopy... button. or Press [Alt+A].


Use the Source Batches page to enter the Source Batch whose formulas you want to copy. You can modify the budget formula entries you copied.

11. 12.

Click the Training - Jan 2008 list item. Click the OK button.

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Step Action or Press [Alt+O]. 13. 14. Click the Save button. You have completed copying an existing budget formula using the Define Budget Formula page. End of Procedure.

Changing a Budget Formula Entry

You define budget formulas to calculate budget amounts. Your budget formulas can be simple or complex. You can use any combination of fixed amounts and account balances, including actual or budget amounts, statistics, and period-to-date or year-to-date balances from the current period, prior period or same period last year. When you define budget formulas, you create a budget formula batch. The batch contains one or more budget entries, and each entry contains one or more formulas. Use budget batches and entries to group your budget formulas. In this topic, you will change a budget formula entry.


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Step 1. 2.

Action Begin by navigating to the Define Budget Formula page. Click the vertical scrollbar. Click the General Ledger, Vision Operations (USA) link.

3. 4. 5.

Click the vertical scrollbar. Click the Budgets: Define: Formula link. Use the Define Budget Formula page to create a budget formula batch or budget formula entry, to enter a budget formula entry line, and to copy budget formulas from an existing batch.

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Step 6. 7. 8. 9.

Action Click the Find... button. Use the Find Recurring Batches page to query the name of the budget formula batch you want to change. Click the Training 2008 list item. Click the OK button. or Press [Alt+O].


Click the Lines button. or Press [Alt+n].


Use the Journal Entry Lines page to review or change the formula entry lines.

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Step 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20.

Action Enter the desired information into the Line field. Enter "1". Click in the Account field. Enter the desired information into the Account field. Enter "01-110-6100-0000000". Click in the Formula: Step Number field. Enter the desired information into the Formula: Step Number field. Enter "1". Click in the Formula: Amount field. Enter the desired information into the Formula: Amount field. Enter "1600". Click the Save button. You have completed the Changing a Budget Formula Entry procedure. End of Procedure.

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Entering Budget Amounts

Entering Budget Amounts includes information on multiple accounts, rules to distribute amounts, journal entries, and journal batches. Upon completion of this lesson, you will be able to: Enter budget amounts for multiple accounts. Enter budget rules. Enter budget journals. Create unposted journal batches. Export a budget worksheet.

Entering Budget Amounts for Multiple Accounts

Enter budget amounts for your accounts to replace any existing budget balances. You can enter budget amounts for each account in the budget organization one-by-one, or you can use worksheet mode to enter budgets for several accounts at once. Budget rules enable you to distribute budget amounts for all periods. In this topic, you will enter budget amounts for multiple accounts.


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Step 1. 2. 3.

Action Begin by navigating to the Enter Budget Amounts page. Click the vertical scrollbar. Click the Budgets: Enter: Amounts link. The Enter Budget Amounts page enables you to enter the amounts for your budget. You cannot enter amounts for a budget that is frozen.

Step 4. 5. 6.

Action Enter the desired information into the Budget field. Enter "CORP BUD 2003-6". Click in the Budget Organization field. Specify the budget organization for the accounts to which you want to budget. If the budget organization is password-protected, you must enter the password before you can enter budget amounts. Enter the desired information into the Budget Organization field. Enter "Operations".

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Step 7. 8. Action Click in the Accounting Periods From field. Enter the range of accounting periods to which you want to budget. Enter the desired information into the Accounting Periods From field. Enter "Jan-06". Click in the To field. The Worksheet Mode tab enables you to review and enter budget amounts for several accounts at once. Click the Worksheet Mode tab. Click in the Account field. The Find Accounts page enables you to query the accounts within the chosen budget organization for which you want to enter budgets. You can specify one or more segment values (or wildcards) to restrict the query. Oracle General Ledger retrieves each account with a budget entry type of "Entered" that meets your criteria. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. Click in the Company: Low field. Enter the desired information into the Company: Low field. Enter "01". Click in the Department: Low field. Enter the desired information into the Department: Low field. Enter "600". Click the OK button. or Press [Alt+O]. 19. 20. 21. 22. Click in the Jan-06 field. Enter budget amounts for accounts and periods in the designated range. Enter the desired information into the Jan-06 field. Enter "1000". Click in the Jan-06 field. Enter the desired information into the Jan-06 field. Enter "10000".

9. 10. 11. 12. 13.

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Step 23. Action Select the Post button to submit a concurrent request that updates your account budget balances. Click the Post button. or Press [Alt+P]. 24. Click the Yes button. or Press [Alt+Y]. 25. Click the OK button. or Press [Alt+O]. 26. You have completed the Entering Budget Amounts for Multiple Accounts procedure. End of Procedure.

Entering Budget Rules to Distribute Budget Amounts

Budget rules are predefined methods for calculating and distributing budget amounts to all periods for an account. You can use budget rules to help you enter budgets quickly and easily. In this topic, you will entering budget rules to distribute budget amounts.


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Step 1. 2. 3.

Action Begin by navigating to the Enter Budget Amounts page. Click the vertical scrollbar. Click the Budgets: Enter: Amounts link. The Enter Budget Amounts page enables you to enter the budget rules to distribute budget amounts.

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Step 4. 5. 6.

Action Enter the desired information into the Budget field. Enter "CORP BUD 2003-6". Click in the Budget Organization field. Specify the budget organization for the accounts to which you want to budget. If the budget organization is password-protected, you must enter the password before you can enter budget amounts. Enter the desired information into the Budget Organization field. Enter "Operations". Click in the Accounting Periods From field. Enter the range of accounting periods to which you want to budget. Enter the desired information into the Accounting Periods From field. Enter "Jan-06". Click in the To field. The Single Row Mode tab enables you to review and enter budget information for one account at a time. You will also see a total for all budget periods when you use the Single Row mode. Click the Single Row Mode tab. Click in the Account field.

7. 8.

9. 10.

11. 12.
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Step 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. Action The Find Accounts page enables you to query the account for which you are entering budgets. Click in the Company: Low field. Enter the desired information into the Company: Low field. Enter "01". Click in the Department: Low field. Enter the desired information into the Department: Low field. Enter "600". Click the OK button. or Press [Alt+O]. 19. Click the Budget Rules button. or Press [Alt+R]. 20. The Budget Rules page enables you to choose the rule you want to use to calculate and distribute budget amounts for the account.

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Step 21.

Action Click the Rule list.

Step 22.

Action Click the Repeat Per Period list item.

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Step 23. 24. 25.

Action Click in the Amount field. Enter the amount you want to use with your budget rule. Enter the desired information into the Amount field. Enter "100". Click the Apply button. or Press [Alt+A].


Click the OK button.

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Step 27. 28. 29.

Action Click in the Total field. Click the Save button. You have completed the Entering Budget Rules to Distribute Budget Amounts procedure. End of Procedure.

Entering Budget Journals

You can enter budget journals to maintain an audit trail for your budget balances. You can use budget rules to calculate budget journal amounts automatically. Note that you can only enter budget journals to those ledgers and balancing segment values or management segment values that you have read and write access as defined by your data access set. When you post budget journals, the journal amounts update existing budget balances. You can review and change your budget journals before posting them. Following are the prerequisites to enter budget journals: Define a budget Open one or more years for your budget
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Define a budget organization Assign the "Entered" budget entry type to the accounts for which you want to enter budget journals In this topic, you will enter budget journals using the Enter Budget Journals page.


Step 1. 2. 3.

Action Begin by navigating to the Enter Budget Journals page. Click the vertical scrollbar. Click the Budgets: Enter: Journals link. You will use the Enter Budget Journals page to enter the budget journals for the budget you want to update. You cannot use a budget that is frozen.

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Step 4. Action In the Budget Organization field, specify the organization for the account to which you want to budget. If the budget organization is password-protected, you must enter the password before you can enter budget journals. Note that if your budget organization has been secured using definition access sets, you must have Use access to the budget organization to be able to use it for budget entry.

Step 5. 6. 7. 8.

Action Click in the Budget Organization field. Enter the desired information into the Budget Organization field. Enter "Operations". Click in the Accounting Periods From field. Enter the desired information into the Accounting Periods From field. Enter "Jan-06".

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Step 9. 10. 11. Action Click in the To field. Click the Journal Mode tab. Click the Journal Mode tab in the Enter Budget Journals page to enter budget amounts in a journal format. When you use budget rules in Journal Mode, Oracle General Ledger calculates the appropriate debit or credit needed to achieve the balance you enter for the account type. You can also use Single Row Mode or Worksheet Mode to enter budget journal amounts. However, you can only generate budget journals from these entry modes when you use the Enter Budget Journals page. 12. In the Account field, you can enter or query the account to which you want to budget. You can also switch to Worksheet Mode to easily query accounts, then return to Journal Mode to enter budget journals. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. Click in the Account field. Use the Find Accounts page to enter the details of the account. Click in the Company: Low field. Enter the desired information into the Company: Low field. Enter "01". Click in the Department: Low field. Enter the desired information into the Department: Low field. Enter "500". Once you have specified the account details, enter a debit or credit amount for each period in the Debit and Credit fields. Note: If you want to use budget rules to calculate and distribute budget amounts, you do not have to enter journal amounts. 20. 21. 22. 23. Click in the Debit field. Enter the desired information into the Debit field. Enter "1000". Click the Save button. When you save your entries, the journal amounts updates existing budget balances.

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Step 24. Action You have completed entering budget journals using the Enter Budget Journals page. End of Procedure.

Creating Unposted Journal Batches

After you enter budget journals, you will run journal import to create unposted journal batches. If you are using budgetary control, you must check and reserve funds for the budget journal batches. In this topic, you will create unposted journal batches using the Enter Budget Journals page.


Step 1.

Action Begin by navigating to the Enter Budget Journals page. Click the vertical scrollbar.

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Step 2. 3. Action Click the Budgets: Enter: Journals link. You will use the Enter Budget Journals page to enter your budget journal information, including the budget debit and credit amounts.

Step 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

Action Click in the Budget Organization field. Enter the desired information into the Budget Organization field. Enter "Operations". Click in the Accounting Periods From field. Enter the desired information into the Accounting Periods From field. Enter "Jan-06". Click in the To field. Click the Journal Mode tab.

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Step 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. Action Select the Journal Mode tab in the Enter Budget Journals page to enter budget amounts in a journal format. Click in the Account field. In the Find Accounts page, you will enter the details of the account. Click in the Company: Low field. Enter the desired information into the Company: Low field. Enter "01". Click in the Department: Low field. Enter the desired information into the Department: Low field. Enter "500". Click the OK button. or Press [Alt+O]. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. Once you find the account, enter the budget debit and credit amounts. Click in the Debit field. Enter the desired information into the Debit field. Enter "5000". To create a budget journal batch, you will click the Create Journals button. Click the Create Journals... button. or Press [Alt+J]. 23. In the Create Journals page, enter a unique journal batch name in the Journal Batch field. You will also use this page to enter a category for your budget journal batch in the Category field.

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Step 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29.

Action Click in the Journal Batch field. Enter the desired information into the Journal Batch field. Enter "CORP BUD 2003-6 ADJ 01". Click in the Category field. Enter the desired information into the Category field. Enter "Adjustment". Once you have entered the values for the journal batch and category, click the Done button and save your changes. Click the Done button. or Press [Alt+D].

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Step 30. 31. 32.

Action Click the Save button. Navigate back to the Create Journals page to check funds or to reserve funds. Click the Create Journals... button. or Press [Alt+J].


You will use the Create Journals page to reserve funds. Select the Check Funds button to verify available funds for the budget journal batch. Select the Reserve Funds button to reserve funds for the budget journal batches.

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Step 34.

Action Click the Reserve Funds button. or Press [Alt+R].


The Note page will display to confirm that your transaction has passed funds reservation. The Funds Status changes to In Process after you click Check Funds or Reserve Funds. After the funds check or reservation process completes, your funds status will change to Passed or Failed. Note: Once your funds reservation has passed, you cannot change your budget journal amounts unless you first unreserve the funds.


Click the OK button. or Press [Alt+O].


Click the View Results button in the Create Journals page to open the Budgetary Control Results page.

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Step 38. Action Click the View Results button. or Press [Alt+i]. 39. In the Budgetary Control Results page, you can review the results of your funds action request.

Step 40.

Action Click the Account Combination link.

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Step 41.

Action Click the Close Window link.

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Step 42.

Action Click the Done button. or Press [Alt+D].


Click the OK button. or Press [Alt+O].


You have completed creating unposted journal batches using the Enter Budget Journals page. End of Procedure.

Exporting a Budget Worksheet Using the Budget Wizard

You can use the Budget Wizard to download an existing budget from Oracle General Ledger into Microsoft Excel, modify it in Excel, and then automatically upload your revised budget amounts to General Ledger. You can also analyze budgets by downloading both actual and budget balances from General Ledger, then using Excel to perform comparisons between the actual and budget values.

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By using Excel to create budget worksheets, you can easily save your worksheets to your local hard disk or floppy disk, making it possible to edit them later, or perform budget analysis work on a different PC, even when you are disconnected from your corporate database. In this topic, you will export a budget worksheet using the Budget Wizard.


Step 1. 2.

Action Begin by navigating to the Budget Wizard page. Click the Vertical scrollbar. Click the General Ledger, Vision Operations (USA) link.

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Step 3. 4.

Action Click the Budgets: Launch Budget Wizard link. You will use the Document Parameters page to enter the selection criteria parameters such as budget, organization, account details, currency and the budget dates. In the Budget field, select a budget that you have defined in Oracle General Ledger.


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Step 6.

Action Click in the Budget field.

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Step 7. 8.

Action Enter the desired information into the Budget field. Enter "CORP BUD 2002-5". In the Organization field, select a budget organization that you have defined in Oracle General Ledger. Your budget organization determines the accounts against which you can budget.

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Step 9.

Action Click in the Organization field.

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Step 10. 11.

Action Enter the desired information into the Organization field. Enter "ALL". In the Account From and To fields, enter the starting and ending account range for your selected budget organization.

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Step 12.

Action Click in the Account From field.

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Step 13.

Action Enter the desired information into the Account From field. Enter "01-110-51100000-000".

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Step 14.

Action Click in the Account To field.

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Step 15. 16.

Action Enter the desired information into the Account To field. Enter "01-480-51100000-000". In the Currency field, you will select the currencies defined for your selected budget organization.

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Step 17.

Action Click the Currency list.

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Step 18. 19.

Action Click the USD list item. In the From Period and To Period fields, select the starting period for your selected budget.

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Step 20.

Action Enter the desired information into the From Period field. Enter "Jan-02".

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Step 21.

Action Click in the To Period field.

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Step 22.

Action Enter the desired information into the To Period field. Enter "Jan-05".

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Step 23. 24.

Action Click the Create Document button. In the Document Creation Review page, you can review details such as layout, organization, currency, and dates.

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Step 25. 26.

Action Click the Create Document button. In the Information page, you will be prompted to download the file and save it to your desktop.

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Step 27.

Action Click the Save button. or Press [Alt+S].


You have completed exporting a budget worksheet using the Budget Wizard. End of Procedure.

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Transferring Budget Amounts

Transferring Budget Amounts includes information on entering budget transfer amounts and using the Budgetary Control to transfer budget amounts. Upon completion of this lesson, you will be able to: Transfer budget amounts using Budgetary Control. Enter budget transfer amounts.

Transferring Budget Amounts Using Budgetary Control

Transferring Budget Amounts enables you to transfer budget amounts from one account to another within any budget. The accounts may belong to the same or different budget organizations. You can transfer fixed amounts or a percentage of an account's budget balance. General Ledger automatically runs Journal Import when you leave the Budget Transfer form to create an unposted budget journal batch. Post the budget journal batch to update your budget balances. In this topic, you will transfer budget amounts using budgetary control.


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Step 1. 2.

Action Begin by navigating to the Budget Transfer page. Click the vertical scrollbar. Click the General Ledger, Vision Operations (USA) link.

3. 4.

Click the Budgets: Enter: Transfer link. Use the Budget Transfer page to enter the Budget, Batch Name, Currency, Budget Organizations, and Accounts for the budget transfer.

Step 5. 6. 7. 8.

Action Click in the Budget field. Enter the desired information into the Budget field. Enter "CORP BUD 2002-5". Click in the Batch Name field. Enter the desired information into the Batch Name field. Enter "Transfer".

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Step 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. Action Click in the From: Budget Organization field. Enter the desired information into the From: Budget Organization field. Enter "Operations". Click in the From: Account field. Enter the desired information into the From: Account field. Enter "01-110-51100000-000". The To Budget Organization can be the same or different from your From Budget Organization. If the budget organization is password-protected, you must enter the password before you can transfer budget amounts. Click in the To: Budget Organization field. Enter the desired information into the To: Budget Organization field. Enter "Operations". Click in the To: Account field. Enter the desired information into the To: Account field. Enter "01-480-51100000-000". Click the Transfer Amounts button. or Press [Alt+a]. 18. Use the Transfer Amounts page to specify the fixed amounts or percentages of account balances you want to transfer.

14. 15. 16. 17.

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Step 19. 20. 21. 22. 23.

Action Click in the Period field. Enter the desired information into the Period field. Enter "JAN-02". Click in the Transfer: Amount field. Enter the desired information into the Transfer: Amount field. Enter "2000". Click the Show YTD Balances button. or Press [Alt+S].

24. 25.

Use the Decision page to confirm your transfer. Click the Yes button. or Press [Alt+Y].


Click the Save button.

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Step 27. Action You have completed the Transferring Budget Amounts Using Budgetary Control procedure. End of Procedure.

