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Creating a PDF portfolio

1. Prepare documents that you want to include in your portfolio: a. Convert MS Word file into PDF files b. Save all files in one folder, call it Portfolio 2. Open Adobe Acrobat Pro Extended or Adobe Acrobat Pro

4. Youll get to the portfolio wizard 5. Add content: I recommend that you add files one by one. a. Click on Add files (bottom of the screen) browse for the files you want to add. Add files one by one. b. The documents will appear in the working pane. 6. Choose the layout. Look to the right pane and choose the layout that you like. The criteria for the choice are convenience and clarity for the reader: too flashy may be distracting. a. You have Basic Grid as default.

3. In the File menu choose Create PDF portfolio b. Try Grid with file Preview to see the change.

c. Ultimately, choose the layout that fits your needs and the needs of your viewers. 7. Next, click on Add welcome or header (on the right hand pane).


a. Welcome page adds a cover. Develop a welcome page with your name, portfolio title, and other appropriate information (course, semester, etc.) b. Header adds more images and additional text. Develop as you see fit c. Minimally, I would expect either a welcome page or a header. Click on Select Color Scheme. Here I chose purple.

automatically, and the file with number 1 moves to the top. c. Add annotation for the documents. Click once in the box where description is supposed to be. Type a brief annotation to introduce the document. Click away. 10. Save your portfolio. a. Click on Publish tab in the wizard pane. b. Choose Save c. Give your portfolio a name d. Save it to the folder for the course e. Close wizard click on X in the right top corner. 11. Review your work. a. Check for errors and mistakes b. Check for design consistency c. If you want to change the size of the panes, move the cursor to the dividers and drag the arrows left or right. 12. Make modifications if necessary: a. Click on modify menu b. Choose edit portfolio c. Make changes and save the file.

9. Click on Specify file details. a. Sort the files. Usually the file with narrative, where you summarize and analyze your work overall goes first. To make that file appear first you need to include numbering in the title. Sorting is done alphabetically. Make sure you choose Name from the drop down menu. b. Change the file title to include a number. Click on the title, and add a number. As soon as you click away you exit the editing mode and the list gets sorted

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