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Scheme E

Sample Question Paper

Course Name : Diploma in Mechanical Engineering Course Code : ME/MH/MI Semester : Sixth

Time: 3 Hrs.

Subject Title : Special Purpose Transport Management Marks Instructions: 1. All questions are compulsory. 2. Illustrate your answers with neat sketches wherever necessary. 3. Figures to the right indicate full marks. 4. Assume suitable data if necessary. 5. Preferably, write the answers in sequential order. Q.1 A) Solve any Three. a) Define i) Motor vehicle. ii) Light Motor vehicle. b) State the use of FROM NO 2 & FROM NO 3 as per MVA c) Write thr procedure for getting driving licence ( Permanent) d) Write any eight contents of Registration from vehicle. 12 Marks : 100

Q.1B) Solve any One. 06 Marks a) Draw any registration nuber of vehicle in their size as per Motor Vehicle Act. b) List any six vehicle elegible for vehicle tax examption & state the % of examption. Q.2 Solve any Four. 16 Marks a) State the difference in the Rotes of state Transports Authority and Regional Transports Authority. b) What are the basic of taxation for Vehicles c) Define i) Time table ii)Depot d) List any eight basic elements of transport management. e) State the different types of motor vehicle insurances and the risk covered under these polices. f) Write any four functions of works department of MSRTC. Q.3 Solve any Four 16 Marks a) State the basic of requirements of freight calcalation for goods transport. b) List the factors considered in crew schduling for passauger transport. d) State the meaning of tha term depreciation of vehicle in goods transport. e) Draw the format required for Log Book.

Q.4 A) Solve any Three. a) How the freight is caluclated on the basic of telescopies method. b) What is the importance of warranty system of vehicles. c) Wirte the procedure of survey in case of accident of vehicle. d) List any four motor vehicle offeences and penaltion for it.

12 Marks

Q.4 B) Solve any One. 06 Marks a) State write the basic on which vehicle for goods transport is selected . b) Give the cheek list of inspecting the vehicle while buying a new car for prine use. Q.5 Solve any Four. 16 Marks a) Write a report on accident to be submitted to the insurance company. b) State the proceduse a dopted for buying a second hand car. c) Draw a sketch for No Entry Board. d) List any four causes of accidents their preventine measures. e) List the documents regd to be carried with driver in case of goods tansport. f) List any four research organication in India with their locations.How PCRS education the society for fuel conservation. Q.6 Solve any Four. 16 Marks a) List any four precautions taken for safe driving. b) Write four examples of both cautionary eight & informatory signs. c) State the precaution taken in following cases. i) Rain & Flood ii) Fog & mist. d) List any four precaution taken from maintaine point of view fore stating for any trip. e) State the functions & vole of VRDE.

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