Entering Budget Transfer Amounts

Entering Budget Transfer Amounts enables you to transfer fixed amounts or percentages of account balances for each accounting period. You can enter the period for which you want to transfer budget amounts in an open budget year. General Ledger automatically displays the old balances for the accounts from and to which you want to transfer amounts. In this topic, you will enter budget transfer amounts.


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Step 1. 2. Action Begin by navigating to the Budget Transfer page. Click the vertical scrollbar. Click the General Ledger, Vision Operations (USA) link.

3. 4. 5.

Click the vertical scrollbar. Click the Budgets: Enter: Transfer link. Use the Budget Transfer page to enter the Budget, Currency, Batch Name, Budget Organizations, and Accounts for the budget transfer.

Step 6. 7. 8. 9.

Action Click in the Budget field. Enter the desired information into the Budget field. Enter "CORP BUD 2002-5". Click in the Batch Name field. Enter the desired information into the Batch Name field. Enter "Transfer".

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Step 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. Action Click in the From: Budget Organization field. Enter the desired information into the From: Budget Organization field. Enter "Operations". Click in the From: Account field. Enter the desired information into the From: Account field. Enter "01-110-51100000-000". Click in the To: Budget Organization field. Enter the desired information into the To: Budget Organization field. Enter "Operations". Click in the To: Account field. Enter the desired information into the To: Account field. Enter "01-480-51100000-000". Click the Transfer Amounts button. Use the Transfer Amounts page to enter the period for which you want to transfer budget amounts. The period that you choose must be in an open budget year. The page displays old balances for the accounts from and to which you want to transfer amounts. These balances are the year-to-date budget balances for the budget, accounts and period you specify.

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Step 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31.

Action Click in the Period field. Enter the desired information into the Period field. Enter "JAN-02". Click in the Transfer: Amount field. Enter the desired information into the Transfer: Amount field. Enter "5000". Click in the Period field. Enter the desired information into the Period field. Enter "FEB-02". Click in the Transfer: Amount field. Enter the desired information into the Transfer: Amount field. Enter "18000". Click in the Period field. Enter the desired information into the Period field. Enter "Mar-02". Click in the Transfer: Amount field. Enter the desired information into the Transfer: Amount field. Enter "25500".

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Step 32. 33. Action Click the Save button. You have completed the Entering Budget Transfer Amounts procedure. End of Procedure.

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Freezing Budgets
Freezing Budgets includes information on freezing budget batches, organizations, and for a range of accounts. Upon completion of this lesson, you will be able to: Freeze budget formula batches. Freeze budget organizations. Freeze budgets for a range of accounts.

Freezing Budget Formula Batches

Freeze Budget page helps you to freeze a budget, budget organization, budget formula batch, or a range of budget account combinations to prevent accidental or unauthorized changes. You can freeze or unfreeze budget formula batches. When you freeze a budget formula, you cannot use the formulas to calculate budget amounts for the specified budget. However, you can still use the formulas for budgets for which the formula batch is not frozen. In this topic, you will freeze a budget formula batch.


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Step 1. 2.

Action Begin by navigating to the Freeze Budget page. Click the vertical scrollbar. Click the General Ledger, Vision Operations (USA) link.

3. 4. 5.

Click the vertical scrollbar. Click the Budgets: Freeze link. Use the Find Budget page to query the ledger and budget for the budget formula that you want to freeze. Note: When you freeze the formula batch, you freeze it only for the budget you specify here.

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Step 6. 7.

Action Click the <Budget to be frozen> list item. Click the OK button. or Press [Alt+O].

8. 9.

Click the Frozen option. Click the Save menu. or Press [S].


You have completed Freezing Budget Formula Batches procedure. End of Procedure.

Freezing Budget Organizations

Freeze Budget page helps you to freeze a budget, budget organization, budget formula batch, or a range of budget account combinations to prevent accidental or unauthorized changes.

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You can freeze or unfreeze budget organizations. However, when you freeze a budget organization, you cannot budget to the accounts belonging to that budget organization for the budget specified. However, you can still enter budget amounts for budgets for which the budget organization is not frozen. In this topic, you will freeze a budget organization.


Step 1. 2.

Action Begin by navigating to the Freeze Budget page. Click the vertical scrollbar. Click the General Ledger, Vision Operations (USA) link.

3. 4. 5.

Click the vertical scrollbar. Click the Budgets: Freeze link. Use the Find Budget page to find the appropriate ledger and budget for the budget organization you want to freeze.

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Step 6. 7.

Action Click the <Budget to be frozen> list item. Click the OK button. or Press [Alt+O].


When you freeze budget organizations, you cannot budget to the account combinations belonging to that budget organization for the budget specified. Click the Organizations tab. Click the Frozen option. Click the Save button. You have completed Freezing Budget Organizations procedure. End of Procedure.

9. 10. 11.

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Freezing Budgets for a Range of Accounts

Freeze Budget page helps you to freeze a budget, budget organization, budget formula batch, or a range of budget account combinations to prevent accidental or unauthorized changes. You can freeze or unfreeze ranges of budget accounts. Note that when you freeze a range of budget accounts, you cannot budget to those accounts for the budget specified. However, you can still enter budget amounts for budgets for which the range of accounts is not frozen. In this topic, you will freeze budgets for a range of accounts.


Step 1. 2.

Action Begin by navigating to the Freeze Budget page. Click the vertical scrollbar. Click the General Ledger, Vision Operations (USA) link.


Click the vertical scrollbar.

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Step 4. 5. Action Click the Budgets: Freeze link. Use the Find Budget page to find the ledger and budget for the accounts you want to freeze.

Step 6. 7.

Action Click the <Budget to be frozen> list item. Click the OK button. or Press [Alt+O].


Use the Organizations tab to select the budget organization for the account range you want to freeze. When you freeze ranges of account combinations, you cannot use that budget associated with those account combinations for the budget specified. Click the Organizations tab.

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Step 9. 10. Action Click the Frozen option. Click the Account Ranges button. or Press [Alt+A]. 11. Use the Operations Accounting Flex page to enter the low and high accounts for the range. You can enter an unlimited number of non-overlapping ranges as long as they fall within the designated budget organization.

Step 12. 13. 14. 15. 16.

Page 312

Action Enter the desired information into the Company: Low field. Enter "01". Click in the Department: Low field. Enter the desired information into the Department: Low field. Enter "000". Click in the Account: Low field. Enter the desired information into the Account: Low field. Enter "1410".

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Step 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. Action Click in the Sub-Account: Low field. Enter the desired information into the Sub-Account: Low field. Enter "0000". Click in the Product: Low field. Enter the desired information into the Product: Low field. Enter "000". Click the OK button. or Press [Alt+O]. 22. 23. Click the Save button. You have completed Freezing Budgets for a Range of Accounts procedure. End of Procedure.

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Encumbrance Accounting
Encumbrance Accounting includes information on defining encumbrance types, entering encumbrances, viewing funds available, and carrying forward year-end encumbrance and budget balances. Upon completion of this lesson, you will be able to: Define encumbrance types. Enter encumbrances. View funds available. Carry forward year-end encumbrance and budget balances.

Defining Encumbrance Types

You can use Encumbrance Types to classify and track expenditures according to the purchasing approval process. You can define encumbrance types in addition to the General Ledger standard encumbrance types or disable existing encumbrance types. General Ledger has the following predefined encumbrance types: Commitment which is an encumbrance you record when you complete a purchase requisition. Obligation which is an encumbrance you record when you turn a requisition into a purchase order. In this topic, you will define an encumbrance type using the Encumbrance Types page.


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Step 1. 2. 3.

Action Begin by navigating to the Encumbrance Types page. Click the vertical scrollbar. Click the Setup: Journal: Encumbrances link. You will use the Encumbrance Types page to define an encumbrance type. You can define as many additional encumbrance types as you want, or change the names of the standard encumbrance types to reflect the terminology you use within your organization. You specify an encumbrance type when you enter an encumbrance and when you perform inquiries. To define an encumbrance type, you will enter a name and description,enable the encumbrance type, and save your work.

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Step 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

Action Click in the Encumbrance Type field. Enter the desired information into the Encumbrance Type field. Enter "Obligation Req to PO". Click in the Description field. Enter the desired information into the Description field. Enter "Requisition becomes PO". Click the Save button. You have completed defining an encumbrance type using the Encumbrance Type page. End of Procedure.

Entering Encumbrances
You can enter and update encumbrance entries, as well as review and update encumbrance entries imported to General Ledger from feeder systems such as Purchasing and Payables. Entering encumbrances is a similar process to entering actual journals. Before entering encumbrances manually, organize them into batches. You will group your encumbrances by

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encumbrance type, date, and preparer. You can enter encumbrances only in your ledger currency. The batch can only have journals for only one primary or secondary ledger. Following are the prerequisites before you enter encumbrances: Define your ledger using Accounting Setup Manager. Define your encumbrance types. Open an encumbrance year. In this topic, you will enter encumbrances using the Enter Encumbrances page.


Step 1.

Action Begin by navigating to the Enter Encumbrances page Click the Journals: Encumbrance link. When you click the Encumbrance link, it displays not only the Enter Encumbrances page, but also the Find Journals page. This is because before entering encumbrances manually, you will organize them into batches. You will use the Find Journals page to enter a new batch.


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Step 3.

Action Click the New Batch button. or Press [Alt+B].


Use the Batch page to enter a batch name in the Batch field. You will also use this page to enter an appropriate accounting period in the Period field, and an optional Control Total. You can enter encumbrances up to the last period of your latest open encumbrance year.

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Step 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13.

Action Click in the Batch field. Enter the desired information into the Batch field. Enter "EB112005". Click in the Period field. Enter the desired information into the Period field. Enter "Nov-05". Click in the Description field. Enter the desired information into the Description field. Enter "Encumbrance Batch November". Click in the Control Total field. Enter the desired information into the Control Total field. Enter "100.00". You will now enter the encumbrance journals in the Journals page. Access the Journals page by clicking the Journals button on the Batch page.


Click the Journals button. or Press [Alt+J].

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Step 15. Action Use the Journals page to create your encumbrance journal by entering a name, ledger, category, encumbrance type, optional description, reference, and control total.

Step 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22.

Action Click in the Journal field. Enter the desired information into the Journal field. Enter "EB112005 ADJ". Click in the Description field. Enter the desired information into the Description field. Enter "Encumbrance Adjustment". Click in the Encumbrance Type field. Enter the desired information into the Encumbrance Type field. Enter "Encumbrance". In the Lines tab of the Journals page, enter encumbrance lines, specifying an account and debit or credit amount for each. Oracle General Ledger automatically validates each segment value, as well as the combination of segments you enter.

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Step 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. Action Click in the Line field. Enter the desired information into the Line field. Enter "1". Click in the Account field. Click the Account button. Use the Operations Accounting Flex page to enter account details. Click in the Account Alias field. Enter the desired information into the Account Alias field. Enter "Miscellaneous". Click the OK button. or Press [Alt+O]. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. Enter the desired information into the Debit field. Enter "100.00". Click in the Line field. Click the Account button. Click in the Account Alias field. Enter the desired information into the Account Alias field. Enter "Payables". Click the OK button. or Press [Alt+O]. 37. 38. 39. 40. Click in the Credit field. Enter the desired information into the Credit field. Enter "100.00". Click the Save button. You have completed entering encumbrances using the Enter Encumbrances page. End of Procedure.

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Viewing Funds Available

You can review funds available and compare encumbrances and expenditures with budgets. You can review primary ledger currency budget, actual and encumbrance balances, and funds available for any detail or summary account. General Ledger calculates funds available by subtracting expenditures and encumbrances from budgets. When you inquire on funds available, the amount type you specify, determines how General Ledger calculates funds available. In this topic, you will view funds available using the Funds Available Inquiry page.


Step 1. 2.

Action Begin by navigating to the Funds Available Inquiry page. Click the vertical scrollbar. Click the Inquiry: Funds link.

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Step 3. Action You will use the Funds Available Inquiry page to view funds available. When you inquire on funds available, the amount type you specify determines how Oracle General Ledger calculates funds available. The amount types you can specify in the Amount Type field are: Period-to-Date: Calculates funds available as the budgeted amount for the period, less actuals and encumbrances for the period. Quarter-to-Date Extended: Calculates funds available as the budgeted amount to date for the quarter, less actuals and encumbrances to date for the quarter. Year-to-Date Extended: Calculates funds available as the budgeted amount to date for the year, less actuals and encumbrances to date for the year. Project-to-Date: Calculates funds available as the budgeted amount to date, less actuals and encumbrances to date. 4. Oracle General Ledger defaults the current budget, if you have one. It also defaults to the first period for the current budget. Oracle General Ledger uses the period name along with the amount type to determine funds available. The Amount Type selected here is Year to Date Extended. Ensure that ALL is selected in the Encumbrance Type field so that you can view all encumbrances types. 5. Use the Account field to enter the account information.

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Step 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17.

Action Click in the Account field. Use the Find Accounts page to enter the details of the accounts. Enter the desired information into the Company: Low field. Enter "01". Click in the Department: Low field. Enter the desired information into the Department: Low field. Enter "000". Click in the Account: Low field. Enter the desired information into the Account: Low field. Enter "1240". Click in the Sub-Account: Low field. Enter the desired information into the Sub-Account: Low field. Enter "0000". Click in the Product: Low field. Enter the desired information into the Product: Low field. Enter "000". Click the OK button.

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Step Action or Press [Alt+O]. 18. Oracle General Ledger displays the functional budget, encumbrance and actual amounts for each account. The displayed amounts are the posted balances plus reserved funds. Oracle General Ledger displays debit balances as positive amounts and credit balances as negative amounts. Oracle General Ledger automatically displays funds available as: Budget Amount for Period Interval Actual Amount for Period Interval Encumbrance Amount for Period Interval 19. You have completed viewing funds available using the Funds Available Inquiry page. End of Procedure.

Carrying Forward Year-End Encumbrance and Budget Balances

You can carry forward year-end encumbrances into the following year. You can also carry forward budget amounts equal to encumbrances and/or funds available. When you carry forward year-end encumbrances, the Carry Forward rule you specify determines the amounts to be carried forward. Note that General Ledger carries forward balances, not as period activity, but as beginning balances. In this topic, you will carry forward year-end encumbrances and budget balances using the YearEnd Carry Forward page.


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Step 1.

Action Begin by navigating to the Year-End Carry Forward page. Click the Carryforward link. You will use the Year-End Carry Forward page to select the ledger to carry forward year-end encumbrances. You will also enter a rule in the Carry Forward Rule field.


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Step 3. 4.

Action Click the Carry Forward Rule list. In the Carry Forward Rule field, if you are using the Encumbrances Only rule or the Encumbrances and Encumbered Budget rule, enter the type you want to carry forward in the Encumbrance Type field. Select All to carry forward amounts for all encumbrance types.

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Step 5. 6.

Action Click the Encumbrances and Enc Budget list item. In the Budget region of the Year-End Carry Forward page, enter the organization for which you want to carry forward balances in the Organization field. You can select All to include all budget organizations. If you select All, Oracle General Ledger carries forward balances for all the accounts you enter in the Carry Forward Ranges region, regardless of the budget organization. If you do not select All, Oracle General Ledger carries forward balances only for those accounts that are included in the specific budget organization and in the ranges you specify in the Carry Forward Ranges region.

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Step 7. 8. 9.

Action Click in the Budget: To field. Enter the desired information into the Budget: To field. Enter "CORP BUD 2003-6". Oracle General Ledger automatically defaults values into the From and To Period fields when the last period of the fiscal year for which you are carrying forward balances is Closed or Permanently Closed (From Period), and the period following the closed period is Open or Future Enterable (To Period). Enter the details of the account in the Carry Forward Ranges region. The values you enter need not be valid segment values. You cannot enter overlapping ranges of accounts. Oracle General Ledger carries forward balances for only those accounts that are included in the ranges you enter and that are assigned to the budget organization you specify.


11. 12. 13.

Click in the Account Low field. Use the Operations Accounting Flex page to enter the details of the account. Click in the Company: Low field.

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Step 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. Action Enter the desired information into the Company: Low field. Enter "01". Click in the Department: Low field. Enter the desired information into the Department: Low field. Enter "500". Click in the Account: Low field. Enter the desired information into the Account: Low field. Enter "4150". Click in the Sub-Account: Low field. Enter the desired information into the Sub-Account: Low field. Enter "0000". Click in the Product: Low field. Enter the desired information into the Product: Low field. Enter "000". Click the OK button. or Press [Alt+O]. 24. 25. Once you have entered the carryforward account ranges, you will click the Carry Forward button to begin the carry forward process. Click the Carry Forward button. or Press [Alt+C]. 26. 27. Use the Decision page to confirm and submit the carry forward process. Click the Yes button. or Press [Alt+Y]. 28. Note the request ID in the Note page. Click the OK button. or Press [Alt+O]. 29. You have completed carrying forward year-end encumbrances and budget balances using the Year-End Carry Forward page. End of Procedure.

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Average Balance Processing

Average Balance Processing includes information on opening new periods, consolidating transactions and balances, and managing multi-currency processing. Upon completion of this lesson, you will be able to: Open a new period. Archive and purge. Consolidate transactions. Consolidate balances.

Opening a New Period

When you open a new accounting period, General Ledger prepares the new period for journal entry. If you open a new period when average balance processing is enabled, the system also: Populates the aggregates table. PTD, QTD, and YTD aggregate balances are created for each balance sheet account. As transactions are posted throughout the period,General Ledger updates these aggregates, using the transaction effective date to determine which daily balances to update. Initializes aggregate balances. PTD aggregates are set to zero. QTD and YTD aggregates are only initialized if the new period is the beginning of a quarter or a year, respectively. Otherwise, the ending QTD and YTD aggregates from the previous period are carried forward as the beginning balance of the new period. When you open a new year, General Ledger sets the nonpostable income account back to zero. The beginning balance of retained earnings is set to the sum of the prior year's ending balance, plus the ending balance of the non-postable net income account (zero). In this topic, you will open a new period using the Open and Close Periods page.


