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Mink Update
ROMANS 11:36 For of Him and through Him and to Him are all things, to whom be glory forever. Amen

Theres a First Time For Everything

This has definitely been a month of firsts! When Josh was bitten by a snake that is, I remembered thinking, Well I didn't see that one coming! Thank the Lord it wasnt poisonous! Just two weeks later, I was woken up by Josh telling me someone broke in and took our laptop right out of the living room. They never actually made it into the house, they only pried open the window and used a wire hook to drag the computer into their reach. Again, I said to myself, I cant believe this happened. With all Extending the church building the break ins on campus over the year in a half we have been here, they have in Atlantis never tried to get into the cottages...this was the first time. I in my thinking immediately had the thought of , Oh no, everything is on our computer! The first thing Ruthie said was, God keeps us safe...thank you! I in my moment of despair went straight to what I had lost, whereas Ruthie didnt look at what we had lost, but what we had gained...another blessing and testimony of how God protects us. Fast forward another week and we were at the camp for the childrens ministry. We started out with about eight children and one adult and over the weeks it had increased to twenty four children and about six adults. We were teaching a lesson on sin and we shared the story of Noahs ark. This is a Bible story, like me, that most people have heard numerous times Milton, Josh, Pastor Nicholas, over their life. If you ask anyone, they would probably say they have heard it Pastor Blanton, and Alf as a child at some point. As I began the story I asked the children if they had ever heard of Noah? The children that responded said yes, but what caught my attention was one of the mothers who brings her children. She looked at me and said, No, who is Noah? As I shared the story she listened with such wonder. After I had finished and we played games with the children, she came to me and said, That was the first time I have ever heard of this Noah and Gods promises. It was a very good story. Thank you for telling me. I took for granted that everyone had heard the story of Noah. For this woman easily in her late thirties, this was the first time. She responded like the children in her excitement to what she was hearing, whereas I so often miss out on the blessing because I have heard it so many times before. Every Teaching a lesson at the camp time should be like the first time we heard it. We mustnt grow numb to Gods Word, even with the Sunday School stories. Sadly enough there is another way to look at this as we also experienced. We purchased our car here from a 24 year old man who was such a sweet person. We ended up keeping in some contact with him for a few months after we bought the car and then life began to steal our time and we lost touch. About 2 months ago Josh saw him at the local market and felt prompted to share with him about the Lord. The man was in line with his girlfriend getting ready to leave and Josh delayed. When he finally went out after him to go to the car and get a tract and talk, the man had just left. Two weeks ago we got word that over the weekend this boy had been in a motorcycle accident and was killed instantly. This was a hard lesson, embarrassing Spoon races with the children after their lesson to admit, and made us realize that moment at the store might have been his first time to hear the gospel, and it more than likely had been his last chance. We can never assume that there will be a next time and we must look at every opportunity the Lord gives us as a first time.a first time to share the story of Gods love, a first time to share of salvation, a first time to encourage, a first time to count our blessings, a first time to love.

How can you help?

There are 3 main ways in which you can be a part of this ministry: -prayer... -involvement.. -financial support.. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -We want everyone to know how thankful we are to be parts of such an amazing opportunity. Thank you for all of your prayers, words of encouragement and support as the Lord sends out, not just our family, but everyone who is helping in taking part, so that more people can hear the good news of Jesus Christ! ~~~~~~~~~~~ To find out more check out our website at: Or email us at: Our Phone 615-451-7869 Church Phone 615-633-4670 Address: South Africa Missions C/O Amazing Grace Community Church 3725 Hartsville Road, Lafayette, TN 37083

Please Pray

Looking Back...Looking Ahead

Looking back over the past 15 months we have been here, I can say with all my heart.the Lord has carried us every step of the way. The Lord has allowed us to accomplish so much here and we are thankful . It is so hard to believe that we have been here so long and already it is nearing time to go home. As we began to plan our departure, we prayed the Lord would provide plane tickets home. The Lord in His kindness, wasted no time answering that prayer. Tickets have been purchased and we officially depart for home on June 12th. We are praying the Lord allows time for us to finish a few more projects here on campus; finishing the eaves on one more building and setting poles so Josh can hang two more street lights. We have enough clothes to also have one more clothing distribution at the camp before we leave to prepare the families at the camp for the upcoming winter. We will continue the childrens ministry and are in prayer for the Lord to send someone to take over this ministry. We have another student on campus who helps us and he has expressed interest in taking over, so please pray. Josh, Nicholas, Alf, and Milton have begun the extension on the windy house where we meet for church. Once they are finished, the church will be double the size it was, which is wonderful considering everyone can barely and not always fit inside. If it continues on schedule, the church too will be finished right before we come home. Nicholas and Ursula also acquired the house next door and will be starting the childrens home there as well. They have all required paperwork to begin taking foster children and street children. The process of setting up the home will begin within the next few months. Please continue to pray for guidance. Josh will finish up his first term this week with exams and he continues to preach every other week in Atlantis. He will finish his second term the same week we depart. Please begin to pray as there is much to get into order before we leave and thank you for all the prayers you lift up on our behalf on a daily basis.

Josh as he studies and perseverance as he works on assignments The ministry at the camp Campus security: Male students are taking shifts patrolling from 12 midnight until five in the morning. Please pray for their safety as well as our families Pray for our health. The cold and windy weather is beginning and already we have all been sick Please pray for Sandra, the woman I am training to take over the library as it is a lot to learn before June Provision once we return home as we will need to find a house to rent, furniture, jobs etc..

Ashleys Corner
Hey everyone! I am so happy to be writing again! Ive had a good month...well a good month up until these last three days. I have been so sick with a fever and my whole body is covered in hives. And, of course, the hives are the worst. I have them at this very moment. So, now Im stuck in bed with a roll of toilet paper and coke with movies. There is an upside though...NO SCHOOL! But, through it all God has really been good and carried me through it all even now and I am so happy I have Him to do that now and always. Its been great to have God carrying me through each month and He will continue to I know. Everyone else got sick too, one after the other, but I pray and hope Im the last one that has it. Mommys birthday was this month and it was fun. One of the students helped us make her a cake. We are getting closer to going home and that is exciting too. I have loved being here but I am also excited to come home and see everyone again!!! Well thats really all thats happened this month. Thanks everybody for praying for us! Keep on praying. Therefore confess our sins to one another and pray for each other and you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person has great power as it is working. James 5:16

A Ministry of Amazing Grace Community Church Lafayette, Tennessee

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