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Step 1. 2.

Action Begin by navigating to the Open and Close Periods page. Click the vertical scrollbar. Click the General Ledger, Vision Operations (USA) link.


Click the vertical scrollbar.

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Step 4. 5.

Action Click the Setup: Open/Close link. Use the Find Periods page to find the period you want to open. Use the Status field to select Future-Entry from the list and the Period field to enter the date.

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Step 6.

Action Click the Status list.

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Step 7.

Action Click the Future - Entry list item.

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Step 8. 9. 10.

Action Click in the Period field. Enter the desired information into the Period field. Enter "Nov-07". Click the Find button. or Press [Alt+i].


Use the Open and Close Periods page to open a new period.

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Step 12.

Action Click the Open Period button. or Press [Alt+p].


In the Vision Operations page, open the target period.

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Step 14. 15.

Action Enter the desired information into the Target Period field. Enter "Nov-07". Click the Open button. or Press [Alt+O].


Click the Yes button. or Press [Alt+Y].

17. 18.

When you click the Yes button, the Request ID will display in the Note page. Click the OK button. or Press [Alt+O].


You have completed opening a new period using the Open and Close Periods page. End of Procedure.

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Archiving Journals
You can archive and purge account balances, as well as journal batches, entries, lines, and associated journal references for one or more accounting periods, provided the periods are permanently closed. Except for translated balances, you must archive balances or journals before you can purge them. Your data access set must provide full ledger access to the ledger in order to archive and purge its balances and journals. Full ledger access means that you have full read and write access to the ledger and all of its balancing segment values or management segment values. To ensure better control over your archiving and purging process, we recommend that you perform your archive and purge in separate steps. If possible, run the archive utility when no users are on the system. This avoids degrading performance and response time during business hours. In this topic, you will archive journals.


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Step 1. 2. Action Begin by navigating to the Archive and Purge page. Click the vertical scrollbar. Click the General Ledger, Vision Operations (USA) link.

3. 4. 5.

Click the vertical scrollbar. Click the Setup: System: Purge link. Use the Archive and Purge page to archive or purge balances, journals, and translated balances.

Step 6.

Action After you click the Journals tab, Oracle General Ledger automatically displays (in the field, Periods From) the earliest accounting period in your ledger that has not already been successfully archived and purged. You must archive and purge data for your oldest period first. Click the Journals tab. Click the Archive Journals option.


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Step 8. Action Click the Balance Type list.

Step 9.

Action Select the Balance Type you want to archive. You can archive Actual, Budget, or Encumbrance journals. Click the Budget list item.

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Step 10. 11.

Action Click in the Budget field. If you are archiving budget journals, you must also enter a Budget name. You cannot enter All. Enter the desired information into the Budget field. Enter "TRAINING". Click the Archive/Purge button. or Press [Alt+r].



You have archived journals. End of Procedure.

Consolidating Transactions
When you consolidate transactions, you can only use the Standard Usage type. Oracle General Ledger creates a single consolidation journal batch, consisting of your subsidiary's transactions and their corresponding effective dates. When you post the consolidating journal entries in the parent ledger, Oracle General Ledger updates the standard balances and the corresponding average balances automatically (as they are when you post nonconsolidation journal batches). To consolidate transactions, both your parent and subsidiary ledger must use the same ledger currency.
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In this topic, you will consolidate transactions.


Step 1. 2.

Action Begin by navigating to the Consolidation Definition page. Click the vertical scrollbar. Click the General Ledger, Vision Operations (USA) link.

3. 4. 5.

Click the vertical scrollbar. Click the Define: Consolidation link. Use the Consolidation Definition page to transfer consolidation data from your subsidiary ledger to your parent ledger. When you create your consolidation definition, you specify a subsidiary and parent ledger and a chart of accounts mapping that maps each ledger's chart of accounts.
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Step 6. 7. 8. 9.

Action Click in the Consolidation field. Enter the desired information into the Consolidation field. Enter "Corporate Training". Click in the Parent field. Enter the Parent ledger name. Enter the desired information into the Parent field. Enter "Vision Operations (USA)". Click in the Currency field. If you are consolidating transactions, enter the parent's ledger currency. Enter the desired information into the Currency field. Enter "USD". Click in the Subsidiary field. Enter the name of the Subsidiary ledger you are consolidating. Enter the desired information into the Subsidiary field. Enter "Vision China".

10. 11. 12. 13.

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Step 14. Action Click the Method list.

Step 15.

Action Click the Transactions list item.

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Step 16.

Action Click the Save button.

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Step 17. 18. 19.

Action Click the vertical scrollbar. Click the Consolidation: Workbench link. Use the Find Consolidation Processes page to query consolidation and elimination processes. Your query results appear in the Consolidation Workbench. You can complete as many fields as you like to narrow your query.

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Step 20.

Action Your data access set must provide read access to the parent ledger. Click in the Parent Period field. Enter a consolidation period for Parent ledger. Enter the desired information into the Parent Period field. Enter "AUG-07". Click the Balance Type list.

21. 22.

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Step 23.

Action You can select Actual, Budget, or Any. Anyone with access to your parent ledger will be able to view consolidated data from your subsidiary ledgers. Click the Actual list item.

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Step 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29.

Action Click in the Consolidation Set field. Enter the desired information into the Consolidation Set field. Enter "Vision Operations Mapping". Click in the Consolidation field. Enter the desired information into the Consolidation field. Enter "Project Mfg To Operations (USD)". Click in the Subsidiary field. Enter the desired information into the Subsidiary field. Enter "Vision Project Mfg".

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Step 30.

Action Click in the Status field.

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Step 31. 32.

Action Enter the desired information into the Status field. Enter "Posted". Click the Find button. or Press [Alt+i].


Use the Consolidation Workbench page to generate, post, or reverse consolidation transactions. You can also monitor the activity of all your subsidiaries to display the status of each process you submit.

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Step 34.

Action Click the Transfer button. or Press [Alt+r].


Use the Transfer Consolidation Data page to transfer the data from some or all of the subsidiaries whose consolidation definitions you have included in a consolidation set.

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Step 36. 37.

Action Click in the Consolidation field. Enter a Consolidation Set name. Enter the desired information into the Consolidation field. Enter "Operations to Corporate". Click in the Subsidiary: Period field. If your parent and subsidiaries share the same accounting calendar, enter the default Subsidiary Period and the Parent Standard Period. Enter the desired information into the Subsidiary: Period field. Enter "Aug-07". Click in the Parent: Standard Period field. Enter the desired information into the Parent: Standard Period field. Enter "Aug-07". Click the Transfer button to submit a concurrent program to transfer your subsidiary data. Click the Transfer button. or Press [Alt+n].

38. 39.

40. 41. 42.

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Step 43. Action Click the OK button. or Press [Alt+O]. 44. You have consolidated transactions. End of Procedure.

Consolidating Balances
To consolidate average balances when you are using the balances consolidation method, you must use an average balance consolidation ledger. You specify whether a ledger can be used for average balance consolidation purposes at the same time that you define your ledger. Average Balance Consolidation ledgers, unlike other ledgers where average balance processing is enabled, do not enforce a link between standard and average balances. As a result, you can update standard and average balances independently. In ledgers that are not defined as average balance consolidation ledgers, both standard and average balances are updated automatically whenever transactions are posted. You can consolidate standard or average balances independently into an average balance consolidation ledger. You can also consolidate standard and average balances in a single consolidation run. When you run your consolidation, General Ledger will create two consolidation journal batches: Standard-updates standard balances without affecting average balances. Average-updates average balances without affecting standard balances. In this topic, you will consolidate balances.


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Step 1. 2.

Action Begin by navigating to the Consolidation Definition page. Click the vertical scrollbar. Click the General Ledger, Vision Operations (USA) link.

3. 4. 5.

Click the vertical scrollbar. Click the Define: Consolidation link. Use the Consolidation Definition page to transfer consolidation data from your subsidiary ledger to your parent ledger. When you create your consolidation definition, you specify a subsidiary and parent ledger and a chart of accounts mapping that maps each ledger's chart of accounts.

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Step 6. 7. 8. 9.

Action Click in the Consolidation field. Enter the desired information into the Consolidation field. Enter "Corporate Training (Balances)". Click in the Ledger: Parent field. Enter the Parent ledger name. Enter the desired information into the Ledger: Parent field. Enter "Vision Operations (USA)". Click in the Ledger: Currency field. If you are consolidating balances, enter the parent's ledger currency. Enter the desired information into the Ledger: Currency field. Enter "USD". Click in the Ledger: Subsidiary field. Enter the name of the Subsidiary ledger you are consolidating. Enter the desired information into the Ledger: Subsidiary field. Enter "Vision China". Click the Save button.

10. 11. 12. 13.


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Step 15. 16. 17.

Action Click the vertical scrollbar. Click the Consolidation: Workbench link. Use the Find Consolidation Processes page to query consolidation and elimination processes. Your query results appear in the Consolidation Workbench. You can complete as many fields as you like to narrow your query.

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Step 18.

Action Your data access set must provide read access to the parent ledger. Click in the Parent Period field. Enter a consolidation period for the Parent ledger. Enter the desired information into the Parent Period field. Enter "AUG-07". Click the Balance Type list.

19. 20.

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Step 21.

Action You can select Actual, Budget, or Any. Anyone with access to your parent ledger will be able to view consolidated data from your subsidiary ledgers. Click the Actual list item.

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Step 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27.

Action Click in the Consolidation Set field. Enter the desired information into the Consolidation Set field. Enter "Vision Operations Mapping". Click in the Consolidation field. Enter the desired information into the Consolidation field. Enter "Project Mfg To Operations (USD)". Click in the Subsidiary field. Enter the desired information into the Subsidiary field. Enter "Vision Project Mfg".

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Step 28.

Action Click in the Status field.

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Step 29. 30.

Action Enter the desired information into the Status field. Enter "Posted". Click the Find button. or Press [Alt+i].


Use the Consolidation Workbench page to generate, post, or reverse consolidation balances. You can also monitor the activity of all your subsidiaries to display the status of each process you submit.

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Step 32.

Action Click the Transfer button. or Press [Alt+r].


Use the Transfer Consolidation Data page to transfer the data from some or all of the subsidiaries whose consolidation definitions you have included in a consolidation set.

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Step 34. 35.

Action Click in the Consolidation field. Enter a Consolidation Set name. Enter the desired information into the Consolidation field. Enter "Operations to Corporate". Click in the Subsidiary: Period field. If your parent and subsidiaries share the same accounting calendar, enter the default Subsidiary Period and the Parent Standard Period. Enter the desired information into the Subsidiary: Period field. Enter "Aug-07". Click in the Parent: Standard Period field. Enter the desired information into the Parent: Standard Period field. Enter "Aug-07". To submit a concurrent program to transfer your subsidiary data. Click the Transfer button. or Press [Alt+n].

36. 37.

38. 39. 40.

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Step 41. Action Click the OK button. or Press [Alt+O]. 42. You have consolidated balances. End of Procedure.

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Financial Reporting
Financial Reporting includes information on running simple reports, using the Financial Statement Generator, security rules, and viewing ledger sets. Upon completion of this lesson, you will be able to: Run simple reports. Use the Financial Statement Generator (FSG). View ledger sets.

Running Simple Reports

Simple Reports consist of a few headings to describe the information in the report, followed by the report data, which is often presented in tabular form as a series of intersecting rows and columns similar to what you might create in a spreadsheet. The rows and columns determine the values which appear in the body of a simple report, by virtue of the attributes those rows and columns possess. You can request reports from the Run Individual Reports page or through standard request submission (Submit Requests page). In this topic, you will run a simple report using the Run Individual Reports page.


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Step 1. 2.

Action Begin by navigating to the Define Financial Report page. Click the vertical scrollbar. Click the General Ledger, Vision Operations (USA) link.

3. 4. 5.

Click the vertical scrollbar. Click the Report: Report link. The Define Financial Report page enables you to define a report by specifying the report objects that the Financial Statement Generator (FSC) must use to build the report. Once you define and save a report, you can use it any time to run the report, define a report set, or copy and save it as a new report.

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Step 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16.

Action Click in the Report field. Enter the desired information into the Report field. Enter "GL Operations Report". Click in the Title field. Enter the desired information into the Title field. Enter "Vision Operations Report for GL". Click in the Description field. Enter the desired information into the Description field. Enter "12 Months". Simple reports are defined by a row set and a standard column set. Optionally, you can specify your own custom column set. Click in the Required Components: Row Set field. Enter the desired information into the Required Components: Row Set field. Enter "Vision Ops Transactions". Click in the Required Components: Column Set field. Enter the desired information into the Required Components: Column Set field. Enter "12 Month Review".

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Step 17. Action Click the Rounding Option list.

Step 18.

Action Click the Calculate Then Round list item.

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Step 19.

Action Click the Output Option list.

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Step 20. 21.

Action Click the Spreadsheet list item. You can optionally add a content set, row order, and or display set to enhance the report or refine the information in the report.

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Step 22.

Action Click the Run Report button. or Press [Alt+R].


Once you define and save a report, you can run it anytime using the Run Individual Reports page. Click the Yes button. or Press [Alt+Y].


Click the OK button. or Press [Alt+O].

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Step 25.

Action Click the Submit button. or Press [Alt+S].


You have completed the Running Simple Reports procedure. End of Procedure.

Using the Financial Statement Generator (FSG)

Financial Statement Generator (FSG) is a powerful report building tool for Oracle General Ledger. With FSG, you can: Generate financial reports, such as income statements and balance sheets, based upon data in your general ledger across a ledger set or a ledger. Generate presentation quality financial reports with XML Publisher so that you can have more control with report formatting options, including changing font characteristics, inserting graphical images or logos, and adding color. Generate presentation quality financial reports with XML Publisher so you have more control with report formatting options, including changing font characteristics, inserting graphical images or logos, and adding color. Define segment value security rules to restrict financial information contained in FSG report output generated by specific users and responsibilities. Define your reports with reusable report objects, making it easy to create new reports from the components of reports you've already defined.
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Design custom financial reports to meet specific business needs. In this topic, you will define a report using the Financial Statement Generator.


Step 1. 2.

Action Begin by navigating to the Define Financial Report page. Click the vertical scrollbar. Click the General Ledger, Vision Operations (USA) link.

3. 4. 5.

Click the vertical scrollbar. Click the Report: Report link. The Define Financial Report page enables you to define the report parameters.

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Step 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11.

Action Click in the Report field. Enter the desired information into the Report field. Enter "GL Operations Reports". Click in the Title field. Enter the desired information into the Title field. Enter "Vision Operations Reports for GL". Define row sets to specify the format and content of your report rows. Typical row sets include line items, accounts, and calculation rows for totals. Define column sets to specify the format and content of your report columns. Typical column sets include headings, currency assignments, amount types, and calculation columns for totals.

12. 13. 14.

Click in the Required Components: Row Set field. Enter the desired information into the Required Components: Row Set field. Enter "Vision Ops Transactions". Click in the Required Components: Column Set field.

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Step 15. 16. 17. Action Enter the desired information into the Required Components: Column Set field. Enter "12 Month Review". Define any optional report objects you need for special format reports or report distribution. Click the Other Options: Output Option list.

Step 18.

Action Click the XML list item.

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Step 19.

Action Once you define and save a report, you can run it anytime using the Run Individual Reports page. Click the Run Report button. or Press [Alt+R].


Click the Yes button. or Press [Alt+Y].


Click the OK button. or Press [Alt+O].

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Step 22.

Action Click the Submit button. or Press [Alt+S].


You have completed the Using the Financial Statement Generator procedure. End of Procedure.

Viewing Ledger Sets

Ledger Sets enable you to group multiple ledgers that share the same Chart of Accounts (COA) and calendar combination. Essentially, Ledger Sets allow you to treat multiple ledgers as one. For example, you can open and close periods for multiple ledgers in a ledger set in a single submission by submitting the new Open and Close Periods programs from the Submit Request page. You need perform an Account Inquiry to retrieve balances by ledger and account. You can compare the same account balance across multiple ledgers and ledger currencies. When querying on ledger sets, you can view account balances by ledger. The balance is not a summation across multiple ledgers. To obtain a summation across ledgers, you must use Financial Statement Generator. The same ledger can belong to multiple ledger sets, and ledger sets can contain other ledger sets.
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In this topic, you will review the ledger set.


Step 1. 2.

Action Begin by navigating to the Account Inquiry page. Click the vertical scrollbar. Click the General Ledger, Vision Operations (USA) link.

3. 4. 5.

Click the vertical scrollbar. Click the Inquiry: Account link. Use the Account Inquiry page to perform an account inquiry on ledger sets to view actual or encumbrance account balances across multiple ledgers that are assigned to a ledger set.

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Step 6.

Action Enter the range of accounting periods for your inquiry. Click in the Accounting Periods: From field. Enter the desired information into the Accounting Periods: From field. Enter "Aug-06". Click in the Accounting Periods: To field. Click in the Accounts: Drilldown Record Indicator field. Use the Find Accounts page to search for the detail accounts you want to query. Enter the low and high account range to include the desired accounts. Enter the desired information into the Company: Low field. Enter "01". Click in the Department: Low field. Enter the desired information into the Department: Low field. Enter "000". Click in the Account: Low field. Enter the desired information into the Account: Low field. Enter "1570".

7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15.

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Step 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. Action Click in the Sub-Account: Low field. Enter the desired information into the Sub-Account: Low field. Enter "0000". Click in the Product: Low field. Enter the desired information into the Product: Low field. Enter "000". Click the OK button. or Press [Alt+O]. 21. Click the Show Balances button. or Press [Alt+B]. 22. Use the Detail Balances page to review balances for the current account and ledgers based on your inquiry criteria.

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Step 23. 24. Action Click the Close button. You have reviewed the ledger set. End of Procedure.

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Maintenance includes information on defining, submitting, reversing, purging, and reviewing Move/Merge requests. Upon completion of this lesson, you will be able to: Define a Move/Merge request. Submit a Move/Merge request. Create new accounts with Mass Creation.

Defining a Move/Merge Request

A move operation transfers balances from one or more source accounts to one or more target accounts. A merge operation transfers balances from multiple source accounts into one or more target accounts. The first step in the process of a move or merge request is to define the request. In this topic, you will define a move/merge request.


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Step 1. 2.

Action Begin by navigating to the Mass Maintenance Workbench page. Click the vertical scrollbar. Click the General Ledger, Vision Operations (USA) link.

3. 4. 5.

Click the vertical scrollbar. Click the Setup: Other: Mass Maintenance link. The Mass Maintenance Workbench page enables you to enter a move/merge request.

Step 6. 7. 8.

Action Click in the Request field. Enter the desired information into the Request field. Enter "CEO Consolidation". Click in the Description field.

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Step 9. 10. Action Enter the desired information into the Description field. Enter "Consolidation of CEO Budgets". In the Ledger field, select a ledger or ledger set. Your data access set must provide full ledger access to the ledger or ledger set. Full ledger access means having full read and write access to the ledger and all of its balancing segment values or management segment values. Click in the Ledger Name field. Enter the desired information into the Ledger Name field. Enter "Vision Operations (USA)". Enter a Line number for the source-to-target account specification. Enter a unique Source account specification from which to move/merge balances. You can also select your account segment values from the list of values. Click in the Accounts: Source Account field. Enter the desired information into the Accounts: Source Account field. Enter "01-CEO-1550-0000-000". Enter the Target account specification to which you want to move/merge balances. You can also select your account segment values from the list of values. Click in the Accounts: Target Account field. Enter the desired information into the Accounts: Target Account field. Enter "01-CEO-7350-0000-000". Click the Prevalidate button to run the prevalidation process. Review the execution report and correct any errors before submitting the move/merge request. Click the Prevalidate button. or Press [Alt+a]. 21. Click the Yes button. or Press [Alt+Y]. 22. You have completed the Defining a Move/Merge Request procedure. End of Procedure.

11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20.

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Submitting a Move/Merge Request

A move operation transfers balances from one or more source accounts to one or more target accounts. A merge operation transfers balances from multiple source accounts into one or more target accounts. The first step in the process of a move or merge request is to define the request. The second step is to submit the request for processing. In this topic, you will submit a move/merge request.


Step 1. 2.

Action Begin by navigating to the Mass Maintenance Workbench page. Click the vertical scrollbar. Click the General Ledger, Vision Operations (USA) link.


Click the vertical scrollbar.

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Step 4. 5. Action Click the Setup: Other: Mass Maintenance link. The Mass Maintenance Workbench page enables you to submit a move/merge request.

Step 6.

Action Select Move/Merge as the Request Type. Click in the Request field. Enter the desired information into the Request field. Enter "CEO Consolidation". Click in the Description field. Enter the desired information into the Description field. Enter "Consolidation of CEO Budgets".

7. 8. 9.

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Step 10. Action In the Ledger field, select a ledger or ledger set. Your data access set must provide full ledger access to the ledger or ledger set. Full ledger access means having full read and write access to the ledger and all of its balancing segment values or management segment values. Click in the Ledger Name field. Enter the desired information into the Ledger Name field. Enter "Vision Operations (USA)". Enter a Line number for the source-to-target account specification. Enter the desired information into the Accounts: Line Number field. Enter "01". Enter a unique Source account specification from which to move/merge balances. You can also select your account segment values from the list of values. Click in the Accounts: Source Account field. Enter the desired information into the Accounts: Source Account field. Enter "01-CEO-1550-0000-000". Enter the Target account specification to which you want to move/merge balances. You can also select your account segment values from the list of values. Click in the Accounts: Target Account field. Enter the desired information into the Accounts: Target Account field. Enter "01-CEO-7350-0000-000". Click the Submit button. or Press [Alt+u]. 18. Click the Submit button. or Press [Alt+u]. 19. Click the Yes button. or Press [Alt+Y]. 20. You have completed the Submitting a Move/Merge Request procedure. End of Procedure.

11. 12. 13.

14. 15.

16. 17.

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Creating New Accounts with Mass Creation

Use Mass Maintenance's mass creation feature to create new accounts automatically based on existing accounts. For example, if you add a new cost center to your organization you can use mass creation to create all the accounts you need based upon one of your other cost centers. In this topic, you will create new accounts using the mass creation feature.


Step 1. 2.

Action Begin by navigating to the Mass Maintenance Workbench page. Click the vertical scrollbar. Click the General Ledger, Vision Operations (USA) link.

3. 4.

Click the vertical scrollbar. Click the Setup: Other: Mass Maintenance link.

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Step 5. Action The Mass Maintenance Workbench page enables you to create new accounts using the mass creation feature.

Step 6. 7.

Action Click the Mass Creation option. Enter a Request name and Description for your mass creation. Click in the Request field. Enter the desired information into the Request field. Enter "New GL Accounts". Click in the Description field. Enter the desired information into the Description field. Enter "January 2008". Enter a Line number for the source-to-target account specification. Click in the Accounts: Line Number field. Enter the desired information into the Accounts: Line Number field. Enter "01".

8. 9. 10. 11.


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Step 13. Action Enter a Source account specification to use to model your target accounts. You can also select your account segment values from the list of values. Click in the Accounts: Source Account field. Enter the desired information into the Accounts: Source Account field. Enter "03-000-1110-1300-140". Enter the Target account specification for the accounts you want to create. You can also select your account segment values from the list of values. Click in the Accounts: Target Account field. Enter the desired information into the Accounts: Target Account field. Enter "01-000-1110-0000-000". Click the Submit button. or Press [Alt+u]. 18. Click the Yes button. or Press [Alt+Y]. 19. Click the OK button. or Press [Alt+O]. 20. You have completed the Creating New Accounts with Mass Creation procedure. End of Procedure.

14. 15.

16. 17.

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Global Consolidation System

Global Consolidation System includes information on the Consolidation Workbench, transferring subsidiary data to your parent, creating eliminating entries, and purging consolidation audit data. Upon completion of this lesson, you will be able to: Use the Consolidation Workbench. Transfer subsidiary data to your parent. Create eliminating entries. Purge consolidation audit data.

Using the Consolidation Workbench

The Consolidation Workbench provides a central point of control for consolidating an unlimited number of subsidiaries to your parent, while keeping you informed about each subsidiary's consolidation status. The workbench also monitors subsidiary account balances for any changes that occur after the subsidiary data has already been transferred to your parent ledger. In this topic, you will use the consolidation workbench.


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Step 1. 2.

Action Begin by navigating to the Find Consolidation Processes page. Click the vertical scrollbar. Click the General Ledger, Vision Operations (USA) link.

3. 4. 5. 6.

Click the vertical scrollbar. Click the vertical scrollbar. Click the Consolidation: Workbench link. The Find Consolidation Processes page enables you to query consolidation and elimination processes. Your query results appear in the Consolidation Workbench.

Step 7.

Action Select a parent from the list of values. Your data access set must provide read access to this parent ledger. Click in the Parent field.

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Step 8. 9. Action Enter the desired information into the Parent field. Enter "Vision Operations (USA)". Enter or choose a consolidation period from the list of values. Click in the Parent Period field. Enter the desired information into the Parent Period field. Enter "Dec-04". Click the Find button. or Press [Alt+i]. 12. The Consolidation Workbench monitors the activity of all your subsidiaries to display the status of each process you submit.

10. 11.

Step 13. 14.

Action Click in the Subsidiary field. Click the Review Journal button.

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Step Action or Press [Alt+J]. 15. The Batch page enables you to review or modify the consolidation journal batch.

Step 16.

Action Click the Journals button. or Press [Alt+J].


The Journals page displays the list of journals in the selected batch.

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Step 18.

Action Click the Close button.

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Step 19.

Action Click the Close button.

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Step 20. 21.

Action Click the Close button. You have completed the Using the Consolidation Workbench procedure. End of Procedure.

Transferring Subsidiary Data to Your Parent

You can transfer the balances or transactions to be consolidated from your subsidiary ledger to your parent. General Ledger accumulates your subsidiary information based on the chart of accounts mapping and consolidation rules you defined, and stores the consolidation data. In this topic, you will transfer subsidiary data to your parent ledger.


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Step 1. 2.

Action Begin by navigating to the Transfer Consolidation Data page. Click the vertical scrollbar. Click the General Ledger, Vision Operations (USA) link.

3. 4. 5.

Click the vertical scrollbar. Click the Consolidation: Transfer: Data link. The Transfer Consolidation Data page enables you to transfer subsidiary data to the parent ledger.

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Step 6.

Action Select the consolidation definition you want to transfer. The definition must use the balances consolidation method. Click in the Consolidation field. Enter the desired information into the Consolidation field. Enter "Project Mfg To Operations (USD)". Enter the Amount Type of balances you want to consolidate, such as year-to-date (YTD) or period-to-date (PTD). Click in the Amount Type field. Enter the desired information into the Amount Type field. Enter "YTD". Enter the subsidiary's accounting Period that you want to consolidate. Click in the Subsidiary: Period field. Enter the desired information into the Subsidiary: Period field. Enter "Dec-04". Enter the Standard Period to which you want to consolidate in your parent ledger. You can consolidate to any period that is open or future enterable. Click in the Parent: Standard Period field. Enter the desired information into the Parent: Standard Period field. Enter "Adj-05".
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7. 8.

9. 10.

11. 12.


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Step 14. Action Click the Transfer button to launch a concurrent process to transfer your subsidiary data to your parent. Click the Transfer button. or Press [Alt+n]. 15. Click the OK button. or Press [Alt+O]. 16. You have completed the Transferring Subsidiary Data to Your Parent procedure. End of Procedure.

Creating Elimination Entries

You can use General Ledger's standard journal entry functions to create eliminating entries in your parent ledger. In this topic, you will enter elimination entries.


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Step 1. 2.

Action Begin by navigating to the Elimination Set page. Click the vertical scrollbar. Click the General Ledger, Vision Operations (USA) link.

3. 4. 5.

Click the vertical scrollbar. Click the Consolidation: Elimin: Define link. Define an eliminating entry by first creating an elimination set. Your set can contain a single elimination entry, or you can group related entries into the same elimination set. For example, you can logically group all subsidiaries which belong to a particular line of business. Use the Elimination Set page to create an elimination set.

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Step 6.

Action Select a ledger. You can define eliminations for any ledger that shares the same chart of accounts as your data access set. Click in the Ledger/Ledger Set field. Enter the desired information into the Ledger/Ledger Set field. Enter "Vision Operations (USA)". Enter a batch name for your elimination set. This name represents a batch of one or more elimination journals for a particular ledger. Click in the Elimination Set field. Enter the desired information into the Elimination Set field. Enter "Mar 02 Subsidiary Elimination Set". Select a balancing segment value from the list of values to represent an Elimination Company. This company is used as the target company when booking elimination entries. The description of the company is automatically provided. Click in the Elimination Company field. Enter the desired information into the Elimination Company field. Enter "95".

7. 8.

9. 10.


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Step 12. Action The Track Elimination Status option enables you to indicate if you want the elimination set to be a part of the checklist for determining which eliminations are completed for the period. Enter effective from and to dates to specify when the elimination set is active. Click in the Effective Dates: From field. Enter the desired information into the Effective Dates: From field. Enter "01Mar-2002". Click in the Effective Dates: To field. Enter the desired information into the Effective Dates: To field. Enter "31-MAR2002".


14. 15. 16.

Step 17.

Action Now enter the elimination journals for the elimination set. Click the Accounts button.


The Elimination Accounts page enables you to enter elimination journals.

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Step 19. Action Enter a journal name for your elimination entry to uniquely identify an elimination journal within the elimination batch. Enter the desired information into the Accounts field. Enter "Operations". The Category is automatically defined as Elimination. Select a currency from the list of values. You have two choices: the consolidated parent's ledger currency or STAT. The currency you specify is for both source and target accounts. Click in the Currency field. Enter the desired information into the Currency field. Enter "USD". In the Amount Type field, enter the balance type to derive the eliminations from. Possible values include PTD, QTD, YTD, and PJTD. Click in the Amount Type field. Enter the desired information into the Amount Type field. Enter "PTD". Click in the Accounts: Line Number field. Enter the desired information into the Accounts: Line Number field. Enter "01". Specify the source. The source account balance will be fully eliminated into the target account. For each account segment, select a detail account value, a parent account value, or leave the segment blank. Click in the Accounts: Source Account field. Enter the desired information into the Accounts: Source Account field. Enter "03-000-1110-1300-140". Specify a target account for your elimination entry. For each account segment, select a detail account value or leave the segment blank. Click in the Accounts: Target Account field. Enter the desired information into the Accounts: Target Account field. Enter "95-000-1110-1300-140". Click the Save button. Click the Close button. You have completed the Creating Elimination Entries procedure. End of Procedure.

20. 21.

22. 23.

24. 25. 26. 27.

28. 29.

30. 31. 32. 33.

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Purging Consolidation Audit Data

When you run a consolidation in audit mode, General Ledger maintains an audit trail for the Consolidation Audit Report, the Unmapped Subsidiary Accounts Report, and the Disabled Parent Accounts Report. After you run these reports, you can purge supporting source data from the GL_CONSOLIDATION_AUDIT table. Once you purge your consolidation audit data, you can no longer run the consolidation audit reports. However, you can still review your consolidation journal batch in your parent ledger. In this topic, you will purge consolidation audit data.


Step 1. 2.

Action Begin by navigating to the Purge Consolidation Audit Data page. Click the vertical scrollbar. Click the General Ledger, Vision Operations (USA) link.


Click the vertical scrollbar.

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Step 4. 5. Action Click the Consolidation: Purge link. The Purge Consolidation Audit Data page enables you to purge audit data.

Step 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Action Click in the Consolidation field. Enter the desired information into the Consolidation field. Enter "Project Mfg To Operations (USD)". Click in the Period field. Enter the desired information into the Period field. Enter "Jan-98". Click the Purge button. or Press [Alt+P].


You have completed the Purging Consolidation Audit Data procedure. End of Procedure.

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Multi-Currency includes information on managing currencies and currency rates, and using the Currency Rates Manager. Upon completion of this lesson, you will be able to: Define foreign currencies. Define currency cross rates. Enter a journal with conversion rounding differences. Use the Currency Rates Manager.

Defining Foreign Currencies

Use the Currencies page to define non-ISO (International Standards Organization) currencies, and to enable disable currencies. Oracle Applications has predefined all currencies specified in ISO standard #4217. Note: U.S. Dollars (USD) is the only currency that is enabled initially. Therefore, to use a currency other than U.S. Dollars (USD), you must enable the currency. In this procedure, you use the Currencies page to define currencies.


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Step 1. 2.

Action Begin by navigating to the Currencies page. Click the vertical scrollbar. Click the General Ledger, Vision Operations (USA) link.

3. 4. 5. 6.

Click the vertical scrollbar. Click the Setup: Currencies: Define link. Use the Currencies page to define a currency. In the Code Field, you must enter a unique code to represent your currency. Note: You cannot change a currency code after you enable it, even if you disable the currency at a later time.

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Step 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13.

Action Click in the Code field. Enter the desired information into the Code field. Enter "SDG". Click in the Name field. Enter the desired information into the Name field. Enter "Sudanese Pound (Dinar no longer used)". Click in the Description field. Enter the desired information into the Description field. Enter "Sudanese Pound". In the Issuing Territory field, you can optionally select the name of the Issuing Territory. Note: Oracle Applications has predefined the names of countries (per ISO Standard #3166) that issue standard currencies.

14. 15.

Click in the Issuing Territory field. Enter the desired information into the Issuing Territory field. Enter "Sudan".

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Step 16. Action In the Symbol field, you enter the symbol for your currency. Note: Some Oracle Applications use currency symbols when displaying amounts; others, such as Oracle General Ledger, do not. 17. 18. 19. Click in the Symbol field. Enter the desired information into the Symbol field. Enter "SDG". The Precision and Extended Precision fields enable you to designate the number of digits to the right of the decimal point. The Precision field is used to designate the number of decimal digits used in regular currency transactions. The Extended Precision field is used to designate the number of digits to the right of the decimal point used in calculations for this currency. The extended precision must be greater than or equal to the standard precision. 20. 21. Click the horizontal scrollbar. The Minimum Accountable Unit field enables you to designate the smallest denomination used in this currency. Note: This unit may not correspond to the precision. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. Click in the Minimum Accountable Unit field. Enter the desired information into the Minimum Accountable Unit field. Enter ".1". Click the horizontal scrollbar. Click in the From field. Enter the desired information into the From field. Enter "01-Jan-2007". Click the Save button. You have completed the Defining Currencies procedure. End of Procedure.

Defining Currency Cross Rates

You use the Currency Rates Manager page to automatically assign a currency rate when you do any of the of the following: Convert foreign currency journal amounts to your ledger currency equivalents
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Run Revaluation Run Translation or Re-measurement In this procedure, you will use the Currency Rates Manager page to defining a currency cross rate.


Step 1. 2.

Action Begin by navigating to the Currency Rates Manager page. Click the vertical scrollbar. Click the General Ledger, Vision Operations (USA) link.

3. 4.

Click the vertical scrollbar. Click the Rate Types link.

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Step 5. Action The Currency Rates Manager page enables you set up currency rate types, as well as enter daily conversion rates for specific combinations of foreign currency, date, and conversion rate type. When you enter a foreign currency journal, Oracle General Ledger automatically displays the predefined exchange rate based on the currency, rate type (unless you are using the User rate type), and conversion date you enter. Note: If you want to enter different daily rates for the same combination of fromcurrency, to-currency, and conversion date, you must define separate conversion rate types.

Step 6. 7.

Action Click the Create Rate Type button. You enter a conversion rate type in the Rate Type field. The rate type is a parameter that associates contra currencies with the pivot currency.

8. 9.

Click in the Rate Type field. Enter the desired information into the Rate Type field. Enter "UPK Rate".

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Step 10. 11. 12. Action Click in the Description field. Enter the desired information into the Description field. Enter "UPK Private Rate". Cross rates are calculated conversion rates based on defined currency rate relationships. The system will calculate cross rates based on the cross rate rule you define. A cross rate rule is associated with a conversion rate type and consists of a rate type, pivot currency, and contra currencies. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. The Pivot Currency field is the central currency that interacts with contra currencies. Click in the Pivot Currency field. Enter the desired information into the Pivot Currency field. Enter "CAD". Click the Add Another Row button. You use the Contra Currencies field to enter the currencies that have a rate relationship with the pivot currency. Enter the desired information into the Contra Currency field. Enter "USD". Click the Add Another Row button. Click in the Contra Currency field. Enter the desired information into the Contra Currency field. Enter "GBP". Click the Apply button. You have completed the Defining Currency Cross Rates procedure. End of Procedure.

Entering a Journal with Conversion Rounding Differences

Conversion rounding refers to the currency amounts that are converted and accounted for using the same rounding rules used throughout Oracle Applications products. The reporting currency also considers several factors that are a part of all the currencies predefined in Oracle Applications, including the following: Currency Precision: the number of digits to the right of the decimal point used in regular currency transactions. Extended Precision: the number of digits to the right of the decimal point used in calculations for the currency. Minimum Accountable Unit: the smallest denomination used in the currency. Note: This might not correspond to the precision.
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In this procedure, you will enter a foreign currency journal entry in the Enter Journals page that requires conversion rounding.


Step 1. 2.

Action Begin by navigating to the Enter Journals page. Click the vertical scrollbar. Click the General Ledger, Vision Operations (USA) link.


Click the Journals: Enter link.

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Step 4.

Action Click the New Journal button. or Press [Alt+J].

5. 6.

Use the Journals page to enter journal transactions. When a standard foreign currency journal is created in Oracle General Ledger, the conversion to the ledger currency or reporting currency may result in rounding differences (the difference between the debit and credit amounts). There are two methods in which rounding differences are handled in Oracle General Ledger when a standard foreign currency journal is created: If you have not specified a rounding imbalances account in the source ledger, the rounding difference is posted to the journal line with the largest amount. If you have specified a rounding imbalances account, the rounding difference is posted to the rounding imbalances account.

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Step 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18.

Action Enter the desired information into the Journal field. Enter "Adjustment". Click in the Description field. Enter the desired information into the Description field. Enter "Journal with Rounding Differences". Click in the Conversion: Currency field. Enter the desired information into the Conversion: Currency field. Enter "CAD". Click in the Conversion: Type field. Enter the desired information into the Conversion: Type field. Enter "User". Click in the Conversion: Rate field. Enter the desired information into the Conversion: Rate field. Enter ".97". Click in the Line field. Enter the desired information into the Line field. Enter "10". Click in the Account field.

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Step 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. Action Enter the desired information into the Account field. Enter "01-140-7640-0000000". Click in the Debit field. In the Debit field, you will enter the debit amount in a single entry. Enter the desired information into the Entered: Debit field. Enter "51.12". Click in the Line field. You will split the credit entry across two accounts. Enter the desired information into the Account field. Enter "01-210-7640-0000000". Click in the Credit field. Enter the desired information into the Credit field. Enter "50.27". Click in the Line field. Enter the desired information into the Account field. Enter "01-110-7640-0000000". Click in the Credit field. Enter the desired information into the Credit field. Enter ".85". Click the Save button. Notice that the credits equal the debits in the CAD currency. However, the US conversion shows a one cent rounding difference. Click the Yes button. or Press [Alt+Y]. 35. Click the Post button. or Press [Alt+P]. 36. Click the OK button. or Press [Alt+O].

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Step 37. Action Click the Find... button.

Step 38. 39. 40.

Action Click in the Journal field. Enter the desired information into the Journal field. Enter "Adjustment". Click the Find button. or Press [Alt+i].

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Step 41. 42.

Action Click in the Line field. After posting the journal and retrieving it for review, notice that the system automatically accounted for the rounding error by crediting the adjustment account one cent. You have completed the Entering a Journal with Conversion Rounding Differences procedure. End of Procedure.


Using the Currency Rates Manager

The Currency Rates Manager enables you to manage all of your currency rate information in one place. You can enter Daily Rates, upload Daily Rates or Historical Rates from a spreadsheet to Oracle General Ledger, download Historical Rates to a spreadsheet for a review only or update and modify the Historical Rates, you can Review Period Rates and historical rates using a web interface, and create Cross Rates that are calculated conversion rates based on defined currency rate relationships. In this topic, you will create daily rates using the Currency Rates Manager page.

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Step 1. 2.

Action Begin by navigating to the Currency Rates Manager page. Click the vertical scrollbar. Click the General Ledger, Vision Operations (USA) link.

3. 4. 5.

Click the vertical scrollbar. Click the Daily Rates link. In the Currency Rates Manager page, select the Daily Rates tab to perform foreign currency journal conversions, revaluation, and translation or remeasurement. You can maintain daily conversion rates between any two currencies that are enabled in your applications instance. In addition, you can enter a single exchange rate for a range of dates in the Enter Rates By Date Range window. The date range can span multiple days or periods.

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Step 6. Action In the From Currency field, enter the currency from which you want to convert using the rates you enter.

Step 7. 8. 9.

Action Click in the From Currency field. Enter the desired information into the From Currency field. Enter "SDG". In the To Currency field, enter the currency to which you want to convert. Note: If you enter the same currency that you entered in the From Currency field, you will receive an error.

10. 11. 12. 13.

Click in the To Currency field. Enter the desired information into the To Currency field. Enter "USD". In the Start Date and End Date fields, enter the dates to span your desired date range. Click in the Start Date field.

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Step 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. Action Enter the desired information into the Start Date field. Enter "01-Jan-2007". Click in the End Date field. Enter the desired information into the End Date field. Enter "01-Jan-2007". Click the Go button. Click the Home link. To create your daily rates, you will navigate back to the Currency Rates Manager page, select the Daily Rates tab, and then access the Create Daily Rates page.

Step 20. 21.

Action Click the vertical scrollbar. Click the Daily Rates link.

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Step 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33.

Action Click the Create Daily Rates button. In Create Daily Rates, enter the currencies you specified in the From Currency and To Currency fields. Enter the desired information into the From Currency field. Enter "SDG". Click in the To Currency field. Enter the desired information into the To Currency field. Enter "USD". Click in the Start Date field. Enter the desired information into the Start Date field. Enter "31-Jan-2007". Click in the End Date field. Enter the desired information into the End Date field. Enter "31-Jan-2007". To create your daily rates, select Daily Rate in the Rate Type field. Click the Rate Type list. Click the Daily Rate list item.

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Step 34. 35. 36. Action Click in the Rate field. Enter the desired information into the Rate field. Enter "25". Click the Apply button.

Step 37.

Action Click the Home link.

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Step 38. 39. 40.

Action To view the status of your request, navigate to Other and click the Requests link. Click the vertical scrollbar. Click the Other: Requests link. Use the Find Requests page to query for the Request ID.

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Step 41. 42. 43. 44.

Action Click the Specific Requests option. Click in the Request ID field. Enter the desired information into the Request ID field. Enter "5175562". Click the Find button. or Press [Alt+i].


You have completed creating daily rates using the Currency Rates Manager page. End of Procedure.

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Journal or Subledger Level Reporting Currencies

Journal or Subledger-Level Reporting Currencies includes information on entering and reporting currencies. Upon completion of this lesson, you will be able to: Enter reporting currencies. Use reporting currencies.

Entering Reporting Currencies

Reporting Currencies are integrated with ledgers. You specify the reporting currency as a part of the ledger with which you are working. If you use Reporting Currencies, (Journal or Subledger Level), when you post the original journals in your source ledger, General Ledger automatically generates journals in your reporting currencies where the entered currency amounts have been converted to the reporting currency amounts. If budgetary control is enabled, all journals in a batch must be entered for the same ledger. When the budgetary control batch is posted, however, posting may generate additional journals for reporting currencies within the same batch. In this topic, you will enter reporting currencies.


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Step 1. 2.

Action Begin by navigating to the Currencies page. Click the vertical scrollbar. Click the General Ledger, Vision Operations (USA) link.

3. 4. 5.

Click the vertical scrollbar. Click the Setup: Currencies: Define link. Use the Currencies page to define non-ISO(International Standards Organization) currencies, and to enable and disable currencies. Oracle Applications has predefined all currencies specified in ISO standard #4217.

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Step 6. 7.

Action Click in the Code field. Enter a unique Code to represent your currency. You cannot change a currency code after you enable the currency, even if you disable that currency at a later time. Enter the desired information into the Code field. Enter "CAN2". Click in the Name field. Enter the desired information into the Name field. Enter "Canadian currency 2008". Click in the Description field. Enter the desired information into the Description field. Enter "To be used after 01-Jun-2008". Click in the Issuing Territory field. Enter the desired information into the Issuing Territory field. Enter "Canada". Click the Save button.

8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14.

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Step 15. Action You have entered reporting currencies. End of Procedure.

Using Reporting Currencies

Reporting Currencies are integrated with ledgers. You specify the reporting currency as a part of the ledger with which you are working. Reporting currency is flexible. You can maintain additional currency representations at three different levels: Balance level. Journal level. Subledger level. You can use the Reporting Currencies for: Entering Data into Reporting Currencies. Performing Standard General Ledger Activities. Completing Reporting Currencies. You should be cautious about performing any activity other than reporting when you are using a reporting currency. This is especially true of entering or importing new journals into your reporting currency, since journals are only converted and replicated from your ledger to your reporting currencies - not the other way around. In this topic, you will enter the data in the reporting currency.


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Step 1. 2.

Action Begin by navigating to the Accounting Setups page. Click the vertical scrollbar. Click the General Ledger, Vision Operations (USA) link.

3. 4. 5.

Click the vertical scrollbar. Click the Accounting Setups link. Use the Accounting Setups page to define a new ledger, or search for an existing ledger.

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Step 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.

Action Click the Search by list. Click the Legal Entity list item. Click in the Search criteria field. Enter the desired information into the Search criteria field. Enter "Northlake Store". Click the Go button. Click the Update Accounting Options button. Use the Update Accounting Options page to update the accounting information in the ledger.

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Step 13. 14.

Action Click the Update button. Use the Update Reporting Currencies page to update the reporting currency information.

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Step 15. 16.

Action Click the Add Reporting Currency button. Use the Add Reporting Currency page to enter the reporting currency information.

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Step 17. 18.

Action Click the Currency Conversion Level list. Click the Subledger list item.

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Step 19.

Action Click in the Currency field.

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Step 20.

Action Enter the desired information into the Currency field. Enter "ANY".

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Step 21.

Action Click in the Reporting Currency Name field.

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Step 22.

Action Enter the desired information into the Reporting Currency Name field. Enter "2008Additions".

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Step 23.

Action Click in the Short Name field.

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Step 24.

Action Enter the desired information into the Short Name field. Enter "2008Add".

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Step 25.

Action Click in the Rounding Differences Tracking Account field.

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Step 26.

Action If you enable Rounding Differences Tracking by assigning a Rounding Differences Tracking Account to your ledger, rounding imbalances are automatically balanced against the account you specified. Enter the desired information into the Rounding Differences Tracking Account field. Enter "01-000-1140-0000-000".

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Step 27. 28.

Action Click in the Default Rate Type field. Conversion rate types are used to convert transactions once the Reporting Currencies option is enabled. Enter the desired information into the Default Rate Type field. Enter "Corporate".

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Step 29. 30.

Action Click the Apply button. You have entered the data in the reporting currency. End of Procedure.

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Using the Account Hierarchy Manager

Using the Account Hierarchy includes information on starting the Account Hierarchy Manager, displaying multiple hierarchies, adding or changing account hierarchies, child values, and rollup groups. Upon completion of this lesson, you will be able to: Start the Account Hierarchy Manager. Display multiple hierarchies. Add or change account hierarchies. Add or change child values. Add or change rollup groups.

Starting the Account Hierarchy Manager

The Account Hierarchy Manager page helps you to graphically create, maintain, and review account structure hierarchies define new parent and child segment values, as well as change parent/child dependencies create new rollup groups from the Account Hierarchy Manager and have your changes reflected automatically in both the Key Segment Values and Rollup Groups pages. The Account Hierarchy Manager has security rules that enable you to control: Read only or read/write access Access to hierarchies, segment values, and charts of accounts. In this topic, you will start the account hierarchy manager.


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Step 1. 2.

Action Begin by navigating to the Account Hierarchy Manager page. Click the vertical scrollbar. Click the General Ledger, Vision Operations (USA) link.

3. 4.

Click the vertical scrollbar. Click the Setup: Accounts: Manager link.

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Step 5. 6.

Action Click the Yes button. The Account Hierarchy Manager page enables you to define a new segment value by entering attributes for a new child value, parent and child relationships, including multi-level hierarchies, and facilitates reporting and analysis. You can also carefully plan your hierarchies. When you create and save parent and child segment values, they become permanent.


The Chart of Accounts - Segments represents an individual segment of a particular chart of accounts structure. Click an entry in the Chart of Accounts - Segments tree control. You have completed Starting the Account Hierarchy Manager procedure. End of Procedure.


Displaying Multiple Hierarchies

Displaying Multiple Hierarchies helps you to view multilevel hierarchy structure and facilitates reporting and analysis. In this topic, you will display multiple hierarchies.

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Step 1. 2.

Action Begin by navigating to the Account Hierarchy Manager page. Click the vertical scrollbar. Click the General Ledger, Vision Operations (USA) link.

3. 4.

Click the vertical scrollbar. Click the Setup: Accounts: Manager link.

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Step 5. 6.

Action Click the No button. Use the Account Hierarchy Manager [Read-Only] page to display multiple heirarchies. It has security rules that enable you to control access to read only or read/write and access to hierarchies.

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Step 7.

Action The Chart of Accounts - Segment represents an individual segment of a particular chart of accounts structure. Click an entry in the Chart of Accounts - Segments tree control.

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Step 8.

Action Click an entry in the Communications Accounting Flex tree control.

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Step 9.

Action Click an entry in the Corporate Accounting Flex tree control.

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Step 10.

Action Click the Company option.

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Step 11.

Action Click the Children tab.

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Step 12.

Action Click in the From field.

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Step 13.

Action Enter the desired information into the From field. Enter "Company".

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Step 14.

Action Click in the To field.

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Step 15. 16.

Action Enter the desired information into the To field. Enter "Company". You have completed Displaying Multiple Hierarchies. End of Procedure.

Adding or Changing Rollup Groups

The Rollup Group is used to summarize budget, actual, and encumbrance amounts for each department and to roll up these amounts to create a division amount. Adding or Changing Rollup Groups helps you to add or change rollup groups. In this topic, you will add or change rollup groups.


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Step 1. 2.

Action Begin by navigating to the Account Hierarchy Manager page. Click the vertical scrollbar. Click the General Ledger, Vision Operations (USA) link.

3. 4.

Click the vertical scrollbar. Click the Setup: Accounts: Manager link.

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Step 5. 6.

Action Click the Yes button. The Account Hierarchy Manager page enables you to add or change a rollup group.

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Step 7.

Action Click an entry in the Chart of Accounts - Segments tree control.

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Step 8.

Action Click an entry in the Operations Accounting Flex tree control.

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Step 9.

Action Click the Edit menu.

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Step 10. 11.

Action Click the Rollup Groups menu. Use the Rollup Groups page to create new rollup groups. You can have those changes reflected automatically in both the Key Segment Values and Rollup Groups pages.

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Step 12. 13.

Action Click the New... button. Use the Rollup Group page to add a new rollup group.

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Step 14.

Action Enter the desired information into the Name field. Enter "Training".

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Step 15.

Action Click in the Description field.

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Step 16.

Action Enter the desired information into the Description field. Enter "Training Purposes".

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Step 17.

Action Click the OK button.

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Step 18. 19.

Action Click the OK button. You have completed Adding or Changing Rollup Groups procedure. End of Procedure.

Adding or Changing Parent Hierarchies

The Account Hierarchy Manager helps you to define new parent segment values, parent/child relationships, including multilevel hierarchies, and facilitates reporting and analysis. You can also carefully plan your hierarchies. When you create and save Parent and Child segment values, they become permanent. Adding or Changing Parent Hierarchies helps you to add or change parent hierarchies. In this topic, you will add or change parent hierarchies.


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Step 1. 2.

Action Begin by navigating to the Account Hierarchy Manager page. Click the vertical scrollbar. Click the General Ledger, Vision Operations (USA) link.

3. 4.

Click the vertical scrollbar. Click the Setup: Accounts: Manager link.

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Step 5. 6.

Action Click the Yes button. Use the Account Hierarchy Manager page to define new parent segment values, as well as change parent and child dependencies.

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Step 7.

Action Click an entry in the Chart of Accounts - Segments tree control.

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Step 8.

Action Click an entry in the Operations Accounting Flex tree control.

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Step 9.

Action Click in the From field.

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Step 10.

Action Enter the desired information into the From field. Enter "Company".

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Step 11.

Action Click in the To field.

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Step 12.

Action Enter the desired information into the To field. Enter "Company".

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Step 13.

Action Click the Find button.

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Step 14.

Action Click the First button.

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Step 15.

Action Click the Edit menu.

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Step 16. 17.

Action Click the New Parent menu. Use the Parent Attributes page to enter attributes for a new parent.

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Step 18.

Action Click in the Value field.

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Step 19.

Action Enter the desired information into the Value field. Enter "10".

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Step 20.

Action Click in the Description field.

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Step 21.

Action Enter the desired information into the Description field. Enter "Training".

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Step 22.

Action Click in the From field.

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Step 23.

Action Enter the desired information into the From field. Enter "01-01-2008".

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Step 24.

Action Click in the To field.

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Step 25.

Action Enter the desired information into the To field. Enter "05-31-2008".

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Step 26. 27.

Action Click the OK button. You have completed Adding or Changing Parent Hierarchies procedure. End of Procedure.

Adding or Changing Child Values

Adding or Changing Child Values enables you to define a new segment value by entering attributes for a new child value. The new value must comply with the defined format of the segment's value set. A child represents a child segment value. In this topic, you will add or change child values.


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Step 1. 2.

Action Begin by navigating to the Account Hierarchy Manager page. Click the vertical scrollbar. Click the General Ledger, Vision Operations (USA) link.

3. 4.

Click the vertical scrollbar. Click the Setup: Accounts: Manager link.

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Step 5. 6.

Action Click the Yes button. The Account Hierarchy Manager page enables you to define a new segment value by entering attributes for a new child value, parent and child relationships, including multi-level hierarchies, and facilitates reporting and analysis.

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Step 7.

Action The Chart of Accounts - Segment represents an individual segment of a particular chart of accounts structure. Click an entry in the Chart of Accounts - Segments tree control.

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Step 8.

Action Click an entry in the Operations Accounting Flex tree control.

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Step 9.

Action Click the Children tab.

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Step 10.

Action Click in the From field.

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Step 11.

Action Enter the desired information into the From field. Enter "Company".

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Step 12.

Action Click in the To field.

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Step 13.

Action Enter the desired information into the To field. Enter "Company".

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Step 14.

Action Click the Find button.

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Step 15.

Action Click the First button.

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Step 16.

Action Click the 10 [Training] list item.

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Step 17. 18.

Action Click the New Child button. Use the Child Attributes page to enter a new segment value for a new child. Note: Once you create and save a new child segment value, you cannot delete it.

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Step 19.

Action Enter the desired information into the Value field. Enter "15".

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Step 20.

Action Click in the Description field.

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Step 21.

Action Enter the desired information into the Description field. Enter "Training Revenue".

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Step 22.

Action Click in the From field.

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Step 23.

Action Enter the desired information into the From field. Enter "01-01-2008".

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Step 24.

Action Click in the To field.

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Step 25.

Action Enter the desired information into the To field. Enter "05-31-2008".

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Step 26. 27.

Action Click the OK button. You have completed Adding or Changing Child Values procedure. End of Procedure.

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Basic General Ledger Setup

Basic General Ledger Setup includes information on defining value sets, accounting key flexfield structures, key flexfield values, defining accounting calendar and ledger. Upon completion of this lesson, you will be able to: Define general ledger value sets. Create a responsibility for the controller. Create a security rule. Define accounting key flexfield structures. Enter values for key flexfields. Use the Account Hierarchy Editor. Define an accounting calendar. Define a ledger. Open an accounting period. Set up journal categories and sources. Set up suspense accounts. Enter unbalanced journals.

Defining General Ledger Value Sets

Values, value sets and validation tables are used as important components of key flexfields, descriptive flexfields, and Standard Request Submissions. You define your value sets first, either before or while you define your flexfield segment structures. In this topic, you will define General Ledger value sets using the Value Sets page.


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Step 1. 2.

Action Begin by navigating to the Value Sets page. Click the Vertical scrollbar. Click the General Ledger, Vision Operations (USA) link.

3. 4.

Click the Flexfields: Validation: Sets link. Use the Value Sets page to enter a value set name and a description for the value set. The value sets you define appear in the lists of values when you define flexfield segments using the Key Flexfield Segments page.

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Step 5. 6. 7. 8.

Action Click in the Value Set Name field. Enter the desired information into the Value Set Name field. Enter "ABC_Company". Enter the desired information into the Description field. Enter "ABC Company". The choices in the Format Type field for the format of your segment values include: Char Date DateTime Number Standard Date Standard DateTime Time Enter formatting information appropriate to your format type, including information such as whether your values should include numbers only and whether they must fall within a certain range. You cannot use the Numbers Only or the Right-Justify and Zero-fill option with translatable value sets.



Click the Uppercase Only (A-Z) option.

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Step 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. Action Click the Right-justify and Zero-fill Numbers (0001) option. The maximum size for Translatable Independent and Translatable Dependent value set values is 150. Click in the Maximum Size field. Enter the desired information into the Maximum Size field. Enter "2". Click the Save button. Once you save your changes, you can define another value set using the New button. Click the New button. Click in the Value Set Name field. Enter the desired information into the Value Set Name field. Enter "ABC_Department". Click in the Description field. Enter the desired information into the Description field. Enter "ABC Department". Click the Uppercase Only (A-Z) option. Click the Right-justify and Zero-fill Numbers (0001) option. Click in the Maximum Size field. Enter the desired information into the Maximum Size field. Enter "3". Click the Save button. You have completed defining General Ledger value sets using the Value Sets page. End of Procedure.

17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26.

Creating a Responsibility for the Controller

A Responsibility is a level of authority in Oracle Applications that lets users access only those Oracle Applications functions and data appropriate to their role in an organization. Each responsibility allows access to a specific application or applications, a ledger, a restricted list of pages, a restricted list of functions, and reports in a specific application. These responsibilities help you provide the appropriate level of access to your users' need to
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perform inquiry and reporting activities in your reporting currencies perform specific processes, such as run depreciation, post/transfer/interface to General Ledger, and run revaluation In this topic, you will create a responsibility for the Controller.


Step 1. 2. 3. 4.

Action Begin by navigating to the Responsibilities page. Click the vertical scrollbar. Click the System Administrator link. Click the vertical scrollbar. Click the Security:Responsibility: Define link.

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Step 5. Action Use the Responsibilities page to create a responsibility for the Controller. This responsibility helps in managing data security, which includes setting up responsibilities to allow access to a specific set of business data and complete a specific set of transactions, and assigning individual users to these responsibilities.

Step 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11.

Action Click in the Responsibility Name field. Enter the desired information into the Responsibility Name field. Enter "GL Training Super User". Click in the Application field. Enter the desired information into the Application field. Enter "General Ledger". Click in the Responsibility Key field. Enter the desired information into the Responsibility Key field. Enter "GL Training".

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Step 12. Action Enter the details in the Data Group region. A data group defines the mapping between Oracle Applications products and Oracle database IDs. A data group determines which Oracle database accounts to which a responsibility's forms, concurrent programs, and reports are connected. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. Click in the Data Group: Name field. Enter the desired information into the Data Group: Name field. Enter "Standard". Click in the Data Group: Application field. Enter the desired information into the Data Group: Application field. Enter "General Ledger". Click in the Menu field. Enter the desired information into the Menu field. Enter "GL_SUPERUSER". Use the Request Group region to assign a request to a responsibility.

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Step 20.

Action Click in the Request Group: Name field.

Step 21. 22. 23. 24. 25.

Action Enter the desired information into the Request Group: Name field. Enter "GL Concurrent Program Group". Click in the Request Group: Application field. Click the Save button. Click the Close button. You have completed creating a responsibility for the Controller procedure. End of Procedure.

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Creating a Security Rule

The Define Security Rules page helps you to define security rules to restrict user access to certain account segment values. You can also define security rules to control what financial information specific users can print when they run Financial Statement Generator reports. Security rules do not deny the current user access to any of the individual segments used in the account. In this topic, you will define security rules.


Step 1. 2.

Action Begin by navigating to the Define Security Rules page. Click the vertical scrollbar. Click the General Ledger, Vision Operations (USA) link.


Click the vertical scrollbar.

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Step 4. 5. Action Click the Setup: Security: Define link. Use the Find Value Set page to identify the value set to which your values belong. You can identify values by your value set, the flexfield segment, or concurrent program parameter that uses the value set.

Step 6. 7.

Action Click in the Name field. Enter the desired information into the Name field. Enter "DEPARTMENT CA".

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Step 8.

Action Click the Find button. or Press [S].


Use the Define Security Rules page to define the security rules for ranges of flexfield and report parameter values.

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Step 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15.

Action Click in the Name field. Enter the desired information into the Name field. Enter "Training". Click in the Description field. Enter the desired information into the Description field. Enter "Department CA restriction rule". Click in the Message field. The message that you enter here appears automatically whenever a user enters a segment value that violates your security rule. Enter the desired information into the Message field. Enter "Department CA is not valid for this responsibility". Click the Save button.


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Step 17. Action Use the Security Rule Elements region to define a security rule element by specifying a value range that includes both a low and high value for your segment. A security rule element applies to all segment values included in the value range you specify. Identify each security rule element as either Include or Exclude, where Include includes all values in the specified range, and Exclude excludes all values in the specified range. Every security rule must have at least one Include rule element, since a security rule automatically excludes all values unless you specifically include them. Note: Exclude rule elements override Include rule elements. You should always include any default values you use in your segments or dependent value sets. If the default value is secured, the flexfield window erases it from the segment as the window opens, and the user must enter a value manually. If you want to specify a single value to include or exclude, enter the same value in both the Low and High fields. 18. Click the Type list.

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Step 19.

Action Click the Include list item.

Step 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25.

Action Click in the From field. Enter the desired information into the From field. Enter "000". Click in the To field. Enter the desired information into the To field. Enter "ZZZ". Click the Line button. Click the Type list.

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Step 26.

Action Click the Exclude list item.

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Step 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32.

Action Click in the From field. Enter the desired information into the From field. Enter "1000". Click in the To field. Enter the desired information into the To field. Enter "1000". Click the Save button. You have completed Creating a Security Rule procedure. End of Procedure.

Defining Accounting Key Flexfield Structures

Key flexfields enable you to define additional information you want to record in existing fields. The Key Flexfield Segments page is used to define key flexfields. You will use it to define descriptive information and validation information for each segment. You will also determine the appearance of your key flexfield window, including the size of the window, the number and order of the segments, and the segment descriptions and default values.

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In this topic, you will define accounting key flexfield structures using the Key Flexfields Segments page.


Step 1. 2.

Action Begin by navigating to the Key Flexfields Segments page. Click the vertical scrollbar. Click the General Ledger, Vision Operations (USA) link.

3. 4.

Click the Flexfields:Key: Segments link. Use the Key Flexfield Segments page to define key flexfields. You cannot create a new flexfield or change the name of an existing flexfield using this page. You will begin in the Query mode and select the application name in the Application field.

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Step 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11.

Action In the Key Flexfields Segments page, enter the Query mode. Press [F11]. Click in the Application field. Enter the desired information into the Application field. Enter "General Ledger". Execute the query. Press [Ctrl+F11]. The Code for a structure is a developer key and is used by loader programs. The value you specify for the code will default into the title field. Click in the Code field. For those application flexfields that support more than one structure, you can create a new structure for your flexfield by inserting a row. You can insert a row using the New button.

12. 13.

Click the New button. Enter the desired information into the Code field. Enter "01Vision_Accounting Flexfield".

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Step 14. Action The title automatically defaults to the value you entered in the Code field. Click in the Title field. Click in the Description field. Enter the desired information into the Description field. Enter "Vision Account Flexfield". Selecting the Cross Validate Segments checkbox enables you to assign cross validation rules to your flexfield structure. Click the Cross-Validate Segments option. Click the Segments button to open the Segments Summary page where you define your flexfield segments. Click the Segments button. or Press [Alt+m]. 20. Use the Segments Summary page to define your flexfield segments. Each flexfield contains a number of segments which function as separate fields. When a user clicks in a flexfield, a window opens displaying the segments that you have defined. For each segment, you can define: Its prompt The type of data it can contain The values a user can enter

15. 16. 17.

18. 19.

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Step 21. 22. 23. 24. 25.

Action Click in the Number field. Enter the desired information into the Number field. Enter "1". Click in the Name field. Enter the desired information into the Name field. Enter "Company". The name you entered in the Name column automatically appears. You can update the prompt or leave as is. Click in the Window Prompt field. Click in the Column field. Enter the desired information into the Column field. Enter "SEGMENT1". Click in the Value Set field. Enter the desired information into the Value Set field. Enter "ABC_Company". Click in the Number field. Enter the desired information into the Number field. Enter "2".

26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31.

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Step 32. 33. 34. Action Click in the Name field. Enter the desired information into the Name field. Enter "Department". The name you entered in the Name column automatically appears. You can update the prompt or leave as is. Click in the Window Prompt field. Enter the desired information into the Column field. Enter "SEGMENT2". Click in the Value Set field. Enter the desired information into the Value Set field. Enter "ABC_Department". Click the Save button. This warning message indicates that the list of values prompt is longer than your segment size. Click OK to proceed through this message. See the Oracle General Ledger User's Guide for more information about this message. Click the OK button. or Press [Alt+O]. 40. 41. 42. Click in the Number field. Once you define your flexfield structure, access the Segments page to define the segments by clicking the Open button. Click the Open button. or Press [Alt+O]. 43. Use the Segments page to define segments for your flexfield. The page title includes the current flexfield's name. If your flexfield definition is frozen (the Freeze Flexfield Definition check box is checked), this page becomes display-only. You can define as many segments as there are defined segment columns in your flexfield table. You can create a new segment for your flexfield by inserting a row.

35. 36. 37. 38. 39.

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Step 44. 45. 46.

Action Click in the Description field. Enter the desired information into the Description field. Enter "Company". Click the Flexfield Qualifiers button. or Press [Alt+Q].


Use the Flexfield Qualifiers page to apply flexfield qualifiers to your key flexfield segments. Note: The page title includes the current flexfield and segment names. For each qualifier, indicate whether it is enabled for your key flexfield segment. Since you can set up your key flexfields in any way you prefer, Oracle Applications products use flexfield qualifiers to identify certain segments used for specific purposes. You should consult Help for your key flexfield to determine whether your key flexfield uses qualifiers and what purposes they serve.

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Step 48.

Action Enable the flexfield qualifiers you need. In this example, only the Balancing Segment Qualifier is selected. Click the Enabled option. Click the Close button. When you close the Flexfield Qualifiers page, the Forms page displays a prompt asking you to save the changes you have made.

49. 50.

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Step 51.

Action Click the Yes button. or Press [Alt+Y].

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Step 52. 53.

Action Click the Close button. Navigate back to the Segments Summary page and select the second segment. Repeat the same steps for the second segment. Click the Open button to access the Segments page to define segments.

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Step 54. 55.

Action Click in the Number field. Click the Open button. or Press [Alt+O].

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Step 56. 57. 58.

Action Click in the Description field. Enter the desired information into the Description field. Enter "Department". Click the Flexfield Qualifiers button. or Press [Alt+Q].

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Step 59.

Action Enable the Cost Center segment. Click the Enabled option. Enable the Management Segment option. Click the Enabled option. Click the Close button.



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Step 62. 63.

Action Click the Save button. Click the Close button.

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Step 64. 65.

Action Click the Close button. You have completed defining the accounting key flexfield structures using the Key Flexfields Segments page. End of Procedure.

Entering Values for Key Flexfields

You need to define at least one valid value for each validated segment before you can use a flexfield. These validated segments provide users with a list of predefined valid segment values, and have a validation type of Independent,Dependent, Translatable Independent, Translatable Dependent, or Table. Following are the prerequisites before you enter values for a key flexfield: Use the Value Set page to define your independent value sets, any dependent value sets that depend on them, and any table-validated value sets your flexfield needs. Use the Key Flexfield Segments page to define your flexfield structure or the Descriptive Flexfield Segments page to define your flexfield structure and segments In this topic, you will enter values for key flexfields using the Segments Value page.

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Step 1. 2.

Action Begin by navigating to the Segment Values page. Click the vertical scrollbar. Click the General Ledger, Vision Operations (USA) link.

3. 4.

Click the Flexfields: Key: Values link. Use the Find Key Flexfield Segment page to find values according to the following selection criteria: Value Set Key Flexfield Descriptive Flexfield Concurrent Program

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Step 5. 6. 7. 8.

Action Click the Value Set option. Click in the Name field. Enter the desired information into the Name field. Enter "ABC_Company". Click the Find button. or Press [Alt+i].


Use the Segments Value page to define values for a key or descriptive flexfield segment or report parameter. You should use this page to define values that belong to Independent, Dependent, Translatable Independent, Translatable Dependent, or Table value sets. You can define new segment values, specify value descriptions for your values, and enable or disable existing values as well.


Select the Values, Effective tab to enter the values and the description.

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Step 11. 12. 13.

Action Click in the Value field. Enter the desired information into the Value field. Enter "00". The Translated Value is derived from the Value field, and automatically appears when you click in the Description field. Click in the Description field. Enter the desired information into the Description field. Enter "Corporate Headquarters". Click the Values, Hierarchy, Qualifiers tab. Click the Values, Hierarchy, Qualifiers tab to enter the segment qualifiers. Some key flexfields use segment qualifiers to hold extra information about individual key segment values. For example, the Accounting Flexfield uses segment qualifiers to determine the account type of an account value, or whether detail budgeting and detail posting are allowed for an Accounting Flexfield combination containing a given value.

14. 15. 16.


Click in the Qualifiers field.

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Step 18. Action Segment qualifiers contain information about a value rather than the segment that uses the value. If you are defining values for any value set that is used by a key flexfield that uses segment qualifiers, the Segment Qualifiers page appears prompting you for this information. If you share this same value set with additional flexfields, such as a descriptive flexfield, the Segment Qualifiers page appears regardless of how you identified your value set in this page. 19. The default values are Yes for budgeting and posting. Click the OK button. or Press [Alt+O]. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. Use the Values, Effective tab to enter another value. Click the Values, Effective tab. Click in the Value field. Enter the desired information into the Value field. Enter "01". Click in the Description field. Enter the desired information into the Description field. Enter "US Operations". Click the Values, Hierarchy, Qualifiers tab. Click in the Qualifiers field. Click the OK button. or Press [Alt+O]. 29. 30. 31. 32. Click the Values, Effective tab. Click in the Value field. Enter the desired information into the Value field. Enter "02". Enter the desired information into the Description field. Enter "Europe".

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Step 33. 34. 35. Action Click the Values, Hierarchy, Qualifiers tab. Click in the Qualifiers field. Click the OK button. or Press [Alt+O]. 36. 37. Click the Save button. You have completed entering values for key flexfields using the Segments Value page. End of Procedure.

Using the Account Hierarchy Editor

Once you determine your needs and organize your summary account structure, you define your parent values and your rollup groups. You can use the Account Hierarchy Manager or the Account Hierarchy Editor, if Applications Desktop Integrator is installed, to create and edit your account hierarchies graphically. You can use the Account Hierarchy Manager or the Account Hierarchy Editor to define parent and child segment values, as well as rollup groups. In this topic, you will define a child value using the Account Hierarchy Editor.


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Step 1. 2.

Action Begin by navigating to the Account Hierarchy Manager page. Click the vertical scrollbar. Click the General Ledger, Vision Operations (USA) link.

3. 4.

Click the Setup: Accounts: Manager link. The Confirm page displays a prompt asking you if you want to save the changes in the Account Hierarchy Manager session.

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Step 5. 6.

Action Click the Yes button. In the Account Hierarchy Manager page, expand the Accounting Flexfield you are editing. Minimize the window to keep the Account Hierarchy Manager active.

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Step 7.

Action Click the Operations Accounting Flex tree item.

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Step 8.

Action Click the Department tree item.

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Step 9.

Action Click the Find button.

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Step 10. 11.

Action Click the T [Total Department Parent] tree item. The details of the department you selected will display under the Department Values Details column. Expand the tree item to view the hierarchy, and add a child attribute.

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Step 12.

Action Click the T [Total Department Parent] tree item.

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Step 13.

Action Click the View Hierarchy button.

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Step 14. 15.

Action Click the New Child button. Use the Child Attributes page to add a value.

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Step 16.

Action Click in the Value field.

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Step 17.

Action Enter the desired information into the Value field. Enter "119".

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Step 18.

Action Click in the Description field.

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Step 19.

Action Enter the desired information into the Description field. Enter "Northwest Region".

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Step 20.

Action Click the OK button.

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Step 21. 22.

Action Click the Save Changes button. You have completed defining a child value using the Account Hierarchy Editor. End of Procedure.

Defining an Accounting Calendar

You create an accounting calendar to define an accounting year and the period it contains. You can define multiple calendars and assign a different calendar to each ledger. You can, for example, use a monthly calendar for one ledger, and a weekly calendar for another. In this topic, you will define an accounting calendar using the Accounting Calendar page.


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Step 1. 2.

Action Begin by navigating to the Period Types page. Click the vertical scrollbar. Click the General Ledger, Vision Operations (USA) link.

3. 4.

Click the Financials: Calendars: Types link. Use the Period Types page to enter a period type.

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Step 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11.

Action Click in the Period Type field. Enter the desired information into the Period Type field. Enter "ACMonth". Click in the Periods per Year field. Enter the desired information into the Periods per Year field. Enter "2". Enter the desired information into the Description field. Enter "2 Periods". Click the Save button. Click the Close button.

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Step 12. 13.

Action Double-click the Accounting list item. Use the Accounting Calendar page to create an accounting calendar to define an accounting year and the period it contains. In the Calendar field, select the period type you entered in the Period Types page.

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Step 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26.
Page 576

Action Click in the Calendar field. Enter the desired information into the Calendar field. Enter "ACMonth". Enter the desired information into the Description field. Enter "AC Month Calendar". Use the Periods region of the Accounting Calendar page to enter all the period details of the accounting calendar such as type, year, and the date. Click in the Prefix field. Enter the desired information into the Prefix field. Enter "Jan". Enter the desired information into the Type field. Enter "ACMonth". Click in the Year field. Enter the desired information into the Year field. Enter "2006". Enter the desired information into the Quarter field. Enter "1". Enter the desired information into the Num field. Enter "1". Click in the From field. Enter the desired information into the From field. Enter "01-Jan-2006".

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Step 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. Action Enter the desired information into the To field. Enter "31-jan-2006". Click in the Prefix field. Enter the desired information into the Prefix field. Enter "Dec". Click in the Type field. Enter the desired information into the Type field. Enter "ACMonth". Enter the desired information into the Year field. Enter "2006". Enter the desired information into the Quarter field. Enter "4". Click in the Num field. Enter the desired information into the Num field. Enter "2". Click in the From field. Enter the desired information into the From field. Enter "01-Dec-2006". Enter the desired information into the To field. Enter "31-Dec-2006". Click the Save button. Click the Close button. When you close the Accounting Calendar page, a prompt displays in the Decision page asking you if you want to validate the currently displayed calendar. Click the Current button. or Press [Alt+C]. 43. Note the request ID that is displayed in the Note page. You will use this ID to query the status of your request using the Requests page. 44. Click the OK button. or Press [Alt+O].

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Step 45.

Action Click the View menu. or Press [Alt+V].


Click the Requests menu. or Press [R].


Use the Find Requests page to query the status of the Request ID assigned to you.

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Step 48. 49. 50.

Action Click in the Request ID field. Enter the desired information into the Request ID field. Enter "5194748". Click the Find button. or Press [Alt+i].

51. 52.

Use the Requests page to view the status of submitted report or request processes. The status of your request displays in the Requests page. To view the Calendar Validation Report, click the View Output button.

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Step 53.

Action Click the View Output button. or Press [Alt+p].


Review the Calendar Validation Report.

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Step 55. 56.

Action Click the Close button. You have completed defining an accounting calendar using the Accounting Calendar page. End of Procedure.

Defining a Ledger
The Ledger represents the core of a company's financial records where every transaction is accountable in a self-contained way. A ledger provides balanced ledger accounting for the accounting entity and serves as the repository of financial information. Consequently, it is the principal source of information for the analytical applications in the Oracle E-Business Suite. You can define a ledger with average balance processing enabled or you can define a consolidation ledger that will be used to consolidate average balances. In a typical ledger where average balance processing is enabled, the standard and average balances are linked, since the average balances are derived from the standard balances. Define a ledger before enabling budgetary control for the ledger. Leave the enable budgetary control option set to No for the ledger until you are ready to complete all setup steps for budgetary control. You define the attributes of a ledger, such as Accounting Calendar, Ledger Currency, Chart of Accounts and Subledger Accounting Method in Accounting Setup Manager.
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In this topic, you will define a ledger.


Step 1. 2.

Action Begin by navigating to the Accounting Setups page. Click the vertical scrollbar. Click the General Ledger, Vision Operations (USA) link.

3. 4. 5.

Click the vertical scrollbar. Click the Accounting Setups link. Use the Accounting Setups page to define a new ledger, or search for an existing ledger.

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Step 6. 7.

Action Click the Create Accounting Setup button. Use the Create Accounting Setup page to assign a legal entity to an existing ledger or create a new legal entity.

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Step 8. 9.

Action Click the Next button. Use the Define Accounting Representations page to enter the ledger information.

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Step 10. 11. 12. 13.

Action Click in the Name field. Enter the desired information into the Name field. Enter "Training". Click in the Chart of Accounts field. Enter the Chart of Account that you want to associate with this ledger. Enter the desired information into the Chart of Accounts field. Enter "Corporate Accounting Flex". Click in the Accounting Calendar field. Oracle General Ledger enables you to define multiple calendars and assign a different calendar to each ledger. For example, you can use a monthly calendar for one ledger, and a weekly calendar for another. Enter the desired information into the Accounting Calendar field. Enter "Accounting". Click in the Currency field. Enter the local currency used by legal entity. Enter the desired information into the Currency field. Enter "USD".

14. 15.

16. 17.

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Step 18. 19. Action Click in the Subledger Accounting Method field. Enter the Subledger Accounting Method used by the legal entity. Enter the desired information into the Subledger Accounting Method field. Enter "Standard Accrual". 20. 21. Click the Next button. Use the Save Accounting Structure page to review and submit the ledger details.

Step 22.

Action Click the Finish button.

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Step 23. 24.

Action Click the Return to Accounting Setups button. You have defined a ledger. End of Procedure.

Opening the First Accounting Period

When you open the first accounting period, Oracle General Ledger prepares it for journal entry. In this topic, you will submit a request for opening the first accounting period.


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Step 1. 2.

Action Begin by navigating to the Find Periods page. Click the vertical scrollbar. Click the General Ledger, Vision Operations (USA) link.

3. 4. 5.

Click the vertical scrollbar. Click the Setup: Open/Close link. The Find Periods page enables you to search for specific accounting periods.

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Step 6.

Action Click the Find button. or Press [Alt+i].


The Open and Close Periods page enables you to open and close accounting periods to control journal entry and journal posting.

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Step 8.

Action Click the Open Period button. or Press [Alt+p].

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Step 9. 10. 11.

Action Click in the Target Period field. Enter the desired information into the Target Period field. Enter "Jan-08". Click the Open button. or Press [Alt+O].


Click the Yes button. or Press [Alt+Y].


Click the OK button. or Press [Alt+O].

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Step 14. 15.

Action Click the Close button. You have completed the Opening the First Accounting Period procedure. End of Procedure.

Setting Up Journal Categories and Sources

You can define intercompany and suspense accounts for specific categories. You can also use document sequences to sequentially number journal entries by category. Journal categories appear in standard reports, such as the General Journals report. Journal sources identify the origin of your journal entries. Oracle General Ledger supplies a number of predefined journal sources. In addition, you should define at least one journal source for each of your own. In this topic, you will set up journal categories and sources.


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Step 1. 2.

Action Begin by navigating to the Journal Categories page. Click the vertical scrollbar. Click the General Ledger, Vision Operations (USA) link.

3. 4. 5.

Click the vertical scrollbar. Click the Setup: Journal: Categories link. The Journal Categories page enables you to define journal categories.

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Step 6.

Action Enter a unique Category, Category Key, and Description for your journal category. Click in the Category field. Enter the desired information into the Category field. Enter "Training Sales for 2008". The Category Key is a language-independent and instance-independent key that the Journal Import program uses to identify a particular journal source and category consistently across all languages and instances. Click in the Category Key field. Enter the desired information into the Category Key field. Enter "Training 2008". Click in the Description field. Enter the desired information into the Description field. Enter "Training Sales for 2008". Click the Save button.

7. 8.

9. 10. 11. 12.

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Step 13. 14. 15. 16.

Action Double-click the Setup list item. Double-click the Journal list item. Double-click the Sources list item. The Journal Sources page enables you to define journal sources that identify the origin of journal entries.

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Step 17.

Action Enter a unique Source, Source Key and Description for your journal entry source. Click in the Source field. Enter the desired information into the Source field. Enter "Training for 2008". Click in the Source Key field. Enter the desired information into the Source Key field. Enter "Training for 2008". Click in the Description field. Enter the desired information into the Description field. Enter "Training Revenue for 2008". If you enable the Import Journal References checkbox, you can drilldown to subledger transactions transferred from subledgers in summary or detail for this source in the Account Inquiry page. If you select the Freeze Journals checkbox, then journals from this source cannot be changed in the Enter Journals page. Click the Freeze Journals option.

18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23.


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Step 25. Action If you select the Require Journal Approval checkbox, then journal approval is enabled for your general ledger. If this option is enabled for your ledger and you enter a journal whose journal source requires journal approval, then the batch must be approved before it can be posted. 26. If you select the Import Using Key checkbox, the Journal Import program uses the value entered in the Source Key field, instead of the Source field, when importing journals for a given source. Click the Save button. Click the Close button. You have completed the Setting Up Journal Categories and Sources procedure. End of Procedure.

27. 28. 29.

Setting Up Suspense Accounts

When you define your ledger, you can enable suspense posting and assign a default suspense account to your ledger. You can define other suspense accounts in addition to the default suspense account for your ledger. General Ledger posts a balancing amount to the default account when there is no suspense account defined with a matching source and category. In this topic, you will set up suspense accounts.


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Step 1. 2.

Action Begin by navigating to the Suspense Accounts page. Click the vertical scrollbar. Click the General Ledger, Vision Operations (USA) link.

3. 4.

Click the Setup: Accounts: Suspense link. The Suspense Accounts page enables you to define suspense accounts.

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Step 5.

Action Specify the ledger. Your data access set must provide read and write access to the ledger and one or more balancing segment values or management segment values. Click in the Ledger field.

6. 7.

Enter the desired information into the Ledger field. Enter "Vision Operations (USA)". Specify the Source and Category that applies to the suspense account you are defining. Click in the Source field. Enter the desired information into the Source field. Enter "Manual". Click in the Category field. Enter the desired information into the Category field. Enter "Accrual". Enter the Account against which the balancing amount should be posted. You can assign multiple unique combinations of source and category to a single account. Click in the Account field.

8. 9. 10. 11.

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Step 12. 13. 14. Action Enter the desired information into the Account field. Enter "01-000-2225-0000000". Click the Save button. You have completed the Setting Up Suspense Accounts procedure. End of Procedure.

Entering Unbalanced Journals

Journal entries consist of debit and credit entries. The sum of the debits must equal the sum of the credits, or the journal entry is considered unbalanced. A journal balance error occurs when an unbalanced journal is created with a ledger that is defined as a balanced ledger. In this topic, you will enter an unbalanced journal.


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Step 1. 2. Action Begin by navigating to the Find Journals page. Click the vertical scrollbar. Click the General Ledger, Vision Operations (USA) link.

3. 4.

Click the Journals: Enter link. The Find Journals page enables you to search for specific journals and also create new journals.

Step 5.

Action Click the New Journal button. or Press [Alt+J].


The Journals page enables you to enter and view detailed information for a journal.

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Step 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17.

Action Enter the desired information into the Journal field. Enter "ABCExpense Accruals". Click in the Category field. Enter the desired information into the Category field. Enter "Accrual". Click in the Line field. Enter the desired information into the Line field. Enter "10". Click in the Account field. Enter the desired information into the Account field. Enter "01-130-1110-0000000". Click in the Debit (USD) field. Enter the desired information into the Entered: Debit field. Enter "500". Click in the Line field. Enter the desired information into the Account field. Enter "01-000-2225-0000000".

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Step 18. 19. 20. Action Enter the desired information into the Entered: Credit field. Enter "450". Click the Save button. This message provides an alert about the difference between debits and credits. Click the Yes button. or Press [Alt+Y]. 21. Click the Post button. or Press [Alt+P]. 22. Note the request ID. Click the OK button. or Press [Alt+O]. 23. Click the View menu. or Press [Alt+V]. 24. Click the Requests menu. or Press [R]. 25. The Find Requests page enables you to search for specific requests.

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Step 26. 27. 28. 29. 30.

Action Click in the Request ID field. Enter the desired information into the Request ID field. Enter "5198248". Point to the Find object. Use the Requests page to view the status of submitted request processes. Verify that the post request completed successfully.

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Step 31.

Action Click the Journals: Enter link.

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Step 32. 33. 34.

Action Click in the Batch field. Enter the desired information into the Batch field. Enter "ABCExpense Accruals 21-JAN-2008 12:51:26". Click the Find button. or Press [Alt+i].


Use the Enter Journals page to view and optionally change unposted journal batches online.

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Step 36.

Action Click the Review Journal button. or Press [Alt+u].

37. 38.

Verify that the accrual posted correctly. You have completed the Entering Unbalanced Journals procedure. End of Procedure.

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Oracle EBS R12 General Ledger

Custom General Ledger Reports

Custom General Ledger Reports includes information on creating and running various general ledger reports. Upon completion of this lesson, you will be able to: Create a row set. Run an ad-hoc row set report. Run a row set detail and summary report. Create a column set. Create a column set heading. Run a column set ad-hoc-report. Run column set detail and summary reports. Define a content set.

Creating a Row Set

A Row Set defines the format and content of the rows in an FSG report. In Financial Statement Generator, the commonly assumed attribute for a row definition is an account assignment, whereas the attribute for a column definition is a time period (amount type). When you define a row set, you can: Assign accounts - to indicate which general ledger account balances you want to include in the row. Define calculations - to perform a variety of complex computations in your report. Specify formatting - to control page breaks, indentation, line spacing, and underline characters. Secure row set definitions - to only allow specific row sets to be used, viewed, or modified by certain users. In this topic, you will create a row set.


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Step 1. 2.

Action Begin by navigating to the Row Set page. Click the vertical scrollbar. Click the General Ledger, Vision Operations (USA) link.

3. 4. 5.

Click the vertical scrollbar. Click the Reports: Define: Row Set link. The Row Set page enables you to define new row sets.

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Step 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Action Click in the Name field. Enter the desired information into the Name field. Enter "Training Row Set". Click in the Description field. Enter the desired information into the Description field. Enter "Training Summary". Click the Define Rows button. or Press [Alt+R].


The Rows page enables you to add and format rows to a row set.

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Step 12.

Action Enter a line number for each row of the row set. The line number controls the order in which rows appear in a report. You also use the line number when creating a row calculation. Click in the Line field.

13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22.
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Enter the desired information into the Line field. Enter "10". Click in the Line Item field. Enter the desired information into the Line Item field. Enter "Overhead". Click in the Format Options: Lines to Skip: After field. Enter the desired information into the Format Options: Lines to Skip: After field. Enter "1". Click the Save button. Click in the Line field. Enter the desired information into the Line field. Enter "20". Click in the Line Item field. Enter the desired information into the Line Item field. Enter "Salaries".

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Step 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. Action Click in the Format Options: Indent field. Enter the desired information into the Format Options: Indent field. Enter "3". Click in the Format Options: Lines to Skip: After field. Enter the desired information into the Format Options: Lines to Skip: After field. Enter "0". To have the row generate account balances on your report, click the Account Assignments button to assign accounts to the row. Click the Account Assignments button. or Press [Alt+A]. 28. The Accounts Assignments page enables you to assign accounts to a row.

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Step 29. Action Enter the same ledger segment value for the Low and High ledger segment range. If you do not enter a ledger or ledger set, FSG uses the ledger or ledger set you specify at run time. Click in the Account Range: Low field. Enter a range of accounts by specifying the Low and High accounts in the range. Enter the desired information into the Ledger: Low field. Enter "Vision Operations". Click in the Ledger: High field. Click in the Company: Low field. Enter the desired information into the Company: Low field. Enter "01". Click in the Department: Low field. Enter the desired information into the Department: Low field. Enter "110". Click in the Department: High field. Enter the desired information into the Department: High field. Enter "T". Click in the Account: Low field. Enter the desired information into the Account: Low field. Enter "6100". Click in the Account: High field. Enter the desired information into the Account: High field. Enter "T". Click in the Sub-Account: Low field. Enter the desired information into the Sub-Account: Low field. Enter "0000". Click in the Sub-Account: High field. Enter the desired information into the Sub-Account: High field. Enter "T". Click in the Product: Low field. Enter the desired information into the Product: Low field. Enter "000". Click in the Product: High field. Enter the desired information into the Product: High field. Enter "T".


31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49.
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Step 50. Action Click the OK button. or Press [Alt+O]. 51. You have completed the Creating a Row Set procedure. End of Procedure.

Running an Ad-Hoc Row Set Report

In Oracle Assets a report is defined by specifying the report objects Financial Statement Generator should use to build a report. Optionally, you can specify your own custom column set. Also, you can add a content set, row order, and/or display set to enhance the report or refine the information in the report. You can also define ad hoc financial reports, as necessary, to meet onetime reporting needs. In this topic, you will run an ad hoc report.


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Step 1. 2.

Action Begin by navigating to the Define Financial Report page. Click the vertical scrollbar. Click the General Ledger, Vision Operations (USA) link.

3. 4. 5.

Click the vertical scrollbar. Click the Reports: Define: Report link. The Define Financial Report page enables you to define a financial report.

Step 6.

Action Enter a name, report title, and description for your report. Click in the Report field. Enter the desired information into the Report field. Enter "Training Ad Hoc Row Set Report". Click in the Title field.

7. 8.

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Step 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. Action Enter the desired information into the Title field. Enter "Training Ad Hoc Row Set Report only". You can select the Enable Security checkbox to apply Definition Access Set security to your financial report definition. Enter the Row Set and Column Set to use for the report. Click in the Required Components: Row Set field. Enter the desired information into the Required Components: Row Set field. Enter "Training Row Set". Click in the Required Components: Column Set field. Enter the desired information into the Required Components: Column Set field. Enter "12 Month Review". Click the Run Report button. or Press [Alt+R]. 17. Click the Yes button. or Press [Alt+Y]. 18. Click the OK button. or Press [Alt+O]. 19. The Run Individual Reports page enables you to run specific reports individually.

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Step 20.

Action Click the Submit button. or Press [Alt+S].

21. 22.

Click the Close button. You have completed the Running an Ad-Hoc Row Set Report procedure. End of Procedure.

Running a Row Set Summary and Detail Report

The Row Set Summary and Detail Report lets you review the names and descriptions of all row sets defined for your chart of accounts. General Ledger displays the chart of accounts structure associated with each row set. In this topic, you will run the Row Set Summary and Detail report.


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Step 1. 2.

Action Begin by navigating to the Submit a New Request page. Click the vertical scrollbar. Click the General Ledger, Vision Operations (USA) link.

3. 4. 5.

Click the vertical scrollbar. Click the Standard link. Use the Submit a New Request page to run a single request or request set. Single requests are just the job you have defined in your parameters settings. Requests sets enable you to process multiple requests and reports.

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Step 6.

Action Click the OK button. or Press [Alt+O].


Use the Submit Request page to enter general request and report parameters. These parameters include the report title, operating unit, language, when to run the request or process, and what to do with the output.

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Step 8. 9. 10. 11.

Action Click in the Name field. Enter the desired information into the Name field. Enter "FSG - Row Set Detail Listing". Click in the Parameters field. Use the Parameters page to enter the request parameters. These parameters will be used to define the processing rules and data to be included when the report or request is run. Click in the Row Set Name field. Enter the desired information into the Row Set Name field. Enter "Training Row Set". Click the OK button. or Press [Alt+O].

12. 13. 14.


Click the Submit button. or Press [Alt+m].

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Step 16. Action Click the Yes button. or Press [Alt+Y]. 17. 18. Click in the Name field. Click the Submit button. or Press [Alt+m]. 19. You have completed the Running a Row Set Summary and Detail Report procedure. End of Procedure.

Creating a Column Set

A column set defines the format and content of the columns in an Financials Statements Generator (FSG) report. In FSG, the commonly assumed attribute for a column definition is a time period (amount type), whereas the attribute for a row definition is an account assignment. Therefore, typical column sets include headings and subheadings, amount types, format masks, currency assignments, and calculation columns for totals. In this procedure, you will create a column set in the Column Set window.


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Step 1. 2.

Action Begin by navigating to the Column Set window. Click the vertical scrollbar. Click the General Ledger, Vision Operations (USA) link.

3. 4. 5.

Click the vertical scrollbar. Click the Reports: Define: Column Set link. From the Column Set page, you can do the following: Specify account balance types to include in the column. For example, you can define a column with actual, budget, or encumbrance amounts. Create Headings for your columns. You can also create relative headings, which change depending on the period of interest specified when you run the report. Define calculations to perform a variety of complex computations in your report. The calculations can refer to any previous columns in the report, including rows you choose not to display. Specify formatting using format masks, which determine how numbers in your report are displayed. Secure column set definitions to allow only specific column sets to be used, viewed, or modified by certain users. In this procedure, you will create a column set.

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Step 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Action Click in the Name field. Enter the desired information into the Name field. Enter "Training Column Set". Click in the Description field. Enter the desired information into the Description field. Enter "Training 5 Month Rolling Summary". Though you will not enter an override value in this procedure, you use the Override Segment field to override segments to produce "breakdown" reports. For example, if you defined a report that produces a corporate income statement and you now want to create a version of the same report that shows income results for multiple departments, you would enter an override segment. You can find more information about override segments in the General Ledger User's Guide.


Click the Build Column Set button.

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Step Action or Press [Alt+u]. 12. The sequence number is used to define column calculations. Note: The sequence number does not control the order of the columns on a report like it does for rows in a row set. Instead, the column order is determined by the column starting positions.

Step 13. 14. 15. 16.

Action Click in the Sequence field. Enter the desired information into the Sequence field. Enter "10". Click in the Name field. Enter the desired information into the Name field. Enter "POI-4".

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Step 17. Action Oracle General Ledger provides a number of amount types, which can be specified in the a row or column definition. For example, in this procedure, you will enter an amount type of PTD-Actual, which refers to Period-to-date actual balances. 18. 19. 20. Click in the Amount Type field. Enter the desired information into the Amount Type field. Enter "PTD-Actual". If you assign an amount type to a row or column, you must also assign an offset. Enter the relative Offset if you want to report on a period or effective date before or after your runtime period or effective date. If your specified Amount Type refers to a period, such as PTD-Actual, then the offset will be in number of periods. However, if your specified Amount Type refers to days, such as PATD, then the offset will be in number of days. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. Click in the Offset field. Enter the desired information into the Offset field. Enter "-4". Click the Add Column button. Click in the Sequence field. Enter the desired information into the Sequence field. Enter "20". Press the left mouse button on the Name object. Enter the desired information into the Name field. Enter "POI-3". Click in the Amount Type field. Enter the desired information into the Amount Type field. Enter "PTD-Actual". Click in the Offset field. Enter the desired information into the Offset field. Enter "-3". Click the Add Column button. Click in the Sequence field. Enter the desired information into the Sequence field. Enter "30".

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Step 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. Action Click in the Name field. Enter the desired information into the Name field. Enter "POI-2". Click in the Amount Type field. Enter the desired information into the Amount Type field. Enter "PTD-Actual". Click in the Offset field. Enter the desired information into the Offset field. Enter "-2". Click the Add Column button. Click in the Sequence field. Enter the desired information into the Sequence field. Enter "40". Click in the Name field. Enter the desired information into the Name field. Enter "POI-1". Click in the Amount Type field. Enter the desired information into the Amount Type field. Enter "PTD-Actual". Click in the Offset field. Enter the desired information into the Offset field. Enter "-1". Click the Add Column button. Click in the Sequence field. Enter the desired information into the Sequence field. Enter "50". Click in the Name field. Enter the desired information into the Name field. Enter "POI". Click in the Amount Type field. Enter the desired information into the Amount Type field. Enter "PTD-Actual". Click in the Offset field.

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Step 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. Action Enter the desired information into the Offset field. Enter "0". Click the Add Column button. Click in the Sequence field. Enter the desired information into the Sequence field. Enter "60". Format masks, which are specified in your row and column definitions, define how FSG prints numerical values on your reports. With a format mask, you can control the following: Number of digits displayed on both sides of the decimal point Currency symbol Symbol used as the decimal indicator Other information you want printed before or after your amounts 63. 64. 65. Click in the Format Mask field. Enter the desired information into the DISPLAY_ITEM6_0 field. Enter "9,999,999,999.99". Click the Create Default Heading button. or Press [Alt+D]. 66. 67. 68. 69. Click in the HEADING_ITEM6_0 field. Enter the desired information into the HEADING_ITEM6_0 field. Enter "TOTAL". Click the OK button. You have completed the Creating a Column Set procedure. End of Procedure.

Creating a Column Set Heading

You define the column headings for a report within the related column set. You can create custom column headings or modify default headings to meet your specific reporting needs. Your column headings can be static, or you can use relative headings to create dynamic column headings whose content changes depending on the period you specify when you run the report. You can also create and edit column headings with the Column Set Builder. In this topic, you will define a column set heading.
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Step 1. 2.

Action Begin by navigating to the Column Set page. Click the vertical scrollbar. Click the General Ledger, Vision Operations (USA) link.

3. 4. 5.

Click the vertical scrollbar. Click the Reports: Define: Column Set link. Use the Column Set page to create column sets, headings, assign access, reports, and auto copy the columns.

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Step 6.

Action Query a column set name. Click in the Name field. Enter the desired information into the Name field. Enter "Training Revenue". Click in the Description field. Enter the desired information into the Description field. Enter "Column Set for Training". Click the Create Heading button. or Press [Alt+d].

7. 8. 9. 10.


Use the Column Set Heading page to enter or change the heading for the column set.

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Step 12. 13.

Action Enter the desired information into the Column Set Header Editor Multiline field. Enter "January 2008". Click the OK button. or Press [Alt+O].

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Step 14. 15.

Action Click the Save button. You have defined a column set heading. End of Procedure.

Running a Column Set Ad-Hoc Report

You can define ad hoc financial reports as necessary to meet special reporting needs. An ad hoc report is one you define at the time you run financial reports. Note that to improve system performance, you need to delete ad hoc reports periodically. Following are the prerequisites to defining ad-hoc reports: Define a row set. Define a column set In this topic, you will run a column set ad-hoc report using the Define Financial Report page.


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Step 1. 2.

Action Begin by navigating to the Define Financial Report page. Click the vertical scrollbar. Click the General Ledger, Vision Operations (USA) link.

3. 4. 5.

Click the vertical scrollbar. Click the Reports: Define: Report link. Use the Define Financial Report page to run an ad-hoc repot. You will use this page to enter the column set and row set details. Begin by entering a name in the Report field and a name for your report title in the Title field.

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Step 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Action Click in the Report field. Enter the desired information into the Report field. Enter "Training Column Set Report". Click in the Title field. Enter the desired information into the Title field. Enter "Training Column Set Ad-Hoc Report". Use the Required Components region to enter the row and column information. In the Row Set and Column Set field, enter the row and columns sets you want to use for the report. Note: If you specified control values in the Balance Control options of your row set or column set, you will be required to assign the control values to specific budgets, encumbrances, currencies, or constant periods of interest.

11. 12. 13.

Click in the Required Components: Row Set field. Enter the desired information into the Required Components: Row Set field. Enter "Training Row Set". Click in the Required Components: Column Set field.

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Step 14. 15. Action Enter the desired information into the Required Components: Column Set field. Enter "Training Column Set". Click the Run Report button. or Press [Alt+R]. 16. 17. The Decision page will display an alert. Click the Yes button. or Press [Alt+Y]. 18. Click the OK button. or Press [Alt+O]. 19. After you save your work, use the Run Individual Reports page to submit your request for the Ad-Hoc report.

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Step 20. Action Click the Submit button. or Press [Alt+S]. 21. 22. Note the request ID that displays in the Request column. Click the Close button.

Step 23. 24.

Action Click the Close button. You have completed running a column set ad-hoc report, using the Define Financial Report page. End of Procedure.

Running Column Set Detail and Summary Reports

The Column Set Detail and Summary Reports let you review detailed information about a specific column set, or about all column sets defined in the system. General Ledger first prints
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your column set heading, then the details of each column definition. Display options for each column appear in a box. General Ledger prints your account assignments, and your calculation and exception definitions, if any. In this topic, you will run the Column Set Detail and Summary report.


Step 1. 2.

Action Begin by navigating to the Submit a New Request page. Click the vertical scrollbar. Click the General Ledger, Vision Operations (USA) link.

3. 4. 5.

Click the vertical scrollbar. Click the Reports: Request: Standard link. Use the Submit a New Request page to runs a single request or request set. Single requests are just the job you have defined in your parameters settings. Requests sets enable you to process multiple requests and or reports.
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Step 6.

Action Click the OK button. or Press [Alt+O].


Use the Submit Request page to enter general request or report parameters. These parameters include the report title, operating unit, language, when to run the request or process, and what to do with the output.

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Step 8. 9. 10. 11.

Action Click in the Name field. Enter the desired information into the Name field. Enter "FSG - Column Set Detail Listing". Click in the Parameters field. Use the Parameters page to enter the request parameters. These parameters will be used to define the processing rules and data to be included when the report or request is run. Select any column set you have defined, or leave this field blank to report on all column sets. If an account assignment was made to column sets, only those column sets that match your ledger's chart of accounts display. Enter the desired information into the Column Set Name field. Enter "Training Column Set".



Click the OK button. or Press [Alt+O].


Click the Submit button.

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Step Action or Press [Alt+m]. 15. Click the Yes button. or Press [Alt+Y]. 16. 17. Enter the desired information into the Name field. Enter "FSG - Column Set Summary Listing". Click the Submit button. or Press [Alt+m]. 18. You have completed the Running Column Set Detail and Summary Reports procedure. End of Procedure.

Defining a Content Set

By assigning a content set to a report request, you can generate hundreds of similar reports in a single run. The content set controls how the numerous reports differ from each other. For example, assume your organization has 50 departments and that Department is one of your account segments. Also assume that you already have an FSG report for travel expenses, which you run weekly. By using a content set with your existing report definition, you can print a travel expense report for each department, in one report request. You can then distribute the reports to the 50 department managers for review purposes. Content sets are similar to row sets and actually work their magic by overriding the row set definition of an existing report. The subtle report variations discussed in the previous paragraph are achieved by the content set altering the row set account assignments and/or display options. You cannot use content sets with XBRL output. If you choose a content set function, such as page expand, the report will error. In this topic, you will define a content set.


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Step 1.

Action Begin by navigating to the Content Set page. Click the vertical scrollbar.


Click the General Ledger, Vision Operations (USA) link.

3. 4. 5.

Click the vertical scrollbar. Click the Reports: Define: Content Set link. Use the Content Set page to define a new content set and assign it to a general ledger account.

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Step 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Action Click in the Content Set field. Enter the desired information into the Content Set field. Enter "Training Content Set". Click in the Description field. Enter the desired information into the Description field. Enter "Training". Select a processing type for multiple reports: Parallel: FSG processes multiple reports at the same time. Sequential: FSG processes multiple reports in sequential order. Select the Enable Security checkbox to apply Definition Access Set security to your content set definition.

11. 12.

Click in the Account Assignments: Sequence field. Enter a Sequence number for each account range. Enter the desired information into the Account Assignments: Sequence field. Enter "10".

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Step 13. Action Enter the Ledger and Account Range Low and High values if you want to override the segment value ranges specified in your row set. If you enter a parent segment value for your flexfield low and high, FSG displays all child values for that parent. Click in the Account Assignments: Account Segment Low field. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. Use the Operations Accounting Flex page to enter the low and high values for ledger and account ranges. Click in the Ledger: Low field. Enter the desired information into the Ledger: Low field. Enter "Vision Operations". Click in the Ledger: High field. Click in the Department: Low field. Enter the desired information into the Department: Low field. Enter "300". Enter the desired information into the Department: High field. Enter "399". Click in the Department: Display field. Enter the desired information into the Department: Display field. Enter "PE". Click the OK button. or Press [Alt+O]. 24. 25. Click the Save button. You have defined a content set. End of Procedure.

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